The Mizar article:

While Macro Instructions of \SCMFSA

Jing-Chao Chen

Received December 10, 1997

Copyright (c) 1997 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: SCMFSA_9
[ MML identifier index ]


      CAT_1, AMI_3, RELAT_1, BOOLE, AMI_1, AMI_5, FUNCT_1, ARYTM_1, RELOC,
      RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_4, CARD_1, CARD_3, AMI_1, AMI_3, SCM_1,
 constructors NAT_1, AMI_5, SCMFSA_5, SCM_1, SCMFSA6A, SCMFSA6B, SCMFSA8A,
 definitions SCMFSA_4;
 theorems TARSKI, NAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_4, REAL_1, CQC_THE1, AMI_1, SCMFSA_2,
 schemes NAT_1, RECDEF_1;


theorem Th1:
 for I being Macro-Instruction, a being Int-Location holds
     card if=0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop) = card I + 6
  let I be Macro-Instruction, a be Int-Location;
      card if=0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop)
    = card (I ';' Goto insloc 0) + 1 +4 by SCMFSA8A:17,SCMFSA8B:14
   .= card I + card Goto insloc 0 + 1+4 by SCMFSA6A:61
   .= card I + 1+1+4 by SCMFSA8A:29
   .= card I + 1+(1+4) by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= card I + (1+5) by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= card I + 6;

theorem Th2:
 for I being Macro-Instruction, a being Int-Location holds
     card if>0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop) = card I + 6
  let I be Macro-Instruction, a be Int-Location;
      card if>0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop)
    = card (I ';' Goto insloc 0) + 1 +4 by SCMFSA8A:17,SCMFSA8B:15
   .= card I + card Goto insloc 0 + 1+4 by SCMFSA6A:61
   .= card I + 1+1+4 by SCMFSA8A:29
   .= card I + 1+(1+4) by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= card I + (1+5) by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= card I + 6;

:: WHILE  Statement
 reserve m, n for Nat;

 let a be Int-Location;
 let I be Macro-Instruction;
 func while=0(a,I) -> Macro-Instruction equals
 if=0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop) +*
  ( insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0 );
    set i = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set C = if=0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop);
    set P = C +* i;
A1: card C = card I + 6 by Th1;
      card I + 4 < card I + 6 by REAL_1:53;
    then insloc (card I + 4) in dom C by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;
then A2:  {insloc (card I + 4)} c= dom C by ZFMISC_1:37;
A3:  dom(P) = dom C \/ dom i by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom C \/ {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5
    .= dom C by A2,XBOOLE_1:12;
      P is initial
    proof let m,n; thus thesis by A3,SCMFSA_4:def 4;
    hence thesis;

 func while>0(a,I) -> Macro-Instruction equals
 if>0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop) +*
  ( insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0 );
    set i = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set C = if>0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop);
    set P = C +* i;
A4: card C = card I + 6 by Th2;
      card I + 4 < card I + 6 by REAL_1:53;
    then insloc (card I + 4) in dom C by A4,SCMFSA6A:15;
then A5:  {insloc (card I + 4)} c= dom C by ZFMISC_1:37;
A6:  dom(P) = dom C \/ dom i by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom C \/ {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5
    .= dom C by A5,XBOOLE_1:12;
      P is initial
    proof let m,n; thus thesis by A6,SCMFSA_4:def 4;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th3:
 for I being Macro-Instruction, a being Int-Location holds
     card if=0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,if>0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,I ';' Goto insloc 0))
   = card I + 11
  let I be Macro-Instruction, a be Int-Location;
      card if=0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,if>0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,I ';' Goto insloc 0))
    = 1 + card if>0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,I ';' Goto insloc 0) +4 by SCMFSA8A:17,
   .= card (I ';' Goto insloc 0) + 1+ 4 + 1+4 by SCMFSA8A:17,SCMFSA8B:15
   .= card I + card Goto insloc 0 +1+ 4 + 1+4 by SCMFSA6A:61
   .= card I + 1 + 1 +4 + 1 + 4 by SCMFSA8A:29
   .= card I + (1 + 1)+4 +1 + 4 by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= card I + (2+ 4) +1+ 4 by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= card I + (6 + 1) + 4 by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= card I + (7 + 4) by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= card I + 11;

 let a be Int-Location;
 let I be Macro-Instruction;
 func while<0(a,I) -> Macro-Instruction equals
  if=0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,if>0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,I ';' Goto insloc 0)) +*
  ( insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0 );
    set i = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set C = if=0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,if>0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,I ';' Goto insloc 0));
    set P = C +* i;
A1: card C = card I + 11 by Th3;
      card I + 4 < card I + 11 by REAL_1:53;
    then insloc (card I + 4) in dom C by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;
then A2:  {insloc (card I + 4)} c= dom C by ZFMISC_1:37;
A3:  dom(P) = dom C \/ dom i by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom C \/ {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5
    .= dom C by A2,XBOOLE_1:12;
       P is initial
     proof let m,n; thus thesis by A3,SCMFSA_4:def 4;
     hence thesis;

theorem Th4:
 for I being Macro-Instruction, a being Int-Location holds
     card while=0(a,I) = card I + 6
    let I be Macro-Instruction, a be Int-Location;
    set i = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set C = if=0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop);
    set P = C +* i;
A1: card C = card I + 6 by Th1;
      card I + 4 < card I + 6 by REAL_1:53;
    then insloc (card I + 4) in dom C by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;
then A2:  {insloc (card I + 4)} c= dom C by ZFMISC_1:37;
A3:  dom(P) = dom C \/ dom i by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom C \/ {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5
    .= dom C by A2,XBOOLE_1:12;
      card while=0(a,I) = card P by Def1
    .= card dom C by A3,PRE_CIRC:21
    .= card I + 6 by A1,PRE_CIRC:21;

theorem Th5:
 for I being Macro-Instruction, a being Int-Location holds
     card while>0(a,I) = card I + 6
    let I be Macro-Instruction, a be Int-Location;
    set i = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set C = if>0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop);
    set P = C +* i;
A1: card C = card I + 6 by Th2;
      card I + 4 < card I + 6 by REAL_1:53;
    then insloc (card I + 4) in dom C by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;
then A2:  {insloc (card I + 4)} c= dom C by ZFMISC_1:37;
A3:  dom(P) = dom C \/ dom i by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom C \/ {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5
    .= dom C by A2,XBOOLE_1:12;
      card while>0(a,I) = card P by Def2
    .= card dom C by A3,PRE_CIRC:21
    .= card I + 6 by A1,PRE_CIRC:21;

   for I being Macro-Instruction, a being Int-Location holds
     card while<0(a,I) = card I + 11
    let I be Macro-Instruction, a be Int-Location;
    set i = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set C = if=0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,if>0(a,SCM+FSA-Stop,I ';' Goto insloc 0));
    set P = C +* i;
A1: card C = card I + 11 by Th3;
      card I + 4 < card I + 11 by REAL_1:53;
    then insloc (card I + 4) in dom C by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;
then A2:  {insloc (card I + 4)} c= dom C by ZFMISC_1:37;
A3:  dom(P) = dom C \/ dom i by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom C \/ {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5
    .= dom C by A2,XBOOLE_1:12;
      card while<0(a,I) = card P by Def3
    .= card dom C by A3,PRE_CIRC:21
    .= card I + 11 by A1,PRE_CIRC:21;

theorem Th7:
 for a being Int-Location, l being Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA holds
     a =0_goto l <> halt SCM+FSA
   let a be Int-Location;
   let l be Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA;
   thus thesis by SCMFSA_2:48,124;

theorem Th8:
 for a being Int-Location, l being Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA holds
     a >0_goto l <> halt SCM+FSA
   let a be Int-Location;
   let l be Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA;
   thus thesis by SCMFSA_2:49,124;

theorem Th9:
 for l being Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA holds
     goto l <> halt SCM+FSA
   let l be Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA;
   thus thesis by SCMFSA_2:47,124;

theorem Th10:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
   insloc 0 in dom while=0(a,I) &
   insloc 1 in dom while=0(a,I) &
   insloc 0 in dom while>0(a,I) &
   insloc 1 in dom while>0(a,I)
   let a be Int-Location;
   let I be Macro-Instruction;
   set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
   set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
   set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
   set i = a =0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
     while=0(a,I)= if=0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def1;
   then dom while=0(a,I) = dom if=0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A1: dom if=0(a,I1,J) c= dom while=0(a,I) by XBOOLE_1:7;
     if=0(a, I1, J)
   = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
     by SCMFSA8B:def 1
   .= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)
        by SCMFSA6A:62
   .= i ';' J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop))
        by SCMFSA6A:62
   .= i ';' (J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)))
        by SCMFSA6A:66
   .= Macro i ';' (J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)))
      by SCMFSA6A:def 5;
   then dom Macro i c= dom if=0(a,I1,J) by SCMFSA6A:56;
then A2:dom Macro i c= dom while=0(a,I) by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
     dom Macro i = {insloc 0, insloc 1} by SCMFSA7B:4;
   then insloc 0 in dom Macro i & insloc 1 in dom Macro i by TARSKI:def 2;
   hence insloc 0 in dom while=0(a,I) & insloc 1 in dom while=0(a,I) by A2;

   set i = a >0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
     while>0(a,I)= if>0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def2;
   then dom while>0(a,I) = dom if>0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A3: dom if>0(a,I1,J) c= dom while>0(a,I) by XBOOLE_1:7;

     if>0(a, I1, J)
   = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
      by SCMFSA8B:def 2
   .= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)
      by SCMFSA6A:62
   .= i ';' J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop))
      by SCMFSA6A:62
   .= i ';' (J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)))
      by SCMFSA6A:66
   .= Macro i ';' (J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';'
      SCM+FSA-Stop))) by SCMFSA6A:def 5;
   then dom Macro i c= dom if>0(a,I1,J) by SCMFSA6A:56;
then A4:dom Macro i c= dom while>0(a,I) by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
     dom Macro i = {insloc 0, insloc 1} by SCMFSA7B:4;
   then insloc 0 in dom Macro i & insloc 1 in dom Macro i by TARSKI:def 2;
   hence thesis by A4;

theorem Th11:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
   while=0(a,I).insloc 0 = a =0_goto insloc 4 &
   while=0(a,I).insloc 1 = goto insloc 2 &
   while>0(a,I).insloc 0 = a >0_goto insloc 4 &
   while>0(a,I).insloc 1 = goto insloc 2
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a =0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
A1: i <> halt SCM+FSA by Th7;
A2:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
      insloc 0 <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A3: not insloc 0 in dom f by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
A4: insloc 0 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th10;
      while=0(a,I) = if=0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def1;
then A5: dom while=0(a,I) = dom if=0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
      1 <> card I + 4 by NAT_1:29;
    then insloc 1 <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A6: not insloc 1 in dom f by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
    A7: insloc 1 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th10;

A8: if=0(a, I1, J)
    = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
       by SCMFSA8B:def 1
    .= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)
       by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop))
       by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' (J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)))
       by SCMFSA6A:66
    .= Macro i ';' (J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';'
       SCM+FSA-Stop))) by SCMFSA6A:def 5;
      dom Macro i = {insloc 0, insloc 1} by SCMFSA7B:4;
then A9:  insloc 0 in dom Macro i & insloc 1 in dom Macro i by TARSKI:def 2;
    thus while=0(a,I).insloc 0 = (if=0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc 0 by Def1
    .=if=0(a,I1,J).insloc 0 by A3,A4,A5,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (Directed Macro i).insloc 0 by A8,A9,SCMFSA8A:28
    .= a =0_goto insloc 4 by A1,SCMFSA7B:7,SCMFSA8A:17;
    thus while=0(a,I).insloc 1 = (if=0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc 1 by Def1
    .=if=0(a,I1,J).insloc 1 by A5,A6,A7,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (Directed Macro i).insloc 1 by A8,A9,SCMFSA8A:28
    .= goto insloc 2 by SCMFSA7B:8;

    set i = a >0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
A10: i <> halt SCM+FSA by Th8;
A11: insloc 0 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th10;
      while>0(a,I) = if>0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def2;
then A12: dom while>0(a,I) = dom if>0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    A13: insloc 1 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th10;

A14: if>0(a, I1, J)
    = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
       by SCMFSA8B:def 2
    .= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)
       by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop))
       by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' (J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)))
       by SCMFSA6A:66
    .= Macro i ';' (J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';'
       SCM+FSA-Stop))) by SCMFSA6A:def 5;
      dom Macro i = {insloc 0, insloc 1} by SCMFSA7B:4;
then A15:  insloc 0 in dom Macro i & insloc 1 in dom Macro i by TARSKI:def 2;
    thus while>0(a,I).insloc 0 = (if>0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc 0 by Def2
    .=if>0(a,I1,J).insloc 0 by A3,A11,A12,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (Directed Macro i).insloc 0 by A14,A15,SCMFSA8A:28
    .= a >0_goto insloc 4 by A10,SCMFSA7B:7,SCMFSA8A:17;
    thus while>0(a,I).insloc 1 = (if>0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc 1 by Def2
    .=if>0(a,I1,J).insloc 1 by A6,A12,A13,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (Directed Macro i).insloc 1 by A14,A15,SCMFSA8A:28
    .= goto insloc 2 by SCMFSA7B:8;

theorem Th12:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,k being Nat st
   k < 6 holds insloc k in dom while=0(a,I)
    let a be Int-Location, I be Macro-Instruction,k be Nat;
    assume A1: k < 6;
      6 <= card I + 6 by NAT_1:29;
then A2:  k < card I + 6 by A1,AXIOMS:22;
      card while=0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th4;
    hence thesis by A2,SCMFSA6A:15;

theorem Th13:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,k being Nat st
   k < 6 holds insloc (card I +k) in dom while=0(a,I)
    let a be Int-Location, I be Macro-Instruction,k be Nat;
    assume k < 6;
then A1:  card I + k < card I + 6 by REAL_1:53;
      card while=0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th4;
    hence thesis by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;

theorem Th14:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
     while=0(a,I).insloc (card I +5) = halt SCM+FSA
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a =0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
    set c5 = card I + 5;
    set Lc5=insloc c5;

