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Re: [mizar] Proposal for binders in Mizar
Hi Freek,
> I have written a short note with a proposal for a _syntax
> for binders_ in Mizar (which I think is one of the things of
> which I think that it would improve Mizar most):
> http://www.cs.kun.nl/~freek/notes/binder.ps.gz
> Maybe it's useful to have a discussion about this?
Yes, let's hope for more than just discussion :-).
Some very technical remarks:
- It would help me, if you used "F" instead of "f" for a scheme-like
function specifications, I became a bit confused at p. 4, where "f" is
also used for the FinSequence
- Why allow only one "lambda" argument? Why not have "binder x1,...,xn",
when F takes n arguments?
More serious remarks:
- It seems to me, that you do not give the full semantics of the
construct, I can just try to figure it out from the examples. Maybe it
is something obvious to people working with higher order systems, but
could you state it explicitly? Otherwise it is hard to think
generally of the correctness conditions, that the system should check,
when introducing such definitions, and also the automatisms that could
be implemented.
- Are binder terms allowed to match scheme-like functor specifications?
I.e., does "sum i at x of F(i)" match
"G(natural number) -> complex number"? So
"sum i at n of (sum k at i*n of F(k,i))" is possible?
- The (semantically) interesting case is, when F cannot be expressed on
the object level. E.g. "F(Nat) -> Real" can be expressed as
"f being Function of NAT, REAL", so binder is just a new functor taking
f as an argument, while "F(set) -> set" (e.g. F = Card) cannot, so
binder brings some new expressive power over classes in this case.
E.g. currently we can define the class (functor) Alef using e.g. the
class (functor) Card, but you must name all such classes, and if we
wish, the definition expands to a first-order set theoretical formula.
What you suggest, means that it will no longer have to be so, you will
generally have binder Foo taking any (function-like) class to another,
so actually a mapping between formulas.
This becomes probably more visible, if we allow binders for predicates
too, e.g.
"{ P[set] }; binder y at x of P[y] means P[Card(x)] or Blah[x];",
so actually you can also say:
"{ P[set] };
binder Separation y at A of P[y] means
ex X being set st for x being set holds x in X iff x in A & P[x];",
so we get schemes of assertions (not just of theorems like the current
- I am not sure that this is (now) needed at its full strength, a lot of
things would be better if we just fixed the behavior of the Fraenkel
operator (and terms) to be more aware of the types involved.
So e.g. your "lambda" definition is st. like
{ [x, x^2 + 1] where x is real number} and we only need the system to
notice that this defines a function and the typings - that it is a
Function of REAL,REAL.
Maybe the "lambda" could be just a very simple syntactic sugar, like:
"lambda x of x^2 + 1 [qua Function of REAL,REAL]" which actually just
expands to that Fraenkel and gives the system the hint for the preferred
Once we have "lambda" working, there is not much need for other binders:
(integral lambda y of y to_power n).x = (x to_power (n + 1))/(n + 1)
(Partial_Sums lambda y of y).n = n*(n + 1)/2
lim(lambda y of y^2, a) = a^2
Obviously, this approach is weaker than your suggestion, because it
requires the lambda function to be a set, but (except from weird
individuals writing strange set-theoretical stuff :-) this should not
hurt much. Also the implementation within current system should be quite
cheap (just enhance analysis of Frankel terms and implement the lambda