The Mizar article:

On the Geometry of a Go-Board

Andrzej Trybulec

Received July 9, 1995

Copyright (c) 1995 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: GOBOARD6
[ MML identifier index ]


 definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0;


reserve i,j,n for Nat,
        r,s,r1,s1,r2,s2,r',s' for Real,
        p,q for Point of TOP-REAL 2,
        G for Go-board,
        x,y for set,
        v for Point of Euclid 2;

 (p+q)`1 = p`1+q`1 & (p+q)`2 = p`2+q`2
    p + q = |[ p`1 + q`1, p`2 + q`2]| by EUCLID:59;
 hence thesis by EUCLID:56;

 (p-q)`1 = p`1-q`1 & (p-q)`2 = p`2-q`2
    p - q = |[ p`1 - q`1, p`2 - q`2]| by EUCLID:65;
 hence thesis by EUCLID:56;

 (r*p)`1 = r*(p`1) & (r*p)`2 = r*(p`2)
    r*p = |[ r*p`1 ,r*p`2 ]| by EUCLID:61;
 hence thesis by EUCLID:56;

canceled 3;

theorem Th4:
 for M being non empty Reflexive MetrStruct, u being Point of M,
     r being real number holds
  r > 0 implies u in Ball(u,r)
proof let M be non empty Reflexive MetrStruct, u be Point of M,
          r be real number;
A1: Ball(u,r) = {q where q is Point of M:dist(u,q)<r} by METRIC_1:18;
A2: r > 0;
    dist(u,u) = 0 by METRIC_1:1;
 hence u in Ball(u,r) by A1,A2;

 for M being MetrSpace, B being Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M),r being real number,
    u being Point of M st B = Ball(u,r)
  holds B is open
proof let M be MetrSpace, B be Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M), r be real number,
          u be Point of M;
A1: TopSpaceMetr M = TopStruct (#the carrier of M,Family_open_set M#)
                                 by PCOMPS_1:def 6;
A2: B = Ball(u,r);
    Ball(u,r) in Family_open_set M by PCOMPS_1:33;
 hence B is open by A1,A2,PRE_TOPC:def 5;


theorem Th6:
 for B being Subset of TOP-REAL n, u being Point of Euclid n
    st B = Ball(u,r) holds B is open
proof TOP-REAL n = TopSpaceMetr Euclid n by EUCLID:def 8;
 hence thesis by Lm4;

theorem Th7:
 for M being non empty MetrSpace, u being Point of M,
     P being Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M)
  holds u in Int P iff ex r being real number st r > 0 & Ball(u,r) c= P
proof let M be non empty MetrSpace, u be Point of M,
  P be Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M);
A1:Int P is open by TOPS_1:51;
 hereby assume u in Int P;
  then consider r be real number such that
A2: r > 0 and
A3: Ball(u,r) c= Int P by A1,TOPMETR:22;
  take r;
  thus r > 0 by A2;
     Int P c= P by TOPS_1:44;
  hence Ball(u,r) c= P by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
 given r being real number such that
A4: r > 0 and
A5: Ball(u,r) c= P;
A6: u in Ball(u,r) by A4,Th4;
    TopSpaceMetr M = TopStruct (#the carrier of M,Family_open_set M#)
                                 by PCOMPS_1:def 6;
  then reconsider B = Ball(u,r) as Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M);
    B is open by Lm4;
 hence u in Int P by A5,A6,TOPS_1:54;

theorem Th8:
 for u being Point of Euclid n, P being Subset of TOP-REAL n
  holds u in Int P iff ex r being real number st r > 0 & Ball(u,r) c= P
proof TOP-REAL n = TopSpaceMetr Euclid n by EUCLID:def 8;
 hence thesis by Th7;

theorem Th9: :: TOPREAL3:12
 for u,v being Point of Euclid 2 st u = |[r1,s1]| & v = |[r2,s2]| holds
  dist(u,v) =sqrt ((r1 - r2)^2 + (s1 - s2)^2)
proof let u,v be Point of Euclid 2 such that
A1: u = |[r1,s1]| and
A2: v = |[r2,s2]|;
A3: |[r1,s1]|`1 = r1 & |[r1,s1]|`2 = s1 & |[r2,s2]|`1 = r2 & |[r2,s2]|`2 = s2
                                    by EUCLID:56;
    Euclid 2 = MetrStruct(#REAL 2,Pitag_dist 2#) by EUCLID:def 7;
 hence dist(u,v) = (Pitag_dist 2).(u,v) by METRIC_1:def 1
               .= sqrt ((r1 - r2)^2 + (s1 - s2)^2) by A1,A2,A3,TOPREAL3:12;

theorem Th10:
 for u being Point of Euclid 2 st u = |[r,s]| holds
 0 <= r2 & r2 < r1 implies |[r+r2,s]| in Ball(u,r1)
proof let u be Point of Euclid 2 such that
A1: u = |[r,s]| and
A2: 0 <= r2 and
A3: r2 < r1;
  reconsider v = |[r+r2,s]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
    dist(u,v) = sqrt ((r - (r+r2))^2 + (s - s)^2) by A1,Th9
           .= sqrt ((r - (r+r2))^2 + 0^2) by XCMPLX_1:14
           .= sqrt ((-(r - (r+r2)))^2) by SQUARE_1:60,61
           .= sqrt ((r+r2-r)^2) by XCMPLX_1:143
           .= sqrt (r2^2) by XCMPLX_1:26
           .= r2 by A2,SQUARE_1:89;
 hence |[r+r2,s]| in Ball(u,r1) by A3,METRIC_1:12;

theorem Th11:
 for u being Point of Euclid 2 st u = |[r,s]| holds
 0 <= s2 & s2 < s1 implies |[r,s+s2]| in Ball(u,s1)
proof let u be Point of Euclid 2 such that
A1: u = |[r,s]| and
A2: 0 <= s2 and
A3: s2 < s1;
  reconsider v = |[r,s+s2]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
    dist(u,v) = sqrt ((r - r)^2 + (s - (s+s2))^2) by A1,Th9
           .= sqrt ((s - (s+s2))^2 + 0^2) by XCMPLX_1:14
           .= sqrt ((-(s - (s+s2)))^2) by SQUARE_1:60,61
           .= sqrt ((s+s2-s)^2) by XCMPLX_1:143
           .= sqrt (s2^2) by XCMPLX_1:26
           .= s2 by A2,SQUARE_1:89;
 hence |[r,s+s2]| in Ball(u,s1) by A3,METRIC_1:12;

theorem Th12:
 for u being Point of Euclid 2 st u = |[r,s]| holds
 0 <= r2 & r2 < r1 implies |[r-r2,s]| in Ball(u,r1)
proof let u be Point of Euclid 2 such that
A1: u = |[r,s]| and
A2: 0 <= r2 and
A3: r2 < r1;
  reconsider v = |[r-r2,s]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
    dist(u,v) = sqrt ((r - (r-r2))^2 + (s - s)^2) by A1,Th9
           .= sqrt ((r - (r-r2))^2 + 0^2) by XCMPLX_1:14
           .= sqrt (r2^2) by SQUARE_1:60,XCMPLX_1:18
           .= r2 by A2,SQUARE_1:89;
 hence |[r-r2,s]| in Ball(u,r1) by A3,METRIC_1:12;

theorem Th13:
 for u being Point of Euclid 2 st u = |[r,s]| holds
 0 <= s2 & s2 < s1 implies |[r,s-s2]| in Ball(u,s1)
proof let u be Point of Euclid 2 such that
A1: u = |[r,s]| and
A2: 0 <= s2 and
A3: s2 < s1;
  reconsider v = |[r,s-s2]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
    dist(u,v) = sqrt ((s - (s-s2))^2 + (r - r)^2) by A1,Th9
           .= sqrt ((s - (s-s2))^2 + 0^2) by XCMPLX_1:14
           .= sqrt (s2^2) by SQUARE_1:60,XCMPLX_1:18
           .= s2 by A2,SQUARE_1:89;
 hence |[r,s-s2]| in Ball(u,s1) by A3,METRIC_1:12;

theorem Th14:
 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G
   implies G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1) = G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G and
A2: 1 <= j & j < width G;
A3: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A4: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A2,NAT_1:38;
A5: G*(i,j)`1 = G*(i,1)`1 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:3
        .= G*(i,j+1)`1 by A1,A4,GOBOARD5:3;
A6: G*(i+1,j+1)`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 by A3,A4,GOBOARD5:3
        .= G*(i+1,j)`1 by A2,A3,GOBOARD5:3;
A7: (G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))`1 = G*(i,j)`1+G*(i+1,j+1)`1 by Lm1
        .= (G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j))`1 by A5,A6,Lm1;
A8: G*(i,j)`2 = G*(1,j)`2 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:2
        .= G*(i+1,j)`2 by A2,A3,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(i+1,j+1)`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 by A3,A4,GOBOARD5:2
        .= G*(i,j+1)`2 by A1,A4,GOBOARD5:2;
     (G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))`2 = G*(i,j)`2+G*(i+1,j+1)`2 by Lm1
        .= (G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j))`2 by A8,A9,Lm1;
 hence G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)
     = |[(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j))`1,(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j))`2]| by A7,EUCLID:57
    .= G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j) by EUCLID:57;

Lm5: TOP-REAL 2 = TopSpaceMetr Euclid 2 by EUCLID:def 8
             .= TopStruct (#the carrier of Euclid 2,Family_open_set Euclid 2#)
                                 by PCOMPS_1:def 6;

theorem Th15:
 Int v_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 }
    0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
  then 1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A1: v_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : r <= G*(1,1)`1 } by GOBOARD5:11;
 thus Int v_strip(G,0) c= { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 }
  proof let x;
A2:  x in Int v_strip(G,0);
    then reconsider u = x as Point of Euclid 2 by Lm5;
    consider r1 being real number such that
A3:  r1 > 0 and
A4: Ball(u,r1) c= v_strip(G,0) by A2,Th8;
    reconsider r1 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
    reconsider p = u as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by Lm5;
    set q = |[p`1+r1/2,p`2+0]|;
A5:  p = |[p`1,p`2]| by EUCLID:57;
A6:  r1/2 > 0 & r1/2 < r1 by A3,SEQ_2:3,4;
    then q in Ball(u,r1) by A5,Th10;
    then q in v_strip(G,0) by A4;
    then ex r2,s2 st q = |[r2,s2]| & r2 <= G*(1,1)`1 by A1;
then A7:  p`1+r1/2 <= G*(1,1)`1 by SPPOL_2:1;
      p`1 < p`1 + r1/2 by A6,REAL_1:69;
    then p`1 < G*(1,1)`1 by A7,AXIOMS:22;
   hence x in {|[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1} by A5;
 let x;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 };
  then consider r,s such that
A8: x = |[r,s]| and
A9: r < G*(1,1)`1;
  reconsider u = |[r,s]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
    G*(1,1)`1-r > 0 by A9,SQUARE_1:11;
  then A10: u in Ball(u,G*(1,1)`1-r) by Th4;
A11: Ball(u,G*(1,1)`1-r) c= v_strip(G,0)
    proof let y;
A12:   Ball(u,G*(1,1)`1-r) = { v : dist(u,v)<G*(1,1)`1-r} by METRIC_1:18;
     assume y in Ball(u,G*(1,1)`1-r);
      then consider v such that
A13:   v = y and
A14:   dist(u,v)<G*(1,1)`1-r by A12;
      reconsider q = v as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
A15:    q = |[q`1,q`2]| by EUCLID:57;
      then A16:     sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2) < G*(1,1)`1-r by A14,Th9;
A17:    (r - q`1)^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
        0 <= (s - q`2)^2 by SQUARE_1:72;
      then (r - q`1)^2 + 0 <= (r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2 by AXIOMS:24;
      then sqrt (r - q`1)^2 <= sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2)
        by A17,SQUARE_1:94;
      then sqrt (r - q`1)^2 <= G*(1,1)`1-r by A16,AXIOMS:22;
      then A18:     abs(r-q`1) <= G*(1,1)`1-r by SQUARE_1:91;
     per cases;
     suppose r <= q`1;
      then A19:     q`1-r >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
        abs(r-q`1) = abs(-(r-q`1)) by ABSVALUE:17
               .= abs(q`1 - r) by XCMPLX_1:143
               .= q`1 - r by A19,ABSVALUE:def 1;
      then q`1 <= G*(1,1)`1 by A18,REAL_1:54;
     hence y in v_strip(G,0) by A1,A13,A15;
     suppose r >= q`1;
      then q`1 <= G*(1,1)`1 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
     hence y in v_strip(G,0) by A1,A13,A15;
    Ball(u,G*(1,1)`1-r) is Subset of TOP-REAL2
    by TOPREAL3:13;
  then reconsider B = Ball(u,G*(1,1)`1-r) as Subset of TOP-REAL2;
    B is open by Th6;
 hence x in Int v_strip(G,0) by A8,A10,A11,TOPS_1:54;

theorem Th16:
 Int v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r }
    0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
  then 1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A1: v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 <= r } by GOBOARD5:10;
 thus Int v_strip(G,len G) c= { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r }
  proof let x;
A2:  x in Int v_strip(G,len G);
    then reconsider u = x as Point of Euclid 2 by Lm5;
    consider r1 being real number such that
A3:  r1 > 0 and
A4: Ball(u,r1) c= v_strip(G,len G) by A2,Th8;
    reconsider r1 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
    reconsider p = u as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by Lm5;
    set q = |[p`1-r1/2,p`2+0]|;
A5:  p = |[p`1,p`2]| by EUCLID:57;
A6:  r1/2 > 0 & r1/2 < r1 by A3,SEQ_2:3,4;
    then q in Ball(u,r1) by A5,Th12;
    then q in v_strip(G,len G) by A4;
    then ex r2,s2 st q = |[r2,s2]| & G*(len G,1)`1 <= r2 by A1;
    then G*(len G,1)`1 <= p`1-r1/2 by SPPOL_2:1;
then A7:  G*(len G,1)`1+r1/2 <= p`1 by REAL_1:84;
      G*(len G,1)`1 < G*(len G,1)`1 + r1/2 by A6,REAL_1:69;
    then G*(len G,1)`1 < p`1 by A7,AXIOMS:22;
   hence x in {|[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r } by A5;
 let x;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r };
  then consider r,s such that
A8: x = |[r,s]| and
A9: G*(len G,1)`1 < r;
  reconsider u = |[r,s]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
    r - G*(len G,1)`1 > 0 by A9,SQUARE_1:11;
  then A10: u in Ball(u,r-G*(len G,1)`1) by Th4;
A11: Ball(u,r-G*(len G,1)`1) c= v_strip(G,len G)
    proof let y;
A12:   Ball(u,r-G*(len G,1)`1) = { v : dist(u,v)<r-G*(len G,1)`1}
                         by METRIC_1:18;
     assume y in Ball(u,r-G*(len G,1)`1);
      then consider v such that
A13:   v = y and
A14:   dist(u,v)<r-G*(len G,1)`1 by A12;
      reconsider q = v as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
A15:    q = |[q`1,q`2]| by EUCLID:57;
      then A16:     sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2) < r-G*(len G,1)`1 by A14,
A17:    (r - q`1)^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
        0 <= (s - q`2)^2 by SQUARE_1:72;
      then (r - q`1)^2 + 0 <= (r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2 by AXIOMS:24;
      then sqrt (r - q`1)^2 <= sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2)
        by A17,SQUARE_1:94;
      then sqrt (r - q`1)^2 <= r-G*(len G,1)`1 by A16,AXIOMS:22;
      then A18:     abs(r-q`1) <= r-G*(len G,1)`1 by SQUARE_1:91;
     per cases;
     suppose r >= q`1;
      then r-q`1 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
      then abs(r-q`1) = r - q`1 by ABSVALUE:def 1;
      then G*(len G,1)`1 <= q`1 by A18,REAL_2:105;
     hence y in v_strip(G,len G) by A1,A13,A15;
     suppose r <= q`1;
      then G*(len G,1)`1 <= q`1 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
     hence y in v_strip(G,len G) by A1,A13,A15;
    Ball(u,r-G*(len G,1)`1) is Subset of TOP-REAL2
    by TOPREAL3:13;
  then reconsider B = Ball(u,r-G*(len G,1)`1) as Subset of TOP-REAL2
    B is open by Th6;
 hence x in Int v_strip(G,len G) by A8,A10,A11,TOPS_1:54;

theorem Th17:
 1 <= i & i < len G
  implies Int v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
    0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
  then 1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A2: v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,1)`1 }
                                                    by A1,GOBOARD5:9;
 thus Int v_strip(G,i) c= { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 }
  proof let x;
A3:  x in Int v_strip(G,i);
    then reconsider u = x as Point of Euclid 2 by Lm5;
    consider r1 being real number such that
A4:  r1 > 0 and
A5: Ball(u,r1) c= v_strip(G,i) by A3,Th8;
    reconsider r1 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
    reconsider p = u as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by Lm5;
    set q1 = |[p`1+r1/2,p`2+0]|;
A6:  p = |[p`1,p`2]| by EUCLID:57;
A7:  r1/2 > 0 & r1/2 < r1 by A4,SEQ_2:3,4;
    then q1 in Ball(u,r1) by A6,Th10;
    then q1 in v_strip(G,i) by A5;
    then ex r2,s2 st q1 = |[r2,s2]| & G*(i,1)`1 <= r2 & r2 <=
 G*(i+1,1)`1 by A2;
    then A8:  p`1+r1/2 <= G*(i+1,1)`1 by SPPOL_2:1;
      p`1 < p`1 + r1/2 by A7,REAL_1:69;
    then A9: p`1 < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
    set q2 = |[p`1-r1/2,p`2+0]|;
      q2 in Ball(u,r1) by A6,A7,Th12;
    then q2 in v_strip(G,i) by A5;
    then ex r2,s2 st q2 = |[r2,s2]| & G*(i,1)`1 <= r2 & r2 <=
 G*(i+1,1)`1 by A2;
    then G*(i,1)`1 <= p`1-r1/2 by SPPOL_2:1;
then A10:  G*(i,1)`1+r1/2 <= p`1 by REAL_1:84;
      G*(i,1)`1 < G*(i,1)`1 + r1/2 by A7,REAL_1:69;
    then G*(i,1)`1 < p`1 by A10,AXIOMS:22;
   hence x in {|[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1} by A6,A9;
 let x;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 };
  then consider r,s such that
A11: x = |[r,s]| and
A12: G*(i,1)`1 < r and
A13: r < G*(i+1,1)`1;
  reconsider u = |[r,s]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
A14:G*(i+1,1)`1-r > 0 by A13,SQUARE_1:11;
    r - G*(i,1)`1 > 0 by A12,SQUARE_1:11;
  then min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r) > 0 by A14,SQUARE_1:38;
  then A15: u in Ball(u,min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r)) by Th4;
A16: Ball(u,min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r)) c= v_strip(G,i)
    proof let y;
A17:   Ball(u,min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r))
        = { v : dist(u,v)<min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r)} by METRIC_1:18;
     assume y in Ball(u,min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r));
      then consider v such that
A18:   v = y and
A19:   dist(u,v)<min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r) by A17;
      reconsider q = v as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
A20:    q = |[q`1,q`2]| by EUCLID:57;
      then A21:     sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2) < min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1
       by A19,Th9;
A22:    (r - q`1)^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
        0 <= (s - q`2)^2 by SQUARE_1:72;
      then (r - q`1)^2 + 0 <= (r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2 by AXIOMS:24;
      then sqrt (r - q`1)^2 <= sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2)
        by A22,SQUARE_1:94;
      then sqrt (r - q`1)^2 <= min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*
(i+1,1)`1-r) by A21,AXIOMS:22;
      then abs(r-q`1) <= min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r) by SQUARE_1:91;
then A23:    abs(r-q`1) <= r-G*(i,1)`1 & abs(r-q`1) <= G*
(i+1,1)`1-r by SQUARE_1:39;
     per cases;
A24:    r <= q`1;
      then A25:     q`1-r >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
        abs(r-q`1) = abs(-(r-q`1)) by ABSVALUE:17
               .= abs(q`1 - r) by XCMPLX_1:143
               .= q`1 - r by A25,ABSVALUE:def 1;
      then A26:    q`1 <= G*(i+1,1)`1 by A23,REAL_1:54;
        G*(i,1)`1 <= q`1 by A12,A24,AXIOMS:22;
     hence y in v_strip(G,i) by A2,A18,A20,A26;
A27:    r >= q`1;
      then r-q`1 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
      then abs(r-q`1) = r - q`1 by ABSVALUE:def 1;
      then A28:   G*(i,1)`1 <= q`1 by A23,REAL_2:105;
        q`1 <= G*(i+1,1)`1 by A13,A27,AXIOMS:22;
     hence y in v_strip(G,i) by A2,A18,A20,A28;
    is Subset of TOP-REAL2 by TOPREAL3:13;
  then reconsider B = Ball(u,min(r-G*(i,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`1-r))
    as Subset of TOP-REAL2;
    B is open by Th6;
 hence x in Int v_strip(G,i) by A11,A15,A16,TOPS_1:54;

theorem Th18:
 Int h_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : s < G*(1,1)`2 }
    0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
  then 1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A1: h_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : s <= G*(1,1)`2 } by GOBOARD5:8;
 thus Int h_strip(G,0) c= { |[r,s]| : s < G*(1,1)`2 }
  proof let x;
A2:  x in Int h_strip(G,0);
    then reconsider u = x as Point of Euclid 2 by Lm5;
    consider s1 being real number such that
A3:  s1 > 0 and
A4: Ball(u,s1) c= h_strip(G,0) by A2,Th8;
    reconsider s1 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
    reconsider p = u as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by Lm5;
    set q = |[p`1+0,p`2+s1/2]|;
A5:  p = |[p`1,p`2]| by EUCLID:57;
A6:  s1/2 > 0 & s1/2 < s1 by A3,SEQ_2:3,4;
    then q in Ball(u,s1) by A5,Th11;
    then q in h_strip(G,0) by A4;
    then ex r2,s2 st q = |[r2,s2]| & s2 <= G*(1,1)`2 by A1;
then A7:  p`2+s1/2 <= G*(1,1)`2 by SPPOL_2:1;
      p`2 < p`2 + s1/2 by A6,REAL_1:69;
    then p`2 < G*(1,1)`2 by A7,AXIOMS:22;
   hence x in {|[r,s]| : s < G*(1,1)`2} by A5;
 let x;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : s < G*(1,1)`2 };
  then consider r,s such that
A8: x = |[r,s]| and
A9: s < G*(1,1)`2;
  reconsider u = |[r,s]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
    G*(1,1)`2-s > 0 by A9,SQUARE_1:11;
  then A10: u in Ball(u,G*(1,1)`2-s) by Th4;
A11: Ball(u,G*(1,1)`2-s) c= h_strip(G,0)
    proof let y;
A12:   Ball(u,G*(1,1)`2-s) = { v : dist(u,v)<G*(1,1)`2-s} by METRIC_1:18;
     assume y in Ball(u,G*(1,1)`2-s);
      then consider v such that
A13:   v = y and
A14:   dist(u,v)<G*(1,1)`2-s by A12;
      reconsider q = v as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
A15:    q = |[q`1,q`2]| by EUCLID:57;
      then A16:     sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2) < G*(1,1)`2-s by A14,Th9;
A17:    (s - q`2)^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
        0 <= (r - q`1)^2 by SQUARE_1:72;
      then (s - q`2)^2 + 0 <= (r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2 by AXIOMS:24;
      then sqrt (s - q`2)^2 <= sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2)
        by A17,SQUARE_1:94;
      then sqrt (s - q`2)^2 <= G*(1,1)`2-s by A16,AXIOMS:22;
      then A18:     abs(s-q`2) <= G*(1,1)`2-s by SQUARE_1:91;
     per cases;
     suppose s <= q`2;
      then A19:     q`2-s >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
        abs(s-q`2) = abs(-(s-q`2)) by ABSVALUE:17
               .= abs(q`2 - s) by XCMPLX_1:143
               .= q`2 - s by A19,ABSVALUE:def 1;
      then q`2 <= G*(1,1)`2 by A18,REAL_1:54;
     hence y in h_strip(G,0) by A1,A13,A15;
     suppose s >= q`2;
      then q`2 <= G*(1,1)`2 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
     hence y in h_strip(G,0) by A1,A13,A15;
    Ball(u,G*(1,1)`2-s) is Subset of TOP-REAL2
   by TOPREAL3:13;
  then reconsider B = Ball(u,G*(1,1)`2-s) as Subset of TOP-REAL2
    B is open by Th6;
 hence x in Int h_strip(G,0) by A8,A10,A11,TOPS_1:54;

