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environ vocabulary RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, ARYTM_1, COMPLEX1, ABSVALUE, ARYTM_3, SQUARE_1, COMPLFLD, HAHNBAN, FUNCT_1, SUBSET_1, FUNCOP_1, GRCAT_1, UNIALG_1, BINOP_1, LATTICES, ALGSTR_2, RLSUB_1, RELAT_1, BOOLE, HAHNBAN1, XCMPLX_0; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, ARYTM_0, XREAL_0, STRUCT_0, REAL_1, ABSVALUE, SQUARE_1, PRE_TOPC, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, RLSUB_1, VECTSP_4, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, RELSET_1, NATTRA_1, BORSUK_1, COMPLEX1, HAHNBAN, COMPLFLD; constructors REAL_1, SQUARE_1, RLSUB_1, VECTSP_4, NATTRA_1, BORSUK_1, HAHNBAN, COMPLFLD, DOMAIN_1, COMPLSP1, MONOID_0, COMPLEX1, MEMBERED, ARYTM_0, ARYTM_3, FUNCT_4; clusters STRUCT_0, VECTSP_1, RELSET_1, FUNCT_1, SUBSET_1, COMPLFLD, RLVECT_1, HAHNBAN, MEMBERED; requirements NUMERALS, SUBSET, BOOLE, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, RLSUB_1, HAHNBAN; theorems TARSKI, AXIOMS, ZFMISC_1, SQUARE_1, ABSVALUE, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, COMPLEX1, COMPLFLD, STRUCT_0, PRE_TOPC, VECTSP_1, FUNCOP_1, RLVECT_1, BINOP_1, HAHNBAN, VECTSP_4, XBOOLE_0, RELAT_1, XCMPLX_0, XCMPLX_1, ARYTM_0; schemes FUNCT_2; begin :: Preliminaries Lm1: for F be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable Abelian right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr) for x,y be Element of F holds x*(-y) = -x*y proof let F be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable Abelian right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let x,y be Element of F; x*y +x*(-y) = x*(y+(-y)) by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= x*(0.F) by RLVECT_1:def 10 .= 0.F by VECTSP_1:36; hence x*(-y) = -x*y by RLVECT_1:def 10; end; theorem Th1: for z be Element of COMPLEX holds abs |.z.| = |.z.| proof let z be Element of COMPLEX; |.z.| >= 0 by COMPLEX1:132; hence thesis by ABSVALUE:def 1; end; theorem Th2: for x1,y1,x2,y2 be Real holds [*x1,y1*] * [*x2,y2*] = [*x1*x2 - y1*y2,x1*y2+x2*y1*] proof let x1,y1,x2,y2 be Real; set z1 = [*x1,y1*]; set z2 = [*x2,y2*]; Re z1 = x1 & Re z2 = x2 & Im z1 = y1 & Im z2 = y2 by COMPLEX1:7; hence thesis by COMPLEX1:def 10; end; theorem Th3: for r be Real holds [*r,0*]*<i> = [*0,r*] proof let r be Real; A1: Re [*0,1*] = 0 & Im [*0,1*] = 1 by COMPLEX1:7; [*0,r*] = [*0,r*]*--1r by COMPLEX1:29 .= [*0,r*]*((-<i>)*<i>) by COMPLEX1:37,XCMPLX_1:175 .= [*0,r*]*(-[*0,1*])*<i> by COMPLEX1:def 8,XCMPLX_1:4 .= [*0,r*]*[*-0,-1*]*<i> by A1,COMPLEX1:def 11 .= [*0*0-r*-1,0*(-1)+r*0*]*<i> by Th2 .= [*0+(-r*-1),0*]*<i> by XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= [*r*1,0*]*<i> by XCMPLX_1:179; hence thesis; end; theorem Th4: for r be Real holds |.[*r,0*].| = abs r proof let r be Real; Re [*r,0*] = r & Im [*r,0*] = 0 by COMPLEX1:7; hence thesis by COMPLEX1:136; end; theorem Th5: for z be Element of COMPLEX st |.z.| <> 0 holds [*|.z.|,0*] = (z*'/[*|.z.|,0*])*z proof let z be Element of COMPLEX; assume A1: |.z.| <> 0; A2: (z*'/[*|.z.|,0*])*z = z*z*'/[*|.z.|,0*] by XCMPLX_1:75; A3: Re(z*z*') = (Re z)^2 + (Im z)^2 & Im(z*z*') = 0 by COMPLEX1:126; A4: Re [*|.z.|,0*] = |.z.| & Im [*|.z.|,0*] = 0 by COMPLEX1:7; then A5: Re((z*'/[*|.z.|,0*])*z) = (((Re z)^2+(Im z)^2)*|.z.| + 0*0) / (|.z .|^2 +0) by A2,A3,COMPLEX1:82,SQUARE_1:60 .= |.z*z.|*|.z.| / |.z.|^2 by COMPLEX1:154 .= |.z*z.|*|.z.| / (|.z.|*|.z.|) by SQUARE_1:def 3 .= |.z*z.| / |.z.| by A1,XCMPLX_1:92 .= |.z.|*|.z.| / |.z.| by COMPLEX1:151 .= |.z.| by A1,XCMPLX_1:90; Im((z*'/[*|.z.|,0*])*z) = (|.z.|*0 - ((Re z)^2+(Im z)^2)*0) / (|.z.|^2 + 0 ) by A2,A3,A4,COMPLEX1:82,SQUARE_1:60; hence thesis by A5,COMPLEX1:8; end; begin :: Some Facts on the Field of Complex Numbers definition let x,y be Real; func [**x,y**] -> Element of F_Complex equals :Def1: [*x,y*]; coherence by COMPLFLD:def 1; end; definition func i_FC -> Element of F_Complex equals :Def2: <i>; coherence proof <i> = [**0,1**] by Def1,COMPLEX1:def 8; hence thesis; end; end; theorem i_FC = [*0,1*] & i_FC = [**0,1**] by Def1,Def2,COMPLEX1:def 8; theorem |.i_FC.| = 1 by Def2,COMPLEX1:135,COMPLFLD:def 3; theorem Th8: i_FC * i_FC = -1_ F_Complex proof thus i_FC * i_FC = -1r by Def2,COMPLEX1:37,COMPLFLD:6 .= -1_ F_Complex by COMPLFLD:4,10; end; theorem Th9: (-1_ F_Complex) * (-1_ F_Complex) = 1_ F_Complex proof -1r = -1_ F_Complex by COMPLFLD:4,10; hence (-1_ F_Complex) * (-1_ F_Complex) = (-1r) * -1r by COMPLFLD:6 .= --1r by COMPLEX1:46 .= 1_ F_Complex by COMPLFLD:10; end; theorem Th10: for x1,y1,x2,y2 be Real holds [**x1,y1**] + [**x2,y2**] = [**x1 + x2,y1 + y2**] proof let x1,y1,x2,y2 be Real; [**x1,y1**] = [*x1,y1*] & [**x2,y2**] = [*x2,y2*] by Def1; hence [**x1,y1**] + [**x2,y2**] = [*x1,y1*] + [*x2,y2*] by COMPLFLD:3 .= [*x1 + x2,y1 + y2*] by COMPLFLD:2 .= [**x1 + x2,y1 + y2**] by Def1; end; theorem Th11: for x1,y1,x2,y2 be Real holds [**x1,y1**] * [**x2,y2**] = [**x1*x2 - y1*y2,x1*y2+x2*y1**] proof let x1,y1,x2,y2 be Real; [**x1,y1**] = [*x1,y1*] & [**x2,y2**] = [*x2,y2*] by Def1; hence [**x1,y1**] * [**x2,y2**] = [*x1,y1*] * [*x2,y2*] by COMPLFLD:6 .= [*x1*x2 - y1*y2,x1*y2+x2*y1*] by Th2 .= [**x1*x2 - y1*y2,x1*y2+x2*y1**] by Def1; end; theorem for z be Element of F_Complex holds abs(|.z.|) = |.z.| proof let z be Element of F_Complex; |.z.| >= 0 by COMPLFLD:95; hence thesis by ABSVALUE:def 1; end; theorem Th13: for r be Real holds |.[**r,0**].| = abs r proof let r be Real; consider r1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A1: [**r,0**] = r1 and A2: |.[**r,0**].| = |.r1.| by COMPLFLD:def 3; A3: r1 = [*r,0*] by A1,Def1; then Im r1 = 0 by COMPLEX1:7; then |.r1.| = abs Re r1 by COMPLEX1:136; hence thesis by A2,A3,COMPLEX1:7; end; theorem Th14: for r be Real holds [**r,0**]*i_FC = [**0,r**] proof let r be Real; [**r,0**] = [*r,0*] by Def1; hence [**r,0**]*i_FC = [*r,0*]*<i> by Def2,COMPLFLD:6 .= [*0,r*] by Th3 .= [**0,r**] by Def1; end; definition let z be Element of F_Complex; func Re z -> Real means :Def3: ex z' be Element of COMPLEX st z = z' & it = Re z'; existence proof reconsider z'=z as Element of COMPLEX by COMPLFLD:def 1; take z1=Re z'; take z'; thus z = z' & z1 = Re z'; end; uniqueness; end; definition let z be Element of F_Complex; func Im z -> Real means :Def4: ex z' be Element of COMPLEX st z = z' & it = Im z'; existence proof reconsider z'=z as Element of COMPLEX by COMPLFLD:def 1; take z1 = Im z'; take z'; thus z = z' & z1 = Im z'; end; uniqueness; end; theorem Th15: for x,y be Real holds Re [**x,y**] = x & Im [**x,y**] = y proof let x,y be Real; consider z be Element of COMPLEX such that A1: [**x,y**] = z and A2: Re [**x,y**] = Re z by Def3; z = [*x,y*] by A1,Def1; hence Re [**x,y**] = x by A2,COMPLEX1:7; consider z be Element of COMPLEX such that A3: [**x,y**] = z and A4: Im [**x,y**] = Im z by Def4; z = [*x,y*] by A3,Def1; hence thesis by A4,COMPLEX1:7; end; theorem Th16: for x,y be Element of F_Complex holds Re (x+y) = Re x + Re y & Im (x+y) = Im x + Im y proof let x,y be Element of F_Complex; consider x1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A1: x = x1 and A2: Re x = Re x1 by Def3; consider y1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A3: y = y1 and A4: Re y = Re y1 by Def3; consider xy1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A5: x+y = xy1 and A6: Re (x+y) = Re xy1 by Def3; x+y = x1+y1 by A1,A3,COMPLFLD:3; hence Re (x+y) = Re x + Re y by A2,A4,A5,A6,COMPLEX1:19; consider x1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A7: x = x1 and A8: Im x = Im x1 by Def4; consider y1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A9: y = y1 and A10: Im y = Im y1 by Def4; consider xy1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A11: x+y = xy1 and A12: Im (x+y) = Im xy1 by Def4; x+y = x1+y1 by A7,A9,COMPLFLD:3; hence thesis by A8,A10,A11,A12,COMPLEX1:19; end; theorem Th17: for x,y be Element of F_Complex holds Re (x*y) = Re x * Re y - Im x * Im y & Im (x*y) = Re x * Im y + Re y * Im x proof let x,y be Element of F_Complex; consider x1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A1: x = x1 and A2: Re x = Re x1 by Def3; consider y1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A3: y = y1 and A4: Re y = Re y1 by Def3; consider xy1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A5: x*y = xy1 and A6: Re (x*y) = Re xy1 by Def3; consider x2 be Element of COMPLEX such that A7: x = x2 and A8: Im x = Im x2 by Def4; consider y2 be Element of COMPLEX such that A9: y = y2 and A10: Im y = Im y2 by Def4; consider xy2 be Element of COMPLEX such that A11: x*y = xy2 and A12: Im (x*y) = Im xy2 by Def4; thus Re (x*y) = Re (x1*y1) by A1,A3,A5,A6,COMPLFLD:6 .