The Mizar article:

The Well Ordering Relations

Grzegorz Bancerek

Received April 4, 1989

Copyright (c) 1989 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: WELLORD1
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors TARSKI, RELAT_2, FUNCT_1, SUBSET_1, XBOOLE_0;
 clusters FUNCT_1, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1;
 requirements SUBSET, BOOLE;
 definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1;
 schemes XBOOLE_0, FUNCT_1;


 reserve a,b,c,d,x,y,z,X,Y,Z for set;
 reserve R,S,T for Relation;

 Lm1: R is reflexive iff for x st x in field R holds [x,x] in R
      (R is reflexive iff R is_reflexive_in field R) &
     (R is_reflexive_in field R iff for x st x in field R holds [x,x] in R)
      by RELAT_2:def 1,def 9;
   hence thesis;

 Lm2: R is transitive iff for x,y,z st [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R holds [x,z] in R
   thus R is transitive implies
      for x,y,z st [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R holds [x,z] in R
     proof assume R is transitive;
then A1:       R is_transitive_in field R by RELAT_2:def 16;
      let x,y,z; assume
A2:     [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R;
       then x in field R & y in field R & z in field R by RELAT_1:30;
      hence thesis by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 8;
   assume for x,y,z st [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R holds [x,z] in R;
    then for x,y,z st x in field R & y in field R & z in field R &
                 [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R holds [x,z] in R;
    then R is_transitive_in field R by RELAT_2:def 8;
   hence thesis by RELAT_2:def 16;

 Lm3: R is antisymmetric iff for x,y st [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R holds x = y
   thus R is antisymmetric implies
      for x,y st [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R holds x = y
     proof assume
         R is antisymmetric;
then A1:       R is_antisymmetric_in field R by RELAT_2:def 12;
      let x,y; assume
A2:     [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R;
       then x in field R & y in field R by RELAT_1:30;
      hence x = y by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 4;
   assume for x,y st [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R holds x = y;
    then for x,y st x in field R & y in field R & [x,y] in R & [y,x] in
 R holds x = y;
   then R is_antisymmetric_in field R by RELAT_2:def 4;
   hence thesis by RELAT_2:def 12;

 Lm4: R is connected iff for x,y st x in field R & y in field R & x <> y holds
   [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R
      (R is connected iff R is_connected_in field R) &
     (R is_connected_in field R iff for x,y st x in field R &
       y in field R & x <> y holds [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R)
        by RELAT_2:def 6,def 14;
   hence thesis;

 definition let R,a;
     defpred P[set] means $1 <> a & [$1,a] in R;
   func R-Seg(a) -> set means
:Def1:  x in it iff x <> a & [x,a] in R;
     consider X such that
A1:    x in X iff x in field R & P[x] from Separation;
     take X; let x;
     thus x in X implies x <> a & [x,a] in R by A1;
A2:    x <> a & [x,a] in R;
      then x in field R by RELAT_1:30;
     hence x in X by A1,A2;
    proof let X1,X2 be set such that
A3:   for b holds b in X1 iff P[b] and
A4:   for b holds b in X2 iff P[b];
     thus thesis from Extensionality(A3,A4);


 Th2: x in field R or R-Seg(x) = {}
  proof assume
A1:  not x in field R;
    consider y being Element of R-Seg(x);
   assume R-Seg(x) <> {};
      then [y,x] in R by Def1;
     hence contradiction by A1,RELAT_1:30;

 definition let R;
  attr R is well_founded means
:Def2:   for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {} ex a st a in Y & R-Seg a misses Y;
  let X;
  pred R is_well_founded_in X means
:Def3:   for Y st Y c= X & Y <> {} ex a st a in Y & R-Seg a misses Y;

canceled 2;

 Th5: R is well_founded iff R is_well_founded_in field R
   thus R is well_founded implies R is_well_founded_in field R
     proof assume
         for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {} ex a st a in Y & R-Seg(a) misses Y;
         for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {} ex a st a in Y & R-Seg(a) misses Y;
      for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {} ex a st a in Y & R-Seg(a) misses Y;
      for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {} ex a st a in Y & R-Seg(a) misses Y;

 definition let R;
  attr R is well-ordering means
   R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric &
    R is connected & R is well_founded;
  let X;
  pred R well_orders X means
   R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X &
    R is_connected_in X & R is_well_founded_in X;

canceled 2;

    R well_orders field R iff R is well-ordering
   thus R well_orders field R implies R is well-ordering
     proof assume
         R is_reflexive_in field R & R is_transitive_in field R &
        R is_antisymmetric_in field R & R is_connected_in field R &
         R is_well_founded_in field R;
         R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric &
        R is connected & R is well_founded
         by Th5,RELAT_2:def 9,def 12,def 14,def 16;
   assume R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric &
     R is connected & R is well_founded;
   hence R is_reflexive_in field R & R is_transitive_in field R &
     R is_antisymmetric_in field R & R is_connected_in field R &
      R is_well_founded_in field R
       by Th5,RELAT_2:def 9,def 12,def 14,def 16;

    R well_orders X implies
   for Y st Y c= X & Y <> {}
    ex a st a in Y & for b st b in Y holds [a,b] in R
  proof assume
      R well_orders X;
then A1:  R is_reflexive_in X & R is_connected_in X &
     R is_well_founded_in X by Def5;
   let Y; assume
A2:  Y c= X & Y <> {};
   then consider a such that
A3:  a in Y & R-Seg(a) misses Y by A1,Def3;
   take a;
   thus a in Y by A3;
   let b; assume
A4:  b in Y;
    then not b in R-Seg(a) by A3,XBOOLE_0:3;
  then a = b or not [b,a] in R by Def1;
   then a <> b implies [a,b] in R by A1,A2,A3,A4,RELAT_2:def 6;
   hence [a,b] in R by A1,A2,A3,RELAT_2:def 1;

 Th10: R is well-ordering implies
   for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {}
    ex a st a in Y & for b st b in Y holds [a,b] in R
  proof assume
      R is well-ordering;
then A1:  R is reflexive & R is connected & R is well_founded by Def4;
   let Y; assume
A2:  Y c= field R & Y <> {};
   then consider a such that
A3:  a in Y & R-Seg(a) misses Y by A1,Def2;
   take a;
   thus a in Y by A3;
   let b; assume
A4:  b in Y;
    then not b in R-Seg(a) by A3,XBOOLE_0:3;
then a = b or not [b,a] in R by Def1;
   then a <> b implies [a,b] in R by A1,A2,A3,A4,Lm4;
   hence [a,b] in R by A1,A2,A3,Lm1;

    for R st R is well-ordering & field R <> {}
       ex a st a in field R & for b st b in field R holds [a,b] in R by Th10;

    for R st R is well-ordering & field R <> {} for a st a in field R
    holds (for b st b in field R holds [b,a] in R) or
          (ex b st b in field R & [a,b] in R &
            for c st c in field R & [a,c] in R holds c = a or [b,c] in R )
   proof let R; assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & field R <> {};
then A2:  R is connected & R is antisymmetric & R is reflexive &
      for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {}
       ex a st a in Y & for b st b in Y holds [a,b] in R by Def4,Th10;
    let a such that
A3:   a in field R;
    given b such that
A4:   b in field R & not [b,a] in R;
    defpred P[set] means not [$1,a] in R;
    consider Z such that
A5:   c in Z iff c in field R & P[c] from Separation;
       for b holds b in Z implies b in field R by A5;
then A6:   Z c= field R by TARSKI:def 3;
       Z <> {} by A4,A5;
    then consider d such that
A7:   d in Z & for c st c in Z holds [d,c] in R by A1,A6,Th10;
    take d;
A8:  d in field R by A5,A7;
A9:  not [d,a] in R by A5,A7;
     then a <> d by A7;
    hence [a,d] in R by A2,A3,A8,A9,Lm4;
    let c; assume
A10:   c in field R & [a,c] in R;
    assume c <> a;
      then not [c,a] in R by A2,A10,Lm3;
     then c in Z by A5,A10;
    hence [d,c] in R by A7;

 reserve F,G for Function;

