The Mizar article:

Asymptotic Notation. Part II: Examples and Problems

Richard Krueger,
Piotr Rudnicki, and
Paul Shelley

Received November 4, 1999

Copyright (c) 1999 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ASYMPT_1
[ MML identifier index ]


      REAL_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FRAENKEL, INT_1, NAT_1, SEQ_1, SEQ_2, RELAT_1,
 constructors SERIES_1, BHSP_4, DOMAIN_1, FINSEQ_4, ASYMPT_0, SETWISEO, SEQ_2,
 clusters XREAL_0, INT_1, RELSET_1, FINSEQ_2, ASYMPT_0, SEQ_1, SUBSET_1,
 definitions ASYMPT_0;
 theorems TARSKI, FUNCT_2, INT_1, NAT_1, AXIOMS, REAL_1, SEQ_1, SQUARE_1,
 schemes FUNCT_2, SEQ_1, INT_2, NAT_1, RECDEF_1;

begin :: Examples from the text

  cluster -> non negative Element of NAT;
  coherence by NAT_1:18;

reserve c, c1, c2, d, d1, d2, e for Real,
        i, k, n, m, N, n1, n2, N0, N1, N2, N3, M for Nat,
        x for set;

 for n st n >= 2 holds 2 to_power n > n+1
proof defpred _P[Nat] means 2 to_power $1 > $1+1;
      2 to_power 2 = 2^2 by POWER:53
                .= 2*2 by SQUARE_1:def 3
                .= 4;
then A1: _P[2];
A2: for k st k >= 2 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof
     let k such that
         k >= 2 and
    A3: 2 to_power k > k+1;
       2 to_power (k+1) = (2 to_power k)*(2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
                       .= (2 to_power k)*2 by POWER:30
                       .= (2 to_power k) + (2 to_power k) by XCMPLX_1:11;
    then A4: 2 to_power (k+1) > (k+1) + (2 to_power k) by A3,REAL_1:53;
         2 to_power k > 0 by POWER:39;
       then 2 to_power k >= 0 + 1 by INT_1:20;
       then (k+1) + (2 to_power k) >= (k+1) + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
     hence 2 to_power (k+1) > (k+1) + 1 by A4,AXIOMS:22;
    for n st n >= 2 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A2);
 hence thesis;

   for t,t1 being Real_Sequence st
  (t.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds
                  t.n = 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2 + (log(2,n))^2
+36)) &
  (t1.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds t1.n = (n to_power 3)*log(2,n)))
 ex s,s1 being eventually-positive Real_Sequence
   st s = t & s1 = t1 & s in Big_Oh(s1)
 let f,g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds
                    f.n = 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2 + (log(2,n))^2
 + 36)
A2: g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = (n to_power 3)*log(2,n));
      f is eventually-positive proof
     take 3;
     let n; assume
     A3: n >= 3;
        then n > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
     then A4: n to_power 3 > n to_power 2 by POWER:44;
     A5: n to_power 2 > 0 by A3,POWER:39;
     A6: log(2,n) >= log(2,3) by A3,PRE_FF:12;
          log(2,3) > log(2,2) by POWER:65;
        then log(2,3) > 1 by POWER:60;
        then log(2,n) > 1 by A6,AXIOMS:22;
        then (n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > (n to_power 2)*1 by A4,A5,REAL_2:199;
        then 12*((n to_power 3)*log(2,n)) > 5*(n to_power 2) by A5,REAL_2:199;
        then 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > 5*(n to_power 2) by XCMPLX_1:4;
        then 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > 5*n^2 + 0 by POWER:53;
     then A7: 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2 > 0 by REAL_1:86;
          (log(2,n))^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
        then (12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n)-5*n^2)+(log(2,n))^2>0+0 by A7,REAL_1:
        then (12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n)-5*n^2)+(log(2,n))^2+36 > 0+0 by REAL_1
      hence f.n > 0 by A1,A3;
    then reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
      g is eventually-positive proof
     take 2;
     let n; assume
     A8: n >= 2;
        then log(2,n) >= log(2,2) by PRE_FF:12;
        then A9: log(2,n) >= 1 by POWER:60;
         n to_power 3 > 0 by A8,POWER:39;
        then (n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > (n to_power 3)*0 by A9,REAL_1:70;
      hence g.n > 0 by A2,A8;
    then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f, g;
  ex s being Real_Sequence st
 (s.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds s.n = 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2
      defpred P[Nat,Real] means
        ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) &
         ($1 > 0 implies $2 = 12*($1 to_power 3)*log(2,$1) - 5*($1)^2);
    A10: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
      let n;
          n = 0 or n > 0;
       hence thesis;
       consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
    A11: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A10);
     take h;
       thus h.0 = 0 by A11;
       let n; thus thesis by A11;
    then consider p being Real_Sequence such that
A12: p.0 = 0 &
     (for n st n > 0 holds p.n = 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2);
      p is eventually-positive proof
     take 3;
     let n; assume
     A13: n >= 3;
        then n > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
     then A14: n to_power 3 > n to_power 2 by POWER:44;
     A15: n to_power 2 > 0 by A13,POWER:39;
     A16: log(2,n) >= log(2,3) by A13,PRE_FF:12;
          log(2,3) > log(2,2) by POWER:65;
        then log(2,3) > 1 by POWER:60;
        then log(2,n) > 1 by A16,AXIOMS:22;
        then (n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > (n to_power 2)*1 by A14,A15,REAL_2:199;
        then 12*((n to_power 3)*log(2,n)) > 5*(n to_power 2) by A15,REAL_2:199
        then 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > 5*(n to_power 2) by XCMPLX_1:4;
        then 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > 5*n^2 + 0 by POWER:53;
        then 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2 > 0 by REAL_1:86;
      hence p.n > 0 by A12,A13;
    then reconsider p as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
  ex s being Real_Sequence st
     s.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds s.n = (log(2,n))^2 + 36) proof
      defpred P[Nat,Real] means
       ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) & ($1 > 0 implies $2 = (log(2,$1))^2 + 36);
    A17: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
       let n;
        per cases;
        suppose n = 0; hence thesis;
        suppose n > 0; hence thesis;
       consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
    A18: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A17);
      take h; thus thesis by A18;
    then consider q being Real_Sequence such that
A19: q.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds q.n = (log(2,n))^2 + 36);
      q is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
     let n; assume A20: n >= 1;
          (log(2,n))^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
        then (log(2,n))^2 + 36 > 0+0 by REAL_1:67;
      hence q.n > 0 by A19,A20;
    then reconsider q as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 set t = max(p,q);
     for n holds f.n = p.n + q.n proof
    let n;
     thus f.n = p.n + q.n proof
      per cases;
      suppose n = 0;
       hence thesis by A1,A12,A19;
      A21: n > 0;
         then p.n = 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2 by A12;
        then p.n + q.n = (12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n)-5*n^2)+((log(2,n))^2
+36) by A19,A21
                .= 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n)-5*n^2+(log(2,n))^2
+36 by XCMPLX_1:1;
       hence thesis by A1,A21;
then A22: Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(p+q) by SEQ_1:11
            .= Big_Oh(t) by ASYMPT_0:9;
     4 = 2*2
    .= 2^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3
    .= 2 to_power 2 by POWER:53;
then A23: log(2,4) = 2*log(2,2) by POWER:63
           .= 2*1 by POWER:60
           .= 2;
A24:7 = 12 - 5;
A25: for n st n >= 4 holds 7*n^2 > q.n proof
     defpred _P[Nat] means 7*$1^2 > q.$1;
   A26: _P[4] proof
       A27: 7*4^2 = 7*(4*4) by SQUARE_1:def 3
               .= 112;
             q.4 = 2^2 + 36 by A19,A23
              .= 2*2 + 36 by SQUARE_1:def 3
              .= 40;
        hence thesis by A27;
   A28: for k st k >= 4 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof
        let k such that
       A29: k >= 4 and
       A30: 7*k^2 > q.k;
       A31: q.k = (log(2,k))^2 + 36 by A19,A29;
             7*(k+1)^2 = 7*(k^2 + 2*k + 1) by SQUARE_1:65
                   .= 7*(k^2 + (2*k + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                   .= 7*k^2 + (7*(2*k + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
                   .= 7*k^2 + (7*(2*k) + 7*1) by XCMPLX_1:8;
           then A32: 7*(k+1)^2 > q.k + (7*(2*k) + 7*1) by A30,REAL_1:53;
       A33: q.(k+1) = (log(2,k+1))^2 + 36 by A19;
             k >= 1 by A29,AXIOMS:22;
           then k+k >= k+1 by AXIOMS:24;
       then A34: log(2,k+k) >= log(2,k+1) by PRE_FF:12;
             k+1 >= 4+0 by A29,REAL_1:67;
           then log(2,k+1) >= 2 by A23,PRE_FF:12;
           then (log(2,k+k))^2 >= (log(2,k+1))^2 by A34,SQUARE_1:77;
       then A35: q.(k+1) <= (log(2,k+k))^2 + 36 by A33,AXIOMS:24;
             log(2,k+k) = log(2,2*k) by XCMPLX_1:11;
           then log(2,k+k) = log(2,k) + log(2,2) by A29,POWER:61;
       then A36: (log(2,k+k))^2 = (log(2,k) + 1)^2 by POWER:60
                        .= (log(2,k))^2 + 2*log(2,k) + 1 by SQUARE_1:65;
             k >= 2 by A29,AXIOMS:22;
       then A37: 2 to_power k > k + 1 by Lm1;
            A38: log(2,k) >= 2 by A23,A29,PRE_FF:12;
             k+1 > k+0 by REAL_1:67;
           then 2 to_power k > k by A37,AXIOMS:22;
           then log(2,2 to_power k) > log(2,k) by A29,POWER:65;
           then k*log(2,2) > log(2,k) by POWER:63;
           then k*1 > log(2,k) by POWER:60;
           then 14*k > 2*log(2,k) by A38,REAL_2:199;
           then (7*2)*k + 7 > 2*log(2,k) + 1 by REAL_1:67;
           then 7*(2*k) + 7 > 2*log(2,k) + 1 by XCMPLX_1:4;
           then (log(2,k))^2 + (2*log(2,k) + 1) <
              (log(2,k))^2 + (7*(2*k) + 7) by REAL_1:53;
          then (log(2,k+k))^2 < (log(2,k))^2 + (7*(2*k) + 7) by A36,XCMPLX_1:1;
           then (log(2,k+k))^2 + 36 <
                       ((log(2,k))^2 + (7*(2*k) + 7)) + 36 by REAL_1:53;
           then (log(2,k+k))^2 + 36 <
                        ((log(2,k))^2 + 36) + (7*(2*k) + 7*1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
           then q.k + (7*(2*k) + 7*1) > q.(k+1) by A31,A35,AXIOMS:22;
        hence thesis by A32,AXIOMS:22;
       for n st n >= 4 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A26, A28);
    hence thesis;
A39: for n st n >= 4 holds p.n > 7*n^2 proof
    let n; assume
   A40: n >= 4;
   then A41: p.n = 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2 by A12;
         n > 1 by A40,AXIOMS:22;
   then A42: n to_power 3 > n to_power 2 by POWER:44;
   A43: n to_power 2 > 0 by A40,POWER:39;
         log(2,n) >= log(2,4) by A40,PRE_FF:12;
       then log(2,n) > 1 by A23,AXIOMS:22;
       then (n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > (n to_power 2)*1 by A42,A43,REAL_2:199;
       then 12*((n to_power 3)*log(2,n)) > 12*(n to_power 2) by REAL_1:70;
       then 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > 12*(n to_power 2) by XCMPLX_1:4;
       then 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) > 12*n^2 by POWER:53;
       then p.n > 12*n^2 - 5*n^2 by A41,REAL_1:54;
    hence p.n > 7*n^2 by A24,XCMPLX_1:40;
A44: for n st n >= 4 holds p.n > q.n proof
    let n; assume
   A45: n >= 4;
   then A46: p.n > 7*n^2 by A39;
         7*n^2 > q.n by A25,A45;
    hence thesis by A46,AXIOMS:22;
A47: for n st n >= 4 holds t.n = p.n proof
    let n; assume
      n >= 4;
   then A48: p.n > q.n by A44;
    thus t.n = max( p.n, q.n ) by ASYMPT_0:def 10
             .= p.n by A48,SQUARE_1:def 2;
A49: Big_Oh(g) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
    ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds s.n <= c*g.n & s.n >= 0 }
                                                       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A50: t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
   consider N such that
A51: for n st n >= N holds t.n > 0 by ASYMPT_0:def 6;
   now let n; assume
 A52: n >= max(4,N);
     A53: max(4,N) >= 4 & max(4,N) >= N by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A54: n >= 4 & n >= N by A52,AXIOMS:22;
 then A55: t.n = p.n by A47
       .= 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 5*n^2 by A12,A52,A53;
      n to_power 2 > 0 by A52,A53,POWER:39;
    then n^2 > 0 by POWER:53;
    then 5*n^2 > 5*0 by REAL_1:70;
    then t.n <= 12*(n to_power 3)*log(2,n) - 0 by A55,REAL_1:92;
    then t.n <= 12*((n to_power 3)*log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:4;
  hence t.n <= 12*g.n by A2,A52,A53;
  thus t.n >= 0 by A51,A54;
then A56: t in Big_Oh(g) by A49,A50;
     f in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:10;
 hence thesis by A22,A56,ASYMPT_0:12;

 for a being logbase Real, f being Real_Sequence st a > 1 &
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = log(a,n)))
   holds f is eventually-positive
 let a be logbase Real, f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: a > 1 and
A2: (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = log(a,n)));
A3: a > 0 & a <> 1 by ASYMPT_0:def 3;
 set N = [/a\];
A4: [/a\] >= a by INT_1:def 5;
A5: N > 0 by A3,INT_1:def 5;
   then reconsider N as Nat by INT_1:16;
   now let n; assume
 A6: n >= N+1;
      N+1 > N+0 by REAL_1:67;
 then n > N by A6,AXIOMS:22;
 then A7: log(a,n) > log(a,N) by A1,A5,POWER:65;
      log(a,N) >= log(a,a) by A1,A4,PRE_FF:12;
    then log(a,n) > log(a,a) by A7,AXIOMS:22;
 then log(a,n) > 0 by A3,POWER:60;
  hence f.n > 0 by A2,A6;
 hence f is eventually-positive by ASYMPT_0:def 6;

   for a,b being logbase Real, f,g being Real_Sequence st a > 1 & b > 1 &
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = log(a,n))) &
  (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = log(b,n)))
  holds ex s,s1 being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
   s = f & s1 = g & Big_Oh(s) = Big_Oh(s1)
 let a,b be logbase Real, f,g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: a > 1 and
A2: b > 1 and
A3: (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = log(a,n))) and
A4: (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = log(b,n)));
 reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence by A1,A3,Lm2;
 reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence by A2,A4,Lm2;
 take f,g;
A5: a > 0 & a <> 1 by ASYMPT_0:def 3;
A6: b > 0 & b <> 1 by ASYMPT_0:def 3;
A7: Big_Oh(f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A8: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
   now let x be set;
  hereby assume x in Big_Oh(f);
      then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
  A9: x = t and
  A10: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A7;
      consider c,N such that
  A11: c > 0 and
  A12: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A10;
        log(a,b) > log(a,1) by A1,A2,POWER:65;
      then log(a,b) > 0 by A5,POWER:59;
  then A13: c*log(a,b) > c*0 by A11,REAL_1:70;
     now take N1 = N+1; let n; assume
   A14: n >= N1;
         N+1 > N+0 by REAL_1:67;
   then A15: n > N by A14,AXIOMS:22;
   then A16: t.n <= c*f.n by A12;
         f.n = log(a,n) by A3,A14
          .= log(a,b)*log(b,n) by A5,A6,A14,POWER:64;
       then t.n <= (c*log(a,b))*log(b,n) by A16,XCMPLX_1:4;
    hence t.n <= (c*log(a,b))*g.n by A4,A14;
    thus t.n >= 0 by A12,A15;
   hence x in Big_Oh(g) by A8,A9,A13;
  assume x in Big_Oh(g);
      then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
  A17: x = t and
  A18: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A8;
      consider c,N such that
  A19: c > 0 and
  A20: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A18;
        log(b,a) > log(b,1) by A1,A2,POWER:65;
      then log(b,a) > 0 by A6,POWER:59;
  then A21: c*log(b,a) > c*0 by A19,REAL_1:70;
     now take N1 = N+1; let n; assume
   A22: n >= N1;
         N+1 > N+0 by REAL_1:67;
   then A23: n > N by A22,AXIOMS:22;
   then A24: t.n <= c*g.n by A20;
         g.n = log(b,n) by A4,A22
          .= log(b,a)*log(a,n) by A5,A6,A22,POWER:64;
       then t.n <= (c*log(b,a))*log(a,n) by A24,XCMPLX_1:4;
    hence t.n <= (c*log(b,a))*f.n by A3,A22;
    thus t.n >= 0 by A20,A23;
   hence x in Big_Oh(f) by A7,A17,A21;
 hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

definition let a,b,c be Real;
 func seq_a^(a,b,c) -> Real_Sequence means :Def1:
  it.n = a to_power (b*n+c);
 existence proof
    deffunc _F(Nat) = a to_power (b*$1+c);
    consider h being Function of NAT, REAL such that
 A1: for n being Nat holds h.n = _F(n) from LambdaD;
  take h; let n; thus h.n = a to_power (b*n+c) by A1;
 uniqueness proof let j,k be Real_Sequence such that
 A2: for n holds j.n = a to_power (b*n+c) and
 A3: for n holds k.n = a to_power (b*n+c);
    now let n; thus j.n = a to_power (b*n+c) by A2 .= k.n by A3; end;
  hence j = k by FUNCT_2:113;

definition let a be positive Real, b,c be Real;
 cluster seq_a^(a,b,c) -> eventually-positive;
  coherence proof
   set f = seq_a^(a,b,c);
   take 0;
    let n; assume n >= 0;
     f.n = a to_power (b*n+c) by Def1;
    hence f.n > 0 by POWER:39;

 for a,b,c being Real st a > 0 & c > 0 & c <> 1
  holds a to_power b = c to_power (b*log(c,a))
 let a,b,c be Real; assume that
A1: a > 0 and
A2: c > 0 and
A3: c <> 1;
A4: a to_power b > 0 by A1,POWER:39;
     log(c, a to_power b) = b*log(c,a) by A1,A2,A3,POWER:63;
 hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,POWER:def 3;

   for a,b being positive Real st a < b
  holds not seq_a^(b,1,0) in Big_Oh(seq_a^(a,1,0))
 let a,b be positive Real such that
A1: a < b;
 set f = seq_a^(b,1,0);
 set g = seq_a^(a,1,0);
A2: Big_Oh(g) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
    ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds s.n <= c*g.n & s.n >= 0 }
                                                       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
 hereby assume f in Big_Oh(g);
   then consider s being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A3: s = f and
 A4: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds s.n <= c*g.n & s.n >= 0 by A2;
   consider c,N such that
 A5: c > 0 and
 A6: for n st n >= N holds s.n <= c*g.n & s.n >= 0 by A4;
  set d = (log(2,b) - log(2,a));
      log(2,b) > log(2,a) + 0 by A1,POWER:65;
 then A7: d > 0 by REAL_1:86;
  set N0 = [/log(2,c) / d\];
  set N1 = max( N, N0 );
 A8: N1 >= N & N1 >= N0 by SQUARE_1:46;
      N1 = N or N1 = N0 by SQUARE_1:49;
    then reconsider N1 as Nat by A8,INT_1:16;
  set n = N1 + 1;
  set e = (2 to_power (n*log(2,a)));
 A9: e > 0 by POWER:39;
      N1 + 1 > N1 + 0 by REAL_1:67;
 then A10: n > N & n > N0 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
      N0 >= log(2,c) / d by INT_1:def 5;
    then n > log(2,c) / d by A10,AXIOMS:22;
    then n*d > (log(2,c) / d)*d by A7,REAL_1:70;
    then n*d > log(2,c) by A7,XCMPLX_1:88;
    then 2 to_power (n*d) > 2 to_power log(2,c) by POWER:44;
    then 2 to_power (n*d) > c by A5,POWER:def 3;
    then 2 to_power (n*log(2,b) - n*log(2,a)) > c by XCMPLX_1:40;
    then (2 to_power (n*log(2,b))) / e > c by POWER:34;
    then ((2 to_power (n*log(2,b)))/e)*e > c*e by A9,REAL_1:70;
    then 2 to_power (n*log(2,b)) > c*e by A9,XCMPLX_1:88;
    then b to_power n > c*(2 to_power (n*log(2,a))) by Lm3;
 then A11: b to_power n > c*(a to_power n) by Lm3;
      f.n <= c*g.n by A3,A6,A10;
    then b to_power (1*n + 0) <= c*g.n by Def1;
  hence contradiction by A11,Def1;

:: Example p. 84

 func seq_logn -> Real_Sequence means :Def2:
  it.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds it.n = log(2,n));
 existence proof
    defpred P[Nat,Real] means
     ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) & ($1 > 0 implies $2 = log(2,$1));
 A1: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
     let n;
     per cases;
     suppose n = 0; hence thesis;
     suppose n > 0; hence thesis;
    consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
 A2: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A1);
  take h;
   thus h.0 = 0 by A2;
   let n; thus thesis by A2;
 uniqueness proof let j,k be Real_Sequence such that
 A3: j.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds j.n = log(2,n)) and
 A4: k.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds k.n = log(2,n));
    now let n;
   per cases;
   suppose n = 0;
    hence j.n = k.n by A3,A4;
   A5: n > 0;
      then j.n = log(2,n) by A3;
    hence j.n = k.n by A4,A5;
  hence j = k by FUNCT_2:113;

definition let a be Real;
 func seq_n^(a) -> Real_Sequence means :Def3:
  it.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds it.n = n to_power a);
 existence proof
    defpred P[Nat,Real] means
      ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) & ($1 > 0 implies $2 = $1 to_power a);
 A1: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
     let n;
     per cases;
     suppose n = 0; hence thesis;
     suppose n > 0; hence thesis;
    consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
 A2: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A1);
  take h;
   thus h.0 = 0 by A2;
   let n; thus thesis by A2;
 uniqueness proof let j,k be Real_Sequence such that
 A3: j.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds j.n = n to_power a) and
 A4: k.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds k.n = n to_power a);
    now let n;
   per cases;
   suppose n = 0;
    hence j.n = k.n by A3,A4;
   A5: n > 0;
      then j.n = n to_power a by A3;
    hence j.n = k.n by A4,A5;
  hence j = k by FUNCT_2:113;

 cluster seq_logn -> eventually-positive;
  coherence proof
   set f = seq_logn;
   take 2;
   let n; assume
   A1: n >= 2;
   then A2: f.n = log(2,n) by Def2;
        log(2,n) >= log(2,2) by A1,PRE_FF:12;
    hence f.n > 0 by A2,POWER:60;

definition let a be Real;
 cluster seq_n^(a) -> eventually-positive;
  coherence proof
   set f = seq_n^(a);
   take 1;
    let n; assume A1: n >= 1;
       then f.n = n to_power a by Def3;
     hence f.n > 0 by A1,POWER:39;

 for f,g being Real_Sequence, n being Nat holds (f/"g).n = f.n/g.n
 let f,g be Real_Sequence, n be Nat;
  thus (f/"g).n = (f(#)g").n by SEQ_1:def 9 .= f.n*g".n by SEQ_1:12
              .= f.n*(g.n)" by SEQ_1:def 8 .= f.n/g.n by XCMPLX_0:def 9;

 for f,g being eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence holds
  f in Big_Oh(g) & g in Big_Oh(f) iff Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g)
 let f,g be eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence;
 hereby assume f in Big_Oh(g) & g in Big_Oh(f);
   then Big_Oh(f) c= Big_Oh(g) & Big_Oh(g) c= Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:11;
  hence Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g) by XBOOLE_0:def 10;
 thus thesis by ASYMPT_0:10;

theorem Th4:
 for f,g being eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence holds
  Big_Oh(f) c= Big_Oh(g) & not Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g) iff
    f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g)
 let f,g be eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence;
A1: Big_Oh(f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
 hereby assume
 A2: Big_Oh(f) c= Big_Oh(g) & not Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g);
 A3: f in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:10;
    now assume f in Big_Omega(g);
     then g in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:19;
   hence contradiction by A2,A3,Lm5;
  hence f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by A2,A3;
 A4: f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g);
    now let x be set; assume x in Big_Oh(f);
     then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
  A5: x = t and
  A6: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A1;
     consider c,N such that
       c > 0 and
  A7: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A6;
     now take N; let n; assume n >= N;
    hence t.n >= 0 by A7;
  then A8: t is eventually-nonnegative by ASYMPT_0:def 4;
       t in Big_Oh(f) by A1,A6;
   hence x in Big_Oh(g) by A4,A5,A8,ASYMPT_0:12;
 hence Big_Oh(f) c= Big_Oh(g) by TARSKI:def 3;
  assume Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g);
     then f in Big_Oh(g) & g in Big_Oh(f) by Lm5;
   hence contradiction by A4,ASYMPT_0:19;

 for a, b, c being Real st 0 < a & a <= b & c >= 0 holds
  a to_power c <= b to_power c
 let a, b, c be Real;
 assume that
A1: 0 < a and
A2: a <= b and
A3: c >= 0;
 per cases by A3;
  suppose c = 0;
   then a to_power c = 1 & b to_power c = 1 by POWER:29;
   hence thesis;
  A4: c > 0;
   thus thesis proof
    per cases by A2,REAL_1:def 5;
    suppose a = b; hence thesis;
    suppose a < b; hence thesis by A1,A4,POWER:42;

 2 to_power 2 = 4
proof thus 2 to_power 2 = 2^2 by POWER:53 .= 2*2 by SQUARE_1:def 3 .= 4; end;

 2 to_power 3 = 8
 thus 2 to_power 3 = 2 to_power (2+1)
                  .= (2 to_power 2)*(2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
                  .= 4*2 by Lm7,POWER:30
                  .= 8;

 2 to_power 4 = 16
 thus 2 to_power 4 = 2 to_power (2+2)
                  .= (2 to_power 2)*(2 to_power 2) by POWER:32
                  .= 16 by Lm7;
 thus thesis;

 2 to_power 5 = 32
 thus 2 to_power 5 = 2 to_power (3+2)
                  .= (2 to_power 3)*(2 to_power 2) by POWER:32
                  .= 32 by Lm7,Lm8;

 2 to_power 6 = 64
 thus 2 to_power 6 = 2 to_power (3+3)
                  .= 2 to_power 3 * 2 to_power 3 by POWER:32
                  .= 64 by Lm8;

 for n st n >= 4 holds 2*n + 3 < 2 to_power n
proof defpred _P[Nat] means 2*$1 + 3 < 2 to_power $1;
A1: _P[4] by Lm9;
A2: for k st k >= 4 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof
     let k such that
    A3: k >= 4 and
    A4: 2*k + 3 < 2 to_power k;
          2*(k+1) + 3 = (2*k + 2*1) + 3 by XCMPLX_1:8
                   .= 2 + (2*k + 3) by XCMPLX_1:1;
    then A5: 2*(k+1) + 3 < 2 + (2 to_power k) by A4,REAL_1:53;
          k > 1 by A3,AXIOMS:22;
        then 2 to_power k > 2 to_power 1 by POWER:44;
        then 2 to_power k > 2 by POWER:30;
       then (2 to_power k) + (2 to_power k) > 2 + (2 to_power k) by REAL_1:53;
        then 2*(k+1) + 3 < (2 to_power k) + (2 to_power k) by A5,AXIOMS:22;
        then 2*(k+1) + 3 < 2*(2 to_power k) by XCMPLX_1:11;
        then 2*(k+1) + 3 < (2 to_power 1)*(2 to_power k) by POWER:30;
     hence thesis by POWER:32;
     for n st n >= 4 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A2);
  hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 6 holds (n+1)^2 < 2 to_power n
proof defpred _P[Nat] means ($1+1)^2 < 2 to_power $1;
    (6+1)^2 = 7*7 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
then A1: _P[6] by Lm11;
A2: for k st k >= 6 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof
     let k such that
    A3: k >= 6 and
    A4: (k+1)^2 < 2 to_power k;
    A5: ((k+1)+1)^2 = (k+(1+1))^2 by XCMPLX_1:1
                  .= k^2 + 2*k*2 + 2^2 by SQUARE_1:63
                  .= k^2 + (2*2)*k + 2^2 by XCMPLX_1:4
                  .= k^2 + (2+2)*k + 4 by SQUARE_1:def 3
                  .= k^2 + (2*k + 2*k) + 4 by XCMPLX_1:8
                  .= ((k^2 + 2*k) + 2*k) + 4 by XCMPLX_1:1
                  .= (k^2 + 2*k) + (2*k + (3+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                  .= (k^2 + 2*k) + ((2*k + 3) + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                  .= ((k^2 + 2*k) + 1) + (2*k + 3) by XCMPLX_1:1
                  .= (k+1)^2 + (2*k + 3) by SQUARE_1:65;
          k >= 4 by A3,AXIOMS:22;
        then 2*k + 3 < 2 to_power k by Lm12;
    then A6: (k+1)^2 + (2*k + 3) < (k+1)^2 + (2 to_power k) by REAL_1:53;
          (k+1)^2 + (2 to_power k) <
                 (2 to_power k) + (2 to_power k) by A4,REAL_1:53;
        then (k+1)^2 + (2*k + 3) <
                 (2 to_power k) + (2 to_power k) by A6,AXIOMS:22;
        then ((k+1)+1)^2 < 2*(2 to_power k) by A5,XCMPLX_1:11;
        then ((k+1)+1)^2 < (2 to_power 1)*(2 to_power k) by POWER:30;
     hence thesis by POWER:32;
    for n st n >= 6 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A2);
 hence thesis;

 for c being Real st c > 6 holds c^2 < 2 to_power c
 let c be Real such that
A1: c > 6;
A2: 5 = 6-1;
A3: c >= 0 by A1,AXIOMS:22;
 set i0 = [\c/], i1 = [/c\];
  per cases;
  suppose i0 = i1;
     then c is Integer by INT_1:59;
     then reconsider c as Nat by A3,INT_1:16;
  A4: (c+1)^2 < 2 to_power c by A1,Lm13;
       c+0 < c+1 by REAL_1:67;
     then c^2 < (c+1)^2 by SQUARE_1:78;
   hence thesis by A4,AXIOMS:22;
  suppose not i0 = i1;
  then A5: i0 + 1 = i1 by INT_1:66;
     then i0 + (1 + -1) = i1 + -1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
  then A6: i0 = i1 - 1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  A7: i1 >= c by INT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider i1 as Nat by A3,INT_1:16;
       i1 > 6 by A1,A7,AXIOMS:22;
  then A8: i0 > 5 by A2,A6,REAL_1:54;
     then i0 >= 0 by AXIOMS:22;
     then reconsider i0 as Nat by INT_1:16;
       i0 >= 5 + 1 by A8,INT_1:20;
  then A9: i1^2 < 2 to_power i0 by A5,Lm13;
       i1 >= c by INT_1:def 5;
     then i1^2 >= c^2 by A3,SQUARE_1:77;
  then A10: c^2 < 2 to_power i0 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
       i0 <= c by INT_1:def 4;
     then 2 to_power i0 <= 2 to_power c by PRE_FF:10;
   hence thesis by A10,AXIOMS:22;

 for e being positive Real, f being Real_Sequence st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = log(2,n to_power e)))
   holds (f /" seq_n^(e)) is convergent & lim (f /" seq_n^(e)) = 0
 let e be positive Real, f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = log(2,n to_power e)));
 set g = seq_n^(e);
 set h = f/"g;
A2: now let p be real number; assume
 A3: p > 0;
  reconsider p1 = p as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
  set i0 = [/(7/p1) to_power (1/e)\];
  set i1 = [/(p1 to_power -(2/e)) + 1\];
  set N = max( max(i0, i1), 2 );
 A4: N >= max(i0, i1) & N >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
      max(i0, i1) >= i0 & max(i0, i1) >= i1 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A5: N >= i0 & N >= i1 by A4,AXIOMS:22;
      N is Integer proof
     per cases by SQUARE_1:49;
     suppose N = max(i0, i1);
     hence thesis by SQUARE_1:49;
     suppose N = 2; hence thesis;
    then reconsider N as Nat by A4,INT_1:16;
      p" > 0 by A3,REAL_1:72;
    then 7*p" > 7*0 by REAL_1:70;
 then A6: 7/p > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
  take N; let n; assume A7: n >= N;
  then A8: n >= 2 & n >= i0 & n >= i1 by A4,A5,AXIOMS:22;
       i0 >= (7/p) to_power (1/e) by INT_1:def 5;
  then A9: n >= (7/p) to_power (1/e) by A8,AXIOMS:22;
       (7/p1) to_power (1/e) > 0 by A6,POWER:39;
     then n to_power e >= (7/p) to_power (1/e) to_power e by A9,Lm6;
     then n to_power e >= (7/p1) to_power (e*(1/e)) by A6,POWER:38;
     then n to_power e >= (7/p) to_power 1 by XCMPLX_1:107;
     then n to_power e >= 7/p1 by POWER:30;
     then p*(n to_power e) >= (7/p)*p by A3,AXIOMS:25;
     then p*(n to_power e) >= 7 by A3,XCMPLX_1:88;
     then p*(n to_power e) > 6 by AXIOMS:22;
  then A10: (p1*(n to_power e))^2 < 2 to_power (p1*(n to_power e)) by Lm14;
   set c = p1*(n to_power e);
  A11: n to_power e > 0 by A4,A7,POWER:39;
  then A12: (n to_power e)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
  A13:p*(n to_power e) > p*0 by A3,A11,REAL_1:70;
       c*c < 2 to_power c by A10,SQUARE_1:def 3;
     then c < (2 to_power c)/c by A13,REAL_2:178;
     then n to_power e < ((2 to_power c)/c)/p by A3,REAL_2:178;
  then A14: n to_power e < (2 to_power c)/(c*p) by XCMPLX_1:79;
  A15:p1 to_power 2 > 0 by A3,POWER:39;
  A16:i1 >= (p to_power -(2/e)) + 1 by INT_1:def 5;
       (p to_power -(2/e)) + 1 > (p to_power -(2/e)) + 0 by REAL_1:67;
     then i1 > (p to_power -(2/e)) by A16,AXIOMS:22;
  then A17:n > p to_power -(2/e) by A8,AXIOMS:22;
       p1 to_power -(2/e) > 0 by A3,POWER:39;
     then n to_power e > p to_power (-(2/e)) to_power e by A17,POWER:42;
     then n to_power e > p1 to_power ((-(2/e))*e) by A3,POWER:38;
     then n to_power e > p to_power -((2/e)*e) by XCMPLX_1:175;
     then n to_power e > p to_power -2 by XCMPLX_1:88;
     then (p to_power 2)*(n to_power e) >
                          (p to_power 2)*(p to_power -2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
     then (p1 to_power 2)*(n to_power e) > p1 to_power (2+-2) by A3,POWER:32;
     then (p1 to_power 2)*(n to_power e) > 1 by POWER:29;
     then p1^2*(n to_power e) > 1 by POWER:53;
     then (p*p)*(n to_power e) > 1 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
  then p*c > 1 by XCMPLX_1:4;
  then A18: 1/(p*c) < 1/1 by REAL_2:151;
       2 to_power c > 0 by POWER:39;
     then (2 to_power c)*(1/(c*p)) < (2 to_power c)*(1/1) by A18,REAL_1:70;
     then (2 to_power c)/(c*p) < (2 to_power c)*1 by XCMPLX_1:100;
     then n to_power e < 2 to_power c by A14,AXIOMS:22;
     then log(2,n to_power e) < log(2,2 to_power c) by A11,POWER:65;
     then log(2,n to_power e) < c*log(2,2) by POWER:63;
     then log(2,n to_power e) < c*1 by POWER:60;
  then A19: log(2,n to_power e)/(n to_power e) < p by A11,REAL_2:178;
       n > 1 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
     then n to_power e > n to_power 0 by POWER:44;
     then n to_power e > 1 by POWER:29;
     then log(2,n to_power e) > log(2,1) by POWER:65;
     then log(2,n to_power e) > 0 by POWER:59;
     then log(2,n to_power e)*(n to_power e)" >
                                       0*(n to_power e)" by A12,REAL_1:70;
     then A20: log(2,n to_power e)/(n to_power e) > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
       h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4
        .= log(2,n to_power e)/g.n by A1,A4,A7
        .= log(2,n to_power e)/(n to_power e) by A4,A7,Def3;
  hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A19,A20,ABSVALUE:def 1;
 hence h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
 hence lim h = 0 by A2,SEQ_2:def 7;

 for e being Real st e > 0 holds
  (seq_logn /" seq_n^(e)) is convergent & lim(seq_logn /" seq_n^(e)) = 0
 let e be Real; assume
 e > 0;
 then reconsider e as positive Real;
A1: 1 = e/e by XCMPLX_1:60
    .= e*(1/e) by XCMPLX_1:100;
 set f = seq_logn;
 set g = seq_n^(e);
 set h = f/"g;
  ex s being Real_Sequence st (s.0 = 0 &
     (for n st n > 0 holds s.n = log(2,n to_power e))) proof
      defpred P[Nat,Real] means
        ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) &
         ($1 > 0 implies $2 = log(2,$1 to_power e));
    A2: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
      let n;
       per cases;
       suppose n = 0; hence thesis;
       suppose n > 0; hence thesis;
       consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
    A3: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A2);
     take h;
      thus h.0 = 0 by A3;
      let n; thus thesis by A3;
    then consider p being Real_Sequence such that
A4: p.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds p.n = log(2,n to_power e));
 set q = p/"g;
A5: q is convergent & lim q = 0 by A4,Lm15;
A6:for n holds h.n = (1/e)*q.n proof
    let n;
    A7: h.n = f.n / g.n by Lm4;
    A8: q.n = p.n / g.n by Lm4;
     thus thesis proof
      per cases;
      A9: n = 0;
      then h.n = 0 / g.n by A7,Def2
             .= 0*(1/e);
       hence thesis by A4,A8,A9;
      A10: n > 0;
      then A11: n to_power e > 0 by POWER:39;
            h.n = log(2,n) / g.n by A7,A10,Def2
             .= log(2,n to_power (e*(1/e))) / g.n by A1,POWER:30
             .= log(2,n to_power e to_power (1/e)) / g.n by A10,POWER:38
             .= ((1/e)*log(2,n to_power e)) / g.n by A11,POWER:63
             .= ((1/e)*log(2,n to_power e)) * (g.n)" by XCMPLX_0:def 9
             .= (1/e)*(log(2,n to_power e) * (g.n)") by XCMPLX_1:4
             .= (1/e)*(log(2,n to_power e) / g.n) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
       hence thesis by A4,A8,A10;
then A12: h = (1/e)(#)q by SEQ_1:13;
     lim h = lim((1/e)(#)q) by A6,SEQ_1:13
        .= (1/e)*0 by A5,SEQ_2:22;
 hence thesis by A5,A12,SEQ_2:21;

theorem Th5:
 Big_Oh(seq_logn) c= Big_Oh(seq_n^(1/2)) &
  not Big_Oh(seq_logn) = Big_Oh(seq_n^(1/2))
 set f = seq_logn;
 set g = seq_n^(1/2);
     f/"g is convergent & lim (f/"g) = 0 by Lm16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

