The Mizar article:

Introduction to Probability

Jan Popiolek

Received June 13, 1990

Copyright (c) 1990 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: RPR_1
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary FINSEQ_1, FINSET_1, BOOLE, RELAT_1, PROB_1, SUBSET_1, CARD_1,
      ARYTM_3, ARYTM_1, RPR_1, REALSET1;
 definitions XBOOLE_0;


 reserve E for non empty set;
 reserve a for Element of E;
 reserve A, B for Subset of E;
 reserve Y for set;
 reserve p for FinSequence;

definition let E be non empty set;
  cluster non empty trivial Subset of E;
    consider x being set such that
A1: x in E by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    take {x};
    thus thesis by A1,REALSET1:def 12,ZFMISC_1:37;

definition let E;
  mode El_ev of E is non empty trivial Subset of E;

theorem Th1:
  for e being non empty Subset of E holds
  e is El_ev of E iff for Y holds (Y c= e iff Y = {} or Y = e)
  let e be non empty Subset of E;
  thus e is El_ev of E implies for Y holds (Y c= e iff Y = {} or Y = e)
    assume e is El_ev of E;
    then consider x being set such that
    A1: e = {x} by REALSET1:def 12;
    let Y;
    thus Y c= e iff Y = {} or Y = e by A1,ZFMISC_1:39;
  assume A2: for Y holds Y c= e iff Y = {} or Y = e;
  consider x being set such that
A3:x in e by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    e is trivial
      {x} c= e by A3,ZFMISC_1:37;
    then {x} = e by A2;
    hence thesis by REALSET1:def 12;
  hence e is El_ev of E;

definition let E;
  cluster -> finite El_ev of E;
    let e be El_ev of E;
    per cases by REALSET1:def 12;
    suppose e is empty;
    then reconsider T = e as empty set;
      T is finite;
    hence thesis;
    suppose ex x being set st e = {x};
    hence thesis;

 reserve e, e1, e2 for El_ev of E;

canceled 3;

    e = A \/ B & A <> B implies
  A = {} & B = e or A = e & B = {}
  assume that
  A1: e = A \/ B and
  A2: A <> B;
    A c= e & B c= e by A1,XBOOLE_1:7;
  then ( A = {} or A = e ) & ( B = {} or B = e ) by Th1;
  hence thesis by A2;

    e = A \/ B implies A = e & B = e or
  A = e & B = {} or A = {} & B = e
   assume A1: e = A \/ B;
   then A c= e & B c= e by XBOOLE_1:7;
   then A = {} & B = e or A = e & B = {} or A = e & B = e or
   A = {} & B = {} by Th1;
   hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th7:
  {a} is El_ev of E
  set e = {a};
    e c= E & e <> {} & ( Y c= e iff Y = {} or Y = e ) by ZFMISC_1:39;
  hence thesis by Th1;

canceled 2;

   e1 c= e2 implies e1 = e2 by Th1;

theorem Th11:
  ex a st a in E & e = {a}
   consider x being Element of e;
A1:{x} c= e;
   reconsider x as Element of E;
     x in E & {x} = e by A1,Th1;
   hence thesis;

    ex e st e is El_ev of E
  consider a being Element of E;
    {a} is El_ev of E by Th7;
  hence thesis;


    ex p st p is FinSequence of E & rng p = e & len p = 1
  consider a such that
A1: a in E & e = {a} by Th11;
  reconsider p = <*a*> as FinSequence;
A2: rng p = {a} by FINSEQ_1:56;
    len p = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
  hence thesis by A1,A2;

definition let E be set;
  mode Event of E is Subset of E;

canceled 7;

    for E being non empty set, e being El_ev of E, A being Event of E
   holds e misses A or e /\ A = e
  let E be non empty set, e be El_ev of E, A be Event of E;
  A1: e /\ E = e by XBOOLE_1:28;
    A \/ A` = [#] E by SUBSET_1:25;
  then A \/ A` = E by SUBSET_1:def 4;
  then e = e /\ A \/ e /\ A` by A1,XBOOLE_1:23;
  then e /\ A c= e by XBOOLE_1:7;
  then e /\ A = {} or e /\ A = e by Th1;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 7;

canceled 2;