= Re x * Re y - Im x * Im y by A1,A2,A3,A4,A7,A8,A9,A10,COMPLEX1:24; thus Im (x*y) = Im (x1*y1) by A1,A3,A11,A12,COMPLFLD:6 .= Re x * Im y + Re y * Im x by A1,A2,A3,A4,A7,A8,A9,A10,COMPLEX1:24; end; theorem Th18: for z be Element of F_Complex holds Re z <= |.z.| proof let z be Element of F_Complex; consider z1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A1: z = z1 and A2: Re z = Re z1 by Def3; consider z2 be Element of COMPLEX such that A3: z = z2 and A4: |.z.| = |.z2.| by COMPLFLD:def 3; thus thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,COMPLEX1:140; end; theorem for z be Element of F_Complex holds Im z <= |.z.| proof let z be Element of F_Complex; consider z1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A1: z = z1 and A2: Im z = Im z1 by Def4; consider z2 be Element of COMPLEX such that A3: z = z2 and A4: |.z.| = |.z2.| by COMPLFLD:def 3; thus thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,COMPLEX1:141; end; begin :: Functionals of Vector Space definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be VectSpStr over K; mode Functional of V is Function of the carrier of V, the carrier of K; canceled; end; definition let K be non empty LoopStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f,g be Functional of V; func f+g -> Functional of V means :Def6: for x be Element of V holds it.x = f.x + g.x; existence proof deffunc G(Element of V) = f.$1 + g.$1; consider F be Function of the carrier of V,the carrier of K such that A1: for x be Element of V holds F.x = G(x)from LambdaD; reconsider F as Functional of V; take F; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let a,b be Functional of V such that A2: for x be Element of V holds a.x = f.x + g.x and A3: for x be Element of V holds b.x = f.x + g.x; now let x be Element of V; thus a.x = f.x + g.x by A2 .= b.x by A3; end; hence a = b by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; definition let K be non empty LoopStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f be Functional of V; func -f -> Functional of V means :Def7: for x be Element of V holds it.x = -(f.x); existence proof deffunc G(Element of V) = -(f.$1); consider F be Function of the carrier of V,the carrier of K such that A1: for x be Element of V holds F.x = G(x) from LambdaD; reconsider F as Functional of V; take F; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let a,b be Functional of V such that A2: for x be Element of V holds a.x = -(f.x) and A3: for x be Element of V holds b.x = -(f.x); now let x be Element of V; thus a.x = -(f.x) by A2 .= b.x by A3; end; hence a = b by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; definition let K be non empty LoopStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f,g be Functional of V; func f-g -> Functional of V equals :Def8: f+-g; coherence; end; definition let K be non empty HGrStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let v be Element of K; let f be Functional of V; func v*f -> Functional of V means :Def9: for x be Element of V holds it.x = v*(f.x); existence proof deffunc G(Element of V) = v *(f.$1); consider F be Function of the carrier of V,the carrier of K such that A1: for x be Element of V holds F.x = G(x) from LambdaD; reconsider F as Functional of V; take F; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let a,b be Functional of V such that A2: for x be Element of V holds a.x = v*(f.x) and A3: for x be Element of V holds b.x = v*(f.x); now let x be Element of V; thus a.x = v*(f.x) by A2 .= b.x by A3; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; definition let K be non empty ZeroStr; let V be VectSpStr over K; func 0Functional(V) -> Functional of V equals :Def10: [#]V --> 0.K; coherence proof [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; hence [#]V --> 0.K is Functional of V; end; end; definition let K be non empty LoopStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let F be Functional of V; attr F is additive means :Def11: for x,y be Vector of V holds F.(x+y) = F.x+F.y; end; definition let K be non empty HGrStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let F be Functional of V; attr F is homogeneous means :Def12: for x be Vector of V, r be Scalar of V holds F.(r*x) = r*F.x; end; definition let K be non empty ZeroStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let F be Functional of V; attr F is 0-preserving means F.(0.V) = 0.K; end; definition let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be VectSp of K; cluster homogeneous -> 0-preserving Functional of V; coherence proof let F be Functional of V; assume A1: F is homogeneous; thus F.(0.V) = F.(0.K * 0.V) by VECTSP_1:59 .= 0.K * F.(0.V) by A1,Def12 .= 0.K by VECTSP_1:39; end; end; definition let K be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster 0Functional(V) -> additive; coherence proof let x,y be Vector of V; A1: [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; A2: (0Functional(V)).x = ([#]V --> 0.K).x by Def10 .= 0.K by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; A3: (0Functional(V)).y = ([#]V --> 0.K).y by Def10 .= 0.K by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; thus (0Functional(V)).(x+y) = ([#]V --> 0.K).(x+y) by Def10 .= 0.K by A1,FUNCOP_1:13 .= (0Functional(V)).x + (0Functional(V)).y by A2,A3,RLVECT_1:def 7; end; end; definition let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster 0Functional(V) -> homogeneous; coherence proof let x be Vector of V; let r be Scalar of V; A1: [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; A2: (0Functional(V)).x = ([#]V --> 0.K).x by Def10 .= 0.K by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; thus (0Functional(V)).(r*x) = ([#]V --> 0.K).(r*x) by Def10 .= 0.K by A1,FUNCOP_1:13 .= r*(0Functional(V)).x by A2,VECTSP_1:36; end; end; definition let K be non empty ZeroStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster 0Functional(V) -> 0-preserving; coherence proof A1: [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; thus (0Functional(V)).(0.V) = ([#]V --> 0.K).(0.V) by Def10 .= 0.K by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; end; end; definition let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster additive homogeneous 0-preserving Functional of V; existence proof take 0Functional(V); thus thesis; end; end; theorem Th20: for K be Abelian (non empty LoopStr) for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for f,g be Functional of V holds f+g = g+f proof let K be Abelian (non empty LoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f,g be Functional of V; now let x be Element of V; thus (f+g).x = f.x + g.x by Def6 .= (g+f).x by Def6; end; hence f+g = g+f by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem Th21: for K be add-associative (non empty LoopStr) for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for f,g,h be Functional of V holds f+g+h = f+(g+h) proof let K be add-associative (non empty LoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f,g,h be Functional of V; now let x be Element of V; thus (f+g+h).x = (f+g).x + h.x by Def6 .= f.x + g.x + h.x by Def6 .= f.x + (g.x + h.x) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= f.x + ((g+h).x) by Def6 .= (f+(g+h)).x by Def6; end; hence f+g+h = f+(g+h) by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem Th22: for K be non empty ZeroStr for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for x be Element of V holds (0Functional(V)).x = 0.K proof let K be non empty ZeroStr; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let x be Element of V; x in the carrier of V; then A1: x in [#]V by PRE_TOPC:12; thus (0Functional(V)).x = ([#]V --> 0.K).x by Def10 .= 0.K by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; end; theorem Th23: for K be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr) for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for f be Functional of V holds f + 0Functional(V) = f proof let K be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f be Functional of V; now let x be Element of V; thus (f+0Functional(V)).x = f.x+(0Functional(V)).x by Def6 .= f.x+0.K by Th22 .= f.x by RLVECT_1:def 7; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem Th24: for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable (non empty LoopStr) for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for f be Functional of V holds f-f = 0Functional(V) proof let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable (non empty LoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f be Functional of V; now let x be Element of V; thus (f-f).x = (f+-f).x by Def8 .= f.x+(-f).x by Def6 .= f.x+-f.x by Def7 .= 0.K by RLVECT_1:16 .