:: Example p. 86

   seq_n^(1/2) in Big_Omega(seq_logn) & not seq_logn in Big_Omega(seq_n^(1/2))
   seq_logn in Big_Oh(seq_n^(1/2)) &
  not seq_logn in Big_Omega(seq_n^(1/2)) by Th4,Th5;
 hence thesis by ASYMPT_0:19;

:: Example p. 88

 for f being Real_Sequence holds
  for N holds (for n st n <= N holds f.n >= 0) implies Sum(f,N) >= 0
proof  let f be Real_Sequence;
 defpred _P[Nat] means
   (for n st n <= $1 holds f.n >= 0) implies Sum(f,$1) >= 0;
A1: _P[0] proof assume for n st n <= 0 holds f.n >= 0; then f.0 >= 0;
         then (Partial_Sums(f)).0 >= 0 by SERIES_1:def 1;
      hence thesis by BHSP_4:def 6;
A2: for N st _P[N] holds _P[N+1] proof
     let N; assume
     A3: (for n st n <= N holds f.n >= 0) implies Sum(f,N) >= 0;
      A4: (for n st n <= (N+1) holds f.n >= 0);
      A5: now let n; assume n <= N;
           then n+0 <= N+1 by REAL_1:55;
        hence f.n >= 0 by A4;
            f.(N+1) >= 0 by A4;
          then Sum(f,N) + f.(N+1) >= 0 + 0 by A3,A5,REAL_1:55;
          then (Partial_Sums(f)).N + f.(N+1) >= 0 by BHSP_4:def 6;
          then (Partial_Sums(f)).(N+1) >= 0 by SERIES_1:def 1;
       hence Sum(f,N+1) >= 0 by BHSP_4:def 6;
    for N holds _P[N] from Ind(A1, A2);
 hence thesis;

 for f,g being Real_Sequence
  holds for N holds (for n st n <= N holds f.n <= g.n) implies Sum(f,N) <= Sum
proof let f,g be Real_Sequence;
 defpred _P[Nat] means
  (for n st n <= $1 holds f.n <= g.n) implies Sum(f,$1) <= Sum(g,$1);
A1: _P[0] proof
     assume (for n st n <= 0 holds f.n <= g.n);
        then f.0 <= g.0;
        then Partial_Sums(f).0 <= g.0 by SERIES_1:def 1;
        then Partial_Sums(f).0 <= Partial_Sums(g).0 by SERIES_1:def 1;
        then Sum(f,0) <= Partial_Sums(g).0 by BHSP_4:def 6;
     hence Sum(f,0) <= Sum(g,0) by BHSP_4:def 6;
A2: for N st _P[N] holds _P[N+1] proof
     let N; assume
     A3: (for n st n <= N holds f.n <= g.n) implies Sum(f,N) <= Sum(g,N);
      A4: (for n st n <= (N+1) holds f.n <= g.n);
      A5: now let n; assume n <= N;
           then n+0 <= N+1 by REAL_1:55;
        hence f.n <= g.n by A4;
            f.(N+1) <= g.(N+1) by A4;
          then Sum(f,N) + f.(N+1) <= Sum(g,N) + g.(N+1) by A3,A5,REAL_1:55;
          then (Partial_Sums(f)).N + f.(N+1) <=
                             Sum(g,N) + g.(N+1) by BHSP_4:def 6;
          then (Partial_Sums(f)).(N+1) <= Sum(g,N) + g.(N+1) by SERIES_1:def 1
          then Sum(f,N+1) <= Sum(g,N) + g.(N+1) by BHSP_4:def 6;
          then Sum(f,N+1) <= (Partial_Sums(g)).N + g.(N+1) by BHSP_4:def 6;
          then Sum(f,N+1) <= (Partial_Sums(g)).(N+1) by SERIES_1:def 1;
      hence Sum(f,N+1) <= Sum(g,N+1) by BHSP_4:def 6;
    for N holds _P[N] from Ind(A1, A2);
   hence thesis;

 for f being Real_Sequence, b being Real st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = b))
   holds for N being Nat holds Sum(f,N) = b*N
 let f be Real_Sequence, b be Real;
   defpred _P[Nat] means Sum(f,$1) = b*$1;
A1: f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = b);
   then (Partial_Sums(f)).0 = 0 by SERIES_1:def 1;
then A2: _P[0] by BHSP_4:def 6;
A3: for N st _P[N] holds _P[N+1] proof let N; assume
     A4: Sum(f, N) = b*N;
           Sum(f, N+1) = (Partial_Sums(f)).(N+1) by BHSP_4:def 6
                  .= (Partial_Sums(f)).N + f.(N+1) by SERIES_1:def 1
                  .= b*N + f.(N+1) by A4,BHSP_4:def 6
                  .= b*N + b*1 by A1
                  .= b*(N+1) by XCMPLX_1:8;
      hence thesis;
  for N holds _P[N] from Ind( A2, A3 );
 hence thesis;

 for f,g being Real_Sequence,
     N,M being Nat holds Sum(f,N,M) + f.(N+1) = Sum(f,N+1,M)
 let f,g be Real_Sequence, N,M be Nat;
     Sum(f,N,M) + f.(N+1) = Sum(f,N) - Sum(f,M) + f.(N+1) by BHSP_4:def 7
                     .= Sum(f,N) + -Sum(f,M) + f.(N+1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                     .= Sum(f,N) + f.(N+1) + -Sum(f,M) by XCMPLX_1:1
                     .= (Partial_Sums(f)).N + f.(N+1) + -Sum
(f,M) by BHSP_4:def 6
                     .= (Partial_Sums(f)).(N+1) + -Sum(f,M) by SERIES_1:def 1
                     .= Sum(f,N+1) + -Sum(f,M) by BHSP_4:def 6
                     .= Sum(f,N+1) - Sum(f,M) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                     .= Sum(f,N+1,M) by BHSP_4:def 7;
 hence Sum(f,N,M) + f.(N+1) = Sum(f,N+1,M);

 for f,g being Real_Sequence, M being Nat
  holds for N st N >= M+1 holds
    (for n st M+1 <= n & n <= N holds f.n <= g.n) implies Sum(f,N,M) <= Sum
 let f,g be Real_Sequence, M be Nat;
 defpred _P[Nat] means
 (for n st M+1 <= n & n <= $1 holds f.n <= g.n)
   implies Sum(f,$1,M) <= Sum(g,$1,M);
A1: _P[M+1] proof assume
     A2: (for n st M+1 <= n & n <= M+1 holds f.n <= g.n);
     A3: Sum(f,M+1,M) = Sum(f,M+1) - Sum(f,M) by BHSP_4:def 7
                  .= (Partial_Sums(f)).(M+1) - Sum(f,M) by BHSP_4:def 6
                  .= f.(M+1) + (Partial_Sums(f)).M - Sum(f,M) by SERIES_1:def 1
                  .= f.(M+1) + Sum(f,M) - Sum(f,M) by BHSP_4:def 6
                  .= f.(M+1) + Sum(f,M) + -Sum(f,M) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                  .= f.(M+1) + (Sum(f,M) + -Sum(f,M)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                  .= f.(M+1) + (Sum(f,M) - Sum(f,M)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                  .= f.(M+1) + 0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
          Sum(g,M+1,M) = Sum(g,M+1) - Sum(g,M) by BHSP_4:def 7
                  .= (Partial_Sums(g)).(M+1) - Sum(g,M) by BHSP_4:def 6
                  .= g.(M+1) + (Partial_Sums(g)).M - Sum(g,M) by SERIES_1:def 1
                  .= g.(M+1) + Sum(g,M) - Sum(g,M) by BHSP_4:def 6
                  .= g.(M+1) + Sum(g,M) + -Sum(g,M) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                  .= g.(M+1) + (Sum(g,M) + -Sum(g,M)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                  .= g.(M+1) + (Sum(g,M) - Sum(g,M)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                  .= g.(M+1) + 0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
      hence Sum(f,M+1,M) <= Sum(g,M+1,M) by A2,A3;
A4: for N1 st N1 >= M+1 & _P[N1] holds _P[N1+1] proof
     let N1; assume that
     A5: N1 >= M+1 and
     A6: (for n st M+1 <= n & n <= N1 holds f.n <= g.n) implies
          Sum(f,N1,M) <= Sum(g,N1,M);
      A7: (for n st M+1 <= n & n <= N1+1 holds f.n <= g.n);
      A8: now let n; assume
       A9: M+1 <= n & n <= N1;
          then n + 0 <= N1 + 1 by REAL_1:55;
        hence f.n <= g.n by A7,A9;
           N1+1 >= M+1+0 by A5,REAL_1:55;
         then f.(N1+1) <= g.(N1+1) by A7;
         then Sum(f,N1,M) + f.(N1+1) <= g.(N1+1) + Sum(g,N1,M) by A6,A8,REAL_1:
         then Sum(f,N1+1,M) <= g.(N1+1) + Sum(g,N1,M) by Lm20;
       hence Sum(f,N1+1,M) <= Sum(g,N1+1,M) by Lm20;
    for N st N >= M+1 holds _P[N] from Ind1(A1, A4);
    hence thesis;

 for n holds [/n/2\] <= n
 let n;
  per cases;
    n = 0;
   hence thesis by INT_1:54;
  suppose n > 0;
  then A1: n >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38;
   thus thesis proof
    per cases by A1,REAL_1:def 5;
    A2: n = 1;
       now assume [/1/2\] > 1;
     then A3: [/1/2\] >= 1+1 by INT_1:20;
       [/1/2\] < 1/2 + 1 by INT_1:def 5;
      hence contradiction by A3,AXIOMS:22;
     hence thesis by A2;
    suppose n > 1;
    then A4: n >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38;
    A5: [/n/2\] < n/2 + 1 by INT_1:def 5;
       now assume n/2 + 1 > n;
        then 2*(n/2 + 1) > 2*n by REAL_1:70;
        then 2*(n/2) + 2*1 > 2*n by XCMPLX_1:8;
        then 2*(n*2") + 2 > 2*n by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
        then (2*2")*n + 2 > 2*n by XCMPLX_1:4;
        then 2 > 2*n - n by REAL_1:84;
        then 2 > 2*n + -n by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
        then 2 > 2*n + (-1)*n by XCMPLX_1:180;
        then 2 > (2+-1)*n by XCMPLX_1:8;
      hence contradiction by A4;
     hence thesis by A5,AXIOMS:22;

 for f being Real_Sequence, b being Real, N being Nat st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = b))
   holds for M being Nat holds Sum(f, N, M) = b*(N-M)
 let f be Real_Sequence, b be Real, N be Nat such that
A1: f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = b);
 defpred _P[Nat] means Sum(f, N, $1) = b*(N-$1);
A2: _P[0] proof
         Sum(f, 0) = (Partial_Sums(f)).0 by BHSP_4:def 6
               .= 0 by A1,SERIES_1:def 1;
        then Sum(f, N, 0) = Sum(f, N) - 0 by BHSP_4:def 7
                  .= b*(N-0) by A1,Lm19;
     hence thesis;
A3: for M st _P[M] holds _P[M+1] proof let M; assume
     A4: Sum(f, N, M) = b*(N-M);
           Sum(f, N, M+1) = Sum(f, N) - Sum(f, M+1) by BHSP_4:def 7
                 .= Sum(f, N) - (Partial_Sums(f)).(M+1) by BHSP_4:def 6
                 .= Sum
(f, N) - ((Partial_Sums(f)).M + f.(M+1)) by SERIES_1:def 1
                 .= Sum
(f, N) + -((Partial_Sums(f)).M + f.(M+1)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                 .= Sum(f, N) + (-(Partial_Sums(f)).M + -f.(M+1)) by XCMPLX_1:
                 .= Sum(f, N) + -(Partial_Sums(f)).M + -f.(M+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                 .= (Sum
(f, N) - (Partial_Sums(f)).M) + -f.(M+1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                 .= (Sum(f, N) - Sum(f, M)) + -f.(M+1) by BHSP_4:def 6
                 .= b*(N-M) + -f.(M+1) by A4,BHSP_4:def 7
                 .= b*(N-M) + -b by A1
                 .= b*(N-M) + (-1)*b by XCMPLX_1:180
                 .= b*(N-M+-1) by XCMPLX_1:8
                 .= b*(N+-M+-1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                 .= b*(N+(-M+-1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                 .= b*(N+-(M+1)) by XCMPLX_1:140
                 .= b*(N-(M+1)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
      hence thesis;
    for M being Nat holds _P[M] from Ind(A2, A3);
  hence thesis;

   for f being Real_Sequence, k being Nat st
  (for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_n^(k), n))
   holds f in Big_Theta(seq_n^(k+1))
 let f be Real_Sequence, k be Nat such that
A1: for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_n^(k), n);
 set g = seq_n^(k+1);
A2: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A3: Big_Omega(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex d,N st d > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n>=d*g.n & t.n>=0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 13;
A4: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
      2 to_power (k+1) > 0 by POWER:39;
then A5: (2 to_power (k+1))" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
   now let n; assume A6: n >= 1;
  set p = seq_n^(k);
  ex s being Real_Sequence st s.0 = 0 &
     (for m st m > 0 holds s.m = (n to_power k)) proof
      defpred P[Nat,Real] means
        ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) &
         ($1 > 0 implies $2 = (n to_power k));
    A7: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
      let n;
       per cases;
       suppose n = 0; hence thesis;
       suppose n > 0; hence thesis;
       consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
    A8: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A7);
     take h;
       thus h.0 = 0 by A8;
       let n; thus thesis by A8;
    then consider q being Real_Sequence such that
A9: q.0 = 0 & (for m st m > 0 holds q.m = n to_power k);
A10: f.n = Sum(p, n) by A1;
    now let m; assume
  A11: m <= n;
   per cases;
   suppose m = 0;
    hence p.m <= q.m by A9,Def3;
   A12: m > 0;
   then A13: p.m = m to_power k by Def3;
         q.m = n to_power k by A9,A12;
    hence p.m <= q.m by A11,A12,A13,Lm6;
 then A14: Sum(p, n) <= Sum(q, n) by Lm18;
       Sum(q, n) = (n to_power k)*n by A9,Lm19
            .= (n to_power k)*(n to_power 1) by POWER:30
            .= n to_power (k+1) by A6,POWER:32
            .= g.n by A6,Def3;
  hence f.n <= 1*g.n by A1,A14;
    now let m; assume m <= n;
   per cases;
   suppose m = 0;
    hence p.m >= 0 by Def3;
    m > 0;
       then p.m = m to_power k by Def3;
    hence p.m >= 0;
  hence f.n >= 0 by A10,Lm17;
then A15: f in Big_Oh(g) by A2,A4;
   now let n; assume
 A16: n >= 1;
  set p = seq_n^(k);
  ex s being Real_Sequence st s.0 = 0 &
     (for m st m > 0 holds s.m = ((n/2) to_power k)) proof
      defpred P[Nat,Real] means
        ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) &
         ($1 > 0 implies $2 = ((n/2) to_power k));
    A17: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
      let n;
       per cases;
       suppose n = 0; hence thesis;
       suppose n > 0; hence thesis;
       consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
    A18: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A17);
     take h;
       thus h.0 = 0 by A18;
       let n; thus thesis by A18;
    then consider q being Real_Sequence such that
A19: q.0 = 0 & (for m st m > 0 holds q.m = (n/2) to_power k);
 A20: f.n = Sum(p, n) by A1;
 A21: g.n = n to_power (k+1) by A16,Def3;
  set n1 = [/n/2\];
      A22: n*2" > 0*2" by A16,REAL_1:70;
 then A23: n/2 > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
 A24: [/n/2\] >= n/2 by INT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider n1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
  set n2 = n1-1;
   now assume n2 < 0;
        then n1-1 <= -1 by INT_1:21;
        then (n1-1)+1 <= -1+1 by AXIOMS:24;
        then (n1+-1)+1 <= 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
        then n1+(-1+1) <= 0 by XCMPLX_1:1;
      hence contradiction by A22,A24,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     then reconsider n2 as Nat by INT_1:16;
 A25: now let m; assume m <= n;
   per cases;
   suppose m = 0;
    hence p.m >= 0 by Def3;
    m > 0;
       then p.m = m to_power k by Def3;
    hence p.m >= 0;
 then A26: Sum(p,n) >= 0 by Lm17;
 A27: Sum(p,n,n2) = Sum(p,n) - Sum(p,n2) by BHSP_4:def 7;
    now let m; assume
  A28: m <= n2;
        n1 <= n1+1 by NAT_1:29;
      then n2 <= n1 by REAL_1:86;
  then A29: m <= n1 by A28,AXIOMS:22;
        n1 <= n by Lm22;
      then m <= n by A29,AXIOMS:22;
   hence p.m >= 0 by A25;
     then Sum(p,n2) >= 0 by Lm17;
     then Sum(p,n) + Sum(p,n2) >= Sum(p,n) + 0 by REAL_1:55;
 then A30: Sum(p,n) >= Sum(p,n,n2) by A27,REAL_1:86;
 A31: n1 = n2+1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
 A32: for N0 st n1 <= N0 & N0 <= n holds q.N0 <= p.N0 proof
      let N0; assume
      A33: n1 <= N0 & N0 <= n;
      then A34: N0 > 0 by A22,A24,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
      then A35: q.N0 = (n/2) to_power k by A19;
      A36: p.N0 = N0 to_power k by A34,Def3;
            N0 >= n/2 by A24,A33,AXIOMS:22;
       hence q.N0 <= p.N0 by A23,A35,A36,Lm6;
       n >= n1 by Lm22;
     then n+-1 >= n1+-1 by AXIOMS:24;
     then n-1 >= n1+-1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
     then n-1 >= n2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
     then n >= n2 + 1 by REAL_1:84;
 then A37: Sum(p,n,n2) >= Sum(q,n,n2) by A31,A32,Lm21;
 A38: Sum(q,n,n2) = (n-n2)*((n/2) to_power k) by A19,Lm23;
 A39: now assume n-n2 < n/2;
     then A40: n < n/2 + n2 by REAL_1:84;
           [/n/2\] < n/2 + 1 by INT_1:def 5;
         then n2 < n/2 by REAL_1:84;
         then n/2 + n2 < n/2 + n/2 by REAL_1:53;
         then n < 1*(n/2) + 1*(n/2) by A40,AXIOMS:22;
         then n < (1+1)*(n/2) by XCMPLX_1:8;
         then n < 2*(n*2") by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
         then n < (2*2")*n by XCMPLX_1:4;
      hence contradiction;
       ((n/2) to_power k) > 0 by A23,POWER:39;
     then Sum(q,n,n2) >= (n/2) * ((n/2) to_power k) by A38,A39,AXIOMS:25;
     then Sum(q,n,n2) >= ((n/2) to_power 1) * ((n/2) to_power k) by POWER:30;
     then Sum(q,n,n2) >= ((n/2) to_power (k+1)) by A23,POWER:32;
     then Sum(q,n,n2) >= (n to_power (k+1))/(2 to_power (k+1)) by A16,POWER:36
     then Sum
(q,n,n2) >= (n to_power (k+1))*(2 to_power (k+1))" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     then Sum(p,n,n2) >= (n to_power (k+1))*(2 to_power (k+1))" by A37,AXIOMS:
  hence (2 to_power (k+1))"*g.n <= f.n by A20,A21,A30,AXIOMS:22;
  thus f.n >= 0 by A1,A26;
     then f in Big_Omega(g) by A3,A4,A5;
     then f in Big_Oh(g) /\ Big_Omega(g) by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
 hence thesis by ASYMPT_0:def 14;

:: Example p. 89

   for f being Real_Sequence st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = (n to_power log(2,n))))
   holds ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = f & not s is smooth
 let f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = (n to_power log(2,n)));
 set g = f taken_every 2;
      f is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
     let n; assume A2: n >= 1;
       then f.n = n to_power log(2,n) by A1;
      hence f.n > 0 by A2,POWER:39;
    then reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f;
A3: Big_Oh(f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 }
                                                            by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
   now assume f is smooth;
    then f is_smooth_wrt 2 by ASYMPT_0:def 20;
    then g in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:def 19;
    then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A4: t = g and
 A5: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A3;
    consider c,N such that
 A6: c > 0 and
 A7: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A5;
  set N0 = [/sqrt c / sqrt 2\];
    reconsider N2=max(N, N0) as Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
  set N1 = max( N2, 2 );
 A8: N1 >= N2 & N1 >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
      N2 >= N & N2 >= N0 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A9: N1 >= N & N1 >= N0 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
      N1 is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
    then reconsider N1 as Nat by A8,INT_1:16;
  set n = N1 + 1;
      n > N1 + 0 by REAL_1:67;
 then A10: n > N0 & n > N & n > 2 by A8,A9,AXIOMS:22;
 A11: n to_power log(2,n) > 0 by POWER:39;
 A12: 2*n > 2*0 by REAL_1:70;
 A13: (2*n^2)*(n to_power log(2,n)) = (2*n) to_power log(2,2*n) proof
     thus (2*n^2)*(n to_power log(2,n))
       = (2*(n*n))*(n to_power log(2,n)) by SQUARE_1:def 3
      .= ((2*n)*n)*(n to_power log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:4
      .= ((2*n)*(2 to_power (log(2,n))))*(n to_power log(2,n))
                                                           by POWER:def 3
      .= (2*n)*((2 to_power (log(2,n)))*(n to_power log(2,n))) by XCMPLX_1:4
      .= (2*n)*((2*n) to_power log(2,n)) by POWER:35
      .= ((2*n) to_power 1)*((2*n) to_power log(2,n)) by POWER:30
      .= (2*n) to_power (1 + log(2,n)) by A12,POWER:32
      .= (2*n) to_power (log(2,2) + log(2,n)) by POWER:60
      .= (2*n) to_power log(2,2*n) by POWER:61;
 A14: sqrt 2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:93;
 A15: sqrt 2 <> 0 by SQUARE_1:93;
 A16: sqrt c > 0 by A6,SQUARE_1:93;
      N0 >= sqrt c / sqrt 2 by INT_1:def 5;
    then n > sqrt c / sqrt 2 by A10,AXIOMS:22;
    then n*sqrt 2 > (sqrt c / sqrt 2) * sqrt 2 by A14,REAL_1:70;
    then n*sqrt 2 > sqrt c by A15,XCMPLX_1:88;
    then (n*sqrt 2)^2 > (sqrt c)^2 by A16,SQUARE_1:78;
    then (n*sqrt 2)^2 > c by A6,SQUARE_1:def 4;
    then n^2*(sqrt 2)^2 > c by SQUARE_1:68;
    then 2*n^2 > c by SQUARE_1:def 4;
    then (2*n) to_power log(2,2*n) > c*(n to_power log(2,n)) by A11,A13,REAL_1:
    then f.(2*n) > c*(n to_power log(2,n)) by A1,A12;
    then t.n > c*(n to_power log(2,n)) by A4,ASYMPT_0:def 18;
    then t.n > c*f.n by A1;
  hence contradiction by A7,A10;
 hence thesis;

:: Example p. 92

 let b be Real;
  func seq_const(b) -> Real_Sequence equals :Def4:
   NAT --> b;
 coherence proof
    dom (NAT --> b) = NAT & rng (NAT --> b) = {b} by FUNCOP_1:14,19;
  hence NAT --> b is Real_Sequence by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;

 cluster seq_const(1) -> eventually-nonnegative;
 coherence proof
  take 0; let n; assume n >= 0;
     (seq_const(1)).n = (NAT --> 1).n by Def4 .= 1 by FUNCOP_1:13;
  hence (seq_const(1)).n >= 0;

 for a,b,c being Real holds
  a>1 & b>=a & c>=1 implies log(a,c) >= log(b,c)
 let a,b,c be Real;
 assume that
A1: a > 1 and
A2: b >= a and
A3: c >= 1;
A4: b > 1 by A1,A2,AXIOMS:22;
A5: b > 0 & b <> 1 by A1,A2;
     log(b,c) >= log(b,1) by A3,A4,PRE_FF:12;
then A6: log(b,c) >= 0 by A4,POWER:59;
     log(a,b) >= log(a,a) by A1,A2,PRE_FF:12;
   then log(a,b) >= 1 by A1,POWER:60;
   then log(a,b)*log(b,c) >= 1*log(b,c) by A6,AXIOMS:25;
 hence thesis by A1,A3,A5,POWER:64;

theorem Th9:
 for f being eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence
  holds ex F being FUNCTION_DOMAIN of NAT,REAL st F = { seq_n^(1) } &
   (f in F to_power Big_Oh(seq_const(1))
    iff ex N,c,k st c>0 & for n st n >= N holds 1 <= f.n & f.n <=
 let h be eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence;
 reconsider F = { seq_n^(1) } as FUNCTION_DOMAIN of NAT,REAL by FRAENKEL:10;
 take F;
 thus F = { seq_n^(1) };
 set G = Big_Oh(seq_const(1));
 set p = seq_const(1);
A1: F to_power G =
   { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) :
      ex f,g being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL), N being Element of NAT st
       f in F & g in G &
        for n being Element of NAT st n >= N holds t.n = (f.n) to_power (g.n) }
           by ASYMPT_0:def 23;
A2:G = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*p.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
  hereby assume h in F to_power Big_Oh(seq_const(1));
     then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) such that
  A3: h = t and
  A4: ex f,g being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL), N being Element of NAT st
       f in F & g in G &
        for n being Element of NAT st n>=N holds t.n=(f.n) to_power (g.n) by A1
     consider f,g being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL),
              N0 being Element of NAT such that
  A5: f in F and
  A6: g in G and
  A7: for n being Element of NAT st n>=N0 holds t.n = (f.n) to_power (g.n) by
  A8:f = seq_n^(1) by A5,TARSKI:def 1;
     consider g' being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
  A9: g = g' and
  A10: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds g'.n <= c*p.n & g'.n >= 0 by A2,
     consider c,N1 such that
  A11: c > 0 and
  A12: for n st n >= N1 holds g'.n <= c*p.n & g'.n >= 0 by A10;
    set N = max(2,max(N0,N1));
       max(N0,N1) >= N0 & max(N0,N1) >= N1 & N >= max(N0,N1) by SQUARE_1:46;
  then A13: N >= N0 & N >= N1 & N >= 2 by AXIOMS:22,SQUARE_1:46;
   set k = [/c\];
  A14: k >= c by INT_1:def 5;
      k > 0 by A11,INT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider k as Nat by INT_1:16;
     reconsider i = 1 as Nat;
   take N,i,k;
   thus i > 0;
    let n; assume A15: n >= N;
  then A16: n >= N0 & n >= N1 & n >= 2 by A13,AXIOMS:22;
  then A17: g'.n <= c*p.n & g'.n >= 0 by A12;
  A18: p.n = (NAT --> 1).n by Def4 .= 1 by FUNCOP_1:13;
  A19: n > 0 & n > 1 by A16,AXIOMS:22;
   f.n = n to_power 1 by A8,A13,A15,Def3 .= n by POWER:30;
  then A20: h.n = n to_power (g.n) by A3,A7,A16;
       n to_power (g.n) >= n to_power 0 by A9,A17,A19,PRE_FF:10;
   hence 1 <= h.n by A20,POWER:29;
       g.n <= c*p.n by A9,A12,A16;
  then A21: h.n <= n to_power (c*1) by A18,A19,A20,PRE_FF:10;
       n to_power c <= n to_power k by A14,A19,PRE_FF:10;
     then h.n <= n to_power k by A21,AXIOMS:22;
   hence h.n <= i*(seq_n^(k)).n by A13,A15,Def3;
 given N0,c,k such that
      c > 0 and
 A22: for n st n >= N0 holds 1 <= h.n & h.n <= c*(seq_n^(k)).n;
    reconsider t = h as Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
 A23: G = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds s.n <= c*(seq_const(1)).n & s.n>=
0 }
      by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
   set N = max(N0,2);
 A24: N >= N0 & N >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A25:N > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
 A26:N > 0 & N <> 1 by SQUARE_1:46;
   set c1= max(c,2);
 A27: c1 >= c & c1 >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A28:c1 > 0 & c1 > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
   set a = log(N,c1);
   set b = k+a;
   reconsider f = seq_n^(1) as Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
    defpred Q[Nat,Real] means
      ($1 < N implies $2 = 1) & ($1 >= N implies $2 = log($1,t.$1));
 A29:for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st Q[x,y] proof
      let n; per cases;
      suppose n < N; hence thesis;
      suppose n >= N; hence thesis;
    consider g being Function of NAT,REAL such that
 A30:for x being Element of NAT holds Q[x,g.x] from FuncExD(A29);
 A31:g is Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
 A32: now let n be Element of NAT; assume
     A33: n >= N;
     then n >= N0 by A24,AXIOMS:22;
         then A34: t.n >= 1 by A22;
      thus (f.n) to_power (g.n) = (n to_power 1) to_power (g.n) by A24,A33,Def3
                               .= n to_power (g.n) by POWER:30
                               .= n to_power (1*log(n,t.n)) by A30,A33
                               .= t.n by A24,A25,A33,A34,POWER:def 3;
 A35: f in F by TARSKI:def 1;
         log(N,1) = 0 by A26,POWER:59;
       then a > 0 by A25,A28,POWER:65;
       then k+a > k+0 by REAL_1:53;
     hence b > 0;
     let n; assume
    A36:n >= N;
    then A37: n >= N0 & n >= 2 by A24,AXIOMS:22;
    then A38: n > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
    A39: n > 0 & n <> 1 by A24,A36,AXIOMS:22;
    A40: a >= log(n,c1) by A25,A28,A36,Lm24;
    A41: 1 <= t.n & t.n <= c*(seq_n^(k)).n by A22,A37;
    A42:(seq_n^(k)).n = n to_power k by A24,A36,Def3;
    then A43:(seq_n^(k)).n > 0 by A24,A36,POWER:39;
        c*(seq_n^(k)).n <= c1*(seq_n^(k)).n by A27,A42,AXIOMS:25;
       then t.n <= c1*(seq_n^(k)).n by A41,AXIOMS:22;
    then A44: log(n,t.n) <= log(n,c1*(seq_n^(k)).n) by A38,A41,PRE_FF:12;
         t.n = (f.n) to_power (g.n) by A32,A36
          .= (n to_power 1) to_power (g.n) by A24,A36,Def3
          .= n to_power (g.n) by POWER:30;
    then A45: log(n,t.n) = g.n*log(n,n) by A39,POWER:63 .= g.n*1 by A39,POWER:
    A46: log(n,c1*(seq_n^(k)).n)
         = log(n,c1) + log(n,n to_power k) by A27,A39,A42,A43,POWER:61
        .= log(n,c1) + k*log(n,n) by A39,POWER:63
        .= log(n,c1) + k*1 by A39,POWER:60;
    A47: log(n,c1) + k <= a + k by A40,AXIOMS:24;
         (seq_const(1)).n = (NAT --> 1).n by Def4 .= 1 by FUNCOP_1:13;
     hence g.n <= b*(seq_const(1)).n by A44,A45,A46,A47,AXIOMS:22;
         g.n = log(n,t.n) by A30,A36;
       then g.n >= log(n,1) by A38,A41,PRE_FF:12;
     hence g.n >= 0 by A39,POWER:59;
    then g in G by A23,A31;
  hence h in F to_power Big_Oh(seq_const(1)) by A1,A31,A32,A35;
 hence thesis;

begin :: Problem 3.1

   for f being Real_Sequence st
  (for n holds f.n = 3*(10 to_power 6) - 18*(10 to_power 3)*n + 27*n^2)
   holds f in Big_Oh(seq_n^(2))
 let f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: for n holds f.n = 3*(10 to_power 6) - 18*(10 to_power 3)*n + 27*n^2;
 set g = seq_n^(2);
A2: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A3: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
   consider t1 being Nat such that
A4: t1 = 10*10*10;
   consider t2 being Nat such that
A5: t2 = t1*t1;
     t1 = 10*10^2 by A4,SQUARE_1:def 3;
   then t1 = 10*(10 to_power 2) by POWER:53;
   then t1 = (10 to_power 1)*(10 to_power 2) by POWER:30;
then A6: t1 = 10 to_power (1+2) by POWER:32;
then A7: t2 = 10 to_power (3+3) by A5,POWER:32
     .= 10 to_power 6;
A8: 10 to_power 3 = 10 to_power (2+1)
                .= (10 to_power 2)*(10 to_power 1) by POWER:32
                .= (10 to_power 2)*10 by POWER:30
                .= (10^2)*10 by POWER:53
                .= (10*10)*10 by SQUARE_1:def 3
                .= 1000;
A9: t1 > 0 by A6,POWER:39;
A10: for n st n >= 400 holds f.n <= 27*n^2 proof
    let n such that
   A11: n >= 400;
      now assume f.n > 27*n^2;
       then 3*t2 - 18*(10 to_power 3)*n + 27*n^2 > 27*n^2 by A1,A7;
       then 3*t2 + -18*t1*n + 27*n^2 > 27*n^2 by A6,XCMPLX_0:def 8;
       then 3*t2 + -18*t1*n > 27*n^2 - 27*n^2 by REAL_1:84;
       then 3*t2 + -18*t1*n > 0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
       then 3*t2 - 18*t1*n > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
    then A12: 3*t2 > 0 + 18*t1*n by REAL_1:86;
         (18*t1)*n >= (18*t1)*400 by A11,AXIOMS:25;
       then 3*t2 > (18*t1)*400 by A12,AXIOMS:22;
       then 3*t2 > t1*(18*400) by XCMPLX_1:4;
       then 3*(10 to_power (3+3)) > t1*7200 by A7;
       then 3*((10 to_power 3)*(10 to_power 3)) > t1*7200 by POWER:32;
       then (3*1000)*t1 > t1*7200 by A6,A8,XCMPLX_1:4;
     hence contradiction by A9,REAL_1:70;
    hence thesis;
A13: for n st n >= 400 holds 18*t1*n - 3*t2 < 27*n^2 proof
        defpred _P[Nat] means 18*t1*$1 - 3*t2 < 27*$1^2;
   A14: _P[400] proof
       A15: 18*t1*400 - 3*t2 = 7200*t1 - (3*1000)*t1 by A5,A6,A8,XCMPLX_1:4
                           .= (7200 - 3000)*t1 by XCMPLX_1:40
                           .= 4200*t1;
             27*400^2 = 27*(400*400) by SQUARE_1:def 3
                  .= 27*((4*40)*t1) by A6,A8
                  .= (27*160)*t1 by XCMPLX_1:4
                  .= 4320*t1;
        hence thesis by A9,A15,REAL_1:70;
   A16: for k st k >= 400 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof let k such that
       A17: k >= 400 and
       A18: 18*t1*k - 3*t2 < 27*k^2;
          18*t1*(k+1) - 3*t2 = (18*t1*k + 18*t1*1) - 3*t2 by XCMPLX_1:8
                             .= (18*t1*k + 18*t1*1) + -3*t2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                             .= (18*t1*k + -3*t2) + 18*t1 by XCMPLX_1:1
                             .= (18*t1*k - 3*t2) + 18*t1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
       then A19: 18*t1*(k+1) - 3*t2 < 27*k^2 + 18*t1 by A18,REAL_1:53;
             54*400 <= 54*k by A17,AXIOMS:25;
       then A20: 18*t1 < 54*k by A6,A8,AXIOMS:22;
             54*k + 0 <= 54*k + 27 by REAL_1:55;
           then 18*t1 < 54*k + 27 by A20,AXIOMS:22;
       then A21: 27*k^2 + 18*t1 < 27*k^2 + (54*k + 27) by REAL_1:53;
             27*k^2 + (54*k + 27) = 27*k^2 + ((27*2)*k + 27)
                              .= 27*k^2 + (27*(2*k) + 27*1) by XCMPLX_1:4
                              .= 27*k^2 + 27*(2*k + 1) by XCMPLX_1:8
                              .= 27*(k^2 + (2*k + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
                              .= 27*(k^2 + 2*k*1 + 1*1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                              .= 27*(k^2 + 2*k*1 + 1^2) by SQUARE_1:def 3
                              .= 27*(k+1)^2 by SQUARE_1:63;
        hence thesis by A19,A21,AXIOMS:22;
       for n st n >= 400 holds _P[n]from Ind1(A14, A16);
    hence thesis;
   now let n; assume
 A22: n >= 400;
    then f.n <= 27*n^2 by A10;
 then f.n <= 27*(n to_power 2) by POWER:53;
  hence f.n <= 27*g.n by A22,Def3;
      0 + (18*t1*n - 3*t2) < 27*n^2 by A13,A22;
    then 0 < 27*n^2 - (18*t1*n - 3*t2) by REAL_1:86;
    then 0 < 27*n^2 - 18*t1*n + 3*t2 by XCMPLX_1:37;
    then 0 < 27*n^2 + -18*t1*n + 3*t2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
    then 0 < 3*t2 + -18*t1*n + 27*n^2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
    then 0 < 3*(10 to_power 6) - 18*t1*n + 27*n^2 by A7,XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  hence f.n >= 0 by A1,A6;
 hence thesis by A2,A3;

