The Mizar article:

Technical Preliminaries to Algebraic Specifications

Grzegorz Bancerek

Received September 7, 1999

Copyright (c) 1999 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ALGSPEC1
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 requirements SUBSET, BOOLE;
 schemes COMPTS_1;

begin :: Preliminaries

theorem Th1:
 for f,g,h being Function st dom f /\ dom g c= dom h holds f+*g+*h = g+*f+*h
  proof let f,g,h be Function;
A1:  dom (f+*g+*h) = dom (f+*g) \/ dom h by FUNCT_4:def 1;
A2:  dom (g+*f+*h) = dom (g+*f) \/ dom h by FUNCT_4:def 1;
A3:  dom (f+*g) = dom f \/ dom g & dom (g+*f) = dom g \/
 dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
A4:  dom f /\ dom g c= dom h;
      now let x be set; assume
A5:    x in dom f \/ dom g \/ dom h;
     per cases; suppose x in dom h;
       then (f+*g+*h).x = h.x & (g+*f+*h).x = h.x by FUNCT_4:14;
      hence (f+*g+*h).x = (g+*f+*h).x;
A6:     not x in dom h;
then A7:     x in dom g \/ dom f & not x in dom f /\ dom g
        by A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A8:     (f+*g+*h).x = (f+*g).x & (g+*f+*h).x = (g+*f).x by A6,FUNCT_4:12;
         (x in dom f or x in dom g) & (not x in dom f or not x in dom g)
        by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2,def 3;
       then (f+*g).x = f.x & (g+*f).x = f.x or (f+*g).x = g.x & (g+*f).x = g.x
        by FUNCT_4:12,14;
      hence (f+*g+*h).x = (g+*f+*h).x by A8;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th2:
 for f,g,h being Function st f c= g & (rng h) /\ dom g c= dom f
   holds g*h = f*h
  proof let f,g,h be Function; assume
A1:  f c= g & (rng h) /\ dom g c= dom f;
A2:  dom (f*h) = dom (g*h)
     proof f*h c= g*h by A1,RELAT_1:48;
      hence dom (f*h) c= dom (g*h) by RELAT_1:25;
      let x be set; assume x in dom (g*h);
then A3:     x in dom h & h.x in dom g by FUNCT_1:21;
       then h.x in rng h by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       then h.x in
 (rng h) /\ dom g by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence thesis by A1,A3,FUNCT_1:21;
      now let x be set; assume x in dom (f*h);
then A4:    x in dom h & h.x in dom f & h.x in dom g by A2,FUNCT_1:21;
      then h.x in rng h & (g*h).x = g.(h.x) & (f*h).x = f.(h.x)
       by FUNCT_1:23,def 5;
     hence (g*h).x = (f*h).x by A1,A4,GRFUNC_1:8;
   hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th3:
 for f,g,h being Function
   st dom f c= rng g & dom f misses rng h & g.:dom h misses dom f
   holds f*(g+*h) = f*g
  proof let f,g,h be Function such that
A1:  dom f c= rng g & dom f misses rng h & g.:dom h misses dom f;
A2:  dom (f*g) = dom (f*(g+*h))
      hereby let x be set; assume x in dom (f*g);
then A3:      x in dom g & g.x in dom f by FUNCT_1:21;
          now assume x in dom h;
          then g.x in g.:dom h by A3,FUNCT_1:def 12;
         hence contradiction by A1,A3,XBOOLE_0:3;
        then x in dom (g+*h) & g.x = (g+*h).x by A3,FUNCT_4:12,13;
       hence x in dom (f*(g+*h)) by A3,FUNCT_1:21;
      let x be set; assume x in dom (f*(g+*h));
then A4:     x in dom (g+*h) & (g+*h).x in dom f by FUNCT_1:21;
       then x in dom g & not x in dom h or x in dom h by FUNCT_4:13;
       then x in dom g & (g+*h).x = g.x or (g+*h).x = h.x & h.x in rng h
        by FUNCT_1:def 5,FUNCT_4:12,14;
      hence thesis by A1,A4,FUNCT_1:21,XBOOLE_0:3;
      now let x be set; assume x in dom (f*g);
then A5:    x in dom g & g.x in dom f by FUNCT_1:21;
        now assume x in dom h;
        then g.x in g.:dom h by A5,FUNCT_1:def 12;
       hence contradiction by A1,A5,XBOOLE_0:3;
      then x in dom (g+*h) & g.x = (g+*h).x by A5,FUNCT_4:12,13;
     hence (f*(g+*h)).x = f.(g.x) by FUNCT_1:23 .= (f*g).x by A5,FUNCT_1:23;
   hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th4:
 for f1,f2,g1,g2 being Function st f1 tolerates f2 & g1 tolerates g2 holds
  f1*g1 tolerates f2*g2
  proof let f1,f2,g1,g2 be Function such that
A1:  for x being set st x in dom f1 /\ dom f2 holds f1.x = f2.x and
A2:  for x being set st x in dom g1 /\ dom g2 holds g1.x = g2.x;
   let x be set; assume x in dom (f1*g1) /\ dom (f2*g2);
    then x in dom (f1*g1) & x in dom (f2*g2) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
then A3:  x in dom g1 & g1.x in dom f1 & x in dom g2 & g2.x in dom f2
     by FUNCT_1:21;
    then x in dom g1 /\ dom g2 by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
then A4:  g1.x = g2.x by A2;
    then g1.x in dom f1 /\ dom f2 & (f1*g1).x = f1.(g1.x) & (f2*g2).x = f2.(g2
     by A3,FUNCT_1:23,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   hence thesis by A1,A4;

theorem Th5:
 for X1,Y1, X2,Y2 being non empty set
 for f being Function of X1,X2, g being Function of Y1,Y2 st f c= g
  holds f* c= g*
  proof let X1,Y1, X2,Y2 be non empty set;
   let f be Function of X1,X2, g be Function of Y1,Y2;
A1:  dom f = X1 & dom g = Y1 & dom (f*) = X1* & dom (g*) = Y1*
     by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A2:  f c= g;
    then dom f c= dom g by RELAT_1:25;
then A3:  X1* c= Y1* by A1,LANG1:19;
      now let x be set; assume x in X1*;
     then reconsider p = x as Element of X1*;
        (rng p) /\ Y1 c= rng p by XBOOLE_1:17;
      then (rng p) /\ Y1 c= X1 & p in X1* by XBOOLE_1:1;
      then (f*).p = f*p & p in Y1* & f*p = g*p by A1,A2,A3,Th2,LANG1:def 14;
     hence (f*).x = (g*).x by LANG1:def 14;
   hence f* c= g* by A1,A3,GRFUNC_1:8;

theorem Th6:
 for X1,Y1, X2,Y2 be non empty set
 for f being Function of X1,X2, g being Function of Y1,Y2 st f tolerates g
  holds f* tolerates g*
  proof let X1,Y1, X2,Y2 be non empty set;
   let f be Function of X1,X2, g be Function of Y1,Y2;
A1:  dom f = X1 & dom g = Y1 & dom (f*) = X1* & dom (g*) = Y1*
     by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A2:  for x being set st x in dom f /\ dom g holds f.x = g.x;
   let x be set; assume x in dom (f*) /\ dom (g*);
then A3:  x in dom (f*) & x in dom (g*) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   then reconsider p = x as Element of X1*;
   reconsider q = x as Element of Y1* by A3;
A4:  f*.x = f*p & g*.x = g*q by LANG1:def 14;
      rng p c= X1 & rng q c= Y1;
then A5:  dom (f*p) = dom p & dom (g*q) = dom q by A1,RELAT_1:46;
      now let i be set; assume
A6:    i in dom p;
      then p.i in rng p & q.i in rng q by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then p.i in dom f /\ dom g by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then f.(p.i) = g.(q.i) by A2 .= (g*q).i by A6,FUNCT_1:23;
     hence (f*p).i = (g*q).i by A6,FUNCT_1:23;
   hence (f*).x = (g*).x by A4,A5,FUNCT_1:9;

 let X be set, f be Function;
 func X-indexing(f) -> ManySortedSet of X equals:
  (id X) +* (f|X);
      dom id X = X by RELAT_1:71;
    then dom ((id X) +* f|X) = X \/ dom (f|X) & dom (f|X) c= X
     by FUNCT_4:def 1,RELAT_1:87;
    then dom ((id X) +* f|X) = X by XBOOLE_1:12;
   hence thesis by PBOOLE:def 3;

theorem Th7:
 for X being set, f being Function
  holds rng (X-indexing f) = (X \ dom f) \/ f.:X
  proof let X be set, f be Function;
A1:  X\dom (f|X) c= X by XBOOLE_1:36;
      X-indexing f = (id X) +* (f|X) & dom id X = X
     by Def1,RELAT_1:71;
   hence rng (X-indexing f) = (id X).:(X\dom (f|X)) \/ rng (f|X) by FRECHET:12
            .= (id X).:(X\dom (f|X)) \/ f.:X by RELAT_1:148
            .= (X\dom (f|X)) \/ f.:X by A1,BORSUK_1:3
            .= (X\(dom f /\ X)) \/ f.:X by RELAT_1:90
            .= (X \ dom f) \/ f.:X by XBOOLE_1:47;

theorem Th8:
 for X being non empty set, f being Function, x being Element of X
  holds (X-indexing f).x = ((id X) +* f).x
  proof let X be non empty set, f be Function, x be Element of X;
      ((id X) +* f)|X = (id X)|X +* f|X by AMI_5:6
      .= (id X)|(dom id X) +* f|X by RELAT_1:71
      .= (id X) +* f|X by RELAT_1:98
      .= X-indexing f by Def1;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_1:72;

theorem Th9:
 for X,x being set, f being Function st x in X
  holds (x in dom f implies (X-indexing f).x = f.x) &
   (not x in dom f implies (X-indexing f).x = x)
  proof let X,x be set, f be Function; assume
    x in X;
    then (X-indexing f).x = ((id X) +* f).x & dom id X = X & (id X).x = x
     by Th8,FUNCT_1:35,RELAT_1:71;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_4:12,14;

theorem Th10:
 for X being set, f being Function st dom f = X holds X-indexing f = f
  proof let X be set, f be Function; assume
A1:  dom f = X;
    then f|X = f & dom id X = X & X-indexing f = (id X)+*(f|X) by Def1,RELAT_1:
   hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_4:20;