A1:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
      c5 <> card I + 4 by XCMPLX_1:2;
    then Lc5 <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A2: not Lc5 in dom f by A1,TARSKI:def 1;

A3: Lc5 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th13;
      while=0(a,I) = if=0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def1;
 then A4: dom while=0(a,I) = dom if=0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A5: Lc5 in dom if=0(a,I1,J) by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

    set Mi= Macro i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1;
    set J1= SCM+FSA-Stop;
A6: if=0(a, I1, J)
    = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
      by SCMFSA8B:def 1
    .= Mi ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5;
    then card if=0(a, I1,J) = card Mi + card J1 by SCMFSA6A:61;
then A7: card Mi = card if=0(a,I1,J)-card J1 by XCMPLX_1:26
    .= card I + 6 - 1 by Th1,SCMFSA8A:17
    .= card I + (5+1-1) by XCMPLX_1:29
    .= c5;
then A8: not Lc5 in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;

A9: if=0(a, I1, J) = Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, c5) by A6,A7,
SCMFSA6A:def 4;

then A10: dom if=0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1,
    by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if=0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, c5) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A11: Lc5 in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, c5) by A5,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A12: insloc 0 + c5 = insloc ( 0 + c5) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      insloc 0 + c5 in { il+c5 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J1} by SCMFSA8A:16;
then A13: insloc c5 in dom Shift(J1,c5) by A12,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A14: pi(Shift(J1,c5),Lc5) = Shift(J1,c5).(insloc 0 +c5) by A12,AMI_5:def 5
    .= halt SCM+FSA by SCMFSA8A:16,SCMFSA_4:30;

   thus while=0(a,I).Lc5 = (if=0(a, I1, J) +* f).Lc5 by Def1
   .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, c5)).Lc5 by A2,A3,A4,A9,FUNCT_4
:def 1
   .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J1,c5)).Lc5 by A5,A10,A11,FUNCT_4:def 1
   .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J1),c5),c5).Lc5 by SCMFSA_5:2
   .= IncAddr(Shift(J1,c5),c5).Lc5 by AMI_5:72
   .= IncAddr( halt SCM+FSA, c5 ) by A13,A14,SCMFSA_4:24
   .= halt SCM+FSA by SCMFSA_4:8;

theorem Th15:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
     while=0(a,I).insloc 3 = goto insloc (card I +5)
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a =0_goto insloc (card J + 3);

A1:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
      3 <> card I + 4 by NAT_1:29;
    then insloc 3 <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A2: not insloc 3 in dom f by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
A3: insloc 3 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th12;
      while=0(a,I) = if=0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def1;
 then A4: dom while=0(a,I) = dom if=0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A5: insloc 3 in dom if=0(a,I1,J) by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

    set Mi=Macro i ';' J;
    set G=Goto insloc (card I1 + 1);
    set J2= (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop);
    set J1=G ';' J2;
A6: card Mi = card Macro i + card J by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= 2 + 1 by SCMFSA7B:6,SCMFSA8A:17;
then A7: not insloc 3 in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;

A8: if=0(a, I1, J)
    = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
      by SCMFSA8B:def 1
    .= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)
      by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' J ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= Mi ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5
    .= Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3) by A6,SCMFSA6A:def 4;

then A9: dom if=0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3)
      by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if=0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A10: insloc 3 in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3) by A5,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A11: insloc 0 in dom G by SCMFSA8A:47;
A12: G.insloc 0 = goto insloc (card I1 + 1) by SCMFSA8A:47
    .= goto insloc (card I + card Goto insloc 0 + 1) by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= goto insloc (card I + 1 + 1) by SCMFSA8A:29
    .= goto insloc (card I +(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A13: G.insloc 0 <> halt SCM+FSA by Th9;
A14: insloc 0 + 3 = insloc ( 0 + 3) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      J1= Directed G +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card G) by SCMFSA6A:def 4;
    then dom J1 = dom Directed G \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card G)
     by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom G \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card G) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A15: insloc 0 in dom J1 by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then insloc 0 + 3 in { il+3 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J1};
then A16: insloc 3 in dom Shift(J1,3) by A14,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A17: pi(Shift(J1,3),insloc 3) =Shift(J1,3).(insloc 0 +3) by A14,AMI_5:def
    .=J1.insloc 0 by A15,SCMFSA_4:30
    .=(Directed G).insloc 0 by A11,SCMFSA8A:28
    .=goto insloc (card I + 2) by A11,A12,A13,SCMFSA8A:30;

    thus while=0(a,I).insloc 3 = (if=0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc 3 by Def1
    .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3)).insloc 3 by A2,A3,A4,A8,
FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J1,3)).insloc 3 by A5,A9,A10,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J1),3),3).insloc 3 by SCMFSA_5:2
    .= IncAddr(Shift(J1,3),3).insloc 3 by AMI_5:72
    .= IncAddr(goto insloc (card I +2),3) by A16,A17,SCMFSA_4:24
    .= goto (insloc (card I +2) + 3) by SCMFSA_4:14
    .= goto insloc (card I+ 2 +3) by SCMFSA_4:def 1
    .= goto insloc (card I+ (2 +3)) by XCMPLX_1:1
    .= goto insloc (card I+ 5);

theorem Th16:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
     while=0(a,I).insloc 2 = goto insloc 3
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a =0_goto insloc (card J + 3);

A1:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
      2 <> card I + 4 by NAT_1:29;
    then insloc 2 <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A2: not insloc 2 in dom f by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
A3: insloc 2 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th12;
      while=0(a,I) = if=0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def1;
 then A4: dom while=0(a,I) = dom if=0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A5: insloc 2 in dom if=0(a,I1,J) by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

    set Mi=Macro i;
    set J2=Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop);
    set J1=J ';' J2;
A6: card Mi = 2 by SCMFSA7B:6;
then A7: not insloc 2 in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;
A8: if=0(a, I1, J)
    = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
       by SCMFSA8B:def 1
    .= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)
       by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop))
       by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:66
    .= Mi ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5
    .= Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2) by A6,SCMFSA6A:def 4;
then A9: dom if=0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2)
      by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if=0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A10: insloc 2 in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2) by A5,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A11: insloc 0 + 2 = insloc ( 0 + 2) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      J1= Directed J +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card J) by SCMFSA6A:def 4;
    then dom J1 = dom Directed J \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card J)
       by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom J \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card J) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A12: insloc 0 in dom J1 by SCMFSA8A:16,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then insloc 0 + 2 in { il+2 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J1};
then A13: insloc 2 in dom Shift(J1,2) by A11,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A14: pi(Shift(J1,2),insloc 2) =Shift(J1,2).(insloc 0 +2) by A11,AMI_5:def
    .=J1.insloc 0 by A12,SCMFSA_4:30
    .=(Directed J).insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:16,28
    .=goto insloc card J by SCMFSA8A:16,30;

    thus while=0(a,I).insloc 2 = (if=0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc 2 by Def1
    .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2)).insloc 2 by A2,A3,A4,A8,
FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J1,2)).insloc 2 by A5,A9,A10,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J1),2),2).insloc 2 by SCMFSA_5:2
    .= IncAddr(Shift(J1,2),2).insloc 2 by AMI_5:72
    .= IncAddr(goto insloc card J,2) by A13,A14,SCMFSA_4:24
    .= goto (insloc 1 + 2) by SCMFSA8A:17,SCMFSA_4:14
    .= goto insloc (1+2) by SCMFSA_4:def 1
    .= goto insloc 3;

   for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,k being Nat st
   k < card I +6 holds insloc k in dom while=0(a,I)
    let a be Int-Location, I be Macro-Instruction,k be Nat;
    assume A1: k < card I +6;
      card while=0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th4;
    hence thesis by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;

theorem Th18:
 for s being State of SCM+FSA, I being Macro-Instruction,
   a being read-write Int-Location st s.a <> 0 holds
   while=0(a,I) is_halting_on s & while=0(a,I) is_closed_on s
    let s be State of SCM+FSA;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    let a be read-write Int-Location;
    assume A1: s.a <> 0;
    set s1 = s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set s2 = (Computation s1).1;
    set s3 = (Computation s1).2;
    set s4 = (Computation s1).3;
    set s5 = (Computation s1).4;
    set C1 = Computation s1;
    set i = a =0_goto insloc 4;

A2: insloc 0 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th10;
      while=0(a,I) c= while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
then A3: dom while=0(a,I) c= dom (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0)
       by GRFUNC_1:8;
A4:  IC SCM+FSA in dom (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0) by SF_MASTR:65;
A5: IC s1 = s1.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).IC SCM+FSA by A4,FUNCT_4:14
    .= insloc 0 by SF_MASTR:66;
      s1.insloc 0 = (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 0
       by A2,A3,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while=0(a,I).insloc 0 by A2,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= i by Th11;
then A6: CurInstr s1 = i by A5,AMI_1:def 17;
A7: (Computation s1).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s1).0 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Following s1 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(i,s1) by A6,AMI_1:def 18;
      not a in dom (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0) & a in dom s
       by SCMFSA6B:12,SCMFSA_2:66;
    then A8: s1.a = s.a by FUNCT_4:12;
A9: IC C1.1 = C1.1.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= Next insloc 0 by A1,A5,A7,A8,SCMFSA_2:96
    .= insloc (0 + 1) by SCMFSA_2:32;
A10: insloc 1 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th10;
      C1.1.insloc 1 = s1.insloc 1 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 1 by A3,A10,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while=0(a,I).insloc 1 by A10,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= goto insloc 2 by Th11;
then A11: CurInstr C1.1 = goto insloc 2 by A9,AMI_1:def 17;
A12: (Computation s1).(1 + 1) = Following s2 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto insloc 2,s2) by A11,AMI_1:def 18;

A13: insloc 2 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th12;

A14: IC s3 = s3.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= insloc 2 by A12,SCMFSA_2:95;
      s3.insloc 2 = s1.insloc 2 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 2 by A3,A13,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while=0(a,I).insloc 2 by A13,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= goto insloc 3 by Th16;
then A15: CurInstr s3 = goto insloc 3 by A14,AMI_1:def 17;

A16: (Computation s1).(2 + 1) = Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto insloc 3,s3) by A15,AMI_1:def 18;

A17: insloc 3 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th12;
    set loc5= insloc (card I +5);
A18: IC s4 = s4.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= insloc 3 by A16,SCMFSA_2:95;
      s4.insloc 3 = s1.insloc 3 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 3 by A3,A17,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while=0(a,I).insloc 3 by A17,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= goto loc5 by Th15;
then A19: CurInstr s4 = goto loc5 by A18,AMI_1:def 17;
A20: (Computation s1).(3 + 1) = Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto loc5,s4) by A19,AMI_1:def 18;

A21: loc5 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th13;
A22: IC s5 = s5.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= loc5 by A20,SCMFSA_2:95;
      s5.loc5 = s1.loc5 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).loc5 by A3,A21,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while=0(a,I).loc5 by A21,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= halt SCM+FSA by Th14;
then A23: CurInstr s5 = halt SCM+FSA by A22,AMI_1:def 17;
    then s1 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
    hence while=0(a,I) is_halting_on s by SCMFSA7B:def 8;
      now let k be Nat;
A24:     k<=3 or k >= 3+1 by NAT_1:38;
       per cases by A24,CQC_THE1:4;
       suppose k = 0;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A2,A5,AMI_1:def 19;
       suppose k = 1;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A9,Th10;
       suppose k = 2;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A14,Th12;
       suppose k = 3;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A18,Th12;
       suppose k >= 4;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A21,A22,A23,AMI_1:52;
    hence while=0(a,I) is_closed_on s by SCMFSA7B:def 7;

theorem Th19:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,
 s being State of SCM+FSA,k being Nat st
   I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s &
   k < LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) &
   IC (Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 + k) =
   IC (Computation (s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0))).k + 4 &
   (Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 + k) |
    (Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations) =
   (Computation (s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0))).k |
    (Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations) holds
   IC (Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 + k+1) =
   IC (Computation (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0))).(k+1) + 4 &
   (Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 + k+1) |
     (Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations) =
   (Computation (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0))).(k+1) |
     (Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations)
    set D = Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations;
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    let s be State of SCM+FSA;
    let k be Nat;
    set s1 = s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set sI = s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set sK1=(Computation s1).(1 + k);
    set sK2= (Computation sI).k;
    set l3=IC (Computation sI).k;
    assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
    assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
    assume A3: k < LifeSpan sI;
    assume A4: IC (Computation s1).(1 + k)=l3 + 4;
    assume A5:sK1 | D = sK2 | D;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a =0_goto insloc (card J + 3);