= (0Functional(V)).x by Th22; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem Th25: for K be right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr) for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for r be Element of K for f,g be Functional of V holds r*(f+g) = r*f+r*g proof let K be right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let r be Element of K; let f,g be Functional of V; now let x be Element of V; thus (r*(f+g)).x = r*(f+g).x by Def9 .= r*(f.x+g.x) by Def6 .= r*f.x+r*g.x by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= (r*f).x+r*g.x by Def9 .= (r*f).x+(r*g).x by Def9 .= (r*f+r*g).x by Def6; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem Th26: for K be left-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr) for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for r,s be Element of K for f be Functional of V holds (r+s)*f = r*f+s*f proof let K be left-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let r,s be Element of K; let f be Functional of V; now let x be Element of V; thus ((r+s)*f).x = (r+s)*f.x by Def9 .= r*f.x+s*f.x by VECTSP_1:def 12 .= (r*f).x+s*f.x by Def9 .= (r*f).x+(s*f).x by Def9 .= (r*f+s*f).x by Def6; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem Th27: for K be associative (non empty HGrStr) for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for r,s be Element of K for f be Functional of V holds (r*s)*f = r*(s*f) proof let K be associative (non empty HGrStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let r,s be Element of K; let f be Functional of V; now let x be Element of V; thus ((r*s)*f).x = (r*s)*f.x by Def9 .= r*(s*f.x) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= r*(s*f).x by Def9 .= (r*(s*f)).x by Def9; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem Th28: for K be left_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr) for V be non empty VectSpStr over K for f be Functional of V holds (1_ K)*f = f proof let K be left_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f be Functional of V; now let x be Element of V; thus ((1_ K)*f).x = (1_ K)*f.x by Def9 .= f.x by VECTSP_1:def 19; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; definition let K be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f,g be additive Functional of V; cluster f+g -> additive; coherence proof let x,y be Vector of V; thus (f+g).(x+y) = f.(x+y)+g.(x+y) by Def6 .= f.x+f.y+g.(x+y) by Def11 .= f.x+f.y+(g.x+g.y) by Def11 .= f.x+(f.y+(g.x+g.y)) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= f.x+(g.x+(f.y+g.y)) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= f.x+g.x+(f.y+g.y) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= (f+g).x+(f.y+g.y) by Def6 .= (f+g).x+(f+g).y by Def6; end; end; definition let K be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f be additive Functional of V; cluster -f -> additive; coherence proof let x,y be Vector of V; thus (-f).(x+y) = -f.(x+y) by Def7 .= -(f.x + f.y) by Def11 .= -f.x+-f.y by RLVECT_1:45 .= (-f).x+-f.y by Def7 .= (-f).x+(-f).y by Def7; end; end; definition let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let v be Element of K; let f be additive Functional of V; cluster v*f -> additive; coherence proof let x,y be Vector of V; thus (v*f).(x+y) = v*f.(x+y) by Def9 .= v*(f.x + f.y) by Def11 .= v*f.x+v*f.y by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= (v*f).x+v*f.y by Def9 .= (v*f).x+(v*f).y by Def9; end; end; definition let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f,g be homogeneous Functional of V; cluster f+g -> homogeneous; coherence proof let x be Vector of V; let r be Scalar of V; thus (f+g).(r*x) = f.(r*x) + g.(r*x) by Def6 .= r*f.x + g.(r*x) by Def12 .= r*f.x + r*g.x by Def12 .= r*(f.x + g.x) by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= r*(f+g).x by Def6; end; end; definition let K be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let f be homogeneous Functional of V; cluster -f -> homogeneous; coherence proof let x be Vector of V; let r be Scalar of V; thus (-f).(r*x) = -f.(r*x) by Def7 .= -r*f.x by Def12 .= r*-f.x by Lm1 .= r*(-f).x by Def7; end; end; definition let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive associative commutative (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let v be Element of K; let f be homogeneous Functional of V; cluster v*f -> homogeneous; coherence proof let x be Vector of V; let r be Scalar of V; thus (v*f).(r*x) = v*f.(r*x) by Def9 .= v*(r*f.x) by Def12 .= r*(v*f.x) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= r*(v*f).x by Def9; end; end; definition let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; mode linear-Functional of V is additive homogeneous Functional of V; end; begin :: The Vector Space of linear Functionals definition let K be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive associative commutative (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; func V*' -> non empty strict VectSpStr over K means :Def14: (for x be set holds x in the carrier of it iff x is linear-Functional of V) & (for f,g be linear-Functional of V holds (the add of it).(f,g) = f+g) & (the Zero of it = 0Functional(V)) & for f be linear-Functional of V for x be Element of K holds (the lmult of it).(x,f) = x*f; existence proof 0Functional(V) in {x where x is linear-Functional of V: not contradiction } ; then reconsider ca = {x where x is linear-Functional of V : not contradiction} as non empty set; A1: now let x be set; thus x in ca implies x is linear-Functional of V proof assume x in ca; then consider y be linear-Functional of V such that A2: x=y; thus x is linear-Functional of V by A2; end; thus x is linear-Functional of V implies x in ca; end; defpred P[set,set,set] means ex f,g be Functional of V st $1=f & $2=g & $3=f+g; A3: for x,y be Element of ca ex u be Element of ca st P[x,y,u] proof let x,y be Element of ca; reconsider f=x,g=y as linear-Functional of V by A1; reconsider u=f+g as Element of ca by A1; take u,f,g; thus thesis; end; consider ad be Function of [:ca,ca:],ca such that A4: for x,y be Element of ca holds P[x,y,ad.[x,y]] from FuncEx2D(A3); A5: now let f,g be linear-Functional of V; reconsider x=f,y=g as Element of ca by A1; consider f1,g1 be Functional of V such that A6: x=f1 & y=g1 & ad.[x,y]=f1+g1 by A4; thus ad.(f,g) = f+g by A6,BINOP_1:def 1; end; reconsider 0F=0Functional(V) as Element of ca by A1; defpred P[Element of K,set,set] means ex f be Functional of V st $2=f & $3=$1*f; A7: for x be Element of K,y be Element of ca ex u be Element of ca st P[x,y,u] proof let x be Element of K,y be Element of ca; reconsider f=y as linear-Functional of V by A1; reconsider u=x*f as Element of ca by A1; take u,f; thus thesis; end; consider lm be Function of [:the carrier of K,ca:],ca such that A8: for x be Element of K,y be Element of ca holds P[x,y,lm.[x,y]] from FuncEx2D(A7); A9: now let f be linear-Functional of V; let x be Element of K; reconsider y=f as Element of ca by A1; consider f1 be Functional of V such that A10: y=f1 & lm.[x,y]=x*f1 by A8; thus lm.(x,f) = x*f by A10,BINOP_1:def 1; end; reconsider V1 = VectSpStr(# ca,ad,0F,lm #) as non empty strict VectSpStr over K; take V1; thus thesis by A1,A5,A9; end; uniqueness proof let V1,V2 be non empty strict VectSpStr over K; assume that A11: for x be set holds x in the carrier of V1 iff x is linear-Functional of V and A12: for f,g be linear-Functional of V holds (the add of V1).(f,g)=f+g and A13: the Zero of V1 = 0Functional(V) and A14: for f be linear-Functional of V for x be Element of K holds (the lmult of V1).(x,f) = x*f and A15: for x be set holds x in the carrier of V2 iff x is linear-Functional of V and A16: for f,g be linear-Functional of V holds (the add of V2).(f,g)=f+g and A17: the Zero of V2 = 0Functional(V) and A18: for f be linear-Functional of V for x be Element of K holds (the lmult of V2).(x,f) = x*f; now let x be set; thus x in the carrier of V1 implies x in the carrier of V2 proof assume x in the carrier of V1; then x is linear-Functional of V by A11; hence x in the carrier of V2 by A15; end; assume x in the carrier of V2; then x is linear-Functional of V by A15; hence x in the carrier of V1 by A11; end; then A19: the carrier of V1 = the carrier of V2 by TARSKI:2; now let x,y be Element of V1; reconsider f=x, g=y as linear-Functional of V by A11; thus (the add of V1).(x,y) = f+g by A12 .= (the add of V2).(x,y) by A16; end; then A20: the add of V1 = the add of V2 by A19,BINOP_1:2; now let r be Element of K; let x be Element of V1; reconsider f=x as linear-Functional of V by A11; thus (the lmult of V1).(r,x) = r*f by A14 .= (the lmult of V2).