The Mizar article:

Properties of the Product of Compact Topological Spaces

Adam Grabowski

Received February 13, 1999

Copyright (c) 1999 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: BORSUK_3
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors TOPS_2, T_0TOPSP, TOPS_1, COMPTS_1, WAYBEL_3, GRCAT_1, BORSUK_1,
 requirements SUBSET, BOOLE;
 definitions TARSKI, TOPS_2, COMPTS_1, T_0TOPSP, FUNCT_1, XBOOLE_0;
 schemes MSUALG_1, ZFREFLE1, XBOOLE_0;

begin :: Preliminaries

theorem Th1:
  for S, T being TopSpace holds [#][:S, T:] = [:[#]S, [#]T:]
  let S, T be TopSpace;
A1:the carrier of S = [#]S & the carrier of T = [#]T by PRE_TOPC:12;
    [#][:S, T:] = the carrier of [:S, T:] by PRE_TOPC:12
       .= [:[#]S, [#]T:] by A1,BORSUK_1:def 5;
  hence thesis;

definition let X be set, Y be empty set;
  cluster [:X, Y:] -> empty;
  coherence by ZFMISC_1:113;

definition let X be empty set, Y be set;
  cluster [:X, Y:] -> empty;
  coherence by ZFMISC_1:113;

theorem Th2:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X holds
    Y --> x is continuous map of Y, X|{x}
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X;
  set Z = {x};
  set f = Y --> x;
A1:f is continuous by BORSUK_1:36;
A2:f = (the carrier of Y) --> x by BORSUK_1:def 3;
    the carrier of (X|Z) = Z by JORDAN1:1;
  then reconsider g = f as map of Y, X|Z by A2;
    g is continuous by A1,TOPMETR:9;
  hence thesis;

definition let T be non empty TopStruct;
  cluster id T -> being_homeomorphism;
  coherence by TOPGRP_1:20;

  for S being non empty TopStruct holds S, S are_homeomorphic
  let S be non empty TopStruct;
  take id S;
  thus thesis;

  for S, T being non empty TopStruct st S, T are_homeomorphic holds
    T, S are_homeomorphic
  let S, T be non empty TopStruct;
  assume S, T are_homeomorphic;
  then consider f being map of S, T such that
A1:  f is_homeomorphism by T_0TOPSP:def 1;
    f" is_homeomorphism by A1,TOPS_2:70;
  hence thesis by T_0TOPSP:def 1;

definition let S, T be non empty TopStruct;
  redefine pred S, T are_homeomorphic;
  reflexivity by Lm1;
  symmetry by Lm2;

    for S, T, V being non empty TopSpace st
   S, T are_homeomorphic & T, V are_homeomorphic holds
    S, V are_homeomorphic
  let S, T, V be non empty TopSpace;
A1: S, T are_homeomorphic & T, V are_homeomorphic;
  then consider f being map of S, T such that
A2:  f is_homeomorphism by T_0TOPSP:def 1;
  consider g being map of T, V such that
A3:  g is_homeomorphism by A1,T_0TOPSP:def 1;
    g * f is_homeomorphism by A2,A3,TOPS_2:71;
  hence thesis by T_0TOPSP:def 1;

begin :: On the projections and empty topological spaces

definition let T be TopStruct,
               P be empty Subset of T;
  cluster T | P -> empty;
    the carrier of (T | P) = P by JORDAN1:1;
  hence thesis by STRUCT_0:def 1;

  cluster strict empty TopSpace;
  consider T being TopSpace;
  take T | {}T;
  thus thesis;

theorem Th4:
  for T1 being TopSpace,
      T2 being empty TopSpace holds [:T1, T2:] is empty & [:T2, T1:] is empty
  let T1 be TopSpace,
      T2 be empty TopSpace;
    the carrier of [:T1, T2:] = [:the carrier of T1, the carrier of T2:] &
  the carrier of [:T2, T1:] = [:the carrier of T2, the carrier of T1:]
      by BORSUK_1:def 5;
  hence thesis by STRUCT_0:def 1;

theorem Th5:
  for T being empty TopSpace holds T is compact
  let T be empty TopSpace;
    {}T is compact by COMPTS_1:9;
  then [#]T is compact;
  hence thesis by COMPTS_1:10;

  cluster empty -> compact TopSpace;
  coherence by Th5;

definition let T1 be TopSpace, T2 be empty TopSpace;
  cluster [:T1, T2:] -> empty;
  coherence by Th4;

theorem Th6:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X,
      f being map of [:Y, X | {x}:], Y st
    f = pr1(the carrier of Y, {x}) holds f is one-to-one
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X,
      f be map of [:Y, X | {x}:], Y;
      set Z = {x};
      assume A1: f = pr1(the carrier of Y, Z);
then A2: dom f = [:the carrier of Y, Z:] by FUNCT_3:def 5;
    let z, y be set such that
A3:   z in dom f & y in dom f and
A4:   f.z = f.y;
    consider x1, x2 being set such that
A5:   x1 in the carrier of Y & x2 in Z &
         z = [x1, x2] by A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
    consider y1, y2 being set such that
A6:   y1 in the carrier of Y & y2 in Z &
         y = [y1, y2] by A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
A7: x2 = x by A5,TARSKI:def 1 .= y2 by A6,TARSKI:def 1;
        x1 = f. [y1, y2] by A1,A4,A5,A6,FUNCT_3:def 5
        .= y1 by A1,A6,FUNCT_3:def 5;
     hence thesis by A5,A6,A7;

theorem Th7:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X,
      f being map of [:X | {x}, Y:], Y st
    f = pr2({x}, the carrier of Y) holds f is one-to-one
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X,
      f be map of [:X | {x}, Y:], Y;
      set Z = {x};
      assume A1: f = pr2(Z, the carrier of Y);
then A2: dom f = [:Z, the carrier of Y:] by FUNCT_3:def 6;
    let z, y be set such that
A3:   z in dom f & y in dom f and
A4:   f.z = f.y;
    consider x1, x2 being set such that
A5:   x1 in Z & x2 in the carrier of Y &
         z = [x1,x2] by A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
    consider y1, y2 being set such that
A6:   y1 in Z & y2 in the carrier of Y &
         y = [y1,y2] by A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
A7: x1 = x by A5,TARSKI:def 1 .= y1 by A6,TARSKI:def 1;
        x2 = f. [y1, y2] by A1,A4,A5,A6,FUNCT_3:def 6
        .= y2 by A1,A6,FUNCT_3:def 6;
      hence thesis by A5,A6,A7;