A6:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
    consider n being Nat such that A7: l3 = insloc n by SCMFSA_2:21;
A8: insloc n in dom I by A1,A7,SCMFSA7B:def 7;
    then A9: n < card I by SCMFSA6A:15;
 then n + 4 <> card I + 4 by XCMPLX_1:2;
    then insloc (n + 4) <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A10: not insloc (n+4) in dom f by A6,TARSKI:def 1;
A11: n+4 < card I+ 6 by A9,REAL_1:67;
      card while=0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th4;
then A12: insloc (n+4) in dom while=0(a,I) by A11,SCMFSA6A:15;
      while=0(a,I) = if=0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def1;
 then A13: dom while=0(a,I) = dom if=0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A14: insloc (n+4) in dom if=0(a,I1,J) by A10,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    set Mi= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1);
    set J2= I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set J3= Goto insloc 0 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop;
A15: card Mi = card (i ';' J )+ card Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= card (i ';' J ) + 1 by SCMFSA8A:29
    .= card (Macro i ';' J) + 1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5
    .= card (Macro i) + card J + 1 by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= 2 + 1 +1 by SCMFSA7B:6,SCMFSA8A:17
    .= 3+ 1;
    then n+4 >= card Mi by NAT_1:29;
then A16: not insloc (n+4) in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;
A17: if=0(a, I1, J)
    = Mi ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop by SCMFSA8B:def 1
    .= Mi ';' J2 by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by A15,SCMFSA6A:def 4;
then A18: dom if=0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4
      by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if=0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A19: insloc (n+4) in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by A14,A16,XBOOLE_0:
def 2
A20: insloc n + 4 = insloc ( n + 4) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      while=0(a,I) c= while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
    then A21: dom while=0(a,I) c= dom (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0)
      by GRFUNC_1:8;
      I c= I +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
    then A22: dom I c= dom (I +* Start-At insloc 0) by GRFUNC_1:8;
A23: CurInstr sK2 =sK2.insloc n by A7,AMI_1:def 17
    .=sI.insloc n by AMI_1:54
    .=(I +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc n by A8,A22,FUNCT_4:14
    .= I.insloc n by A8,SCMFSA6B:7;
   sI is halting by A2,SCMFSA7B:def 8;
then A24: I.insloc n <> halt SCM+FSA by A3,A23,SCM_1:def 2;
A25: J2= I ';' J3 by SCMFSA6A:62;
    then J2= Directed I +* ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I) by SCMFSA6A:def 4
    then dom J2 = dom Directed I \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I)
       by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom I \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A26: insloc n in dom J2 by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then insloc n + 4 in { il+4 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J2};
then A27: insloc (n+4) in dom Shift(J2,4) by A20,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A28: pi(Shift(J2,4),insloc (n+4)) =Shift(J2,4).(insloc n +4) by A20,AMI_5:
def 5
    .=J2.insloc n by A26,SCMFSA_4:30
    .=(Directed I).insloc n by A8,A25,SCMFSA8A:28
    .=I.insloc n by A8,A24,SCMFSA8A:30;
A29: I.insloc n in rng I by A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      rng I c= the Instructions of SCM+FSA by SCMFSA_4:1;
    then reconsider j = I.insloc n as Instruction of SCM+FSA by A29;
   sK1.insloc (n+4) = s1.insloc(n+4) by AMI_1:54
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc (n+4) by A12,A21,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while=0(a,I).insloc (n+4) by A12,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= (if=0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc (n+4) by Def1
    .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4)).insloc (n+4) by A10,A12,
A13,A17,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J2,4)).insloc (n+4) by A14,A18,A19,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J2),4),4).insloc (n+4) by SCMFSA_5:2
    .= IncAddr(Shift(J2,4),4).insloc (n+4) by AMI_5:72
    .= IncAddr(j,4) by A27,A28,SCMFSA_4:24;
then A30: CurInstr sK1 =IncAddr(j,4) by A4,A7,A20,AMI_1:def 17;
A31: (Computation s1).(1 + k+1) = Following sK1 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(IncAddr(j,4),sK1) by A30,AMI_1:def 18;
   (Computation sI).(k+1) = Following sK2 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(j,sK2) by A23,AMI_1:def 18;
    hence thesis by A4,A5,A31,SCMFSA6A:41;

theorem Th20:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,
  s being State of SCM+FSA st
   I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s &
   IC (Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 +
   LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0 ) ) ) =
   IC (Computation (s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0))).
   LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0 ) ) + 4
   CurInstr (Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 +
   LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) ) = goto insloc (card I +4)
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    let s be State of SCM+FSA;
    set s1 = s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set sI = s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set life=LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0));
    set sK1=(Computation s1).(1 + life);
    set sK2= (Computation sI).life;
    assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
    assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
    assume A3:  IC sK1 = IC sK2 + 4;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a =0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
A4:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
    consider n being Nat such that A5: IC sK2 = insloc n by SCMFSA_2:21;
A6: insloc n in dom I by A1,A5,SCMFSA7B:def 7;
    then A7: n < card I by SCMFSA6A:15;
 then n + 4 <> card I + 4 by XCMPLX_1:2;
    then insloc (n + 4) <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A8: not insloc (n+4) in dom f by A4,TARSKI:def 1;
A9: n+4 < card I+ 6 by A7,REAL_1:67;
      card while=0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th4;
then A10: insloc (n+4) in dom while=0(a,I) by A9,SCMFSA6A:15;
      while=0(a,I) = if=0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def1;
 then A11: dom while=0(a,I) = dom if=0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A12: insloc (n+4) in dom if=0(a,I1,J) by A8,A10,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    set Mi= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1);
    set J2= I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set J3= Goto insloc 0 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop;
A13: card Mi = card (i ';' J )+ card Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= card (i ';' J ) + 1 by SCMFSA8A:29
    .= card (Macro i ';' J) + 1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5
    .= card (Macro i) + card J + 1 by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= 2 + 1 +1 by SCMFSA7B:6,SCMFSA8A:17
    .= 3+ 1;
    then n+4 >= card Mi by NAT_1:29;
then A14: not insloc (n+4) in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;
A15: if=0(a, I1, J)
    = Mi ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop by SCMFSA8B:def 1
    .= Mi ';' J2 by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by A13,SCMFSA6A:def 4;
then A16: dom if=0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4
     by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if=0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A17: insloc (n+4) in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by A12,A14,XBOOLE_0:
def 2
A18: insloc n + 4 = insloc ( n + 4) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      while=0(a,I) c= while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
    then A19: dom while=0(a,I) c= dom (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0)
      by GRFUNC_1:8;
      I c= I +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
    then A20: dom I c= dom (I +* Start-At insloc 0) by GRFUNC_1:8;
A21: CurInstr sK2 =sK2.insloc n by A5,AMI_1:def 17
    .=sI.insloc n by AMI_1:54
    .=(I +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc n by A6,A20,FUNCT_4:14
    .= I.insloc n by A6,SCMFSA6B:7;
   sI is halting by A2,SCMFSA7B:def 8;
then A22: I.insloc n = halt SCM+FSA by A21,SCM_1:def 2;
A23: J2= I ';' J3 by SCMFSA6A:62;
    then J2= Directed I +* ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I) by SCMFSA6A:def 4
    then dom J2 = dom Directed I \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I)
     by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom I \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A24: insloc n in dom J2 by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then insloc n + 4 in { il+4 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J2};
then A25: insloc (n+4) in dom Shift(J2,4) by A18,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A26: pi(Shift(J2,4),insloc (n+4)) =Shift(J2,4).(insloc n +4) by A18,AMI_5:
def 5
    .=J2.insloc n by A24,SCMFSA_4:30
    .=(Directed I).insloc n by A6,A23,SCMFSA8A:28
    .=goto insloc card I by A6,A22,SCMFSA8A:30;
   sK1.insloc (n+4) = s1.insloc(n+4) by AMI_1:54
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc (n+4) by A10,A19,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while=0(a,I).insloc (n+4) by A10,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= (if=0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc (n+4) by Def1
    .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4)).insloc (n+4) by A8,A10,A11
,A15,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J2,4)).insloc (n+4) by A12,A16,A17,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J2),4),4).insloc (n+4) by SCMFSA_5:2
    .= IncAddr(Shift(J2,4),4).insloc (n+4) by AMI_5:72
    .= IncAddr(goto insloc card I,4) by A25,A26,SCMFSA_4:24
    .= goto (insloc card I+4) by SCMFSA_4:14
    .= goto insloc (card I+4) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
    hence thesis by A3,A5,A18,AMI_1:def 17;

theorem Th21:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
     while=0(a,I).insloc (card I +4) = goto insloc 0
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set Lc4=insloc (card I + 4 );

      dom f = {Lc4} by CQC_LANG:5;
then A1: Lc4 in dom f by TARSKI:def 1;
A2: Lc4 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th13;
      while=0(a,I) = if=0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def1;
    then A3: dom while=0(a,I) = dom if=0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    thus while=0(a,I).Lc4 = (if=0(a, I1, J) +* f).Lc4 by Def1
    .= f.Lc4 by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .=goto insloc 0 by CQC_LANG:6;

reserve f for FinSeq-Location,
        c for Int-Location;

theorem Th22:
 for s being State of SCM+FSA, I being Macro-Instruction,
 a being read-write Int-Location
 st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s & s.a =0 holds
    IC (Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).
    (LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) + 3) = insloc 0 &
    for k being Nat st k <= LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) + 3
    holds IC (Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).k
    in dom while=0(a,I)
    let s be State of SCM+FSA;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    let a be read-write Int-Location;
    assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
    assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
    assume A3: s.a = 0;

    set D = Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations;
    set s1 = s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set s2 = (Computation s1).1;
    set C1 = Computation s1;
    set i = a =0_goto insloc 4;
    set sI = s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0);
A4: insloc 0 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th10;
      while=0(a,I) c= while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
then A5: dom while=0(a,I) c= dom (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0)
       by GRFUNC_1:8;
A6:  IC SCM+FSA in dom (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0) by SF_MASTR:65;
A7: IC s1 = s1.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).IC SCM+FSA by A6,FUNCT_4:14
    .= insloc 0 by SF_MASTR:66;
      s1.insloc 0 = (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 0 by A4,A5,
    .= while=0(a,I).insloc 0 by A4,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= i by Th11;
then A8: CurInstr s1 = i by A7,AMI_1:def 17;
A9: (Computation s1).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s1).0 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Following s1 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(i,s1) by A8,AMI_1:def 18;
      not a in dom (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0) & a in dom s
       by SCMFSA6B:12,SCMFSA_2:66;
    then A10: s1.a = s.a by FUNCT_4:12;
A11: IC s2 = s2.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= insloc 4 by A3,A9,A10,SCMFSA_2:96;
      (for c holds s2.c = s1.c) & for f holds s2.f = s1.f
      by A9,SCMFSA_2:96;
then A12: s2 | D = s1 | D by SCMFSA6A:38
    .= s | D by SCMFSA8A:11
    .= sI | D by SCMFSA8A:11;
    defpred P[Nat] means
       $1 <= LifeSpan sI implies
       IC (Computation s1).(1 + $1) = IC (Computation sI).$1 + 4 &
       (Computation s1).(1 + $1) | D = (Computation sI).$1 | D;
A13: P[0]
     proof assume 0 <= LifeSpan sI;
A14:    IC SCM+FSA in dom (I +* Start-At insloc 0) by SF_MASTR:65;
         IC (Computation sI).0 = IC sI by AMI_1:def 19
       .= sI.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
       .= (I +* Start-At insloc 0).IC SCM+FSA by A14,FUNCT_4:14
       .= insloc 0 by SF_MASTR:66;
       then IC (Computation sI).0 + 4 = insloc (0+ 4) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
       hence IC (Computation s1).(1 + 0) = IC (Computation sI).0 + 4 &
       (Computation s1).(1 + 0) | D = (Computation sI).0 | D
        by A11,A12,AMI_1:def 19;
A15: now let k be Nat;
       assume A16: P[k];
         now assume A17: k + 1 <= LifeSpan sI;
            k + 0 < k + 1 by REAL_1:53;
then k < LifeSpan sI by A17,AXIOMS:22;
            IC (Computation s1).(1 + k+1) = IC (Computation sI).(k+1) + 4 &
          (Computation s1).(1 + k+1) | D = (Computation sI).(k+1) | D
            by A1,A2,A16,Th19;
       hence P[k + 1];
    set s2=(Computation s1).(1 + LifeSpan sI);
    set loc4=insloc (card I + 4);
    set s3=(Computation s1).(1+LifeSpan sI+1);
A18: for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A13,A15);
    then P[LifeSpan sI];
then A19: CurInstr s2 = goto loc4 by A1,A2,Th20;
A20: s3 = Following s2 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto loc4,s2) by A19,AMI_1:def 18;
A21: loc4 in dom while=0(a,I) by Th13;
A22: IC s3 = s3.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= loc4 by A20,SCMFSA_2:95;
    set s4=(Computation s1).(1+LifeSpan sI+1+1);
      s3.loc4 = s1.loc4 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).loc4 by A5,A21,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while=0(a,I).loc4 by A21,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= goto insloc 0 by Th21;
then A23: CurInstr s3 = goto insloc 0 by A22,AMI_1:def 17;
A24: s4 = Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto insloc 0,s3) by A23,AMI_1:def 18;
A25: IC s4 = s4.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= insloc 0 by A24,SCMFSA_2:95;
A26: LifeSpan sI+1+1+1 = LifeSpan sI+(1+1)+1 by XCMPLX_1:1
    .=LifeSpan sI+(2+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence
  IC (Computation s1).(LifeSpan sI+3) = insloc 0 by A25;