(r,x) by A18; end; hence V1 = V2 by A13,A17,A19,A20,BINOP_1:2; end; end; definition let K be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive associative commutative (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster V*' -> Abelian; coherence proof let v,w be Element of V*'; reconsider f=v,g=w as linear-Functional of V by Def14; thus v+w = (the add of V*').[v,w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V*').(v,w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f+g by Def14 .= g+f by Th20 .= (the add of V*').(w,v) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').[w,v] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= w+v by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; end; definition let K be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable right-distributive associative commutative (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster V*' -> add-associative; coherence proof let u,v,w be Element of V*'; reconsider f=u,g=v,h=w as linear-Functional of V by Def14; thus u+v+w = (the add of V*').[u+v,w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V*').(u+v,w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the add of V*').((the add of V*').[u,v],w) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V*').((the add of V*').(u,v),w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the add of V*').(f+g,w) by Def14 .= f+g+h by Def14 .= f+(g+h) by Th21 .= (the add of V*').(u,g+h) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').(u,(the add of V*').(v,w)) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').(u,(the add of V*').[v,w]) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the add of V*').(u,v+w) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V*').[u,v+w] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= u+(v+w) by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; cluster V*' -> right_zeroed; coherence proof let x be Element of V*'; reconsider f=x as linear-Functional of V by Def14; thus x + 0.(V*') = (the add of V*').[x,0.(V*')] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V*').(x,0.(V*')) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the add of V*').(x,the Zero of V*') by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= (the add of V*').(x,0Functional(V)) by Def14 .= f+0Functional(V) by Def14 .= x by Th23; end; cluster V*' -> right_complementable; coherence proof let x be Element of V*'; reconsider f=x as linear-Functional of V by Def14; reconsider b = -f as Element of V*' by Def14; take b; thus x+b = (the add of V*').[x,b] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V*').(x,-f) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f+-f by Def14 .= f-f by Def8 .= 0Functional(V) by Th24 .= the Zero of V*' by Def14 .= 0.(V*') by RLVECT_1:def 2; end; end; definition let K be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable left_unital distributive associative commutative (non empty doubleLoopStr); let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster V*' -> VectSp-like; coherence proof let x,y be Element of K; let v,w be Element of V*'; reconsider f=v,g=w as linear-Functional of V by Def14; thus x*(v+w) = (the lmult of V*').(x,v+w) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the lmult of V*').(x,(the add of V*').[v,w]) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the lmult of V*').(x,(the add of V*').(v,w)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the lmult of V*').(x,f+g) by Def14 .= x*(f+g) by Def14 .= x*f+x*g by Th25 .= (the add of V*').(x*f,x*g) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').((the lmult of V*').(x,f),x*g) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').((the lmult of V*').(x,f),(the lmult of V*').(x,g)) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').(x*v,(the lmult of V*').(x,g)) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the add of V*').(x*v,x*w) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the add of V*').[x*v,x*w] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= x*v+x*w by RLVECT_1:def 3; thus (x+y)*v = (the lmult of V*').(x+y,v) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (x+y)*f by Def14 .= x*f+y*f by Th26 .= (the add of V*').(x*f,y*f) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').((the lmult of V*').(x,f),y*f) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').((the lmult of V*').(x,f),(the lmult of V*').(y,f)) by Def14 .= (the add of V*').(x*v,(the lmult of V*').(y,f)) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the add of V*').(x*v,y*v) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the add of V*').[x*v,y*v] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= x*v+y*v by RLVECT_1:def 3; thus (x*y)*v = (the lmult of V*').(x*y,v) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (x*y)*f by Def14 .= x*(y*f) by Th27 .= (the lmult of V*').(x,y*f) by Def14 .= (the lmult of V*').(x,(the lmult of V*').(y,f)) by Def14 .= (the lmult of V*').(x,y*v) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= x*(y*v) by VECTSP_1:def 24; thus (1_ K)*v = (the lmult of V*').(1_ K,v) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (1_ K)*f by Def14 .= v by Th28; end; end; begin :: Semi Norm of Vector Space definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be VectSpStr over K; mode RFunctional of V is Function of the carrier of V,REAL; canceled; end; definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let F be RFunctional of V; attr F is subadditive means :Def16: for x,y be Vector of V holds F.(x+y) <= F.x+F.y; end; definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; let F be RFunctional of V; attr F is additive means :Def17: for x,y be Vector of V holds F.(x+y) = F.x+F.y; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let F be RFunctional of V; attr F is Real_homogeneous means :Def18: for v be Vector of V for r be Real holds F.([**r,0**]*v) = r*F.v; end; theorem Th29: for V be VectSp-like (non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex) for F be RFunctional of V st F is Real_homogeneous for v be Vector of V for r be Real holds F.([**0,r**]*v) = r*F.(i_FC*v) proof let V be VectSp-like (non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex); let F be RFunctional of V; assume A1: F is Real_homogeneous; let v be Vector of V; let r be Real; thus F.([**0,r**]*v) = F.([**r,0**]*i_FC*v) by Th14 .= F.([**r,0**]*(i_FC*v)) by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= r*F.(i_FC*v) by A1,Def18; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let F be RFunctional of V; attr F is homogeneous means :Def19: for v be Vector of V for r be Scalar of V holds F.(r*v) = |.r.|*F.v; end; definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be VectSpStr over K; let F be RFunctional of V; attr F is 0-preserving means F.(0.V) = 0; end; definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster additive -> subadditive RFunctional of V; coherence proof let F be RFunctional of V; assume A1: F is additive; let x,y be Vector of V; thus F.(x+y) <= F.x+F.y by A1,Def17; end; end; L0: 0c = [*0,0*] by ARYTM_0:def 7,COMPLEX1:def 6; L1: 1r = [*1,0*] by ARYTM_0:def 7,COMPLEX1:def 7; definition let V be VectSp of F_Complex; cluster Real_homogeneous -> 0-preserving RFunctional of V; coherence proof let F be RFunctional of V; assume A1: F is Real_homogeneous; A2: 0.F_Complex = [**0,0**] by Def1,COMPLFLD:9,L0; thus F.(0.V) = F.(0.F_Complex*0.V) by VECTSP_1:59 .= 0*F.(0.V) by A1,A2,Def18 .= 0; end; end; definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be VectSpStr over K; func 0RFunctional(V) -> RFunctional of V equals :Def21: [#]V --> 0; coherence proof [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; hence [#]V --> 0 is RFunctional of V; end; end; definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster 0RFunctional(V) -> additive; coherence proof let x,y be Vector of V; A1: [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; A2: (0RFunctional(V)).x = ([#]V --> 0).x by Def21 .= 0 by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; A3: (0RFunctional(V)).y = ([#]V --> 0).y by Def21 .= 0 by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; thus (0RFunctional(V)).(x+y) = ([#]V --> 0).(x+y) by Def21 .= (0RFunctional(V)).x + (0RFunctional(V)).y by A1,A2,A3,FUNCOP_1:13; end; cluster 0RFunctional(V) -> 0-preserving; coherence proof A4: [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; thus (0RFunctional(V)).(0.V) = ([#]V --> 0).(0.V) by Def21 .= 0 by A4,FUNCOP_1:13; thus thesis; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; cluster 0RFunctional(V) -> Real_homogeneous; coherence proof let x be Vector of V; let r be Real; A1: [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; A2: (0RFunctional(V)).x = ([#]V --> 0).x by Def21 .