    for E being non empty set, A being Event of E st A <> {}
       ex e being El_ev of E st e c= A
   let E be non empty set, A be Event of E;
   assume A1: A <> {};
   consider x being Element of A;
   reconsider x as Element of E by A1,TARSKI:def 3;
   A2: {x} is El_ev of E by Th7;
     {x} c= A by A1,ZFMISC_1:37;
   hence thesis by A2;

    for E being non empty set, e being El_ev of E, A being Event of E
   st e c= A \/ A` holds e c= A or e c= A`
  let E be non empty set, e be El_ev of E, A be Event of E;
  A1: e c= A \/ A`;
    ex a being Element of E st a in E & e = {a} by Th11;
  then consider a being Element of E such that
  A2: e = {a};
    a in A \/ A` by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:37;
  then a in A or a in A` by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  hence thesis by A2,ZFMISC_1:37;

    e1 = e2 or e1 misses e2
    e1 /\ e2 c= e1 by XBOOLE_1:17;
  then e1 /\ e2 = {} or e1 /\ e2 = e1 by Th1;
  then e1 c= e2 or e1 /\ e2 = {} by XBOOLE_1:17;
  hence thesis by Th1,XBOOLE_0:def 7;

canceled 6;

theorem Th34:
  A /\ B misses A /\ B`
    A /\ B misses A \ B by XBOOLE_1:89;
  hence thesis by SUBSET_1:32;

  for E being finite non empty set holds 0 < card E
  let E be finite non empty set;
  consider x being Element of E;
    card {x} <= card E by CARD_1:80;
  then 1 <= card E by CARD_1:79;
  hence thesis by AXIOMS:22;

   card e = 1
     ex a st a in E & {a} = e by Th11;
   hence thesis by CARD_1:79;

  let E be finite non empty set;
  let A be Event of E;
 canceled 3;

  func prob(A) -> Real equals
   :Def4:  card A / card E;

canceled 3;

    for E being finite non empty set, e being El_ev of E holds
  prob(e) = 1 / card E
  let E be finite non empty set, e be El_ev of E;
    prob(e) = card e / card E by Def4;
  hence thesis by Lm2;

theorem Th39:
  for E being finite non empty set holds prob([#] E) = 1
 let E be finite non empty set;
    reconsider EE = [#] E as Subset of E;
     prob([#] E) = card EE / card E by Def4;
then A1: prob([#] E) = card E / card E by SUBSET_1:def 4;
     card E <> 0 by Lm1;
   hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:60;

theorem Th40:
  for E being finite non empty set holds prob({} E) = 0
proof let E be finite non empty set;
    card {} / card E = 0 by CARD_1:78;
  hence thesis by Def4;

theorem Th41:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st A misses B
    holds prob(A /\ B) = 0
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
  assume A misses B;
  then A /\ B = {} E by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
  hence thesis by Th40;

    for E being finite non empty set, A being Event of E holds prob(A) <= 1
 let E be finite non empty set, A be Event of E;
A1: prob(A) = card A / card E by Def4;
   reconsider EE = [#] E as Subset of E;
     prob [#] E = card EE / card E by Def4;
then A2: prob([#] E) = card E / card E by SUBSET_1:def 4;
A3: card A <= card E by CARD_1:80;
     0 < card E by Lm1;
   then 0 <= (card E)" by REAL_1:72;
   then card A * (card E)" <= card E * (card E)" by A3,AXIOMS:25;
   then card A / card E <= card E * (card E)" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   then prob(A) <= card E / card E by A1,XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   hence thesis by A2,Th39;

theorem Th43:
  for E being finite non empty set, A being Event of E holds 0 <= prob(A)
   let E be finite non empty set, A be Event of E;
A1: prob(A) = card A / card E by Def4;
     0 < card E by Lm1;
then A2: 0 <= (card E)" by REAL_1:72;
     {} c= A by XBOOLE_1:2;
   then 0 <= card A by CARD_1:78,80;
   then 0 * (card E)" <= card A * (card E)" by A2,AXIOMS:25;
   hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_0:def 9;

theorem Th44:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st A c= B holds
    prob(A) <= prob(B)
   let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
   assume A c= B;
then A1: card A <= card B by CARD_1:80;
     0 < card E by Lm1;
   then 0 <= (card E)" by REAL_1:72;
   then card A * (card E)" <= card B * (card E)" by A1,AXIOMS:25;
   then card A / card E <= card B * (card E)" by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   then card A / card E <= card B / card E by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   then prob(A) <= card B / card E by Def4;
   hence thesis by Def4;


