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environ vocabulary ARYTM_3, ARYTM_1, NORMSP_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, PRE_TOPC, CANTOR_1, BOOLE, SUBSET_1, SETFAM_1, TARSKI, METRIC_1, RCOMP_1, ABSVALUE, TOPMETR, PCOMPS_1, CARD_4, FUNCT_4, FUNCOP_1, SEQ_2, ORDINAL2, ORDINAL1, FRECHET, RLVECT_3, ARYTM; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, XREAL_0, REAL_1, NAT_1, SETFAM_1, STRUCT_0, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCOP_1, ORDINAL1, CARD_4, FUNCT_4, ABSVALUE, RCOMP_1, PRE_TOPC, TOPS_2, METRIC_1, PCOMPS_1, TOPMETR, NORMSP_1, CANTOR_1, YELLOW_8; constructors REAL_1, NAT_1, RAT_1, NORMSP_1, YELLOW_8, CARD_4, TOPS_2, TOPMETR, CANTOR_1, FUNCT_4, RCOMP_1, MEMBERED; clusters SUBSET_1, XREAL_0, PRE_TOPC, STRUCT_0, COMPLSP1, NORMSP_1, METRIC_1, PCOMPS_1, TOPMETR, FUNCOP_1, RELSET_1, XBOOLE_0, NAT_1, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, PARTFUN1, NUMBERS, ORDINAL2; requirements REAL, NUMERALS, BOOLE, SUBSET, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, TOPS_2, XBOOLE_0; theorems REAL_1, REAL_2, TARSKI, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, SETFAM_1, PRE_TOPC, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_4, ABSVALUE, FUNCOP_1, NORMSP_1, NAT_1, ORDINAL1, RELAT_1, CARD_1, CARD_5, WAYBEL12, YELLOW_8, AXIOMS, TOPS_1, TOPS_2, TOPMETR, RCOMP_1, CANTOR_1, METRIC_1, PCOMPS_1, GOBOARD6, RELSET_1, XREAL_0, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, SEQ_4, XCMPLX_0, XCMPLX_1; schemes DOMAIN_1, ZFREFLE1, NAT_1, CARD_4, COMPTS_1; begin Lm1: for n being Nat st n<>0 holds 1/n > 0 proof let n be Nat; assume A1: n<>0; n >= 0 by NAT_1:18; hence 1/n>0 by A1,REAL_2:127; end; Lm2: for r being Real st r>0 ex n being Nat st 1/n < r & n<>0 proof let r be Real; assume A1: r>0; consider n being Nat such that A2: 1/r < n by SEQ_4:10; take n; 1/r > 0 by A1,REAL_2:127; then 1/(1/r) > 1/n by A2,REAL_2:151; hence 1/n < r by XCMPLX_1:56; thus n <> 0 by A1,A2,REAL_2:127; end; :: :: Preliminaries :: theorem Th1: for T being non empty 1-sorted,S being sequence of T holds rng S is Subset of T proof let T be non empty 1-sorted,S be sequence of T; rng S c= the carrier of T proof let y be set; assume y in rng S; then consider x being set such that A1: x in dom S & S.x = y by FUNCT_1:def 5; x in NAT by A1,NORMSP_1:17; then S.x is Element of T by NORMSP_1:17; hence y in the carrier of T by A1; end; hence rng S is Subset of T; end; definition let T be non empty 1-sorted; let S be sequence of T; redefine func rng S -> Subset of T; coherence by Th1; end; theorem Th2: for T1 being non empty 1-sorted, T2 being 1-sorted, S being sequence of T1 st rng S c= the carrier of T2 holds S is sequence of T2 proof let T1 be non empty 1-sorted, T2 be 1-sorted, S be sequence of T1; assume A1: rng S c= the carrier of T2; dom S = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1; then S is Function of NAT,the carrier of T2 by A1,FUNCT_2:4; hence S is sequence of T2 by NORMSP_1:def 3; end; theorem Th3: for T being non empty TopSpace, x being Point of T, B being Basis of x holds B <> {} proof let T be non empty TopSpace, x be Point of T, B be Basis of x; A1: x in the carrier of T; the carrier of T in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 1; then A2: [#]T in the topology of T & x in [#]T by A1,PRE_TOPC:12; set U1=[#]T; reconsider T as non empty TopStruct; x in U1 & U1 is open by A2,PRE_TOPC:def 5; then ex U2 be Subset of T st U2 in B & U2 c= U1 by YELLOW_8:22; hence B <> {}; end; definition let T be non empty TopSpace; let x be Point of T; cluster -> non empty Basis of x; coherence by Th3; end; Lm3: for T being TopStruct,A being Subset of T holds A is open iff [#]T \ A is closed proof let T be TopStruct,A be Subset of T; thus A is open implies [#]T \ A is closed proof assume A is open; then [#](T) \ ([#](T) \ A) is open by PRE_TOPC:22; hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:def 6; end; assume [#]T \ A is closed; then [#](T) \ ([#](T) \ A) is open by PRE_TOPC:def 6; hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:22; end; theorem Th4: for T being TopSpace, A,B being Subset of T st A is open & B is closed holds A \ B is open proof let T be TopSpace, A,B be Subset of T; assume A1: A is open & B is closed; then [#](T)\B is open by PRE_TOPC:def 6; then A /\ ([#](T)\B) is open by A1,TOPS_1:38; then A2: A /\ [#](T) \ A /\ B is open by XBOOLE_1:50; A c= the carrier of T; then A c= [#](T) by PRE_TOPC:12; then A /\ [#](T) = A by XBOOLE_1:28; hence A\B is open by A2,XBOOLE_1:47; end; theorem Th5: for T being TopStruct st {}T is closed & [#]T is closed & (for A,B being Subset of T st A is closed & B is closed holds A \/ B is closed) & for F being Subset-Family of T st F is closed holds meet F is closed holds T is TopSpace proof let T be TopStruct; assume that A1: {}T is closed & [#]T is closed and A2: (for A,B being Subset of T st A is closed & B is closed holds A \/ B is closed) and A3: for F being Subset-Family of T st F is closed holds meet F is closed; A4: the carrier of T in the topology of T proof [#]T \ {}T is open by A1,PRE_TOPC:def 6; then [#]T in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 5; hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:12; end; A5: for G being Subset-Family of T st G c= the topology of T holds union G in the topology of T proof let G be Subset-Family of T; reconsider G' = G as Subset-Family of T; assume A6: G c= the topology of T; per cases; suppose A7: G = {}; [#]T \ {}T = [#]T; then {}T is open by A1,Lm3; hence thesis by A7,PRE_TOPC:def 5,ZFMISC_1:2; suppose A8: G<>{}; A9: for A being Subset of T holds A in G implies [#]T \ A is closed proof let A be Subset of T; assume A in G; then A is open by A6,PRE_TOPC:def 5; hence [#]T \ A is closed by Lm3; end; reconsider CG = COMPLEMENT(G) as Subset-Family of T; COMPLEMENT(G) is closed proof let A be Subset of T; assume A in COMPLEMENT(G); then A` in G' by YELLOW_8:13; then [#]T \ A` is closed by A9; then [#]T \([#]T \ A) is closed by PRE_TOPC:17; hence A is closed by PRE_TOPC:22; end; then meet CG is closed by A3; then (union G')` is closed by A8,TOPS_2:11; then [#]T \ union G is closed by PRE_TOPC:17; then union G is open by Lm3; hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:def 5; end; for A,B being Subset of T st A in the topology of T & B in the topology of T holds A /\ B in the topology of T proof let A,B be Subset of T; assume that A10: A in the topology of T and A11: B in the topology of T; reconsider A, B as Subset of T; A is open by A10,PRE_TOPC:def 5; then A12: [#]T \ A is closed by Lm3; B is open by A11,PRE_TOPC:def 5; then [#]T \ B is closed by Lm3; then ([#]T \ A) \/ ([#]T \ B) is closed by A2,A12; then [#]T \ (A /\ B) is closed by XBOOLE_1:54; then (A /\ B) is open by Lm3; hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:def 5; end; hence thesis by A4,A5,PRE_TOPC:def 1; end; theorem Th6: for T being TopSpace, S being non empty TopStruct, f being map of T,S st for A being Subset of S holds A is closed iff f"A is closed holds S is TopSpace proof let T be TopSpace, S be non empty TopStruct, f be map of T,S; assume A1: for A being Subset of S holds A is closed iff f"A is closed; A2: {}S is closed proof A3: {}T is closed by TOPS_1:22; f"{}={} by RELAT_1:171; hence thesis by A1,A3; end; A4: [#]S is closed proof f"([#]S) = [#]T by TOPS_2:52; hence thesis by A1; end; A5: for A,B being Subset of S st A is closed & B is closed holds A \/ B is closed proof let A,B be Subset of S; assume A is closed & B is closed; then f"A is closed & f"B is closed by A1; then f"A \/ f"B is closed by TOPS_1:36; then f"(A \/ B) is closed by RELAT_1:175; hence thesis by A1; end; for F being Subset-Family of S st F is closed holds meet F is closed proof let F be Subset-Family of S; assume A6: F is closed; per cases; suppose F = {}S; hence meet F is closed by A2,SETFAM_1:def 1; suppose A7: F <> {}; set F1 = {f"A where A is Subset of S : A in F}; ex A being set st A in F proof consider A being Element of F; take A; thus A in F by A7; end; then consider A being Subset of S such that A8: A in F; reconsider A as Subset of S; A9: f"A in F1 by A8; F1 c= bool the carrier of T proof let B be set; assume B in F1; then consider A being Subset of S such that A10: B=f"A & A in F; thus B in bool the carrier of T by A10; end; then F1 is Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7; then reconsider F1 as Subset-Family of T; A11: meet(F1) = f"(meet F) proof thus meet(F1) c= f"(meet F) proof let x be set; assume A12: x in meet(F1); then x in the carrier of T; then A13: x in dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1; for A be set st A in F holds f.x in A proof let A be set; assume A14: A in F; then reconsider A as Subset of S; f"A in F1 by A14; then x in f"A by A12,SETFAM_1:def 1; hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 13; end; then f.x in meet F by A7,SETFAM_1:def 1; hence x in f"(meet F) by A13,FUNCT_1:def 13; end; thus f"(meet F) c= meet(F1) proof let x be set; assume x in f"(meet F); then A15: x in dom f & f.x in meet F by FUNCT_1:def 13; for B be set st B in F1 holds x in B proof let B be set; assume B in F1; then consider A being Subset of S such that A16: B = f"A & A in F; f.x in A by A15,A16,SETFAM_1:def 1; hence thesis by A15,A16,FUNCT_1:def 13; end; hence x in meet(F1) by A9,SETFAM_1:def 1; end; end; F1 is closed proof let B be Subset of T; assume B in F1; then consider A being Subset of S such that A17: f"A = B & A in F; A is closed by A6,A17,TOPS_2:def 2; hence B is closed by A1,A17; end; then meet F1 is closed by TOPS_2:29; hence thesis by A1,A11; end; hence thesis by A2,A4,A5,Th5; end; theorem Th7: for x being Point of RealSpace, x',r being Real st x' = x & r > 0 holds Ball(x,r) = ].x'-r, x'+r.[ proof let x be Point of RealSpace, x',r be Real; assume A1: x' = x & r > 0; thus Ball(x,r) c= ].x'-r, x'+r.