= 0 by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; thus (0RFunctional(V)).([**r,0**]*x) = ([#]V --> 0).([**r,0**]*x) by Def21 .= r*((0RFunctional(V)).x) by A1,A2,FUNCOP_1:13; end; cluster 0RFunctional(V) -> homogeneous; coherence proof let x be Vector of V; let r be Scalar of V; A3: [#]V = the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; A4: (0RFunctional(V)).x = ([#]V --> 0).x by Def21 .= 0 by A3,FUNCOP_1:13; thus (0RFunctional(V)).(r*x) = ([#]V --> 0).(r*x) by Def21 .= |.r.|*((0RFunctional(V)).x) by A3,A4,FUNCOP_1:13; end; end; definition let K be 1-sorted; let V be non empty VectSpStr over K; cluster additive 0-preserving RFunctional of V; existence proof take 0RFunctional(V); thus thesis; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; cluster additive Real_homogeneous homogeneous RFunctional of V; existence proof take 0RFunctional(V); thus thesis; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; mode Semi-Norm of V is subadditive homogeneous RFunctional of V; end; begin :: Hahn Banach Theorem definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; func RealVS(V) -> strict RLSStruct means :Def22: the LoopStr of it = the LoopStr of V & for r be Real, v be Vector of V holds (the Mult of it).(r,v)=[**r,0**]*v; existence proof deffunc F(Element of REAL, Element of V) = [**$1,0**]*$2; consider f be Function of [:REAL, the carrier of V:], the carrier of V such that A1: for r be Real, v be Vector of V holds f.[r,v]=F(r,v) from Lambda2D; take R = RLSStruct (#the carrier of V, the Zero of V, the add of V, f#); thus the LoopStr of R = the LoopStr of V; let r be Real; let v be Vector of V; thus (the Mult of R).(r,v) = (the Mult of R).[r,v] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**r,0**]*v by A1; end; uniqueness proof let a,b be strict RLSStruct such that A2: the LoopStr of a = the LoopStr of V and A3: for r be Real, v be Vector of V holds (the Mult of a).(r,v)=[**r,0**]*v and A4: the LoopStr of b = the LoopStr of V and A5: for r be Real, v be Vector of V holds (the Mult of b).(r,v)=[**r,0**]*v; now let r be Real, v be Vector of V; thus (the Mult of a).[r,v] = (the Mult of a).(r,v) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**r,0**]*v by A3 .= (the Mult of b).(r,v) by A5 .= (the Mult of b).[r,v] by BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence a=b by A2,A4,FUNCT_2:120; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; cluster RealVS(V) -> non empty; coherence proof the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; hence RealVS(V) is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1; end; end; definition let V be Abelian (non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex); cluster RealVS(V) -> Abelian; coherence proof let v,w be Element of RealVS(V); A1: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider v1=v,w1=w as Element of V; thus v + w = (the add of V).[v1,w1] by A1,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= v1 + w1 by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[w,v] by A1,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= w + v by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; end; definition let V be add-associative (non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex); cluster RealVS(V) -> add-associative; coherence proof let u,v,w be Element of RealVS(V); A1: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider u1=u,v1=v,w1=w as Element of V; thus (u + v) + w = (the add of RealVS(V)).[u+v,w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V).[((the add of V).[u1,v1]),w1] by A1,RLVECT_1 :def 3 .= (the add of V).[u1+v1,w1] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (u1 + v1) + w1 by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= u1 + (v1 + w1) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= (the add of V).[u1,v1+w1] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[u,((the add of RealVS(V)).[v,w])] by A1,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[u,v+w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= u + (v + w) by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; end; definition let V be right_zeroed (non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex); cluster RealVS(V) -> right_zeroed; coherence proof let v be Element of RealVS(V); A1: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider v1=v as Element of V; thus v + 0.RealVS(V) = (the add of V).[v1,0.RealVS(V)] by A1,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V).[v1,the Zero of RealVS(V)] by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= (the add of V).[v1,0.V] by A1,RLVECT_1:def 2 .= v1 + 0.V by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= v by RLVECT_1:def 7; end; end; definition let V be right_complementable (non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex); cluster RealVS(V) -> right_complementable; coherence proof let v be Element of RealVS(V); A1: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider v1=v as Element of V; consider w1 be Element of V such that A2: v1 + w1 = 0.V by RLVECT_1:def 8; reconsider w=w1 as Element of RealVS(V) by A1; take w; thus v + w = (the add of V).[v1,w1] by A1,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= v1 + w1 by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= the Zero of RealVS(V) by A1,A2,RLVECT_1:def 2 .= 0.RealVS(V) by RLVECT_1:def 2; end; end; definition let V be VectSp-like (non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex); cluster RealVS(V) -> RealLinearSpace-like; coherence proof thus for a be Real for v,w be Element of RealVS(V) holds a * (v + w) = a * v + a * w proof let a be Real; let v,w be Element of RealVS(V); A1: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; set a1=[**a,0**]; reconsider v1=v,w1=w as Element of V by A1; thus a * (v + w) = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,v+w] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,v+w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,((the add of V).[v1,w1])) by A1, RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,(v1 + w1)) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= [**a,0**] * (v1 + w1) by Def22 .= a1 * v1 + a1 * w1 by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= (the add of V).[a1*v1,a1*w1] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of V).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,v1)),[**a,0**]*w1] by Def22 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,v)), ((the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,w))] by A1, Def22 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,v]), ((the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,w))] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,v]), ((the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,w])] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,v]), (a*w)] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[a*v,a*w] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a * v + a * w by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; thus for a,b be Real for v be Element of RealVS(V) holds (a + b) * v = a * v + b * v proof let a,b be Real; let v be Element of RealVS(V); A2: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; set a1=[**a,0**]; set b1=[**b,0**]; [**a,0**] = [*a,0*] & [**b,0**] = [*b,0*] by Def1; then A3: [**a,0**] + [**b,0**] = [*a,0*] + [*b,0*] by COMPLFLD:3 .= [*a+b,0+0*] by COMPLFLD:2 .= [**a+b,0**] by Def1; reconsider v1=v as Element of V by A2; thus (a + b) * v = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a+b,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a+b,v) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([**a,0**] + [**b,0**]) * v1 by A3,Def22 .= a1 * v1 + b1 * v1 by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[([**a,0**]*v1),([**b,0**]*v1)] by A2, RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,v)), ([**b,0**]*v1)] by Def22 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,v)), ((the Mult of RealVS(V)).(b,v))] by Def22 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,v]), ((the Mult of RealVS(V)).(b,v))] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,v]), ((the Mult of RealVS(V)).[b,v])] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[((the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,v]), b*v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the add of RealVS(V)).