theorem Th11:
 for X being set, f being Function holds
   X-indexing (X-indexing f) = X-indexing f
  proof let X be set, f be Function;
      dom (X-indexing f) = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
    then for x being set st x in X holds
     (X-indexing (X-indexing f)).x = (X-indexing f).x by Th9;
   hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th12:
 for X being set, f being Function holds X-indexing ((id X)+*f) = X-indexing f
  proof let X be set, f be Function;
A1:  dom id X = X by RELAT_1:71;
   thus X-indexing ((id X)+*f) = (id X)+*(((id X)+*f)|X) by Def1
           .= (id X)+*(((id X)|X)+*(f|X)) by AMI_5:6
           .= (id X)+*((id X)+*(f|X)) by A1,RELAT_1:97
           .= (id X)+*(id X)+*(f|X) by FUNCT_4:15
           .= X-indexing f by Def1;

theorem Th13:
 for X being set, f being Function st f c= id X holds X-indexing f = id X
  proof let X be set, f be Function;
A1:  dom id X = X by RELAT_1:71;
   assume f c= id X;
    then (id X)+*f = id X by AMI_5:10;
   hence X-indexing f = X-indexing id X by Th12 .= id X by A1,Th10;

   for X being set holds X-indexing {} = id X
  proof let X be set; {} c= id X by XBOOLE_1:2;
   hence thesis by Th13;

theorem Th15:
 for X being set, f being Function holds X-indexing (f|X) = X-indexing f
  proof let X be set, f be Function;
   thus X-indexing (f|X) = (id X)+*(f|X|X) by Def1
           .= (id X)+*(f|X) by RELAT_1:101
           .= X-indexing f by Def1;

theorem Th16:
 for X being set, f being Function st X c= dom f holds X-indexing f = f|X
  proof let X be set, f be Function; assume X c= dom f;
then A1:  dom (f|X) = X by RELAT_1:91;
   thus X-indexing f = X-indexing (f|X) by Th15 .= f|X by A1,Th10;

   for f being Function holds {}-indexing f = {}
  proof let f be Function; {} c= dom f by XBOOLE_1:2;
   hence {}-indexing f = f|({} qua set) by Th16 .= {} by RELAT_1:110;

theorem Th18:
 for X,Y being set, f being Function st X c= Y
   holds (Y-indexing f)|X = X-indexing f
  proof let X,Y be set, f be Function; assume X c= Y;
    then (id Y)|X = id X & (f|Y)|X = f|X & X-indexing f = (id X) +* (f|X) &
    Y-indexing f = (id Y) +* (f|Y) by Def1,FUNCT_3:1,RELAT_1:103;
   hence thesis by AMI_5:6;

theorem Th19:
 for X,Y being set, f being Function holds
   (X \/ Y)-indexing f = (X-indexing f) +* (Y-indexing f)
  proof let X,Y be set, f be Function; set Z = X \/ Y;
      f|X c= f & f|Y c= f by RELAT_1:88;
    then f|X tolerates f|Y by PARTFUN1:131;
then A1:  (f|X) \/ (f|Y) = (f|X)+*(f|Y) by FUNCT_4:31;
A2:  dom (f|X) = dom f /\ X & dom (f|Y) = dom f /\ Y by RELAT_1:90;
    then dom (f|X) c= dom f & dom id Y c= Y by XBOOLE_1:17;
then A3:  dom (f|X) /\ dom id Y c= dom (f|Y) by A2,XBOOLE_1:27;
   thus Z-indexing f = (id Z)+*(f|Z) by Def1
     .= ((id X)+*id Y)+*(f|Z) by FUNCT_4:23
     .= ((id X)+*id Y)+*((f|X)+*(f|Y)) by A1,RELAT_1:107
     .= (id X)+*((id Y)+*((f|X)+*(f|Y))) by FUNCT_4:15
     .= (id X)+*((id Y)+*(f|X)+*(f|Y)) by FUNCT_4:15
     .= (id X)+*((f|X)+*(id Y)+*(f|Y)) by A3,Th1
     .= (id X)+*((f|X)+*((id Y)+*(f|Y))) by FUNCT_4:15
     .= (id X)+*(f|X)+*((id Y)+*(f|Y)) by FUNCT_4:15
     .= (X-indexing f)+*((id Y)+*(f|Y)) by Def1
     .= (X-indexing f)+*(Y-indexing f) by Def1;

theorem Th20:
 for X,Y being set, f being Function holds X-indexing f tolerates Y-indexing f
  proof let X,Y be set, f be Function;
      X c= X \/ Y & Y c= X \/ Y by XBOOLE_1:7;
    then X-indexing f = ((X \/ Y)-indexing f)|X &
    Y-indexing f = ((X \/ Y)-indexing f)|Y by Th18;
    then X-indexing f c= (X \/ Y)-indexing f & Y-indexing f c= (X \/ Y)
-indexing f
     by RELAT_1:88;
   hence thesis by PARTFUN1:131;

theorem Th21:
 for X,Y being set, f being Function holds
   (X \/ Y)-indexing f = (X-indexing f) \/ (Y-indexing f)
  proof let X,Y be set, f be Function;
      (X \/ Y)-indexing f = (X-indexing f) +* (Y-indexing f) &
    X-indexing f tolerates Y-indexing f by Th19,Th20;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_4:31;

theorem Th22:
 for X being non empty set, f,g being Function st rng g c= X
   holds (X-indexing f)*g = ((id X) +* f)*g
  proof let X be non empty set, f,g be Function such that
A1:  rng g c= X;
      dom id X = X by RELAT_1:71;
    then dom ((id X) +* f) = X \/ dom f & X c= X \/ dom f
     by FUNCT_4:def 1,XBOOLE_1:7;
    then rng g c= dom (X-indexing f) & rng g c= dom ((id X) +* f)
     by A1,PBOOLE:def 3,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A2:  dom ((X-indexing f)*g) = dom g & dom (((id X) +* f)*g) = dom g
     by RELAT_1:46;
      now let x be set; assume x in dom g;
    then ((X-indexing f)*g).x = (X-indexing f).(g.x) &
      (((id X) +* f)*g).x = ((id X) +* f).(g.x) & g.x in rng g
       by FUNCT_1:23,def 5;
hence ((X-indexing f)*g).x = (((id X) +* f)*g).x by A1,Th8;
   hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_1:9;

   for f,g being Function st dom f misses dom g & rng g misses dom f
 for X being set holds f*(X-indexing g) = f|X
  proof let f,g be Function such that
A1:  dom f misses dom g & rng g misses dom f;
   let X be set;
A2:  f|X c= f by RELAT_1:88;
A3:  dom (f|X) c= X & dom id X = X & rng id X = X by RELAT_1:71,87;
      dom(f|X) c= dom f & dom(g|X) c= dom g & rng (g|X) c= rng g
     by RELAT_1:89,99;
then A4:  dom (f|X) misses rng (g|X) & dom (f|X) misses dom (g|X) by A1,
      (id X).:dom (g|X) c= dom (g|X)
     proof let x be set; assume x in (id X).:dom (g|X);
      then consider y being set such that
A5:     y in dom id X & y in dom (g|X) & x = (id X).y by FUNCT_1:def 12;
      thus thesis by A5,FUNCT_1:35;
then A6:  (id X).:dom (g|X) misses dom (f|X) by A4,XBOOLE_1:64;
      g.:X c= rng g by RELAT_1:144;
    then g.:X misses dom f by A1,XBOOLE_1:64;
then A7:  (g.:X) /\ dom f = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
A8:  X \ dom g c= X by XBOOLE_1:36;
      rng (X-indexing g) = (X \ dom g) \/ g.:X by Th7;
    then (rng (X-indexing g)) /\ dom f = (X \ dom g) /\ (dom f) \/ (g.:X) /\
dom f
     by XBOOLE_1:23
      .= (X \ dom g) /\ (dom f) by A7;
    then (rng (X-indexing g)) /\ dom f c= X /\ dom f by A8,XBOOLE_1:26;
    then (rng (X-indexing g)) /\ dom f c= dom (f|X) by RELAT_1:90;
   hence f*(X-indexing g)
      = (f|X)*(X-indexing g) by A2,Th2
     .= (f|X)*((id X)+*(g|X)) by Def1
     .= (f|X)*id X by A3,A4,A6,Th3
     .= f|X by A3,RELAT_1:77;

 let f be Function;
 mode rng-retract of f -> Function means:
  dom it = rng f & f*it = id rng f;
     defpred _P[set,set] means f.$2 = $1;
A1:  for o being set st o in rng f
      ex y being set st y in dom f & _P[o,y] by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   consider g being Function such that
A2: dom g = rng f & rng g c= dom f and
A3: for o being set st o in rng f holds _P[o,g.o] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A1);
   take g; thus dom g = rng f by A2;
A4: dom (f*g) = rng f by A2,RELAT_1:46;
A5: dom id rng f = rng f by RELAT_1:71;
      now let x be set; assume
A6:    x in rng f;
      then f.(g.x) = x & (f*g).x = f.(g.x) by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:23;
     hence (f*g).x = (id rng f).x by A6,FUNCT_1:35;
   hence thesis by A4,A5,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th24:
 for f being Function, g being rng-retract of f holds rng g c= dom f
  proof let f,g be Function; assume
      dom g = rng f & f*g = id rng f;
    then dom g = dom (f*g) by RELAT_1:71;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_1:27;

theorem Th25:
 for f being Function, g being rng-retract of f
 for x being set st x in rng f holds g.x in dom f & f.(g.x) = x
  proof let f be Function, g be rng-retract of f, x be set such that
A1:  x in rng f;
A2:  dom g = rng f by Def2;
    then g.x in rng g & rng g c= dom f by A1,Th24,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence g.x in dom f;
   thus f.(g.x) = (f*g).x by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:23
               .= (id rng f).x by Def2 .= x by A1,FUNCT_1:35;

   for f being Function st f is one-to-one holds f" is rng-retract of f
  proof let f be Function; assume f is one-to-one;
   hence dom (f") = rng f & f*(f") = id rng f by FUNCT_1:54,61;

   for f being Function st f is one-to-one
 for g being rng-retract of f holds g = f"
  proof let f be Function such that
A1:  f is one-to-one;
   let g be rng-retract of f;
A2:  rng f = dom g by Def2;
A3:  rng g = dom f
     proof thus rng g c= dom f by Th24;
      let x be set; assume
A4:     x in dom f;
then A5:     f.x in rng f by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       then f.(g.(f.x)) = f.x & g.(f.x) in dom f by Th25;
       then x = g.(f.x) by A1,A4,FUNCT_1:def 8;
      hence thesis by A2,A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      now let x,y be set; assume
A6:    x in dom f & y in dom g;
      then f.(g.y) = y & g.y in rng g by A2,Th25,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     hence f.x = y iff g.y = x by A1,A3,A6,FUNCT_1:def 8;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_1:60;

