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environ vocabulary SETFAM_1, BOOLE; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, SETFAM_1; constructors SETFAM_1, XBOOLE_0; clusters SUBSET_1, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1; requirements SUBSET; theorems SUBSET_1, SETFAM_1, XBOOLE_1; begin definition struct 1-sorted(# carrier -> set #); end; definition struct (1-sorted) ZeroStr(# carrier -> set, Zero -> Element of the carrier #); end; definition let S be 1-sorted; attr S is empty means :Def1: the carrier of S is empty; end; definition cluster non empty 1-sorted; existence proof consider A being non empty set; take 1-sorted(#A#); thus the carrier of 1-sorted(#A#) is non empty; end; end; definition cluster non empty ZeroStr; existence proof consider A being non empty set, a being Element of A; take ZeroStr(#A,a#); thus the carrier of ZeroStr(#A,a#) is non empty; end; end; definition let S be non empty 1-sorted; cluster the carrier of S -> non empty; coherence by Def1; end; definition let S be 1-sorted; mode Element of S is Element of the carrier of S; mode Subset of S is Subset of the carrier of S; mode Subset-Family of S is Subset-Family of the carrier of S; canceled 3; end; definition let S be 1-sorted; cluster empty Subset of S; existence proof {} c= the carrier of S by XBOOLE_1:2; hence thesis; end; cluster empty Subset-Family of S; existence proof {} c= bool the carrier of S by XBOOLE_1:2; then {} is Subset-Family of S by SETFAM_1:def 7; hence thesis; end; cluster non empty Subset-Family of S; existence proof consider A being non empty Subset of bool the carrier of S; A is Subset-Family of S by SETFAM_1:def 7; hence thesis; end; end; definition let S be non empty 1-sorted; cluster non empty Subset of S; existence proof consider A being non empty Subset of S; take A; thus thesis; end; end; definition let S be 1-sorted, A, B be Subset of S; canceled; redefine func A \/ B -> Subset of S; coherence proof thus A \/ B is Subset of S; end; redefine func A /\ B -> Subset of S; coherence proof thus A /\ B is Subset of S; end; redefine func A \ B -> Subset of S; coherence proof thus A \ B is Subset of S; end; redefine func A \+\ B -> Subset of S; coherence proof thus A \+\ B is Subset of S; end; end; definition let S be non empty 1-sorted, a be Element of S; redefine func {a} -> Subset of S; coherence by SUBSET_1:55; end; definition let S be non empty 1-sorted, a1, a2 be Element of S; redefine func {a1,a2} -> Subset of S; coherence by SUBSET_1:56; end; definition let S be non empty 1-sorted, X be non empty Subset of S; redefine mode Element of X -> Element of S; coherence proof let x be Element of X; thus x is Element of S; end; end; definition let S be 1-sorted, X, Y be Subset-Family of S; redefine func X \/ Y -> Subset-Family of S; coherence proof thus X \/ Y is Subset-Family of S by SETFAM_1:def 7; end; redefine func X /\ Y -> Subset-Family of S; coherence proof thus X /\ Y is Subset-Family of S by SETFAM_1:def 7; end; redefine func X \ Y -> Subset-Family of S; coherence proof thus X \ Y is Subset-Family of S by SETFAM_1:def 7; end; end;