The Mizar article:

Weights of Continuous Lattices

Robert Milewski

Received January 6, 2000

Copyright (c) 2000 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: WAYBEL31
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors NAT_1, GROUP_1, FINSEQ_4, MATRIX_2, TSP_1, TOPS_2, CANTOR_1,
 clusters STRUCT_0, RELSET_1, FINSET_1, FINSEQ_1, CARD_1, TSP_1, SUBSET_1,
 requirements NUMERALS, BOOLE, SUBSET;
 definitions TARSKI, YELLOW_0, WAYBEL_8;
      XBOOLE_1, TRIANG_1;


  scheme UparrowUnion{L1()->RelStr,P[set]}:
   for S be Subset-Family of L1() st
    S = { X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] } holds
     uparrow union S = union { uparrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] }
    let S be Subset-Family of L1();
    assume A1: S = { X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] };
    A2: uparrow union S c= union { uparrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X]}
     let z be set;
     assume A3: z in uparrow union S;
     then reconsider z1 = z as Element of L1();
     consider y1 be Element of L1() such that
      A4: y1 <= z1 and
      A5: y1 in union S by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 16;
     consider Z be set such that
      A6: y1 in Z and
      A7: Z in S by A5,TARSKI:def 4;
     consider X1 be Subset of L1() such that
      A8: Z = X1 and
      A9: P[X1] by A1,A7;
     A10: z in uparrow X1 by A4,A6,A8,WAYBEL_0:def 16;
       uparrow X1 in { uparrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] } by A9;
     hence z in union { uparrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] }
                                                         by A10,TARSKI:def 4;
      union { uparrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] } c= uparrow union S
     let z be set;
     assume z in union { uparrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] };
     then consider Z be set such that
      A11: z in Z and
      A12: Z in
 { uparrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] } by TARSKI:def 4;
     consider X1 be Subset of L1() such that
      A13: Z = uparrow X1 and
      A14: P[X1] by A12;
     reconsider z1 = z as Element of L1() by A11,A13;
     consider y1 be Element of L1() such that
      A15: y1 <= z1 and
      A16: y1 in X1 by A11,A13,WAYBEL_0:def 16;
       X1 in S by A1,A14;
     then y1 in union S by A16,TARSKI:def 4;
     hence z in uparrow union S by A15,WAYBEL_0:def 16;
    hence uparrow union S =
     union { uparrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] } by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10

  scheme DownarrowUnion{L1()->RelStr,P[set]}:
   for S be Subset-Family of L1() st
    S = { X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] } holds
     downarrow union S = union { downarrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X]}
    let S be Subset-Family of L1();
    assume A1: S = { X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] };
    A2: downarrow union S c=
     union { downarrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] }
     let z be set;
     assume A3: z in downarrow union S;
     then reconsider z1 = z as Element of L1();
     consider y1 be Element of L1() such that
      A4: y1 >= z1 and
      A5: y1 in union S by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 15;
     consider Z be set such that
      A6: y1 in Z and
      A7: Z in S by A5,TARSKI:def 4;
     consider X1 be Subset of L1() such that
      A8: Z = X1 and
      A9: P[X1] by A1,A7;
     A10: z in downarrow X1 by A4,A6,A8,WAYBEL_0:def 15;
       downarrow X1 in { downarrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] } by A9;
     hence z in union { downarrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] }
                                                         by A10,TARSKI:def 4;
      union { downarrow X where X is Subset of L1(): P[X] } c= downarrow union
     let z be set;
     assume z in union { downarrow X where X is Subset of L1() : P[X] };
     then consider Z be set such that
      A11: z in Z and
      A12: Z in
 { downarrow X where X is Subset of L1(): P[X]} by TARSKI:def 4;
     consider X1 be Subset of L1() such that
      A13: Z = downarrow X1 and
      A14: P[X1] by A12;
     reconsider z1 = z as Element of L1() by A11,A13;
     consider y1 be Element of L1() such that
      A15: y1 >= z1 and
      A16: y1 in X1 by A11,A13,WAYBEL_0:def 15;
       X1 in S by A1,A14;
     then y1 in union S by A16,TARSKI:def 4;
     hence z in downarrow union S by A15,WAYBEL_0:def 15;
    hence downarrow union S = union { downarrow X where X is Subset of L1() :
     P[X] } by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

   let L1 be lower-bounded continuous sup-Semilattice;
   let B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1;
   cluster InclPoset Ids subrelstr B1 -> algebraic;
   coherence by WAYBEL13:10;

  definition  :: DEFINITION 4.5
   let L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice;
   func CLweight L1 -> Cardinal equals :Def1:
    meet {Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 : not contradiction};
    defpred P[Ordinal] means
     $1 in {Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 : not contradiction};
    A1: ex A be Ordinal st P[A]
     take Card [#]L1;
       [#]L1 is CLbasis of L1 by YELLOW15:26;
     hence thesis;
    consider A be Ordinal such that
     A2: P[A] and
     A3: for C be Ordinal st P[C] holds A c= C from Ordinal_Min(A1);
    consider B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 such that
     A4: A = Card B1 by A2;
    reconsider A as Cardinal by A4;
    set X = { Card B2 where B2 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
     not contradiction };
      [#]L1 is CLbasis of L1 by YELLOW15:26;
    then A5: Card [#]L1 in X;
      now let x be set;
     thus (for y be set holds y in X implies x in y) implies x in A by A2;
     assume A6: x in A;
     let y be set;
     assume A7: y in X;
     then consider B2 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 such that
      A8: y = Card B2;
     reconsider y1 = y as Cardinal by A8;
       A c= y1 by A3,A7;
     hence x in y by A6;
    hence thesis by A5,SETFAM_1:def 1;

  theorem Th1:
   for T be TopStruct
   for b be Basis of T holds
    weight T c= Card b
    let T be TopStruct;
    let b be Basis of T;
      Card b in { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction };
    then meet { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction } c= Card b
                                                               by SETFAM_1:4;
    hence weight T c= Card b by WAYBEL23:def 5;

  theorem Th2:
   for T be TopStruct
   ex b be Basis of T st
    Card b = weight T
    let T be TopStruct;
    defpred P[Ordinal] means
     $1 in { Card b where b is Basis of T : not contradiction };
    A1: ex A be Ordinal st P[A]
     take Card the topology of T;
       the topology of T is Basis of T by CANTOR_1:2;
     hence thesis;
    consider A be Ordinal such that
     A2: P[A] and
     A3: for C be Ordinal st P[C] holds A c= C from Ordinal_Min(A1);
    consider b be Basis of T such that
     A4: A = Card b by A2;
    take b;
    set X = { Card b1 where b1 is Basis of T : not contradiction };
      the topology of T is Basis of T by CANTOR_1:2;
    then A5: Card the topology of T in X;
      now let x be set;
     thus (for y be set holds y in X implies x in y) implies x in A by A2;
     assume A6: x in A;
     let y be set;
     assume A7: y in X;
     then consider B2 be Basis of T such that
      A8: y = Card B2;
     reconsider y1 = y as Cardinal by A8;
       A c= y1 by A3,A7;
     hence x in y by A6;
    hence Card b = meet X by A4,A5,SETFAM_1:def 1
       .= weight T by WAYBEL23:def 5;

  theorem Th3:
   for L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice
   for B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 holds
    CLweight L1 c= Card B1
    let L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice;
    let B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1;
      Card B1 in { Card B2 where B2 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
     not contradiction };
    then meet { Card B2 where B2 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
     not contradiction } c= Card B1 by SETFAM_1:4;
    hence CLweight L1 c= Card B1 by Def1;

  theorem Th4:
   for L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice
   ex B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 st
    Card B1 = CLweight L1
    let L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice;
    defpred P[Ordinal] means
     $1 in {Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 : not contradiction};
    A1: ex A be Ordinal st P[A]
     take Card [#]L1;
       [#]L1 is CLbasis of L1 by YELLOW15:26;
     hence thesis;
    consider A be Ordinal such that
     A2:P[A] and
     A3: for C be Ordinal st P[C] holds A c= C from Ordinal_Min(A1);
    consider B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 such that
     A4: A = Card B1 by A2;
    take B1;
    set X = { Card B2 where B2 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
     not contradiction };
      [#]L1 is CLbasis of L1 by YELLOW15:26;
    then A5: Card [#]L1 in X;
      now let x be set;
     thus (for y be set holds y in X implies x in y) implies x in A by A2;
     assume A6: x in A;
     let y be set;
     assume A7: y in X;
     then consider B2 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 such that
      A8: y = Card B2;
     reconsider y1 = y as Cardinal by A8;
       A c= y1 by A3,A7;
     hence x in y by A6;
    hence Card B1 = meet X by A4,A5,SETFAM_1:def 1
       .= CLweight L1 by Def1;