theorem Th28:
 for f1,f2 being Function st f1 tolerates f2
 for g1 being rng-retract of f1, g2 being rng-retract of f2
  holds g1+*g2 is rng-retract of f1+*f2
  proof let f1,f2 be Function; assume
A1:  f1 tolerates f2;
then A2:  f1+*f2 = f1 \/ f2 by FUNCT_4:31;
   let g1 be rng-retract of f1, g2 be rng-retract of f2;
A3:  dom g1 = rng f1 & dom g2 = rng f2 by Def2;
   thus dom (g1+*g2) = dom g1 \/ dom g2 by FUNCT_4:def 1
         .= rng (f1+*f2) by A2,A3,RELAT_1:26;
      rng g1 c= dom f1 & rng g2 c= dom f2 by Th24;
   hence (f1+*f2)*(g1+*g2) = (f1*g1)+*(f2*g2) by A1,CIRCCOMB:1
       .= (id rng f1)+*(f2*g2) by Def2
       .= (id rng f1)+*(id rng f2) by Def2
       .= id (rng f1 \/ rng f2) by FUNCT_4:23
       .= id rng (f1+*f2) by A2,RELAT_1:26;

   for f1,f2 being Function st f1 c= f2
 for g1 being rng-retract of f1
 ex g2 being rng-retract of f2 st g1 c= g2
  proof let f1,f2 be Function such that
A1:  f1 c= f2;
   let g1 be rng-retract of f1; consider g being rng-retract of f2;
      f1 tolerates f2 & f2+*f1 = f2 by A1,AMI_5:10,PARTFUN1:131;
   then reconsider g2 = g+*g1 as rng-retract of f2 by Th28;
   take g2; thus thesis by FUNCT_4:26;

begin :: Replacement in signature

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let f,g be Function;
 pred f,g form_a_replacement_in S means:
  for o1,o2 being OperSymbol of S
   st ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o1 = ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o2
   holds ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o1
             = ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o2 &
         ((id the carrier of S) +* f).the_result_sort_of o1
             = ((id the carrier of S) +* f).the_result_sort_of o2;

theorem Th30:
 for S being non empty non void ManySortedSign, f,g being Function
      f,g form_a_replacement_in S
   for o1,o2 being OperSymbol of S
    st ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o1
       = ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o2
    ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o1
       = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o2 &
    ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o1
       = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o2
  proof let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
   let f,g be Function;
   hereby assume A1: f,g form_a_replacement_in S;
     let o1,o2 be OperSymbol of S;
A2:    rng the_arity_of o1 c= the carrier of S &
      rng the_arity_of o2 c= the carrier of S;
        ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o1
       = ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o2;
then A3:    ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o1
       = ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o2 by Th8
      .= ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o2 by Th8;
      then ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o1
             = ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o2 by A1,Def3;
    hence ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o1
           = ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o2 by A2,Th22
          .= ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o2 by A2,Th22;
       ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o1
      = ((id the carrier of S) +* f).the_result_sort_of o1 by Th8
     .= ((id the carrier of S) +* f).the_result_sort_of o2 by A1,A3,Def3
     .= ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o2 by Th8;
A4:  for o1,o2 being OperSymbol of S
     st ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o1
         = ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o2
      ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o1
       = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o2 &
      ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o1
       = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o2;
   let o1,o2 be OperSymbol of S;
A5:  rng the_arity_of o1 c= the carrier of S &
    rng the_arity_of o2 c= the carrier of S;
   assume ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o1
           = ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o2;
then A6:  ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o1
      = ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o2 by Th8
     .= ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o2 by Th8;
    then ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o1
      = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o2 by A4;
   hence ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o1
      = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o2 by A5,Th22
     .= ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o2 by A5,Th22;
   thus ((id the carrier of S) +* f).the_result_sort_of o1
     = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o1 by Th8
    .= ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o2 by A4,A6
    .= ((id the carrier of S) +* f).the_result_sort_of o2 by Th8;

theorem Th31:
 for S being non empty non void ManySortedSign, f,g being Function
     f,g form_a_replacement_in S
   (the carrier of S)-indexing f, (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g
      form_a_replacement_in S
  proof let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
   let f,g be Function;
      (id the OperSymbols of S)+*id the OperSymbols of S
     = id the OperSymbols of S;
then A1:  (id the OperSymbols of S)+*
      ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*(g|the OperSymbols of S))
       = ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*(g|the OperSymbols of S)) by FUNCT_4:15;
A2:  (id the OperSymbols of S)+*(g|the OperSymbols of S)
       = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g by Def1;
      (id the carrier of S)+*id the carrier of S = id the carrier of S;
then A3:  (id the carrier of S)+*
      ((id the carrier of S)+*(f|the carrier of S))
       = ((id the carrier of S)+*(f|the carrier of S)) by FUNCT_4:15;
A4:  (id the carrier of S)+*(f|the carrier of S)
       = (the carrier of S)-indexing f by Def1;
      f,g form_a_replacement_in S iff
    for o1,o2 being OperSymbol of S
     st ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o1
        = ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g).o2
      ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o1
        = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*the_arity_of o2 &
      ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o1
        = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f).the_result_sort_of o2 by Th30;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,Def3;

reserve S,S' for non void Signature, f,g for Function;

theorem Th32:
 f,g form_morphism_between S,S' implies f,g form_a_replacement_in S
  proof assume
A1:  f,g form_morphism_between S,S';
    then dom f = the carrier of S & dom id the carrier of S = the carrier of S
     by PUA2MSS1:def 13,RELAT_1:71;
then A2:  (id the carrier of S) +* f = f by FUNCT_4:20;
      dom g = the OperSymbols of S &
    dom id the OperSymbols of S = the OperSymbols of S
     by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13,RELAT_1:71;
then A3:  (id the OperSymbols of S) +* g = g by FUNCT_4:20;
   reconsider g' = g as Function of the OperSymbols of S, the OperSymbols of S'
     by A1,INSTALG1:10;
   let o1,o2 be OperSymbol of S;
A4:  ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*g).o1 = ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*g).o2;
A5:  the_arity_of o2 = (the Arity of S).o2 by MSUALG_1:def 6;
      the_arity_of o1 = (the Arity of S).o1 by MSUALG_1:def 6;
   hence ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o1
          = (the Arity of S').(g.o1) by A1,A2,PUA2MSS1:def 13
         .= ((id the carrier of S) +* f)*the_arity_of o2
            by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
   thus ((id the carrier of S) +* f).the_result_sort_of o1
          = f.((the ResultSort of S).o1) by A2,MSUALG_1:def 7
         .= (f*the ResultSort of S).o1 by FUNCT_2:21
         .= ((the ResultSort of S')*g).o1 by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13
         .= (the ResultSort of S').(g'.o1) by FUNCT_2:21
         .= ((the ResultSort of S')*g').o2 by A3,A4,FUNCT_2:21
         .= (f*the ResultSort of S).o2 by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13
         .= f.((the ResultSort of S).o2) by FUNCT_2:21
         .= ((id the carrier of S) +* f).the_result_sort_of o2
           by A2,MSUALG_1:def 7;

   f, {} form_a_replacement_in S
  proof reconsider g = {} as Function;
      f, g form_a_replacement_in S
     proof let o1,o2 be OperSymbol of S; assume
A1:     ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o1
          = ((id the OperSymbols of S) +* g).o2;
         (id the OperSymbols of S) +* g = id the OperSymbols of S
         by FUNCT_4:22;
       then o1 = (id the OperSymbols of S).o2 by A1,FUNCT_1:34 .= o2 by FUNCT_1
      hence thesis;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th34:
 g is one-to-one & (the OperSymbols of S) /\ rng g c= dom g
   implies f,g form_a_replacement_in S
  proof assume that
A1:  g is one-to-one and
A2:  (the OperSymbols of S) /\ rng g c= dom g;
   let o1,o2 be OperSymbol of S;
A3:  ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*g).o1 = ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*g).o2;
A4: (id the OperSymbols of S).o1 = o1 by FUNCT_1:35;
A5: (id the OperSymbols of S).o2 = o2 by FUNCT_1:35;
   per cases;
A6:  o1 in dom g;
then A7:  ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*g).o1 = g.o1 & g.o1 in rng g
      by FUNCT_1:def 5,FUNCT_4:14;
     then not o2 in dom g implies g.o1 = o2 by A3,A5,FUNCT_4:12;
     then A8: not o2 in dom g implies o2 in (the OperSymbols of S) /\ rng g
      by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*g).o2 = g.o2 by A2,FUNCT_4:14;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A6,A7,A8,FUNCT_1:def 8;
   suppose not o1 in dom g;
then A9:  ((id the OperSymbols of S)+*g).o1 = o1 &
     not o1 in (the OperSymbols of S) /\ rng g by A2,A4,FUNCT_4:12;
     then o2 in dom g implies o1 = g.o2 & g.o2 in rng g
      by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5,FUNCT_4:14;
    hence thesis by A3,A5,A9,FUNCT_4:12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

   g is one-to-one & rng g misses the OperSymbols of S
   implies f,g form_a_replacement_in S
  proof assume
A1:  g is one-to-one;
   assume rng g misses the OperSymbols of S;
    then (the OperSymbols of S) /\ rng g = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
    then (the OperSymbols of S) /\ rng g c= dom g by XBOOLE_1:2;
   hence thesis by A1,Th34;

