The Mizar article:

Basic Concepts for Petri Nets with Boolean Markings

Pauline N. Kawamoto,
Yasushi Fuwa, and
Yatsuka Nakamura

Received October 8, 1993

Copyright (c) 1993 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: BOOLMARK
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors NAT_1, DOMAIN_1, FINSEQ_4, FUNCT_4, MARGREL1, PETRI, REAL_1,
      ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0;
 definitions PETRI, XBOOLE_0;
 schemes FINSEQ_2, NAT_1;


theorem Th1:
  for A, B being non empty set,
      f being Function of A,B,
      C being Subset of A,
      v being Element of B
  holds f +* (C-->v) is Function of A,B
      let A, B be non empty set;
      let f be Function of A,B;
      let C be Subset of A;
      let v be Element of B;
      A1: dom f = A by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      A2: dom(f +* (C-->v)) = (dom f) \/ dom(C-->v) by FUNCT_4:def 1
        .= A \/ C by A1,FUNCOP_1:19
        .= [#]A \/ C by SUBSET_1:def 4
        .= [#]A by SUBSET_1:28
        .= A by SUBSET_1:def 4;
      A3: rng f c= B by RELSET_1:12;
        rng(C-->v) c= {v} by FUNCOP_1:19;
      then A4: rng f \/ rng(C-->v) c= B \/ {v} by A3,XBOOLE_1:13;
        rng(f +* (C-->v)) c= rng f \/ rng(C-->v) by FUNCT_4:18;
      then rng(f +* (C-->v)) c= B \/ {v} by A4,XBOOLE_1:1;
      then rng(f +* (C-->v)) c= B by ZFMISC_1:46;
      hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;

theorem Th2:
  for X, Y being non empty set,
      A, B being Subset of X,
      f being Function of X,Y st f.:A misses f.:B
  holds A misses B
      let X, Y be non empty set;
      let A, B be Subset of X;
      let f be Function of X,Y such that A1: f.:A /\ f.:B = {};
      assume A /\ B <> {};
      then consider x being Element of X such that A2: x in A /\ B
        by SUBSET_1:10;
        x in A & x in B by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then f.x in f.:A & f.x in f.:B by FUNCT_2:43;
      hence contradiction by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th3:
  for A, B being set,
      f being Function,
      x being set
  holds A misses B implies (f +* (A --> x)).:B = f.:B
      let A, B be set, f be Function, x be set;
      assume that A1: A /\ B = {} and A2: (f +* (A --> x)).:B <> f.:B;
      A3: dom(f +* (A --> x)) = dom f \/ dom(A --> x) by FUNCT_4:def 1;
      A4: dom(A --> x) = A by FUNCOP_1:19;
      A5: not (for y being set holds y in (f +* (A --> x)).:B iff y in f.:B)
        by A2,TARSKI:2;
        now per cases by A5;
        case ex y being set st y in (f +* (A --> x)).:B & not y in f.:B;
          then consider y being set such that A6: y in (f +* (A --> x)).:B
            and A7: not y in f.:B;
          consider z being set such that A8: z in dom(f +* (A --> x))
            and A9: z in B
            and A10: y = (f +* (A --> x)).z by A6,FUNCT_1:def 12;
          A11: not z in A by A1,A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then A12: z in dom f by A3,A4,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
            y = f.z by A4,A10,A11,FUNCT_4:12;
          hence contradiction by A7,A9,A12,FUNCT_1:def 12;

        case ex y being set st not y in (f +* (A --> x)).:B & y in f.:B;
          then consider y being set such that A13: not y in (f +* (A --> x)).:B
            and A14: y in f.:B;
          consider z being set such that A15: z in dom f
            and A16: z in B
            and A17: y = f.z by A14,FUNCT_1:def 12;
          A18: not z in A by A1,A16,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          A19: z in dom(f +* (A --> x)) by A3,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
            y = (f +* (A --> x)).z by A4,A17,A18,FUNCT_4:12;
          hence contradiction by A13,A16,A19,FUNCT_1:def 12;
      hence thesis;

:: Main definitions, theorems block

:: Boolean Markings of Place/Transition Net
  let PTN be PT_net_Str;
  func Bool_marks_of PTN -> FUNCTION_DOMAIN of the Places of PTN, BOOLEAN
    Funcs(the Places of PTN, BOOLEAN);

  let PTN be PT_net_Str;
  mode Boolean_marking of PTN is Element of Bool_marks_of PTN;

:: Firable and Firing Conditions for Transitions
  let PTN be PT_net_Str;
  let M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN;
  let t be transition of PTN;
  pred t is_firable_on M0 means
    M0.:*'{t} c= {TRUE};
  antonym t is_not_firable_on M0;

  let PTN be PT_net_Str;
  let M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN;
  let t be transition of PTN;
  func Firing(t,M0) -> Boolean_marking of PTN equals
     M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE) +* ({t}*'-->TRUE);
      set M1 = M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE) +* ({t}*'-->TRUE);
        M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE) is Function of the Places of PTN, BOOLEAN by Th1;
      then M1 is Function of the Places of PTN, BOOLEAN by Th1;
      then M1 in Funcs(the Places of PTN, BOOLEAN) by FUNCT_2:11;
      hence thesis by Def1;