[ proof let y be set; assume A2: y in Ball(x,r); then reconsider y1=y as Element of RealSpace; A3: dist(x,y1)<r by A2,METRIC_1:12; reconsider x2=x,y2=y1 as Element of REAL by METRIC_1:def 14; dist(x,y1)=real_dist.(x2,y2) by METRIC_1:def 1,def 14 .=abs(x2 - y2 ) by METRIC_1:def 13 .=abs(-(y2 - x2) ) by XCMPLX_1:143 .=abs(y2 - x2 ) by ABSVALUE:17; hence y in ].x'-r, x'+r.[ by A1,A3,RCOMP_1:8; end; let y be set; assume A4: y in ].x'-r, x'+r.[; then reconsider y2=y as Real; abs(y2 - x' )=abs(-(y2 - x') ) by ABSVALUE:17 .=abs(x' - y2 ) by XCMPLX_1:143 .=real_dist.(x',y2) by METRIC_1:def 13; then A5: real_dist.(x',y2) < r by A4,RCOMP_1:8; reconsider x1=x',y1=y2 as Element of RealSpace by METRIC_1:def 14; dist(x1,y1)=real_dist.(x',y2) by METRIC_1:def 1,def 14; hence y in Ball(x,r) by A1,A5,METRIC_1:12; end; theorem for A being Subset of R^1 holds A is open iff for x being Real st x in A ex r being Real st r >0 & ].x-r, x+r.[ c= A proof let A be Subset of R^1; thus A is open implies for x being Real st x in A ex r being Real st r >0 & ].x-r, x+r.[ c= A proof assume A1: A is open; let x be Real; assume A2: x in A; reconsider x1=x as Element of REAL; reconsider x1 as Element of RealSpace by METRIC_1:def 14; reconsider A1=A as Subset of R^1; A3: A1 in the topology of R^1 by A1,PRE_TOPC:def 5; the topology of R^1 = Family_open_set(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:16,def 7; then consider r being Real such that A4: r>0 & Ball(x1,r) c= A1 by A2,A3,PCOMPS_1:def 5; ].x-r, x+r.[ c=A1 by A4,Th7; hence ex r being Real st r >0 & ].x-r, x+r.[ c= A by A4; end; assume A5: for x being Real st x in A ex r being Real st r >0 & ].x-r, x+r.[ c= A; reconsider A1=A as Subset of RealSpace by TOPMETR:16,def 7; for x being Element of RealSpace st x in A1 holds ex r being Real st r>0 & Ball(x,r) c= A1 proof let x be Element of RealSpace; assume A6: x in A1; reconsider x1=x as Real by METRIC_1:def 14; consider r being Real such that A7: r >0 & ].x1-r, x1+r.[ c= A1 by A5,A6; Ball(x,r) c= A1 by A7,Th7; hence ex r being Real st r>0 & Ball(x,r) c= A1 by A7; end; then A8: A1 in Family_open_set(RealSpace) by PCOMPS_1:def 5; the topology of R^1 = Family_open_set(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:16,def 7; hence A is open by A8,PRE_TOPC:def 5; end; theorem Th9: for S being sequence of R^1 st (for n being Nat holds S.n in ]. n - 1/4 , n + 1/4 .[) holds rng S is closed proof let S be sequence of R^1; assume A1: for n being Nat holds S.n in ]. n - 1/4 , n + 1/4 .[; reconsider B=rng S as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:def 7; for x being Point of RealSpace st x in B` ex r being real number st r>0 & Ball(x,r) c= B` proof let x be Point of RealSpace; assume A2: x in B`; reconsider x1=x as Real by METRIC_1:def 14; per cases; suppose ]. x1 - 1/4 , x1 + 1/4 .[ /\ B = {}; then ]. x1 - 1/4 , x1 + 1/4 .[ /\ B`` = {}; then A3: Ball(x,1/4) /\ B`` = {} by Th7; reconsider C=Ball(x,1/4) as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:16; C misses B`` by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 7; then Ball(x,1/4) c= B` by TOPS_1:20; hence thesis; suppose A4: ]. x1 - 1/4 , x1 + 1/4 .[ /\ B <> {}; consider y being Element of ]. x1 - 1/4 , x1 + 1/4 .[ /\ B; A5: y in ]. x1 - 1/4 , x1 + 1/4 .[ & y in B by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then reconsider y as Real; consider n1 being set such that A6: n1 in dom S and A7: y = S.n1 by A5,FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider n1 as Nat by A6,NORMSP_1:17; consider r being Real such that A8: r=abs( x1 - y ); x1 <> y proof assume x1 = y; then y in B /\ (B`) by A2,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then B meets (B`) by XBOOLE_0:4; hence contradiction by TOPS_1:20; end; then x1 + (-y) <> y + (-y) by XCMPLX_1:2; then x1 + -y <> 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 6; then A9: x1 - y <> 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then A10: abs(x1-y) > 0 by ABSVALUE:6; A11: r>0 by A8,A9,ABSVALUE:6; abs(y-x1) < 1/4 by A5,RCOMP_1:8; then abs(-(x1-y)) < 1/4 by XCMPLX_1:143; then A12: r<=1/4 by A8,ABSVALUE:17; Ball(x,r) misses rng S proof assume Ball(x,r) meets rng S; then consider z being set such that A13: z in Ball(x,r) & z in rng S by XBOOLE_0:3; consider n2 being set such that A14: n2 in dom S and A15: z = S.n2 by A13,FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider z as Real by A13,METRIC_1:def 14; reconsider n2 as Nat by A14,NORMSP_1:17; per cases by REAL_1:def 5; suppose n1=n2; then A16: y in ].x1-r,x1+r.[ by A7,A11,A13,A15,Th7; r = abs( 0 + -y + x1 ) by A8,XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= abs( 0 - y + x1 ) by XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= abs( 0 - (y - x1) ) by XCMPLX_1:37 .= abs( 0 + -(y - x1) ) by XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= abs( y - x1 ) by ABSVALUE:17; hence contradiction by A16,RCOMP_1:8; suppose n1>n2; then A17: n2 + 1 <= n1 by NAT_1:38; S.n2 in ].n2-1/4,n2+1/4.[ by A1; then S.n2 in {a where a is Real : n2-1/4<a & a<n2+1/4} by RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a2 being Real such that A18: S.n2=a2 & n2-1/4<a2 & a2<n2+1/4; z - 1/4 < n2 by A15,A18,REAL_1:84; then A19: n2 + 1 > z - 1/4 + 1 by REAL_1:53; S.n1 in ]. n1 - 1/4 , n1 + 1/4 .[ by A1; then S.n1 in {a where a is Real : n1-1/4<a & a<n1+1/4} by RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a1 being Real such that A20: S.n1=a1 & n1 - 1/4 < a1 & a1 < n1 + 1/4; n1 < y + 1/4 by A7,A20,REAL_1:84; then n2 +1 < y + 1/4 by A17,AXIOMS:22; then z - 1/4 + 1 < y + 1/4 by A19,AXIOMS:22; then z + -1/4 + 1 < y + 1/4 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then z + (-1/4 + 1) < y + 1/4 by XCMPLX_1:1; then z < y + 1/4 - (-1/4 + 1) by REAL_1:86; then z < y + 1/4 + -(-1/4 + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then A21: z < y + (1/4 + -(-1/4 + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1; Ball(x,r) c= Ball(x,1/4) by A12,PCOMPS_1:1; then z in Ball(x,1/4) by A13; then z in ].x1-1/4 ,x1 +1/4.[ by Th7; then z in {a where a is Real : x1-1/4<a & a<x1 +1/4} by RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a1 being Real such that A22: a1=z & x1-1/4<a1 & a1<x1 +1/4; A23: z + 1/4 > x1 by A22,REAL_1:84; y in {a where a is Real : x1 - 1/4 < a & a < x1 + 1/4 } by A5,RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a1 being Real such that A24: y=a1 & x1 - 1/4 < a1 & a1 < x1 + 1/4; y -1/4 < x1 + 1/4 - 1/4 by A24,REAL_1:54; then y -1/4 < x1 + 1/4 + -1/4 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then y - 1/4 < x1 + (1/4 + -1/4) by XCMPLX_1:1; then z + 1/4 > y - 1/4 by A23,AXIOMS:22; then z + 1/4 + -1/4 > y - 1/4 + -1/4 by REAL_1:53; then z + (1/4 + -1/4) > y - 1/4 + -1/4 by XCMPLX_1:1; then z > y + -1/4 + -1/4 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then z > y + (-1/4 + -1/4) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence contradiction by A21; suppose n1<n2; then A25: n1 + 1 <= n2 by NAT_1:38; S.n2 in ].n2-1/4,n2+1/4.[ by A1; then S.n2 in {a where a is Real : n2-1/4<a & a<n2+1/4} by RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a2 being Real such that A26: S.n2=a2 & n2-1/4<a2 & a2<n2+1/4; z + 1/4 > n2 - 1/4 + 1/4 by A15,A26,REAL_1:53; then z + 1/4 > n2 + -1/4 + 1/4 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then z + 1/4 > n2 + (-1/4 + 1/4) by XCMPLX_1:1; then A27: z + 1/4 > n1 + 1 by A25,AXIOMS:22; S.n1 in ]. n1 - 1/4 , n1 + 1/4 .[ by A1; then S.n1 in {a where a is Real : n1-1/4<a & a<n1+1/4} by RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a1 being Real such that A28: S.n1=a1 & n1-1/4<a1 & a1<n1+1/4; n1 + 1/4 - 1/4 > y - 1/4 by A7,A28,REAL_1:54; then n1 + 1/4 + -1/4 > y - 1/4 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then n1 + (1/4 + -1/4) > y - 1/4 by XCMPLX_1:1; then n1 + 1 > y - 1/4 + 1 by REAL_1:53; then z + 1/4 > y - 1/4 + 1 by A27,AXIOMS:22; then y + -1/4 + 1 < z + 1/4 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then y + (-1/4 + 1) < z + 1/4 by XCMPLX_1:1; then y + (-1/4 + 1) - (-1/4 + 1) < z + 1/4 - (-1/4 + 1) by REAL_1:54; then y + (-1/4 + 1) + -(-1/4 + 1) < z + 1/4 - (-1/4 + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8 ; then y + ((-1/4 + 1) + -(-1/4 + 1)) < z + 1/4 - (-1/4 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1; then y < z + 1/4 + -(-1/4 + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then A29: y < z + (1/4 + -(-1/4 + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1; Ball(x,r) c= Ball(x,1/4) by A12,PCOMPS_1:1; then z in Ball(x,1/4) by A13; then z in ].x1-1/4 ,x1 +1/4.[ by Th7; then z in {a where a is Real : x1-1/4<a & a<x1 +1/4} by RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a1 being Real such that A30: a1=z & x1-1/4<a1 & a1<x1 +1/4; A31: z - 1/4 < x1 by A30,REAL_1:84; y in {a where a is Real : x1 - 1/4 < a & a < x1 + 1/4 } by A5,RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a1 being Real such that A32: y=a1 & x1 - 1/4 < a1 & a1 < x1 + 1/4; x1 - 1/4 + 1/4 < y + 1/4 by A32,REAL_1:53; then x1 + -1/4 + 1/4 < y + 1/4 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then x1 + (-1/4 + 1/4) < y + 1/4 by XCMPLX_1:1; then z - 1/4 < y + 1/4 by A31,AXIOMS:22; then z - 1/4 + 1/4< y + 1/4 + 1/4 by REAL_1:53; then z + -1/4 + 1/4< y + 1/4 + 1/4 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then z + (-1/4 + 1/4)< y + 1/4 + 1/4 by XCMPLX_1:1; then z < y + (1/4 + 1/4) by XCMPLX_1:1; then z - 1/2 < y + 1/2 - 1/2 by REAL_1:54; then z - 1/2 < y + 1/2 + -1/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then z - 1/2 < y + (1/2 + -1/2) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence contradiction by A29,XCMPLX_0:def 8; end; then A33: Ball(x,r) /\ B = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; reconsider C=Ball(x,r) as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:16; C /\ B`` = {} by A33; then C misses B`` by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then C c= B` by TOPS_1:20; hence ex r being real number st r>0 & Ball(x,r) c= B` by A8,A10; end; then (rng S)` is open by TOPMETR:22,def 7; then [#](R^1)\(rng S) is open by PRE_TOPC:17; hence rng S is closed by PRE_TOPC:def 6; end; theorem Th10: for B being Subset of R^1 holds B = NAT implies B is closed proof let B be Subset of R^1; assume A1: B = NAT; A2: dom (id NAT) = NAT by FUNCT_1:34; A3: rng (id NAT) = NAT proof thus rng (id NAT) c= NAT proof let y be set; assume y in rng (id NAT); then consider x being set such that A4: x in dom (id NAT) & y = (id NAT).x by FUNCT_1:def 5; thus y in NAT by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:34; end; let y be set; assume A5: y in NAT; then (id NAT).y = y by FUNCT_1:34; hence y in rng (id NAT) by A2,A5,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; then id NAT is Function of NAT,the carrier of R^1 by A2,FUNCT_2:4,TOPMETR:24 ; then reconsider S=(id NAT) as sequence of R^1 by NORMSP_1:def 3; for n being Nat holds S.n in ].n-1/4,n + 1/4.