A27: now let k be Nat;
       assume A28: k <= LifeSpan sI+3;
       assume k<>0;
       then consider n being Nat such that
A29:    k = n+ 1 by NAT_1:22;
         k<=LifeSpan sI+1 or k >= LifeSpan sI+1+1 by NAT_1:38;
       then A30: k<=LifeSpan sI+1 or k = LifeSpan sI+1+1 or k > LifeSpan sI+1+1
          by REAL_1:def 5;
       per cases by A26,A30,NAT_1:38;
       suppose k<=LifeSpan sI+1;
then n <= LifeSpan sI by A29,REAL_1:53;
then A31:       IC C1.(1 + n) = IC (Computation sI).n + 4 by A18;
          consider m being Nat such that A32: IC (Computation sI).n = insloc m
            by SCMFSA_2:21;
            insloc m in dom I by A1,A32,SCMFSA7B:def 7;
       then m < card I by SCMFSA6A:15;
then A33:       m+4 < card I+ 6 by REAL_1:67;
            card while=0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th4;
then insloc (m+4) in dom while=0(a,I) by A33,SCMFSA6A:15;
          hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A29,A31,A32,SCMFSA_4:def 1;
       suppose k=LifeSpan sI+1+1;
          hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A22,Th13;
       suppose k >= LifeSpan sI+3;
          then k = LifeSpan sI+3 by A28,AXIOMS:21;
          hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A25,A26,Th10;
      now let k be Nat;
       assume A34: k <= LifeSpan sI+3;
       per cases;
       suppose k = 0;
          hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A4,A7,AMI_1:def 19;
       suppose k <>0;
          hence IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I) by A27,A34;
      for k being Nat st k <= LifeSpan sI + 3 holds IC C1.k in dom while=0(a,I

set sl0= Start-At insloc 0;

reserve s for State of SCM+FSA,
   I for Macro-Instruction,
   a for read-write Int-Location;

 let s,I,a;
 deffunc U(Nat,Element of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA) =
   (Computation ($2 +* (while=0(a,I) +* sl0))).
      (LifeSpan ($2 +* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
 func StepWhile=0(a,I,s) -> Function of NAT,product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA
   it.0 = s &
   for i being Nat
    holds it.(i+1)=(Computation (it.i +* (while=0(a,I) +* sl0))).
      (LifeSpan (it.i +* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
  proof   thus ex f being Function of NAT,product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA st
   f.0 = s & for i being Nat holds f.(i+1)= U(i,f.i)
  from LambdaRecExD;
  let F1,F2 be Function of NAT,product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA
      such that
A1: F1.0 = s & for i being Nat holds F1.(i+1)= U(i,F1.i) and
A2: F2.0 = s & for i being Nat holds F2.(i+1)= U(i,F2.i);
    thus F1 = F2 from LambdaRecUnD(A1,A2);

 reserve i,k,m,n for Nat;

canceled 2;

theorem Th25:
    set sk=StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k;
    set sk0=StepWhile=0(a,I,sk).0;
  sk0=sk by Def4;
    hence StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(k+1) =(Computation (sk0 +*(while=0(a,I) +* sl0))
    (LifeSpan (sk0 +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def4
    .=StepWhile=0(a,I,sk).(0+1) by Def4

scheme MinIndex { F(Nat)->Nat,j() -> Nat} :
  ex k st F(k)=0 & for n st F(n)=0 holds k <= n
A1: F(0) = j() and
A2: for k holds (F(k+1) < F(k) or F(k) = 0)
    defpred P[Nat] means ex n st $1 = F(n);
A3:  ex k st P[k] by A1;
A4:  for k st k <> 0 & P[k] ex m st m < k & P[m]
    proof let k; assume
A5:    k <> 0 & P[k];
       then consider n such that
A6:    k = F(n);
       take F(n + 1);
       thus thesis by A2,A5,A6;
    defpred X[Nat] means F($1)=0;
      P[0] from Regr(A3,A4);
then A7:  ex k st X[k];
    thus ex k st X[k] & for n st X[n] holds k <= n from Min(A7);

   for f,g being Function holds f +* g +* g = f +* g
   let f,g be Function;
   thus f +* g +* g = f +*( g +* g ) by FUNCT_4:15
      .= f +* g;

theorem Th27:
 for f,g,h being Function, D being set holds
     (f +* g)|D =h | D implies (h +* g) | D = (f +* g) | D
    let f,g,h be Function, D be set;
    assume A1: (f +* g)|D =h | D;
A2: dom ((f +* g) | D) = dom (f +* g) /\ D by RELAT_1:90
    .= (dom f \/ dom g) /\ D by FUNCT_4:def 1;
A3: dom ((h +* g) | D) = dom (h +* g) /\ D by RELAT_1:90
    .= (dom h \/ dom g) /\ D by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A4: dom ((h +* g) | D) = (dom h /\ D) \/ (dom g /\ D) by XBOOLE_1:23
    .= ((dom f \/ dom g) /\ D) \/ (dom g /\ D) by A1,A2,RELAT_1:90
    .= ((dom f \/ dom g) \/ dom g) /\ D by XBOOLE_1:23
    .= (dom f \/ (dom g \/ dom g)) /\ D by XBOOLE_1:4
    .= (dom f \/ dom g ) /\ D;
      now let x be set;
       assume A5:x in dom ((f +* g) | D);
then A6:    x in dom f \/ dom g & x in D by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A7:    x in dom h \/ dom g by A2,A3,A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A8:    ((h +* g) | D).x = (h +* g).x by A2,A4,A5,FUNCT_1:70;
       per cases;
       suppose A9: x in dom g;
        ((f +* g) | D).x = (f +* g).x by A5,FUNCT_1:70
          .=g.x by A6,A9,FUNCT_4:def 1;
          hence ((h +* g) | D).x =((f +* g) | D).x by A7,A8,A9,FUNCT_4:def 1;
       suppose not x in dom g;
          hence ((h +* g) | D).x = h.x by A7,A8,FUNCT_4:def 1
          .=((f +* g) | D).x by A1,A6,FUNCT_1:72;
   hence thesis by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:9;

   for f,g,h being Function, D being set holds
     f | D =h | D implies (h +* g) | D = (f +* g) | D
    let f,g,h be Function, D be set;
    assume A1: f |D =h | D;
A2: dom ((f +* g) | D) = dom (f +* g) /\ D by RELAT_1:90
    .= (dom f \/ dom g) /\ D by FUNCT_4:def 1;
A3: dom ((h +* g) | D) = dom (h +* g) /\ D by RELAT_1:90
    .= (dom h \/ dom g) /\ D by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A4: dom ((h +* g) | D) = (dom h /\ D) \/ (dom g /\ D) by XBOOLE_1:23
    .= dom (f| D) \/ (dom g /\ D) by A1,RELAT_1:90
    .= (dom f /\ D) \/ (dom g /\ D) by RELAT_1:90
    .= (dom f \/ dom g ) /\ D by XBOOLE_1:23;
      now let x be set;
       assume A5:x in dom ((f +* g) | D);
then A6:    x in dom f \/ dom g & x in D by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A7:    x in dom h \/ dom g by A2,A3,A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A8:    ((h +* g) | D).x = (h +* g).x by A2,A4,A5,FUNCT_1:70;
       per cases;
       suppose A9: x in dom g;
        ((f +* g) | D).x = (f +* g).x by A5,FUNCT_1:70
          .=g.x by A6,A9,FUNCT_4:def 1;
          hence ((h +* g) | D).x =((f +* g) | D).x by A7,A8,A9,FUNCT_4:def 1;
       suppose A10:not x in dom g;
then A11:       ((h +* g) | D).x = h.x by A7,A8,FUNCT_4:def 1
          .=(h | D ).x by A6,FUNCT_1:72;
          thus ((f +* g) | D).x = (f +* g).x by A5,FUNCT_1:70
          .=f.x by A6,A10,FUNCT_4:def 1
          .=((h +* g) | D).x by A1,A6,A11,FUNCT_1:72;
    hence thesis by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:9;

set IL = the Instruction-Locations of SCM+FSA;

theorem Th29:
 for s1,s2 being State of SCM+FSA
       st IC s1 = IC s2 & s1 | (Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations) =
       s2 | (Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations) & s1 | IL = s2 | IL
  holds s1 = s2
    set IL = the Instruction-Locations of SCM+FSA;
    let s1,s2 be State of SCM+FSA;
    set D = Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations;
    assume A1: IC s1 = IC s2;
    assume A2: s1 | D = s2 | D;
    assume s1 | IL = s2 | IL;
then A3: for l being Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA holds s1.l = s2.l
      by SCMFSA6A:36;
      ((for a being Int-Location holds s1.a = s2.a) &
    for f being FinSeq-Location holds s1.f = s2.f) by A2,SCMFSA6A:38;
    hence thesis by A1,A3,SCMFSA_2:86;

theorem Th30:
  for I being Macro-Instruction,a being read-write Int-Location,
   s being State of SCM+FSA holds
   StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(0+1)=(Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* sl0))).
   (LifeSpan (s+* (I +* sl0)) + 3)
    let I be Macro-Instruction,a be read-write Int-Location,
    s be State of SCM+FSA;
    thus StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(0+1)=(Computation (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).0 +*
    (while=0(a,I) +* sl0))).(LifeSpan (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).0 +*
      (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def4
    .=(Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* sl0)))
       .(LifeSpan (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).0+* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def4
    .=(Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* sl0)))
       .(LifeSpan (s+* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def4;

theorem Th31:
  for I being Macro-Instruction,a being read-write Int-Location,
   s being State of SCM+FSA,k,n being Nat st
IC StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k =insloc 0 & StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k=
(Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).n holds
StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k = StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k +* (while=0(a,I)+*
Start-At insloc 0) &
StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(k+1)=(Computation (s +* (while=0(a,I) +*
Start-At insloc 0))).
(n +(LifeSpan (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) + 3))
    set IL = the Instruction-Locations of SCM+FSA;
    let I be Macro-Instruction,a be read-write Int-Location,
    s be State of SCM+FSA,k,n be Nat;
    set D = Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations;
    set s1 = s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set sk=StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k;
    set s2=sk +* (while=0(a,I)+* sl0);
    assume A1:IC sk =insloc 0;
    assume A2:sk =(Computation s1).n;
A3: IC SCM+FSA in dom (while=0(a,I) +* sl0 ) by SF_MASTR:65;
A4: IC s2 = s2.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= (while=0(a,I) +* sl0).IC SCM+FSA by A3,FUNCT_4:14
    .= IC sk by A1,SF_MASTR:66;
A5: s2 | D = sk | D by SCMFSA8A:11;
   sk | IL =s1 | IL by A2,SCMFSA6B:17;
    then s2 | IL = sk | IL by Th27;hence
  s2=sk by A4,A5,Th29;
(Computation sk).(LifeSpan (sk +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def4
    .=(Computation s1).(n +(LifeSpan (sk +* (I +* sl0)) + 3)) by A2,AMI_1:51;

theorem Th32:
  for I being Macro-Instruction,a being read-write Int-Location,
    s being State of SCM+FSA st (for k being Nat holds
     I is_closed_on StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k &
     I is_halting_on StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k) &
    ex f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT st
      (for k being Nat holds (f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(k+1)) <
      or f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k) = 0) &
      ( f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k)=0 iff (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k).a <> 0 ) )
     while=0(a,I) is_halting_on s & while=0(a,I) is_closed_on s
    set IL = the Instruction-Locations of SCM+FSA;
    let I be Macro-Instruction,a be read-write Int-Location,
    s be State of SCM+FSA;
    assume A1: for k being Nat holds I is_closed_on StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k &
    I is_halting_on StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k;
    given f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT
    such that A2:for k being Nat holds
    (f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(k+1)) < f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k) or
    f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k) = 0) &
    ( f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k)=0 iff (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k).a <> 0 );
    deffunc F(Nat) = f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).$1);
    set s1 = s +* (while=0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
A3: F(0) =f.s by Def4;
A4: for k holds ( F(k+1) < F(k) or F(k) = 0 ) by A2;
    consider m being Nat such that
A5: F(m)=0 and
A6: for n st F(n) =0 holds m <= n from MinIndex(A3,A4);
    defpred P[Nat] means
       $1+1 <= m implies
          ex k st StepWhile=0(a,I,s).($1+1)=(Computation s1).k;
A7: P[0]
    proof assume 0+1 <= m;
       take n=(LifeSpan (s+* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
       thus StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(0+1)=(Computation s1).n by Th30;
A8: IC SCM+FSA in dom (while=0(a,I) +* sl0 ) by SF_MASTR:65;
A9: now let k be Nat;
       assume A10: P[k];
         now assume A11: (k+1)+ 1 <= m;
            k + 0 < k+ (1+ 1) by REAL_1:53;
          then k < (k+1) +1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A12:       k < m by A11,AXIOMS:22;
          A13: (k+1)+ 0 < (k+ 1)+ 1 by REAL_1:53;
          set sk=StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k;
          set sk1=StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(k+1);
          consider n being Nat such that
A14:       sk1 = (Computation s1).n by A10,A11,A13,AXIOMS:22;
A15:       sk1= (Computation (sk +* (while=0(a,I)+* sl0))).
             (LifeSpan (sk +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def4;
A16:       I is_closed_on sk & I is_halting_on sk by A1;
            F(k) <> 0 by A6,A12;
          then sk.a = 0 by A2;
then A17:       IC sk1 =insloc 0 by A15,A16,Th22;
          take m=n +(LifeSpan (sk1 +* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
          thus StepWhile=0(a,I,s).((k+1)+1)=(Computation s1).m by A14,A17,Th31
       hence P[k+1];
A18: for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A7,A9);
      now per cases;
       suppose m=0;
          then (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).0).a <> 0 by A2,A5;
          then s.a <> 0 by Def4;
          hence while=0(a,I) is_halting_on s & while=0(a,I) is_closed_on s
            by Th18;
       suppose A19:m<>0;
          then consider i being Nat such that
A20:       m=i+1 by NAT_1:22;
          set si=StepWhile=0(a,I,s).i;
          set sm=StepWhile=0(a,I,s).m;
          set sm1=sm +* (while=0(a,I)+* sl0);
          consider n being Nat such that
A21:      sm = (Computation s1).n by A18,A20;
A22:       sm.a <> 0 by A2,A5;
A23:      sm= (Computation (si +* (while=0(a,I)+* sl0))).
            (LifeSpan (si +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by A20,Def4;
A24:      I is_closed_on si & I is_halting_on si by A1;
            i < m by A20,NAT_1:38;
          then F(i) <> 0 by A6;
          then si.a = 0 by A2;
then A25:      IC sm =insloc 0 by A23,A24,Th22;
A26:      IC sm1 = sm1.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
          .= (while=0(a,I) +* sl0).IC SCM+FSA by A8,FUNCT_4:14
          .= IC sm by A25,SF_MASTR:66;
          set D = Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations;
A27:      sm1 | D = sm | D by SCMFSA8A:11;
        sm | IL =s1 | IL by A21,SCMFSA6B:17;
          then sm1 | IL = sm | IL by Th27;
then A28:      sm1=sm by A26,A27,Th29;
            while=0(a,I) is_halting_on sm by A22,Th18;
          then sm1 is halting by SCMFSA7B:def 8;
          then consider j being Nat such that
A29:       CurInstr((Computation sm).j) = halt SCM+FSA by A28,AMI_1:def 20;
            CurInstr (Computation s1).(n+j) = halt SCM+FSA by A21,A29,AMI_1:51;
          then s1 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
          hence while=0(a,I) is_halting_on s by SCMFSA7B:def 8;