theorem Th8:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X,
      f being map of [:Y, X | {x}:], Y st
    f = pr1(the carrier of Y, {x}) holds f" = <:id Y, Y --> x:>
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X,
      f be map of [:Y, X | {x}:], Y;
      set Z = {x};
      assume A1: f = pr1(the carrier of Y, Z);
    then A2: rng f = the carrier of Y by FUNCT_3:60
              .= [#]Y by PRE_TOPC:12;
A3: f is one-to-one by A1,Th6;
    reconsider Z as non empty Subset of X;
    reconsider idY = Y --> x as continuous map of Y, (X|Z) by Th2;
    set idZ = id Y;
    reconsider KA = <:idZ, idY:> as continuous map of Y, [:Y, (X|Z):]
      by YELLOW12:41;
A4: rng KA c= [:rng idZ, rng idY:] by FUNCT_3:71;
      rng idY c= the carrier of (X|Z) by RELSET_1:12;
then A5: rng idY c= Z by JORDAN1:1;
      rng idZ c= the carrier of Y by RELSET_1:12;
    then [:rng idZ, rng idY:] c= [:the carrier of Y, Z:]
      by A5,ZFMISC_1:119;
then A6: rng KA c= [:the carrier of Y, Z:] by A4,XBOOLE_1:1;
      [:the carrier of Y, Z:] c= rng KA
      let y be set;
      assume y in [:the carrier of Y, Z:];
      then consider y1, y2 being set such that
A7:     y1 in the carrier of Y & y2 in {x} & y = [y1,y2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
A8:   y = [y1, x] by A7,TARSKI:def 1;
A9:   idY.y1 = ((the carrier of Y) --> x).y1 by BORSUK_1:def 3
            .= x by A7,FUNCOP_1:13;
A10:   y1 in dom KA by A7,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      then KA. y1 = [idZ.y1, idY.y1] by FUNCT_3:def 8
            .= [y1, x] by A7,A9,GRCAT_1:11;
      hence thesis by A8,A10,FUNCT_1:def 5;
then A11: rng KA = [:the carrier of Y, Z:] by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 10
          .= dom f by A1,FUNCT_3:def 5;
A12: dom idY = the carrier of Y by FUNCT_2:def 1
           .= dom idZ by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      rng idZ c= the carrier of Y by RELSET_1:12;
    then f*KA = idZ by A1,A5,A12,FUNCT_3:72
        .= id the carrier of Y by GRCAT_1:def 11
        .= id rng f by A2,PRE_TOPC:12;
    then KA = (f qua Function)" by A3,A11,FUNCT_1:64;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,TOPS_2:def 4;

theorem Th9:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X,
      f being map of [:X | {x}, Y:], Y st
    f = pr2({x}, the carrier of Y) holds f" = <:Y --> x, id Y:>
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X,
      f be map of [:X | {x}, Y:], Y;
      set Z = {x};
      assume A1: f = pr2(Z, the carrier of Y);
    then A2: rng f = the carrier of Y by FUNCT_3:62
              .= [#]Y by PRE_TOPC:12;
A3: f is one-to-one by A1,Th7;
    reconsider Z as non empty Subset of X;
    reconsider idZ = Y --> x as continuous map of Y, (X|Z) by Th2;
    set idY = id Y;
    reconsider KA = <:idZ, idY:> as continuous map of Y, [:(X|Z), Y:]
      by YELLOW12:41;
A4: rng KA c= [:rng idZ, rng idY:] by FUNCT_3:71;
      rng idZ c= the carrier of (X|Z) by RELSET_1:12;
then A5: rng idZ c= Z by JORDAN1:1;
      rng idY c= the carrier of Y by RELSET_1:12;
    then [:rng idZ, rng idY:] c= [:{x},the carrier of Y:]
      by A5,ZFMISC_1:119;
then A6: rng KA c= [:{x}, the carrier of Y:] by A4,XBOOLE_1:1;
      [:{x}, the carrier of Y:] c= rng KA
      let y be set;
      assume y in [:{x}, the carrier of Y:];
      then consider y1, y2 being set such that
A7:     y1 in {x} & y2 in the carrier of Y & y = [y1,y2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
A8:   y = [x, y2] by A7,TARSKI:def 1;
A9:   idZ.y2 = ((the carrier of Y) --> x).y2 by BORSUK_1:def 3
            .= x by A7,FUNCOP_1:13;
A10:   y2 in dom KA by A7,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      then KA. y2 = [idZ.y2, idY.y2] by FUNCT_3:def 8
            .= [x, y2] by A7,A9,GRCAT_1:11;
      hence thesis by A8,A10,FUNCT_1:def 5;
then A11: rng KA = [:Z, the carrier of Y:] by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 10
          .= dom f by A1,FUNCT_3:def 6;
A12: dom idZ = the carrier of Y by FUNCT_2:def 1
           .= dom idY by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      rng idY c= the carrier of Y by RELSET_1:12;
    then f*KA = idY by A1,A5,A12,FUNCT_3:72
        .= id the carrier of Y by GRCAT_1:def 11
        .= id rng f by A2,PRE_TOPC:12;
    then KA = (f qua Function)" by A3,A11,FUNCT_1:64;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,TOPS_2:def 4;

    for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X,
      f being map of [:Y, X | {x}:], Y st
    f = pr1(the carrier of Y, {x}) holds
   f is_homeomorphism
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X,
      f be map of [:Y, X | {x}:], Y;
      set Z = {x};
      assume A1: f = pr1(the carrier of Y, Z);
A2:   the carrier of (X|Z) = Z by JORDAN1:1;
    thus dom f = the carrier of [:Y, (X|Z):] by FUNCT_2:def 1
               .= [#][:Y, (X|Z):] by PRE_TOPC:12;
    thus rng f = the carrier of Y by A1,FUNCT_3:60
              .= [#]Y by PRE_TOPC:12;
    thus f is one-to-one by A1,Th6;
    thus f is continuous by A1,A2,YELLOW12:39;
    reconsider Z as non empty Subset of X;
    reconsider idZ = Y --> x as continuous map of Y, (X|Z) by Th2;
    reconsider KA = <:id Y, idZ:> as continuous map of Y, [:Y, (X|Z):]
      by YELLOW12:41;
      KA = f" by A1,Th8;
    hence f" is continuous;

theorem Th11:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X,
      f being map of [:X | {x}, Y:], Y st
    f = pr2({x}, the carrier of Y) holds
   f is_homeomorphism
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X,
      f be map of [:X | {x}, Y:], Y;
      set Z = {x};
      assume A1: f = pr2(Z, the carrier of Y);
A2:   the carrier of (X|Z) = Z by JORDAN1:1;
    thus dom f = the carrier of [:(X|Z), Y:] by FUNCT_2:def 1
               .= [#][:(X|Z), Y:] by PRE_TOPC:12;
    thus rng f = the carrier of Y by A1,FUNCT_3:62
              .= [#]Y by PRE_TOPC:12;
      f is one-to-one by A1,Th7;
    thus f is continuous by A1,A2,YELLOW12:40;
    reconsider Z as non empty Subset of X;
    reconsider idZ = Y --> x as continuous map of Y, (X|Z) by Th2;
    reconsider KA = <:idZ, id Y:> as continuous map of Y, [:(X|Z), Y:]
      by YELLOW12:41;
      KA = f" by A1,Th9;
    hence f" is continuous;