[ proof let n be Nat; reconsider x=S.n as Real by FUNCT_1:34; A6: x=n by FUNCT_1:34; A7: n < n + 1/4 by REAL_1:69; - 1/4 + n < 0 + n by REAL_1:67; then n - 1/4 < 0 + n by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then x in {r where r is Real : n - 1/4 < r & r < n + 1/4} by A6,A7; hence S.n in ].n - 1/4 , n + 1/4.[ by RCOMP_1:def 2; end; hence B is closed by A1,A3,Th9; end; theorem Th11: for M being non empty MetrSpace,x being Point of TopSpaceMetr(M), x' being Point of M st x=x' ex B being Basis of x st B={Ball(x',1/n) where n is Nat:n<>0} & B is countable & ex f being Function of NAT,B st for n being set st n in NAT holds ex n' being Nat st n=n' & f.n = Ball(x',1/(n'+1)) proof let M be non empty MetrSpace,x be Point of TopSpaceMetr(M),x' be Point of M; assume A1: x=x'; set B = { Ball(x',1/n) where n is Nat:n<>0}; B c= bool(the carrier of TopSpaceMetr(M)) proof let A be set; assume A in B; then consider n being Nat such that A2: A = Ball(x',1/n) and n<>0; Ball(x',1/n) c= the carrier of M; then Ball(x',1/n) c= the carrier of TopSpaceMetr(M) by TOPMETR:16; hence A in bool(the carrier of TopSpaceMetr(M)) by A2; end; then B is Subset-Family of TopSpaceMetr(M) by SETFAM_1:def 7; then reconsider B as Subset-Family of TopSpaceMetr(M); A3: B c= the topology of TopSpaceMetr(M) proof let A be set; assume A in B; then consider n being Nat such that A4: A = Ball(x',1/n) and n<>0; Ball(x',1/n) in Family_open_set M by PCOMPS_1:33; hence A in the topology of TopSpaceMetr(M) by A4,TOPMETR:16; end; A5: x in Intersect B proof A6: Ball(x',1/1) in B; then A7: Intersect B = meet B by CANTOR_1:def 3; for O being set st O in B holds x in O proof let O be set; assume O in B; then consider n being Nat such that A8: O = Ball(x',1/n) and A9: n<>0; 1/n > 0 by A9,Lm1; hence x in O by A1,A8,GOBOARD6:4; end; hence x in Intersect B by A6,A7,SETFAM_1:def 1; end; for O being Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M) st O is open & x in O ex V being Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M) st V in B & V c= O proof let O be Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M); assume O is open & x in O; then consider r being real number such that A10: r>0 and A11: Ball(x',r) c= O by A1,TOPMETR:22; reconsider r as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; consider n being Nat such that A12: 1/n < r and A13: n <> 0 by A10,Lm2; A14: Ball(x',1/n) c= Ball(x',r) by A12,PCOMPS_1:1; reconsider Ba=Ball(x',1/n) as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M) by TOPMETR:16; reconsider Ba as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M); take Ba; thus Ba in B by A13; thus Ba c= O by A11,A14,XBOOLE_1:1; end; then reconsider B as Basis of x by A3,A5,YELLOW_8:def 2; take B; deffunc F(Nat) = Ball(x',1/$1); defpred P[Nat] means $1 <> 0; thus B={Ball(x',1/n) where n is Nat:n<>0}; { F(n) where n is Nat : P[n] } is countable from FraenCoun1; hence B is countable; defpred P[set,set] means ex n' being Nat st $1=n' & $2 = Ball(x',1/(n'+1)); A15: for n being set st n in NAT ex O being set st O in B & P[n,O] proof let n be set; assume n in NAT; then reconsider n'=n as Nat; reconsider O=Ball(x',1/(n'+1)) as set; take O; thus O in B; take n'; thus n=n'; thus O = Ball(x',1/(n'+1)); end; consider f being Function such that A16: dom f = NAT and A17: rng f c= B and A18: for n being set st n in NAT holds P[n,f.n] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A15); reconsider f as Function of NAT,B by A16,A17,FUNCT_2:4; take f; thus for n being set st n in NAT holds ex n' being Nat st n=n' & f.n = Ball(x',1/(n'+1)) by A18; end; theorem Th12: for f,g being Function holds rng(f+*g)=f.:(dom f\dom g) \/ rng g proof let f,g be Function; thus rng(f+*g)c=f.:(dom f\dom g) \/ rng g proof let y be set; assume y in rng(f+*g); then consider x being set such that A1: x in dom(f+*g) and A2: (f+*g).x = y by FUNCT_1:def 5; per cases; suppose A3: x in dom g; then y = g.x by A2,FUNCT_4:14; then y in rng g by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5; hence y in f.:(dom f\dom g) \/ rng g by XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A4: not x in dom g; then A5: y = f.x by A2,FUNCT_4:12; x in dom f \/ dom g by A1,FUNCT_4:def 1; then A6: x in dom f by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then x in dom f \ dom g by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then y in f.:(dom f \ dom g) by A5,A6,FUNCT_1:def 12; hence y in f.:(dom f\dom g) \/ rng g by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; let y be set; assume A7: y in f.:(dom f\dom g) \/ rng g; per cases by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose y in f.:(dom f\dom g); then consider x being set such that A8: x in dom f and A9: x in dom f \ dom g and A10: f.x = y by FUNCT_1:def 12; x in dom f \/ dom g by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A11: x in dom(f+*g) by FUNCT_4:def 1; not x in dom g by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (f+*g).x = f.x by FUNCT_4:12; hence y in rng(f+*g) by A10,A11,FUNCT_1:def 5; suppose A12: y in rng g; rng g c= rng(f +* g) by FUNCT_4:19; hence y in rng(f +* g) by A12; end; theorem Th13: for A,B being set holds B c= A implies (id A).:(B) = B proof let A,B be set; assume A1: B c= A; A2: dom(id A) = A by FUNCT_1:34; thus (id A).:(B) c= B proof let y be set; assume y in (id A).:(B); then consider x being set such that A3: x in dom(id A) and A4: x in B and A5: (id A).x = y by FUNCT_1:def 12; thus y in B by A2,A3,A4,A5,FUNCT_1:34; end; let y be set; assume A6: y in B; then (id A).y = y by A1,FUNCT_1:34; hence y in (id A).:(B) by A1,A2,A6,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; canceled; theorem Th15: for A,B,x being set holds dom((id A)+*(B --> x)) = A \/ B proof let A,B,x be set; dom((id A)+*(B --> x)) = dom (id A) \/ dom (B --> x) by FUNCT_4:def 1; then dom((id A)+*(B --> x)) = A \/ dom (B --> x) by FUNCT_1:34; hence dom((id A)+*(B --> x)) = A \/ B by FUNCOP_1:19; end; theorem Th16: for A,B,x being set st B <> {} holds rng((id A)+*(B --> x)) = (A \ B) \/ {x} proof let A,B,x be set; assume A1: B <> {}; set f = ((id A)+*(B --> x)); thus rng((id A)+*(B --> x)) c= (A \ B) \/ {x} proof let y be set; assume y in rng f; then consider x1 being set such that A2: x1 in dom f & y = f.x1 by FUNCT_1:def 5; A3: x1 in dom (id A) \/ dom (B --> x) by A2,FUNCT_4:def 1; per cases; suppose A4: x1 in dom (B --> x); then A5: f.x1 = (B --> x).x1 by A3,FUNCT_4:def 1; x1 in B by A4,FUNCOP_1:19; then (B --> x).x1 = x by FUNCOP_1:13; then y in {x} by A2,A5,TARSKI:def 1; hence y in (A \ B) \/ {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A6: not x1 in dom (B --> x); then A7: f.x1 = (id A).x1 by A3,FUNCT_4:def 1; A8: not x1 in B by A6,FUNCOP_1:19; x1 in dom (id A) by A3,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A9: x1 in A by FUNCT_1:34; then x1 in A \ B by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x1 in (A \ B) \/ {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by A2,A7,A9,FUNCT_1:35; end; let y be set; assume A10: y in (A \ B) \/ {x}; A11: rng (B --> x)={x} by A1,FUNCOP_1:14; A \ B c= A by XBOOLE_1:36; then (id A).:(A \ B)=A \ B by Th13; then (id A).:(dom(id A) \ B)=A \ B by FUNCT_1:34; then (id A).:(dom(id A) \ dom( B --> x))=A \ B by FUNCOP_1:19; hence y in rng((id A)+*(B --> x)) by A10,A11,Th12; end; theorem Th17: for A,B,C,x being set holds C c= A implies ((id A)+*(B --> x))"(C \ {x}) = C \ B \ {x} proof let A,B,C,x be set; assume A1: C c= A; set f=((id A)+*(B --> x)); thus f"(C \ {x}) c= C \ B \ {x} proof let x1 be set; assume x1 in f"(C \ {x}); then A2: x1 in dom f & f.x1 in (C \ {x}) by FUNCT_1:def 13; A3: not x1 in B proof assume A4: x1 in B; A5: not f.x1 in {x} by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4; A6: x1 in dom(B --> x) by A4,FUNCOP_1:19; then x1 in dom(id A) \/ dom(B --> x) by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then f.x1=(B --> x).x1 by A6,FUNCT_4:def 1; then f.x1=x by A4,FUNCOP_1:13; hence contradiction by A5,TARSKI:def 1; end; then A7: not x1 in dom(B --> x) by FUNCOP_1:19; x1 in A \/ B by A2,Th15; then A8: x1 in A or x1 in B by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then x1 in dom(id A) by A3,FUNCT_1:34; then x1 in dom(id A) \/ dom(B --> x) by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then f.x1 = (id A).x1 by A7,FUNCT_4:def 1; then f.x1 = x1 by A3,A8,FUNCT_1:34; then A9: x1 in C & not x1 in {x} by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x1 in C \ B by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence x1 in C \ B \ {x} by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; let x1 be set; assume x1 in C \ B \ {x}; then x1 in C \ B & not x1 in {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A10: x1 