          set p=(LifeSpan (s+* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
            now let q be Nat;
A30:           0<m by A19,NAT_1:19;
              per cases;
              suppose A31: q <= p;
A32:              StepWhile=0(a,I,s).0=s by Def4;
                   F(0) <> 0 by A6,A30;
then A33:              s.a = 0 by A2,A32;
                   I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by A1,A32;
                 hence IC (Computation s1).q in dom while=0(a,I) by A31,A33,
              suppose A34: q > p;
                 defpred P2[Nat] means
                 $1<=m & $1<>0 & (ex k st StepWhile=0(a,I,s).$1=
                 (Computation s1).k & k <= q);
A35:              for i be Nat st P2[i] holds i <= m;
A36:              now
                   take k=p;
                   thus StepWhile=0(a,I,s).1=(Computation s1).k &
                   k <= q by A34,Th30;
                   0+1 < m +1 by A30,REAL_1:53;
then 1 <= m by NAT_1:38;
then A37:              ex t be Nat st P2[t] by A36;
                   ex k st P2[k] & for i st P2[i] holds i <= k from Max(A35,A37
                 then consider t being Nat such that
A38:              P2[t] & for i st P2[i] holds i <= t;
                   now per cases;
                    suppose t=m;
                       then consider r being Nat such that
A39:                    sm=(Computation s1).r & r <= q by A38;
                       consider x being Nat such that
A40:                    q = r+x by A39,NAT_1:28;
A41:                   (Computation s1).q = (Computation sm1).x by A28,A39,A40,
                        while=0(a,I) is_closed_on sm by A22,Th18;
                      hence IC (Computation s1).q in dom while=0(a,I) by A41,
SCMFSA7B:def 7;
                   suppose t<>m;
then A42:                   t < m by A38,REAL_1:def 5;
                      consider y being Nat such that
A43:                   t=y+1 by A38,NAT_1:22;
                      consider z being Nat such that
A44:                   StepWhile=0(a,I,s).t=(Computation s1).z & z <= q by A38;
                        y+ 0 < t by A43,REAL_1:53;
then A45:                   y < m by A38,AXIOMS:22;
                      set Dy=StepWhile=0(a,I,s).y;
                      set Dt=StepWhile=0(a,I,s).t;
A46:                   Dt= (Computation (Dy +* (while=0(a,I)+* sl0))).
                      (LifeSpan (Dy +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by A43,Def4;
A47:                   I is_closed_on Dy & I is_halting_on Dy by A1;
                        F(y) <> 0 by A6,A45;
                      then Dy.a = 0 by A2;
then A48:                   IC Dt =insloc 0 by A46,A47,Th22;
                      set z2=z +(LifeSpan (Dt +* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
A49:                   now assume A50: z2 <= q;
A51:                     now take k=z2;thus
                            StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(t+1)=(Computation s1).k & k <=q
                          by A44,A48,A50,Th31;
                       t+1 <= m by A42,NAT_1:38;
                        then t+1 <= t by A38,A51;
                        hence contradiction by REAL_1:69;
                      consider w being Nat such that
A52:                   q = z+w by A44,NAT_1:28;
A53:                   w < LifeSpan (Dt +* (I +* sl0)) + 3 by A49,A52,AXIOMS:24
A54:                   (Computation s1).q = (Computation Dt ).w by A44,A52,
                      .= (Computation (Dt +* (while=0(a,I)+* sl0))).w
                         by A44,A48,Th31;
A55:                   I is_closed_on Dt & I is_halting_on Dt by A1;
                        F(t) <> 0 by A6,A42;
                      then Dt.a = 0 by A2;
                      hence IC (Computation s1).q in dom while=0(a,I)
                      by A53,A54,A55,Th22;
                  hence IC (Computation s1).q in dom while=0(a,I);
          hence while=0(a,I) is_closed_on s by SCMFSA7B:def 7;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th33:
  for I being parahalting Macro-Instruction, a being read-write
    Int-Location, s being State of SCM+FSA st
    ex f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT st
      (for k being Nat holds (f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(k+1)) <
      f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k) or f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k) = 0) &
      ( f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k)=0 iff (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k).a <> 0 ) )
     while=0(a,I) is_halting_on s & while=0(a,I) is_closed_on s
    let I be parahalting Macro-Instruction,a be read-write
    Int-Location,s be State of SCM+FSA;
    assume A1:
    ex f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT st
      (for k being Nat holds (f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).(k+1)) <
      f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k) or f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k) = 0) &
      ( f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k)=0 iff (StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k).a <> 0 ) );
A2:  for k being Nat holds I is_closed_on StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k by SCMFSA7B:24;
       for k being Nat holds I is_halting_on StepWhile=0(a,I,s).k by SCMFSA7B:
     hence thesis by A1,A2,Th32;

    for I being parahalting Macro-Instruction, a being read-write
  Int-Location st
    ex f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT st
      (for s being State of SCM+FSA holds (f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).1) < f.s
      or f.s = 0) & ( f.s =0 iff s.a <> 0 ))
     holds while=0(a,I) is parahalting
    let I be parahalting Macro-Instruction,a be read-write
    given f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT
    such that A1: for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
    (f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,s).1) < f.s or f.s = 0) & ( f.s =0 iff s.a <> 0 );
      now let t be State of SCM+FSA;
         now let k be Nat;
            (f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k).1) <
          f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k) or f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k) = 0) &
          ( f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k)=0 iff (StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k).a <> 0 )
            by A1;hence
            (f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,t).(k+1)) <
          f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k) or f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k) = 0) &
          ( f.(StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k)=0 iff (StepWhile=0(a,I,t).k).a <> 0 )
          by Th25;
       hence while=0(a,I) is_halting_on t by Th33;
    hence thesis by SCMFSA7B:25;

theorem Th35:
for l1,l2 being Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA,a being Int-Location holds
(l1 .--> goto l2) does_not_destroy a
    let l1,l2 be Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA,a be Int-Location;
    set I=l1 .--> goto l2;
A1: rng I={goto l2 } by CQC_LANG:5;
      now let i be Instruction of SCM+FSA;
       assume i in rng I;
       then i=goto l2 by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
       hence i does_not_destroy a by SCMFSA7B:17;
    hence thesis by SCMFSA7B:def 4;

theorem Th36:
for i being Instruction of SCM+FSA st i does_not_destroy intloc 0 holds
Macro i is good
    let i be Instruction of SCM+FSA;
    assume A1:i does_not_destroy intloc 0;
    set I=Macro i;
      I = (insloc 0,insloc 1) --> (i,halt SCM+FSA) by SCMFSA6A:def 2;
then A2: rng I c={i,halt SCM+FSA} by FUNCT_4:65;
      now let x be Instruction of SCM+FSA;
       assume A3: x in rng I;
       per cases by A2,A3,TARSKI:def 2;
       suppose x = i;
         hence x does_not_destroy intloc 0 by A1;
       suppose x = halt SCM+FSA;
         hence x does_not_destroy intloc 0 by SCMFSA7B:11;
    then I does_not_destroy intloc 0 by SCMFSA7B:def 4;
    hence thesis by SCMFSA7B:def 5;

 let I,J be good Macro-Instruction,a be Int-Location;
 cluster if=0(a,I,J) -> good;
     set i = a =0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
       i does_not_destroy intloc 0 by SCMFSA7B:18;
     then reconsider Mi=Macro i as good Macro-Instruction by Th36;
       if=0(a,I,J) = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I + 1) ';' I ';'
     SCM+FSA-Stop by SCMFSA8B:def 1
     .= Mi ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I + 1) ';' I ';'
     SCM+FSA-Stop by SCMFSA6A:def 5;
     hence thesis;

 let I be good Macro-Instruction,a be Int-Location;
 cluster while=0(a,I) -> good;
     set J=insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
     set F=if=0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop);
A1:  J does_not_destroy intloc 0 by Th35;
A2:  F does_not_destroy intloc 0 by SCMFSA7B:def 5;
       while=0(a,I) = F+*J by Def1;
     then while=0(a,I) does_not_destroy intloc 0 by A1,A2,SCMFSA8A:25;
     hence thesis by SCMFSA7B:def 5;

:: -----------------------------------------------------------
:: WHILE>0  Statement

theorem Th37:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,k being Nat st
 k < 6 holds insloc k in dom while>0(a,I)
    let a be Int-Location, I be Macro-Instruction,k be Nat;
    assume A1: k < 6;
      6 <= card I + 6 by NAT_1:29;
then A2:  k < card I + 6 by A1,AXIOMS:22;
      card while>0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th5;
    hence thesis by A2,SCMFSA6A:15;

theorem Th38:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,k being Nat st
  k < 6 holds insloc (card I +k) in dom while>0(a,I)
    let a be Int-Location, I be Macro-Instruction,k be Nat;
    assume k < 6;
then A1:  card I + k < card I + 6 by REAL_1:53;
      card while>0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th5;
    hence thesis by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;

theorem Th39:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
     while>0(a,I).insloc (card I +5) = halt SCM+FSA
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a >0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
    set c5 = card I + 5;
    set Lc5=insloc c5;
A1:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
      c5 <> card I + 4 by XCMPLX_1:2;
    then Lc5 <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A2: not Lc5 in dom f by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
A3: Lc5 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th38;
      while>0(a,I) = if>0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def2;
 then A4: dom while>0(a,I) = dom if>0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A5: Lc5 in dom if>0(a,I1,J) by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

    set Mi= Macro i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1;
    set J1= SCM+FSA-Stop;
A6: if>0(a, I1, J)
    = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
      by SCMFSA8B:def 2
    .= Mi ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5;
    then card if>0(a, I1,J) = card Mi + card J1 by SCMFSA6A:61;
then A7: card Mi = card if>0(a,I1,J)-card J1 by XCMPLX_1:26
    .= card I + 6 - 1 by Th2,SCMFSA8A:17
    .= card I + (5+1-1) by XCMPLX_1:29
    .= c5;
then A8: not Lc5 in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;
A9: if>0(a, I1, J) = Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, c5) by A6,A7,
SCMFSA6A:def 4;

then A10: dom if>0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1,
      by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if>0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, c5) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A11: Lc5 in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, c5) by A5,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A12: insloc 0 + c5 = insloc ( 0 + c5) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      insloc 0 + c5 in { il+c5 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J1} by SCMFSA8A:16;
then A13:  insloc c5 in dom Shift(J1,c5) by A12,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A14: pi(Shift(J1,c5),Lc5) = Shift(J1,c5).(insloc 0 +c5) by A12,AMI_5:def 5
    .= halt SCM+FSA by SCMFSA8A:16,SCMFSA_4:30;

   thus while>0(a,I).Lc5 = (if>0(a, I1, J) +* f).Lc5 by Def2
   .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, c5)).Lc5 by A2,A3,A4,A9,FUNCT_4
:def 1
   .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J1,c5)).Lc5 by A5,A10,A11,FUNCT_4:def 1
   .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J1),c5),c5).Lc5 by SCMFSA_5:2
   .= IncAddr(Shift(J1,c5),c5).Lc5 by AMI_5:72
   .= IncAddr( halt SCM+FSA, c5 ) by A13,A14,SCMFSA_4:24
   .= halt SCM+FSA by SCMFSA_4:8;

theorem Th40:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
     while>0(a,I).insloc 3 = goto insloc (card I +5)
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a >0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
 A1: dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
      3 <> card I + 4 by NAT_1:29;
    then insloc 3 <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A2: not insloc 3 in dom f by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
A3: insloc 3 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th37;
      while>0(a,I) = if>0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def2;
 then A4: dom while>0(a,I) = dom if>0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A5: insloc 3 in dom if>0(a,I1,J) by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

    set Mi=Macro i ';' J;
    set G=Goto insloc (card I1 + 1);
    set J2= (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop);
    set J1=G ';' J2;

A6: card Mi = card Macro i + card J by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= 2 + 1 by SCMFSA7B:6,SCMFSA8A:17;
then A7: not insloc 3 in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;