 let X be set, Y be non empty set;
 let a be Function of Y, X*;
 let r be Function of Y, X;
 cluster ManySortedSign(#X, Y, a, r#) -> non void;
 coherence by MSUALG_1:def 5;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let f,g be Function such that
A1:   f,g form_a_replacement_in S;
 func S with-replacement (f,g) -> strict non empty non void ManySortedSign
  (the carrier of S)-indexing f, (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g
     form_morphism_between S, it &
    the carrier of it = rng ((the carrier of S)-indexing f) &
    the OperSymbols of it = rng ((the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g);
  proof let S1,S2 be strict non empty non void ManySortedSign;
   set f1 = (the carrier of S)-indexing f, f2 = f1;
   set g1 = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g, g2 = g1;
   assume that
A2: f1, g1 form_morphism_between S, S1 and
A3: the carrier of S1 = rng f1 and
A4: the OperSymbols of S1 = rng g1 and
A5: f2, g2 form_morphism_between S, S2 and
A6: the carrier of S2 = rng f2 and
A7: the OperSymbols of S2 = rng g2;
      now let o be set; assume
A8:   o in the OperSymbols of S1;
     then consider o1 being set such that
A9:   o1 in dom g1 & o = g1.o1 by A4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     consider o2 being set such that
A10:   o2 in dom g2 & o = g2.o2 by A4,A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider o1,o2 as OperSymbol of S by A2,A9,A10,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
A11:   the_arity_of o2 = (the Arity of S).o2 by MSUALG_1:def 6;
        the_arity_of o1 = (the Arity of S).o1 by MSUALG_1:def 6;
     hence (the Arity of S1).o
        = f1*the_arity_of o1 by A2,A9,PUA2MSS1:def 13
       .= f2*the_arity_of o2 by A1,A9,A10,Th30
       .= (the Arity of S2).o by A5,A10,A11,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
then A12:  the Arity of S1 = the Arity of S2
     by A3,A4,A6,A7,FUNCT_2:18;
      now let o be set; assume
A13:   o in the OperSymbols of S1;
     then consider o1 being set such that
A14:   o1 in dom g1 & o = g1.o1 by A4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     consider o2 being set such that
A15:   o2 in dom g2 & o = g2.o2 by A4,A13,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider o1,o2 as OperSymbol of S by A2,A14,A15,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
     thus (the ResultSort of S1).o
         = ((the ResultSort of S1)*g1).o1 by A14,FUNCT_1:23
        .= (f1*the ResultSort of S).o1 by A2,PUA2MSS1:def 13
        .= f1.((the ResultSort of S).o1) by FUNCT_2:21
        .= f1.the_result_sort_of o1 by MSUALG_1:def 7
        .= f2.the_result_sort_of o2 by A1,A14,A15,Th30
        .= f2.((the ResultSort of S).o2) by MSUALG_1:def 7
        .= (f2*the ResultSort of S).o2 by FUNCT_2:21
        .= ((the ResultSort of S2)*g2).o2 by A5,PUA2MSS1:def 13
        .= (the ResultSort of S2).o by A15,FUNCT_1:23;
    end; hence thesis by A3,A4,A6,A7,A12,FUNCT_2:18;
    set f' = (the carrier of S)-indexing f, ff = f';
    set g' = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g, gg = g';
A16:  dom f' = the carrier of S & dom g' = the OperSymbols of S
     by PBOOLE:def 3;
   then reconsider X = rng f', Y = rng g' as non empty set by RELAT_1:65;
   reconsider f' as Function of the carrier of S, X by A16,FUNCT_2:3;
   reconsider g' as Function of the OperSymbols of S, Y by A16,FUNCT_2:3;
   consider G being rng-retract of g';
  dom G = rng g' & rng G c= the OperSymbols of S by A16,Def2,Th24;
   then reconsider G as Function of Y, the OperSymbols of S
     by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
   set r = f'*(the ResultSort of S)*G;
   take R = ManySortedSign(#X, Y, f'**(the Arity of S)*G, r#);
   thus ff, gg form_morphism_between S, R
      thus dom ff = the carrier of S & dom gg = the OperSymbols of S by PBOOLE:
def 3;
      thus rng ff c= the carrier of R & rng gg c= the OperSymbols of R;
         now let x be OperSymbol of S;
A17:       g'.(G.(g'.x)) = g'.x by Th25;
        thus (r*g').x
           = (the ResultSort of R).(g'.x) by FUNCT_2:21
          .= (f'*the ResultSort of S).(G.(g'.x)) by FUNCT_2:21
          .= f'.((the ResultSort of S).(G.(g'.x))) by FUNCT_2:21
          .= f'.(the_result_sort_of (G.(g'.x))) by MSUALG_1:def 7
          .= f'.(the_result_sort_of x) by A1,A17,Th30
          .= f'.((the ResultSort of S).x) by MSUALG_1:def 7
          .= (f'*the ResultSort of S).x by FUNCT_2:21;
      hence ff*the ResultSort of S = (the ResultSort of R)*gg by FUNCT_2:113;
      let o be set, p be Function; assume
A18:     o in the OperSymbols of S & p = (the Arity of S).o;
      then reconsider x = o as OperSymbol of S;
         g'.(G.(g'.x)) = g'.x by Th25;
       then f'*the_arity_of x = f'*the_arity_of (G.(g'.x)) by A1,Th30;
      hence ff*p = f'*the_arity_of (G.(g'.x)) by A18,MSUALG_1:def 6
                .= f'*.the_arity_of (G.(g'.x)) by LANG1:def 14
                .= f'*.((the Arity of S).(G.(g'.x))) by MSUALG_1:def 6
                .= (f'**(the Arity of S)).(G.(g'.x)) by FUNCT_2:21
                .= (the Arity of R).(gg.o) by FUNCT_2:21;
   thus thesis;

theorem Th36:
 for S1,S2 being non void Signature
 for f being Function of the carrier of S1, the carrier of S2
 for g being Function st f,g form_morphism_between S1,S2
  holds f**the Arity of S1 = (the Arity of S2)*g
  proof let S1,S2 be non void Signature;
   let f be Function of the carrier of S1, the carrier of S2;
   let g be Function; assume
A1:  f,g form_morphism_between S1,S2;
then A2:  dom g = the OperSymbols of S1 & rng g c= the OperSymbols of S2
     by PUA2MSS1:def 13;
A3:  dom the Arity of S1 = the OperSymbols of S1 &
    dom the Arity of S2 = the OperSymbols of S2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A4:  dom ((the Arity of S2)*g) = the OperSymbols of S1 by A2,RELAT_1:46;
A5:  dom ((f*)*the Arity of S1) = the OperSymbols of S1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      now let c be set; assume
A6:    c in the OperSymbols of S1;
      then A7: (the Arity of S1).c in rng the Arity of S1 by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider p = (the Arity of S1).c as FinSequence of the carrier of
       by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     thus (f**the Arity of S1).c = f* .p by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:23
         .= f*p by A7,LANG1:def 14
         .= (the Arity of S2).(g.c) by A1,A6,PUA2MSS1:def 13
         .= ((the Arity of S2)*g).c by A2,A6,FUNCT_1:23;
   hence f**the Arity of S1 = (the Arity of S2)*g by A4,A5,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th37:
 f,g form_a_replacement_in S implies
   (the carrier of S)-indexing f is
     Function of the carrier of S, the carrier of S with-replacement (f,g)
  proof assume f,g form_a_replacement_in S;
    then (the carrier of S)-indexing f, (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g
     form_morphism_between S, S with-replacement (f,g) by Def4;
   hence thesis by INSTALG1:10;

theorem Th38:
 f,g form_a_replacement_in S implies
 for f' being Function of the carrier of S,
                          the carrier of S with-replacement (f,g)
  st f' = (the carrier of S)-indexing f
 for g' being rng-retract of (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g holds
  the Arity of S with-replacement (f,g) = f'* *(the Arity of S)*g'
   set ff = (the carrier of S)-indexing f;
   set gg = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g;
   set T = S with-replacement (f,g);
   assume f,g form_a_replacement_in S;
then A1:  ff, gg form_morphism_between S, T &
    the carrier of T = rng ff & the OperSymbols of T = rng gg by Def4;
   let f' be Function of the carrier of S,
     the carrier of S with-replacement (f,g) such that
A2:  f' = (the carrier of S)-indexing f;
   let g' be rng-retract of gg;
   thus the Arity of T = (the Arity of T)*id rng gg by A1,FUNCT_2:23
           .= (the Arity of T)*(gg*g') by Def2
           .= (the Arity of T)*gg*g' by RELAT_1:55
           .= f'* *(the Arity of S)*g' by A1,A2,Th36;

theorem Th39:
 f,g form_a_replacement_in S implies
 for g' being rng-retract of (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g holds
  the ResultSort of S with-replacement (f,g)
     = ((the carrier of S)-indexing f)*(the ResultSort of S)*g'
   set ff = (the carrier of S)-indexing f;
   set gg = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g;
   set T = S with-replacement (f,g);
   assume f,g form_a_replacement_in S;
then A1:  ff, gg form_morphism_between S, T &
    the carrier of T = rng ff & the OperSymbols of T = rng gg by Def4;
   let g' be rng-retract of gg;
   thus the ResultSort of T = (the ResultSort of T)*id rng gg by A1,FUNCT_2:23
           .= (the ResultSort of T)*(gg*g') by Def2
           .= (the ResultSort of T)*gg*g' by RELAT_1:55
           .= ff*(the ResultSort of S)*g' by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13;

theorem Th40:
 f,g form_morphism_between S,S' implies
  S with-replacement (f,g) is Subsignature of S'
  proof assume
A1:  f,g form_morphism_between S,S';
   set R = S with-replacement (f,g);
   set F = id the carrier of R;
   set G = id the OperSymbols of R;
   set f' = (the carrier of S)-indexing f;
   set g' = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g;
A2:  f,g form_a_replacement_in S by A1,Th32;
then A3:  f', g' form_morphism_between S, R by Def4;
A4:  the carrier of R = rng f' by A2,Def4;
A5:  the OperSymbols of R = rng g' by A2,Def4;
   thus dom F = the carrier of R & dom G = the OperSymbols of R by RELAT_1:71;
   dom f = the carrier of S & dom g = the OperSymbols of S
     by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
then A6:  f' = f & g' = g by Th10;
      rng F = the carrier of R & rng G = the OperSymbols of R by RELAT_1:71;
   hence rng F c= the carrier of S' & rng G c= the OperSymbols of S'
     by A1,A4,A5,A6,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
      rng g c= the OperSymbols of S' &
    dom the ResultSort of S' = the OperSymbols of S'
     by A1,FUNCT_2:def 1,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
then A7:  dom ((the ResultSort of S')|the OperSymbols of R) = the OperSymbols
of R
     by A5,A6,RELAT_1:91;
A8:  dom the ResultSort of R = the OperSymbols of R &
    rng the ResultSort of R c= the carrier of R by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      now let x be set; assume
A9:   x in the OperSymbols of R;
     then consider a being set such that
A10:   a in dom g & x = g.a by A5,A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider a as OperSymbol of S by A1,A10,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
        (the ResultSort of S')*g = f*the ResultSort of S
       by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
then A11:   (the ResultSort of S').x = (f*the ResultSort of S).a by A10,FUNCT_1
        (the ResultSort of R)*g = f*the ResultSort of S
       by A3,A6,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
      then (the ResultSort of R).x = (f*the ResultSort of S).a by A10,FUNCT_1:
     hence (the ResultSort of R).x
        = ((the ResultSort of S')|the OperSymbols of R).x by A9,A11,FUNCT_1:72;
then A12:  the ResultSort of R = (the ResultSort of S')|the OperSymbols of R
     by A7,A8,FUNCT_1:9;
   thus F*the ResultSort of R = the ResultSort of R by A8,RELAT_1:79
          .= (the ResultSort of S')*G by A12,RELAT_1:94;
   let o be set, p be Function; assume
A13:  o in the OperSymbols of R & p = (the Arity of R).o;
   then consider a being set such that
A14:  a in dom g & o = g.a by A5,A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      p in (the carrier of R)* by A13,FUNCT_2:7;
    then p is FinSequence of the carrier of R by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
then A15:  rng p c= the carrier of R by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
   reconsider a as OperSymbol of S by A1,A14,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
      the_arity_of a = (the Arity of S).a by MSUALG_1:def 6;
    then f*the_arity_of a = p &
    f*the_arity_of a = (the Arity of S').o by A1,A3,A6,A13,A14,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
   hence F*p = (the Arity of S').o by A15,RELAT_1:79
            .= (the Arity of S').(G.o) by A13,FUNCT_1:35;

