:: Abelian Groups, Fields and Vector Spaces
:: by Eugeniusz Kusak, Wojciech Leo\'nczuk and Micha{\l} Muzalewski
:: Received November 23, 1989
:: Copyright (c) 1990 Association of Mizar Users


func G_Real -> strict addLoopStr equals :: VECTSP_1:def 6
addLoopStr(# REAL,addreal,0 #);
addLoopStr(# REAL,addreal,0 #) is strict addLoopStr

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 1 :

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 2 :

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 3 :

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 4 :

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 5 :

:: deftheorem defines G_Real VECTSP_1:def 6 :
G_Real = addLoopStr(# REAL,addreal,0 #);

cluster G_Real -> non empty strict ;
not G_Real is empty

cluster -> real Element of the carrier of G_Real;
for b1 being Element of G_Real holds b1 is real

let a, b be Element of G_Real;
let x, y be real number ;
identify a + b with x + y when a = x, b = y;
( a = x & b = y implies a + b = x + y )
by BINOP_2:def 9;

cluster G_Real -> strict right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed ;
( G_Real is Abelian & G_Real is add-associative & G_Real is right_zeroed & G_Real is right_complementable )
proof end;

let a be Element of G_Real;
let x be real number ;
identify - a with - x when a = x;
( a = x implies - a = - x )
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:1

theorem :: VECTSP_1:2

theorem :: VECTSP_1:3

theorem :: VECTSP_1:4

theorem :: VECTSP_1:5

theorem :: VECTSP_1:6
for x, y, z being Element of G_Real holds
( x + y = y + x & (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) & x + (0. G_Real) = x & x + (- x) = 0. G_Real ) ;

cluster non empty strict right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr ;
ex b1 being non empty addLoopStr st
( b1 is strict & b1 is add-associative & b1 is right_zeroed & b1 is right_complementable & b1 is Abelian )
proof end;

mode AddGroup is non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr ;

mode AbGroup is Abelian AddGroup;

let IT be non empty doubleLoopStr ;
attr IT is right-distributive means :Def11: :: VECTSP_1:def 11
for a, b, c being Element of IT holds a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c);
attr IT is left-distributive means :Def12: :: VECTSP_1:def 12
for a, b, c being Element of IT holds (b + c) * a = (b * a) + (c * a);

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 7 :

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 8 :

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 9 :

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 10 :

:: deftheorem Def11 defines right-distributive VECTSP_1:def 11 :
for IT being non empty doubleLoopStr holds
( IT is right-distributive iff for a, b, c being Element of IT holds a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c) );

:: deftheorem Def12 defines left-distributive VECTSP_1:def 12 :
for IT being non empty doubleLoopStr holds
( IT is left-distributive iff for a, b, c being Element of IT holds (b + c) * a = (b * a) + (c * a) );

let IT be non empty multLoopStr ;
attr IT is right_unital means :Def13: :: VECTSP_1:def 13
for x being Element of IT holds x * (1. IT) = x;

:: deftheorem Def13 defines right_unital VECTSP_1:def 13 :
for IT being non empty multLoopStr holds
( IT is right_unital iff for x being Element of IT holds x * (1. IT) = x );

func F_Real -> strict doubleLoopStr equals :: VECTSP_1:def 15
doubleLoopStr(# REAL,addreal,multreal,1,0 #);
doubleLoopStr(# REAL,addreal,multreal,1,0 #) is strict doubleLoopStr

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 14 :

:: deftheorem defines F_Real VECTSP_1:def 15 :
F_Real = doubleLoopStr(# REAL,addreal,multreal,1,0 #);

cluster F_Real -> non empty strict ;
not F_Real is empty

cluster -> real Element of the carrier of F_Real;
for b1 being Element of F_Real holds b1 is real

let a, b be Element of F_Real;
let x, y be real number ;
identify a + b with x + y when a = x, b = y;
( a = x & b = y implies a + b = x + y )
by BINOP_2:def 9;

let a, b be Element of F_Real;
let x, y be real number ;
identify a * b with x * y when a = x, b = y;
( a = x & b = y implies a * b = x * y )
by BINOP_2:def 11;

let IT be non empty multLoopStr ;
attr IT is well-unital means :Def16: :: VECTSP_1:def 16
for x being Element of IT holds
( x * (1. IT) = x & (1. IT) * x = x );