A8: if>0(a, I1, J)
    = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
       by SCMFSA8B:def 2
    .= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)
      by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' J ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= Mi ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5
    .= Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3) by A6,SCMFSA6A:def 4;

then A9: dom if>0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3)
      by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if>0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A10: insloc 3 in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3) by A5,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A11: insloc 0 in dom G by SCMFSA8A:47;
A12: G.insloc 0 = goto insloc (card I1 + 1) by SCMFSA8A:47
    .= goto insloc (card I + card Goto insloc 0 + 1) by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= goto insloc (card I + 1 + 1) by SCMFSA8A:29
    .= goto insloc (card I +(1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A13: G.insloc 0 <> halt SCM+FSA by Th9;
A14: insloc 0 + 3 = insloc ( 0 + 3) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      J1= Directed G +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card G) by SCMFSA6A:def 4;
    then dom J1 = dom Directed G \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card G)
      by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom G \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card G) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A15: insloc 0 in dom J1 by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then insloc 0 + 3 in { il+3 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J1};
then A16: insloc 3 in dom Shift(J1,3) by A14,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A17: pi(Shift(J1,3),insloc 3) =Shift(J1,3).(insloc 0 +3) by A14,AMI_5:def
    .=J1.insloc 0 by A15,SCMFSA_4:30
    .=(Directed G).insloc 0 by A11,SCMFSA8A:28
    .=goto insloc (card I + 2) by A11,A12,A13,SCMFSA8A:30;

    thus while>0(a,I).insloc 3 = (if>0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc 3 by Def2
    .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 3)).insloc 3 by A2,A3,A4,A8,
FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J1,3)).insloc 3 by A5,A9,A10,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J1),3),3).insloc 3 by SCMFSA_5:2
    .= IncAddr(Shift(J1,3),3).insloc 3 by AMI_5:72
    .= IncAddr(goto insloc (card I +2),3) by A16,A17,SCMFSA_4:24
    .= goto (insloc (card I +2) + 3) by SCMFSA_4:14
    .= goto insloc (card I+ 2 +3) by SCMFSA_4:def 1
    .= goto insloc (card I+ (2 +3)) by XCMPLX_1:1
    .= goto insloc (card I+ 5);

theorem Th41:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
     while>0(a,I).insloc 2 = goto insloc 3
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a >0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
A1:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
      2 <> card I + 4 by NAT_1:29;
    then insloc 2 <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A2: not insloc 2 in dom f by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
A3: insloc 2 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th37;
      while>0(a,I) = if>0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def2;
 then A4: dom while>0(a,I) = dom if>0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A5: insloc 2 in dom if>0(a,I1,J) by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    set Mi=Macro i;
    set J2=Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop);
    set J1=J ';' J2;
A6: card Mi = 2 by SCMFSA7B:6;
then A7: not insloc 2 in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;
A8: if>0(a, I1, J)
    = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop
      by SCMFSA8B:def 2
    .= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop)
      by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' J ';' (Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) ';' (I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop))
      by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= i ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:66
    .= Mi ';' J1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5
    .= Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2) by A6,SCMFSA6A:def 4;

then A9: dom if>0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2)
      by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if>0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A10: insloc 2 in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2) by A5,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A11: insloc 0 + 2 = insloc ( 0 + 2) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      J1= Directed J +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card J) by SCMFSA6A:def 4;
    then dom J1 = dom Directed J \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card J)
      by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom J \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, card J) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A12: insloc 0 in dom J1 by SCMFSA8A:16,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then insloc 0 + 2 in { il+2 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J1};
then A13: insloc 2 in dom Shift(J1,2) by A11,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A14: pi(Shift(J1,2),insloc 2) =Shift(J1,2).(insloc 0 +2) by A11,AMI_5:def
    .=J1.insloc 0 by A12,SCMFSA_4:30
    .=(Directed J).insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:16,28
    .=goto insloc card J by SCMFSA8A:16,30;

    thus while>0(a,I).insloc 2 = (if>0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc 2 by Def2
    .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J1, 2)).insloc 2 by A2,A3,A4,A8,
FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J1,2)).insloc 2 by A5,A9,A10,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J1),2),2).insloc 2 by SCMFSA_5:2
    .= IncAddr(Shift(J1,2),2).insloc 2 by AMI_5:72
    .= IncAddr(goto insloc card J,2) by A13,A14,SCMFSA_4:24
    .= goto (insloc 1 + 2) by SCMFSA8A:17,SCMFSA_4:14
    .= goto insloc (1+2) by SCMFSA_4:def 1
    .= goto insloc 3;

   for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,k being Nat st
 k < card I +6 holds insloc k in dom while>0(a,I)
    let a be Int-Location, I be Macro-Instruction,k be Nat;
    assume A1: k < card I +6;
      card while>0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th5;
    hence thesis by A1,SCMFSA6A:15;

theorem Th43:
 for s being State of SCM+FSA, I being Macro-Instruction,
 a being read-write Int-Location
 st s.a <= 0 holds
     while>0(a,I) is_halting_on s & while>0(a,I) is_closed_on s
    let s be State of SCM+FSA;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    let a be read-write Int-Location;
    assume A1: s.a <= 0;
    set s1 = s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set s2 = (Computation s1).1;
    set s3 = (Computation s1).2;
    set s4 = (Computation s1).3;
    set s5 = (Computation s1).4;
    set C1 = Computation s1;
    set i = a >0_goto insloc 4;
A2: insloc 0 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th10;
      while>0(a,I) c= while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
then A3: dom while>0(a,I) c= dom (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0)
       by GRFUNC_1:8;
A4:  IC SCM+FSA in dom (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0) by SF_MASTR:65;
A5: IC s1 = s1.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).IC SCM+FSA by A4,FUNCT_4:14
    .= insloc 0 by SF_MASTR:66;
      s1.insloc 0 = (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 0 by A2,A3,
    .= while>0(a,I).insloc 0 by A2,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= i by Th11;
then A6: CurInstr s1 = i by A5,AMI_1:def 17;
A7: (Computation s1).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s1).0 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Following s1 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(i,s1) by A6,AMI_1:def 18;
      not a in dom (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0) & a in dom s
       by SCMFSA6B:12,SCMFSA_2:66;
    then A8: s1.a = s.a by FUNCT_4:12;
A9: IC C1.1 = C1.1.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= Next insloc 0 by A1,A5,A7,A8,SCMFSA_2:97
    .= insloc (0 + 1) by SCMFSA_2:32;
A10: insloc 1 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th10;
      C1.1.insloc 1 = s1.insloc 1 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 1 by A3,A10,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while>0(a,I).insloc 1 by A10,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= goto insloc 2 by Th11;
then A11: CurInstr C1.1 = goto insloc 2 by A9,AMI_1:def 17;
A12: (Computation s1).(1 + 1) = Following s2 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto insloc 2,s2) by A11,AMI_1:def 18;

A13: insloc 2 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th37;

A14: IC s3 = s3.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= insloc 2 by A12,SCMFSA_2:95;

      s3.insloc 2 = s1.insloc 2 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 2 by A3,A13,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while>0(a,I).insloc 2 by A13,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= goto insloc 3 by Th41;
then A15:  CurInstr s3 = goto insloc 3 by A14,AMI_1:def 17;

A16: (Computation s1).(2 + 1) = Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto insloc 3,s3) by A15,AMI_1:def 18;

A17: insloc 3 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th37;
     set loc5= insloc (card I +5);
A18:  IC s4 = s4.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= insloc 3 by A16,SCMFSA_2:95;
      s4.insloc 3 = s1.insloc 3 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 3 by A3,A17,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while>0(a,I).insloc 3 by A17,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= goto loc5 by Th40;
then A19: CurInstr s4 = goto loc5 by A18,AMI_1:def 17;
A20: (Computation s1).(3 + 1) = Following s4 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto loc5,s4) by A19,AMI_1:def 18;

A21: loc5 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th38;

A22:  IC s5 = s5.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
     .= loc5 by A20,SCMFSA_2:95;
       s5.loc5 = s1.loc5 by AMI_1:54
     .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).loc5 by A3,A21,FUNCT_4:14
     .= while>0(a,I).loc5 by A21,SCMFSA6B:7
     .= halt SCM+FSA by Th39;
then A23:  CurInstr s5 = halt SCM+FSA by A22,AMI_1:def 17;
     then s1 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
     hence while>0(a,I) is_halting_on s by SCMFSA7B:def 8;
       now let k be Nat;
A24:      k<=3 or k >= 3+1 by NAT_1:38;
        per cases by A24,CQC_THE1:4;
        suppose k = 0;
           hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A2,A5,AMI_1:def 19;
        suppose k = 1;
           hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A9,Th10;
        suppose k = 2;
           hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A14,Th37;
        suppose k = 3;
           hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A18,Th37;
        suppose k >= 4;
           hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A21,A22,A23,AMI_1:52;
     hence while>0(a,I) is_closed_on s by SCMFSA7B:def 7;

set D = Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations;

theorem Th44:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,
 s being State of SCM+FSA,k being Nat st
   I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s &
   k < LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) &
   IC (Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 + k) =
   IC (Computation (s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0))).k + 4 &
   (Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 + k) | D =
   (Computation (s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0))).k | D
   IC (Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 + k+1) =
   IC (Computation (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0))).(k+1) + 4 &
   (Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 + k+1) | D =
   (Computation (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0))).(k+1) | D
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    let s be State of SCM+FSA;
    let k be Nat;
    set s1 = s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set sI = s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set sK1=(Computation s1).(1 + k);
    set sK2= (Computation sI).k;
    set l3=IC (Computation sI).k;
    assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
    assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
    assume A3: k < LifeSpan sI;
    assume A4: IC (Computation s1).(1 + k)=l3 + 4;
    assume A5:sK1 | D = sK2 | D;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a >0_goto insloc (card J + 3);

A6:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
    consider n being Nat such that A7: l3 = insloc n by SCMFSA_2:21;
A8: insloc n in dom I by A1,A7,SCMFSA7B:def 7;
    then A9: n < card I by SCMFSA6A:15;
 then n + 4 <> card I + 4 by XCMPLX_1:2;
    then insloc (n + 4) <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A10: not insloc (n+4) in dom f by A6,TARSKI:def 1;
A11: n+4 < card I+ 6 by A9,REAL_1:67;
      card while>0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th5;
then A12: insloc (n+4) in dom while>0(a,I) by A11,SCMFSA6A:15;
      while>0(a,I) = if>0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def2;
 then A13: dom while>0(a,I) = dom if>0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A14: insloc (n+4) in dom if>0(a,I1,J) by A10,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    set Mi= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1);
    set J2= I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set J3= Goto insloc 0 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop;
A15: card Mi = card (i ';' J )+ card Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= card (i ';' J ) + 1 by SCMFSA8A:29
    .= card (Macro i ';' J) + 1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5
    .= card (Macro i) + card J + 1 by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= 2 + 1 +1 by SCMFSA7B:6,SCMFSA8A:17
    .= 3+ 1;
    then n+4 >= card Mi by NAT_1:29;
then A16: not insloc (n+4) in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;
A17: if>0(a, I1, J)
    = Mi ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop by SCMFSA8B:def 2
    .= Mi ';' J2 by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by A15,SCMFSA6A:def 4;
then A18: dom if>0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4
    by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if>0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A19: insloc (n+4) in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by A14,A16,XBOOLE_0:
def 2
A20: insloc n + 4 = insloc ( n + 4) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      while>0(a,I) c= while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
    then A21: dom while>0(a,I) c= dom (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0)
    by GRFUNC_1:8;
      I c= I +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
    then A22: dom I c= dom (I +* Start-At insloc 0) by GRFUNC_1:8;
A23: CurInstr sK2 =sK2.insloc n by A7,AMI_1:def 17
    .=sI.insloc n by AMI_1:54
    .=(I +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc n by A8,A22,FUNCT_4:14
    .= I.insloc n by A8,SCMFSA6B:7;
   sI is halting by A2,SCMFSA7B:def 8;
then A24: I.insloc n <> halt SCM+FSA by A3,A23,SCM_1:def 2;
A25: J2= I ';' J3 by SCMFSA6A:62;
    then J2= Directed I +* ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I) by SCMFSA6A:def 4
    then dom J2 = dom Directed I \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I)
      by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom I \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A26: insloc n in dom J2 by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then insloc n + 4 in { il+4 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J2};
then A27: insloc (n+4) in dom Shift(J2,4) by A20,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A28: pi(Shift(J2,4),insloc (n+4)) =Shift(J2,4).(insloc n +4) by A20,AMI_5:
def 5
    .=J2.insloc n by A26,SCMFSA_4:30
    .=(Directed I).insloc n by A8,A25,SCMFSA8A:28
    .=I.insloc n by A8,A24,SCMFSA8A:30;
A29: I.insloc n in rng I by A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      rng I c= the Instructions of SCM+FSA by SCMFSA_4:1;
    then reconsider j = I.insloc n as Instruction of SCM+FSA by A29;
   sK1.insloc (n+4) = s1.insloc(n+4) by AMI_1:54
    .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc (n+4) by A12,A21,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while>0(a,I).insloc (n+4) by A12,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= (if>0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc (n+4) by Def2
    .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4)).insloc (n+4) by A10,A12,
A13,A17,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J2,4)).insloc (n+4) by A14,A18,A19,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J2),4),4).insloc (n+4) by SCMFSA_5:2
    .= IncAddr(Shift(J2,4),4).insloc (n+4) by AMI_5:72
    .= IncAddr(j,4) by A27,A28,SCMFSA_4:24;
then A30: CurInstr sK1 =IncAddr(j,4) by A4,A7,A20,AMI_1:def 17;
A31: (Computation s1).(1 + k+1) = Following sK1 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(IncAddr(j,4),sK1) by A30,AMI_1:def 18;
   (Computation sI).(k+1) = Following sK2 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(j,sK2) by A23,AMI_1:def 18;
    hence thesis by A4,A5,A31,SCMFSA6A:41;

theorem Th45:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction,
  s being State of SCM+FSA st
   I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s &
   IC (Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 +
   LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0 ) ) ) =
   IC (Computation (s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0))).
   LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0 ) ) + 4
   CurInstr (Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).(1 +
   LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) ) = goto insloc (card I +4)
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    let s be State of SCM+FSA;
    set s1 = s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set sI = s +* ( I +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set life=LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0));
    set sK1=(Computation s1).(1 + life);
    set sK2= (Computation sI).life;
    assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
    assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
    assume A3:  IC sK1 = IC sK2 + 4;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set i = a >0_goto insloc (card J + 3);