theorem Th46:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E holds
    prob(A \/ B) = prob(A) + prob(B) - prob(A /\ B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     card (( A \/ B ) qua Event of E) = card A + card B - card ( A /\ B )
    by CARD_2:64;
then A1: card ( A \/ B ) = card A + ( card B - card ( A /\ B )) by XCMPLX_1:29;
   set q = ( card E )";
   set p = card E;
     card ( A \/ B ) * q = card A * q +
   ( card B - card ( A /\ B )) * q by A1,XCMPLX_1:8;
   then card ( A \/ B ) * q = card A * q +
   ( card B * q - card ( A /\ B ) * q ) by XCMPLX_1:40;
   then card ( A \/ B ) * q = card A * q +
   card B * q - card ( A /\ B ) * q by XCMPLX_1:29;
   then card ( A \/ B ) / p = card A * q + card B * q
   - card ( A /\ B ) * q by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   then card ( A \/ B ) / p = card A / p + card B * q
   - card ( A /\ B ) * q by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   then card ( A \/ B ) / p = card A / p + card B / p
   - card ( A /\ B ) * q by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
 then card ( A \/ B ) / p = card A / p + card B / p
   - card ( A /\ B ) / p by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   then prob(A \/ B) = card A / p + card B / p
   - card ( A /\ B ) / p by Def4;
   then prob(A \/ B) = prob(A) + card B / p
   - card ( A /\ B ) / p by Def4;
   then prob(A \/ B) = prob(A) + prob(B) - card ( A /\ B ) / p by Def4;
   hence thesis by Def4;

theorem Th47:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st A misses B
   holds prob(A \/ B) = prob(A) + prob(B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume A misses B;
   then prob(A /\ B) = 0 by Th41;
   then prob(A \/ B) = prob(A) + prob(B) - 0 by Th46;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th48:
 for E being finite non empty set, A being Event of E holds
     prob(A) = 1 - prob(A`) & prob(A`) = 1 - prob(A)
 let E be finite non empty set, A be Event of E;
     A misses A` by SUBSET_1:44;
   then prob(A \/ A`) = prob(A) + prob(A`) by Th47;
   then prob( [#] E ) = prob(A) + prob(A`) by SUBSET_1:25;
   then 1 = prob(A) + prob(A`) by Th39;
   hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:26;

theorem Th49:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E holds
     prob(A \ B) = prob(A) - prob(A /\ B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: prob(A) = prob((A \ B) \/ (A /\ B)) by XBOOLE_1:51;
     A \ B misses A /\ B by XBOOLE_1:89;
   then prob(A) = prob(A \ B) + prob(A /\ B) by A1,Th47;
   hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:26;

theorem Th50:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st B c= A holds
     prob(A \ B) = prob(A) - prob(B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume B c= A;
   then prob(A /\ B) = prob(B) by XBOOLE_1:28;
   hence thesis by Th49;

   for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E holds
     prob(A \/ B) <= prob(A) + prob(B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: prob(A \/ B) = prob(A) + prob(B) - prob(A /\ B) by Th46;
     0 <= prob(A /\ B) by Th43;
  hence thesis by A1,PROB_1:2;


theorem Th53:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E holds
     prob(A) = prob(A /\ B) + prob(A /\ B`)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     A /\ B misses A /\ B` by Th34;
then A1: prob((A /\ B) \/ (A /\ B`)) = prob(A /\ B) + prob(A /\ B`) by Th47;
     A = A /\ ( A \/ [#] E ) by XBOOLE_1:21;
   then A = A /\ [#] E by SUBSET_1:28;
   then A = A /\ ( B \/ B`) by SUBSET_1:25;
   hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_1:23;

   for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E holds
     prob(A) = prob(A \/ B) - prob(B \ A)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: A misses ( B \ A ) by XBOOLE_1:79;
   prob(A \/ (B \ A)) = prob(A \/ B) by XBOOLE_1:39;
   then prob(A \/ B) = prob(A) + prob(B \ A) by A1,Th47;
   hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:26;