in C & not x1 in B & not x1 in {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A11: x1 in A by A1; A12: not x1 in dom(B --> x) by A10,FUNCOP_1:19; A13: x1 in C \ {x} by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 4; x1 in dom(id A) by A11,FUNCT_1:34; then A14: x1 in dom(id A) \/ dom(B --> x) by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A15: x1 in dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1; f.x1 = (id A).x1 by A12,A14,FUNCT_4:def 1; then f.x1 = x1 by A1,A10,FUNCT_1:34; hence x1 in f"(C \ {x}) by A13,A15,FUNCT_1:def 13; end; theorem Th18: for A,B,x being set holds not x in A implies ((id A)+*(B --> x))"({x}) = B proof let A,B,x be set; assume A1: not x in A; set f = (id A)+*(B --> x); thus f"({x}) c= B proof let y be set; assume y in f"({x}); then A2: y in dom f & f.y in {x} by FUNCT_1:def 13; per cases; suppose y in dom (B --> x); hence y in B by FUNCOP_1:19; suppose A3: not y in dom (B --> x); then A4: f.y = (id A).y by FUNCT_4:12; A5: y in dom (B --> x) or y in dom (id A) by A2,FUNCT_4:13; then y in A by A3,FUNCT_1:34; then (id A).y = y by FUNCT_1:35; then y = x by A2,A4,TARSKI:def 1; hence y in B by A1,A3,A5,FUNCT_1:34; end; let y be set; assume A6: y in B; then A7: y in dom (B-->x) by FUNCOP_1:19; then f.y = (B-->x).y by FUNCT_4:14; then f.y = x by A6,FUNCOP_1:13; then A8: f.y in {x} by TARSKI:def 1; y in dom f by A7,FUNCT_4:13; hence y in f"({x}) by A8,FUNCT_1:def 13; end; theorem Th19: for A,B,C,x being set holds (C c= A & not x in A) implies ((id A)+*(B --> x))"(C \/ {x}) = C \/ B proof let A,B,C,x be set; assume A1: C c= A & not x in A; set f = ((id A)+*(B --> x)); A2: C \ {x} = C proof thus C \ {x} c= C by XBOOLE_1:36; let y be set; assume A3: y in C; not y in {x} proof assume y in {x}; then y = x by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A1,A3; end; hence y in C\ {x} by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; f"({x})=B by A1,Th18; then A4: f"(C \/ {x}) = f"(C) \/ B by RELAT_1:175; C \ B \ {x} \/ B = C \/ B proof thus C \ B \ {x} \/ B c= C \/ B proof let y be set; assume y in C \ B \ {x} \/ B; then y in C \ B \ {x} or y in B by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then y in C \ B or y in B by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then y in C or y in B by XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence y in C \/ B by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; let y be set; assume y in C \/ B; then A5: y in (C \ B) \/ B by XBOOLE_1:39; per cases by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A6: y in C \ B; then A7: y in C by XBOOLE_0:def 4; not y in {x} proof assume y in {x}; then x in C by A7,TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A1; end; then y in C \ B \ {x} by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence y in (C \ B \ {x}) \/ B by XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose y in B; hence y in (C \ B \ {x}) \/ B by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; hence ((id A)+*(B --> x))"(C \/ {x}) = C \/ B by A1,A2,A4,Th17; end; theorem Th20: for A,B,C,x being set holds C c= A & not x in A implies ((id A)+*(B --> x))"(C \ {x}) = C \ B proof let A,B,C,x be set; assume A1: C c= A & not x in A; not x in C \ B proof assume x in C \ B; then x in C by XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence contradiction by A1; end; then (C \ B) misses {x} by ZFMISC_1:56; then C \ B \ {x} = C \ B by XBOOLE_1:83; hence ((id A)+*(B --> x))"(C \ {x}) = C \ B by A1,Th17; end; Lm4: for A,B,C,x being set holds not x in A implies ((id A)+*(B --> x))"((A \ C) \ {x}) = A \ C \ B proof let A,B,C,x be set; assume A1: not x in A; A \ C c= A by XBOOLE_1:36; hence thesis by A1,Th20; end; begin :: :: Convergent Sequences in Topological Spaces, :: FIRST-COUNTABLE, SEQUENTIAL, FRECHET SPACES :: definition let T be non empty TopStruct; attr T is first-countable means :Def1: for x be Point of T ex B be Basis of x st B is countable; end; theorem Th21: for M being non empty MetrSpace holds TopSpaceMetr(M) is first-countable proof let M be non empty MetrSpace; let x be Point of TopSpaceMetr(M); reconsider x' = x as Element of TopSpaceMetr(M); reconsider x' as Element of M by TOPMETR:16; reconsider x' as Point of M; consider B being Basis of x such that B={Ball(x',1/n) where n is Nat:n<>0} and A1: B is countable and ex f being Function of NAT,B st for n being set st n in NAT holds ex n' being Nat st n=n' & f.n = Ball(x',1/(n'+1)) by Th11; take B; thus B is countable by A1; end; theorem R^1 is first-countable by Th21,TOPMETR:def 7; definition cluster R^1 -> first-countable; coherence by Th21,TOPMETR:def 7; end; definition let T be TopStruct, S be sequence of T, x be Point of T; pred S is_convergent_to x means :Def2: for U1 being Subset of T st (U1 is open & x in U1) ex n being Nat st for m being Nat st n <= m holds S.m in U1; end; theorem Th23: for T being non empty TopStruct, x being Point of T, S being sequence of T holds S = (NAT --> x) implies S is_convergent_to x proof let T be non empty TopStruct, x be Point of T, S be sequence of T; assume A1: S = (NAT --> x); thus S is_convergent_to x proof let U1 be Subset of T; assume A2: U1 is open & x in U1; take 0; thus for m being Nat st 0 <= m holds S.m in U1 by A1,A2,FUNCOP_1:13; end; end; definition let T be TopStruct, S be sequence of T; attr S is convergent means :Def3: ex x being Point of T st S is_convergent_to x; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct, S be sequence of T; func Lim S -> Subset of T means :Def4: for x being Point of T holds x in it iff S is_convergent_to x; existence proof defpred P[Element of T] means S is_convergent_to $1; {x where x is Element of T : P[x]} is Subset of T from SubsetD; then reconsider X={x where x is Point of T : P[x]} as Subset of T; take X; let y be Point of T; y in X iff ex x being Point of T st x=y & S is_convergent_to x; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let A,B be Subset of T such that A1: for x being Point of T holds x in A iff S is_convergent_to x and A2: for x being Point of T holds x in B iff S is_convergent_to x; for x being Point of T holds x in A iff x in B proof let x be Point of T; x in A iff S is_convergent_to x by A1; hence thesis by A2; end; hence A=B by SUBSET_1:8; end; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; attr T is Frechet means :Def5: for A being Subset of T,x being Point of T st x in Cl(A) ex S being sequence of T st (rng S c= A & x in Lim S ); end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; attr T is sequential means for A being Subset of T holds A is closed iff for S being sequence of T st ( S is convergent & rng S c= A ) holds Lim S c= A; end; theorem Th24: for T being non empty TopSpace holds T is first-countable implies T is Frechet proof let T be non empty TopSpace; assume A1: T is first-countable; let A be Subset of T; let x be Point of T such that A2: x in Cl(A); consider B being Basis of x such that A3: B is countable by A1,Def1; consider f being Function of NAT,B such that A4: rng f = B by A3,WAYBEL12:4; defpred P[set,set] means $2 in A /\ meet (f.:succ $1); A5: for n being set st n in NAT ex y being set st y in the carrier of T & P[n,y] proof let n be set; assume n in NAT; then reconsider n as Nat; defpred P[Nat] means ex H being Subset of T st H = meet (f.:succ $1) & H is open; for n being Nat holds P[n] proof A6: P[0] proof 0 in NAT; then A7: 0 in dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1; f.0 in B; then consider H being Subset of T such that A8: H = f.0; reconsider H as Subset of T; take H; meet (f.:succ 0) = meet {f.0} by A7,CARD_5:1,FUNCT_1:117 .= H by A8,SETFAM_1:11; hence thesis by A8,YELLOW_8:21; end; A9: for n being Nat st P[n] holds P[n+1] proof let n be Nat; given G being Subset of T such that A10: G = meet (f.:succ n) and A11: G is open; n+1 in NAT; then A12: n+1 in dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1; f.(n+1) in B; then consider H1 being Subset of T such that A13: H1 = f.(n+1); reconsider H1 as Subset of T; A14: H1 is open by A13,YELLOW_8:21; n in succ n & dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1,ORDINAL1:10; then A15: f.n in f.:succ n by FUNCT_1:def 12; consider H being Subset of T such that A16: H = H1 /\ G; reconsider H as Subset of T; take H; meet (f.:succ (n+1)) = meet (f.:({n+1} \/ (n+1))) by ORDINAL1:def 1 .= meet ((f.:({n+1} \/ (succ n)))) by CARD_1:52 .= meet ((f.:{n+1}) \/ (f.:succ n)) by RELAT_1:153 .= meet ({f.(n+1)} \/ (f.:succ n)) by A12,FUNCT_1:117 .= meet {f.(n+1)} /\ meet (f.:succ n) by A15,SETFAM_1:10 .