[a*v,b*v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a * v + b * v by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; thus for a,b be Real for v be Element of RealVS(V) holds (a * b) * v = a * (b * v) proof let a,b be Real; let v be Element of RealVS(V); A4: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; A5: [**a,0**]=[*a,0*] & [**b,0**]=[*b,0*] by Def1; A6: [**a*b,0**] = [*a*b - 0*0,a*0+b*0*] by Def1 .= [*a,0*] * [*b,0*] by Th2 .= [**a,0**]*[**b,0**] by A5,COMPLFLD:6; reconsider v1=v as Element of V by A4; thus (a * b) * v = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a*b,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a*b,v) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([**a,0**] * [**b,0**]) * v1 by A6,Def22 .= [**a,0**] * ([**b,0**] * v1) by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,([**b,0**] * v1)) by Def22 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,(the Mult of RealVS(V)).(b,v)) by Def22 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,(the Mult of RealVS(V)).(b,v)] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,(the Mult of RealVS(V)).[b,v]] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,b*v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a * (b * v) by RLVECT_1:def 4; end; let v be Element of RealVS(V); the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider v1=v as Element of V; A7: [**1,0**] = 1_(F_Complex) by Def1,COMPLFLD:10,L1; thus 1 * v = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[1,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(1,v) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**1,0**] * v1 by Def22 .= v by A7,VECTSP_1:def 26; end; end; theorem Th30: for V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex for M be Subspace of V holds RealVS(M) is Subspace of RealVS(V) proof let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let M be Subspace of V; A1: the carrier of M c= the carrier of V by VECTSP_4:def 2; A2: the LoopStr of M = the LoopStr of RealVS(M) by Def22; A3: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; hence A4: the carrier of RealVS(M) c= the carrier of RealVS(V) by A2, VECTSP_4:def 2; thus the Zero of RealVS(M) = the Zero of RealVS(V) by A2,A3,VECTSP_4:def 2 ; thus the add of RealVS(M) = (the add of RealVS(V)) | [:the carrier of RealVS(M),the carrier of RealVS(M):] by A2,A3, VECTSP_4:def 2; [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):] c= [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(V):] by A4,ZFMISC_1:118; then [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):] c= dom (the Mult of RealVS(V)) by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A5: dom((the Mult of RealVS(V)) | [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):])= [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):] by RELAT_1:91; A6: the lmult of M = (the lmult of V) | [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of M:] by VECTSP_4:def 2; rng ((the Mult of RealVS(V)) | [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):]) c= the carrier of RealVS(M) proof let y be set; assume y in rng ((the Mult of RealVS(V)) | [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):]); then consider x be set such that A7: x in dom ((the Mult of RealVS(V)) | [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):]) and A8: y = ((the Mult of RealVS(V)) | [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):]).x by FUNCT_1:def 5 ; consider a,b be set such that A9: x = [a,b] by A7,ZFMISC_1:102; reconsider a as Real by A7,A9,ZFMISC_1:106; reconsider b as Element of RealVS(M) by A5,A7,A9,ZFMISC_1:106; reconsider b1 = b as Element of M by A2; reconsider b2 = b1 as Element of V by A1,TARSKI:def 3; A10: [[**a,0**],b1] in [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of M:] by ZFMISC_1:106; [[**a,0**],b2] in [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of V:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then [[**a,0**],b2] in dom (the lmult of V) by FUNCT_2:def 1; then [[**a,0**],b2] in (dom (the lmult of V)) /\ [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of M:] by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A11: [[**a,0**],b2] in dom ((the lmult of V) | [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of M:]) by FUNCT_1:68; y = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,b] by A7,A8,A9,FUNCT_1:70 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,b) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**a,0**]*b2 by Def22 .= (the lmult of V).([**a,0**],b2) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the lmult of V).[[**a,0**],b2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the lmult of M).[[**a,0**],b1] by A6,A11,FUNCT_1:70 .= (the lmult of M).([**a,0**],b1) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**a,0**]*b1 by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the Mult of RealVS(M)).(a,b) by Def22; hence y in the carrier of RealVS(M); end; then reconsider RM = (the Mult of RealVS(V)) | [: REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M) :] as Function of [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):],the carrier of RealVS(M) by A5,FUNCT_2:4; now let a be Real, b be Element of RealVS(M); reconsider b1 = b as Element of M by A2; reconsider b2 = b1 as Element of V by A1,TARSKI:def 3; A12: [a,b] in [: REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M) :] by ZFMISC_1:106; b in the carrier of RealVS(V) by A4,TARSKI:def 3; then [a,b] in [: REAL,the carrier of RealVS(V) :] by ZFMISC_1:106; then [a,b] in dom (the Mult of RealVS(V)) by FUNCT_2:def 1; then [a,b] in (dom (the Mult of RealVS(V))) /\ [: REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M) :] by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A13: [a,b] in dom RM by FUNCT_1:68; A14: [[**a,0**],b1] in [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of M:] by ZFMISC_1:106; [[**a,0**],b2] in [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of V:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then [[**a,0**],b2] in dom (the lmult of V) by FUNCT_2:def 1; then [[**a,0**],b2] in (dom (the lmult of V)) /\ [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of M:] by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A15: [[**a,0**],b2] in dom ((the lmult of V) | [:the carrier of F_Complex, the carrier of M:]) by FUNCT_1:68; thus (the Mult of RealVS(M)).(a,b) = [**a,0**]*b1 by Def22 .= (the lmult of M).([**a,0**],b1) by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the lmult of M).[[**a,0**],b1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the lmult of V).[[**a,0**],b2] by A6,A15,FUNCT_1:70 .= (the lmult of V).([**a,0**],b2) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**a,0**]*b2 by VECTSP_1:def 24 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(a,b) by Def22 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[a,b] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= RM.[a,b] by A13,FUNCT_1:70 .= RM.(a,b) by BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence the Mult of RealVS(M) = (the Mult of RealVS(V)) | [:REAL,the carrier of RealVS(M):] by BINOP_1:2; end; theorem Th31: for V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex for p be RFunctional of V holds p is Functional of RealVS(V) proof let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let p be RFunctional of V; the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; hence p is Functional of RealVS(V); end; theorem Th32: for V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex for p be Semi-Norm of V holds p is Banach-Functional of RealVS(V) proof let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let p be Semi-Norm of V; reconsider p1=p as Functional of RealVS(V) by Th31; A1: p1 is positively_homogeneous proof let x be VECTOR of RealVS(V); let r be Real; assume A2: r > 0; the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x as Vector of V; r*x = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[r,x] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(r,x) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**r,0**]*x1 by Def22; hence p1.(r*x) = |.[**r,0**].|*p1.x by Def19 .= abs(r)*p1.x by Th13 .= r*p1.x by A2,ABSVALUE:def 1; end; p1 is subadditive proof let x,y be VECTOR of RealVS(V); A3: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x, y1=y as Vector of V; x+y = (the add of V).[x1,y1] by A3,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= x1+y1 by RLVECT_1:def 3; hence p1.(x+y) <= p1.x + p1.y by Def16; end; hence thesis by A1; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let l be Functional of V; func projRe(l) -> Functional of RealVS(V) means :Def23: for i be Element of V holds it.i = Re(l.i); existence proof deffunc F(Element of V) = Re(l.