begin :: On the product of compact spaces

    for X being non empty TopSpace, Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
      G being open Subset of [:X, Y:],
      x being set st
   x in { x' where x' is Point of X : [:{x'}, the carrier of Y:] c= G }
   ex f being ManySortedSet of the carrier of Y st
   for i being set st i in the carrier of Y
    ex G1 being Subset of X, H1 being Subset of Y st f.i = [G1,H1] &
     [x, i] in [:G1, H1:] & G1 is open & H1 is open & [:G1, H1:] c= G
 let X be non empty TopSpace, Y be compact non empty TopSpace,
     G be open Subset of [:X, Y:],
     x be set;
   x in { x' where x' is Point of X : [:{x'}, the carrier of Y:] c= G };
  then consider x' be Point of X such that
A1:  x = x' & [:{x'}, the carrier of Y:] c= G;
A2: [:{x'}, the carrier of Y:] c= union Base-Appr G by A1,BORSUK_1:54;
A3:now let y be set;
   assume A4: y in the carrier of Y;
     x in {x'} by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
   then [x,y] in [:{x'}, the carrier of Y:] by A4,ZFMISC_1:106;
   then consider Z be set such that
A5:   [x, y] in Z & Z in Base-Appr G by A2,TARSKI:def 4;
     Base-Appr G = { [:X1,Y1:] where X1 is Subset of X,
                             Y1 is Subset of Y:
     [:X1,Y1:] c= G & X1 is open & Y1 is open} by BORSUK_1:def 6;
   then consider X1 be Subset of X, Y1 be Subset of Y such that
A6:  Z = [:X1, Y1:] & [:X1,Y1:] c= G & X1 is open & Y1 is open by A5;
   thus ex G1 be Subset of X,
            H1 be Subset of Y st
     [x, y] in [:G1, H1:] & [:G1,H1:] c= G & G1 is open & H1 is open by A5,A6;
   defpred P[set, set] means
     ex G1 be Subset of X,
        H1 be Subset of Y st
      $2 = [G1,H1] &
     [x, $1] in [:G1, H1:] & G1 is open & H1 is open & [:G1, H1:] c= G;
A7: for i be set st i in the carrier of Y ex j be set st P[i,j]
    let i be set; assume i in the carrier of Y;
    then consider G1 be Subset of X, H1 be Subset of Y such that
A8:  [x, i] in [:G1, H1:] & [:G1, H1:] c= G &
      G1 is open & H1 is open by A3;
      ex G2 be Subset of X, H2 be Subset of Y st
      [G1,H1] = [G2,H2] &
     [x, i] in [:G2, H2:] & G2 is open & H2 is open & [:G2, H2:] c= G by A8;
    hence ex j be set st P[i,j];
     ex f being ManySortedSet of the carrier of Y st
    for i be set st i in the carrier of Y holds P[i,f.i] from MSSEx(A7);
  hence thesis;

theorem Th13:
  for X being non empty TopSpace, Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
      G being open Subset of [:Y, X:] holds
 for x being set st x in { y where y is Point of X : [:[#]Y, {y}:] c= G }
    ex R be open Subset of X st x in R &
      R c= { y where y is Point of X : [:[#]Y, {y}:] c= G }
  let X be non empty TopSpace, Y be compact non empty TopSpace,
      G be open Subset of [:Y, X:];
  let x be set;
  assume x in { y where y is Point of X : [:[#]Y, {y}:] c= G };
  then consider x' being Point of X such that
A1: x' = x & [:[#]Y, {x'}:] c= G;
A2: [#]Y is compact by COMPTS_1:10;
    Int G = G by TOPS_1:55;
  then G is a_neighborhood of [:[#]Y, {x'}:] by A1,CONNSP_2:def 2;
  then consider W being a_neighborhood of [#]Y,
     V being a_neighborhood of x' such that
A3:    [:W, V:] c= G by A2,BORSUK_1:67;
  take R = Int V;
A4:Int W c= W & Int V c= V by TOPS_1:44;
    [#]Y c= Int W by CONNSP_2:def 2;
then A5:[#]Y c= W by A4,XBOOLE_1:1;
    R c= { z where z is Point of X : [:[#]Y, {z}:] c= G }
    let r be set; assume A6: r in R;
    then reconsider r' = r as Point of X;
      {r} c= V by A4,A6,ZFMISC_1:37;
    then [:[#]Y, {r'}:] c= [:W, V:] by A5,ZFMISC_1:119;
    then [:[#]Y, {r'}:] c= G by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence thesis;
 hence thesis by A1,CONNSP_2:def 1;

theorem Th14:
 for X being non empty TopSpace, Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
     G being open Subset of [:Y, X:] holds
      { x where x is Point of X : [:[#]Y, {x}:] c= G } in the topology of X
 let X be non empty TopSpace, Y be compact non empty TopSpace,
     G be open Subset of [:Y, X:];
 set Q = { x where x is Point of X : [:[#]Y, {x}:] c= G };
   Q c= the carrier of X
   let q be set; assume q in Q;
   then consider x' being Point of X such that
A1:   q = x' & [:[#]Y, {x'}:] c= G;
   thus thesis by A1;
 then reconsider Q as Subset of X;
 defpred P[set] means
   ex y be set st y in Q &
   ex S be Subset of X st S = $1 & S is open & y in S & S c= Q;
 consider RR be set such that
A2:  for x be set holds x in RR iff x in bool Q & P[x] from Separation;
   RR c= bool Q
   let x be set;
   assume x in RR;
   hence thesis by A2;
 then reconsider RR as Subset-Family of Q by SETFAM_1:def 7;
A3: union RR = Q
  thus union RR c= Q;
  thus Q c= union RR
   let a be set; assume a in Q;
   then consider R be open Subset of X such that
A4:  a in R & R c= Q by Th13;
     R in RR by A2,A4;
   hence thesis by A4,TARSKI:def 4;
   bool Q c= bool the carrier of X by ZFMISC_1:79;
 then reconsider RR as Subset of bool the carrier of X by XBOOLE_1:1;
 reconsider RR as Subset-Family of X by SETFAM_1:def 7;
   RR c= the topology of X
   let x be set; assume x in RR;
   then consider y be set such that
A5:   y in Q &
   ex S be Subset of X st S = x & S is open & y in S & S c= Q by A2;
   consider S be Subset of X such that
A6:   S = x & S is open & y in S & S c= Q by A5;
   thus thesis by A6,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
 hence thesis by A3,PRE_TOPC:def 1;

theorem Th15:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X holds
    [: X | {x}, Y :], Y are_homeomorphic
  let X be non empty TopSpace, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X;
  set Z = {x};
    the carrier of [:(X|Z), Y:] = [:the carrier of (X|Z), the carrier of Y:]
    by BORSUK_1:def 5
          .= [:Z, the carrier of Y:] by JORDAN1:1;
  then reconsider f= pr2(Z, the carrier of Y) as map of [:X|Z, Y:], Y;
  take f;
  thus thesis by Th11;

 for X being non empty TopSpace, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X,
      Z being non empty Subset of X st Z = {x} holds
    [: Y, X | Z :], Y are_homeomorphic
  let X be non empty TopSpace, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X,
      Z be non empty Subset of X;
  assume Z = {x};
then A1:[: X | Z, Y :], Y are_homeomorphic by Th15;
A2:[: Y, X | Z :], [: X | Z, Y :] are_homeomorphic by YELLOW12:44;
  consider f being map of [: X | Z, Y :], Y such that
A3:  f is_homeomorphism by A1,T_0TOPSP:def 1;
  consider g being map of [: Y, X | Z :], [: X | Z, Y :] such that
A4:  g is_homeomorphism by A2,T_0TOPSP:def 1;
  reconsider gf = f * g as map of [: Y, X | Z :], Y;
    gf is_homeomorphism by A3,A4,TOPS_2:71;
  hence thesis by T_0TOPSP:def 1;

theorem Th16:
  for S, T being non empty TopSpace st
    S, T are_homeomorphic & S is compact holds T is compact
  let S, T be non empty TopSpace;
  assume A1: S, T are_homeomorphic & S is compact;
  then consider f being map of S, T such that
A2:  f is_homeomorphism by T_0TOPSP:def 1;
    f is continuous & rng f = [#] T by A2,TOPS_2:def 5;
  hence thesis by A1,COMPTS_1:23;