 Th13: R-Seg(a) c= field R
  proof let b; assume b in R-Seg(a);
    then [b,a] in R by Def1;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:30;

 definition let R,Y;
   func R |_2 Y -> Relation equals
:Def6:   R /\ [:Y,Y:];
   coherence by RELAT_1:9;


    R |_2 X c= R & R |_2 X c= [:X,X:]
      R |_2 X = R /\ [:X,X:] by Def6;
   hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:17;

 Th16: x in R |_2 X iff x in R & x in [:X,X:]
      x in R /\ [:X,X:] iff x in R & x in [:X,X:] by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   hence thesis by Def6;

 Th17: R |_2 X = X|R|X
  proof let x,y;
   thus [x,y] in R |_2 X implies [x,y] in X|R|X
     proof assume [x,y] in R |_2 X;
then A1:     [x,y] in R & [x,y] in [:X,X:] by Th16;
then A2:     x in X & y in X by ZFMISC_1:106;
       then [x,y] in X|R by A1,RELAT_1:def 12;
      hence [x,y] in X|R|X by A2,RELAT_1:def 11;
   assume [x,y] in X|R|X;
then A3:  [x,y] in X|R & x in X by RELAT_1:def 11;
then A4:  [x,y] in R & y in X by RELAT_1:def 12;
    then [x,y] in [:X,X:] by A3,ZFMISC_1:106;
   hence thesis by A4,Th16;

 Th18: R |_2 X = X|(R|X)
   thus R |_2 X = X|R|X by Th17 .= X|(R|X) by RELAT_1:140;

Lm5: dom(X|R) c= dom R
 proof let x; assume x in dom(X|R);
  then consider y such that
A1: [x,y] in X|R by RELAT_1:def 4;
     [x,y] in R by A1,RELAT_1:def 12;
  hence x in dom R by RELAT_1:def 4;

 Th19: x in field(R |_2 X) implies x in field R & x in X
  proof assume x in field(R |_2 X);
    then x in dom(R |_2 X) \/ rng(R |_2 X) by RELAT_1:def 6;
then A1:  x in dom(R |_2 X) or x in rng(R |_2 X) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A2:  R |_2 X = X|R|X & R |_2 X = X|(R|X) by Th17,Th18;
A3:  dom(X|R|X) = dom(X|R) /\ X & dom(X|R) c= dom R &
     rng(X|(R|X)) = rng(R|X) /\ X & rng(R|X) c= rng R
      by Lm5,RELAT_1:90,99,119;
  then x in dom(X|R) & x in X or x in rng(R|X) & x in X by A1,A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3
  then x in dom R \/ rng R by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,RELAT_1:def 6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

 Th20: field(R |_2 X) c= field R & field(R |_2 X) c= X
      (for x st x in field(R |_2 X) holds x in field R) &
     (for x st x in field(R |_2 X) holds x in X) by Th19;
   hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

 Th21: (R |_2 X)-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(a)
  proof let x; assume x in (R |_2 X)-Seg(a);
then A1:  [x,a] in R |_2 X & x <> a by Def1;
    then [x,a] in R by Th16;
   hence x in R-Seg(a) by A1,Def1;

 Th22: R is reflexive implies R |_2 X is reflexive
  proof assume
A1:  R is reflexive;
      now let a; assume
        a in field(R |_2 X);
      then a in field R & a in X by Th19;
      then [a,a] in R & [a,a] in [:X,X:] by A1,Lm1,ZFMISC_1:106;
     hence [a,a] in R |_2 X by Th16;
   hence thesis by Lm1;

 Th23: R is connected implies R |_2 Y is connected
  proof assume
A1:  R is connected;
      now let a,b; assume
        a in field(R |_2 Y) & b in field(R |_2 Y) & a <> b;
then A2:    a in field R & b in field R & a in Y & b in Y & a <> b by Th19;
then A3:    [a,b] in R or [b,a] in R by A1,Lm4;
        [a,b] in [:Y,Y:] & [b,a] in [:Y,Y:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
     hence [a,b] in R |_2 Y or [b,a] in R |_2 Y by A3,Th16;
   hence thesis by Lm4;

 Th24: R is transitive implies R |_2 Y is transitive
  proof assume
A1:    R is transitive;
      now let a,b,c; assume
      [a,b] in R |_2 Y & [b,c] in R |_2 Y;
then A2:    [a,b] in [:Y,Y:] & [a,b] in R & [b,c] in [:Y,Y:] & [b,c] in R by
then A3:    [a,c] in R by A1,Lm2;
        a in Y & c in Y by A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
      then [a,c] in [:Y,Y:] by ZFMISC_1:106;
     hence [a,c] in R |_2 Y by A3,Th16;
   hence thesis by Lm2;

 Th25: R is antisymmetric implies R |_2 Y is antisymmetric
  proof assume
A1:    R is antisymmetric;
      now let a,b; assume
        [a,b] in R |_2 Y & [b,a] in R |_2 Y;
      then [a,b] in R & [b,a] in R by Th16;
     hence a = b by A1,Lm3;
   hence thesis by Lm3;

 Th26: (R |_2 X) |_2 Y = R |_2 (X /\ Y)
   thus (R |_2 X) |_2 Y = (R |_2 X) /\ [:Y,Y:] by Def6
      .= (R /\ [:X,X:]) /\ [:Y,Y:] by Def6
      .= R /\ ([:X,X:] /\ [:Y,Y:]) by XBOOLE_1:16
      .= R /\ [:X /\ Y,X /\ Y:] by ZFMISC_1:123
      .= R |_2 (X /\ Y) by Def6;

    (R |_2 X) |_2 Y = (R |_2 Y) |_2 X
   thus (R |_2 X) |_2 Y = R |_2 (Y /\ X) by Th26
      .= (R |_2 Y) |_2 X by Th26;

    (R |_2 Y) |_2 Y = R |_2 Y
   proof let a,b;
    thus [a,b] in (R |_2 Y) |_2 Y implies [a,b] in R |_2 Y by Th16;
A1:   [a,b] in R |_2 Y;
     then [a,b] in [:Y,Y:] by Th16;
    hence [a,b] in (R |_2 Y) |_2 Y by A1,Th16;

 Th29: Z c= Y implies (R |_2 Y) |_2 Z = R |_2 Z
   proof assume
A1:   Z c= Y;
    let a,b;
    thus [a,b] in (R |_2 Y) |_2 Z implies [a,b] in R |_2 Z
      proof assume [a,b] in (R |_2 Y) |_2 Z;
then A2:      [a,b] in R |_2 Y & [a,b] in [:Z,Z:] by Th16;
        then [a,b] in R by Th16;
       hence [a,b] in R |_2 Z by A2,Th16;
    assume [a,b] in R |_2 Z;
then A3:   [a,b] in R & [a,b] in [:Z,Z:] by Th16;
     then a in Z & b in Z by ZFMISC_1:106;
     then [a,b] in [:Y,Y:] by A1,ZFMISC_1:106;
     then [a,b] in R |_2 Y by A3,Th16;
    hence thesis by A3,Th16;

 Th30: R |_2 field R = R
   proof let x,y;
    thus [x,y] in R |_2 field R implies [x,y] in R by Th16;
A1:   [x,y] in R;
     then x in field R & y in field R by RELAT_1:30;
     then [x,y] in [:field R,field R:] by ZFMISC_1:106;
    hence thesis by A1,Th16;

