The Mizar article:

Topological Properties of Subsets in Real Numbers

Konrad Raczkowski, and
Pawel Sadowski

Received June 18, 1990

Copyright (c) 1990 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: RCOMP_1
[ MML identifier index ]


      SQUARE_1, SEQ_4, RCOMP_1;
      REAL_1, NAT_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_2, SEQ_1, SEQ_2, SEQM_3, SEQ_4, ABSVALUE,
 constructors NAT_1, SEQ_2, SEQM_3, SEQ_4, ABSVALUE, SQUARE_1, MEMBERED,
 clusters XREAL_0, RELSET_1, SEQM_3, SEQ_1, NAT_1, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1,
 definitions TARSKI, SEQ_2, XBOOLE_0;
      XCMPLX_0, XCMPLX_1;
 schemes REAL_1, FUNCT_2, SEQ_1;


reserve n,n1,m,k for Nat;
reserve x,y for set;
reserve s,g,g1,g2,r,p,q,t for real number;
reserve s1,s2,s3 for Real_Sequence;
reserve Nseq for increasing Seq_of_Nat;
reserve X,Y,Y1 for Subset of REAL;

scheme RealSeqChoice { P[set,set] }:
 ex s1 being Function of NAT, REAL st for n being Nat holds P[n,s1.n]
A1: for n being Nat ex r being real number st P[n,r]
  defpred Q[Element of NAT,Element of REAL] means P[$1,$2];
A2: for t being Element of NAT
   ex ff being Element of REAL st Q[t,ff]
     let t be Element of NAT;
     consider ff being real number such that
A3:      P[t,ff] by A1;
     reconsider ff as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
       P[t,ff] by A3;
     hence thesis;
  consider f being Function of NAT,REAL such that A4:
  for t being Element of NAT holds Q[t,f.t] from FuncExD(A2);
  take f; let n;
  thus thesis by A4;

theorem Th1:
(for r holds r in X implies r in Y) implies X c= Y
  assume A1: for r holds r in X implies r in Y;
     now let x; assume
A2:   x in X;
    then x is Real;
    hence x in Y by A1,A2;
  hence X c= Y by TARSKI:def 3;


theorem Th3:
 Y1 c= Y & Y is bounded_below implies Y1 is bounded_below
 assume A1: Y1 c= Y & Y is bounded_below;
 then consider p such that
 A2: for r st r in Y holds p<=r by SEQ_4:def 2;
   for r st r in Y1 holds p<=r by A1,A2;
 hence thesis by SEQ_4:def 2;

theorem Th4:
 Y1 c= Y & Y is bounded_above implies Y1 is bounded_above
 assume A1: Y1 c= Y & Y is bounded_above;
 then consider p such that
 A2: for r st r in Y holds r<=p by SEQ_4:def 1;
   for r st r in Y1 holds r<=p by A1,A2;
 hence thesis by SEQ_4:def 1;

   Y1 c= Y & Y is bounded implies Y1 is bounded
 assume A1: Y1 c= Y & Y is bounded;
 then A2: Y is bounded_above bounded_below by SEQ_4:def 3;
 then A3: Y1 is bounded_above by A1,Th4;
   Y1 is bounded_below by A1,A2,Th3;
 hence thesis by A3,SEQ_4:def 3;

definition let g,s be real number;
func [. g,s .] -> Subset of REAL equals : Def1:
  {r where r is Real: g<=r & r<=s };
    now let x;
   assume x in {r where r is Real: g <= r & r<=s};
   then ex r be Real st x = r & g <= r & r<=s;
   hence x in REAL;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

definition let g,s be real number;
func ]. g,s .[ -> Subset of REAL equals : Def2:
  {r where r is Real : g<r & r<s };
    now let x;
   assume x in {r where r is Real: g<r & r<s};
   then ex r be Real st x = r & g<r & r<s;
   hence x in REAL;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

canceled 2;

theorem Th8:
r in ].p-g,p+g.[ iff abs(r-p)<g
 thus r in ].p-g,p+g.[ implies abs(r-p)<g
 proof assume r in ].p-g,p+g.[;
  then r in {s where s is Real: p-g<s & s<p+g} by Def2;
 then A1:  ex s be Real st r=s & p-g<s & s<p+g;
  then p+-g<r by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then A2: -g<r-p by REAL_1:86; r-p<g by A1,REAL_1:84;
  hence thesis by A2,SEQ_2:9;
A3: r is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
 assume abs(r-p)<g;
 then A4: -g<r-p & r-p<g by SEQ_2:9; then p+-g<r by REAL_1:86;
 then A5: p-g<r by XCMPLX_0:def 8; r<p+g by A4,REAL_1:84;
 then r in {s where s is Real: p-g<s & s<p+g} by A3,A5;
 hence thesis by Def2;

  r in [.p,g.] iff abs(p+g-2*r)<=g-p
 thus r in [.p,g.] implies abs(p+g-2*r)<=g-p
 proof assume r in [.p,g.];
  then r in {s where s is Real: p<=s & s<=g} by Def1;
  then ex s be Real st s=r & p<=s & s<=g;
  then 2*p<=2*r & 2*r<=2*g by AXIOMS:25;
  then -2*p>=-2*r & -2*r>=-2*g by REAL_1:50;
  then (p+g)+-2*p>=(p+g)+-2*r & (p+g)+-2*r>=(p+g)+-2*g by REAL_1:55;
  then (p+g)-2*p>=(p+g)+-2*r & (p+g)+-2*r>=(p+g)+-2*g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then (p+g)-2*p>=(p+g)-2*r & (p+g)-2*r>=(p+g)+-2*g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then (g+p)-2*p>=(p+g)-2*r & (p+g)-2*r>=(p+g)-2*g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then g+(p-2*p)>=p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>=p+(g-2*g) by XCMPLX_1:29;
  then g+(p-(p+p))>=p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>=p+(g-(g+g)) by XCMPLX_1:11;
  then g+(p-p-p)>=p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>=p+(g-g-g) by XCMPLX_1:36;
  then g+(0-p)>=p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>=p+(0-g) by XCMPLX_1:14;
  then g+-p>=p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>=p+-g by XCMPLX_1:150;
  then g-p>=p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>=p-g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then g-p>=p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>=-(g-p) by XCMPLX_1:143;
  hence thesis by ABSVALUE:12;
 assume abs(p+g-2*r)<=g-p;
 then A1: g-p>=p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>=-(g-p) by ABSVALUE:12;
 then 2*r+(g-p)>=p+g by REAL_1:86; then 2*r>=p+g-(g-p) by REAL_1:86;
 then 2*r>=p+(g-(g-p)) by XCMPLX_1:29; then 2*r>=p+p by XCMPLX_1:18;
 then 2*r>=2*p by XCMPLX_1:11; then 1/2*(2*r)>=1/2*(2*p) by AXIOMS:25;
 then (1/2*2)*r>=1/2*(2*p) by XCMPLX_1:4;
 then A2: (1/2*2)*r>=(1/2*2)*p by XCMPLX_1:4;
A3: r is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
   p+g-2*r>=p-g by A1,XCMPLX_1:143; then p+g>=p-g+2*r by REAL_1:84;
 then p+g-(p-g)>=2*r by REAL_1:84; then p+g-p+g>=2*r by XCMPLX_1:37;
 then g+g>=2*r by XCMPLX_1:26; then 2*g>=2*r by XCMPLX_1:11;
 then 1/2*(2*g)>=1/2*(2*r) by AXIOMS:25;
 then (1/2*2)*g>=1/2*(2*r) by XCMPLX_1:4;
 then g>=1*r by XCMPLX_1:4;
 then r in {s where s is Real: p<=s & s<=g} by A2,A3;
 hence thesis by Def1;