:: deftheorem Def16 defines well-unital VECTSP_1:def 16 :
for IT being non empty multLoopStr holds
( IT is well-unital iff for x being Element of IT holds
( x * (1. IT) = x & (1. IT) * x = x ) );

Lm1: for L being non empty multLoopStr st L is well-unital holds
L is unital
proof end;

Lm2: for L being non empty multLoopStr st L is well-unital holds
1. L = 1_ L
proof end;

cluster F_Real -> strict well-unital ;
F_Real is well-unital
proof end;

cluster non empty well-unital multLoopStr_0 ;
ex b1 being non empty multLoopStr_0 st b1 is well-unital
proof end;

let IT be non empty doubleLoopStr ;
attr IT is distributive means :Def18: :: VECTSP_1:def 18
for x, y, z being Element of IT holds
( x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z) & (y + z) * x = (y * x) + (z * x) );

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 17 :

:: deftheorem Def18 defines distributive VECTSP_1:def 18 :
for IT being non empty doubleLoopStr holds
( IT is distributive iff for x, y, z being Element of IT holds
( x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z) & (y + z) * x = (y * x) + (z * x) ) );

let IT be non empty multLoopStr ;
attr IT is left_unital means :Def19: :: VECTSP_1:def 19
for x being Element of IT holds (1. IT) * x = x;

:: deftheorem Def19 defines left_unital VECTSP_1:def 19 :
for IT being non empty multLoopStr holds
( IT is left_unital iff for x being Element of IT holds (1. IT) * x = x );

let IT be non empty multLoopStr_0 ;
redefine attr IT is almost_left_invertible means :Def20: :: VECTSP_1:def 20
for x being Element of IT st x <> 0. IT holds
ex y being Element of IT st y * x = 1. IT;
( IT is almost_left_invertible iff for x being Element of IT st x <> 0. IT holds
ex y being Element of IT st y * x = 1. IT )
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def20 defines almost_left_invertible VECTSP_1:def 20 :
for IT being non empty multLoopStr_0 holds
( IT is almost_left_invertible iff for x being Element of IT st x <> 0. IT holds
ex y being Element of IT st y * x = 1. IT );

set FR = F_Real ;

cluster F_Real -> strict unital ;
F_Real is unital
proof end;

cluster F_Real -> non degenerated right_complementable almost_left_invertible strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative commutative right_unital distributive left_unital ;
( F_Real is add-associative & F_Real is right_zeroed & F_Real is right_complementable & F_Real is Abelian & F_Real is commutative & F_Real is associative & F_Real is left_unital & F_Real is right_unital & F_Real is distributive & F_Real is almost_left_invertible & not F_Real is degenerated )
proof end;

let a be Element of F_Real;
let x be real number ;
identify - a with - x when a = x;
( a = x implies - a = - x )
proof end;

Lm3: for L being non empty doubleLoopStr st L is distributive holds
( L is right-distributive & L is left-distributive )
proof end;

cluster non empty distributive -> non empty right-distributive left-distributive doubleLoopStr ;
for b1 being non empty doubleLoopStr st b1 is distributive holds
( b1 is left-distributive & b1 is right-distributive )
by Lm3;
cluster non empty right-distributive left-distributive -> non empty distributive doubleLoopStr ;
for b1 being non empty doubleLoopStr st b1 is left-distributive & b1 is right-distributive holds
b1 is distributive
proof end;

cluster non empty well-unital -> non empty right_unital left_unital multLoopStr ;
for b1 being non empty multLoopStr st b1 is well-unital holds
( b1 is left_unital & b1 is right_unital )
proof end;
cluster non empty right_unital left_unital -> non empty unital multLoopStr ;
for b1 being non empty multLoopStr st b1 is left_unital & b1 is right_unital holds
b1 is unital
proof end;

cluster non empty associative commutative multMagma ;
ex b1 being non empty multMagma st
( b1 is commutative & b1 is associative )
proof end;