:: Firable and Firing Conditions for Transition Sequences
  let PTN be PT_net_Str;
  let M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN;
  let Q be FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN;
  pred Q is_firable_on M0 means
    Q = {}
    ex M being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN st len Q = len M
      & Q/.1 is_firable_on M0
      & M/.1 = Firing(Q/.1,M0)
      & for i being Nat st i < len Q & i > 0
        holds Q/.(i+1) is_firable_on M/.i & M/.(i+1)
          = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M/.i);
  antonym Q is_not_firable_on M0;

  let PTN be PT_net_Str;
  let M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN;
  let Q be FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN;
  func Firing(Q,M0) -> Boolean_marking of PTN means
    it = M0 if Q = {}
    ex M being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
      st len Q = len M
         & it = M/.len M
         & M/.1 = Firing(Q/.1,M0)
         & for i being Nat st i < len Q & i > 0
           holds M/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M/.i);
   defpred _P[Nat] means
   for Q being FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN
        st $1 = len Q
      holds (Q = {} implies ex M1 being Boolean_marking of PTN st M1 = M0)
        & (Q <> {} implies ex M2 being Boolean_marking of PTN
          st ex M being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN st len Q = len M
             & M2 = M/.len M
             & M/.1 = Firing(Q/.1,M0)
             & for i being Nat st i < len Q & i > 0
               holds M/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M/.i));

A1:   _P[0] by FINSEQ_1:25;
A2:    now let n be Nat;
        A3: _P[n];
      thus _P[n+1]
          let Q be FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN
            such that A4:n+1=len Q;
          thus Q = {} implies ex M1 being Boolean_marking of PTN st M1 = M0;

          thus Q <> {} implies ex M2 being Boolean_marking of PTN,
            M being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
            st len Q = len M
               & M2 = M/.len M
               & M/.1 = Firing(Q/.1,M0)
               & for i being Nat st i < len Q & i > 0
                 holds M/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M/.i)
              assume Q <> {};
              then len Q<>0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
              then consider Q1 being FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN,
                t being transition of PTN
                such that A5: Q=Q1^<*t*> by FINSEQ_2:22;
                n+1=len Q1+ 1 by A4,A5,FINSEQ_2:19;
              then A6:n=len Q1 by XCMPLX_1:2;

              per cases;
              suppose A7: Q1={};
                take M2 = Firing(t,M0);
                take M = <*M2*>;
                A8: len Q = len Q1 + len <*t*> by A5,FINSEQ_1:35
                  .= 0 + len <*t*> by A7,FINSEQ_1:25
                  .= 0 + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
                hence len Q = len M by FINSEQ_1:56;

                hence M2 = M/.len M by A8,FINSEQ_4:25;

                  Q = <*t*> by A5,A7,FINSEQ_1:47;
                then Q/.1 = t by FINSEQ_4:25;
                hence M/.1 = Firing(Q/.1,M0) by FINSEQ_4:25;

                let i be Nat; assume i < len Q & i > 0;
                hence M/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M/.i) by A8,NAT_1:38;

              suppose A9:Q1<> {};
                then consider B2 being Boolean_marking of PTN,
                  B being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
                  such that A10:len Q1 = len B
                            and A11: B2 = B/.len B
                            and A12: B/.1 = Firing(Q1/.1,M0)
                            and A13: for i being Nat st i < len Q1 & i > 0
                               holds B/.(i+1) = Firing(Q1/.(i+1),B/.i)
                                      by A3,A6;
                take M2 = Firing(t,B2);
                take M = B^<*M2*>;
                A14:len M =len B + len<*M2*> by FINSEQ_1:35
                .=len B + 1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
                A15:len Q = len Q1 + len<*t*> by A5,FINSEQ_1:35
                .=len Q1 + 1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
                hence len Q = len M by A10,A14;

                thus M2 = M/.len M by A14,TOPREAL4:1;
                  len Q1 <> 0 by A9,FINSEQ_1:25;
                then A16:len Q1 > 0 by NAT_1:19;
                then 0 + 1 < len B + 1 by A10,REAL_1:53;
                then A17:1<= len B by NAT_1:38;
                then A18:1 in dom B by FINSEQ_3:27;

                  0 + 1 < len Q1 + 1 by A16,REAL_1:53;
                then 1<= len Q1 by NAT_1:38;
                then A19: 1 in dom Q1 by FINSEQ_3:27;
                thus M/.1 = B/.1 by A18,GROUP_5:95
                .= Firing(Q/.1,M0) by A5,A12,A19,GROUP_5:95;

                let i be Nat such that A20:i < len Q and A21:i > 0;
                thus M/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M/.i)
                    A22: Seg (len Q1 + 1) = Seg (len Q1) \/ {len Q1 + 1}
                                                by FINSEQ_1:11;
                    A23:1<=i+1 by NAT_1:37;
                      i+1<=len Q1+1 by A15,A20,NAT_1:38;
                    then A24: i+1 in Seg (len Q1 + 1) by A23,FINSEQ_1:3;
                    per cases by A22,A24,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                      suppose A25: i+1 in Seg (len Q1);
                      then i + 1 <= len Q1 by FINSEQ_1:3;
                      then i < len Q1 by NAT_1:38;
                      then A26:B/.(i+1) = Firing(Q1/.(i+1),B/.i) by A13,A21;
                        0 + 1 < i + 1 by A21,REAL_1:53;
                      then A27:1<=i by NAT_1:38;
                        i+1 in dom B by A10,A25,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
                      then A28:B/.(i+1)=M/.(i+1) by GROUP_5:95;
                      A29:i + 1 <= len B by A10,A25,FINSEQ_1:3;
                        i+1 in dom Q1 by A25,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
                      then A30:Q1/.(i+1)=Q/.(i+1) by A5,GROUP_5:95;
                        i + 1 <= len B + 1 by A29,NAT_1:37;
                      then i <= len B by REAL_1:53;
                      then i in dom B by A27,FINSEQ_3:27;
                      hence M/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M/.i)
                        by A26,A28,A30,GROUP_5:95;

                      suppose i+1 in {len Q1 + 1};
                      then A31: i + 1 = len Q1 + 1 by TARSKI:def 1;
                      then A32:i=len Q1 by XCMPLX_1:2;
                      A33:M/.(i+1)=M2 by A10,A31,TOPREAL4:1;
                      A34:Q/.(i+1)=t by A5,A31,TOPREAL4:1;
                        len B in dom B by A17,FINSEQ_3:27;
                      hence M/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M/.i)
                        by A10,A11,A32,A33,A34,GROUP_5:95;