A4:  dom f = {insloc (card I + 4)} by CQC_LANG:5;
    consider n being Nat such that A5: IC sK2 = insloc n by SCMFSA_2:21;
A6: insloc n in dom I by A1,A5,SCMFSA7B:def 7;
    then A7: n < card I by SCMFSA6A:15;
 then n + 4 <> card I + 4 by XCMPLX_1:2;
    then insloc (n + 4) <> insloc (card I + 4) by SCMFSA_2:18;
then A8: not insloc (n+4) in dom f by A4,TARSKI:def 1;
A9: n+4 < card I+ 6 by A7,REAL_1:67;
      card while>0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th5;
then A10: insloc (n+4) in dom while>0(a,I) by A9,SCMFSA6A:15;
      while>0(a,I) = if>0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def2;
 then A11: dom while>0(a,I) = dom if>0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
then A12: insloc (n+4) in dom if>0(a,I1,J) by A8,A10,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    set Mi= i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I1 + 1);
    set J2= I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set J3= Goto insloc 0 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop;
A13: card Mi = card (i ';' J )+ card Goto insloc (card I1 + 1) by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= card (i ';' J ) + 1 by SCMFSA8A:29
    .= card (Macro i ';' J) + 1 by SCMFSA6A:def 5
    .= card (Macro i) + card J + 1 by SCMFSA6A:61
    .= 2 + 1 +1 by SCMFSA7B:6,SCMFSA8A:17
    .= 3+ 1;
    then n+4 >= card Mi by NAT_1:29;
then A14: not insloc (n+4) in dom Mi by SCMFSA6A:15;
A15: if>0(a, I1, J) = Mi ';' I1 ';' SCM+FSA-Stop by SCMFSA8B:def 2
    .= Mi ';' J2 by SCMFSA6A:62
    .= Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by A13,SCMFSA6A:def 4;
then A16: dom if>0(a,I1,J) = dom Directed Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4
     by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    then dom if>0(a,I1,J)
    = dom Mi \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A17: insloc (n+4) in dom ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4) by A12,A14,XBOOLE_0:
def 2
A18: insloc n + 4 = insloc ( n + 4) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
      while>0(a,I) c= while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
    then A19: dom while>0(a,I) c= dom (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0)
      by GRFUNC_1:8;
      I c= I +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
    then A20: dom I c= dom (I +* Start-At insloc 0) by GRFUNC_1:8;
A21: CurInstr sK2 =sK2.insloc n by A5,AMI_1:def 17
    .=sI.insloc n by AMI_1:54
    .=(I +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc n by A6,A20,FUNCT_4:14
    .= I.insloc n by A6,SCMFSA6B:7;
   sI is halting by A2,SCMFSA7B:def 8;
then A22: I.insloc n = halt SCM+FSA by A21,SCM_1:def 2;
A23: J2= I ';' J3 by SCMFSA6A:62;
    then J2= Directed I +* ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I) by SCMFSA6A:def 4
    then dom J2 = dom Directed I \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I)
      by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= dom I \/ dom ProgramPart Relocated(J3, card I) by SCMFSA6A:14;
then A24: insloc n in dom J2 by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    then insloc n + 4 in { il+4 where il is Instruction-Location of SCM+FSA:
      il in dom J2};
then A25: insloc (n+4) in dom Shift(J2,4) by A18,SCMFSA_4:31;
then A26: pi(Shift(J2,4),insloc (n+4)) =Shift(J2,4).(insloc n +4) by A18,AMI_5:
def 5
    .=J2.insloc n by A24,SCMFSA_4:30
    .=(Directed I).insloc n by A6,A23,SCMFSA8A:28
    .=goto insloc card I by A6,A22,SCMFSA8A:30;
   sK1.insloc (n+4) = s1.insloc(n+4) by AMI_1:54
    .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc (n+4) by A10,A19,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while>0(a,I).insloc (n+4) by A10,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= (if>0(a, I1, J) +* f).insloc (n+4) by Def2
    .= (Directed Mi +* ProgramPart Relocated(J2, 4)).insloc (n+4) by A8,A10,A11
,A15,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= (ProgramPart Relocated(J2,4)).insloc (n+4) by A12,A16,A17,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= IncAddr(Shift(ProgramPart(J2),4),4).insloc (n+4) by SCMFSA_5:2
    .= IncAddr(Shift(J2,4),4).insloc (n+4) by AMI_5:72
    .= IncAddr(goto insloc card I,4) by A25,A26,SCMFSA_4:24
    .= goto (insloc card I+4) by SCMFSA_4:14
    .= goto insloc (card I+4) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
    hence thesis by A3,A5,A18,AMI_1:def 17;

theorem Th46:
 for a being Int-Location, I being Macro-Instruction holds
     while>0(a,I).insloc (card I +4) = goto insloc 0
    let a be Int-Location;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    set I1= I ';' Goto insloc 0;
    set J = SCM+FSA-Stop;
    set f = insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
    set Lc4=insloc (card I + 4 );

      dom f = {Lc4} by CQC_LANG:5;
then A1: Lc4 in dom f by TARSKI:def 1;
A2: Lc4 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th38;
      while>0(a,I) = if>0(a, I1, J) +* f by Def2;
    then A3: dom while>0(a,I) = dom if>0(a,I1,J) \/ dom f by FUNCT_4:def 1;
    thus while>0(a,I).Lc4 = (if>0(a, I1, J) +* f).Lc4 by Def2
    .= f.Lc4 by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_4:def 1
    .=goto insloc 0 by CQC_LANG:6;

theorem Th47:
 for s being State of SCM+FSA, I being Macro-Instruction,
 a being read-write Int-Location
 st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s & s.a >0 holds
    IC (Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).
    (LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) + 3) = insloc 0 &
    for k being Nat st k <= LifeSpan (s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) + 3
    holds IC (Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).k
    in dom while>0(a,I)
    let s be State of SCM+FSA;
    let I be Macro-Instruction;
    let a be read-write Int-Location;
    assume A1: I is_closed_on s;
    assume A2: I is_halting_on s;
    assume A3: s.a > 0;

    set s1 = s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set s2 = (Computation s1).1;
    set C1 = Computation s1;
    set i = a >0_goto insloc 4;
    set sI = s +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0);

A4:  insloc 0 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th10;
       while>0(a,I) c= while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0 by SCMFSA8A:9;
then A5: dom while>0(a,I) c= dom (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0)
       by GRFUNC_1:8;
A6:   IC SCM+FSA in dom (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0) by SF_MASTR:65;
A7:  IC s1 = s1.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
     .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).IC SCM+FSA by A6,FUNCT_4:14
     .= insloc 0 by SF_MASTR:66;
       s1.insloc 0 = (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).insloc 0
     by A4,A5,FUNCT_4:14
     .= while>0(a,I).insloc 0 by A4,SCMFSA6B:7
     .= i by Th11;
then A8:  CurInstr s1 = i by A7,AMI_1:def 17;
A9:  (Computation s1).(0 + 1) = Following (Computation s1).0 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Following s1 by AMI_1:def 19
     .= Exec(i,s1) by A8,AMI_1:def 18;
       not a in dom (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0) & a in dom s
       by SCMFSA6B:12,SCMFSA_2:66;
     then A10: s1.a = s.a by FUNCT_4:12;
A11:  IC s2 = s2.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
     .= insloc 4 by A3,A9,A10,SCMFSA_2:97;
       (for c holds s2.c = s1.c) & for f holds s2.f = s1.f
       by A9,SCMFSA_2:97;
then A12:  s2 | D = s1 | D by SCMFSA6A:38
     .= s | D by SCMFSA8A:11
     .= sI | D by SCMFSA8A:11;

    defpred P[Nat] means
       $1 <= LifeSpan sI implies
       IC (Computation s1).(1 + $1) = IC (Computation sI).$1 + 4 &
       (Computation s1).(1 + $1) | D = (Computation sI).$1 | D;
A13: P[0]
     proof assume 0 <= LifeSpan sI;
A14:    IC SCM+FSA in dom (I +* Start-At insloc 0) by SF_MASTR:65;
         IC (Computation sI).0 = IC sI by AMI_1:def 19
       .= sI.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
       .= (I +* Start-At insloc 0).IC SCM+FSA by A14,FUNCT_4:14
       .= insloc 0 by SF_MASTR:66;
       then IC (Computation sI).0 + 4 = insloc (0+ 4) by SCMFSA_4:def 1;
       hence IC (Computation s1).(1 + 0) = IC (Computation sI).0 + 4 &
       (Computation s1).(1 + 0) | D = (Computation sI).0 | D by A11,A12,AMI_1:
def 19;
A15: now let k be Nat;
      assume A16: P[k];
        now assume A17: k + 1 <= LifeSpan sI;
           k + 0 < k + 1 by REAL_1:53;
then k < LifeSpan sI by A17,AXIOMS:22;
           IC (Computation s1).(1 + k+1) = IC (Computation sI).(k+1) + 4 &
         (Computation s1).(1 + k+1) | D = (Computation sI).(k+1) | D
          by A1,A2,A16,Th44;
      hence P[k + 1];
    set s2=(Computation s1).(1 + LifeSpan sI);
    set loc4=insloc (card I + 4);
    set s3=(Computation s1).(1+LifeSpan sI+1);
A18: for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A13,A15);
    then P[LifeSpan sI];
then A19: CurInstr s2 = goto loc4 by A1,A2,Th45;
A20: s3 = Following s2 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto loc4,s2) by A19,AMI_1:def 18;
A21: loc4 in dom while>0(a,I) by Th38;
A22: IC s3 = s3.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= loc4 by A20,SCMFSA_2:95;
    set s4=(Computation s1).(1+LifeSpan sI+1+1);
      s3.loc4 = s1.loc4 by AMI_1:54
    .= (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0).loc4 by A5,A21,FUNCT_4:14
    .= while>0(a,I).loc4 by A21,SCMFSA6B:7
    .= goto insloc 0 by Th46;
then A23: CurInstr s3 = goto insloc 0 by A22,AMI_1:def 17;
A24: s4 = Following s3 by AMI_1:def 19
    .= Exec(goto insloc 0,s3) by A23,AMI_1:def 18;
A25: IC s4 = s4.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= insloc 0 by A24,SCMFSA_2:95;
A26: LifeSpan sI+1+1+1 = LifeSpan sI+(1+1)+1 by XCMPLX_1:1
    .=LifeSpan sI+(2+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence
  IC (Computation s1).(LifeSpan sI+3) = insloc 0 by A25;

A27: now let k be Nat;
       assume A28: k <= LifeSpan sI+3;
       assume k<>0;
       then consider n being Nat such that
A29:    k = n+ 1 by NAT_1:22;
         k<=LifeSpan sI+1 or k >= LifeSpan sI+1+1 by NAT_1:38;
       then A30: k<=LifeSpan sI+1 or k = LifeSpan sI+1+1 or k > LifeSpan sI+1+1
         by REAL_1:def 5;
       per cases by A26,A30,NAT_1:38;
       suppose k<=LifeSpan sI+1;
then n <= LifeSpan sI by A29,REAL_1:53;
then A31:      IC C1.(1 + n) = IC (Computation sI).n + 4 by A18;
         consider m being Nat such that A32: IC (Computation sI).n = insloc m
         by SCMFSA_2:21;
           insloc m in dom I by A1,A32,SCMFSA7B:def 7;
      then m < card I by SCMFSA6A:15;
then A33:      m+4 < card I+ 6 by REAL_1:67;
           card while>0(a,I) = card I + 6 by Th5;
then insloc (m+4) in dom while>0(a,I) by A33,SCMFSA6A:15;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A29,A31,A32,SCMFSA_4:def 1;
       suppose k=LifeSpan sI+1+1;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A22,Th38;
       suppose k >= LifeSpan sI+3;
         then k = LifeSpan sI+3 by A28,AXIOMS:21;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A25,A26,Th10;
      now let k be Nat;
       assume A34: k <= LifeSpan sI+3;
       per cases;
       suppose k = 0;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A4,A7,AMI_1:def 19;
       suppose k <>0;
         hence IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I) by A27,A34;
      for k being Nat st k <= LifeSpan sI + 3 holds IC C1.k in dom while>0(a,I

set sl0= Start-At insloc 0;

reserve s for State of SCM+FSA,
   I for Macro-Instruction,
   a for read-write Int-Location;

 let s,I,a;
   deffunc U(Nat,Element of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA) =
    (Computation ($2 +* (while>0(a,I) +* sl0))).
      (LifeSpan ($2 +* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
 func StepWhile>0(a,I,s) -> Function of NAT,product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA
  means :Def5:
   it.0 = s & for i being Nat holds
    it.(i+1)=(Computation (it.i +* (while>0(a,I) +* sl0))).
      (LifeSpan (it.i +* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
   thus ex f being Function of NAT,product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA st
   f.0 = s & for i being Nat holds f.(i+1)= U(i,f.i) from LambdaRecExD;
 proof let F1,F2 be Function of NAT,product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA
      such that
A1: F1.0 = s & for i being Nat holds F1.(i+1)= U(i,F1.i) and
A2: F2.0 = s & for i being Nat holds F2.(i+1)= U(i,F2.i);
    thus F1 = F2 from LambdaRecUnD(A1,A2);

canceled 2;

theorem Th50:
    set sk=StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k;
    set sk0=StepWhile>0(a,I,sk).0;
  sk0=sk by Def5;
    hence StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(k+1) =(Computation (sk0 +*(while>0(a,I) +* sl0))
    (LifeSpan (sk0 +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def5
    .=StepWhile>0(a,I,sk).(0+1) by Def5