   for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E holds
     prob(A) + prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B) + prob(B` /\ A)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     prob(A) = prob(A /\ B) + prob(A /\ B`) by Th53;
then A1: prob(A /\ B) = prob(A) - prob(B` /\ A) by XCMPLX_1:26;
     prob(B) = prob(A /\ B) + prob(B /\ A`) by Th53;
   then prob(A) - prob(B` /\ A) = prob(B) - prob(A` /\ B) by A1,XCMPLX_1:26;
   then prob(A) - ( prob(B` /\ A) - prob(B` /\ A) ) =
   prob(B) - prob(A` /\ B) + prob(B` /\ A) by XCMPLX_1:37;
   then prob(A) - 0 = prob(B) - prob(A` /\ B) + prob(B` /\ A) by XCMPLX_1:14;
   then prob(A) = prob(B) + -prob(A` /\ B) + prob(B` /\ A) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
   then prob(A) + prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B) + prob(B` /\ A) +
   -prob(A` /\ B) + prob(A` /\ B) by XCMPLX_1:1;
   then prob(A) + prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B) + prob(B` /\ A) -
   prob(A` /\ B) + prob(A` /\ B) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
   then prob(A) + prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B) + prob(B` /\ A) -
   ( prob(A` /\ B) - prob(A` /\ B) ) by XCMPLX_1:37;
   then prob(A) + prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B) + prob(B` /\ A) - 0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th56:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B,C being Event of E
   holds prob(A \/ B \/ C) = ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) -
     ( prob(A /\ B) + prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) ) + prob(A /\ B /\ C)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B,C be Event of E;
     prob(A \/ B \/ C) = prob(A \/ B) + prob(C) - prob((A \/ B) /\ C) by Th46
   .= ( ( prob(A) + prob(B) ) - prob(A /\ B) ) + prob(C) -
   prob((A \/ B) /\ C) by Th46
   .= ( ( prob(A) + prob(B) ) + -prob(A /\ B) ) + prob(C) -
   prob((A \/ B) /\ C) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -prob(A /\ B) -
   prob((A \/ B) /\ C) by XCMPLX_1:1
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -prob(A /\ B) -
   prob((A /\ C) \/ (B /\ C)) by XBOOLE_1:23
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -prob(A /\ B) -
   ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) - prob((A /\ C) /\ (B /\ C)) ) by Th46
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -prob(A /\ B) -
   ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) - prob(A /\ ( C /\ (C /\ B)) )) by XBOOLE_1:16
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -prob(A /\ B) -
   ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) - prob(A /\ (( C /\ C ) /\ B) )) by XBOOLE_1:
   .= (( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -prob(A /\ B)) -
   ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) - prob(A /\ B /\ C) ) by XBOOLE_1:16
   .= (( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -prob(A /\ B)) -
   ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) ) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by XCMPLX_1:37
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + ( -(1 * prob(A /\ B)) -
   ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) )) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by XCMPLX_1:29
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + ( (-1) * prob(A /\ B) -
   ( 1 * ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) ))) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by XCMPLX_1:175
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + ( (-1) * prob(A /\ B) +
   -(1*( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) ))) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + ( (-1) * prob(A /\ B) +
   (-1) * ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) )) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by XCMPLX_1:175
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + (-1) * ( prob(A /\ B)
   + ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) )) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by XCMPLX_1:8
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -( 1 * ( prob(A /\ B) +
   ( prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) ))) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by XCMPLX_1:175
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) + -( prob(A /\ B) +
   prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) ) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by XCMPLX_1:1;
   hence thesis by XCMPLX_0:def 8;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B,C being Event of E st
     A misses B & A misses C & B misses C
     holds prob(A \/ B \/ C) = prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B,C be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: A misses B and
A2: A misses C and
A3: B misses C;
     A misses (B /\ C) by A1,XBOOLE_1:74;
then A4:   prob(A /\ (B /\ C)) = 0 by Th41;
     prob(A \/ B \/ C) = ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) - ( prob(A /\ B) +
   prob(A /\ C) + prob(B /\ C) ) + prob(A /\ B /\ C) by Th56
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) - ( prob(A /\ B) + prob(A /\ C) +
   prob(B /\ C) ) + 0 by A4,XBOOLE_1:16
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) - ( prob(A /\ B) + prob(A /\ C) + 0 )
   by A3,Th41
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) - ( prob(A /\ B) + 0 ) by A2,Th41
   .= ( prob(A) + prob(B) + prob(C) ) - 0 by A1,Th41;
   hence thesis;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E holds
     prob(A) - prob(B) <= prob(A \ B)
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     A /\ B c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
   then prob(A /\ B) <= prob(B) by Th44;
 then prob(A) - prob(B) <= prob(A) - prob(A /\ B) by REAL_1:92;
   hence thesis by Th49;