theorem Th41:
 f,g form_a_replacement_in S iff
   (the carrier of S)-indexing f, (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g
             form_morphism_between S, S with-replacement (f,g)
   set ff = (the carrier of S)-indexing f,
       gg = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g;
   set S' = S with-replacement (f,g);
   thus f,g form_a_replacement_in S implies ff, gg form_morphism_between S, S'
      by Def4;
   assume ff, gg form_morphism_between S, S';
    then ff, gg form_a_replacement_in S by Th32;
   hence thesis by Th31;

theorem Th42:
 dom f c= the carrier of S & dom g c= the OperSymbols of S &
   f,g form_a_replacement_in S
  implies (id the carrier of S) +* f, (id the OperSymbols of S) +* g
             form_morphism_between S, S with-replacement (f,g)
  proof assume
      dom f c= the carrier of S & dom g c= the OperSymbols of S;
    then f|the carrier of S = f & g|the OperSymbols of S = g by RELAT_1:97;
    then (the carrier of S)-indexing f = (id the carrier of S) +* f &
    (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g = (id the OperSymbols of S) +* g by Def1;
   hence thesis by Th41;

   dom f = the carrier of S & dom g = the OperSymbols of S &
   f,g form_a_replacement_in S
  implies f,g form_morphism_between S, S with-replacement (f,g)
  proof assume
A1:  dom f = the carrier of S & dom g = the OperSymbols of S;
    then dom f = dom id the carrier of S &
    dom g = dom id the OperSymbols of S by RELAT_1:71;
    then (id the carrier of S) +* f = f & (id the OperSymbols of S) +* g = g
     by FUNCT_4:20;
   hence thesis by A1,Th42;

theorem Th44:
 f,g form_a_replacement_in S implies
  S with-replacement ((the carrier of S)-indexing f, g)
   = S with-replacement (f,g)
  proof set X = the carrier of S, Y = the OperSymbols of S;
   set S2 = S with-replacement (X-indexing f, g);
A1:  f,g form_a_replacement_in S;
then A2:  X-indexing f, Y-indexing g form_a_replacement_in S by Th31;
A3:  X-indexing (X-indexing f) = X-indexing f by Th11;
    then X-indexing f, g form_a_replacement_in S by A2,Th31;
    then X-indexing f, Y-indexing g form_morphism_between S, S2 &
    the carrier of S2 = rng (X-indexing f) &
    the OperSymbols of S2 = rng (Y-indexing g) by A3,Def4;
   hence thesis by A1,Def4;

theorem Th45:
 f,g form_a_replacement_in S implies
  S with-replacement (f, (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g)
   = S with-replacement (f,g)
  proof set X = the carrier of S, Y = the OperSymbols of S;
   set S2 = S with-replacement (f, Y-indexing g);
A1:  f,g form_a_replacement_in S;
then A2:  X-indexing f, Y-indexing g form_a_replacement_in S by Th31;
A3:  Y-indexing (Y-indexing g) = Y-indexing g by Th11;
    then f, Y-indexing g form_a_replacement_in S by A2,Th31;
    then X-indexing f, Y-indexing g form_morphism_between S, S2 &
    the carrier of S2 = rng (X-indexing f) &
    the OperSymbols of S2 = rng (Y-indexing g) by A3,Def4;
   hence thesis by A1,Def4;

begin :: Signature extensions

 let S be Signature;
 mode Extension of S -> Signature means:
  S is Subsignature of it;
  proof take S; thus thesis by INSTALG1:16;


theorem Th47:
 for S being Signature holds S is Extension of S
  proof let S be Signature; thus S is Subsignature of S by INSTALG1:16;

theorem Th48:
 for S1 being Signature, S2 being Extension of S1, S3 being Extension of S2
  holds S3 is Extension of S1
  proof let S1 be Signature, S2 be Extension of S1, S3 be Extension of S2;
      S1 is Subsignature of S2 & S2 is Subsignature of S3 by Def5;
    then S1 is Subsignature of S3 by INSTALG1:17;
   hence thesis by Def5;

theorem Th49:
 for S1,S2 being non empty Signature st S1 tolerates S2
  holds S1+*S2 is Extension of S1
  proof let S1,S2 be non empty Signature such that
A1:  the Arity of S1 tolerates the Arity of S2 and
A2:  the ResultSort of S1 tolerates the ResultSort of S2;
   set S = S1+*S2;
   set f1 = id the carrier of S1, g1 = id the OperSymbols of S1;
   thus dom f1 = the carrier of S1 & dom g1 = the OperSymbols of S1
     by RELAT_1:71;
A3:  rng f1 = the carrier of S1 & rng g1 = the OperSymbols of S1
     by RELAT_1:71;
      the carrier of S = (the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2 &
    the OperSymbols of S = (the OperSymbols of S1) \/ the OperSymbols of S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
   hence rng f1 c= the carrier of S & rng g1 c= the OperSymbols of S
     by A3,XBOOLE_1:7;
A4:  dom the ResultSort of S1 = the OperSymbols of S1 &
    rng the ResultSort of S1 c= the carrier of S1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      the ResultSort of S = (the ResultSort of S1)+*the ResultSort of S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
    then the ResultSort of S1 c= the ResultSort of S by A2,FUNCT_4:29;
    then the ResultSort of S1 = (the ResultSort of S)|the OperSymbols of S1
     by A4,GRFUNC_1:64;
    then the ResultSort of S1 = (the ResultSort of S)*g1 by RELAT_1:94;
   hence f1*the ResultSort of S1 = (the ResultSort of S)*g1 by A4,RELAT_1:79;
   let o be set, p be Function such that
A5:  o in the OperSymbols of S1 & p = (the Arity of S1).o;
A6:  dom the Arity of S1 = the OperSymbols of S1 &
    rng the Arity of S1 c= (the carrier of S1)* by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then p in rng the Arity of S1 by A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then p is FinSequence of the carrier of S1 by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    then rng p c= the carrier of S1 by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
   hence f1*p = p by RELAT_1:79
      .= ((the Arity of S1)+*the Arity of S2).o by A1,A5,A6,FUNCT_4:16
      .= (the Arity of S).o by CIRCCOMB:def 2
      .= (the Arity of S).(g1.o) by A5,FUNCT_1:35;

theorem Th50:
 for S1, S2 being non empty Signature
  holds S1+*S2 is Extension of S2
  proof let S1,S2 be non empty Signature;
   set S = S1+*S2;
   set f1 = id the carrier of S2, g1 = id the OperSymbols of S2;
   thus dom f1 = the carrier of S2 & dom g1 = the OperSymbols of S2
     by RELAT_1:71;
A1:  rng f1 = the carrier of S2 & rng g1 = the OperSymbols of S2
     by RELAT_1:71;
      the carrier of S = (the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2 &
    the OperSymbols of S = (the OperSymbols of S1) \/ the OperSymbols of S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
   hence rng f1 c= the carrier of S & rng g1 c= the OperSymbols of S
     by A1,XBOOLE_1:7;
A2:  dom the ResultSort of S2 = the OperSymbols of S2 &
    rng the ResultSort of S2 c= the carrier of S2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      the ResultSort of S = (the ResultSort of S1)+*the ResultSort of S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
    then the ResultSort of S2 c= the ResultSort of S by FUNCT_4:26;
    then the ResultSort of S2 = (the ResultSort of S)|the OperSymbols of S2
     by A2,GRFUNC_1:64;
    then the ResultSort of S2 = (the ResultSort of S)*g1 by RELAT_1:94;
   hence f1*the ResultSort of S2 = (the ResultSort of S)*g1 by A2,RELAT_1:79;
   let o be set, p be Function such that
A3:  o in the OperSymbols of S2 & p = (the Arity of S2).o;
A4:  dom the Arity of S2 = the OperSymbols of S2 &
    rng the Arity of S2 c= (the carrier of S2)* by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then p in rng the Arity of S2 by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then p is FinSequence of the carrier of S2 by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    then rng p c= the carrier of S2 by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
   hence f1*p = p by RELAT_1:79
      .= ((the Arity of S1)+*the Arity of S2).o by A3,A4,FUNCT_4:14
      .= (the Arity of S).o by CIRCCOMB:def 2
      .= (the Arity of S).(g1.o) by A3,FUNCT_1:35;