theorem Th51:
  for I being Macro-Instruction,a being read-write Int-Location,
   s being State of SCM+FSA holds
   StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(0+1)=(Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* sl0))).
   (LifeSpan (s+* (I +* sl0)) + 3)
    let I be Macro-Instruction,a be read-write Int-Location,
    s be State of SCM+FSA;
    thus StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(0+1)=(Computation (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).0 +*
    (while>0(a,I) +* sl0))).(LifeSpan (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).0 +*
      (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def5
    .=(Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* sl0)))
      .(LifeSpan (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).0+* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def5
    .=(Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* sl0)))
     .(LifeSpan (s+* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def5;

theorem Th52:
  for I being Macro-Instruction,a being read-write Int-Location,
   s being State of SCM+FSA,k,n being Nat st
IC StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k =insloc 0 & StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k=
(Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0))).n holds
StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k = StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k +* (while>0(a,I)+*
Start-At insloc 0) &
StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(k+1)=(Computation (s +* (while>0(a,I) +*
Start-At insloc 0))).
(n +(LifeSpan (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k +* (I +* Start-At insloc 0)) + 3))
    let I be Macro-Instruction,a be read-write Int-Location,
    s be State of SCM+FSA,k,n be Nat;
    set s1 = s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
    set sk=StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k;
    set s2=sk +* (while>0(a,I)+* sl0);
    assume A1:IC sk =insloc 0;
    assume A2:sk =(Computation s1).n;
A3: IC SCM+FSA in dom (while>0(a,I) +* sl0 ) by SF_MASTR:65;
A4: IC s2 = s2.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
    .= (while>0(a,I) +* sl0).IC SCM+FSA by A3,FUNCT_4:14
    .= IC sk by A1,SF_MASTR:66;
A5: s2 | D = sk | D by SCMFSA8A:11;
   sk | IL =s1 | IL by A2,SCMFSA6B:17;

    then s2 | IL = sk | IL by Th27;hence
  s2=sk by A4,A5,Th29;
(Computation sk).(LifeSpan (sk +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def5
    .=(Computation s1).(n +(LifeSpan (sk +* (I +* sl0)) + 3)) by A2,AMI_1:51;

theorem Th53:
  for I being Macro-Instruction,a being read-write Int-Location,
    s being State of SCM+FSA st (for k being Nat holds
     I is_closed_on StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k &
     I is_halting_on StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k) &
    ex f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT st
      (for k being Nat holds (f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(k+1)) <
      or f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k) = 0) &
      ( f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k)=0 iff (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k).a <= 0 ) )
     while>0(a,I) is_halting_on s & while>0(a,I) is_closed_on s
    let I be Macro-Instruction,a be read-write Int-Location,
    s be State of SCM+FSA;
    assume A1: for k being Nat holds I is_closed_on StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k &
    I is_halting_on StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k;
    given f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT
    such that A2:for k being Nat holds
    (f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(k+1)) < f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k) or
    f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k) = 0) &
    ( f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k)=0 iff (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k).a <= 0 );
    deffunc F(Nat) = f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).$1);
    set s1 = s +* (while>0(a,I) +* Start-At insloc 0);
A3: F(0) =f.s by Def5;
A4: for k holds ( F(k+1) < F(k) or F(k) = 0 ) by A2;
    consider m being Nat such that
A5: F(m)=0 and
A6: for n st F(n) =0 holds m <= n from MinIndex(A3,A4);
    defpred P[Nat] means
      $1+1 <= m implies
        ex k st StepWhile>0(a,I,s).($1+1)=(Computation s1).k;
A7: P[0]
    proof assume 0+1 <= m;
       take n=(LifeSpan (s+* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
       thus StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(0+1)=(Computation s1).n by Th51;
A8: IC SCM+FSA in dom (while>0(a,I) +* sl0 ) by SF_MASTR:65;
A9: now let k be Nat;
       assume A10: P[k];
         now assume A11: (k+1)+ 1 <= m;
            k + 0 < k+ (1+ 1) by REAL_1:53;
          then k < (k+1) +1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A12:       k < m by A11,AXIOMS:22;
          A13: (k+1)+ 0 < (k+ 1)+ 1 by REAL_1:53;
          set sk=StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k;
          set sk1=StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(k+1);
          consider n being Nat such that
A14:       sk1 = (Computation s1).n by A10,A11,A13,AXIOMS:22;
A15:       sk1= (Computation (sk +* (while>0(a,I)+* sl0))).
          (LifeSpan (sk +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by Def5;
A16:       I is_closed_on sk & I is_halting_on sk by A1;
            F(k) <> 0 by A6,A12;
          then sk.a > 0 by A2;
then A17:       IC sk1 =insloc 0 by A15,A16,Th47;
          take m=n +(LifeSpan (sk1 +* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
          thus StepWhile>0(a,I,s).((k+1)+1)=(Computation s1).m
            by A14,A17,Th52;
       hence P[k+1];
A18: for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A7,A9);
      now per cases;
       suppose m=0;
         then (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).0).a <= 0 by A2,A5;
         then s.a <= 0 by Def5;
         hence while>0(a,I) is_halting_on s & while>0(a,I) is_closed_on s
         by Th43;
       suppose A19:m<>0;
         then consider i being Nat such that
A20:      m=i+1 by NAT_1:22;
         set si=StepWhile>0(a,I,s).i;
         set sm=StepWhile>0(a,I,s).m;
         set sm1=sm +* (while>0(a,I)+* sl0);
         consider n being Nat such that
A21:     sm = (Computation s1).n by A18,A20;
A22:      sm.a <= 0 by A2,A5;
A23:     sm= (Computation (si +* (while>0(a,I)+* sl0))).
           (LifeSpan (si +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by A20,Def5;
A24:     I is_closed_on si & I is_halting_on si by A1;
           i < m by A20,NAT_1:38;
         then F(i) <> 0 by A6;
         then si.a > 0 by A2;
then A25:     IC sm =insloc 0 by A23,A24,Th47;
A26:     IC sm1 = sm1.IC SCM+FSA by AMI_1:def 15
         .= (while>0(a,I) +* sl0).IC SCM+FSA by A8,FUNCT_4:14
         .= IC sm by A25,SF_MASTR:66;
A27:     sm1 | D = sm | D by SCMFSA8A:11;
       sm | IL =s1 | IL by A21,SCMFSA6B:17;
         then sm1 | IL = sm | IL by Th27;
then A28:     sm1=sm by A26,A27,Th29;
           while>0(a,I) is_halting_on sm by A22,Th43;
         then sm1 is halting by SCMFSA7B:def 8;
         then consider j being Nat such that
A29:      CurInstr((Computation sm).j) = halt SCM+FSA by A28,AMI_1:def 20;
           CurInstr (Computation s1).(n+j) = halt SCM+FSA by A21,A29,AMI_1:51;
         then s1 is halting by AMI_1:def 20;
         hence while>0(a,I) is_halting_on s by SCMFSA7B:def 8;

         set p=(LifeSpan (s+* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
           now let q be Nat;
A30:         0<m by A19,NAT_1:19;
            per cases;
            suppose A31: q <= p;
A32:           StepWhile>0(a,I,s).0=s by Def5;
                F(0) <> 0 by A6,A30;
then A33:           s.a > 0 by A2,A32;
                I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s by A1,A32;
              hence IC (Computation s1).q in dom while>0(a,I) by A31,A33,Th47;
            suppose A34: q > p;
              defpred P2[Nat] means
                $1<=m & $1<>0 & (ex k st StepWhile>0(a,I,s).$1=
                (Computation s1).k & k <= q);
A35:           for i be Nat st P2[i] holds i <= m;
A36:           now
                 take k=p;
                 thus StepWhile>0(a,I,s).1=(Computation s1).k & k <= q
                 by A34,Th51;
                0+1 < m +1 by A30,REAL_1:53;
then 1 <= m by NAT_1:38;
then A37:           ex t be Nat st P2[t] by A36;
                ex k st P2[k] & for i st P2[i] holds i <= k from Max(A35,A37);
              then consider t being Nat such that
A38:           P2[t] & for i st P2[i] holds i <= t;
                now per cases;
                 suppose t=m;
                   then consider r being Nat such that
A39:                sm=(Computation s1).r & r <= q by A38;
                   consider x being Nat such that
A40:                q = r+x by A39,NAT_1:28;
A41:                (Computation s1).q = (Computation sm1).x by A28,A39,A40,
                     while>0(a,I) is_closed_on sm by A22,Th43;
                   hence IC (Computation s1).q in dom while>0(a,I) by A41,
SCMFSA7B:def 7;
                 suppose t<>m;
then A42:                t < m by A38,REAL_1:def 5;
                   consider y being Nat such that
A43:                t=y+1 by A38,NAT_1:22;
                   consider z being Nat such that
A44:                StepWhile>0(a,I,s).t=(Computation s1).z & z <= q by A38;
                     y+ 0 < t by A43,REAL_1:53;
then A45:                y < m by A38,AXIOMS:22;
                   set Dy=StepWhile>0(a,I,s).y;
                   set Dt=StepWhile>0(a,I,s).t;
A46:                Dt= (Computation (Dy +* (while>0(a,I)+* sl0))).
                    (LifeSpan (Dy +* (I +* sl0)) + 3) by A43,Def5;
A47:                I is_closed_on Dy & I is_halting_on Dy by A1;
                     F(y) <> 0 by A6,A45;
                   then Dy.a > 0 by A2;
then A48:                IC Dt =insloc 0 by A46,A47,Th47;
                   set z2=z +(LifeSpan (Dt +* (I +* sl0)) + 3);
A49:                now assume A50: z2 <= q;
A51:                    now take k=z2;thus
                            StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(t+1)=(Computation s1).k & k <=q
                          by A44,A48,A50,Th52;
                      t+1 <= m by A42,NAT_1:38;
                       then t+1 <= t by A38,A51;
                       hence contradiction by REAL_1:69;
                   consider w being Nat such that
A52:                q = z+w by A44,NAT_1:28;
A53:                w < LifeSpan (Dt +* (I +* sl0)) + 3 by A49,A52,AXIOMS:24;
A54:                (Computation s1).q = (Computation Dt ).w by A44,A52,AMI_1:
                   .= (Computation (Dt +* (while>0(a,I)+* sl0))).w
                      by A44,A48,Th52;
A55:                I is_closed_on Dt & I is_halting_on Dt by A1;
                     F(t) <> 0 by A6,A42;
                   then Dt.a > 0 by A2;
                   hence IC (Computation s1).q in dom while>0(a,I)
                    by A53,A54,A55,Th47;
              hence IC (Computation s1).q in dom while>0(a,I);
         hence while>0(a,I) is_closed_on s by SCMFSA7B:def 7;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th54:
  for I being parahalting Macro-Instruction, a being read-write
    Int-Location, s being State of SCM+FSA st
    ex f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT st
      (for k being Nat holds (f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(k+1)) <
      f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k) or f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k) = 0) &
      ( f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k)=0 iff (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k).a <= 0 ) )
     while>0(a,I) is_halting_on s & while>0(a,I) is_closed_on s
    let I be parahalting Macro-Instruction,a be read-write
    Int-Location,s be State of SCM+FSA;
    assume A1:
    ex f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT st
      (for k being Nat holds (f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).(k+1)) <
      f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k) or f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k) = 0) &
      ( f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k)=0 iff (StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k).a <= 0 ) );
A2:  for k being Nat holds I is_closed_on StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k by SCMFSA7B:24;
      for k being Nat holds I is_halting_on StepWhile>0(a,I,s).k by SCMFSA7B:25
    hence thesis by A1,A2,Th53;

    for I being parahalting Macro-Instruction, a being read-write
  Int-Location st
    ex f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT st
      (for s being State of SCM+FSA holds (f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).1) < f.s
      or f.s = 0) & ( f.s =0 iff s.a <= 0 ))
     holds while>0(a,I) is parahalting
    let I be parahalting Macro-Instruction,a be read-write
    given f being Function of product the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA,NAT
    such that A1: for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
    (f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,s).1) < f.s or f.s = 0) & ( f.s =0 iff s.a <= 0 );
      now let t be State of SCM+FSA;
          now let k be Nat;
             (f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k).1) <
           f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k) or f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k) = 0) &
           ( f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k)=0 iff (StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k).a <= 0 )
             by A1;hence
             (f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,t).(k+1)) <
           f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k) or f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k) = 0) &
           ( f.(StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k)=0 iff (StepWhile>0(a,I,t).k).a <= 0 )
            by Th50;
        hence while>0(a,I) is_halting_on t by Th54;
    hence thesis by SCMFSA7B:25;

 let I,J be good Macro-Instruction,a be Int-Location;
 cluster if>0(a,I,J) -> good;
     set i = a >0_goto insloc (card J + 3);
       i does_not_destroy intloc 0 by SCMFSA7B:19;
     then reconsider Mi=Macro i as good Macro-Instruction by Th36;
       if>0(a,I,J) = i ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I + 1) ';' I ';'
        SCM+FSA-Stop by SCMFSA8B:def 2
     .= Mi ';' J ';' Goto insloc (card I + 1) ';' I ';'
        SCM+FSA-Stop by SCMFSA6A:def 5;
     hence thesis;

 let I be good Macro-Instruction,a be Int-Location;
 cluster while>0(a,I) -> good;
     set J=insloc (card I +4) .--> goto insloc 0;
     set F=if>0(a, I ';' Goto insloc 0, SCM+FSA-Stop);
A1:  J does_not_destroy intloc 0 by Th35;
A2:  F does_not_destroy intloc 0 by SCMFSA7B:def 5;
       while>0(a,I) = F+*J by Def2;
     then while>0(a,I) does_not_destroy intloc 0 by A1,A2,SCMFSA8A:25;
     hence thesis by SCMFSA7B:def 5;

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