  let E be finite non empty set;
  let B,A be Event of E;
  func prob(A , B) -> Real equals
  :Def5: prob(A /\ B) / prob(B);


theorem Th60:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B)
    holds prob(A /\ B) = prob(A , B) * prob(B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: 0 < prob(B);
     prob(A , B) * prob(B) = prob(A /\ B) / prob(B) * prob(B) by Def5;
   hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:88;

theorem Th61:
  for E being finite non empty set, A being Event of E holds
    prob(A , [#] E ) = prob(A)
 let E be finite non empty set, A be Event of E;
   prob([#] E) = 1 by Th39;
   then A1:prob(A , [#] E) = prob(A /\ [#] E) / 1 by Def5;
     A c= E;
   then A c= [#] E by SUBSET_1:def 4;
   hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_1:28;

    for E being finite non empty set holds prob([#] E , [#] E) = 1
proof let E be finite non empty set;
    prob([#] E) = 1 by Th39;
   hence thesis by Th61;

   for E being finite non empty set holds prob({} E , [#] E) = 0
proof let E be finite non empty set;
    prob({} E , [#] E) = prob({} E) by Th61;
  hence thesis by Th40;

   for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B)
   holds prob(A , B) <= 1
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: 0 < prob(B);
    then A2: 0 <= (prob(B))" by REAL_1:72;
A3: prob(A , B) = prob(A /\ B) / prob(B) by Def5;
     A /\ B c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
   then prob(A /\ B) <= prob(B) by Th44;
   then prob(A /\ B) * (prob(B))" <= prob(B) * (prob(B))" by A2,AXIOMS:25;
   then prob(A /\ B) * (prob(B))" <= 1 by A1,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
   hence thesis by A3,XCMPLX_0:def 9;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B)
   holds 0 <= prob(A , B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: 0 < prob(B);
     0 <= prob(A /\ B) by Th43;
   then 0 <= prob(A /\ B) / prob(B) by A1,SQUARE_1:27;
   hence thesis by Def5;

theorem Th66:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B)
   holds prob(A , B) = 1 - prob(B \ A) / prob(B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: 0 < prob(B);
A2: prob(A , B) = prob(A /\ B) / prob(B) by Def5;
     prob(B \ A) + prob(A /\ B) =
   ( prob(B) - prob(A /\ B) ) + prob(A /\ B) by Th49;
   then ( prob(A /\ B) + prob(B \ A) ) - prob(B \ A) =
   prob(B) - prob(B \ A) by XCMPLX_1:27;
   then prob(A , B) = ( prob(B) - prob(B \ A) ) / prob(B) by A2,XCMPLX_1:26;
   then prob(A , B) = prob(B) / prob(B) - prob(B \ A) / prob(B)
   by XCMPLX_1:121;
   hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:60;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B)
    & A c= B holds prob(A , B) = prob(A) / prob(B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B) and
A2: A c= B;
   prob(A , B) = 1 - prob(B \ A) / prob(B) by A1,Th66;
   then prob(A , B) = 1 - ( prob(B) - prob(A) ) / prob(B) by A2,Th50;
   then prob(A , B) = 1 - ( prob(B) / prob(B) - prob(A) / prob(B) )
   by XCMPLX_1:121;
   then prob(A , B) = 1 - ( 1 - prob(A) / prob(B) ) by A1,XCMPLX_1:60;
   then prob(A , B) = 1 - 1 + prob(A) / prob(B) by XCMPLX_1:37; hence

theorem Th68:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st
      A misses B holds prob(A , B) = 0
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
  A misses B;
 then prob(A /\ B) = 0 by Th41;
   then prob(A , B) = 0 / prob(B) by Def5
              .= 0 * (prob(B))";
   hence thesis;

theorem Th69:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(A) &
     0 < prob(B) holds prob(A) * prob(B , A) = prob(B) * prob(A , B)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(A) and
A2: 0 < prob(B);
     prob(A) * prob(B , A) = prob(A /\ B) by A1,Th60;
   hence thesis by A2,Th60;

