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Re: [mizar] Mizar Twiki
Dear prof. Rudnicki,
I hoped to avoid this "meta-discussion" by giving pointers to the
appropriate twiki pages, where e.g. the general topic "TWiki vs.
Mailing-lists" is sometimes discussed, and by mentioning some
Mizar-specific reasons explicitly in the MizarTwiki topic. Most of all, I
really think the border between twiki and mailing-lists is a matter of
experiments and adjustments, and as noted in the presentation at
http://twiki.org/p/pub/Main/TWikiPlatformPresentation/Slide40.GIF, there
is a place for both.
I agree very much with you, that if mizar-forum worked well, the need for
things like twiki would be much smaller. However, people generally refuse
to post "stupid" questions to mizar-forum, although we all know that there
are _many_ questions (sometimes "showstoppers", if you do not know the
answer), when you want to learn Mizar and work with it.
To repeat here some of the general arguments, I think the twiki is much
better suited for things like incremental creation of documentation - e.g.
when I find a good example of the 103 error, I will just copy&paste it to
the appropriate twiki place, while I would probably decide against posting
it to mizar-forum. There is a lot of outdated documentation on Mizar - if
such documentation was on twiki, anyone could update it as early as he
detects some outdated part. Generally, any "closed" discussion can be
"refactored" later, to contain just clear information.
Anyway, I just tried to make the documentation process as easy for the
users as possible. If there is no will to document Mizar, no tools will
help, be it twiki or mail-lists. It seems to me, that Mizar is coming to
the point, where the choice will have to be made, whether it will become a
not-completely-user-unfriendly standard system for working mathematicians
who want to formalize their results, or continue to be a secret knowledge
obtained from great masters only in the oral form ;-).