The Mizar article:

Scott-Continuous Functions

Adam Grabowski

Received February 13, 1998

Copyright (c) 1998 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: WAYBEL17
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors NAT_1, TOPS_1, ORDERS_3, WAYBEL_3, WAYBEL_5, TOLER_1, NATTRA_1,

begin :: Preliminaries

definition let S be non empty set;
  let a, b be Element of S;
  func (a,b),... -> Function of NAT, S means :Def1:
 for i being Nat holds
   ((ex k being Nat st i = 2*k) implies it.i = a) &
   ((not ex k being Nat st i = 2*k) implies it.i = b);
   defpred C[set] means ex k be Nat st $1 = 2*k;
   deffunc G(set) = b;
   deffunc F(set) = a;
   consider f being Function such that
A1:  dom f = NAT & for x be set st x in NAT holds
     (C[x] implies f.x = F(x)) & (not C[x] implies f.x = G(x)) from LambdaC;
A2: {a,b} c= S by ZFMISC_1:38;
     rng f = {a,b}
    thus rng f c= {a,b}
     let x be set; assume x in rng f;
     then consider y be set such that
A3:     y in dom f & x = f.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     per cases;
     suppose C[y];
     then f.y = a by A1;
     hence thesis by A3,TARSKI:def 2;
     suppose not C[y];
     then f.y = b by A1,A3;
     hence thesis by A3,TARSKI:def 2;
      for y be set st y in {a,b} ex x be set st x in dom f & y = f.x
     let y be set; assume A4: y in {a,b};
     per cases by A4,TARSKI:def 2;
     suppose A5: y = a;
     take 2;
      take 1;
      thus thesis;
     hence thesis by A1,A5;
     suppose A6: y = b;
     take 1;
       for k be Nat holds 1 <> 2*k by NAT_1:40;
     hence thesis by A1,A6;
    hence {a,b} c= rng f by FUNCT_1:19;
   then reconsider f as Function of NAT, S by A1,A2,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
   take f;
   let i be Nat;
   thus thesis by A1;
   let f1, f2 be Function of NAT, S;
A7: dom f1 = NAT & dom f2 = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   assume that
A8: for i being Nat holds
   ((ex k be Nat st i = 2*k) implies f1.i = a) &
   ((not ex k be Nat st i = 2*k) implies f1.i = b) and
A9: for i being Nat holds
   ((ex k be Nat st i = 2*k) implies f2.i = a) &
   ((not ex k be Nat st i = 2*k) implies f2.i = b);
     for k be set st k in NAT holds f1.k = f2.k
    let k be set; assume k in NAT;
    then reconsider k' = k as Nat;
    per cases;
    suppose A10: ex l be Nat st k = 2*l;
    then f1.k = a by A8
        .= f2.k by A9,A10;
    hence thesis;
    suppose A11: not ex l be Nat st k = 2*l;
    then f1.k' = b by A8
        .= f2.k' by A9,A11;
    hence thesis;
   hence thesis by A7,FUNCT_1:9;

FuncFraenkelS{ B, C() -> non empty TopRelStr,
        A(set) -> Element of C(), f() -> Function, P[set]}:
  f().:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]} =
   {f().A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]}
  provided A1: the carrier of C() c= dom f()
  proof set f = f();
   thus f.:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]} c=
      {f.A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]}
     proof let y be set; assume
         y in f.:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]};
      then consider z being set such that
A2:     z in dom f & z in {A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]}
       & y = f.z by FUNCT_1:def 12;
         ex x being Element of B() st z = A(x) & P[x] by A2;
      hence thesis by A2;
   let y be set;
   assume y in {f.A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]};
   then consider x being Element of B() such that
A3:   y = f.A(x) & P[x];
     A(x) in the carrier of C();
   then A(x) in dom f &
    A(x) in {A(z) where z is Element of B(): P[z]} by A1,A3;
   hence thesis by A3,FUNCT_1:def 12;

FuncFraenkelSL{ B, C() -> LATTICE,
        A(set) -> Element of C(), f() -> Function, P[set]}:
  f().:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]} =
   {f().A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]}
  provided A1: the carrier of C() c= dom f()
  proof set f = f();
   thus f.:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]} c=
      {f.A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]}
     proof let y be set; assume
         y in f.:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]};
      then consider z being set such that
A2:     z in dom f & z in {A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]}
       & y = f.z by FUNCT_1:def 12;
         ex x being Element of B() st z = A(x) & P[x] by A2;
      hence thesis by A2;
   let y be set;
   assume y in {f.A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]};
   then consider x being Element of B() such that
A3:   y = f.A(x) & P[x];
     A(x) in the carrier of C();
   then A(x) in dom f &
    A(x) in {A(z) where z is Element of B(): P[z]} by A1,A3;
   hence thesis by A3,FUNCT_1:def 12;

theorem Th1:
 for S, T being non empty reflexive RelStr,
     f being map of S, T,
     P being lower Subset of T st f is monotone holds
  f"P is lower
 let S, T be non empty reflexive RelStr;
 let f be map of S, T;
 let P be lower Subset of T;
 assume A1: f is monotone;
   for x, y being Element of S st x in f"P & y <= x holds y in f"P
  let x, y be Element of S; assume A2: x in f"P & y <= x;
then A3:  f.y <= f.x by A1,WAYBEL_1:def 2;
  reconsider fy = f.y, fx = f.x as Element of T;
    fx in P by A2,FUNCT_2:46;
  then fy in P by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 19;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_2:46;
 hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:def 19;

   for S, T being non empty reflexive RelStr,
     f being map of S, T,
     P being upper Subset of T st f is monotone holds
  f"P is upper
 let S, T be non empty reflexive RelStr;
 let f be map of S, T;
 let P be upper Subset of T;
 assume A1: f is monotone;
   for x, y being Element of S st x in f"P & y >= x holds y in f"P
  let x, y be Element of S; assume A2: x in f"P & y >= x;
then A3:  f.y >= f.x by A1,WAYBEL_1:def 2;
  reconsider fy = f.y, fx = f.x as Element of T;
    fx in P by A2,FUNCT_2:46;
  then fy in P by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 20;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_2:46;
 hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:def 20;

 for T being up-complete LATTICE, x being Element of T
  holds downarrow x is directly_closed
 let T be up-complete LATTICE, x be Element of T;
 let D be non empty directed Subset of T;
A1: D c= downarrow x;
A2: ex_sup_of D,T by WAYBEL_0:75;
    x is_>=_than D
   proof let b be Element of T;
    assume b in D;
    hence b <= x by A1,WAYBEL_0:17;
  then sup D <= x by A2,YELLOW_0:30;
 hence sup D in downarrow x by WAYBEL_0:17;

 for T being up-complete Scott TopLattice, x being Element of T
  holds Cl {x} = downarrow x
 let T be up-complete Scott TopLattice, x be Element of T;
    downarrow x is directly_closed by Lm1;
then A1: downarrow x is closed by WAYBEL11:7;
     x <= x;
   then x in downarrow x by WAYBEL_0:17;
then A2: {x} c= downarrow x by ZFMISC_1:37;
     now let C be Subset of T such that
A3:  {x} c= C;
     reconsider D = C as Subset of T;
    assume C is closed;
then A4:   D is lower by WAYBEL11:7;
       x in C by A3,ZFMISC_1:37;
    hence downarrow x c= C by A4,WAYBEL11:6;
 hence Cl {x} = downarrow x by A1,A2,YELLOW_8:17;

 for T being up-complete Scott TopLattice, x being Element of T
  holds downarrow x is closed
proof let T be up-complete Scott TopLattice, x be Element of T;
    Cl {x} = downarrow x by Lm2;
 hence downarrow x is closed by PCOMPS_1:4;

theorem Th3:
 for S, T being reflexive antisymmetric non empty RelStr,
    f being map of S, T st
  f is directed-sups-preserving holds f is monotone
proof let S, T be reflexive antisymmetric non empty RelStr,
          f be map of S, T; assume
A1: f is directed-sups-preserving;
  let x, y be Element of S such that
A2: x <= y;
    x <= y & y <= y by A2;
then A3: {x, y} is_<=_than y by YELLOW_0:8;
    for b being Element of S st {x, y} is_<=_than b holds y <= b by YELLOW_0:8;
  then A4: y = sup {x, y} & ex_sup_of {x, y},S by A3,YELLOW_0:30;
    for a, b being Element of S st a in {x, y} & b in {x, y}
    ex z being Element of S st z in {x, y} & a <= z & b <= z
    let a, b be Element of S such that
  A5: a in {x, y} & b in {x, y};
    take y;
    thus y in {x, y} by TARSKI:def 2;
    thus a <= y & b <= y by A2,A5,TARSKI:def 2;
  then {x, y} is directed non empty by WAYBEL_0:def 1;
then A6:  f preserves_sup_of {x, y} by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 37;
then A7: sup(f.:{x, y}) = f.y by A4,WAYBEL_0:def 31;
A8: dom f = the carrier of S by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A9: f.y = sup{f.x, f.y} by A7,FUNCT_1:118;
      f.:{x, y} = {f.x, f.y} by A8,FUNCT_1:118;
    then ex_sup_of {f.x, f.y}, T by A4,A6,WAYBEL_0:def 31;
    then {f.x, f.y} is_<=_than f.y by A9,YELLOW_0:def 9;
  hence f.x <= f.y by YELLOW_0:8;

definition let S, T be reflexive antisymmetric non empty RelStr;
 cluster directed-sups-preserving -> monotone map of S, T;
 coherence by Th3;