theorem Th17:
  for X, Y being TopSpace,
      XV being SubSpace of X holds
    [:Y, XV:] is SubSpace of [:Y, X:]
  let X, Y be TopSpace,
      XV be SubSpace of X;
  set S = [:Y, XV:], T = [:Y, X:];
A1:the carrier of [:Y, XV:] =
   [:the carrier of Y, the carrier of XV:] by BORSUK_1:def 5;
A2:the carrier of [:Y, X:]
       = [:the carrier of Y, the carrier of X:] by BORSUK_1:def 5;
A3:the carrier of XV c= the carrier of X by BORSUK_1:35;
A4:the carrier of [:Y, XV:] = [#]S &
    the carrier of [:Y, X:] = [#]T by PRE_TOPC:12;
then A5:[#]S c= [#]T by A1,A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:119;
    for P being Subset of S holds P in the topology of S iff
   ex Q being Subset of T st
     Q in the topology of T & P = Q /\ [#]S
    let P be Subset of S;
    reconsider P' = P as Subset of S;
    hereby assume P in the topology of S;
    then P' is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
    then consider A being Subset-Family of S such that
A6:   P' = union A &
        for e be set st e in A ex X1 being Subset of Y,
                                 Y1 being Subset of XV st
          e = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open by BORSUK_1:45;
     set AA = {[:X1, Y2:] where X1 is Subset of Y, Y2 is Subset of X :
       ex Y1 being Subset of XV st Y1 = Y2 /\ [#](XV) &
         X1 is open & Y2 is open & [:X1, Y1:] in A };
       AA c= bool the carrier of T
         let a be set; assume a in AA;
         then consider Xx1 being Subset of Y, Yy2 being Subset of X such that
A7:        a = [:Xx1, Yy2:] &
           ex Y1 being Subset of XV st Y1 = Yy2 /\ [#](XV) &
           Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Xx1, Y1:] in A;
         thus thesis by A7;
     then reconsider AA as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
     reconsider AA as Subset-Family of T;
   AA c= the topology of T
       let t be set; assume t in AA;
         then consider Xx1 being Subset of Y, Yy2 being Subset of X such that
A8:        t = [:Xx1, Yy2:] &
           ex Y1 being Subset of XV st Y1 = Yy2 /\ [#](XV) &
           Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Xx1, Y1:] in A;
       set A' = { t };
         A' c= bool the carrier of T
         let a be set; assume a in A';
         then a = t by TARSKI:def 1;
         hence thesis by A8;
       then reconsider A' as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def
A9:    t = union A' by ZFMISC_1:31;
         A' c= { [:X1,Y1:] where X1 is Subset of Y,
                                    Y1 is Subset of X :
               X1 in the topology of Y & Y1 in the topology of X }
         let x be set; assume x in A';
then A10:      x = [:Xx1,Yy2:] by A8,TARSKI:def 1;
           Xx1 in the topology of Y & Yy2 in the topology of X
           by A8,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
         hence thesis by A10;
       then t in { union As where As is Subset-Family of T :
             As c= { [:X1,Y1:] where X1 is Subset of Y,
                                    Y1 is Subset of X :
            X1 in the topology of Y & Y1 in the topology of X}} by A9;
       hence thesis by BORSUK_1:def 5;
then A11:   union AA in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 1;
       P = union AA /\ [#]S
       thus P c= union AA /\ [#]S
         let p be set; assume p in P;
         then consider A1 be set such that
A12:         p in A1 & A1 in A by A6,TARSKI:def 4;
         reconsider A1 as Subset of S by A12;
           p in the carrier of S by A12;
then A13:      p in [#]S by PRE_TOPC:12;
         consider X2 being Subset of Y, Y2 being Subset of XV such that
A14:         A1 = [:X2,Y2:] & X2 is open & Y2 is open by A6,A12;
         consider p1, p2 being set such that
A15:         p1 in X2 & p2 in Y2 & p = [p1, p2] by A12,A14,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
           Y2 in the topology of XV by A14,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
         then consider Q1 being Subset of X such that
A16:         Q1 in the topology of X & Y2 = Q1 /\ [#]XV by PRE_TOPC:def 9;
         reconsider Q1 as Subset of X;
         set EX = [:X2, Q1:];
           p2 in Q1 by A15,A16,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
then A17:      p in EX by A15,ZFMISC_1:106;
           Q1 is open & [:X2, Y2:] in A by A12,A14,A16,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
         then EX in {[:Xx1, Yy2:] where Xx1 is Subset of Y, Yy2 is Subset of X
           ex Z1 being Subset of XV st Z1 = Yy2 /\ [#](XV) &
             Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Xx1, Z1:] in A } by A14,A16;
         then p in union AA by A17,TARSKI:def 4;
         hence thesis by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       thus union AA /\ [#]S c= P
         let h be set;
         assume h in union AA /\ [#]S;
then A18:      h in union AA & h in [#]S by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then consider A2 being set such that
A19:        h in A2 & A2 in AA by TARSKI:def 4;
         consider Xx1 being Subset of Y, Yy2 being Subset of X such that
A20:        A2 = [:Xx1, Yy2:] &
           ex Y1 being Subset of XV st Y1 = Yy2 /\ [#](XV) &
           Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Xx1, Y1:] in A by A19;
         consider p1, p2 being set such that
A21:         p1 in Xx1 & p2 in Yy2 & h = [p1, p2] by A19,A20,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
         consider Yy1 being Subset of XV such that
A22:        Yy1 = Yy2 /\
 [#](XV) & Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Xx1, Yy1:] in A
             by A20;
           p2 in the carrier of XV by A1,A18,A21,ZFMISC_1:106;
         then p2 in [#]XV by PRE_TOPC:12;
         then p2 in Yy2 /\ [#]XV by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then h in [:Xx1, Yy1:] by A21,A22,ZFMISC_1:106;
         hence thesis by A6,A22,TARSKI:def 4;
     hence ex Q being Subset of T st
        Q in the topology of T & P = Q /\ [#]S by A11;
     given Q being Subset of T such that
A23:    Q in the topology of T & P = Q /\ [#]S;
     reconsider Q' = Q as Subset of T;
       Q' is open by A23,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then consider A being Subset-Family of T such that
A24:    Q' = union A &
        for e be set st e in A ex X1 being Subset of Y,
                                 Y1 being Subset of X st
          e = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open by BORSUK_1:45;
     reconsider oS = [#]S as Subset of T
       by A1,A2,A3,A4,ZFMISC_1:119;
     reconsider A as Subset-Family of T;
     reconsider AA = A | oS as Subset-Family of T|oS;
       the carrier of (T|oS) = oS by JORDAN1:1
        .= the carrier of S by PRE_TOPC:12;
     then reconsider AA as Subset-Family of S;
     reconsider AA as Subset-Family of S;
       union AA c= the carrier of S;
then A25:  union AA c= oS by PRE_TOPC:12;
       union AA c= union A by TOPS_2:44;
then A26:  union AA c= union A /\ oS by A25,XBOOLE_1:19;
       union A /\ oS c= union AA
       let s be set; assume s in union A /\ oS;
then A27:    s in union A & s in oS by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       then consider A1 being set such that
A28:      s in A1 & A1 in A by TARSKI:def 4;
A29:    s in A1 /\ oS by A27,A28,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       reconsider A1 as Subset of T by A28;
         A1 /\ oS in AA by A28,TOPS_2:41;
       hence thesis by A29,TARSKI:def 4;
then A30:  P = union AA by A23,A24,A26,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
       for e be set st e in AA ex X1 being Subset of Y,
                               Y1 being Subset of XV st
          e = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open
       let e be set; assume A31: e in AA;
       then reconsider e' = e as Subset of T|oS;
       consider R being Subset of T such that
A32:       R in A & R /\ oS = e' by A31,TOPS_2:def 3;
       consider X1 being Subset of Y, Y1 being Subset of X such that
A33:       R = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open by A24,A32;
         [#][:Y, XV:] = [:[#]Y, [#]XV:] by Th1;
then A34:     e' = [:X1 /\ [#]Y, Y1 /\ [#](XV):] by A32,A33,ZFMISC_1:123;
       reconsider D1 = X1 /\ [#]Y as Subset of Y;
         Y1 /\ [#]XV c= [#]XV by XBOOLE_1:17;
       then Y1 /\ [#]XV c= the carrier of XV by PRE_TOPC:12;
       then reconsider D2 = Y1 /\ [#]XV as Subset of XV;
A35:     D1 is open by A33,TOPS_1:38;
         Y1 in the topology of X by A33,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       then D2 in the topology of XV by PRE_TOPC:def 9;
       then D2 is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       hence thesis by A34,A35;
     then P' is open by A30,BORSUK_1:45;
     hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
  hence thesis by A5,PRE_TOPC:def 9;