theorem Th19:
 Int h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
    0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
  then 1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A1: h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 <= s } by GOBOARD5:7;
 thus Int h_strip(G,width G) c= { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
  proof let x;
A2:  x in Int h_strip(G,width G);
    then reconsider u = x as Point of Euclid 2 by Lm5;
    consider s1 being real number such that
A3:  s1 > 0 and
A4: Ball(u,s1) c= h_strip(G,width G) by A2,Th8;
    reconsider s1 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
    reconsider p = u as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by Lm5;
    set q = |[p`1+0,p`2-s1/2]|;
A5:  p = |[p`1,p`2]| by EUCLID:57;
A6:  s1/2 > 0 & s1/2 < s1 by A3,SEQ_2:3,4;
    then q in Ball(u,s1) by A5,Th13;
    then q in h_strip(G,width G) by A4;
    then ex r2,s2 st q = |[r2,s2]| & G*(1,width G)`2 <= s2 by A1;
    then G*(1,width G)`2 <= p`2-s1/2 by SPPOL_2:1;
then A7:  G*(1,width G)`2+s1/2 <= p`2 by REAL_1:84;
      G*(1,width G)`2 < G*(1,width G)`2 + s1/2 by A6,REAL_1:69;
    then G*(1,width G)`2 < p`2 by A7,AXIOMS:22;
   hence x in {|[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 < s } by A5;
 let x;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 < s };
  then consider r,s such that
A8: x = |[r,s]| and
A9: G*(1,width G)`2 < s;
  reconsider u = |[r,s]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
    s - G*(1,width G)`2 > 0 by A9,SQUARE_1:11;
  then A10: u in Ball(u,s-G*(1,width G)`2) by Th4;
A11: Ball(u,s-G*(1,width G)`2) c= h_strip(G,width G)
    proof let y;
A12:   Ball(u,s-G*(1,width G)`2) = { v : dist(u,v)<s-G*(1,width G)`2}
                         by METRIC_1:18;
     assume y in Ball(u,s-G*(1,width G)`2);
      then consider v such that
A13:   v = y and
A14:   dist(u,v)<s-G*(1,width G)`2 by A12;
      reconsider q = v as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
A15:    q = |[q`1,q`2]| by EUCLID:57;
      then A16:     sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2) < s-G*(1,width G)`2 by A14
A17:    (s - q`2)^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
        0 <= (r - q`1)^2 by SQUARE_1:72;
      then (s - q`2)^2 + 0 <= (r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2 by AXIOMS:24;
      then sqrt (s - q`2)^2 <= sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2)
        by A17,SQUARE_1:94;
      then sqrt (s - q`2)^2 <= s-G*(1,width G)`2 by A16,AXIOMS:22;
      then A18:     abs(s-q`2) <= s-G*(1,width G)`2 by SQUARE_1:91;
     per cases;
     suppose s >= q`2;
      then s-q`2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
      then abs(s-q`2) = s - q`2 by ABSVALUE:def 1;
      then G*(1,width G)`2 <= q`2 by A18,REAL_2:105;
     hence y in h_strip(G,width G) by A1,A13,A15;
     suppose s <= q`2;
      then G*(1,width G)`2 <= q`2 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
     hence y in h_strip(G,width G) by A1,A13,A15;
    Ball(u,s-G*(1,width G)`2)
    is Subset of TOP-REAL2 by TOPREAL3:13;
  then reconsider B = Ball(u,s-G*(1,width G)`2)
    as Subset of TOP-REAL2;
    B is open by Th6;
 hence x in Int h_strip(G,width G) by A8,A10,A11,TOPS_1:54;

theorem Th20:
 1 <= j & j < width G
  implies Int h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
    0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
  then 1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A2: h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(1,j+1)`2 }
                                                    by A1,GOBOARD5:6;
 thus Int h_strip(G,j) c= { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
  proof let x;
A3:  x in Int h_strip(G,j);
    then reconsider u = x as Point of Euclid 2 by Lm5;
    consider s1 being real number such that
A4:  s1 > 0 and
A5: Ball(u,s1) c= h_strip(G,j) by A3,Th8;
    reconsider s1 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
    reconsider p = u as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by Lm5;
    set q1 = |[p`1+0,p`2+s1/2]|;
A6:  p = |[p`1,p`2]| by EUCLID:57;
A7:  s1/2 > 0 & s1/2 < s1 by A4,SEQ_2:3,4;
    then q1 in Ball(u,s1) by A6,Th11;
    then q1 in h_strip(G,j) by A5;
    then ex r2,s2 st q1 = |[r2,s2]| & G*(1,j)`2 <= s2 & s2 <=
 G*(1,j+1)`2 by A2;
    then A8:  p`2+s1/2 <= G*(1,j+1)`2 by SPPOL_2:1;
      p`2 < p`2 + s1/2 by A7,REAL_1:69;
    then A9: p`2 < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
    set q2 = |[p`1+0,p`2-s1/2]|;
      q2 in Ball(u,s1) by A6,A7,Th13;
    then q2 in h_strip(G,j) by A5;
    then ex r2,s2 st q2 = |[r2,s2]| & G*(1,j)`2 <= s2 & s2 <=
 G*(1,j+1)`2 by A2;
    then G*(1,j)`2 <= p`2-s1/2 by SPPOL_2:1;
then A10:  G*(1,j)`2+s1/2 <= p`2 by REAL_1:84;
      G*(1,j)`2 < G*(1,j)`2 + s1/2 by A7,REAL_1:69;
    then G*(1,j)`2 < p`2 by A10,AXIOMS:22;
   hence x in {|[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2} by A6,A9;
 let x;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 };
  then consider r,s such that
A11: x = |[r,s]| and
A12: G*(1,j)`2 < s and
A13: s < G*(1,j+1)`2;
  reconsider u = |[r,s]| as Point of Euclid 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
A14:G*(1,j+1)`2-s > 0 by A13,SQUARE_1:11;
    s - G*(1,j)`2 > 0 by A12,SQUARE_1:11;
  then min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s) > 0 by A14,SQUARE_1:38;
  then A15: u in Ball(u,min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s)) by Th4;
A16: Ball(u,min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s)) c= h_strip(G,j)
    proof let y;
A17:   Ball(u,min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s))
        = { v : dist(u,v)<min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s)} by METRIC_1:18;
     assume y in Ball(u,min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s));
      then consider v such that
A18:   v = y and
A19:   dist(u,v)<min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s) by A17;
      reconsider q = v as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by TOPREAL3:13;
A20:    q = |[q`1,q`2]| by EUCLID:57;
      then A21:     sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2) < min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1
      by A19,Th9;
A22:    (s - q`2)^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72;
        0 <= (r - q`1)^2 by SQUARE_1:72;
      then (s - q`2)^2 + 0 <= (r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2 by AXIOMS:24;
      then sqrt (s - q`2)^2 <= sqrt ((r - q`1)^2 + (s - q`2)^2)
        by A22,SQUARE_1:94;
      then sqrt (s - q`2)^2 <= min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*
(1,j+1)`2-s) by A21,AXIOMS:22;
      then abs(s-q`2) <= min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s) by SQUARE_1:91;
then A23:    abs(s-q`2) <= s-G*(1,j)`2 & abs(s-q`2) <= G*
(1,j+1)`2-s by SQUARE_1:39;
     per cases;
A24:    s <= q`2;
      then A25:     q`2-s >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
        abs(s-q`2) = abs(-(s-q`2)) by ABSVALUE:17
               .= abs(q`2 - s) by XCMPLX_1:143
               .= q`2 - s by A25,ABSVALUE:def 1;
      then A26:    q`2 <= G*(1,j+1)`2 by A23,REAL_1:54;
        G*(1,j)`2 <= q`2 by A12,A24,AXIOMS:22;
     hence y in h_strip(G,j) by A2,A18,A20,A26;
A27:    s >= q`2;
      then s-q`2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
      then abs(s-q`2) = s - q`2 by ABSVALUE:def 1;
      then A28:   G*(1,j)`2 <= q`2 by A23,REAL_2:105;
        q`2 <= G*(1,j+1)`2 by A13,A27,AXIOMS:22;
     hence y in h_strip(G,j) by A2,A18,A20,A28;
    is Subset of TOP-REAL2 by TOPREAL3:13;
  then reconsider B = Ball(u,min(s-G*(1,j)`2,G*(1,j+1)`2-s))
    as Subset of TOP-REAL2;
    B is open by Th6;
 hence x in Int h_strip(G,j) by A11,A15,A16,TOPS_1:54;

theorem Th21:
 Int cell(G,0,0) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2 }
proof cell(G,0,0) = v_strip(G,0) /\ h_strip(G,0) by GOBOARD5:def 3;
  then A1: Int cell(G,0,0) = Int v_strip(G,0) /\ Int h_strip(G,0) by TOPS_1:46;
A2: Int v_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 } by Th15;
A3: Int h_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : s < G*(1,1)`2 } by Th18;
 thus Int cell(G,0,0) c= { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2 }
  proof let x be set;
A4: x in Int cell(G,0,0);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,0) by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A5:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A6:  r1 < G*(1,1)`1 by A2;
      x in Int h_strip(G,0) by A1,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A7:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A8:  s2 < G*(1,1)`2 by A3;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A5,A7,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A5,A6,A8;
 let x be set;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2 };
  then ex r,s st x = |[r,s]| & r < G*(1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,0) & x in Int h_strip(G,0) by A2,A3;
 hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th22:
 Int cell(G,0,width G) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
proof cell(G,0,width G) = v_strip(G,0) /\ h_strip(G,width G) by GOBOARD5:def 3
  then A1:  Int cell(G,0,width G) = Int v_strip(G,0) /\ Int h_strip(G,width G)
                                                               by TOPS_1:46;
A2: Int v_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 } by Th15;
A3: Int h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 < s } by Th19;
 thus Int cell(G,0,width G)
    c= { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
  proof let x be set;
A4:  x in Int cell(G,0,width G);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,0) by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A5:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A6:  r1 < G*(1,1)`1 by A2;
      x in Int h_strip(G,width G) by A1,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A7:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A8:  G*(1,width G)`2 < s2 by A3;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A5,A7,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A5,A6,A8;
 let x be set;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s };
  then ex r,s st x = |[r,s]| & r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,0) & x in Int h_strip(G,width G) by A2,A3;
 hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th23:
 1 <= j & j < width G
  implies Int cell(G,0,j) =
    { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
    cell(G,0,j) = v_strip(G,0) /\ h_strip(G,j) by GOBOARD5:def 3;
  then A2:  Int cell(G,0,j) = Int v_strip(G,0) /\ Int h_strip(G,j) by TOPS_1:46
A3: Int v_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 } by Th15;
A4: Int h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*
(1,j+1)`2 } by A1,Th20
 thus Int cell(G,0,j) c=
    { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
  proof let x be set;
A5:  x in Int cell(G,0,j);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,0) by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A6:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A7:  r1 < G*(1,1)`1 by A3;
      x in Int h_strip(G,j) by A2,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A8:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A9:  G*(1,j)`2 < s2 & s2 < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A4;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A6,A8,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A6,A7,A9;
 let x be set;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 };
  then ex r,s st
     x = |[r,s]| & r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,0) & x in Int h_strip(G,j) by A3,A4;
 hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th24:
 Int cell(G,len G,0) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & s < G*(1,1)`2 }
proof cell(G,len G,0) = v_strip(G,len G) /\ h_strip(G,0) by GOBOARD5:def 3;
  then A1:  Int cell(G,len G,0) = Int v_strip(G,len G) /\ Int h_strip(G,0) by
A2: Int v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r } by Th16;
A3: Int h_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : s < G*(1,1)`2 } by Th18;
 thus Int cell(G,len G,0) c= { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & s < G*(1,1)`2 }
  proof let x be set;
A4:  x in Int cell(G,len G,0);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,len G) by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A5:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A6:  G*(len G,1)`1 < r1 by A2;
      x in Int h_strip(G,0) by A1,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A7:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A8:  s2 < G*(1,1)`2 by A3;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A5,A7,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A5,A6,A8;
 let x be set;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & s < G*(1,1)`2 };
  then ex r,s st x = |[r,s]| & G*(len G,1)`1 < r & s < G*(1,1)`2;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,len G) & x in Int h_strip(G,0) by A2,A3;
 hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th25:
 Int cell(G,len G,width G) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
   cell(G,len G,width G) = v_strip(G,len G) /\ h_strip(G,width G)
                                                 by GOBOARD5:def 3;
  then A1:  Int cell(G,len G,width G) = Int v_strip(G,len G) /\ Int h_strip(G,
width G)
                               by TOPS_1:46;
A2: Int v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r } by Th16;
A3: Int h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 < s } by Th19;
 thus Int cell(G,len G,width G) c=
    { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
  proof let x be set;
A4:  x in Int cell(G,len G,width G);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,len G) by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A5:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A6:  G*(len G,1)`1 < r1 by A2;
      x in Int h_strip(G,width G) by A1,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A7:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A8:  G*(1,width G)`2 < s2 by A3;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A5,A7,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A5,A6,A8;
 let x be set;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,width G)`2 < s };
  then ex r,s st x = |[r,s]| & G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,width G)`2 < s;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,len G) & x in Int h_strip(G,width G) by A2,A3;
 hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th26:
 1 <= j & j < width G
  implies Int cell(G,len G,j) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
    cell(G,len G,j) = v_strip(G,len G) /\ h_strip(G,j) by GOBOARD5:def 3;
  then A2:  Int cell(G,len G,j) = Int v_strip(G,len G) /\ Int h_strip(G,j) by
A3: Int v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r } by Th16;
A4: Int h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*
(1,j+1)`2 } by A1,Th20
 thus Int cell(G,len G,j) c=
    { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
  proof let x be set;
A5:  x in Int cell(G,len G,j);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,len G) by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A6:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A7:  G*(len G,1)`1 < r1 by A3;
      x in Int h_strip(G,j) by A2,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A8:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A9:  G*(1,j)`2 < s2 & s2 < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A4;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A6,A8,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A6,A7,A9;
 let x be set;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*
(1,j+1)`2 };
  then ex r,s st
    x = |[r,s]| & G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,len G) & x in Int h_strip(G,j) by A3,A4;
 hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th27:
 1 <= i & i < len G
  implies Int cell(G,i,0) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2 }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
    cell(G,i,0) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,0) by GOBOARD5:def 3;
  then A2:  Int cell(G,i,0) = Int v_strip(G,i) /\ Int h_strip(G,0) by TOPS_1:46
A3: Int v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*
(i+1,1)`1 } by A1,Th17
A4: Int h_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : s < G*(1,1)`2 } by Th18;
 thus Int cell(G,i,0) c=
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2 }
  proof let x be set;
A5:  x in Int cell(G,i,0);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,i) by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A6:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A7:  G*(i,1)`1 < r1 & r1 < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A3;
      x in Int h_strip(G,0) by A2,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A8:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A9:  s2 < G*(1,1)`2 by A4;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A6,A8,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A6,A7,A9;
 let x be set;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2 };
  then ex r,s st
    x = |[r,s]| & G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,i) & x in Int h_strip(G,0) by A3,A4;
 hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th28:
 1 <= i & i < len G
  implies Int cell(G,i,width G) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
    cell(G,i,width G) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,width G) by GOBOARD5:def 3;
  then A2:  Int cell(G,i,width G) = Int v_strip(G,i) /\ Int h_strip(G,width G)
                                by TOPS_1:46;
A3: Int v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*
(i+1,1)`1 } by A1,Th17
A4: Int h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 < s } by Th19;
 thus Int cell(G,i,width G) c=
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
  proof let x be set;
A5:  x in Int cell(G,i,width G);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,i) by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A6:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A7:  G*(i,1)`1 < r1 & r1 < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A3;
      x in Int h_strip(G,width G) by A2,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A8:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A9:  G*(1,width G)`2 < s2 by A4;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A6,A8,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A6,A7,A9;
 let x be set;
     x in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s };
  then ex r,s st
     x = |[r,s]| & G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,i) & x in Int h_strip(G,width G) by A3,A4;
 hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th29:
 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G
  implies Int cell(G,i,j) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 &
                G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G and
A2: 1 <= j & j < width G;
    cell(G,i,j) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,j) by GOBOARD5:def 3;
  then A3:  Int cell(G,i,j) = Int v_strip(G,i) /\ Int h_strip(G,j) by TOPS_1:46
A4: Int v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*
(i+1,1)`1 } by A1,Th17
A5: Int h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*
(1,j+1)`2 } by A2,Th20
 thus Int cell(G,i,j) c=
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 &
                G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
  proof let x be set;
A6:  x in Int cell(G,i,j);
    then x in Int v_strip(G,i) by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r1,s1 such that
A7:  x = |[r1,s1]| and
A8:  G*(i,1)`1 < r1 & r1 < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A4;
      x in Int h_strip(G,j) by A3,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then consider r2,s2 such that
A9:  x = |[r2,s2]| and
A10:  G*(1,j)`2 < s2 & s2 < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A5;
      r1 = r2 & s1 = s2 by A7,A9,SPPOL_2:1;
   hence thesis by A7,A8,A10;
 let x be set;
 assume x in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 &
                G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 };
  then ex r,s st x = |[r,s]| &
    G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2;
  then x in Int v_strip(G,i) & x in Int h_strip(G,j) by A4,A5;
 hence thesis by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

  1 <= j & j <= width G & p in Int h_strip(G,j) implies p`2 > G*(1,j)`2
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= j & j <= width G and
A2: p in Int h_strip(G,j);
 per cases by A1,AXIOMS:21;
 suppose j = width G;
  then Int h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s } by Th19;
  then consider r,s such that
A3: p = |[r,s]| and
A4: G*(1,j)`2 < s by A2;
  thus p`2 > G*(1,j)`2 by A3,A4,EUCLID:56;
 suppose j < width G;
   then Int h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
                               by A1,Th20;
  then consider r,s such that
A5: p = |[r,s]| and
A6: G*(1,j)`2 < s and s < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A2;
  thus p`2 > G*(1,j)`2 by A5,A6,EUCLID:56;

  j < width G & p in Int h_strip(G,j) implies p`2 < G*(1,j+1)`2
proof assume that
A1: j < width G and
A2: p in Int h_strip(G,j);
 per cases by RLVECT_1:99;
 suppose j = 0;
  then Int h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : s < G*(1,j+1)`2 } by Th18;
  then consider r,s such that
A3: p = |[r,s]| and
A4: G*(1,j+1)`2 > s by A2;
  thus p`2 < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A3,A4,EUCLID:56;
 suppose j >= 1;
   then Int h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
                               by A1,Th20;
  then consider r,s such that
A5: p = |[r,s]| and G*(1,j)`2 < s and
A6: s < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A2;
  thus p`2 < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A5,A6,EUCLID:56;

  1 <= i & i <= len G & p in Int v_strip(G,i) implies p`1 > G*(i,1)`1
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i <= len G and
A2: p in Int v_strip(G,i);
 per cases by A1,AXIOMS:21;
 suppose i = len G;
  then Int v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r } by Th16;
  then consider r,s such that
A3: p = |[r,s]| and
A4: G*(i,1)`1 < r by A2;
  thus p`1 > G*(i,1)`1 by A3,A4,EUCLID:56;
 suppose i < len G;
   then Int v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 }
                               by A1,Th17;
  then consider r,s such that
A5: p = |[r,s]| and
A6: G*(i,1)`1 < r and r < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A2;
  thus p`1 > G*(i,1)`1 by A5,A6,EUCLID:56;

  i < len G & p in Int v_strip(G,i) implies p`1 < G*(i+1,1)`1
proof assume that
A1: i < len G and
A2: p in Int v_strip(G,i);
 per cases by RLVECT_1:99;
 suppose i = 0;
  then Int v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(i+1,1)`1 } by Th15;
  then consider r,s such that
A3: p = |[r,s]| and
A4: G*(i+1,1)`1 > r by A2;
  thus p`1 < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A3,A4,EUCLID:56;
 suppose i >= 1;
   then Int v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 }
                               by A1,Th17;
  then consider r,s such that
A5: p = |[r,s]| and G*(i,1)`1 < r and
A6: r < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A2;
  thus p`1 < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A5,A6,EUCLID:56;

theorem Th34:
 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G & 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G implies
  1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) in Int cell(G,i,j)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G and
A2: 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G;
   set r1 = G*(i,j)`1, s1 = G*(i,j)`2, r2 = G*(i+1,j+1)`1, s2 = G*
A3: G*(i,j) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
     G*(i+1,j+1) = |[r2,s2]| by EUCLID:57;
   then G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1) = |[r1+r2,s1+s2]| by A3,EUCLID:60;
   then A4:  1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) = |[1/2*(r1+r2),1/2*(s1+s2)]| by EUCLID:
A5: 1/2*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A6: 1/2*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A7: 1/2*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A8: 1/2*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
      i <= i+1 & j <= j+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A9: i <= len G & j <= width G by A1,A2,AXIOMS:22;
A10: 1 <= i+1 & 1 <= j+1 by NAT_1:29;
A11: G*(i,1)`1 = r1 by A1,A2,A9,GOBOARD5:3;
A12: G*(i+1,1)`1 = r2 by A1,A2,A10,GOBOARD5:3;
A13: G*(1,j)`2 = s1 by A1,A2,A9,GOBOARD5:2;
A14: G*(1,j+1)`2 = s2 by A1,A2,A10,GOBOARD5:2;
      1 <= width G & i < i+1 by A2,A9,AXIOMS:22,REAL_1:69;
then A15: r1 < r2 by A1,A11,A12,GOBOARD5:4;
    then r1+r1 < r1+r2 by REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(r1+r1) < 1/2*(r1+r2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*r1+1/2*r1 < 1/2*(r1+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A16: G*(i,1)`1 < 1/2*(r1+r2) by A5,A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
      r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(r1+r2) < 1/2*(r2+r2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*(r1+r2) < 1/2*r2+1/2*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A17: 1/2*(r1+r2) < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A6,A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
      1 <= len G & j < j+1 by A1,A9,AXIOMS:22,REAL_1:69;
then A18: s1 < s2 by A2,A13,A14,GOBOARD5:5;
    then s1+s1 < s1+s2 by REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(s1+s1) < 1/2*(s1+s2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*s1+1/2*s1 < 1/2*(s1+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A19: G*(1,j)`2 < 1/2*(s1+s2) by A7,A13,XCMPLX_1:66;
      s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A18,REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(s1+s2) < 1/2*(s2+s2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*(s1+s2) < 1/2*s2+1/2*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A20: 1/2*(s1+s2) < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A8,A14,XCMPLX_1:66;
A21: 1 <= i & i < len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
     1 <= j & j < width G by A2,NAT_1:38;
  then Int cell(G,i,j) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 &
                G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A21,Th29;
 hence 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) in Int cell(G,i,j) by A4,A16,A17,A19,A20;