theorem Th51:
 for S1,S2,S being non empty ManySortedSign
 for f1,g1, f2,g2 being Function st f1 tolerates f2 &
   f1, g1 form_morphism_between S1, S &
   f2, g2 form_morphism_between S2, S
 holds f1+*f2, g1+*g2 form_morphism_between S1+*S2, S
  proof let S1,S2,E be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f1,g1, f2,g2 be Function such that
A1:  f1 tolerates f2 and
A2:  dom f1 = the carrier of S1 & dom g1 = the OperSymbols of S1 and
A3:  rng f1 c= the carrier of E & rng g1 c= the OperSymbols of E and
A4:  f1*the ResultSort of S1 = (the ResultSort of E)*g1 and
A5:  for o being set, p being Function
     st o in the OperSymbols of S1 & p = (the Arity of S1).o
     holds f1*p = (the Arity of E).(g1.o) and
A6:  dom f2 = the carrier of S2 & dom g2 = the OperSymbols of S2 and
A7:  rng f2 c= the carrier of E & rng g2 c= the OperSymbols of E and
A8:  f2*the ResultSort of S2 = (the ResultSort of E)*g2 and
A9:  for o being set, p being Function
     st o in the OperSymbols of S2 & p = (the Arity of S2).o
     holds f2*p = (the Arity of E).(g2.o);
   set f = f1+*f2, g = g1+*g2, S = S1+*S2;
      the carrier of S = (the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
   hence dom f = the carrier of S by A2,A6,FUNCT_4:def 1;
A10:  the OperSymbols of S = (the OperSymbols of S1) \/ the OperSymbols of S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
   hence dom g = the OperSymbols of S by A2,A6,FUNCT_4:def 1;
A11:  (the ResultSort of S1)+*the ResultSort of S2 = the ResultSort of S1+*S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
      rng f c= (rng f1) \/ rng f2 & (rng f1) \/ rng f2 c= the carrier of E
     by A3,A7,FUNCT_4:18,XBOOLE_1:8;
   hence rng f c= the carrier of E by XBOOLE_1:1;
      rng g c= (rng g1) \/ rng g2 & (rng g1) \/ rng g2 c= the OperSymbols of E
     by A3,A7,FUNCT_4:18,XBOOLE_1:8;
   hence rng g c= the OperSymbols of E by XBOOLE_1:1;
A12:  rng the ResultSort of S1 c= the carrier of S1 &
    rng the ResultSort of S2 c= the carrier of S2;
A13:  dom the ResultSort of E = the OperSymbols of E by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   thus f*the ResultSort of S
          = (f1*the ResultSort of S1)+*(f2*the ResultSort of S2)
           by A1,A2,A6,A11,A12,CIRCCOMB:1
         .= (the ResultSort of E)*g by A3,A4,A7,A8,A13,FUNCT_7:10;
   let o be set, p be Function such that
A14:  o in the OperSymbols of S & p = (the Arity of S).o;
A15:  (the Arity of S1)+*the Arity of S2 = the Arity of S1+*S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
A16:  dom the Arity of S1 = the OperSymbols of S1 &
    rng the Arity of S1 c= (the carrier of S1)* &
    dom the Arity of S2 = the OperSymbols of S2 &
    rng the Arity of S2 c= (the carrier of S2)* by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   per cases;
A17:   o in the OperSymbols of S2;
then A18:   p = (the Arity of S2).o by A14,A15,A16,FUNCT_4:14;
     then p in rng the Arity of S2 by A16,A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then p is FinSequence of the carrier of S2 by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     then rng p c= dom f2 by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
then A19:   dom (f1*p) c= dom p & dom (f2*p) = dom p by RELAT_1:44,46;
    thus f*p = (f1*p)+*(f2*p) by FUNCT_7:11
            .= f2*p by A19,FUNCT_4:20
            .= (the Arity of E).(g2.o) by A9,A17,A18
            .= (the Arity of E).(g.o) by A6,A17,FUNCT_4:14;
A20:   not o in the OperSymbols of S2;
then A21:   o in the OperSymbols of S1 by A10,A14,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A22:   p = (the Arity of S1).o by A14,A15,A16,A20,FUNCT_4:12;
     then p in rng the Arity of S1 by A16,A21,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then p is FinSequence of the carrier of S1 by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     then rng p c= dom f1 by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
then A23:   dom (f1*p) = dom p & dom (f2*p) c= dom p by RELAT_1:44,46;
    thus f*p = (f2+*f1)*p by A1,FUNCT_4:35
            .= (f2*p)+*(f1*p) by FUNCT_7:11
            .= f1*p by A23,FUNCT_4:20
            .= (the Arity of E).(g1.o) by A5,A21,A22
            .= (the Arity of E).(g.o) by A6,A20,FUNCT_4:12;

   for S1,S2,E being non empty Signature holds
   E is Extension of S1 & E is Extension of S2 iff
    S1 tolerates S2 & E is Extension of S1+*S2
  proof let S1,S2,E be non empty Signature;
   set f1 = id the carrier of S1, g1 = id the OperSymbols of S1;
   set f2 = id the carrier of S2, g2 = id the OperSymbols of S2;
A1:  E is Extension of S1 & E is Extension of S2 implies S1 tolerates S2
     proof assume
A2:     S1 is Subsignature of E & S2 is Subsignature of E;
       then the Arity of S1 c= the Arity of E & the Arity of S2 c= the Arity
of E
        by INSTALG1:12;
      hence the Arity of S1 tolerates the Arity of S2 by PARTFUN1:131;
         the ResultSort of S1 c= the ResultSort of E &
       the ResultSort of S2 c= the ResultSort of E by A2,INSTALG1:12;
      hence the ResultSort of S1 tolerates the ResultSort of S2
      by PARTFUN1:131;
      the carrier of S1 c= (the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2 &
    the carrier of S2 c= (the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2
     by XBOOLE_1:7;
    then f1 c= id ((the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2) &
    f2 c= id ((the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2) by FUNCT_4:4;
then A3:  f1 tolerates f2 by PARTFUN1:131;
A4:  the carrier of S1+*S2 = (the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2 &
    the OperSymbols of S1+*S2 = (the OperSymbols of S1) \/
 the OperSymbols of S2
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
      E is Extension of S1 & E is Extension of S2
      implies E is Extension of S1+*S2
     proof assume
         f1, g1 form_morphism_between S1, E &
       f2, g2 form_morphism_between S2, E;
       then f1+*f2, g1+*g2 form_morphism_between S1+*S2, E by A3,Th51;
       then id the carrier of S1+*S2, g1+*g2 form_morphism_between S1+*S2, E
        by A4,FUNCT_4:23;
      hence id the carrier of S1+*S2, id the OperSymbols of S1+*S2
        form_morphism_between S1+*S2, E by A4,FUNCT_4:23;
   hence E is Extension of S1 & E is Extension of S2 implies
      S1 tolerates S2 & E is Extension of S1+*S2 by A1;
   assume S1 tolerates S2;
    then S1+*S2 is Extension of S1 & S1+*S2 is Extension of S2 by Th49,Th50;
   hence thesis by Th48;

 let S be non empty Signature;
 cluster -> non empty Extension of S;
  proof let E be Extension of S;
   consider x being Element of S;
      S is Subsignature of E by Def5;
    then x in the carrier of S &
    the carrier of S c= the carrier of E by INSTALG1:11;
hence the carrier of E is non empty;

 let S be non void Signature;
 cluster -> non void Extension of S;
  proof let E be Extension of S;
   consider x being OperSymbol of S;
      S is Subsignature of E by Def5;
    then x in the OperSymbols of S &
    the OperSymbols of S c= the OperSymbols of E by INSTALG1:11;
hence the OperSymbols of E <> {};

theorem Th53:
 for S,T being Signature st S is empty
   holds T is Extension of S
  proof let S, T be Signature; assume
A1:  the carrier of S is empty;
    then the OperSymbols of S = {} by INSTALG1:def 1;
    then the Arity of S = {} & the ResultSort of S = {} by PARTFUN1:57;
    then the carrier of S c= the carrier of T &
    the Arity of S c= the Arity of T &
    the ResultSort of S c= the ResultSort of T by A1,XBOOLE_1:2;
   hence S is Subsignature of T by INSTALG1:14;

 let S be Signature;
 cluster non empty non void strict Extension of S;
  proof consider S' being non void strict Signature;
   per cases;
    suppose S is empty;
      then S' is Extension of S by Th53;
     hence thesis;
    suppose S is non empty;
     then reconsider S1 = S as non empty Signature;
     reconsider E = S'+*S1 as Extension of S by Th50;
     take E;
     consider s being SortSymbol of S', o being OperSymbol of S';
        s in the carrier of S' &
      the carrier of E = (the carrier of S') \/ the carrier of S
       by CIRCCOMB:def 2; hence the carrier of E is non empty;
        o in the OperSymbols of S' &
      the OperSymbols of E = (the OperSymbols of S') \/ the OperSymbols of S
       by CIRCCOMB:def 2; hence the OperSymbols of E <> {};
     thus E is strict;

theorem Th54:
 for S being non void Signature, E being Extension of S
  st f,g form_a_replacement_in E
  holds f,g form_a_replacement_in S
  proof let S be non void Signature, E be Extension of S;
   set f' = (the carrier of E)-indexing f;
   set g' = (the OperSymbols of E)-indexing g;
   set T = E with-replacement (f,g);
   assume f,g form_a_replacement_in E;
then A1:  f', g' form_morphism_between E, T &
    S is Subsignature of E by Def5,Th41;
    then f'|the carrier of S, g'|the OperSymbols of S form_morphism_between S,
     by INSTALG1:19;
then A2:  f'|the carrier of S, g'|the OperSymbols of S form_a_replacement_in S
     by Th32;
      the carrier of S c= the carrier of E by A1,INSTALG1:11;
then A3:  f'|the carrier of S = (the carrier of S)-indexing f by Th18;
      the OperSymbols of S c= the OperSymbols of E by A1,INSTALG1:11;
    then g'|the OperSymbols of S
     = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g by Th18;
   hence thesis by A2,A3,Th31;

   for S being non void Signature, E being Extension of S
  st f,g form_a_replacement_in E
  holds E with-replacement(f,g) is Extension of S with-replacement(f,g)
  proof let S be non void Signature, E be Extension of S;
   set f' = (the carrier of E)-indexing f;
   set g' = (the OperSymbols of E)-indexing g;
   set gg = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g;
   set T = E with-replacement (f,g);
A1:  f,g form_a_replacement_in E;
then A2:  f,g form_a_replacement_in S by Th54;
    then (the carrier of S)-indexing f,gg form_a_replacement_in S &
    (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing gg = gg by Th11,Th31;
then A3:  f,gg form_a_replacement_in S by Th31;
A4:  f', g' form_morphism_between E, T &
    S is Subsignature of E by A1,Def5,Th41;
    then f'|the carrier of S, g'|the OperSymbols of S form_morphism_between S,
     by INSTALG1:19;
then A5:  S with-replacement (f'|the carrier of S, g'|the OperSymbols of S)
      is Subsignature of T by Th40;
      the carrier of S c= the carrier of E by A4,INSTALG1:11;
then A6:  f'|the carrier of S = (the carrier of S)-indexing f by Th18;
      the OperSymbols of S c= the OperSymbols of E by A4,INSTALG1:11;
    then g'|the OperSymbols of S
     = (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g by Th18;
    then S with-replacement (f'|the carrier of S, g'|the OperSymbols of S)
     = S with-replacement (f, (the OperSymbols of S)-indexing g) by A3,A6,Th44
   hence S with-replacement(f,g) is Subsignature of E with-replacement(f,g)
     by A2,A5,Th45;

