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Re: [mizar] natural

Freek Wiedijk wrote:

Dear Andrzej,

There is a slogan that I learned in student time:

 "If it is natural, it is trivial. If you do something

     substantial, it cannot be done in natural way"

So do you believe this? :-)

Any wisdom has quite restricted area of applications. There is a book by W. Tatarkiewicz "O szczesciu" ("On the happiness"). In the chapter 2, if I recall, he collected from the literature a lot of rules how to be happy. They go in pairs like:

  "You can reach the happiness only in the solitude"
  "You can be happy only among people"

I believe, but I also believe that the work should by so artificial as it is necessary, not a bit more. I think that with the de Bruijn factor acceptable, we should be more and more concerned with the comfort of formalization.

And do you believe that this slogan applies to the possibly
empty types?

No idea.