theorem Th4:
 for S, T being up-complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds f is continuous implies f is monotone
  let S, T be up-complete Scott TopLattice;
  let f be map of S, T;
  assume A1: f is continuous;
  let x,y be Element of S;
A2:dom f = the carrier of S by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  assume A3: x <= y;
    f.x <= f.y
   set V = (downarrow (f.y))`, U1 = f"V;
   assume not f.x <= f.y;
   then not f.x in downarrow (f.y) by WAYBEL_0:17;
then A4: f.x in V by YELLOW_6:10;
     f.y <= f.y;
then A5: f.y in downarrow (f.y) by WAYBEL_0:17;
     downarrow (f.y) is closed by Lm3;
 then V is open by TOPS_1:29;
   then U1 is open by A1,TOPS_2:55;
   then reconsider U1 as upper Subset of S by WAYBEL11:def 4;
     x in U1 by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:def 13;
   then y in U1 by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 20;
   then f.y in V by FUNCT_1:def 13;
   hence contradiction by A5,YELLOW_6:10;
  hence thesis;

definition let S, T be up-complete Scott TopLattice;
  cluster continuous -> monotone map of S, T;
  correctness by Th4;

 for S, T being up-complete Scott (non empty
  reflexive transitive antisymmetric TopSpace-like TopRelStr),
     f be map of S, T holds
  f is directed-sups-preserving implies f is continuous
 let S, T be up-complete Scott (non empty reflexive transitive antisymmetric
   TopSpace-like TopRelStr);
 let f be map of S, T;
 assume A1: f is directed-sups-preserving;
then A2: f is monotone by Th3;
 thus f is continuous
  let P1 be Subset of T;
  reconsider P1' = P1 as Subset of T;
  assume P1 is closed;
then A3:  P1' is directly_closed lower by WAYBEL11:7;
   let D be non empty directed Subset of S;
   assume A4: D c= f"P1;
A5:f preserves_sup_of D by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 37;
     ex_sup_of D,S by WAYBEL_0:75;
then A6: sup (f.:D) = f.sup D by A5,WAYBEL_0:def 31;
   reconsider fD = f.:D as directed Subset of T by A2,YELLOW_2:17;
     fD c= P1 by A4,BORSUK_1:5;
   then sup fD in P1' by A3,WAYBEL11:def 2;
   hence sup D in f"P1 by A6,FUNCT_2:46;
  then f"P1 is directly_closed lower by A2,A3,Th1,WAYBEL11:def 2;
  hence thesis by WAYBEL11:7;

begin :: Poset of continuous maps

definition let S be set; let T be reflexive RelStr;
  cluster S --> T -> reflexive-yielding;
    set f = S --> T;
    let W be RelStr;
    per cases;
    suppose A1: S is non empty;
    assume W in rng f;
    then W in {T} by A1,FUNCOP_1:14;
    hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1;
    suppose A2: S is empty;
    assume W in rng f;
    hence thesis by A2,FUNCOP_1:16;

definition let S be non empty set, T be complete LATTICE;
  cluster T |^ S -> complete;
A1:T |^ S = product (S --> T) by YELLOW_1:def 5;
    for i being Element of S holds (S --> T).i is complete LATTICE
    by FUNCOP_1:13;
  hence thesis by A1,WAYBEL_3:31;

definition let S, T be up-complete Scott TopLattice;
 func SCMaps (S,T) -> strict full SubRelStr of MonMaps (S, T) means :Def2:
  for f being map of S, T holds f in the carrier of it iff
   f is continuous;
   defpred P[set] means
     ex f be map of S, T st $1 = f & f is continuous;
  consider X be set such that
A1:  for a be set holds a in X iff a in the carrier of MonMaps (S, T) & P[a]
       from Separation;
    X c= the carrier of MonMaps (S, T)
    let a be set;
    assume a in X;
    hence thesis by A1;
  then reconsider X as Subset of MonMaps (S, T);
  take SX = subrelstr X;
  let f be map of S, T;
  hereby assume f in the carrier of SX;
   then f in X by YELLOW_0:def 15;
   then consider f' be map of S, T such that A2: f' = f &
    f' is continuous by A1;
   thus f is continuous by A2;
  assume A3: f is continuous;
then A4:f is monotone by Th4;
    f in Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) by FUNCT_2:11;
  then f in the carrier of MonMaps (S, T) by A4,YELLOW_1:def 6;
  then f in X by A1,A3;
  hence f in the carrier of SX by YELLOW_0:def 15;
  let A1, A2 be strict full SubRelStr of MonMaps (S, T);
  assume that
A5: for f being map of S,T holds f in the carrier of A1 iff
   f is continuous and
A6: for f being map of S,T holds f in the carrier of A2 iff
   f is continuous;
A7:the carrier of A1 c= the carrier of MonMaps (S, T) by YELLOW_0:def 13;
A8:the carrier of A2 c= the carrier of MonMaps (S, T)
    by YELLOW_0:def 13;
    the carrier of A1 = the carrier of A2
   hereby let x be set;
     assume A9: x in the carrier of A1;
     then reconsider y = x as Element of A1;
       y is Element of MonMaps(S, T) by A7,A9;
     then reconsider y as map of S, T by WAYBEL10:10;
       y is continuous by A5,A9;
     hence x in the carrier of A2 by A6;
    let x be set; assume A10: x in the carrier of A2;
    then reconsider y = x as Element of A2;
      y is Element of MonMaps(S, T) by A8,A10;
    then reconsider y as map of S, T by WAYBEL10:10;
      y is continuous by A6,A10;
    hence x in the carrier of A1 by A5;
  hence thesis by YELLOW_0:58;

definition let S, T be up-complete Scott TopLattice;
 cluster SCMaps (S,T) -> non empty;
  proof consider f being continuous map of S, T;
     f in the carrier of SCMaps(S,T) by Def2;
   hence thesis by STRUCT_0:def 1;

begin :: Some special nets

definition let S be non empty RelStr;
  let a, b be Element of S;
  func Net-Str (a,b) -> strict non empty NetStr over S means :Def3:
    the carrier of it = NAT &
    the mapping of it = (a,b),... &
    for i, j being Element of it,
        i', j' being Nat st i = i' & j = j' holds i <= j iff i' <= j';
   defpred P[set,set] means for i, j being Nat st
     i = $1 & j = $2 holds i <= j;
   consider R being Relation of NAT, NAT such that
A1:   for x,y being Element of NAT holds [x,y] in R iff P[x,y]
        from Rel_On_Dom_Ex;
   reconsider R as Relation of NAT;
   take N = NetStr (#NAT,R,(a,b),...#);
   thus the carrier of N = NAT;
   thus the mapping of N = (a,b),...;
   let i, j be Element of N,
       i', j' be Nat such that A2: i = i' & j = j';
   reconsider x = i, y = j as Element of NAT;
     [x,y] in the InternalRel of N iff P[x,y] by A1;
   hence i <= j iff i' <= j' by A2,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    let it1,it2 be strict non empty NetStr over S such that
A3: the carrier of it1 = NAT and
A4: the mapping of it1 = (a,b),... and
A5: for i, j being Element of it1,
        i', j' being Nat st i = i' & j = j' holds i <= j iff i' <= j' and
A6: the carrier of it2 = NAT and
A7: the mapping of it2 = (a,b),... and
A8: for i, j being Element of it2,
        i', j' being Nat st i = i' & j = j' holds i <= j iff i' <= j';
      the InternalRel of it1 = the InternalRel of it2
     proof let x,y be set;
      hereby assume
A9:      [x,y] in the InternalRel of it1;
then A10:       x in NAT & y in NAT by A3,ZFMISC_1:106;
        then reconsider i=x, j=y as Element of it1 by A3;
        reconsider i1 = i, i2 = j as Nat by A3;
        reconsider i'=x, j'=y as Element of it2 by A6,A10;
          i <= j by A9,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        then i1 <= i2 by A5;
        then i' <= j' by A8;
        hence [x,y] in the InternalRel of it2 by ORDERS_1:def 9;
A11:      [x,y] in the InternalRel of it2;
then A12:       x in NAT & y in NAT by A6,ZFMISC_1:106;
        then reconsider i=x, j=y as Element of it2 by A6;
        reconsider i'=x, j'=y as Element of it1 by A3,A12;
        reconsider i1 = i, i2 = j as Nat by A6;
          i <= j by A11,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        then i1 <= i2 by A8;
        then i' <= j' by A5;
       hence [x,y] in the InternalRel of it1 by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   hence it1 = it2 by A3,A4,A6,A7;

definition let S be non empty RelStr;
           let a, b be Element of S;
 cluster Net-Str (a,b) -> reflexive transitive directed antisymmetric;
  set L = Net-Str (a,b);
  thus L is reflexive
    let x be Element of L;
    reconsider x' = x as Nat by Def3;
      x' <= x';
    hence thesis by Def3;
  thus L is transitive
    let x, y, z be Element of L;
    assume A1: x <= y & y <= z;
    reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Nat by Def3;
      x' <= y' & y' <= z' by A1,Def3;
    then x' <= z' by AXIOMS:22;
    hence thesis by Def3;
  thus L is directed
      [#]L is directed
      let x, y be Element of L; assume x in [#]L & y in [#]L;
      reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Nat by Def3;
      set z' = x' + y';
      reconsider z = z' as Element of L by Def3;
      reconsider z as Element of L;
      take z;
        z in the carrier of L & x' <= z' & y' <= z' by NAT_1:29;
      hence thesis by Def3,PRE_TOPC:12;
    hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:def 6;
  thus L is antisymmetric
    let x, y be Element of L;
    reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Nat by Def3;
    assume x <= y & y <= x;
    then x' <= y' & y' <= x' by Def3;
    hence thesis by AXIOMS:21;