  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      Z being non empty Subset of [:Y, X:],
      V being non empty Subset of X st Z = [:[#]Y, V:] holds
   the TopStruct of [:Y, X | V:] = the TopStruct of [:Y, X:] | Z
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      Z be non empty Subset of [:Y, X:],
      V be non empty Subset of X;
  assume A1: Z = [:[#]Y, V:];
  reconsider A = [:Y, X | V:] as non empty SubSpace of [:Y, X:] by Th17;
A2:the carrier of A = [:the carrier of Y, the carrier of (X|V):]
                         by BORSUK_1:def 5
                  .= [:the carrier of Y, V:] by JORDAN1:1
                  .= Z by A1,PRE_TOPC:12
                  .= the carrier of ([:Y, X:]|Z) by JORDAN1:1;
then A3:A is non empty SubSpace of [:Y, X:] | Z by TOPMETR:4;
    [:Y, X:] | Z is non empty SubSpace of A by A2,TOPMETR:4;
  hence thesis by A3,TSEP_1:6;

theorem Th18:
  for X being non empty TopSpace,
      Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X,
      Z being Subset of [:Y, X:] st Z = [:[#]Y, {x}:] holds
   Z is compact
  let X be non empty TopSpace,
      Y be compact non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X,
      Z be Subset of [:Y, X:];
  reconsider V = {x} as non empty Subset of X;
  assume A1: Z = [:[#]Y, {x}:];
    Y, [: Y, X | V :] are_homeomorphic by Lm3;
then A2:[:Y, X | V:] is compact by Th16;
    the TopStruct of [:Y, X | V:] = the TopStruct of ([:Y, X:] | Z)
       by A1,Lm4;
  hence thesis by A1,A2,COMPTS_1:12;

    for X being non empty TopSpace,
      Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
      x being Point of X holds
    [:Y, X|{x}:] is compact
  let X be non empty TopSpace,
      Y be compact non empty TopSpace,
      x be Point of X;
    Y, [: Y, X | {x} :] are_homeomorphic by Lm3;
  hence thesis by Th16;

    for X, Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
      R being Subset-Family of X st
   R = { Q where Q is open Subset of X : [:[#]Y, Q:] c=
     union Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] } holds R is open & R is_a_cover_of [#]X
  let X, Y be compact non empty TopSpace,
      R be Subset-Family of X;
  assume A1: R = { Q where Q is open Subset of X : [:[#]Y, Q:] c=
                   union Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] };
    now let P be Subset of X;
    assume P in R;
    then consider E being open Subset of X such that
A2:   E = P & [:[#]Y, E:] c= union Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] by A1;
    thus P is open by A2;
  hence R is open by TOPS_2:def 1;
    [#]X c= union R
    let k be set;
    assume k in [#]X;
    then reconsider k' = k as Point of X;
    reconsider Z = [:[#]Y, {k'}:] as Subset of [:Y, X:];
      Z c= the carrier of [:Y, X:];
    then Z c= [#][:Y, X:] by PRE_TOPC:12;
    then Z c= union Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] by BORSUK_1:54;
then A3: Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] is_a_cover_of Z by COMPTS_1:def 1;
A4: Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] is open by BORSUK_1:51;
      Z is compact by Th18;
    then consider G being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] such that
A5:    G c= Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] & G is_a_cover_of Z &
     G is finite by A3,A4,COMPTS_1:def 7;
A6: G is open by A4,A5,TOPS_2:18;
A7: Z c= union G by A5,COMPTS_1:def 1;
    set uR = union G;
    set Q = { x where x is Point of X : [:[#]Y, {x}:] c= uR };
      Q c= the carrier of X
      let k be set; assume k in Q;
      then consider x1 being Point of X such that
A8:      k = x1 & [:[#]Y, {x1}:] c= uR;
      thus thesis by A8;
    then reconsider Q as Subset of X;
      uR is open by A6,TOPS_2:26;
    then Q in the topology of X by Th14;
then A9: Q is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
A10: k' in Q by A7;
      [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:]
      let z be set;
      assume z in [:[#]Y, Q:];
      then consider x1, x2 be set such that
A11:     x1 in [#]Y & x2 in Q & z = [x1, x2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
      consider x2' being Point of X such that
A12:     x2' = x2 & [:[#]Y, {x2'}:] c= uR by A11;
        uR c= union Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] by A5,ZFMISC_1:95;
then A13:   [:[#]Y, {x2'}:] c= union Base-Appr [#][:Y, X:] by A12,XBOOLE_1:1;
       x2 in {x2'} by A12,TARSKI:def 1;
     then z in [:[#]Y, {x2'}:] by A11,ZFMISC_1:106;
     hence thesis by A13;
   then Q in R by A1,A9;
   hence thesis by A10,TARSKI:def 4;
 hence thesis by COMPTS_1:def 1;

