Journal of Formalized Mathematics is an electronic counterpart of Formalized Mathematics. However, it is not the same journal. MML (Mizar Mathematical Library) is continuously revised and the Journal of Formalized Mathematics represents the updated version, while Formalized Mathematics - the state in the time of the publication.
Both journals contain papers which are abstracts of Mizar articles contributed to the Mizar Mathematical Library, forming the basis of a Knowledge Management System for Mathematics. All papers are checked for correctness by the Mizar system and then they are automatically translated into English. Please check also our page on article submission.
Journal of Formalized Mathematics was funded by ONR Grant N00014-95-1-1336. Continuation is funded by ONR Grant N00014-97-1-0777.
Articles concerning continuous lattices are funded by NATO Grant CRG 951368 and KBN Grant 8 T11C 018 12.