= H by A10,A13,A16,SETFAM_1:11; hence thesis by A11,A14,A16,TOPS_1:38; end; thus for n being Nat holds P[n] from Ind(A6,A9); end; then consider H being Subset of T such that A17: H = meet (f.:succ n) & H is open; n in succ n & dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1,ORDINAL1:10; then A18: f.n in f.:succ n by FUNCT_1:def 12; for G being set st G in (f.:succ n) holds x in G proof let G be set; assume G in (f.:succ n); then consider k be set such that A19: k in dom f & k in succ n & G = f.k by FUNCT_1:def 12; k in NAT by A19,FUNCT_2:def 1; then A20: f.k in B by FUNCT_2:7; then reconsider G1=G as Subset of T by A19; reconsider G1 as Subset of T; x in G1 by A19,A20,YELLOW_8:21; hence thesis; end; then x in meet (f.:succ n) by A18,SETFAM_1:def 1; then A meets meet (f.:succ n) by A2,A17,PRE_TOPC:def 13; then consider y being set such that A21:y in A /\ meet (f.:succ n) by XBOOLE_0:4; take y; y in A by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence thesis by A21; end; consider S being Function such that A22: dom S = NAT & rng S c= the carrier of T & for n being set st n in NAT holds P[n,S.n] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A5); A23: for m,n being Nat st n <= m holds ( A /\ meet (f.:succ m) ) c= A /\ meet (f.:succ n) proof let m,n be Nat; assume A24: n <= m; n in succ n & dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1,ORDINAL1:10; then A25: f.n in f.:succ n by FUNCT_1:def 12; n + 1 <= m + 1 by A24,AXIOMS:24; then n + 1 c= m + 1 by CARD_1:56; then succ n c= m +1 by CARD_1:52; then succ n c= succ m by CARD_1:52; then f.:(succ n) c= f.:(succ m) by RELAT_1:156; then meet (f.:succ m) c= meet (f.:succ n) by A25,SETFAM_1:7; hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:26; end; A26: rng S c= A proof let y be set; assume y in rng S; then consider a be set such that A27: a in dom S & y = S.a by FUNCT_1:def 5; y in A /\ meet (f.:succ a) by A22,A27; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; S is Function of NAT, the carrier of T by A22,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11; then reconsider S as sequence of T by NORMSP_1:def 3; S is_convergent_to x proof let U1 be Subset of T; assume that A28: U1 is open and A29: x in U1; reconsider U1 as Subset of T; consider U2 being Subset of T such that A30: U2 in B & U2 c= U1 by A28,A29,YELLOW_8:22; consider n be set such that A31: n in dom f & U2 = f.n by A4,A30,FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider n as Nat by A31,FUNCT_2:def 1; for m being Nat st n <= m holds S.m in U1 proof let m be Nat; assume n <= m; then A32: ( A /\ meet (f.:succ m) ) c= A /\ meet (f.:succ n) by A23; S.m in A /\ meet (f.:succ m) by A22; then A33: S.m in meet (f.:succ n) by A32,XBOOLE_0:def 3; n in succ n & dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1,ORDINAL1:10; then f.n in f.:succ n by FUNCT_1:def 12; then S.m in f.n by A33,SETFAM_1:def 1; hence S.m in U1 by A30,A31; end; hence thesis; end; then x in Lim S by Def4; hence ex S be sequence of T st (rng S c= A & x in Lim S ) by A26; end; definition cluster first-countable -> Frechet (non empty TopSpace); coherence by Th24; end; canceled; theorem Th26: for T being non empty TopSpace,A being Subset of T holds A is closed implies for S being sequence of T st S is convergent & rng S c= A holds Lim S c= A proof let T be non empty TopSpace,A be Subset of T; assume A1: A is closed; let S be sequence of T such that A2: S is convergent & rng S c= A; thus Lim S c= A proof reconsider L = Lim S as Subset of T; reconsider A as Subset of T; L c= A proof let y be set; assume A3: y in L; then reconsider p=y as Point of T; A4: S is_convergent_to p by A3,Def4; for U1 being Subset of T st U1 is open holds p in U1 implies A meets U1 proof let U1 be Subset of T; assume A5: U1 is open; assume A6: p in U1; reconsider U2 = U1 as Subset of T; consider n being Nat such that A7: for m being Nat st n <= m holds S.m in U2 by A4,A5,A6,Def2; A8: S.n in U1 by A7; dom S = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1; then S.n in rng S by FUNCT_1:def 5; then S.n in A /\ U1 by A2,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 7; end; then p in Cl A by PRE_TOPC:def 13; hence y in A by A1,PRE_TOPC:52; end; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th27: for T being non empty TopSpace holds (for A being Subset of T holds (for S being sequence of T st S is convergent & rng S c= A holds Lim S c= A) implies A is closed) implies T is sequential proof let T be non empty TopSpace; assume A1: for A being Subset of T holds (for S being sequence of T st S is convergent & rng S c= A holds Lim S c= A) implies A is closed; let A be Subset of T; thus A is closed implies for S being sequence of T st ( S is convergent & rng S c= A ) holds Lim S c= A by Th26; assume for S being sequence of T st S is convergent & rng S c= A holds Lim S c= A; hence A is closed by A1; end; theorem Th28: for T being non empty TopSpace holds T is Frechet implies T is sequential proof let T be non empty TopSpace; assume A1: T is Frechet; for A being Subset of T holds (for S being sequence of T st S is convergent & rng S c= A holds Lim S c= A) implies A is closed proof let A be Subset of T; assume A2: for S being sequence of T st S is convergent & rng S c= A holds Lim S c= A; A3: A c= Cl(A) by PRE_TOPC:48; Cl(A) c= A proof let x be set; assume A4: x in Cl(A); then reconsider p=x as Point of T; consider S being sequence of T such that A5: rng S c= A and A6: p in Lim S by A1,A4,Def5; S is_convergent_to p by A6,Def4; then S is convergent by Def3; then Lim S c= A by A2,A5; hence x in A by A6; end; then A = Cl(A) by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 10; hence A is closed by PRE_TOPC:52; end; hence T is sequential by Th27; end; definition cluster Frechet -> sequential (non empty TopSpace); coherence by Th28; end; begin :: :: Not (for T holds T is Frechet implies T is first-countable) :: definition func REAL? -> strict non empty TopSpace means :Def7: the carrier of it = (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} & ex f being map of R^1, it st f = (id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL) & for A being Subset of it holds A is closed iff f"A is closed; existence proof reconsider X = (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} as non empty set; set f = (id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL); REAL \/ NAT = REAL by XBOOLE_1:12; then A1: dom f = the carrier of R^1 by Th15,TOPMETR:24; rng f c= (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by Th16; then reconsider f as Function of the carrier of R^1,X by A1,FUNCT_2:4; set O = {X\A where A is Subset of X: ex fA being Subset of R^1 st fA = f"A & fA is closed}; O c= bool X proof let B be set; assume B in O; then consider A being Subset of X such that A2: B = X\A & ex fA being Subset of R^1 st fA = f"A & fA is closed; X \ A c= X by XBOOLE_1:36; hence B in bool X by A2; end; then reconsider O as Subset-Family of X by SETFAM_1:def 7; set T = TopStruct(#X,O#); reconsider f as map of R^1,T; A3: for A being Subset of T holds A is closed iff f"A is closed proof let A be Subset of T; thus A is closed implies f"A is closed proof assume A is closed; then [#]T \ A is open by PRE_TOPC:def 6; then [#]T \ A in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 5; then consider B being Subset of X such that A4: X \ B = [#]T \ A & ex fA being Subset of R^1 st fA = f"B & fA is closed; [#]T \ B = [#]T \ A by A4,PRE_TOPC:12; then B = [#]T \ ([#]T \ A) by PRE_TOPC:22; hence f"A is closed by A4,PRE_TOPC:22; end; assume f"A is closed; then X \ A in O; then [#]T \ A in O by PRE_TOPC:12; then [#]T \ A is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5; hence A is closed by PRE_TOPC:def 6; end; then reconsider T as strict non empty TopSpace by Th6; take T; thus the carrier of T = (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL}; reconsider f as map of R^1,T; take f; thus thesis by A3; end; uniqueness proof let X,Y be strict non empty TopSpace such that A5: the carrier of X = (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} & ex f being map of R^1, X st f = (id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL) & for A being Subset of X holds A is closed iff f"A is closed and A6: the carrier of Y = (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} & ex f being map of R^1, Y st f = (id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL) & for A being Subset of Y holds A is closed iff f"A is closed; the carrier of X = [#]Y by A5,A6,PRE_TOPC:12; then A7: [#]X = [#]Y by PRE_TOPC:12; consider f being map of R^1, X such that A8: f = (id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL) and A9: for A being Subset of X holds A is closed iff f"A is closed by A5; consider g being map of R^1, Y such that A10: g = (id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL) and A11: for A being Subset of Y holds A is closed iff g"A is closed by A6; the topology of X = the topology of Y proof thus the topology of X c= the topology of Y proof let V be set; assume A12: V in the topology of X; then reconsider V1=V as Subset of X; reconsider V1 as Subset of X; V1 is open by A12,PRE_TOPC:def 5; then [#](X)\V1 is closed by Lm3; then A13: g"([#]X\V1) is closed by A8,A9,A10; reconsider V2=V as Subset of Y by A5,A6,A12; reconsider V2 as Subset of Y; [#]Y\V2 is closed by A7,A11,A13; then V2 is open by Lm3; hence V in the topology of Y by PRE_TOPC:def 5; end; thus the topology of Y c= the topology of X proof let V be set; assume A14: V in the topology of Y; then reconsider V1=V as Subset of Y; reconsider V1 as Subset of Y; V1 is open by A14,PRE_TOPC:def 5; then [#](Y)\V1 is closed by Lm3; then A15: f"([#]Y\V1) is closed by A8,A10,A11; reconsider V2=V as Subset of X by A5,A6,A14; reconsider V2 as Subset of X; [#]X\V2 is closed by A7,A9,A15; then V2 is open by Lm3; hence V in the topology of X by PRE_TOPC:def 5; end; end; hence X=Y by A5,A6; end; end; Lm5: {REAL} c= the carrier of REAL? proof let x be set; assume x in {REAL}; then x in (REAL\NAT) \/ {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence x in the carrier of REAL? by Def7; end; canceled; theorem Th30: REAL is Point of REAL? proof REAL in {REAL} by TARSKI:def 1; hence REAL is Point of REAL? by Lm5; end; theorem Th31: for A being Subset of REAL? holds A is open & REAL in A iff ex O being Subset of R^1 st O is open & NAT c= O & A=(O\NAT) \/ {REAL} proof let A be Subset of REAL?; consider f being map of R^1, REAL? such that A1: f = (id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL) and A2: for A being Subset of REAL? holds A is closed iff f"A is closed by Def7; thus A is open & REAL in A implies ex O being Subset of R^1 st O is open & NAT c= O & A=(O\NAT) \/ {REAL} proof assume that A3: A is open and A4: REAL in A; consider O being Subset of R^1 such that A5: O=(f"(A`))`; A` is closed by A3,TOPS_1:30; then f"(A`) is closed by A2; then A6: (f"(A`))` is open by TOPS_1:29; not REAL in [#](REAL?) \ A by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A7: not REAL in A` by PRE_TOPC:17; A8: A` = A` \ {REAL} proof thus A` c= A` \ {REAL} proof let x be set; assume A9: x in A`; then not x in {REAL} by A7,TARSKI:def 1; hence x in A` \ {REAL} by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; thus A` \ {REAL} c= A` by XBOOLE_1:36; end; A10: REAL \ NAT c= REAL by XBOOLE_1:36; A` c= the carrier of REAL?; then A11: A` c= (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by Def7; A12: A` c= REAL \ NAT proof let x be set; assume A13: x in A`; then x in (REAL \ NAT) or x in {REAL} by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence x in REAL\NAT by A7,A13,TARSKI:def 1; end; then A14: A` c= REAL by A10,XBOOLE_1:1; not REAL in REAL; then A15: ((id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL))"(A` \ {REAL}) = A` \ NAT by A14,Th20; NAT c= the carrier of R^1 by TOPMETR:24; then A16: NAT c= [#](R^1) by PRE_TOPC:12; O = [#](R^1) \ f"(A`) by A5,PRE_TOPC:17 .