  r in ].p,g.[ iff abs(p+g-2*r)<g-p
 thus r in ].p,g.[ implies abs(p+g-2*r)<g-p
 proof assume r in ].p,g.[;
  then r in {s where s is Real: p<s & s<g} by Def2;
  then ex s be Real st s=r & p<s & s<g;
 then 2*p<2*r & 2*r<2*g by REAL_1:70;
  then -2*p>-2*r & -2*r>-2*g by REAL_1:50;
  then (p+g)+-2*p>(p+g)+-2*r & (p+g)+-2*r>(p+g)+-2*g by REAL_1:53;
  then (p+g)-2*p>(p+g)+-2*r & (p+g)+-2*r>(p+g)+-2*g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then (p+g)-2*p>(p+g)-2*r & (p+g)-2*r>(p+g)+-2*g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then (g+p)-2*p>(p+g)-2*r & (p+g)-2*r>(p+g)-2*g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then g+(p-2*p)>p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>p+(g-2*g) by XCMPLX_1:29;
  then g+(p-(p+p))>p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>p+(g-(g+g)) by XCMPLX_1:11;
  then g+(p-p-p)>p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>p+(g-g-g) by XCMPLX_1:36;
  then g+(0-p)>p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>p+(0-g) by XCMPLX_1:14;
  then g+-p>p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>p+-g by XCMPLX_1:150;
  then g-p>p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>p-g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then g-p>p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>-(g-p) by XCMPLX_1:143;
  hence thesis by SEQ_2:9;
 assume abs(p+g-2*r)<g-p;
 then A1: g-p>p+g-2*r & p+g-2*r>-(g-p) by SEQ_2:9;
 then 2*r+(g-p)>p+g by REAL_1:84; then 2*r>p+g-(g-p) by REAL_1:84;
 then 2*r>p+(g-(g-p)) by XCMPLX_1:29; then 2*r>p+p by XCMPLX_1:18;
 then 2*r>2*p by XCMPLX_1:11; then 1/2*(2*r)>1/2*(2*p) by REAL_1:70;
 then (1/2*2)*r>1/2*(2*p) by XCMPLX_1:4;
 then A2: r>1*p by XCMPLX_1:4;
A3: r is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
   p+g-2*r>p-g by A1,XCMPLX_1:143; then p+g>p-g+2*r by REAL_1:86;
 then p+g-(p-g)>2*r by REAL_1:86; then p+g-p+g>2*r by XCMPLX_1:37;
 then g+g>2*r by XCMPLX_1:26; then 2*g>2*r by XCMPLX_1:11;
 then 1/2*(2*g)>1/2*(2*r) by REAL_1:70;
 then (1/2*2)*g>1/2*(2*r) by XCMPLX_1:4;
 then g>1*r by XCMPLX_1:4;
 then r in {s where s is Real: p<s & s<g} by A2,A3;
 hence thesis by Def2;

  for g,s st g<=s holds [.g,s.] = ].g,s.[ \/ {g,s}
proof let g,s such that A1: g<=s;
 thus [.g,s.] c= ].g,s.[ \/ {g,s}
 proof let x; assume that A2: x in [.g,s.] and
                          A3: not x in ].g,s.[ \/ {g,s};
    x in {r where r is Real: g<=r & r<=s} by A2,Def1;
 then A4:  ex r be Real st r=x & g<=r & r<=s;
  then reconsider x as Real;
A5:  not x in ].g,s.[ & not x in {g,s} by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A6:  (not x in ].g,s.[) & x<> g & x <> s by TARSKI:def 2;
    not (x in {q where q is Real: g<q & q<s}) by A5,Def2;
     then not g<x or not x<s;
   hence contradiction by A4,A6,REAL_1:def 5;
 thus ].g,s.[ \/ {g,s} c= [.g,s.]
 proof let x; assume x in ].g,s.[ \/ {g,s};
then A7:  x in ].g,s.[ or x in {g,s} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A8: g is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
    now per cases by A7,TARSKI:def 2;
  suppose x in ].g,s.[;
   then x in {r where r is Real: g<r & r<s} by Def2;
    then ex r be Real st x = r & g<r & r<s;
   then x in {r where r is Real: g<=r & r<=s};
   hence x in [.g,s.] by Def1;
  suppose A9: x=g;
     g in {r where r is Real: g<=r & r<=s} by A1,A8;
   hence x in [.g,s.] by A9,Def1;
  suppose A10: x=s;
      s is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
   then s in {r where r is Real: g<=r & r<=s} by A1;
   hence x in [.g,s.] by A10,Def1;
  end; hence thesis;

theorem Th12:
p <= g implies ].g,p.[ = {}
proof assume that A1: p <= g and A2: ].g,p.[ <> {};
 consider t be Real such that A3: t in ].g,p.[ by A2,SUBSET_1:10;
   t in {r where r is Real: g<r & r<p} by A3,Def2;
 then ex r be Real st r=t & g<r & r<p;
hence contradiction by A1,AXIOMS:22;

theorem Th13:
p < g implies [.g,p.] = {}
proof assume that A1: p < g and A2: [.g,p.] <> {};
 consider t be Real such that A3: t in [.g,p.] by A2,SUBSET_1:10;
   t in {r where r is Real: g<=r & r<=p} by A3,Def1;
 then ex r be Real st r=t & g<=r & r<=p;
hence contradiction by A1,AXIOMS:22;

  [.p,p.] = {p}
A1:p is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
   now let x;
 thus x in [.p,p.] implies x in {p}
  proof assume x in [.p,p.];
  then x in {t where t is Real: p<=t & t<=p} by Def1;
    then ex t be Real st t=x & p<=t & t<=p; then x = p by AXIOMS:21;
   hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1;
  assume x in {p}; then x=p by TARSKI:def 1;
  then x in {t where t is Real: p <=t & t<=p} by A1;
  hence x in [.p,p.] by Def1;
 end; hence [.p,p.] = {p} by TARSKI:2;