theorem Th5:
 for S being non empty RelStr,
     a, b being Element of S,
     i being Element of Net-Str (a, b) holds
  Net-Str (a, b).i = a or Net-Str (a, b).i = b
 let S be non empty RelStr;
 let a, b be Element of S,
     i be Element of Net-Str (a, b);
 set N = Net-Str (a,b);
 reconsider I = i as Nat by Def3;
A1: N.i = (the mapping of N).i by WAYBEL_0:def 8
    .= (a,b),....i by Def3;
 defpred C[Nat] means ex k be Nat st $1 = 2*k;
 per cases;
 suppose C[I];
 hence thesis by A1,Def1;
 suppose not C[I];
 hence thesis by A1,Def1;

theorem Th6:
 for S being non empty RelStr,
     a, b being Element of S,
     i, j being Element of Net-Str (a,b),
     i', j' being Nat st i' = i & j' = i' + 1 & j' = j holds
       (Net-Str (a, b).i = a implies Net-Str (a, b).j = b) &
       (Net-Str (a, b).i = b implies Net-Str (a, b).j = a)
 let S be non empty RelStr;
 let a, b be Element of S,
     i, j be Element of Net-Str (a,b), i', j' be Nat;
 assume A1: i' = i & j' = i' + 1 & j' = j;
 per cases;
 suppose A2: a <> b;
 defpred C[Nat] means ex k be Nat st $1 = 2*k;
 thus Net-Str (a, b).i = a implies Net-Str (a, b).j = b
  assume A3: Net-Str (a, b).i = a;
   assume A4: not C[i'];
     Net-Str (a, b).i = (the mapping of Net-Str (a, b)).i by WAYBEL_0:def 8
                 .= (a,b),....i by Def3
                 .= b by A1,A4,Def1;
   hence thesis by A2,A3;
  then consider k be Nat such that A5: i' = 2*k;
A6:for k be Nat holds j' <> 2*k
   let k1 be Nat;
   assume j' = 2*k1;
   then 2 * k + 1 = 2 * k1 by A1,A5;
   hence thesis;
    Net-Str (a, b).j = (the mapping of Net-Str (a,b)).j by WAYBEL_0:def 8
                .= (a,b),....j by Def3
                .= b by A1,A6,Def1;
  hence thesis;
 assume A7: Net-Str (a, b).i = b;
A8:not C[i']
   assume A9: C[i'];
     Net-Str (a, b).i = (the mapping of Net-Str (a, b)).i by WAYBEL_0:def 8
                 .= (a,b),....i by Def3
                 .= a by A1,A9,Def1;
   hence thesis by A2,A7;
   assume not C[j'];
   then consider kl be Nat such that
A11:   j' = 2*kl + 1 by SCHEME1:1;
     i' = 2 * kl by A1,A11,XCMPLX_1:2;
   hence thesis by A8;
    Net-Str (a, b).j = (the mapping of Net-Str (a,b)).j by WAYBEL_0:def 8
                .= (a,b),....j by Def3
                .= a by A1,A10,Def1;
  hence thesis;
 suppose a = b;
 hence thesis by Th5;

theorem Th7:
 for S being with_infima Poset,
     a, b being Element of S holds
  lim_inf Net-Str (a,b) = a "/\" b
 let S be with_infima Poset;
 let a, b be Element of S;
 reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Element of S;
 set N = Net-Str (a,b);
A1:for j be Element of N holds
     {N.i where i is Element of N : i >= j} = {a,b}
   let j be Element of N;
   thus {N.i where i is Element of N : i >= j} c= {a,b}
    let x be set;
    assume x in {N.i where i is Element of N : i >= j};
    then consider i1 be Element of N such that
A2:    x = N.i1 & i1 >= j;
      N.i1 = a or N.i1 = b by Th5;
    hence thesis by A2,TARSKI:def 2;
   thus {a,b} c= {N.i where i is Element of N : i >= j}
    let x be set; assume A3: x in {a,b};
    reconsider J = j as Nat by Def3;
    defpred C[Nat] means ex k be Nat st $1 = 2*k;
    per cases by A3,TARSKI:def 2;
    suppose A4: x = a;
      now per cases;
      suppose A5: C[J];
        N.j = (the mapping of N).j by WAYBEL_0:def 8
         .= (a,b),....j by Def3
         .= a by A5,Def1;
      then j <= j & x = N.j by A4;
      hence x in {N.i where i is Element of N : i >= j};
      suppose A6: not C[J];
A7:   N.j = (the mapping of N).j by WAYBEL_0:def 8
         .= (a,b),....j by Def3
         .= b by A6,Def1;
      reconsider k = J + 1 as Element of N by Def3;
A8:   N.k = a by A7,Th6;
        J + 1 >= J by NAT_1:29;
      then k >= j by Def3;
      hence x in {N.i where i is Element of N : i >= j}
        by A4,A8;
    hence thesis;
    suppose A9: x = b;
      now per cases;
      suppose A10: not C[J];
        N.j = (the mapping of N).j by WAYBEL_0:def 8
         .= (a,b),....j by Def3
         .= b by A10,Def1;
      then j <= j & x = N.j by A9;
      hence x in {N.i where i is Element of N : i >= j};
      suppose A11: C[J];
A12:   N.j = (the mapping of N).j by WAYBEL_0:def 8
         .= (a,b),....j by Def3
         .= a by A11,Def1;
      reconsider k = J + 1 as Element of N by Def3;
A13:   N.k = b by A12,Th6;
        J + 1 >= J by NAT_1:29;
      then k >= j by Def3;
      hence x in {N.i where i is Element of N : i >= j}
        by A9,A13;
    hence thesis;
  defpred P[Element of N,Element of N]
    means $1 >= $2;
  deffunc F(Element of N) =
    {N.i1 where i1 is Element of N : P[i1,$1]};
  defpred R[set] means not contradiction;
  deffunc G(Element of N) = {a, b};
  deffunc Q1(Element of N) = "/\"(F($1), S);
  deffunc Q2(Element of N) = "/\"(G($1), S);
  deffunc F(set) = a "/\" b;
A14: for jj be Element of N holds Q2(jj) = a "/\" b
     by YELLOW_0:40;
A15:for jj be Element of N holds Q1(jj) = Q2(jj) by A1;
A16: for jj be Element of N holds Q1(jj) = F(jj)
    let jj be Element of N;
      Q1(jj) = Q2(jj) by A15
          .= a "/\" b by A14;
    hence thesis;
A17:{Q1(j3) where j3 is Element of N : R[j3]} =
    {F(j4) where j4 is Element of N : R[j4]}
      from FraenkelF'(A16);
  {a "/\" b where j4 is Element of N : R[j4]} = {a "/\" b}
   thus {a "/\" b where j4 is Element of N : R[j4]} c= {a "/\"
    let x be set;
    assume x in {a "/\"
 b where j4 is Element of N : R[j4]};
    then consider q be Element of N such that
A18:    x = a "/\" b & R[q];
    thus thesis by A18,TARSKI:def 1;
   thus {a "/\" b} c= {a "/\"
 b where j4 is Element of N : R[j4]}
    let x be set;
    assume x in {a "/\" b};
    then x = a "/\" b by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence thesis;
  then lim_inf N = sup {a' "/\" b'} by A17,WAYBEL11:def 6
           .= a "/\" b by YELLOW_0:39;
  hence thesis;