= ([#](R^1) \ A`) \/ (NAT /\ [#](R^1)) by A1,A8,A15,XBOOLE_1:52; then A17: O = ([#](R^1) \ A`) \/ NAT by A16,XBOOLE_1:28; then A18: NAT c= O by XBOOLE_1:7; A19: NAT c= REAL \ A` proof let x be set; assume A20: x in NAT; then not x in A` by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence x in REAL \ A` by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; O = NAT \/ (REAL \ A`) by A17,PRE_TOPC:12,TOPMETR:24; then A21: O = REAL \ A` by A19,XBOOLE_1:12; A = A`` .= [#](REAL?) \ A` by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (the carrier of REAL?) \ A` by PRE_TOPC:12; then A22: A = ((REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL}) \ A` by Def7; A = (REAL \ A`) \ NAT \/ {REAL} proof thus A c= (REAL \ A`) \ NAT \/ {REAL} proof let x be set; assume x in A; then x in (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} & not x in A` by A22,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (x in (REAL \ NAT) or x in {REAL}) & not x in A` by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then (x in REAL & not x in NAT & not x in A`) or x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (x in (REAL\ A`) & not x in NAT) or x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (x in (REAL\ A`) \ NAT) or x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence x in (REAL\ A`) \ NAT \/ {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; let x be set; assume x in (REAL \ A`) \ NAT \/ {REAL}; then x in (REAL \ A`) \ NAT or x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then (x in (REAL \ A`) & not x in NAT) or (x in {REAL} & not x in A`) by A7,TARSKI:def 1, XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (x in REAL & not x in A` & not x in NAT) or (x in {REAL} & not x in A`) by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (x in REAL\ NAT or x in {REAL}) & not x in A` by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x in (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} & not x in A` by XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence x in A by A22,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; hence thesis by A5,A6,A18,A21; end; given O being Subset of R^1 such that A23: O is open and A24: NAT c= O and A25: A=(O\NAT) \/ {REAL}; consider B being Subset of R^1 such that A26: B = [#](R^1) \ O; A27: B is closed by A23,A26,Lm3; f"(A`)=B proof A28: A` = [#](REAL?) \ A by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (the carrier of REAL?) \ A by PRE_TOPC:12 .= ((REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL}) \ ((O\NAT) \/ {REAL}) by A25,Def7 .= ((REAL \ NAT) \((O\NAT) \/ {REAL})) \/ ({REAL} \ ({REAL} \/ (O\NAT))) by XBOOLE_1:42 .= ((REAL \ NAT) \((O\NAT) \/ {REAL})) \/ {} by XBOOLE_1:46 .= ((REAL \ NAT) \ (O\NAT)) \ {REAL} by XBOOLE_1:41 .= (REAL \ (NAT \/ (O \ NAT))) \ {REAL} by XBOOLE_1:41 .= (REAL \ (NAT \/ O )) \ {REAL} by XBOOLE_1:39 .= (REAL \ O) \ {REAL} by A24,XBOOLE_1:12; not REAL in REAL; then ((id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL))"((REAL \ O) \ {REAL})= REAL \ O \ NAT by Lm4; then A29: f"((REAL \ O) \ {REAL}) = REAL \ (O \/ NAT) by A1,XBOOLE_1:41; B = REAL \ O by A26,PRE_TOPC:12,TOPMETR:24; hence thesis by A24,A28,A29,XBOOLE_1:12; end; then A` is closed by A2,A27; then [#](REAL?) \ A is closed by PRE_TOPC:17; hence A is open by Lm3; REAL in {REAL} by TARSKI:def 1; hence REAL in A by A25,XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; theorem Th32: for A being set holds A is Subset of REAL? & not REAL in A iff A is Subset of R^1 & NAT /\ A = {} proof let A be set; thus A is Subset of REAL? & not REAL in A implies A is Subset of R^1 & NAT /\ A = {} proof assume A1: A is Subset of REAL? & not REAL in A; then A c= the carrier of REAL?; then A2: A c= (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by Def7; A c= REAL proof let x be set; assume A3: x in A; then x in REAL \ NAT or x in {REAL} by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence x in REAL by A1,A3,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; hence A is Subset of R^1 by TOPMETR:24; thus NAT /\ A = {} proof assume A4: NAT /\ A <> {}; consider x being Element of NAT /\ A; A5: x in NAT & x in A by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3; per cases by A2,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose x in REAL \ NAT; hence contradiction by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 4; suppose x in {REAL}; then x = REAL by TARSKI:def 1; then REAL in REAL by A5; hence contradiction; end; end; assume A6: A is Subset of R^1 & NAT /\ A = {}; A7:A c= REAL \ NAT proof let x be set; assume A8: x in A; then not x in NAT by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence x in REAL \ NAT by A6,A8,TOPMETR:24,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; REAL \ NAT c= (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by XBOOLE_1:7; then A c= (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by A7,XBOOLE_1:1; then A is Subset of REAL? by Def7; hence A is Subset of REAL?; thus not REAL in A proof assume REAL in A; then REAL in REAL by A6,TOPMETR:24; hence contradiction; end; end; theorem Th33: for A being Subset of R^1,B being Subset of REAL? st A = B holds NAT /\ A = {} & A is open iff not REAL in B & B is open proof let A be Subset of R^1,B be Subset of REAL?; assume A1: A = B; consider f being map of R^1, REAL? such that A2: f = (id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL) and A3: for A being Subset of REAL? holds A is closed iff f"A is closed by Def7; A4: (NAT /\ A = {} & not REAL in B) implies f"(B`) = A` proof assume A5: NAT /\ A = {} & not REAL in B; REAL in the carrier of REAL? by Th30; then REAL in [#](REAL?) by PRE_TOPC:12; then REAL in [#](REAL?) \ B by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A6: REAL in B` by PRE_TOPC:17; B` c= the carrier of REAL?; then A7: B` c= (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by Def7; A8: B` \ {REAL} c= REAL proof let x be set; assume A9: x in B` \ {REAL}; then x in B` & not x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x in (REAL \ NAT) or x in {REAL} by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence x in REAL by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; A10:not REAL in REAL; {REAL} c= B` proof let x be set; assume x in {REAL}; hence x in B` by A6,TARSKI:def 1; end; then B` = (B`\{REAL}) \/ {REAL} by XBOOLE_1:45; then A11: ((id REAL)+*(NAT --> REAL))"(B`) = (B`\{REAL}) \/ NAT by A8,A10,Th19 .= (([#](REAL?) \ B)\{REAL}) \/ NAT by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (((the carrier of REAL?) \ B)\{REAL}) \/ NAT by PRE_TOPC:12 .= ((((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A)\{REAL}) \/ NAT by A1,Def7; REAL \ A = ((((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A)\{REAL}) \/ NAT proof thus REAL \ A c= ((((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A)\{REAL}) \/ NAT proof let x be set; assume x in REAL\A; then A12: x in REAL & not x in A by XBOOLE_0:def 4; A13: not x in {REAL} proof assume x in {REAL}; then x = REAL by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A12; end; per cases; suppose x in NAT; hence x in ((((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A)\{REAL}) \/ NAT by XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose not x in NAT; then x in REAL \ NAT by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x in (REAL\NAT) \/ {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then x in ((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x in (((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A)\{REAL} by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence x in ((((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A)\{REAL}) \/ NAT by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; let x be set; assume A14: x in ((((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A)\{REAL}) \/ NAT; per cases by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A15: x in NAT; then not x in A by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence x in REAL \ A by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4; suppose A16: x in (((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A)\{REAL}; then x in ((REAL\NAT)\/{REAL})\A & not x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4 ; then A17: x in (REAL\NAT)\/{REAL} & not x in A by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x in REAL\NAT or x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then x in REAL by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence x in REAL \ A by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; then [#](R^1) \ A = ((((REAL\NAT)\/ {REAL})\A)\{REAL}) \/ NAT by PRE_TOPC:12,TOPMETR:24; hence f"(B`) = A` by A2,A11,PRE_TOPC:17; end; thus NAT /\ A = {} & A is open implies not REAL in B & B is open proof assume A18: NAT /\ A = {} & A is open; hence not REAL in B by A1,Th32; A` is closed by A18,TOPS_1:30; then B` is closed by A1,A3,A4,A18,Th32; hence B is open by TOPS_1:30; end; assume A19: not REAL in B & B is open; hence NAT /\ A = {} by A1,Th32; B` is closed by A19,TOPS_1:30; then A` is closed by A1,A3,A4,A19,Th32; hence A is open by TOPS_1:30; end; theorem Th34: for A being Subset of REAL? st A = {REAL} holds A is closed proof let A be Subset of REAL?; assume A1: A = {REAL}; reconsider B = REAL \ NAT as Subset of R^1 by TOPMETR:24, XBOOLE_1:36; reconsider B as Subset of R^1; A2:B is open proof reconsider N=NAT as Subset of R^1 by TOPMETR:24; reconsider N as Subset of R^1; A3: N is closed by Th10; N` = [#](R^1) \ N by PRE_TOPC:17 .