    (p<g implies ].p,g.[ <> {}) &
  (p<=g implies p in [.p,g.] & g in [.p,g.]) &
  ].p,g.[ c= [.p,g.]
A1: p/2+g/2 is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
A2: p is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
A3: g is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
 thus p<g implies ].p,g.[<>{}
 proof assume p<g;
  then A4: p/2<g/2 by REAL_1:73; then p/2+g/2<g/2+g/2 by REAL_1:67;
  then A5: p/2+g/2<g by XCMPLX_1:66; p/2+p/2<p/2+g/2 by A4,REAL_1:67;
  then p<p/2+g/2 by XCMPLX_1:66;
  then p/2+g/2 in {r where r is Real: p<r & r<g} by A1,A5;
  hence thesis by Def2;
 hereby assume A6: p<=g;
  then p in {r where r is Real: p<=r & r<=g} by A2;
  hence p in [.p,g.] by Def1;
    g in {r where r is Real: p<=r & r<=g} by A3,A6;
  hence g in [.p,g.] by Def1;
 let y; assume y in ].p,g.[;
 then y in {r where r is Real:p<r & r<g} by Def2;
 then consider r be Real such that A7: r=y & p<r & r<g;
   y in {s where s is Real:p<=s & s<=g} by A7;
 hence thesis by Def1;

  r in [.p,g.] & s in [.p,g.] implies [.r,s.] c= [.p,g.]
proof assume A1: r in [.p,g.] & s in [.p,g.];
 then r in {t where t is Real: p<=t & t<=g} by Def1;
 then A2: ex t be Real st t=r & p<=t & t<=g;
   s in {t where t is Real: p<=t & t<=g} by A1,Def1;
 then A3: ex t be Real st t=s & p<=t & t<=g;
 let x; assume x in [.r,s.];
 then x in {t where t is Real: r<=t & t<=s} by Def1;
 then consider t be Real such that A4: t=x & r<=t & t<=s;
 A5: p<=t by A2,A4,AXIOMS:22; t<=g by A3,A4,AXIOMS:22;
 then x in {q where q is Real:p<=q & q<=g} by A4,A5;
 hence x in [.p,g.] by Def1;

  r in ].p,g.[ & s in ].p,g.[ implies [.r,s.] c= ].p,g.[
proof assume A1: r in ].p,g.[ & s in ].p,g.[;
then r in {q where q is Real:p<q & q<g} by Def2;
then A2: ex q be Real st q=r & p<q & q<g;
  s in {q where q is Real:p<q & q<g} by A1,Def2;
then A3: ex q be Real st q=s & p<q & q<g;
 let y; assume y in [.r,s.];
 then y in {q where q is Real:r<=q & q<=s} by Def1;
 then consider q be Real such that A4: q=y & r<=q & q<=s;
 A5: p<q by A2,A4,AXIOMS:22; q<g by A3,A4,AXIOMS:22;
 then y in {t where t is Real:p<t & t<g} by A4,A5;
 hence thesis by Def2;

  p<=g implies [.p,g.] = [.p,g.] \/ [.g,p.]
proof assume A1: p<=g;
   now per cases;
 suppose p=g;
  hence [.p,g.] \/ [.g,p.] = [.p,g.];
 suppose p<>g; then p<g by A1,REAL_1:def 5;
  hence [.p,g.] \/ [.g,p.] = [.p,g.] \/ {} by Th13
   .= [.p,g.];
 hence thesis;

definition let X;
attr X is compact means :Def3:
 for s1 st rng s1 c= X ex s2 st s2 is_subsequence_of s1 &
 s2 is convergent & lim s2 in X;

definition let X;
attr X is closed means :Def4:
 for s1 st rng s1 c= X & s1 is convergent holds lim s1 in X;

definition let X;
attr X is open means :Def5: X` is closed;

canceled 3;

theorem Th22:
 for s1 st rng s1 c= [.s,g.] holds s1 is bounded
       let s1 such that A1: rng s1 c= [.s,g.];
       thus s1 is bounded_above
       proof take r = g + 1;
A2:     for t st t in rng s1 holds t < r
        proof let t; assume t in rng s1;
         then t in [.s,g.] by A1; then t in
 {q where q is Real: s<=q & q<=g } by Def1;
         then A3:         ex p be Real st t = p & s <= p & p<=g; g < r by
         hence thesis by A3,AXIOMS:22;
          for n holds s1.n < r
        proof let n; n in NAT;
         then n in dom s1 by FUNCT_2:def 1; then s1.n in rng s1 by FUNCT_1:def
         hence thesis by A2;
        end; hence thesis;
       thus s1 is bounded_below
       proof take r = s - 1;
        A4: r + 1 = s - (1-1) by XCMPLX_1:37;
A5:     for t st t in rng s1 holds r < t
        proof let t; assume t in rng s1;
         then t in [.s,g.] by A1; then t in
 {q where q is Real: s<=q & q<=g } by Def1;
         then A6:         ex p be Real st t = p & s <= p & p<=g; r < s by A4,
         hence thesis by A6,AXIOMS:22;
          for n holds r < s1.n
        proof let n; n in NAT;
         then n in dom s1 by FUNCT_2:def 1; then s1.n in rng s1 by FUNCT_1:def
         hence thesis by A5;
        end; hence thesis;

theorem Th23:
 [.s,g.] is closed
     for s1 st rng s1 c= [.s,g.] & s1 is convergent holds
   lim s1 in [.s,g.]
   proof let s1; assume that
A1: rng s1 c= [.s,g.] and
A2: s1 is convergent;
A3: lim s1 <= g
     deffunc F(Nat) = g;
     consider s2 be Real_Sequence such that
 A4: for n holds s2.n = F(n) from ExRealSeq;
A5: s2.0 = g by A4;
A6:  s2 is constant by A4,SEQM_3:def 6;
then A7:  lim s2 = g by A5,SEQ_4:40;
A8: s2 is convergent by A6,SEQ_4:39;
       now let n;
        n in NAT;
      then n in dom s1 by FUNCT_2:def 1; then s1.n in rng s1 by FUNCT_1:def 5
      then s1.n in [.s,g.] by A1;
      then s1.n in {q where q is Real: s<=q & q<=g } by Def1;
      then ex p be Real st s1.n = p & s <= p & p<=g;hence s1.n<=s2.n by A4;
     end; hence thesis by A2,A7,A8,SEQ_2:32;
      s <= lim s1
     deffunc F(Nat)=s;
     consider s2 be Real_Sequence such that
 A9: for n holds s2.n = F(n) from ExRealSeq;
A10: s2.0 = s by A9;
A11:  s2 is constant by A9,SEQM_3:def 6;
then A12:  lim s2 = s by A10,SEQ_4:40;
A13: s2 is convergent by A11,SEQ_4:39;
       now let n;
        n in NAT;
      then n in dom s1 by FUNCT_2:def 1; then s1.n in rng s1 by FUNCT_1:def 5
      then s1.n in [.s,g.] by A1;
      then s1.n in {q where q is Real: s<=q & q<=g } by Def1;
      then ex p be Real st s1.n = p & s <= p & p<=g;hence s2.n<=s1.n by A9;
     end; hence thesis by A2,A12,A13,SEQ_2:32;
    end; then lim s1 in {r where r is Real: s<=r & r<=g} by A3;
    hence thesis by Def1;
   hence thesis by Def4;

