:: Banach Algebra of Bounded Complex-Valued Functionals
:: by Katuhiko Kanazashi , Hiroyuki Okazaki and Yasunari Shidama
:: Received November 20, 2010
:: Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Association of Mizar Users


let V be ComplexAlgebra;
mode ComplexSubAlgebra of V -> ComplexAlgebra means :DefComplexAlgebra: :: CC0SP1:def 1
( the carrier of it c= the carrier of V & the addF of it = the addF of V || the carrier of it & the multF of it = the multF of V || the carrier of it & the Mult of it = the Mult of V | [:COMPLEX, the carrier of it:] & 1. it = 1. V & 0. it = 0. V );
ex b1 being ComplexAlgebra st
( the carrier of b1 c= the carrier of V & the addF of b1 = the addF of V || the carrier of b1 & the multF of b1 = the multF of V || the carrier of b1 & the Mult of b1 = the Mult of V | [:COMPLEX, the carrier of b1:] & 1. b1 = 1. V & 0. b1 = 0. V )
proof end;

:: deftheorem DefComplexAlgebra defines ComplexSubAlgebra CC0SP1:def 1 :
for V, b2 being ComplexAlgebra holds
( b2 is ComplexSubAlgebra of V iff ( the carrier of b2 c= the carrier of V & the addF of b2 = the addF of V || the carrier of b2 & the multF of b2 = the multF of V || the carrier of b2 & the Mult of b2 = the Mult of V | [:COMPLEX, the carrier of b2:] & 1. b2 = 1. V & 0. b2 = 0. V ) );

theorem Th1: :: CC0SP1:1
for X being non empty set
for V being ComplexAlgebra
for V1 being non empty Subset of V
for d1, d2 being Element of X
for A being BinOp of X
for M being Function of [:X,X:],X
for MR being Function of [:COMPLEX,X:],X st V1 = X & d1 = 0. V & d2 = 1. V & A = the addF of V || V1 & M = the multF of V || V1 & MR = the Mult of V | [:COMPLEX,V1:] & V1 is having-inverse holds
ComplexAlgebraStr(# X,M,A,MR,d2,d1 #) is ComplexSubAlgebra of V
proof end;

let V be ComplexAlgebra;
cluster non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed unital associative commutative right-distributive right_unital well-unital left_unital vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative strict vector-associative ComplexSubAlgebra of V;
ex b1 being ComplexSubAlgebra of V st b1 is strict
proof end;

let V be ComplexAlgebra;
let V1 be Subset of V;
attr V1 is Cadditively-linearly-closed means :Def10: :: CC0SP1:def 2
( V1 is add-closed & V1 is having-inverse & ( for a being Complex
for v being Element of V st v in V1 holds
a * v in V1 ) );

:: deftheorem Def10 defines Cadditively-linearly-closed CC0SP1:def 2 :
for V being ComplexAlgebra
for V1 being Subset of V holds
( V1 is Cadditively-linearly-closed iff ( V1 is add-closed & V1 is having-inverse & ( for a being Complex
for v being Element of V st v in V1 holds
a * v in V1 ) ) );

let V be ComplexAlgebra;
let V1 be Subset of V;
assume A1: ( V1 is Cadditively-linearly-closed & not V1 is empty ) ;
func Mult_ (V1,V) -> Function of [:COMPLEX,V1:],V1 equals :Def11: :: CC0SP1:def 3
the Mult of V | [:COMPLEX,V1:];
the Mult of V | [:COMPLEX,V1:] is Function of [:COMPLEX,V1:],V1
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def11 defines Mult_ CC0SP1:def 3 :
for V being ComplexAlgebra
for V1 being Subset of V st V1 is Cadditively-linearly-closed & not V1 is empty holds
Mult_ (V1,V) = the Mult of V | [:COMPLEX,V1:];

let X be non empty set ;
func ComplexBoundedFunctions X -> non empty Subset of (CAlgebra X) equals :: CC0SP1:def 4
{ f where f is Function of X,COMPLEX : f | X is bounded } ;
{ f where f is Function of X,COMPLEX : f | X is bounded } is non empty Subset of (CAlgebra X)
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines ComplexBoundedFunctions CC0SP1:def 4 :
for X being non empty set holds ComplexBoundedFunctions X = { f where f is Function of X,COMPLEX : f | X is bounded } ;

let X be non empty set ;
cluster CAlgebra X -> scalar-unital ;
CAlgebra X is scalar-unital
proof end;