 for S being with_infima Poset,
     a, b being Element of S st a <= b holds
  lim_inf Net-Str (a,b) = a
  let S be with_infima Poset;
  let a, b be Element of S such that
A1: a <= b;
  reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Element of S;
    lim_inf Net-Str (a,b) = a' "/\" b' by Th7
                     .= a' by A1,YELLOW_0:25;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th8:
  for S, T being with_infima Poset,
      a, b being Element of S,
      f being map of S, T holds
    lim_inf (f*Net-Str (a,b)) = f.a "/\" f.b
 let S, T be with_infima Poset;
 let a, b be Element of S;
 let f be map of S, T;
 set N = Net-Str (a,b);
 set fN = f * N;
A1: the RelStr of fN = the RelStr of N by WAYBEL_9:def 8;
A2: for j being Element of fN holds
   {fN.i where i is Element of fN : i >= j} = {f.a, f.b}
   let j be Element of fN;
   reconsider jj = j as Element of N by A1;
   thus {fN.i where i is Element of fN : i >= j} c= {f.a,f.b}
    let x be set;
    assume x in {fN.i where i is Element of fN : i >= j};
    then consider i1 be Element of fN such that
A3:    x = fN.i1 & i1 >= j;
    reconsider I1 = i1 as Element of N by A1;
      i1 in the carrier of N by A1;
then A4:  i1 in dom the mapping of N by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      fN.i1 = (the mapping of fN).i1 by WAYBEL_0:def 8
         .= (f * the mapping of N).i1 by WAYBEL_9:def 8
         .= f.((the mapping of N).i1) by A4,FUNCT_1:23
         .= f.(N.I1) by WAYBEL_0:def 8;
    then fN.i1 = f.a or fN.i1 = f.b by Th5;
    hence thesis by A3,TARSKI:def 2;
   thus {f.a,f.b} c= {fN.i where i is Element of fN : i >= j}
    let x be set; assume A5: x in {f.a,f.b};
A6: j in the carrier of N by A1;
    reconsider J = j as Nat by A1,Def3;
A7: j in dom the mapping of N by A6,FUNCT_2:def 1;
    defpred C[Nat] means ex k be Nat st $1 = 2*k;
    per cases by A5,TARSKI:def 2;
    suppose A8: x = f.a;
    reconsider jj = j as Element of N by A1;
      now per cases;
      suppose A9: C[J];
        fN.j = (the mapping of fN).j by WAYBEL_0:def 8
          .= (f * the mapping of N).j by WAYBEL_9:def 8
          .= f.((the mapping of N).j) by A7,FUNCT_1:23
          .= f.((a,b),....j) by Def3
          .= f.a by A9,Def1;
      then j <= j & x = fN.j by A8;
      hence x in {fN.i where i is Element of fN : i >= j};
      suppose A10: not C[J];
A11:   N.jj = (the mapping of N).jj by WAYBEL_0:def 8
         .= (a,b),....jj by Def3
         .= b by A10,Def1;
      reconsider k = J + 1 as Element of fN by A1,Def3;
      reconsider kk = k as Element of N by A1;
        kk in the carrier of N;
then A12:   kk in dom the mapping of N by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A13:   fN.k = (the mapping of fN).k by WAYBEL_0:def 8
          .= (f * the mapping of N).k by WAYBEL_9:def 8
          .= f.((the mapping of N).kk) by A12,FUNCT_1:23
          .= f.(N.kk) by WAYBEL_0:def 8
          .= f.a by A11,Th6;
        J + 1 >= J by NAT_1:29;
      then kk >= jj by Def3;
      then [jj,kk] in the InternalRel of N by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      then k >= j by A1,ORDERS_1:def 9;
      hence x in {fN.i where i is Element of fN : i >= j}
        by A8,A13;
    hence thesis;
    suppose A14: x = f.b;
      now per cases;
      suppose A15: not C[J];
        fN.j = (the mapping of fN).j by WAYBEL_0:def 8
          .= (f * the mapping of N).j by WAYBEL_9:def 8
          .= f.((the mapping of N).j) by A7,FUNCT_1:23
          .= f.((a,b),....j) by Def3
          .= f.b by A15,Def1;
      then j <= j & x = fN.j by A14;
      hence x in {fN.i where i is Element of fN : i >= j};
      suppose A16: C[J];
A17:   N.jj = (the mapping of N).jj by WAYBEL_0:def 8
         .= (a,b),....j by Def3
         .= a by A16,Def1;
      reconsider k = J + 1 as Element of fN by A1,Def3;
      reconsider kk = k as Element of N by Def3;
        kk in the carrier of N;
then A18:   kk in dom the mapping of N by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A19:   fN.k = (the mapping of fN).k by WAYBEL_0:def 8
          .= (f * the mapping of N).k by WAYBEL_9:def 8
          .= f.((the mapping of N).kk) by A18,FUNCT_1:23
          .= f.(N.kk) by WAYBEL_0:def 8
          .= f.b by A17,Th6;
        J + 1 >= J by NAT_1:29;
      then kk >= jj by Def3;
      then [jj,kk] in the InternalRel of N by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      then k >= j by A1,ORDERS_1:def 9;
      hence x in {fN.i where i is Element of fN : i >= j}
        by A14,A19;
    hence thesis;
  defpred P[Element of fN,Element of fN]
    means $1 >= $2;
  deffunc F(Element of fN) =
    {fN.i1 where i1 is Element of fN : P[i1,$1]};
  defpred R[set] means not contradiction;
  deffunc G(Element of fN) = {f.a, f.b};
  deffunc Q1(Element of fN) = "/\"(F($1), T);
  deffunc Q2(Element of fN) = "/\"(G($1), T);
  deffunc F(set) = f.a "/\" f.b;
A20:for jj be Element of fN holds Q1(jj) = Q2(jj) by A2;
A21: for jj be Element of fN holds Q1(jj) = F(jj)
    let jj be Element of fN;
      Q1(jj) = Q2(jj) by A20
          .= f.a "/\" f.b by YELLOW_0:40;
    hence thesis;
A22:{Q1(j3) where j3 is Element of fN : R[j3]} =
    {F(j4) where j4 is Element of fN : R[j4]}
      from FraenkelF'(A21);
 {f.a "/\" f.b where j4 is Element of fN : R[j4]} =
    {f.a "/\" f.b}
   thus {f.a "/\" f.b where j4 is Element of fN : R[j4]} c=
     {f.a "/\" f.b}
    let x be set;
    assume x in {f.a "/\" f.b where j4 is Element of fN :
    then consider q be Element of fN such that
A23:    x = f.a "/\" f.b & R[q];
    thus thesis by A23,TARSKI:def 1;
   thus {f.a "/\" f.b} c= {f.a "/\"
 f.b where j4 is Element of fN :
    let x be set;
    assume x in {f.a "/\" f.b};
    then x = f.a "/\" f.b by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence thesis;
  then lim_inf fN = sup {f.a "/\" f.b} by A22,WAYBEL11:def 6
            .= f.a "/\" f.b by YELLOW_0:39;
  hence thesis;

definition let S be non empty RelStr; let D be non empty Subset of S;
 func Net-Str D -> strict NetStr over S equals :Def4:
   NetStr (#D, (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D, (id the carrier of S)|D#);

theorem Th9:
 for S being non empty reflexive RelStr,
     D being non empty Subset of S holds
   Net-Str D = Net-Str (D, (id the carrier of S)|D)
  let S be non empty reflexive RelStr;
  let D be non empty Subset of S;
  set M = Net-Str (D, (id the carrier of S)|D);
A1: Net-Str D = NetStr (#D, (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D,
  (id the carrier of S)|D #) by Def4;
A2: D = the carrier of M by WAYBEL11:def 10;
A3: (id the carrier of S)|D = the mapping of M by WAYBEL11:def 10;
A4:  (id the carrier of S)|D = id D by FUNCT_3:1;
A5: (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D c= the InternalRel of S by WELLORD1:15;
    let x, y be set;
    hereby assume A6: [x,y] in (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D;
then A7:   x in D & y in D by ZFMISC_1:106;
     then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of M by A2;
A8:   M.x' = ((id the carrier of S)|D).x' &
       M.y' = ((id the carrier of S)|D).y' by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 8;
       x' = ((id the carrier of S)|D).x' &
       y' = ((id the carrier of S)|D).y' by A4,A7,FUNCT_1:35;
     then M.x' <= M.y' by A5,A6,A8,ORDERS_1:def 9;
     then x' <= y' by WAYBEL11:def 10;
     hence [x,y] in the InternalRel of M by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    assume A9: [x,y] in the InternalRel of M;
    then x in D & y in D by A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
    then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of M by A2;
      x' <= y' by A9,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then M.x' <= M.y' by WAYBEL11:def 10;
then A10:  [M.x', M.y'] in the InternalRel of S by ORDERS_1:def 9;
A11:  M.x' = ((id the carrier of S)|D).x' &
      M.y' = ((id the carrier of S)|D).y' by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 8;
      x' = ((id the carrier of S)|D).x' & y' = ((id the carrier of S)|D).y'
         by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:35;
    hence [x,y] in (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D by A2,A9,A10,A11,WELLORD1:16;
 hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,RELAT_1:def 2;

definition let S be non empty reflexive RelStr;
           let D be directed non empty Subset of S;
 cluster Net-Str D -> non empty directed reflexive;
A1:  Net-Str D = Net-Str (D, (id the carrier of S)|D) by Th9;
    Net-Str D = NetStr (#D, (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D,
   (id the carrier of S)|D#)
    by Def4;
  hence thesis by A1;

definition let S be non empty reflexive transitive RelStr;
           let D be directed non empty Subset of S;
 cluster Net-Str D -> transitive;
    Net-Str D = NetStr (#D, (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D,
  (id the carrier of S)|D#)
    by Def4;
  hence thesis;

definition let S be non empty reflexive RelStr;
           let D be directed non empty Subset of S;
 cluster Net-Str D -> monotone;
   Net-Str D = Net-Str (D, (id the carrier of S)|D) by Th9;
 hence thesis;

 for R being up-complete LATTICE,
     N being monotone reflexive net of R
 holds lim_inf N = sup N
 let R be up-complete LATTICE,
     N be monotone reflexive net of R;
    defpred P[set] means not contradiction;
    deffunc F(Element of N) = N.$1;
    deffunc G(Element of N)
     = "/\"({N.i where i is Element of N: i >= $1}, R);
A1: for j being Element of N holds F(j) = G(j)
   proof let j be Element of N;
     set Y = {N.i where i is Element of N: i >= j};
A2:  N.j is_<=_than Y
      proof let y be Element of R;
       assume y in Y;
        then ex i being Element of N st
          y = N.i & j <= i;
       hence N.j <= y by WAYBEL11:def 9;
       for b being Element of R st b is_<=_than Y holds N.j >= b
      proof let b be Element of R;
A3:      b is_<=_than Y;
        reconsider j' = j as Element of N;
          j' <= j';
        then N.j' in Y;
       hence N.j >= b by A3,LATTICE3:def 8;
    hence N.j = "/\"(Y,R) by A2,YELLOW_0:31;
    rng the mapping of N =
  { F(j) where j is Element of N: P[j]}
              by WAYBEL11:19
         .= {G(j) where j is Element of N: P[j]}
               from FraenkelF'(A1);
 hence lim_inf N = "\/"(rng the mapping of N,R) by WAYBEL11:def 6
       .= Sup the mapping of N by YELLOW_2:def 5
       .= sup N by WAYBEL_2:def 1;

theorem Th10:
 for S being up-complete LATTICE,
     D being directed non empty Subset of S holds
  lim_inf Net-Str D = sup D
 let S be up-complete LATTICE;
 let D be directed non empty Subset of S;
A1: Net-Str D = NetStr (#D, (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D,
(id the carrier of S)|D #) by Def4;
 set F = (id the carrier of S)|D;
A2: F = id D by FUNCT_3:1;
   lim_inf Net-Str D = sup Net-Str D by Lm6
                  .= Sup F by A1,WAYBEL_2:def 1
                  .= "\/"(rng F, S) by YELLOW_2:def 5
                  .= sup D by A2,RELAT_1:71;
 hence thesis;

begin :: Monotone maps

theorem Th11:
 for S, T being LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T holds
 (for N being net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N)) implies
  f is monotone
   let S, T be LATTICE;
   let f be map of S, T;
   assume A1: for N be net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N);
     now let a, b be Element of S;
    assume A2: a <= b;
    set N = Net-Str (a,b);
A3:  f.(lim_inf N) = f.a by A2,Lm5;
      lim_inf (f*N) = f.a "/\" f.b by Th8;
then A4:  f.a <= f.a "/\" f.b by A1,A3;
      f.a >= f.a "/\" f.b by YELLOW_0:23;
    then f.a = f.a "/\" f.b by A4,ORDERS_1:25;
    hence f.a <= f.b by YELLOW_0:25;
   hence thesis by WAYBEL_1:def 2;