   [.s,g.] is compact
      for s1 st rng s1 c= [.s,g.] ex s2 st s2 is_subsequence_of s1 &
    s2 is convergent & lim s2 in [.s,g.]
    proof let s1; assume A1: (rng s1) c= [.s,g.];
   then s1 is bounded by Th22;
      then consider s2 be Real_Sequence such that
A2:   s2 is_subsequence_of s1 & s2 is convergent by SEQ_4:57;
      take s2; A3: [.s,g.] is closed by Th23;
         ex Nseq st s2 = s1*Nseq by A2,SEQM_3:def 10;
      then rng s2 c= rng s1 by RELAT_1:45;
      then rng s2 c= [.s,g.] by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
      hence thesis by A2,A3,Def4;
    hence thesis by Def3;

theorem Th25:
 ].p,q.[ is open
 defpred P[Real] means $1<=p or q<=$1;
 consider X such that A1: for r be Real holds r in X iff P[r]
 from SepReal;
 A2: ].p,q.[` = X
 proof thus ].p,q.[` c= X
     now let r; assume
A3:   r in ].p,q.[`;
A4: r is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
      r in REAL \ ].p,q.[ by A3,SUBSET_1:def 5;
    then not r in ].p,q.[ by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then not r in {s where s is Real: p<s & s<q} by Def2;
    then r<=p or q<=r by A4;
    hence r in X by A1,A4;
   hence thesis by Th1;
    now let r; assume
A5:  r in X;
A6: r is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
     not ex s be Real st s=r & p<s & s<q by A1,A5;
   then not r in {s where s is Real: p<s & s<q};
   then not r in ].p,q.[ by Def2;
   then r in REAL \ ].p,q.[ by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   hence r in ].p,q.[` by SUBSET_1:def 5;
  hence thesis by Th1;
   now let s1 such that A7: (rng s1) c= X & s1 is convergent;
    lim s1<=p or q<=lim s1
  proof assume A8:not thesis;
   then A9: 0<lim s1 - p by SQUARE_1:11;
     0<q - lim s1 by A8,SQUARE_1:11;
   then consider n such that A10:
   for m st n<=m holds abs(s1.m-lim s1)<q-lim s1 by A7,SEQ_2:def 7;
   consider n1 such that A11:
   for m st n1<=m holds abs(s1.m-lim s1)<lim s1-p by A7,A9,SEQ_2:def 7;
   consider k such that A12: max(n,n1)<k by SEQ_4:10;
   A13: -abs(s1.k-lim s1) <= s1.k-lim s1 &
   s1.k-lim s1 <= abs(s1.k-lim s1) by ABSVALUE:11;
   then A14: -(s1.k-lim s1) <= -(-abs(s1.k-lim s1)) by REAL_1:50;
     n<=max(n,n1) by SQUARE_1:46; then n<=k by A12,AXIOMS:22;
   then abs(s1.k-lim s1)<q-lim s1 by A10;
   then s1.k-lim s1 < q-lim s1 by A13,AXIOMS:22;
   then A15: s1.k < q by REAL_1:49;
     n1<=max(n,n1) by SQUARE_1:46; then n1<=k by A12,AXIOMS:22;
   then abs(s1.k-lim s1)<lim s1 - p by A11;
   then -(s1.k-lim s1)<lim s1 - p by A14,AXIOMS:22;
   then -(lim s1 - p)< -(-(s1.k-lim s1)) by REAL_1:50;
   then p - lim s1 < s1.k-lim s1 by XCMPLX_1:143;
   then A16: p < s1.k by REAL_1:49
; dom s1 = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   then s1.k in rng s1 by FUNCT_1:def 5; hence contradiction by A1,A7,A15,A16;
  hence lim s1 in X by A1;
 then X is closed by Def4;
 hence thesis by A2,Def5;

definition let p, q be real number;
  cluster ].p,q.[ -> open;
  coherence by Th25;

theorem Th26:
X is compact implies X is closed
 assume A1: X is compact;
 assume not X is closed;
 then consider s1 such that A2:
 rng s1 c= X & s1 is convergent & not lim s1 in X by Def4;
    ex s2 st
 s2 is_subsequence_of s1 & s2 is convergent & (lim s2) in X by A1,A2,Def3;
 hence contradiction by A2,SEQ_4:30;

theorem Th27:
(for p st p in X ex r,n st 0<r & (for m st n<m holds r<abs(s1.m - p)))
for s2 st s2 is_subsequence_of s1 holds
not (s2 is convergent & lim s2 in X)
 assume that A1: for p st p in X
     ex r,n st 0<r & (for m st n<m holds r<abs(s1.m - p)) and
 A2: not for s2 st s2 is_subsequence_of s1 holds not (s2 is convergent &
     lim s2 in X);
 consider s2 such that A3: s2 is_subsequence_of s1 &
 s2 is convergent & lim s2 in X by A2;
 consider r,n such that A4: 0<r & for m st n<m holds
                            r<abs(s1.m - lim s2) by A1,A3;
 consider n1 such that A5: for m st n1<=m holds
                           abs(s2.m-(lim s2))<r by A3,A4,SEQ_2:def 7;
 set k = n + 1 + n1;
   n + 1 <= k by NAT_1:29;
 then A6: n < k by NAT_1:38;
 consider NS being increasing Seq_of_Nat such that
 A7: s2 = s1*NS by A3,SEQM_3:def 10; n1 <= k by NAT_1:29;
 then abs((s1*NS).k-(lim s2))<r by A5,A7;
 then A8: abs(s1.(NS.k)-(lim s2))<r by SEQM_3:31;
   k<=NS.k by SEQM_3:33; then n<NS.k by A6,AXIOMS:22;
 hence contradiction by A4,A8;

