The Mizar article:


Krzysztof Hryniewiecki

Received December 5, 1990

Copyright (c) 1990 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: GRAPH_1
[ MML identifier index ]


      FINSEQ_1, CARD_1, FUNCT_2, MCART_1, GRAPH_1;
      ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0;
 definitions REAL_1, FUNCT_1, TARSKI;
 schemes FUNCT_2, TARSKI, XBOOLE_0;


reserve x, y, z, v for set,
        n, m, k for Nat;

  struct MultiGraphStruct (# Vertices, Edges -> set,
    Source, Target -> Function of the Edges, the Vertices #);

set DomEx = {1, 2};
reconsider _empty = {} as Function of {}, DomEx by FUNCT_2:55,RELAT_1:60;

definition let IT be MultiGraphStruct;
attr IT is Graph-like means :Def1:
  the Vertices of IT is non empty set;

 cluster strict Graph-like MultiGraphStruct;
      MultiGraphStruct(# DomEx, {}, _empty, _empty #) is Graph-like
     by Def1;
   hence thesis;

  mode Graph is Graph-like MultiGraphStruct;

reserve G, G1, G2, G3 for Graph;

Lm1: for G being Graph holds
   dom(the Source of G) = the Edges of G &
   dom(the Target of G) = the Edges of G &
   rng(the Source of G) c= the Vertices of G &
   rng(the Target of G) c= the Vertices of G
proof let G be Graph;
    the Vertices of G <> {} by Def1;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12;

Lm2: for G being Graph,
   x being Element of the Vertices of G holds
     x in the Vertices of G
proof let G be Graph, x be Element of the Vertices of G;
    the Vertices of G is non empty set by Def1;
 hence x in the Vertices of G;

definition let G1, G2;
  assume A1: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
            (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2);

  func G1 \/ G2 -> strict Graph means :Def2:
     the Vertices of it = (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2) &
     the Edges of it = (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) &
     (for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds
             (the Source of it).v = (the Source of G1).v &
             (the Target of it).v = (the Target of G1).v) &
     (for v st v in the Edges of G2 holds
             (the Source of it).v = (the Source of G2).v &
             (the Target of it).v = (the Target of G2).v);

    set V = (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2);
    set E = (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2);
     ex S being Function of E, V st
      (for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds S.v = (the Source of G1).v) &
        (for v st v in the Edges of G2 holds S.v = (the Source of G2).v)
      defpred P[set,set] means
        ($1 in the Edges of G1 implies $2 = (the Source of G1).$1) &
        ($1 in the Edges of G2 implies $2 = (the Source of G2).$1);
      A2: for x being set st x in E ex y being set st y in V & P[x,y]
      proof let x be set;
        assume A3: x in E;
        A4: x in the Edges of G1 implies thesis
        proof assume A5: x in the Edges of G1;
           take y = (the Source of G1).x qua set;
           thus y in V
                  the Vertices of G1 <> {} by Def1;
                then y in the Vertices of G1 by A5,FUNCT_2:7;
                hence y in V by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
              thus x in the Edges of G1 implies y = (the Source of G1).x;
              assume x in the Edges of G2;
          then A6: x in (the Edges of G1) /\ (the Edges of G2) by A5,XBOOLE_0:
def 3;
              thus y = (the Source of G2).x
                  dom (the Source of G1) = the Edges of G1 by Lm1;
                       then x in dom(the Source of G1) /\ dom (the Source of
G2) by A6,Lm1;
  hence y = (the Source of G2).x by A1,PARTFUN1:def 6;
                    not x in the Edges of G1 implies thesis
                    proof assume A7: not x in the Edges of G1;
                       then A8: x in the Edges of G2 by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                      take y = (the Source of G2).x qua set;

                      thus y in V
                            the Vertices of G2 <> {} by Def1;
                          then y in the Vertices of G2 by A8,FUNCT_2:7;
                         hence y in V by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                      thus thesis by A7;
                 hence thesis by A4;
          consider S being Function of E, V such that A9:
            for x being set st x in E holds P[x,S.x] from FuncEx1(A2);
          take S;
          thus for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds S.v = (the Source of G1).v
            proof let v; assume A10: v in the Edges of G1;
              then v in E by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
              hence thesis by A9,A10;
             let v;
             assume A11: v in the Edges of G2;
             then v in E by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           hence thesis by A9,A11;
       then consider S being Function of E, V such that A12:
        (for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds S.v = (the Source of G1).v) &
        (for v st v in the Edges of G2 holds S.v = (the Source of G2).v);

         ex T being Function of E, V st
         (for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds T.v = (the Target of G1).v) &
         (for v st v in the Edges of G2 holds T.v = (the Target of G2).v)
         defpred P[set,set] means
          ($1 in the Edges of G1 implies $2 = (the Target of G1).$1) &
          ($1 in the Edges of G2 implies $2 = (the Target of G2).$1);
          A13: for x being set st x in E ex y being set st y in V & P[x,y]
              proof let x be set;
                assume A14: x in E;
                A15: x in the Edges of G1 implies thesis
                    proof assume A16: x in the Edges of G1;
                      take y = (the Target of G1).x qua set;