 Th31: R is well_founded implies R |_2 X is well_founded
  proof assume
A1:  for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {} ex a st a in Y & R-Seg(a) misses Y;
   let Y such that
A2:  Y c= field(R |_2 X) & Y <> {};
      field(R |_2 X) c= field R by Th20;
  then Y c= field R by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
   then consider a such that
A3:  a in Y & R-Seg(a) misses Y by A1,A2;
   take a;
   thus a in Y by A3;
   assume not thesis;
     then consider b being set such that
A4:    b in (R |_2 X)-Seg(a) & b in Y by XBOOLE_0:3;
        (R |_2 X)-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(a) by Th21;
   hence contradiction by A3,A4,XBOOLE_0:3;

 Th32: R is well-ordering implies R |_2 Y is well-ordering
  proof assume
      R is well-ordering;
    then R is reflexive transitive connected antisymmetric well_founded by Def4
   hence R |_2 Y is reflexive transitive
     antisymmetric connected well_founded by Th22,Th23,Th24,Th25,Th31;

 Th33: R is well-ordering implies R-Seg(a),R-Seg(b) are_c=-comparable
   proof assume
     R is well-ordering;
then A1:  R is connected transitive reflexive antisymmetric by Def4;
A2:  now assume R-Seg(a) = {} or R-Seg(b) = {};
       then R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b) or R-Seg(b) c= R-Seg(a) by XBOOLE_1:2;
       hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 9;
       now assume
A3:     a in field R & b in field R;
         now assume a <> b;
A4:       now assume
A5:        [a,b] in R;
             now let c; assume
               c in R-Seg(a);
then A6:          [c,a] in R & c <> a by Def1;
then A7:          [c,b] in R by A1,A5,Lm2;
                c <> b by A1,A5,A6,Lm3;
            hence c in R-Seg(b) by A7,Def1;
          hence R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b) by TARSKI:def 3;
           now assume
A8:        [b,a] in R;
             now let c; assume
               c in R-Seg(b);
then A9:          [c,b] in R & c <> b by Def1;
then A10:          [c,a] in R by A1,A8,Lm2;
                c <> a by A1,A8,A9,Lm3;
            hence c in R-Seg(a) by A10,Def1;
          hence R-Seg(b) c= R-Seg(a) by TARSKI:def 3;
        hence thesis by A1,A3,A4,Lm4,XBOOLE_0:def 9;
      hence thesis;
    hence thesis by A2,Th2;


 Th35: R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in R-Seg(a) implies
     (R |_2 (R-Seg(a)))-Seg(b) = R-Seg(b)
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in R-Seg(a);
then A2:  R is transitive reflexive antisymmetric by Def4;
    set S = R |_2 (R-Seg(a));
A3:   now let c; assume
         c in S-Seg(b);
then A4:    [c,b] in S & c <> b by Def1;
       then [c,b] in R by Th16;
      hence c in R-Seg(b) by A4,Def1;
       now let c; assume
         c in R-Seg(b);
then A5:    [c,b] in R & c <> b by Def1;
A6:    [b,a] in R & b <> a by A1,Def1;
then A7:    [c,a] in R by A2,A5,Lm2;
          c <> a by A2,A5,A6,Lm3;
    then c in R-Seg(a) by A7,Def1;
       then [c,b] in [:R-Seg(a),R-Seg(a):] by A1,ZFMISC_1:106;
       then [c,b] in S by A5,Th16;
      hence c in S-Seg(b) by A5,Def1;
     then R-Seg(b) c= S-Seg(b) & S-Seg(b) c= R-Seg(b) by A3,TARSKI:def 3;
    hence (R |_2 (R-Seg(a)))-Seg(b) = R-Seg(b) by XBOOLE_0:def 10;

 Th36:  R is well-ordering & Y c= field R implies
    (Y = field R or (ex a st a in field R & Y = R-Seg(a) ) iff
     for a st a in Y for b st [b,a] in R holds b in Y )
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & Y c= field R;
then A2:     R is transitive by Def4;
A3:     R is antisymmetric by A1,Def4;
       now given a such that
A4:    a in field R & Y = R-Seg(a);
      let b such that
A5:    b in Y;
      let c such that
A6:    [c,b] in R;
A7:    [b,a] in R & b <> a by A4,A5,Def1;
then A8:    [c,a] in R & a in field R by A2,A6,Lm2,RELAT_1:30;
          c <> a by A3,A6,A7,Lm3;
      hence c in Y by A4,A8,Def1;
    hence Y = field R or (ex a st a in field R & Y = R-Seg(a) ) implies
      for a st a in Y for b st [b,a] in R holds b in Y by RELAT_1:30;
A9:     R is connected by A1,Def4;
A10:  for a st a in Y for b st [b,a] in R holds b in Y;
    Y <> field R;
    then consider d such that
A11:  not ( d in field R iff d in Y ) by TARSKI:2;
A12:  field R \ Y <> {} by A1,A11,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       a in field R \ Y implies a in field R by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     then field R \ Y c= field R by TARSKI:def 3;
    then consider a such that
A13:  a in field R \ Y & for b st b in field R \ Y holds [a,b] in
 R by A1,A12,Th10
    take a;
    thus a in field R by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    thus Y = R-Seg(a)
A14:     now let b; assume
A15:       b in Y;
         assume not b in R-Seg(a);
then A16:       not [b,a] in R or a = b by Def1;
A17:       b in field R & a in field R by A1,A13,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A18:       not a in Y by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
         a <> b by A13,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then [a,b] in R by A9,A16,A17,Lm4;
         hence contradiction by A10,A15,A18;
          now let b; assume
         b in R-Seg(a);
then A19:       [b,a] in R & b <> a by Def1;
then A20:       b in field R by RELAT_1:30;
         assume not b in Y;
          then b in field R \ Y by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then [a,b] in R by A13;
         hence contradiction by A3,A19,Lm3;
       hence thesis by A14,TARSKI:2;

 Th37: R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in field R implies
        ( [a,b] in R iff R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b) )
A1:   R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in field R;
then A2:     R is transitive by Def4;
A3:     R is reflexive by A1,Def4;
A4:     R is antisymmetric by A1,Def4;
A5:     R is connected by A1,Def4;
    thus [a,b] in R implies R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b)
      proof assume
A6:      [a,b] in R;
       let c; assume
        c in R-Seg(a);
then A7:      [c,a] in R & c <> a by Def1;
then A8:      [c,b] in R by A2,A6,Lm2;

          c <> b by A4,A6,A7,Lm3;
       hence c in R-Seg(b) by A8,Def1;
A9:   R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b);
       now assume
A10:     a <> b;
      assume not [a,b] in R;
       then [b,a] in R by A1,A5,A10,Lm4;
       then b in R-Seg(a) by A10,Def1;
      hence contradiction by A9,Def1;
    hence thesis by A1,A3,Lm1;

 Th38: R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in field R implies
      ( R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b) iff a = b or a in R-Seg(b) )
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in field R;
    thus R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b) implies a = b or a in R-Seg(b)
      proof assume
          R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b);
        then [a,b] in R by A1,Th37;
       hence thesis by Def1;
       now assume a in R-Seg(b);
       then [a,b] in R by Def1;
      hence R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b) by A1,Th37;
    hence thesis;

 Th39: R is well-ordering & X c= field R implies field(R |_2 X) = X
  proof assume
A1:  R is well-ordering & X c= field R;
then A2:    R is reflexive by Def4;
   thus field(R |_2 X) c= X by Th20;
   let x; assume
    x in X;
    then [x,x] in R & [x,x] in [:X,X:] by A1,A2,Lm1,ZFMISC_1:106;
    then [x,x] in R |_2 X by Th16;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:30;

