I General resolutions

Article 1.

The Association is named ''Association of Mizar Users'' (henceforth the Association or the SUM).

Article 2.

The areas of the SUM's activity is the territory of the Polish Republic. The SUM's seat is in Białystok.

Article 3.

The SUM is a registered association acting on the basis of the law on association and having the status legal person.

II Aims and means of activity.

Article 4.

The SUM's aim is popularizing, propagating and promoting the language Mizar. The means to realize this aim are:

a) collecting and propagating studies on the language Mizar,

b) providing instructions concerning the knowledge and use of the language Mizar,

c) supporting efforts aiming at formalizing mathematics in the language Mizar,

d) organizing and developing a library of articles in the language Mizar as well as its propagating,

e) carrying out research on the development of the language Mizar and on the extension of its domain of application

Article 5.

The Association may conclude agreements with domestic and foreign institutions relating to the realization of the Association's statute aims.

Article 6.

The Association may be member of domestic and foreign organizations whose activities are connected to the realization of the Association's statute aims.

III Members, their rights and obligations.

Article 7.

The SUM's members divide into:

a) ordinary,

b) honorary,

c) supporting.

Article 8.

Foreigners may become members of the SUM.

Article 9.

In Order to obtain the ordinary membership of the SUM one must:

- use the language Mizar actively,

- be introduced by two members of the Association (charter members or ordinary members who belong to the Association for no less then three years)

- obtain a positive decision of the Board of Direction.

Article 10.

An ordinary member has the right to

a) elect delegates and be delegate on Ordinary General Assembly; delegates have an active and passive right of vote.

b) participate in Extraordinary General Assembly with an active and passive right of vote

Article 11.

An ordinary member is obligated to:

a) obey the statute resolutions as well as the SUM authorities' regulations and decisions,

b) participate actively in the realization of the SUM's statutory aims,

c) participate actively in works of the SUM's circle, to which he belongs

d) pay the membership fee regularly in the amount established by the General Assembly.

Article 12.

The reason for the loss of the ordinary membership is:

a) not paying the membership fee for the period of twelve months (unless the Board of Direction have recognized the situation as justified by exceptional circumstances),

b) an activity incompatible with the SUM's statute,

c) an activity to the disadvantage of the Association.

In case a) the decisions is made by the Board of Direction whereas in cases b) and c) the decisions is made by the Fellow Member Arbitration Board.

Article 13.

The honorary membership is conferred by General Assembly on the notion of the Board of Direction on Polish or foreign citizens of particular merit to the development of the language Mizar or the Association.

Article 14.

An Honorary member has the right to:

a) present opinions and conclusions concerning the Association's activities,

b) participate in General Assemblies with advisory voice.

Article 15.

A supporting member of the Association may be physical or legal person who is interested in the Association's activities and has declared financial support for the association's benefit and has been admitted by the Board of Direction on the basis of a written declaration.

Article 16.

Supporting members have the right to profit from the SUM's scientific and organizational help according to principles specified in the regulations resolved by the Board of Direction.

Article 17.

A supporting member loses his rights as a result of:

a) his voluntary resignation in writing handed in the Board of Direction,

b) striking off his name by virtue of the Board's resolution as a consequence of the member's non-fulfillment of his towards the Association.

IV The Association's authorities.

Article 18.

  1. The SUM's authorities are:

    a) The General Assembly,

    b) the Board of Direction,

    c) the Board of Control,

    d) the Fellow Member Arbitration Board.

  2. The terms of the Board of Direction, the Board of Control and the Fellow Member Arbitration Board last for three years.

Article 19.

SUM divides into circles. Each member of SUM can only belong to one circle

Article 20.

In case of the resignation of the Association's authority members during the term, the General Assembly exercises the right to complete the Association's elective authorities.

Article 21.

  1. The association's supreme authority is the General Assembly convected by the Board of Direction at least once a year.
  2. The General Assembly may be Ordinary or Extraordinary.

Article 22.