                      thus y in V
                            the Vertices of G1 <> {} by Def1;
                          then y in the Vertices of G1 by A16,FUNCT_2:7;
                         hence y in V by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                        x in the Edges of G1 implies y = (the Target of G1).x;
                      assume x in the Edges of G2;
                      then A17: x in (the Edges of G1) /\ (the Edges of G2)
                         by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                      thus y = (the Target of G2).x
                          dom (the Target of G1) = the Edges of G1
                             by Lm1;
 then x in dom(the Target of G1) /\ dom (the Target of G2) by A17,Lm1;
                          hence y = (the Target of G2).x by A1,PARTFUN1:def 6;

                    not x in the Edges of G1 implies thesis
                    proof assume A18: not x in the Edges of G1;
                       then A19: x in the Edges of G2 by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                      take y = (the Target of G2).x qua set;
                      thus y in V
                            the Vertices of G2 <> {} by Def1;
                          then y in the Vertices of G2 by A19,FUNCT_2:7;
                         hence y in V by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                      thus thesis by A18;
                 hence thesis by A15;
          consider S being Function of E, V such that A20:
            for x being set st x in E holds P[x,S.x] from FuncEx1(A13);
          take S;
          thus for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds S.v = (the Target of G1).v
            proof let v; assume A21: v in the Edges of G1;
              then v in E by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
              hence thesis by A20,A21;

             let v;
             assume A22: v in the Edges of G2;
             then v in E by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           hence thesis by A20,A22;
       then consider T being Function of E, V such that A23:
         (for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds T.v = (the Target of G1).v) &
         (for v st v in the Edges of G2 holds T.v = (the Target of G2).v);

         V is non empty set
       proof consider x being Element of the Vertices of G1;
           the Vertices of G1 is non empty set by Def1;
           then x in the Vertices of G1;
        hence V is non empty set by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       then reconsider G = MultiGraphStruct(# V, E, S, T #)
        as strict Graph by Def1;

       take G;
       thus the Vertices of G = V;
       thus the Edges of G = E;
      thus for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds
             (the Source of G).v = (the Source of G1).v &
             (the Target of G).v = (the Target of G1).v by A12,A23;

      let v; assume A24: v in the Edges of G2;
      hence (the Source of G).v = (the Source of G2).v by A12;
      thus thesis by A23,A24;

     proof let G, G' be strict Graph such that
     A25: the Vertices of G = (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2) &
     the Edges of G = (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) &
     (for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds
             (the Source of G).v = (the Source of G1).v &
             (the Target of G).v = (the Target of G1).v) &
     (for v st v in the Edges of G2 holds
             (the Source of G).v = (the Source of G2).v &
             (the Target of G).v = (the Target of G2).v) and

     A26: the Vertices of G' = (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2) &
     the Edges of G' = (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) &
     (for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds
             (the Source of G').v = (the Source of G1).v &
             (the Target of G').v = (the Target of G1).v) &
     (for v st v in the Edges of G2 holds
             (the Source of G').v = (the Source of G2).v &
             (the Target of G').v = (the Target of G2).v);

      A27: dom (the Source of G) = the Edges of G &
          dom (the Source of G') = the Edges of G by A25,A26,Lm1;
      A28: dom (the Target of G) = the Edges of G &
          dom (the Target of G') = the Edges of G by A25,A26,Lm1;
            for x being set st x in the Edges of G holds
            (the Source of G).x = (the Source of G').x
            proof let x be set such that A29: x in the Edges of G;
               A30: now assume A31: x in the Edges of G1;
                     hence (the Source of G).x = (the Source of G1).x by A25
                       .= (the Source of G').x by A26,A31;
                     now assume A32: x in the Edges of G2;
                     hence (the Source of G).x = (the Source of G2).x by A25
                       .= (the Source of G').x by A26,A32;
               hence thesis by A25,A29,A30,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      then A33: the Source of G = the Source of G' by A27,FUNCT_1:9;

           for x being set st x in the Edges of G holds
           (the Target of G).x = (the Target of G').x
          proof let x be set such that A34: x in the Edges of G;

               A35: now assume A36: x in the Edges of G1;
                     hence (the Target of G).x = (the Target of G1).x by A25
                       .= (the Target of G').x by A26,A36;

                     now assume A37: x in the Edges of G2;
                     hence (the Target of G).x = (the Target of G2).x by A25
                       .= (the Target of G').x by A26,A37;
               hence thesis by A25,A34,A35,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     hence G = G' by A25,A26,A28,A33,FUNCT_1:9;

definition let G, G1, G2 be Graph;
  pred G is_sum_of G1, G2 means :Def3:
    (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) &
    (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
    the MultiGraphStruct of G = G1 \/ G2;

definition let IT be Graph;
  attr IT is oriented means :Def4:
  for x,y st x in the Edges of IT & y in the Edges of IT &
    (the Source of IT).x = (the Source of IT).y &
    (the Target of IT).x = (the Target of IT).y
  holds x = y;

  attr IT is non-multi means :Def5:
  for x,y st x in the Edges of IT & y in the Edges of IT &
    (((the Source of IT).x = (the Source of IT).y &
    (the Target of IT).x = (the Target of IT).y) or
    ((the Source of IT).x = (the Target of IT).y &
    (the Source of IT).y = (the Target of IT).x))
  holds x = y;