        for n being Nat holds _P[n] from Ind(A1,A2);
      hence thesis;
      let B1,B2 be Boolean_marking of PTN;
      thus Q = {} & B1 = M0 & B2 = M0 implies B1 = B2;
      assume Q <> {};
      given M1 being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
        such that A35: len Q = len M1
          and A36: B1 = M1/.len M1
          and A37: M1/.1 = Firing(Q/.1,M0)
          and A38: for i being Nat st i < len Q & i > 0
                  holds M1/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M1/.i);
      given M2 being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
        such that A39: len Q = len M2
          and A40: B2 = M2/.len M2
          and A41: M2/.1 = Firing(Q/.1,M0)
          and A42: for i being Nat st i < len Q & i > 0
                  holds M2/.(i+1) = Firing(Q/.(i+1),M2/.i);
      defpred _P[Nat] means $1 in Seg len Q implies M1/.$1 = M2/.$1;
A43:  _P[0] by FINSEQ_1:3;
A44:    now
        let j be Nat;
        assume A45: _P[j];
        assume A46: j + 1 in Seg len Q;
        per cases;
          suppose j = 0;
          hence M1/.(j+1) = M2/.(j+1) by A37,A41;

          suppose A47: j <> 0;
          A48: j + 1 <= len Q by A46,FINSEQ_1:3;
          A49: j < j + 1 by REAL_1:69;
          then A50: j > 0 & j < len Q by A47,A48,AXIOMS:22,NAT_1:19;
            1 <= j & j <= len Q by A47,A48,A49,AXIOMS:22,RLVECT_1:99;
          hence M1/.(j+1) = Firing(Q/.(j+1),M2/.j)
            by A38,A45,A50,FINSEQ_1:3
            .= M2/.(j+1) by A42,A50;
        end; hence _P[j+1];
     A51: for j being Nat holds _P[j] from Ind(A43,A44);
       let j be Nat;
       assume A52: j in Seg len Q;
       then A53: j in dom M1 & j in dom M2 by A35,A39,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       hence M1.j = M1/.j by FINSEQ_4:def 4
         .= M2/.j by A51,A52
         .= M2.j by A53,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
     hence B1 = B2 by A35,A36,A39,A40,FINSEQ_2:10;


theorem Th5:
  for A being non empty set,
      y being set,
      f being Function
  holds (f+*(A --> y)).:A = {y}
      let A be non empty set, y be set, f be Function;
        let u be set;
        thus u in (f+*(A --> y)).:A implies u = y
            assume u in (f+*(A --> y)).:A;
            then consider z being set such that
A1:            z in dom(f+*(A --> y)) & z in A & u = (f+*(A --> y)).z
              by FUNCT_1:def 12;
              z in dom(A --> y) by A1,FUNCOP_1:19;
            then u = (A --> y).z by A1,FUNCT_4:14;
            hence u = y by A1,FUNCOP_1:13;
        consider x being set such that A2: x in A by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
          x in dom(A --> y) & (A --> y).x = y by A2,FUNCOP_1:13,19;
        then x in dom(f+*(A --> y)) & y = (f+*(A --> y)).x by FUNCT_4:13,14;
        hence u = y implies u in (f+*(A --> y)).:A by A2,FUNCT_1:def 12;
      hence (f+*(A --> y)).:A = {y} by TARSKI:def 1;

theorem Th6:
  for PTN being PT_net_Str,
      M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN,
      t being transition of PTN,
      s being place of PTN st s in {t}*'
  holds Firing(t,M0).s = TRUE
      let PTN be PT_net_Str,
          M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN,
          t be transition of PTN,
          s be place of PTN; assume A1: s in {t}*';
      A2: Firing(t,M0) = M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE) +* ({t}*'-->TRUE)
        by Def3;
      A3: ((M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE)) +* ({t}*'-->TRUE)).:({t}*') = {TRUE}
        by A1,Th5;

      set M = M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE) +* ({t}*'-->TRUE);
      A4: [#]the Places of PTN = the Places of PTN by SUBSET_1:def 4;

      A5: dom M0 = the Places of PTN
        & dom (*'{t}-->FALSE) = (*'{t})
        & dom ({t}*'-->TRUE) = ({t}*') by FUNCOP_1:19,FUNCT_2:def 1;

       then dom M = dom(M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE)) \/ {t}*' by FUNCT_4:def 1
        .= (the Places of PTN) \/ (*'{t}) \/ ({t}*') by A5,FUNCT_4:def 1
        .= (the Places of PTN) \/ ((*'{t}) \/ ({t}*')) by XBOOLE_1:4
        .= the Places of PTN by A4,SUBSET_1:28;
      then M.s in {TRUE} by A1,A3,FUNCT_1:def 12;
      hence Firing(t,M0).s = TRUE by A2,TARSKI:def 1;

  let PTN be PT_net_Str;
  let Sd be non empty Subset of the Places of PTN;

    A1: for M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN st M0.:Sd = {FALSE}
      for t being transition of PTN st t is_firable_on M0
    holds Firing(t,M0).:Sd = {FALSE};

  assume Sd is not Deadlock-like;
  then not *'Sd c= Sd*' by PETRI:def 5;
  then consider t being transition of PTN
    such that A2: t in *'Sd and A3: not t in Sd*' by SUBSET_1:7;

  set M0 = ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE qua Function) +* (Sd-->FALSE);
  A4: [#]the Places of PTN = the Places of PTN by SUBSET_1:def 4;

    dom ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE qua Function) = the Places of PTN
    & dom (Sd-->FALSE) = Sd by FUNCOP_1:19;
  then A5: dom M0 = (the Places of PTN) \/ Sd by FUNCT_4:def 1
    .= the Places of PTN by A4,SUBSET_1:28;

     rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) c= {TRUE}
    & rng (Sd-->FALSE) c= {FALSE} by FUNCOP_1:19;
  then rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) c= BOOLEAN
    & rng (Sd-->FALSE) c= BOOLEAN by XBOOLE_1:1;
  then A6: rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) \/ rng (Sd-->FALSE) c= BOOLEAN
    by XBOOLE_1:8;
    rng M0 c= rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) \/ rng (Sd-->FALSE)
    by FUNCT_4:18;
  then rng M0 c= BOOLEAN by A6,XBOOLE_1:1;
  then M0 in Funcs(the Places of PTN, BOOLEAN) by A5,FUNCT_2:def 2;
  then reconsider M0 as Boolean_marking of PTN by Def1;
  A7: (M0).:(Sd) = {FALSE qua set} by Th5;
    Sd misses *'{t} by A3,PETRI:19;
  then A8: ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE qua Function).:*'{t} = M0.:*'{t}
    by Th3;
  A9: rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) c= {TRUE} by FUNCOP_1:19;
    ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE).:*'{t} c= rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE)
    by RELAT_1:144;
  then M0.:*'{t} c= {TRUE} by A8,A9,XBOOLE_1:1;
  then A10: t is_firable_on M0 by Def2;
    {t}*' meets Sd by A2,PETRI:20;
  then consider s being set such that A11: s in {t}*' /\ Sd
    by XBOOLE_0:4;
  A12: s in {t}*' & s in Sd by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
  then Firing(t,M0).s = TRUE by Th6;
  then TRUE in Firing(t,M0).:Sd by A12,FUNCT_2:43;
  then Firing(t,M0).:Sd <> {FALSE} by MARGREL1:38,TARSKI:def 1;
  hence contradiction by A1,A7,A10;

    for PTN being PT_net_Str,
      Sd being non empty Subset of the Places of PTN
  holds Sd is Deadlock-like
  for M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN st M0.:Sd = {FALSE}
    for t being transition of PTN st t is_firable_on M0
  holds Firing(t,M0).:Sd = {FALSE}
      let PTN be PT_net_Str, Sd be non empty Subset of the Places of PTN;
      thus Sd is Deadlock-like implies
        for M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN st M0.:Sd = {FALSE}
          for t being transition of PTN st t is_firable_on M0
        holds Firing(t,M0).:Sd = {FALSE}
          assume Sd is Deadlock-like;
          then A1: *'Sd is Subset of Sd*' by PETRI:def 5;
          let M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN such that A2: M0.:Sd = {FALSE};
          let t be transition of PTN; assume t is_firable_on M0;
          then A3: M0.:*'{t} c= {TRUE} by Def2;
            {TRUE} misses {FALSE} by MARGREL1:38,ZFMISC_1:17;
          then M0.:*'{t} misses {FALSE} by A3,XBOOLE_1:63;
          then A4: *'{t} misses Sd by A2,Th2;
          then not t in *'Sd by A1,PETRI:19;
          then A5: {t}*' misses Sd by PETRI:20;
            Firing(t,M0) = M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE) +* ({t}*'-->TRUE) by Def3;
          hence Firing(t,M0).:Sd = (M0 +* (*'{t}-->FALSE)).:Sd by A5,Th3
            .= {FALSE} by A2,A4,Th3;

      thus thesis by Lm1;

theorem Th8:
 for D being non empty set
 for Q0,Q1 being FinSequence of D, i being Nat st 1<=i & i<=len Q0
  holds (Q0^Q1)/.i=Q0/.i
  proof let D be non empty set;
   let Q0,Q1 be FinSequence of D, i be Nat;
      len Q0<=len Q0+len Q1 by NAT_1:29;
      then A1: i<=len Q0 implies i<=len Q0 + len Q1 by AXIOMS:22;
      i in dom Q0 implies i in Seg(len Q0) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then i in
 dom Q0 implies 1<=i & i<=len(Q0^Q1) by A1,FINSEQ_1:3,35;
    then A2: i in dom Q0 implies i in dom (Q0^Q1) by FINSEQ_3:27;
      i in dom Q0 implies Q0.i=Q0/.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      then A3: i in dom Q0 implies (Q0^Q1).i=Q0/.i by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      i in dom Q0 iff i in Seg len Q0 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   hence thesis by A2,A3,FINSEQ_1:3,FINSEQ_4:def 4;


theorem Th10:
  for PTN being PT_net_Str,
      M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN,
      Q0, Q1 being FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN
  holds Firing(Q0^Q1,M0) = Firing(Q1,Firing(Q0,M0))
      let PTN be PT_net_Str;
      let M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN;
      let Q0, Q1 be FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN;

        now per cases;
        case A1:  Q0 = {} & Q1 = {};
          then A2: Q0^Q1 = {} by FINSEQ_1:47;
            Firing(Q1,Firing(Q0,M0)) = Firing(Q1,M0) by A1,Def5
            .= M0 by A1,Def5;
          hence Firing(Q0^Q1,M0) = Firing(Q1,Firing(Q0,M0)) by A2,Def5;

        case A3:  Q0 = {} & Q1 <> {};
          then Firing(Q0^Q1,M0) = Firing(Q1,M0) by FINSEQ_1:47;
          hence Firing(Q0^Q1,M0) = Firing(Q1,Firing(Q0,M0)) by A3,Def5;

        case A4:  Q0 <> {} & Q1 = {};
          then Firing(Q0^Q1,M0) = Firing(Q0,M0) by FINSEQ_1:47;
          hence Firing(Q0^Q1,M0) = Firing(Q1,Firing(Q0,M0)) by A4,Def5;

        case A5:  Q0 <> {} & Q1 <> {};
          let i be Nat;