:: Problem 3.2 -- omitted

:: Problem 3.3 -- omitted

:: Problem 3.4 -- omitted

begin :: Problem 3.5

theorem :: Part 1
   seq_n^(2) in Big_Oh(seq_n^(3))
 set f = seq_n^(2);
 set g = seq_n^(3);
A1: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 } by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A2: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
   now let n; assume
 A3: n >= 2;
 then A4: n > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
 A5: f.n = n to_power 2 by A3,Def3;
      g.n = n to_power 3 by A3,Def3;
  hence f.n <= 1*g.n by A4,A5,POWER:44;
  thus f.n >= 0 by A5;
 hence thesis by A1,A2;

theorem :: Part 2
   not seq_n^(2) in Big_Omega(seq_n^(3))
 set f = seq_n^(2);
 set g = seq_n^(3);
A1: Big_Omega(g) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
    ex d,N st d > 0 & for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n&s.n >= 0 }
      by ASYMPT_0:def 13;
   now assume seq_n^(2) in Big_Omega(seq_n^(3));
    then consider s being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A2: s = f and
 A3: ex d,N st d > 0 & for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n >= 0 by A1;
    consider d,N such that
 A4: d > 0 and
 A5: for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n >= 0 by A3;
 A6: N+2 > 1+0 by REAL_1:67;
      ex n st n >= N & d*g.n > s.n proof
     take n = max( N, [/(N+2)/d\] );
    A7:  n >= [/(N+2)/d\] & n >= N by SQUARE_1:46;
          d" > 0 by A4,REAL_1:72;
        then A8: (N+2)*d" > 0*d" by REAL_1:70;
    A9: [/(N+2)/d\] >= (N+2)/d by INT_1:def 5;
    then A10:  n > 0 by A7,A8,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
          n is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
        then reconsider n as Nat by A7,INT_1:16;
    A11:  (d*g.n)*(n to_power -2) = d*(n to_power 3)*(n to_power -2)
                                       by A10,Def3
                            .= d*((n to_power 3)*(n to_power -2)) by XCMPLX_1:4
                            .= d*(n to_power (3+(-2))) by A10,POWER:32
                            .= d*n by POWER:30;
    A12: f.n*(n to_power -2)
                  = (n to_power 2)*(n to_power -2) by A10,Def3
                 .= (n to_power (2+(-2))) by A10,POWER:32
                 .= 1 by POWER:29;
    A13: d*([/(N+2)/d\]) >= d*((N+2)/d) by A4,A9,AXIOMS:25;
          d*n >= d*([/(N+2)/d\]) by A4,A7,AXIOMS:25;
     then d*n >= ((N+2)/d)*d by A13,AXIOMS:22;
    then d*n >= N+2 by A4,XCMPLX_1:88;
    then A14: (d*g.n)*(n to_power -2) > f.n*(n to_power -2) by A6,A11,A12,
          (n to_power -2) > 0 by A10,POWER:39;
     hence thesis by A2,A14,AXIOMS:25,SQUARE_1:46;
  hence contradiction by A5;
 hence thesis;

 for a being positive Real, b,c being Real
  holds seq_a^(a,b,c) is eventually-positive;

theorem :: Part 3
   ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence
  st s = seq_a^(2,1,1) & seq_a^(2,1,0) in Big_Theta(s)
 set f = seq_a^(2,1,0);
    reconsider g = seq_a^(2,1,1) as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take g;
 thus g = seq_a^(2,1,1);
A1: Big_Theta(g) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
    ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
     for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
A2: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
A3: (2 to_power -1) > 0 by POWER:39;
   now let n; assume n >= 2;
 A4: f.n = 2 to_power (1*n+0) by Def1;
 A5: g.n = 2 to_power (1*n+1) by Def1;
    then (2 to_power -1)*g.n = 2 to_power ((-1)+(n+1)) by POWER:32
                       .= 2 to_power (n+(1+-1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                       .= f.n by A4;
  hence (2 to_power -1)*g.n <= f.n;
      n+0 <= n+1 by REAL_1:55;
  hence f.n <= 1*g.n by A4,A5,PRE_FF:10;
 hence thesis by A1,A2,A3;

definition let a be Nat;
 func seq_n!(a) -> Real_Sequence means :Def5:
  it.n = (n+a)!;
 existence proof
   deffunc _F(Nat) = ($1+a)!;
    consider h being Function of NAT, REAL such that
 A1: for n being Nat holds h.n = _F(n) from LambdaD;
  take h; let n; thus h.n = (n+a)! by A1;
 uniqueness proof let j,k be Real_Sequence such that
 A2: for n holds j.n = (n+a)! and
 A3: for n holds k.n = (n+a)!;
    now let n; thus j.n = (n+a)! by A2 .= k.n by A3; end;
  hence j = k by FUNCT_2:113;

definition let a be Nat;
 cluster seq_n!(a) -> eventually-positive;
  coherence proof
   set f = seq_n!(a);
   take 0;
    let n; assume n >= 0;
         f.n = (n+a)! by Def5;
     hence f.n > 0 by NEWTON:23;

theorem :: Part 4
   not seq_n!(0) in Big_Theta(seq_n!(1))
 set f = seq_n!(0);
 set g = seq_n!(1);
A1: Big_Theta(g) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
    ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
     for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
   now assume f in Big_Theta(g);
    then consider s being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A2: s = f and
 A3: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
     for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n by A1;
    consider c,d,N such that
      c > 0 and
 A4: d > 0 and
 A5: for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n by A3;
      ex n st n >= N & d*g.n > f.n proof
     take n = max( N, [/(N+1)/d\] );
    A6:  n >= N & n >= [/(N+1)/d\] by SQUARE_1:46;
          n is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
        then reconsider n as Nat by A6,INT_1:16;
          n! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
    then A7:  (n!)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
    A8: n! <> 0 by NEWTON:23;
    A9:  (d*g.n)*(n!)" = (d*((n+1)!))*(n!)" by Def5
                     .= (d*((n+1)*(n!)))*(n!)" by NEWTON:21
                     .= ((d*(n+1))*(n!))*(n!)" by XCMPLX_1:4
                     .= (d*(n+1)*((n!)*(n!)")) by XCMPLX_1:4
                     .= (d*(n+1))*1 by A8,XCMPLX_0:def 7
                     .= d*(n+1);
          [/(N+1)/d\] >= (N+1)/d by INT_1:def 5;
        then [/(N+1)/d\] + 1 >= (N+1)/d + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
    then A10: d*([/(N+1)/d\] + 1) >= d*((N+1)/d + 1) by A4,AXIOMS:25;
          n+1 >= [/(N+1)/d\]+1 by A6,AXIOMS:24;
        then d*(n+1) >= d*([/(N+1)/d\]+1) by A4,AXIOMS:25;
    then A11: d*(n+1) >= d*(((N+1)/d) + 1) by A10,AXIOMS:22;
    A12: d*(((N+1)/d) + 1) = d*((N+1)/d) + d*1 by XCMPLX_1:8
                         .= (N+1) + d by A4,XCMPLX_1:88;
          N+1 >= 1+0 by AXIOMS:24;
        then d*(((N+1)/d) + 1) > 1 by A4,A12,REAL_1:67;
    then A13: (d*g.n)*(n!)" > 1 by A9,A11,AXIOMS:22;
          f.n*(n!)" = (n+0)!*(n!)" by Def5
                 .= 1 by A8,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
     hence thesis by A7,A13,AXIOMS:25,SQUARE_1:46;
  hence contradiction by A2,A5;
 hence thesis;

begin :: Problem 3.6

now let a,b,c,d be Real;
 assume 0 <= b & a <= b & 0 <= c & c <= d;
   then a*c <= b*c & b*c <= b*d by AXIOMS:25;
 hence a*c <= b*d by AXIOMS:22;

   for f being Real_Sequence
  st f in Big_Oh(seq_n^(1)) holds f(#)f in Big_Oh(seq_n^(2))
 set g = seq_n^(1);
 set h = seq_n^(2);
 let f be Real_Sequence;
A1: f in Big_Oh(g);
A2: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A3: Big_Oh(h) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*h.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
   consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
A4: t = f and
A5: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A1,A2;
   consider c, N such that
A6: c > 0 and
A7: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A5;
   set d = max( c, c*c );
A8: d >= c & d >= c*c by SQUARE_1:46;
A9: d > 0 by A6,SQUARE_1:46;
A10: t(#)t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
A11: 0 to_power 1 = 0 by POWER:def 2;
     now take N; let n; assume n >= N;
   then A12: t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A7;
   A13: g.n >= 0 proof
       per cases;
       suppose n = 0;
        hence thesis by Def3;
        n > 0;
          then g.n = n to_power 1 by Def3
             .= n by POWER:30;
        hence thesis;
   A14: for n holds g.n <= h.n proof
       let n;
        per cases;
        A15:  n = 0;
            then g.n = 0 by Def3;
         hence g.n <= h.n by A15,Def3;
             n > 0;
        then A16: n >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38;
         thus g.n <= h.n proof
          per cases by A16,REAL_1:def 5;
          A17: n = 1;
               (1 to_power 1) = 1 & (1 to_power 2) = 1 by POWER:31;
             then g.n = (1 to_power 2) by A17,Def3;
           hence g.n <= h.n by A17,Def3;
          A18:  n > 1;
               then (n to_power 1) < (n to_power 2) by POWER:44;
              then g.n < (n to_power 2) by A18,Def3;
           hence g.n <= h.n by A18,Def3;
        t.n*t.n <= (c*g.n)*(c*g.n) by A12,Lm26;
      then t.n*t.n <= (c*(g.n*c*g.n)) by XCMPLX_1:4;
   then A19: t.n*t.n <= (c*(c*(g.n*g.n))) by XCMPLX_1:4;
   A20: (n to_power 1)*(n to_power 1) = (n to_power (1+1)) proof
       per cases;
         n = 0;
        hence thesis by A11,POWER:def 2;
       suppose n > 0;
        hence thesis by POWER:32;
        g.n*g.n = h.n proof
       per cases;
       A21: n = 0;
        hence g.n*g.n = 0*g.n by Def3
                     .= h.n by A21,Def3;
       A22: n > 0;
        hence g.n*g.n = (n to_power 1)*g.n by Def3
                     .= (n to_power (1+1)) by A20,A22,Def3
                     .= h.n by A22,Def3;
   then A23: t.n*t.n <= (c*c)*h.n by A19,XCMPLX_1:4;
        h.n >= g.n by A14;
      then (c*c)*h.n <= d*h.n by A8,A13,AXIOMS:25;
      then t.n*t.n <= d*h.n by A23,AXIOMS:22;
    hence (t(#)t).n <= d*h.n by SEQ_1:12;
        t.n*t.n >= t.n*0 by A12,AXIOMS:25;
    hence (t(#)t).n >= 0 by SEQ_1:12;
 hence thesis by A3,A4,A9,A10;

begin :: Problem 3.7

   ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence
  st s = seq_a^(2,1,0) & 2(#)seq_n^(1) in Big_Oh( seq_n^(1) ) &
   not seq_a^(2,2,0) in Big_Oh(s)
 set f = 2(#)seq_n^(1);
 set g = seq_n^(1);
 set p = seq_a^(2,2,0);
   reconsider q = seq_a^(2,1,0) as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take q;
 thus q = seq_a^(2,1,0);
A1: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A2: Big_Oh(q) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*q.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A3: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
   now let n; assume
  n >= 0;
  thus f.n <= 2*g.n by SEQ_1:13;
  A4: g.n = n proof
      per cases;
      suppose n = 0;
       hence thesis by Def3;
      suppose n > 0;
       hence g.n = n to_power 1 by Def3
                .= n by POWER:30;
       2*n >= 2*0;
  hence f.n >= 0 by A4,SEQ_1:13;
 hence f in Big_Oh(g) by A1,A3;
   now assume p in Big_Oh(q);
    then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A5: t = p and
 A6: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*q.n & t.n >= 0 by A2;
    consider c,N such that
 A7: c > 0 and
 A8: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*q.n & t.n >= 0 by A6;
      ex n st n >= N & t.n > c*q.n proof
     take n = max( N, [/log(2,c)+1\] );
    A9:  n >= N & n >= [/log(2,c)+1\] by SQUARE_1:46;
          n is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
        then reconsider n as Nat by A9,INT_1:16;
    A10: (c*q.n)*(2 to_power -n)
                  = (c*(2 to_power (1*n+0)))*(2 to_power -n) by Def1
                 .= c*((2 to_power n)*(2 to_power -n)) by XCMPLX_1:4
                 .= c*(2 to_power (n+-n)) by POWER:32
                 .= c*(2 to_power 0) by XCMPLX_0:def 6
                 .= c*1 by POWER:29;
    A11: p.n*(2 to_power -n) = (2 to_power (2*n+0))*(2 to_power -n) by Def1
                           .= (2 to_power (2*n+-(1*n))) by POWER:32
                           .= (2 to_power (2*n+(-1)*n)) by XCMPLX_1:175
                           .= (2 to_power ((2+-1)*n)) by XCMPLX_1:8
                           .= (2 to_power (1*n));
    A12: 2 to_power n >= 2 to_power [/log(2,c)+1\] by A9,PRE_FF:10;
          [/log(2,c)+1\] >= log(2,c)+1 by INT_1:def 5;
    then A13: 2 to_power [/log(2,c)+1\] >= 2 to_power (log(2,c)+1) by PRE_FF:10
       2 to_power (log(2,c)+1)
                  = (2 to_power log(2,c))*(2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
                 .= c*(2 to_power 1) by A7,POWER:def 3
                 .= c*2 by POWER:30;
        then 2 to_power (log(2,c)+1) > (c*q.n)*(2 to_power -n)
                                                     by A7,A10,REAL_1:70;
        then 2 to_power [/log(2,c)+1\] > (c*q.n)*(2 to_power -n) by A13,AXIOMS:
    then A14: p.n*(2 to_power -n) > (c*q.n)*(2 to_power -n) by A11,A12,AXIOMS:
          2 to_power -n > 0 by POWER:39;
     hence thesis by A5,A14,AXIOMS:25,SQUARE_1:46;
  hence contradiction by A8;
 hence thesis;

begin :: Problem 3.8

   log(2,3) < 159/100 implies
  seq_n^(log(2,3)) in Big_Oh(seq_n^(159/100)) &
  not seq_n^(log(2,3)) in Big_Omega(seq_n^(159/100)) &
  not seq_n^(log(2,3)) in Big_Theta(seq_n^(159/100))
A1: log(2,3) < 159/100;
  set f = seq_n^(log(2,3));
  set g = seq_n^(159/100);
  set h = f/"g;
  set c = 159/100 - log(2,3);
      log(2,3) - log(2,3) < 159/100 - log(2,3) by A1,REAL_1:54;
    then A2: 0 < c by XCMPLX_1:14;
then A3: c*2" > 0*2" by REAL_1:70;
then A4: c/2 > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
A5: c/2 <> 0 by A3,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
A6: now let p be real number such that
 A7: p > 0;
  reconsider p1 = p as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
  set N1 = max([/((1/p1) to_power (1/(c/2)))\], 2);
 A8: N1 >= [/((1/p) to_power (1/(c/2)))\] & N1 >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A9: N1 > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
       N1 is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N1 as Nat by A8,INT_1:16;
  take N1; let n; assume
  A10: n >= N1;
        p" > 0 by A7,REAL_1:72;
  then A11: 1/p > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
        [/((1/p) to_power (1/(c/2)))\]>=
((1/p) to_power (1/(c/2))) by INT_1:def 5;
  then A12: N1 >= ((1/p) to_power (1/(c/2))) by A8,AXIOMS:22;
  A13: ((1/p1) to_power (1/(c/2))) > 0 by A11,POWER:39;
  A14: n > 1 by A9,A10,AXIOMS:22;
  A15: h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4;
       f.n = (n to_power log(2,3)) by A8,A10,Def3;
  then A16: h.n = (n to_power log(2,3)) / (n to_power (159/100)) by A8,A10,A15,
         .= (n to_power (log(2,3) - (159/100))) by A8,A10,POWER:34
         .= (n to_power -c) by XCMPLX_1:143;
        n >= ((1/p) to_power (1/(c/2))) by A10,A12,AXIOMS:22;
      then n to_power (c/2) >=
         ((1/p) to_power (1/(c/2))) to_power (c/2) by A4,A13,Lm6;
      then n to_power (c/2) >=
 (1/p1) to_power ((1/(c/2))*(c/2)) by A11,POWER:38;
      then n to_power (c/2) >= (1/p) to_power 1 by A5,XCMPLX_1:88;
      then n to_power (c/2) >= 1/p1 by POWER:30;
      then 1 / (n to_power (c/2)) <= 1 / (1/p) by A11,REAL_2:152;
      then 1 / (n to_power (c/2)) <= 1 / (p") by XCMPLX_1:217;
      then 1 / (n to_power (c/2)) <= p by XCMPLX_1:218;
  then A17: n to_power -(c/2) <= p by A8,A10,POWER:33;
  A18: n to_power (c/2) > 0 by A8,A10,POWER:39;
        c*(1/2) < c*1 by A2,REAL_1:70;
      then c/2 < c by XCMPLX_1:100;
      then n to_power (c/2) < n to_power c by A14,POWER:44;
      then 1 / (n to_power (c/2)) > 1 / (n to_power c) by A18,REAL_2:151;
      then n to_power -(c/2) > 1 / (n to_power c) by A8,A10,POWER:33;
      then h.n < n to_power -(c/2) by A8,A10,A16,POWER:33;
  then A19: h.n < p by A17,AXIOMS:22;
        h.n > 0 by A8,A10,A16,POWER:39;
   hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A19,ABSVALUE:def 1;
then A20: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
then A21:lim h = 0 by A6,SEQ_2:def 7;
then A22: f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A20,ASYMPT_0:16;
then A23: f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
A24: now assume f in Big_Theta(g);
      then f in Big_Oh(g) /\ Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:def 14;
    hence contradiction by A23,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
 thus f in Big_Oh(g) by A20,A21,ASYMPT_0:16;
 thus not f in Big_Omega(g) by A22,ASYMPT_0:19;
 thus not f in Big_Theta(g) by A24;

:: Problem 3.9 --  Proven in theorem ASYMPT_0:10

:: Problem 3.10 --  Proven in theorem ASYMPT_0:12

begin :: Problem 3.11

   for f,g being Real_Sequence st
  (for n holds f.n = n mod 2) & (for n holds g.n = n+1 mod 2)
   holds ex s,s1 being eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence
    st s = f & s1 = g & not s in Big_Oh(s1) & not s1 in Big_Oh(s)
 let f,g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: for n holds f.n = n mod 2 and
A2: for n holds g.n = n+1 mod 2;
      f is eventually-nonnegative proof
     take 0;
      let n; assume n >= 0;
      A3: f.n = n mod 2 by A1;
       per cases by A3,GROUP_4:100;
       suppose f.n = 0;
        hence f.n >= 0;
       suppose f.n = 1;
        hence f.n >= 0;
    then reconsider f as eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence;
      g is eventually-nonnegative proof
     take 0;
      let n; assume n >= 0;
      A4: g.n = n+1 mod 2 by A2;
       per cases by A4,GROUP_4:100;
       suppose g.n = 0;
        hence g.n >= 0;
       suppose g.n = 1;
        hence g.n >= 0;
    then reconsider g as eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence;
 take f,g;
A5: Big_Oh(f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
    ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 }
      by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A6: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
    ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
      by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A7: now assume f in Big_Oh(g);
    then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A8: t = f and
 A9: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A6;
    consider c,N such that
      c > 0 and
 A10: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A9;
      ex n st n >= N & t.n > c*g.n proof
     per cases by GROUP_4:100;
      A11: N mod 2 = 0;
      A12: N+1 >= N by NAT_1:38;
      A13: t.(N+1) = (N+1) mod 2 by A1,A8
                .= (0+(1 mod 2)) mod 2 by A11,EULER_2:8
                .= (0+1) mod 2 by GROUP_4:102
                .= 1 by GROUP_4:102;
           g.(N+1) = ((N+1)+1) mod 2 by A2
                .= (N+(1+1)) mod 2 by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= (0+(2 mod 2)) mod 2 by A11,EULER_2:8
                .= (0+0) mod 2 by GR_CY_1:5
                .= 0 by GR_CY_1:6;
         then c*g.(N+1) = 0;
       hence thesis by A12,A13;
      A14: N mod 2 = 1;
      then A15: t.N = 1 by A1,A8;
           g.N = (N+1) mod 2 by A2
            .= (1+(1 mod 2)) mod 2 by A14,EULER_2:8
            .= (1+1) mod 2 by GROUP_4:102
            .= 0 by GR_CY_1:5;
         then c*g.N = 0;
       hence thesis by A15;
  hence contradiction by A10;
   now assume g in Big_Oh(f);
    then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A16: t = g and
 A17: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A5;
    consider c,N such that
      c > 0 and
 A18: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A17;
      ex n st n >= N & t.n > c*f.n proof
     per cases by GROUP_4:100;
      A19: N mod 2 = 0;
      A20: t.N = (N+1) mod 2 by A2,A16
            .= (0+(1 mod 2)) mod 2 by A19,EULER_2:8
            .= (0+1) mod 2 by GROUP_4:102
            .= 1 by GROUP_4:102;
           f.N = 0 by A1,A19;
         then c*f.N = 0;
       hence thesis by A20;
      A21: N mod 2 = 1;
      A22: N+1 >= N by NAT_1:38;
      A23: t.(N+1) = ((N+1)+1) mod 2 by A2,A16
                .= (N+(1+1)) mod 2 by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= (1+(2 mod 2)) mod 2 by A21,EULER_2:8
                .= (1+0) mod 2 by GR_CY_1:5
                .= 1 by GROUP_4:102;
           f.(N+1) = (N+1) mod 2 by A1
                .= (1+(1 mod 2)) mod 2 by A21,EULER_2:8
                .= (1+1) mod 2 by GROUP_4:102
                .= 0 by GR_CY_1:5;
         then c*f.(N+1) = 0;
       hence thesis by A22,A23;
  hence contradiction by A18;
 hence thesis by A7;

:: Problem 3.12 -- Proven in theorems ASYMPT_0:20, ASYMPT_0:21

:: Problem 3.13 -- omitted (uses a notation that we do not support)

:: Problem 3.14 -- omitted (cannot Mizar an incorrect proof)

:: Problem 3.15 -- omitted (cannot Mizar an incorrect proof)

:: Problem 3.16 -- omitted (maximum rule over multiple functions can be
::                          reduced to repeated applications of the binary
::                          maximum rule)

:: Problem 3.17 -- omitted (cannot Mizar an incorrect proof)

:: Problem 3.18 -- Proven in theorems ASYMPT_0:28, ASYMPT_0:29, ASYMPT_0:30

begin :: Problem 3.19

theorem :: Part 1
   for f,g being eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence holds
  Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g) iff f in Big_Theta(g)
 let f,g be eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence;
A1: Big_Oh(f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A2: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
 hereby assume
 A3: Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g);
 then A4: f in Big_Oh(g) by ASYMPT_0:10;
      g in Big_Oh(f) by A3,ASYMPT_0:10;
    then f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
    then f in Big_Oh(g) /\ Big_Omega(g) by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
  hence f in Big_Theta(g) by ASYMPT_0:def 14;
 A5: f in Big_Theta(g);
    now let x be set;
   hereby assume x in Big_Oh(f);
      then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
   A6: x = t and
   A7: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A1;
      consider c,N such that
        c > 0 and
   A8: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A7;
      now take N; let n; assume n >= N;
     hence t.n >= 0 by A8;
   then A9: t is eventually-nonnegative by ASYMPT_0:def 4;
   A10: t in Big_Oh(f) by A1,A7;
        f in Big_Oh(g) /\ Big_Omega(g) by A5,ASYMPT_0:def 14;
      then f in Big_Oh(g) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence x in Big_Oh(g) by A6,A9,A10,ASYMPT_0:12;
   assume x in Big_Oh(g);
      then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
   A11: x = t and
   A12: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A2;
      consider c,N such that
        c > 0 and
   A13: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A12;
      now take N; let n; assume n >= N;
     hence t.n >= 0 by A13;
   then A14: t is eventually-nonnegative by ASYMPT_0:def 4;
   A15: t in Big_Oh(g) by A2,A12;
        f in Big_Oh(g) /\ Big_Omega(g) by A5,ASYMPT_0:def 14;
      then f in Big_Omega(g) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then g in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:19;
    hence x in Big_Oh(f) by A11,A14,A15,ASYMPT_0:12;
  hence Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g) by TARSKI:2;

theorem :: Part 2
   for f,g being eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence holds
  f in Big_Theta(g) iff Big_Theta(f) = Big_Theta(g)
 let f,g be eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence;
A1: Big_Theta(f) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*f.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*f.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
A2: Big_Theta(g) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
    consider N1 such that
A3: for n st n >= N1 holds f.n >= 0 by ASYMPT_0:def 4;
    consider N2 such that
A4: for n st n >= N2 holds g.n >= 0 by ASYMPT_0:def 4;
 hereby assume
 A5: f in Big_Theta(g);
    now let x be set;
   hereby assume x in Big_Theta(f);
      then consider s being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
   A6: s = x and
   A7: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
       for n st n >= N holds d*f.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*f.n by A1;
      consider c,d,N3 such that
        c > 0 and
   A8: d > 0 and
   A9: for n st n >= N3 holds d*f.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*f.n by A7;
    set N = max( N1, N3 );
   A10: N >= N1 & N >= N3 by SQUARE_1:46;
      now take N; let n; assume n >= N;
    then A11: n >= N1 & n >= N3 by A10,AXIOMS:22;
       then f.n >= 0 by A3;
    then d*f.n >= d*0 by A8,AXIOMS:25;
     hence s.n >= 0 by A9,A11;
   then A12: s is eventually-nonnegative by ASYMPT_0:def 4;
        s in Big_Theta(f) by A1,A7;
    hence x in Big_Theta(g) by A5,A6,A12,ASYMPT_0:30;
   assume x in Big_Theta(g);
      then consider s being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
   A13: s = x and
   A14: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
       for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n by A2;
      consider c,d,N3 such that
        c > 0 and
   A15: d > 0 and
   A16: for n st n >= N3 holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n by A14;
    set N = max( N2, N3 );
   A17: N >= N2 & N >= N3 by SQUARE_1:46;
      now take N; let n; assume n >= N;
    then A18: n >= N2 & n >= N3 by A17,AXIOMS:22;
       then g.n >= 0 by A4;
    then d*g.n >= d*0 by A15,AXIOMS:25;
     hence s.n >= 0 by A16,A18;
   then A19: s is eventually-nonnegative by ASYMPT_0:def 4;
   A20: s in Big_Theta(g) by A2,A14;
        g in Big_Theta(f) by A5,ASYMPT_0:29;
    hence x in Big_Theta(f) by A13,A19,A20,ASYMPT_0:30;
  hence Big_Theta(f) = Big_Theta(g) by TARSKI:2;
 assume Big_Theta(f) = Big_Theta(g);
  hence f in Big_Theta(g) by ASYMPT_0:28;

:: Problem 3.20 -- Proven above in theorem ASYMPT_1:?????

begin :: Problem 3.21

 for n holds (n^2 - n + 1) > 0
proof defpred _P[Nat] means ($1^2 - $1 + 1) > 0;
A1: _P[0] proof  0^2 -0 + 1 = 0*0 - 0 + 1 by SQUARE_1:def 3 .= 1;
  hence thesis;
A2: for k st _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof let k such that
 A3: (k^2 - k + 1) > 0;
 A4: ((k+1)^2 - (k+1) + 1) = ((k^2 + 2*k*1 + 1^2) - (k+1) + 1) by SQUARE_1:63
            .= ((k^2 + 2*k + 1*1) - (k+1) + 1) by SQUARE_1:def 3
            .= ((k^2 + 2*k + 1) - k - 1 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:36
            .= ((k^2 + 2*k + 1) - k + -1 + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
            .= ((k^2 + 2*k + 1) + -k + -1 + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
            .= ((k^2 + 2*k + 1) + -k + (-1 + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
            .= ((k^2 + (2*k + 1)) + -k) by XCMPLX_1:1
            .= (k^2 + ((1 + 2*k) + -k)) by XCMPLX_1:1
            .= (k^2 + ((1 + -k) + 2*k)) by XCMPLX_1:1
            .= ((k^2 + (1 + -k)) + 2*k) by XCMPLX_1:1
            .= ((k^2 + -k + 1) + 2*k) by XCMPLX_1:1
            .= ((k^2 -k + 1) + 2*k) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
      (k^2 - k + 1) + 2*k > 0+0 by A3,REAL_1:67;
  hence thesis by A4;
  for n holds _P[n]  from Ind(A1, A2);
 hence thesis;

 for f,g being Real_Sequence, N being Nat, c being Real
  st f is convergent & lim f = c & for n st n >= N holds f.n = g.n
   holds g is convergent & lim g = c
 let f,g be Real_Sequence, N be Nat, c be Real such that
A1: f is convergent and
A2: lim f = c and
A3: for n st n >= N holds f.n = g.n;
A4: now let p be real number; assume
      p > 0;
      then consider M such that
   A5: for n st n >= M holds abs(f.n-c) < p by A1,A2,SEQ_2:def 7;
    set N1 = max(N, M);
   A6: N1 >= N & N1 >= M by SQUARE_1:46;
    take N1; let n; assume
         n >= N1;
    then A7: n >= N & n >= M by A6,AXIOMS:22;
       then abs(f.n-c) < p by A5;
     hence abs(g.n-c) < p by A3,A7;
 hence g is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
 hence lim g = c by A4,SEQ_2:def 7;

 for n st n >= 1 holds (n^2 -n + 1) <= n^2
 let n such that
A1: n >= 1;
   now assume (n^2 -n + 1) > n^2;
    then (n^2 + -n + 1) > n^2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
    then n^2 + (-n + 1) > n^2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
    then -n^2 + (n^2 + (-n + 1)) > n^2 + -n^2 by REAL_1:53;
    then (-n^2 + n^2) + (-n + 1) > n^2 + -n^2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
    then 0 + (-n + 1) > n^2 + -n^2 by XCMPLX_0:def 6;
    then -n + 1 > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 6;
    then 1 > 0 -(-n) by REAL_1:84;
    then 1 > 0 + -(-n) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  hence contradiction by A1;
 hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 1 holds n^2 <= 2*(n^2 -n + 1)
   defpred _P[Nat] means $1^2 <= 2*($1^2 -$1 + 1);
A1: _P[1] proof 1^2 = 1*1 by SQUARE_1:def 3 .= 1; hence thesis; end;
A2: for k st k>=1 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof let k such that
    A3: k >= 1 and
    A4: k^2 <= 2*(k^2 -k + 1);
    A5: (k+1)^2 = k^2 + 2*k*1 + 1^2 by SQUARE_1:63
              .= k^2 + 2*k + 1*1 by SQUARE_1:def 3
              .= k^2 + 2*k + 1;
          k^2 + (2*k + 1) <= 2*(k^2 -k + 1) + (2*k + 1) by A4,AXIOMS:24;
    then A6: (k+1)^2 <= 2*(k^2 -k + 1) + (2*k + 1) by A5,XCMPLX_1:1;
    A7: 2*(k^2 -k + 1) + (2*k + 1) = 2*(k^2
 + -k + 1) + (2*k + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                .= (2*(k^2 + -k) + 2*1) + (2*k + 1) by XCMPLX_1:8
                .= ((2*k^2 + 2*(-k)) + 2) + (2*k + 1) by XCMPLX_1:8
                .= (2*k^2 + (2*(-k) + 2)) + (2*k + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= (2*k^2 + (-2*k + 2)) + (2*k + 1) by XCMPLX_1:175
                .= ((2*k^2 + 2) + -2*k) + (2*k + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= (2*k^2 + 2) + (-2*k + (2*k + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= (2*k^2 + 2) + ((-2*k + 2*k) + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= (2*k^2 + 2) + (0 + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 6
                .= 2*k^2 + (2 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= 2*k^2 + 3;
          2*k >= 2*1 by A3,AXIOMS:25;
    then A8: 2*k + 2 >= 2 + 2 by AXIOMS:24;
    A9: 2*k^2 + 3 <= 2*k^2 + 4 by AXIOMS:24;
          2*k^2 + 4 <= 2*k^2 + (2*k + 2) by A8,AXIOMS:24;
    then A10: 2*(k^2 -k + 1) + (2*k + 1) <= 2*k^2
 + (2*k + 2) by A7,A9,AXIOMS:22;
          2*k^2 + (2*k + 2) = 2*k^2 + (2*k + 2*1)
                .= 2*k^2 + (2*(k + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
                .= 2*(k^2 + (k + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
                .= 2*(k^2 + (2+-1)*k + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= 2*(k^2 + (2*k + (-1)*k) + 1) by XCMPLX_1:8
                .= 2*(((k^2 + 2*k) + (-1)*k) + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= 2*((k^2 + 2*k) + (1 + -1) + ((-1)*k + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= 2*((((k^2 + 2*k) + 1) + -1) + ((-1)*k + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= 2*(((k^2 + 2*k) + 1) + (-1 + ((-1)*k + 1))) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= 2*((k^2 + 2*k*1 + 1*1) + (((-1)*k + -1) + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= 2*((k^2 + 2*k*1 + 1^2) + (((-1)*k + -1) + 1)) by SQUARE_1:
def 3
                .= 2*((k+1)^2 + (((-1)*k + (-1)*1) + 1)) by SQUARE_1:63
                .= 2*((k+1)^2 + ((-1)*(k + 1) + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
                .= 2*((k+1)^2 + (-(k + 1) + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:180
                .= 2*((k+1)^2 + -(k + 1) + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= 2*((k+1)^2 -(k + 1) + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
     hence thesis by A6,A10,AXIOMS:22;
    for n st n >= 1 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A2);
   hence thesis;

 for e being Real st 0 < e & e < 1 holds
  ex N st for n st n >= N holds n*log(2,1+e) - 8*log(2,n) > 8*log(2,n)
 let e be Real such that
A1: 0 < e and
A2: e < 1;
 set f = seq_logn;
 set g = seq_n^(e);
 set h = f/"g;
A3: h is convergent & lim h = 0 by A1,Lm16;
 set d = log(2,1+e);
     0+1 < e+1 by A1,REAL_1:53;
   then log(2,1) < log(2,e+1) by POWER:65;
then A4: d > 0 by POWER:59;
   then d*(1/16) > d*0 by REAL_1:70;
   then d/16 > 0 by XCMPLX_1:100;
   then consider N such that
A5: for n st n >= N holds abs(h.n-0) < d/16 by A3,SEQ_2:def 7;
    ex N st for n st n >= N holds n*log(2,1+e) - 8*log(2,n) > 8*log(2,n) proof
      set N1 = max(2, N);
   A6: N1 >= 2 & N1 >= N by SQUARE_1:46;
      now take N1; let n; assume A7: n >= N1;
    then A8: n >= 2 & n >= N by A6,AXIOMS:22;
        then A9: abs(h.n-0) < d/16 by A5;
          log(2,2) <= log(2,n) by A8,PRE_FF:12;
        then A10: 1 <= log(2,n) by POWER:60;
    A11: h.n = f.n / g.n by Lm4
           .= log(2,n) / g.n by A6,A7,Def2
           .= log(2,n) / (n to_power e) by A6,A7,Def3;
    A12: n to_power e > 0 by A6,A7,POWER:39;
        then (n to_power e)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
        then log(2,n)*(n to_power e)" > 0*(n to_power e)" by A10,REAL_1:70;
        then h.n > 0 by A11,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
    then A13: h.n < d/16 by A9,ABSVALUE:def 1;
          n > 1 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
        then n to_power 1 > n to_power e by A2,POWER:44;
        then 1 / (n to_power 1) < 1 / (n to_power e) by A12,REAL_2:151;
        then 1 / n < 1 / (n to_power e) by POWER:30;
        then log(2,n) * (1 / n) <
          log(2,n) * (1 / (n to_power e)) by A10,REAL_1:70;
        then log(2,n) / n < log(2,n) * (1/(n to_power e)) by XCMPLX_1:100;
        then log(2,n) / n < h.n by A11,XCMPLX_1:100;
    then A14: log(2,n) / n < d / 16 by A13,AXIOMS:22;
          n" > 0 by A6,A7,REAL_1:72;
        then log(2,n)*n" > 0*n" by A10,REAL_1:70;
        then log(2,n) / n > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
        then 1 / (log(2,n) / n) > 1 / (d / 16) by A14,REAL_2:151;
        then n / log(2,n) > 1 / (d / 16) by XCMPLX_1:57;
        then n / log(2,n) > 16 / d by XCMPLX_1:57;
        then d * (n / log(2,n)) > 16 / d * d by A4,REAL_1:70;
        then d * (n / log(2,n)) > 16 by A4,XCMPLX_1:88;
        then d * (n / log(2,n)) * log(2,n) > 16*log(2,n) by A10,REAL_1:70;
        then d * ((n / log(2,n)) * log(2,n)) > 16*log(2,n) by XCMPLX_1:4;
        then d*n > (8+8)*log(2,n) by A10,XCMPLX_1:88;
        then d*n > 8*log(2,n) + 8*log(2,n) by XCMPLX_1:8;
        then d*n - 8*log(2,n) >
                (8*log(2,n) + 8*log(2,n)) - 8*log(2,n) by REAL_1:54;
        then d*n - 8*log(2,n) >
                (8*log(2,n) + 8*log(2,n)) + -8*log(2,n) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
        then d*n - 8*log(2,n) >
                8*log(2,n) + (8*log(2,n) + -8*log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
        then d*n - 8*log(2,n) >
                8*log(2,n) + (8*log(2,n) - 8*log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
        then d*n - 8*log(2,n) > 8*log(2,n) + 0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
     hence n*d - 8*log(2,n) > 8*log(2,n);
    hence thesis;
 hence thesis;

theorem :: (Part 1, O(nlogn) c O(n^(1+e))), slightly generalized
   for e being Real, f being Real_Sequence
  st 0 < e & (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = n*log(2,n)))
   holds ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = f & Big_Oh(s) c= Big_Oh(seq_n^(1+e)) &
            not Big_Oh(s) = Big_Oh(seq_n^(1+e))
 let e be Real, f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: 0 < e and
A2: (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = n*log(2,n)));
     f is eventually-positive proof
     take 2;
     let n; assume
     A3: n >= 2;
         then log(2,n) >= log(2,2) by PRE_FF:12;
        then log(2,n) >= 1 by POWER:60;
        then n*log(2,n) > n*0 by A3,REAL_1:70;
      hence f.n > 0 by A2,A3;
   then reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f;
 set g = seq_n^(1+e);
 set h = f /" g;
 set seq = seq_logn;
 set seq1 = seq_n^(e);
 set p = seq /" seq1;
A4: p is convergent & lim p = 0 by A1,Lm16;
     for n st n >= 1 holds h.n = p.n proof
    let n; assume A5: n >= 1;
         h.n = f.n / g.n by Lm4
          .= n*log(2,n) / g.n by A2,A5
          .= n*log(2,n) / (n to_power (1+e)) by A5,Def3
          .= (n to_power 1)*log(2,n) / (n to_power (1+e)) by POWER:30
          .= (n to_power 1)*log(2,n) * (n to_power (1+e))" by XCMPLX_0:def 9
          .= log(2,n)*((n to_power 1)*(n to_power (1+e))") by XCMPLX_1:4
          .= log(2,n)*((n to_power 1)/(n to_power (1+e))) by XCMPLX_0:def 9
          .= log(2,n)*(n to_power (1-(1+e))) by A5,POWER:34
          .= log(2,n)*(n to_power (1+-(1+e))) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
          .= log(2,n)*(n to_power (1+(-1+-e))) by XCMPLX_1:140
          .= log(2,n)*(n to_power ((1+-1)+-e)) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= log(2,n)*(1/(n to_power e)) by A5,POWER:33
          .= log(2,n)/(n to_power e) by XCMPLX_1:100
          .= seq.n / (n to_power e) by A5,Def2
          .= seq.n / seq1.n by A5,Def3
          .= p.n by Lm4;
      hence h.n = p.n;
   then h is convergent & lim h = 0 by A4,Lm28;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

theorem :: (Part 2, O(n^(1+e)) c O(n^2/logn))
   for e being Real, g being Real_Sequence
  st 0 < e & e < 1 &
  (g.0 = 0 & g.1 = 0 & (for n st n > 1 holds g.n = (n to_power 2)/log(2,n)))
   holds ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = g & Big_Oh(seq_n^(1+e)) c= Big_Oh(s) &
            not Big_Oh(seq_n^(1+e)) = Big_Oh(s)
 let e be Real, g be Real_Sequence such that 0 < e and
A1: e < 1 and
A2: (g.0 = 0 & g.1 = 0 & (for n st n > 1 holds g.n = (n to_power 2)/log(2,n)));
 set f = seq_n^(1+e);
 set h = f /" g;
 set seq = seq_logn;
 set seq1 = seq_n^(1-e);
 set p = seq /" seq1;
     g is eventually-positive proof
    take 2;
    let n; assume
    A3: n >= 2;
       then n > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
    then A4: g.n = (n to_power 2)/log(2,n) by A2
          .= (n to_power 2)*(log(2,n))" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
    A5: n to_power 2 > 0 by A3,POWER:39;
         log(2,n) >= log(2,2) by A3,PRE_FF:12;
        then log(2,n) >= 1 by POWER:60;
       then (log(2,n))" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
       then (n to_power 2)*(log(2,n))" > (n to_power 2)*0 by A5,REAL_1:70;
     hence g.n > 0 by A4;
   then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take g;
     0+e < 1 by A1;
 then 0 < 1-e by REAL_1:86;
then A6: p is convergent & lim p = 0 by Lm16;
A7: (1+e)-2 = (e+1)+-2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
          .= e+(1+-2) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= e+-1
          .= e-1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
     for n st n >= 2 holds h.n = p.n proof
    let n; assume
    A8: n >= 2;
    then A9: n > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
         h.n = f.n / g.n by Lm4
          .= (n to_power (1+e)) / g.n by A8,Def3
          .= (n to_power (1+e)) /
                         ((n to_power 2) / log(2,n)) by A2,A9
          .= (n to_power (1+e)) * ((n to_power 2) / log(2,n))" by XCMPLX_0:def
          .= (n to_power (1+e)) * (log(2,n) / (n to_power 2)) by XCMPLX_1:215
          .= (n to_power (1+e)) * (log(2,n) * (n to_power 2)") by XCMPLX_0:def
          .= ((n to_power (1+e)) * (n to_power 2)") * log(2,n) by XCMPLX_1:4
          .= ((n to_power (1+e)) / (n to_power 2)) * log(2,n) by XCMPLX_0:def 9
          .= (n to_power (e-1)) * log(2,n) by A7,A8,POWER:34
          .= (n to_power -(1-e)) * log(2,n) by XCMPLX_1:143
          .= log(2,n) * (1 / (n to_power (1-e))) by A8,POWER:33
          .= log(2,n) / (n to_power (1-e)) by XCMPLX_1:100
          .= seq.n / (n to_power (1-e)) by A8,Def2
          .= seq.n / seq1.n by A8,Def3
          .= p.n by Lm4;
     hence thesis;
   then h is convergent & lim h = 0 by A6,Lm28;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