  attr IT is simple means :Def6:
  not ex x st x in the Edges of IT &
    (the Source of IT).x = (the Target of IT).x;

  attr IT is connected means :Def7:
    not ex G1, G2 being Graph st
      the Vertices of G1 misses the Vertices of G2 &
      IT is_sum_of G1, G2;

definition let IT be MultiGraphStruct;
  attr IT is finite means :Def8:
     the Vertices of IT is finite & the Edges of IT is finite;

  cluster finite MultiGraphStruct;
    take G = MultiGraphStruct(# DomEx, {}, _empty, _empty #);
    thus the Vertices of G is finite;
    thus the Edges of G is finite;

  cluster finite non-multi oriented simple connected Graph;
    set V = {1};
    reconsider _empty = {} as Function of {}, V by FUNCT_2:55,RELAT_1:60;
    reconsider G = MultiGraphStruct(# V, {}, _empty, _empty #)
       as Graph by Def1;
    take G;
    thus G is finite by Def8;
      for x,y st x in the Edges of G & y in the Edges of G &
     (((the Source of G).x = (the Source of G).y &
     (the Target of G).x = (the Target of G).y) or
     ((the Source of G).x = (the Target of G).y &
     (the Source of G).y = (the Target of G).x))
     holds x = y;
    hence G is non-multi by Def5;
      for x,y st x in the Edges of G & y in the Edges of G &
     (the Source of G).x = (the Source of G).y &
     (the Target of G).x = (the Target of G).y
     holds x = y;
    hence G is oriented by Def4;
      not ex x st x in the Edges of G &
     (the Source of G).x = (the Target of G).x;
    hence G is simple by Def6;

      not ex G1, G2 being Graph st
      (the Vertices of G1) misses (the Vertices of G2) &
      G is_sum_of G1, G2
      given G1, G2 being Graph such that A1:
       (the Vertices of G1) misses (the Vertices of G2) &
      G is_sum_of G1, G2;
A2:    (the Vertices of G1) /\ (the Vertices of G2) = {} by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
        (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
      (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) &
      G = G1 \/ G2 by A1,Def3;
     then A3:  (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2)
       = V by Def2;
      consider x being Element of the Vertices of G1;
      A4: the Vertices of G1 is non empty set by Def1;
then A5:   x in the Vertices of G1;
        x in V by A3,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     then A6: 1 in the Vertices of G1 by A5,TARSKI:def 1;
      consider y being Element of the Vertices of G2;
      A7: the Vertices of G2 is non empty set by Def1;
then A8:   y in the Vertices of G2;
        y in V by A3,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      then 1 in the Vertices of G2 by A8,TARSKI:def 1;
     hence contradiction by A2,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
  hence G is connected by Def7;

reserve x, y for Element of (the Vertices of G);

definition let G; let x, y; let v;
   pred v joins x, y means
         ((the Source of G).v = x & (the Target of G).v = y) or
       ((the Source of G).v = y & (the Target of G).v = x);

definition let G; let x,y be Element of (the Vertices of G);
   pred x,y are_incydent means
       ex v being set st v in the Edges of G & v joins x, y;

definition let G be Graph;
   mode Chain of G -> FinSequence means :Def11:
     (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len it holds it.n in the Edges of G) &
     ex p being FinSequence st
       len p = len it + 1 &
       (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len p holds p.n in the Vertices of G) &
       for n st 1 <= n & n <= len it
         ex x', y' being Element of the Vertices of G st
           x' = p.n & y' = p.(n+1) & it.n joins x', y';
    take {};
    thus (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len {} holds {}.n in the Edges of G)
      proof let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len {};
        then 1 <= len {} by AXIOMS:22;
        then 1 <= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
       hence thesis;
    consider x being Element of the Vertices of G;
      the Vertices of G is non empty set by Def1;
then A1:  x in the Vertices of G;
    take <*x*>;
    thus len <*x*> = 0 + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56 .= len {} + 1 by FINSEQ_1:25;
    thus (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len <*x*> holds <*x*>.n in the Vertices of G)
      proof let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len <*x*>;
        then 1 <= n & n <= 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
       then n = 1 by AXIOMS:21;
       hence <*x*>.n in the Vertices of G by A1,FINSEQ_1:57;
    let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len {};
      then 1 <= len {} by AXIOMS:22;
      then 1 <= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
     hence thesis;