theorem Th28:
 X is compact implies X is bounded
 assume A1: X is compact;
 assume A2: not X is bounded;
   now per cases by A2,SEQ_4:def 3;
   suppose A3: not X is bounded_above;
   defpred P[Element of NAT,Element of REAL] means
          ex q st q =$2  & q in X & $1<q;
   A4: for n being Element of NAT
       ex p being Element of REAL st P[n,p]
::       st ex q st q=p & q in X & n<q
       proof let n be Element of NAT;
        consider t such that A5: t in X & n<t by A3,SEQ_4:def 1;
        take t;
        thus thesis by A5;
   consider f being Function of NAT,REAL such that A6:
   for n being Element of NAT holds P[n,f.n]
     from FuncExD(A4);
A7: now let n;
       ex q st q=f.n & q in X & n<q by A6;
    hence f.n in X & n<f.n;
A8: for p st p in X
    ex r,n st 0<r & for m st n<m holds r<abs(f.m - p)
   proof let p such that p in X;
    consider q such that A9: q = 1; take r = q;
    consider k such that A10: p+1<k by SEQ_4:10;
    take n = k;
    thus 0 < r by A9;
    let m; assume n<m;
then A11: p+1 < m by A10,AXIOMS:22;
      m < f.m by A7; then p+1 < f.m by A11,AXIOMS:22;
then A12: 1 < f.m - p by REAL_1:86;
    then 0 < f.m - p by AXIOMS:22;
    hence thesis by A9,A12,ABSVALUE:def 1;
  rng f c= X
    proof let x; assume x in rng f;
     then consider y such that A13: y in dom f & x = f.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider y as Nat by A13,FUNCT_2:def 1; f.y in X by A7;
     hence thesis by A13;
   then ex s2 st s2 is_subsequence_of f & s2 is convergent & lim s2 in X
          by A1,Def3;
  hence contradiction by A8,Th27;
  suppose A14: not X is bounded_below;
  defpred P[Element of NAT,Element of REAL] means
          ex q st q=$2 & q in X & q<-$1;
   A15: for n being Element of NAT
       ex p being Element of REAL st P[n,p]
       proof let n be Element of NAT;
        consider t such that A16: t in X & t<-n by A14,SEQ_4:def 2;
        take t;
        thus thesis by A16;
   consider f being Function of NAT,REAL such that A17:
   for n being Element of NAT holds P[n,f.n] from FuncExD(A15);
A18: now let n;
       ex q st q=f.n & q in X & q<-n by A17;
    hence f.n in X & f.n<-n;
A19: for p st p in X
    ex r,n st 0<r & for m st n<m holds r<abs(f.m - p)
   proof let p such that p in X;
    consider q such that A20: q = 1; take r = q;
    consider k such that A21: abs(p-1) <k by SEQ_4:10;
A22:  -k <p-1 by A21,SEQ_2:9;
    take n = k; thus
      0 < r by A20;
    let m; assume n<m;
    then -m<-n by REAL_1:50;
then A23: -m < p-1 by A22,AXIOMS:22;
      f.m < -m by A18; then f.m < p-1 by A23,AXIOMS:22;
    then f.m +1 < p by REAL_1:86;
then A24: 1 < p - f.m by REAL_1:86; then 0 < p-f.m by AXIOMS:22;
    then r < abs( p-f.m ) by A20,A24,ABSVALUE:def 1;
    then r < abs( -(f.m-p) ) by XCMPLX_1:143;
    hence thesis by ABSVALUE:17;
     rng f c= X
    proof let x; assume x in rng f;
     then consider y such that A25: y in dom f & x = f.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider y as Nat by A25,FUNCT_2:def 1; f.y in X by A18;
     hence thesis by A25;
   then ex s2 st s2 is_subsequence_of f & s2 is convergent & lim s2 in X
      by A1,Def3;
  hence contradiction by A19,Th27;
hence contradiction;

   X is bounded closed implies X is compact
 assume A1: X is bounded & X is closed;
   now let s1 such that A2: rng s1 c= X;
    s1 is bounded
   thus s1 is bounded_above
   proof X is bounded_above by A1,SEQ_4:def 3;
    then consider p such that
    A3: for q st q in X holds q<=p by SEQ_4:def 1;
 take r = p+1;
    A4: for t st t in rng s1 holds t < r
        proof let t; assume t in rng s1;
         then A5: t<=p by A2,A3; p < r by REAL_1:69;
         hence thesis by A5,AXIOMS:22;
      for n holds s1.n < r
    proof let n; n in NAT;
     then n in dom s1 by FUNCT_2:def 1; then s1.n in rng s1 by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     hence thesis by A4;
    end; hence thesis;
   thus s1 is bounded_below
   proof X is bounded_below by A1,SEQ_4:def 3;
    then consider p such that
    A6: for q st q in X holds p<=q by SEQ_4:def 2;
 take r = p - 1;
    A7: r + 1 = p - (1-1) by XCMPLX_1:37;
    A8: for t st t in rng s1 holds r < t
        proof let t; assume t in rng s1;
         then A9: p<=t by A2,A6; r < p by A7,REAL_1:69;
         hence thesis by A9,AXIOMS:22;
      for n holds r < s1.n
    proof let n; n in NAT;
     then n in dom s1 by FUNCT_2:def 1; then s1.n in rng s1 by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     hence thesis by A8;
    end; hence thesis;
  then consider s2 be Real_Sequence such that A10:
  s2 is_subsequence_of s1 & s2 is convergent by SEQ_4:57;
     ex Nseq st s2 = s1*Nseq by A10,SEQM_3:def 10;
  then rng s2 c= rng s1 by RELAT_1:45; then rng s2 c= X by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
  then lim s2 in X by A1,A10,Def4;
  hence ex s2 st s2 is_subsequence_of s1 & s2 is convergent &
  lim s2 in X by A10;
 hence thesis by Def3;

theorem Th30:
for X st X<>{} & X is closed & X is bounded_above holds upper_bound X in X
  let X such that A1: X<>{} and
                  A2: X is closed and
                  A3: X is bounded_above and
                  A4: not upper_bound X in X;
  set s1=upper_bound X;
  defpred P[Element of NAT,Element of REAL] means
     ex q st q=$2 & q in X & s1 -q < 1/($1+1);
A5: for n being Element of NAT
       ex p being Element of REAL st P[n,p]
       proof let n be Element of NAT;
          0<n+1 by NAT_1:19;
        then 0<(n+1)" by REAL_1:72; then 0<1/(n+1) by XCMPLX_1:217;
        then consider t such that
        A6: t in X & s1 -1/(n+1) <t by A1,A3,SEQ_4:def 4;
           s1 < t + 1/(n+1) by A6,REAL_1:84;
      then A7: s1 -t < 1/(n+1) by REAL_1:84;
        take t;
        thus thesis by A6,A7;
   consider f being Function of NAT,REAL such that A8:
   for n being Element of NAT holds P[n,f.n] from FuncExD(A5);
A9: now let n;
       ex q st q = f.n & q in X & s1 -q < 1/(n+1) by A8;
    hence f.n in X & s1 - f.n<1/(n+1);
A10: now let s; assume 0<s;
then A11: 0<s" by REAL_1:72;
  consider n such that A12: s"<n by SEQ_4:10;
  take k=n;
  let m such that A13: k<=m;
    s"+0 <n+1 by A12,REAL_1:67; then 1/(n+1)<1/s" by A11,SEQ_2:10;
then A14: 1/(n+1)<s by XCMPLX_1:218;
A15: 0<n+1 by NAT_1:19; k+1<=m+1 by A13,AXIOMS:24;
   then 1/(m+1)<=1/(k+1) by A15,SEQ_4:1;
then A16: 1/(m+1)<s by A14,AXIOMS:22;
     f.m in X & s1 - f.m<1/(m+1) by A9;
   then f.m <= s1 & s1 - f.m<s by A3,A16,AXIOMS:22,SEQ_4:def 4;
   then 0 <= s1-f.m & s1 - f.m<s by SQUARE_1:12;
   then abs( s1-f.m )<s by ABSVALUE:def 1; then abs(-(f.m - s1) )<s by XCMPLX_1
   hence abs(f.m - s1)<s by ABSVALUE:17;
then A17:f is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
then A18: lim f=s1 by A10,SEQ_2:def 7;
   rng f c= X
    proof let x; assume x in rng f;
    then consider y such that A19: y in dom f & x = f.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    reconsider y as Nat by A19,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      f.y in X by A9; hence thesis by A19;
  hence contradiction by A2,A4,A17,A18,Def4;