= B by PRE_TOPC:12,TOPMETR:24; hence B is open by A3,TOPS_1:29; end; B misses NAT by XBOOLE_1:79; then A4: B /\ NAT = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then reconsider C=B as Subset of REAL? by Th32; A5: C is open by A2,A4,Th33; (REAL\NAT) = ((REAL\NAT) \/ {REAL})\{REAL} proof thus (REAL\NAT) c= ((REAL\NAT) \/ {REAL})\{REAL} proof let x be set; assume A6: x in REAL \ NAT; then A7: x in REAL by XBOOLE_0:def 4; A8: not x in {REAL} proof assume x in {REAL}; then x = REAL by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A7; end; x in (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence x in ((REAL\NAT) \/ {REAL})\{REAL} by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; let x be set; assume x in ((REAL\NAT) \/ {REAL})\{REAL}; then x in (REAL\NAT) \/ {REAL} & not x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence x in REAL \ NAT by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; then C = (the carrier of REAL?) \ A by A1,Def7 .= [#](REAL?) \ A by PRE_TOPC:12 .= A` by PRE_TOPC:17; hence A is closed by A5,TOPS_1:29; end; theorem Th35: REAL? is not first-countable proof assume A1: REAL? is first-countable; reconsider y = REAL as Point of REAL? by Th30; consider B being Basis of y such that A2: B is countable by A1,Def1; consider h being Function of NAT,B such that A3: rng h = B by A2,WAYBEL12:4; defpred P[set,set] means ex m being Nat st m=$1 & $2 in h.$1 /\ ]. m - 1/4 , m + 1/4 .[; A4:for n being set st n in NAT ex x being set st x in REAL \ NAT & P[n,x] proof let n be set; assume A5: n in NAT; then n in dom h by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A6: h.n in rng h by FUNCT_1:def 5; then reconsider Bn=h.n as Subset of REAL? by A3; reconsider Bn as Subset of REAL?; Bn is open & y in Bn by A3,A6,YELLOW_8:21; then consider An being Subset of R^1 such that A7: An is open and A8: NAT c= An and A9: Bn = (An \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by Th31; reconsider An'=An as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:def 7; reconsider m = n as Nat by A5; reconsider m'=m as Point of RealSpace by METRIC_1:def 14; A10: Ball(m',1/4) = ]. m - 1/4 , m + 1/4 .[ by Th7; dist(m',m')=0 by METRIC_1:1; then m' in Ball(m',1/4) by METRIC_1:12; then A11: n in An /\ Ball(m',1/4) by A5,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3; Ball(m',1/4) c= the carrier of RealSpace; then Ball(m',1/4) c= the carrier of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:16; then reconsider Kn = Ball(m',1/4) as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace); Kn is open by TOPMETR:21; then An' /\ Kn is open by A7,TOPMETR:def 7,TOPS_1:38; then consider r being real number such that A12: r>0 and A13: Ball(m',r) c= An /\ Kn by A11,TOPMETR:22; reconsider r as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; A14: r < 1 proof assume r>=1; then 1/2 < r by AXIOMS:22; then -r < -(1/2) by REAL_1:50; then -r + m < -(1/2) + m by REAL_1:53; then m - r < m + -(1/2) by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then A15: m - r < m - 1/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; -(1/2) < r by A12,AXIOMS:22; then -(1/2) + m < r + m by REAL_1:53; then m - 1/2 < m + r by XCMPLX_0:def 8; then m - 1/2 in {a where a is Real:m-r<a & a<m+r} by A15; then m - 1/2 in ].m-r,m+r.[ by RCOMP_1:def 2; then m - 1/2 in Ball(m',r) by A12,Th7; then m - 1/2 in Kn by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then m - 1/2 in ]. m - 1/4,m+1/4.[ by Th7; then m - 1/2 in {a where a is Real: m - 1/4 < a & a < m + 1/4 } by RCOMP_1:def 2; then consider a being Real such that A16: a= m - 1/2 & m - 1/4 < a & a < m + 1/4; m + -(1/4) < m - 1/2 by A16,XCMPLX_0:def 8; then m + -(1/4) < m + -(1/2) by XCMPLX_0:def 8; hence contradiction by AXIOMS:24; end; m < m + r by A12,REAL_1:69; then m - r < m by REAL_1:84; then consider x being real number such that A17: m - r < x and A18: x < m by REAL_1:75; reconsider x as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; take x; x + 0 < m + r by A12,A18,REAL_1:67; then x in {a where a is Real : m - r < a & a < m + r} by A17; then x in ].m - r,m + r.[ by RCOMP_1:def 2; then A19: x in Ball(m',r) by A12,Th7; then A20: x in ]. m - 1/4 , m + 1/4 .[ by A10,A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A21: not x in NAT proof assume x in NAT; then reconsider x as Nat; per cases by REAL_1:def 5; suppose x = m; hence contradiction by A18; suppose x > m; hence contradiction by A18; suppose x < m; then A22: m >= x + 1 by NAT_1:38; m < x + r by A17,REAL_1:84; then m - x < r by REAL_1:84; then m - x < 1 by A14,AXIOMS:22; hence contradiction by A22,REAL_1:84; end; x in An by A13,A19,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in An \ NAT by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A23: x in Bn by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 2; thus x in REAL \ NAT by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 4; take m; m=n & x in h.n /\ ]. m - 1/4 , m + 1/4 .[ by A20,A23,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence thesis; end; consider S being Function such that A24: dom S = NAT and A25: rng S c= REAL \ NAT and A26: for n being set st n in NAT holds P[n,S.n] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A4); REAL \ NAT c= REAL by XBOOLE_1:36; then rng S c= REAL by A25,XBOOLE_1:1; then S is Function of NAT, the carrier of R^1 by A24,FUNCT_2:4,TOPMETR:24; then reconsider S as sequence of R^1 by NORMSP_1:def 3; A27: for n being Nat holds S.n in ]. n - 1/4 , n + 1/4 .[ proof let n be Nat; consider m being Nat such that A28: m=n and A29: S.n in h.n /\ ]. m - 1/4 , m + 1/4 .[ by A26; thus S.n in ]. n - 1/4 , n + 1/4 .[ by A28,A29,XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; reconsider O=rng S as Subset of R^1; O is closed by A27,Th9; then [#](R^1)\O is open by PRE_TOPC:def 6; then A30: O` is open by PRE_TOPC:17; A31: NAT c= O` proof let x be set; assume A32: x in NAT; then x in the carrier of R^1 by TOPMETR:24; then A33: x in [#](R^1) by PRE_TOPC:12; not x in rng S by A25,A32,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x in [#](R^1) \ O by A33,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence x in O` by PRE_TOPC:17; end; set A = (O` \ NAT) \/ {REAL}; A c= (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} proof let x be set; assume x in A; then x in (O` \ NAT) or x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then (x in O` & not x in NAT) or x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (x in REAL \ NAT) or x in {REAL} by TOPMETR:24,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence x in (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; then reconsider A as Subset of REAL? by Def7; reconsider A as Subset of REAL?; A is open & REAL in A by A30,A31,Th31; then consider V being Subset of REAL? such that A34: V in B & V c= A by YELLOW_8:22; A35: for n being Nat ex x being set st x in h.n & not (x in A) proof let n be Nat; consider xn being set such that A36: xn=S.n; take xn; A37: ex m being Nat st m=n & S.n in h.n /\ ]. m - 1/4 , m + 1/4 .[ by A26; A38: S.n in rng S by A24,FUNCT_1:def 5; then not xn in [#](R^1) \ O by A36,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A39: not xn in O` by PRE_TOPC:17; not xn = REAL proof assume xn = REAL; then REAL in REAL by A25,A36,A38,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence contradiction; end; then not xn in (O` \ NAT) & not xn in {REAL} by A39,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0: def 4; hence xn in h.n & not (xn in A) by A36,A37,XBOOLE_0:def 2,def 3; end; consider n1 being set such that A40: n1 in dom h and A41: V = h.n1 by A3,A34,FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider n=n1 as Nat by A40,FUNCT_2:def 1; consider x being set such that A42: x in h.n & not (x in A) by A35; thus contradiction by A34,A41,A42; end; theorem Th36: REAL? is Frechet proof let A be Subset of REAL?,x be Point of REAL?; assume A1: x in Cl(A); x in the carrier of REAL?; then x in (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by Def7; then A2: x in (REAL \ NAT) or x in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; per cases by A2,TARSKI:def 1; suppose A3: x in (REAL \ NAT); then A4: x in REAL by XBOOLE_0:def 4; reconsider x'=x as Point of R^1 by A3,TOPMETR:24,XBOOLE_0:def 4; A c= the carrier of REAL?; then A5: A c= REAL \ NAT \/ {REAL} by Def7; A\{REAL} c= REAL proof let a be set; assume a in A\{REAL}; then a in A & not a in{REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (a in REAL\NAT or a in {REAL}) & not a in {REAL} by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2 ; hence a in REAL by XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; then reconsider A' = A\{REAL} as Subset of R^1 by TOPMETR:24; reconsider A' as Subset of R^1; for B' being Subset of R^1 st B' is open holds x' in B' implies A' meets B' proof let B' be Subset of R^1; assume A6: B' is open; assume A7: x' in B'; reconsider B1=B' as Subset of R^1; reconsider C=NAT as Subset of R^1 by TOPMETR:24; reconsider C as Subset of R^1; C is closed by Th10; then A8: B1 \ C is open by A6,Th4; (B' \ NAT) misses NAT by XBOOLE_1:79; then A9: (B' \ NAT) /\ NAT = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then reconsider D=B1 \ C as Subset of REAL? by Th32; A10:D is open by