theorem Th21:
  for X, Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
      R being Subset-Family of X,
      F being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st
    F is_a_cover_of [:Y, X:] & F is open &
  R = { Q where Q is open Subset of X :
   ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
    [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union FQ } holds
      R is open & R is_a_cover_of X
 let X, Y be compact non empty TopSpace,
     R be Subset-Family of X,
     F be Subset-Family of [:Y, X:];
 assume A1: F is_a_cover_of [:Y, X:] & F is open &
    R = { Q where Q is open Subset of X :
   ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
    [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union FQ };
then A2: union F = [#] [:Y, X:] by PRE_TOPC:def 8;
   now let P be Subset of X;
    assume P in R;
    then consider E being open Subset of X such that
A3:   E = P &
     ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
       [:[#]Y, E:] c= union FQ by A1;
    thus P is open by A3;
 hence R is open by TOPS_2:def 1;
   union R c= the carrier of X;
then A4: union R c= [#]X by PRE_TOPC:12;
   [#]X c= union R
   let k be set;
   assume k in [#]X;
   then reconsider k' = k as Point of X;
   reconsider Z = [:[#]Y, {k'}:] as Subset of [:Y, X:];
     Z c= the carrier of [:Y, X:];
   then Z c= [#][:Y, X:] by PRE_TOPC:12;
then A5:F is_a_cover_of Z by A2,COMPTS_1:def 1;
     Z is compact by Th18;
   then consider G being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] such that
A6: G c= F & G is_a_cover_of Z &
      G is finite by A1,A5,COMPTS_1:def 7;
A7:G is open by A1,A6,TOPS_2:18;
A8:Z c= union G by A6,COMPTS_1:def 1;
   set uR = union G;
   set Q = { x where x is Point of X : [:[#]Y, {x}:] c= uR };
     Q c= the carrier of X
     let k be set; assume k in Q;
     then consider x1 being Point of X such that
A9:     k = x1 & [:[#]Y, {x1}:] c= uR;
     thus thesis by A9;
   then reconsider Q as Subset of X;
     uR is open by A7,TOPS_2:26;
   then Q in the topology of X by Th14;
then A10:Q is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
A11:k' in Q by A8;
     ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
       [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union FQ
     take G;
     [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union G
     let z be set;
     assume z in [:[#]Y, Q:];
     then consider x1, x2 be set such that
A12:    x1 in [#]Y & x2 in Q & z = [x1, x2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
     consider x2' being Point of X such that
A13:    x2' = x2 & [:[#]Y, {x2'}:] c= uR by A12;
       x2 in {x2'} by A13,TARSKI:def 1;
     then z in [:[#]Y, {x2'}:] by A12,ZFMISC_1:106;
     hence thesis by A13;
     hence thesis by A6;
   then Q in R by A1,A10;
   hence thesis by A11,TARSKI:def 4;
 then union R = [#]X by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
 hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:def 8;

theorem Th22:
  for X, Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
      R being Subset-Family of X,
      F being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st
    F is_a_cover_of [:Y, X:] & F is open &
  R = { Q where Q is open Subset of X :
   ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
  [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union FQ } holds
  ex C being Subset-Family of X st C c= R & C is finite & C is_a_cover_of X
 let X, Y be compact non empty TopSpace,
     R be Subset-Family of X,
     F be Subset-Family of [:Y, X:];
 assume F is_a_cover_of [:Y, X:] & F is open &
    R = { Q where Q is open Subset of X :
     ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
       [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union FQ };
    then R is open & R is_a_cover_of X by Th21;
  then ex G being Subset-Family of X
    st G c= R & G is_a_cover_of X & G is finite by COMPTS_1:def 3;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th23:
  for X, Y being compact non empty TopSpace,
      F being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st
    F is_a_cover_of [:Y, X:] & F is open
      ex G being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:]
       st G c= F & G is_a_cover_of [:Y, X:] & G is finite
 let X, Y be compact non empty TopSpace;
 let F be Subset-Family of [:Y, X:];
 assume A1: F is_a_cover_of [:Y, X:] & F is open;
 set R = { Q where Q is open Subset of X :
   ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
    [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union FQ };
   R c= bool the carrier of X
   let s be set; assume s in R;
   then consider Q1 being open Subset of X such that
A2:  s = Q1 & ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
      [:[#]Y, Q1:] c= union FQ;
   thus thesis by A2;
 then reconsider R as Subset-Family of X by SETFAM_1:def 7;
 reconsider R as Subset-Family of X;
 consider C being Subset-Family of X such that
A3:   C c= R & C is finite & C is_a_cover_of X by A1,Th22;
   defpred P[set, set] means
     ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
       [:[#]Y, $1:] c= union FQ & $2 = FQ;
A4: for e be set st e in C ex u be set st P[e,u]
     let e be set; assume e in C;
     then e in R by A3;
     then consider Q1 being open Subset of X such that
A5:    Q1 = e & ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st
         FQ c= F & FQ is finite & [:[#]Y, Q1:] c= union FQ;
     thus thesis by A5;
  consider t being Function such that
A6:  dom t = C & for s being set st s in C holds P[s, t.s]
      from NonUniqFuncEx(A4);
A7:union rng t c= F
     let k be set;
     assume k in union rng t;
     then consider K be set such that
A8:    k in K & K in rng t by TARSKI:def 4;
     consider x1 be set such that
A9:    x1 in dom t & K = t.x1 by A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     consider FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] such that
A10:    FQ c= F & FQ is finite & [:[#]Y, x1:] c= union FQ & K = FQ by A6,A9;
     thus thesis by A8,A10;
A11:union rng t is finite
A12:   rng t is finite by A3,A6,FINSET_1:26;
       for X1 be set st X1 in rng t holds X1 is finite
       let X1 be set; assume X1 in rng t;
       then consider x1 be set such that
A13:      x1 in dom t & X1 = t.x1 by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       consider FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] such that
A14:      FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
         [:[#]Y, x1:] c= union FQ & t.x1 = FQ by A6,A13;
       thus thesis by A13,A14;
     hence thesis by A12,FINSET_1:25;
 deffunc F(set) = [:[#]Y, $1:];
 set CX = { F(f) where f is Element of bool the carrier of X : f in C };
   CX c= bool the carrier of [:Y, X:]
   let s be set; assume s in CX;
   then consider f1 being Element of bool the carrier of X such that
A15:  s = F(f1) & f1 in C;
     [:[#]Y, f1:] c= the carrier of [:Y, X:];
   hence thesis by A15;
 then reconsider CX as Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] by SETFAM_1:def
 reconsider CX as Subset-Family of [:Y, X:];
 set G = union rng t;
   G c= bool the carrier of [:Y, X:]
   let s be set; assume s in G;
   then s in F by A7;
   hence thesis;
  then reconsider G as Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] by SETFAM_1:def
  reconsider G as Subset-Family of [:Y, X:];
  take G;
   union CX = [:[#]Y, union C:]
   hereby let g be set; assume g in union CX;
     then consider GG being set such that
A16:    g in GG & GG in CX by TARSKI:def 4;
     consider FF being Element of bool the carrier of X such that
A17:    GG = [:[#]Y, FF:] & FF in C by A16;
     consider g1, g2 be set such that
A18:    g1 in [#]Y & g2 in FF & g = [g1, g2] by A16,A17,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
       g2 in union C by A17,A18,TARSKI:def 4;
     hence g in [:[#]Y, union C:] by A18,ZFMISC_1:106;
   let g be set;
   assume g in [:[#]Y, union C:];
   then consider g1, g2 be set such that
A19:  g1 in [#]Y & g2 in union C & g = [g1, g2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
   consider GG being set such that
A20:  g2 in GG & GG in C by A19,TARSKI:def 4;
     GG in { Q where Q is open Subset of X :
    ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
     [:[#]Y, Q:] c= union FQ } by A3,A20;
   then consider Q1 being open Subset of X such that
A21:  GG = Q1 &
     ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
      [:[#]Y, Q1:] c= union FQ;
A22:g in [:[#]Y, Q1:] by A19,A20,A21,ZFMISC_1:106;
     [:[#]Y, Q1:] in CX by A20,A21;
   hence thesis by A22,TARSKI:def 4;
then A23: union CX = [:[#]Y, [#]X:] by A3,PRE_TOPC:def 8
         .= [#][:Y, X:] by Th1;
A24:[#][:Y, X:] c= union union rng t
     let d be set;
     assume d in [#][:Y, X:];
     then consider CC being set such that
A25:    d in CC & CC in CX by A23,TARSKI:def 4;
     consider Cc being Element of bool the carrier of X such that
A26:     CC = [:[#]Y, Cc:] & Cc in C by A25;
       Cc in R by A3,A26;
     then consider Qq being open Subset of X such that
A27:      Cc = Qq &
      ex FQ being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] st FQ c= F & FQ is finite &
          [:[#]Y, Qq:] c= union FQ;
     consider d1, d2 being set such that
A28:    d1 in [#]Y & d2 in Cc & d = [d1, d2] by A25,A26,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
     consider FQ1 being Subset-Family of [:Y, X:] such that
A29:    FQ1 c= F & FQ1 is finite &
        [:[#]Y, Qq:] c= union FQ1 & t.Qq = FQ1 by A6,A26,A27;
A30:  FQ1 in rng t by A6,A26,A27,A29,FUNCT_1:def 5;
       d in [:[#]Y, Qq:] by A27,A28,ZFMISC_1:106;
     then consider DC being set such that
A31:    d in DC & DC in FQ1 by A29,TARSKI:def 4;
       DC in union rng t by A30,A31,TARSKI:def 4;
     hence thesis by A31,TARSKI:def 4;
     union G c= the carrier of [:Y, X:];
   then union G c= [#][:Y, X:] by PRE_TOPC:12;
then A32:union G = [#][:Y, X:] by A24,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
 thus G c= F by A7;
 thus G is_a_cover_of [:Y, X:] by A32,PRE_TOPC:def 8;
 thus G is finite by A11;