The Ordinary General Assembly has authority to:

a) accept reports of the Board of Direction, the Board of Control and the Fellow Member Arbitration Board as well as pass resolutions regarding the vote of acceptance of account,

b) decide the guiding principles (programs) for the Board of Direction and approve the yearly budgets,

c) pass resolutions concerning matters of particular importance,

d) elect the members of the Board of Direction, the Board of Control and the Fellow Member Arbitration Board,

e) confer the honorary membership,

f) change the statute,

g) establish the membership fee,

h) define partition on circles

i) dismiss the Board of Direction, the Board of Control, and the Fellow Member Arbitration Board,

j) dissolve and liquidate the Association.

Article 23.

  1. The Ordinary General Assembly resolutions are passed by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half the number of ordinary members unless the Statute determines otherwise.
  2. The Extraordinary General Assembly resolutions are passed by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half the number of ordinary members unless the Statute determines otherwise.

Article 24.

The Board of Direction informs about the date, place and agenda of an Ordinary General Assembly four weeks in advance.

Article 25.

  1. An Extraordinary General Assembly may be summoned on the initiative of the Board of Direction or the Board of Control, or on the proposal of the half of ordinary members.
  2. An Extraordinary General Assembly is summoned by the Board of Direction within six weeks of the day when the day when the motion has been tabled and it debates the questions on account of which it has been summoned.

Article 26.

The Board of Direction consists of five members. Those are: the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Treasurer and two members. The Board of Direction is elected by the General Assembly according to regulations approved by the General Assembly.

Article 27.

The Association is represented by the Chairman of the Board of Direction or as a substitute by a member of the Board of Direction authorized by the Chairman.

Article 28.

Decisions of the Board of Direction are in force on condition that its meeting is attended by not less than four its members. The Board of Direction passes resolutions by a simple majority of votes.

Article 29.

The Board of Direction has the Authority to:

a) direct the activities of SUM according to the Statute provisions as well as the General Assembly's resolutions.

b) move for conferring the honorary membership to the General Assembly,

c) pass resolutions concerning the SUM's accession to domestic or foreign organizations or associations,

d) administer the SUM's property and funds,

e) summon General Assemblies,

f) conclude domestic and foreign agreements,

g) consider opinions and proposals of the honorary membership concerning the Association's activities.

h) to post and dimiss head of the circle; care on work of circles

Article 30.

In order to carry out scientific and organizational work the Board of Direction establishes commissions and cicrles which act on the basis of separate regulations.

Article 31.

The Board of Control consists of three members. It elects its Chairman by balloting.

Article 32.

The Board of Control has the authority to control at least once a year the whole of the SUM's activities, its finances in particular.

Article 33.

The Fellow Member Arbitration Board consists of three members. It elects its Chairman by balloting.

Article 34.

  1. The Fellow Member Arbitration Board has the authority to settle limitations between members which have arisen within the Association, and moreover to examine cases against the SUM's member for disobeying the Statute, regulations and resolutions of the Associations's authorities.
  2. The Fellow member Arbitration Board may administer the following kinds of punishment:

    a) a rebuke,

    b) exclusion from the Association.

  3. A member may appeal against the verdict of the Fellow Member Arbitration Board as of first instance of the General Assembly within thirty days of receiving the verdict.

Article 35.

The circles carry out scientific and organizational work. One time in year heads of the circles arrange elections of delegates on the Ordinary General Assembly

V Property and funds.

Article 36.

The Association's property is made up from membership fees, grants, legacies, bequests, income from the Association's enterprises, income from its property, social generosity, from the participation in research projects done on separate contracts, income from raining and publishing activities as well as the income from propagating materials on the system Mizar.

Article 37.

The membership fee is established by the General Assembly.

VI The change of the Statute and the dissolvement of the Association.

Article 38.

The change of the Statute is made by the General Assembly by a simple majority of votes in the presence of not less then two thirds of the membership.

Article 39.

The Association may be dissolved by the General Assembly by a simple majority of votes in the presence of not less than two thirds of the membership.

Statute in Polish | Library Committee
Last modified: July 30, 1998