          A6: len Q0 <> 0 by A5,FINSEQ_1:25;
          A7: len Q1 <> 0 by A5,FINSEQ_1:25;
          then len Q0 + len Q1 <> 0 by NAT_1:23;
          then len(Q0^Q1) <> 0 by FINSEQ_1:35;
          then Q0^Q1 <> {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
          then consider M being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
            such that A8: len (Q0^Q1) = len M
            and A9: Firing(Q0^Q1,M0) = M/.len M
            and A10: M/.1 = Firing((Q0^Q1)/.1,M0)
            and A11: for i being Nat st i < len (Q0^Q1) & i > 0
              holds M/.(i+1) = Firing((Q0^Q1)/.(i+1),M/.i) by Def5;
          consider M_0 being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
            such that A12: len Q0 = len M_0
            and A13: Firing(Q0,M0) = M_0/.len M_0
            and A14: M_0/.1 = Firing(Q0/.1,M0)
            and A15: for i being Nat st i < len Q0 & i > 0
              holds M_0/.(i+1) = Firing(Q0/.(i+1),M_0/.i) by A5,Def5;

          consider M_1 being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
            such that A16: len Q1 = len M_1
            and A17: Firing(Q1,Firing(Q0,M0)) = M_1/.len M_1
            and A18: M_1/.1 = Firing(Q1/.1,Firing(Q0,M0))
            and A19: for i being Nat st i < len Q1 & i > 0
              holds M_1/.(i+1) = Firing(Q1/.(i+1),M_1/.i) by A5,Def5;
          A20: len Q0 > 0 by A6,NAT_1:19;
          A21: len Q1 > 0 by A7,NAT_1:19;
          defpred _P[Nat] means 1+$1<=len Q0 implies M/.(1+$1)=M_0/.(1+$1);
          A22: _P[0] by A10,A14,Th8;
            0<len Q1 by A7,NAT_1:19;
            then 0+len Q0<len Q0 + len Q1 by REAL_1:53;
            then A23: len Q0<len (Q0^Q1) by FINSEQ_1:35;

          A24: now let k be Nat;
             A25: 0<=k by NAT_1:18;
               then A26: 0<1+k by NAT_1:38;
             assume A27: _P[k];
             assume A28: 1+(k+1)<=len Q0;
                 1<=1+(k+1) by NAT_1:29;
               then A29: (Q0^Q1)/.(1+(k+1))=Q0/.(1+(k+1)) by A28,Th8;
             A30: 1+k<len Q0 by A28,NAT_1:38;
               then 0<1+k & 1+k<len (Q0^Q1) by A23,A25,AXIOMS:22,NAT_1:38;
               then M/.(1+(k+1)) =
                   Firing(Q0/.(1+(k+1)),M_0/.(1+k)) by A11,A27,A28,A29,NAT_1:38
             hence M/.(1+(k+1)) = M_0/.(1+(k+1)) by A15,A26,A30;
             end; hence _P[k+1];
          A31: for k being Nat holds _P[k] from Ind(A22,A24);

A32:            0+1<=len Q1 by A21,NAT_1:38;
          A33: len Q0=len Q0 + (1 + -1)
               .=1+(len Q0 + -1) by XCMPLX_1:1
               .=1+(len Q0 -1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;

          reconsider m = len Q0 - 1 as Nat by A20,RLVECT_2:103;
      defpred _P[Nat] means 1+$1<=len Q1 implies M/.(len Q0+1+$1)=M_1/.(1+$1);
            M/.(len Q0+1+0)=
Firing((Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+1),M/.(1+m)) by A11,A20,A23,A33
           .=Firing((Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+1),Firing(Q0,M0)) by A12,A13,A31,A33
           .=M_1/.(1+0) by A18,A32,GOBOARD2:5;
          then A34: _P[0];
          A35: now let k be Nat;
             A36: len Q0 + 1+k+1
                   = len Q0 + 1 + (k+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
               0<=k by NAT_1:18;
               then A37: 0<1+k by NAT_1:38;
                 0<=k + len Q0 by NAT_1:18;
               then 0<len Q0 + k + 1 by NAT_1:38;
               then A38: 0<len Q0 + 1 + k by XCMPLX_1:1;
             assume A39: _P[k];
             assume A40: 1+(k+1)<=len Q1;
                 1<=1+(k+1) by NAT_1:29;
               then (Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+(1+(k+1)))=Q1/.(1+(k+1)) by A40,GOBOARD2:5
               then A41: (Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+1+(k+1))=Q1/.(1+(k+1))
                 by XCMPLX_1:1;
             A42: 1+k<len Q1 by A40,NAT_1:38;
               then len Q0+(1+k) < len Q0+ len Q1 by REAL_1:53;
               then len Q0+1+k < len Q0+ len Q1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
               then len Q0+1+k < len (Q0^Q1) by FINSEQ_1:35;
               then M/.(len Q0+1+(k+1)) =
               Firing(Q1/.(1+(k+1)),M_1/.(1+k)) by A11,A36,A38,A39,A40,A41,
             hence M/.(len Q0+1+(k+1)) = M_1/.(1+(k+1)) by A19,A37,A42;
             end; hence _P[k+1];
          A43: for k being Nat holds _P[k] from Ind(A34,A35);
          consider k being Nat such that
A44:         len M_1 = k + 1 by A7,A16,NAT_1:22;
            M/.len M = M/.(len Q0 +(1+k)) by A8,A16,A44,FINSEQ_1:35
            .= M/.(len Q0 +1+k) by XCMPLX_1:1
            .= M_1/.len M_1 by A16,A43,A44;
          hence Firing(Q0^Q1,M0) = Firing(Q1,Firing(Q0,M0)) by A9,A17;
      hence thesis;

theorem Th11:
  for PTN being PT_net_Str,
      M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN,
      Q0, Q1 being FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN
        st Q0^Q1 is_firable_on M0
  holds Q1 is_firable_on Firing(Q0,M0) & Q0 is_firable_on M0
      let PTN be PT_net_Str;
      let M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN;
      let Q0, Q1 be FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN;
A1:      Q0^Q1 is_firable_on M0;
        now per cases;
        case Q0 = {} & Q1 = {};
          hence Q1 is_firable_on Firing(Q0,M0) & Q0 is_firable_on M0
            by Def4;

