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[mizar] PhD program (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 09:48:38 +0200
From: Cristina Merlo <merlo@science.unitn.it>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;@cs.rice.edu;;>
Subject: PhD program

International Graduate School in Information and Communication
Technologies  - University of Trento


The ICT International Graduate School in Information and Communication
Technologies at the University of Trento offers a PhD degree in one of the
newest and most exciting research areas within the information society. The
international dimension of the study and research environment derives from:

- English as official language,

- Students and professors coming from different countries;

- Periods of study and research spent abroad.

Research is carried out with a strong orientation towards applications and

The University offers approximately 1000 Euro per month study grants (after
taxes) and tuition waiver to both Italian and foreign students (sufficient
to cover normal student living expenses), a contribution for lodging (about
100 Euro per month) and a 50% integration for the periods spent abroad.
Income increase will be possible through summer jobs and collaboration in

Trento is a beautiful city in the mountains with a quality of life that is
considered as one of the highest in Europe. The University is one of the
youngest Italian Universities but is growing rapidly not only in size but
also in quality: according to a recent national survey, the University of
Trento is ranked as the second university in Italy and the first among the
small universities. The faculty of Engineering was ranked number one in

The deadline to receive the applications is *** 30 days *** after the
official publication of the call.

Additional information at: http://ict.unitn.it/

Prof. Roberto Battiti
Dean of the ICT Graduate School

Dr. Cristina Merlo
Secretariat of the ICT Graduate School
Tel: +39 0461 882059
E-mail infoict@ict.unitn.it