 Th40: R is well-ordering implies field(R |_2 R-Seg(a)) = R-Seg(a)
      R-Seg(a) c= field R by Th13;
   hence thesis by Th39;

  R is well-ordering implies
    for Z st for a st a in field R & R-Seg(a) c= Z holds a in Z
          holds field R c= Z
A1:   R is well-ordering;
     then A2: R is antisymmetric by Def4;
    let Z such that
A3:  for a st a in field R & R-Seg(a) c= Z holds a in Z;
A4:   now let a such that
A5:    a in field R & for b st [b,a] in R & a <> b holds b in Z;
         now let b; assume
           b in R-Seg(a);
         then [b,a] in R & b <> a by Def1;
        hence b in Z by A5;
       then R-Seg(a) c= Z by TARSKI:def 3;
      hence a in Z by A3,A5;
    given a such that
A6:   a in field R & not a in Z;
A7:   field R \ Z c= field R by XBOOLE_1:36;
       field R \ Z <> {} by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then consider a such that
A8:   a in field R \ Z & for b st b in field R \ Z holds [a,b] in
 R by A1,A7,Th10;
     a in field R & not a in Z by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then consider b such that
A9:   [b,a] in R & b <> a & not b in Z by A4;
       b in field R by A9,RELAT_1:30;
     then b in field R \ Z by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     then [a,b] in R by A8;
    hence contradiction by A2,A9,Lm3;

 Th42: R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in field R &
  (for c st c in R-Seg(a) holds [c,b] in R & c <> b)
    implies [a,b] in R
   proof assume that
A1:   R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in field R and
A2:   c in R-Seg(a) implies [c,b] in R & c <> b;
A3:     R is connected by A1,Def4;
A4:     R is reflexive by A1,Def4;
A5:   not [a,b] in R;
then A6:    a <> b by A1,A4,Lm1;
     then [b,a] in R by A1,A3,A5,Lm4;
     then b in R-Seg(a) by A6,Def1;
    hence contradiction by A2;

 Th43: R is well-ordering & dom F = field R & rng F c= field R &
      (for a,b st [a,b] in R & a <> b holds [F.a,F.b] in R & F.a <> F.b)
    implies for a st a in field R holds [a,F.a] in R
   proof assume that
A1:   R is well-ordering & dom F = field R & rng F c= field R and
A2:   [a,b] in R & a <> b implies [F.a,F.b] in R & F.a <> F.b;
A3:     R is transitive by A1,Def4;
A4:     R is antisymmetric by A1,Def4;
    defpred P[set] means [$1,F.$1] in R;
    consider Z such that
A5:   a in Z iff a in field R & P[a] from Separation;
       now let a; assume
A6:    a in field R;
       then A7: F.a in rng F by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A8:       R-Seg(a) c= Z;
      now let b; assume
A9:     b in R-Seg(a);
then A10:     [b,F.b] in R by A5,A8;
       [b,a] in R & b <> a by A9,Def1;
then A11:     [F.b,F.a] in R & F.b <> F.a by A2;
        hence [b,F.a] in R by A3,A10,Lm2;
        thus b <> F.a by A4,A10,A11,Lm3;
       then [a,F.a] in R by A1,A6,A7,Th42;
      hence a in Z by A5,A6;
then A12:   field R c= Z by A1,Th41;
    let a;
    assume a in field R; hence thesis by A5,A12;

 definition let R,S,F;
  pred F is_isomorphism_of R,S means
:Def7: dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one &
    for a,b holds [a,b] in R iff a in field R & b in field R & [F.a,F.b] in S;


 Th45: F is_isomorphism_of R,S implies
   for a,b st [a,b] in R & a <> b holds [F.a,F.b] in S & F.a <> F.b
  proof assume
A1:    F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
then A2:  dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one &
     for a,b holds [a,b] in R iff a in field R & b in field R & [F.a,F.b] in S
      by Def7;
   let a,b; assume
A3:  [a,b] in R & a <> b;
  then a in field R & b in field R & [F.a,F.b] in S by A1,Def7;
   hence thesis by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:def 8;

 definition let R,S;
  pred R,S are_isomorphic means
:Def8: ex F st F is_isomorphism_of R,S;


 Th47: id(field R) is_isomorphism_of R,R
A1:   dom(id(field R)) = field R by RELAT_1:71;
A2:   rng(id(field R)) = field R by RELAT_1:71;
A3:   id(field R) is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:52;
       now let a,b;
      thus [a,b] in R implies a in field R & b in field R &
         [id(field R).a,id(field R).b] in R
        proof assume
A4:        [a,b] in R;
         hence a in field R & b in field R by RELAT_1:30;
          then id(field R).a = a & id(field R).b = b by FUNCT_1:35;
         hence thesis by A4;
A5:     a in field R & b in field R & [id(field R).a,id(field R).b] in R;
       then id(field R).a = a & id(field R).b = b by FUNCT_1:35;
      hence [a,b] in R by A5;
    hence id(field R) is_isomorphism_of R,R by A1,A2,A3,Def7;

    R,R are_isomorphic
   take id(field R);
   thus thesis by Th47;

 Th49: F is_isomorphism_of R,S implies F" is_isomorphism_of S,R
   proof assume
A1:  F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
then A2:   dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one by Def7;
A3:  dom(F") = field S by FUNCT_1:55;
    thus rng(F") = field R by A2,FUNCT_1:55;
    thus F" is one-to-one by A2,FUNCT_1:62;
    let a,b;
    thus [a,b] in S implies a in field S & b in field S & [F".a,F".b] in R
      proof assume
A4:     [a,b] in S;
A5:     a in field S & b in field S by RELAT_1:30;
then A6:     a = F.(F".a) & b = F.(F".b) by A2,FUNCT_1:57;
          dom F = rng(F") & F".a in rng(F") & F".b in rng(F")
         by A2,A3,A5,FUNCT_1:55,def 5;
       hence thesis by A1,A2,A4,A6,Def7;
A7:  a in field S & b in field S & [F".a,F".b] in R;
  then F.(F".a) = a & F.(F".b) = b by A2,FUNCT_1:57;
    hence [a,b] in S by A1,A7,Def7;

 Th50: R,S are_isomorphic implies S,R are_isomorphic
   proof given F such that
A1:   F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
    take F";
    thus F" is_isomorphism_of S,R by A1,Th49;

 Th51: F is_isomorphism_of R,S & G is_isomorphism_of S,T implies
    G*F is_isomorphism_of R,T
   proof assume
A1:   dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in R iff a in field R & b in field R & [F.a,F.b] in
A2:   dom G = field S & rng G = field T & G is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in S iff a in field S & b in field S & [G.a,G.b] in
    hence dom(G*F) = field R by A1,RELAT_1:46;
    thus rng(G*F) = field T by A1,A2,RELAT_1:47;
    thus G*F is one-to-one by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:46;
    let a,b;
    thus [a,b] in R implies a in field R & b in field R & [(G*F).a,(G*F).b] in
      proof assume
A3:     [a,b] in R;
A4:     a in field R & b in field R by RELAT_1:30;
A5:     [F.a,F.b] in S by A1,A3;
          (G*F).a = G.(F.a) & (G*F).b = G.(F.b) by A1,A4,FUNCT_1:23;
       hence thesis by A2,A5;
A6:   a in field R & b in field R & [(G*F).a,(G*F).b] in T;
then A7:     (G*F).a = G.(F.a) & (G*F).b = G.(F.b) by A1,FUNCT_1:23;
       F.a in field S & F.b in field S by A1,A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then [F.a,F.b] in S by A2,A6,A7;
    hence thesis by A1,A6;