        case A2:  Q0 = {} & Q1 <> {};
         hence Q0 is_firable_on M0 by Def4;
            Q0^Q1 = Q1 & Firing(Q0,M0) = M0 by A2,Def5,FINSEQ_1:47;
         hence Q1 is_firable_on Firing(Q0,M0) by A1;

        case A3:  Q0 <> {} & Q1 = {};
         hence Q1 is_firable_on Firing(Q0,M0) by Def4;
         thus Q0 is_firable_on M0 by A1,A3,FINSEQ_1:47;

        case A4:  Q0 <> {} & Q1 <> {};
          let i be Nat;
          A5: len Q0 <> 0 by A4,FINSEQ_1:25;
          A6: len Q1 <> 0 by A4,FINSEQ_1:25;
          then len Q0 + len Q1 <> 0 by NAT_1:23;
          then len(Q0^Q1) <> 0 by FINSEQ_1:35;
          then Q0^Q1 <> {} by FINSEQ_1:25;

          then consider M being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
            such that len (Q0^Q1) = len M
            and A7: (Q0^Q1)/.1 is_firable_on M0
            and A8: M/.1 = Firing((Q0^Q1)/.1,M0)
            and A9: for i being Nat st i < len (Q0^Q1) & i > 0 holds
              (Q0^Q1)/.(i+1) is_firable_on M/.i &
              M/.(i+1) = Firing((Q0^Q1)/.(i+1),M/.i) by A1,Def4;

            consider M_0 being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
            such that A10: len Q0 = len M_0
            and A11: Firing(Q0,M0) = M_0/.len M_0
            and A12: M_0/.1 = Firing(Q0/.1,M0)
            and A13: for i being Nat st i < len Q0 & i > 0
              holds M_0/.(i+1) = Firing(Q0/.(i+1),M_0/.i) by A4,Def5;

          consider M_1 being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
            such that A14: len Q1 = len M_1
            and Firing(Q1,Firing(Q0,M0)) = M_1/.len M_1
            and A15: M_1/.1 = Firing(Q1/.1,Firing(Q0,M0))
            and A16: for i being Nat st i < len Q1 & i > 0
              holds M_1/.(i+1) = Firing(Q1/.(i+1),M_1/.i) by A4,Def5;
          A17: len Q0 > 0 by A5,NAT_1:19;
          A18: len Q1 > 0 by A6,NAT_1:19;
          A19: 0+1<=len Q0 by A17,NAT_1:38;
          defpred _P[Nat] means 1+$1<=len Q0 implies M/.(1+$1)=M_0/.(1+$1);
          A20: _P[0] by A8,A12,Th8;
            0<len Q1 by A6,NAT_1:19;
            then 0+len Q0<len Q0 + len Q1 by REAL_1:53;
            then A21: len Q0<len (Q0^Q1) by FINSEQ_1:35;

          A22: now let k be Nat;
             A23: 0<=k by NAT_1:18;
               then A24: 0<1+k by NAT_1:38;
             assume A25: _P[k];
             assume A26: 1+(k+1)<=len Q0;
                 1<=1+(k+1) by NAT_1:29;
               then A27: (Q0^Q1)/.(1+(k+1))=Q0/.(1+(k+1)) by A26,Th8;
             A28: 1+k<len Q0 by A26,NAT_1:38;
               then 0<1+k & 1+k<len (Q0^Q1) by A21,A23,AXIOMS:22,NAT_1:38;
               then M/.(1+(k+1)) =
                  Firing(Q0/.(1+(k+1)),M_0/.(1+k)) by A9,A25,A26,A27,NAT_1:38;
             hence M/.(1+(k+1)) = M_0/.(1+(k+1)) by A13,A24,A28;
             end; hence _P[k+1];
          A29: for k being Nat holds _P[k] from Ind(A20,A22);

A30:            0+1<=len Q1 by A18,NAT_1:38;
          A31: len Q0=len Q0 + (1 + -1)
               .=1+(len Q0 + -1) by XCMPLX_1:1
               .=1+(len Q0 -1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
          reconsider m = len Q0 - 1 as Nat by A17,RLVECT_2:103;
          defpred _P[Nat] means 1+$1<=len Q1 implies
                           M/.(len Q0+1+$1)=M_1/.(1+$1);
            M/.(len Q0+1+0)=
Firing((Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+1),M/.(1+m)) by A9,A17,A21,A31
           .=Firing((Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+1),Firing(Q0,M0)) by A10,A11,A29,A31
           .=M_1/.(1+0) by A15,A30,GOBOARD2:5;
          then A32: _P[0];
          A33: now let k be Nat;
             A34: len Q0 + 1+k+1 = len Q0 + 1 + (k+1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
               0<=k by NAT_1:18;
               then A35: 0<1+k by NAT_1:38;
                 0<=k + len Q0 by NAT_1:18;
               then 0<len Q0 + k + 1 by NAT_1:38;
               then A36: 0<len Q0 + 1 + k by XCMPLX_1:1;
             assume A37: _P[k];
             assume A38: 1+(k+1)<=len Q1;
                 1<=1+(k+1) by NAT_1:29;
               then (Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+(1+(k+1)))=Q1/.(1+(k+1)) by A38,GOBOARD2:5
               then A39: (Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+1+(k+1))=Q1/.(1+(k+1))
               by XCMPLX_1:1;
             A40: 1+k<len Q1 by A38,NAT_1:38;
               then len Q0+(1+k) < len Q0+ len Q1 by REAL_1:53;
               then len Q0+1+k < len Q0+ len Q1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
               then len Q0+1+k < len (Q0^Q1) by FINSEQ_1:35;
               then M/.(len Q0+1+(k+1)) = Firing(Q1/.(1+(k+1)),M_1/.(1+k))
               by A9,A34,A36,A37,A38,A39,NAT_1:38;
             hence M/.(len Q0+1+(k+1)) = M_1/.(1+(k+1)) by A16,A35,A40;
             end; hence _P[k+1];
          A41: for k being Nat holds _P[k] from Ind(A32,A33);
          consider j being Nat
            such that A42: len M_0 = j + 1 by A5,A10,NAT_1:22;
          A43: M/.len M_0 = M_0/.len M_0 by A10,A29,A42;
            Q1/.1 = (Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0 + 1) by A30,GOBOARD2:5;
         then A44: Q1/.1 is_firable_on M_0/.len M_0 by A9,A10,A17,A21,A43;