NetFraenkelS{B, B1, C() -> non empty TopRelStr,
        A(set)->Element of C(),f() -> Function, P[set]}:
  f().:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]} =
   {f().A(x) where x is Element of B1(): P[x]}
  provided A1: the carrier of C() c= dom f() and
           A2: the carrier of B() = the carrier of B1()
  proof set f = f();
   thus f.:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]} c=
      {f.A(x) where x is Element of B1(): P[x]}
     proof let y be set; assume
         y in f.:{A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]};
      then consider z being set such that
A3:     z in dom f & z in {A(x) where x is Element of B(): P[x]}
       & y = f.z by FUNCT_1:def 12;
      consider x being Element of B() such that
A4:        z = A(x) & P[x] by A3;
      reconsider x as Element of B1() by A2;
        y = f.A(x) & P[x] by A3,A4;
      hence thesis;
   let y be set;
   assume y in {f.A(x) where x is Element of B1(): P[x]};
   then consider x being Element of B1() such that
A5:   y = f.A(x) & P[x];
   reconsider x as Element of B() by A2;
     A(x) in the carrier of C();
   then A(x) in dom f &
    A(x) in {A(z) where z is Element of B(): P[z]} by A1,A5;
   hence thesis by A5,FUNCT_1:def 12;

theorem Th12:
 for S, T being continuous lower-bounded LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T holds
  ( f is directed-sups-preserving implies
    ( for x being Element of S holds
      f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) ))
  let S, T be continuous lower-bounded LATTICE;
  let f be map of S, T;
  assume A1: f is directed-sups-preserving;
  let x be Element of S;
  defpred P[Element of S] means $1 << x;
  deffunc A(Element of S) = $1;
A2:f preserves_sup_of waybelow x by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 37;
A3: ex_sup_of waybelow x,S by YELLOW_0:17;
A4: the carrier of S c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A5:f.:{ A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w] } =
   {f.A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w] } from FuncFraenkelSL(A4);
     f.x = f.(sup waybelow x) by WAYBEL_3:def 5
    .= "\/"((f.:waybelow x),T) by A2,A3,WAYBEL_0:def 31
   .= "\/"({f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) by A5,WAYBEL_3:def 3;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th13:
 for S being LATTICE,
     T being up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T holds
  ( ( for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) ) implies
      f is monotone)
 let S be LATTICE,
     T be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE;
 let f be map of S, T;
 assume A1: for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T);
  let X,Y be Element of S;
  deffunc A(Element of S) = $1;
  defpred P[Element of S] means $1 << X;
  defpred Q[Element of S] means $1 << Y;
  assume X <= Y;
A2:  waybelow X c= waybelow Y by WAYBEL_3:12;
A3: f.X = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << X },T) by A1;
A4: f.Y = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << Y },T) by A1;
A5:  the carrier of S c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      f.:{ A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w] } =
     { f.A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w] } from FuncFraenkelSL(A5);
then A6: f.X = "\/"(f.:waybelow X,T) by A3,WAYBEL_3:def 3;
      f.:{ A(w) where w is Element of S : Q[w] } =
   { f.A(w) where w is Element of S : Q[w] } from FuncFraenkelSL(A5);
then A7: f.Y = "\/"(f.:waybelow Y,T) by A4,WAYBEL_3:def 3;
A8:  f.:waybelow X c= f.:waybelow Y by A2,RELAT_1:156;
    ex_sup_of f.:waybelow X,T & ex_sup_of f.:waybelow Y,T by YELLOW_0:17;
  hence thesis by A6,A7,A8,YELLOW_0:34;

theorem Th14:
 for S being up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE,
     T being continuous lower-bounded LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T holds
 ( ( for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) ) implies
    ( for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
     holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
       w << x & y << f.w ))
 let S be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE;
 let T be continuous lower-bounded LATTICE;
 let f be map of S, T;
 assume A1: for x being Element of S holds
            f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T);
then A2: f is monotone by Th13;
 let x be Element of S, y be Element of T;
 hereby assume A3: y << f.x;
  reconsider D = f.:(waybelow x) as non empty directed Subset of T
    by A2,YELLOW_2:17;
A4: f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) by A1;
A5:  the carrier of S c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   defpred P[Element of S] means $1 << x;
   deffunc A(Element of S) = $1;
      f.:{ A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w] } =
     { f.A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w] } from FuncFraenkelSL(A5);
 then f.x = sup D by A4,WAYBEL_3:def 3;
  then consider w being Element of T such that
A6:  w in D & y << w by A3,WAYBEL_4:54;
  consider v be set such that
A7:  v in the carrier of S & v in waybelow x & w = f.v by A6,FUNCT_2:115;
  reconsider v as Element of S by A7;
  take v;
  thus v << x & y << f.v by A6,A7,WAYBEL_3:7;
 given w being Element of S such that A8: w << x & y << f.w;
   w <= x by A8,WAYBEL_3:1;
 then f.w <= f.x by A2,WAYBEL_1:def 2;
 hence thesis by A8,WAYBEL_3:2;

theorem Th15:
 for S, T being non empty RelStr,
     D being Subset of S,
     f being map of S, T st
   ex_sup_of D,S & ex_sup_of f.:D,T or
   S is complete antisymmetric & T is complete antisymmetric holds
  f is monotone implies sup (f.:D) <= f.(sup D)
 let S, T be non empty RelStr;
 let D be Subset of S;
 let f be map of S, T;
 assume ex_sup_of D,S & ex_sup_of f.:D,T or
   S is complete antisymmetric & T is complete antisymmetric;
then A1:ex_sup_of D,S & ex_sup_of f.:D,T by YELLOW_0:17;
 assume A2: f is monotone;
   D is_<=_than sup D by A1,YELLOW_0:def 9;
 then f.:D is_<=_than f.(sup D) by A2,YELLOW_2:16;
 hence thesis by A1,YELLOW_0:def 9;

theorem Th16:
 for S, T being non empty reflexive antisymmetric RelStr,
     D being directed non empty Subset of S,
     f being map of S, T st
   ex_sup_of D,S & ex_sup_of f.:D,T or
   S is up-complete & T is up-complete holds
  f is monotone implies sup (f.:D) <= f.(sup D)
 let S, T be non empty reflexive antisymmetric RelStr;
 let D be directed non empty Subset of S;
 let f be map of S, T;
A1: ex_sup_of D,S & ex_sup_of f.:D,T or
    S is up-complete & T is up-complete;
 assume A2: f is monotone;
 then reconsider fD = f.:D as directed non empty Subset of T by YELLOW_2:17;
A3: ex_sup_of fD, T by A1,WAYBEL_0:75;
   ex_sup_of D, S by A1,WAYBEL_0:75;
 then D is_<=_than sup D by YELLOW_0:30;
 then f.:D is_<=_than f.(sup D) by A2,YELLOW_2:16;
 hence thesis by A3,YELLOW_0:30;

   for S, T being non empty RelStr,
     D being Subset of S,
     f being map of S, T st
   ex_inf_of D,S & ex_inf_of f.:D,T or
   S is complete antisymmetric & T is complete antisymmetric holds
  f is monotone implies f.(inf D) <= inf (f.:D)
 let S, T be non empty RelStr;
 let D be Subset of S;
 let f be map of S, T;
 assume ex_inf_of D,S & ex_inf_of f.:D,T or
   S is complete antisymmetric & T is complete antisymmetric;
then A1: ex_inf_of D,S & ex_inf_of f.:D,T by YELLOW_0:17;
 assume A2: f is monotone;
   inf D is_<=_than D by A1,YELLOW_0:def 10;
 then f.(inf D) is_<=_than f.:D by A2,YELLOW_2:15;
 hence thesis by A1,YELLOW_0:def 10;

 for S, T being complete LATTICE,
     D being Subset of S,
     f being map of S, T holds
   f is monotone implies f.("/\"(D,S)) <= inf (f.:D)
 let S, T be complete LATTICE;
 let D be Subset of S;
 let f be map of S, T;
 reconsider D' = D as Subset of S;
 set infD = "/\"(D,S);
 assume A1: f is monotone;
   infD is_<=_than D by YELLOW_0:33;
 then f.(infD) is_<=_than f.:D' by A1,YELLOW_2:15;
 hence thesis by YELLOW_0:33;