theorem Th31:
for X st X<>{} & X is closed & X is bounded_below holds lower_bound X in X
 let X such that A1: X<>{} and
                 A2: X is closed and
                 A3: X is bounded_below and
                 A4: not lower_bound X in X;
 set i1=lower_bound X;
  defpred P[Element of NAT,Element of REAL] means
     ex q st q=$2 & q in X & q-i1 < 1/($1+1);
 A5: for n being Element of NAT
     ex p being Element of REAL st P[n,p]
     proof let n be Element of NAT;
        0<n+1 by NAT_1:19;
      then 0<(n+1)" by REAL_1:72; then 0<1/(n+1) by XCMPLX_1:217;
      then consider t such that
      A6: t in X & t<i1 + 1/(n+1) by A1,A3,SEQ_4:def 5;
      A7: t-i1 < 1/(n+1) by A6,REAL_1:84;

      take t;
      thus thesis by A6,A7;
 consider f being Function of NAT,REAL such that A8:
 for n being Element of NAT holds P[n,f.n] from FuncExD(A5);
 A9: now let n;
     ex q st q = f.n & q in X & q-i1 < 1/(n+1) by A8;
  hence f.n in X & f.n-i1<1/(n+1);
 A10: now let s; assume 0<s;
  then A11: 0<s" by REAL_1:72;
  consider n such that A12: s"<n by SEQ_4:10;
  take k=n;
  let m such that A13: k<=m;
    s"+0 <n+1 by A12,REAL_1:67;
  then 1/(n+1)<1/s" by A11,SEQ_2:10;
  then A14: 1/(n+1)<s by XCMPLX_1:218;
  A15: 0<n+1 by NAT_1:19; k+1<=m+1 by A13,AXIOMS:24;
  then 1/(m+1)<=1/(k+1) by A15,SEQ_4:1;
  then A16: 1/(m+1)<s by A14,AXIOMS:22; f.m in X & f.m-i1<1/(m+1) by A9;
then i1<=f.m & f.m-i1<s by A3,A16,AXIOMS:22,SEQ_4:def 5;
  then 0 <= f.m-i1 & f.m-i1<s by SQUARE_1:12;
  hence abs( f.m-i1 )<s by ABSVALUE:def 1;
 then A17:f is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
 then A18: lim f=i1 by A10,SEQ_2:def 7;
    rng f c= X
     proof let x; assume x in rng f;
      then consider y such that A19: y in dom f & x = f.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider y as Nat by A19,FUNCT_2:def 1;
        f.y in X by A9; hence thesis by A19;
 hence contradiction by A2,A4,A17,A18,Def4;

  for X st X<>{} & X is compact holds upper_bound X in X & lower_bound X in X
proof let X such that A1: X<>{} and
                      A2: X is compact;
   X is bounded closed by A2,Th26,Th28;
  then X is bounded_above & X is bounded_below & X is closed by SEQ_4:def 3;
 hence thesis by A1,Th30,Th31;

  X is compact & (for g1,g2 st g1 in X & g2 in X holds [.g1,g2.] c= X) implies
ex p,g st X = [.p,g.]
proof assume that A1: X is compact and
 A2: for g1,g2 st g1 in X & g2 in X holds [.g1,g2.] c= X;
 per cases;
 suppose A3: X={}; take 1; take 0;
  thus thesis by A3,Th13;
 suppose A4: X<>{};
    X is bounded closed by A1,Th26,Th28;
  then A5: X is bounded_below & X is bounded_above & X is closed by SEQ_4:def 3
  then A6: upper_bound X in X by A4,Th30;
  A7: lower_bound X in X by A4,A5,Th31;
  take p=lower_bound X, g=upper_bound X;
  A8: [.p,g.] c= X by A2,A6,A7;
    now let r be Real; assume A9: r in X; then A10: r<=g by A5,SEQ_4:def 4;
     p<=r by A5,A9,SEQ_4:def 5;
   then r in {s where s is Real: p<=s & s<=g} by A10;
   hence r in [.p,g.] by Def1;
  end; then X c= [.p,g.] by SUBSET_1:7;
  hence X = [.p,g.] by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

cluster open Subset of REAL;
 proof take ].0,1.[;
  thus thesis;

definition let r be real number;

mode Neighbourhood of r -> Subset of REAL means :Def7:
  ex g st 0<g & it = ].r-g,r+g.[;
  take ].r-1,r+1.[;
  thus thesis;

definition let r be real number;
  cluster -> open Neighbourhood of r;
    let A be Neighbourhood of r;
      ex g st 0<g & A = ].r-g,r+g.[ by Def7;
    hence thesis;

canceled 3;

    for N being Neighbourhood of r holds r in N
proof let N be Neighbourhood of r;
 A1: ex g st 0<g & N = ].r-g,r+g.[ by Def7;
   abs(r-r) = abs(0) by XCMPLX_1:14
        .= 0 by ABSVALUE:7;
 hence thesis by A1,Th8;