  theorem Th5:  :: Under 4.5.
   for L1 be algebraic lower-bounded LATTICE holds
    CLweight L1 = Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1
    let L1 be algebraic lower-bounded LATTICE;
    set CB = {Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
                                                          not contradiction};
      the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1
                                                              by WAYBEL23:72;
    then A1: Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 in CB;
    then A2: meet CB c= Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 by SETFAM_1:4;
      now let X be set;
     assume X in CB;
     then consider B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 such that
      A3: X = Card B1;
       the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 c= B1 by WAYBEL23:72;
     hence Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 c= X by A3,CARD_1:27;
    then Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 c= meet CB by A1,SETFAM_1:6;
    then meet CB = Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10
    hence CLweight L1 = Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 by Def1;

  theorem Th6:
   for T be non empty TopSpace
   for L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice st
    InclPoset the topology of T = L1
   for B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 holds
    B1 is Basis of T
    let T be non empty TopSpace;
    let L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice;
    assume A1: InclPoset the topology of T = L1;
    let B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1;
      B1 c= the carrier of L1;
    then B1 c= the topology of T by A1,YELLOW_1:1;
    then B1 c= bool the carrier of T by XBOOLE_1:1;
    then B1 is Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
    then reconsider B2 = B1 as Subset-Family of T;
    A2: B2 c= the topology of T
     let x be set;
     assume x in B2;
     then reconsider x1 = x as Element of L1;
       x1 in the carrier of L1;
     hence x in the topology of T by A1,YELLOW_1:1;
      for A be Subset of T st A is open
     for p be Point of T st p in A
      ex a be Subset of T st a in B2 & p in a & a c= A
     let A be Subset of T;
     assume A3: A is open;
     let p be Point of T;
     assume A4: p in A;
       A in the topology of T by A3,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then A in the carrier of L1 by A1,YELLOW_1:1;
     then reconsider A1 = A as Element of L1;
       A1 = sup (waybelow A1 /\ B1) by WAYBEL23:def 7
       .= union (waybelow A1 /\ B1) by A1,YELLOW_1:22;
     then consider a be set such that
      A5: p in a and
      A6: a in waybelow A1 /\ B1 by A4,TARSKI:def 4;
       a in the carrier of L1 by A6;
     then a in the topology of T by A1,YELLOW_1:1;
     then reconsider a as Subset of T;
     take a;
     thus a in B2 by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     thus p in a by A5;
     reconsider a1 = a as Element of L1 by A6;
       a1 in waybelow A1 by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then a1 << A1 by WAYBEL_3:7;
     then a1 <= A1 by WAYBEL_3:1;
     hence a c= A by A1,YELLOW_1:3;
    hence B1 is Basis of T by A2,YELLOW_9:32;

  theorem Th7:
   for T be non empty TopSpace
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded LATTICE st
    InclPoset the topology of T = L1
   for B1 be Basis of T
   for B2 be Subset of L1 st B1 = B2 holds
    finsups B2 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1
    let T be non empty TopSpace;
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded LATTICE;
    assume A1: InclPoset the topology of T = L1;
    let B1 be Basis of T;
    let B2 be Subset of L1;
    assume A2: B1 = B2;
      now let x,y be Element of L1;
     assume that
      A3: x in finsups B2 and
      A4: y in finsups B2;
       x in { "\/"(Y,L1) where Y is finite Subset of B2: ex_sup_of Y,L1 }
                                                      by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 27;
     then consider Y1 be finite Subset of B2 such that
      A5: x = "\/"(Y1,L1) and
      A6: ex_sup_of Y1,L1;
       y in { "\/"(Y,L1) where Y is finite Subset of B2: ex_sup_of Y,L1 }
                                                      by A4,WAYBEL_0:def 27;
     then consider Y2 be finite Subset of B2 such that
      A7: y = "\/"(Y2,L1) and
      A8: ex_sup_of Y2,L1;
       ex_sup_of (Y1 \/ Y2),L1 & "\/"(Y1 \/ Y2, L1) = "\/"(Y1, L1) "\/" "\/"
(Y2, L1)
                                                        by A6,A8,YELLOW_2:3;
     then x "\/" y in { "\/"
(Y,L1) where Y is finite Subset of B2: ex_sup_of Y,L1 }
                                                               by A5,A7;
     then x "\/" y in finsups B2 by WAYBEL_0:def 27;
     hence sup {x,y} in finsups B2 by YELLOW_0:41;
    then A9: finsups B2 is join-closed by WAYBEL23:18;
      {} c= B2 & ex_sup_of {},L1 by XBOOLE_1:2,YELLOW_0:42;
    then "\/"({},L1) in
 {"\/"(Y,L1) where Y is finite Subset of B2: ex_sup_of Y,L1};
    then "\/"({},L1) in finsups B2 by WAYBEL_0:def 27;
    then A10: Bottom L1 in finsups B2 by YELLOW_0:def 11;
      for x,y be Element of L1 st not y <= x
     ex b be Element of L1 st b in finsups B2 & not b <= x & b <= y
     let x,y be Element of L1;
       x in the carrier of L1 & y in the carrier of L1;
     then A11: x in the topology of T & y in
 the topology of T by A1,YELLOW_1:1;
     then reconsider y1 = y as Subset of T;
     assume not y <= x;
     then not y c= x by A1,YELLOW_1:3;
     then consider v be set such that
      A12: v in y and
      A13: not v in x by TARSKI:def 3;
       v in y1 by A12;
     then reconsider v as Point of T;
       y1 is open by A11,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then consider b be Subset of T such that
      A14: b in B1 and
      A15: v in b and
      A16: b c= y1 by A12,YELLOW_9:31;
     reconsider b as Element of L1 by A2,A14;
     take b;
       for z be set st z in {b} holds z in B2 by A2,A14,TARSKI:def 1;
     then A17: {b} is finite Subset of B2 by TARSKI:def 3;
     A18: ex_sup_of {b},L1 by YELLOW_0:38;
       b = "\/"({b},L1) by YELLOW_0:39;
     then b in { "\/"(Y,L1) where Y is finite Subset of B2: ex_sup_of Y,L1 }
                                                                  by A17,A18;
     hence b in finsups B2 by WAYBEL_0:def 27;
       not b c= x by A13,A15;
     hence not b <= x by A1,YELLOW_1:3;
     thus b <= y by A1,A16,YELLOW_1:3;
    hence finsups B2 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1
                                     by A9,A10,WAYBEL23:49,def 8;

  theorem Th8:  :: PROPOSITION 4.6 (i)
   for T be T_0 non empty TopSpace
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice st
    InclPoset the topology of T = L1 holds
     T is infinite implies weight T = CLweight L1
    let T be T_0 non empty TopSpace;
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    assume that
     A1: InclPoset the topology of T = L1 and
     A2: T is infinite;
    A3: { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction } c=
     { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 : not contradiction }
     let b be set;
     assume b in { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction };
     then consider B2 be Basis of T such that
      A4: b = Card B2;
       B2 c= the topology of T by CANTOR_1:def 2;
     then B2 c= the carrier of L1 by A1,YELLOW_1:1;
     then reconsider B3 = B2 as Subset of L1;
       B2 is infinite by A2,YELLOW15:31;
     then A5: Card B2 = Card finsups B3 by YELLOW15:28;
       finsups B3 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 by A1,Th7;
     hence b in { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
      not contradiction } by A4,A5;
      { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 : not contradiction } c=
     { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction }
     let b be set;
     assume b in { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
      not contradiction };
     then consider B2 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 such that
      A6: b = Card B2;
       B2 is Basis of T by A1,Th6;
     hence b in { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction } by A6;
    then { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction } =
     { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 : not contradiction }
                                                          by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 10
    hence weight T = meet { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
                                       not contradiction } by WAYBEL23:def 5
       .= CLweight L1 by Def1;

  theorem Th9:  :: PROPOSITION 4.6 (ii) (a)
   for T be T_0 non empty TopSpace
   for L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice st
    InclPoset the topology of T = L1 holds
     Card the carrier of T c= Card the carrier of L1
    let T be T_0 non empty TopSpace;
    let L1 be continuous sup-Semilattice;
    assume A1: InclPoset the topology of T = L1;
      Card the carrier of T c= Card the topology of T by YELLOW15:29;
    hence Card the carrier of T c= Card the carrier of L1 by A1,YELLOW_1:1;