Lm3: for G holds {} is Chain of G
  proof let G;
    thus (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len {} holds {}.n in the Edges of G)
      proof let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len {};
        then 1 <= len {} by AXIOMS:22;
        then 1 <= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
       hence thesis;
    consider x being Element of the Vertices of G;
      the Vertices of G is non empty set by Def1;
then A1:  x in the Vertices of G;
    take <*x*>;
    thus len <*x*> = 0 + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56 .= len {} + 1 by FINSEQ_1:25;
    thus (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len <*x*> holds <*x*>.n in the Vertices of G)
      proof let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len <*x*>;
        then 1 <= n & n <= 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
       then n = 1 by AXIOMS:21;
       hence <*x*>.n in the Vertices of G by A1,FINSEQ_1:57;

    let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len {};
      then 1 <= len {} by AXIOMS:22;
      then 1 <= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
     hence thesis;

definition let G be Graph;
 redefine mode Chain of G -> FinSequence of the Edges of G;
 coherence proof let c be Chain of G;
     rng c c= the Edges of G proof let y be set; assume y in rng c;
   then consider x being set such that
A1: x in dom c & y=c.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    reconsider x as Nat by A1;
      1<=x & x<=len c by A1,FINSEQ_3:27;
    hence y in the Edges of G by A1,Def11;
  hence c is FinSequence of the Edges of G by FINSEQ_1:def 4;

definition let G be Graph;
  let IT be Chain of G;
  attr IT is oriented means :Def12:
     for n st 1 <= n & n < len IT holds
       (the Source of G).(IT.(n+1)) = (the Target of G).(IT.n);

definition let G be Graph;
  cluster oriented Chain of G;
    reconsider p = {} as Chain of G by Lm3;
    take p;
    let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len p;
     then 1 <= len p by AXIOMS:22;
     then 1 <= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
    hence thesis;

Lm4: for G holds {} is oriented Chain of G
  proof let G;
    reconsider p = {} as Chain of G by Lm3;
       for n st 1 <= n & n < len p holds
       (the Source of G).(p.(n+1)) = (the Target of G).(p.n)
    let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len p;
     then 1 <= len p by AXIOMS:22;
     then 1 <= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
    hence thesis;
  hence thesis by Def12;

definition let G be Graph;
  let IT be Chain of G;
  redefine attr IT is one-to-one means
      for n, m st 1 <= n & n < m & m <= len IT holds IT.n <> IT.m;
    thus IT is one-to-one implies
      for n, m st 1 <= n & n < m & m <= len IT holds IT.n <> IT.m
      assume A1: IT is one-to-one;
      let n,m; assume A2: 1 <= n & n < m & m <= len IT;
      then n <= len IT & 1 <= m by AXIOMS:22;
      then n in dom IT & m in dom IT & n <> m by A2,FINSEQ_3:27;
      hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:def 8;
    assume A3: for n, m st 1 <= n & n < m & m <= len IT holds IT.n <> IT.m;
    let x1,x2 be set;
    assume A4: x1 in dom IT & x2 in dom IT & IT.x1 = IT.x2;
    then reconsider x' = x1, y' = x2 as Nat;
A5:  1 <= x' & x' <= len IT & 1 <= y' & y' <= len IT by A4,FINSEQ_3:27;
    per cases;
    suppose A6: x' <> y';
      now per cases by A6,AXIOMS:21;
      suppose x' < y';
      hence thesis by A3,A4,A5;
      suppose y' < x';
      hence thesis by A3,A4,A5;
    hence thesis;
    suppose x' = y';
    hence thesis;

definition let G be Graph;
  cluster one-to-one Chain of G;
     reconsider p = {} as Chain of G by Lm3;
     take p;
     let n,m; assume 1 <= n & n < m & m <= len p;
       then 1 < m & m <= len p by AXIOMS:22;
       then 1 < len p by AXIOMS:22;
       then 1 < 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
      hence thesis;

definition let G be Graph;
  mode Path of G is one-to-one Chain of G;

definition let G be Graph;
  cluster one-to-one oriented Chain of G;
     reconsider p = {} as oriented Chain of G by Lm4;
     take p;
     thus thesis;

definition let G be Graph;
  mode OrientedPath of G is one-to-one oriented Chain of G;

definition let G be Graph;
   let IT be Path of G;

   attr IT is cyclic means :Def15:
     ex p being FinSequence st
       len p = len IT + 1 &
       (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len p holds p.n in the Vertices of G) &
       (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len IT
         ex x', y' being Element of the Vertices of G st
           x' = p.n & y' = p.(n+1) & IT.n joins x', y') &
       p.1 = p.(len p);

definition let G be Graph;
   cluster cyclic Path of G;
     reconsider p = {} as Path of G by Lm3;
     take p;
     consider x being Element of the Vertices of G;
       the Vertices of G is non empty set by Def1;
then A1:   x in the Vertices of G;
     take <*x*>;
     thus len <*x*> = 0 + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56 .= len p + 1 by FINSEQ_1:25;
     thus for n st 1 <= n & n <= len <*x*> holds <*x*>.n in the Vertices of G
       proof let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len <*x*>;
         then 1 <= n & n <= 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
          then n = 1 by AXIOMS:21;
        hence <*x*>.n in the Vertices of G by A1,FINSEQ_1:57;
      thus for n st 1 <= n & n <= len p
         ex x', y' being Element of the Vertices of G st
           x' = <*x*>.n & y' = <*x*>.(n+1) & p.n joins x', y'
      proof let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len p;
        then 1 <= len p by AXIOMS:22;
        then 1 <= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
       hence thesis;
     thus <*x*>.1 = <*x*>.(len <*x*>) by FINSEQ_1:56;

definition let G be Graph;
   mode Cycle of G is cyclic Path of G;