theorem Th18:
 for S, T being up-complete LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T,
     N being monotone (non empty NetStr over S) holds
   f is monotone implies f * N is monotone
 let S, T be up-complete LATTICE,
     f be map of S, T;
 let N be monotone (non empty NetStr over S);
 assume A1: f is monotone;
A2: netmap (N, S) is monotone by WAYBEL_0:def 9;
A3: netmap (f * N, T) = the mapping of (f * N) by WAYBEL_0:def 7
                    .= f * the mapping of N by WAYBEL_9:def 8
                    .= f * netmap (N, S) by WAYBEL_0:def 7;
 set g = netmap (f * N, T);
    now let x, y be Element of f * N;
   assume A4: x <= y;
A5: the RelStr of N = the RelStr of (f * N) by WAYBEL_9:def 8;
   then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of N;
A6:dom netmap (N, S) = the carrier of (f * N) by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A7: netmap (f * N, T).x = f.(netmap (N, S).x) by A3,FUNCT_1:23;
A8: netmap (f * N, T).y = f.(netmap (N, S).y) by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:23;
     [x,y] in the InternalRel of (f * N) by A4,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then x' <= y' by A5,ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then netmap (N, S).x' <= netmap (N, S).y' by A2,WAYBEL_1:def 2;
   hence g.x <= g.y by A1,A7,A8,WAYBEL_1:def 2;
 then netmap (f * N, T) is monotone by WAYBEL_1:def 2;
 hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:def 9;

definition let S, T be up-complete LATTICE;
 let f be monotone map of S, T;
 let N be monotone (non empty NetStr over S);
 cluster f * N -> monotone;
 coherence by Th18;

   for S, T being up-complete LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T holds
 (for N being net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N)) implies
  for D being directed non empty Subset of S holds sup (f.:D) = f.(sup D)
 let S, T be up-complete LATTICE,
     f be map of S, T;
 assume A1: for N being net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N);
 let D be directed non empty Subset of S;
A2: f is monotone by A1,Th11;
then A3: sup (f.:D) <= f.(sup D) by Th16;
   f.(sup D) <= sup (f.:D)
    sup D = lim_inf Net-Str D by Th10;
then A4: f.(sup D) <= lim_inf (f*(Net-Str D)) by A1;
A5: Net-Str D = NetStr (#D, (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D,
  (id the carrier of S)|D #) by Def4;
  reconsider fN = f*(Net-Str D) as monotone reflexive net of T by A2,Th18;
A6: sup fN = Sup the mapping of fN by WAYBEL_2:def 1
        .= Sup (f * (id the carrier of S)|D) by A5,WAYBEL_9:def 8
        .= sup (rng (f * (id the carrier of S)|D)) by YELLOW_2:def 5;
    rng (f * (id the carrier of S)|D) = rng (f * id D) by FUNCT_3:1
         .= rng (f|D) by RELAT_1:94
         .= f .: D by RELAT_1:148;
  hence thesis by A4,A6,Lm6;
 hence thesis by A3,ORDERS_1:25;

 for S, T being complete LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T holds
 (for N being net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N)) implies
  f is directed-sups-preserving
 let S, T be complete LATTICE,
     f be map of S, T;
 assume A1: for N being net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N);
 thus f is directed-sups-preserving
 let D be Subset of S;
 assume D is non empty directed;
 then reconsider D as non empty directed Subset of S;
A2: f is monotone by A1,Th11;
then A3: sup (f.:D) <= f.(sup D) by Th15;
A4: f.(sup D) <= sup (f.:D)
    sup D = lim_inf Net-Str D by Th10;
then A5: f.(sup D) <= lim_inf (f*(Net-Str D)) by A1;
A6: Net-Str D =
  NetStr (#D, (the InternalRel of S)|_2 D, (id the carrier of S)|D #)
   by Def4;
  reconsider fN = f*(Net-Str D) as monotone reflexive net of T by A2,Th18;
A7: sup fN = Sup the mapping of fN by WAYBEL_2:def 1
        .= Sup (f * (id the carrier of S)|D) by A6,WAYBEL_9:def 8
        .= sup (rng (f * (id the carrier of S)|D)) by YELLOW_2:def 5;
    rng (f * (id the carrier of S)|D) = rng (f * id D) by FUNCT_3:1
         .= rng (f|D) by RELAT_1:94
         .= f .: D by RELAT_1:148;
  hence thesis by A5,A7,WAYBEL11:22;
   f preserves_sup_of D
  assume ex_sup_of D,S;
  thus ex_sup_of f.:D,T & sup (f.:D) = f.sup D
     by A3,A4,ORDERS_1:25,YELLOW_0:17;
 hence thesis;

theorem Th20:
 for S, T being complete LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T,
     N being net of S,
     j being Element of N,
     j' being Element of (f*N) st j' = j
  holds f is monotone implies
   f."/\"({N.k where k is Element of N: k >= j},S)
     <= "/\"({(f*N).l where l is Element of (f*N) : l >= j'},T)
 let S, T be complete LATTICE,
     f be map of S, T;
 let N be net of S;
 let j be Element of N, j' be Element of (f*N);
 assume A1: j' = j;
 assume A2: f is monotone;
A3: {(f*N).l where l is Element of (f*N) : l >= j'} =
   f.:{N.l1 where l1 is Element of N : l1 >= j}
A4: dom f = [#]S by TOPS_2:51
        .= the carrier of S by PRE_TOPC:12;
A5: the RelStr of (f*N) = the RelStr of N by WAYBEL_9:def 8;
A6: dom (the mapping of N) = the carrier of N by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  thus {(f*N).l where l is Element of (f*N) : l >= j'} c=
    f.:{N.l1 where l1 is Element of N : l1 >= j}
   let s be set;
   assume s in {(f*N).l where l is Element of (f*N) : l >= j'};
   then consider x being Element of (f*N) such that
A7:   s = (f*N).x & x >= j';
   reconsider x as Element of N by A5;
     [j',x] in the InternalRel of (f*N) by A7,ORDERS_1:def 9;
then A8: x >= j by A1,A5,ORDERS_1:def 9;
A9: s = (the mapping of (f*N)).x by A7,WAYBEL_0:def 8
    .= (f*the mapping of N).x by WAYBEL_9:def 8
    .= f.((the mapping of N).x) by A6,FUNCT_1:23
    .= f.(N.x) by WAYBEL_0:def 8;
     N.x in dom f &
    N.x in {N.z where z is Element of N : z >= j} by A4,A8;
   hence s in f.:{N.l1 where l1 is Element of N : l1 >= j}
      by A9,FUNCT_1:def 12;
  thus f.:{N.l1 where l1 is Element of N : l1 >= j} c=
   {(f*N).l where l is Element of (f*N) : l >= j'}
   let s be set;
   assume s in f.:{N.l1 where l1 is Element of N : l1 >= j};
   then consider x be set such that
A10:   x in dom f &
     x in {N.l1 where l1 is Element of N : l1 >= j} &
     s = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 12;
   consider l2 being Element of N such that
A11:   x = N.l2 & l2 >= j by A10;
   reconsider l2' = l2 as Element of (f*N) by A5;
A12: s = f.((the mapping of N).l2) by A10,A11,WAYBEL_0:def 8
    .= (f*the mapping of N).l2 by A6,FUNCT_1:23
    .= (the mapping of (f*N)).l2 by WAYBEL_9:def 8
    .= (f*N).l2' by WAYBEL_0:def 8;
     [j, l2] in the InternalRel of N by A11,ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then l2' >= j' by A1,A5,ORDERS_1:def 9;
   hence thesis by A12;
  set K = {N.k where k is Element of N: k >= j};
    K c= the carrier of S
   let r be set; assume r in K;
   then consider f being Element of N such that
A13:   r = N.f & f >= j;
   thus thesis by A13;
 then reconsider K as Subset of S;
   {(f*N).l where l is Element of (f*N) : l >= j'} = f.:K by A3;
 hence thesis by A2,Lm7;

 for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being continuous map of S, T holds
   for N being net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N)
 let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be continuous map of S, T;
 let N be net of S;
 set x = lim_inf N;
 set t = lim_inf (f * N);
 assume not f.x <= t;
 then not f.x in downarrow t by WAYBEL_0:17;
then A1: f.x in (downarrow t)` by YELLOW_6:10;
     downarrow t is closed by Lm3;
then A2: (downarrow t)` is open by TOPS_1:29;
 set U1 = f"((downarrow t)`);
A3: U1 is open by A2,TOPS_2:55;
 set D = {"/\"({N.k where k is Element of N: k >= j},S)
     where j is Element of N: not contradiction};
   now let f be set; assume f in D;
  then consider j be Element of N such that
A4:   f = "/\"({N.k where k is Element of N: k >= j},S);
  thus f in the carrier of S by A4;
 then D c= the carrier of S by TARSKI:def 3;
 then reconsider D as Subset of S;
 reconsider D as non empty directed Subset of S by WAYBEL11:30;
   x in U1 by A1,FUNCT_2:46;
then A5: sup D in U1 by WAYBEL11:def 6;
   U1 is property(S) by A3,WAYBEL11:15;
 then consider y being Element of S such that
A6: y in D & for x being Element of S st x in D & x >= y holds x in U1
     by A5,WAYBEL11:def 3;
  consider j be Element of N such that
A7:   y = "/\"({N.k where k is Element of N: k >= j},S) by A6;
    y <= y;
then A8:  y in U1 by A6;
    the RelStr of (f * N) = the RelStr of N by WAYBEL_9:def 8;
  then reconsider j' = j as Element of (f * N);
A9:dom f = [#] S by TOPS_2:51
       .= the carrier of S by PRE_TOPC:12;
 set fy = "/\"
({(f*N).k where k is Element of (f*N) : k >= j'},T);
 set fD = {"/\"({(f*N).k where k is Element of (f*N) :
   k >=
 j1},T) where j1 is Element of (f*N) : not contradiction};
   now let g be set; assume g in fD;
  then consider j be Element of (f*N) such that
A10:   g = "/\"
({(f*N).k where k is Element of (f*N) : k >= j},T);
  thus g in the carrier of T by A10;
 then fD c= the carrier of T by TARSKI:def 3;
 then reconsider fD as Subset of T;
A11:f.y <= fy by A7,Th20;
    fy in fD;
  then fy <= sup fD by YELLOW_2:24;
  then fy <= t by WAYBEL11:def 6;
  then f.y <= t by A11,ORDERS_1:26;
  then f.y in downarrow t by WAYBEL_0:17;
then A12:y in f"(downarrow t) by A9,FUNCT_1:def 13;
    f"((downarrow t)`) = f"([#]T \ downarrow t) by PRE_TOPC:17
                  .= f"([#]T) \ f"(downarrow t) by FUNCT_1:138
                  .= [#]S \ f"(downarrow t) by TOPS_2:52
                  .= (f"(downarrow t))` by PRE_TOPC:17;
  then (f"((downarrow t)`))` = f"(downarrow t);
then A13: y in U1 /\ U1` by A8,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    U1 misses U1` by PRE_TOPC:26;
  hence contradiction by A13,XBOOLE_0:4;