  theorem Th10: :: PROPOSITION 4.6 (ii) (b)
   for T be T_0 non empty TopSpace st T is finite holds
    weight T = Card the carrier of T
    let T be T_0 non empty TopSpace;
    assume A1: T is finite;
    deffunc F(set) =
      meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : $1 in A };
    A2: for x be set st x in the carrier of T holds
     F(x) in the carrier of BoolePoset the carrier of T
     let x be set;
     A3: the carrier of T in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 1;
     assume x in the carrier of T;
     then the carrier of T in
      { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x in A } by A3;
     then meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x in A } c=
      the carrier of T by SETFAM_1:4;
     then meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x in A } in
      bool the carrier of T;
     hence meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x in A } in
      the carrier of BoolePoset the carrier of T by WAYBEL_7:4;
    consider f be Function of the carrier of T,
     the carrier of BoolePoset the carrier of T
      such that
     A4: for x be set st x in the carrier of T holds f.x = F(x)
                                                            from Lambda1(A2);
      rng f c= the carrier of BoolePoset the carrier of T;
    then rng f c= bool the carrier of T by WAYBEL_7:4;
    then rng f is Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
    then reconsider rf = rng f as Subset-Family of T;
    A5: rf c= the topology of T
     let z be set;
     assume z in rf;
     then consider y be set such that
      A6: y in dom f and
      A7: z = f.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       y in the carrier of T by A6,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     then A8: z = meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : y in A }
                                                                   by A4,A7;
       { A where A is Element of the topology of T : y in A } c=
      bool the carrier of T
      let z be set;
      assume z in { A where A is Element of the topology of T : y in A };
      then consider A be Element of the topology of T such that
       A9: z = A and
         y in A;
      thus z in bool the carrier of T by A9;
     then reconsider sfA = { A where A is Element of the topology of T :
       y in A } as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
     reconsider sfA as Subset-Family of T;
       now let P be Subset of T;
      assume P in sfA;
      then consider A be Element of the topology of T such that
       A10: P = A and
         y in A;
      thus P is open by A10,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then A11: sfA is open by TOPS_2:def 1;
       the carrier of T is finite by A1,GROUP_1:def 13;
     then reconsider tT = the topology of T as finite non empty set
                                                               by YELLOW15:3;
      deffunc F(set) = $1;
      defpred P[set] means y in $1;
       {F(A) where A is Element of tT: P[A]} is finite from FraenkelFinIm;
     then meet sfA is open by A11,TOPS_2:27;
     hence z in the topology of T by A8,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
      for A be Subset of T st A is open
     for p be Point of T st p in A
      ex a be Subset of T st a in rf & p in a & a c= A
     let A be Subset of T;
     assume A12: A is open;
     let p be Point of T;
     assume A13: p in A;
       A in the topology of T by A12,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then A14: A in { C where C is Element of the topology of T : p in
 C } by A13
       meet { C where C is Element of the topology of T : p in C } c=
      the carrier of T
      let z be set;
      assume z in meet { C where C is Element of the topology of T :
       p in C };
      then z in A by A14,SETFAM_1:def 1;
      hence z in the carrier of T;
     then reconsider a = meet { C where C is Element of the topology of T :
                                   p in C } as Subset of T;
     take a;
       p in the carrier of T;
     then A15: p in dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       a = f.p by A4;
     hence a in rf by A15,FUNCT_1:def 5;
       now let Y be set;
      assume Y in { C where C is Element of the topology of T : p in C };
      then consider C be Element of the topology of T such that
       A16: Y = C and
       A17: p in C;
      thus p in Y by A16,A17;
     hence p in a by A14,SETFAM_1:def 1;
     thus a c= A
      let z be set;
      assume z in a;
      hence z in A by A14,SETFAM_1:def 1;
    then rng f is Basis of T by A5,YELLOW_9:32;
    then A18: Card rng f in {Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction
    then A19: meet { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction } c=
     Card rng f by SETFAM_1:4;
      for X be set st X in { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction
     holds Card rng f c= X
     let X be set;
     assume X in { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T : not contradiction };
     then consider B2 be Basis of T such that
      A20: X = Card B2;
       rng f c= B2
      let y be set;
      assume y in rng f;
      then consider x be set such that
       A21: x in dom f and
       A22: y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        x in the carrier of T by A21,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      then reconsider x1 = x as Element of T;
        y = meet{ A where A is Element of the topology of T : x1 in
 A } by A4,A22;
      hence y in B2 by A1,YELLOW15:32;
     hence Card rng f c= X by A20,CARD_1:27;
    then Card rng f c= meet { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T :
     not contradiction } by A18,SETFAM_1:6;
    then A23: Card rng f = meet { Card B1 where B1 is Basis of T :
                                       not contradiction } by A19,XBOOLE_0:def
       .= weight T by WAYBEL23:def 5;
    A24: dom f = the carrier of T by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      now let x1,x2 be set;
     assume that
      A25: x1 in dom f and
      A26: x2 in dom f and
      A27: f.x1 = f.x2;
     reconsider x3 = x1, x4 = x2 as Point of T by A25,A26,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     A28: f.x3 = meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x3 in A }
                                                                   by A4;
     A29: f.x4 = meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x4 in A }
                                                                   by A4;
     assume x1 <> x2;
     then consider V be Subset of T such that
      A30: V is open and
      A31: (x3 in V & not x4 in V) or (x4 in V & not x3 in
 V) by T_0TOPSP:def 7;
       now per cases by A31;
      suppose A32: x3 in V & not x4 in V;
         V in the topology of T by A30,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       then A33: V in { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x3 in A }
                                                                      by A32;
       A34: meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x3 in A } c= V
        let z be set;
        assume z in meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T :
         x3 in A };
        hence z in V by A33,SETFAM_1:def 1;
         the carrier of T in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 1;
       then A35: the carrier of T in { A where A is
                                     Element of the topology of T : x4 in A };
         now let Y be set;
        assume Y in { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x4 in A };
        then consider A be Element of the topology of T such that
         A36: Y = A and
         A37: x4 in A;
        thus x4 in Y by A36,A37;
       then x4 in meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x3 in A }
                                               by A27,A28,A29,A35,SETFAM_1:def
       hence contradiction by A32,A34;
      suppose A38: x4 in V & not x3 in V;
         V in the topology of T by A30,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       then A39: V in { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x4 in A }
                                                                      by A38;
       A40: meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x4 in A } c= V
        let z be set;
        assume z in meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T :
         x4 in A };
        hence z in V by A39,SETFAM_1:def 1;
         the carrier of T in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 1;
       then A41: the carrier of T in { A where A is
                                     Element of the topology of T : x3 in A };
         now let Y be set;
        assume Y in { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x3 in A };
        then consider A be Element of the topology of T such that
         A42: Y = A and
         A43: x3 in A;
        thus x3 in Y by A42,A43;
       then x3 in meet { A where A is Element of the topology of T : x4 in A }
                                               by A27,A28,A29,A41,SETFAM_1:def
       hence contradiction by A38,A40;
     hence contradiction;
    then f is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:def 8;
    then the carrier of T,rng f are_equipotent by A24,WELLORD2:def 4;
    hence weight T = Card the carrier of T by A23,CARD_1:21;

  theorem Th11:  :: PROPOSITION 4.6 (ii) (c)
   for T be TopStruct
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded LATTICE st
    InclPoset the topology of T = L1 & T is finite holds
     CLweight L1 = Card the carrier of L1
    let T be TopStruct;
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded LATTICE;
    assume A1: InclPoset the topology of T = L1;
    assume A2: T is finite;
      [#]L1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 by YELLOW15:26;
    then the carrier of L1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 by PRE_TOPC:12;
    then A3: Card the carrier of L1 in
     { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 : not contradiction };
    A4: CLweight L1 c= Card the carrier of L1
     let z be set;
     assume z in CLweight L1;
     then z in meet { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
                                          not contradiction } by Def1;
     hence z in Card the carrier of L1 by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1;
      now let Z be set;
     assume Z in { Card B1 where B1 is with_bottom CLbasis of L1 :
      not contradiction };
     then consider B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 such that
      A5: Z = Card B1;
       the carrier of T is finite by A2,GROUP_1:def 13;
     then the topology of T is finite by YELLOW15:3;
     then the carrier of L1 is finite by A1,YELLOW_1:1;
     then A6: L1 is finite by GROUP_1:def 13;
       Bottom L1 in B1 by WAYBEL23:def 8;
     then the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 c= B1 by WAYBEL23:48;
     then Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 c= Card B1 by CARD_1:27;
     hence Card the carrier of L1 c= Z by A5,A6,YELLOW15:27;
    then Card the carrier of L1 c= meet { Card B1 where B1 is
            with_bottom CLbasis of L1 : not contradiction } by A3,SETFAM_1:6;
    then Card the carrier of L1 c= CLweight L1 by Def1;
    hence CLweight L1 = Card the carrier of L1 by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