let X be non empty set ;
cluster ComplexBoundedFunctions X -> non empty multiplicatively-closed Cadditively-linearly-closed ;
( ComplexBoundedFunctions X is Cadditively-linearly-closed & ComplexBoundedFunctions X is multiplicatively-closed )
proof end;

let V be ComplexAlgebra;
cluster non empty multiplicatively-closed Cadditively-linearly-closed Element of bool the carrier of V;
ex b1 being non empty Subset of V st
( b1 is Cadditively-linearly-closed & b1 is multiplicatively-closed )
proof end;

let V be non empty CLSStruct ;
attr V is scalar-mult-cancelable means :: CC0SP1:def 5
for a being Complex
for v being Element of V holds
( not a * v = 0. V or a = 0 or v = 0. V );

:: deftheorem defines scalar-mult-cancelable CC0SP1:def 5 :
for V being non empty CLSStruct holds
( V is scalar-mult-cancelable iff for a being Complex
for v being Element of V holds
( not a * v = 0. V or a = 0 or v = 0. V ) );

theorem Th2: :: CC0SP1:2
for V being ComplexAlgebra
for V1 being non empty multiplicatively-closed Cadditively-linearly-closed Subset of V holds ComplexAlgebraStr(# V1,(mult_ (V1,V)),(Add_ (V1,V)),(Mult_ (V1,V)),(One_ (V1,V)),(Zero_ (V1,V)) #) is ComplexSubAlgebra of V
proof end;

theorem Th4: :: CC0SP1:3
for V being ComplexAlgebra
for V1 being ComplexSubAlgebra of V holds
( ( for v1, w1 being Element of V1
for v, w being Element of V st v1 = v & w1 = w holds
v1 + w1 = v + w ) & ( for v1, w1 being Element of V1
for v, w being Element of V st v1 = v & w1 = w holds
v1 * w1 = v * w ) & ( for v1 being Element of V1
for v being Element of V
for a being Complex st v1 = v holds
a * v1 = a * v ) & 1_ V1 = 1_ V & 0. V1 = 0. V )
proof end;

let X be non empty set ;
func C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> ComplexAlgebra equals :: CC0SP1:def 6
ComplexAlgebraStr(# (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))) #);
ComplexAlgebraStr(# (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))) #) is ComplexAlgebra
by Th2;

:: deftheorem defines C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions CC0SP1:def 6 :
for X being non empty set holds C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X = ComplexAlgebraStr(# (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))) #);

theorem :: CC0SP1:4
for X being non empty set holds C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is ComplexSubAlgebra of CAlgebra X by Th2;

let X be non empty set ;
cluster C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> scalar-unital ;
( C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is vector-distributive & C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is scalar-unital )
proof end;

theorem Th8: :: CC0SP1:5
for X being non empty set
for F, G, H being VECTOR of (C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X)
for f, g, h being Function of X,COMPLEX st f = F & g = G & h = H holds
( H = F + G iff for x being Element of X holds h . x = (f . x) + (g . x) )
proof end;

theorem Th9: :: CC0SP1:6
for X being non empty set
for a being Complex
for F, G being VECTOR of (C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X)
for f, g being Function of X,COMPLEX st f = F & g = G holds
( G = a * F iff for x being Element of X holds g . x = a * (f . x) )
proof end;

theorem Th10: :: CC0SP1:7
for X being non empty set
for F, G, H being VECTOR of (C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X)
for f, g, h being Function of X,COMPLEX st f = F & g = G & h = H holds
( H = F * G iff for x being Element of X holds h . x = (f . x) * (g . x) )
proof end;

theorem Th11: :: CC0SP1:8
for X being non empty set holds 0. (C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) = X --> 0
proof end;

theorem Th12: :: CC0SP1:9
for X being non empty set holds 1_ (C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) = X --> 1r
proof end;

let X be non empty set ;
let F be set ;
assume A1: F in ComplexBoundedFunctions X ;
func modetrans (F,X) -> Function of X,COMPLEX means :DefB7: :: CC0SP1:def 7
( it = F & it | X is bounded );
ex b1 being Function of X,COMPLEX st
( b1 = F & b1 | X is bounded )
for b1, b2 being Function of X,COMPLEX st b1 = F & b1 | X is bounded & b2 = F & b2 | X is bounded holds
b1 = b2
by A1;