            let i be Nat such that A45: i < len Q1 & i > 0;
              len (Q0^Q1) = len Q0 + len Q1 by FINSEQ_1:35;
            then A46: len Q0 + i < len (Q0^Q1) by A45,REAL_1:53;
              i < len Q0 + i by A17,REAL_1:69;
            then len Q0 + i > 0 by A45,AXIOMS:22;
            then A47: (Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0 +i+1) is_firable_on M/.(len Q0+i)
              & M/.(len Q0+i+1) = Firing((Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+i+1),M/.(len Q0+i))
              by A9,A46;
              i + 1 >= 1 & i + 1 <= len Q1 by A45,NAT_1:29,38;
            then A48: i + 1 in dom Q1 by FINSEQ_3:27;
            A49: (Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+i+1) = (Q0^Q1)/.(len Q0+(i+1))
              by XCMPLX_1:1
              .= Q1/.(i+1) by A48,GROUP_5:96;
            consider j being Nat such that A50: i = j + 1 by A45,NAT_1:22;
               len Q0 + 1 + j = len Q0 + (j + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1;
            then A51: M/.(len Q0 + i) = M_1/.i by A41,A45,A50;
            A52: len Q0 + 1 + i = len Q0 + i + 1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
              i + 1 <= len Q1 by A45,NAT_1:38;
            hence Q1/.(i+1) is_firable_on M_1/.i & M_1/.(i+1)
              = Firing(Q1/.(i+1),M_1/.i) by A41,A47,A49,A51,A52;
          hence Q1 is_firable_on Firing(Q0,M0)
            by A11,A14,A15,A44,Def4;

          A53: Q0/.1 is_firable_on M0 by A7,A19,Th8;
            let i be Nat; assume A54: i < len Q0 & i > 0;
            then i < len (Q0^Q1) by A21,AXIOMS:22;
            then A55: (Q0^Q1)/.(i+1) is_firable_on M/.i &
            M/.(i+1) = Firing((Q0^Q1)/.(i+1),M/.i) by A9,A54;
              i + 1 >= 1 & i + 1 <= len Q0 by A54,NAT_1:29,38;
            then i + 1 in dom Q0 by FINSEQ_3:27;
            then A56: (Q0^Q1)/.(i+1) = Q0/.(i+1) by GROUP_5:95;
            consider j being Nat such that A57: i = j + 1 by A54,NAT_1:22;
            A58: M/.i = M_0/.i by A29,A54,A57;
              i + 1 <= len Q0 by A54,NAT_1:38;
            hence Q0/.(i+1) is_firable_on M_0/.i & M_0/.(i+1)
              = Firing(Q0/.(i+1),M_0/.i) by A29,A55,A56,A58;
          hence Q0 is_firable_on M0 by A10,A12,A53,Def4;
      hence thesis;

theorem Th12:
  for PTN being PT_net_Str,
      M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN,
      t being transition of PTN
  holds t is_firable_on M0 iff <*t*> is_firable_on M0
      let PTN be PT_net_Str,
          M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN,
          t be transition of PTN;
        assume A1: t is_firable_on M0;
        set M = <*Firing(<*t*>/.1,M0)*>;
        A2: len <*t*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56
          .= len M by FINSEQ_1:56;
        A3: <*t*>/.1 is_firable_on M0 by A1,FINSEQ_4:25;
        A4: M/.1 = Firing(<*t*>/.1,M0) by FINSEQ_4:25;

          let i be Nat such that A5: i < len <*t*> & i > 0;
            len <*t*> = 0 + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
          hence <*t*>/.(i+1) is_firable_on M/.i & M/.(i+1)
            = Firing(<*t*>/.(i+1),M/.i) by A5,NAT_1:38;

        hence <*t*> is_firable_on M0 by A2,A3,A4,Def4;

      A6: len <*t*> = 1 & len {} = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25,56;
      assume <*t*> is_firable_on M0;
      then consider M being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
        such that len <*t*> = len M
          and A7: <*t*>/.1 is_firable_on M0
          and M/.1 = Firing(<*t*>/.1,M0)
              & for i being Nat st i < len <*t*> & i > 0
                holds <*t*>/.(i+1) is_firable_on M/.i
                  & M/.(i+1) = Firing(<*t*>/.(i+1),M/.i) by A6,Def4;
      thus t is_firable_on M0 by A7,FINSEQ_4:25;

theorem Th13:
  for PTN being PT_net_Str,
      M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN,
      t being transition of PTN
  holds Firing(t,M0) = Firing(<*t*>,M0)
      let PTN be PT_net_Str,
          M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN,
          t be transition of PTN;