cluster non empty unital associative commutative multLoopStr ;
ex b1 being non empty multLoopStr st
( b1 is commutative & b1 is associative & b1 is unital )
proof end;

cluster non empty non degenerated right_complementable almost_left_invertible strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative commutative right_unital well-unital distributive left_unital doubleLoopStr ;
ex b1 being non empty doubleLoopStr st
( b1 is add-associative & b1 is right_zeroed & b1 is right_complementable & b1 is Abelian & b1 is commutative & b1 is associative & b1 is left_unital & b1 is right_unital & b1 is distributive & b1 is almost_left_invertible & not b1 is degenerated & b1 is well-unital & b1 is strict )
proof end;

mode Field is non empty non degenerated right_complementable almost_left_invertible Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative commutative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:7

theorem :: VECTSP_1:8

theorem :: VECTSP_1:9

theorem :: VECTSP_1:10

theorem :: VECTSP_1:11

theorem :: VECTSP_1:12

theorem :: VECTSP_1:13

theorem :: VECTSP_1:14

theorem :: VECTSP_1:15

theorem :: VECTSP_1:16

theorem :: VECTSP_1:17

theorem :: VECTSP_1:18

theorem :: VECTSP_1:19

theorem :: VECTSP_1:20
1. F_Real = 1 ;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:21
for x, y, z being Element of F_Real holds
( x + y = y + x & (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) & x + (0. F_Real) = x & x + (- x) = 0. F_Real & x * y = y * x & (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) & (1. F_Real) * x = x & ( x <> 0. F_Real implies ex y being Element of F_Real st y * x = 1. F_Real ) & x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z) & (y + z) * x = (y * x) + (z * x) ) by Def20;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:22
for FS being non empty doubleLoopStr holds
( ( for x, y, z being Element of FS holds
( ( x <> 0. FS implies ex y being Element of FS st y * x = 1. FS ) & x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z) & (y + z) * x = (y * x) + (z * x) ) ) iff FS is non empty almost_left_invertible distributive doubleLoopStr ) by Def18, Def20;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:23

theorem :: VECTSP_1:24

theorem :: VECTSP_1:25

theorem :: VECTSP_1:26

theorem :: VECTSP_1:27

theorem :: VECTSP_1:28

theorem :: VECTSP_1:29

theorem :: VECTSP_1:30

theorem :: VECTSP_1:31

theorem :: VECTSP_1:32

cluster non empty well-unital -> non empty unital multLoopStr ;
for b1 being non empty multLoopStr st b1 is well-unital holds
b1 is unital

theorem :: VECTSP_1:33
for F being non empty almost_left_invertible associative commutative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for x, y, z being Element of F st x <> 0. F & x * y = x * z holds
y = z
proof end;

let F be non empty almost_left_invertible associative commutative well-unital doubleLoopStr ;
let x be Element of F;
assume A1: x <> 0. F ;
redefine func x " means :Def22: :: VECTSP_1:def 22
it * x = 1. F;
for b1 being Element of the carrier of F holds
( b1 = x " iff b1 * x = 1. F )
proof end;

:: deftheorem VECTSP_1:def 21 :

:: deftheorem Def22 defines " VECTSP_1:def 22 :
for F being non empty almost_left_invertible associative commutative well-unital doubleLoopStr
for x being Element of F st x <> 0. F holds
for b3 being Element of the carrier of F holds
( b3 = x " iff b3 * x = 1. F );

let F be non empty almost_left_invertible associative commutative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ;
let x, y be Element of F;
func x / y -> Element of F equals :: VECTSP_1:def 23
x * (y ");
x * (y ") is Element of F