theorem :: (Part 3, O(n^2/logn) c O(n^8))
   for f being Real_Sequence st
  (f.0 = 0 & f.1 = 0 & (for n st n > 1 holds f.n = (n to_power 2)/log(2,n)))
   holds ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = f & Big_Oh(s) c= Big_Oh(seq_n^(8)) &
            not Big_Oh(s) = Big_Oh(seq_n^(8))
 let f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: (f.0 = 0 & f.1 = 0 & (for n st n > 1 holds f.n = (n to_power 2)/log(2,n)));
 set g = seq_n^(8);
 set h = f/"g;
      f is eventually-positive proof
     take 2;
     let n; assume
     A2: n >= 2;
        then n > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
     then A3: f.n = (n to_power 2)/log(2,n) by A1
           .= (n to_power 2)*(log(2,n))" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     A4: n to_power 2 > 0 by A2,POWER:39;
          log(2,n) >= log(2,2) by A2,PRE_FF:12;
        then log(2,n) >= 1 by POWER:60;
        then (log(2,n))" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
        then (n to_power 2)*(log(2,n))" > (n to_power 2)*0 by A4,REAL_1:70;
      hence f.n > 0 by A3;
    then reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f;
A5: now let p be real number; assume
 A6: p > 0;
  reconsider p1 = p as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
 set N = max(3,[/(p1 to_power -(1/6))\]);
 A7: N >= 3 & N >= [/(p to_power -(1/6))\] by SQUARE_1:46;
       N is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N as Nat by A7,INT_1:16;
  take N; let n; assume A8: n >= N;
  then A9: n >= 3 & n >= [/(p to_power -(1/6))\] by A7,AXIOMS:22;
  then A10: log(2,n) >= log(2,3) by PRE_FF:12;
        log(2,3) > log(2,2) by POWER:65;
      then log(2,n) > log(2,2) by A10,AXIOMS:22;
  then A11: log(2,n) > 1 by POWER:60;
  A12: n > 1 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
  A13: n to_power 6 > 0 by A7,A8,POWER:39;
  A14: h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4
         .= ((n to_power 2)/log(2,n)) / g.n by A1,A12
         .= ((n to_power 2)/log(2,n)) / (n to_power 8) by A7,A8,Def3
         .= ((n to_power 2)*(log(2,n))") / (n to_power 8) by XCMPLX_0:def 9
         .= ((log(2,n))"*(n to_power 2)) * (n to_power 8)" by XCMPLX_0:def 9
         .= (log(2,n))"*((n to_power 2)*(n to_power 8)") by XCMPLX_1:4
         .= (log(2,n))"*((n to_power 2)/(n to_power 8)) by XCMPLX_0:def 9
         .= (log(2,n))"*(n to_power (2-8)) by A7,A8,POWER:34
         .= (log(2,n))"*(n to_power -6)
         .= (log(2,n))"*(1/(n to_power 6)) by A7,A8,POWER:33
         .= (1/(n to_power 6))*(1/log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:217
         .= 1/((n to_power 6)*log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:103;
        (n to_power 6)*1 < (n to_power 6)*log(2,n) by A11,A13,REAL_1:70;
  then A15: h.n < 1/(n to_power 6) by A13,A14,REAL_2:151;
  A16: (p1 to_power -(1/6)) > 0 by A6,POWER:39;
        [/(p to_power -(1/6))\] >= (p to_power -(1/6)) by INT_1:def 5;
      then n >= (p to_power -(1/6)) by A9,AXIOMS:22;
      then n to_power 6 >= (p to_power -(1/6)) to_power 6 by A16,Lm6;
      then A17: n to_power 6 >= p1 to_power ((-(1/6))*6) by A6,POWER:38;
        p1 to_power -1 > 0 by A6,POWER:39;
      then 1/(n to_power 6) <= 1/(p to_power -1) by A17,REAL_2:152;
      then 1/(n to_power 6) <= 1/(1/(p1 to_power 1)) by A6,POWER:33;
      then 1/(n to_power 6) <= 1/(1/p1) by POWER:30;
      then 1/(n to_power 6) <= p by XCMPLX_1:56;
  then A18: h.n < p by A15,AXIOMS:22;
     (n to_power 6)*log(2,n) > (n to_power 6)*0 by A11,A13,REAL_1:70;
      then ((n to_power 6)*log(2,n))" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
      then h.n > 0 by A14,XCMPLX_1:217;
   hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A18,ABSVALUE:def 1;
then A19: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
   then lim h = 0 by A5,SEQ_2:def 7;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A19,ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

theorem :: (Part 4, O(n^8) = O((n^2-n+1)^4))
   for g being Real_Sequence st (for n holds g.n = (n^2 - n + 1) to_power 4)
  holds ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
   s = g & Big_Oh(seq_n^(8)) = Big_Oh(s)
 let g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: (for n holds g.n = (n^2 - n + 1) to_power 4);
 set f = seq_n^(8);
      g is eventually-positive proof
     take 0;
     let n; assume n >= 0;
     A2: g.n = (n^2 - n + 1) to_power 4 by A1;
          n^2 - n + 1 > 0 by Lm27;
      hence g.n > 0 by A2,POWER:39;
    then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take g;
A3: Big_Oh(f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A4: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A5: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
A6: g is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
   now let n; assume
 A7: n >= 1;
 then A8: f.n = n to_power (2*4) by Def3
        .= n to_power 2 to_power 4 by A7,POWER:38
        .= n^2 to_power 4 by POWER:53;
 A9: g.n = (n^2 -n + 1) to_power 4 by A1;
 A10: n^2 -n + 1 <= n^2 by A7,Lm29;
 A11: n^2 -n + 1 > 0 by Lm27;
  hence g.n <= 1*f.n by A8,A9,A10,Lm6;
  thus g.n >= 0 by A9,A11,POWER:39;
then A12: g in Big_Oh(f) by A3,A6;
   now let n; assume
 A13: n >= 1;
 then A14: f.n = n to_power (2*4) by Def3
        .= n to_power 2 to_power 4 by A13,POWER:38
        .= n^2 to_power 4 by POWER:53;
 A15: g.n = (n^2 -n + 1) to_power 4 by A1;
 A16: n^2 <= 2*(n^2 -n + 1) by A13,Lm30;
 A17: (n^2 -n + 1) > 0 by Lm27;
       n*n > n*0 by A13,REAL_1:70;
 then A18: n^2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
     then f.n <= (2*(n^2 -n + 1)) to_power 4 by A14,A16,Lm6;
  hence f.n <= 16*g.n by A15,A17,Lm9,POWER:35;
  thus f.n >= 0 by A14,A18,POWER:39;
    then f in Big_Oh(g) by A4,A5;
 hence thesis by A12,Lm5;

theorem :: (Part 5, O(n^8) c O((1+e)^n))
   for e being Real st 0 < e & e < 1 holds
  ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st s = seq_a^(1+e,1,0) &
   Big_Oh(seq_n^(8)) c= Big_Oh(s) & not Big_Oh(seq_n^(8)) = Big_Oh(s)
 let e be Real such that
A1: 0 < e and
A2: e < 1;
 set f = seq_n^(8);
 set g = seq_a^(1+e,1,0);
 set h = f/"g;
A3:  1 + e > 0 + 0 by A1,REAL_1:67;
    then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence by Lm25;
 take g;
 thus g = seq_a^(1+e,1,0);
    consider N such that
A4:  for n st n >= N holds n*log(2,1+e) - 8*log(2,n) > 8*log(2,n)
                                                           by A1,A2,Lm31;
A5: now let p be real number such that
 A6: p > 0;
  reconsider p1 = p as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
  set N1 = max( N, max([/((1/p1) to_power (1/8))\], 2) );
 A7: N1 >= N & N1 >= max([/((1/p) to_power (1/8))\], 2) by SQUARE_1:46;
      A8: max([/((1/p) to_power (1/8))\], 2) >= [/((1/p) to_power (1/8))\] &
      max([/((1/p) to_power (1/8))\], 2) >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A9: N1 >= [/((1/p) to_power (1/8))\] & N1 >= 2 by A7,AXIOMS:22;
       N1 is Integer proof
      per cases by SQUARE_1:49;
      suppose N1 = N;
       hence thesis;
      suppose N1 = max([/((1/p) to_power (1/8))\], 2);
       hence thesis by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N1 as Nat by A7,INT_1:16;
  take N1; let n; assume
  A10: n >= N1;
        p" > 0 by A6,REAL_1:72;
  then A11: 1/p > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
        [/((1/p) to_power (1/8))\] >= ((1/p) to_power (1/8)) by INT_1:def 5;
  then A12: N1 >= ((1/p) to_power (1/8)) by A9,AXIOMS:22;
  A13: ((1/p1) to_power (1/8)) > 0 by A11,POWER:39;
  A14: n >= N by A7,A10,AXIOMS:22;
  A15: h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4;
        g.n = ((1+e) to_power (1*n + 0)) by Def1;
  then A16: h.n = (n to_power 8) / ((1+e) to_power n) by A7,A8,A10,A15,Def3
         .= (2 to_power (8*log(2,n))) / ((1+e) to_power n) by A7,A8,A10,Lm3
         .= (2 to_power (8*log(2,n))) /
                   (2 to_power (n*log(2,1+e))) by A3,Lm3
         .= (2 to_power ((8*log(2,n)) - (n*log(2,1+e)))) by POWER:34
         .= (2 to_power -((n*log(2,1+e)) - (8*log(2,n)))) by XCMPLX_1:143;
        n >= ((1/p) to_power (1/8)) by A10,A12,AXIOMS:22;
      then n to_power 8 >= ((1/p) to_power (1/8)) to_power 8 by A13,Lm6;
      then n to_power 8 >= (1/p1) to_power ((1/8)*8) by A11,POWER:38;
      then n to_power 8 >= 1/p1 by POWER:30;
      then 1 / (n to_power 8) <= 1 / (1/p) by A11,REAL_2:152;
      then 1 / (n to_power 8) <= 1 / (p") by XCMPLX_1:217;
      then 1 / (n to_power 8) <= p by XCMPLX_1:218;
      then 1 / (2 to_power (8*log(2,n))) <= p by A7,A8,A10,Lm3;
  then A17: 2 to_power -(8*log(2,n)) <= p by POWER:33;
        ((n*log(2,1+e)) - (8*log(2,n))) > (8*log(2,n)) by A4,A14;
  then A18: 2 to_power ((n*log(2,1+e)) - (8*log(2,n))) >
        2 to_power (8*log(2,n)) by POWER:44;
        2 to_power (8*log(2,n)) > 0 by POWER:39;
      then 1 / (2 to_power ((n*log(2,1+e)) - (8*log(2,n)))) <
        1 / (2 to_power (8*log(2,n))) by A18,REAL_2:151;
      then 2 to_power -((n*log(2,1+e)) - (8*log(2,n))) <
        1 / (2 to_power (8*log(2,n))) by POWER:33;
      then h.n < 2 to_power -(8*log(2,n)) by A16,POWER:33;
  then A19: h.n < p by A17,AXIOMS:22;
        h.n > 0 by A16,POWER:39;
   hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A19,ABSVALUE:def 1;
then A20: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
   then lim h = 0 by A5,SEQ_2:def 7;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A20,ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

begin :: Problem 3.22

 2 to_power 12 = 4096
 thus 2 to_power 12 = 2 to_power (6+6)
                   .= 64*64 by Lm11,POWER:32
                   .= 4096;

 for n st n >= 3 holds n^2 > 2*n + 1
 defpred _P[Nat] means $1^2 > 2*$1 + 1;
      3^2 = 3*3 by SQUARE_1:def 3
      .= 9;
then A1: _P[3];
A2: for n st n >= 3 & _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof   let n; assume that
     A3: n >= 3 and
     A4: n^2 > 2*n + 1;
     A5: (n+1)^2 = (n+1)*(n+1) by SQUARE_1:def 3
              .= (n+1)*n + (n+1)*1 by XCMPLX_1:8
              .= n*n + 1*n + (n+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
              .= n^2 + n + (n+1) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
          n^2 + (n + (n+1)) > 2*n + 1 + (n + (n+1)) by A4,REAL_1:53;
        then (n+1)^2 > 2*n + 1 + (n + (n+1)) by A5,XCMPLX_1:1;
        then (n+1)^2 > 2*n + (1 + (n + (n+1))) by XCMPLX_1:1;
        then (n+1)^2 > 2*n + ((n+1) + (n+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
     then A6: (n+1)^2 > 2*n + 2*(n+1) by XCMPLX_1:11;
          n > 0 & n > 1 by A3,AXIOMS:22;
        then n + n > 1 + 0 by REAL_1:67;
        then 2*n > 1 by XCMPLX_1:11;
        then 2*n + 2*(n+1) > 1 + 2*(n+1) by REAL_1:53;
      hence (n+1)^2 > 2*(n+1) + 1 by A6,AXIOMS:22;
    for n st n >= 3 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A2);
   hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 10 holds 2 to_power (n-1) > (2*n)^2
   defpred _P[Nat] means 2 to_power ($1-1) > (2*$1)^2;
A1: _P[10] proof
    A2: 2 to_power (10-1) = 2 to_power (6+3)
                        .= 64*(2 to_power (2+1)) by Lm11,POWER:32
                        .= 64*((2 to_power 2)*(2 to_power 1)) by POWER:32
                        .= 64*((2 to_power (1+1))*2) by POWER:30
                        .= 64*(((2 to_power 1)*(2 to_power 1))*2) by POWER:32
                        .= 64*((2*(2 to_power 1))*2) by POWER:30
                        .= 64*((2*2)*2) by POWER:30
                        .= 512;
         (2*10)^2 = 20*20 by SQUARE_1:def 3
              .= 400;
     hence thesis by A2;
A3: for n st n >= 10 & _P[n] holds _P[n+1]  proof  let n; assume that
     A4: n >= 10 and
     A5: 2 to_power (n-1) > (2*n)^2;
        2 to_power ((n+1)-1) = 2 to_power ((n+1)+-1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                            .= 2 to_power ((n+-1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                            .= 2 to_power ((n-1)+1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                            .= (2 to_power (n-1))*(2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
                            .= (2 to_power (n-1))*2 by POWER:30;
     then A6: 2 to_power ((n+1)-1) > ((2*n)^2)*2 by A5,REAL_1:70;
     A7: (2*(n+1))^2 = (2*n + 2*1)^2 by XCMPLX_1:8
                  .= (2*n)^2 + 2*(2*n)*2 + 2^2 by SQUARE_1:63
                  .= (2*n)*(2*n) + 2*(2*n)*2 + 2^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3
                  .= (2*n)*(2*n) + (2*2)*(2*n) + 2^2 by XCMPLX_1:4
                  .= (2*n)*(2*n) + (2*2)*(2*n) + 2*2 by SQUARE_1:def 3
                  .= ((2*n)*2)*n + (2*2)*(2*n) + 2*2 by XCMPLX_1:4
                  .= (n*(2*2))*n + (2*2)*(2*n) + 2*2 by XCMPLX_1:4
                  .= (2*2)*(n*n) + (2*2)*(2*n) + 2*2 by XCMPLX_1:4
                  .= (2*2)*(n*n + 2*n) + 2*2*1 by XCMPLX_1:8
                  .= (2*2)*(n*n + 2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_1:8;
         now assume ((2*n)^2)*2 <= (2*2)*(n*n + 2*n + 1);
          then ((2*n)*(2*n))*2 <= (2*2)*(n*n + 2*n + 1) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
          then (2*(n*(2*n)))*2 <= (2*2)*(n*n + 2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_1:4;
          then (2*(2*(n*n)))*2 <= (2*2)*(n*n + 2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_1:4;
          then ((2*2)*(n*n))*2 <= (2*2)*(n*n + 2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_1:4;
          then ((2*2)*(n*n))*2 <= (2*2)*(n*n + (2*n + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
          then ((2*2)*(n*n))*2 <= (2*2)*(n*n) + (2*2)*(2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_1:8;
          then ((2*2)*(n*n))*2 - (2*2)*(n*n) <= (2*2)*(2*n + 1) by REAL_1:86;
          then ((2*2)*(n*n))*2 + -((2*2)*(n*n)) <=
 (2*2)*(2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
          then ((2*2)*(n*n))*2 + (-1)*((2*2)*(n*n)) <=
                                       (2*2)*(2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_1:180;
          then ((2*2)*(n*n))*(2+-1) <= (2*2)*(2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_1:8;
          then (2*2)"*((2*2)*(n*n)) <=
 (2*2)"*((2*2)*(2*n + 1)) by AXIOMS:25;
          then ((2*2)"*(2*2))*(n*n) <= (2*2)"*((2*2)*(2*n + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:4;
          then n*n <= ((2*2)"*(2*2))*(2*n + 1) by XCMPLX_1:4;
       then A8: n^2 <= 2*n + 1 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
            n >= 3 by A4,AXIOMS:22;
        hence contradiction by A8,Lm33;
      hence 2 to_power ((n+1)-1) > (2*(n+1))^2 by A6,A7,AXIOMS:22;
   for n st n >= 10 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A3);
  hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 9 holds (n+1) to_power 6 < 2*(n to_power 6)
   defpred _P[Nat] means ($1+1) to_power 6 < 2*($1 to_power 6);
A1: _P[9] proof
    A2:  9 to_power 2 = 9 to_power (1+1)
                    .= (9 to_power 1)*(9 to_power 1) by POWER:32
                    .= 9*(9 to_power 1) by POWER:30
                    .= 9*9 by POWER:30
                    .= 81;
    A3:  2*(9 to_power 4) = 2*(9 to_power (2+2))
                        .= 2*(81*81) by A2,POWER:32
                        .= 13122;
        consider t1 being Nat such that
    A4:  t1 = 10;
        consider t2 being Nat such that
    A5:  t2 = 10*10;
        consider t3 being Nat such that
    A6:  t3 = 10*10*10;
        consider t4 being Nat such that
    A7:  t4 = 10*10*10*10;
        consider t5 being Nat such that
    A8:  t5 = 10*10*10*10*10;
        consider t6 being Nat such that
    A9:  t6 = 10*10*10*10*10*10;
    A10: 10 to_power 3 = 10 to_power (2+1)
                     .= (10 to_power 2)*(10 to_power 1) by POWER:32
                     .= (10 to_power (1+1))*10 by POWER:30
                     .= ((10 to_power 1)*(10 to_power 1))*10 by POWER:32
                     .= (10*(10 to_power 1))*10 by POWER:30
                     .= (10*10)*10 by POWER:30;
    A11:  10 to_power 6 = 10 to_power (3+3)
                     .= (10*10*10)*(10*10*10) by A10,POWER:32
                     .= (10*10*10*10)*(10*10)
                     .= t6 by A9,XCMPLX_1:4;
    A12: now thus 13122*9 = ((t4 + 3*t3 + t2) + (2*t1 + 2))*9 by A4,A5,A6,A7
          .= (t4 + 3*t3 + t2)*9 + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (t4 + (3*t3 + t2))*9 + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= 9*t4 + (3*t3 + t2)*9 + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 9*t4 + (9*(3*t3) + 9*t2) + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 9*t4 + ((9*3)*t3 + 9*t2) + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:4
          .= 9*t4 + (2*10 + 7)*t3 + 9*t2 + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= 9*t4 + ((2*10)*t3 + 7*t3) + 9*t2 + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 9*t4 + 2*t4 + 7*t3 + 9*t2 + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by A6,A7,XCMPLX_1:1
          .= (9+2)*t4 + 7*t3 + 9*t2 + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (10 + 1)*t4 + 7*t3 + 9*t2 + (2*t1 + 2)*9
          .= 10*t4 + 1*t4 + 7*t3 + 9*t2 + (2*t1 + 2)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (t5 + t4 + 7*t3) + (9*t2 + (2*t1 + 2)*9) by A7,A8,XCMPLX_1:1
          .= t5 + t4 + 7*t3 + (t3 + (8*t1 + 2*9)) by A4,A5,A6
          .= (t5 + t4 + 7*t3 + t3) + (8*t1 + 2*9) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= (t5 + t4 + (7*t3 + 1*t3)) + (8*t1 + 2*9) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= (t5 + t4 + ((7+1)*t3)) + (8*t1 + 2*9) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (t5 + t4 + 8*t3) + ((8+1)*t1 + 8) by A4
          .= t5 + t4 + 8*t3 + 9*t1 + 8 by XCMPLX_1:1;
       now thus (13122*9)*9 = ((t5 + t4 + 8*t3) + (9*t1 + 8))*9 by A12,XCMPLX_1
          .= (t5 + t4 + 8*t3)*9 + (9*t1 +8 )*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (t5 + (t4 + 8*t3))*9 + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= (9*t5 + (t4 + 8*t3)*9) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (9*t5 + (9*t4 + 9*(8*t3))) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (9*t5 + (9*t4 + (9*8)*t3)) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:4
          .= (9*t5 + (9*t4 + (70+2)*t3)) + (9*t1 + 8)*9
          .= (9*t5 + (9*t4 + ((7*10)*t3 + 2*t3))) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (9*t5 + ((9*t4 + 7*t4) + 2*t3)) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by A6,A7,XCMPLX_1:1
          .= (9*t5 + (((9+7)*t4) + 2*t3)) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= ((9*t5 + (10+6)*t4) + 2*t3) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= ((9*t5 + (t5 + 6*t4)) + 2*t3) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by A7,A8,XCMPLX_1:8;
    then A13:  (13122*9)*9 =
 (((9*t5 + 1*t5) + 6*t4) + 2*t3) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= ((((9+1)*t5) + 6*t4) + 2*t3) + (9*t1 + 8)*9 by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= ((t6 + 6*t4) + 2*t3) + (8*t2 + (8*t1 + 2)) by A4,A5,A8,A9
          .= (t6 + 6*t4 + 2*t3 + 8*t2) + (8*t1 + 2) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= t6 + 6*t4 + 2*t3 + 8*t2 + 8*t1 + 2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
         t6 < t6 + ((6*t4 + 2*t3 + 8*t2) + (8*t1 + 2)) by REAL_1:69;
        then t6 < (t6 + (6*t4 + 2*t3 + 8*t2)) + (8*t1 + 2) by XCMPLX_1:1;
        then t6 < (t6 + (6*t4 + (2*t3 + 8*t2))) + (8*t1 + 2) by XCMPLX_1:1;
        then t6 < ((t6 + 6*t4) + (2*t3 + 8*t2)) + (8*t1 + 2) by XCMPLX_1:1;
    then A14: t6 < (t6 + 6*t4 + 2*t3 + 8*t2) + (8*t1 + 2) by XCMPLX_1:1;
          (13122*9)*9 = (2*((9 to_power 4)*9))*9 by A3,XCMPLX_1:4
                   .= (2*((9 to_power 4)*(9 to_power 1)))*9 by POWER:30
                   .= (2*(9 to_power (4+1)))*9 by POWER:32
                   .= 2*((9 to_power 5)*9) by XCMPLX_1:4
                   .= 2*((9 to_power 5)*(9 to_power 1)) by POWER:30
                   .= 2*(9 to_power (5+1)) by POWER:32
                   .= 2*(9 to_power 6);
      hence thesis by A11,A13,A14,XCMPLX_1:1;
A15: for n st n >= 9 & _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof let n; assume that
     A16: n >= 9 and
     A17: (n+1) to_power 6 < 2*(n to_power 6);
     A18: n to_power 6 > 0 by A16,POWER:39;
     A19: (n+1) to_power 6 > 0 by POWER:39;
          (n+1)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
        then (n+2)*((n+1)") > 0*((n+1)") by REAL_1:70;
     then A20: ((n+2) / (n+1)) > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
        now assume (n+2) / (n+1) >= (n+1) / n;
         then (n+2) / (n+1) * (n+1) >= (n+1) / n * (n+1) by AXIOMS:25;
         then (n+2) >= (n+1) / n * (n+1) by XCMPLX_1:88;
         then (n+2)*n >= (n+1) / n * (n+1) * n by AXIOMS:25;
         then (n+2)*n >= ((n+1) / n * n) * (n+1) by XCMPLX_1:4;
         then (n+2)*n >= (n+1)*(n+1) by A16,XCMPLX_1:88;
         then n*n + 2*n >= (n+1)*(n+1) by XCMPLX_1:8;
         then n^2 + 2*n >= (n+1)*(n+1) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
         then n^2 + 2*n >= (n+1)^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
         then n^2 + 2*n >= n^2 + 2*n*1 + 1^2 by SQUARE_1:63;
         then n^2 + 2*n >= n^2 + 2*n + 1*1 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
         then (n^2 + 2*n) - (n^2 + 2*n) >= 1 by REAL_1:84;
       hence contradiction by XCMPLX_1:14;
     then A21: ((n+2) / (n+1)) to_power 6 < ((n+1) / n) to_power 6 by A20,POWER
          (n+1) to_power 6 / n to_power 6 < 2 by A17,A18,REAL_2:178;
        then ((n+1) / n) to_power 6 < 2 by A16,POWER:36;
        then ((n+2) / (n+1)) to_power 6 < 2 by A21,AXIOMS:22;
        then ((n+2) to_power 6) / ((n+1) to_power 6) < 2 by POWER:36;
        then ((n+2) to_power 6) / ((n+1) to_power 6) * ((n+1) to_power 6) <
                                     2*((n+1) to_power 6) by A19,REAL_1:70;
        then (n+(1+1)) to_power 6 < 2*((n+1) to_power 6) by A19,XCMPLX_1:88;
      hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:1;
    for n st n >= 9 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A15);
  hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 30 holds 2 to_power n > n to_power 6
   defpred _P[Nat] means 2 to_power $1 > $1 to_power 6;
A1: _P[30] proof
         2 to_power 30 = 2 to_power (5*6)
                    .= 32 to_power 6 by Lm10,POWER:38;
     hence thesis by POWER:42;
A2: for n st n >= 30 & _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof let n; assume that
     A3: n >= 30 and
     A4: 2 to_power n > n to_power 6;
     A5: 2 to_power (n+1) = (2 to_power n)*(2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
                        .= (2 to_power n)*2 by POWER:30;
     A6: (2 to_power n)*2 > (n to_power 6)*2 by A4,REAL_1:70;
          n >= 9 by A3,AXIOMS:22;
        then (n+1) to_power 6 < 2*(n to_power 6) by Lm35;
      hence thesis by A5,A6,AXIOMS:22;
   for n st n >= 30 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A2);
  hence thesis;

 for x being Real st x > 9 holds 2 to_power x > (2*x)^2
 let x be Real such that
A1: x > 9;
 set n = [/x\];
A2: n >= x by INT_1:def 5;
   then n >= 9 by A1,AXIOMS:22;
   then reconsider n as Nat by INT_1:16;
     x >= [\x/] by INT_1:def 4;
then A3: 2 to_power x >= 2 to_power [\x/] by PRE_FF:10;
     [/x\] - [\x/] <= 1 proof
    per cases;
    suppose x is Integer;
        then [\x/] = [/x\] by INT_1:59;
     hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:14;
    suppose not x is Integer;
        then not [\x/] = [/x\] by INT_1:59;
        then [\x/] + 1 = [/x\] by INT_1:66;
     hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:26;
   then [/x\] <= 1 + [\x/] by REAL_1:86;
   then [\x/] >= n-1 by REAL_1:86;
   then 2 to_power [\x/] >= 2 to_power (n-1) by PRE_FF:10;
then A4: 2 to_power x >= 2 to_power (n-1) by A3,AXIOMS:22;
     n > 9 by A1,A2,AXIOMS:22;
   then n >= 9+1 by NAT_1:38;
   then 2 to_power (n-1) > (2*n)^2 by Lm34;
then A5: 2 to_power x > (2*n)^2 by A4,AXIOMS:22;
A6: 2*n >= 2*x by A2,AXIOMS:25;
     x >= 0 by A1,AXIOMS:22;
then 2*x >= 0*x by AXIOMS:25;
   then (2*n)*(2*n) >= (2*x)*(2*x) by A6,Lm26;
   then (2*n)^2 >= (2*x)*(2*x) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
   then (2*n)^2 >= (2*x)^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
 hence 2 to_power x > (2*x)^2 by A5,AXIOMS:22;

 ex N st for n st n >= N holds sqrt n - log(2, n) > 1
      ex N st for n st n >= N holds n/6 > 1 proof
       now take N = 7; let n; assume n >= N;
         then n > 6 by AXIOMS:22;
         then n/6 > 6/6 by REAL_1:73;
      hence n/6 > 1;
     hence thesis;
    then consider N1 such that
A1:  for n st n >= N1 holds n/6 > 1;
      ex N st for n st n >= N holds n/3 > 2*log(2,n) proof
       now take N = 30; let n; assume
     A2: n >= N;
     then A3: 2 to_power n > n to_power 6 by Lm36;
          n to_power 6 > 0 by A2,POWER:39;
         then log(2,2 to_power n) > log(2,n to_power 6) by A3,POWER:65;
         then n*log(2,2) > log(2,n to_power 6) by POWER:63;
         then n*1 > log(2,n to_power 6) by POWER:60;
         then n > (3*2)*log(2,n) by A2,POWER:63;
         then n > 3*(2*log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:4;
      hence n/3 > 2*log(2,n) by REAL_2:178;
     hence thesis;
    then consider N2 such that
A4:  for n st n >= N2 holds n/3 > 2*log(2,n);
      ex N st for n st n >= N holds n/2 > log(2,n)*log(2,n) proof
     reconsider N = 2 to_power 10 as Nat;
       now take N; let n; assume
     A5: n >= N;
      set x = log(2,n);
      A6: n > 0 by A5,POWER:39;
      A7: 2 to_power 9 > 0 by POWER:39;
            2 to_power 10 > 2 to_power 9 by POWER:44;
          then n > 2 to_power 9 by A5,AXIOMS:22;
          then log(2,n) > log(2,2 to_power 9) by A7,POWER:65;
          then x > 9*log(2,2) by POWER:63;
      then A8: x > 9*1 by POWER:60;
      then A9: 2*x > 0*x by REAL_1:70;
          then (2*x)*(2*x) > 0*(2*x) by REAL_1:70;
      then A10: (2*x)^2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
            2 to_power x > (2*x)^2 by A8,Lm37;
          then log(2, 2 to_power x) > log(2,(2*x)^2) by A10,POWER:65;
          then x*log(2,2) > log(2,(2*x)^2) by POWER:63;
          then x*1 > log(2,(2*x)^2) by POWER:60;
          then x > log(2,(2*x) to_power 2) by POWER:53;
          then x > 2*log(2,2*x) by A9,POWER:63;
          then log(2,n) > 2*log(2,log(2,n to_power 2)) by A6,POWER:63;
      then A11: log(2,n) > 2*log(2,log(2,n^2)) by POWER:53;
            2 to_power 10 > 2 to_power 1 by POWER:44;
          then n > 2 to_power 1 by A5,AXIOMS:22;
      then A12: n > 2 by POWER:30;
      then A13: n*n > 2*n by REAL_1:70;
            2*n > 2*2 by A12,REAL_1:70;
          then n*n > 2*2 by A13,AXIOMS:22;
          then n^2 > 2*2 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
          then log(2,n^2) > log(2,2*2) by POWER:65;
          then log(2,n^2) > log(2,2^2) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
          then log(2,n^2) > log(2,2 to_power 2) by POWER:53;
          then log(2,n^2) > 2*log(2,2) by POWER:63;
      then A14: log(2,n^2) > 2*1 by POWER:60;
            2 to_power log(2,n) >
                2 to_power (2*log(2,log(2,n^2))) by A11,POWER:44;
      then n > 2 to_power (2*log(2,log(2,n^2))) by A6,POWER:def 3;
          then n > 2 to_power (log(2,log(2,n^2) to_power 2)) by A14,POWER:63;
      then A15: n > 2 to_power (log(2,(log(2,n^2))^2)) by POWER:53;
           (log(2,n^2))^2 > 0 by A14,SQUARE_1:74;
          then n > (log(2,n^2))^2 by A15,POWER:def 3;
          then n > (log(2,n to_power 2))^2 by POWER:53;
          then n > (2*log(2,n))^2 by A6,POWER:63;
          then n > (2*log(2,n))*(2*log(2,n)) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
          then n > (2*(2*log(2,n)))*log(2,n) by XCMPLX_1:4;
          then n > ((2*2)*log(2,n))*log(2,n) by XCMPLX_1:4;
      then A16: n > 4*(log(2,n)*log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:4;
            2 to_power 10 > 2 to_power 0 by POWER:44;
          then n > 2 to_power 0 by A5,AXIOMS:22;
          then n > 1 by POWER:29;
          then log(2,n) > log(2,1) by POWER:65;
          then log(2,n) > 0 by POWER:59;
          then log(2,n)*log(2,n) > 0*log(2,n) by REAL_1:70;
          then 4*(log(2,n)*log(2,n)) > 2*(log(2,n)*log(2,n)) by REAL_1:70;
          then n > 2*(log(2,n)*log(2,n)) by A16,AXIOMS:22;
      hence n/2 > log(2,n)*log(2,n) by REAL_2:178;
     hence thesis;
    then consider N3 such that
A17:  for n st n >= N3 holds n/2 > log(2,n)*log(2,n);
 set N = max( max(N1, 2), max( N2, N3 ) );
A18:  N >= max(N1, 2) & N >= max( N2, N3 ) by SQUARE_1:46;
A19: max( N2, N3 ) >= N2 & max( N2, N3 ) >= N3 by SQUARE_1:46;
      max(N1, 2) >= N1 & max(N1, 2) >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
then A20:  N >= N1 & N >= N2 & N >= N3 & N >= 2 by A18,A19,AXIOMS:22;
   now let n; assume n >= N;
 then A21: n >= N1 & n >= N2 & n >= N3 & n >= 2 by A20,AXIOMS:22;
 then A22: n/6 > 1 by A1;
      n/3 > 2*log(2,n) by A4,A21;
 then A23: n/6 + n/3 > 1 + 2*log(2,n) by A22,REAL_1:67;
 A24: n/2 > log(2,n)*log(2,n) by A17,A21;
      n/3 = (2*n) / (2*3) by XCMPLX_1:92
       .= 2*n / 6;
    then n/6 + n/3 = (1*n + 2*n) / 6 by XCMPLX_1:63
             .= ((1 + 2)*n) / 6 by XCMPLX_1:8
             .= 3*n / 6;
 then A25: (n/6 + n/3) + n/2 = 3*n / 6 + (3*n) / (3*2) by XCMPLX_1:92
                     .= (3*n + 3*n) / 6 by XCMPLX_1:63
                     .= ((3 + 3)*n) / 6 by XCMPLX_1:8
                     .= (6*n) / (6*1)
                     .= n / 1 by XCMPLX_1:92
                     .= n;
      (1 + 2*log(2,n)) + log(2,n)*log(2,n)
           = (1 + (1+1)*log(2,n)) + log(2,n)*log(2,n)
          .= (1 + (1*log(2,n) + 1*log(2,n))) + log(2,n)*log(2,n) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (1 + 1*log(2,n) + 1*log(2,n)) + log(2,n)*log(2,n) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= (1 + 1*log(2,n)) + (1*log(2,n) + log(2,n)*log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= 1*(1 + log(2,n)) + log(2,n)*(1 + log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (1 + log(2,n))*(1 + log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= (1 + log(2,n))^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
 then A26: n > (1 + log(2,n))^2 by A23,A24,A25,REAL_1:67;
      log(2,n) >= log(2,2) by A21,PRE_FF:12;
    then log(2,n) >= 1 by POWER:60;
    then A27: 1 + log(2,n) >= 1 + 0 by REAL_1:55;
      (1 + log(2,n))^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
    then sqrt n > sqrt((1 + log(2,n))^2) by A26,SQUARE_1:95;
    then sqrt n > 1 + log(2,n) by A27,SQUARE_1:89;
  hence sqrt n - log(2,n) > 1 by REAL_1:86;
 hence thesis;

