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[mizar] html for 4.101.1015


HTML for MML 4.101.1015 is browsable at http://lipa.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~urban/xmlmml/html_abstr.4.101.1015/ and downloadable at http://lipa.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~urban/xmlmml/html_abstr.4.101.1015.tar.gz (unpacks to more than 1G). The version without proofs is at http://lipa.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~urban/xmlmml/html_abstr.4.101.1015.noproofs.tar.gz (unpacks to 160M). Both versions work also locally (clicking on proofs obviously only in the full version), and should be installed in $MIZFILES, and the top directory renamed (or symlinked) to "html".

Josef Urban