:: deftheorem defines / VECTSP_1:def 23 :
for F being non empty almost_left_invertible associative commutative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for x, y being Element of F holds x / y = x * (y ");

theorem :: VECTSP_1:34

theorem :: VECTSP_1:35

theorem Th36: :: VECTSP_1:36
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed right-distributive doubleLoopStr
for x being Element of F holds x * (0. F) = 0. F
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:37

theorem :: VECTSP_1:38

theorem Th39: :: VECTSP_1:39
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed left-distributive doubleLoopStr
for x being Element of F holds (0. F) * x = 0. F
proof end;

theorem Th40: :: VECTSP_1:40
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed right-distributive doubleLoopStr
for x, y being Element of F holds x * (- y) = - (x * y)
proof end;

theorem Th41: :: VECTSP_1:41
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed left-distributive doubleLoopStr
for x, y being Element of F holds (- x) * y = - (x * y)
proof end;

theorem Th42: :: VECTSP_1:42
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed distributive doubleLoopStr
for x, y being Element of F holds (- x) * (- y) = x * y
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:43
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed right-distributive doubleLoopStr
for x, y, z being Element of F holds x * (y - z) = (x * y) - (x * z)
proof end;

theorem Th44: :: VECTSP_1:44
for F being non empty right_complementable almost_left_invertible add-associative right_zeroed associative commutative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for x, y being Element of F holds
( x * y = 0. F iff ( x = 0. F or y = 0. F ) )
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:45
for K being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed left-distributive doubleLoopStr
for a, b, c being Element of K holds (a - b) * c = (a * c) - (b * c)
proof end;

let F be 1-sorted ;
attr c2 is strict ;
struct VectSpStr of F -> addLoopStr ;
aggr VectSpStr(# carrier, addF, ZeroF, lmult #) -> VectSpStr of F;
sel lmult c2 -> Function of [: the carrier of F, the carrier of c2:], the carrier of c2;

let F be 1-sorted ;
cluster non empty strict VectSpStr of F;
ex b1 being VectSpStr of F st
( not b1 is empty & b1 is strict )
proof end;

let F be 1-sorted ;
let A be non empty set ;
let a be BinOp of A;
let Z be Element of A;
let l be Function of [: the carrier of F,A:],A;
cluster VectSpStr(# A,a,Z,l #) -> non empty ;
not VectSpStr(# A,a,Z,l #) is empty

let F be 1-sorted ;
mode Scalar of F is Element of F;

let F be 1-sorted ;
let VS be VectSpStr of F;
mode Scalar of VS is Scalar of F;
mode Vector of VS is Element of VS;

let F be non empty 1-sorted ;
let V be non empty VectSpStr of F;
let x be Element of F;
let v be Element of V;
func x * v -> Element of V equals :: VECTSP_1:def 24
the lmult of V . (x,v);
the lmult of V . (x,v) is Element of V

:: deftheorem defines * VECTSP_1:def 24 :
for F being non empty 1-sorted
for V being non empty VectSpStr of F
for x being Element of F
for v being Element of V holds x * v = the lmult of V . (x,v);

let F be non empty addLoopStr ;
func comp F -> UnOp of the carrier of F means :: VECTSP_1:def 25
for x being Element of F holds it . x = - x;
ex b1 being UnOp of the carrier of F st
for x being Element of F holds b1 . x = - x
proof end;
for b1, b2 being UnOp of the carrier of F st ( for x being Element of F holds b1 . x = - x ) & ( for x being Element of F holds b2 . x = - x ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines comp VECTSP_1:def 25 :
for F being non empty addLoopStr
for b2 being UnOp of the carrier of F holds
( b2 = comp F iff for x being Element of F holds b2 . x = - x );

Lm4: now
let F be non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative distributive left_unital doubleLoopStr ; :: thesis: for MLT being Function of [: the carrier of F, the carrier of F:], the carrier of F holds
( VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is Abelian & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is add-associative & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_zeroed & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_complementable )