 Th52: R,S are_isomorphic & S,T are_isomorphic implies R,T are_isomorphic
   proof given F such that
A1:   F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
    given G such that
A2:   G is_isomorphism_of S,T;
    take G*F;
    thus G*F is_isomorphism_of R,T by A1,A2,Th51;

  Th53: F is_isomorphism_of R,S implies
     ( R is reflexive implies S is reflexive ) &
     ( R is transitive implies S is transitive ) &
     ( R is connected implies S is connected ) &
     ( R is antisymmetric implies S is antisymmetric ) &
     ( R is well_founded implies S is well_founded )
   proof assume
A1:   F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
then A2:   dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in R iff a in field R & b in field R & [F.a,F.b] in S
       by Def7;
then A3:   rng(F") = dom F & dom(F") = rng F by FUNCT_1:55;
    thus R is reflexive implies S is reflexive
      proof assume
A4:        R is reflexive;
          now let a; assume
A5:       a in field S;
then A6:       a = F.(F".a) by A2,FUNCT_1:57;
         F".a in field R by A2,A3,A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          then [F".a,F".a] in R by A4,Lm1;
         hence [a,a] in S by A1,A6,Def7;
       hence thesis by Lm1;
    thus R is transitive implies S is transitive
      proof assume
A7:        R is transitive;
          now let a,b,c; assume
A8:       [a,b] in S & [b,c] in S;
then A9:       a in field S & b in field S & c in field S by RELAT_1:30;
then A10:       a = F.(F".a) & b = F.(F".b) & c = F.(F".c) by A2,FUNCT_1:57;
         F".a in field R & F".b in field R & F".c in field R
           by A2,A3,A9,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          then [F".a,F".b] in R & [F".b,F".c] in R by A1,A8,A10,Def7;
          then [F".a,F".c] in R by A7,Lm2;
         hence [a,c] in S by A1,A10,Def7;
       hence thesis by Lm2;
    thus R is connected implies S is connected
      proof assume
A11:        R is connected;
          now let a,b; assume
A12:       a in field S & b in field S & a <> b;
then A13:       a = F.(F".a) & b = F.(F".b) by A2,FUNCT_1:57;
       then F".a in field R & F".b in field R & F".a <> F".b
           by A2,A3,A12,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          then [F".a,F".b] in R or [F".b,F".a] in R by A11,Lm4;
         hence [a,b] in S or [b,a] in S by A1,A13,Def7;
       hence thesis by Lm4;
    thus R is antisymmetric implies S is antisymmetric
      proof assume
A14:        R is antisymmetric;
          now let a,b; assume
A15:       [a,b] in S & [b,a] in S;
then A16:       a in field S & b in field S by RELAT_1:30;
then A17:       a = F.(F".a) & b = F.(F".b) by A2,FUNCT_1:57;
            F".a in field R & F".b in field R by A2,A3,A16,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          then [F".a,F".b] in R & [F".b,F".a] in R by A1,A15,A17,Def7;
         hence a = b by A14,A17,Lm3;
       hence thesis by Lm3;
A18:  for Y st Y c= field R & Y <> {} ex x st x in Y & R-Seg(x) misses Y;
    let Z; assume
A19:  Z c= field S & Z <> {};
then A20:  F"Z c= dom F & F"Z <> {} by A2,RELAT_1:167,174;
    then consider x such that
A21:  x in F"Z & R-Seg(x) misses F"Z by A2,A18;
    take F.x;
    thus F.x in Z by A21,FUNCT_1:def 13;
    assume not thesis;
     then consider y being set such that
A22:    y in S-Seg(F.x) & y in Z by XBOOLE_0:3;
A23:    y = F.(F".y) & F".y in dom F by A2,A3,A19,A22,FUNCT_1:57,def 5;
       then F".y in F"Z by A22,FUNCT_1:def 13;
       then not F".y in R-Seg(x) by A21,XBOOLE_0:3;
then A24:   not [F".y,x] in R or F".y = x by Def1;
         [y,F.x] in S & y <> F.x by A22,Def1;
       hence contradiction by A2,A20,A21,A23,A24;

 Th54: R is well-ordering & F is_isomorphism_of R,S implies
  S is well-ordering
   proof assume
       R is reflexive transitive antisymmetric
      connected well_founded & F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
    hence S is reflexive transitive antisymmetric connected well_founded
      by Th53;

 Th55: R is well-ordering implies
    for F,G st F is_isomorphism_of R,S & G is_isomorphism_of R,S holds F = G
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering;
    let F,G;
A2:   F is_isomorphism_of R,S & G is_isomorphism_of R,S;
     then S is well-ordering by A1,Th54;
then A3:     S is antisymmetric by Def4;
A4:   dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in R iff a in field R & b in field R & [F.a,F.b] in S
       by A2,Def7;
A5:     F" is_isomorphism_of S,R by A2,Th49;
then A6:  F" is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in S iff a in field S & b in field S & [F".a,F".b] in
       by Def7;
A7:   dom G = field R & rng G = field S & G is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in R iff a in field R & b in field R & [G.a,G.b] in S
       by A2,Def7;
A8:     G" is_isomorphism_of S,R by A2,Th49;
then A9:  G" is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in S iff a in field S & b in field S & [G".a,G".b] in
       by Def7;
       for a st a in field R holds F.a = G.a
      proof let a such that
A10:      a in field R;
A11:      dom(G") = field S & dom(F") = field S & rng(G") = field R &
         rng(F") = field R by A4,A7,FUNCT_1:55;
then A12:      dom(G"*F) = field R & dom(F"*G) = field R by A4,A7,RELAT_1:46;
A13:     rng(G"*F) = field R & rng(F"*G) = field R by A4,A7,A11,RELAT_1:47;
          now let a,b; assume
A14:       [a,b] in R & a <> b;
then A15:       [F.a,F.b] in S by A2,Def7;
A16:       a in field R & b in field R by A14,RELAT_1:30;
       then G".(F.a) = (G"*F).a & G".(F.b) = (G"*F).b by A4,FUNCT_1:23;
         hence [(G"*F).a,(G"*F).b] in R by A8,A15,Def7;
            G"*F is one-to-one by A4,A9,FUNCT_1:46;
         hence (G"*F).a <> (G"*F).b by A12,A14,A16,FUNCT_1:def 8;
then A17:      [a,(G"*F).a] in R by A1,A10,A12,A13,Th43;
A18:     G".(F.a) = (G"*F).a by A4,A10,FUNCT_1:23;
          F.a in rng G by A4,A7,A10,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then G.(G".(F.a)) = F.a by A7,FUNCT_1:57;
then A19:      [G.a,F.a] in S by A2,A17,A18,Def7;
          now let a,b; assume
A20:       [a,b] in R & a <> b;
then A21:          [G.a,G.b] in S by A2,Def7;
A22:       a in field R & b in field R by A20,RELAT_1:30;
       then F".(G.a) = (F"*G).a & F".(G.b) = (F"*G).b by A7,FUNCT_1:23;
         hence [(F"*G).a,(F"*G).b] in R by A5,A21,Def7;
            F"*G is one-to-one by A6,A7,FUNCT_1:46;
         hence (F"*G).a <> (F"*G).b by A12,A20,A22,FUNCT_1:def 8;
then A23:      [a,(F"*G).a] in R by A1,A10,A12,A13,Th43;
A24:     F".(G.a) = (F"*G).a by A7,A10,FUNCT_1:23;
          G.a in rng F by A4,A7,A10,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then F.(F".(G.a)) = G.a by A4,FUNCT_1:57;
        then [F.a,G.a] in S by A2,A23,A24,Def7;
       hence thesis by A3,A19,Lm3;
    hence thesis by A4,A7,FUNCT_1:9;

 definition let R,S;
A1: R is well-ordering & R,S are_isomorphic;
  func canonical_isomorphism_of(R,S) -> Function means
:Def9: it is_isomorphism_of R,S;
  existence by A1,Def8;
  uniqueness by A1,Th55;