Lm5: for G holds {} is Cycle of G
  proof let G;
     reconsider p = {} as Path of G by Lm3;
       ex q being FinSequence st
       len q = len p + 1 &
       (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len q holds q.n in the Vertices of G) &
       (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len p
         ex x', y' being Element of the Vertices of G st
           x' = q.n & y' = q.(n+1) & p.n joins x', y') &
       q.1 = q.(len q)
     consider x being Element of the Vertices of G;
       the Vertices of G is non empty set by Def1;
then A1:   x in the Vertices of G;
     take <*x*>;
     thus len <*x*> = 0 + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56 .= len p + 1 by FINSEQ_1:25;
     thus for n st 1 <= n & n <= len <*x*> holds <*x*>.n in the Vertices of G
       proof let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len <*x*>;
         then 1 <= n & n <= 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
          then n = 1 by AXIOMS:21;
        hence <*x*>.n in the Vertices of G by A1,FINSEQ_1:57;
      thus for n st 1 <= n & n <= len p
         ex x', y' being Element of the Vertices of G st
           x' = <*x*>.n & y' = <*x*>.(n+1) & p.n joins x', y'
      proof let n; assume 1 <= n & n <= len p;
        then 1 <= len p by AXIOMS:22;
        then 1 <= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
       hence thesis;
     thus <*x*>.1 = <*x*>.(len <*x*>) by FINSEQ_1:56;
   hence thesis by Def15;

definition let G be Graph;
   cluster cyclic OrientedPath of G;
      reconsider p = {} as OrientedPath of G by Lm4;
      take p;
      thus p is cyclic by Lm5;

definition let G be Graph;
   mode OrientedCycle of G is cyclic OrientedPath of G;

  for G being Graph holds
    for v being set holds v in the Edges of G implies
       (the Source of G).v in the Vertices of G &
       (the Target of G).v in the Vertices of G
proof let G be Graph; let v such that A1: v in the Edges of G;
    the Vertices of G <> {} by Def1;
 hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_2:7;

definition let G be Graph;

  mode Subgraph of G -> Graph means :Def17:
   the Vertices of it c= the Vertices of G &
   the Edges of it c= the Edges of G &
   for v st v in the Edges of it holds
    (the Source of it).v = (the Source of G).v &
    (the Target of it).v = (the Target of G).v &
    (the Source of G).v in the Vertices of it &
    (the Target of G).v in the Vertices of it;
    proof take G;
      thus the Vertices of G c= the Vertices of G;
      thus the Edges of G c= the Edges of G;
      let v; assume v in the Edges of G;
      hence thesis by Lm6;

definition let G be Graph;
 cluster strict Subgraph of G;
  proof the Vertices of G is non empty set by Def1;
    then reconsider S =
     MultiGraphStruct(# the Vertices of G, the Edges of G,
                        the Source of G, the Target of G #) as Graph
      by Def1;
     for v st v in the Edges of S holds
     (the Source of S).v = (the Source of G).v &
     (the Target of S).v = (the Target of G).v &
     (the Source of G).v in the Vertices of S &
          (the Target of G).v in the Vertices of S by Lm6;
    then S is Subgraph of G by Def17;
   hence thesis;

definition let G be finite Graph;
   func VerticesCount G -> Nat means
     ex B being finite set st B = the Vertices of G & it = card B;
   reconsider B = the Vertices of G as finite set by Def8;
  take card B, B;
  thus thesis;

   func EdgesCount G -> Nat means
     ex B being finite set st B = the Edges of G & it = card B;
   reconsider B = the Edges of G as finite set by Def8;
  take card B, B;
  thus thesis;

definition let G be finite Graph; let x be Element of the Vertices of G;
   func EdgesIn x -> Nat means
      ex X being finite set st
      (for z being set holds
          z in X iff z in the Edges of G & (the Target of G).z = x)
     & it = card(X);
       defpred P[set] means (the Target of G).$1 = x;
       consider X being set such that A1:
         for z being set holds z in X iff
            z in the Edges of G & P[z] from Separation;
         for z being set st z in X holds z in the Edges of G by A1;
       then X c= the Edges of G & the Edges of G is finite
        by Def8,TARSKI:def 3;
       then reconsider X as finite set by FINSET_1:13;
       take card(X);
       take X;
       thus thesis by A1;
     proof let n1, n2 be Nat such that
       A2: ex X being finite set st
      (for z being set holds
          z in X iff z in the Edges of G & (the Target of G).z = x)
         & n1 = card(X) and
       A3: ex X being finite set st
      (for z being set holds
          z in X iff z in the Edges of G & (the Target of G).z = x)
          & n2 = card(X);
       consider X1 being finite set such that A4: (for z being set holds
          z in X1 iff z in the Edges of G & (the Target of G).z = x)
         & n1 = card(X1) by A2;
       consider X2 being finite set such that A5: (for z being set holds
          z in X2 iff z in the Edges of G & (the Target of G).z = x)
          & n2 = card(X2) by A3;
        for z being set holds z in X1 iff z in X2
        proof let z;
              z in X1 iff z in the Edges of G & (the Target of G).z = x by A4;
           hence thesis by A5;
      hence n1 = n2 by A4,A5,TARSKI:2;