let MLT be Function of [: the carrier of F, the carrier of F:], the carrier of F; :: thesis: ( VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is Abelian & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is add-associative & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_zeroed & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_complementable )
set GF = VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #);
thus VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is Abelian :: thesis: ( VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is add-associative & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_zeroed & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_complementable )
let x, y be Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #); :: according to RLVECT_1:def 5 :: thesis: x + y = y + x
reconsider x9 = x, y9 = y as Element of F ;
thus x + y = y9 + x9 by RLVECT_1:5
.= y + x ; :: thesis: verum
thus VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is add-associative :: thesis: ( VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_zeroed & VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_complementable )
let x, y, z be Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #); :: according to RLVECT_1:def 6 :: thesis: (x + y) + z = x + (y + z)
reconsider x9 = x, y9 = y, z9 = z as Element of F ;
thus (x + y) + z = (x9 + y9) + z9
.= x9 + (y9 + z9) by RLVECT_1:def 6
.= x + (y + z) ; :: thesis: verum
thus VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_zeroed :: thesis: VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_complementable
let x be Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #); :: according to RLVECT_1:def 7 :: thesis: x + (0. VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #)) = x
reconsider x9 = x as Element of F ;
thus x + (0. VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #)) = x9 + (0. F)
.= x by RLVECT_1:10 ; :: thesis: verum
thus VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) is right_complementable :: thesis: verum
let x be Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #); :: according to ALGSTR_0:def 16 :: thesis: x is right_complementable
reconsider x9 = x as Element of F ;
consider t being Element of F such that
A1: x9 + t = 0. F by ALGSTR_0:def 11;
reconsider t9 = t as Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) ;
take t9 ; :: according to ALGSTR_0:def 11 :: thesis: x + t9 = 0. VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #)
thus x + t9 = 0. VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) by A1; :: thesis: verum

Lm5: now
let F be non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ; :: thesis: for MLT being Function of [: the carrier of F, the carrier of F:], the carrier of F st MLT = the multF of F holds
for x, y being Element of F
for v, w being Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) holds
( x * (v + w) = (x * v) + (x * w) & (x + y) * v = (x * v) + (y * v) & (x * y) * v = x * (y * v) & (1. F) * v = v )

let MLT be Function of [: the carrier of F, the carrier of F:], the carrier of F; :: thesis: ( MLT = the multF of F implies for x, y being Element of F
for v, w being Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) holds
( x * (v + w) = (x * v) + (x * w) & (x + y) * v = (x * v) + (y * v) & (x * y) * v = x * (y * v) & (1. F) * v = v ) )

assume A1: MLT = the multF of F ; :: thesis: for x, y being Element of F
for v, w being Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) holds
( x * (v + w) = (x * v) + (x * w) & (x + y) * v = (x * v) + (y * v) & (x * y) * v = x * (y * v) & (1. F) * v = v )

let x, y be Element of F; :: thesis: for v, w being Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #) holds
( x * (v + w) = (x * v) + (x * w) & (x + y) * v = (x * v) + (y * v) & (x * y) * v = x * (y * v) & (1. F) * v = v )

set LS = VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #);
let v, w be Element of VectSpStr(# the carrier of F, the addF of F,(0. F),MLT #); :: thesis: ( x * (v + w) = (x * v) + (x * w) & (x + y) * v = (x * v) + (y * v) & (x * y) * v = x * (y * v) & (1. F) * v = v )
reconsider v9 = v, w9 = w as Element of F ;
thus x * (v + w) = x * (v9 + w9) by A1
.= (x * v9) + (x * w9) by Def18
.= (x * v) + (x * w) by A1 ; :: thesis: ( (x + y) * v = (x * v) + (y * v) & (x * y) * v = x * (y * v) & (1. F) * v = v )
thus (x + y) * v = (x + y) * v9 by A1
.= (x * v9) + (y * v9) by Def18
.= (x * v) + (y * v) by A1 ; :: thesis: ( (x * y) * v = x * (y * v) & (1. F) * v = v )
thus (x * y) * v = (x * y) * v9 by A1
.= x * (y * v9) by GROUP_1:def 4
.= x * (y * v) by A1 ; :: thesis: (1. F) * v = v
thus (1. F) * v = (1. F) * v9 by A1
.= v by Def19 ; :: thesis: verum

let F be non empty doubleLoopStr ;
let IT be non empty VectSpStr of F;
attr IT is vector-distributive means :Def26: :: VECTSP_1:def 26
for x being Element of F
for v, w being Element of IT holds x * (v + w) = (x * v) + (x * w);
attr IT is scalar-distributive means :Def27: :: VECTSP_1:def 27
for x, y being Element of F
for v being Element of IT holds (x + y) * v = (x * v) + (y * v);
attr IT is scalar-associative means :Def28: :: VECTSP_1:def 28
for x, y being Element of F
for v being Element of IT holds (x * y) * v = x * (y * v);
attr IT is scalar-unital means :Def29: :: VECTSP_1:def 29
for v being Element of IT holds (1. F) * v = v;