 Th57: R is well-ordering implies
    for a st a in field R holds not R,R |_2 (R-Seg(a)) are_isomorphic
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering;
then A2:     R is antisymmetric by Def4;
    let a such that
A3:   a in field R;
A4:   R,R |_2 (R-Seg(a)) are_isomorphic;
    set S = R |_2 (R-Seg(a));
    set F = canonical_isomorphism_of(R,S);
A5:     F is_isomorphism_of R,S by A1,A4,Def9;
then A6:   dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one &
      for c,b holds [c,b] in R iff c in field R & b in field R &
        [F.c,F.b] in R |_2 (R-Seg(a)) by Def7;
then A7:  rng F c= field R by Th20;
       now let b,c; assume
A8:    [b,c] in R & b <> c;
       then [F.b,F.c] in R |_2 (R-Seg(a)) by A5,Def7;
      hence [F.b,F.c] in R by Th16;
         b in field R & c in field R by A8,RELAT_1:30;
      hence F.b <> F.c by A6,A8,FUNCT_1:def 8;
then A9:   [a,F.a] in R by A1,A3,A6,A7,Th43;
       field S = R-Seg(a) by A1,Th40;
     then F.a in R-Seg(a) by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   then [F.a,a] in R & F.a <> a by Def1;
    hence contradiction by A2,A9,Lm3;

  Th58: R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in field R & a <> b
    implies not R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),R |_2 (R-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & a in field R & b in field R & a <> b;
     then A2: R is connected by Def4;
A3:   now assume
A4:    R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b);
     set S = R |_2 (R-Seg(b));
A5:    field S = R-Seg(b) by A1,Th40;
A6:   a in R-Seg(b)
         assume not a in R-Seg(b);
          then not [a,b] in R by A1,Def1;
          then [b,a] in R by A1,A2,Lm4;
          then b in R-Seg(a) by A1,Def1; hence contradiction by A4,Def1;
then A7:    R-Seg(a) = S-Seg(a) by A1,Th35;
A8:    S |_2 (R-Seg(a)) = R |_2 (R-Seg(a)) by A4,Th29;
         S is well-ordering by A1,Th32;
      then not S,S |_2 (S-Seg(a)) are_isomorphic by A5,A6,Th57;
      hence thesis by A7,A8,Th50;
A9:   now assume
A10:    R-Seg(b) c= R-Seg(a);
     set S = R |_2 (R-Seg(a));
A11:   field S = R-Seg(a) by A1,Th40;
A12:   b in R-Seg(a)
         assume not b in R-Seg(a);
          then not [b,a] in R by A1,Def1;
          then [a,b] in R by A1,A2,Lm4;
          then a in R-Seg(b) by A1,Def1; hence contradiction by A10,Def1;
then A13:    R-Seg(b) = S-Seg(b) by A1,Th35;
A14:    S |_2 (R-Seg(b)) = R |_2 (R-Seg(b)) by A10,Th29;
        S is well-ordering by A1,Th32;
      hence thesis by A11,A12,A13,A14,Th57;
      R-Seg(a),R-Seg(b) are_c=-comparable by A1,Th33;
    hence thesis by A3,A9,XBOOLE_0:def 9;

 Th59: R is well-ordering & Z c= field R & F is_isomorphism_of R,S
   implies F|Z is_isomorphism_of R |_2 Z,S |_2 (F.:Z) &
     R |_2 Z,S |_2 (F.:Z) are_isomorphic
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & Z c= field R & F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
then A2:   dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in R iff a in field R & b in field R & [F.a,F.b] in S
       by Def7;
A3:   Z = field(R |_2 Z) by A1,Th39;
        F.:Z c= rng F & S is well-ordering by A1,Th54,RELAT_1:144;
     then A4:   F.:Z = field(S |_2 (F.:Z)) by A2,Th39;
    thus F|Z is_isomorphism_of R |_2 Z,S |_2 (F.:Z)
A5:      dom(F|Z) = field(R |_2 Z) by A1,A2,A3,RELAT_1:91;
A6:      rng(F|Z) = field(S |_2 (F.:Z)) by A4,RELAT_1:148;
       thus F|Z is one-to-one by A2,FUNCT_1:84;
       let a,b;
       thus [a,b] in R |_2 Z implies
          a in field(R |_2 Z) & b in field(R |_2 Z) & [F|Z.a,F|Z.b] in S |_2
         proof assume
A7:        [a,b] in R |_2 Z;
A8:        a in field(R |_2 Z) & b in field(R |_2 Z) by RELAT_1:30;
          [a,b] in R by A7,Th16;

then A9:        [F.a,F.b] in S by A1,Def7;
A10:        F.a = F|Z.a & F.b = F|Z.b by A5,A8,FUNCT_1:70;
             F|Z.a in rng(F|Z) & F|Z.b in rng(F|Z) by A5,A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
           then [F|Z.a,F|Z.b] in [:F.:Z,F.:Z:] by A4,A6,ZFMISC_1:106;
          hence thesis by A9,A10,Th16;
A11:     a in field(R |_2 Z) & b in field(R |_2 Z) & [F|Z.a,F|Z.b] in
 S |_2 (F.:Z);

        then F.a = F|Z.a & F.b = F|Z.b by A5,FUNCT_1:70;
then A12:     [F.a,F.b] in S by A11,Th16;
          a in field R & b in field R by A11,Th19;
then A13:     [a,b] in R by A1,A12,Def7;
          [a,b] in [:Z,Z:] by A3,A11,ZFMISC_1:106;
       hence thesis by A13,Th16;
    hence R |_2 Z,S |_2 (F.:Z) are_isomorphic by Def8;

 Th60: R is well-ordering & F is_isomorphism_of R,S implies
    for a st a in field R ex b st b in field S & F.:(R-Seg(a)) = S-Seg(b)
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
    let a;
A2:   a in field R;
A3:   dom F = field R & rng F = field S & F is one-to-one &
      for a,b holds [a,b] in R iff a in field R & b in field R & [F.a,F.b] in S
       by A1,Def7;
    take b = F.a;
    thus b in field S by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A4:   c in F.:(R-Seg(a)) implies c in S-Seg(b)
      proof assume
        c in F.:(R-Seg(a));
       then consider d such that
A5:      d in dom F & d in R-Seg(a) & c = F.d by FUNCT_1:def 12;
A6:      [d,a] in R & d <> a by A5,Def1;
then A7:      [c,b] in S by A1,A5,Def7;
          c <> b by A2,A3,A5,A6,FUNCT_1:def 8;
       hence c in S-Seg(b) by A7,Def1;
       c in S-Seg(b) implies c in F.:(R-Seg(a))
      proof assume
        c in S-Seg(b);
then A8:      [c,b] in S & c <> b by Def1;
then A9:      c in field S by RELAT_1:30;
then A10:      c = F.(F".c) by A3,FUNCT_1:57;
          rng(F") = dom F & dom(F") = rng F by A3,FUNCT_1:55;
then A11:      F".c in field R by A3,A9,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then [F".c,a] in R by A1,A2,A8,A10,Def7;
        then F".c in R-Seg(a) by A8,A10,Def1;
       hence thesis by A3,A10,A11,FUNCT_1:def 12;
    hence thesis by A4,TARSKI:2;

 Th61: R is well-ordering & F is_isomorphism_of R,S implies
    for a st a in field R ex b st b in field S &
     R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & F is_isomorphism_of R,S;
    let a;
     a in field R;
    then consider b such that
A2:   b in field S & F.:(R-Seg(a)) = S-Seg(b) by A1,Th60;
A3:     R-Seg(a) c= field R by Th13;
    take b;
    thus thesis by A1,A2,A3,Th59;