Lm5:for T1, T2 be compact non empty TopSpace holds [:T1, T2:] is compact
    let T1, T2 be compact non empty TopSpace;
    set T = [:T1, T2:];
    let F be Subset-Family of T;
    assume F is_a_cover_of T & F is open;
    hence thesis by Th23;

theorem Th24:
  for T1, T2 be TopSpace st T1 is compact & T2 is compact holds
    [:T1, T2:] is compact
    let T1, T2 be TopSpace;
    assume T1 is compact & T2 is compact;
    then reconsider T1, T2 as compact TopSpace;
    per cases;
    suppose T1 is non empty & T2 is non empty;
    hence thesis by Lm5;
    suppose T1 is empty & T2 is empty;
    then [:T1, T2:] is empty by Th4;
    hence thesis by Th5;
    suppose T1 is empty & T2 is non empty;
    then [:T1, T2:] is empty by Th4;
    hence thesis by Th5;
    suppose T1 is non empty & T2 is empty;
    then [:T1, T2:] is empty by Th4;
    hence thesis by Th5;

definition let T1, T2 be compact TopSpace;
  cluster [:T1, T2:] -> compact;
  coherence by Th24;

  for X, Y being TopSpace,
      XV being SubSpace of X holds
    [:XV, Y:] is SubSpace of [:X, Y:]
  let X, Y be TopSpace,
      XV be SubSpace of X;
  set S = [:XV, Y:], T = [:X, Y:];
A1:the carrier of S =
   [:the carrier of XV, the carrier of Y:] by BORSUK_1:def 5;
A2:the carrier of [:X, Y:]
       = [:the carrier of X, the carrier of Y:] by BORSUK_1:def 5;
A3:the carrier of XV c= the carrier of X by BORSUK_1:35;
A4:the carrier of [:XV, Y:] = [#]S &
    the carrier of [:X, Y:] = [#]T by PRE_TOPC:12;
then A5:[#]S c= [#]T by A1,A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:119;
    for P being Subset of S holds P in the topology of S iff
   ex Q being Subset of T st
     Q in the topology of T & P = Q /\ [#]S
    let P be Subset of S;
    reconsider P' = P as Subset of S;
    hereby assume P in the topology of S;
    then P' is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
    then consider A being Subset-Family of S such that
A6:   P' = union A &
        for e be set st e in A ex X1 being Subset of XV,
                                 Y1 being Subset of Y st
          e = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open by BORSUK_1:45;
     set AA = {[:X1, Y2:] where X1 is Subset of X, Y2 is Subset of Y :
       ex Y1 being Subset of XV st Y1 = X1 /\ [#](XV) &
         X1 is open & Y2 is open & [:Y1, Y2:] in A };
       AA c= bool the carrier of T
         let a be set; assume a in AA;
         then consider Xx1 being Subset of X, Yy2 being Subset of Y such that
A7:        a = [:Xx1, Yy2:] &
           ex Y1 being Subset of XV st Y1 = Xx1 /\ [#](XV) &
           Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Y1, Yy2:] in A;
         thus thesis by A7;
     then reconsider AA as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
     reconsider AA as Subset-Family of T;
   AA c= the topology of T
       let t be set; assume t in AA;
         then consider Xx1 being Subset of X, Yy2 being Subset of Y such that
A8:        t = [:Xx1, Yy2:] &
           ex Y1 being Subset of XV st Y1 = Xx1 /\ [#](XV) &
           Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Y1, Yy2:] in A;
       set A' = { t };
         A' c= bool the carrier of T
         let a be set; assume a in A';
         then a = t by TARSKI:def 1;
         hence thesis by A8;
       then reconsider A' as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def
A9:    t = union A' by ZFMISC_1:31;
         A' c= { [:X1,Y1:] where X1 is Subset of X,
                                    Y1 is Subset of Y :
               X1 in the topology of X & Y1 in the topology of Y }
         let x be set; assume x in A';
then A10:      x = [:Xx1,Yy2:] by A8,TARSKI:def 1;
           Xx1 in the topology of X & Yy2 in the topology of Y
           by A8,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
         hence thesis by A10;
       then t in { union As where As is Subset-Family of T :
             As c= { [:X1,Y1:] where X1 is Subset of X,
                                    Y1 is Subset of Y :
            X1 in the topology of X & Y1 in the topology of Y}} by A9;
       hence thesis by BORSUK_1:def 5;
then A11:   union AA in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 1;
       P = union AA /\ [#]S
       thus P c= union AA /\ [#]S
         let p be set; assume p in P;
         then consider A1 be set such that
A12:         p in A1 & A1 in A by A6,TARSKI:def 4;
         reconsider A1 as Subset of S by A12;
           p in the carrier of S by A12;
then A13:      p in [#]S by PRE_TOPC:12;
         consider X2 being Subset of XV, Y2 being Subset of Y such that
A14:         A1 = [:X2,Y2:] & X2 is open & Y2 is open by A6,A12;
         consider p1, p2 being set such that
A15:         p1 in X2 & p2 in Y2 & p = [p1, p2] by A12,A14,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
           X2 in the topology of XV by A14,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
         then consider Q1 being Subset of X such that
A16:         Q1 in the topology of X & X2 = Q1 /\ [#]XV by PRE_TOPC:def 9;
         reconsider Q1 as Subset of X;
         set EX = [:Q1, Y2:];
           p1 in Q1 by A15,A16,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
then A17:      p in EX by A15,ZFMISC_1:106;
           Q1 is open & [:X2, Y2:] in A by A12,A14,A16,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
         then EX in {[:Xx1, Yy2:] where Xx1 is Subset of X, Yy2 is Subset of Y
           ex Z1 being Subset of XV st Z1 = Xx1 /\ [#](XV) &
             Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Z1, Yy2:] in A } by A14,A16;
         then p in union AA by A17,TARSKI:def 4;
         hence thesis by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       thus union AA /\ [#]S c= P
         let h be set;
         assume h in union AA /\ [#]S;
then A18:      h in union AA & h in [#]S by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then consider A2 being set such that
A19:        h in A2 & A2 in AA by TARSKI:def 4;
         consider Xx1 being Subset of X, Yy2 being Subset of Y such that
A20:        A2 = [:Xx1, Yy2:] &
           ex Y1 being Subset of XV st Y1 = Xx1 /\ [#]XV &
           Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Y1, Yy2:] in A by A19;
         consider p1, p2 being set such that
A21:         p1 in Xx1 & p2 in Yy2 & h = [p1, p2] by A19,A20,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
         consider Yy1 being Subset of XV such that
A22:        Yy1 = Xx1 /\ [#]XV & Xx1 is open & Yy2 is open & [:Yy1, Yy2:] in A
             by A20;
           p1 in the carrier of XV by A1,A18,A21,ZFMISC_1:106;
         then p1 in [#]XV by PRE_TOPC:12;
         then p1 in Xx1 /\ [#](XV) by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then h in [:Yy1, Yy2:] by A21,A22,ZFMISC_1:106;
         hence thesis by A6,A22,TARSKI:def 4;
     hence ex Q being Subset of T st
        Q in the topology of T & P = Q /\ [#]S by A11;
     given Q being Subset of T such that
A23:    Q in the topology of T & P = Q /\ [#]S;
     reconsider Q' = Q as Subset of T;
       Q' is open by A23,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then consider A being Subset-Family of T such that
A24:    Q' = union A &
        for e be set st e in A ex X1 being Subset of X,
                                 Y1 being Subset of Y st
          e = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open by BORSUK_1:45;
     reconsider oS = [#]S as Subset of T
       by A1,A2,A3,A4,ZFMISC_1:119;
     reconsider A as Subset-Family of T;
     reconsider AA = A | oS as Subset-Family of T|oS;
       the carrier of (T|oS) = oS by JORDAN1:1
        .= the carrier of S by PRE_TOPC:12;
     then reconsider AA as Subset-Family of S;
     reconsider AA as Subset-Family of S;
       union AA c= the carrier of S;
then A25:  union AA c= oS by PRE_TOPC:12;
       union AA c= union A by TOPS_2:44;
then A26:  union AA c= union A /\ oS by A25,XBOOLE_1:19;
       union A /\ oS c= union AA
       let s be set; assume s in union A /\ oS;
then A27:    s in union A & s in oS by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       then consider A1 being set such that
A28:      s in A1 & A1 in A by TARSKI:def 4;
A29:    s in A1 /\ oS by A27,A28,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       reconsider A1 as Subset of T by A28;
         A1 /\ oS in AA by A28,TOPS_2:41;
       hence thesis by A29,TARSKI:def 4;
then A30:  P = union AA by A23,A24,A26,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
       for e be set st e in AA ex X1 being Subset of XV,
                               Y1 being Subset of Y st
          e = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open
       let e be set; assume A31: e in AA;
       then reconsider e' = e as Subset of T|oS;
       consider R being Subset of T such that
A32:       R in A & R /\ oS = e' by A31,TOPS_2:def 3;
       consider X1 being Subset of X, Y1 being Subset of Y such that
A33:       R = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open by A24,A32;
         [#][:XV, Y:] = [:[#]XV, [#]Y:] by Th1;
then A34:     e' = [:X1 /\ [#]XV, Y1 /\ [#]Y:] by A32,A33,ZFMISC_1:123;
       reconsider D1 = Y1 /\ [#]Y as Subset of Y;
         X1 /\ [#](XV) c= [#](XV) by XBOOLE_1:17;
       then X1 /\ [#](XV) c= the carrier of (XV) by PRE_TOPC:12;
       then reconsider D2 = X1 /\ [#](XV) as Subset of XV;
A35:     D1 is open by A33,TOPS_1:38;
         X1 in the topology of X by A33,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       then D2 in the topology of XV by PRE_TOPC:def 9;
       then D2 is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       hence thesis by A34,A35;
     then P' is open by A30,BORSUK_1:45;
     hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
  hence thesis by A5,PRE_TOPC:def 9;