 for L being continuous Scott TopLattice,
     p be Element of L, S be Subset of L st S is open & p in S
  ex q being Element of L st q << p & q in S
 let L be continuous Scott TopLattice,
     p be Element of L;
    let S be Subset of L such that
A1:  S is open and
A2:  p in S;
A3:  S is inaccessible by A1,WAYBEL11:def 4;
      sup waybelow p = p by WAYBEL_3:def 5;
    then waybelow p meets S by A2,A3,WAYBEL11:def 1;
    then (waybelow p) /\ S <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
    then consider u being set such that
A4:    u in (waybelow p) /\ S by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
A5:  u in waybelow p by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    reconsider u as Element of L by A4;
    take u;
    thus u << p by A5,WAYBEL_3:7;
    thus u in S by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

 for L being continuous lower-bounded Scott TopLattice,
     x be Element of L holds wayabove x is open
proof let L be continuous lower-bounded Scott TopLattice,
  x be Element of L;
  set W = wayabove x;
    W is inaccessible
   proof let D be non empty directed Subset of L;
    assume sup D in W;
     then x << sup D by WAYBEL_3:8;
     then consider d being Element of L such that
A1:    d in D and
A2:    x << d by WAYBEL_4:54;
       d in W by A2,WAYBEL_3:8;
    hence D meets W by A1,XBOOLE_0:3;
 hence wayabove x is open by WAYBEL11:def 4;

 for L being lower-bounded continuous Scott TopLattice,
     p be Element of L
  holds { wayabove q where q is Element of L: q << p } is Basis of p
 let L be lower-bounded continuous Scott TopLattice,
     p be Element of L;
  set X = { wayabove q where q is Element of L: q << p };
    X c= bool the carrier of L
   proof let e be set;
    assume e in X;
     then ex q being Element of L st e = wayabove q & q << p;
    hence e in bool the carrier of L;
   then X is Subset-Family of L by SETFAM_1:def 7;
  then reconsider X as Subset-Family of L;
    X is Basis of p
    thus X c= the topology of L
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in X;
       then consider q being Element of L such that
A1:     e = wayabove q and q << p;
         wayabove q is open by Lm11;
      hence e in the topology of L by A1,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       for Y being set st Y in X holds p in Y
      proof let e be set;
       assume e in X;
        then ex q being Element of L st e = wayabove q & q << p;
       hence p in e by WAYBEL_3:8;
    hence p in Intersect X by CANTOR_1:10;
    let S be Subset of L such that
A2:  S is open and
A3:  p in S;
     consider u being Element of L such that
A4:  u << p and
A5:  u in S by A2,A3,Lm10;
    take V = wayabove u;
    thus V in X by A4;
A6:   S is upper by A2,WAYBEL11:def 4;
A7:   wayabove u c= uparrow u by WAYBEL_3:11;
       uparrow u c= S by A5,A6,WAYBEL11:42;
    hence V c= S by A7,XBOOLE_1:1;
 hence thesis;

 for T being lower-bounded continuous Scott TopLattice holds
 { wayabove x where x is Element of T: not contradiction } is Basis of T
proof let T be lower-bounded continuous Scott TopLattice;
 set B = { wayabove x where x is Element of T: not contradiction };
A1: B c= the topology of T
  proof let e be set;
   assume e in B;
    then consider x being Element of T such that
A2:  e = wayabove x;
      wayabove x is open by Lm11;
   hence e in the topology of T by A2,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
  then B c= bool the carrier of T by XBOOLE_1:1;
  then B is Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
 then reconsider P = B as Subset-Family of T;
    for x being Point of T ex B being Basis of x st B c= P
   proof let x be Point of T;
     reconsider p = x as Element of T;
     reconsider A =
      { wayabove q where q is Element of T: q << p } as Basis of x by Lm12;
    take A;
    let u be set;
    assume u in A;
     then ex q being Element of T st u = wayabove q & q << p;
    hence u in P;
 hence B is Basis of T by A1,YELLOW_8:23;

 for T being lower-bounded continuous Scott TopLattice,
     S being Subset of T
  holds Int S = union {wayabove x where x is Element of T: wayabove x c= S}
 let T be lower-bounded continuous Scott TopLattice,
     S be Subset of T;
  set B = { wayabove x where x is Element of T: not contradiction },
      I = { G where G is Subset of T: G in B & G c= S },
      P = {wayabove x where x is Element of T: wayabove x c= S};
A1: I = P
    thus I c= P
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in I;
       then consider G being Subset of T such that
A2:     e = G and
A3:     G in B and
A4:     G c= S;
         ex x being Element of T st G = wayabove x by A3;
      hence e in P by A2,A4;
    let e be set;
    assume e in P;
     then consider x being Element of T such that
A5:  e = wayabove x and
A6:  wayabove x c= S;
       wayabove x in B;
    hence e in I by A5,A6;
    B is Basis of T by Lm13;
 hence Int S = union P by A1,YELLOW_8:20;

 for S, T being continuous lower-bounded Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  ( ( for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w ) implies f is continuous )
 let S, T be continuous lower-bounded Scott TopLattice;
 let f be map of S, T;
  assume A1: ( for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w );
  thus f is continuous
     now let U1 be Subset of T;
   assume A2: U1 is open;
   set U1' = U1;
A3: U1' is upper by A2,WAYBEL11:def 4;
   reconsider fU = f"U1 as Subset of S;
      Int fU = fU
     thus Int fU c= fU by TOPS_1:44;
     thus fU c= Int fU
      let xx be set; assume A4: xx in fU;
    then reconsider x = xx as Element of S;
A5:  f.x in U1 by A4,FUNCT_1:def 13;
    reconsider p = f.x as Element of T;
    consider u being Element of T such that
A6:    u << p & u in U1' by A2,A5,Lm10;
    consider w being Element of S such that
A7:    w << x & u << f.w by A1,A6;
      f.:(wayabove w) c= U1
     let h be set; assume h in f.:(wayabove w);
     then consider z be set such that
A8:     z in dom f & z in wayabove w & h = f.z by FUNCT_1:def 12;
     reconsider z as Element of S by A8;
     w << z by A8,WAYBEL_3:8;
     then u << f.z by A1,A7;
     then u <= f.z by WAYBEL_3:1;
     hence thesis by A3,A6,A8,WAYBEL_0:def 20;
then A9:  f"(f.:(wayabove w)) c= f"U1 by RELAT_1:178;
      wayabove w c= f"(f.:(wayabove w)) by FUNCT_2:50;
then A10: wayabove w c= f"U1 by A9,XBOOLE_1:1;
A11: Int fU = union {wayabove g where g is Element of S : wayabove g c= fU}
      by Lm14;
A12:   x in wayabove w by A7,WAYBEL_3:8;
        wayabove w in {wayabove g where g is Element of S : wayabove g c= fU}
        by A10;
      hence thesis by A11,A12,TARSKI:def 4;
    hence f"U1 is open by TOPS_1:55;
   hence thesis by TOPS_2:55;

begin :: Necessary and sufficient conditions of Scott-continuity

:: Proposition 2.1, p. 112, (1) <=> (2)
   for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
 f is continuous iff
  for N be net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N)
 let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
 thus f is continuous implies
   for N be net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N) by Lm9;
 assume for N be net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N);
 then f is directed-sups-preserving by Lm8;
 hence thesis by Lm4;

:: Proposition 2.1, p. 112, (1) <=> (3)
theorem Th22:
 for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
 f is continuous iff f is directed-sups-preserving
 let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
 thus f is continuous implies f is directed-sups-preserving
  assume f is continuous;
  then for N be net of S holds f.(lim_inf N) <= lim_inf (f*N) by Lm9;
  hence thesis by Lm8;
 thus f is directed-sups-preserving implies f is continuous by Lm4;

definition let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice;
 cluster continuous -> directed-sups-preserving map of S, T;
 coherence by Th22;
 cluster directed-sups-preserving -> continuous map of S, T;
 coherence by Th22;

 for S, T being continuous complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  (( for x being Element of S holds
      f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) ) implies
        f is directed-sups-preserving)
 let S, T be continuous complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
 assume for x being Element of S holds
      f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T);
 then for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
     holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
       w << x & y << f.w by Th14;
 then f is continuous by Lm15;
 hence thesis by Th22;

:: Proposition 2.1, p. 112, (1) <=> (4)
theorem Th23:
 for S, T being continuous complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  ( f is continuous iff
  ( for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w ))
 let S, T be continuous complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
 hereby assume f is continuous;
   then f is directed-sups-preserving by Th22;
   then for x being Element of S holds
      f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) by Th12;
   hence for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w by Th14;
 thus thesis by Lm15;