  theorem Th12:
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T1 be Scott TopAugmentation of L1
   for T2 be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1
   for B2 be Basis of T2 holds
    { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B2 } is Basis of T1
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T1 be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    let T2 be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1;
    let B2 be Basis of T2;
    A1: the RelStr of T1 = the RelStr of L1 &
      the RelStr of T2 = the RelStr of L1 by YELLOW_9:def 4;
      { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B2 } c= bool the carrier of T1
     let z be set;
     assume z in { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B2 };
     then consider V be Subset of T2 such that
      A2: z = uparrow V and
        V in B2;
     thus z in bool the carrier of T1 by A1,A2;
    then reconsider upV = { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B2 } as
      Subset-Family of T1 by SETFAM_1:def 7;
    reconsider upV as Subset-Family of T1;
    A3: upV c= the topology of T1
     let z be set;
     assume z in upV;
     then consider V be Subset of T2 such that
      A4: z = uparrow V and
      A5: V in B2;
     A6: T1 is Scott TopAugmentation of T2 by A1,YELLOW_9:def 4;
       B2 c= the topology of T2 by CANTOR_1:def 2;
     then V in the topology of T2 by A5;
     then V in lambda T2 by WAYBEL30:9;
     then uparrow V in sigma T1 by A6,WAYBEL30:14;
     hence z in the topology of T1 by A4,WAYBEL14:23;
      the topology of T1 c= UniCl upV
     let z be set;
     assume A7: z in the topology of T1;
     then reconsider z2 = z as Subset of T1;
     A8: z in sigma T1 by A7,WAYBEL14:23;
     A9: sigma T2 c= lambda T2 by WAYBEL30:10;
       z in sigma T2 by A1,A8,YELLOW_9:52;
     then z in lambda T2 by A9;
     then A10: z in the topology of T2 by WAYBEL30:9;
     reconsider z1 = z as Subset of T2 by A1,A7;
       { G where G is Subset of T2 : G in B2 & G c= z1 } c=
      bool the carrier of T1
      let v be set;
      assume v in { G where G is Subset of T2 : G in B2 & G c= z1 };
      then consider G be Subset of T2 such that
       A11: v = G and
         G in B2 and
         G c= z1;
      thus v in bool the carrier of T1 by A1,A11;
     then reconsider Y1 = { G where G is Subset of T2 :
      G in B2 & G c= z1 } as Subset-Family of T1
        by SETFAM_1:def 7;
     reconsider Y1 as Subset-Family of T1;
     reconsider Y3 = Y1 as Subset-Family of T2 by A1;
       { uparrow G where G is Subset of T2 : G in B2 & G c= z1 } c=
      bool the carrier of T1
      let v be set;
      assume v in { uparrow G where G is Subset of T2 : G in B2 & G c= z1 };
      then consider G be Subset of T2 such that
       A12: v = uparrow G and
         G in B2 and
         G c= z1;
      thus v in bool the carrier of T1 by A1,A12;
     then reconsider Y = { uparrow G where G is Subset of T2 :
      G in B2 & G c= z1 } as Subset-Family of T1
       by SETFAM_1:def 7;
     reconsider Y as Subset-Family of T1;
     A13: z1 is open by A10,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       z2 is open by A7,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then z2 is upper by WAYBEL11:def 4;
     then A14: uparrow z2 c= z2 by WAYBEL_0:24;
     defpred P[set] means $1 in B2 & $1 c= z1;
     A15: for S be Subset-Family of T2 st
      S = { X where X is Subset of T2 : P[X]} holds
       uparrow union S = union { uparrow X where X is Subset of T2: P[X]}
       from UparrowUnion;
       z2 c= uparrow z2 by WAYBEL_0:16;
     then A16: z1 = uparrow z2 by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 10
        .= uparrow union Y1 by A13,YELLOW_8:18
        .= uparrow union Y3 by A1,WAYBEL_0:13
        .= union Y by A15;
       Y c= upV
      let v be set;
      assume v in Y;
      then consider G be Subset of T2 such that
       A17: v = uparrow G and
       A18: G in B2 and
         G c= z1;
      thus v in upV by A17,A18;
     hence z in UniCl upV by A16,CANTOR_1:def 1;
    hence { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B2 } is Basis of T1
                                                        by A3,CANTOR_1:def 2;

   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T1 be Scott TopAugmentation of L1
   for T2 be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1 holds
    weight T1 c= weight T2
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T1 be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    let T2 be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1;
    consider B1 be Basis of T2 such that
     A1: Card B1 = weight T2 by Th2;
      { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B1 } is Basis of T1 by Th12;
    then Card { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B1 } in
                       {Card B2 where B2 is Basis of T1 : not contradiction};
    then A2: meet {Card B2 where B2 is Basis of T1 : not contradiction} c=
           Card { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B1 } by SETFAM_1:4;

    defpred P[set,set] means
     ex y be Subset of T2 st y = $1 & $2 = uparrow y;
    A3: for x be set st x in B1 ex z be set st P[x,z]
     let x be set;
     assume x in B1;
     then reconsider y = x as Subset of T2;
     take uparrow y;
     take y;
     thus thesis;
    consider f be Function such that
     A4: dom f = B1 and
     A5: for x be set st x in B1 holds P[x,f.x] from NonUniqFuncEx(A3);
      { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B1 } c= rng f
     let z be set;
     assume z in { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B1 };
     then consider V be Subset of T2 such that
      A6: z = uparrow V and
      A7: V in B1;
     consider V1 be Subset of T2 such that
      A8: V1 = V and
      A9: f.V = uparrow V1 by A5,A7;
     thus z in rng f by A4,A6,A7,A8,A9,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then Card { uparrow V where V is Subset of T2 : V in B1 } c= Card B1
                                                             by A4,CARD_1:28;
    then meet {Card B2 where B2 is Basis of T1 : not contradiction} c=
                                                     Card B1 by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence weight T1 c= weight T2 by A1,WAYBEL23:def 5;


  theorem Th14:
   for L1 be up-complete (non empty Poset) st L1 is finite
   for x be Element of L1 holds
    x in compactbelow x
    let L1 be up-complete (non empty Poset);
    assume A1: L1 is finite;
    let x be Element of L1;
      x is compact & x <= x by A1,WAYBEL_3:17;
    hence x in compactbelow x by WAYBEL_8:4;

  theorem Th15:
   for L1 be finite LATTICE holds
    L1 is arithmetic
    let L1 be finite LATTICE;
    thus for x be Element of L1 holds compactbelow x is non empty directed;
    thus L1 is up-complete;
    thus L1 is satisfying_axiom_K
     let x be Element of L1;
       for y be Element of L1 st y in compactbelow x holds y <= x by WAYBEL_8:4
     then A1: x is_>=_than compactbelow x by LATTICE3:def 9;
       now let y be Element of L1;
      assume A2: y is_>=_than compactbelow x;
        x in compactbelow x by Th14;
      hence x <= y by A2,LATTICE3:def 9;
     hence x = sup compactbelow x by A1,YELLOW_0:30;
    thus CompactSublatt L1 is meet-inheriting
     let x,y be Element of L1;
     assume that
        x in the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 and
        y in the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 and
        ex_inf_of {x,y},L1;
       x "/\" y is compact by WAYBEL_3:17;
     then x "/\" y in the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 by WAYBEL_8:def 1;
     hence inf {x,y} in the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 by YELLOW_0:40;

   cluster finite -> arithmetic LATTICE;
   coherence by Th15;

   cluster trivial reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema with_infima
    lower-bounded non empty finite strict RelStr;
      0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
    then reconsider r = {[0,0]} as Relation of {0} by RELSET_1:8;
    reconsider T = RelStr(#{0},r#) as non empty RelStr;
    take T;
    thus T is trivial;
    thus T is reflexive
     let x be Element of T;
       x = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;
     then [x,x] in {[0,0]} by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence x <= x by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then reconsider T' = T as trivial non empty reflexive RelStr;
      T' is transitive;
    hence T is transitive;
      T' is antisymmetric;
    hence T is antisymmetric;
      T' is with_suprema;
    hence T is with_suprema;
      T' is with_infima;
    hence T is with_infima;
    reconsider T'' = T' as LATTICE;
      T'' is lower-bounded;
    hence T is lower-bounded;
    thus T is non empty;
    thus T is finite;
    thus thesis;