 Th62: R is well-ordering & S is well-ordering &
   a in field R & b in field S & c in
 field S & R,S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic &
    R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(c)) are_isomorphic implies
     S-Seg(c) c= S-Seg(b) & [c,b] in S
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & S is well-ordering &
      a in field R & b in field S &
       c in field S & R,S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic &
        R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(c)) are_isomorphic;
    set P = R |_2 (R-Seg(a));
    set Q = S |_2 (S-Seg(b));
    set T = S |_2 (S-Seg(c));
    set F1 = canonical_isomorphism_of(R,Q);
A2:   F1 is_isomorphism_of R,Q by A1,Def9;
       R-Seg(a) c= field R by Th13;
then A3:   P,Q |_2 (F1.:(R-Seg(a))) are_isomorphic by A1,A2,Th59;
    consider d such that
A4:   d in field Q & F1.:(R-Seg(a)) = Q-Seg(d) by A1,A2,Th60;
A5:   S-Seg(b) = field Q by A1,Th40;
then A6:   Q-Seg(d) = S-Seg(d) by A1,A4,Th35;
       T,P are_isomorphic by A1,Th50;
then A7:   T,Q |_2 (Q-Seg(d)) are_isomorphic by A3,A4,Th52;
     rng F1 = S-Seg(b) by A2,A5,Def7;
then A8:   Q-Seg(d) c= S-Seg(b) by A4,RELAT_1:144;
then A9:   T,S |_2 (S-Seg(d)) are_isomorphic by A6,A7,Th29;
       d in field S by A4,Th19;
    hence S-Seg(c) c= S-Seg(b) by A1,A6,A8,A9,Th58;
    hence thesis by A1,Th37;

 Th63: R is well-ordering & S is well-ordering implies
   R,S are_isomorphic or
    (ex a st a in field R & R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S are_isomorphic ) or
     (ex a st a in field S & R,S |_2 (S-Seg(a)) are_isomorphic )
   proof assume
A1:   R is well-ordering & S is well-ordering;
    defpred P[set] means
     ex b st b in field S & R |_2 (R-Seg($1)),S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic;
    consider Z such that
A2:   a in Z iff a in field R & P[a] from Separation;
A3:   Z c= field R proof let x; thus thesis by A2; end;
A4:  S is reflexive & S is antisymmetric &
      R is connected & R is reflexive by A1,Def4;

     defpred P[set,set] means
      $2 in field S & R |_2 (R-Seg $1),S |_2 (S-Seg $2) are_isomorphic;
A5:   for a,b,c st P[a, b] & P[a, c] holds b = c
      proof let a,b,c; assume
A6:     b in field S & R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic &
        c in field S & R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(c)) are_isomorphic;
        then S |_2 (S-Seg(b)),R |_2 (R-Seg(a)) are_isomorphic by Th50;
        then S |_2 (S-Seg(b)),S |_2 (S-Seg(c)) are_isomorphic by A6,Th52;
       hence b = c by A1,A6,Th58;
     consider F such that
A7:    [a,b] in F iff a in field R & P[a,b] from GraphFunc(A5);
A8:    rng F c= field S
       proof let a; assume a in rng F;
        then consider b such that
A9:      b in dom F & a = F.b by FUNCT_1:def 5;
           [b,a] in F by A9,FUNCT_1:8;
        hence thesis by A7;
A10:   Z = dom F
        thus a in Z implies a in dom F
          proof assume
A11:         a in Z;
then A12:         a in field R by A2;
           consider b such that
A13:         b in field S & R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic
             by A2,A11;
              [a,b] in F by A7,A12,A13;
           hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 4;
        let a;
        assume a in dom F;
         then consider b such that
A14:       [a,b] in F by RELAT_1:def 4;
            a in field R & b in field S &
           R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic
            by A7,A14;
        hence thesis by A2;
A15:      now let a such that
A16:     a in Z;
       let b such that
A17:     [b,a] in R;
A18:     a in field R by A2,A16;
       consider c such that
A19:     c in
 field S & R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(c)) are_isomorphic by A2,A16
          now assume
A20:       a <> b;
A21:       b in field R by A17,RELAT_1:30;
         set P = R |_2 (R-Seg(a));
         set Q = S |_2 (S-Seg(c));
A22:       P is well-ordering by A1,Th32;
then A23:       canonical_isomorphism_of(P,Q) is_isomorphism_of P,Q by A19,Def9
A24:       b in R-Seg(a) & field P = R-Seg(a) by A1,A17,A20,Def1,Th40;
         then consider d such that
A25:      d in field Q & P |_2 (P-Seg(b)),Q |_2 (Q-Seg(d)) are_isomorphic
              by A22,A23,Th61;
A26:      S-Seg(c) = field Q by A1,Th40;
A27:       P-Seg(b) = R-Seg(b) by A1,A18,A24,Th35;
A28:       Q-Seg(d) = S-Seg(d) by A1,A19,A25,A26,Th35;
A29:       R-Seg(b) c= R-Seg(a) by A1,A18,A21,A24,Th38;
            [d,c] in S by A25,A26,Def1;
then A30:       d in field S by RELAT_1:30;
then A31:       S-Seg(d) c= S-Seg(c) by A1,A19,A25,A26,Th38;
         P |_2 (R-Seg(b)) = R |_2 (R-Seg(b)) by A29,Th29;
          then R |_2 (R-Seg(b)),S |_2 (S-Seg(d)) are_isomorphic by A25,A27,A28,
         hence b in Z by A2,A21,A30;
       hence b in Z by A16;
A32:      now let a such that
A33:     a in rng F;
       let b such that
A34:     [b,a] in S;
       consider c such that
A35:     c in dom F & a = F.c by A33,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          [c,a] in F by A35,FUNCT_1:8;
then A36:     c in field R & a in field S &
         R |_2 (R-Seg(c)),S |_2 (S-Seg(a)) are_isomorphic by A7;
          now assume
A37:       a <> b;
A38:       b in field S by A34,RELAT_1:30;
         set P = R |_2 (R-Seg(c));
         set Q = S |_2 (S-Seg(a));
A39:       Q,P are_isomorphic by A36,Th50;
A40:       Q is well-ordering by A1,Th32;
then A41:       canonical_isomorphism_of(Q,P) is_isomorphism_of Q,P by A39,Def9
A42:       b in S-Seg(a) & field Q = S-Seg(a) by A1,A34,A37,Def1,Th40;
         then consider d such that
A43:      d in field P & Q |_2 (Q-Seg(b)),P |_2 (P-Seg(d)) are_isomorphic
              by A40,A41,Th61;
A44:      R-Seg(c) = field P by A1,Th40;
A45:       Q-Seg(b) = S-Seg(b) by A1,A36,A42,Th35;
A46:       P-Seg(d) = R-Seg(d) by A1,A36,A43,A44,Th35;
A47:       S-Seg(b) c= S-Seg(a) by A1,A36,A38,A42,Th38;
            [d,c] in R by A43,A44,Def1;
then A48:       d in field R by RELAT_1:30;
then A49:       R-Seg(d) c= R-Seg(c) by A1,A36,A43,A44,Th38;
         Q |_2 (S-Seg(b)) = S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) by A47,Th29;
          then S |_2 (S-Seg(b)),R |_2 (R-Seg(d)) are_isomorphic by A43,A45,A46,
         then R |_2 (R-Seg(d)),S |_2 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic by Th50;
          then [d,b] in F by A7,A38,A48;
          then d in dom F & b = F.d by FUNCT_1:8;
         hence b in rng F by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       hence b in rng F by A33;
A50:   F is_isomorphism_of R |_2 (dom F),S |_2 (rng F)
        thus dom F = field(R |_2 (dom F)) & rng F = field(S |_2
 (rng F)) by A1,A3,A8,A10,Th39;
A51:       F is one-to-one
          proof let a,b;
A52:         a in dom F & b in dom F & F.a = F.b;
            then [a,F.a] in F & [b,F.b] in F by FUNCT_1:8;
then A53:         a in field R & R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2
 (S-Seg(F.a)) are_isomorphic &
             b in field R & R |_2 (R-Seg(b)),S |_2 (S-Seg(F.a)) are_isomorphic
              by A7,A52;
            then S |_2 (S-Seg(F.a)),R |_2 (R-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic by Th50;
            then R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),R |_2 (R-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic by A53,Th52;
           hence a = b by A1,A53,Th58;
        let a,b;
        thus [a,b] in R |_2 (dom F) implies a in field(R |_2 (dom F)) &
           b in field(R |_2 (dom F)) & [F.a,F.b] in S |_2 (rng F)
          proof assume
A54:         [a,b] in R |_2 (dom F);
           hence a in field(R |_2 (dom F)) & b in field(R |_2 (dom F))
             by RELAT_1:30;
then A55:         a in dom F & b in dom F by Th19;
then A56:         [a,F.a] in F & [b,F.b] in F by FUNCT_1:8;
then A57:         a in field R & F.a in field S &
             R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(F.a)) are_isomorphic by A7;
A58:         b in field R & F.b in field S &
             R |_2 (R-Seg(b)),S |_2 (S-Seg(F.b)) are_isomorphic by A7,A56;
A59:        [a,b] in R by A54,Th16;
then A60:         R-Seg(a) c= R-Seg(b) by A1,A57,A58,Th37;
              F.a in rng F & F.b in rng F by A55,FUNCT_1:def 5;
then A61:         [F.a,F.b] in [:rng F,rng F:] by ZFMISC_1:106;
A62:         a = b implies thesis
             proof assume a = b;
               then [F.a,F.b] in S by A4,A57,Lm1;
              hence thesis by A61,Th16;
             set P = R |_2 (R-Seg(b));
                a <> b;
then A63:           a in R-Seg(b) & field P = R-Seg(b) by A1,A59,Def1,Th40;
then A64:           P-Seg(a) = R-Seg(a) by A1,A58,Th35;
A65:           P is well-ordering by A1,Th32;
                P |_2 (P-Seg(a)),S |_2
 (S-Seg(F.a)) are_isomorphic by A57,A60,A64,Th29
              then [F.a,F.b] in S by A1,A57,A58,A63,A65,Th62;
             hence thesis by A61,Th16;
           hence thesis by A62;
        assume A66: a in field(R |_2 (dom F)) & b in field(R |_2 (dom F)) &
          [F.a,F.b] in S |_2 (rng F);
then A67:      a in dom F & b in dom F & [F.a,F.b] in S |_2 (rng F) by Th19;
A68:       [F.a,F.b] in S by A66,Th16;
           not [a,b] in R |_2 (dom F);
then A69:      not [a,b] in R or not [a,b] in [:dom F,dom F:] by Th16;