   for S1,S2 being non void Signature st S1 tolerates S2
 for f,g being Function
  st f,g form_a_replacement_in S1+*S2
  holds (S1+*S2) with-replacement (f,g)
           = (S1 with-replacement (f,g))+*(S2 with-replacement (f,g))
  proof let S1,S2 be non void Signature such that
A1:  S1 tolerates S2;
   set S = S1+*S2;
   let f,g be Function such that
A2:  f,g form_a_replacement_in S1+*S2;
   deffunc T(non void Signature) = $1 with-replacement (f,g);
   deffunc F(non void Signature) = (the carrier of $1)-indexing f;
   deffunc G(non void Signature) = (the OperSymbols of $1)-indexing g;
      S is Extension of S1 & S is Extension of S2 by A1,Th49,Th50;
then A3:  f,g form_a_replacement_in S1 & f,g form_a_replacement_in S2 by A2,
A4:  the carrier of S = (the carrier of S1) \/ the carrier of S2 &
    the carrier of T(S1)+*T(S2) = (the carrier of T(S1)) \/
 the carrier of T(S2)
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
    then F(S) = F(S1) \/ F(S2) by Th21;
then A5:  rng F(S) = (rng F(S1)) \/ rng F(S2) by RELAT_1:26;
A6:  the carrier of T(S) = rng F(S) & the carrier of T(S1) = rng F(S1) &
    the carrier of T(S2) = rng F(S2) by A2,A3,Def4;
A7:  the OperSymbols of S = (the OperSymbols of S1) \/ the OperSymbols of S2 &
    the OperSymbols of T(S1)+*T(S2) =
      (the OperSymbols of T(S1)) \/ the OperSymbols of T(S2)
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
    then G(S) = G(S1) \/ G(S2) by Th21;
then A8:  rng G(S) = (rng G(S1)) \/ rng G(S2) by RELAT_1:26;
A9:  the OperSymbols of T(S) = rng G(S) & the OperSymbols of T(S1) = rng G(S1)
    the OperSymbols of T(S2) = rng G(S2) by A2,A3,Def4;
A10:  the Arity of S = (the Arity of S1)+*the Arity of S2 &
    the Arity of T(S1)+*T(S2) = (the Arity of T(S1))+*the Arity of T(S2)
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
A11:  the ResultSort of S = (the ResultSort of S1)+*the ResultSort of S2 &
    the ResultSort of T(S1)+*T(S2) =
      (the ResultSort of T(S1))+*the ResultSort of T(S2) by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
   consider g1 being rng-retract of G(S1), g2 being rng-retract of G(S2);
      G(S1) tolerates G(S2) & G(S) = G(S1)+*G(S2) by A7,Th19,Th20;
   then reconsider gg = g1+*g2 as rng-retract of G(S) by Th28;
A12:  F(S) = F(S1)+*F(S2) & F(S1) tolerates F(S2) by A4,Th19,Th20;
A13:  rng the ResultSort of S1 c= the carrier of S1 &
    rng the ResultSort of S2 c= the carrier of S2;
A14:  dom F(S1) = the carrier of S1 & dom F(S2) = the carrier of S2
     by PBOOLE:def 3;
A15: rng g1 c= dom G(S1) & rng g2 c= dom G(S2) by Th24;
A16: dom G(S1) = the OperSymbols of S1 & dom G(S2) = the OperSymbols of S2
     by PBOOLE:def 3;
A17: dom (F(S1)*(the ResultSort of S1)) = the OperSymbols of S1 &
    dom (F(S2)*(the ResultSort of S2)) = the OperSymbols of S2
     by PBOOLE:def 3;
      the ResultSort of S1 tolerates the ResultSort of S2
    by A1,CIRCCOMB:def 1;
then A18: F(S1)*the ResultSort of S1 tolerates F(S2)*the ResultSort of S2
     by A12,Th4;
A19:  the ResultSort of T(S) = F(S)*(the ResultSort of S)*gg by A2,Th39
      .= ((F(S1)*the ResultSort of S1)+*(F(S2)*the ResultSort of S2))*gg
          by A11,A12,A13,A14,CIRCCOMB:1
      .= (F(S1)*(the ResultSort of S1)*g1)+*(F(S2)*(the ResultSort of S2)*g2)
          by A15,A16,A17,A18,CIRCCOMB:1
      .= (the ResultSort of T(S1))+*(F(S2)*(the ResultSort of S2)*g2) by A3,
      .= (the ResultSort of T(S1))+*the ResultSort of T(S2) by A3,Th39;
   reconsider FS = F(S) as Function of the carrier of S, the carrier of T(S)
      by A2,Th37;
   reconsider F1 = F(S1) as Function of the carrier of S1, the carrier of T(S1)
      by A3,Th37;
   reconsider F2 = F(S2) as Function of the carrier of S2, the carrier of T(S2)
      by A3,Th37;
      the Arity of S1 tolerates the Arity of S2 by A1,CIRCCOMB:def 1;
    then the Arity of S = (the Arity of S1) \/ the Arity of S2 by A10,FUNCT_4:
then A20: rng the Arity of S = (rng the Arity of S1) \/ rng the Arity of S2
     by RELAT_1:26;
A21: rng the Arity of S1 c= (the carrier of S1)* &
    rng the Arity of S2 c= (the carrier of S2)*;
A22: rng the Arity of S c= (the carrier of S1)* \/ (the carrier of S2)*
     by A20,XBOOLE_1:13;
      the carrier of S1 c= the carrier of S &
    the carrier of S2 c= the carrier of S by A4,XBOOLE_1:7;
    then F1 = FS|the carrier of S1 & F2 = FS|the carrier of S2 by Th18;
    then F1 c= FS & F2 c= FS by RELAT_1:88;
    then F1* c= FS* & F2* c= FS* by Th5;
    then F1* \/ F2* c= FS* & F1* +* (F2*) c= F1* \/ F2*
 by FUNCT_4:30,XBOOLE_1:8;
then A23: F1* +* (F2*) c= FS* by XBOOLE_1:1;
A24: dom (F1*) = (the carrier of S1)* &
    dom (F2*) = (the carrier of S2)* by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then rng the Arity of S c= dom (F1*+*(F2*)) &
    (rng the Arity of S) /\ dom (FS*) c= rng the Arity of S
     by A22,FUNCT_4:def 1,XBOOLE_1:17;
then A25: (rng the Arity of S) /\ dom (FS*) c= dom (F1*+*(F2*)) by XBOOLE_1:1;
A26: F1* tolerates F2* by A12,Th6;
      the Arity of S1 tolerates the Arity of S2 by A1,CIRCCOMB:def 1;
then A27: F1**the Arity of S1 tolerates F2**the Arity of S2 by A26,Th4;
    A28: dom (F1**the Arity of S1) = the OperSymbols of S1 &
    dom (F2**the Arity of S2) = the OperSymbols of S2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      the Arity of T(S) = FS**(the Arity of S)*gg by A2,Th38
      .= (F1*+*(F2*))*(the Arity of S)*gg by A23,A25,Th2
      .= ((F1**the Arity of S1)+*(F2**the Arity of S2))*gg
        by A10,A21,A24,A26,CIRCCOMB:1
      .= ((F1**the Arity of S1)*g1)+*((F2**the Arity of S2)*g2)
        by A15,A16,A27,A28,CIRCCOMB:1
      .= (the Arity of T(S1))+*((F2**the Arity of S2)*g2) by A3,Th38
      .= (the Arity of T(S1))+*the Arity of T(S2) by A3,Th38;
   hence thesis by A5,A6,A8,A9,A19,CIRCCOMB:def 2;

begin :: Algebras

 mode Algebra means:
  ex S being non void Signature st it is feasible MSAlgebra over S;
   consider S being non void Signature,
            A being feasible MSAlgebra over S;
   take A, S; thus thesis;

 let S be Signature;
 mode Algebra of S -> Algebra means:
  ex E being non void Extension of S st it is feasible MSAlgebra over E;
   proof consider E being non void Extension of S;
     consider A being feasible MSAlgebra over E;
        A is Algebra by Def6;
    hence thesis;

   for S being non void Signature, A being feasible MSAlgebra over S
   holds A is Algebra of S
  proof let S be non void Signature, A be feasible MSAlgebra over S;
      A is Algebra & S is Extension of S by Def6,Th47;
   hence thesis by Def7;

   for S being Signature, E being Extension of S, A being Algebra of E
  holds A is Algebra of S
  proof let S be Signature, E be Extension of S, A be Algebra of E;
   consider E' be non void Extension of E such that
A1:  A is feasible MSAlgebra over E' by Def7;
      E' is Extension of S by Th48;
   hence thesis by A1,Def7;

theorem Th59:
 for S being Signature, E being non empty Signature, A being MSAlgebra over E
  st A is Algebra of S
  holds the carrier of S c= the carrier of E &
        the OperSymbols of S c= the OperSymbols of E
  proof let S be Signature, E be non empty Signature, A be MSAlgebra over E;
   assume A is Algebra of S;
   then consider ES being non void Extension of S such that
A1:  A is feasible MSAlgebra over ES by Def7;
   reconsider B = A as MSAlgebra over ES by A1;
A2:  S is Subsignature of ES by Def5;
      dom the Sorts of B = the carrier of ES &
    dom the Sorts of A = the carrier of E by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hence the carrier of S c= the carrier of E by A2,INSTALG1:11;
      dom the Charact of B = the OperSymbols of ES &
    dom the Charact of A = the OperSymbols of E by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hence thesis by A2,INSTALG1:11;

theorem Th60:
 for S being non void Signature, E being non empty Signature
 for A being MSAlgebra over E st A is Algebra of S
 for o being OperSymbol of S
  holds (the Charact of A).o is Function of (the Sorts of A)#.the_arity_of o,
     (the Sorts of A).the_result_sort_of o
  proof let S be non void Signature, E be non empty Signature;
   let A be MSAlgebra over E; assume A is Algebra of S;
   then consider ES being non void Extension of S such that
A1:  A is feasible MSAlgebra over ES by Def7;
   reconsider B = A as MSAlgebra over ES by A1;
A2:  S is Subsignature of ES by Def5;
then A3:  the Arity of S = (the Arity of ES)|the OperSymbols of S &
    the ResultSort of S = (the ResultSort of ES)|the OperSymbols of S
     by INSTALG1:13;
   let o be OperSymbol of S;
    A4: o in the OperSymbols of S &
    the OperSymbols of S c= the OperSymbols of ES by A2,INSTALG1:11;
A5:  the OperSymbols of ES = dom the Arity of ES &
    the OperSymbols of ES = dom the ResultSort of ES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A6:  dom the Sorts of B = the carrier of ES &
    dom the Sorts of A = the carrier of E by PBOOLE:def 3;
      the_arity_of o = (the Arity of S).o by MSUALG_1:def 6
                  .= (the Arity of ES).o by A3,FUNCT_1:72;
then A7:  ((the Sorts of B)#*the Arity of ES).o = (the Sorts of A)#.
the_arity_of o
     by A4,A5,A6,FUNCT_1:23;
      the_result_sort_of o = (the ResultSort of S).o by MSUALG_1:def 7
                  .= (the ResultSort of ES).o by A3,FUNCT_1:72;
then A8:  ((the Sorts of B)*the ResultSort of ES).o
          = (the Sorts of A).the_result_sort_of o by A4,A5,FUNCT_1:23;
      (the Charact of B).o is Function of
      ((the Sorts of B)#*the Arity of ES).o,
      ((the Sorts of B)*the ResultSort of ES).o by A4,MSUALG_1:def 2;
   hence thesis by A7,A8;