  theorem Th16:
   for L1 be finite LATTICE
   for B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 holds
    Card B1 = CLweight L1 iff B1 = the carrier of CompactSublatt L1
    let L1 be finite LATTICE;
    let B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1;
    thus Card B1 = CLweight L1 implies B1 = the carrier of CompactSublatt L1
     assume Card B1 = CLweight L1;
     then A1: Card the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 = Card B1 by Th5;
     A2: the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 c= B1 by WAYBEL23:72;
     then the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 is finite by FINSET_1:13;
     hence B1 = the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 by A1,A2,TRIANG_1:3;
    assume B1 = the carrier of CompactSublatt L1;
    hence Card B1 = CLweight L1 by Th5;

   let L1 be non empty reflexive RelStr;
   let A be Subset of L1;
   let a be Element of L1;
   func Way_Up(a,A) -> Subset of L1 equals :Def2:
    wayabove a \ uparrow A;

     for L1 be non empty reflexive RelStr
   for a be Element of L1 holds
    Way_Up(a,{}(L1)) = wayabove a
    let L1 be non empty reflexive RelStr;
    let a be Element of L1;
    thus Way_Up(a,{}(L1)) = wayabove a \ uparrow {}(L1) by Def2
       .= wayabove a;

     for L1 be non empty Poset
   for A be Subset of L1
   for a be Element of L1 st a in uparrow A holds
    Way_Up(a,A) = {}
    let L1 be non empty Poset;
    let A be Subset of L1;
    let a be Element of L1;
    assume A1: a in uparrow A;
    A2: wayabove a c= uparrow A
     let z be set;
     assume A3: z in wayabove a;
     then reconsider z1 = z as Element of L1;
       a << z1 by A3,WAYBEL_3:8;
     then a <= z1 by WAYBEL_3:1;
     hence z in uparrow A by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 20;
    thus Way_Up(a,A) = wayabove a \ uparrow A by Def2
       .= {} by A2,XBOOLE_1:37;

  theorem Th19:
   for L1 be non empty finite reflexive transitive RelStr holds
    Ids L1 is finite
    let L1 be non empty finite reflexive transitive RelStr;
    reconsider Y = bool the carrier of L1 as finite non empty set
                                                              by FINSET_1:24;
    A1: { X where X is Ideal of L1 : not contradiction } c=
        { X where X is Element of Y : X is Ideal of L1 }
     let z be set;
     assume z in { X where X is Ideal of L1 : not contradiction };
     then consider X1 be Ideal of L1 such that
      A2: z = X1;
     thus z in { X where X is Element of Y : X is Ideal of L1 } by A2;
    A3: { X where X is Element of Y : X is Ideal of L1 } c=
        { X where X is Ideal of L1 : not contradiction }
     let z be set;
     assume z in { X where X is Element of Y : X is Ideal of L1 };
     then consider X1 be Element of Y such that
      A4: z = X1 and
      A5: X1 is Ideal of L1;
     thus z in { X where X is Ideal of L1 : not contradiction } by A4,A5;
    A6: Ids L1 =
         { X where X is Ideal of L1 : not contradiction } by WAYBEL_0:def 23
    .= { X where X is Element of Y : X is Ideal of L1 } by A1,A3,XBOOLE_0:def
      defpred P[set] means $1 is Ideal of L1;
      deffunc F(set) = $1;
      {F(X) where X is Element of Y : P[X]} is finite
                                                          from FraenkelFinIm;
    hence Ids L1 is finite by A6;

  theorem Th20:
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice st L1 is infinite
   for B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 holds
    B1 is infinite
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    assume L1 is infinite;
    then A1: the carrier of L1 is infinite by GROUP_1:def 13;
    let B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1;
    A2: dom supMap subrelstr B1 = Ids subrelstr B1 by WAYBEL23:51;
      rng supMap subrelstr B1 = the carrier of L1 by WAYBEL23:65;
    then Card the carrier of L1 c= Card Ids subrelstr B1 by A2,CARD_1:28;
    then Ids subrelstr B1 is infinite by A1,CARD_2:68;
    then subrelstr B1 is infinite by Th19;
    then the carrier of subrelstr B1 is infinite by GROUP_1:def 13;
    hence B1 is infinite by YELLOW_0:def 15;

canceled 2;

     for L1 be complete (non empty Poset)
   for x be Element of L1 holds
    x is compact implies x = inf wayabove x
    let L1 be complete (non empty Poset);
    let x be Element of L1;
    assume x is compact;
    then x << x by WAYBEL_3:def 2;
    then x in wayabove x by WAYBEL_3:8;
    then A1: inf wayabove x <= x by YELLOW_2:24;
      x <= inf wayabove x by WAYBEL14:9;
    hence x = inf wayabove x by A1,YELLOW_0:def 3;

  theorem Th24:
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice st L1 is infinite
   for B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 holds
    Card { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1, A is finite Subset of L1 :
           a in B1 & A c= B1 } c= Card B1
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    assume A1: L1 is infinite;
    let B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1;
    consider a1 be set such that
     A2: a1 in B1 by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    reconsider a1 as Element of L1 by A2;
      {}(L1) c= B1 by XBOOLE_1:2;
    then Way_Up(a1,{}(L1)) in { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1,
       A is finite Subset of L1 : a in B1 & A c= B1 } by A2;
    then reconsider W_U = { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1,
              A is finite Subset of L1 : a in B1 & A c= B1 } as non empty set;
      B1 is infinite by A1,Th20;
    then A3: Card B1 = Card (B1*) by CARD_4:87;
    defpred P[Element of B1*,set] means
     ex y be Element of L1, z be Subset of L1 st
      y = $1/.1 & z = rng Del($1,1) & $2 = Way_Up(y,z);
    A4: for x be Element of B1*
        ex u be Element of W_U st P[x,u]
     let x be Element of B1*;
       x/.1 in the carrier of L1 by TARSKI:def 3;
     then reconsider y = x/.1 as Element of L1;
     A5: rng Del(x,1) c= rng x by MATRLIN:2;
       rng x c= B1 by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     then A6: rng Del(x,1) c= B1 by A5,XBOOLE_1:1;
     then rng Del(x,1) c= the carrier of L1 by XBOOLE_1:1;
     then reconsider z = rng Del(x,1) as Subset of L1;
       Way_Up(y,z) in { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1,
                     A is finite Subset of L1 : a in B1 & A c= B1 } by A6;
     then reconsider u = Way_Up(y,z) as Element of W_U;
     take u,y,z;
     thus thesis;
    consider f be Function of B1*,W_U such that
     A7: for x be Element of B1* holds P[x,f.x] from FuncExD(A4);
    A8: dom f = B1* by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      W_U c= rng f
     let z be set;
     assume z in W_U;
     then consider a be Element of L1, A be finite Subset of L1 such that
      A9: z = Way_Up(a,A) and
      A10: a in B1 and
      A11: A c= B1;
     consider p be FinSequence such that
      A12: A = rng p by FINSEQ_1:73;
     reconsider p as FinSequence of B1 by A11,A12,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     reconsider a1 = a as Element of B1 by A10;
     set q = <*a1*>^p;
     A13: q in B1* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     then consider y be Element of L1,
                   v be Subset of L1 such that
     A14: y = q/.1 and
     A15: v = rng Del(q,1) and
     A16: f.q = Way_Up(y,v) by A7;
     A17: a = y by A14,FINSEQ_5:16;
       A = v by A12,A15,WSIERP_1:48;
     hence z in rng f by A8,A9,A13,A16,A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    hence thesis by A3,A8,CARD_1:28;