:: Proposition 2.1, p. 112, (1) <=> (5)
theorem Th24:
 for S, T being continuous complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  ( f is continuous iff
   for x being Element of S holds
      f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) )
 let S, T be continuous complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
  hereby assume f is continuous;
   then f is directed-sups-preserving by Th22;
   hence for x being Element of S holds
      f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) by Th12;
  assume for x being Element of S holds
      f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T);
  then f is directed-sups-preserving by Lm16;
  hence thesis by Th22;

 for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  S is algebraic & T is algebraic implies
  ( ( for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w ) implies
    ( for x being Element of S, k being Element of T st
      k in the carrier of CompactSublatt T
    holds (k <= f.x iff ex j being Element of S st
      j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= x & k <= f.j) ) )
 let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
  assume A1: S is algebraic & T is algebraic;
then A2: S is continuous & T is continuous by WAYBEL_8:7;
  assume A3: for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w;
  then f is continuous by A2,Th23;
then A4:f is monotone by Th4;
  let x be Element of S, k be Element of T;
  assume A5: k in the carrier of CompactSublatt T;
  hereby assume k <= f.x;
  then k << f.x by A5,WAYBEL_8:1;
   then consider w being Element of S such that A6: w << x & k << f.w by A3;
   consider w1 being Element of S such that
A7: w1 in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & w <= w1 & w1 <= x
      by A1,A6,WAYBEL_8:7;
A8: w <= x & k <= f.w by A6,WAYBEL_3:1;
   take w1;
   thus w1 in the carrier of CompactSublatt S by A7;
   thus w1 <= x by A7;
     f.w <= f.w1 by A4,A7,WAYBEL_1:def 2;
   hence k <= f.w1 by A8,ORDERS_1:26;
  given j being Element of S such that
A9:  j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= x & k <= f.j;
    f is continuous by A2,A3,Lm15;
  then f is monotone by Th4;
  then f.j <= f.x by A9,WAYBEL_1:def 2;
  hence thesis by A9,ORDERS_1:26;

 for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  S is algebraic & T is algebraic implies
   ( ( for x being Element of S, k being Element of T st
      k in the carrier of CompactSublatt T
    holds (k <= f.x iff ex j being Element of S st
      j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= x & k <= f.j) ) implies
  ( for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w ))
  let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
      f be map of S, T;
  assume A1: S is algebraic & T is algebraic;
  assume A2: for x being Element of S, k being Element of T st
      k in the carrier of CompactSublatt T
    holds (k <= f.x iff ex j being Element of S st
      j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= x & k <= f.j);
  let x be Element of S, y be Element of T;
  hereby assume y << f.x;
   then consider w being Element of T such that
A3:  w in the carrier of CompactSublatt T & y <= w & w <= f.x
      by A1,WAYBEL_8:7;
    consider j being Element of S such that
A4:    j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= x & w <= f.j by A2,A3;
    take j;
    thus j << x by A4,WAYBEL_8:1;
    thus y << f.j by A3,A4,WAYBEL_8:1;
  given w being Element of S such that
A5:   w << x & y << f.w;
  consider h being Element of T such that
A6:   h in the carrier of CompactSublatt T & y <= h & h <= f.w
       by A1,A5,WAYBEL_8:7;
  consider j being Element of S such that
A7:    j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= w & h <= f.j by A2,A6;
    j << x by A5,A7,WAYBEL_3:2;
  then j <= x by WAYBEL_3:1;
  then h <= f.x by A2,A6,A7;
  hence thesis by A6,WAYBEL_8:1;

 for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  S is algebraic & T is algebraic implies
 ( ( for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) ) implies
  ( for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T) ) )
 let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
 assume that A1: S is algebraic and A2: T is algebraic;
        A3: S is continuous by A1,WAYBEL_8:7;
        A4: T is continuous by A2,WAYBEL_8:7;
 assume A5: for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T);
 let x be Element of S;
A6: the carrier of S c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    defpred P[Element of S] means $1 <= x & $1 is compact;
    deffunc A(Element of S) = $1;
A7: f.:{ A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w] } =
    { f.A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w] } from FuncFraenkelS(A6);
A8: f.:{ w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact } =
     f.:compactbelow x by WAYBEL_8:def 2;
   reconsider D = compactbelow x as non empty directed Subset of S
    by A1,WAYBEL_8:def 4;
   f is directed-sups-preserving by A3,A4,A5,Lm16;
then A9:f preserves_sup_of D by WAYBEL_0:def 37;
A10: ex_sup_of D,S by YELLOW_0:17;
     S is satisfying_axiom_K by A1,WAYBEL_8:def 4;
   then f.x = f.sup D by WAYBEL_8:def 3
    .= "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T)
      by A7,A8,A9,A10,WAYBEL_0:def 31;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th25:
 for S being LATTICE, T being complete LATTICE,
     f being map of S, T holds
  ( for x being Element of S holds
   f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T ) )
    implies f is monotone
 let S be LATTICE, T be complete LATTICE,
     f be map of S, T;
A1: for x being Element of S holds
   f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T );
 thus f is monotone
  let X,Y be Element of S;
  assume X <= Y;
then A2:  compactbelow X c= compactbelow Y by WAYBEL13:1;
A3: f.X = "\/"
({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= X & w is compact },T) by A1;
A4: f.Y = "\/"
({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= Y & w is compact },T) by A1;
A5:  the carrier of S c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    defpred P[Element of S] means $1 <= X & $1 is compact;
    defpred Q[Element of S] means $1 <= Y & $1 is compact;
    deffunc A(Element of S) = $1;
      f.:{ A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w]} =
     { f.A(w) where w is Element of S : P[w]} from FuncFraenkelSL(A5);
then A6: f.X = "\/"(f.:compactbelow X,T) by A3,WAYBEL_8:def 2;
      f.:{ A(w) where w is Element of S : Q[w]} =
   { f.A(w) where w is Element of S : Q[w]} from FuncFraenkelSL(A5);
then A7: f.Y = "\/"(f.:compactbelow Y,T) by A4,WAYBEL_8:def 2;
A8:  f.:compactbelow X c= f.:compactbelow Y by A2,RELAT_1:156;
    ex_sup_of f.:compactbelow X,T & ex_sup_of f.:compactbelow Y,T by YELLOW_0:
  hence thesis by A6,A7,A8,YELLOW_0:34;

theorem Th26:
 for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
 (( for x being Element of S holds
  f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T ) )
  for x being Element of S holds
   f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) )
 let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
A1: for x being Element of S holds
   f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T );
then A2: f is monotone by Th25;
 let x be Element of S;
A3: f.x = "\/"
({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T ) by A1;
  set FW = { f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact };
  set FX = { f.w where w is Element of S : w << x }; set fx = f.x;
A4:  FW c= FX
   let a be set;
   assume a in { f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact };
   then consider w be Element of S such that
A5: a = f.w & w <= x & w is compact;
   w << w by A5,WAYBEL_3:def 2;
   then w << x by A5,WAYBEL_3:2;
   hence thesis by A5;
A6:  fx is_>=_than FX
    let b be Element of T; assume b in FX;
    then consider ww be Element of S such that
A7:    b = f.ww & ww << x;
      ww <= x by A7,WAYBEL_3:1;
    hence thesis by A2,A7,WAYBEL_1:def 2;
     for b being Element of T st b is_>=_than FX holds fx <= b
    let b be Element of T; assume
       b is_>=_than FX;
    then b is_>=_than FW by A4,YELLOW_0:9;
    hence thesis by A3,YELLOW_0:32;
 hence thesis by A6,YELLOW_0:30;

:: Proposition 2.1, p. 112, (1) <=> (6)
   for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  S is algebraic & T is algebraic implies
 ( f is continuous iff
  for x being Element of S, k being Element of T st
      k in the carrier of CompactSublatt T
    holds (k <= f.x iff ex j being Element of S st
      j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= x & k <= f.j) )
 let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
     f be map of S, T;
  assume A1: S is algebraic & T is algebraic;
then A2: S is continuous & T is continuous by WAYBEL_8:7;
  hereby assume f is continuous;
   then ( for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w ) by A2,Th23;
   hence for x being Element of S, k being Element of T st
      k in the carrier of CompactSublatt T
    holds (k <= f.x iff ex j being Element of S st
      j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= x & k <= f.j) by A1,Lm17;
  assume for x being Element of S, k being Element of T st
      k in the carrier of CompactSublatt T
    holds (k <= f.x iff ex j being Element of S st
      j in the carrier of CompactSublatt S & j <= x & k <= f.j);
   then for x being Element of S, y being Element of T
    holds y << f.x iff ex w being Element of S st
     w << x & y << f.w by A1,Lm18;
  hence thesis by A2,Th23;

:: Proposition 2.1, p. 112, (1) <=> (7)
   for S, T being complete Scott TopLattice,
     f being map of S, T holds
  S is algebraic & T is algebraic implies
 ( f is continuous iff
  for x being Element of S holds
  f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T ) )
  let S, T be complete Scott TopLattice,
      f be map of S, T;
  assume A1: S is algebraic & T is algebraic;
then A2: S is continuous & T is continuous by WAYBEL_8:7;
  hereby assume f is continuous;
   then for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) by A2,Th24;
   hence for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T )
     by A1,Lm19;
  assume for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"
({ f.w where w is Element of S : w <= x & w is compact },T );
  then for x being Element of S holds
    f.x = "\/"({ f.w where w is Element of S : w << x },T) by Th26;
  hence thesis by A2,Th24;

   for S, T being up-complete Scott (non empty
  reflexive transitive antisymmetric TopSpace-like TopRelStr),
     f be map of S, T holds
  f is directed-sups-preserving implies f is continuous by Lm4;

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