:: deftheorem DefB7 defines modetrans CC0SP1:def 7 :
for X being non empty set
for F being set st F in ComplexBoundedFunctions X holds
for b3 being Function of X,COMPLEX holds
( b3 = modetrans (F,X) iff ( b3 = F & b3 | X is bounded ) );

let X be non empty set ;
let f be Function of X,COMPLEX;
func PreNorms f -> non empty Subset of REAL equals :: CC0SP1:def 8
{ |.(f . x).| where x is Element of X : verum } ;
{ |.(f . x).| where x is Element of X : verum } is non empty Subset of REAL
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines PreNorms CC0SP1:def 8 :
for X being non empty set
for f being Function of X,COMPLEX holds PreNorms f = { |.(f . x).| where x is Element of X : verum } ;

Lm1: for C being non empty set
for f being PartFunc of C,COMPLEX holds
( |.f.| is bounded iff f is bounded )
proof end;

theorem Th13: :: CC0SP1:10
for X being non empty set
for f being Function of X,COMPLEX st f | X is bounded holds
PreNorms f is bounded_above
proof end;

theorem Th14: :: CC0SP1:11
for X being non empty set
for f being Function of X,COMPLEX holds
( f | X is bounded iff PreNorms f is bounded_above )
proof end;

theorem Th15: :: CC0SP1:12
for X being non empty set ex NORM being Function of (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),REAL st
for F being set st F in ComplexBoundedFunctions X holds
NORM . F = upper_bound (PreNorms (modetrans (F,X)))
proof end;

let X be non empty set ;
func ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm X -> Function of (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),REAL means :DefB9C: :: CC0SP1:def 9
for x being set st x in ComplexBoundedFunctions X holds
it . x = upper_bound (PreNorms (modetrans (x,X)));
ex b1 being Function of (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),REAL st
for x being set st x in ComplexBoundedFunctions X holds
b1 . x = upper_bound (PreNorms (modetrans (x,X)))
by Th15;
for b1, b2 being Function of (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),REAL st ( for x being set st x in ComplexBoundedFunctions X holds
b1 . x = upper_bound (PreNorms (modetrans (x,X))) ) & ( for x being set st x in ComplexBoundedFunctions X holds
b2 . x = upper_bound (PreNorms (modetrans (x,X))) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem DefB9C defines ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm CC0SP1:def 9 :
for X being non empty set
for b2 being Function of (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),REAL holds
( b2 = ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm X iff for x being set st x in ComplexBoundedFunctions X holds
b2 . x = upper_bound (PreNorms (modetrans (x,X))) );

theorem Th16: :: CC0SP1:13
for X being non empty set
for f being Function of X,COMPLEX st f | X is bounded holds
modetrans (f,X) = f
proof end;

theorem Th17: :: CC0SP1:14
for X being non empty set
for f being Function of X,COMPLEX st f | X is bounded holds
(ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm X) . f = upper_bound (PreNorms f)
proof end;

let X be non empty set ;
func C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> Normed_Complex_AlgebraStr equals :: CC0SP1:def 10
Normed_Complex_AlgebraStr(# (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm X) #);
Normed_Complex_AlgebraStr(# (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm X) #) is Normed_Complex_AlgebraStr

:: deftheorem defines C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions CC0SP1:def 10 :
for X being non empty set holds C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X = Normed_Complex_AlgebraStr(# (ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))),(ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm X) #);

let X be non empty set ;
cluster C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> non empty ;
not C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is empty

Lm2: now
let X be non empty set ; :: thesis: for x, e being Element of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st e = One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X)) holds
( x * e = x & e * x = x )

set F = C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X;
let x, e be Element of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X); :: thesis: ( e = One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X)) implies ( x * e = x & e * x = x ) )
set X1 = ComplexBoundedFunctions X;
reconsider f = x as Element of ComplexBoundedFunctions X ;
assume A1: e = One_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X)) ; :: thesis: ( x * e = x & e * x = x )
then x * e = (mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))) . (f,(1_ (CAlgebra X))) by C0SP1:def 8;
then A2: x * e = ( the multF of (CAlgebra X) || (ComplexBoundedFunctions X)) . (f,(1_ (CAlgebra X))) by C0SP1:def 6;
e * x = (mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))) . ((1_ (CAlgebra X)),f) by A1, C0SP1:def 8;
then A3: e * x = ( the multF of (CAlgebra X) || (ComplexBoundedFunctions X)) . ((1_ (CAlgebra X)),f) by C0SP1:def 6;
A4: 1_ (CAlgebra X) = 1_ (C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) by Th12;
then [f,(1_ (CAlgebra X))] in [:(ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(ComplexBoundedFunctions X):] by ZFMISC_1:106;
then x * e = f * (1_ (CAlgebra X)) by A2, FUNCT_1:72;
hence x * e = x by VECTSP_1:def 13; :: thesis: e * x = x
[(1_ (CAlgebra X)),f] in [:(ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(ComplexBoundedFunctions X):] by A4, ZFMISC_1:106;
then e * x = (1_ (CAlgebra X)) * f by A3, FUNCT_1:72;
hence e * x = x by VECTSP_1:def 13; :: thesis: verum