theorem Th70:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob B
    holds prob(A , B) = 1 - prob(A` , B) & prob(A` , B) = 1 - prob(A , B)
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: 0 < prob(B);
A2:   (A \/ A`) /\ B = [#] E /\ B by SUBSET_1:25;
   [#] E /\ B = B
       [#] E /\ B = E /\ B by SUBSET_1:def 4;
        hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:28;
then A3: (A /\ B) \/ (A` /\ B) = B by A2,XBOOLE_1:23;
     A /\ B misses B /\ A` by Th34;
   then prob(A /\ B) + prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B) by A3,Th47;
   then prob(A , B) * prob(B) + prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B) by A1,Th60;
   then prob(A , B) * prob(B) + prob(A` , B) * prob(B) = prob(B)
   by A1,Th60;
 then ( prob(A , B) + prob(A` , B) ) * prob(B) = prob(B) by XCMPLX_1:8;
   then ( prob(A , B) + prob(A` , B) ) * prob(B) * (prob(B))" = 1
   by A1,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
   then ( prob(A , B) + prob(A` , B) ) * ( prob(B) * (prob(B))" ) = 1
   by XCMPLX_1:4;
   then ( prob(A , B) + prob(A` , B) ) * 1 = 1 by A1,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
    hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:26;

theorem Th71:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B) &
     B c= A holds prob(A , B) = 1
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B) and
A2: B c= A;
   prob(A /\ B) = prob(B) by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
   then prob(A , B) = prob(B) / prob(B) by Def5;
   hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:60;

    for E being finite non empty set, B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B)
   holds prob([#] E , B) = 1
  let E be finite non empty set, B be Event of E;
A1: 0 < prob(B);
     B c= E;
   then B c= [#] E by SUBSET_1:def 4;
   hence thesis by A1,Th71;

    for E being finite non empty set, A being Event of E st 0 < prob(A)
    holds prob(A` , A) = 0
 let E be finite non empty set, A be Event of E;
A1: 0 < prob(A);
     A` misses A by SUBSET_1:44;
 then prob(A` /\ A) = 0 by Th41;
   then prob(A` , A) * prob(A) = 0 by A1,Th60;
   hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:6;

    for E being finite non empty set, A being Event of E st prob(A) < 1
    holds prob(A , A`) = 0
  let E be finite non empty set, A be Event of E;
  prob(A) < 1;
   then prob(A) -1 < 1 - 1 by REAL_1:54;
   then - ( 1 - prob(A) ) < 0 by XCMPLX_1:143;
   then 0 < - ( - ( 1 - prob(A) ) ) by REAL_1:66;
then A1: 0 < prob(A`) by Th48;
     A misses A` by SUBSET_1:44;
 then prob(A /\ A`) = 0 by Th41;
   then prob(A , A`) * prob(A`) = 0 by A1,Th60;
   hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:6;

theorem Th75:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B) &
     A misses B holds prob(A` , B) = 1
   let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
   assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B) and
A2: A misses B;
     prob(A , B) = 0 by A2,Th68;
   then 1 - prob(A` , B) = 0 by A1,Th70;
   hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:15;