theorem Th35:
 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G implies
  1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]| in Int cell(G,i,width G)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G;
   set r1 = G*(i,width G)`1, s1 = G*(i,width G)`2, r2 = G*(i+1,width G)`1;
A2: i < len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
      width G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A3: 1 <= i+1 & 1 <= width G by NAT_1:29,RLVECT_1:99;
A4: 1/2*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A5: 1/2*(s1+s1) = 1/2*s1+1/2*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8 .= s1 by A4,XCMPLX_1:66;
A6: G*(i,width G) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
A7: G*(1,width G)`2 = s1 by A1,A2,A3,GOBOARD5:2;
      G*(1,width G)`2 = G*(i+1,width G)`2 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:2;
   then G*(i+1,width G) = |[r2,s1]| by A7,EUCLID:57;
   then G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G) = |[r1+r2,s1+s1]| by A6,EUCLID:60;
   then 1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))= |[1/2*(r1+r2),s1]|
                                                             by A5,EUCLID:62;
   then A8:  1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]| = |[1/2*(r1+r2)+0,s1+1
                                                              by EUCLID:60;
A9: 1/2*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A10: 1/2*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11: G*(i,1)`1 = r1 by A1,A2,A3,GOBOARD5:3;
A12: G*(i+1,1)`1 = r2 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:3;
      width G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
    then 1 <= width G & i < i+1 by REAL_1:69,RLVECT_1:99;
then A13: r1 < r2 by A1,GOBOARD5:4;
    then r1+r1 < r1+r2 by REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(r1+r1) < 1/2*(r1+r2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*r1+1/2*r1 < 1/2*(r1+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A14: G*(i,1)`1 < 1/2*(r1+r2) by A9,A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
      r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A13,REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(r1+r2) < 1/2*(r2+r2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*(r1+r2) < 1/2*r2+1/2*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A15: 1/2*(r1+r2) < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A10,A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
A16: G*(1,width G)`2 < s1+1 by A7,REAL_1:69;
    1 <= i & i < len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
  then Int cell(G,i,width G) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*
(1,width G)`2 < s } by Th28
 hence 1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]| in Int cell(G,i,width G)
                                                           by A8,A14,A15,A16;

theorem Th36:
 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G implies
  1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]| in Int cell(G,i,0)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G;
   set r1 = G*(i,1)`1, s1 = G*(i,1)`2, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1;
A2: i < len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
      width G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A3: 1 <= i+1 & 1 <= width G by NAT_1:29,RLVECT_1:99;
A4: 1/2*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A5: 1/2*(s1+s1) = 1/2*s1+1/2*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8 .= s1 by A4,XCMPLX_1:66;
A6: G*(i,1) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
A7: G*(1,1)`2 = s1 by A1,A2,A3,GOBOARD5:2;
      G*(1,1)`2 = G*(i+1,1)`2 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:2;
   then G*(i+1,1) = |[r2,s1]| by A7,EUCLID:57;
   then G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1) = |[r1+r2,s1+s1]| by A6,EUCLID:60;
   then 1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))= |[1/2*(r1+r2),s1]| by A5,EUCLID:62;
   then A8:  1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]| = |[1/2*(r1+r2)-0,s1-1]| by EUCLID
                 .= |[1/2*(r1+r2),s1-1]|;
A9: 1/2*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A10: 1/2*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
      width G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
    then 1 <= width G & i < i+1 by REAL_1:69,RLVECT_1:99;
then A11: r1 < r2 by A1,GOBOARD5:4;
    then r1+r1 < r1+r2 by REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(r1+r1) < 1/2*(r1+r2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*r1+1/2*r1 < 1/2*(r1+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A12: G*(i,1)`1 < 1/2*(r1+r2) by A9,XCMPLX_1:66;
      r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A11,REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(r1+r2) < 1/2*(r2+r2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*(r1+r2) < 1/2*r2+1/2*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A13: 1/2*(r1+r2) < G*(i+1,1)`1 by A10,XCMPLX_1:66;
      s1 < G*(1,1)`2+1 by A7,REAL_1:69;
then A14: s1-1 < G*(1,1)`2 by REAL_1:84;
    1 <= i & i < len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
  then Int cell(G,i,0) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2 } by Th27;
 hence 1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]| in Int cell(G,i,0) by A8,A12,A13,A14;

theorem Th37:
 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G implies
  1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]| in Int cell(G,len G,j)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G;
   set s1 = G*(len G,j)`2, r1 = G*(len G,j)`1, s2 = G*(len G,j+1)`2;
A2: j < width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
      len G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A3: 1 <= j+1 & 1 <= len G by NAT_1:29,RLVECT_1:99;
A4: 1/2*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A5: 1/2*(r1+r1) = 1/2*r1+1/2*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8 .= r1 by A4,XCMPLX_1:66;
A6: G*(len G,j) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
A7: G*(len G,1)`1 = r1 by A1,A2,A3,GOBOARD5:3;
      G*(len G,1)`1 = G*(len G,j+1)`1 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:3;
   then G*(len G,j+1) = |[r1,s2]| by A7,EUCLID:57;
   then G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1) = |[r1+r1,s1+s2]| by A6,EUCLID:60;
   then 1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))= |[r1,1/2*(s1+s2)]|
                                                             by A5,EUCLID:62;
   then A8:  1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]| = |[r1+1,1/2*(s1+s2)+0]|
                                                              by EUCLID:60;
A9: 1/2*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A10: 1/2*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11: G*(1,j)`2 = s1 by A1,A2,A3,GOBOARD5:2;
A12: G*(1,j+1)`2 = s2 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:2;
      len G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
    then 1 <= len G & j < j+1 by REAL_1:69,RLVECT_1:99;
then A13: s1 < s2 by A1,GOBOARD5:5;
    then s1+s1 < s1+s2 by REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(s1+s1) < 1/2*(s1+s2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*s1+1/2*s1 < 1/2*(s1+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A14: G*(1,j)`2 < 1/2*(s1+s2) by A9,A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
      s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A13,REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(s1+s2) < 1/2*(s2+s2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*(s1+s2) < 1/2*s2+1/2*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A15: 1/2*(s1+s2) < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A10,A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
A16: G*(len G,1)`1 < r1+1 by A7,REAL_1:69;
    1 <= j & j < width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
  then Int cell(G,len G,j) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*
(1,j+1)`2 } by Th26;
 hence 1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]| in Int cell(G,len G,j)
                                                           by A8,A14,A15,A16;

theorem Th38:
 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G implies
  1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]| in Int cell(G,0,j)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G;
   set s1 = G*(1,j)`2, r1 = G*(1,j)`1, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A2: j < width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
      len G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A3: 1 <= j+1 & 1 <= len G by NAT_1:29,RLVECT_1:99;
A4: 1/2*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A5: 1/2*(r1+r1) = 1/2*r1+1/2*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8 .= r1 by A4,XCMPLX_1:66;
A6: G*(1,j) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
A7: G*(1,1)`1 = r1 by A1,A2,A3,GOBOARD5:3;
      G*(1,1)`1 = G*(1,j+1)`1 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:3;
   then G*(1,j+1) = |[r1,s2]| by A7,EUCLID:57;
   then G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1) = |[r1+r1,s1+s2]| by A6,EUCLID:60;
   then 1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))= |[r1,1/2*(s1+s2)]| by A5,EUCLID:62;
   then A8:  1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]| = |[r1-1,1/2*(s1+s2)-0]| by EUCLID
                 .= |[r1-1,1/2*(s1+s2)]|;
A9: 1/2*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A10: 1/2*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
      len G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
    then 1 <= len G & j < j+1 by REAL_1:69,RLVECT_1:99;
then A11: s1 < s2 by A1,GOBOARD5:5;
    then s1+s1 < s1+s2 by REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(s1+s1) < 1/2*(s1+s2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*s1+1/2*s1 < 1/2*(s1+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A12: G*(1,j)`2 < 1/2*(s1+s2) by A9,XCMPLX_1:66;
      s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A11,REAL_1:53;
    then 1/2*(s1+s2) < 1/2*(s2+s2) by REAL_1:70;
    then 1/2*(s1+s2) < 1/2*s2+1/2*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8;
then A13: 1/2*(s1+s2) < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A10,XCMPLX_1:66;
      r1 < G*(1,1)`1+1 by A7,REAL_1:69;
then A14: r1-1 < G*(1,1)`1 by REAL_1:84;
    1 <= j & j < width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
  then Int cell(G,0,j) =
    { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 } by Th23;
 hence 1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]| in Int cell(G,0,j) by A8,A12,A13,A14;

theorem Th39:
  G*(1,1)-|[1,1]| in Int cell(G,0,0)
proof set s1 = G*(1,1)`2, r1 = G*(1,1)`1;
     G*(1,1) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
then A1:  G*(1,1)-|[1,1]| = |[r1-1,s1-1]| by EUCLID:66;
      s1 < G*(1,1)`2+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A2: s1-1 < G*(1,1)`2 by REAL_1:84;
      r1 < G*(1,1)`1+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A3: r1-1 < G*(1,1)`1 by REAL_1:84;
    Int cell(G,0,0) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & s < G*(1,1)`2 } by Th21;
 hence G*(1,1)-|[1,1]| in Int cell(G,0,0) by A1,A2,A3;

theorem Th40:
  G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]| in Int cell(G,len G,width G)
proof set s1 = G*(len G,width G)`2, r1 = G*(len G,width G)`1;
      width G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A1: 1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
      len G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A2: 1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A3: G*(len G,1)`1 = r1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3;
A4: G*(1,width G)`2 = s1 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:2;
     G*(len G,width G) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
   then A5:  G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]| = |[r1+1,s1+1]| by EUCLID:60;
A6: s1+1 > G*(1,width G)`2 by A4,REAL_1:69;
A7: r1+1 > G*(len G,1)`1 by A3,REAL_1:69;
    Int cell(G,len G,width G) =
    { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & G*(1,width G)`2 < s } by Th25;
 hence G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]| in Int cell(G,len G,width G) by A5,A6,A7;

theorem Th41:
  G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]| in Int cell(G,0,width G)
proof set s1 = G*(1,width G)`2, r1 = G*(1,width G)`1;
      width G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A1: 1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
      len G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
 then 1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A2: G*(1,1)`1 = r1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3;
     G*(1,width G) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
   then A3:  G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]| = |[r1+-1,s1+1]| by EUCLID:60
                      .= |[r1-1,s1+1]| by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
A4: s1+1 > G*(1,width G)`2 by REAL_1:69;
      r1 < G*(1,1)`1+1 by A2,REAL_1:69;
then A5: r1-1 < G*(1,1)`1 by REAL_1:84;
    Int cell(G,0,width G) = { |[r,s]| : r < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s }
                                                           by Th22;
 hence G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]| in Int cell(G,0,width G) by A3,A4,A5;

theorem Th42:
  G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]| in Int cell(G,len G,0)
proof set s1 = G*(len G,1)`2, r1 = G*(len G,1)`1;
      width G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A1: 1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
      len G <> 0 by GOBOARD1:def 5;
 then 1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
then A2: G*(1,1)`2 = s1 by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
     G*(len G,1) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
   then A3:  G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]| = |[r1+1,s1+-1]| by EUCLID:60
                      .= |[r1+1,s1-1]| by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
      s1 < G*(1,1)`2+1 by A2,REAL_1:69;
then A4: s1-1 < G*(1,1)`2 by REAL_1:84;
A5: r1+1 > G*(len G,1)`1 by REAL_1:69;
    Int cell(G,len G,0) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r & s < G*
(1,1)`2 } by Th24
 hence G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]| in Int cell(G,len G,0) by A3,A4,A5;

theorem Th43:
 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies
    c= Int cell(G,i,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1)) }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1)));
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)))+r*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1)))
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1))) by EUCLID:31
           .= 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1)) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1)) } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1,
         s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A7: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A8: G*(i,j) = |[G*(i,j)`1,G*(i,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r1,G*(i,j)`2]| by A1,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r1,s1]| by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(i+1,j+1) = |[G*(i+1,j+1)`1,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A10: G*(i,j+1) = |[G*(i,j+1)`1,G*(i,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r1,G*(i,j+1)`2]| by A1,A6,GOBOARD5:3
              .= |[r1,s2]| by A1,A6,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2), s3 = r*(1/2);
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A14:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A15:   p = r3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))+r*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*
(i,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID:34
      .= r3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))+s3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1)) by EUCLID:34
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s2]|+s3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1)) by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s2]|+s3*|[r1+r1,s1+s2]| by A8,A10,EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+s3*|[r1+r1,s1+s2]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+|[s3*(r1+r1),s3*(s1+s2)]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r1),r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2)]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A16:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A17:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A18:  r1 < r2 by A1,A7,A17,GOBOARD5:4;
     then r1+r1 < r1+r2 by REAL_1:53;
     then A19:   r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A20:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A21:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A20,GOBOARD5:5;
            = (r3+s3)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r1) by A19,REAL_1:53;
A23:  s3 >= 0 by A3,REAL_2:121;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A18,REAL_1:53;
then A24:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       r1+r1 < r2+r2 by A18,REAL_1:67;
then A25:  s3*(r1+r1) <= s3*(r2+r2) by A23,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A26:  r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r1) < r2 by A24,A25,REAL_1:67;
A27:  s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A21,REAL_1:53;
then A28:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
A29:  s3*(s1+s1) <= s3*(s1+s2) by A23,A27,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A13,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A30:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2) by A28,A29,REAL_1:67;
A31:  s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A21,REAL_1:53;
then A32:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
A33:  s3*(s1+s2) <= s3*(s2+s2) by A23,A31,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A14,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A34:  r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2) < s2 by A32,A33,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,j) =
      { |[r',s']| : r1 < r' & r' < r2 & s1 < s' & s' < s2 } by A1,Th29;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,j) by A15,A22,A26,A30,A34;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i,j+1)) } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th44:
 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1))) c=
      Int cell(G,i,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1)) }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1)));
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)))+r*(1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1)))
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1))) by EUCLID:31
           .= 1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1)) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { 1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1)) } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1,
         s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A7: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A8: G*(i,j) = |[G*(i,j)`1,G*(i,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r1,G*(i,j)`2]| by A1,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r1,s1]| by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(i+1,j+1) = |[G*(i+1,j+1)`1,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A10: G*(i,j+1) = |[G*(i,j+1)`1,G*(i,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r1,G*(i,j+1)`2]| by A1,A6,GOBOARD5:3
              .= |[r1,s2]| by A1,A6,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2), s3 = r*(1/2);
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A14:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A15:  p = r3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))+r*(1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID
      .= r3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))+s3*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1)) by EUCLID:34
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s2]|+s3*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1)) by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s2]|+s3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]| by A9,A10,EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+s3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+|[s3*(r1+r2),s3*(s2+s2)]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s2+s2)]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A16:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A17:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A18:  r1 < r2 by A1,A7,A17,GOBOARD5:4;
     then A19:   r1+r1 < r1+r2 by REAL_1:53;
     then A20:   r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A21:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A22:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A21,GOBOARD5:5;
A23:  s3 >= 0 by A3,REAL_2:121;
then A24:  s3*(r1+r1) <= s3*(r1+r2) by A19,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A25:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2) by A20,A24,REAL_1:67;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A18,REAL_1:53;
then A26:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A18,REAL_1:67;
then A27:  s3*(r1+r2) <= s3*(r2+r2) by A23,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A28:  r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2) < r2 by A26,A27,REAL_1:67;
A29:  s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A22,REAL_1:53;
then A30:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A22,REAL_1:53;
     then s1+s1 < s2+s2 by A29,AXIOMS:22;
then A31:  s3*(s1+s1) <= s3*(s2+s2) by A23,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A13,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A32:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s2+s2) by A30,A31,REAL_1:67;
       s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A22,REAL_1:53;
then A33:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
            = (r3+s3)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A14,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A34:  r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s2+s2) < s2 by A33,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,j) =
      { |[r',s']| : r1 < r' & r' < r2 & s1 < s' & s' < s2 } by A1,Th29;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,j) by A15,A25,A28,A32,A34;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*
(i+1,j+1)) } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th45:
 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))) c=
      Int cell(G,i,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)));
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)))+r*(1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)))
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))) by EUCLID:31
           .= 1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { 1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1,
         s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A7: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A8: G*(i,j) = |[G*(i,j)`1,G*(i,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r1,G*(i,j)`2]| by A1,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r1,s1]| by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(i+1,j+1) = |[G*(i+1,j+1)`1,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A10: G*(i+1,j) = |[G*(i+1,j)`1,G*(i+1,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r2,G*(i+1,j)`2]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3
              .= |[r2,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2), s3 = r*(1/2);
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A14:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A15:  p = r3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))+r*(1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID
      .= r3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))+s3*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) by EUCLID:34
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s2]|+s3*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s2]|+s3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]| by A9,A10,EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+s3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+|[s3*(r2+r2),s3*(s1+s2)]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2)]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A16:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A17:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A18:  r1 < r2 by A1,A7,A17,GOBOARD5:4;
     then A19:   r1+r1 < r1+r2 by REAL_1:53;
     then A20:   r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A21:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A22:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A21,GOBOARD5:5;
A23:  s3 >= 0 by A3,REAL_2:121;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A18,REAL_1:53;
     then r1+r1 < r2+r2 by A19,AXIOMS:22;
then A24:  s3*(r1+r1) <= s3*(r2+r2) by A23,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A25:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r2+r2) by A20,A24,REAL_1:67;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A18,REAL_1:53;
then A26:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
            = (r3+s3)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A27:  r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r2+r2) < r2 by A26,REAL_1:67;
A28:  s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A22,REAL_1:53;
then A29:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
A30:  s3*(s1+s1) <= s3*(s1+s2) by A23,A28,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A13,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A31:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2) by A29,A30,REAL_1:67;
A32:  s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A22,REAL_1:53;
then A33:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
A34:  s3*(s1+s2) <= s3*(s2+s2) by A23,A32,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A14,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A35:  r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2) < s2 by A33,A34,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,j) =
      { |[r',s']| : r1 < r' & r' < r2 & s1 < s' & s' < s2 } by A1,Th29;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,j) by A15,A25,A27,A31,A35;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*
(i+1,j+1)) } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th46:
 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j))) c=
      Int cell(G,i,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j)) }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j)));
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)))+r*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j)))
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j))) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j))) by EUCLID:31
           .= 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j)) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j)) } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1,
         s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A7: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A8: G*(i,j) = |[G*(i,j)`1,G*(i,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r1,G*(i,j)`2]| by A1,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r1,s1]| by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(i+1,j+1) = |[G*(i+1,j+1)`1,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A10: G*(i+1,j) = |[G*(i+1,j)`1,G*(i+1,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r2,G*(i+1,j)`2]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3
              .= |[r2,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2), s3 = r*(1/2);
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A14:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A15:  p = r3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))+r*(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*
(i+1,j))) by A4,EUCLID:34
      .= r3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1))+s3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j)) by EUCLID:34
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s2]|+s3*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j)) by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s2]|+s3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]| by A8,A10,EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+s3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+|[s3*(r1+r2),s3*(s1+s1)]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s1)]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A16:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A17:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A18:  r1 < r2 by A1,A7,A17,GOBOARD5:4;
     then A19:   r1+r1 < r1+r2 by REAL_1:53;
     then A20:   r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A21:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A22:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A21,GOBOARD5:5;
A23:  s3 >= 0 by A3,REAL_2:121;
then A24:  s3*(r1+r1) <= s3*(r1+r2) by A19,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A25:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2) by A20,A24,REAL_1:67;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A18,REAL_1:53;
then A26:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A18,REAL_1:67;
then A27:  s3*(r1+r2) <= s3*(r2+r2) by A23,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A28:  r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2) < r2 by A26,A27,REAL_1:67;
A29:  s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A22,REAL_1:53;
then A30:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
            = (r3+s3)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A13,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A31:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s1) by A30,REAL_1:67;
       s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A22,REAL_1:53;
then A32:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A16,REAL_1:70;
       s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A22,REAL_1:53;
     then s1+s1 < s2+s2 by A29,AXIOMS:22;
then A33:  s3*(s1+s1) <= s3*(s2+s2) by A23,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A14,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A34:  r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s1) < s2 by A32,A33,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,j) =
      { |[r',s']| : r1 < r' & r' < r2 & s1 < s' & s' < s2 } by A1,Th29;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,j) by A15,A25,A28,A31,A34;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j)) } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th47:
 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)) - |[1,0]|,1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))) c=
      Int cell(G,0,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)) }
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|,1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)));
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|)+r*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))) by EUCLID:31
           .= 1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { 1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)) } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r2 = G*(1,1)`1,
         s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(1,j+1) = |[G*(1,j+1)`1,G*(1,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
A9: G*(1,j) = |[G*(1,j)`1,G*(1,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r2,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2), s3 = r*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|
                       +r*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID:53
     .= r3*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)))
                                                             by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|+r*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*
                                                             by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1-r,0]|+s3*(G*(1,j)+G*
(1,j+1)) by EUCLID:34
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+s3*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+s3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]| by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|-|[1-r,0]|+s3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|-|[1-r,0]|+|[s3*(r2+r2),s3*(s1+s2)]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r),r3*(s1+s2)-0]|+|[s3*(r2+r2),s3*(s1+s2)]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r)+s3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2)]| by EUCLID:60;
A14:  1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A15:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A16:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:5;
A17:  s3 >= 0 by A3,REAL_2:121;
       r2 < r2+(1-r) by A14,REAL_1:69;
then A18:  r2-(1-r) < r2 by REAL_1:84;
     A19: r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r)+s3*(r2+r2)
            = r3*(r2+r2)+s3*(r2+r2)-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= (r3+s3)*(r2+r2)-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2)-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2)-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2-(1-r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66;
A20:  s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A16,REAL_1:53;
then A21:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
A22:  s3*(s1+s1) <= s3*(s1+s2) by A17,A20,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A23:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2) by A21,A22,REAL_1:67;
A24:  s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A16,REAL_1:53;
then A25:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
A26:  s3*(s1+s2) <= s3*(s2+s2) by A17,A24,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A27:  r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2) < s2 by A25,A26,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,0,j) =
       { |[r',s']| : r' < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s' & s' < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
                                                                 by A1,Th23;
    hence p in Int cell(G,0,j) by A13,A18,A19,A23,A27;
 hence x in Int cell(G,0,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)) } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th48:
 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))
       + |[1,0]|,1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)))
   c= Int cell(G,len G,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)) }
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|,
            1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)));
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|)
            +r*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))) by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))) by EUCLID:31
           .= 1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { 1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)) } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r2 = G*(len G,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(len G,j+1) = |[G*(len G,j+1)`1,G*(len G,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,G*(len G,j+1)`2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(len G,j) = |[G*(len G,j)`1,G*(len G,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r2,G*(len G,j)`2]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3
              .= |[r2,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2), s3 = r*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|
                       +r*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))) by A4,EUCLID:36
     .= r3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|+
        r*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))) by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|+
        r*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1-r,0]|+
             s3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)) by EUCLID:34
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+s3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+s3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]| by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+|[1-r,0]|+s3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+|[1-r,0]|+|[s3*(r2+r2),s3*(s1+s2)]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r),r3*(s1+s2)+0]|+|[s3*(r2+r2),s3*(s1+s2)]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r)+s3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2)]| by EUCLID:60;
A14:  1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A15:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A16:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:5;
A17:  s3 >= 0 by A3,REAL_2:121;
A18:  r2+(1-r) > r2 by A14,REAL_1:69;
     A19: r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r)+s3*(r2+r2)
            = r3*(r2+r2)+s3*(r2+r2)+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= (r3+s3)*(r2+r2)+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2)+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2)+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2+(1-r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66;
A20:  s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A16,REAL_1:53;
then A21:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
A22:  s3*(s1+s1) <= s3*(s1+s2) by A17,A20,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A23:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2) by A21,A22,REAL_1:67;
A24:  s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A16,REAL_1:53;
then A25:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
A26:  s3*(s1+s2) <= s3*(s2+s2) by A17,A24,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A27:  r3*(s1+s2)+s3*(s1+s2) < s2 by A25,A26,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,len G,j) = { |[r',s']| :
       G*(len G,1)`1 < r' & G*(1,j)`2 < s' & s' < G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A1,Th26;
    hence p in Int cell(G,len G,j) by A13,A18,A19,A23,A27;
 hence x in Int cell(G,len G,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)) }
                                                               by XBOOLE_0:def