let X be non empty set ;
cluster C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> unital ;
C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is unital
proof end;

theorem Th18: :: CC0SP1:15
for W being Normed_Complex_AlgebraStr
for V being ComplexAlgebra st ComplexAlgebraStr(# the carrier of W, the multF of W, the addF of W, the Mult of W, the OneF of W, the ZeroF of W #) = V holds
W is ComplexAlgebra
proof end;

theorem Th19: :: CC0SP1:16
for X being non empty set holds C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is ComplexAlgebra
proof end;

theorem :: CC0SP1:17
for X being non empty set
for F being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) holds (Mult_ ((ComplexBoundedFunctions X),(CAlgebra X))) . (1r,F) = F
proof end;

theorem Th21: :: CC0SP1:18
for X being non empty set holds C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is ComplexLinearSpace
proof end;

theorem Th22: :: CC0SP1:19
for X being non empty set holds X --> 0 = 0. (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X)
proof end;

theorem Th23: :: CC0SP1:20
for X being non empty set
for x being Element of X
for f being Function of X,COMPLEX
for F being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st f = F & f | X is bounded holds
|.(f . x).| <= ||.F.||
proof end;

theorem :: CC0SP1:21
for X being non empty set
for F being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) holds 0 <= ||.F.||
proof end;

theorem Th25: :: CC0SP1:22
for X being non empty set
for F being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st F = 0. (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) holds
0 = ||.F.||
proof end;

theorem Th26: :: CC0SP1:23
for X being non empty set
for f, g, h being Function of X,COMPLEX
for F, G, H being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st f = F & g = G & h = H holds
( H = F + G iff for x being Element of X holds h . x = (f . x) + (g . x) )
proof end;

theorem Th27: :: CC0SP1:24
for X being non empty set
for a being Complex
for f, g being Function of X,COMPLEX
for F, G being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st f = F & g = G holds
( G = a * F iff for x being Element of X holds g . x = a * (f . x) )
proof end;

theorem Th28: :: CC0SP1:25
for X being non empty set
for f, g, h being Function of X,COMPLEX
for F, G, H being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st f = F & g = G & h = H holds
( H = F * G iff for x being Element of X holds h . x = (f . x) * (g . x) )
proof end;

theorem Th29: :: CC0SP1:26
for X being non empty set
for a being Complex
for F, G being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) holds
( ( ||.F.|| = 0 implies F = 0. (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) ) & ( F = 0. (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) implies ||.F.|| = 0 ) & ||.(a * F).|| = |.a.| * ||.F.|| & ||.(F + G).|| <= ||.F.|| + ||.G.|| )
proof end;

Th30: for X being non empty set holds
( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is reflexive & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is discerning & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is ComplexNormSpace-like )
proof end;

let X be non empty set ;
cluster C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed discerning reflexive vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital ComplexNormSpace-like ;
( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is right_complementable & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is Abelian & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is add-associative & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is right_zeroed & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is vector-distributive & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is scalar-distributive & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is scalar-associative & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is scalar-unital & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is discerning & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is reflexive & C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is ComplexNormSpace-like )
by Th21, Th30;

theorem Th31: :: CC0SP1:27
for X being non empty set
for f, g, h being Function of X,COMPLEX
for F, G, H being Point of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st f = F & g = G & h = H holds
( H = F - G iff for x being Element of X holds h . x = (f . x) - (g . x) )
proof end;

theorem Th32: :: CC0SP1:28
for X being non empty set
for seq being sequence of (C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st seq is CCauchy holds
seq is convergent
proof end;

let X be non empty set ;
cluster C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> complete ;
C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is complete
proof end;

theorem :: CC0SP1:29
for X being non empty set holds C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X is Complex_Banach_Algebra
proof end;