theorem Th76:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(A) &
     prob(B) < 1 & A misses B holds
     prob(A , B`) = prob(A) / (1 - prob(B))
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(A) and
A2: prob(B) < 1 and
A3: A misses B;
A4: prob(B`) = 1 - prob(B) by Th48;
     prob(B) - 1 < 1 - 1 by A2,REAL_1:54;
   then - ( 1 - prob(B) ) < 0 by XCMPLX_1:143;
   then 0 < - ( - ( 1 - prob(B) ) ) by REAL_1:66;
then A5: 0 < prob(B`) by Th48;
   then prob(A) * prob(B` , A) = prob(B`) * prob(A , B`) by A1,Th69;
   then prob(A) * 1 = prob(B`) * prob(A , B`) by A1,A3,Th75;
   then prob(A) * (prob(B`))" = prob(A , B`) * ( prob(B`) * (prob(B`))" )
   by XCMPLX_1:4;
   then prob(A) * (prob(B`))" = prob(A , B`) * 1 by A5,XCMPLX_0:def 7;
   hence thesis by A4,XCMPLX_0:def 9;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(A) &
     prob(B) < 1 & A misses B holds
     prob(A` , B`) = 1 - prob(A) / (1 - prob(B))
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(A) and
A2: prob(B) < 1 and
A3: A misses B;
A4: prob(B`) = 1 - prob(B) by Th48;
     prob(B) -1 < 1 - 1 by A2,REAL_1:54;
   then - ( 1 - prob(B) ) < 0 by XCMPLX_1:143;
   then 0 < - ( - ( 1 - prob(B) ) ) by REAL_1:66;
   then prob(A` , B`) = 1 - prob(A , B`) by A4,Th70;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,Th76;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B,C being Event of E st
    0 < prob(B /\ C) & 0 < prob(C) holds
    prob(A /\ B /\ C) = prob(A , B /\ C) * prob(B , C) * prob(C)
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B,C be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B /\ C) and
A2: 0 < prob(C);
     prob(A /\ B /\ C) = prob(A /\ (B /\ C)) by XBOOLE_1:16;
then A3: prob(A /\ B /\ C) = prob(A , B /\ C) * prob(B /\ C) by A1,Th60;
     prob(B /\ C) = prob(B , C) * prob(C) by A2,Th60;
   hence thesis by A3,XCMPLX_1:4;

theorem Th79:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E
     st 0 < prob(B) & prob(B) < 1 holds
     prob(A) = prob(A , B) * prob(B) + prob(A , B`) * prob(B`)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B) and
A2: prob(B) < 1;
     prob(B) -1 < 1 - 1 by A2,REAL_1:54;
   then - ( 1 - prob(B) ) < 0 by XCMPLX_1:143;
   then 0 < - ( - ( 1 - prob(B) ) ) by REAL_1:66;
then A3: 0 < prob(B`) by Th48;
     prob(A) = prob(A /\ B) + prob(A /\ B`) by Th53;
   then prob(A) = prob(A , B) * prob(B) + prob(A /\ B`) by A1,Th60;
   hence thesis by A3,Th60;

theorem Th80:
  for E being finite non empty set, A,B1,B2 being Event of E
    st 0 < prob(B1) & 0 < prob(B2) & B1 \/ B2 = E & B1 misses B2 holds
     prob(A) = prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) + prob(A , B2) * prob(B2)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B1,B2 be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B1) and
A2: 0 < prob(B2) and
A3: B1 \/ B2 = E and
A4: B1 misses B2;
     B2 \ B1 = E \ B1 by A3,XBOOLE_1:40;
then A5:   B2 = E \ B1 by A4,XBOOLE_1:83;
then A6: B2 = (B1)` by SUBSET_1:def 5;
   0 < prob((B1)`) by A2,A5,SUBSET_1:def 5;
   then 0 < 1 - prob(B1) by Th48;
   then 1 - ( 1 - prob(B1) ) < 1 by SQUARE_1:29;
   then 1 - 1 + prob(B1) < 1 by XCMPLX_1:37; hence thesis by A1,A6,Th79;

