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Re: [mizar] PVS GPLed

Hi Freek,

On Fri, 12 Sep 2008, Freek Wiedijk wrote:

Mizar is thus the last major proof assistant whose sources
are closed, and licensing unclear.

I was in Japan recently, visiting Nobuki Takayama, and
he told me that these licensing issues had been a reason
for him not to put Mizar on his KNOPPIX/Math DVD (see
<http://www.knoppix-math.org/>; it's a DVD with all kinds
of mathematical software packages that you can boot from
and then everything will just work.)

The same e.g. with David Wheeler's listing: http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/high-assurance-floss.html#theoremprovers . Non-FLOSS software is plainly ignored.