$1); consider f be Function of the carrier of V,REAL such that A1: for i be Element of V holds f.i = F(i) from LambdaD; the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider f as Functional of RealVS(V); take f; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let a,b be Functional of RealVS(V); assume A2: for i be Element of V holds a.i = Re(l.i); assume A3: for i be Element of V holds b.i = Re(l.i); now let i be Element of RealVS(V); the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider j=i as Element of V; thus a.i = Re(l.j) by A2 .= b.i by A3; end; hence a = b by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let l be Functional of V; func projIm(l) -> Functional of RealVS(V) means :Def24: for i be Element of V holds it.i = Im(l.i); existence proof deffunc F(Element of V) = Im(l.$1); consider f be Function of the carrier of V,REAL such that A1: for i be Element of V holds f.i = F(i) from LambdaD; the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider f as Functional of RealVS(V); take f; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let a,b be Functional of RealVS(V); assume A2: for i be Element of V holds a.i = Im(l.i); assume A3: for i be Element of V holds b.i = Im(l.i); now let i be Element of RealVS(V); the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider j=i as Element of V; thus a.i = Im(l.j) by A2 .= b.i by A3; end; hence a = b by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let l be Functional of RealVS(V); func RtoC(l) -> RFunctional of V equals :Def25: l; coherence proof the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; hence thesis; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let l be RFunctional of V; func CtoR(l) -> Functional of RealVS(V) equals :Def26: l; coherence proof the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; hence thesis; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let l be additive Functional of RealVS(V); cluster RtoC(l) -> additive; coherence proof let x,y be Vector of V; A1: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y as VECTOR of RealVS(V); x+y = (the add of RealVS(V)).[x1,y1] by A1,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= x1+y1 by RLVECT_1:def 3; hence (RtoC l).(x+y) = l.(x1+y1) by Def25 .= l.x1+l.y1 by HAHNBAN:def 4 .= (RtoC l).x+l.y1 by Def25 .= (RtoC l).x+(RtoC l).y by Def25; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let l be additive RFunctional of V; cluster CtoR(l) -> additive; coherence proof let x,y be VECTOR of RealVS(V); A1: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y as Vector of V; x+y = (the add of V).[x1,y1] by A1,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= x1+y1 by RLVECT_1:def 3; hence (CtoR l).(x+y) = l.(x1+y1) by Def26 .= l.x1+l.y1 by Def17 .= (CtoR l).x+l.y1 by Def26 .= (CtoR l).x+(CtoR l).y by Def26; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let l be homogeneous Functional of RealVS(V); cluster RtoC(l) -> Real_homogeneous; coherence proof let x be Vector of V; let r be Real; the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x as VECTOR of RealVS(V); [**r,0**]*x = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(r,x) by Def22 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[r,x] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= r*x1 by RLVECT_1:def 4; hence (RtoC l).([**r,0**]*x) = l.(r*x1) by Def25 .= r*l.x1 by HAHNBAN:def 5 .= r*(RtoC l).x by Def25; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let l be Real_homogeneous RFunctional of V; cluster CtoR(l) -> homogeneous; coherence proof let x be VECTOR of RealVS(V); let r be Real; the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x as Vector of V; [**r,0**]*x1 = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(r,x1) by Def22 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[r,x1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= r*x by RLVECT_1:def 4; hence (CtoR l).(r*x) = l.([**r,0**]*x1) by Def26 .= r*l.x1 by Def18 .= r*(CtoR l).x by Def26; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let l be RFunctional of V; func i-shift(l) -> RFunctional of V means :Def27: for v be Element of V holds it.v = l.(i_FC*v); existence proof deffunc F(Element of V) = l.(i_FC*$1); consider f be Function of the carrier of V,REAL such that A1: for v be Element of V holds f.v = F(v) from LambdaD; reconsider f as RFunctional of V; take f; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let F1,F2 be RFunctional of V such that A2: for v be Element of V holds F1.v = l.(i_FC*v) and A3: for v be Element of V holds F2.v = l.(i_FC*v); now let v be Element of V; thus F1.v = l.(i_FC*v) by A2 .= F2.v by A3; end; hence F1 = F2 by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; definition let V be non empty VectSpStr over F_Complex; let l be Functional of RealVS(V); func prodReIm(l) -> Functional of V means :Def28: for v be Element of V holds it.v = [**(RtoC l).v,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).v**]; existence proof deffunc F(Element of V) = [**(RtoC l).$1,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).$1**]; consider f be Function of the carrier of V,the carrier of F_Complex such that A1: for v be Element of V holds f.v = F(v) from LambdaD; reconsider f as Functional of V; take f; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let a,b be Functional of V; assume A2: for v be Element of V holds a.v = [**(RtoC l).v,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).v**]; assume A3: for v be Element of V holds b.v = [**(RtoC l).v,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).v**]; now let v be Element of V; thus a.v = [**(RtoC l).v,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).v**] by A2 .= b.v by A3; end; hence a = b by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; theorem Th33: for V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex for l be linear-Functional of V holds projRe(l) is linear-Functional of RealVS(V) proof let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let l be linear-Functional of V; A1: projRe(l) is additive proof let x,y be VECTOR of RealVS(V); A2: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x, y1=y as Vector of V; x+y = (the add of V).[x1,y1] by A2,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= x1+y1 by RLVECT_1:def 3; hence (projRe(l)).(x+y) = Re(l.(x1+y1)) by Def23 .= Re(l.x1+l.y1) by Def11 .= Re(l.x1)+Re(l.y1) by Th16 .= Re(l.x1)+(projRe(l)).y by Def23 .= (projRe(l)).x+(projRe(l)).y by Def23; end; projRe(l) is homogeneous proof let x be VECTOR of RealVS(V); let r be Real; the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x as Vector of V; r*x = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[r,x] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(r,x) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**r,0**]*x1 by Def22; hence (projRe(l)).(r*x) = Re(l.([**r,0**]*x1)) by Def23 .= Re([**r,0**]*l.x1) by Def12 .= Re [**r,0**] * Re (l.x1) - Im [**r,0**] * Im (l.x1) by Th17 .= Re [**r,0**] * Re (l.x1) - 0 * Im (l.x1) by Th15 .= r * Re (l.x1) by Th15 .= r*(projRe(l)).x by Def23; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem for V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex for l be linear-Functional of V holds projIm(l) is linear-Functional of RealVS(V) proof let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let l be linear-Functional of V; A1: projIm(l) is additive proof let x,y be VECTOR of RealVS(V); A2: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x, y1=y as Vector of V; x+y = (the add of V).[x1,y1] by A2,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= x1+y1 by RLVECT_1:def 3; hence (projIm(l)).(x+y) = Im(l.(x1+y1)) by Def24 .= Im(l.x1+l.y1) by Def11 .= Im(l.x1)+Im(l.y1) by Th16 .= Im(l.x1)+(projIm(l)).y by Def24 .= (projIm(l)).x+(projIm(l)).y by Def24; end; projIm(l) is homogeneous proof let x be VECTOR of RealVS(V); let r be Real; the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; then reconsider x1=x as Vector of V; r*x = (the Mult of RealVS(V)).[r,x] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the Mult of RealVS(V)).(r,x) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [**r,0**]*x1 by Def22; hence (projIm(l)).(r*x) = Im(l.([**r,0**]*x1)) by Def24 .= Im([**r,0**]*l.x1) by Def12 .= Re [**r,0**] * Im (l.x1) + Re (l.x1) * Im [**r,0**] by Th17 .= Re [**r,0**] * Im (l.x1) + Re (l.x1) * 0 by Th15 .= r * Im (l.x1) by Th15 .= r*(projIm(l)).x by Def24; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th35: for V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex for l be linear-Functional of RealVS(V) holds prodReIm(l) is linear-Functional of V proof let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let l be linear-Functional of RealVS(V); A1: prodReIm(l) is additive proof let x,y be Vector of V; thus (prodReIm(l)).