 (4+1)! = 120
    (4+1)! = (4+1)*(4!) by NEWTON:21
        .= 5*((3+1)*(3!)) by NEWTON:21
        .= 5*(4*((2+1)*(2!))) by NEWTON:21
        .= 120 by NEWTON:20;
 hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 10 holds 2 to_power (2*n) / (n!) < 1/(2 to_power (n-9))
   defpred _P[Nat] means 2 to_power (2*$1) / ($1!) < 1/(2 to_power ($1-9));
A1: 7 = 8-1;
A2: _P[10] proof
    A3: 2 to_power (2*10) / (10!) = 2 to_power 20 / ((9+1)*(9!)) by NEWTON:21
           .= 2 to_power (1+19) / (10*(9!))
           .= ((2 to_power 1)*(2 to_power 19)) / (10*(9!)) by POWER:32
           .= (2*(2 to_power 19)) / ((2*5)*(9!)) by POWER:30
           .= (2*(2 to_power 19)) / (2*(5*(9!))) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (2 to_power 19) / (5*(9!)) by XCMPLX_1:92
           .= (2 to_power 19) / (5*((8+1)*(8!))) by NEWTON:21
           .= (2 to_power 19) / ((5*9)*(8!)) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (2 to_power 19) / (45*((7+1)*(7!))) by NEWTON:21
           .= (2 to_power (3+16)) / (8*(45*(7!))) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (8*(2 to_power 16)) / (8*(45*(7!))) by Lm8,POWER:32
           .= (2 to_power 16) / (45*(7!)) by XCMPLX_1:92
           .= (2 to_power (4+12)) / (45*((6+1)*(6!))) by NEWTON:21
           .= ((2 to_power (3+1))*4096) / (45*((6+1)*(6!))) by Lm32,POWER:32
           .= ((8*(2 to_power 1))*4096) / (45*((6+1)*(6!))) by Lm8,POWER:32
           .= ((8*2)*4096) / (45*((6+1)*(6!))) by POWER:30
           .= (16*4096) / ((45*7)*(6!)) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (16*4096) / (315*((5+1)*(5!))) by NEWTON:21
           .= (16*4096) / ((315*45)*16) by Lm39
           .= 4096 / 14175 by XCMPLX_1:92;
        not 4096 / 14175 >= 1 / 2;
     hence thesis by A3,POWER:30;
A4: for k st k >= 10 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof
     let k; assume that
     A5: k >= 10 and
     A6: 2 to_power (2*k) / (k!) < 1/(2 to_power (k-9));
     A7: (2 to_power 2) > 0 by POWER:39;
           (k+1)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
         then (2 to_power 2)*(k+1)" > 0*(k+1)" by A7,REAL_1:70;
     then A8: ((2 to_power 2)/(k+1)) > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
           2 to_power -(k-9) > 0 by POWER:39;
     then A9: (1/(2 to_power (k-9))) > 0 by POWER:33;
        2 to_power (2*(k+1)) / ((k+1)!)
           = (2 to_power (2*k + 2*1)) / ((k+1)!) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= ((2 to_power (2*k))*(2 to_power 2)) / ((k+1)!) by POWER:32
          .= ((2 to_power (2*k))*(2 to_power 2)) / ((k+1)*(k!)) by NEWTON:21
          .= ((2 to_power 2)/(k+1))*
                                 ((2 to_power (2*k))/(k!)) by XCMPLX_1:77;
     then A10: 2 to_power (2*(k+1)) / ((k+1)!) <
           ((2 to_power 2)/(k+1))*(1/(2 to_power (k-9))) by A6,A8,REAL_1:70;
     A11: 2 to_power 1 > 0 by POWER:39;
        now assume ((2 to_power 2)/(k+1)) >= (1/(2 to_power 1));
          then (2 to_power 1)*((2 to_power 2)/(k+1)) >=
             (1/(2 to_power 1))*(2 to_power 1) by AXIOMS:25;
          then (2 to_power 1)*((2 to_power 2)*(k+1)") >=
             (1/(2 to_power 1))*(2 to_power 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
          then ((2 to_power 1)*(2 to_power 2))*(k+1)" >=
             (1/(2 to_power 1))*(2 to_power 1) by XCMPLX_1:4;
          then (2 to_power (1+2))*(k+1)" >=
             (1/(2 to_power 1))*(2 to_power 1) by POWER:32;
          then 8/(k+1) >= (1/(2 to_power 1))*(2 to_power 1)
                                                   by Lm8,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
          then 8/(k+1) >= 1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:107;
          then 8/(k+1)*(k+1) >= 1*(k+1) by AXIOMS:25;
          then 8 >= k+1 by XCMPLX_1:88;
          then 7 >= k by A1,REAL_1:84;
       hence contradiction by A5,AXIOMS:22;
         then ((2 to_power 2)/(k+1))*(1/(2 to_power (k-9))) <
            (1/(2 to_power 1))*(1/(2 to_power (k-9))) by A9,REAL_1:70;
         then 2 to_power (2*(k+1)) / ((k+1)!) <
            (1/(2 to_power 1))*(1/(2 to_power (k-9))) by A10,AXIOMS:22;
         then 2 to_power (2*(k+1)) / ((k+1)!) <
            (1/((2 to_power 1)*(2 to_power (k-9)))) by XCMPLX_1:103;
         then 2 to_power (2*(k+1)) / ((k+1)!) <
            (1/(2 to_power (1+(k-9)))) by POWER:32;
         then 2 to_power (2*(k+1)) / ((k+1)!) <
            (1/(2 to_power (1+(k+-9)))) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
         then 2 to_power (2*(k+1)) / ((k+1)!) <
            (1/(2 to_power ((1+k)+-9))) by XCMPLX_1:1;
      hence 2 to_power (2*(k+1)) / ((k+1)!) <
              (1/(2 to_power ((k+1)-9))) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
    for n st n >= 10 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A2, A4);
   hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 3 holds 2*(n-2) >= n-1
   defpred _P[Nat] means 2*($1-2) >= $1-1;
A1: _P[3];
A2: for n st n >= 3 & _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof let n; assume that n >= 3 and
     A3: 2*(n-2) >= n-1;
     A4: 2*((n+1)-2) = 2*((n+1)+-2) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                    .= 2*(n+1) + 2*(-2) by XCMPLX_1:8
                    .= 2*n + 2*1 + 2*(-2) by XCMPLX_1:8
                    .= 2*n + 2*(-2) + 2 by XCMPLX_1:1
                    .= 2*(n + -2) + 2 by XCMPLX_1:8
                    .= 2*(n-2) + 2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
           2*(n-2) + 2 >= (n-1) + 1 by A3,REAL_1:55;
         then 2*(n-2) + 2 >= (n+-1) +1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
         then 2*(n-2) + 2 >= (n + 1) + -1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
      hence 2*((n+1)-2) >= (n+1)-1 by A4,XCMPLX_0:def 8;
 for n st n >= 3 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A2);
 hence thesis;

 5 to_power 5 = 3125
     5 to_power 5 = 5 to_power (4+1)
               .= (5 to_power 4)*(5 to_power 1) by POWER:32
               .= (5 to_power (3+1))*5 by POWER:30
               .= ((5 to_power 3)*(5 to_power 1))*5 by POWER:32
               .= ((5 to_power (2+1))*5)*5 by POWER:30
               .= (((5 to_power 2)*(5 to_power 1))*5)*5 by POWER:32
               .= (((5 to_power (1+1))*5)*5)*5 by POWER:30
               .= ((((5 to_power 1)*(5 to_power 1))*5)*5)*5 by POWER:32
               .= ((((5 to_power 1)*5)*5)*5)*5 by POWER:30
               .= (((5*5)*5)*5)*5 by POWER:30
               .= 3125;
 hence thesis;

 4 to_power 4 = 256
     4 to_power 4 = 4 to_power (3+1)
               .= (4 to_power 3)*(4 to_power 1) by POWER:32
               .= (4 to_power (2+1))*4 by POWER:30
               .= ((4 to_power 2)*(4 to_power 1))*4 by POWER:32
               .= ((4 to_power (1+1))*4)*4 by POWER:30
               .= (((4 to_power 1)*(4 to_power 1))*4)*4 by POWER:32
               .= (((4 to_power 1)*4)*4)*4 by POWER:30
               .= ((4*4)*4)*4 by POWER:30
               .= 256;
 hence thesis;

 for a,b,d,e being Real holds (a/b) / (d/e) = (a/d) * (e/b)
 let a,b,d,e be Real;
 thus (a/b) / (d/e) = (a*e)/(b*d) by XCMPLX_1:85
                   .= (a/d) * (e/b) by XCMPLX_1:77;

 for c being Real st c >= 0 holds (c to_power (1/2)) = sqrt c
 let c be Real such that
A1: c >= 0;
 per cases by A1;
 suppose c = 0;
  hence thesis by POWER:def 2,SQUARE_1:82;
 A2: c > 0;
 then A3: (c to_power (1/2)) > 0 by POWER:39;
 A4: sqrt c > 0 by A2,SQUARE_1:93;
    now assume
  A5: c to_power (1/2) <> sqrt c;
   thus contradiction proof
    per cases by A5,REAL_1:def 5;
    suppose (c to_power (1/2)) < sqrt c;
      then (c to_power (1/2))^2 < (sqrt c)^2 by A3,SQUARE_1:78;
      then (c to_power (1/2))^2 < c by A2,SQUARE_1:def 4;
      then (c to_power (1/2))*(c to_power (1/2)) < c by SQUARE_1:def 3;
      then (c to_power (1/2 + 1/2)) < c by A2,POWER:32;
     hence thesis by POWER:30;
    suppose (c to_power (1/2)) > sqrt c;
      then (c to_power (1/2))^2 > (sqrt c)^2 by A4,SQUARE_1:78;
      then (c to_power (1/2))^2 > c by A2,SQUARE_1:def 4;
      then (c to_power (1/2))*(c to_power (1/2)) > c by SQUARE_1:def 3;
      then (c to_power (1/2 + 1/2)) > c by A2,POWER:32;
     hence thesis by POWER:30;
 hence thesis;

 ex N st for n st n >= N holds n - sqrt n*log(2,n) > n/2
 set seq = seq_logn;
 set seq1 = seq_n^(1/2);
 set p = seq /" seq1;
     p is convergent & lim p = 0 by Lm16;
   then consider N such that
A1: for n st n >= N holds abs(p.n-0) < 1/2 by SEQ_2:def 7;
 set N1 = max(2, N);
A2: N1 >= 2 & N1 >= N by SQUARE_1:46;
   now let n; assume A3: n >= N1;
 then n >= 2 & n >= N by A2,AXIOMS:22;
    then A4: abs(p.n-0) < 1/2 by A1;
 A5: p.n = seq.n / seq1.n by Lm4
       .= log(2,n) / seq1.n by A2,A3,Def2
       .= log(2,n) / (n to_power (1/2)) by A2,A3,Def3
       .= log(2,n) / sqrt n by Lm45;
 A6: sqrt n > 0 by A2,A3,SQUARE_1:93;
 A7: p.n < 1/2 by A4,ABSVALUE:def 1;
 A8: sqrt n <> 0 by A2,A3,SQUARE_1:93;
      log(2,n) / sqrt n * sqrt n < sqrt n * (1/2) by A5,A6,A7,REAL_1:70;
    then log(2,n) < sqrt n * (1/2) by A8,XCMPLX_1:88;
    then sqrt n*log(2,n) < sqrt n * (sqrt n * (1/2)) by A6,REAL_1:70;
    then sqrt n*log(2,n) < (sqrt n * sqrt n) * (1/2) by XCMPLX_1:4;
    then sqrt n*log(2,n) < ((sqrt n)^2) * (1/2) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
    then sqrt n*log(2,n) < n * (1/2) by SQUARE_1:def 4;
    then sqrt n*log(2,n) < n/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
    then n/2 + sqrt n*log(2,n) < n/2 + n/2 by REAL_1:53;
    then n/2 + sqrt n*log(2,n) < (n+n)/2 by XCMPLX_1:63;
    then n/2 + sqrt n*log(2,n) < n by XCMPLX_1:65;
  hence n/2 < n - sqrt n*log(2,n) by REAL_1:86;
 hence thesis;

 for s being Real_Sequence st for n holds s.n = (1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1)
  holds s is non-decreasing
 let s be Real_Sequence such that A1:
 for n holds s.n = (1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1);
   now let n;
  A2: (1+1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) > 0 by POWER:39;
  A3: s.(n+1)/s.n =(1 + 1/(n+1+1)) to_power (n+1+1) / s.n by A1
  .=(1 + 1/(n+1+1)) to_power (n+1+1)/(1+1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1)*1 by A1
  .=(1 + 1/(n+1+1)) to_power (n+1+1)/(1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) *
    ((1+1/(n+1))/(1+1/(n+1))) by XCMPLX_1:60
  .=(1+1/(n+1)) * (1 + 1/(n+1+1)) to_power (n+1+1) /
    ((1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) * (1+1/(n+1))) by XCMPLX_1:77
  .=(1+1/(n+1)) * (1 + 1/(n+1+1)) to_power (n+1+1) /
    ((1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) * (1+1/(n+1)) to_power 1) by POWER:30
  .=(1+1/(n+1)) * (1 + 1/(n+1+1)) to_power (n+1+1) /
    (1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1+1) by POWER:32
  .=(1+1/(n+1)) * ((1 + 1/(n+1+1)) to_power (n+1+1) /
    (1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:75
  .=(1+1/(n+1)) * ((1 + 1/(n+1+1))/(1 + 1/(n+1))) to_power (n+1+1)
    by POWER:36;
  A4: (n+2)*(n+2)<>0 by XCMPLX_1:6;
  A5: (n+1)*(n+2)<>0 by XCMPLX_1:6;
  A6: (1 + 1/(n+1+1))/(1 + 1/(n+1))
   = ((1*(n+1+1) + 1)/(n+1+1))/(1 + 1/(n+1)) by XCMPLX_1:114
  .= ((n+1+1+1)/(n+1+1))/((1*(n+1) + 1)/(n+1)) by XCMPLX_1:114
  .= ((n+1+1+1)*(n+1))/((n+1+1)*(n+1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:85
  .= ((n+1+1+1)*(n+1))/((n+(1+1))*(n+1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
  .= ((n+1+1+1)*(n+1))/((n+(1+1))*(n+(1+1))) by XCMPLX_1:1
  .= ((n+(1+1)+1)*(n+1))/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
  .= ((n+(2+1))*(n+1))/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
  .= (n*n+n*1+3*n+3*1)/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:10
  .= (n*n+(1*n+3*n)+3)/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
  .= (n*n+(1+3)*n+3)/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
  .= (n*n+(2+2)*n+3)/((n+2)*(n+2))
  .= (n*n+(n*2+2*n)+3)/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
  .= (n*n+n*2+2*n+3)/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
  .= (n*n+n*2+2*n+3+1-1)/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:26
  .= (n*n+n*2+2*n+(3+1)-1)/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
  .= (n*n+n*2+2*n+2*2-1)/((n+2)*(n+2))
  .= ((n+2)*(n+2)-1)/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:10
  .= ((n+2)*(n+2))/((n+2)*(n+2)) - 1/((n+2)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:121
  .= 1 - 1/((n+2)*(n+2)) by A4,XCMPLX_1:60;
    n+1+1>0+1 by REAL_1:53;
  then n+(1+1)>0+1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
  then (n+2)*(n+2)>1 by REAL_2:137;
  then 1/((n+2)*(n+2))<1 by SQUARE_1:2;
  then - 1/((n+2)*(n+2)) > -1 by REAL_1:50;
  then (1 + -1/((n+2)*(n+2))) to_power (n+1+1) >= 1 + (n+1+1)*(-1/((n+2)*(n+2)
  by POWER:56;
  then (1 - 1/((n+2)*(n+2))) to_power (n+1+1) >= 1 + (n+1+1)*(-1/((n+2)*(n+2))
  by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then (1 - 1/((n+2)*(n+2))) to_power (n+1+1) >= 1 + (n+(1+1))*(-1/((n+2)*(n+2
  by XCMPLX_1:1;
  then (1 - 1/((n+2)*(n+2))) to_power (n+1+1) >= 1 + -(n+2)*(1/((n+2)*(n+2)))
  by XCMPLX_1:175;
  then (1 - 1/((n+2)*(n+2))) to_power (n+1+1) >= 1 - (n+2)*(1/((n+2)*(n+2)))
  by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then (1 - 1/((n+2)*(n+2))) to_power (n+1+1) >= 1 - (n+2)*1/((n+2)*(n+2))
  by XCMPLX_1:75;
  then (1 - 1/((n+2)*(n+2))) to_power (n+1+1) >= 1 - ((n+2)/(n+2)*1)/(n+2)
  by XCMPLX_1:84;
  then (1 - 1/((n+2)*(n+2))) to_power (n+1+1) >= 1 - (1*1)/(n+2)
    by XCMPLX_1:60;
  then s.(n+1)/s.n >= (1 + 1/(n+1)) * (1 - 1/(n+2)) by A3,A6,AXIOMS:25
  then s.(n+1)/s.n >= ((1*(n+1) + 1)/(n+1)) * (1 - 1/(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:114;
  then s.(n+1)/s.n >= ((n+(1+1))/(n+1)) * (1 - 1/(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
  then s.(n+1)/s.n >= ((n+2)/(n+1)) * ((1*(n+2) - 1)/(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:128;
  then s.(n+1)/s.n >= ((n+2)/(n+1)) * ((n+(1+1-1))/(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:29;
  then s.(n+1)/s.n >= ((n+1)*(n+2))/((n+1)*(n+2)) by XCMPLX_1:77;
  then A7: s.(n+1)/s.n >= 1 by A5,XCMPLX_1:60;
    s.n>0 by A1,A2; hence
    s.(n+1)>=s.n by A7,REAL_2:118;
 hence thesis by SEQM_3:def 13;

Lm48: :: (1 + 1/n)^n is non-decreasing
 for n st n >= 1 holds ((n+1)/n) to_power n <= ((n+2)/(n+1)) to_power (n+1)
 let n; assume
A1: n >= 1;
A2: (n-1)+1 = (n+-1)+1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
           .= n+(-1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= n;
    deffunc _F(Nat) = (1 + 1/($1+1)) to_power ($1+1);
    consider seq being Real_Sequence such that
A3: for n holds seq.n =  _F(n)from ExRealSeq;
A4: seq is non-decreasing by A3,Lm47;
      n >= 0+1 by A1;
    then n-1 >= 0 by REAL_1:84;
    then reconsider m = n-1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
      seq.m <= seq.(m+1) by A4,SEQM_3:def 13;
    then (1 + 1/(m+1)) to_power (m+1) <= seq.(m+1) by A3;
    then (1 + 1/n) to_power n <= (1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) by A2,A3;
    then (n/n + 1/n) to_power n <=
 (1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) by A1,XCMPLX_1:60;
    then ((n+1)/n) to_power n <= (1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) by XCMPLX_1:63
    then ((n+1)/n) to_power n <=
              ((n+1)/(n+1) + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) by XCMPLX_1:60;
    then ((n+1)/n) to_power n <=
              (((n+1)+1)/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) by XCMPLX_1:63;
    then ((n+1)/n) to_power n <=
              ((n+(1+1))/(n+1)) to_power (n+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
 hence ((n+1)/n) to_power n <= ((n+2)/(n+1)) to_power (n+1);

theorem :: (Part 1, O(n^logn) c O(n^sqrt n))
   for f,g being Real_Sequence st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = (n to_power log(2,n)))) &
  (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = (n to_power sqrt n)))
   holds ex s,s1 being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = f & s1 = g & Big_Oh(s) c= Big_Oh(s1) & not Big_Oh(s) = Big_Oh(s1)
 let f,g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = (n to_power log(2,n)))) and
A2: (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = (n to_power sqrt n)));
 set h = f/"g;
      f is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
      let n; assume A3: n >= 1;
        then f.n = n to_power log(2,n) by A1;
       hence f.n > 0 by A3,POWER:39;
    then reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
      g is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
      let n; assume A4: n >= 1;
         then g.n = n to_power sqrt n by A2;
       hence g.n > 0 by A4,POWER:39;
    then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f,g;
    consider N such that
A5:  for n st n >= N holds sqrt n - log(2, n) > 1 by Lm38;
A6: now let p be real number such that
 A7: p > 0;
  set N1 = max( N, max([/1/p\], 2) );
 A8: N1 >= N & N1 >= max([/1/p\], 2) by SQUARE_1:46;
      A9: max([/1/p\], 2) >= [/1/p\] & max([/1/p\], 2) >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A10: N1 >= [/1/p\] & N1 >= 2 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
 then A11: N1 > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
       N1 is Integer proof
      per cases by SQUARE_1:49;
      suppose N1 = N;
       hence thesis;
      suppose N1 = max([/1/p\], 2);
       hence thesis by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N1 as Nat by A8,INT_1:16;
  take N1; let n; assume
  A12: n >= N1;
        p" > 0 by A7,REAL_1:72;
  then A13: 1/p > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
        [/1/p\] >= 1/p by INT_1:def 5;
  then A14: N1 >= 1/p by A10,AXIOMS:22;
  A15: n > 1 by A11,A12,AXIOMS:22;
  A16: h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4;
    f.n = n to_power log(2,n) by A1,A8,A9,A12;
  then A17: h.n = (n to_power log(2,n)) / (n to_power sqrt n) by A2,A8,A9,A12,
         .= n to_power (log(2,n) - sqrt n) by A8,A9,A12,POWER:34
         .= n to_power -(sqrt n - log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:143;
        n >= N by A8,A12,AXIOMS:22;
  then sqrt n - log(2, n) > 1 by A5;
      then (-1)*(sqrt n - log(2, n)) < (-1)*1 by REAL_1:71;
      then -(sqrt n - log(2, n)) < (-1)*1 by XCMPLX_1:180;
  then A18: n to_power -(sqrt n - log(2,n)) < n to_power -1 by A15,POWER:44;
  A19: n to_power -1 = 1/(n to_power 1) by A8,A9,A12,POWER:33
                   .= 1/n by POWER:30;
        n >= 1/p by A12,A14,AXIOMS:22;
      then 1/n <= 1/(1/p) by A13,REAL_2:152;
      then n to_power -1 <= p by A19,XCMPLX_1:56;
  then A20: h.n < p by A17,A18,AXIOMS:22;
        h.n > 0 by A8,A9,A12,A17,POWER:39;
   hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A20,ABSVALUE:def 1;
then A21: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
   then lim h = 0 by A6,SEQ_2:def 7;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A21,ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

theorem :: (Part 2, O(n^sqrt n) c O(2^n))
   for f being Real_Sequence st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = (n to_power sqrt n)))
   holds ex s,s1 being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = f & s1 = seq_a^(2,1,0) &
     Big_Oh(s) c= Big_Oh(s1) & not Big_Oh(s) = Big_Oh(s1)
 let f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = (n to_power sqrt n)));
 set g = seq_a^(2,1,0);
 set h = f/"g;
      f is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
      let n; assume A2: n >= 1;
         then f.n = n to_power sqrt n by A1;
       hence f.n > 0 by A2,POWER:39;
    then reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
    reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f,g;
    consider N such that
A3:  for n st n >= N holds n - sqrt n*log(2,n) > n/2 by Lm46;
A4: now let p be real number; assume
    p > 0;
     then p" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
 then A5: 1/p > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
  set N1 = max( N, max(2*[/log(2,1/p)\], 2) );
 A6: N1 >= N & N1 >= max(2*[/log(2,1/p)\], 2) by SQUARE_1:46;
      A7: max(2*[/log(2,1/p)\], 2) >= 2*[/log(2,1/p)\] &
      max(2*[/log(2,1/p)\], 2) >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A8: N1 >= 2*[/log(2,1/p)\] & N1 >= 2 by A6,AXIOMS:22;
       N1 is Integer proof
      per cases by SQUARE_1:49;
      suppose N1 = N;
       hence thesis;
      suppose N1 = max(2*[/log(2,1/p)\], 2);
       hence thesis by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N1 as Nat by A6,INT_1:16;
  take N1; let n; assume
  A9: n >= N1;
  A10: h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4;
  A11: f.n = n to_power sqrt n by A1,A6,A7,A9
         .= 2 to_power (sqrt n*log(2,n)) by A6,A7,A9,Lm3;
        g.n = 2 to_power (1*n+0) by Def1 .= 2 to_power n;
  then A12: h.n = 2 to_power ((sqrt n*log(2,n)) - n) by A10,A11,POWER:34
         .= 2 to_power -(n - sqrt n*log(2,n)) by XCMPLX_1:143;
        n >= N by A6,A9,AXIOMS:22;
      then n - sqrt n*log(2,n) > n/2 by A3;
      then -(n - sqrt n*log(2,n)) < -(n/2) by REAL_1:50;
  then A13: 2 to_power -(n - sqrt n*log(2,n)) < 2 to_power -(n/2) by POWER:44;
  A14: [/log(2,1/p)\] >= log(2,1/p) by INT_1:def 5;
        n >= 2*[/log(2,1/p)\] by A8,A9,AXIOMS:22;
      then n/2 >= [/log(2,1/p)\] by REAL_2:177;
      then n/2 >= log(2,1/p) by A14,AXIOMS:22;
      then -(n/2) <= -log(2,1/p) by REAL_1:50;
      then 2 to_power -(n/2) <= 2 to_power -log(2,1/p) by PRE_FF:10;
      then 2 to_power -(n/2) <= 1/(2 to_power log(2,1/p)) by POWER:33;
      then 2 to_power -(n/2) <= 1/(1/p) by A5,POWER:def 3;
      then 2 to_power -(n/2) <= p by XCMPLX_1:56;
  then A15: h.n < p by A12,A13,AXIOMS:22;
        h.n > 0 by A12,POWER:39;
   hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A15,ABSVALUE:def 1;
then A16: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
   then lim h = 0 by A4,SEQ_2:def 7;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A16,ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

theorem :: (Part 3, O(2^n+1) = O(2^n))
   ex s, s1 being eventually-positive Real_Sequence
  st s = seq_a^(2,1,0) & s1 = seq_a^(2,1,1) &
   Big_Oh(s) = Big_Oh(s1)
 set f = seq_a^(2,1,0);
 set g = seq_a^(2,1,1);
 set h = f/"g;
   reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
   reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f,g;
 thus f = seq_a^(2,1,0) & g = seq_a^(2,1,1);
A1: 2" > 0;
A2: for n holds h.n = 2" proof
      now let n;
    A3: f.n = 2 to_power (1*n + 0) by Def1;
    A4: g.n = 2 to_power (1*n + 1) by Def1;
          h.n = (2 to_power n)/g.n by A3,Lm4
           .= 2 to_power (n-(n+1)) by A4,POWER:34
           .= 2 to_power (n-n-1) by XCMPLX_1:36
           .= 2 to_power (n+-n-1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
           .= 2 to_power (n+-n+-1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
           .= 2 to_power (0+-1) by XCMPLX_0:def 6
           .= 1 / 2 to_power 1 by POWER:33
           .= 1 / 2 by POWER:30
           .= 2";
     hence h.n = 2";
    hence thesis;
A5: now let p be real number such that
 A6: p > 0;
   take N = 0; let n; assume n >= N;
        abs(h.n-2") = abs(2"-2") by A2
               .= 0 by ABSVALUE:7;
    hence abs(h.n-2") < p by A6;
then A7: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
   then lim h > 0 by A1,A5,SEQ_2:def 7;
 hence thesis by A7,ASYMPT_0:15;

theorem :: (Part 4, O(2^n) c O(2^2n))
   ex s, s1 being eventually-positive Real_Sequence
  st s = seq_a^(2,1,0) & s1 = seq_a^(2,2,0) &
   Big_Oh(s) c= Big_Oh(s1) & not Big_Oh(s) = Big_Oh(s1)
    reconsider f = seq_a^(2,1,0) as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
    reconsider g = seq_a^(2,2,0) as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f,g;
 thus f = seq_a^(2,1,0) & g = seq_a^(2,2,0);
 set h = f/"g;
A1: for n holds h.n = (2 to_power -n) proof
    let n;
         h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4
          .= (2 to_power (1*n+0))/g.n by Def1
          .= (2 to_power (1*n))/(2 to_power (2*n+0)) by Def1
          .= 2 to_power (1*n-(2*n)) by POWER:34
          .= 2 to_power (1*n+-(2*n)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
          .= 2 to_power (1*n+(-2)*n) by XCMPLX_1:175
          .= 2 to_power ((1+-2)*n) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 2 to_power ((-1)*n)
          .= 2 to_power (-(1*n)) by XCMPLX_1:175
          .= 2 to_power -n;
     hence h.n = (2 to_power -n);
A2: now let p be real number; assume
 A3: p > 0;
     then p" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
 then A4: 1/p > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
   set N = max(1,[/log(2,1/p)\] + 1);
  A5: N >= 1 & N >= ([/log(2,1/p)\] + 1) by SQUARE_1:46;
        N is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N as Nat by A5,INT_1:16;
   take N; let n; assume
   A6: n >= N;
   A7: abs(h.n-0) = abs((2 to_power -n)) by A1;
         (2 to_power -n) > 0 by POWER:39;
   then A8: abs(h.n-0) = (2 to_power -n) by A7,ABSVALUE:def 1;
   A9: 2 to_power n >= 2 to_power N by A6,PRE_FF:10;
   A10: 2 to_power N >= 2 to_power ([/log(2,1/p)\] + 1) by A5,PRE_FF:10;
   A11: [/log(2,1/p)\] + 1 > [/log(2,1/p)\] by REAL_1:69;
         [/log(2,1/p)\] >= log(2,1/p) by INT_1:def 5;
       then [/log(2,1/p)\] + 1 > log(2,1/p) by A11,AXIOMS:22;
       then 2 to_power ([/log(2,1/p)\]+1) > 2 to_power log(2,1/p) by POWER:44;
       then 2 to_power N > 2 to_power log(2,1/p) by A10,AXIOMS:22;
       then 2 to_power n > 2 to_power log(2,1/p) by A9,AXIOMS:22;
       then 2 to_power n > 1/p by A4,POWER:def 3;
       then (2 to_power n)*p > 1/p*p by A3,REAL_1:70;
   then A12: p*(2 to_power n) > 1 by A3,XCMPLX_1:88;
         2 to_power n > 0 by POWER:39;
       then (2 to_power n)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
       then (p*(2 to_power n))*(2 to_power n)" >
                        1*(2 to_power n)" by A12,REAL_1:70;
   then A13: p*((2 to_power n)*(2 to_power n)") > (2 to_power n)" by XCMPLX_1:4
         2 to_power n <> 0 by POWER:39;
       then p*1 > (2 to_power n)" by A13,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
       then p > 1/(2 to_power n) by XCMPLX_1:217;
    hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A8,POWER:33;
then A14: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
   then lim h = 0 by A2,SEQ_2:def 7;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A14,ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

theorem :: (Part 5, O(2^2n) c O(n!))
   ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence
  st s = seq_a^(2,2,0) &
   Big_Oh(s) c= Big_Oh(seq_n!(0)) & not Big_Oh(s) = Big_Oh(seq_n!(0))
 set g = seq_n!(0);
    reconsider f = seq_a^(2,2,0)as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f;
 thus f = seq_a^(2,2,0);
 set h = f/"g;
A1: now let p be real number; assume
    p > 0;
     then p" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
 then A2: 1/p > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
 set N = max(10,[/9+log(2,1/p)\]);
 A3: N >= 10 & N >= [/9+log(2,1/p)\] by SQUARE_1:46;
       N is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N as Nat by A3,INT_1:16;
  take N; let n; assume n >= N;
  then A4: n >= 10 & n >= [/9+log(2,1/p)\] by A3,AXIOMS:22;
  A5: h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4
         .= (2 to_power (2*n+0)) / g.n by Def1
         .= (2 to_power (2*n+0)) / ((n+0)!) by Def5
         .= (2 to_power (2*n)) / (n!);
  then A6: h.n < 1 / (2 to_power (n-9)) by A4,Lm40;
        [/9+log(2,1/p)\] >= 9+log(2,1/p) by INT_1:def 5;
      then n >= 9+log(2,1/p) by A4,AXIOMS:22;
      then n-9 >= log(2,1/p) by REAL_1:84;
      then 2 to_power (n-9) >= 2 to_power log(2,1/p) by PRE_FF:10;
      then 2 to_power (n-9) >= 1/p by A2,POWER:def 3;
      then 1 / (2 to_power (n-9)) <= 1/(1/p) by A2,REAL_2:152;
      then 1 / (2 to_power (n-9)) <= p by XCMPLX_1:56;
  then A7: h.n < p by A6,AXIOMS:22;
  A8: 2 to_power (2*n) > 0 by POWER:39;
        n! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
      then (n!)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
      then (2 to_power (2*n))*(n!)" > 0*(n!)" by A8,REAL_1:70;
      then h.n > 0 by A5,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A7,ABSVALUE:def 1;
then A9: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
   then lim h = 0 by A1,SEQ_2:def 7;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A9,ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

theorem :: (Part 6, O(n!) c O((n+1)!))
   Big_Oh(seq_n!(0)) c= Big_Oh(seq_n!(1)) &
  not Big_Oh(seq_n!(0)) = Big_Oh(seq_n!(1))
 set f = seq_n!(0);
 set g = seq_n!(1);
 set h = f/"g;
A1: for n holds h.n = 1/(n+1) proof
    let n;
    A2: n! <> 0 by NEWTON:23;
         h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4
          .= (n+0)!/g.n by Def5
          .= (n!)/((n+1)!) by Def5
          .= ((n!)*1)/((n+1)*(n!)) by NEWTON:21
          .= (1/(n+1))*((n!)/(n!)) by XCMPLX_1:77
          .= (1/(n+1))*1 by A2,XCMPLX_1:60;
     hence h.n = 1/(n+1);
A3: now let p be real number; assume
 A4: p > 0;
     then p" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
 then A5: 1/p > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
   set N = max( 1, [/1/p\] );
 A6: N >= 1 & N >= ([/1/p\]) by SQUARE_1:46;
       N is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N as Nat by A6,INT_1:16;
   take N; let n; assume n >= N;
  then A7: n+1 > N by NAT_1:38;
  A8:-p < 0 by A4,REAL_1:26,50;
      0 < (n+1)" by REAL_1:72;
     then 0 < 1/(n+1) by XCMPLX_1:217;
     then 0 < h.n by A1;
  then A9: -p < h.n by A8,AXIOMS:22;
       [/1/p\] >= 1/p by INT_1:def 5;
     then N >= 1/p by A6,AXIOMS:22;
     then (n+1) > 1/p by A7,AXIOMS:22;
     then 1/(n+1) < 1/(1/p) by A5,REAL_2:151;
     then 1/(n+1) < p by XCMPLX_1:56;
  then A10: h.n < p by A1;
       abs(h.n) < p proof
       per cases;
        suppose h.n >= 0;
         hence thesis by A10,ABSVALUE:def 1;
        suppose h.n < 0;
        then A11: abs(h.n) = -h.n by ABSVALUE:def 1;
             (-1)*(-p) > (-1)*h.n by A9,REAL_1:71;
           then p > (-1)*h.n by XCMPLX_1:181;
         hence thesis by A11,XCMPLX_1:180;
    hence abs(h.n-0) < p;
then A12: h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
   then lim h = 0 by A3,SEQ_2:def 7;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A12,ASYMPT_0:16;
   then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

theorem :: (Part 7, O((n+1)!) c O(n^n))
   for g being Real_Sequence st
  (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = (n to_power n)))
   holds ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = g & Big_Oh(seq_n!(1)) c= Big_Oh(s) & not Big_Oh(seq_n!(1)) = Big_Oh(s)
 let g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = (n to_power n)));
 set f = seq_n!(1);
 set h = f/"g;
      g is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
     let n; assume A2: n >= 1;
        then g.n = n to_power n by A1;
     hence g.n > 0 by A2,POWER:39;
    then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take g;
A3:  1-2 = -1;
A4:  3 = 4-1;
A5:  for n st n >= 1 holds h.n > 0 proof
     let n; assume A6: n >= 1;
     A7: h.n = f.n/g.n by Lm4
            .= (n+1)! / g.n by Def5
            .= (n+1)! / (n to_power n) by A1,A6;
        n to_power n > 0 by A6,POWER:39;
         then (n to_power n)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
     then A8: 1/(n to_power n) > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
           (n+1)! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
         then (n+1)!*(1/(n to_power n)) > (n+1)!*0 by A8,REAL_1:70;
      hence thesis by A7,XCMPLX_1:100;
    deffunc _F(Nat) = h.$1 / h.($1+1);
    consider p being Real_Sequence such that
A9:  for n holds p.n = _F(n) from ExRealSeq;
A10:  for n st n > 0 holds p.n = ((n+1)/(n+2)) * (((n+1)/n) to_power n) proof
     let n; assume
     A11: n > 0;
     A12: (n+1)! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
           p.n = h.n / h.(n+1) by A9
          .= (f.n / g.n) / h.(n+1) by Lm4
          .= ((n+1)! / g.n) / h.(n+1) by Def5
          .= ((n+1)! / (n to_power n)) / h.(n+1) by A1,A11
          .= ((n+1)! / (n to_power n)) / (f.(n+1) / g.(n+1)) by Lm4
          .= ((n+1)! / (n to_power n)) / (((n+1)+1)! / g.(n+1)) by Def5
          .= ((n+1)! / (n to_power n)) /
                  (((n+1)+1)! / ((n+1) to_power (n+1))) by A1
          .= ((n+1)! / (((n+1)+1)!)) *
                 (((n+1) to_power (n+1)) / (n to_power n)) by Lm44
          .= ((n+1)! / (((n+1)+1)*((n+1)!))) *
                  (((n+1) to_power (n+1)) / (n to_power n)) by NEWTON:21
          .= (1/((n+1)+1) * ((n+1)! / ((n+1)!))) *
                  (((n+1) to_power (n+1)) / (n to_power n)) by XCMPLX_1:104