theorem Th49:
 1 <= i & i < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)) - |[0,1]|,1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))) c=
      Int cell(G,i,0) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)) }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|,1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)));
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|)+r*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))) by EUCLID:31
           .= 1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { 1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)) } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set s2 = G*(1,1)`2,
         r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1;
A6: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(i+1,1) = |[G*(i+1,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(i,1) = |[G*(i,1)`1,G*(i,1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r1,s2]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2), s3 = r*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|
                       +r*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))) by A4,EUCLID:53
     .= r3*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)))
                                                             by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|+r*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*
                                                             by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1-r]|+s3*(G*(i,1)+G*
(i+1,1)) by EUCLID:34
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]|-|[0,1-r]|+s3*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]|-|[0,1-r]|+s3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]| by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s2+s2)]|-|[0,1-r]|+s3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s2+s2)]|-|[0,1-r]|+|[s3*(r1+r2),s3*(s2+s2)]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)-0,r3*(s2+s2)-(1-r)]|+|[s3*(r1+r2),s3*(s2+s2)]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2),r3*(s2+s2)-(1-r)+s3*(s2+s2)]| by EUCLID:60;
A14:  1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A15:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A16:  r1 < r2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:4;
A17:  s3 >= 0 by A3,REAL_2:121;
       s2 < s2+(1-r) by A14,REAL_1:69;
then A18:  s2-(1-r) < s2 by REAL_1:84;
     A19: r3*(s2+s2)-(1-r)+s3*(s2+s2)
            = r3*(s2+s2)+s3*(s2+s2)-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= (r3+s3)*(s2+s2)-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2)-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2)-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2-(1-r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66;
A20:  r1+r1 < r1+r2 by A16,REAL_1:53;
then A21:  r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
A22:  s3*(r1+r1) <= s3*(r1+r2) by A17,A20,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A23:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2) by A21,A22,REAL_1:67;
A24:  r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A16,REAL_1:53;
then A25:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
A26:  s3*(r1+r2) <= s3*(r2+r2) by A17,A24,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A27:  r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2) < r2 by A25,A26,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,0) =
       { |[r',s']| : G*(i,1)`1 < r' & r' < G*(i+1,1)`1 & s' < G*(1,1)`2 }
                                                                 by A1,Th27;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,0) by A13,A18,A19,A23,A27;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,0) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)) } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th50:
 1 <= i & i < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+ |[0,1]|,
      1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)))
   c= Int cell(G,i,width G) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)) }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|,
            1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)));
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|)
            +r*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))) by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))) by A4,EUCLID:
           .= 1*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))) by EUCLID:31
           .= 1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { 1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)) } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set s2 = G*(1,width G)`2, r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1;
A6: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(i+1,width G) = |[G*(i+1,width G)`1,G*(i+1,width G)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[G*(i+1,width G)`1,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
A9: G*(i,width G) = |[G*(i,width G)`1,G*(i,width G)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[G*(i,width G)`1,s2]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2
              .= |[r1,s2]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2), s3 = r*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|
                       +r*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*
(i+1,width G))) by A4,EUCLID:36
     .= r3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|+
        r*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))) by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|+
        r*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1-r]|+
             s3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)) by EUCLID:34
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]|+|[0,1-r]|+s3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]|+|[0,1-r]|+s3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]| by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s2+s2)]|+|[0,1-r]|+s3*|[r1+r2,s2+s2]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s2+s2)]|+|[0,1-r]|+|[s3*(r1+r2),s3*(s2+s2)]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+0,r3*(s2+s2)+(1-r)]|+|[s3*(r1+r2),s3*(s2+s2)]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2),r3*(s2+s2)+(1-r)+s3*(s2+s2)]| by EUCLID:60;
A14:  1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A15:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A16:  r1 < r2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:4;
A17:  s3 >= 0 by A3,REAL_2:121;
A18:  s2+(1-r) > s2 by A14,REAL_1:69;
     A19: r3*(s2+s2)+(1-r)+s3*(s2+s2)
            = r3*(s2+s2)+s3*(s2+s2)+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= (r3+s3)*(s2+s2)+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2)+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2)+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2+(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2+(1-r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66;
A20:  r1+r1 < r1+r2 by A16,REAL_1:53;
then A21:  r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
A22:  s3*(r1+r1) <= s3*(r1+r2) by A17,A20,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A23:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2) by A21,A22,REAL_1:67;
A24:  r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A16,REAL_1:53;
then A25:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A15,REAL_1:70;
A26:  s3*(r1+r2) <= s3*(r2+r2) by A17,A24,AXIOMS:25;
            = (r3+s3)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A27:  r3*(r1+r2)+s3*(r1+r2) < r2 by A25,A26,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,width G) = { |[r',s']| :
        G*(i,1)`1 < r' & r' < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*
(1,width G)`2 < s' } by A1,Th28;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,width G) by A13,A18,A19,A23,A27;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,width G) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)) }
                                                               by XBOOLE_0:def

theorem Th51:
 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)) - |[1,0]|,G*(1,j) - |[1,0]|) c=
      Int cell(G,0,j) \/ { G*(1,j) - |[1,0]| }
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|,G*(1,j) - |[1,0]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|)+r*(G*(1,j) - |[1,0]|)
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(1,j) - |[1,0]|) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(1,j) - |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= (G*(1,j) - |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(1,j) - |[1,0]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r2 = G*(1,1)`1,
         s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(1,j+1) = |[G*(1,j+1)`1,G*(1,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
A9: G*(1,j) = |[G*(1,j)`1,G*(1,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r2,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|
                       +r*(G*(1,j) - |[1,0]|) by A4,EUCLID:53
     .= r3*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*(G*
(1,j) - |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|+r*(G*(1,j) - |[1,0]|)
                                                             by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+r*(|[r2,s1]| - |[1,0]|)
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+(r*|[r2,s1]| - r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:53
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+(|[r*r2,r*s1]| - r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+(|[r*r2,r*s1]| - |[r*1,r*0]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+|[r*r2-r,r*s1-0]| by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|-|[1-r,0]|+|[r*r2-r,r*s1-0]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r),r3*(s1+s2)-0]|+|[r*r2-r,r*s1-0]| by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r)+(r*r2-r),r3*(s1+s2)+r*s1]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A14:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A15:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:5;
       r2 < r2+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A16:  r2-1 < r2 by REAL_1:84;
     A17: r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r)+(r*r2-r)
            = (1-r)*((1/2)*(r2+r2))-(1-r)+(r*r2-r) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (1-r)*((1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2)-(1-r)+(r*r2-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= (1-r)*r2-(1-r)+(r*r2-r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= (1-r)*r2-(1-r)+r*r2-r by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= (1-r)*r2+r*r2-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= ((1-r)+r)*r2-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*r2-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= r2-((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:36
           .= r2-1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
       s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A18:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
            = r3*(s1+s1)+r*(1/2*s1+1/2*s1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(s1+s1)+r*((1/2)*(s1+s1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(s1+s1)+(r*(1/2))*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A19:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+r*s1 by A18,REAL_1:53;
       s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A20:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
A21:  r*s1 <= r*s2 by A3,A15,AXIOMS:25;
            = r3*(s2+s2)+r*(1/2*s2+1/2*s2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(s2+s2)+r*((1/2)*(s2+s2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(s2+s2)+(r*(1/2))*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r3*(s1+s2)+r*s1 < s2 by A20,A21,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,0,j) =
       { |[r',s']| : r' < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s' & s' < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
                                                                 by A1,Th23;
    hence p in Int cell(G,0,j) by A13,A16,A17,A19,A22;
 hence x in Int cell(G,0,j) \/ { G*(1,j) - |[1,0]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th52:
 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)) - |[1,0]|,G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|) c=
      Int cell(G,0,j) \/ { G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]| }
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|,G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|)+r*(G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|)
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= (G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r2 = G*(1,1)`1,
         s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(1,j+1) = |[G*(1,j+1)`1,G*(1,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
A9: G*(1,j) = |[G*(1,j)`1,G*(1,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r2,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|
                       +r*(G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|) by A4,EUCLID:53
     .= r3*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*(G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|+r*(G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]|)
                                                             by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+r*(|[r2,s2]| - |[1,0]|)
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+(r*|[r2,s2]| - r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:53
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+(|[r*r2,r*s2]| - r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+(|[r*r2,r*s2]| - |[r*1,r*0]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|-|[1-r,0]|+|[r*r2-r,r*s2-0]| by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|-|[1-r,0]|+|[r*r2-r,r*s2-0]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r),r3*(s1+s2)-0]|+|[r*r2-r,r*s2-0]| by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r)+(r*r2-r),r3*(s1+s2)+r*s2]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A14:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A15:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:5;
       r2 < r2+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A16:  r2-1 < r2 by REAL_1:84;
     A17: r3*(r2+r2)-(1-r)+(r*r2-r)
            = (1-r)*((1/2)*(r2+r2))-(1-r)+(r*r2-r) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (1-r)*((1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2)-(1-r)+(r*r2-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= (1-r)*r2-(1-r)+(r*r2-r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= (1-r)*r2-(1-r)+r*r2-r by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= (1-r)*r2+r*r2-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= ((1-r)+r)*r2-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*r2-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= r2-((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:36
           .= r2-1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
       s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A18:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
A19:  r*s1 <= r*s2 by A3,A15,AXIOMS:25;
            = r3*(s1+s1)+r*(1/2*s1+1/2*s1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(s1+s1)+r*((1/2)*(s1+s1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(s1+s1)+(r*(1/2))*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A20:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+r*s2 by A18,A19,REAL_1:67;
       s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A21:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
            = r3*(s2+s2)+r*(1/2*s2+1/2*s2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(s2+s2)+r*((1/2)*(s2+s2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(s2+s2)+(r*(1/2))*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r3*(s1+s2)+r*s2 < s2 by A21,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,0,j) =
       { |[r',s']| : r' < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s' & s' < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
                                                                 by A1,Th23;
    hence p in Int cell(G,0,j) by A13,A16,A17,A20,A22;
 hence x in Int cell(G,0,j) \/ { G*(1,j+1) - |[1,0]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th53:
 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)) + |[1,0]|,G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]|) c=
      Int cell(G,len G,j) \/ { G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]| }
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|,G*
(len G,j) + |[1,0]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|)+
             r*(G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]|) by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]|) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= (G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r2 = G*(len G,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(len G,j+1) = |[G*(len G,j+1)`1,G*(len G,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,G*(len G,j+1)`2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(len G,j) = |[G*(len G,j)`1,G*(len G,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r2,G*(len G,j)`2]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3
              .= |[r2,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|
                       +r*(G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]|) by A4,EUCLID:36
     .= r3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*(G*
(len G,j) + |[1,0]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|+
         r*(G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+r*(|[r2,s1]| + |[1,0]|)
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+(r*|[r2,s1]| + r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:36
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+(|[r*r2,r*s1]| + r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+(|[r*r2,r*s1]| + |[r*1,r*0]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+|[r*r2+r,r*s1+0]| by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+|[1-r,0]|+|[r*r2+r,r*s1+0]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r),r3*(s1+s2)+0]|+|[r*r2+r,r*s1+0]| by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r)+(r*r2+r),r3*(s1+s2)+r*s1]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A14:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A15:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:5;
A16:  r2 < r2+1 by REAL_1:69;
     A17: r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r)+(r*r2+r)
            = (1-r)*((1/2)*(r2+r2))+(1-r)+(r*r2+r) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (1-r)*((1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2)+(1-r)+(r*r2+r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= (1-r)*r2+(1-r)+(r*r2+r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= (1-r)*r2+(1-r)+r*r2+r by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= (1-r)*r2+r*r2+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= ((1-r)+r)*r2+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*r2+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= r2+((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= r2+1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
       s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A18:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
            = r3*(s1+s1)+r*(1/2*s1+1/2*s1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(s1+s1)+r*((1/2)*(s1+s1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(s1+s1)+(r*(1/2))*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A19:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+r*s1 by A18,REAL_1:53;
       s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A20:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
A21:  r*s1 <= r*s2 by A3,A15,AXIOMS:25;
            = r3*(s2+s2)+r*(1/2*s2+1/2*s2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(s2+s2)+r*((1/2)*(s2+s2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(s2+s2)+(r*(1/2))*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r3*(s1+s2)+r*s1 < s2 by A20,A21,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,len G,j) =
    { |[r',s']| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r' & G*(1,j)`2 < s' & s' < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
                                                                 by A1,Th26;
    hence p in Int cell(G,len G,j) by A13,A16,A17,A19,A22;
 hence x in Int cell(G,len G,j) \/ { G*(len G,j) + |[1,0]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2

theorem Th54:
 1 <= j & j < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)) + |[1,0]|,G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|) c=
      Int cell(G,len G,j) \/ { G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]| }
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|,G*
(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|)+
             r*(G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|) by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= (G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set r2 = G*(len G,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,j)`2, s2 = G*(1,j+1)`2;
A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(len G,j+1) = |[G*(len G,j+1)`1,G*(len G,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,G*(len G,j+1)`2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3
            .= |[r2,s2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(len G,j) = |[G*(len G,j)`1,G*(len G,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r2,G*(len G,j)`2]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3
              .= |[r2,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*s2 = s2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|
                       +r*(G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|) by A4,EUCLID:36
     .= r3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|+
         r*(G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|+
         r*(G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+r*(|[r2,s2]| + |[1,0]|)
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+(r*|[r2,s2]| + r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:36
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+(|[r*r2,r*s2]| + r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+(|[r*r2,r*s2]| + |[r*1,r*0]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r2+r2,s1+s2]|+|[1-r,0]|+|[r*r2+r,r*s2+0]| by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2),r3*(s1+s2)]|+|[1-r,0]|+|[r*r2+r,r*s2+0]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r),r3*(s1+s2)+0]|+|[r*r2+r,r*s2+0]| by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r)+(r*r2+r),r3*(s1+s2)+r*s2]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A14:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A15:  s1 < s2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:5;
A16:  r2+1 > r2 by REAL_1:69;
     A17: r3*(r2+r2)+(1-r)+(r*r2+r)
            = (1-r)*((1/2)*(r2+r2))+(1-r)+(r*r2+r) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (1-r)*((1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2)+(1-r)+(r*r2+r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= (1-r)*r2+(1-r)+(r*r2+r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= (1-r)*r2+(1-r)+r*r2+r by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= (1-r)*r2+r*r2+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= ((1-r)+r)*r2+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*r2+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= r2+((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= r2+1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
       s1+s1 < s1+s2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A18:  r3*(s1+s1) < r3*(s1+s2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
A19:  r*s1 <= r*s2 by A3,A15,AXIOMS:25;
            = r3*(s1+s1)+r*(1/2*s1+1/2*s1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(s1+s1)+r*((1/2)*(s1+s1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(s1+s1)+(r*(1/2))*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s1+s1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A20:  s1 < r3*(s1+s2)+r*s2 by A18,A19,REAL_1:67;
       s1+s2 < s2+s2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A21:  r3*(s1+s2) < r3*(s2+s2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
            = r3*(s2+s2)+r*(1/2*s2+1/2*s2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(s2+s2)+r*((1/2)*(s2+s2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(s2+s2)+(r*(1/2))*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(s2+s2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*s2+(1/2)*s2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= s2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r3*(s1+s2)+r*s2 < s2 by A21,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,len G,j) =
    { |[r',s']| : G*(len G,1)`1 < r' & G*(1,j)`2 < s' & s' < G*(1,j+1)`2 }
                                                                 by A1,Th26;
    hence p in Int cell(G,len G,j) by A13,A16,A17,A20,A22;
 hence x in Int cell(G,len G,j) \/ { G*(len G,j+1) + |[1,0]| } by XBOOLE_0:def

theorem Th55:
 1 <= i & i < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)) - |[0,1]|,G*(i,1) - |[0,1]|) c=
      Int cell(G,i,0) \/ { G*(i,1) - |[0,1]| }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|,G*(i,1) - |[0,1]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|)+r*(G*(i,1) - |[0,1]|)
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(i,1) - |[0,1]|) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(i,1) - |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= (G*(i,1) - |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(i,1) - |[0,1]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set s1 = G*(1,1)`2,
         r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1;
A6: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(i+1,1) = |[G*(i+1,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(i,1) = |[G*(i,1)`1,G*(i,1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r1,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|
                       +r*(G*(i,1) - |[0,1]|) by A4,EUCLID:53
     .= r3*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*(G*
(i,1) - |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|+r*(G*(i,1) - |[0,1]|)
                                                             by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+r*(|[r1,s1]| - |[0,1]|)
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+(r*|[r1,s1]| - r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:53
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+(|[r*r1,r*s1]| - r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+(|[r*r1,r*s1]| - |[r*0,r*1]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+|[r*r1-0,r*s1-r]| by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s1)]|-|[0,1-r]|+|[r*r1-0,r*s1-r]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)-0,r3*(s1+s1)-(1-r)]|+|[r*r1-0,r*s1-r]| by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+r*r1,r3*(s1+s1)-(1-r)+(r*s1-r)]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A14:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A15:  r1 < r2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:4;
       s1 < s1+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A16:  s1-1 < s1 by REAL_1:84;
     A17: r3*(s1+s1)-(1-r)+(r*s1-r)
            = (1-r)*((1/2)*(s1+s1))-(1-r)+(r*s1-r) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (1-r)*((1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1)-(1-r)+(r*s1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= (1-r)*s1-(1-r)+(r*s1-r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= (1-r)*s1-(1-r)+r*s1-r by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= (1-r)*s1+r*s1-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= ((1-r)+r)*s1-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*s1-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= s1-((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:36
           .= s1-1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
       r1+r1 < r1+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A18:  r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
            = r3*(r1+r1)+r*(1/2*r1+1/2*r1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(r1+r1)+r*((1/2)*(r1+r1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(r1+r1)+(r*(1/2))*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A19:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+r*r1 by A18,REAL_1:53;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A20:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
A21:  r*r1 <= r*r2 by A3,A15,AXIOMS:25;
            = r3*(r2+r2)+r*(1/2*r2+1/2*r2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(r2+r2)+r*((1/2)*(r2+r2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(r2+r2)+(r*(1/2))*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r3*(r1+r2)+r*r1 < r2 by A20,A21,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,0) =
    { |[r',s']| : G*(i,1)`1 < r' & r' < G*(i+1,1)`1 & s' < G*(1,1)`2 }
                                                                 by A1,Th27;