  theorem Th25:
   for T be Lawson (complete TopLattice)
   for X be finite Subset of T holds
    (uparrow X)` is open & (downarrow X)` is open
    let T be Lawson (complete TopLattice);
    let X be finite Subset of T;
      { uparrow x where x is Element of T : x in X } c= bool the carrier of T
     let z be set;
     assume z in { uparrow x where x is Element of T : x in X };
     then consider x be Element of T such that
      A1: z = uparrow x and
        x in X;
     thus z in bool the carrier of T by A1;
    then reconsider upx = { uparrow x where x is Element of T : x in X }
      as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
    reconsider upx as Subset-Family of T;
      { downarrow x where x is Element of T : x in X } c= bool the carrier of T
     let z be set;
     assume z in { downarrow x where x is Element of T : x in X };
     then consider x be Element of T such that
      A2: z = downarrow x and
        x in X;
     thus z in bool the carrier of T by A2;
    then reconsider dox = { downarrow x where x is Element of T : x in X }
      as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
    reconsider dox as Subset-Family of T;
      now let P be Subset of T;
     assume P in upx;
     then consider x be Element of T such that
      A3: P = uparrow x and
        x in X;
     thus P is closed by A3,WAYBEL19:38;
    then A4: upx is closed by TOPS_2:def 2;
    A5: X is finite;
    deffunc F(Element of T) = uparrow $1;
    A6: {F(x) where x is Element of T : x in X }
                                              is finite from FraenkelFin(A5);
      uparrow X = union upx by YELLOW_9:4;
    then uparrow X is closed by A4,A6,TOPS_2:28;
    hence (uparrow X)` is open by TOPS_1:29;
      now let P be Subset of T;
     assume P in dox;
     then consider x be Element of T such that
      A7: P = downarrow x and
        x in X;
     thus P is closed by A7,WAYBEL19:38;
    then A8: dox is closed by TOPS_2:def 2;
    deffunc F(Element of T) = downarrow $1;
    A9: {F(x) where x is Element of T : x in X }
                                              is finite from FraenkelFin(A5);
      downarrow X = union dox by YELLOW_9:4;
    then downarrow X is closed by A8,A9,TOPS_2:28;
    hence (downarrow X)` is open by TOPS_1:29;

  theorem Th26:
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1 holds
   for B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 holds
    { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1, A is finite Subset of L1 :
           a in B1 & A c= B1 } is Basis of T
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1;
    let B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1;
    A1: the RelStr of L1 = the RelStr of T by YELLOW_9:def 4;
      { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1,
      A is finite Subset of L1 : a in B1 & A c= B1 } c= bool the carrier of T
     let z be set;
     assume z in { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1,
                  A is finite Subset of L1 : a in B1 & A c= B1 };
     then consider a be Element of L1, A be finite Subset of L1 such that
      A2: z = Way_Up(a,A) and
        a in B1 and
        A c= B1;
     thus z in bool the carrier of T by A1,A2;
    then reconsider W_U = { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1,
         A is finite Subset of L1 : a in B1 & A c= B1 }
         as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
    reconsider W_U as Subset-Family of T;
    A3: W_U c= the topology of T
     let z be set;
     assume z in W_U;
     then consider a be Element of L1, A be finite Subset of L1 such that
      A4: z = Way_Up(a,A) and
        a in B1 and
        A c= B1;
      reconsider a1 = a as Element of T by A1;
      reconsider A1 = A as finite Subset of T by A1;
      A5: wayabove a1 is open by WAYBEL19:40;
        (uparrow A1)` is open by Th25;
      then A6: wayabove a1 /\ (uparrow A1)` is open by A5,TOPS_1:38;
        z = wayabove a \ uparrow A by A4,Def2
       .= wayabove a1 \ uparrow A by A1,YELLOW12:13
       .= wayabove a1 \ uparrow A1 by A1,WAYBEL_0:13
       .= wayabove a1 /\ (uparrow A1)` by SUBSET_1:32;
     hence z in the topology of T by A6,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
      now let A be Subset of T;
     assume A7: A is open;
     let pT be Point of T;
     assume A8: pT in A;
     consider S be Scott TopAugmentation of T;
     A9: the RelStr of S = the RelStr of T by YELLOW_9:def 4;
     reconsider BL = { W \ uparrow F where W,F is Subset of T : W in sigma T &
                       F is finite} as Basis of T by WAYBEL19:32;
     consider a be Subset of T such that
      A10: a in BL and
      A11: pT in a and
      A12: a c= A by A7,A8,YELLOW_9:31;
     consider W,FT be Subset of T such that
      A13: a = W \ uparrow FT and
      A14: W in sigma T and
      A15: FT is finite by A10;
     reconsider W1 = W as Subset of S by A9;
       sigma S = sigma T by A9,YELLOW_9:52;
     then A16: W = union { wayabove x where x is Element of S : x in W1 }
                                                           by A14,WAYBEL14:33;
     A17: pT in W & not pT in uparrow FT by A11,A13,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     then consider k be set such that
      A18: pT in k and
      A19: k in { wayabove x where x is Element of S : x in W1 }
                                                        by A16,TARSKI:def 4;
     consider xS be Element of S such that
      A20: k = wayabove xS and
      A21: xS in W1 by A19;
     reconsider pS = pT as Element of S by A9;
     reconsider pL = pS as Element of L1 by A1;
     reconsider xL = xS as Element of L1 by A1,A9;
     reconsider FL = FT as Subset of L1 by A1;
       xS << pS by A18,A20,WAYBEL_3:8;
     then A22: xL << pL by A1,A9,WAYBEL_8:8;
       Bottom L1 in B1 by WAYBEL23:def 8;
     then consider bL be Element of L1 such that
      A23: bL in B1 and
      A24: xL <= bL and
      A25: bL << pL by A22,WAYBEL23:47;
     A26: pL in wayabove bL by A25,WAYBEL_3:8;
     A27: uparrow FT = uparrow FL by A1,WAYBEL_0:13;
     defpred P[set,set] means ex b1,y1 be Element of L1 st
       y1 = $1 & b1 = $2 & b1 in B1 & not b1 <= pL & b1 << y1;
     A28: for y be set st y in FL ex b be set st P[y,b]
      let y be set;
      assume A29: y in FL;
      then reconsider y1 = y as Element of L1;
        not y1 <= pL by A17,A27,A29,WAYBEL_0:def 16;
      then consider b1 be Element of L1 such that
       A30: b1 in B1 and
       A31: not b1 <= pL and
       A32: b1 << y1 by WAYBEL23:46;
      reconsider b = b1 as set;
      take b,b1,y1;
      thus thesis by A30,A31,A32;
     consider f be Function such that
      A33: dom f = FL and
      A34: for y be set st y in FL holds P[y,f.y] from NonUniqFuncEx(A28);
       rng f c= the carrier of L1
      let z be set;
      assume z in rng f;
      then consider v be set such that
       A35: v in dom f and
       A36: z = f.v by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      consider b1,y1 be Element of L1 such that
         y1 = v and
       A37: b1 = f.v and
         b1 in B1 and
         not b1 <= pL and
         b1 << y1 by A33,A34,A35;
      thus z in the carrier of L1 by A36,A37;
     then reconsider FFL = rng f as Subset of L1;
     reconsider cT = wayabove bL \ uparrow FFL as Subset of T
       by A1;
     take cT;
     A38: cT = Way_Up(bL,FFL) by Def2;
     A39: FFL is finite by A15,A33,FINSET_1:26;
       FFL c= B1
      let z be set;
      assume z in FFL;
      then consider v be set such that
       A40: v in dom f and
       A41: z = f.v by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      consider b1,y1 be Element of L1 such that
         y1 = v and
       A42: b1 = f.v and
       A43: b1 in B1 and
         not b1 <= pL and
         b1 << y1 by A33,A34,A40;
      thus z in B1 by A41,A42,A43;
     hence cT in W_U by A23,A38,A39;
       for z be Element of L1 holds not z in FFL or not z <= pL
      let z be Element of L1;
      assume z in FFL;
      then consider v be set such that
       A44: v in dom f and
       A45: z = f.v by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      consider b1,y1 be Element of L1 such that
         y1 = v and
       A46: b1 = f.v and
         b1 in B1 and
       A47: not b1 <= pL and
         b1 << y1 by A33,A34,A44;
      thus not z <= pL by A45,A46,A47;
     then for z be Element of L1 holds not z <= pL or not z in FFL;
     then not pL in uparrow FFL by WAYBEL_0:def 16;
     hence pT in cT by A26,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     A48: wayabove bL c= wayabove xL by A24,WAYBEL_3:12;
       uparrow FL c= uparrow FFL
      let z be set;
      assume A49: z in uparrow FL;
      then reconsider z1 = z as Element of L1;
      consider v1 be Element of L1 such that
       A50: v1 <= z1 and
       A51: v1 in FL by A49,WAYBEL_0:def 16;
      consider b1,y1 be Element of L1 such that
       A52: y1 = v1 and
       A53: b1 = f.v1 and
         b1 in B1 and
         not b1 <= pL and
       A54: b1 << y1 by A34,A51;
      A55: b1 in FFL by A33,A51,A53,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        b1 << z1 by A50,A52,A54,WAYBEL_3:2;
      then b1 <= z1 by WAYBEL_3:1;
      hence z in uparrow FFL by A55,WAYBEL_0:def 16;
     then A56: wayabove bL \ uparrow FFL c= wayabove xL \ uparrow FL
                                                             by A48,XBOOLE_1:35
       wayabove xL c= W
      let z be set;
      assume A57: z in wayabove xL;
        wayabove xL = wayabove xS by A1,A9,YELLOW12:13;
      then wayabove xL in { wayabove x where x is Element of S : x in W1 }
                                                                      by A21;
      hence z in W by A16,A57,TARSKI:def 4;
     then wayabove xL \ uparrow FL c= a by A13,A27,XBOOLE_1:33;
     then wayabove bL \ uparrow FFL c= a by A56,XBOOLE_1:1;
     hence cT c= A by A12,XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence thesis by A3,YELLOW_9:32;