  func EdgesOut x -> Nat means
      ex X being finite set st
      (for z being set holds
        z in X iff z in the Edges of G & (the Source of G).z = x)
     & it = card(X);
       defpred P[set] means (the Source of G).$1 = x;
       consider X being set such that A6:
         for z being set holds z in X iff
            z in the Edges of G & P[z] from Separation;
         for z being set st z in X holds z in the Edges of G by A6;
       then X c= the Edges of G & the Edges of G is finite
        by Def8,TARSKI:def 3;
       then reconsider X as finite set by FINSET_1:13;
       take card(X);
       take X;
       thus thesis by A6;
  proof let n1, n2 be Nat such that
       A7: ex X being finite set st
      (for z being set holds
          z in X iff z in the Edges of G & (the Source of G).z = x)
         & n1 = card(X) and
       A8: ex X being finite set st
      (for z being set holds
          z in X iff z in the Edges of G & (the Source of G).z = x)
          & n2 = card(X);
       consider X1 being finite set such that A9: (for z being set holds
          z in X1 iff z in the Edges of G & (the Source of G).z = x)
         & n1 = card(X1) by A7;
       consider X2 being finite set such that A10: (for z being set holds
          z in X2 iff z in the Edges of G & (the Source of G).z = x)
          & n2 = card(X2) by A8;
        for z being set holds z in X1 iff z in X2
        proof let z;
             z in X1 iff z in the Edges of G & (the Source of G).z = x by A9;
          hence thesis by A10;
      hence n1 = n2 by A9,A10,TARSKI:2;

definition let G be finite Graph; let x be Element of the Vertices of G;
  func Degree x -> Nat equals
       EdgesIn(x) + EdgesOut(x);

   for p being Chain of G holds p|Seg(n) is Chain of G
proof let p be Chain of G;
  reconsider q = p|Seg(n) as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:19;

  A1: for n st 1 <= n & n <= len q holds q.n in the Edges of G
    proof let k be Nat; assume 1 <= k & k <= len q;
     then A2: k in dom q by FINSEQ_3:27;
        dom q c= dom p by FUNCT_1:76;
      then 1 <= k & k <= len p by A2,FINSEQ_3:27;
      then p.k in the Edges of G by Def11;
     hence q.k in the Edges of G by A2,FUNCT_1:70;
      ex q1 being FinSequence st
      len q1 = len q + 1 &
      (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len q1 holds q1.n in the Vertices of G) &
      for n st 1 <= n & n <= len q
        ex x', y' being Element of the Vertices of G st
          x' = q1.n & y' = q1.(n+1) & q.n joins x', y'
     consider q1 being FinSequence such that A3: len q1 = len p + 1 &
      (for n st 1 <= n & n <= len q1 holds q1.n in the Vertices of G) &
      for n st 1 <= n & n <= len p
        ex x', y' being Element of the Vertices of G st
          x' = q1.n & y' = q1.(n+1) & p.n joins x', y' by Def11;

    reconsider q2 = q1|Seg(n+1) as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:19;
    take q2;

    thus A4: len q2 = len q + 1
     A5:  dom q2 = dom q1 /\ Seg(n+1) by RELAT_1:90
       .= Seg (len p + 1) /\ Seg (n+1) by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

     A6: dom q = dom p /\ Seg n by RELAT_1:90
         .= Seg len p /\ Seg n by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

     A7: now assume A8: len p + 1 <= n + 1;
           then Seg(len p + 1) c= Seg(n + 1) by FINSEQ_1:7;
           then dom q2 = Seg(len p + 1) by A5,XBOOLE_1:28;
           then A9: len q2 = len p + 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
             len p <= n by A8,REAL_1:53;
           then Seg len p c= Seg n by FINSEQ_1:7;
           then dom q = Seg len p by A6,XBOOLE_1:28;
          hence len q2 = len q + 1 by A9,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

           now assume A10: n + 1 <= len p + 1;
           then Seg(n+1) c= Seg(len p + 1) by FINSEQ_1:7;
           then dom q2 = Seg(n+1) by A5,XBOOLE_1:28;
           then A11: len q2 = n+1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
             n <= len p by A10,REAL_1:53;
           then Seg n c= Seg len p by FINSEQ_1:7;
           then dom q = Seg n by A6,XBOOLE_1:28;
          hence len q2 = len q + 1 by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        hence thesis by A7;

    thus for n st 1 <= n & n <= len q2 holds q2.n in the Vertices of G
      proof let n be Nat; assume 1 <= n & n <= len q2;
        then A12: n in dom q2 by FINSEQ_3:27;
            dom q2 c= dom q1 by FUNCT_1:76;
        then 1 <= n & n <= len q1 by A12,FINSEQ_3:27;
        then q1.n in the Vertices of G by A3;
       hence q2.n in the Vertices of G by A12,FUNCT_1:70;
    let k; assume A13: 1 <= k & k <= len q;
     then A14: k in dom q by FINSEQ_3:27;
       dom q c= dom p by FUNCT_1:76;
      then 1 <= k & k <= len p by A14,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then consider x', y' being Element of the Vertices of G such that A15:
       x' = q1.k & y' = q1.(k+1) & p.k joins x' ,y' by A3;
     take x', y';

       len q <= len q + 1 by NAT_1:29;
     then 1 <= k & k <= len q2 by A4,A13,AXIOMS:22;
      then k in dom q2 by FINSEQ_3:27;
     hence x' = q2.k by A15,FUNCT_1:70;
     A16: k + 1 <= len q2 by A4,A13,REAL_1:55;
       1 + 1 <= k + 1 by A13,REAL_1:55;
     then 1 <= k + 1 by AXIOMS:22;
     then k+1 in dom q2 by A16,FINSEQ_3:27;
     hence y' = q2.(k+1) by A15,FUNCT_1:70;
    thus q.k joins x', y' by A14,A15,FUNCT_1:70;
 hence thesis by A1,Def11;