    hence p in Int cell(G,i,0) by A13,A16,A17,A19,A22;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,0) \/ { G*(i,1) - |[0,1]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th56:
 1 <= i & i < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)) - |[0,1]|,G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|) c=
      Int cell(G,i,0) \/ { G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]| }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|,G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|)+r*(G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|)
                                                           by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= (G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set s1 = G*(1,1)`2,
         r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1;
A6: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(i+1,1) = |[G*(i+1,1)`1,G*(i+1,1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[r2,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9: G*(i,1) = |[G*(i,1)`1,G*(i,1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[r1,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|
                       +r*(G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|) by A4,EUCLID:53
     .= r3*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*(G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|+r*(G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]|)
                                                             by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+r*(|[r2,s1]| - |[0,1]|)
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+(r*|[r2,s1]| - r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:53
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+(|[r*r2,r*s1]| - r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+(|[r*r2,r*s1]| - |[r*0,r*1]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|-|[0,1-r]|+|[r*r2-0,r*s1-r]| by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s1)]|-|[0,1-r]|+|[r*r2-0,r*s1-r]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)-0,r3*(s1+s1)-(1-r)]|+|[r*r2-0,r*s1-r]| by EUCLID:66
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+r*r2,r3*(s1+s1)-(1-r)+(r*s1-r)]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A14:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A15:  r1 < r2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:4;
       s1 < s1+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A16:  s1-1 < s1 by REAL_1:84;
     A17: r3*(s1+s1)-(1-r)+(r*s1-r)
            = (1-r)*((1/2)*(s1+s1))-(1-r)+(r*s1-r) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (1-r)*((1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1)-(1-r)+(r*s1-r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= (1-r)*s1-(1-r)+(r*s1-r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= (1-r)*s1-(1-r)+r*s1-r by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= (1-r)*s1+r*s1-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:29
           .= ((1-r)+r)*s1-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*s1-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= s1-((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:36
           .= s1-1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
       r1+r1 < r1+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A18:  r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
A19:  r*r1 <= r*r2 by A3,A15,AXIOMS:25;
            = r3*(r1+r1)+r*(1/2*r1+1/2*r1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(r1+r1)+r*((1/2)*(r1+r1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(r1+r1)+(r*(1/2))*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A20:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+r*r2 by A18,A19,REAL_1:67;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A21:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
            = r3*(r2+r2)+r*(1/2*r2+1/2*r2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(r2+r2)+r*((1/2)*(r2+r2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(r2+r2)+(r*(1/2))*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r3*(r1+r2)+r*r2 < r2 by A21,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,0) =
    { |[r',s']| : G*(i,1)`1 < r' & r' < G*(i+1,1)`1 & s' < G*(1,1)`2 }
                                                                 by A1,Th27;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,0) by A13,A16,A17,A20,A22;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,0) \/ { G*(i+1,1) - |[0,1]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th57:
 1 <= i & i < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)) + |[0,1]|,G*
(i,width G) + |[0,1]|) c=
      Int cell(G,i,width G) \/ { G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]| }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|,
            G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|)+
             r*(G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= (G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set s1 = G*(1,width G)`2, r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1;
A6: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(i+1,width G) = |[G*(i+1,width G)`1,G*(i+1,width G)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[G*(i+1,width G)`1,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2
            .= |[r2,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
A9: G*(i,width G) = |[G*(i,width G)`1,G*(i,width G)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[G*(i,width G)`1,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2
              .= |[r1,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|
                       +r*(G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A4,EUCLID:36
     .= r3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|+
         r*(G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|+
         r*(G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+r*(|[r1,s1]| + |[0,1]|)
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+(r*|[r1,s1]| + r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:36
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+(|[r*r1,r*s1]| + r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+(|[r*r1,r*s1]| + |[r*0,r*1]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+|[r*r1+0,r*s1+r]| by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s1)]|+|[0,1-r]|+|[r*r1+0,r*s1+r]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+0,r3*(s1+s1)+(1-r)]|+|[r*r1+0,r*s1+r]| by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+r*r1,r3*(s1+s1)+(1-r)+(r*s1+r)]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A14:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
     then A15:  r1 < r2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:4;
A16:  s1 < s1+1 by REAL_1:69;
     A17: r3*(s1+s1)+(1-r)+(r*s1+r)
            = (1-r)*((1/2)*(s1+s1))+(1-r)+(r*s1+r) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (1-r)*((1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1)+(1-r)+(r*s1+r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= (1-r)*s1+(1-r)+(r*s1+r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= (1-r)*s1+(1-r)+r*s1+r by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= (1-r)*s1+r*s1+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= ((1-r)+r)*s1+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*s1+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= s1+((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= s1+1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
       r1+r1 < r1+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A18:  r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
            = r3*(r1+r1)+r*(1/2*r1+1/2*r1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(r1+r1)+r*((1/2)*(r1+r1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(r1+r1)+(r*(1/2))*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A19:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+r*r1 by A18,REAL_1:53;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A20:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
A21:  r*r1 <= r*r2 by A3,A15,AXIOMS:25;
            = r3*(r2+r2)+r*(1/2*r2+1/2*r2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(r2+r2)+r*((1/2)*(r2+r2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(r2+r2)+(r*(1/2))*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r3*(r1+r2)+r*r1 < r2 by A20,A21,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,width G) =
    { |[r',s']| : G*(i,1)`1 < r' & r' < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s' }
                                                                 by A1,Th28;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,width G) by A13,A16,A17,A19,A22;
 hence x in Int cell(G,i,width G) \/
 { G*(i,width G) + |[0,1]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th58:
 1 <= i & i < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)) + |[0,1]|,G*
(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|)
    c= Int cell(G,i,width G) \/ { G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]| }
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G;
 let x be set;
A2: x in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|,
            G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A3:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A4:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|)+
             r*(G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A2,SPPOL_1:21;
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A4,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= (G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
A5:  r < 1;
     set s1 = G*(1,width G)`2, r1 = G*(i,1)`1, r2 = G*(i+1,1)`1;
A6: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(i+1,width G) = |[G*(i+1,width G)`1,G*(i+1,width G)`2]| by EUCLID:57
            .= |[G*(i+1,width G)`1,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2
            .= |[r2,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
A9: G*(i,width G) = |[G*(i,width G)`1,G*(i,width G)`2]| by EUCLID:57
              .= |[G*(i,width G)`1,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:2
              .= |[r1,s1]| by A1,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
    set r3 = (1-r)*(1/2);
A10:   (1/2)*s1 = s1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A11:   (1/2)*r1 = r1/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A12:   (1/2)*r2 = r2/2 by XCMPLX_1:100;
A13:  p = (1-r)*(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|
                       +r*(G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A4,EUCLID:36
     .= r3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|+
         r*(G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:34
     .= r3*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|+
         r*(G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+r*(|[r2,s1]| + |[0,1]|)
                                                         by A8,A9,EUCLID:60
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+(r*|[r2,s1]| + r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:36
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+(|[r*r2,r*s1]| + r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+(|[r*r2,r*s1]| + |[r*0,r*1]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:62
      .= r3*|[r1+r2,s1+s1]|+|[0,1-r]|+|[r*r2+0,r*s1+r]| by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2),r3*(s1+s1)]|+|[0,1-r]|+|[r*r2+0,r*s1+r]| by EUCLID:62
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+0,r3*(s1+s1)+(1-r)]|+|[r*r2+0,r*s1+r]| by EUCLID:60
      .= |[r3*(r1+r2)+r*r2,r3*(s1+s1)+(1-r)+(r*s1+r)]| by EUCLID:60;
       1 - r > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
then A14:  r3 > (1/2)*0 by REAL_1:70;
       i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A15:  r1 < r2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:4;
A16:  s1+1 > s1 by REAL_1:69;
     A17: r3*(s1+s1)+(1-r)+(r*s1+r)
            = (1-r)*((1/2)*(s1+s1))+(1-r)+(r*s1+r) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (1-r)*((1/2)*s1+(1/2)*s1)+(1-r)+(r*s1+r) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= (1-r)*s1+(1-r)+(r*s1+r) by A10,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= (1-r)*s1+(1-r)+r*s1+r by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= (1-r)*s1+r*s1+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= ((1-r)+r)*s1+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*s1+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= s1+((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:1
           .= s1+1 by XCMPLX_1:27;
       r1+r1 < r1+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A18:  r3*(r1+r1) < r3*(r1+r2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
A19:  r*r1 <= r*r2 by A3,A15,AXIOMS:25;
            = r3*(r1+r1)+r*(1/2*r1+1/2*r1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(r1+r1)+r*((1/2)*(r1+r1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(r1+r1)+(r*(1/2))*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r1+r1) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r1+(1/2)*r1 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r1 by A11,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A20:  r1 < r3*(r1+r2)+r*r2 by A18,A19,REAL_1:67;
       r1+r2 < r2+r2 by A15,REAL_1:53;
then A21:  r3*(r1+r2) < r3*(r2+r2) by A14,REAL_1:70;
            = r3*(r2+r2)+r*(1/2*r2+1/2*r2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:66
           .= r3*(r2+r2)+r*((1/2)*(r2+r2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r3*(r2+r2)+(r*(1/2))*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:4
           .= (r3+r*(1/2))*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= ((1-r)+r)*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= 1*(1/2)*(r2+r2) by XCMPLX_1:27
           .= (1/2)*r2+(1/2)*r2 by XCMPLX_1:8
           .= r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:66;
then A22:  r3*(r1+r2)+r*r2 < r2 by A21,REAL_1:67;
       Int cell(G,i,width G) =
    { |[r',s']| : G*(i,1)`1 < r' & r' < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s' }
                                                                 by A1,Th28;
    hence p in Int cell(G,i,width G) by A13,A16,A17,A20,A22;
 hence x in
 Int cell(G,i,width G) \/ { G*(i+1,width G) + |[0,1]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2

theorem Th59:
 LSeg(G*(1,1) - |[1,1]|,G*(1,1) - |[1,0]|) c=
      Int cell(G,0,0) \/ { G*(1,1) - |[1,0]| }
 let x be set;
A1: x in LSeg(G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|,G*(1,1) - |[1,0]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A2:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A3:  p = (1-r)*(G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|)+r*(G*(1,1) - |[1,0]|) by A1,SPPOL_1:21;
  set r1 = G*(1,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,1)`2;
    now per cases by A2,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(1,1) - |[1,0]|) by A3,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(1,1) - |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= G*(1,1) - |[1,0]| by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(1,1) - |[1,0]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
   case r < 1;
    then 1 - r > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then s1 < s1 +(1-r) by REAL_1:69;
then A4:  s1-(1-r) < s1 by REAL_1:84;
A5: G*(1,1) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
A6:  p = (1-r)*(G*(1,1))-(1-r)*|[1,1]|+r*(G*(1,1) - |[1,0]|) by A3,EUCLID:53
     .= (1-r)*(G*(1,1))-(1-r)*|[1,1]|+(r*(G*(1,1)) - r*|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:53
     .= r*(G*(1,1)) + ((1-r)*(G*(1,1))-(1-r)*|[1,1]|) - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:49
     .= r*(G*(1,1)) + (1-r)*(G*(1,1))-(1-r)*|[1,1]| - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:49
     .= (r+(1-r))*(G*(1,1)) -(1-r)*|[1,1]| - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:37
     .= 1 * (G*(1,1)) -(1-r)*|[1,1]| - r*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= G*(1,1) -(1-r)*|[1,1]| - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:33
     .= G*(1,1)-|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*1]| - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:62
     .= G*(1,1)-|[1-r,1-r]| - |[r*1,r*0]| by EUCLID:62
     .= |[r1-(1-r),s1-(1-r)]| - |[r,0]| by A5,EUCLID:66
     .= |[r1-(1-r)-r,s1-(1-r)-0]| by EUCLID:66
     .= |[r1-((1-r)+r),s1-(1-r)]| by XCMPLX_1:36
     .= |[r1-1,s1-(1-r)]| by XCMPLX_1:27;
       r1 < r1+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A7:  r1-1 < r1 by REAL_1:84;
       Int cell(G,0,0) = { |[r',s']| : r' < G*(1,1)`1 & s' < G*
(1,1)`2 } by Th21;
    hence p in Int cell(G,0,0) by A4,A6,A7;
 hence x in Int cell(G,0,0) \/ { G*(1,1) - |[1,0]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th60:
 LSeg(G*(len G,1) + |[1,-1]|,G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]|) c=
      Int cell(G,len G,0) \/ { G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]| }
 let x be set;
A1: x in LSeg(G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|,G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A2:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A3:  p = (1-r)*(G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|)+r*(G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]|)
                                                           by A1,SPPOL_1:21;
  set r1 = G*(len G,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,1)`2;
    now per cases by A2,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]|) by A3,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]| by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
   case r < 1;
    then 1 - r > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then A4: s1 < s1 +(1-r) by REAL_1:69;
      s1+(r-1) = s1-(1-r) by XCMPLX_1:38;
then A5:  s1+(r-1) < s1 by A4,REAL_1:84;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A6:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(len G,1) = |[r1,G*(len G,1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
               .= |[r1,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9:  p = (1-r)*(G*(len G,1))+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|+r*(G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]|) by A3,
     .= (1-r)*(G*(len G,1))+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|+(r*(G*(len G,1)) + r*|[1,0]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:36
     .= r*(G*(len G,1)) + ((1-r)*(G*(len G,1))+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|) + r*|[1,0]| by
     .= r*(G*(len G,1)) + (1-r)*(G*(len G,1))+(1-r)*|[1,-1]| + r*|[1,0]|
                                                                by EUCLID:30
     .= (r+(1-r))*(G*(len G,1)) +(1-r)*|[1,-1]| + r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:37
     .= 1*(G*(len G,1)) +(1-r)*|[1,-1]| + r*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= G*(len G,1) +(1-r)*|[1,-1]| + r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:33
     .= G*(len G,1)+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*(-1)]| + r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:62
     .= G*(len G,1)+|[1-r,-(1-r)]| + r*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:180
     .= G*(len G,1)+|[1-r,r-1]| + r*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:143
     .= G*(len G,1)+|[1-r,r-1]| + |[r*1,r*0]| by EUCLID:62
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1+(r-1)]| + |[r,0]| by A8,EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+(1-r)+r,s1+(r-1)+0]| by EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+((1-r)+r),s1+(r-1)]| by XCMPLX_1:1
     .= |[r1+1,s1+(r-1)]| by XCMPLX_1:27;
A10:  r1 < r1+1 by REAL_1:69;
       Int cell(G,len G,0) = { |[r',s']| :
         G*(len G,1)`1 < r' & s' < G*(1,1)`2 } by Th24;
    hence p in Int cell(G,len G,0) by A5,A9,A10;
 hence x in Int cell(G,len G,0) \/ { G*(len G,1) + |[1,0]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2

theorem Th61:
 LSeg(G*(1,width G) + |[-1,1]|,G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]|) c=
      Int cell(G,0,width G) \/ { G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]| }
 let x be set;
A1: x in LSeg(G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|,G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A2:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A3:  p = (1-r)*(G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|)+r*(G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]|)
                                                        by A1,SPPOL_1:21;
  set r1 = G*(1,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,width G)`2;
    now per cases by A2,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]|) by A3,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]| by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
   case r < 1;
    then 1 - r > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then A4: s1 < s1 +(1-r) by REAL_1:69;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A5:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A6:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A7: G*(1,width G) = |[G*(1,width G)`1,s1]| by EUCLID:57
                 .= |[r1,s1]| by A5,A6,GOBOARD5:3;
A8:  p = (1-r)*(G*(1,width G))+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|+r*(G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]|)
                                                                by A3,EUCLID:36
     .= (1-r)*(G*(1,width G))+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|+(r*(G*(1,width G)) - r*|[1,0]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:53
     .= r*(G*(1,width G)) + ((1-r)*(G*
(1,width G))+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|) - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:49
     .= r*(G*(1,width G)) + (1-r)*(G*(1,width G))+(1-r)*|[-1,1]| - r*|[1,0]|
                                                                by EUCLID:30
     .= (r+(1-r))*(G*(1,width G)) +(1-r)*|[-1,1]| - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:37
     .= 1*(G*(1,width G)) +(1-r)*|[-1,1]| - r*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= G*(1,width G) +(1-r)*|[-1,1]| - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:33
     .= G*(1,width G)+|[(1-r)*(-1),(1-r)*1]| - r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:62
     .= G*(1,width G)+|[-(1-r),(1-r)*1]| - r*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:180
     .= G*(1,width G)+|[r-1,(1-r)*1]| - r*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:143
     .= G*(1,width G)+|[r-1,1-r]| - |[r*1,r*0]| by EUCLID:62
     .= |[r1+(r-1),s1+(1-r)]| - |[r,0]| by A7,EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+(r-1)-r,s1+(1-r)-0]| by EUCLID:66
     .= |[r1+((r-1)-r),s1+(1-r)]| by XCMPLX_1:29
     .= |[r1-(r-(r-1)),s1+(1-r)]| by XCMPLX_1:38
     .= |[r1-1,s1+(1-r)]| by XCMPLX_1:18;
       r1 < r1+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A9:  r1-1 < r1 by REAL_1:84;
       Int cell(G,0,width G) = { |[r',s']| :
        r' < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s' } by Th22;
    hence p in Int cell(G,0,width G) by A4,A8,A9;
 hence x in Int cell(G,0,width G) \/
 { G*(1,width G) - |[1,0]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th62:
 LSeg(G*(len G,width G) + |[1,1]|,G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]|) c=
      Int cell(G,len G,width G) \/ { G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]| }
 let x be set;
A1: x in LSeg(G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|,G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A2:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A3:  p = (1-r)*(G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|)+r*(G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]|)
                                                           by A1,SPPOL_1:21;
  set r1 = G*(len G,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,width G)`2;
    now per cases by A2,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]|) by A3,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]| by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
   case r < 1;
    then 1 - r > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then A4: s1 < s1 +(1-r) by REAL_1:69;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A5:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A6:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A7: G*(len G,width G) = |[G*(len G,width G)`1,G*(len G,width G)`2]|
                                                            by EUCLID:57
               .= |[r1,G*(len G,width G)`2]| by A5,A6,GOBOARD5:3
               .= |[r1,s1]| by A5,A6,GOBOARD5:2;
A8:  p = (1-r)*(G*(len G,width G))+(1-r)*|[1,1]|+r*(G*
(len G,width G) + |[1,0]|) by A3,EUCLID:36
     .= (1-r)*(G*(len G,width G))+(1-r)*|[1,1]|+(r*(G*
(len G,width G)) + r*|[1,0]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:36
     .= r*(G*(len G,width G))+((1-r)*(G*
(len G,width G))+(1-r)*|[1,1]|) + r*|[1,0]|
 by EUCLID:30
     .= r*(G*(len G,width G)) + (1-r)*(G*
(len G,width G))+(1-r)*|[1,1]| + r*|[1,0]|
                                                                by EUCLID:30
     .= (r+(1-r))*(G*(len G,width G)) +(1-r)*|[1,1]| + r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:37
     .= 1 * (G*(len G,width G)) +(1-r)*|[1,1]| + r*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= G*(len G,width G) +(1-r)*|[1,1]| + r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:33
     .= G*(len G,width G)+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*1]| + r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:62
     .= G*(len G,width G)+|[1-r,1-r]| + |[r*1,r*0]| by EUCLID:62
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1+(1-r)]| + |[r,0]| by A7,EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+(1-r)+r,s1+(1-r)+0]| by EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+((1-r)+r),s1+(1-r)]| by XCMPLX_1:1
     .= |[r1+1,s1+(1-r)]| by XCMPLX_1:27;
A9:  r1 < r1+1 by REAL_1:69;
       Int cell(G,len G,width G) = { |[r',s']| :
      G*(len G,1)`1 < r' & G*(1,width G)`2 < s' } by Th25;
    hence p in Int cell(G,len G,width G) by A4,A8,A9;
 hence x in Int cell(G,len G,width G) \/ { G*(len G,width G) + |[1,0]| }
                                                              by XBOOLE_0:def 2

theorem Th63:
 LSeg(G*(1,1) - |[1,1]|,G*(1,1) - |[0,1]|) c=
      Int cell(G,0,0) \/ { G*(1,1) - |[0,1]| }
 let x be set;
A1: x in LSeg(G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|,G*(1,1) - |[0,1]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A2:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A3:  p = (1-r)*(G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|)+r*(G*(1,1) - |[0,1]|) by A1,SPPOL_1:21;
  set r1 = G*(1,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,1)`2;
    now per cases by A2,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(1,1) - |[0,1]|) by A3,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(1,1) - |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= G*(1,1) - |[0,1]| by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(1,1) - |[0,1]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
   case r < 1;
    then A4: 1 - r > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
      s1 < s1 +1 by REAL_1:69;
then A5:  s1-1 < s1 by REAL_1:84;
A6: G*(1,1) = |[r1,s1]| by EUCLID:57;
A7:  p = (1-r)*(G*(1,1))-(1-r)*|[1,1]|+r*(G*(1,1) - |[0,1]|) by A3,EUCLID:53
     .= (1-r)*(G*(1,1))-(1-r)*|[1,1]|+(r*(G*(1,1)) - r*|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:53
     .= r*(G*(1,1)) + ((1-r)*(G*(1,1))-(1-r)*|[1,1]|) - r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:49
     .= r*(G*(1,1)) + (1-r)*(G*(1,1))-(1-r)*|[1,1]| - r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:49
     .= (r+(1-r))*(G*(1,1)) -(1-r)*|[1,1]| - r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:37
     .= 1 * (G*(1,1)) -(1-r)*|[1,1]| - r*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= G*(1,1) -(1-r)*|[1,1]| - r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:33
     .= G*(1,1)-|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*1]| - r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:62
     .= G*(1,1)-|[1-r,1-r]| - |[r*0,r*1]| by EUCLID:62
     .= |[r1-(1-r),s1-(1-r)]| - |[0,r]| by A6,EUCLID:66
     .= |[r1-(1-r)-0,s1-(1-r)-r]| by EUCLID:66
     .= |[r1-(1-r),s1-((1-r)+r)]| by XCMPLX_1:36
     .= |[r1-(1-r),s1-1]| by XCMPLX_1:27;

       r1 < r1+(1-r) by A4,REAL_1:69;
then A8:  r1-(1-r) < r1 by REAL_1:84;
       Int cell(G,0,0) = { |[r',s']| : r' < G*(1,1)`1 & s' < G*
(1,1)`2 } by Th21;
    hence p in Int cell(G,0,0) by A5,A7,A8;
 hence x in Int cell(G,0,0) \/ { G*(1,1) - |[0,1]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th64:
 LSeg(G*(len G,1) + |[1,-1]|,G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]|) c=
      Int cell(G,len G,0) \/ { G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]| }
 let x be set;
A1: x in LSeg(G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|,G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A2:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A3:  p = (1-r)*(G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|)+r*(G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]|)
                                                           by A1,SPPOL_1:21;
  set r1 = G*(len G,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,1)`2;
    now per cases by A2,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]|) by A3,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]| by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
   case r < 1;
    then A4: 1 - r > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
       s1 < s1+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A5:  s1-1 < s1 by REAL_1:84;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A6:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(len G,1) = |[r1,G*(len G,1)`2]| by EUCLID:57
               .= |[r1,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9:  p = (1-r)*(G*(len G,1))+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|+r*(G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]|) by A3,
     .= (1-r)*(G*(len G,1))+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|+(r*(G*(len G,1)) - r*|[0,1]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:53
     .= r*(G*(len G,1)) + ((1-r)*(G*(len G,1))+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|) - r*|[0,1]| by
     .= r*(G*(len G,1)) + (1-r)*(G*(len G,1))+(1-r)*|[1,-1]| - r*|[0,1]|
                                                                by EUCLID:30
     .= (r+(1-r))*(G*(len G,1)) +(1-r)*|[1,-1]| - r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:37
     .= 1*(G*(len G,1)) +(1-r)*|[1,-1]| - r*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= G*(len G,1) +(1-r)*|[1,-1]| - r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:33
     .= G*(len G,1)+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*(-1)]| - r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:62
     .= G*(len G,1)+|[1-r,-(1-r)]| - r*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:180
     .= G*(len G,1)+|[1-r,r-1]| - r*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:143
     .= G*(len G,1)+|[1-r,r-1]| - |[r*0,r*1]| by EUCLID:62
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1+(r-1)]| - |[0,r]| by A8,EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+(1-r)-0,s1+(r-1)-r]| by EUCLID:66
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1+((r-1)-r)]| by XCMPLX_1:29
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1-(r-(r-1))]| by XCMPLX_1:38
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1-1]| by XCMPLX_1:18;
A10:  r1 < r1+(1-r) by A4,REAL_1:69;
       Int cell(G,len G,0) = { |[r',s']| :
         G*(len G,1)`1 < r' & s' < G*(1,1)`2 } by Th24;
    hence p in Int cell(G,len G,0) by A5,A9,A10;
 hence x in Int cell(G,len G,0) \/ { G*(len G,1) - |[0,1]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2

theorem Th65:
 LSeg(G*(1,width G) + |[-1,1]|,G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]|) c=
      Int cell(G,0,width G) \/ { G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]| }
 let x be set;
A1: x in LSeg(G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|,G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A2:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A3:  p = (1-r)*(G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|)+r*(G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]|)
                                                        by A1,SPPOL_1:21;
  set r1 = G*(1,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,width G)`2;
    now per cases by A2,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A3,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]| by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
   case r < 1;
    then A4: 1 - r > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
A5: s1 < s1 +1 by REAL_1:69;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A6:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(1,width G) = |[G*(1,width G)`1,s1]| by EUCLID:57
                 .= |[r1,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
A9:  p = (1-r)*(G*(1,width G))+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|+r*(G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]|)
                                                                by A3,EUCLID:36
     .= (1-r)*(G*(1,width G))+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|+(r*(G*(1,width G)) + r*|[0,1]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:36
     .= r*(G*(1,width G)) + ((1-r)*(G*
(1,width G))+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|) + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:30
     .= r*(G*(1,width G)) + (1-r)*(G*(1,width G))+(1-r)*|[-1,1]| + r*|[0,1]|
                                                                by EUCLID:30
     .= (r+(1-r))*(G*(1,width G)) +(1-r)*|[-1,1]| + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:37
     .= 1*(G*(1,width G)) +(1-r)*|[-1,1]| + r*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= G*(1,width G) +(1-r)*|[-1,1]| + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:33
     .= G*(1,width G)+|[(1-r)*(-1),(1-r)*1]| + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:62
     .= G*(1,width G)+|[-(1-r),(1-r)*1]| + r*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:180
     .= G*(1,width G)+|[r-1,(1-r)*1]| + r*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:143
     .= G*(1,width G)+|[r-1,1-r]| + |[r*0,r*1]| by EUCLID:62
     .= |[r1+(r-1),s1+(1-r)]| + |[0,r]| by A8,EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+(r-1)+0,s1+(1-r)+r]| by EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+(r-1),s1+((1-r)+r)]| by XCMPLX_1:1
     .= |[r1+(r-1),s1+1]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= |[r1-(1-r),s1+1]| by XCMPLX_1:38;

       r1 < r1+(1-r) by A4,REAL_1:69;
then A10:  r1-(1-r) < r1 by REAL_1:84;
       Int cell(G,0,width G) = { |[r',s']| :
        r' < G*(1,1)`1 & G*(1,width G)`2 < s' } by Th22;
    hence p in Int cell(G,0,width G) by A5,A9,A10;
 hence x in Int cell(G,0,width G) \/
 { G*(1,width G) + |[0,1]| } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

theorem Th66:
 LSeg(G*(len G,width G) + |[1,1]|,G*(len G,width G) + |[0,1]|) c=
      Int cell(G,len G,width G) \/ { G*(len G,width G) + |[0,1]| }
 let x be set;
A1: x in LSeg(G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|,G*(len G,width G) + |[0,1]|);
  then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2;
  consider r such that
A2:  0<=r & r<=1 and
A3:  p = (1-r)*(G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|)+r*(G*(len G,width G) + |[0,1]|)
                                                           by A1,SPPOL_1:21;
  set r1 = G*(len G,1)`1, s1 = G*(1,width G)`2;
    now per cases by A2,AXIOMS:21;
   case r = 1;
     then p = 0.REAL 2 + 1*(G*(len G,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A3,EUCLID:33
           .= 1*(G*(len G,width G) + |[0,1]|) by EUCLID:31
           .= G*(len G,width G) + |[0,1]| by EUCLID:33;
    hence p in { G*(len G,width G) + |[0,1]| } by TARSKI:def 1;
   case r < 1;
    then A4:  1 - r > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
A5: s1 < s1 +1 by REAL_1:69;
       0 <> width G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A6:  1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99;
       0 <> len G by GOBOARD1:def 5;
then A7:  1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99;
A8: G*(len G,width G) = |[G*(len G,width G)`1,G*(len G,width G)`2]|
                                                            by EUCLID:57
               .= |[r1,G*(len G,width G)`2]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3
               .= |[r1,s1]| by A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
A9:  p = (1-r)*(G*(len G,width G))+(1-r)*|[1,1]|+r*(G*
(len G,width G) + |[0,1]|) by A3,EUCLID:36
     .= (1-r)*(G*(len G,width G))+(1-r)*|[1,1]|+(r*(G*
(len G,width G)) + r*|[0,1]|)
                                                                by EUCLID:36
     .= r*(G*(len G,width G))+((1-r)*(G*
(len G,width G))+(1-r)*|[1,1]|) + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:30
     .= r*(G*(len G,width G)) + (1-r)*(G*
(len G,width G))+(1-r)*|[1,1]| + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:30
     .= (r+(1-r))*(G*(len G,width G)) +(1-r)*|[1,1]| + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:37
     .= 1 * (G*(len G,width G)) +(1-r)*|[1,1]| + r*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= G*(len G,width G) +(1-r)*|[1,1]| + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:33
     .= G*(len G,width G)+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*1]| + r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:62
     .= G*(len G,width G)+|[1-r,1-r]| + |[r*0,r*1]| by EUCLID:62
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1+(1-r)]| + |[0,r]| by A8,EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+(1-r)+0,s1+(1-r)+r]| by EUCLID:60
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1+((1-r)+r)]| by XCMPLX_1:1
     .= |[r1+(1-r),s1+1]| by XCMPLX_1:27;
A10:  r1 < r1+(1-r) by A4,REAL_1:69;
       Int cell(G,len G,width G) = { |[r',s']| :
      G*(len G,1)`1 < r' & G*(1,width G)`2 < s' } by Th25;
    hence p in Int cell(G,len G,width G) by A5,A9,A10;
 hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