          .= ((1/((n+1)+1)) * 1) *
                  (((n+1) to_power (n+1)) / (n to_power n)) by A12,XCMPLX_1:60
          .= (1/(n+(1+1))) *
                  (((n+1) to_power (n+1)) / (n to_power n)) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= (1/(n+2)) *
                ((((n+1) to_power n)*((n+1) to_power 1)) / (n to_power n))
                   by POWER:32
          .= (1/(n+2)) *
                ((((n+1) to_power n)*(n+1)) / (n to_power n)) by POWER:30
          .= (1/(n+2)) *
                ((((n+1) to_power n)*(n+1)) * ((n to_power n)")) by XCMPLX_0:
def 9
          .= (1/(n+2)) *
                ((((n+1) to_power n)*((n to_power n)"))*(n+1)) by XCMPLX_1:4
          .= (1/(n+2)) *
                ((((n+1) to_power n)/(n to_power n))*(n+1)) by XCMPLX_0:def 9
          .= (1/(n+2)) * ((((n+1)/n) to_power n)*(n+1)) by A11,POWER:36
          .= ((n+1)*(1/(n+2))) * (((n+1)/n) to_power n) by XCMPLX_1:4
          .= ((n+1)/(n+2)) * (((n+1)/n) to_power n) by XCMPLX_1:100;
       hence p.n = ((n+1)/(n+2)) * (((n+1)/n) to_power n);
    defpred _P1[Nat] means p.$1 > 2;
A13: _P1[4] proof
      p.4 = ((4+1) / (4+2)) * (((4+1)/4) to_power 4) by A10
           .= (5 / 6) * ((5 to_power 4) / 256) by Lm43,POWER:36
           .= (5 * (5 to_power 4)) / (6 * 256) by XCMPLX_1:77
           .= ((5 to_power 1)*(5 to_power 4)) / 1536 by POWER:30
           .= (5 to_power (4+1)) / 1536 by POWER:32
           .= 3125 / 1536 by Lm42;
     hence thesis;
A14: for k st k >= 4 & _P1[k] holds _P1[k+1] proof
     let k; assume that
     A15: k >= 4 and
     A16: p.k > 2;
     A17: now assume ((k+1)*(k+3)) >= ((k+2)*(k+2));
          then ((k+1)*k + (k+1)*3) >= ((k+2)*(k+2)) by XCMPLX_1:8;
          then ((k*k + 1*k) + (k+1)*3) >= ((k+2)*(k+2)) by XCMPLX_1:8;
          then ((k*k + 1*k) + (3*k + 3*1)) >= ((k+2)*(k+2)) by XCMPLX_1:8;
          then (((k*k + 1*k) + 3*k) + 3*1) >= ((k+2)*(k+2)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
          then ((k*k + (1*k + 3*k)) + 3*1) >= ((k+2)*(k+2)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
          then ((k*k + ((1+3)*k)) + 3) >= ((k+2)*(k+2)) by XCMPLX_1:8;
          then (k*k + 4*k) + 3 >= (k+2)^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
          then (k*k + 4*k) + 3 >= k^2 + 2*k*2 + 2^2 by SQUARE_1:63;
          then (k*k + 4*k) + 3 >= k*k + 2*(2*k) + 2^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
          then (k*k + 4*k) + 3 >= k*k + (2*2)*k + 2^2 by XCMPLX_1:4;
          then (k*k + 4*k) + 3 >= k*k + 4*k + 2*2 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
          then -(k*k + 4*k) + ((k*k + 4*k) + 3) >=
                      -(k*k + 4*k) + ((k*k + 4*k) + 4) by AXIOMS:24;
          then (-(k*k + 4*k) + (k*k + 4*k)) + 3 >=
                      -(k*k + 4*k) + ((k*k + 4*k) + 4) by XCMPLX_1:1;
          then 0 + 3 >= -(k*k + 4*k) + ((k*k + 4*k) + 4) by XCMPLX_0:def 6;
          then 3 >= (-(k*k + 4*k) + (k*k + 4*k)) + 4 by XCMPLX_1:1;
          then 3 >= 0 + 4 by XCMPLX_0:def 6;
       hence contradiction;
           (k+1)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
         then (k+2)*(k+1)" > 0*(k+1)" by REAL_1:70;
         then (k+2)/(k+1) > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     then A18: (((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1)) > 0 by POWER:39;
          (k+3)" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
      then (k+2)*(k+3)" > 0*(k+3)" by REAL_1:70;
     then A19: ((k+2)/(k+3)) > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     A20: p.(k+1)
        = ((((k+1)+1)/((k+1)+2))*((((k+1)+1)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) by A10
       .= (((k+1)+1)/((k+1)+2)*(((k+(1+1))/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) by XCMPLX_1:
       .= ((k+(1+1))/((k+1)+2)*(((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= ((k+2)/(k+(1+2))*(((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= ((k+2)/(k+3)*(((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1)));
     A21: ((k+2)/(k+3))*(((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1)) >
                        ((k+2)/(k+3))*0 by A18,A19,REAL_1:70;
     A22: k >= 1 by A15,AXIOMS:22;
          k" > 0 by A15,REAL_1:72;
         then (k+1)*k" > 0*k" by REAL_1:70;
         then (k+1)/k > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     then A23: (((k+1)/k) to_power k) > 0 by POWER:39;
           (((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))" > 0 by A18,REAL_1:72;
         then (((k+1)/k) to_power k)*(((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))" >
               0*(((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))" by A23,REAL_1:70;
     then A24: ((((k+1)/k) to_power k) /
                       (((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     A25: (k+1)*(k+3) > 0*(k+3) by REAL_1:70;
          ((k+2)*(k+2))" > 0 by A17,REAL_1:72;
         then (((k+1)*(k+3)) * ((k+2)*(k+2))") >
                          0*((k+2)*(k+2))" by A25,REAL_1:70;
     then A26: (((k+1)*(k+3)) / ((k+2)*(k+2))) > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     A27: p.k / p.(k+1)
        = ((k+1)/(k+2)) * (((k+1)/k) to_power k) /
                   ((k+2)/(k+3)*(((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) by A10,A15,A20
       .= (((k+1)/(k+2)) / ((k+2)/(k+3))) *
                ((((k+1)/k) to_power k) /
                          (((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) by XCMPLX_1:77
       .= (((k+1)*(k+3)) / ((k+2)*(k+2))) *
           ((((k+1)/k) to_power k) /
            (((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) by XCMPLX_1:85;
           ((k+1)*(k+3)) < 1*((k+2)*(k+2)) by A17;
     then A28: (((k+1)*(k+3)) / ((k+2)*(k+2))) < 1 by REAL_2:178;
           (((k+1)/k) to_power k) <=
                        1*(((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1)) by A22,Lm48;
         then (((k+1)/k) to_power k) /
                 (((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1)) <= 1 by A18,REAL_2:177;
         then (((k+1)*(k+3)) / ((k+2)*(k+2))) *
          ((((k+1)/k) to_power k) /
           (((k+2)/(k+1)) to_power (k+1))) < 1*1 by A24,A26,A28,REAL_2:199;
         then p.k / p.(k+1) * p.(k+1) < 1*p.(k+1) by A20,A21,A27,REAL_1:70;
         then p.(k+1) > p.k by A20,A21,XCMPLX_1:88;
      hence p.(k+1) > 2 by A16,AXIOMS:22;
A29:  for n st n >= 4 holds _P1[n] from Ind1(A13, A14);
     defpred _P[Nat] means h.$1 < 1/($1-2);
A30: _P[4] proof
       h.4 = f.4/g.4 by Lm4 .= (4+1)!/g.4 by Def5 .= 120/256 by A1,Lm39,Lm43;
     hence thesis;
A31: for k st k >= 4 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof
     let k; assume that
     A32: k >= 4 and
     A33: h.k < 1/(k-2);
           p.k > 2 by A29,A32;
     then A34: h.k / h.(k+1) > 2 by A9;
           k+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
     then A35: h.(k+1) > 0 by A5;
         then (h.k / h.(k+1)) * h.(k+1) > 2*h.(k+1) by A34,REAL_1:70;
         then h.k > 2*h.(k+1) by A35,XCMPLX_1:88;
     then A36: h.k/2 > h.(k+1) by REAL_2:178;
           h.k*(1/2) < (1/(k-2))*(1/2) by A33,REAL_1:70;
         then h.k/2 < (1/(k-2))*(1/2) by XCMPLX_1:100;
     then A37: h.k/2 < 1/(2*(k-2)) by XCMPLX_1:103;
           k >= 3 by A32,AXIOMS:22;
     then A38: 2*(k-2) >= k-1 by Lm41;
           k-1 >= 3 by A4,A32,REAL_1:49;
         then 1/(2*(k-2)) <= 1/(k-1) by A38,REAL_2:152;
         then h.k/2 < 1/(k-1) by A37,AXIOMS:22;
         then h.(k+1) < 1/(k-1) by A36,AXIOMS:22;
         then h.(k+1) < 1/(k+(1+-2)) by A3,XCMPLX_0:def 8;
         then h.(k+1) < 1/((k+1)+-2) by XCMPLX_1:1;
      hence thesis by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
A39:  for n st n >= 4 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A30, A31);
A40: now let p be real number; assume
    p > 0;
     then p" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
 then A41: 1/p > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
  set N = [/1/p + 4\];
 A42: [/1/p + 4\] >= 1/p + 4 by INT_1:def 5;
       4 + 1/p > 4 by A41,REAL_1:69;
 then A43: N >= 4 by A42,AXIOMS:22;
     then reconsider N as Nat by INT_1:16;
  take N; let n; assume
  A44: n >= N;
  then A45: n >= 4 by A43,AXIOMS:22;
  then A46: h.n < 1/(n-2) by A39;
        n >= 1/p + (2 + 2) by A42,A44,AXIOMS:22;
      then n >= (1/p + 2) + 2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
  then A47: n - 2 >= 1/p + 2 by REAL_1:84;
        1/p + 2 > 1/p by REAL_1:69;
      then n - 2 > 1/p by A47,AXIOMS:22;
      then 1/(n-2) < 1/(1/p) by A41,REAL_2:151;
      then 1/(n-2) < 1*p by XCMPLX_1:101;
  then A48: h.n < p by A46,AXIOMS:22;
        n >= 1 by A45,AXIOMS:22;
      then h.n > 0 by A5;
    hence abs(h.n-0) < p by A48,ABSVALUE:def 1;
then A49:  h is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
    then lim h = 0 by A40,SEQ_2:def 7;
    then f in Big_Oh(g) & not g in Big_Oh(f) by A49,ASYMPT_0:16;
    then f in Big_Oh(g) & not f in Big_Omega(g) by ASYMPT_0:19;
 hence thesis by Th4;

begin :: Problem 3.23

 for k,n st k <= n holds n choose k >= ((n+1) choose k) / (n+1)
 let k,n; assume
A1: k <= n;
     n + 0 <= n + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
then A2: k <= n+1 by A1,AXIOMS:22;
 set n1 = n+1;
 reconsider l = n-k as Nat by A1,INT_1:18;
 set l1 = l+1;
     l1 = n1-k by XCMPLX_1:29;
then A3: (n1 choose k) / n1
    = ((n1!)/((k!) * (l1!))) / n1 by A2,NEWTON:def 3
   .= (n1*(n!)/((k!) * (l1!))) / (n1*1) by NEWTON:21
   .= (n1*(n!)*((k!) * (l1!))") / (n1*1) by XCMPLX_0:def 9
   .= (n1*((n!)*((k!) * (l1!))")) / (n1*1) by XCMPLX_1:4
   .= (n1*((n!)/((k!) * (l1!)))) / (n1*1) by XCMPLX_0:def 9
   .= (n1/n1) * (((n!)/((k!) * (l1!)))/1) by XCMPLX_1:77
   .= 1 * (((n!)/((k!) * (l1!)))/1) by XCMPLX_1:60
   .= (n!)/((k!) * ((l!) * l1)) by NEWTON:21
   .= (n!)*1/((k!) * (l!) * l1) by XCMPLX_1:4
   .= (n!)/((k!) * (l!)) * (1/l1) by XCMPLX_1:77
   .= (n choose k) * (1/l1) by A1,NEWTON:def 3;
A4: n! > 0 & k! > 0 & l! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
   then (k!)*(l!) > (k!)*0 by REAL_1:70;
   then ((k!)*(l!))" > 0 by REAL_1:72;
   then (n!)*((k!)*(l!))" > (n!)*0 by A4,REAL_1:70;
   then (n!)/((k!)*(l!)) > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
then A5: (n choose k) > 0 by A1,NEWTON:def 3;
    0+1 <= l+1 by AXIOMS:24;
   then 1/1 >= 1/l1 by REAL_2:152;
   then (n choose k) * (1/1) >= (n choose k) * (1/l1) by A5,AXIOMS:25;
 hence thesis by A3;

   for n st n >= 1 holds
  for f being Real_Sequence, k being Nat
   st (for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_n^(k), n))
    holds f.n >= (n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1)
  defpred _P[Nat] means
  for f being Real_Sequence, k being Nat
   st (for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_n^(k), n))
    holds f.$1 >= ($1 to_power (k+1)) / (k+1);

A1: _P[1] proof let f be Real_Sequence, k be Nat such that
    A2: for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_n^(k), n);
      set g = seq_n^(k);
    A3: f.1 = Sum(g,1) by A2
           .= (Partial_Sums(g)).(0+1) by BHSP_4:def 6
           .= (Partial_Sums(g)).0 + g.1 by SERIES_1:def 1
           .= g.1 + g.0 by SERIES_1:def 1
           .= (1 to_power k) + g.0 by Def3
           .= 1 + g.0 by POWER:31
           .= 1 + 0 by Def3
           .= 1/1;
    A4: (1 to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) = 1 / (k+1) by POWER:31;
         0+1 <= k+1 by AXIOMS:24;
     hence thesis by A3,A4,REAL_2:152;
A5: for n being Nat st n >= 1 & _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof
     let n be Nat such that
    A6: n >= 1 and
    A7: for f being Real_Sequence, k being Nat
        st (for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_n^(k), n))
         holds f.n >= (n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1);
     let f be Real_Sequence, k be Nat such that
    A8: for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_n^(k), n);
      set g = seq_n^(k);
    A9: f.(n+1) = Sum(g,n+1) by A8
              .= (Partial_Sums(g)).(n+1) by BHSP_4:def 6
              .= (Partial_Sums(g)).n + g.(n+1) by SERIES_1:def 1;
         f.n >= (n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) by A7,A8;
       then Sum(g,n) >= (n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) by A8;
       then (Partial_Sums(g)).n >= (n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) by BHSP_4:def 6;
    then A10: f.(n+1) >= (n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) + g.(n+1) by A9,AXIOMS:24;
         g.(n+1) = (n+1) to_power k by Def3
              .= (n+1)|^k by POWER:48
              .= Sum((n,1) In_Power k) by NEWTON:41;
    then A11: (n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) + g.(n+1)
        = Sum
(<*(n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1)*>^((n,1) In_Power k)) by RVSUM_1:106;
    A12: ((n+1) to_power (k+1)) / (k+1)
         = ((n+1) to_power (k+1)) * (k+1)" by XCMPLX_0:def 9
        .= ((n+1)|^(k+1))*(k+1)" by POWER:48
        .= Sum((n,1) In_Power (k+1))*(k+1)" by NEWTON:41
        .= Sum(((k+1)")*((n,1) In_Power (k+1))) by RVSUM_1:117;
     set R1 = <*(n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1)*>^((n,1) In_Power k);
     set R2 = ((k+1)")*((n,1) In_Power (k+1));
    A13: len ((n,1) In_Power k) = k+1 by NEWTON:def 4;
    A14: len <*(n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1)*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
    then A15: len R1 = (k+1)+1 by A13,FINSEQ_1:35
             .= k+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
             .= k+2;
       then reconsider R1 as Element of (k+2)-tuples_on REAL by FINSEQ_2:110;
         len R2 = len ((n,1) In_Power (k+1)) by NEWTON:6
             .= (k+1)+1 by NEWTON:def 4
             .= k+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
             .= k+2;
       then reconsider R2 as Element of (k+2)-tuples_on REAL by FINSEQ_2:110;
    set R3 = ((n,1) In_Power (k+1));
         len R3 = (k+1)+1 by NEWTON:def 4
             .= k+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
             .= k+2;
       then reconsider R3 as Element of (k+2)-tuples_on REAL by FINSEQ_2:110;
      for i st i in Seg (k+2) holds R2.i<=R1.i proof
        let i such that
       A16: i in Seg (k+2);
        set r2 = R2.i, r1 = R1.i;
       A17: 1 <= i & i <= (k+2) by A16,FINSEQ_1:3;
        set k1 = (k+1)";
         per cases by A17,REAL_1:def 5;
         A18: i = 1;
               n|^(k+1) = R3.1 by NEWTON:39;
             then r2 = k1*(n|^(k+1)) by A18,RVSUM_1:67
               .= (n to_power (k+1)) * k1 by A6,POWER:48
               .= (n to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
          hence thesis by A18,FINSEQ_1:58;
         A19: i > 1;
           set i0 = i-1;
           set m = i0-1;
           set l = k-m;
             A20: i-1 > 1-1 by A19,REAL_1:54;
             then reconsider i0 as Nat by INT_1:16;
         A21: i0 >= 0+1 by A20,INT_1:20;
         then m >= 0 by REAL_1:84;
             then reconsider m as Nat by INT_1:16;
            m = i-(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:36
              .= i-2;
         then A22: k >= m+0 by A17,REAL_1:86;
         then l >= 0 by REAL_1:84;
             then reconsider l as Nat by INT_1:16;
               i-1 <= (k+2)-1 by A17,REAL_1:49;
             then i0 <= (k+2)+-1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
             then A23: i0 <= k+(2+-1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
               len (((n,1) In_Power k)) = k+1 by NEWTON:def 4;
             then dom(((n,1) In_Power k)) = Seg(k+1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         then A24: i0 in dom(((n,1) In_Power k)) by A21,A23,FINSEQ_1:3;
         A25: r1 = ((n,1) In_Power k).i0 by A14,A15,A17,A19,FINSEQ_1:37
               .= (k choose m)*(n|^l)*(1|^m) by A24,NEWTON:def 4
               .= (k choose l)*(n|^l)*(1|^m) by A22,NEWTON:30
               .= (k choose l)*(n|^l)*1 by NEWTON:15
               .= (k choose l)*(n to_power l) by A6,POWER:48;
          set i3 = (k+1)-i0;
         A26: i3 = (k+-(-1))-i0
               .= (k-(-1))-i0 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
               .= k-((-1)+i0) by XCMPLX_1:36
               .= l by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
             then reconsider i3 as Nat;
         A27: i0 + 0 <= (k+1) by A26,REAL_1:84;
               len(((n,1) In_Power (k+1))) = (k+1)+1 by NEWTON:def 4;
             then dom(((n,1) In_Power (k+1))) = Seg((k+1)+1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3
                                        .= Seg(k+(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                                        .= Seg(k+2);
         then R3.i = ((k+1) choose i0)*(n|^i3)*(1|^i0) by A16,NEWTON:def 4;
         then A28: r2 = k1*(((k+1) choose i0)*(n|^i3)*(1|^i0)) by RVSUM_1:67
               .= k1*(((k+1) choose l)*(n|^l)*(1|^i0)) by A26,A27,NEWTON:30
               .= k1*(((k+1) choose l)*(n|^l)*1) by NEWTON:15
               .= k1*(((k+1) choose l)*(n to_power l)) by A6,POWER:48
               .= k1*((k+1) choose l)*(n to_power l) by XCMPLX_1:4;
               k-m <= k-0 by REAL_1:92;
             then ((k+1) choose l) / (k+1) <= (k choose l) by Lm49;
             then k1 * ((k+1) choose l) <= (k choose l) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
          hence thesis by A25,A28,AXIOMS:25;
       then ((n+1) to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) <= Sum R1 by A12,RVSUM_1:112;
      hence f.(n+1) >= ((n+1) to_power (k+1)) / (k+1) by A10,A11,AXIOMS:22;
       for n st n >= 1 holds _P[n]  from Ind1(A1, A5);
  hence thesis;

begin :: Problem 3.24

 for f being Real_Sequence st
  (for n holds f.n = log(2,n!))
   holds for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_logn, n)
 let f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: for n holds f.n = log(2,n!);
 set g = seq_logn;
 defpred _P[Nat] means f.$1 = Sum(g, $1);
A2: _P[0] proof
    A3: f.0 = log(2,1) by A1,NEWTON:18
          .= 0 by POWER:59;
         Sum(g, 0) = Partial_Sums(g).0 by BHSP_4:def 6
              .= g.0 by SERIES_1:def 1
              .= 0 by Def2;
     hence thesis by A3;
A4: for k st _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof     let k such that
    A5: f.k = Sum(g, k);
    A6: k! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
         f.(k+1) = log(2,(k+1)!) by A1
              .= log(2,(k+1)*(k!)) by NEWTON:21
              .= log(2,k+1) + log(2,k!) by A6,POWER:61
              .= log(2,k+1) + Sum(g, k) by A1,A5
              .= g.(k+1) + Sum(g, k) by Def2
              .= g.(k+1) + Partial_Sums(g).k by BHSP_4:def 6
              .= Partial_Sums(g).(k+1) by SERIES_1:def 1
              .= Sum(g, k+1) by BHSP_4:def 6;
     hence thesis;
    for n holds _P[n] from Ind(A2, A4);
   hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 4 holds n*log(2,n) >= 2*n
 let n; assume
 n >= 4;
    then log(2,n) >= log(2,2*2) by PRE_FF:12;
   then log(2,n) >= log(2,2^2) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
   then log(2,n) >= log(2,2 to_power 2) by POWER:53;
   then log(2,n) >= 2*log(2,2) by POWER:63;
   then log(2,n) >= 2*1 by POWER:60;
 hence n*log(2,n) >= 2*n by AXIOMS:25;

   for f,g being Real_Sequence st
  (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = n*log(2,n))) &
  (for n holds f.n = log(2,n!))
   holds ex s being eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence st
    s = g & f in Big_Theta(s)
 let f,g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = n*log(2,n))) and
A2: for n holds f.n = log(2,n!);
      g is eventually-positive proof
     take 2;
     let n; assume
     A3: n >= 2;
         then log(2,n) >= log(2,2) by PRE_FF:12;
        then log(2,n) >= 1 by POWER:60;
        then n*log(2,n) > n*0 by A3,REAL_1:70;
      hence g.n > 0 by A1,A3;
    then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take g;
 set h = seq_logn;
A4: Big_Theta(g) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
A5: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
   now let n; assume
 A6: n >= 4;
  ex s being Real_Sequence st s.0 = 0 &
     (for m st m > 0 holds s.m = (log(2,n/2))) proof
      defpred P[Nat,Real] means
        ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) &
         ($1 > 0 implies $2 = log(2,n/2));
    A7: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
      let n;
       per cases;
       suppose n = 0; hence thesis;
       suppose n > 0; hence thesis;
       consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
    A8: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A7);
     take h;
       thus h.0 = 0 by A8;
       let n; thus thesis by A8;
    then consider p being Real_Sequence such that
A9: p.0 = 0 & (for m st m > 0 holds p.m = log(2,n/2));
  ex s being Real_Sequence st s.0 = 0 &
     (for m st m > 0 holds s.m = (log(2,n))) proof
      defpred P[Nat,Real] means
        ($1 = 0 implies $2 = 0) &
         ($1 > 0 implies $2 = log(2,n));
    A10: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of REAL st P[x,y] proof
      let n;
       per cases;
       suppose n = 0; hence thesis;
       suppose n > 0; hence thesis;
       consider h being Function of NAT,REAL such that
    A11: for x being Element of NAT holds P[x,h.x] from FuncExD(A10);
     take h;
       thus h.0 = 0 by A11;
       let n; thus thesis by A11;
    then consider q being Real_Sequence such that
A12: q.0 = 0 & (for m st m > 0 holds q.m = log(2,n));
   set n1 = [/n/2\];
     A13: n*2" > 0*2" by A6,REAL_1:70;
 then A14: n/2 > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
 A15: [/n/2\] >= n/2 by INT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider n1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
   set n2 = n1-1;
   now assume n2 < 0;
        then n1-1 <= -1 by INT_1:21;
        then (n1-1)+1 <= -1+1 by AXIOMS:24;
        then (n1+-1)+1 <= 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
        then n1+(-1+1) <= 0 by XCMPLX_1:1;
      hence contradiction by A13,A15,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     then reconsider n2 as Nat by INT_1:16;
       for k st k <= n2 holds h.k >= 0 proof
      let k such that k <= n2;
       per cases;
       suppose k = 0;
        hence thesis by Def2;
       A16: k > 0;
           then k >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38;
           then log(2,k) >= log(2,1) by PRE_FF:12;
           then log(2,k) >= 0 by POWER:59;
        hence thesis by A16,Def2;
     then Sum(h,n2) >= 0 by Lm17;
     then Sum(h, n) + Sum(h,n2) >= Sum(h, n) + 0 by AXIOMS:24;
     then Sum(h, n) >= Sum(h, n) - Sum(h,n2) by REAL_1:86;
 then A17: Sum(h, n) >= Sum(h, n, n2) by BHSP_4:def 7;
       n >= n1 by Lm22;
     then n+-1 >= n1+-1 by AXIOMS:24;
     then n-1 >= n1+-1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
     then n-1 >= n2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
 then A18: n >= n2 + 1 by REAL_1:84;
       for k st n2+1 <= k & k <= n holds p.k <= h.k proof
      let k such that
     A19: n2+1 <= k and
           k <= n;
           n2+1 >= (n1+-1)+1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
         then n2+1 >= n1+(-1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
         then k >= n1 by A19,AXIOMS:22;
         then n/2 <= k by A15,AXIOMS:22;
         then log(2,n/2) <= log(2,k) by A14,PRE_FF:12;
         then p.k <= log(2,k) by A9,A19;
      hence thesis by A19,Def2;
 then A20: Sum(h, n, n2) >= Sum(p, n, n2) by A18,Lm21;
 A21: now assume n-n2 < n/2;
     then A22: n < n/2 + n2 by REAL_1:84;
           [/n/2\] < n/2 + 1 by INT_1:def 5;
         then n2 < n/2 by REAL_1:84;
         then n/2 + n2 < n/2 + n/2 by REAL_1:53;
         then n < 1*(n/2) + 1*(n/2) by A22,AXIOMS:22;
         then n < (1+1)*(n/2) by XCMPLX_1:8;
         then n < 2*(2"*n) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
         then n < (2*2")*n by XCMPLX_1:4;
      hence contradiction;
 A23: Sum(p, n, n2) = (n - n2)*log(2,n/2) by A9,Lm23;
       2*2 <= n by A6;
     then 2 <= n/2 by REAL_2:177;
     then log(2,2) <= log(2,n/2) by PRE_FF:12;
     then 1 <= log(2,n/2) by POWER:60;
 then A24: Sum(p, n, n2) >= (n/2)*log(2,n/2) by A21,A23,AXIOMS:25;
 A25: (n/2)*log(2,n/2) = (n/2)*(log(2,n) - log(2,2)) by A6,POWER:62
                     .= (n/2)*(log(2,n) - 1) by POWER:60
                     .= (n/2)*(log(2,n) + -1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                     .= log(2,n)*(n/2) + (-1)*(n/2) by XCMPLX_1:8
                     .= log(2,n)*(n/2) + -(n/2) by XCMPLX_1:180
                     .= log(2,n)*(n/2) - (n/2) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                     .= log(2,n)*(n*2") - (n/2) by XCMPLX_0:def 9
                     .= (log(2,n)*n)*2" - (n/2) by XCMPLX_1:4
                     .= (n*log(2,n))/2 - (n/2) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
       n*log(2,n) >= 2*n by A6,Lm51;
     then (n*log(2,n))*4" >= (2*n)*4" by AXIOMS:25;
     then (n*log(2,n))*4" >= (2*n) / (2*2) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     then ((2+-1)*(n*log(2,n))) * 4" >= n/2 by XCMPLX_1:92;
     then (2*(n*log(2,n)) + (-1)*(n*log(2,n))) * 4" >= n/2 by XCMPLX_1:8;
     then (2*(n*log(2,n)) + -(n*log(2,n))) * 4" >= n/2 by XCMPLX_1:180;
     then (2*(n*log(2,n)) - (n*log(2,n))) * 4" >= n/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
     then (2*(n*log(2,n)))*4" - (n*log(2,n))*4" >= n/2 by XCMPLX_1:40;
     then (2*(n*log(2,n))) / 4 - (n*log(2,n))*4" >= n/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
     then (2*(n*log(2,n))) / (2*2) - (n*log(2,n)) / 4 >= n/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 9
     then (n*log(2,n)) / 2 - (n*log(2,n)) / 4 >= n/2 by XCMPLX_1:92;
     then (n*log(2,n)) / 2 >= n/2 + (n*log(2,n)) / 4 by REAL_1:84;
 then A26: (n*log(2,n))/2 - (n/2) >= n*log(2,n) / 4 by REAL_1:84;
       n*log(2,n) / 4 = g.n / 4 by A1,A6
                   .= (1/4)*g.n by XCMPLX_1:100;
     then Sum(p, n, n2) >= (1/4)*g.n by A24,A25,A26,AXIOMS:22;
     then Sum(h, n, n2) >= (1/4)*g.n by A20,AXIOMS:22;
     then Sum(h, n) >= (1/4)*g.n by A17,AXIOMS:22;
  hence (1/4)*g.n <= f.n by A2,Lm50;
  A27: log(2,n!) = f.n by A2
               .= Sum(h, n) by A2,Lm50;
        for k st k <= n holds h.k <= q.k proof
       let k such that
      A28: k <= n;
       per cases;
         k = 0;
        hence thesis by A12,Def2;
       A29: k > 0;
           then log(2,k) <= log(2,n) by A28,PRE_FF:12;
           then h.k <= log(2,n) by A29,Def2;
        hence thesis by A12,A29;
  then A30: Sum(h, n) <= Sum(q, n) by Lm18;
        Sum(q, n) = n*log(2,n) by A12,Lm19;
      then log(2,n!) <= 1*g.n by A1,A6,A27,A30;
  hence f.n <= 1*g.n by A2;
 hence thesis by A4,A5;

:: Problem 3.25 -- Proven in theorem ASYMPT_0:1

begin :: Problem 3.26

:: For a "natural" example of an algorithm that would take time in
:: O(t(n)), consider a naive algorithm that tries to find at least one
:: factor of a given natural number. For all even numbers, the task is trivial,
:: and for all odd numbers, the algorithm might try dividing the number by all
:: numbers smaller than it, giving a running time of n.
   for f being eventually-nondecreasing eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence,
     t being Real_Sequence st
  (for n holds (n mod 2 = 0 implies t.n = 1) & (n mod 2 = 1 implies t.n = n))
    holds not t in Big_Theta(f)
 let f be eventually-nondecreasing eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence,
     t be Real_Sequence such that
A1: for n holds (n mod 2 = 0 implies t.n = 1) & (n mod 2 = 1 implies t.n = n);
A2: Big_Theta(f) = { s where s is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*f.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*f.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
 hereby assume t in Big_Theta(f);
     then consider s being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A3: s = t and
 A4: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*f.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*f.n by A2;
     consider c,d,N such that
 A5: c > 0 and
 A6: d > 0 and
 A7: for n st n >= N holds d*f.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*f.n by A4;
     consider N0 such that
 A8: for n st n >= N0 holds f.n <= f.(n+1) by ASYMPT_0:def 8;
  set N1 = max([/c/d\] + 1, max(N, N0));
 A9: N1 >= [/c/d\] + 1 & N1 >= max(N, N0) by SQUARE_1:46;
       max(N, N0) >= N & max(N, N0) >= N0 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A10: N1 >= N & N1 >= N0 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
       N1 is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N1 as Nat by A9,INT_1:16;
  thus contradiction proof
   per cases by GROUP_4:100;
   A11: N1 mod 2 = 1;
    then s.N1 = N1 by A1,A3;
       then N1 <= c*f.N1 by A7,A10;
   then A12: N1/c <= f.N1 by A5,REAL_2:177;
   A13: c" > 0 by A5,REAL_1:72;
   A14: [/c/d\] + 1 > [/c/d\] + 0 by REAL_1:67;
         [/c/d\] >= c/d by INT_1:def 5;
       then [/c/d\] + 1 > c/d by A14,AXIOMS:22;
       then N1 > c/d by A9,AXIOMS:22;
       then N1*c" > c"*(c/d) by A13,REAL_1:70;
       then N1/c > c"*(c/d) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
       then N1/c > c"*(c*(1/d)) by XCMPLX_1:100;
       then N1/c > (c"*c)*(1/d) by XCMPLX_1:4;
       then N1/c > 1*(1/d) by A5,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
   then A15: f.N1 > 1/d by A12,AXIOMS:22;
         f.(N1+1) >= f.(N1) by A8,A10;
   then A16: f.(N1+1) > 1/d by A15,AXIOMS:22;
         (N1+1) mod 2 = (1+(1 mod 2)) mod 2 by A11,EULER_2:8
                   .= (1+1) mod 2 by GROUP_4:102
                   .= 0 by GR_CY_1:5;
   then A17: t.(N1+1) = 1 by A1;
         N1+1 > N1+0 by REAL_1:67;
       then N1+1 > N by A10,AXIOMS:22;
   then A18: d*f.(N1+1) <= 1 by A3,A7,A17;
         d*(1/d) < d*f.(N1+1) by A6,A16,REAL_1:70;
    hence thesis by A6,A18,XCMPLX_1:107;
   A19: N1 mod 2 = 0;
   then (N1+1) mod 2 = (0+(1 mod 2)) mod 2 by EULER_2:8
                   .= (0+1) mod 2 by GROUP_4:102
                   .= 1 by GROUP_4:102;
   then A20: s.(N1+1) = N1+1 by A1,A3;
   A21: N1+1 > N1+0 by REAL_1:67;
       then N1+1 > N by A10,AXIOMS:22;
       then N1+1 <= c*f.(N1+1) by A7,A20;
   then A22: (N1+1)/c <= f.(N1+1) by A5,REAL_2:177;
   A23: c" > 0 by A5,REAL_1:72;
   A24: [/c/d\] + 1 > [/c/d\] + 0 by REAL_1:67;
         [/c/d\] >= c/d by INT_1:def 5;
       then [/c/d\] + 1 > c/d by A24,AXIOMS:22;
       then N1 > c/d by A9,AXIOMS:22;
       then (N1+1) > c/d by A21,AXIOMS:22;
       then (N1+1)*c" > c"*(c/d) by A23,REAL_1:70;
       then (N1+1)/c > c"*(c/d) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
       then (N1+1)/c > c"*(c*(1/d)) by XCMPLX_1:100;
       then (N1+1)/c > (c"*c)*(1/d) by XCMPLX_1:4;
       then (N1+1)/c > 1*(1/d) by A5,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
   then A25: f.(N1+1) > 1/d by A22,AXIOMS:22;
         N1+1 > N0 by A10,A21,AXIOMS:22;
       then f.((N1+1)+1) >= f.(N1+1) by A8;
       then f.(N1+(1+1)) >= f.(N1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
   then A26: f.(N1+2) > 1/d by A25,AXIOMS:22;
         (N1+2) mod 2 = (0+(2 mod 2)) mod 2 by A19,EULER_2:8
                   .= (0+0) mod 2 by GR_CY_1:5
                   .= 0 by GR_CY_1:6;
   then A27: t.(N1+2) = 1 by A1;
         N1+2 > N1+0 by REAL_1:67;
       then N1+2 > N by A10,AXIOMS:22;
   then A28: d*f.(N1+2) <= 1 by A3,A7,A27;
         d*(1/d) < d*f.(N1+2) by A6,A26,REAL_1:70;
    hence thesis by A6,A28,XCMPLX_1:107;

:: Problem 3.27 -- Proven as part of theorem ASYMPT_0:37

begin :: Problem 3.28

 let f be Function of NAT, REAL*, n be Nat;
 redefine func f.n -> FinSequence of REAL;
 coherence proof
    f.n is Element of REAL*;
  hence thesis;

 let a,b be positive Real;
reconsider singlea = <*a*> as Element of REAL* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
defpred P[Nat,FinSequence of REAL,set] means
 ex n1 being Nat st n1 = [/(($1+1)+1)/2\] &
   $3 = $2^<*4*$2/.n1 + b*(($1+1)+1)*>;

now let n be Nat, x be Element of REAL*;
    reconsider n1 = [/((n+1)+1)/2\] as Nat by UNIFORM1:12;
    consider y being FinSequence of REAL such that
A2: y = x^<*4*(x/.n1) + b*((n+1)+1)*>;
    reconsider y as Element of REAL* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
  take y;
  thus P[n,x,y] by A2;

 consider prob28 being Function of NAT, REAL* such that
A3: prob28.0 = singlea and
A4: for n being Nat holds P[n,prob28.n,prob28.(n+1)]
        from RecExD(A1);

take prob28;
thus prob28.0 = <*a*> &
     for n being Nat holds ex n1 being Nat st n1 = [/((n+1)+1)/2\] &
      prob28.(n+1) = prob28.n^<*4*((prob28.n)/.n1) + b*((n+1)+1)*> by A3,A4;

definition let n be Nat, a,b be positive Real;

reconsider singlea = <*a*> as Element of REAL* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;

defpred P[Nat,FinSequence of REAL,set] means
 ex n1 being Nat st n1 = [/(($1+1)+1)/2\] &
   $3 = $2^<*4*($2/.n1) + b*(($1+1)+1)*>;

for n being Nat, x,y1,y2 being Element of REAL* st P[n,x,y1] & P[n,x,y2]
 holds y1 = y2;

 consider prob28 being Function of NAT, REAL* such that
A2: prob28.0 = singlea and
A3: for n being Nat holds P[n,prob28.n,prob28.(n+1)] by Lm52;

 func Prob28 (n,a,b) -> Real means :Def6:
  it = 0 if n = 0 otherwise
   ex l being Nat, prob28 being Function of NAT, REAL* st
    l+1 = n & it = (prob28.l)/.n &
     prob28.0 = <*a*> &
     for n being Nat holds ex n1 being Nat st n1 = [/((n+1)+1)/2\] &
       prob28.(n+1) = prob28.n^<*4*((prob28.n)/.n1) + b*((n+1)+1)*>;
 existence proof
  thus n = 0 implies ex c being Real st c = 0;
  assume n <> 0;
    then consider l being Nat such that
A4: n = l+1 by NAT_1:22;
  take (prob28.l)/.n, l, prob28;
  thus thesis by A2,A3,A4;
 uniqueness proof let c1, c2 be Real;
  thus n = 0 & c1 = 0 & c2 = 0 implies c1 = c2;
  assume n <> 0; assume
A5: not thesis;
    then consider l1 being Nat, prob28_1 being Function of NAT, REAL* such that
A6: l1+1 = n & c1 = (prob28_1.l1)/.n and
A7: prob28_1.0 = singlea &
    for n being Nat holds P[n,prob28_1.n,prob28_1.(n+1)];
    consider l2 being Nat, prob28_2 being Function of NAT, REAL* such that
A8: l2+1 = n & c2 = (prob28_2.l2)/.n and
A9: prob28_2.0 = singlea &
    for n being Nat holds  P[n,prob28_2.n,prob28_2.(n+1)] by A5;
   prob28_1 = prob28_2 from RecUnD(A7,A9, A1);
  hence contradiction by A5,A6,A8,XCMPLX_1:2;

definition let a,b be positive Real;
 func seq_prob28(a,b) -> Real_Sequence means :Def7:
  it.n = Prob28(n,a,b);
 existence proof
    deffunc _F(Nat) = Prob28($1,a,b);
    consider h being Function of NAT, REAL such that
 A1: for n being Nat holds h.n = _F(n) from LambdaD;
  take h; let n; thus h.n = Prob28(n,a,b) by A1;
 uniqueness proof let j,k be Real_Sequence such that
 A2: for n holds j.n = Prob28(n,a,b) and
 A3: for n holds k.n = Prob28(n,a,b);
    now let n;
   thus j.n = Prob28(n,a,b) by A2
           .= k.n by A3; end;
  hence j = k by FUNCT_2:113;

 for n st n >= 2 holds [/n/2\] < n
 let n such that
A1: n >= 2;
A2: [/n/2\] < n/2 + 1 by INT_1:def 5;
   now assume n/2 + 1 > n;
    then 2*(n/2 + 1) > 2*n by REAL_1:70;
    then 2*(n/2) + 2*1 > 2*n by XCMPLX_1:8;
    then 2*(2"*n) + 2 > 2*n by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
    then (2*2")*n + 2 > 2*n by XCMPLX_1:4;
    then 2 > 2*n - n by REAL_1:84;
    then 2 > 2*n + -n by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
    then 2 > 2*n + (-1)*n by XCMPLX_1:180;
    then 2 > (2+-1)*n by XCMPLX_1:8;
  hence contradiction by A1;
 hence thesis by A2,AXIOMS:22;