      A1: len <*t*> = 1 & len {} = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25,56;
      set M = <*Firing(<*t*>/.1,M0)*>;
      A2: len <*t*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56
        .= len M by FINSEQ_1:56;
      A3: <*t*>/.1 = t by FINSEQ_4:25;
      A4: M/.1 = Firing(<*t*>/.1,M0) by FINSEQ_4:25;
        let i be Nat such that A5: i < len <*t*> & i > 0;
          len <*t*> = 0 + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
        hence M/.(i+1) = Firing(<*t*>/.(i+1),M/.i) by A5,NAT_1:38;

      hence Firing(t,M0) = Firing(<*t*>,M0) by A1,A2,A3,A4,Def5;

    for PTN being PT_net_Str,
      Sd being non empty Subset of the Places of PTN
  holds Sd is Deadlock-like
  for M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN st M0.:Sd = {FALSE}
    for Q being FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN
      st Q is_firable_on M0
  holds Firing(Q,M0).:Sd = {FALSE}
      let PTN be PT_net_Str, Sd be non empty Subset of the Places of PTN;
      thus Sd is Deadlock-like implies
        for M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN st M0.:Sd = {FALSE}
          for Q being FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN
            st Q is_firable_on M0
        holds Firing(Q,M0).:Sd = {FALSE}
          assume Sd is Deadlock-like;
          then A1: *'Sd is Subset of Sd*' by PETRI:def 5;
          let M0 be Boolean_marking of PTN such that A2: M0.:Sd = {FALSE};
defpred P[FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN] means
  $1 is_firable_on M0 implies Firing($1,M0).:Sd = {FALSE};
          A3: P[<*> the Transitions of PTN] by A2,Def5;

          A4: now
            let Q be FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN;
            let x be transition of PTN;
            assume A5: P[Q];
            thus P[ Q^<*x*>]
             assume A6: Q^<*x*> is_firable_on M0;
             then A7: <*x*> is_firable_on Firing(Q,M0) by Th11;

            A8: <*x*> <> {} by TREES_1:4;
              Firing(Q^<*x*>,M0) = Firing(<*x*>,Firing(Q,M0)) by Th10;
             then consider M being FinSequence of Bool_marks_of PTN
               such that A9: len <*x*> = len M
               and A10: Firing(Q^<*x*>,M0) = M/.len M
               and A11: M/.1 = Firing(<*x*>/.1,Firing(Q,M0))
               and for i being Nat st i < len <*x*> & i > 0
                  holds M/.(i+1) = Firing(<*x*>/.(i+1),M/.i)
                    by A8,Def5;

                <*x*>/.1 = x by FINSEQ_4:25;
             then A12: Firing(Q^<*x*>, M0) = Firing(x,Firing(Q,M0))
               by A9,A10,A11,FINSEQ_1:56
               .= Firing(Q,M0) +* (*'{x}-->FALSE) +* ({x}*'-->TRUE)
                 by Def3;
               x is_firable_on Firing(Q,M0) by A7,Th12;
             then A13: Firing(Q,M0).:*'{x} c= {TRUE} by Def2;
               {TRUE} misses {FALSE} by MARGREL1:38,ZFMISC_1:17;
             then Firing(Q,M0).:*'{x} misses {FALSE} by A13,XBOOLE_1:63;
             then A14: *'{x} misses Sd by A5,A6,Th2,Th11;
             then not x in *'Sd by A1,PETRI:19;
             then {x}*' misses Sd by PETRI:20;
             hence Firing(Q^<*x*>,M0).:Sd = (Firing(Q,M0) +* (*'
              by A12,Th3
              .= {FALSE} by A5,A6,A14,Th3,Th11;
          thus for Q0 being FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN
            holds P[Q0] from IndSeqD(A3,A4);

        A15: for M0 being Boolean_marking of PTN st M0.:Sd = {FALSE}
          for Q being FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN
            st Q is_firable_on M0
        holds Firing(Q,M0).:Sd = {FALSE};

      assume *'Sd is not Subset of Sd*';
      then consider t being transition of PTN
        such that A16: t in *'Sd and A17: not t in Sd*' by SUBSET_1:7;
      set M0 = ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE qua Function) +* (Sd-->FALSE);
      A18: [#]the Places of PTN = the Places of PTN by SUBSET_1:def 4;
        dom ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE qua Function) = the Places of PTN
        & dom (Sd-->FALSE) = Sd by FUNCOP_1:19;
      then A19: dom M0 = (the Places of PTN) \/ Sd by FUNCT_4:def 1
        .= the Places of PTN by A18,SUBSET_1:28;
         rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) c= {TRUE}
        & rng (Sd-->FALSE) c= {FALSE} by FUNCOP_1:19;
      then rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) c= BOOLEAN
        & rng (Sd-->FALSE) c= BOOLEAN by XBOOLE_1:1;
      then A20: rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) \/ rng (Sd-->FALSE) c= BOOLEAN
        by XBOOLE_1:8;
        rng M0 c= rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) \/ rng (Sd-->FALSE)
        by FUNCT_4:18;
      then rng M0 c= BOOLEAN by A20,XBOOLE_1:1;
      then M0 in Funcs(the Places of PTN, BOOLEAN) by A19,FUNCT_2:def 2;
      then reconsider M0 as Boolean_marking of PTN by Def1;
      A21: (M0).:(Sd) = {FALSE qua set} by Th5;
      reconsider Q = <*t*> as FinSequence of the Transitions of PTN;
        Sd misses *'{t} by A17,PETRI:19;
      then A22: ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE qua Function).:*'{t} = M0.:*'{t}
        by Th3;
      A23: rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE) c= {TRUE} by FUNCOP_1:19;
        ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE).:*'{t} c= rng ((the Places of PTN)-->TRUE)
        by RELAT_1:144;
      then M0.:*'{t} c= {TRUE} by A22,A23,XBOOLE_1:1;
      then t is_firable_on M0 by Def2;
      then A24: Q is_firable_on M0 by Th12;
        {t}*' meets Sd by A16,PETRI:20;
      then consider s being set such that A25: s in {t}*' /\ Sd
        by XBOOLE_0:4;
      A26: s in {t}*' & s in Sd by A25,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then Firing(t,M0).s = TRUE by Th6;
      then TRUE in Firing(t,M0).:Sd by A26,FUNCT_2:43;
      then Firing(t,M0).:Sd <> {FALSE} by MARGREL1:38,TARSKI:def 1;
      then Firing(Q,M0).:Sd <> {FALSE} by Th13;
      hence contradiction by A15,A21,A24;

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