   1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j+1 < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+2))) c=
  Int cell(G,i,j) \/ Int cell(G,i,j+1) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,j+1)+G*(i+1,j+1)) }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j+1 < width G;
 set p1 = G*(i,j), p2 = G*(i,j+1), q2 = G*(i+1,j+1), q3 = G*(i+1,j+2),
     r = (p2`2-p1`2)/(q3`2-p1`2);
A2: j+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
      j <= j+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A3: j < width G by A1,AXIOMS:22;
then A4: p1`1 = G*(i,1)`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3
       .= p2`1 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:3;
A5: i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
A6: j+1+1 = j+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A7: j+(1+1) <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A8: j+2 >= 1 by A6,NAT_1:29;
A9: i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A10: q2`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 by A1,A2,A5,GOBOARD5:3
       .= q3`1 by A5,A7,A8,A9,GOBOARD5:3;
A11: q2`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 by A1,A2,A5,A9,GOBOARD5:2
       .= p2`2 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:2;
      j+1 < j+2 by REAL_1:53;
    then q2`2 < q3`2 by A2,A5,A7,A9,GOBOARD5:5;
then A12: p2`2-p1`2 < q3`2-p1`2 by A11,REAL_1:54;
      j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
    then p1`2 < p2`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:5;
then A13: p2`2-p1`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
then q3`2-p1`2 > 0 by A12,AXIOMS:22;
then A14: 0 < r by A13,REAL_2:127;
A15: r < 1 by A12,A13,REAL_2:142;
      r*(q3`2-p1`2) = p2`2-p1`2 by A12,A13,XCMPLX_1:88;
then A16: p2`2 = p1`2 + r*(q3`2-p1`2) by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= p1`2 + (r*q3`2-r*p1`2) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= p1`2 + r*q3`2-r*p1`2 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= 1*p1`2-r*p1`2 + r*q3`2 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*p1`2 +r*q3`2 by XCMPLX_1:40;
A17: (p2+q2)`1 = p2`1 + 1*q2`1 by Lm1
         .= p2`1+(1-r+r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= p2`1+((1-r)*q2`1+r*q3`1) by A10,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= 1*p2`1+r*q3`1+(1-r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r+r)*p2`1+r*q3`1+(1-r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= ((1-r)*p1`1+r*p2`1)+r*q3`1+(1-r)*q2`1 by A4,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*p1`1+(r*p2`1+r*q3`1)+(1-r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`1+(1-r)*q2`1+(r*p2`1+r*q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`1+(1-r)*q2`1+r*(p2`1+q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*(p1`1+q2`1)+r*(p2`1+q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`1+r*(p2`1+q3`1) by Lm1
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`1+r*(p2+q3)`1 by Lm1
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`1+(r*(p2+q3))`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*(p1+q2))`1+(r*(p2+q3))`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*(p1+q2)+r*(p2+q3))`1 by Lm1;
     (p2+q2)`2 = p2`2 + 1*q2`2 by Lm1
         .= p2`2+(r+(1-r))*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= p2`2+(r*p2`2+(1-r)*q2`2) by A11,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= p2`2+r*p2`2+(1-r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`2+(r*p2`2+r*q3`2)+(1-r)*q2`2 by A16,XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`2+(1-r)*q2`2+(r*p2`2+r*q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`2+(1-r)*q2`2+r*(p2`2+q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*(p1`2+q2`2)+r*(p2`2+q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*(p1`2+q2`2)+r*(p2+q3)`2 by Lm1
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`2+r*(p2+q3)`2 by Lm1
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`2+(r*(p2+q3))`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*(p1+q2))`2+(r*(p2+q3))`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*(p1+q2)+r*(p2+q3))`2 by Lm1;
  then (1-r)*(p1+q2)+r*(p2+q3) = |[(p2+q2)`1,(p2+q2)`2]| by A17,EUCLID:57
               .= p2+q2 by EUCLID:57;
 then 1/2*(p2+q2)
    = (1/2)*((1-r)*(p1+q2))+(1/2)*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+q2)+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+q2))+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+q2))+1/2*r*(p2+q3) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+r*((1/2)*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34;
 then 1/2*(p2+q2) in LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q3)) by A14,A15,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q3)) =
      LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q2)) \/ LSeg(1/2*(p2+q2),1/2*(p2+q3))
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,i,j), I2 = Int cell(G,i,j+1);
A19: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q2)) c= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) } by A1,A3,Th44;
A20: LSeg(1/2*(p2+q2),1/2*(p2+q3)) c= I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }
                                                    by A1,A2,A6,Th46;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ 1/2*(p2+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) } \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence thesis by A18,A19,A20,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 <= j & j < width G & 1 <= i & i+1 < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+2,j+1))) c=
  Int cell(G,i,j) \/ Int cell(G,i+1,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i+1,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)) }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G & 1 <= i & i+1 < len G;
 set p1 = G*(i,j), p2 = G*(i+1,j), q2 = G*(i+1,j+1), q3 = G*(i+2,j+1),
     r = (p2`1-p1`1)/(q3`1-p1`1);
A2: i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
      i <= i+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A3: i < len G by A1,AXIOMS:22;
then A4: p1`2 = G*(1,j)`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2
       .= p2`2 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:2;
A5: j+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
A6: i+1+1 = i+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A7: i+(1+1) <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A8: i+2 >= 1 by A6,NAT_1:29;
A9: j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A10: q2`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 by A1,A2,A5,GOBOARD5:2
       .= q3`2 by A5,A7,A8,A9,GOBOARD5:2;
A11: q2`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 by A1,A2,A5,A9,GOBOARD5:3
       .= p2`1 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:3;
      i+1 < i+2 by REAL_1:53;
    then q2`1 < q3`1 by A2,A5,A7,A9,GOBOARD5:4;
then A12: p2`1-p1`1 < q3`1-p1`1 by A11,REAL_1:54;
      i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
    then p1`1 < p2`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:4;
then A13: p2`1-p1`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
then q3`1-p1`1 > 0 by A12,AXIOMS:22;
then A14: 0 < r by A13,REAL_2:127;
A15: r < 1 by A12,A13,REAL_2:142;
      r*(q3`1-p1`1) = p2`1-p1`1 by A12,A13,XCMPLX_1:88;
then A16: p2`1 = p1`1 + r*(q3`1-p1`1) by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= p1`1 + (r*q3`1-r*p1`1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= p1`1 + r*q3`1-r*p1`1 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= 1*p1`1-r*p1`1 + r*q3`1 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*p1`1 +r*q3`1 by XCMPLX_1:40;
A17: (p2+q2)`2 = p2`2 + 1*q2`2 by Lm1
         .= p2`2+(1-r+r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= p2`2+((1-r)*q2`2+r*q3`2) by A10,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= 1*p2`2+r*q3`2+(1-r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r+r)*p2`2+r*q3`2+(1-r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= ((1-r)*p1`2+r*p2`2)+r*q3`2+(1-r)*q2`2 by A4,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*p1`2+(r*p2`2+r*q3`2)+(1-r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`2+(1-r)*q2`2+(r*p2`2+r*q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`2+(1-r)*q2`2+r*(p2`2+q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*(p1`2+q2`2)+r*(p2`2+q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`2+r*(p2`2+q3`2) by Lm1
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`2+r*(p2+q3)`2 by Lm1
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`2+(r*(p2+q3))`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*(p1+q2))`2+(r*(p2+q3))`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*(p1+q2)+r*(p2+q3))`2 by Lm1;
     (p2+q2)`1 = p2`1 + 1*q2`1 by Lm1
         .= p2`1+(r+(1-r))*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= p2`1+(r*p2`1+(1-r)*q2`1) by A11,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= p2`1+r*p2`1+(1-r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`1+(r*p2`1+r*q3`1)+(1-r)*q2`1 by A16,XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`1+(1-r)*q2`1+(r*p2`1+r*q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (1-r)*p1`1+(1-r)*q2`1+r*(p2`1+q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*(p1`1+q2`1)+r*(p2`1+q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
         .= (1-r)*(p1`1+q2`1)+r*(p2+q3)`1 by Lm1
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`1+r*(p2+q3)`1 by Lm1
         .= (1-r)*(p1+q2)`1+(r*(p2+q3))`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*(p1+q2))`1+(r*(p2+q3))`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*(p1+q2)+r*(p2+q3))`1 by Lm1;
  then (1-r)*(p1+q2)+r*(p2+q3) = |[(p2+q2)`1,(p2+q2)`2]| by A17,EUCLID:57
               .= p2+q2 by EUCLID:57;
 then 1/2*(p2+q2)
    = (1/2)*((1-r)*(p1+q2))+(1/2)*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+q2)+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+q2))+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+q2))+1/2*r*(p2+q3) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+r*((1/2)*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34;
 then 1/2*(p2+q2) in LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q3)) by A14,A15,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q3)) =
      LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q2)) \/ LSeg(1/2*(p2+q2),1/2*(p2+q3))
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,i,j), I2 = Int cell(G,i+1,j);
A19: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q2)) c= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) } by A1,A3,Th45;
A20: LSeg(1/2*(p2+q2),1/2*(p2+q3)) c= I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }
                                                    by A1,A2,A6,Th43;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ 1/2*(p2+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) } \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p2+q3)) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p2+q2) }
                                                    by A18,A19,A20,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 <= i & i < len G & 1 < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|,1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,2))) c=
  Int cell(G,i,0) \/ Int cell(G,i,1) \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1)) }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 < width G;
 set p1 = G*(i,1), q2 = G*(i+1,1), q3 = G*(i+1,2),
     r = 1/(1/2*(q3`2-p1`2)+1);
A2: i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
A3: 0+1+1 = 0+(1+1);
A4: 0+(1+1) <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A5: i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A6: q2`1 = q3`1 by A2,A4,GOBOARD5:3;
A7: q2`2 = G*(1,0+1)`2 by A1,A2,A5,GOBOARD5:2
       .= p1`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
    then p1`2 < q3`2 by A2,A4,A5,GOBOARD5:5;
    then q3`2-p1`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q3`2-p1`2) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A8: 1 < 1/2*(q3`2-p1`2)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A9: 1/2*(q3`2-p1`2)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A10: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A11: r < 1 by A8,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q3`2-((1/2)*q2`2))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`2-q2`2))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`2-q2`2)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A7,A9,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q3`2)-r*((1/2)*q2`2) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A12: r*((1/2)*q3`2)-(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:18;
A13: ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)-(1-r)*|[0,1]|)`1
       = ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1-((1-r)*|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm2
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1-|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|`1 by EUCLID:62
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1-0 by EUCLID:56
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2))`1+(r*((1/2)*q3))`1 by Lm1
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`1+(r*((1/2)*q3))`1 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`1+r*((1/2)*q3)`1 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q3)`1 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q2`1) by A6,Lm3
      .= ((1-r)+r)*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
      .= 1*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:27
      .= ((1/2)*q2)`1 by Lm3;
       = ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2-((1-r)*|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm2
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2-|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|`2 by EUCLID:62
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2-(1-r) by EUCLID:56
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2))`2+(r*((1/2)*q3))`2-(1-r) by Lm1
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`2+(r*((1/2)*q3))`2-(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`2+r*((1/2)*q3)`2-(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q3)`2-(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q3`2)-(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q2`2) by A12,XCMPLX_1:29
      .= ((1-r)+r)*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
      .= 1*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:27
      .= ((1/2)*q2)`2 by Lm3;
    then A14: (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)-(1-r)*|[0,1]| = |[(1/2*q2)`1,(1/2*
        by A13,EUCLID:57 .= 1/2*q2 by EUCLID:57;
A15: (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)
    = (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*q3)
                                                            by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+(r*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*q3))
                                                            by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36;
   1/2*(p1+q2) = 1/2*p1+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:36
   .= 1*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:33
   .= (1-r+r)*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by XCMPLX_1:27
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:37
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+
              ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))-(1-r)*|[0,1]| by A14,EUCLID:49
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+
              (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)-(1-r)*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+(r*((1/2)*(p1+q3))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|) by A15,EUCLID:49
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+-((1-r)*|[0,1]|-r*((1/2)*(p1+q3))) by EUCLID:48
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))-((1-r)*|[0,1]|-r*((1/2)*(p1+q3))) by EUCLID:45
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:51
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2)-|[0,1]|)+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:53;
 then 1/2*(p1+q2) in
 LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) by A10,A11,SPPOL_1:22
 then A16: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) =
  LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q2)) \/ LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p1+q3))
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,i,0), I2 = Int cell(G,i,1);
A17: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q2)) c= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                          by A1,Th49;
A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p1+q3)) c= I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                    by A1,A3,Th46;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                    by A16,A17,A18,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 <= i & i < len G & 1 < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|,
      1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G -' 1))) c=
  Int cell(G,i,width G -'1) \/ Int cell(G,i,width G)
        \/ { 1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G)) }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 < width G;
 set p1 = G*(i,width G), q2 = G*(i+1,width G), q3 = G*(i+1,width G -' 1),
     r = 1/(1/2*(p1`2-q3`2)+1);
A2: width G -'1 + 1 = width G by A1,AMI_5:4;
then A3:  1 <= width G -'1 & width G -'1 < width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A4: G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G -' 1) =
             G*(i,width G -' 1)+G*(i+1,width G) by A1,A2,Th14;
A5: i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
A6: i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A7: q2`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 by A1,A5,GOBOARD5:3
        .= q3`1 by A3,A5,A6,GOBOARD5:3;
A8: q2`2 = G*(1,width G)`2 by A1,A5,A6,GOBOARD5:2
       .= p1`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
    then q3`2 < p1`2 by A3,A5,A6,GOBOARD5:5;
    then p1`2-q3`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(p1`2-q3`2) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A9: 1 < 1/2*(p1`2-q3`2)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A10: 1/2*(p1`2-q3`2)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A11: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A12: r < 1 by A9,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q2`2-((1/2)*q3`2))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`2-q3`2))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`2-q3`2)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A8,A10,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q2`2)-r*((1/2)*q3`2) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A13: r*((1/2)*q3`2)+(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:27;
A14: ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)+(1-r)*|[0,1]|)`1
       = ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1+((1-r)*|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm1
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1+|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|`1 by EUCLID:62
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1+0 by EUCLID:56
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2))`1+(r*((1/2)*q3))`1 by Lm1
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`1+(r*((1/2)*q3))`1 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`1+r*((1/2)*q3)`1 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q3)`1 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q2`1) by A7,Lm3
      .= ((1-r)+r)*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
      .= 1*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:27
      .= ((1/2)*q2)`1 by Lm3;
       = ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2+((1-r)*|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm1
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2+|[(1-r)*0,(1-r)*1]|`2 by EUCLID:62
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2+(1-r) by EUCLID:56
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2))`2+(r*((1/2)*q3))`2+(1-r) by Lm1
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`2+(r*((1/2)*q3))`2+(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`2+r*((1/2)*q3)`2+(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q3)`2+(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q3`2)+(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q2`2) by A13,XCMPLX_1:1
      .= ((1-r)+r)*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
      .= 1*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:27
      .= ((1/2)*q2)`2 by Lm3;
    then A15: (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)+(1-r)*|[0,1]| = |[(1/2*q2)`1,(1/2*
        by A14,EUCLID:57 .= 1/2*q2 by EUCLID:57;
A16: (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)
    = (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*q3)
                                                            by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+(r*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*q3))
                                                            by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36;
   1/2*(p1+q2) = 1/2*p1+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:36
   .= 1*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:33
   .= (1-r+r)*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by XCMPLX_1:27
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:37
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+
              ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))+(1-r)*|[0,1]| by A15,EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+
              (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)+(1-r)*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by A16,EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2)+|[0,1]|)+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36;
 then 1/2*(p1+q2) in
 LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) by A11,A12,SPPOL_1:22
 then A17: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) =
  LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q2)) \/ LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p1+q3))
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,i,width G -'1), I2 = Int cell(G,i,width G);
A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q2)) c= I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } by A1,Th50;
A19: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p1+q3)) c= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                    by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th44;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                    by A17,A18,A19,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 <= j & j < width G & 1 < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|,1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(2,j+1))) c=
  Int cell(G,0,j) \/ Int cell(G,1,j) \/ { 1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1)) }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G & 1 < len G;
 set p1 = G*(1,j), q2 = G*(1,j+1), q3 = G*(2,j+1),
     r = 1/(1/2*(q3`1-p1`1)+1);
A2: j+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
A3: 0+1+1 = 0+(1+1);
A4: 0+(1+1) <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A5: j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A6: q2`2 = q3`2 by A2,A4,GOBOARD5:2;
A7: q2`1 = G*(1,1)`1 by A1,A2,A5,GOBOARD5:3
       .= p1`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3;
    then p1`1 < q3`1 by A2,A4,A5,GOBOARD5:4;
    then q3`1-p1`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q3`1-p1`1) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A8: 1 < 1/2*(q3`1-p1`1)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A9: 1/2*(q3`1-p1`1)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A10: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A11: r < 1 by A8,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q3`1-((1/2)*q2`1))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`1-q2`1))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`1-q2`1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A7,A9,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q3`1)-r*((1/2)*q2`1) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A12: r*((1/2)*q3`1)-(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:18;
A13: ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)-(1-r)*|[1,0]|)`2
       = ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2-((1-r)*|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm2
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2-|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|`2 by EUCLID:62
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2-0 by EUCLID:56
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2))`2+(r*((1/2)*q3))`2 by Lm1
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`2+(r*((1/2)*q3))`2 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`2+r*((1/2)*q3)`2 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q3)`2 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q2`2) by A6,Lm3
      .= ((1-r)+r)*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
      .= 1*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:27
      .= ((1/2)*q2)`2 by Lm3;
       = ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1-((1-r)*|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm2
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1-|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|`1 by EUCLID:62
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1-(1-r) by EUCLID:56
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2))`1+(r*((1/2)*q3))`1-(1-r) by Lm1
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`1+(r*((1/2)*q3))`1-(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`1+r*((1/2)*q3)`1-(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q3)`1-(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q3`1)-(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q2`1) by A12,XCMPLX_1:29
      .= ((1-r)+r)*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
      .= 1*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:27
      .= ((1/2)*q2)`1 by Lm3;
    then A14: (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)-(1-r)*|[1,0]| = |[(1/2*q2)`1,(1/2*
        by A13,EUCLID:57 .= 1/2*q2 by EUCLID:57;
A15: (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)
    = (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*q3)
                                                            by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+(r*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*q3))
                                                            by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36;
   1/2*(p1+q2) = 1/2*p1+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:36
   .= 1*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:33
   .= (1-r+r)*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by XCMPLX_1:27
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:37
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+
              ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))-(1-r)*|[1,0]| by A14,EUCLID:49
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+
              (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)-(1-r)*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+(r*((1/2)*(p1+q3))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|) by A15,EUCLID:49
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+-((1-r)*|[1,0]|-r*((1/2)*(p1+q3))) by EUCLID:48
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))-((1-r)*|[1,0]|-r*((1/2)*(p1+q3))) by EUCLID:45
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:51
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2)-|[1,0]|)+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:53;
 then 1/2*(p1+q2) in
 LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) by A10,A11,SPPOL_1:22
 then A16: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) =
  LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q2)) \/ LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p1+q3))
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,0,j), I2 = Int cell(G,1,j);
A17: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q2)) c= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                          by A1,Th47;
A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p1+q3)) c= I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                    by A1,A3,Th43;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                    by A16,A17,A18,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 <= j & j < width G & 1 < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|,
      1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G -' 1,j+1))) c=
  Int cell(G,len G -' 1,j) \/ Int cell(G,len G,j)
        \/ { 1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1)) }
proof assume
A1: 1 <= j & j < width G & 1 < len G;
 set p1 = G*(len G,j), q2 = G*(len G,j+1), q3 = G*(len G -' 1,j+1),
     r = 1/(1/2*(p1`1-q3`1)+1);
A2: len G -'1 + 1 = len G by A1,AMI_5:4;
then A3:  1 <= len G -'1 & len G -'1 < len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A4: G*(len G -' 1,j)+G*(len G,j+1) = G*(len G,j)+G*
(len G -' 1,j+1) by A1,A2,Th14;
A5: j+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
A6: j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A7: q2`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 by A1,A5,GOBOARD5:2
        .= q3`2 by A3,A5,A6,GOBOARD5:2;
A8: q2`1 = G*(len G,1)`1 by A1,A5,A6,GOBOARD5:3
       .= p1`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3;
    then q3`1 < p1`1 by A3,A5,A6,GOBOARD5:4;
    then p1`1-q3`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(p1`1-q3`1) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A9: 1 < 1/2*(p1`1-q3`1)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A10: 1/2*(p1`1-q3`1)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A11: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A12: r < 1 by A9,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q2`1-((1/2)*q3`1))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`1-q3`1))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`1-q3`1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A8,A10,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q2`1)-r*((1/2)*q3`1) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A13: r*((1/2)*q3`1)+(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:27;
A14: ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)+(1-r)*|[1,0]|)`2
       = ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2+((1-r)*|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm1
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|`2 by EUCLID:62
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`2+0 by EUCLID:56
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2))`2+(r*((1/2)*q3))`2 by Lm1
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`2+(r*((1/2)*q3))`2 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`2+r*((1/2)*q3)`2 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q3)`2 by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`2)+r*((1/2)*q2`2) by A7,Lm3
      .= ((1-r)+r)*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
      .= 1*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:27
      .= ((1/2)*q2)`2 by Lm3;
       = ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1+((1-r)*|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm1
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1+|[(1-r)*1,(1-r)*0]|`1 by EUCLID:62
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))`1+(1-r) by EUCLID:56
      .= ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2))`1+(r*((1/2)*q3))`1+(1-r) by Lm1
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`1+(r*((1/2)*q3))`1+(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)`1+r*((1/2)*q3)`1+(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q3)`1+(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q3`1)+(1-r) by Lm3
      .= (1-r)*((1/2)*q2`1)+r*((1/2)*q2`1) by A13,XCMPLX_1:1
      .= ((1-r)+r)*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
      .= 1*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:27
      .= ((1/2)*q2)`1 by Lm3;
    then A15: (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)+(1-r)*|[1,0]| = |[(1/2*q2)`1,(1/2*
        by A14,EUCLID:57 .= 1/2*q2 by EUCLID:57;
A16: (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)
    = (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*q3)
                                                            by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+(r*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*q3))
                                                            by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+(1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1+(1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36;
   1/2*(p1+q2) = 1/2*p1+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:36
   .= 1*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:33
   .= (1-r+r)*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by XCMPLX_1:27
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+1/2*q2 by EUCLID:37
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+
              ((1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3))+(1-r)*|[1,0]| by A15,EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*p1)+r*((1/2)*p1)+
              (1-r)*((1/2)*q2)+r*((1/2)*q3)+(1-r)*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by A16,EUCLID:30
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+q2)+|[1,0]|)+r*((1/2)*(p1+q3)) by EUCLID:36;
 then 1/2*(p1+q2) in
 LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) by A11,A12,SPPOL_1:22
 then A17: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) =
  LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q2)) \/ LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p1+q3))
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,len G -' 1,j), I2 = Int cell(G,len G,j);
A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q2)) c= I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } by A1,Th48;
A19: LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2),1/2*(p1+q3)) c= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                    by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th45;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) } \/ (I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+q2)+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p1+q3)) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { 1/2*(p1+q2) }
                                                    by A17,A18,A19,XBOOLE_1:13;
Lm6: 1/2+1/2 = 1;