 for a,b being positive Real holds
  Prob28(0,a,b) = 0 & Prob28(1,a,b) = a &
   for n st n >= 2 holds
    ex n1 st n1 = [/n/2\] & Prob28(n,a,b) = 4*Prob28(n1,a,b) + b*n
 let a,b be positive Real;
 defpred P[Nat,FinSequence of REAL,set] means
  ex n1 being Nat st n1 = [/(($1+1)+1)/2\] &
    $3 = $2^<*4*($2/.n1) + b*(($1+1)+1)*>;
 consider prob28 being Function of NAT, REAL* such that
A1: prob28.0 = <*a*> and
A2: for n being Nat holds P[n,prob28.n,prob28.(n+1)] by Lm52;
 thus Prob28(0,a,b) = 0 by Def6;
  0 <> 1 & 0+1 = 1 & a = <*a*>/.1 by FINSEQ_4:25;
      Prob28(1,a,b) = a by A1,A2,Def6;
 let n such that
A3: n >= 2;
 set m = n-2;
     n-2 >= 2-2 by A3,REAL_1:49;
   then reconsider m as Nat by INT_1:16;
   consider n1 such that
A4: n1 = [/((m+1)+1)/2\] and
A5: prob28.(m+1) = prob28.m^<*4*((prob28.m)/.n1) + b*((m+1)+1)*> by A2;
A6: (m+1)+1 = m+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= (n+-2)+2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
          .= n+(-2+2) by XCMPLX_1:1
          .= n;
   defpred _P[Nat] means len(prob28.$1) = $1+1 &
    for k being Nat st k <= $1 holds (prob28.$1)/.(k+1) = Prob28(k+1,a,b);
A7: _P[0] proof thus len(prob28.0) = 0+1 by A1,FINSEQ_1:57;
    let k be Nat such that
   A8: k <= 0;
        k = 0 by A8;
    hence (prob28.0)/.(k+1) = Prob28(k+1,a,b) by A1,A2,Def6;
A9:for n being Nat st _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof
    let n be Nat such that
   A10: len(prob28.n) = n+1 and
   A11: for k being Nat st k <= n holds (prob28.n)/.(k+1) = Prob28(k+1,a,b);
       consider n1 being Nat such that
   A12: n1 = [/((n+1)+1)/2\] &
        prob28.(n+1) = prob28.n^<*4*((prob28.n)/.n1) + b*((n+1)+1)*> by A2;
         len <*4*((prob28.n)/.n1) + b*((n+1)+1)*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
    hence len(prob28.(n+1)) = (n+1)+1 by A10,A12,FINSEQ_1:35;
    let k be Nat; assume
      k <= n+1;
   then A13: k = n+1 or k <= n by NAT_1:26;
      now assume
    A14: k <= n;
        then 0+1 <= k+1 & k+1 <= n+1 by REAL_1:55;
        then k+1 in dom (prob28.n) by A10,FINSEQ_3:27;
     hence (prob28.(n+1))/.(k+1) = (prob28.n)/.(k+1) by A12,GROUP_5:95
                              .= Prob28(k+1,a,b) by A11,A14;
    hence (prob28.(n+1))/.(k+1) = Prob28(k+1,a,b) by A1,A2,A13,Def6;
A15: for n being Nat holds _P[n] from Ind(A7, A9);
then A16:(prob28.(m+1))/.((m+1)+1) = Prob28(n,a,b) by A6;
 set n2 = n1-1;
A17: (n1-1)+1 = (n1+-1)+1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
           .= n1+(-1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= n1;
    n*2" > 0*2" by A3,REAL_1:70;
then ((m+1)+1)/2 > 0 by A6,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   then n1 > 0 by A4,INT_1:def 5;
   then n1 >= 0 + 1 by INT_1:20;
   then n2 >= 0 by REAL_1:84;
   then reconsider n2 as Nat by INT_1:16;
A18: len(prob28.m) = m+1 by A15;
     len(<*4*((prob28.m)/.n1) + b*((m+1)+1)*>) = 1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
then A19: 1 in dom <*4*((prob28.m)/.n1) + b*((m+1)+1)*> by FINSEQ_3:27;
A20: n1-1 = [/(m+(1+1))/2\] - 1 by A4,XCMPLX_1:1
       .= [/m/2 + 2/2\] - 1 by XCMPLX_1:63
       .= [/m/2 + 1\] + -1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
       .= [/(m/2 + 1) + -1\] by INT_1:58
       .= [/m/2 + (1 + -1)\] by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= [/m/2\];
     [/m/2\] <= m proof
    per cases;
      m = 0;
     hence thesis by INT_1:54;
    suppose m > 0;
    then A21: m >= 0+1 by INT_1:20;
     thus thesis proof
      per cases by A21,REAL_1:def 5;
      A22: m = 1;
         now assume
       A23: [/1/2\] <> 1;
        thus contradiction proof
         per cases by A23,REAL_1:def 5;
         suppose [/1/2\] > 1;
         then A24: [/1/2\] >= 1 + 1 by INT_1:20;
               [/1/2\] < 1/2 + 1 by INT_1:def 5;
          hence thesis by A24,AXIOMS:22;
         suppose [/1/2\] < 1;
             then [/1/2\] + 1 <= 1 by INT_1:20;
             then A25: [/1/2\] <= 1 - 1 by REAL_1:84;
               1/2 <= [/1/2\] by INT_1:def 5;
          hence thesis by A25,AXIOMS:22;
       hence thesis by A22;
      suppose m > 1;
         then m >= 1+1 by INT_1:20;
       hence thesis by Lm53;
then A26:(prob28.m)/.n1 = Prob28(n2+1,a,b) by A15,A17,A20;
     (prob28.(m+1))/.n = <*4*
((prob28.m)/.n1)+b*((m+1)+1)*>/.1 by A5,A6,A18,A19,GROUP_5:96
              .= 4*Prob28(n1,a,b) + b*n by A6,A17,A26,FINSEQ_4:25;
 hence thesis by A4,A6,A16;

 for a,b being positive Real holds seq_prob28(a,b) is eventually-nondecreasing
 let a,b be positive Real;
 set f = seq_prob28(a,b);
   defpred _R[Nat] means f.$1 <= f.($1+1);
   defpred _P[Nat] means (for n st n >= 1 & n < $1 holds _R[n]) implies _R[$1];
A1: for k st k >= 1 & (for n st n >= 1 & n < k holds _R[n]) holds _R[k] proof
    for k st k >= 1 holds _P[k] proof
    A2: _P[1] proof
         assume (for n st n >= 1 & n < 1 holds f.n <= f.(n+1));
         A3: f.1 = Prob28(1,a,b) by Def7
                .= a by Lm54;
         A4: [/2/2\] = 1 by INT_1:54;
             consider n1 such that
         A5: n1 = [/2/2\] and
         A6: Prob28(2,a,b) = 4*Prob28(n1,a,b) + b*2 by Lm54;
         A7: f.(1+1) = 4*Prob28(1,a,b) + b*2 by A4,A5,A6,Def7
                    .= 4*a + b*2 by Lm54;
          4*a > 1*a by REAL_1:70;
             then 4*a + 2*b > a + 0 by REAL_1:67;
          hence thesis by A3,A7;
    A8: for m st m >= 1 & _P[m] holds _P[m+1] proof
         let m such that
        A9: m >= 1 and _P[m];
        A10: (for n st n >= 1 & n < m+1 holds f.n <= f.(n+1));
        A11: (m+1)+0 < (m+1)+1 by REAL_1:67;
          set t1 = [/(m+1)/2\];
          set t2 = [/((m+1)+1)/2\];
             (m+1)*2" > 0*2" by REAL_1:70;
        then A12: (m+1)/2 > 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
        A13: [/(m+1)/2\] >= (m+1)/2 by INT_1:def 5;
        A14: t1 > 0 by A12,INT_1:def 5;
            reconsider t1 as Nat by A13,INT_1:16;
              [/((m+1)+1)/2\] >= ((m+1)+1)/2 by INT_1:def 5;
            then reconsider t2 as Nat by INT_1:16;
              f.t1 <= f.t2 proof
             per cases by GROUP_4:100;
             suppose (m+1) mod 2 = 0;
             then ((m qua Integer)+1) mod 2 = 0 by SCMFSA9A:5;
                 then 0 = (m+1) - (((m qua Integer)+1) div 2)*2 by INT_1:def 8
                  .= (m+1) + -(((m qua Integer)+1) div 2)*2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                 then 0 -(-(((m qua Integer)+1) div 2) * 2) = m+1 by XCMPLX_1:
                 then 0+-(-(((m qua Integer)+1) div 2) * 2) = m+1 by XCMPLX_0:
def 8
                 then 2 divides (m qua Integer)+1 by INT_1:def 9;
                 then 2 divides ((m qua Integer)+1)+2 by WSIERP_1:9;
                 then 2 divides (m qua Integer)+(2+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
                 then reconsider t4 = (m+3)/2 as Integer by WSIERP_1:22;
             A15: t4 - 1 is Integer;
             A16: (m+3)/2 - 1 = (m+3)/2 - 2/2
                            .= ((m+3)-2)/2 by XCMPLX_1:121
                            .= ((m+3)+-2)/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                            .= (m+(3+-2))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1
                            .= (m+1)/2;
                   t2 >= ((m+1)+1)/2 by INT_1:def 5;
             then A17: t2 >= (m+(1+1))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
                   t2 < ((m+1)+1)/2 + 2/2 by INT_1:def 5;
                 then t2 < (((m+1)+1)+2)/2 by XCMPLX_1:63;
                 then t2 < ((m+1)+(1+2))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
             then A18: t2 < (m+(1+3))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
             A19: now assume
              A20: t2 <> t4;
                  thus contradiction proof
                   per cases by A20,REAL_1:def 5;
                   suppose t2 > t4;
                       then t2 >= (m+3)/2 + 2/2 by INT_1:20;
                       then t2 >= ((m+3)+2)/2 by XCMPLX_1:63;
                   then A21: t2 >= (m+(3+2))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
                         m+5 > m+4 by REAL_1:67;
                       then (m+5)*2" > (m+4)*2" by REAL_1:70;
                       then (m+5)/2 > (m+4)*2" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
                       then (m+5)/2 > (m+4)/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
                    hence thesis by A18,A21,AXIOMS:22;
                   suppose t2 < t4;
                       then t2 + 1 <= t4 by INT_1:20;
                   then A22: t2 <= (m+1)/2 by A16,REAL_1:84;
                         m+1 < m+2 by REAL_1:67;
                       then (m+1)*2" < (m+2)*2" by REAL_1:70;
                       then (m+1)/2 < (m+2)*2" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
                       then (m+1)/2 < (m+2)/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
                    hence thesis by A17,A22,AXIOMS:22;
                   (m+1)/2 + 1 = (m+1)/2 + 2/2
                            .= ((m+1)+2)/2 by XCMPLX_1:63
                            .= (m+(1+2))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1
                            .= t4;
             then A23: t1 + 1 = t2 by A15,A16,A19,INT_1:54;
             A24: t1 >= 1+0 by A14,NAT_1:38;
                   m+1 >= 1+1 by A9,AXIOMS:24;
                 then t1 < m+1 by Lm53;
              hence thesis by A10,A23,A24;
             suppose (m+1) mod 2 = 1;
             then A25: ((m qua Integer)+1) mod 2 = 1 by SCMFSA9A:5;
                   t1 < (m+1)/2 + 2/2 by INT_1:def 5;
                 then t1 < ((m+1)+2)/2 by XCMPLX_1:63;
             then A26: t1 < (m+(1+2))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
             A27: 2 divides
((m qua Integer)+2) iff (m+2)/2 is Integer by WSIERP_1:22;
                   1 = (m+1) - (((m qua Integer)+1) div 2) * 2 by A25,INT_1:def
                  .= (m+1) + -(((m qua Integer)+1) div 2) * 2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                 then 1 -(-(((m qua Integer)+1) div 2)*2) = (m+1) by XCMPLX_1:
                 then 1+-(-(((m qua Integer)+1) div 2)*2) = (m+1) by XCMPLX_0:
def 8
                 then -(-(((m qua Integer)+1) div 2)*2) = (m+1)-1 by XCMPLX_1:
                 then (((m qua Integer)+1) div 2)*2 = (m+1) + -1 by XCMPLX_0:
def 8
                 then (((m qua Integer)+1) div 2)*2 = m+(1 + -1) by XCMPLX_1:1
                 then 2 divides (m qua Integer) by INT_1:def 9;
                 then reconsider t3 = (m+2)/2 as Integer by A27,WSIERP_1:9;
             A28: now assume
              A29: t1 <> t3;
                  thus contradiction proof
                   per cases by A29,REAL_1:def 5;
                   suppose t1 > t3;
                       then t1 >= t3 + 2/2 by INT_1:20;
                       then t1 >= ((m+2)+2)/2 by XCMPLX_1:63;
                   then A30: t1 >= (m+(2+2))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
                         m+4 > m+3 by REAL_1:67;
                       then (m+4)*2" > (m+3)*2" by REAL_1:70;
                       then (m+4)/2 > (m+3)*2" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
                       then (m+4)/2 > (m+3)/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
                    hence thesis by A26,A30,AXIOMS:22;
                   suppose t1 < t3;
                       then t1 + 1 <= t3 by INT_1:20;
                       then t1 <= t3 - 2/2 by REAL_1:84;
                       then t1 <= ((m+2)-2)/2 by XCMPLX_1:121;
                       then t1 <= ((m+2)+-2)/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
                       then A31: t1 <= (m+(2+-2))/2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
                         m+0 < m+1 by REAL_1:67;
                       then m*2" < (m+1)*2" by REAL_1:70;
                       then m/2 < (m+1)*2" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
                       then m/2 < (m+1)/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
                    hence thesis by A13,A31,AXIOMS:22;
                   t2 = [/(m+(1+1))/2\] by XCMPLX_1:1
                   .= [/t3\];
              hence thesis by A28,INT_1:54;
        then A32: 4*(f.t1) <= 4*(f.t2) by AXIOMS:25;
        A33: b*(m+1) < b*((m+1)+1) by A11,REAL_1:70;
        A34: m+1 >= 1+1 by A9,AXIOMS:24;
            then consider n1 such that
        A35: n1 = [/(m+1)/2\] and
        A36: Prob28(m+1,a,b) = 4*Prob28(n1,a,b) + b*(m+1) by Lm54;
        A37: f.(m+1) = 4*Prob28(n1,a,b) + b*(m+1) by A36,Def7
                   .= 4*(f.t1) + b*(m+1) by A35,Def7;
              (m+1)+1 >= 2 by A11,A34,AXIOMS:22;
            then consider n2 such that
        A38: n2 = [/((m+1)+1)/2\] and
        A39: Prob28((m+1)+1,a,b) = 4*Prob28(n2,a,b) + b*((m+1)+1) by Lm54;
              f.((m+1)+1) = 4*Prob28(n2,a,b) + b*((m+1)+1) by A39,Def7
                       .= 4*(f.t2) + b*((m+1)+1) by A38,Def7;
         hence f.(m+1) <= f.((m+1)+1) by A32,A33,A37,REAL_1:67;
     thus thesis from Ind1(A2, A8);
     hence thesis;
   for n st n >= 1 holds _R[n] from Comp_Ind1(A1);
 hence thesis by ASYMPT_0:def 8;

:: Problem 3.29 -- Proven in theorems ASYMPT_0:39

begin :: Problem 3.30

 func POWEROF2SET -> non empty Subset of NAT equals :Def8:
  { 2 to_power n where n is Nat : not contradiction };
 coherence proof
  set IT = { 2 to_power n where n is Nat : not contradiction };
 A1: 2 to_power 1 in IT;
      now let x; assume x in IT;
     then consider n being Nat such that
    A2: 2 to_power n = x and not contradiction;
     thus x in NAT by A2;
  hence thesis by A1,TARSKI:def 3;

 for n st n >= 2 holds n^2 > n+1
  defpred _P[Nat] means $1^2 > $1+1;
     2^2 = 2*2 by SQUARE_1:def 3
     .= 4;
then A1: _P[2];
A2: for k st k >= 2 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof     let k such that
    A3: k >= 2 and
    A4: k^2 > k+1;
    A5: (k+1)^2 = k^2 + 2*k + 1 by SQUARE_1:65;
         k^2 + (2*k + 1) > (k+1) + (2*k + 1) by A4,REAL_1:53;
       then A6: (k+1)^2 > (k+1) + (2*k + 1) by A5,XCMPLX_1:1;
        2*k > 2*0 by A3,REAL_1:70;
       then 2*k + 1 > 0 + 1 by REAL_1:53;
       then (k+1) + (2*k + 1) > (k+1) + 1 by REAL_1:53;
     hence (k+1)^2 > (k+1) + 1 by A6,AXIOMS:22;
     for n st n >= 2 holds _P[n]  from Ind1(A1, A2);
   hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 1 holds (2 to_power (n+1)) - (2 to_power n) > 1
 let n such that
A1: n >= 1;
     2 to_power n >= 2 to_power 1 by A1,PRE_FF:10;
   then (2 to_power n)*1 >= 2 by POWER:30;
   then (2 to_power n)*(2-1) > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
   then (2 to_power n)*2 - (2 to_power n)*1 > 1 by XCMPLX_1:40;
   then (2 to_power n)*(2 to_power 1) - (2 to_power n) > 1 by POWER:30;
 hence (2 to_power (n+1)) - (2 to_power n) > 1 by POWER:32;

 for n st n >= 2 holds not ((2 to_power n) - 1) in POWEROF2SET
 let n such that
A1: n >= 2;
A2:1 = 2-1;
   assume (2 to_power n) - 1 in POWEROF2SET;
   then consider m such that
A3: 2 to_power m = (2 to_power n) - 1 by Def8;
A4: now assume m >= n;
   then A5: 2 to_power m >= 2 to_power n by PRE_FF:10;
        (2 to_power n) + 1 > (2 to_power n) + 0 by REAL_1:53;
    hence contradiction by A3,A5,REAL_1:84;
A6: n-1 >= 1 by A1,A2,REAL_1:49;
   then n-1 is Nat by INT_1:16;
   then (2 to_power ((n-1)+1)) - (2 to_power (n-1)) > 1 by A6,Lm56;
   then (2 to_power ((n+-1)+1)) - (2 to_power (n-1)) > 1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
   then (2 to_power (n+(-1+1))) - (2 to_power (n-1)) > 1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
   then (2 to_power n) > 1 + (2 to_power (n-1)) by REAL_1:86;
then A7: (2 to_power n) - 1 > (2 to_power (n-1)) by REAL_1:86;
then A8: m >= n-1 by A3,POWER:44;
     m+1 <= n by A4,INT_1:20;
   then m <= n-1 by REAL_1:84;
 hence contradiction by A3,A7,A8,AXIOMS:21;

theorem :: Part a)
   for f being Real_Sequence st
  (for n holds (n in POWEROF2SET implies f.n = n) &
               (not n in POWEROF2SET implies f.n = 2 to_power n))
   holds f in Big_Theta(seq_n^(1), POWEROF2SET) &
         not f in Big_Theta(seq_n^(1)) &
         seq_n^(1) is smooth &
         not f is eventually-nondecreasing
 let f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: for n holds (n in POWEROF2SET implies f.n = n) &
                (not n in POWEROF2SET implies f.n = 2 to_power n);
 set g = seq_n^(1);
 set h = (g taken_every 2);
 set p = seq_logn;
 set q = p/"g;
A2: 3 = 4-1;
A3: Big_Theta(g,X) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N & n in X holds d*g.n<=t.n & t.n<=
c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:def 17;
A4: Big_Theta(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
A5: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
   now let n such that
 A6: n >= 1 and
 A7: n in X;
 A8: g.n = n to_power 1 by A6,Def3
        .= n by POWER:30;
  hence 1*g.n <= f.n by A1,A7;
  thus f.n <= 1*g.n by A1,A7,A8;
 hence f in Big_Theta(g,X) by A3,A5;
 hereby assume f in Big_Theta(g);
     then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A9: t = f and
 A10: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A4;
     consider c,d,N such that
 A11: c > 0 & d > 0 and
 A12: for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A10;
       q is convergent & lim q = 0 by Lm16;
     then consider N0 such that
 A13: for m st m >= N0 holds abs(q.m-0) < 1/2 by SEQ_2:def 7;
   set N2 = max( max(N0, N), max([/c\], 2) );
 A14: N2 >= max(N0, N) & N2 >= max([/c\],2) by SQUARE_1:46;
       max(N0, N) >= N0 & max(N0, N) >= N by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A15: N2 >= N0 & N2 >= N by A14,AXIOMS:22;
       max([/c\],2) >= [/c\] & max([/c\],2) >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A16: N2 >= [/c\] & N2 >= 2 by A14,AXIOMS:22;
       N2 is Integer proof
      per cases by SQUARE_1:49;
       suppose N2 = max(N0, N); hence thesis;
       suppose N2 = max([/c\],2);
        hence thesis by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N2 as Nat by A14,INT_1:16;
   set N3 = (2 to_power N2) - 1;
   2 to_power N2 > 0 by POWER:39;
     then 2 to_power N2 >= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38;
 then N3 >= 0 by REAL_1:84;
     then reconsider N3 as Nat by INT_1:16;
       2 to_power N2 > N2 + 1 by A16,Lm1;
 then A17: N3 > N2 by REAL_1:86;
 then A18: N3 >= N by A15,AXIOMS:22;
   not N3 in POWEROF2SET by A16,Lm57;
 then A19: t.N3 = 2 to_power N3 by A1,A9;
      g.N3 = N3 to_power 1 by A17,Def3
         .= N3 by POWER:30;
 then A20: 2 to_power N3 <= c*N3 by A12,A18,A19;
       2 to_power N3 > 0 by POWER:39;
     then log(2,2 to_power N3) <= log(2,c*N3) by A20,PRE_FF:12;
     then N3*log(2,2) <= log(2,c*N3) by POWER:63;
     then N3*1 <= log(2,c*N3) by POWER:60;
 then A21: N3 <= log(2,c) + log(2,N3) by A11,A17,POWER:61;
 A22: N3 >= [/c\] by A16,A17,AXIOMS:22;
       [/c\] >= c by INT_1:def 5;
     then N3 >= c by A22,AXIOMS:22;
     then log(2,N3) >= log(2,c) by A11,PRE_FF:12;
     then log(2,N3) + log(2,N3) >= log(2,c) + log(2,N3) by AXIOMS:24;
     then N3 <= log(2,N3) + log(2,N3) by A21,AXIOMS:22;
     then N3 <= 2*log(2,N3) by XCMPLX_1:11;
     then N3 / 2 <= log(2,N3) by REAL_2:177;
 then N3 * (1/2) <= log(2,N3) by XCMPLX_1:100;
     then N3" * (N3 * (1/2)) <= log(2,N3) * N3" by AXIOMS:25;
     then (N3" * N3) * (1/2) <= log(2,N3) * N3" by XCMPLX_1:4;
     then 1*(1/2) <= log(2,N3) * N3" by A17,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
 then A23: log(2,N3) / N3 >= 1/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
       N3 >= N0 by A15,A17,AXIOMS:22;
     then A24: abs(q.N3-0) < 1/2 by A13;
  q.N3 = p.N3 / g.N3 by Lm4
         .= log(2,N3) / g.N3 by A17,Def2
         .= log(2,N3) / (N3 to_power 1) by A17,Def3
         .= log(2,N3) / N3 by POWER:30;
  hence contradiction by A23,A24,ABSVALUE:def 1;
   now let n; assume
  n >= 0;
 A25: g.n = n proof
     per cases;
     suppose n = 0;
      hence thesis by Def3;
     suppose n > 0;
      hence g.n = n to_power 1 by Def3
               .= n by POWER:30;
 A26: g.(n+1) = (n+1) to_power 1 by Def3
           .= n+1 by POWER:30;
      n+0 <= n+1 by AXIOMS:24;
  hence g.n <= g.(n+1) by A25,A26;
then A27:  g is eventually-nondecreasing by ASYMPT_0:def 8;
A28: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A29: h is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
   now let n; assume A30: n >= 1;
 then A31: 2*n > 2*0 by REAL_1:70;
 A32: h.n = g.(2*n) by ASYMPT_0:def 18
        .= (2*n) to_power 1 by A31,Def3
        .= 2*n by POWER:30;
       g.n = n to_power 1 by A30,Def3
        .= n by POWER:30;
  hence h.n <= 2*g.n by A32;
  thus h.n >= 0 by A32;
    then h in Big_Oh(g) by A28,A29;
    then g is_smooth_wrt 2 by A27,ASYMPT_0:def 19;
 hence g is smooth by ASYMPT_0:37;
 hereby assume f is eventually-nondecreasing;
    then consider N such that
 A33: for n st n >= N holds f.n <= f.(n+1) by ASYMPT_0:def 8;
  set N1 = (2 to_power (N+2)) - 1;
 A34: N+2 >= 0+2 by AXIOMS:24;
 then A35: 2 to_power (N+2) >= 2 to_power 2 by PRE_FF:10;
      2 to_power 2 = 2^2 by POWER:53
                .= 2*2 by SQUARE_1:def 3
                .= 4;
    then N1 >= 3 by A2,A35,REAL_1:49;
    then reconsider N1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
      not N1 in POWEROF2SET by A34,Lm57;
 then A36: f.N1 = 2 to_power N1 by A1;
 A37: N1+1 = (2 to_power (N+2)) +- 1 + 1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
        .= (2 to_power (N+2)) + (-1 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= 2 to_power (N+2);
    then N1+1 in POWEROF2SET by Def8;
 then A38: f.(N1+1) = N1+1 by A1;
      2 to_power (N+2) > (N+2) + 1 by A34,Lm1;
 then A39: N1 > (N+2) by REAL_1:86;
 then A40: f.N1 > f.(N1+1) by A36,A37,A38,POWER:44;
      N+2 >= N+0 by AXIOMS:24;
    then N1 >= N by A39,AXIOMS:22;
  hence contradiction by A33,A40;

theorem :: Part b)
   for f,g being Real_Sequence st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = (n to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,n)/]
 &(g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = (n to_power n)))
  ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = g & f in Big_Theta(s, POWEROF2SET) &
            not f in Big_Theta(s) &
            f is eventually-nondecreasing &
            s is eventually-nondecreasing &
            not s is_smooth_wrt 2
 let f,g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = (n to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,n)/]
A2: (g.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds g.n = (n to_power n)));
 set h = (g taken_every 2);
      g is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
     let n; assume A3: n >= 1;
        then g.n = n to_power n by A2;
     hence g.n > 0 by A3,POWER:39;
    then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take g;
A4: Big_Theta(g,X) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N & n in X holds d*g.n<=t.n & t.n<=
c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:def 17;
A5: Big_Theta(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
A6: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
A7: now let n such that
 A8: n >= 1 and
 A9: n in X;
 A10: f.n = n to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,n)/]) by A1,A8;
     consider n1 being Nat such that
 A11: n = 2 to_power n1 by A9,Def8;
   log(2,n) = n1*log(2,2) by A11,POWER:63
             .= n1*1 by POWER:60;
 then A12: f.n = n to_power n by A10,A11,INT_1:47;
  hence 1*g.n <= f.n by A2,A8;
  thus f.n <= 1*g.n by A2,A8,A12;
 A13: now assume f in Big_Theta(g);
     then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A14: t = f and
 A15: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A5;
     consider c,d,N such that
 A16: c > 0 & d > 0 and
 A17: for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A15;
       d" > 0 by A16,REAL_1:72;
 then A18: 1/d > 0 by XCMPLX_1:217;
  set N1 = max([/1/d\], max(N, 2));
 A19: N1 >= [/1/d\] & N1 >= max(N, 2) by SQUARE_1:46;
       max(N, 2) >= N & max(N, 2) >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A20: N1 >= N & N1 >= 2 by A19,AXIOMS:22;
       N1 is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N1 as Nat by A19,INT_1:16;
     reconsider N2 = 2 to_power N1 as Nat;
 A21: N2 > N1 + 1 by A20,Lm1;
       N1+1 > N1+0 by REAL_1:67;
 then A22: N2 > N1 by A21,AXIOMS:22;
 A23: N2+1 > N2+0 by REAL_1:67;
     then N2+1 > N1 by A22,AXIOMS:22;
 then N2+1 > N by A20,AXIOMS:22;
 then A24: d*g.(N2+1) <= t.(N2+1) by A17;
 A25: g.(N2+1) = (N2+1) to_power (N2+1) by A2;
 A26: t.(N2+1) = (N2+1) to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,N2+1)/])
                                               by A1,A14;
       log(2,N2) = N1*log(2,2) by POWER:63
              .= N1*1 by POWER:60;
 then A27: log(2,N2+1) > N1 by A21,A23,POWER:65;
       N1 > 1 by A20,AXIOMS:22;
     then 2 to_power (N1+1) - 2 to_power N1 > 1 by Lm56;
     then 2 to_power (N1+1) > N2 + 1 by REAL_1:86;
     then log(2, 2 to_power (N1+1)) > log(2, N2+1) by POWER:65;
     then (N1+1)*log(2,2) > log(2, N2+1) by POWER:63;
 then A28: (N1+1)*1 > log(2, N2+1) by POWER:60;
    [\log(2,N2+1)/] >= [\N1/] by A27,PRE_FF:11;
 then A29: [\log(2,N2+1)/] >= N1 by INT_1:47;
     now assume [\log(2,N2+1)/] > N1;
 then A30: [\log(2,N2+1)/] >= N1 + 1 by INT_1:20;
        log(2,N2+1) >= [\log(2,N2+1)/] by INT_1:def 4;
   hence contradiction by A28,A30,AXIOMS:22;
 then A31: g.(N2+1) / t.(N2+1) = (N2+1) to_power (N2+1) / (N2+1) to_power N2
                                by A25,A26,A29,REAL_1:def 5
                        .= (N2+1) to_power ((N2+1) - N2) by POWER:34
                        .= (N2+1) to_power ((1+N2) + -N2) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                        .= (N2+1) to_power (1+(N2 + -N2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                        .= (N2+1) to_power (1+0) by XCMPLX_0:def 6
                        .= N2+1 by POWER:30;
 A32: g.(N2+1) > 0 by A25,POWER:39;
       [/1/d\] >= 1/d by INT_1:def 5;
     then N1 >= 1/d by A19,AXIOMS:22;
     then N2 >= 1/d by A22,AXIOMS:22;
     then N2+1 > 1/d + 0 by REAL_1:67;
     then 1 / (g.(N2+1) / t.(N2+1)) < 1/(1/d) by A18,A31,REAL_2:151;
     then 1 / (g.(N2+1) / t.(N2+1)) < d by XCMPLX_1:56;
     then t.(N2+1) / g.(N2+1) < d by XCMPLX_1:57;
     then t.(N2+1) / g.(N2+1) * g.(N2+1) < d*g.(N2+1) by A32,REAL_1:70;
  hence contradiction by A24,A32,XCMPLX_1:88;
A33: now let n; assume
 A34: n >= 2;
 then A35: n + 1 > n + 0 & n+1 > 0+1 by REAL_1:67;
 A36: f.n = n to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,n)/]) by A1,A34;
 A37: f.(n+1) = (n+1) to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,(n+1))/])
                                             by A1;
      log(2,n) >= log(2,2) by A34,PRE_FF:12;
    then log(2,n) >= 1 by POWER:60;
    then [\log(2,n)/] >= [\1/] by PRE_FF:11;
    then [\log(2,n)/] >= 1 by INT_1:47;
    then 2 to_power [\log(2,n)/] > 2 to_power 0 by POWER:44;
 then A38: n to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,n)/]) <=
                  (n+1) to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,n)/]) by A34,A35,POWER:42;
      log(2,n) <= log(2,(n+1)) by A34,A35,POWER:65;
    then [\log(2,n)/] <= [\log(2,(n+1))/] by PRE_FF:11;
    then 2 to_power [\log(2,n)/] <= 2 to_power [\log(2,(n+1))/] by PRE_FF:10;
    then (n+1) to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,n)/]) <=
          (n+1) to_power (2 to_power [\log(2,(n+1))/]) by A35,PRE_FF:10;
  hence f.n <= f.(n+1) by A36,A37,A38,AXIOMS:22;
A39: now let n; assume
 A40: n >= 1;
 A41: n + 1 > n + 0 by REAL_1:67;
 A42: g.n = n to_power n by A2,A40;
 A43: g.(n+1) = (n+1) to_power (n+1) by A2;
      n+1 >= 1+1 by A40,AXIOMS:24;
    then n+1 > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
 then A44: (n+1) to_power n < (n+1) to_power (n+1) by A41,POWER:44;
      n to_power n < (n+1) to_power n by A40,A41,POWER:42;
  hence g.n <= g.(n+1) by A42,A43,A44,AXIOMS:22;
   now assume g is_smooth_wrt 2;
 then A45: h in Big_Oh(g) by ASYMPT_0:def 19;
    Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
      ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
        by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
     then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A46: t = h and
 A47: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A45;
     consider c,N such that
       c > 0 and
 A48: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 by A47;
  set N0 = max( [/c\], max(N, 2) );
 A49: N0 >= [/c\] & N0 >= max(N, 2) by SQUARE_1:46;
      A50: max(N, 2) >= N & max(N, 2) >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A51: N0 >= N & N0 >= 2 by A49,AXIOMS:22;
 then A52: N0 > 0 & N0 > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
 A53: 2*N0 > 1*N0 by A49,A50,REAL_1:70;
       N0 is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N0 as Nat by A49,INT_1:16;
    h.N0 = g.(2*N0) by ASYMPT_0:def 18
         .= (2*N0) to_power (2*N0) by A2,A53;
 then A54: h.N0 > N0 to_power (2*N0) by A49,A50,A53,POWER:42;
       N0 >= 1 by A51,AXIOMS:22;
     then N0 + N0 >= N0 + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
     then 2*N0 >= N0 + 1 by XCMPLX_1:11;
     then N0 to_power (2*N0) >= N0 to_power (N0+1) by A52,PRE_FF:10;
 then A55: h.N0 > N0 to_power (N0+1) by A54,AXIOMS:22;
 A56: N0 to_power (N0+1) = (N0 to_power N0)*(N0 to_power 1) by A49,A50,POWER:32
                       .= (N0 to_power N0)*N0 by POWER:30;
       [/c\] >= c by INT_1:def 5;
 then N0 >= c by A49,AXIOMS:22;
     then N0 to_power (N0+1) >= c*(N0 to_power N0) by A56,AXIOMS:25;
  then h.N0 > c*(N0 to_power N0) by A55,AXIOMS:22;
     then h.N0 > c*g.N0 by A2,A49,A50;
  hence contradiction by A46,A48,A51;
 hence thesis by A4,A6,A7,A13,A33,A39,ASYMPT_0:def 8;

theorem :: Part c)
   for g being Real_Sequence st
  (for n holds (n in POWEROF2SET implies g.n = n) &
               (not n in POWEROF2SET implies g.n = n to_power 2))
   holds ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
    s = g & seq_n^(1) in Big_Theta(s, POWEROF2SET) &
            not seq_n^(1) in Big_Theta(s) &
            s taken_every 2 in Big_Oh(s) &
            seq_n^(1) is eventually-nondecreasing &
            not s is eventually-nondecreasing
 let g be Real_Sequence such that
A1: for n holds (n in POWEROF2SET implies g.n = n) &
                (not n in POWEROF2SET implies g.n = n to_power 2);
 set f = seq_n^(1);
 set h = (g taken_every 2);
      g is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
     let n; assume A2: n >= 1;
      thus g.n > 0 proof
       per cases;
       suppose n in POWEROF2SET;
        hence thesis by A1,A2;
       suppose not n in POWEROF2SET;
          then g.n = n to_power 2 by A1;
        hence thesis by A2,POWER:39;
    then reconsider g as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take g;
A3: 3 = 4-1;
A4: Big_Theta(g,X) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N & n in X holds d*g.n<=t.n & t.n<=
c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:def 17;
A5: f is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
A6: now let n such that
 A7: n >= 1 and
 A8: n in X;
 A9: f.n = n to_power 1 by A7,Def3
        .= n by POWER:30;
  hence 1*g.n <= f.n by A1,A8;
  thus f.n <= 1*g.n by A1,A8,A9;
A10: Big_Theta(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
 A11: now assume f in Big_Theta(g);
     then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A12: t = f and
 A13: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A10;
     consider c,d,N such that c > 0 and
 A14: d > 0 and
 A15: for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A13;
  set N0 = max(max(N,2), [/1/d\]);
 A16: N0 >= max(N,2) & N0 >= [/1/d\] by SQUARE_1:46;
       max(N,2) >= N & max(N,2) >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A17: N0 >= N & N0 >= 2 by A16,AXIOMS:22;
       N0 is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
     then reconsider N0 as Nat by A16,INT_1:16;
  set N1 = (2 to_power N0) - 1;
   2 to_power N0 > 0 by POWER:39;
     then 2 to_power N0 >= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38;
 then N1 >= 0 by REAL_1:84;
     then reconsider N1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
       2 to_power N0 > N0 + 1 by A17,Lm1;
 then A18: N1 > N0 by REAL_1:86;
 then A19: N1 >= N by A17,AXIOMS:22;
 A20: N1 > [/1/d\] by A16,A18,AXIOMS:22;
       [/1/d\] >= 1/d by INT_1:def 5;
 then N1 > 1/d by A20,AXIOMS:22;
     then N1*N1 > N1*(1/d) by A18,REAL_1:70;
     then N1^2 > N1*(1/d) by SQUARE_1:def 3;
     then d*N1^2 > (N1*(1/d))*d by A14,REAL_1:70;
     then d*N1^2 > N1*(1/d*d) by XCMPLX_1:4;
 then A21: d*N1^2 > N1*1 by A14,XCMPLX_1:88;
       not N1 in POWEROF2SET by A17,Lm57;
 then A22: g.N1 = N1 to_power 2 by A1
         .= N1^2 by POWER:53;
       t.N1 = N1 to_power 1 by A12,A18,Def3
         .= N1 by POWER:30;
  hence contradiction by A15,A19,A21,A22;
A23: Big_Oh(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*g.n & t.n >= 0 }
       by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A24: h is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) by FUNCT_2:11;
A25: now let n; assume
  n >= 0;
 A26: h.n = g.(2*n) by ASYMPT_0:def 18;
  thus h.n <= 4*g.n proof
   per cases;
   A27: n in POWEROF2SET;
       then consider m such that
   A28: n = 2 to_power m by Def8;
         2*n = (2 to_power 1)*(2 to_power m) by A28,POWER:30
          .= 2 to_power (m+1) by POWER:32;
       then 2*n in POWEROF2SET by Def8;
   then A29: g.(2*n) = 2*n by A1;
         g.n = n by A1,A27;
    hence thesis by A26,A29,AXIOMS:25;
   A30: not n in POWEROF2SET;
      now assume 2*n in POWEROF2SET;
       then consider m such that
   A31: 2*n = 2 to_power m by Def8;
     thus contradiction proof
      per cases;
      suppose m = 0;
          then (n*2)*2" = 1*2" by A31,POWER:29;
          then A32: n*(2*2") = 1*2" by XCMPLX_1:4;
         now assume
          1/2 is Nat;
           then 0+1 <= 1/2 by NAT_1:38;
        hence contradiction;
       hence thesis by A32;
      suppose m > 0;
          then m >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38;
      then A33: m-1 >= 0 by REAL_1:84;
            2*n = 2 to_power (m+(-1+1)) by A31
             .= 2 to_power ((m+-1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
             .= 2 to_power ((m-1)+1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
             .= (2 to_power (m-1))*(2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
             .= (2 to_power (m-1))*2 by POWER:30;
          then (2"*2)*n = ((2 to_power (m-1))*2)*2" by XCMPLX_1:4;
          then A34: n = (2 to_power (m-1))*(2*2") by XCMPLX_1:4;
            m-1 is Nat by A33,INT_1:16;
       hence thesis by A30,A34,Def8;
  then A35: g.(2*n) = (2*n) to_power 2 by A1
             .= (2*n)^2 by POWER:53
             .= 2^2*n^2 by SQUARE_1:68
             .= (2*2)*n^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3
             .= 4*n^2;
        g.n = n to_power 2 by A1,A30
         .= n^2 by POWER:53;
    hence thesis by A35,ASYMPT_0:def 18;
  thus h.n >= 0 proof
   per cases;
   suppose (2*n) in POWEROF2SET;
    hence thesis by A1,A26;
   suppose not (2*n) in POWEROF2SET;
   then g.(2*n) = (2*n) to_power 2 by A1;
    hence thesis by ASYMPT_0:def 18;
A36: now let n; assume
  n >= 0;
 A37: f.n = n proof
     per cases;
     suppose n = 0;
      hence thesis by Def3;
     suppose n > 0;
      hence f.n = n to_power 1 by Def3
               .= n by POWER:30;
 A38: f.(n+1) = (n+1) to_power 1 by Def3
           .= n+1 by POWER:30;
      n+0 <= n+1 by AXIOMS:24;
  hence f.n <= f.(n+1) by A37,A38;
   now assume g is eventually-nondecreasing;
    then consider N such that
 A39: for n st n >= N holds g.n <= g.(n+1) by ASYMPT_0:def 8;
  set N0 = max(N, 1);
  set N1 = (2 to_power (2*N0)) - 1;
     2 to_power (2*N0) >= 2 to_power 0 by PRE_FF:10;
    then 2 to_power (2*N0) >= 1 by POWER:29;
    then A40: (2 to_power (2*N0)) - 1 >= 1 - 1 by REAL_1:49;
 A41: N0 >= 1 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A42: 2*N0 >= 2*1 by AXIOMS:25;
    reconsider N1 as Nat by A40,INT_1:16;
      not N1 in POWEROF2SET by A42,Lm57;
 then A43: g.N1 = N1 to_power 2 by A1;
      N1+1 = (2 to_power (2*N0)) +- 1 + 1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
        .= (2 to_power (2*N0)) + (-1 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= 2 to_power (2*N0);
    then N1+1 in POWEROF2SET by Def8;
 then A44: g.(N1+1) = N1+1 by A1;
 A45: 2*N0 >= 2*1 by A41,AXIOMS:25;
    then 2 to_power (2*N0) >= 2 to_power 2 by PRE_FF:10;
    then 2 to_power (2*N0) >= 2^2 by POWER:53;
    then 2 to_power (2*N0) >= 2*2 by SQUARE_1:def 3;
    then N1 >= 3 by A3,REAL_1:49;
    then N1 >= 2 by AXIOMS:22;
    then N1^2 > N1+1 by Lm55;
 then A46: g.N1 > g.(N1+1) by A43,A44,POWER:53;
 A47: N0 >= N by SQUARE_1:46;
      2 to_power (2*N0) > 2*N0 + 1 by A45,Lm1;
 then A48: N1 > 2*N0 by REAL_1:86;
      2*N0 >= 1*N0 by AXIOMS:25;
    then N1 >= N0 by A48,AXIOMS:22;
    then N1 >= N by A47,AXIOMS:22;
  hence contradiction by A39,A46;
 hence thesis by A4,A5,A6,A11,A23,A24,A25,A36,ASYMPT_0:def 8;