Lm8: for H1, H2 being strict Subgraph of G st
            the Vertices of H1 = the Vertices of H2 &
            the Edges of H1 = the Edges of H2
        holds H1 = H2
proof let H1, H2 be strict Subgraph of G such that A1:
  the Vertices of H1 = the Vertices of H2 &
  the Edges of H1 = the Edges of H2;
  A2: dom(the Source of H1) = the Edges of H1 by Lm1;
  A3: dom(the Source of H2) = the Edges of H2 by Lm1;
  A4: dom(the Target of H1) = the Edges of H1 by Lm1;
  A5: dom(the Target of H2) = the Edges of H2 by Lm1;
    for x being set st x in the Edges of H1 holds
    (the Source of H1).x = (the Source of H2).x
  proof let x be set; assume A6: x in the Edges of H1;
    hence (the Source of H1).x = (the Source of G).x by Def17
      .= (the Source of H2).x by A1,A6,Def17;
  then A7: the Source of H1 = the Source of H2 by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_1:9;

    for x being set st x in the Edges of H1 holds
      (the Target of H1).x = (the Target of H2).x
  proof let x be set; assume A8: x in the Edges of H1;

    hence (the Target of H1).x = (the Target of G).x by Def17
      .= (the Target of H2).x by A1,A8,Def17;
    hence H1 = H2 by A1,A4,A5,A7,FUNCT_1:9;

definition let G1, G2 be Graph;
  pred G1 c= G2 means :Def23:
    G1 is Subgraph of G2;
 proof let G;
    for v st v in the Edges of G holds
    (the Source of G).v = (the Source of G).v &
    (the Target of G).v = (the Target of G).v &
    (the Source of G).v in the Vertices of G &
    (the Target of G).v in the Vertices of G by Lm6;
   hence G is Subgraph of G by Def17;

  for G being Graph, H being Subgraph of G holds
    (the Source of H) in PFuncs(the Edges of G, the Vertices of G) &
    (the Target of H) in PFuncs(the Edges of G, the Vertices of G)
proof let G be Graph, H be Subgraph of G;
  set EH = the Edges of H;
  set VH = the Vertices of H;
  set EG = the Edges of G;
  set VG = the Vertices of G;
    EH c= EG & VH c= VG by Def17;
  then Funcs(EH, VH) c= PFuncs(EH, VH) &
  PFuncs(EH, VH) c= PFuncs(EG, VG) by FUNCT_2:141,PARTFUN1:128;
  then A1: Funcs(EH, VH) c= PFuncs(EG, VG) by XBOOLE_1:1;
  A2: VH <> {} by Def1;
  then (the Source of H) in Funcs(EH, VH) by FUNCT_2:11;
  hence (the Source of H) in PFuncs(EG, VG) by A1;
    (the Target of H) in Funcs(EH, VH) by A2,FUNCT_2:11;
 hence (the Target of H) in PFuncs(EG, VG) by A1;

definition let G be Graph;
  func bool G -> set means :Def24:
   for x being set holds
    x in it iff x is strict Subgraph of G;
    reconsider V = the Vertices of G as non empty set by Def1;
    set E = the Edges of G;
    set Prod = [: bool V, bool E, PFuncs(E, V), PFuncs(E, V) :];
    defpred P[set] means
          ex y being Element of Prod,
             M being Graph,
             v being non empty set,
             e being set,
             s being (Function of e, v),
             t being (Function of e, v)
          st y = $1 & v = y`1 & e = y`2 & s = y`3 & t = y`4 &
           M = MultiGraphStruct(# v, e, s, t #) &
           M is Subgraph of G;
    consider X being set such that A1:
      for x being set holds
        x in X iff x in Prod & P[x] from Separation;

    defpred P[set, set] means
          ex y being Element of Prod,
             M being strict Graph,
             v being non empty set,
             e being set,
             s being Function of e, v,
             t being Function of e, v
          st y = $1 & v = y`1 & e = y`2 & s = y`3 & t = y`4 &
           M = MultiGraphStruct(# v, e, s, t #) &
           M is Subgraph of G &
           $2 = M;