  for r for N1,N2 being Neighbourhood of r
ex N being Neighbourhood of r st N c= N1 & N c= N2
proof let r; let N1,N2 be Neighbourhood of r;
 consider g1 such that A1: 0<g1 & ].r-g1,r+g1.[ = N1 by Def7;
 consider g2 such that A2: 0<g2 & ].r-g2,r+g2.[ = N2 by Def7;
 set g = min(g1,g2);
 A3: 0<g by A1,A2,SQUARE_1:38;
 A4: g<=g2 & g<=g1 by SQUARE_1:35;
 then A5: r+g<=r+g2 by REAL_1:55;
 A6: r+g<=r+g1 by A4,REAL_1:55;
   -g2<=-g by A4,REAL_1:50; then r+-g2<=r+-g by REAL_1:55;
 then r+-g2<=r-g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
 then A7: r-g2<=r-g by XCMPLX_0:def 8; -g1<=-g by A4,REAL_1:50;
 then r+-g1<=r+-g by REAL_1:55; then r+-g1<=r-g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
 then A8: r-g1<=r-g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
A9: now per cases;
    g1<=g2; then A10: g1=g by SQUARE_1:def 1;
    now let y; assume y in ].r-g,r+g.[;
   then y in {p2 where p2 is Real: r-g<p2 & p2<r+g} by Def2;
   then A11: ex p2 be Real st y = p2 & r-g<p2 & p2<r+g;
   then reconsider x1=y as Real;
   A12: x1<r+g2 by A5,A11,AXIOMS:22;
     r-g2<x1 by A7,A11,AXIOMS:22;
   then y in {p2 where p2 is Real: r-g2<p2 & p2<r+g2} by A12;
   hence y in ].r-g2,r+g2.[ by Def2;
  hence ].r-g,r+g.[ c= N1 & ].r-g,r+g.[ c= N2 by A1,A2,A10,TARSKI:def 3;
 suppose g2<=g1; then A13: g2=g by SQUARE_1:def 1;
    now let y; assume y in ].r-g,r+g.[;
   then y in {p2 where p2 is Real: r-g<p2 & p2<r+g} by Def2;
   then A14: ex p2 be Real st y = p2 & r-g<p2 & p2<r+g;
   then reconsider x1=y as Real;
   A15: x1<r+g1 by A6,A14,AXIOMS:22; r-g1<x1 by A8,A14,AXIOMS:22;
   then y in {p2 where p2 is Real: r-g1<p2 & p2<r+g1} by A15;
   hence y in ].r-g1,r+g1.[ by Def2;
  hence ].r-g,r+g.[ c= N1 & ].r-g,r+g.[ c= N2 by A1,A2,A13,TARSKI:def 3;
 reconsider N = ].r-g,r+g.[ as Neighbourhood of r by A3,Def7;
 take N;
 thus thesis by A9;

theorem Th39:
for X being open Subset of REAL, r st r in X
ex N being Neighbourhood of r st N c= X
proof let X be open Subset of REAL, r;
 assume that A1: r in X and
             A2: for N be Neighbourhood of r holds not N c= X;
A3: now let N be Neighbourhood of r;
       not N c= X by A2;
     then consider x such that A4: x in N & not x in X by TARSKI:def 3;
     consider g such that A5: 0<g & N = ].r-g,r+g.[ by Def7;
       x in {s where s is Real: r-g<s & s<r+g} by A4,A5,Def2;
     then consider s be Real such that A6: x=s & r-g<s & s<r+g;
     take s;
     thus s in N by A4,A6;
       s in REAL \ X by A4,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     hence s in X` by SUBSET_1:def 5;
   defpred P[Nat,real number] means
           $2 in ].r - 1/($1+1),r + 1/($1+1) .[ & $2 in X`;
A7: for n ex s st P[n,s]
   let n;
    0+0 < n + 1 by NAT_1:18;
   then 0 < 1 * (n + 1)" by REAL_1:72;
 then 0 < 1/(n + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 9;
   then reconsider N=]. r - 1/(n+1), r + 1/(n+1) .[ as Neighbourhood of r by
      ex s be Real st s in N & s in X` by A3;
   hence thesis;
 deffunc F(Nat)= r - 1/($1+1);
 consider s1 be Real_Sequence such that
A8: for n holds s1.n = F(n) from ExRealSeq;
 deffunc G(Nat)= r + 1/($1+1);
 consider s2 be Real_Sequence such that
A9: for n holds s2.n = G(n) from ExRealSeq;
 consider s3 such that
A10: for n holds P[n,s3.n]     from RealSeqChoice(A7);
A11: now
     let s; assume 0<s;
 then A12: 0<s" by REAL_1:72;
     consider n such that A13: s"<n by SEQ_4:10;
       s" + 0 < n + 1 by A13,REAL_1:67;
     then 1/(n+1) < 1/s" by A12,SEQ_2:10;
 then A14: 1/(n+1) < s by XCMPLX_1:218;
     take n;
     let m; assume n<=m;
 then A15: n + 1 <= m + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
  0 < n + 1 by NAT_1:18;
 then A16: 1/(m+1) <= 1/(n+1) by A15,SEQ_4:1;
    0 < m + 1 by NAT_1:18; then 0 < (m+1)" by REAL_1:72;
 then A17: 0 < 1/(m+1) by XCMPLX_1:217;
       abs( s1.m - r) = abs( r - 1/(m+1) - r) by A8
                  .= abs( r + - 1/(m+1) - r) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                  .= abs( - 1/(m+1) ) by XCMPLX_1:26
                  .= abs( 1/(m+1) ) by ABSVALUE:17
                  .= 1/(m+1) by A17,ABSVALUE:def 1;
     hence abs( s1.m - r) <s by A14,A16,AXIOMS:22;
then A18: s1 is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
then A19: lim s1 = r by A11,SEQ_2:def 7;
A20: now
     let s; assume 0<s;
 then A21: 0<s" by REAL_1:72;
     consider n such that A22: s"<n by SEQ_4:10;
       s" + 0 < n + 1 by A22,REAL_1:67;
     then 1/(n+1) < 1/s" by A21,SEQ_2:10;
 then A23: 1/(n+1) < s by XCMPLX_1:218;
     take n;
     let m; assume n<=m;
 then A24: n + 1 <= m + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
  0 < n + 1 by NAT_1:18;
 then A25: 1/(m+1) <= 1/(n+1) by A24,SEQ_4:1;
    0 < m + 1 by NAT_1:18; then 0 < (m+1)" by REAL_1:72;
 then A26: 0 < 1/(m+1) by XCMPLX_1:217;
       abs( s2.m - r) = abs( r + 1/(m+1) - r) by A9
                  .= abs( 1/(m+1) ) by XCMPLX_1:26
                  .= 1/(m+1) by A26,ABSVALUE:def 1;
     hence abs( s2.m - r) <s by A23,A25,AXIOMS:22;
then A27: s2 is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
then A28: lim s2 = r by A20,SEQ_2:def 7;
A29: for n holds s1.n <= s3.n & s3.n <= s2.n
    let n;
      s3.n in].r - 1/(n+1),r + 1/(n+1) .[ by A10;
    then s3.n in {s where s is Real: r - 1/(n+1) <s & s<r + 1/(n+1)} by Def2;
 then A30:    ex s be Real st s = s3.n & r - 1/(n+1) <s & s<r + 1/(n+1);
    hence s1.n <= s3.n by A8;
    thus s3.n <= s2.n by A9,A30;
then A31: s3 is convergent by A18,A19,A27,A28,SEQ_2:33;
A32: lim s3 = r by A18,A19,A27,A28,A29,SEQ_2:34;
A33: rng s3 c= X`
     let x; assume x in rng s3;
     then consider y such that A34: y in dom s3 and
                          A35: s3.y=x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider y as Nat by A34,FUNCT_2:def 1;
       s3.y in X` by A10;
     hence x in X` by A35;
    end; X` is closed by Def5;
   then r in X` by A31,A32,A33,Def4; then r in REAL \ X by SUBSET_1:def 5;
   hence contradiction by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;