   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1 holds
    weight T c= CLweight L1
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1;
    A1: the RelStr of T = the RelStr of L1 by YELLOW_9:def 4;
    consider B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 such that
     A2: Card B1 = CLweight L1 by Th4;
      now per cases;
     suppose A3: L1 is finite;
      then the carrier of L1 is finite by GROUP_1:def 13;
      then A4: T is finite by A1,GROUP_1:def 13;
        B1 = the carrier of CompactSublatt L1 by A2,A3,Th16
            .= the carrier of L1 by A3,YELLOW15:27;
      hence weight T c= CLweight L1 by A1,A2,A4,Th10;
     suppose A5: L1 is infinite;
      set W_U = { Way_Up(a,A) where a is Element of L1,
                  A is finite Subset of L1 : a in B1 & A c= B1 };
      A6: Card W_U c= CLweight L1 by A2,A5,Th24;
        W_U is Basis of T by Th26;
      then weight T c= Card W_U by Th1;
      hence weight T c= CLweight L1 by A6,XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence weight T c= CLweight L1;

  theorem Th27:
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T be Scott TopAugmentation of L1
   for b be Basis of T holds
    { wayabove inf u where u is Subset of T : u in b } is Basis of T
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    let b be Basis of T;
    reconsider b1 = { wayabove x where x is Element of T: not contradiction }
                                                as Basis of T by WAYBEL11:45;
    set b2 = { wayabove inf u where u is Subset of T : u in b };
      b2 c= bool the carrier of T
     let z be set;
     assume z in b2;
     then consider u be Subset of T such that
      A1: z = wayabove inf u and
        u in b;
     thus z in bool the carrier of T by A1;
    then b2 is Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
    then reconsider b2 as Subset-Family of T;
    A2: b2 c= the topology of T
     let z be set;
     assume z in b2;
     then consider u be Subset of T such that
      A3: z = wayabove inf u and
        u in b;
       wayabove inf u is open by WAYBEL11:36;
     hence z in the topology of T by A3,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
      now let A be Subset of T;
     assume A4: A is open;
     let a be Point of T;
     assume a in A;
     then consider C be Subset of T such that
      A5: C in b1 and
      A6: a in C and
      A7: C c= A by A4,YELLOW_9:31;
     consider x be Element of T such that
      A8: C = wayabove x by A5;
        C is open by A5,YELLOW_8:19;
     then consider D be Subset of T such that
      A9: D in b and
      A10: a in D and
      A11: D c= C by A6,YELLOW_9:31;
     reconsider a1 = a as Element of T;
        D is open by A9,YELLOW_8:19;
     then consider E be Subset of T such that
      A12: E in b1 and
      A13: a in E and
      A14: E c= D by A10,YELLOW_9:31;
     consider z be Element of T such that
      A15: E = wayabove z by A12;
     take u = wayabove inf D;
     thus u in b2 by A9;
       z << a1 by A13,A15,WAYBEL_3:8;
     then consider y be Element of T such that
      A16: z << y and
      A17: y << a1 by WAYBEL_4:53;
     A18: inf D is_<=_than D by YELLOW_0:33;
       y in wayabove z by A16,WAYBEL_3:8;
     then inf D <= y by A14,A15,A18,LATTICE3:def 8;
     then inf D << a1 by A17,WAYBEL_3:2;
     hence a in u by WAYBEL_3:8;
     A19: ex_inf_of uparrow x,T & ex_inf_of D,T by YELLOW_0:17;
       wayabove x c= uparrow x by WAYBEL_3:11;
     then D c= uparrow x by A8,A11,XBOOLE_1:1;
     then inf uparrow x <= inf D by A19,YELLOW_0:35;
     then x <= inf D by WAYBEL_0:39;
     then wayabove inf D c= C by A8,WAYBEL_3:12;
     hence u c= A by A7,XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence thesis by A2,YELLOW_9:32;

  theorem Th28:
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T be Scott TopAugmentation of L1
   for B1 be Basis of T st B1 is infinite holds
    { inf u where u is Subset of T : u in B1 } is infinite
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    let B1 be Basis of T;
    assume that
     A1: B1 is infinite and
     A2: { inf u where u is Subset of T : u in B1 } is finite;
    reconsider B2 = { inf u where u is Subset of T : u in B1 } as set;
    reconsider B3 = { wayabove inf u where u is Subset of T : u in B1 }
                                                       as Basis of T by Th27;
    defpred P[set,set] means
       ex y be Element of T st $1 = y & $2 = wayabove y;
    A3: for x be set st x in B2 ex y be set st y in B3 & P[x,y]
     let x be set;
     assume x in B2;
     then consider u1 be Subset of T such that
      A4: x = inf u1 and
      A5: u1 in B1;
     reconsider z = x as Element of T by A4;
     take y = wayabove z;
     thus y in B3 by A4,A5;
     take z;
     thus thesis;
    consider f be Function such that
     A6: dom f = B2 and
     A7: rng f c= B3 and
     A8: for x be set st x in B2 holds P[x,f.x]
      from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A3);
      B3 c= rng f
     let z be set;
     assume z in B3;
     then consider u1 be Subset of T such that
      A9: z = wayabove inf u1 and
      A10: u1 in B1;
       inf u1 in B2 by A10;
     then consider y be Element of T such that
      A11: inf u1 = y and
      A12: f.(inf u1) = wayabove y by A8;
       z = f.(inf u1) & inf u1 in B2 by A9,A10,A11,A12;
     hence z in rng f by A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then rng f = B3 by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
    then B3 is finite by A2,A6,FINSET_1:26;
    then T is finite by YELLOW15:31;
    then the carrier of T is finite by GROUP_1:def 13;
    hence contradiction by A1,YELLOW15:3;