   for S being non empty Signature, A being Algebra of S
 for E being non empty ManySortedSign
  st A is MSAlgebra over E
  holds A is MSAlgebra over E+*S
  proof let S be non empty Signature, A be Algebra of S;
   let E be non empty ManySortedSign; assume A is MSAlgebra over E;
   then reconsider B = A as MSAlgebra over E;
   set T = E+*S;
A1:  the carrier of T = (the carrier of E) \/ the carrier of S by CIRCCOMB:def
      B is Algebra of S;
    then A2: the carrier of S c= the carrier of E by Th59;
then A3:  the carrier of T = the carrier of E by A1,XBOOLE_1:12;
   reconsider Ss = the Sorts of B as ManySortedSet of the carrier of T by A1,A2
A4:  the OperSymbols of T = (the OperSymbols of E) \/ the OperSymbols of S
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
      B is Algebra of S;
    then the OperSymbols of S c= the OperSymbols of E by Th59;
then A5:  the OperSymbols of T = the OperSymbols of E by A4,XBOOLE_1:12;
A6:  dom the Arity of S = the OperSymbols of S &
    dom the ResultSort of S = the OperSymbols of S by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A7:  the Arity of T = (the Arity of E)+*the Arity of S &
    the ResultSort of T = (the ResultSort of E)+*the ResultSort of S
     by CIRCCOMB:def 2;
      now let i be set; assume
A8:    i in the OperSymbols of T;
then A9:    (Ss*the ResultSort of E).i = Ss.((the ResultSort of E).i) &
      (Ss#*the Arity of E).i = Ss#.((the Arity of E).i) by A5,FUNCT_2:21;
A10:    (Ss*the ResultSort of T).i = Ss.((the ResultSort of T).i) &
      (Ss#*the Arity of T).i = Ss#.((the Arity of T).i) by A8,FUNCT_2:21;
A11:    now assume
A12:     i in the OperSymbols of S;
       then reconsider S' = S as non void Signature by MSUALG_1:def 5;
       reconsider o = i as OperSymbol of S' by A12;
          (the ResultSort of T).i = (the ResultSort of S').o &
        (the Arity of T).i = (the Arity of S').o by A6,A7,FUNCT_4:14;
        then B is Algebra of S' &
        (the ResultSort of T).o = the_result_sort_of o &
        (the Arity of T).o = the_arity_of o by MSUALG_1:def 6,def 7;
       hence (the Charact of B).i is Function of
           (the Sorts of B)#.((the Arity of T).i),
           (the Sorts of B).((the ResultSort of T).i) by Th60;
        not i in the OperSymbols of S implies
        (the Arity of T).i = (the Arity of E).i &
        (the ResultSort of T).i = (the ResultSort of E).i
            by A6,A7,FUNCT_4:12;
     hence (the Charact of B).i is Function of
        (Ss# * the Arity of T).i, (Ss * the ResultSort of T).i by A3,A5,A8,A9,
A10,A11,MSUALG_1:def 2;
   then reconsider C = the Charact of B as
     ManySortedFunction of Ss# * the Arity of T, Ss * the ResultSort of T
      by A5,MSUALG_1:def 2;
   set B' = MSAlgebra(#Ss, C#);
      the Sorts of B' = the Sorts of B & the Charact of B' = the Charact of B;
    then B is MSAlgebra over T;
   hence A is MSAlgebra over E+*S;

theorem Th62:
 for S1,S2 being non empty Signature
 for A being MSAlgebra over S1 st A is MSAlgebra over S2
  holds the carrier of S1 = the carrier of S2 &
        the OperSymbols of S1 = the OperSymbols of S2
  proof let S1,S2 be non empty Signature;
   let A be MSAlgebra over S1; assume A is MSAlgebra over S2;
   then reconsider B = A as MSAlgebra over S2;
      the Sorts of A = the Sorts of B;
    then dom the Sorts of A = the carrier of S2 by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hence the carrier of S1 = the carrier of S2 by PBOOLE:def 3;
      the Charact of A = the Charact of B;
    then dom the Charact of A = the OperSymbols of S2 by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hence the OperSymbols of S1 = the OperSymbols of S2 by PBOOLE:def 3;

theorem Th63:
 for S being non void Signature
 for A being non-empty disjoint_valued MSAlgebra over S
  holds the Sorts of A is one-to-one
  proof let S be non void Signature;
   let A be non-empty disjoint_valued MSAlgebra over S;
   let x,y be set; assume
      x in dom the Sorts of A & y in dom the Sorts of A;
   then reconsider a = x, b = y as SortSymbol of S by PBOOLE:def 3;
   consider z being Element of (the Sorts of A).a;
A1:  the Sorts of A is disjoint_valued by MSAFREE1:def 2;
   assume (the Sorts of A).x = (the Sorts of A).y & x <> y;
    then z in (the Sorts of A).b & (the Sorts of A).a misses (the Sorts of A).
     by A1,PROB_2:def 3;
   hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

theorem Th64:
 for S being non void Signature
 for A being disjoint_valued MSAlgebra over S
 for C1,C2 being Component of the Sorts of A
  holds C1 = C2 or C1 misses C2
  proof let S be non void Signature;
   let A be disjoint_valued MSAlgebra over S;
   let C1,C2 be Component of the Sorts of A;
      dom the Sorts of A = the carrier of S by PBOOLE:def 3;
then A1:  rng the Sorts of A <> {} by RELAT_1:65;
   then consider x being set such that
A2:  x in dom the Sorts of A & C1 = (the Sorts of A).x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   consider y being set such that
A3:  y in dom the Sorts of A & C2 = (the Sorts of A).y by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      the Sorts of A is disjoint_valued & (x = y or x <> y)
      by MSAFREE1:def 2;
   hence thesis by A2,A3,PROB_2:def 3;

theorem Th65:
 for S,S' being non void Signature
 for A being non-empty disjoint_valued MSAlgebra over S
  st A is MSAlgebra over S'
  holds the ManySortedSign of S = the ManySortedSign of S'
  proof let S,E be non void Signature;
   let A be non-empty disjoint_valued MSAlgebra over S; assume
A1:  A is MSAlgebra over E;
   then reconsider B = A as MSAlgebra over E;
A2:  the carrier of S = the carrier of E &
    the OperSymbols of S = the OperSymbols of E by A1,Th62;
A3:  the Sorts of A is one-to-one & dom the Sorts of A = the carrier of S
      by Th63,PBOOLE:def 3;
A4:  dom the ResultSort of S = the OperSymbols of S &
    dom the ResultSort of E = the OperSymbols of E by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      now let x be set; assume x in the OperSymbols of S;
     then reconsider o = x as OperSymbol of S;
     reconsider e = o as OperSymbol of E by A1,Th62;
     consider p being Element of Args(o,A);
        Den(o,A) = (the Charact of A).o & Den(e,B) = (the Charact of B).e
       by MSUALG_1:def 11;
      then rng Den(o,A) c= Result(o,A) & rng Den(o,A) c= Result(e,B) &
      Den(o,A).p in rng Den(o,A) by FUNCT_2:6,RELSET_1:12;
      then Result(o,A) meets Result(e,B) by XBOOLE_0:3;
      then Result(o,A) = Result(e,B) by Th64
         .= ((the Sorts of B)*the ResultSort of E).x by MSUALG_1:def 10
         .= (the Sorts of B).((the ResultSort of E).e) by FUNCT_2:21;
      then (the Sorts of A).((the ResultSort of E).e)
         = ((the Sorts of A)*the ResultSort of S).o by MSUALG_1:def 10
        .= (the Sorts of A).((the ResultSort of S).o) by FUNCT_2:21;
     hence (the ResultSort of S).x = (the ResultSort of E).x
       by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:def 8;
then A5:  the ResultSort of S = the ResultSort of E by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:9;
A6:  dom the Arity of S = the OperSymbols of S &
    dom the Arity of E = the OperSymbols of E by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      now let x be set; assume x in the OperSymbols of S;
     then reconsider o = x as OperSymbol of S;
     reconsider e = o as OperSymbol of E by A1,Th62;
     reconsider p = (the Arity of E).e as Element of (the carrier of E)*;
     reconsider q = (the Arity of S).o as Element of (the carrier of S)*;
        Den(o,A) = (the Charact of A).o & Den(e,B) = (the Charact of B).e &
      Result(e,B) is Component of the Sorts of A by MSUALG_1:def 11;
      then dom Den(o,A) = Args(o,A) & dom Den(o,A) = Args(e,B) by FUNCT_2:def 1
      then Args(o,A) = ((the Sorts of B)#*the Arity of E).x by MSUALG_1:def 9
         .= (the Sorts of B)#.p by FUNCT_2:21
         .= product ((the Sorts of B)*p) by MSUALG_1:def 3;
      then product ((the Sorts of A)*p)
         = ((the Sorts of A)#*the Arity of S).o by MSUALG_1:def 9
        .= (the Sorts of A)#.q by FUNCT_2:21
        .= product ((the Sorts of A)*q) by MSUALG_1:def 3;
then A7:    (the Sorts of B)*p = (the Sorts of A)*q by PUA2MSS1:2;
A8:    rng p c= the carrier of E & rng q c= the carrier of S;
      then dom ((the Sorts of B)*p) = dom p & dom ((the Sorts of A)*q) = dom q
       by A2,A3,RELAT_1:46;
     hence (the Arity of S).x = (the Arity of E).x by A2,A3,A7,A8,FUNCT_1:49;
    end; hence thesis by A2,A5,A6,FUNCT_1:9;

   for S' being non void Signature
 for A being non-empty disjoint_valued MSAlgebra over S st A is Algebra of S'
  holds S is Extension of S'
  proof let S' be non void Signature;
   let A be non-empty disjoint_valued MSAlgebra over S;
   assume A is Algebra of S';
   then consider E being non void Extension of S' such that
A1:  A is feasible MSAlgebra over E by Def7;
      S' is Subsignature of E &
    the ManySortedSign of S = the ManySortedSign of E by A1,Def5,Th65;
    then the carrier of S' c= the carrier of S &
    the Arity of S' c= the Arity of S &
    the ResultSort of S' c= the ResultSort of S by INSTALG1:11,12;
   hence S' is Subsignature of S by INSTALG1:14;

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