  for X being open Subset of REAL, r st r in X
ex g st 0<g & ].r-g,r+g.[ c= X
proof let X be open Subset of REAL, r;
 assume r in X;
 then consider N be Neighbourhood of r such that A1: N c= X by Th39;
 consider g such that A2: 0<g & N = ].r-g,r+g.[ by Def7;
 take g;
 thus thesis by A1,A2;

theorem Th41:
(for r st r in X holds ex N be Neighbourhood of r st N c= X)
   implies X is open
 assume that
A1: for r st r in X holds ex N be Neighbourhood of r st N c= X and
A2: not X is open;
   not X` is closed by A2,Def5;
 then consider s1 such that
A3: rng s1 c= X` & s1 is convergent & not lim s1 in X` by Def4;
    lim s1 in X by A3,SUBSET_1:50;
  then consider N be Neighbourhood of (lim s1) such that A4: N c= X by A1;
  consider g such that A5: 0<g and
                       A6: ]. (lim s1) - g, (lim s1) + g .[ = N by Def7;
  consider n such that
A7: for m st n<=m holds abs(s1.m - (lim s1) )<g by A3,A5,SEQ_2:def 7;
    abs(s1.n - (lim s1) )<g by A7;
  then -g < s1.n - (lim s1) & s1.n - (lim s1) <g by SEQ_2:9;
  then (lim s1) +- g < (lim s1) + (s1.n - (lim s1)) & s1.n <(lim s1) + g
    by REAL_1:53,84;
  then (lim s1) +- g < s1.n & s1.n <(lim s1) + g by XCMPLX_1:27;
  then (lim s1) - g < s1.n & s1.n <(lim s1) + g by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
  then s1.n in {s where s is Real: (lim s1) - g < s & s <(lim s1) + g};
  then A8: s1.n in ]. (lim s1) - g, (lim s1) + g .[ by Def2;
    n in NAT; then n in dom s1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  then s1.n in rng s1 by FUNCT_1:def 5;
  hence contradiction by A3,A4,A6,A8,SUBSET_1:54;

 (for r st r in X holds ex N be Neighbourhood of r st N c= X) iff X is open by

theorem Th43:
  X is open bounded_above implies not upper_bound X in X
proof assume that
 A1: X is open and
 A2: X is bounded_above;
 assume upper_bound X in X;
 then consider N being Neighbourhood of upper_bound X such that
 A3: N c= X by A1,Th39;
 consider t such that
 A4: t>0 & N = ].upper_bound X-t,upper_bound X+t.[ by Def7;
A5: t/2>0 by A4,SEQ_2:3;
 then A6: upper_bound X + t/2 > upper_bound X by REAL_1:69;
A7: upper_bound X + t/2 is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
   upper_bound X + t/2 +t/2 > upper_bound X + t/2 by A5,REAL_1:69;
 then upper_bound X + (t/2 +t/2) > upper_bound X + t/2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
 then A8: upper_bound X + t > upper_bound X + t/2 by XCMPLX_1:66;
   upper_bound X - t < upper_bound X by A4,SQUARE_1:29;
 then upper_bound X - t < upper_bound X + t/2 by A6,AXIOMS:22;
 then upper_bound X + t/2 in {s where s is Real:
 upper_bound X-t<s & s<upper_bound X+t} by A7,A8;
 then upper_bound X + t/2 in N by A4,Def2; hence contradiction by A2,A3,A6,
SEQ_4:def 4;

theorem Th44:
X is open bounded_below implies not lower_bound X in X
proof assume that
 A1: X is open and
 A2: X is bounded_below;
 assume lower_bound X in X;
 then consider N being Neighbourhood of lower_bound X such that
 A3: N c= X by A1,Th39;
 consider t such that
 A4: t>0 & N = ].lower_bound X-t,lower_bound X+t.[ by Def7;
A5: t/2>0 by A4,SEQ_2:3;
 then A6: lower_bound X - t/2 < lower_bound X by SQUARE_1:29;
A7: lower_bound X - t/2 is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
   lower_bound X - t/2 - t/2 < lower_bound X - t/2 by A5,SQUARE_1:29;
 then lower_bound X - (t/2 +t/2) < lower_bound X - t/2 by XCMPLX_1:36;
 then A8: lower_bound X - t < lower_bound X - t/2 by XCMPLX_1:66;
   lower_bound X < lower_bound X + t by A4,REAL_1:69;
 then lower_bound X - t/2 < lower_bound X + t by A6,AXIOMS:22;
 then lower_bound X - t/2 in {s where s is Real:
 lower_bound X-t<s & s<lower_bound X+t} by A7,A8;
 then lower_bound X - t/2 in N by A4,Def2; hence contradiction by A2,A3,A6,
SEQ_4:def 5;

  X is open bounded & (for g1,g2 st g1 in X & g2 in X holds [.g1,g2.] c= X)
implies ex p,g st X = ].p,g.[
proof assume that A1: X is open & X is bounded and
 A2: for g1,g2 st g1 in X & g2 in X holds [.g1,g2.] c= X;
 per cases;
 suppose A3: X={}; take 1; take 0;
  thus thesis by A3,Th12;
 suppose A4: X<>{};
  A5: X is bounded_below & X is bounded_above by A1,SEQ_4:def 3;
  take p=lower_bound X, g=upper_bound X;
    now let r be Real;
   thus r in X implies r in ].p,g.[
   proof assume A6: r in X;
    then A7: g<>r & p<>r by A1,A5,Th43,Th44;
      r<=g by A5,A6,SEQ_4:def 4; then A8: r<g by A7,REAL_1:def 5;
      p<=r by A5,A6,SEQ_4:def 5; then p<r by A7,REAL_1:def 5;
    then r in {s where s is Real: p<s & s<g} by A8;
    hence r in ].p,g.[ by Def2;
   assume r in ].p,g.[; then r in {s where s is Real: p<s & s<g} by Def2;
then A9:   ex s be Real st s=r & p<s & s<g; then g-r>0 by SQUARE_1:11;
   then consider g2 such that
   A10: g2 in X & g-(g-r)<g2 by A4,A5,SEQ_4:def 4;
     r-p>0 by A9,SQUARE_1:11;
   then consider g1 such that
   A11: g1 in X & g1<p+(r-p) by A4,A5,SEQ_4:def 5;
   reconsider g1, g2 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
   A12: r<=g2 by A10,XCMPLX_1:18;
     g1<=r by A11,XCMPLX_1:27;
   then r in {s where s is Real: g1<=s & s<=g2} by A12;
   then A13: r in [.g1,g2.] by Def1;
     [.g1,g2.] c= X by A2,A10,A11;
   hence r in X by A13;
  hence X = ].p,g.[ by SUBSET_1:8;

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