   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T be Scott TopAugmentation of L1 holds
    CLweight L1 c= weight T
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    consider B1 be Basis of T such that
     A1: Card B1 = weight T by Th2;
      { inf u where u is Subset of T : u in B1 } c= the carrier of T
     let z be set;
     assume z in { inf u where u is Subset of T : u in B1 };
     then consider u be Subset of T such that
      A2: z = inf u and
        u in B1;
     thus z in the carrier of T by A2;
    then reconsider B0 = { inf u where u is Subset of T : u in B1 }
                                           as Subset of T;
    defpred P[set,set] means ex y be Subset of T st $1 = y & $2 = inf y;
    A3: for x be set st x in B1 ex y be set st y in B0 & P[x,y]
     let x be set;
     assume A4: x in B1;
     then reconsider z = x as Subset of T;
     take y = inf z;
     thus y in B0 by A4;
     take z;
     thus thesis;
    consider f be Function such that
     A5: dom f = B1 and
       rng f c= B0 and
     A6: for x be set st x in B1 holds P[x,f.x] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A3);
      B0 c= rng f
     let z be set;
     assume z in B0;
     then consider u be Subset of T such that
      A7: z = inf u and
      A8: u in B1;
     consider y be Subset of T such that
      A9: u = y and
      A10: f.u = inf y by A6,A8;
     thus z in rng f by A5,A7,A8,A9,A10,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then A11: Card B0 c= Card B1 by A5,CARD_1:28;
    set B2 = finsups B0;
    A12: the RelStr of L1 = the RelStr of T by YELLOW_9:def 4;
    A13: now per cases;
     suppose A14: L1 is finite;
      A15: B0 c= B2 by WAYBEL_0:50;
        the carrier of L1 c= B0
       let z be set;
       assume z in the carrier of L1;
       then reconsider z1 = z as Element of T by A12;
         the carrier of T is finite by A12,A14,GROUP_1:def 13;
       then T is finite by GROUP_1:def 13;
       then A16: uparrow z1 is open by WAYBEL11:def 5;
         z1 <= z1;
       then z1 in uparrow z1 by WAYBEL_0:18;
       then consider A be Subset of T such that
        A17: A in B1 and
        A18: z1 in A and
        A19: A c= uparrow z1 by A16,YELLOW_9:31;
         ex_inf_of uparrow z1,T & ex_inf_of A,T by YELLOW_0:17;
       then inf uparrow z1 <= inf A by A19,YELLOW_0:35;
       then A20: z1 <= inf A by WAYBEL_0:39;
         inf A <= z1 by A18,YELLOW_2:24;
       then z = inf A by A20,YELLOW_0:def 3;
       hence z in B0 by A17;
      then B2 c= B0 by A12,XBOOLE_1:1;
      hence Card B2 = Card B0 by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
     suppose L1 is infinite;
      then the carrier of L1 is infinite by GROUP_1:def 13;
      then T is infinite by A12,GROUP_1:def 13;
      then B1 is infinite by YELLOW15:31;
      then B0 is infinite by Th28;
      hence Card B2 = Card B0 by YELLOW15:28;
    A21: ex_sup_of {},T by YELLOW_0:42;
      {} is finite Subset of B0 by XBOOLE_1:2;
    then "\/"({},T) in {"\/"
(Y,T) where Y is finite Subset of B0: ex_sup_of Y,T}
                                                                       by A21;
    then "\/"({},T) in finsups B0 by WAYBEL_0:def 27;
    then "\/"({},L1) in finsups B0 by A12,A21,YELLOW_0:26;
    then A22: Bottom L1 in B2 by YELLOW_0:def 11;
    reconsider B2 as Subset of L1 by A12;
      now let x,y be Element of L1;
     assume that
      A23: x in B2 and
      A24: y in B2;
     A25: x in { "\/"(Y,T) where Y is finite Subset of B0 : ex_sup_of Y,T } &
     y in { "\/"(Y,T) where Y is finite Subset of B0 : ex_sup_of Y,T }
                                                 by A23,A24,WAYBEL_0:def 27;
     then consider Y1 be finite Subset of B0 such that
      A26: x = "\/"(Y1,T) and
      A27: ex_sup_of Y1,T;
     consider Y2 be finite Subset of B0 such that
      A28: y = "\/"(Y2,T) and
      A29: ex_sup_of Y2,T by A25;
     A30: ex_sup_of Y1 \/ Y2,T by YELLOW_0:17;
       sup {x,y} = x "\/" y by YELLOW_0:41
        .= "\/"(Y1,T) "\/" "\/"(Y2,T) by A12,A26,A28,YELLOW12:10
        .= "\/"(Y1 \/ Y2,T) by A27,A29,YELLOW_2:3;
     then sup {x,y} in
      { "\/"(Y,T) where Y is finite Subset of B0 : ex_sup_of Y,T } by A30;
     hence sup {x,y} in B2 by WAYBEL_0:def 27;
    then reconsider B2 as join-closed Subset of L1 by WAYBEL23:18;
      for x,y be Element of L1 st x << y
     ex b be Element of L1 st b in B2 & x <= b & b << y
     let x,y be Element of L1;
     reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Element of T by A12;
     assume x << y;
     then y in wayabove x by WAYBEL_3:8;
     then A31: y1 in wayabove x1 by A12,YELLOW12:13;
       wayabove x1 is open by WAYBEL11:36;
     then consider u be Subset of T such that
      A32: u in B1 and
      A33: y1 in u and
      A34: u c= wayabove x1 by A31,YELLOW_9:31;
     reconsider b = inf u as Element of L1 by A12;
     take b;
     A35: b in B0 by A32;
       B0 c= B2 by WAYBEL_0:50;
     hence b in B2 by A35;
     A36: ex_inf_of uparrow x1,T & ex_inf_of u,T by YELLOW_0:17;
       wayabove x1 c= uparrow x1 by WAYBEL_3:11;
     then u c= uparrow x1 by A34,XBOOLE_1:1;
     then inf uparrow x1 <= inf u by A36,YELLOW_0:35;
     then x1 <= inf u by WAYBEL_0:39;
     hence x <= b by A12,YELLOW_0:1;
       u is open by A32,YELLOW_8:19;
     then inf u << y1 by A33,WAYBEL14:26;
     hence b << y by A12,WAYBEL_8:8;
    then A37: B2 is CLbasis of L1 by A22,WAYBEL23:47;
      B2 is with_bottom by A22,WAYBEL23:def 8;
    then CLweight L1 c= Card B0 by A13,A37,Th3;
    hence CLweight L1 c= weight T by A1,A11,XBOOLE_1:1;

  theorem Th29:  :: THEOREM 4.7 (1)=(2)
   for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T be Scott TopAugmentation of L1 holds
    CLweight L1 = weight T
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    consider T1 be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1;
    A1: CLweight L1 c= weight T by Lm3;
    A2: weight T c= weight T1 by Lm1;
      weight T1 c= CLweight L1 by Lm2;
    then weight T c= CLweight L1 by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence CLweight L1 = weight T by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

  theorem  :: THEOREM 4.7 (1)=(3)
     for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for T be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1 holds
    CLweight L1 = weight T
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let T be Lawson correct TopAugmentation of L1;
    consider T1 be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    A1: weight T c= CLweight L1 by Lm2;
    A2: CLweight L1 c= weight T1 by Lm3;
      weight T1 c= weight T by Lm1;
    then CLweight L1 c= weight T by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence CLweight L1 = weight T by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

  theorem Th31:
   for L1,L2 be non empty RelStr st L1,L2 are_isomorphic holds
    Card the carrier of L1 = Card the carrier of L2
    let L1,L2 be non empty RelStr;
    assume L1,L2 are_isomorphic;
    then consider f be map of L1,L2 such that
     A1: f is isomorphic by WAYBEL_1:def 8;
    A2: dom f = the carrier of L1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      f is one-to-one & rng f = the carrier of L2 by A1,WAYBEL_0:66;
    then the carrier of L1,the carrier of L2 are_equipotent
    by A2,WELLORD2:def 4;
    hence thesis by CARD_1:21;

  theorem  :: THEOREM 4.7 (1)=(4)
     for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice
   for B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1 st Card B1 = CLweight L1 holds
    CLweight L1 = CLweight InclPoset Ids subrelstr B1
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    let B1 be with_bottom CLbasis of L1;
    assume A1: Card B1 = CLweight L1;
      CompactSublatt InclPoset Ids subrelstr B1,subrelstr B1 are_isomorphic
                                                              by WAYBEL23:70;
    then A2: Card the carrier of CompactSublatt InclPoset Ids subrelstr B1 =
     Card the carrier of subrelstr B1 by Th31;
    thus CLweight InclPoset Ids subrelstr B1 =
        Card the carrier of CompactSublatt InclPoset Ids subrelstr B1 by Th5
       .= CLweight L1 by A1,A2,YELLOW_0:def 15;

   let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
   cluster InclPoset sigma L1 -> with_suprema continuous;
    consider S be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    A1: the RelStr of S = the RelStr of L1 by YELLOW_9:def 4;
      InclPoset sigma S is complete;
    hence InclPoset sigma L1 is with_suprema by A1,YELLOW_9:52;
      InclPoset sigma S is continuous by WAYBEL14:36;
    hence thesis by A1,YELLOW_9:52;

  theorem  :: THEOREM 4.7 (5)
     for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice holds
    CLweight L1 c= CLweight InclPoset sigma L1
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    consider S be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    A1: the RelStr of S = the RelStr of L1 by YELLOW_9:def 4;
    A2: CLweight L1 = weight S by Th29;
    A3: InclPoset the topology of S = InclPoset sigma L1 by YELLOW_9:51;
      now per cases;
     suppose L1 is infinite;
      then the carrier of S is infinite by A1,GROUP_1:def 13;
      then S is infinite by GROUP_1:def 13;
      hence CLweight L1 c= CLweight InclPoset sigma L1 by A2,A3,Th8;
     suppose L1 is finite;
      then the carrier of S is finite by A1,GROUP_1:def 13;
      then A4: S is finite by GROUP_1:def 13;
      A5: Card the carrier of S c= Card the carrier of InclPoset sigma L1
                                                                  by A3,Th9;
        weight S = Card the carrier of S by A4,Th10;
      hence CLweight L1 c= CLweight InclPoset sigma L1 by A2,A3,A4,A5,Th11;
    hence thesis;

  theorem  :: THEOREM 4.7 (6)
     for L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice st L1 is infinite holds
    CLweight L1 = CLweight InclPoset sigma L1
    let L1 be continuous lower-bounded sup-Semilattice;
    consider S be Scott TopAugmentation of L1;
    A1: the RelStr of S = the RelStr of L1 by YELLOW_9:def 4;
    assume A2: L1 is infinite;
    A3: CLweight L1 = weight S by Th29;
    A4: InclPoset the topology of S = InclPoset sigma L1 by YELLOW_9:51;
      the carrier of S is infinite by A1,A2,GROUP_1:def 13;
    then S is infinite by GROUP_1:def 13;
    hence thesis by A3,A4,Th8;

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