:: deftheorem Def26 defines vector-distributive VECTSP_1:def 26 :
for F being non empty doubleLoopStr
for IT being non empty VectSpStr of F holds
( IT is vector-distributive iff for x being Element of F
for v, w being Element of IT holds x * (v + w) = (x * v) + (x * w) );

:: deftheorem Def27 defines scalar-distributive VECTSP_1:def 27 :
for F being non empty doubleLoopStr
for IT being non empty VectSpStr of F holds
( IT is scalar-distributive iff for x, y being Element of F
for v being Element of IT holds (x + y) * v = (x * v) + (y * v) );

:: deftheorem Def28 defines scalar-associative VECTSP_1:def 28 :
for F being non empty doubleLoopStr
for IT being non empty VectSpStr of F holds
( IT is scalar-associative iff for x, y being Element of F
for v being Element of IT holds (x * y) * v = x * (y * v) );

:: deftheorem Def29 defines scalar-unital VECTSP_1:def 29 :
for F being non empty doubleLoopStr
for IT being non empty VectSpStr of F holds
( IT is scalar-unital iff for v being Element of IT holds (1. F) * v = v );

let F be non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ;
cluster non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed strict vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of F;
ex b1 being non empty VectSpStr of F st
( b1 is scalar-distributive & b1 is vector-distributive & b1 is scalar-associative & b1 is scalar-unital & b1 is add-associative & b1 is right_zeroed & b1 is right_complementable & b1 is Abelian & b1 is strict )
proof end;

let F be non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ;
mode VectSp of F is non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of F;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:46

theorem :: VECTSP_1:47

theorem :: VECTSP_1:48

theorem :: VECTSP_1:49

theorem :: VECTSP_1:50

theorem :: VECTSP_1:51

theorem :: VECTSP_1:52

theorem :: VECTSP_1:53

theorem :: VECTSP_1:54

theorem :: VECTSP_1:55

theorem :: VECTSP_1:56

theorem :: VECTSP_1:57

theorem :: VECTSP_1:58

theorem Th59: :: VECTSP_1:59
for F being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for x being Element of F
for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of F
for v being Element of V holds
( (0. F) * v = 0. V & (- (1. F)) * v = - v & x * (0. V) = 0. V )
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:60
for F being Field
for x being Element of F
for V being VectSp of F
for v being Element of V holds
( x * v = 0. V iff ( x = 0. F or v = 0. V ) )
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:61

theorem :: VECTSP_1:62

theorem :: VECTSP_1:63
for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for v, w being Element of V holds
( v + w = 0. V iff - v = w )
proof end;

Lm6: for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for v, w being Element of V holds - (w + (- v)) = v - w
proof end;

Lm7: for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for v, w being Element of V holds - ((- v) - w) = w + v
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:64
for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for u, v, w being Element of V holds
( - (v + w) = (- w) - v & - (w + (- v)) = v - w & - (v - w) = w + (- v) & - ((- v) - w) = w + v & u - (w + v) = (u - v) - w ) by Lm6, Lm7, RLVECT_1:41, RLVECT_1:44, RLVECT_1:47;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:65
for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for v being Element of V holds
( (0. V) - v = - v & v - (0. V) = v ) by RLVECT_1:26, RLVECT_1:27;

theorem Th66: :: VECTSP_1:66
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for x, y being Element of F holds
( ( x + (- y) = 0. F implies x = y ) & ( x = y implies x + (- y) = 0. F ) & ( x - y = 0. F implies x = y ) & ( x = y implies x - y = 0. F ) )
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:67
for F being Field
for x being Element of F
for V being VectSp of F
for v being Element of V st x <> 0. F holds
(x ") * (x * v) = v
proof end;

theorem Th68: :: VECTSP_1:68
for F being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of F
for x being Element of F
for v, w being Element of V holds
( - (x * v) = (- x) * v & w - (x * v) = w + ((- x) * v) )
proof end;

cluster non empty commutative left_unital -> non empty right_unital multLoopStr ;
for b1 being non empty multLoopStr st b1 is commutative & b1 is left_unital holds
b1 is right_unital
proof end;