A70:      [a,F.a] in F & [b,F.b] in F by A67,FUNCT_1:8;
then A71:      a in field R & F.a in field S &
          R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2 (S-Seg(F.a)) are_isomorphic by A7;
A72:      b in field R & F.b in field S &
          R |_2 (R-Seg(b)),S |_2 (S-Seg(F.b)) are_isomorphic by A7,A70;
A73:      a <> b by A4,A67,A69,A71,Lm1,ZFMISC_1:106;
then A74:      [b,a] in R by A4,A67,A69,A71,A72,Lm4,ZFMISC_1:106;
then A75:      R-Seg(b) c= R-Seg(a) by A1,A71,A72,Th37;
        set P = R |_2 (R-Seg(a));
A76:      b in R-Seg(a) & field P = R-Seg(a) by A1,A73,A74,Def1,Th40;
then A77:      P-Seg(b) = R-Seg(b) by A1,A71,Th35;
A78:      P is well-ordering by A1,Th32;
           P |_2 (P-Seg(b)),S |_2 (S-Seg(F.b)) are_isomorphic by A72,A75,A77,
         then [F.b,F.a] in S by A1,A71,A72,A76,A78,Th62;
      then F.a = F.b by A4,A68,Lm3;
        hence contradiction by A51,A67,A73,FUNCT_1:def 8;
A79:      now given a such that
A80:     a in field R & Z = R-Seg(a);
       given b such that
A81:     b in field S & rng F = S-Seg(b);
          R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S |_2
 (S-Seg(b)) are_isomorphic by A10,A50,A80,A81,Def8
        then a in Z by A2,A80,A81;
       hence contradiction by A80,Def1;
A82:    R |_2 Z,S |_2 (rng F) are_isomorphic by A10,A50,Def8;
A83:   now assume
A84:     Z = field R & rng F = field S;
          R |_2 field R = R & S |_2 field S = S by Th30;
       hence R,S are_isomorphic by A10,A50,A84,Def8;
A85:   now assume
A86:     Z = field R;
       given a such that
A87:     a in field S & rng F = S-Seg(a);
       take a;
       thus a in field S by A87;
       thus R,S |_2 (S-Seg(a)) are_isomorphic by A82,A86,A87,Th30;
        now assume
A88:     rng F = field S;
       given a such that
A89:     a in field R & Z = R-Seg(a);
       take a;
       thus a in field R by A89;
       thus R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),S are_isomorphic by A82,A88,A89,Th30;
     hence thesis by A1,A3,A8,A15,A32,A79,A83,A85,Th36;

    Y c= field R & R is well-ordering implies
   R,R |_2 Y are_isomorphic or
    ex a st a in field R & R |_2 (R-Seg(a)),R |_2 Y are_isomorphic
   proof assume
A1:   Y c= field R & R is well-ordering;
then A2:   R |_2 Y is well-ordering by Th32;
       now given a such that
A3:     a in field(R |_2 Y) & R,(R |_2 Y) |_2 ((R |_2
 Y)-Seg(a)) are_isomorphic;
         R |_2 Y is well-ordering by A1,Th32;
then A4:     field(R |_2 Y) = Y &
        field((R |_2 Y) |_2 ((R |_2 Y)-Seg(a))) = (R |_2
 Y)-Seg(a) by A1,Th39,Th40;
      consider F such that
A5:     F is_isomorphism_of R,(R |_2 Y) |_2 ((R |_2 Y)-Seg(a)) by A3,Def8;
A6:     dom F = field R & rng F = (R |_2 Y)-Seg(a) by A4,A5,Def7;
         (R |_2 Y)-Seg(a) c= Y by A4,Th13;
then A7:     rng F c= field R by A1,A6,XBOOLE_1:1;
         now let c,b; assume
A8:         [c,b] in R & c <> b;
      then [F.c,F.b] in (R |_2 Y) |_2 ((R |_2
 Y)-Seg(a)) & F.c <> F.b by A5,Th45;
         then [F.c,F.b] in R |_2 Y by Th16;
        hence [F.c,F.b] in R & F.c <> F.b by A5,A8,Th16,Th45;
then A9:     [a,F.a] in R by A1,A3,A4,A6,A7,Th43;
         F.a in rng F by A1,A3,A4,A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
then A10:     [F.a,a] in R |_2 Y & F.a <> a by A6,Def1;
then A11:     [F.a,a] in R by Th16;
         R is antisymmetric by A1,Def4;
      hence contradiction by A9,A10,A11,Lm3;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,Th63;

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