   1 < len G & 1 <= j & j+1 < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|,1/2*(G*(1,j+1)+G*(1,j+2))-|[1,0]|) c=
  Int cell(G,0,j) \/ Int cell(G,0,j+1) \/ { G*(1,j+1)-|[1,0]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < len G & 1 <= j & j+1 < width G;
 set p1 = G*(1,j), p2 = G*(1,j+1), q3 = G*(1,j+2),
     r = (p2`2-p1`2)/(q3`2-p1`2);
A2: j+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
      j <= j+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A3: j < width G by A1,AXIOMS:22;
then A4: p1`1 = G*(1,1)`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3
       .= p2`1 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:3;
A5: j+1+1 = j+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A6: j+(1+1) <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A7: j+2 >= 1 by A5,NAT_1:29;
A8: p2`1 = G*(1,1)`1 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:3
       .= q3`1 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
      j+1 < j+2 by REAL_1:53;
    then p2`2 < q3`2 by A1,A2,A6,GOBOARD5:5;
then A9: p2`2-p1`2 < q3`2-p1`2 by REAL_1:54;
      j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
    then p1`2 < p2`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:5;
then A10: p2`2-p1`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
then q3`2-p1`2 > 0 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
then A11: 0 < r by A10,REAL_2:127;
A12: r < 1 by A9,A10,REAL_2:142;
      r*(q3`2-p1`2) = p2`2-p1`2 by A9,A10,XCMPLX_1:88;
then A13: p2`2 = p1`2 + r*(q3`2-p1`2) by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= p1`2 + (r*q3`2-r*p1`2) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= p1`2 + r*q3`2-r*p1`2 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= 1*p1`2-r*p1`2 + r*q3`2 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*p1`2 +r*q3`2 by XCMPLX_1:40;
A14: 1*p2`1 = (1-r+r)*p2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= (1-r)*p1`1+r*q3`1 by A4,A8,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`1+r*q3`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`1+(r*q3)`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1+r*q3)`1 by Lm1;
     1*p2`2 = ((1-r)*p1)`2+r*q3`2 by A13,Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`2+(r*q3)`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1+(r*q3))`2 by Lm1;
  then A15: (1-r)*p1+r*q3 = |[p2`1,p2`2]| by A14,EUCLID:57
               .= p2 by EUCLID:57;
A16: now p2 = 1*p2 by EUCLID:33
   .= 1/2*p2+1/2*p2 by Lm6,EUCLID:37
   .= 1/2*(1*p2)+1/2*p2 by EUCLID:33
   .= 1/2*(((1-r)+r)*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by A15,XCMPLX_1:27
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2+r*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by EUCLID:37
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*(r*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*(r*p2) + (1/2*((1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+(1/2*(r*p2) + (1/2*((1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*q3))) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+(1/2*((1-r)*p1)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3))) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*((1-r)*p1)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:30
   .= (1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*((1-r)*p1))+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2+(1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*(p1+p2))+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:34
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*p2+r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:36;
  hence p2 = (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+1/2*r*(p2+q3) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+p2))+r*((1/2)*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34;

    = (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*(1/2*(p2+q3)-|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:53
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|+(r*(1/2*(p2+q3))-r*|[1,0]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:53
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+((1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|)-r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-(1-r)*|[1,0]|-r*|[1,0]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:49
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-((1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*|[1,0]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:50
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-((1-r)+r)*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:37
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+r*(1/2*(p2+q3))-1*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:27
   .= p2-|[1,0]| by A16,EUCLID:33;
 then p2-|[1,0]| in LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p2+q3)-|[1,0]|)
                                            by A11,A12,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A17: LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p2+q3)-|[1,0]|) =
      LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[1,0]|,p2-|[1,0]|) \/
      LSeg(p2-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p2+q3)-|[1,0]|) by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,0,j), I2 = Int cell(G,0,j+1);
A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[1,0]|,p2-|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/
 { p2-|[1,0]| } by A1,A3,Th52;
A19: LSeg(1/2*(p2+q3)-|[1,0]|,p2-|[1,0]|) c= I2 \/ { p2-|[1,0]| }
                            by A1,A2,A5,Th51;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { p2-|[1,0]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ p2-|[1,0]| } \/ { p2-|[1,0]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { p2-|[1,0]| } \/ { p2-|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { p2-|[1,0]| } \/ (I2 \/ { p2-|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[1,0]|,1/2*(p2+q3)-|[1,0]|)
      c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { p2-|[1,0]| } by A17,A18,A19,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < len G & 1 <= j & j+1 < width G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|,
      1/2*(G*(len G,j+1)+G*(len G,j+2))+|[1,0]|) c=
  Int cell(G,len G,j) \/ Int cell(G,len G,j+1) \/ { G*(len G,j+1)+|[1,0]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < len G & 1 <= j & j+1 < width G;
 set p1 = G*(len G,j), p2 = G*(len G,j+1), q3 = G*(len G,j+2),
     r = (p2`2-p1`2)/(q3`2-p1`2);
A2: j+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
      j <= j+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A3: j < width G by A1,AXIOMS:22;
then A4: p1`1 = G*(len G,1)`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3
       .= p2`1 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:3;
A5: j+1+1 = j+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A6: j+(1+1) <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A7: j+2 >= 1 by A5,NAT_1:29;
A8: p2`1 = G*(len G,1)`1 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:3
       .= q3`1 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:3;
      j+1 < j+2 by REAL_1:53;
    then p2`2 < q3`2 by A1,A2,A6,GOBOARD5:5;
then A9: p2`2-p1`2 < q3`2-p1`2 by REAL_1:54;
      j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
    then p1`2 < p2`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:5;
then A10: p2`2-p1`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
then q3`2-p1`2 > 0 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
then A11: 0 < r by A10,REAL_2:127;
A12: r < 1 by A9,A10,REAL_2:142;
      r*(q3`2-p1`2) = p2`2-p1`2 by A9,A10,XCMPLX_1:88;
then A13: p2`2 = p1`2 + r*(q3`2-p1`2) by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= p1`2 + (r*q3`2-r*p1`2) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= p1`2 + r*q3`2-r*p1`2 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= 1*p1`2-r*p1`2 + r*q3`2 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*p1`2 +r*q3`2 by XCMPLX_1:40;
A14: 1*p2`1 = (1-r+r)*p2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= (1-r)*p1`1+r*q3`1 by A4,A8,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`1+r*q3`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`1+(r*q3)`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1+r*q3)`1 by Lm1;
     1*p2`2 = ((1-r)*p1)`2+r*q3`2 by A13,Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`2+(r*q3)`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1+(r*q3))`2 by Lm1;
  then A15: (1-r)*p1+r*q3 = |[p2`1,p2`2]| by A14,EUCLID:57
               .= p2 by EUCLID:57;
A16: now p2 = 1*p2 by EUCLID:33
   .= 1/2*p2+1/2*p2 by Lm6,EUCLID:37
   .= 1/2*(1*p2)+1/2*p2 by EUCLID:33
   .= 1/2*(((1-r)+r)*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by A15,XCMPLX_1:27
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2+r*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by EUCLID:37
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*(r*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*(r*p2) + (1/2*((1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+(1/2*(r*p2) + (1/2*((1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*q3))) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+(1/2*((1-r)*p1)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3))) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*((1-r)*p1)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:30
   .= (1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*((1-r)*p1))+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2+(1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*(p1+p2))+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:34;
    hence p2 = 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*p2+r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+1/2*r*(p2+q3) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+p2))+r*((1/2)*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34;

    = (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*(1/2*(p2+q3)+|[1,0]|) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|+(r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+r*|[1,0]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:36
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+((1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|)+r*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+(1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*|[1,0]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:30
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+((1-r)*|[1,0]|+r*|[1,0]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:30
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+((1-r)+r)*|[1,0]| by EUCLID:37
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+1*|[1,0]| by XCMPLX_1:27
   .= p2+|[1,0]| by A16,EUCLID:33;
 then p2+|[1,0]| in LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p2+q3)+|[1,0]|)
                                            by A11,A12,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A17: LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p2+q3)+|[1,0]|) =
      LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[1,0]|,p2+|[1,0]|) \/
      LSeg(p2+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p2+q3)+|[1,0]|) by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,len G,j), I2 = Int cell(G,len G,j+1);
A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[1,0]|,p2+|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/
 { p2+|[1,0]| } by A1,A3,Th54;
A19: LSeg(1/2*(p2+q3)+|[1,0]|,p2+|[1,0]|) c= I2 \/ { p2+|[1,0]| }
                            by A1,A2,A5,Th53;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { p2+|[1,0]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ p2+|[1,0]| } \/ { p2+|[1,0]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { p2+|[1,0]| } \/ { p2+|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { p2+|[1,0]| } \/ (I2 \/ { p2+|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[1,0]|,1/2*(p2+q3)+|[1,0]|)
      c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { p2+|[1,0]| } by A17,A18,A19,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < width G & 1 <= i & i+1 < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|,1/2*(G*(i+1,1)+G*(i+2,1))-|[0,1]|) c=
  Int cell(G,i,0) \/ Int cell(G,i+1,0) \/ { G*(i+1,1)-|[0,1]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < width G & 1 <= i & i+1 < len G;
 set p1 = G*(i,1), p2 = G*(i+1,1), q3 = G*(i+2,1),
     r = (p2`1-p1`1)/(q3`1-p1`1);
A2: i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
      i <= i+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A3: i < len G by A1,AXIOMS:22;
then A4: p1`2 = G*(1,1)`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2
       .= p2`2 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:2;
A5: i+1+1 = i+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A6: i+(1+1) <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A7: i+2 >= 1 by A5,NAT_1:29;
A8: p2`2 = G*(1,1)`2 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:2
       .= q3`2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
      i+1 < i+2 by REAL_1:53;
    then p2`1 < q3`1 by A1,A2,A6,GOBOARD5:4;
then A9: p2`1-p1`1 < q3`1-p1`1 by REAL_1:54;
      i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
    then p1`1 < p2`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:4;
then A10: p2`1-p1`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
then q3`1-p1`1 > 0 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
then A11: 0 < r by A10,REAL_2:127;
A12: r < 1 by A9,A10,REAL_2:142;
      r*(q3`1-p1`1) = p2`1-p1`1 by A9,A10,XCMPLX_1:88;
then A13: p2`1 = p1`1 + r*(q3`1-p1`1) by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= p1`1 + (r*q3`1-r*p1`1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= p1`1 + r*q3`1-r*p1`1 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= 1*p1`1-r*p1`1 + r*q3`1 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*p1`1 +r*q3`1 by XCMPLX_1:40;
A14: 1*p2`2 = (1-r+r)*p2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= (1-r)*p1`2+r*q3`2 by A4,A8,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`2+r*q3`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`2+(r*q3)`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1+r*q3)`2 by Lm1;
     1*p2`1 = ((1-r)*p1)`1+r*q3`1 by A13,Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`1+(r*q3)`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1+(r*q3))`1 by Lm1;
  then A15: (1-r)*p1+r*q3 = |[p2`1,p2`2]| by A14,EUCLID:57
               .= p2 by EUCLID:57;
A16: now p2 = 1*p2 by EUCLID:33
   .= 1/2*p2+1/2*p2 by Lm6,EUCLID:37
   .= 1/2*(1*p2)+1/2*p2 by EUCLID:33
   .= 1/2*(((1-r)+r)*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by A15,XCMPLX_1:27
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2+r*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by EUCLID:37
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*(r*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*(r*p2) + (1/2*((1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+(1/2*(r*p2) + (1/2*((1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*q3))) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+(1/2*((1-r)*p1)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3))) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*((1-r)*p1)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:30
   .= (1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*((1-r)*p1))+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2+(1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*(p1+p2))+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:34
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*p2+r*q3) by EUCLID:36;
   hence p2 = 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+1/2*r*(p2+q3) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+p2))+r*((1/2)*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34;

    = (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*(1/2*(p2+q3)-|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:53
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|+(r*(1/2*(p2+q3))-r*|[0,1]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:53
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+((1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|)-r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-(1-r)*|[0,1]|-r*|[0,1]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:49
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-((1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*|[0,1]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:50
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))-((1-r)+r)*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:37
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+r*(1/2*(p2+q3))-1*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:27
   .= p2-|[0,1]| by A16,EUCLID:33;
 then p2-|[0,1]| in LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p2+q3)-|[0,1]|)
                                            by A11,A12,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A17: LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p2+q3)-|[0,1]|) =
      LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[0,1]|,p2-|[0,1]|) \/
      LSeg(p2-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p2+q3)-|[0,1]|) by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,i,0), I2 = Int cell(G,i+1,0);
A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[0,1]|,p2-|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/
 { p2-|[0,1]| } by A1,A3,Th56;
A19: LSeg(1/2*(p2+q3)-|[0,1]|,p2-|[0,1]|) c= I2 \/ { p2-|[0,1]| }
                            by A1,A2,A5,Th55;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { p2-|[0,1]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ p2-|[0,1]| } \/ { p2-|[0,1]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { p2-|[0,1]| } \/ { p2-|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { p2-|[0,1]| } \/ (I2 \/ { p2-|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)-|[0,1]|,1/2*(p2+q3)-|[0,1]|)
      c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { p2-|[0,1]| } by A17,A18,A19,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < width G & 1 <= i & i+1 < len G implies
 LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|,
      1/2*(G*(i+1,width G)+G*(i+2,width G))+|[0,1]|) c=
  Int cell(G,i,width G) \/ Int cell(G,i+1,width G) \/
 { G*(i+1,width G)+|[0,1]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < width G & 1 <= i & i+1 < len G;
 set p1 = G*(i,width G), p2 = G*(i+1,width G), q3 = G*(i+2,width G),
     r = (p2`1-p1`1)/(q3`1-p1`1);
A2: i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29;
      i <= i+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A3: i < len G by A1,AXIOMS:22;
then A4: p1`2 = G*(1,width G)`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2
       .= p2`2 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:2;
A5: i+1+1 = i+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
then A6: i+(1+1) <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
A7: i+2 >= 1 by A5,NAT_1:29;
A8: p2`2 = G*(1,width G)`2 by A1,A2,GOBOARD5:2
       .= q3`2 by A1,A6,A7,GOBOARD5:2;
      i+1 < i+2 by REAL_1:53;
    then p2`1 < q3`1 by A1,A2,A6,GOBOARD5:4;
then A9: p2`1-p1`1 < q3`1-p1`1 by REAL_1:54;
      i < i+1 by REAL_1:69;
    then p1`1 < p2`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:4;
then A10: p2`1-p1`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
then q3`1-p1`1 > 0 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
then A11: 0 < r by A10,REAL_2:127;
A12: r < 1 by A9,A10,REAL_2:142;
      r*(q3`1-p1`1) = p2`1-p1`1 by A9,A10,XCMPLX_1:88;
then A13: p2`1 = p1`1 + r*(q3`1-p1`1) by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= p1`1 + (r*q3`1-r*p1`1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= p1`1 + r*q3`1-r*p1`1 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= 1*p1`1-r*p1`1 + r*q3`1 by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*p1`1 +r*q3`1 by XCMPLX_1:40;
A14: 1*p2`2 = (1-r+r)*p2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= (1-r)*p1`2+r*q3`2 by A4,A8,XCMPLX_1:8
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`2+r*q3`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`2+(r*q3)`2 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1+r*q3)`2 by Lm1;
     1*p2`1 = ((1-r)*p1)`1+r*q3`1 by A13,Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1)`1+(r*q3)`1 by Lm3
         .= ((1-r)*p1+(r*q3))`1 by Lm1;
  then A15: (1-r)*p1+r*q3 = |[p2`1,p2`2]| by A14,EUCLID:57
               .= p2 by EUCLID:57;
A16: now p2 = 1*p2 by EUCLID:33
   .= 1/2*p2+1/2*p2 by Lm6,EUCLID:37
   .= 1/2*(1*p2)+1/2*p2 by EUCLID:33
   .= 1/2*(((1-r)+r)*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by A15,XCMPLX_1:27
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2+r*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by EUCLID:37
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*(r*p2) + 1/2*((1-r)*p1+r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*(r*p2) + (1/2*((1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+(1/2*(r*p2) + (1/2*((1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*q3))) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+(1/2*((1-r)*p1)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3))) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*((1-r)*p1)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:30
   .= (1/2*((1-r)*p2)+1/2*((1-r)*p1))+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*p2+(1-r)*p1)+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*((1-r)*(p1+p2))+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3) by EUCLID:34;
   hence p2 = 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+(1/2*(r*p2)+1/2*(r*q3)) by EUCLID:30
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*p2+r*q3) by EUCLID:36
   .= 1/2*(1-r)*(p1+p2)+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+1/2*(r*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+1/2*r*(p2+q3) by EUCLID:34
   .= (1-r)*((1/2)*(p1+p2))+r*((1/2)*(p2+q3)) by EUCLID:34;

    = (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*(1/2*(p2+q3)+|[0,1]|) by EUCLID:36
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|+(r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+r*|[0,1]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:36
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+((1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|)+r*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+(1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*|[0,1]|
                                                                 by EUCLID:30
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+((1-r)*|[0,1]|+r*|[0,1]|)
                                                                 by EUCLID:30
   .= r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+(1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+((1-r)+r)*|[0,1]| by EUCLID:37
   .= (1-r)*(1/2*(p1+p2))+r*(1/2*(p2+q3))+1*|[0,1]| by XCMPLX_1:27
   .= p2+|[0,1]| by A16,EUCLID:33;
 then p2+|[0,1]| in LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p2+q3)+|[0,1]|)
                                            by A11,A12,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A17: LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p2+q3)+|[0,1]|) =
      LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[0,1]|,p2+|[0,1]|) \/
      LSeg(p2+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p2+q3)+|[0,1]|) by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,i,width G), I2 = Int cell(G,i+1,width G);
A18: LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[0,1]|,p2+|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/
 { p2+|[0,1]| } by A1,A3,Th58;
A19: LSeg(1/2*(p2+q3)+|[0,1]|,p2+|[0,1]|) c= I2 \/ { p2+|[0,1]| }
                            by A1,A2,A5,Th57;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { p2+|[0,1]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ p2+|[0,1]| } \/ { p2+|[0,1]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { p2+|[0,1]| } \/ { p2+|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { p2+|[0,1]| } \/ (I2 \/ { p2+|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(1/2*(p1+p2)+|[0,1]|,1/2*(p2+q3)+|[0,1]|)
      c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { p2+|[0,1]| } by A17,A18,A19,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < len G & 1 < width G implies
 LSeg(G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|,1/2*(G*(1,1)+G*(1,2))-|[1,0]|) c=
  Int cell(G,0,0) \/ Int cell(G,0,1) \/ { G*(1,1)-|[1,0]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < len G & 1 < width G;
 set q2 = G*(1,1), q3 = G*(1,2), r = 1/(1/2*(q3`2-q2`2)+1);
A2: 0+1+1 = 0+(1+1);
A3: 0+(1+1) <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A4: q2`1 = q3`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3;
      q2`2 < q3`2 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:5;
    then q3`2-q2`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q3`2-q2`2) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A5: 1 < 1/2*(q3`2-q2`2)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A6: 1/2*(q3`2-q2`2)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A7: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A8: r < 1 by A5,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q3`2-((1/2)*q2`2))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`2-q2`2))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`2-q2`2)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A6,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q3`2)-r*((1/2)*q2`2) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A9: r*((1/2)*q3`2)-(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:18;
A10: ((1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2
         = ((1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|))`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2-(1-r)*|[1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by EUCLID:53
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2-((1-r)*|[1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm2
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2-(1-r)*|[1,1]|`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2-(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-|[1,0]|`2) by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-0) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`2) by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2`2+q3`2)) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`2+1/2*q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*q3`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q3`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q3`2)-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q2`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by A9,XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(r*(1/2*q2`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q2`2+1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1*q2`2) by Lm6,XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`2-0
        .= q2`2-|[1,0]|`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2-|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm2;
         = ((1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|))`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|)`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1-|[1,1]|`1)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1-|[1,1]|`1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-|[1,0]|`1) by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-|[1,0]|`1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)*1+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-r*1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-r by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:36
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`1)-1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2`1+q2`1))-1 by A4,Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(2*q2`1))-1 by XCMPLX_1:11
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*2*q2`1)-1 by XCMPLX_1:4
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`1-1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`1-1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`1-|[1,0]|`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2-|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm2;
 then (1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)
                = |[(q2-|[1,0]|)`1,(q2-|[1,0]|)`2]| by A10,EUCLID:57
               .= q2-|[1,0]| by EUCLID:57;
 then q2-|[1,0]| in LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|) by A7,A8,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A11: LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|) =
  LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,q2-|[1,0]|) \/ LSeg(q2-|[1,0]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,0,0), I2 = Int cell(G,0,1);
A12: LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,q2-|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| } by Th59;
A13: LSeg(q2-|[1,0]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|) c= I2 \/
 { q2-|[1,0]| } by A1,A2,Th51;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ q2-|[1,0]| } \/ { q2-|[1,0]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| } \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| } \/ (I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }
                                                    by A11,A12,A13,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < len G & 1 < width G implies
 LSeg(G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|,1/2*(G*(len G,1)+G*(len G,2))+|[1,0]|) c=
  Int cell(G,len G,0) \/ Int cell(G,len G,1) \/ { G*(len G,1)+|[1,0]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < len G & 1 < width G;
 set q2 = G*(len G,1), q3 = G*(len G,2), r = 1/(1/2*(q3`2-q2`2)+1);
A2: 0+1+1 = 0+(1+1);
A3: 0+(1+1) <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A4: q2`1 = q3`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3;
      q2`2 < q3`2 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:5;
    then q3`2-q2`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q3`2-q2`2) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A5: 1 < 1/2*(q3`2-q2`2)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A6: 1/2*(q3`2-q2`2)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A7: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A8: r < 1 by A5,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q3`2-((1/2)*q2`2))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`2-q2`2))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`2-q2`2)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A6,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q3`2)-r*((1/2)*q2`2) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A9: r*((1/2)*q3`2)-(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:18;
A10: ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|))`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by EUCLID:36
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+((1-r)*|[1,-1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+(1-r)*(-1)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)*(-1)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by XCMPLX_1:180
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)`2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+|[1,0]|`2) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+0) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`2) by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2`2+q3`2)) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`2+1/2*q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*q3`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q3`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q3`2)-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q2`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by A9,XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(r*(1/2*q2`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q2`2+1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1*q2`2) by Lm6,XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`2+0
        .= q2`2+|[1,0]|`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2+|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm1;
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|))`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|)`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+|[1,-1]|`1)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+|[1,-1]|`1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+|[1,0]|`1) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+|[1,0]|`1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)*1+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+r*1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+r by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`1)+1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2`1+q2`1))+1 by A4,Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(2*q2`1))+1 by XCMPLX_1:11
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*2*q2`1)+1 by XCMPLX_1:4
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`1+1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`1+1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`1+|[1,0]|`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2+|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm1;
 then (1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)
                = |[(q2+|[1,0]|)`1,(q2+|[1,0]|)`2]| by A10,EUCLID:57
               .= q2+|[1,0]| by EUCLID:57;
 then q2+|[1,0]| in LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|) by A7,A8,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A11: LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|) =
  LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,q2+|[1,0]|) \/ LSeg(q2+|[1,0]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,len G,0), I2 = Int cell(G,len G,1);
A12: LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,q2+|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| } by Th60;
A13: LSeg(q2+|[1,0]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|) c= I2 \/
 { q2+|[1,0]| } by A1,A2,Th53;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ q2+|[1,0]| } \/ { q2+|[1,0]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| } \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| } \/ (I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }
                                                    by A11,A12,A13,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < len G & 1 < width G implies
 LSeg(G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|,1/2*(G*(1,width G)+G*
(1,width G -' 1))-|[1,0]|) c=
  Int cell(G,0,width G) \/ Int cell(G,0,width G -' 1)
                        \/ { G*(1,width G)-|[1,0]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < len G & 1 < width G;
 set q2 = G*(1,width G), q3 = G*(1,width G -' 1), r = 1/(1/2*(q2`2-q3`2)+1);
A2: width G -' 1 + 1 = width G by A1,AMI_5:4;
then A3: width G -' 1 >= 1 by A1,NAT_1:38;
A4: width G -'1 < width G by A2,NAT_1:38;
A5: q2`1 = G*(1,1)`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3
       .= q3`1 by A1,A3,A4,GOBOARD5:3;
      q3`2 < q2`2 by A1,A3,A4,GOBOARD5:5;
    then q2`2-q3`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q2`2-q3`2) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A6: 1 < 1/2*(q2`2-q3`2)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A7: 1/2*(q2`2-q3`2)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A8: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A9: r < 1 by A6,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q2`2-((1/2)*q3`2))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`2-q3`2))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`2-q3`2)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A7,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q2`2)-r*((1/2)*q3`2) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A10: r*((1/2)*q3`2)+(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:27;