begin :: Problem 3.31

 for n st n >= 2 holds n! > 1
   defpred _P[Nat] means $1! > 1;
A1: _P[2] by NEWTON:20;
A2: for k st k >= 2 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof
     let k such that
    A3: k >= 2 and
    A4: k! > 1;
    A5: (k+1)*(k!) > (k+1)*1 by A4,REAL_1:70;
          k+1 > 0+1 by A3,REAL_1:53;
        then (k+1)*(k!) > 1 by A5,AXIOMS:22;
     hence thesis by NEWTON:21;
    for n st n >= 2 holds _P[n] from Ind1(A1, A2);
   hence thesis;

 for n1, n st n <= n1 holds n! <= n1!
    defpred _P[Nat] means for n st n <= $1 holds n! <= ($1)!;
A1: _P[0] by AXIOMS:21;
A2: for k st _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof     let k such that
    A3: for n st n <= k holds n! <= k!;
      let n such that
     A4: n <= k+1;
       per cases by A4,NAT_1:26;
       suppose n <= k;
       then A5: n! <= k! by A3;
       A6: k+1 >= 0+1 by AXIOMS:24;
             k! >= 0 by NEWTON:23;
           then (k+1)*(k!) >= 1*(k!) by A6,AXIOMS:25;
           then (k+1)! >= k! by NEWTON:21;
        hence n! <= (k+1)! by A5,AXIOMS:22;
       suppose n = k+1;
        hence thesis;
    for n1 holds _P[n1] from Ind(A1, A2);
   hence thesis;

 for k st k >= 1 holds
   ex n st (n! <= k & k < (n+1)! & for m st m! <= k & k < (m+1)! holds m = n)
   defpred _P[Nat] means ex n st
     (n! <= $1 & $1 < (n+1)! & for m st m! <= $1 & $1 < (m+1)! holds m = n);
A1: _P[1] proof
    take 1;
    thus 1! <= 1 & 1 < (1+1)! by NEWTON:19,20;
    let m; assume
   A2: m! <= 1 & 1 < (m+1)!;
   A3: now assume m > 1;
     then m >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38;
     hence contradiction by A2,Lm58;
        m <> 0 by A2,NEWTON:19;
      then m > 0;
      then m >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38;
    hence m = 1 by A3,AXIOMS:21;
A4:for k st k >= 1 & _P[k] holds _P[k+1]  proof  let k; assume that k >= 1 and
  A5: ex n st
     (n! <= k & k < (n+1)! & for m st m! <= k & k < (m+1)! holds m = n);
     consider n such that
  A6: n! <= k & k < (n+1)! and
       for m st m! <= k & k < (m+1)! holds m = n by A5;
       (n+1)! is Nat by NEWTON:22;
  then A7:k+1 <= (n+1)! by A6,INT_1:20;
   per cases by A7,REAL_1:def 5;
   A8: k+1 < (n+1)!;
      take n;
        k+0 <= k+1 by AXIOMS:24;
    hence n! <= k+1 by A6,AXIOMS:22;
    thus k+1 < (n+1)! by A8;
    let m; assume that
   A9: m! <= k+1 and
   A10: k+1 < (m+1)!;
       now assume
     A11:m <> n;
      thus contradiction proof
       per cases by A11,REAL_1:def 5;
       suppose m > n;
          then m >= n+1 by NAT_1:38;
          then m! >= (n+1)! by Lm59;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,AXIOMS:22;
       suppose m < n;
          then m+1 <= n by NAT_1:38;
          then (m+1)! <= n! by Lm59;
       then A12: (m+1)! <= k by A6,AXIOMS:22;
            k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
        hence thesis by A10,A12,AXIOMS:22;
    hence m = n;
   A13: k+1 = (n+1)!;
      take N = n+1;
    thus N! <= k+1 by A13;
   A14: N+1 > 0+1 by REAL_1:53;
         N! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
      then (N+1)*(N!) > 1*(N!) by A14,REAL_1:70;
    hence k+1 < (N+1)! by A13,NEWTON:21;
    let m; assume that
   A15: m! <= k+1 and
   A16: k+1 < (m+1)!;
       now assume
     A17:m <> N;
      thus contradiction proof
       per cases by A17,REAL_1:def 5;
       suppose m > N;
           then m >= N+1 by NAT_1:38;
           then m! >= (N+1)! by Lm59;
       then A18: k+1 >= (N+1)! by A15,AXIOMS:22;
            n + 2 >= 0 + 2 by AXIOMS:24;
           then n + (1+1) >= 2;
           then N+1 >= 2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
       then A19: N+1 > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
             N! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
           then (N+1)*(N!) > 1*(N!) by A19,REAL_1:70;
        hence thesis by A13,A18,NEWTON:21;
       suppose m < N;
          then m+1 <= N by NAT_1:38;
        hence thesis by A13,A16,Lm59;
    hence thesis;
   for k st k >= 1 holds _P[k] from Ind1(A1,A4);
 hence thesis;

definition let x be Nat;
 func Step1(x) -> Nat means :Def9:
  ex n st n! <= x & x < (n+1)! & it = n! if x <> 0
   otherwise it = 0;
 existence proof
  hereby assume x <> 0;
     then x > 0;
   then x >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38;
     then consider k being Nat such that
  A1: k! <= x & x < (k+1)! and
       for m st m! <= x & x < (m+1)! holds m = k by Lm60;
     consider k1 being Real such that
  A2: k1 = k!;
     reconsider k1 as Nat by A2,NEWTON:22;
   take k1;
   thus ex m st m! <= x & x < (m+1)! & k1 = m! by A1,A2;
  thus thesis;
 uniqueness proof let n1, n2 be Nat;
    now assume that
 A3: (ex n st n! <= x & x < (n+1)! & n1 = n!) and
 A4: (ex n st n! <= x & x < (n+1)! & n2 = n!);
    consider n such that
 A5: n! <= x & x < (n+1)! & n1 = n! by A3;
    consider m such that
 A6: m! <= x & x < (m+1)! & n2 = m! by A4;
    now assume
  A7:m <> n;
   thus contradiction proof
    per cases by A7,REAL_1:def 5;
    suppose m > n;
       then m >= n+1 by INT_1:20;
       then m! >= (n+1)! by Lm59;
     hence thesis by A5,A6,AXIOMS:22;
    suppose m < n;
       then m+1 <= n by INT_1:20;
       then (m+1)! <= n! by Lm59;
     hence thesis by A5,A6,AXIOMS:22;
   hence n1 = n2 by A5,A6;
 hence thesis;

 for n st n >= 3 holds n! > n
 let n; assume
A1: n >= 3;
A2: 2 = 3-1;
 set n1 = n-1;
A3: n1 >= 2 by A1,A2,REAL_1:49;
   then reconsider n1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
A4: n1+1 = (n+-1)+1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
       .= n+(-1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= n;
     n1! >= 2 by A3,Lm59,NEWTON:20;
   then n1! > 1 by AXIOMS:22;
   then n*(n1!) > n*1 by A1,REAL_1:70;
 hence thesis by A4,NEWTON:21;

 for n,k st k >= 1 & n! <= k & k < (n+1)! holds Step1(k) = n!
 let n,k such that
A1: k >= 1 and
A2: n! <= k & k < (n+1)!;
   consider n1 such that
A3: n1! <= k & k < (n1+1)! and
A4: Step1(k) = n1! by A1,Def9;
   consider n2 such that
     n2! <= k & k < (n2+1)! and
A5: for m st m! <= k & k < (m+1)! holds m = n2 by A1,Lm60;
     n = n2 by A2,A5;
 hence thesis by A3,A4,A5;

   for f being Real_Sequence st (for n holds f.n = Step1(n))
  holds ex s being eventually-positive Real_Sequence st
   s = f & f is eventually-nondecreasing &
           (for n holds f.n <= (seq_n^(1)).n) & not s is smooth
 let f be Real_Sequence such that
A1: (for n holds f.n = Step1(n));
 set g = seq_n^(1);
      f is eventually-positive proof
     take 1;
     let n; assume A2: n >= 1;
     A3: f.n = Step1(n) by A1;
        consider m such that
     A4: m! <= n & n < (m+1)! & Step1(n) = m! by A2,Def9;
      thus f.n > 0 by A3,A4,NEWTON:23;
    then reconsider f as eventually-positive Real_Sequence;
 take f;
A5: 1 = 2-1;
   now let k;
  thus f.k <= f.(k+1) proof
   per cases;
   A6: k = 0;
   A7: f.0 = Step1(0) by A1
         .= 0 by Def9;
    f.(0+1) = Step1(1) by A1;
    hence thesis by A6,A7;
   A8: k > 0;
   A9: k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
   A10: k+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
      consider n1 such that
   A11: n1! <= k & k < (n1+1)! and
   A12: Step1(k) = n1! by A8,Def9;
   A13: f.k = n1! by A1,A12;
        (n1+1)! is Nat by NEWTON:22;
   then A14: k+1 <= (n1+1)! by A11,INT_1:20;
    thus thesis proof
     per cases by A14,REAL_1:def 5;
        k+1 < (n1+1)!;
         then n1! <= k+1 & k+1 < (n1+1)! by A9,A11,AXIOMS:22;
        then Step1(k+1) = n1! by A10,Lm62;
      hence thesis by A1,A13;
     A15: k+1 = (n1+1)!;
     A16: n1 + 2 > 0 + 1 by REAL_1:67;
           (n1+1)! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
         then 1*((n1+1)!) < (n1+2)*((n1+1)!) by A16,REAL_1:70;
         then (n1+1)! < (n1+(1+1))*((n1+1)!);
         then (n1+1)! < ((n1+1)+1)*((n1+1)!) by XCMPLX_1:1;
     then A17: k+1 < ((n1+1)+1)! by A15,NEWTON:21;
     A18: f.(k+1) = Step1(k+1) by A1
                .= (n1+1)! by A10,A15,A17,Lm62;
           n1 <= n1+1 by NAT_1:29;
      hence thesis by A13,A18,Lm59;
then A19: for k st k >= 0 holds f.k <= f.(k+1);
A20: now let n;
  thus f.n <= g.n proof
   per cases;
   A21: n = 0;
      f.0 = Step1(0) by A1
         .= 0 by Def9;
    hence thesis by A21,Def3;
   A22: n > 0;
      then consider n1 such that
   A23: n1! <= n & n < (n1+1)! and
   A24: Step1(n) = n1! by Def9;
        g.n = n to_power 1 by A22,Def3
         .= n by POWER:30;
    hence thesis by A1,A23,A24;
   now assume
 A25: f is smooth;
  set h = (f taken_every 2);
      f is_smooth_wrt 2 by A25,ASYMPT_0:def 20;
 then A26: h in Big_Oh(f) by ASYMPT_0:def 19;
    Big_Oh(f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
      ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 }
        by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
    then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A27: t = h and
 A28: ex c,N st c > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A26;
    consider c,N such that
      c > 0 and
 A29: for n st n >= N holds t.n <= c*f.n & t.n >= 0 by A28;
  set n2 = max(max(N,3), [/c\]+1);
 A30: n2 >= max(N,3) & n2 >= [/c\]+1 by SQUARE_1:46;
     A31: max(N,3) >= N & max(N,3) >= 3 by SQUARE_1:46;
 then A32:n2 >= N & n2 >= 3 by A30,AXIOMS:22;
      n2 is Integer by SQUARE_1:49;
    then reconsider n2 as Nat by A30,INT_1:16;
  set n1 = n2!-1;
 A33: n2 > 2 by A32,AXIOMS:22;
 then A34:n2! >= 2 by Lm59,NEWTON:20;
 then A35: n1 >= 1 by A5,REAL_1:49;
 A36: n2! is Nat by NEWTON:22;
    then n2! - 1 is Integer by INT_1:17;
    then reconsider n1 as Nat by A35,INT_1:16;
  set n3 = n2-1;
 A37:n3 >= 1 by A5,A33,REAL_1:49;
    then reconsider n3 as Nat by INT_1:16;
      n2! > n2 by A32,Lm61;
    then n2! >= n2 + 1 by A36,INT_1:20;
    then n1 >= n2 by REAL_1:84;
    then n1 >= N by A32,AXIOMS:22;
 then A38: t.n1 <= c*f.n1 by A29;
 A39:n2!-1 < n2!-0 by REAL_1:92;
 A40:n3+1 = (n2+-1)+1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
        .= n2+(-1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= n2+0;
 then A41:n2*(n3!) = n2! by NEWTON:21;
 A42:n3! >= 1 by A37,Lm59,NEWTON:19;
      1+1 <= n2 by A32,AXIOMS:22;
 then 1 <= n2-1 by REAL_1:84;
    then 1*1 <= (n2-1)*(n3!) by A42,Lm26;
    then n2*1 <= (n2-1)*(n3!)*n2 by AXIOMS:25;
    then n2 <= (n2-1)*((n3!)*(n3+1)) by A40,XCMPLX_1:4;
    then n2 <= (n2-1)*(n2!) by A40,NEWTON:21;
    then n2! + n2 <= (n2!)*1 + (n2-1)*(n2!) by AXIOMS:24;
    then n2! + n2 <= (n2!)*((n2-1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8;
    then n2! + n2 <= (n2!)*((n2+-1)+1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
    then n2! + n2 <= (n2!)*(n2+(-1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
    then n2*(n3!) <= n2*(n2!) - n2 by A41,REAL_1:84;
    then n3! <= (n2*(n2!) - n2) / n2 by A30,A31,REAL_2:177;
    then n3! <= (n2*(n2!-1))/(n2*1) by XCMPLX_1:40;
    then A43: n3! <= (n2! - 1)/1 by A30,A31,XCMPLX_1:92;
 A44: f.n1 = Step1(n1) by A1
        .= n3! by A35,A39,A40,A43,Lm62;
 A45: t.n1 = f.(2*n1) by A27,ASYMPT_0:def 18;
 A46:2*(n2!) <= n2*(n2!) by A33,A34,AXIOMS:25;
      n2 < n2+1 by NAT_1:38;
    then n2*(n2!) < (n2+1)*(n2!) by A34,REAL_1:70;
    then n2*(n2!) < (n2+1)! by NEWTON:21;
 then A47:2*(n2!) < (n2+1)! by A46,AXIOMS:22;
      2*n1 < 2*(n2!) by A39,REAL_1:70;
 then A48:2*n1 < (n2+1)! by A47,AXIOMS:22;
      n2! + 2 <= n2! + n2! by A34,AXIOMS:24;
    then n2! + 2 <= 2*(n2!) by XCMPLX_1:11;
    then n2! <= 2*(n2!) - 2*1 by REAL_1:84;
 then A49:n2! <= 2*n1 by XCMPLX_1:40;
      2*n1 >= 1*n1 by AXIOMS:25;
 then A50:2*n1 >= 1 by A35,AXIOMS:22;
 A51:n2 = n2+(-1+1)
      .= (n2+-1)+1 by XCMPLX_1:1
      .= n3+1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
 A52: f.(2*n1) = Step1(2*n1) by A1
            .= (n3+1)! by A48,A49,A50,A51,Lm62
            .= (n3+1)*(n3!) by NEWTON:21
            .= ((n2+-1)+1)*(n3!) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
            .= (n2+(-1+1))*(n3!) by XCMPLX_1:1
            .= n2*(n3!);
 A53: [/c\] + 1 > [/c\] + 0 by REAL_1:67;
      [/c\] >= c by INT_1:def 5;
    then [/c\] + 1 > c by A53,AXIOMS:22;
 then A54: n2 > c by A30,AXIOMS:22;
      n3! > 0 by NEWTON:23;
  hence contradiction by A38,A44,A45,A52,A54,REAL_1:70;
 hence thesis by A19,A20,ASYMPT_0:def 8;

:: Problem 3.32 -- omitted (corresponding theory section omitted)

:: Problem 3.33 -- Proven in theorems ASYMPT_0:41, ASYMPT_0:42

begin :: Problem 3.34

 cluster (seq_n^(1) - seq_const(1)) -> eventually-positive;
  coherence proof
   set f = seq_n^(1);
   set g = seq_const(1);
   take 2;
    let n; assume
    A1: n >= 2;
    then A2: n > 1+0 by AXIOMS:22;
    A3: f.n = n to_power 1 by A1,Def3 .= n by POWER:30;
    A4: g.n = (NAT --> 1).n by Def4 .= 1 by FUNCOP_1:13;
         (f-g).n = (f +- g).n by SEQ_1:15
              .= f.n + (-g).n by SEQ_1:11
              .= n + -1 by A3,A4,SEQ_1:14
              .= n-1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
     hence (f-g).n > 0 by A2,REAL_1:86;

:: This is to show that Big_Theta(n-1) + Big_Theta(n) = Big_Theta(n).
:: Note that it is not true that Big_Theta(n) = Big_Theta(n) - Big_Theta(n-1).
:: Consider n and n. The function n - n = 0, which is not in Big_Theta(n).
   Big_Theta(seq_n^(1) - seq_const(1)) + Big_Theta(seq_n^(1))
    = Big_Theta(seq_n^(1))
 set p = seq_n^(1);
 set q = seq_const(1);
 set f = p - q;
 set g = p;
A1: Big_Theta(f) + Big_Theta(g)
    = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) :
     ex f',g' being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL)
      st f' in Big_Theta(f) & g' in Big_Theta(g) &
       for n being Element of NAT holds t.n = f'.n + g'.n } by ASYMPT_0:def 21;
A2: Big_Theta(f) =
    { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*f.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*f.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
A3: Big_Theta(g) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n } by ASYMPT_0:27;
   now let x;
  hereby assume x in Big_Theta(f) + Big_Theta(g);
     then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
  A4: t = x and
  A5: ex f',g' being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL)
      st f' in Big_Theta(f) & g' in Big_Theta(g) &
       for n being Element of NAT holds t.n = f'.n + g'.n by A1;
     consider f',g' being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) such that
  A6: f' in Big_Theta(f) & g' in Big_Theta(g) and
  A7: for n being Element of NAT holds t.n = f'.n + g'.n by A5;
     consider r being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) such that
  A8: r = f' and
  A9: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*f.n <= r.n & r.n <= c*f.n by A2,A6;
     consider s being Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) such that
  A10: s = g' and
  A11: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= s.n & s.n <= c*g.n by A3,A6;
     consider c1,d1,N1 such that
  A12: c1 > 0 & d1 > 0 and
  A13: for n st n >= N1 holds d1*f.n <= f'.n & f'.n <= c1*f.n by A8,A9;
     consider c2,d2,N2 such that
  A14: c2 > 0 & d2 > 0 and
  A15: for n st n >= N2 holds d2*g.n <= g'.n & g'.n <= c2*g.n by A10,A11;
     set N = max(1,max(N1,N2));
      A16: N >= 1 & N>=max(N1,N2) & max(N1,N2)>=N1 & max(N1,N2)>=
N2 by SQUARE_1:46;
  then A17: N >= 1 & N >= N1 & N >= N2 by AXIOMS:22;
     set d = d2, c = c1+c2;
       c1 + c2 >= 0 + c2 by A12,AXIOMS:24;
  then A18: c > 0 & d > 0 by A14;
     now let n; assume A19: n >= N;
   then A20: n >= 1 & n >= N1 & n >= N2 by A17,AXIOMS:22;
      then d1*f.n <= f'.n by A13;
   then A21:d1*f.n + g'.n <= f'.n + g'.n by AXIOMS:24;
        d2*g.n <= g'.n by A15,A20;
      then d1*f.n + d2*g.n <= d1*f.n + g'.n by AXIOMS:24;
   then A22:d1*f.n + d2*g.n <= f'.n + g'.n by A21,AXIOMS:22;
   A23: g.n = (n to_power 1) by A16,A19,Def3
         .= n by POWER:30;
   A24: (seq_const(1)).n = (NAT --> 1).n by Def4 .= 1 by FUNCOP_1:13;
   A25: f.n = (seq_n^(1) +- seq_const(1)).n by SEQ_1:15
         .= (seq_n^(1)).n + (-seq_const(1)).n by SEQ_1:11
         .= (seq_n^(1)).n + -((seq_const(1)).n) by SEQ_1:14
         .= (n to_power 1) + -((seq_const(1)).n) by A16,A19,Def3
         .= n + -1 by A24,POWER:30;
   then A26:d1*f.n + d2*g.n = d1*n + d1*(-1) + d2*n by A23,XCMPLX_1:8
                     .= d1*n + -(d1*1) + d2*n by XCMPLX_1:175
                     .= -d1 + (d1*n + d2*n) by XCMPLX_1:1
                     .= -d1 + (d1+d2)*n by XCMPLX_1:8;
   A27:n*(-d1) + (d1+d2)*n = (-d1+(d1+d2))*n by XCMPLX_1:8
                         .= ((-d1+d1)+d2)*n by XCMPLX_1:1
                         .= (0+d2)*n by XCMPLX_0:def 6;
        -n <= -1 by A20,REAL_1:50;
      then (-n)*d1 <= (-1)*d1 by A12,AXIOMS:25;
      then n*(-d1) <= (-1)*d1 by XCMPLX_1:176;
      then n*(-d1) <= -(1*d1) by XCMPLX_1:175;
      then n*(-d1) + (d1+d2)*n <= -d1 + (d1+d2)*n by AXIOMS:24;
      then d2*n <= f'.n + g'.n by A22,A26,A27,AXIOMS:22;
    hence d*g.n <= t.n by A7,A23;
        f'.n <= c1*f.n & g'.n <= c2*g.n by A13,A15,A20;
      then f'.n+g'.n<=c1*f.n+g'.n & c1*f.n+g'.n<=c1*f.n+c2*g.n by AXIOMS:24;
   then A28:f'.n + g'.n <= c1*f.n + c2*g.n by AXIOMS:22;
   A29:c1*f.n + c2*g.n = c1*(-1) + c1*n + c2*n by A23,A25,XCMPLX_1:8
                     .= c1*(-1) + (c1*n + c2*n) by XCMPLX_1:1
                     .= c1*(-1) + (c1+c2)*n by XCMPLX_1:8
                     .= -(c1*1) + (c1+c2)*n by XCMPLX_1:175;
        -c1 < -0 by A12,REAL_1:50;
      then -c1 + (c1+c2)*n <= 0 + (c1+c2)*n by AXIOMS:24;
      then f'.n + g'.n <= (c1+c2)*n by A28,A29,AXIOMS:22;
    hence t.n <= c*g.n by A7,A23;
   hence x in Big_Theta(g) by A3,A4,A18;
  assume x in Big_Theta(g);
    then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A30: t = x and
 A31: ex c,d,N st c > 0 & d > 0 &
      for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A3;
    consider c,d,N such that
 A32: c > 0 & d > 0 and
 A33: for n st n >= N holds d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A31;
 A34: 2"*c > 2"*0 & 2"*d > 2"*0 by A32,REAL_1:70;
  set f' = 2"(#)t, g' = 2"(#)t;
 A35: f' is Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL) & g' is Element of Funcs(NAT,REAL)
     by FUNCT_2:11;
  set N0 = max(N, 2);
 A36:N0 >= N & N0 >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
    reconsider N0 as Nat;
      now let n; assume A37: n >= N0;
    then A38:n >= N & n >= 2 by A36,AXIOMS:22;
       then d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A33;
    then A39:2"*(d*g.n) <= 2"*t.n & 2"*t.n <= 2"*(c*g.n) by AXIOMS:25;
    then A40:(2"*d)*g.n <= 2"*t.n by XCMPLX_1:4;
    A41:q.n = (NAT --> 1).n by Def4
          .= 1 by FUNCOP_1:13;
    A42:f.n = (p+-q).n by SEQ_1:15
          .= p.n + (-q).n by SEQ_1:11
          .= p.n + -1 by A41,SEQ_1:14
          .= p.n - 1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
          .= (n to_power 1) - 1 by A36,A37,Def3
          .= n-1 by POWER:30;
    A43:g.n = (n to_power 1) - 0 by A36,A37,Def3
          .= n-0 by POWER:30;
       then f.n <= g.n by A42,REAL_1:92;
       then 2"*d*f.n <= 2"*d*g.n by A34,AXIOMS:25;
       then 2"*d*f.n <= 2"*t.n by A40,AXIOMS:22;
     hence (2"*d)*f.n <= f'.n by SEQ_1:13;
    A44:2"*t.n <= (2"*c)*g.n by A39,XCMPLX_1:4;
         n + 2 <= n + n by A38,AXIOMS:24;
       then n+2 <= 2*n by XCMPLX_1:11;
       then n <= 2*n - 2*1 by REAL_1:84;
       then n <= 2*(n-1) by XCMPLX_1:40;
       then 2"*n <= 2"*(2*(n-1)) by AXIOMS:25;
       then 2"*n <= (2"*2)*(n-1) by XCMPLX_1:4;
       then c*(2"*n) <= c*(n-1) by A32,AXIOMS:25;
       then (2"*c)*n <= c*(n-1) by XCMPLX_1:4;
       then 2"*t.n <= c*f.n by A42,A43,A44,AXIOMS:22;
     hence f'.n <= c*f.n by SEQ_1:13;
 then A45: f' in Big_Theta(f) by A2,A32,A34,A35;
      now let n; assume n >= N0;
       then n >= N & n >= 2 by A36,AXIOMS:22;
       then d*g.n <= t.n & t.n <= c*g.n by A33;
       then 2"*(d*g.n) <= 2"*t.n & 2"*t.n <= 2"*(c*g.n) by AXIOMS:25;
       then 2"*d*g.n <= 2"*t.n & 2"*t.n <= 2"*c*g.n by XCMPLX_1:4;
     hence 2"*d*g.n <= g'.n & g'.n <= 2"*c*g.n by SEQ_1:13;
 then A46: g' in Big_Theta(g) by A3,A34,A35;
   for n being Element of NAT holds t.n = f'.n + g'.n proof
     let n be Element of NAT;
           f'.n = 2"*t.n by SEQ_1:13;
         then f'.n + g'.n = 2*(2"*t.n) by XCMPLX_1:11
                    .= (2*2")*t.n by XCMPLX_1:4
                    .= 1*t.n;
      hence thesis;
  hence x in Big_Theta(f) + Big_Theta(g) by A1,A30,A35,A45,A46;
 hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

begin :: Problem 3.35

   ex F being FUNCTION_DOMAIN of NAT,REAL st F = { seq_n^(1) } &
  (for n holds (seq_n^(-1)).n <= (seq_n^(1)).n) &
   not seq_n^(-1) in F to_power Big_Oh(seq_const(1))
 reconsider F = { seq_n^(1) } as FUNCTION_DOMAIN of NAT,REAL by FRAENKEL:10;
 take F;
 thus F = { seq_n^(1) };
A1:now let n;
  per cases;
  suppose n = 0;
    then (seq_n^(-1)).n = 0 & (seq_n^(1)).n = 0 by Def3;
   hence (seq_n^(-1)).n <= (seq_n^(1)).n;
  A2: n > 0;
  then A3: (seq_n^(-1)).n=n to_power (-1) & (seq_n^(1)).n=n to_power 1 by Def3;
  A4: n >= 0+1 by A2,INT_1:20;
       n to_power (-1) <= n to_power 1 proof
      per cases by A4,REAL_1:def 5;
      suppose n = 1; then n to_power (-1) = 1 & n to_power 1 = 1 by POWER:31;
       hence thesis;
      suppose n > 1;
       hence thesis by PRE_FF:10;
  hence (seq_n^(-1)).n <= (seq_n^(1)).n by A3;
   set t = seq_n^(-1);
 A5: t in F to_power Big_Oh(seq_const(1));
   consider H being FUNCTION_DOMAIN of NAT,REAL such that
 A6: H = F and
 A7: t in H to_power Big_Oh(seq_const(1))
      iff ex N,c,k st c>0 & for n st n >= N holds
       1 <= t.n & t.n <= c*(seq_n^(k)).n by Th9;
    consider N0,c,k such that c>0 and
 A8: for n st n >= N0 holds 1 <= t.n & t.n <= c*(seq_n^(k)).n by A5,A6,A7;
   set N = max(N0,2);
 A9: N >= N0 & N >= 2 by SQUARE_1:46;
     now let n; assume A10: n >= N;
   then A11: n >= N0 & n >= 2 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
   then A12: t.n >= 1 by A8;
   A13: n > 1 by A11,AXIOMS:22;
       t.n = n to_power (-1) by A9,A10,Def3;
    hence contradiction by A12,A13,POWER:41;
  hence contradiction;
 hence thesis by A1;

begin :: Addition

:: In theorem ASYMPT_0:14, if we restrict our attentions to functions that
:: do not have a subsequence that converges to 0, then the reverse implication
:: is true.
   for c being non negative Real, x,f being eventually-nonnegative
  st ex e,N st e > 0 & for n st n >= N holds f.n >= e
   holds x in Big_Oh(c+f) implies x in Big_Oh(f)
 let c be non negative Real, x,f be eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence;
 given e,N0 such that
A1: e > 0 and
A2: for n st n >= N0 holds f.n >= e;
A3: Big_Oh(c+f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex d,N st d > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= d*(c+f).n & t.n >= 0 }
                                                            by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
A4: Big_Oh(f) = { t where t is Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) :
     ex d,N st d > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= d*f.n & t.n >= 0 }
                                                            by ASYMPT_0:def 12;
 assume x in Big_Oh(c+f);
    then consider t being Element of Funcs(NAT, REAL) such that
 A5: x = t and
 A6: ex d,N st d > 0 & for n st n >= N holds t.n <= d*(c+f).n & t.n >= 0 by A3;
    consider d,N1 such that
 A7: d > 0 and
 A8: for n st n >= N1 holds t.n <= d*(c+f).n & t.n >= 0 by A6;
  set b = max(2*d, (2*d*c)/e);
 A9: b >= 2*d & b >= (2*d*c)/e by SQUARE_1:46;
      2*d > 2*0 by A7,REAL_1:70;
 then A10: b > 0 by SQUARE_1:46;
  set N = max(N0, N1);
 A11: N >= N0 & N >= N1 by SQUARE_1:46;
    now let n; assume n >= N;
  then A12: n >= N0 & n >= N1 by A11,AXIOMS:22;
     then t.n <= d*(c+f).n by A8;
     then t.n <= d*(c+f.n) by ASYMPT_0:def 9;
  then A13: t.n <= d*c + d*f.n by XCMPLX_1:8;
   thus t.n <= b*f.n proof
    per cases;
    suppose c >= f.n;
       then d*c >= d*f.n by A7,AXIOMS:25;
       then d*c + d*c >= d*c + d*f.n by AXIOMS:24;
       then t.n <= d*c + d*c by A13,AXIOMS:22;
       then t.n <= (2*(d*c))*1 by XCMPLX_1:11;
       then t.n <= (2*(d*c))*((1/e)*e) by A1,XCMPLX_1:107;
       then t.n <= ((2*(d*c))*(1/e))*e by XCMPLX_1:4;
       then t.n <= ((2*(d*c))/e)*e by XCMPLX_1:100;
    then A14: t.n <= ((2*d*c)/e)*e by XCMPLX_1:4;
         b*e >= ((2*d*c)/e)*e by A1,A9,AXIOMS:25;
    then A15: t.n <= b*e by A14,AXIOMS:22;
         f.n >= e by A2,A12;
       then b*f.n >= b*e by A10,AXIOMS:25;
     hence thesis by A15,AXIOMS:22;
    suppose c < f.n;
       then d*c < d*f.n by A7,REAL_1:70;
       then d*c + d*f.n < d*f.n + d*f.n by REAL_1:53;
       then t.n < d*f.n + d*f.n by A13,AXIOMS:22;
       then t.n < 2*(d*f.n) by XCMPLX_1:11;
    then A16: t.n < (2*d)*f.n by XCMPLX_1:4;
        f.n > 0 by A1,A2,A12;
       then b*f.n >= (2*d)*f.n by A9,AXIOMS:25;
     hence thesis by A16,AXIOMS:22;
   thus t.n >= 0 by A8,A12;
 hence x in Big_Oh(f) by A4,A5,A10;

begin :: Potentially Useful Facts

   2 to_power 2 = 4 by Lm7;

   2 to_power 3 = 8 by Lm8;

   2 to_power 4 = 16 by Lm9;

   2 to_power 5 = 32 by Lm10;

   2 to_power 6 = 64 by Lm11;

   2 to_power 12 = 4096 by Lm32;

   for n st n >= 3 holds n^2 > 2*n + 1 by Lm33;

   for n st n >= 10 holds 2 to_power (n-1) > (2*n)^2 by Lm34;

   for n st n >= 9 holds (n+1) to_power 6 < 2*(n to_power 6) by Lm35;

   for n st n >= 30 holds 2 to_power n > n to_power 6 by Lm36;

   for x being Real st x > 9 holds 2 to_power x > (2*x)^2 by Lm37;

   ex N st for n st n >= N holds sqrt n - log(2, n) > 1 by Lm38;

   for a,b,c being Real st a > 0 & c > 0 & c <> 1
  holds a to_power b = c to_power (b*log(c,a)) by Lm3;

   (4+1)! = 120 by Lm39;

   5 to_power 5 = 3125 by Lm42;

   4 to_power 4 = 256 by Lm43;

   for n holds (n^2 - n + 1) > 0 by Lm27;

   for n st n >= 2 holds n! > 1 by Lm58;

   for n1, n st n <= n1 holds n! <= n1! by Lm59;

   for k st k >= 1 holds
   ex n st (n! <= k & k < (n+1)! & for m st m! <= k & k < (m+1)! holds m = n)
                                                                   by Lm60;

   for n st n >= 2 holds [/n/2\] < n by Lm53;

   for n st n >= 3 holds n! > n by Lm61;


   for n st n >= 2 holds 2 to_power n > n+1 by Lm1;

   for a being logbase Real, f being Real_Sequence st a > 1 &
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = log(a,n)))
   holds f is eventually-positive by Lm2;

   for f,g being eventually-nonnegative Real_Sequence holds
  f in Big_Oh(g) & g in Big_Oh(f) iff Big_Oh(f) = Big_Oh(g) by Lm5;

   for a, b, c being Real st 0 < a & a <= b & c >= 0 holds
  a to_power c <= b to_power c by Lm6;

   for n st n >= 4 holds 2*n + 3 < 2 to_power n by Lm12;

   for n st n >= 6 holds (n+1)^2 < 2 to_power n by Lm13;

   for c being Real st c > 6 holds c^2 < 2 to_power c by Lm14;

   for e being positive Real, f being Real_Sequence st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = log(2,n to_power e)))
   holds (f /" seq_n^(e)) is convergent & lim (f /" seq_n^(e)) = 0
                                                             by Lm15;

   for e being Real st e > 0 holds
  (seq_logn/"seq_n^(e)) is convergent & lim(seq_logn/"seq_n^(e)) = 0
                                                                   by Lm16;

   for f being Real_Sequence holds
  for N holds (for n st n <= N holds f.n >= 0) implies Sum(f,N) >=
 0 by Lm17;

   for f,g being Real_Sequence
  holds for N holds (for n st n <= N holds f.n <= g.n) implies Sum(f,N) <= Sum
                                                                 by Lm18;

   for f being Real_Sequence, b being Real st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = b))
   holds for N being Nat holds Sum(f,N) = b*N by Lm19;

   for f,g being Real_Sequence,
     N,M being Nat holds Sum(f,N,M) + f.(N+1) = Sum(f,N+1,M) by Lm20;

   for f,g being Real_Sequence, M being Nat
  holds for N st N >= M+1 holds
    (for n st M+1 <= n & n <= N holds f.n <= g.n) implies Sum(f,N,M) <= Sum
                                                                 by Lm21;

   for n holds [/n/2\] <= n by Lm22;

   for f being Real_Sequence, b being Real, N being Nat st
  (f.0 = 0 & (for n st n > 0 holds f.n = b))
   holds for M being Nat holds Sum(f, N, M) = b*(N-M) by Lm23;

   for f,g being Real_Sequence, N being Nat, c being Real
  st f is convergent & lim f = c & for n st n >= N holds f.n = g.n
   holds g is convergent & lim g = c by Lm28;

   for n st n >= 1 holds (n^2 -n + 1) <= n^2 by Lm29;

   for n st n >= 1 holds n^2 <= 2*(n^2 -n + 1) by Lm30;

   for e being Real st 0 < e & e < 1 holds
  ex N st for n st n >= N holds n*log(2,1+e) - 8*log(2,n) > 8*log(2,n)
                                                                 by Lm31;

   for n st n >= 10 holds 2 to_power (2*n) / (n!) < 1/(2 to_power (n-9))
                                                                   by Lm40;

   for n st n >= 3 holds 2*(n-2) >= n-1 by Lm41;

   for c being Real st c >= 0 holds (c to_power (1/2)) = sqrt c by Lm45;

   ex N st for n st n >= N holds n - sqrt n*log(2,n) > n/2 by Lm46;

:: The proof of this theorem has been taken directly from the
:: article POWER.miz (with very slight modifications to fit this new theorem).
   for s being Real_Sequence st for n holds s.n = (1 + 1/(n+1)) to_power (n+1)
  holds s is non-decreasing by Lm47;

theorem :: (1 + 1/n)^n is non-decreasing
   for n st n >= 1 holds ((n+1)/n) to_power n <= ((n+2)/(n+1)) to_power (n+1)
                                                                 by Lm48;

   for k,n st k <= n holds n choose k >= ((n+1) choose k) / (n+1) by Lm49;

   for f being Real_Sequence st
  (for n holds f.n = log(2,n!))
   holds for n holds f.n = Sum(seq_logn, n) by Lm50;

   for n st n >= 4 holds n*log(2,n) >= 2*n by Lm51;

   for a,b being positive Real holds
  Prob28(0,a,b) = 0 & Prob28(1,a,b) = a &
   for n st n >= 2 holds
    ex n1 st n1 = [/n/2\] & Prob28(n,a,b) = 4*Prob28(n1,a,b) + b*n by Lm54;

   for n st n >= 2 holds n^2 > n+1 by Lm55;

   for n st n >= 1 holds (2 to_power (n+1)) - (2 to_power n) > 1 by Lm56;

   for n st n >= 2 holds not ((2 to_power n) - 1) in POWEROF2SET by Lm57;

   for n,k st k >= 1 & n! <= k & k < (n+1)! holds Step1(k) = n! by Lm62;

   for a,b,c being Real holds
  a>1 & b>=a & c>=1 implies log(a,c) >= log(b,c) by Lm24;

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