theorem Th81:
 for E being finite non empty set, A,B1,B2,B3 being Event of E
   st 0 < prob(B1) & 0 < prob(B2) & 0 < prob(B3) &
     B1 \/ B2 \/ B3 = E & B1 misses B2 & B1 misses B3 & B2 misses B3 holds
     prob(A) = ( prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) + prob(A , B2) * prob(B2) ) +
     prob(A , B3) * prob(B3)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B1,B2,B3 be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B1) and
A2: 0 < prob(B2) and
A3: 0 < prob(B3) and
A4: B1 \/ B2 \/ B3 = E and
A5: B1 /\ B2 = {} and
A6: B1 /\ B3 = {} and
A7: B2 /\ B3 = {};
     (B1 \/ B2 \/ B3) /\ A = A by A4,XBOOLE_1:28;
then A8: ((B1 \/ B2) /\ A) \/ (B3 /\ A) = A by XBOOLE_1:23;
     (B1 /\ B3) \/ (B2 /\ B3) = B2 /\ B3 by A6;
   then (B1 \/ B2) /\ B3 = {} by A7,XBOOLE_1:23;
   then (B1 \/ B2) misses B3 by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
 then (B1 \/ B2) /\ A misses B3 /\ A by XBOOLE_1:76;
   then prob(A) = prob((B1 \/ B2) /\ A) + prob(B3 /\ A) by A8,Th47;
then A9: prob(A) = prob((B1 /\ A) \/ (B2 /\ A)) + prob(B3 /\ A) by XBOOLE_1:23;
     B1 misses B2 by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
 then B1 /\ A misses B2 /\ A by XBOOLE_1:76;
   then prob(A) = prob(A /\ B1) + prob(A /\ B2) + prob(A /\ B3) by A9,Th47;
   then prob(A) = prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) + prob(A /\ B2) + prob(A /\ B3)
   by A1,Th60;
   then prob(A) = prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) + prob(A , B2) * prob(B2) +
   prob(A /\ B3) by A2,Th60;
   hence thesis by A3,Th60;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B1,B2 being Event of E
   st 0 < prob(B1) & 0 < prob(B2) & B1 \/ B2 = E &
     B1 misses B2 holds prob(B1 , A) = ( prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) ) /
     ( prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) + prob(A , B2) * prob(B2) )
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B1,B2 be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B1) and
A2: 0 < prob(B2) and
A3: B1 \/ B2 = E and
A4: B1 misses B2;
A5: prob(A) = prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) + prob(A , B2) * prob(B2)
   by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th80;
     prob(B1 , A) = prob(A /\ B1) / prob(A) by Def5;
   hence thesis by A1,A5,Th60;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B1,B2,B3 being Event of E
   st 0 < prob(B1) & 0 < prob(B2)
     & 0 < prob(B3) & B1 \/ B2 \/ B3 = E & B1 misses B2 & B1 misses B3 &
     B2 misses B3 holds prob(B1 , A) = ( prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) ) /
     ( ( prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) + prob(A , B2) * prob(B2) )
     + prob(A , B3) * prob(B3) )
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B1,B2,B3 be Event of E;
  assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B1) and
A2: 0 < prob(B2) and
A3: 0 < prob(B3) and
A4: B1 \/ B2 \/ B3 = E and
A5: B1 misses B2 and
A6: B1 misses B3 and
A7: B2 misses B3;
A8: prob(A) = ( prob(A , B1) * prob(B1) + prob(A , B2) * prob(B2) ) +
   prob(A , B3) * prob(B3) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,Th81;
     prob(B1 , A) = prob(A /\ B1) / prob(A) by Def5;
   hence thesis by A1,A8,Th60;

  let E be finite non empty set;
  let A, B be Event of E;
  pred A, B are_independent means :Def6:
  prob(A /\ B) = prob(A) * prob(B);

canceled 2;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st 0 < prob(B)
    & A, B are_independent holds prob(A , B) = prob(A)
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: 0 < prob(B) and
A2: A , B are_independent;
   prob(A /\ B) = prob(A) * prob(B) by A2,Def6;
   then prob(A , B) = ( prob(A) * prob(B) ) / prob(B) by Def5;
   then prob(A , B) = prob(A) * ( prob(B) / prob(B) ) by XCMPLX_1:75;
   then prob(A , B) = prob(A) * 1 by A1,XCMPLX_1:60;
   hence thesis;

   for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st
     prob(B) = 0 holds A , B are_independent
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: prob(B) = 0;
     A /\ B c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
then prob(A /\ B) <= 0 by A1,Th44;
then A2: prob(A /\ B) = 0 by Th43;
     0 = prob(A) * 0;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,Def6;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st
     A , B are_independent holds A` , B are_independent
  let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
A1: A , B are_independent;
     prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B \ A) by SUBSET_1:32;
   then prob(A` /\ B) = prob(B) - prob(A /\ B) by Th49;
   then prob(A` /\ B) = 1 * prob(B) - prob(A) * prob(B) by A1,Def6;
   then prob(A` /\ B) = ( 1 - prob(A) ) * prob(B) by XCMPLX_1:40;
   then prob(A` /\ B) = prob(A`) * prob(B) by Th48;
   hence thesis by Def6;

    for E being finite non empty set, A,B being Event of E st A misses B
     & A, B are_independent holds prob(A) = 0 or prob(B) = 0
 let E be finite non empty set, A,B be Event of E;
     assume that
A1: A misses B and
A2: A , B are_independent;
     prob(A /\ B) = 0 by A1,Th41;
   then prob(A) * prob(B) = 0 by A2,Def6;
   hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:6;

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