A8,A9,Th33; not x' in NAT by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A11: x' in B' \ NAT by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 4; reconsider D as Subset of REAL?; A meets D by A1,A10,A11,PRE_TOPC:def 13; then A12: A /\ D <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; A' /\ B' <> {} proof consider a being Element of A /\ D; A13: a in D by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A14: a in B' by XBOOLE_0:def 4; A15: a in REAL by A13,TOPMETR:24; A16: not a in {REAL} proof assume a in {REAL}; then a = REAL by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A15; end; a in A by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then a in A \ {REAL} by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence A' /\ B' <> {} by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; hence A' meets B' by XBOOLE_0:def 7; end; then x' in Cl(A') by PRE_TOPC:def 13; then consider S' being sequence of R^1 such that A17: rng S' c= A' and A18: x' in Lim S' by Def5; A19: S' is_convergent_to x' by A18,Def4; A20: rng S' c= A proof let a be set; assume a in rng S'; hence a in A by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; then rng S' c= the carrier of REAL? by XBOOLE_1:1; then reconsider S=S' as sequence of REAL? by Th2; take S; thus rng S c= A by A20; S is_convergent_to x proof let V be Subset of REAL?; assume A21: V is open & x in V; reconsider C={REAL} as Subset of REAL? by Lm5; reconsider C as Subset of REAL?; C is closed by Th34; then A22: V \ C is open by A21,Th4; REAL in {REAL} by TARSKI:def 1; then A23: not REAL in V \ {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then reconsider V' = V \ C as Subset of R^1 by Th32; A24: V' is open by A22,A23,Th33; not x in C proof assume x in C; then x = REAL by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4; end; then x in V \ C by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then consider n being Nat such that A25: for m being Nat st n <= m holds S'.m in V' by A19,A24,Def2; take n; thus for m being Nat st n <= m holds S.m in V proof let m be Nat; assume n <= m; then S'.m in V' by A25; hence S.m in V by XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; end; hence x in Lim S by Def4; suppose A26: x = REAL & x in A; A27: rng (NAT --> x) = {x} by FUNCOP_1:14; dom (NAT --> x) = NAT by FUNCOP_1:19; then (NAT --> x) is Function of NAT,the carrier of REAL? by A27,FUNCT_2:4; then reconsider S=(NAT --> x) as sequence of REAL? by NORMSP_1:def 3; take S; {x} c= A by A26,ZFMISC_1:37; hence rng S c= A by FUNCOP_1:14; S is_convergent_to x by Th23; hence x in Lim S by Def4; suppose A28: x = REAL & not x in A; then reconsider A'=A as Subset of R^1 by Th32; ex k being Point of R^1 st k in NAT & ex S' being sequence of R^1 st rng S' c= A' & S' is_convergent_to k proof assume A29: not (ex k being Point of R^1 st k in NAT & ex S' being sequence of R^1 st rng S' c= A' & S' is_convergent_to k); defpred P[set,set] means $1 in $2 & $2 in the topology of R^1 & $2 /\ A' = {}; A30: for k being set st k in NAT ex U1 being set st P[k,U1] proof given k being set such that A31: k in NAT and A32: for U1 being set holds (k in U1 & U1 in the topology of R^1) implies not U1 /\ A' = {}; reconsider k as Point of R^1 by A31,TOPMETR:24; reconsider k''=k as Point of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:def 7; reconsider k'=k'' as Point of RealSpace by TOPMETR:16; consider Bs being Basis of k'' such that A33: Bs={Ball(k',1/n) where n is Nat:n<>0} and Bs is countable and A34: ex f being Function of NAT,Bs st for n being set st n in NAT holds ex n' being Nat st n=n' & f.n = Ball(k',1/(n'+1)) by Th11; consider h being Function of NAT,Bs such that A35: for n being set st n in NAT holds ex n' being Nat st n=n' & h.n = Ball(k',1/(n'+1)) by A34; defpred P[set,set] means $2 in h.$1 /\ A'; A36: for n being set st n in NAT ex z being set st z in the carrier of R^1 & P[n,z] proof let n be set; assume n in NAT; then consider n' being Nat such that n=n' and A37: h.n=Ball(k',1/(n'+1)) by A35; A38: h.n in Bs by A33,A37; A39: Bs c= the topology of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by YELLOW_8:def 2; reconsider H=h.n as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by A38; reconsider H as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace); k in H by A38,YELLOW_8:21; then A40: H /\ A' <> {} by A32,A38,A39,TOPMETR:def 7; consider z being Element of H /\ A'; A41: z in H by A40,XBOOLE_0:def 3; take z; thus z in the carrier of R^1 & z in h.n /\ A' by A40,A41,TOPMETR:def 7 ; end; consider S' being Function such that A42: dom S' = NAT & rng S' c= the carrier of R^1 and A43: for n being set st n in NAT holds P[n,S'.n] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A36); reconsider S' as Function of NAT,the carrier of R^1 by A42,FUNCT_2:4; reconsider S' as sequence of R^1 by NORMSP_1:def 3; A44: rng S' c= A' proof let z be set; assume z in rng S'; then consider z' being set such that A45: z' in dom S' and A46: z = S'.z' by FUNCT_1:def 5; S'.z' in h.z' /\ A' by A42,A43,A45; hence z in A' by A46,XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; S' is_convergent_to k proof let U1 be Subset of R^1; assume A47: U1 is open & k in U1; reconsider U2=U1 as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace) by TOPMETR:def 7; consider r being real number such that A48: r > 0 and A49: Ball(k',r) c= U2 by A47,TOPMETR:22,def 7; reconsider r as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; consider n being Nat such that A50: 1/n < r and A51: n <> 0 by A48,Lm2; take n; thus for m being Nat st n <= m holds S'.m in U1 proof let m be Nat; assume n <= m; then A52: n < m + 1 by NAT_1:38; n > 0 by A51,NAT_1:19; then 1/(m+1) < 1/n by A52,REAL_2:151; then 1/(m+1) < r by A50,AXIOMS:22; then Ball(k',1/(m+1)) c= Ball(k',r) by PCOMPS_1:1; then A53: Ball(k',1/(m+1)) c= U2 by A49,XBOOLE_1:1; consider m' being Nat such that A54: m=m' and A55: h.m = Ball(k',1/(m'+1)) by A35; S'.m in h.m /\ A' by A43; then S'.m in h.m by XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence S'.m in U1 by A53,A54,A55; end; end; hence contradiction by A29,A31,A44; end; consider g being Function such that A56: dom g =NAT and A57: for k being set st k in NAT holds P[k,g.k] from NonUniqFuncEx(A30); rng g c= bool the carrier of R^1 proof let z be set; assume z in rng g; then consider k being set such that A58: k in dom g and A59: z=g.k by FUNCT_1:def 5; g.k in the topology of R^1 by A56,A57,A58; hence z in bool the carrier of R^1 by A59; end; then rng g is Subset-Family of R^1 by SETFAM_1:def 7; then reconsider F = rng g as Subset-Family of R^1; F is open proof let O be Subset of R^1; assume O in F; then consider k being set such that A60: k in dom g and A61: O=g.k by FUNCT_1:def 5; g.k in the topology of R^1 by A56,A57,A60; hence O is open by A61,PRE_TOPC:def 5; end; then A62: union F is open by TOPS_2:26; A63: NAT c= union F proof let k be set; assume A64: k in NAT; then A65: k in g.k by A57; g.k in rng g by A56,A64,FUNCT_1:def 5; hence k in union F by A65,TARSKI:def 4; end; (union F)\NAT c= REAL \ NAT by TOPMETR:24,XBOOLE_1:33; then ((union F)\NAT) \/ {REAL} c= (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by XBOOLE_1:9; then reconsider B = ((union F)\NAT) \/ {REAL} as Subset of REAL? by Def7; reconsider B as Subset of REAL?; B is open & REAL in B by A62,A63,Th31; then A66: A meets B by A1,A28,PRE_TOPC:def 13; B /\ A = {} proof assume A67: B /\ A <> {}; consider z being Element of B /\ A; A68: z in B & z in A by A67,XBOOLE_0:def 3; per cases by A68,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose z in (union F)\NAT; then z in union F by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then consider C being set such that A69: z in C and A70: C in F by TARSKI:def 4; consider l being set such that A71: l in dom g and A72: C = g.l by A70,FUNCT_1:def 5; g.l /\ A = {} by A56,A57,A71; hence contradiction by A68,A69,A72,XBOOLE_0:def 3; suppose z in {REAL}; then z = REAL by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A28,A67,XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; hence contradiction by A66,XBOOLE_0:def 7; end; then consider k being Point of R^1 such that A73: k in NAT and A74: ex S' being sequence of R^1 st rng S' c= A' & S' is_convergent_to k; consider S' being sequence of R^1 such that A75: rng S' c= A' and A76: S' is_convergent_to k by A74; rng S' c= the carrier of REAL? by A75,XBOOLE_1:1; then reconsider S = S' as sequence of REAL? by Th2; take S; thus rng S c= A by A75; S is_convergent_to x proof let U1 be Subset of REAL?; assume (U1 is open & x in U1); then consider O being Subset of R^1 such that A77: O is open and A78: NAT c= O and A79: U1=(O\NAT) \/ {REAL} by A28,Th31; consider n being Nat such that A80: for m being Nat st n <= m holds S'.m in O by A73,A76,A77,A78,Def2; take n; thus for m being Nat st n <= m holds S.m in U1 proof let m be Nat; assume n <= m; then A81: S'.m in O by A80; m in NAT; then m in dom S' by NORMSP_1:17; then S'.m in rng S' by FUNCT_1:def 5; then S'.m in A' by A75; then S'.m in the carrier of REAL?; then S'.m in (REAL \ NAT) \/ {REAL} by Def7; then A82: S'.m in (REAL \ NAT) or S'.m in {REAL} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; S'.m <> REAL proof assume A83: S'.m = REAL; S'.m in REAL by TOPMETR:24; hence contradiction by A83; end; then not S'.m in NAT by A82,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then S'.m in O \ NAT by A81,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence S.m in U1 by A79,XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; end; hence x in Lim S by Def4; end; theorem not (for T being non empty TopSpace holds T is Frechet implies T is first-countable) by Th35,Th36; begin :: :: Auxiliary theorems :: canceled 2; theorem for r being Real st r>0 ex n being Nat st (1/n < r & n<>0) by Lm2;