theorem Th25:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      XV being non empty SubSpace of X,
      YV being non empty SubSpace of Y holds
   [:XV, YV:] is SubSpace of [:X, Y:]
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      XV be non empty SubSpace of X,
      YV be non empty SubSpace of Y;
A1:[:XV, Y:] is non empty SubSpace of [:X, Y:] by Lm6;
    [:XV, YV:] is non empty SubSpace of [:XV, Y:] by Th17;
  hence thesis by A1,TSEP_1:7;

theorem Th26:
  for X, Y being non empty TopSpace,
      Z being non empty Subset of [:Y, X:],
      V being non empty Subset of X,
      W being non empty Subset of Y st Z = [:W, V:] holds
   the TopStruct of [:Y | W, X | V:] = the TopStruct of [:Y, X:] | Z
  let X, Y be non empty TopSpace,
      Z be non empty Subset of [:Y, X:],
      V be non empty Subset of X,
      W be non empty Subset of Y;
  assume A1: Z = [:W, V:];
  reconsider A = [:Y | W, X | V:] as non empty SubSpace of [:Y, X:] by Th25;
A2:the carrier of A = [:the carrier of (Y|W), the carrier of (X|V):]
                         by BORSUK_1:def 5
                  .= [:the carrier of (Y|W), V:] by JORDAN1:1
                  .= Z by A1,JORDAN1:1
                  .= the carrier of ([:Y, X:]|Z) by JORDAN1:1;
then A3:A is non empty SubSpace of [:Y, X:] | Z by TOPMETR:4;
    [:Y, X:] | Z is non empty SubSpace of A by A2,TOPMETR:4;
  hence thesis by A3,TSEP_1:6;

definition let T be TopSpace;
  cluster compact Subset of T;
  take {}T;
  thus thesis by COMPTS_1:9;

definition let T be TopSpace, P be compact Subset of T;
  cluster T | P -> compact;
  per cases;
  suppose P is non empty;
  hence thesis by COMPTS_1:12;
  suppose P is empty;
  hence thesis by COMPTS_1:12;

    for T1, T2 being TopSpace,
      S1 being Subset of T1,
      S2 being Subset of T2 st S1 is compact & S2 is compact holds
  [:S1, S2:] is compact Subset of [:T1, T2:]
  let T1, T2 be TopSpace,
      S1 be Subset of T1,
      S2 be Subset of T2;
  assume A1: S1 is compact & S2 is compact;
  per cases;
  suppose A2: S1 is non empty & S2 is non empty;
  then consider x be set such that
A3: x in S1 by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
  consider y be set such that
A4: y in S2 by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 1;
  reconsider T1, T2 as non empty TopSpace by A3,A4,STRUCT_0:def 1;
  reconsider S1 as compact non empty Subset of T1 by A1,A2;
  reconsider S2 as compact non empty Subset of T2 by A1,A2;
  reconsider X = [:S1, S2:] as Subset of [:T1, T2:];
    the TopStruct of [:T1|S1, T2|S2:] =
    the TopStruct of ([:T1, T2:] | X) by Th26;
  hence thesis by COMPTS_1:12;
  suppose S1 is empty & S2 is non empty;
  then reconsider S1 as empty Subset of T1;
    [:S1, S2:] = {}([:T1, T2:]);
  hence thesis by COMPTS_1:9;
  suppose S1 is non empty & S2 is empty;
  then reconsider S2 as empty Subset of T2;
    [:S1, S2:] = {}([:T1, T2:]);
  hence thesis by COMPTS_1:9;
  suppose S1 is empty & S2 is empty;
  then reconsider S2 as empty Subset of T2;
    [:S1, S2:] = {}([:T1, T2:]);
  hence thesis by COMPTS_1:9;

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