theorem Th69: :: VECTSP_1:69
for F being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative right_unital well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of F
for x being Element of F
for v being Element of V holds x * (- v) = - (x * v)
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:70
for F being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative right_unital well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of F
for x being Element of F
for v, w being Element of V holds x * (v - w) = (x * v) - (x * w)
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:71

theorem :: VECTSP_1:72

theorem :: VECTSP_1:73
for F being non empty non degenerated right_complementable almost_left_invertible add-associative right_zeroed associative commutative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for x being Element of F st x <> 0. F holds
(x ") " = x
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:74
for F being Field
for x being Element of F st x <> 0. F holds
( x " <> 0. F & - (x ") <> 0. F )
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:75

theorem :: VECTSP_1:76

theorem :: VECTSP_1:77

theorem Th78: :: VECTSP_1:78
(1. F_Real) + (1. F_Real) <> 0. F_Real ;

let IT be non empty addLoopStr ;
attr IT is Fanoian means :Def30: :: VECTSP_1:def 30
for a being Element of IT st a + a = 0. IT holds
a = 0. IT;

:: deftheorem Def30 defines Fanoian VECTSP_1:def 30 :
for IT being non empty addLoopStr holds
( IT is Fanoian iff for a being Element of IT st a + a = 0. IT holds
a = 0. IT );

cluster non empty Fanoian addLoopStr ;
ex b1 being non empty addLoopStr st b1 is Fanoian
proof end;

let F be non empty non degenerated right_complementable almost_left_invertible add-associative right_zeroed associative commutative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ;
redefine attr F is Fanoian means :Def31: :: VECTSP_1:def 31
(1. F) + (1. F) <> 0. F;
( F is Fanoian iff (1. F) + (1. F) <> 0. F )
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def31 defines Fanoian VECTSP_1:def 31 :
for F being non empty non degenerated right_complementable almost_left_invertible add-associative right_zeroed associative commutative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr holds
( F is Fanoian iff (1. F) + (1. F) <> 0. F );

cluster non empty non degenerated non trivial right_complementable almost_left_invertible strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed unital associative commutative right-distributive left-distributive right_unital well-unital distributive left_unital Fanoian doubleLoopStr ;
ex b1 being Field st
( b1 is strict & b1 is Fanoian )
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:79

theorem :: VECTSP_1:80

theorem :: VECTSP_1:81

theorem :: VECTSP_1:82

theorem :: VECTSP_1:83

theorem :: VECTSP_1:84
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for a, b being Element of F st a - b = 0. F holds
a = b by Th66;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:85

theorem Th86: :: VECTSP_1:86
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for a being Element of F st - a = 0. F holds
a = 0. F
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:87
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for a, b being Element of F st a - b = 0. F holds
b - a = 0. F
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:88
for F being Field
for a, b, c being Element of F holds
( ( a <> 0. F & (a * c) - b = 0. F implies c = b * (a ") ) & ( a <> 0. F & b - (c * a) = 0. F implies c = b * (a ") ) )
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:89
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for a, b being Element of F holds a + b = - ((- b) + (- a))
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:90
for F being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for a, b, c being Element of F holds (b + a) - (c + a) = b - c
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:91

theorem :: VECTSP_1:92
for G being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed addLoopStr
for v, w being Element of G holds - ((- v) + w) = (- w) + v
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:93
for G being non empty Abelian add-associative addLoopStr
for u, v, w being Element of G holds (u - v) - w = (u - w) - v
proof end;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:94
for B being AbGroup holds multMagma(# the carrier of B, the addF of B #) is commutative Group
proof end;


theorem :: VECTSP_1:95
for L being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed unital right-distributive doubleLoopStr
for n being Element of NAT st n > 0 holds
(power L) . ((0. L),n) = 0. L
proof end;

cluster non empty well-unital multLoopStr ;
ex b1 being non empty multLoopStr st b1 is well-unital
proof end;

let S be non empty well-unital multLoopStr ;
identify 1_ S with 1. S;
1_ S = 1. S
by Lm2;

theorem :: VECTSP_1:96
for L being non empty multLoopStr st L is well-unital holds
1. L = 1_ L by Lm2;