(x+y) = [**(RtoC l).(x+y),-(i-shift(RtoC l)).(x+y)**] by Def28 .= [**(RtoC l).(x+y),-(RtoC l).(i_FC*(x+y))**] by Def27 .= [**(RtoC l).x+(RtoC l).y,-(RtoC l).(i_FC*(x+y))**] by Def17 .= [**(RtoC l).x+(RtoC l).y, -(RtoC l).(i_FC*x+i_FC*y)**] by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= [**(RtoC l).x+(RtoC l).y, -((RtoC l).(i_FC*x)+(RtoC l).(i_FC*y))**] by Def17 .= [**(RtoC l).x+(RtoC l).y, -(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)+-(RtoC l).(i_FC*y)**] by XCMPLX_1:140 .= [**(RtoC l).x,-(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)**] + [**(RtoC l).y,-(RtoC l).(i_FC*y)**] by Th10 .= [**(RtoC l).x,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).x**] + [**(RtoC l).y,-(RtoC l).(i_FC*y)**] by Def27 .= [**(RtoC l).x,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).x**] + [**(RtoC l).y,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).y**] by Def27 .= (prodReIm(l)).x + [**(RtoC l).y,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).y**] by Def28 .= (prodReIm(l)).x + (prodReIm(l)).y by Def28; end; prodReIm(l) is homogeneous proof let x be Vector of V; let r be Scalar of V; reconsider r1=r as Element of COMPLEX by COMPLFLD:def 1; A2: [**(RtoC l).x,-(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)**] = [*(RtoC l).x,-(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)*] by Def1; set a=Re r1,b=Im r1; A3: r1 = [*a,b*] by COMPLEX1:8; then A4: r = [**a,b**] by Def1; A5: a*((RtoC l).x)-b*(-(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)) = a*((RtoC l).x)+-b*(-(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= a*((RtoC l).x)+b*(RtoC l).(i_FC*x) by XCMPLX_1:179 .= (RtoC l).([**a,0**]*x)+b*(RtoC l).(i_FC*x) by Def18 .= (RtoC l).([**a,0**]*x)+(RtoC l).([**0,b**]*x) by Th29 .= (RtoC l).([**a,0**]*x+[**0,b**]*x) by Def17 .= (RtoC l).(([**a,0**]+[**0,b**])*x) by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= (RtoC l).([**a+0,0+b**]*x) by Th10 .= (RtoC l).(r*x) by A3,Def1; A6: x = (-1_ F_Complex)*(-1_ F_Complex)*x by Th9,VECTSP_1:def 26 .= i_FC*(i_FC*(-1_ F_Complex))*x by Th8,VECTSP_1:def 16 .= i_FC*((-1_ F_Complex)*i_FC*x) by VECTSP_1:def 26; -1_ F_Complex = -[*1,0*] by COMPLFLD:4,10,L1 .= [*-Re [*1,0*],-Im [*1,0*]*] by COMPLEX1:def 11 .= [*-1,-Im [*1,0*]*] by COMPLEX1:7 .= [*-1,-0*] by COMPLEX1:7 .= [**-1,0**] by Def1; then A7: [**0,-b**]*(-1_ F_Complex) = [**0*-1-(-b)*0,0*0+(-b)*-1**] by Th11 .=[**0,b*1**] by XCMPLX_1:177; A8: a*(-(RtoC l).(i_FC*x))+((RtoC l).x)*b = -a*(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)+b*(RtoC l).(i_FC*((-1_ F_Complex)*i_FC*x)) by A6,XCMPLX_1:175 .= -(RtoC l).([**a,0**]*(i_FC*x))+ b*(RtoC l).(i_FC*((-1_ F_Complex)*i_FC*x)) by Def18 .= -(RtoC l).([**a,0**]*(i_FC*x))+ -(-b)*(RtoC l).(i_FC*((-1_ F_Complex)*i_FC*x)) by XCMPLX_1:179 .= -(RtoC l).([**a,0**]*(i_FC*x))+ -(RtoC l).([**0,-b**]*((-1_ F_Complex)*i_FC*x)) by Th29 .= -(RtoC l).([**a,0**]*(i_FC*x))+ -(RtoC l).([**0,-b**]*((-1_ F_Complex)*(i_FC*x))) by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= -(RtoC l).([**a,0**]*(i_FC*x))+ -(RtoC l).([**0,-b**]*(-1_ F_Complex)*(i_FC*x)) by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= -((RtoC l).([**a,0**]*(i_FC*x))+(RtoC l).([**0,b**]*(i_FC*x))) by A7,XCMPLX_1: 140 .= -(RtoC l).([**a,0**]*(i_FC*x)+[**0,b**]*(i_FC*x)) by Def17 .= -(RtoC l).(([**a,0**]+[**0,b**])*(i_FC*x)) by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= -(RtoC l).([**a+0,0+b**]*(i_FC*x)) by Th10 .= -(RtoC l).(i_FC*r*x) by A4,VECTSP_1:def 26; thus (prodReIm(l)).(r*x) = [**(RtoC l).(r*x),-(i-shift(RtoC l)).(r*x)**] by Def28 .= [**(RtoC l).(r*x),-(RtoC l).(i_FC*(r*x))**] by Def27 .= [**(RtoC l).(r*x),-(RtoC l).(i_FC*r*x)**] by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= [*(RtoC l).(r*x),-(RtoC l).(i_FC*r*x)*] by Def1 .= r1*[*(RtoC l).x,-(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)*] by A3,A5,A8,Th2 .= r*[**(RtoC l).x,-(RtoC l).(i_FC*x)**] by A2,COMPLFLD:6 .= r*[**(RtoC l).x,-(i-shift(RtoC l)).x**] by Def27 .= r*(prodReIm(l)).x by Def28; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem :: Hahn Banach Theorem for V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex for p be Semi-Norm of V for M be Subspace of V for l be linear-Functional of M st for e be Vector of M for v be Vector of V st v=e holds |.l.e.| <= p.v ex L be linear-Functional of V st L|the carrier of M = l & for e be Vector of V holds |.L.e.| <= p.e proof let V be non empty VectSp of F_Complex; let p be Semi-Norm of V; let M be Subspace of V; let l be linear-Functional of M; assume A1: for e be Vector of M for v be Vector of V st v=e holds |.l.e.| <= p.v; reconsider RVSM = RealVS(M) as Subspace of RealVS(V) by Th30; reconsider p1=p as Banach-Functional of RealVS(V) by Th32; reconsider prRl = projRe(l) as linear-Functional of RVSM by Th33; A2: the LoopStr of V = the LoopStr of RealVS(V) by Def22; A3: the LoopStr of M = the LoopStr of RealVS(M) by Def22; for x be VECTOR of RVSM for v be VECTOR of RealVS(V) st x=v holds prRl.x <= p1.v proof let x be VECTOR of RVSM; let v be VECTOR of RealVS(V); reconsider x1=x as Vector of M by A3; reconsider v1=v as Vector of V by A2; assume x=v; then A4: |.l.x1.| <= p.v1 by A1; prRl.x = Re(l.x1) by Def23; then prRl.x <= |.l.x1.| by Th18; hence prRl.x <= p1.v by A4,AXIOMS:22; end; then consider L1 be linear-Functional of RealVS(V) such that A5: L1|the carrier of RVSM=prRl and A6: for e be VECTOR of RealVS(V) holds L1.e <= p1.e by HAHNBAN:35; reconsider L=prodReIm(L1) as linear-Functional of V by Th35; take L; reconsider tcM = the carrier of M as Subset of V by VECTSP_4:def 2; now let x be Element of M; the carrier of M c= the carrier of V by VECTSP_4:def 2; then reconsider x2=x as Element of V by TARSKI:def 3; reconsider x1=x2,ix1=i_FC*x2 as Element of RealVS(V) by A2; A7: L1.x1 = (projRe(l)).x1 by A3,A5,FUNCT_1:72 .= Re(l.x) by Def23; reconsider lx=l.x as Element of COMPLEX by COMPLFLD:def 1; lx = [*Re lx,Im lx*] by COMPLEX1:8; then A8: i_FC*l.x = [*0,1*]*[*Re lx,Im lx*] by Def2,COMPLEX1:def 8, COMPLFLD:6 .= [*0*Re lx-1*Im lx,0*Im lx+1*Re lx*] by Th2 .= [*-Im lx,Re lx*] by XCMPLX_1:150; A9: i_FC*x = i_FC*x2 by VECTSP_4:22; then A10: L1.ix1 = (projRe(l)).ix1 by A3,A5,FUNCT_1:72 .= Re(l.(i_FC*x)) by A9,Def23 .= Re(i_FC*l.x) by Def12 .= Re [*-Im lx,Re lx*] by A8,Def3 .= -Im lx by COMPLEX1:7 .= -Im(l.x) by Def4; consider lx1 be Element of COMPLEX such that A11: l.x = lx1 & Re(l.x) = Re lx1 by Def3; consider lx2 be Element of COMPLEX such that A12: l.x = lx2 & Im(l.x) = Im lx2 by Def4; thus (L|tcM).x = L.x by FUNCT_1:72 .= [**(RtoC L1).x2,-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).x2**] by Def28 .= [**(RtoC L1).x2,-(RtoC L1).(i_FC*x2)**] by Def27 .= [**Re(l.x),-(RtoC L1).(i_FC*x2)**] by A7,Def25 .= [**Re(l.x),--Im(l.x)**] by A10,Def25 .= [*Re(l.x),Im(l.x)*] by Def1 .= l.x by A11,A12,COMPLEX1:8; end; hence L|the carrier of M = l by FUNCT_2:113; let e be Vector of V; reconsider Le = L.e as Element of COMPLEX by COMPLFLD:def 1; reconsider Ledz = Le*'/[*|.Le.|,0*] as Element of F_Complex by COMPLFLD:def 1; reconsider e1=e,Ledze=Ledz*e as VECTOR of RealVS(V) by A2; per cases; suppose A13: |.Le.| <> 0; A14: |.[*|.Le.|,0*].| = abs |.Le.| by Th4 .= |.Le.| by Th1; A15: [*|.Le.|,0*] <> 0c by A13,ARYTM_0:12,L0; A16: |.Ledz.| = |.Le*'/[*|.Le.|,0*].| by COMPLFLD:def 3 .= |.Le*'.|/|.[*|.Le.|,0*].| by A15,COMPLEX1:153 .= |.Le.|/|.Le.| by A14,COMPLEX1:139 .= 1 by A13,XCMPLX_1:60; A17: p1.Ledze = |.Ledz.|*p.e by Def19 .= p.e by A16; [*|.Le.|,0*] = (Le*'/[*|.Le.|,0*])*Le by A13,Th5 .= Ledz*L.e by COMPLFLD:6 .= L.(Ledz*e) by Def12 .= [**(RtoC L1).(Ledz*e),-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).(Ledz*e)**] by Def28 .= [*(RtoC L1).(Ledz*e),-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).(Ledz*e)*] by Def1 .= [*L1.Ledze,-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).(Ledz*e)*] by Def25; then L1.Ledze = |.Le.| by ARYTM_0:12 .= |.L.e.| by COMPLFLD:def 3; hence |.L.e.| <= p.e by A6,A17; suppose |.Le.| = 0; then A18: |.L.e.| = 0 by COMPLFLD:def 3; A19: [**(RtoC L1).e,-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).e**] = [*(RtoC L1).e,-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).e*] by Def1; |.L.e.| = |.[**(RtoC L1).e,-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).e**].| by Def28 .= |.[*(RtoC L1).e,-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).e*].| by A19,COMPLFLD:def 3; then [*(RtoC L1).e,-(i-shift(RtoC L1)).e*] = [*0,0*] by A18,COMPLEX1:131,L0; then (RtoC L1).e = 0 by ARYTM_0:12; then L1.e1 = 0 by Def25; hence |.L.e.| <= p.e by A6,A18; end;