A11: ((1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|))`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by EUCLID:36
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+((1-r)*|[-1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-|[1,0]|`2) by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-0) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`2) by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2`2+q3`2)) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`2+1/2*q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*q3`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*q3`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q2`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by A10,XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(r*(1/2*q2`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q2`2+1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1*q2`2) by Lm6,XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`2-0
        .= q2`2-|[1,0]|`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2-|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm2;
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|))`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|)`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+|[-1,1]|`1)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+|[-1,1]|`1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-|[1,0]|`1) by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-|[1,0]|`1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-|[1,0]|`1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)*1+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-r*1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-r by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:36
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1-1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`1)-1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2`1+q2`1))-1 by A5,Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(2*q2`1))-1 by XCMPLX_1:11
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*2*q2`1)-1 by XCMPLX_1:4
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`1-1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`1-1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`1-|[1,0]|`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2-|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm2;
 then (1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)
                = |[(q2-|[1,0]|)`1,(q2-|[1,0]|)`2]| by A11,EUCLID:57
               .= q2-|[1,0]| by EUCLID:57;
 then q2-|[1,0]| in
 LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|) by A8,A9,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A12: LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|) =
  LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,q2-|[1,0]|) \/ LSeg(q2-|[1,0]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|)
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,0,width G), I2 = Int cell(G,0,width G -' 1);
A13: LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,q2-|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| } by Th61;
A14: LSeg(q2-|[1,0]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|) c= I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }
                                                         by A2,A3,A4,Th52;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ q2-|[1,0]| } \/ { q2-|[1,0]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| } \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| } \/ (I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2-|[1,0]| }
                                                    by A12,A13,A14,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < len G & 1 < width G implies
 LSeg(G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|,
      1/2*(G*(len G,width G)+G*(len G,width G -' 1))+|[1,0]|) c=
  Int cell(G,len G,width G) \/ Int cell(G,len G,width G -' 1)
              \/ { G*(len G,width G)+|[1,0]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < len G & 1 < width G;
 set q2 = G*(len G,width G), q3 = G*(len G,width G -' 1),
     r = 1/(1/2*(q2`2-q3`2)+1);
A2: width G -' 1 + 1 = width G by A1,AMI_5:4;
then A3: width G -' 1 >= 1 by A1,NAT_1:38;
A4: width G -' 1 < width G by A2,NAT_1:38;
A5: q2`1 = G*(len G,1)`1 by A1,GOBOARD5:3
        .= q3`1 by A1,A3,A4,GOBOARD5:3;
      q3`2 < q2`2 by A1,A3,A4,GOBOARD5:5;
    then q2`2-q3`2 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q2`2-q3`2) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A6: 1 < 1/2*(q2`2-q3`2)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A7: 1/2*(q2`2-q3`2)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A8: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A9: r < 1 by A6,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q2`2-((1/2)*q3`2))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`2-q3`2))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`2-q3`2)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A7,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q2`2)-r*((1/2)*q3`2) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A10: r*((1/2)*q3`2)+(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:27;

A11: ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|))`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2+(1-r)*|[1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by EUCLID:36
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+((1-r)*|[1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+(1-r)*|[1,1]|`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`2+(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+|[1,0]|`2) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+0) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`2) by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2`2+q3`2)) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`2+1/2*q3`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*q3`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2)) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*q3`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q2`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2) by A10,XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(r*(1/2*q2`2)+r*(1/2*q2`2)) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*q2`2+1/2*q2`2) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1*q2`2) by Lm6,XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`2 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`2+0
        .= q2`2+|[1,0]|`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2+|[1,0]|)`2 by Lm1;
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|))`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|)`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+|[1,1]|`1)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+|[1,1]|`1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+|[1,0]|`1) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+|[1,0]|`1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*(q2`1+1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)*1+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+r*1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+r by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`1+1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`1)+1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(q2`1+q2`1))+1 by A5,Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*(2*q2`1))+1 by XCMPLX_1:11
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*2*q2`1)+1 by XCMPLX_1:4
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`1+1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`1+1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`1+|[1,0]|`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2+|[1,0]|)`1 by Lm1;
 then (1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)
                = |[(q2+|[1,0]|)`1,(q2+|[1,0]|)`2]| by A11,EUCLID:57
               .= q2+|[1,0]| by EUCLID:57;
 then q2+|[1,0]| in LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|) by A8,A9,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A12: LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|) =
  LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,q2+|[1,0]|) \/ LSeg(q2+|[1,0]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|)
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,len G,width G), I2 = Int cell(G,len G,width G -' 1);
A13: LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,q2+|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| } by Th62;
A14: LSeg(q2+|[1,0]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|) c= I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }
                                                         by A2,A3,A4,Th54;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ q2+|[1,0]| } \/ { q2+|[1,0]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| } \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| } \/ (I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[1,0]|) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2+|[1,0]| }
                                                    by A12,A13,A14,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < width G & 1 < len G implies
 LSeg(G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|,1/2*(G*(1,1)+G*(2,1))-|[0,1]|) c=
  Int cell(G,0,0) \/ Int cell(G,1,0) \/ { G*(1,1)-|[0,1]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < width G & 1 < len G;
 set q2 = G*(1,1), q3 = G*(2,1), r = 1/(1/2*(q3`1-q2`1)+1);
A2: 0+1+1 = 0+(1+1);
A3: 0+(1+1) <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A4: q2`2 = q3`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
      q2`1 < q3`1 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:4;
    then q3`1-q2`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q3`1-q2`1) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A5: 1 < 1/2*(q3`1-q2`1)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A6: 1/2*(q3`1-q2`1)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A7: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A8: r < 1 by A5,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q3`1-((1/2)*q2`1))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`1-q2`1))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`1-q2`1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A6,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q3`1)-r*((1/2)*q2`1) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A9: r*((1/2)*q3`1)-(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:18;
A10: ((1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1
         = ((1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|))`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2-(1-r)*|[1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by EUCLID:53
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1-((1-r)*|[1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm2
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1-(1-r)*|[1,1]|`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1-(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-|[0,1]|`1) by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-0) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`1) by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2`1+q3`1)) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`1+1/2*q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*q3`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q3`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q3`1)-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q2`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by A9,XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(r*(1/2*q2`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q2`1+1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1*q2`1) by Lm6,XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`1-0
        .= q2`1-|[0,1]|`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2-|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm2;
         = ((1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|))`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|)`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2-|[1,1]|`2)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2-|[1,1]|`2)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-|[0,1]|`2) by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-|[0,1]|`2) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)*1+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-r*1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-r by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:36
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`2)-1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2`2+q2`2))-1 by A4,Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(2*q2`2))-1 by XCMPLX_1:11
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*2*q2`2)-1 by XCMPLX_1:4
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`2-1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`2-1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`2-|[0,1]|`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2-|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm2;
 then (1-r)*(q2-|[1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)
                = |[(q2-|[0,1]|)`1,(q2-|[0,1]|)`2]| by A10,EUCLID:57
               .= q2-|[0,1]| by EUCLID:57;
 then q2-|[0,1]| in LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|) by A7,A8,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A11: LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|) =
  LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,q2-|[0,1]|) \/ LSeg(q2-|[0,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,0,0), I2 = Int cell(G,1,0);
A12: LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,q2-|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| } by Th63;
A13: LSeg(q2-|[0,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|) c= I2 \/
 { q2-|[0,1]| } by A1,A2,Th55;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ q2-|[0,1]| } \/ { q2-|[0,1]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| } \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| } \/ (I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(q2-|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }
                                                    by A11,A12,A13,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < width G & 1 < len G implies
 LSeg(G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|,1/2*(G*(1,width G)+G*(2,width G))+|[0,1]|) c=
  Int cell(G,0,width G) \/ Int cell(G,1,width G) \/ { G*(1,width G)+|[0,1]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < width G & 1 < len G;
 set q2 = G*(1,width G), q3 = G*(2,width G), r = 1/(1/2*(q3`1-q2`1)+1);
A2: 0+1+1 = 0+(1+1);
A3: 0+(1+1) <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38;
then A4: q2`2 = q3`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2;
      q2`1 < q3`1 by A1,A3,GOBOARD5:4;
    then q3`1-q2`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q3`1-q2`1) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A5: 1 < 1/2*(q3`1-q2`1)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A6: 1/2*(q3`1-q2`1)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A7: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A8: r < 1 by A5,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q3`1-((1/2)*q2`1))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`1-q2`1))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q3`1-q2`1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A6,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q3`1)-r*((1/2)*q2`1) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A9: r*((1/2)*q3`1)-(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:18;
A10: ((1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|))`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by EUCLID:36
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+((1-r)*|[-1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+(1-r)*|[-1,1]|`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+(1-r)*(-1)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by XCMPLX_1:180
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+|[0,1]|`1) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+0) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`1) by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2`1+q3`1)) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`1+1/2*q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*q3`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q3`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q3`1)-(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q2`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by A9,XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(r*(1/2*q2`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q2`1+1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1*q2`1) by Lm6,XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`1+0
        .= q2`1+|[0,1]|`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2+|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm1;
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|))`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|)`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+|[-1,1]|`2)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+|[-1,1]|`2)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+|[0,1]|`2) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+|[0,1]|`2) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)*1+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+r*1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+r by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`2)+1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2`2+q2`2))+1 by A4,Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(2*q2`2))+1 by XCMPLX_1:11
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*2*q2`2)+1 by XCMPLX_1:4
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`2+1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`2+1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`2+|[0,1]|`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2+|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm1;
 then (1-r)*(q2+|[-1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)
                = |[(q2+|[0,1]|)`1,(q2+|[0,1]|)`2]| by A10,EUCLID:57
               .= q2+|[0,1]| by EUCLID:57;
 then q2+|[0,1]| in LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|) by A7,A8,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A11: LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|) =
  LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,q2+|[0,1]|) \/ LSeg(q2+|[0,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,0,width G), I2 = Int cell(G,1,width G);
A12: LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,q2+|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| } by Th65;
A13: LSeg(q2+|[0,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|) c= I2 \/
 { q2+|[0,1]| } by A1,A2,Th57;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ q2+|[0,1]| } \/ { q2+|[0,1]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| } \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| } \/ (I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(q2+|[-1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }
                                                    by A11,A12,A13,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < width G & 1 < len G implies
 LSeg(G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|,1/2*(G*(len G,1)+G*(len G -' 1,1))-|[0,1]|) c=
  Int cell(G,len G,0) \/ Int cell(G,len G -' 1,0)
                        \/ { G*(len G,1)-|[0,1]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < width G & 1 < len G;
 set q2 = G*(len G,1), q3 = G*(len G -' 1,1), r = 1/(1/2*(q2`1-q3`1)+1);
A2: len G -' 1 + 1 = len G by A1,AMI_5:4;
then A3: len G -' 1 >= 1 by A1,NAT_1:38;
A4: len G -'1 < len G by A2,NAT_1:38;
A5: q2`2 = G*(1,1)`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2
       .= q3`2 by A1,A3,A4,GOBOARD5:2;
      q3`1 < q2`1 by A1,A3,A4,GOBOARD5:4;
    then q2`1-q3`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q2`1-q3`1) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A6: 1 < 1/2*(q2`1-q3`1)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A7: 1/2*(q2`1-q3`1)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A8: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A9: r < 1 by A6,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q2`1-((1/2)*q3`1))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`1-q3`1))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`1-q3`1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A7,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q2`1)-r*((1/2)*q3`1) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A10: r*((1/2)*q3`1)+(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:27;

A11: ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|))`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by EUCLID:36
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+((1-r)*|[1,-1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+(1-r)*|[1,-1]|`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-|[0,1]|`1) by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1-0) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`1) by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2`1+q3`1)) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`1+1/2*q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*q3`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*q3`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q2`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by A10,XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(r*(1/2*q2`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q2`1+1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1*q2`1) by Lm6,XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`1-0
        .= q2`1-|[0,1]|`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2-|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm2;
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|))`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|)`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+|[1,-1]|`2)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+|[1,-1]|`2)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-|[0,1]|`2) by Lm2
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-|[0,1]|`2) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-|[0,1]|`2) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2-1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)*1+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2-1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-r*1) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= (1-r)*q2`2-(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-r by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-(1-r)-r by XCMPLX_1:29
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:36
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2-1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`2)-1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2`2+q2`2))-1 by A5,Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(2*q2`2))-1 by XCMPLX_1:11
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*2*q2`2)-1 by XCMPLX_1:4
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`2-1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`2-1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`2-|[0,1]|`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2-|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm2;
 then (1-r)*(q2+|[1,-1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)
                = |[(q2-|[0,1]|)`1,(q2-|[0,1]|)`2]| by A11,EUCLID:57
               .= q2-|[0,1]| by EUCLID:57;
 then q2-|[0,1]| in
 LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|) by A8,A9,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A12: LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|) =
  LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,q2-|[0,1]|) \/ LSeg(q2-|[0,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|)
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,len G,0), I2 = Int cell(G,len G -' 1,0);
A13: LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,q2-|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| } by Th64;
A14: LSeg(q2-|[0,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|) c= I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }
                                                         by A2,A3,A4,Th56;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ q2-|[0,1]| } \/ { q2-|[0,1]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| } \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| } \/ (I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(q2+|[1,-1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)-|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2-|[0,1]| }
                                                    by A12,A13,A14,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 < width G & 1 < len G implies
 LSeg(G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|,
      1/2*(G*(len G,width G)+G*(len G -' 1,width G))+|[0,1]|) c=
  Int cell(G,len G,width G) \/ Int cell(G,len G -' 1,width G)
              \/ { G*(len G,width G)+|[0,1]| }
proof assume
A1: 1 < width G & 1 < len G;
 set q2 = G*(len G,width G), q3 = G*(len G -' 1,width G),
     r = 1/(1/2*(q2`1-q3`1)+1);
A2: len G -' 1 + 1 = len G by A1,AMI_5:4;
then A3: len G -' 1 >= 1 by A1,NAT_1:38;
A4: len G -' 1 < len G by A2,NAT_1:38;
A5: q2`2 = G*(1,width G)`2 by A1,GOBOARD5:2
        .= q3`2 by A1,A3,A4,GOBOARD5:2;
      q3`1 < q2`1 by A1,A3,A4,GOBOARD5:4;
    then q2`1-q3`1 > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
    then 1/2*(q2`1-q3`1) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
    then A6: 1 < 1/2*(q2`1-q3`1)+1 by REAL_1:69;
then A7: 1/2*(q2`1-q3`1)+1 > 0 by AXIOMS:22;
then A8: 0 < r by REAL_2:127;
A9: r < 1 by A6,SQUARE_1:2;
           = r*((1/2)*q2`1-((1/2)*q3`1))+r by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`1-q3`1))+r*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
          .= r*((1/2)*(q2`1-q3`1)+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
          .= 1 by A7,XCMPLX_1:107;
    then r*((1/2)*q2`1)-r*((1/2)*q3`1) = 1-r by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A10: r*((1/2)*q3`1)+(1-r) = r*((1/2)*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:27;

A11: ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|))`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2+(1-r)*|[1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by EUCLID:36
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+((1-r)*|[1,1]|)`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm1
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+(1-r)*|[1,1]|`1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= ((1-r)*q2)`1+(1-r)*1+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+|[0,1]|`1) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`1+0) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`1) by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2`1+q3`1)) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*q2`1+1/2*q3`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*q3`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1)) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(1-r)+r*(1/2*q3`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q2`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1) by A10,XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+(r*(1/2*q2`1)+r*(1/2*q2`1)) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1/2*q2`1+1/2*q2`1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`1+r*(1*q2`1) by Lm6,XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`1+0
        .= q2`1+|[0,1]|`1 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2+|[0,1]|)`1 by Lm1;
         = ((1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|))`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`2 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|)`2+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|))`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|)`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+|[1,1]|`2)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+|[1,1]|`2)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+|[0,1]|`2) by Lm1
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+|[0,1]|`2) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*(q2`2+1)+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+1) by EUCLID:56
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)*1+r*((1/2*(q2+q3))`2+1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+(r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+r*1) by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+(1-r)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+r by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+(1-r)+r by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+((1-r)+r) by XCMPLX_1:1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3))`2+1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)`2)+1 by Lm3
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(q2`2+q2`2))+1 by A5,Lm1
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*(2*q2`2))+1 by XCMPLX_1:11
        .= (1-r)*q2`2+r*(1/2*2*q2`2)+1 by XCMPLX_1:4
        .= (1-r+r)*q2`2+1 by XCMPLX_1:8
        .= 1*q2`2+1 by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= q2`2+|[0,1]|`2 by EUCLID:56
        .= (q2+|[0,1]|)`2 by Lm1;
 then (1-r)*(q2+|[1,1]|)+r*(1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)
                = |[(q2+|[0,1]|)`1,(q2+|[0,1]|)`2]| by A11,EUCLID:57
               .= q2+|[0,1]| by EUCLID:57;
 then q2+|[0,1]| in LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|) by A8,A9,SPPOL_1:22;
 then A12: LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|) =
  LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,q2+|[0,1]|) \/ LSeg(q2+|[0,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|)
                                                           by TOPREAL1:11;
 set I1 = Int cell(G,len G,width G), I2 = Int cell(G,len G -' 1,width G);
A13: LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,q2+|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| } by Th66;
A14: LSeg(q2+|[0,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|) c= I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }
                                                         by A2,A3,A4,Th58;
    I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }
      = I1 \/ (I2 \/ ({ q2+|[0,1]| } \/ { q2+|[0,1]| })) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ (I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| } \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4
     .= I1 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| } \/ (I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }) by XBOOLE_1:4;
 hence LSeg(q2+|[1,1]|,1/2*(q2+q3)+|[0,1]|) c= I1 \/ I2 \/ { q2+|[0,1]| }
                                                    by A12,A13,A14,XBOOLE_1:13;

   1 <= i & i+1 <= len G & 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G implies
  LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),p) meets Int cell(G,i,j)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G and
A2: 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G;
   now take a = 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1));
 thus a in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)),p) by TOPREAL1:6;
 thus a in Int cell(G,i,j) by A1,A2,Th34;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

   1 <= i & i+1 <= len G implies
  LSeg(p,1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|)
     meets Int cell(G,i,width G)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G;
   now take a = 1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|;
 thus a in
   LSeg(p,1/2*(G*(i,width G)+G*(i+1,width G))+|[0,1]|) by TOPREAL1:6;
 thus a in Int cell(G,i,width G) by A1,Th35;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

   1 <= i & i+1 <= len G implies
  LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|,p) meets Int cell(G,i,0)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G;
   now take a = 1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|;
  thus a in LSeg(1/2*(G*(i,1)+G*(i+1,1))-|[0,1]|,p) by TOPREAL1:6;
  thus a in Int cell(G,i,0) by A1,Th36;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

   1 <= j & j+1 <= width G implies
  LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|,p) meets Int cell(G,0,j)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G;
   now take a = 1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|;
  thus a in LSeg(1/2*(G*(1,j)+G*(1,j+1))-|[1,0]|,p) by TOPREAL1:6;
  thus a in Int cell(G,0,j) by A1,Th38;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

   1 <= j & j+1 <= width G implies
  LSeg(p,1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|) meets Int cell(G,len G,j)
proof assume that
A1: 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G;
   now take a = 1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|;
  thus a in LSeg(p,1/2*(G*(len G,j)+G*(len G,j+1))+|[1,0]|) by TOPREAL1:6;
  thus a in Int cell(G,len G,j) by A1,Th37;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

    LSeg(p,G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|) meets Int cell(G,0,0)
proof now take a = G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|;
  thus a in LSeg(p,G*(1,1)-|[1,1]|) by TOPREAL1:6;
  thus a in Int cell(G,0,0) by Th39;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

    LSeg(p,G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|) meets Int cell(G,len G,width G)
proof now take a = G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|;
  thus a in LSeg(p,G*(len G,width G)+|[1,1]|) by TOPREAL1:6;
  thus a in Int cell(G,len G,width G) by Th40;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

    LSeg(p,G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|) meets Int cell(G,0,width G)
proof now take a = G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|;
  thus a in LSeg(p,G*(1,width G)+|[-1,1]|) by TOPREAL1:6;
  thus a in Int cell(G,0,width G) by Th41;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

    LSeg(p,G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|) meets Int cell(G,len G,0)
proof now take a = G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|;
  thus a in LSeg(p,G*(len G,1)+|[1,-1]|) by TOPREAL1:6;
  thus a in Int cell(G,len G,0) by Th42;
 end; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

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