    A2: for a, b, c being set st P[a,b] & P[a, c] holds b = c;

    consider Y being set such that A3:
      for z being set holds
        z in Y iff
        ex x being set st x in X & P[x, z] from Fraenkel(A2);

   take Y;
   let x be set;
   thus x in Y implies x is strict Subgraph of G
     proof assume x in Y;
        then ex z being set st z in X & P[z, x] by A3;
       hence x is strict Subgraph of G;

   assume x is strict Subgraph of G;
   then reconsider H = x as strict Subgraph of G;

     ex y being set st y in X & P[y, x]
       take y = [ the Vertices of H, the Edges of H,
             the Source of H, the Target of H ];

          y in Prod
           A4: (the Vertices of H) c= V by Def17;
           A5: (the Edges of H) c= E by Def17;
              (the Source of H) in PFuncs(E, V) &
              (the Target of H) in PFuncs(E, V) by Lm9;
          hence thesis by A4,A5,MCART_1:84;
       then reconsider y' = y as Element of Prod;
       reconsider v = the Vertices of H as non empty set by Def1;
       set e = the Edges of H;
       reconsider s = the Source of H as Function of e, v;
       reconsider t = the Target of H as Function of e, v;
       A6: v = y'`1 & e = y'`2 & s = y'`3 & t = y'`4 by MCART_1:59;
       hence y in X by A1;
       thus P[y, x] by A6;
   hence thesis by A3;

      defpred P[set] means $1 is strict Subgraph of G;
      let X1, X2 be set such that
      A7: for x being set holds x in X1 iff P[x] and
      A8: for x being set holds x in X2 iff P[x];
        thus X1 = X2 from Extensionality(A7,A8);

scheme GraphSeparation{G() -> Graph, P[set]}:
  ex X being set st
    for x being set holds
      x in X iff x is strict Subgraph of G() & P[x]
  defpred _P[set] means P[$1];
  consider X being set such that A1:
    for x being set holds
      x in X iff x in bool G() & _P[x] from Separation;
 take X;
 let x be set;
 thus x in X implies x is strict Subgraph of G() & P[x]
   proof assume A2: x in X;
     then x in bool G() by A1;
    hence x is strict Subgraph of G() by Def24;
    thus P[x] by A1,A2;
 assume A3: x is strict Subgraph of G() & P[x];
  then x in bool G() by Def24;
 hence thesis by A1,A3;

               :: Properties of graphs ::

     for G being Graph holds
     dom(the Source of G) = the Edges of G &
     dom(the Target of G) = the Edges of G &
     rng(the Source of G) c= the Vertices of G &
     rng(the Target of G) c= the Vertices of G by Lm1;

     for x being Element of the Vertices of G holds
     x in the Vertices of G by Lm2;

    for v being set holds v in the Edges of G implies
      (the Source of G).v in the Vertices of G &
      (the Target of G).v in the Vertices of G by Lm6;

                  :: Chain ::

     for p being Chain of G holds p|Seg(n) is Chain of G by Lm7;

             :: Sum of two graphs ::

theorem Th5:
  G1 c= G implies
    (the Source of G1) c= (the Source of G) &
    (the Target of G1) c= (the Target of G)
proof assume G1 c= G;
   then A1: G1 is Subgraph of G by Def23;
    for v st v in (the Source of G1) holds v in (the Source of G)
    proof let v;
      assume A2: v in (the Source of G1);
       then consider x, y being set such that A3: [x,y] = v by RELAT_1:def 1;
   A4: x in dom (the Source of G1) &
        y = (the Source of G1).x by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:8;
   then A5: x in the Edges of G1 by Lm1;
         (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G) by A1,Def17;
       then x in the Edges of G by A5;
   then A6: x in dom (the Source of G) by Lm1;
      x in the Edges of G1 by A4,Lm1;
       then y = (the Source of G).x by A1,A4,Def17;
       hence thesis by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:def 4;
  hence (the Source of G1) c= (the Source of G) by TARSKI:def 3;
    for v st v in (the Target of G1) holds v in (the Target of G)
    proof let v;
      assume A7: v in (the Target of G1);
       then consider x, y being set such that A8: [x,y] = v by RELAT_1:def 1;
   A9: x in dom (the Target of G1) &
        y = (the Target of G1).x by A7,A8,FUNCT_1:8;
   then A10: x in the Edges of G1 by Lm1;
         (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G) by A1,Def17;
       then x in the Edges of G by A10;
   then A11: x in dom (the Target of G) by Lm1;
      x in the Edges of G1 by A9,Lm1;
       then y = (the Target of G).x by A1,A9,Def17;
       hence thesis by A8,A11,FUNCT_1:def 4;
  hence (the Target of G1) c= (the Target of G) by TARSKI:def 3;

    (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2)
  (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)) =
    (the Source of G1) \/ (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)) =
    (the Target of G1) \/ (the Target of G2)
proof assume A1: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
    (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2);
  set S12 = the Source of (G1 \/ G2);
  set S1 = the Source of G1;
  set S2 = the Source of G2;
  set T12 = the Target of (G1 \/ G2);
  set T1 = the Target of G1;
  set T2 = the Target of G2;

    for v holds v in S12 iff v in S1 \/ S2
    proof let v;
      thus v in S12 implies v in S1 \/ S2
        proof assume A2: v in S12;
          then consider x,y being set such that A3: [x,y] = v by RELAT_1:def 1;
             x in dom S12 & y = S12.x by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:8;
          then x in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by Lm1;
then A4:          x in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A1,Def2;
         A5: now assume A6: x in the Edges of G1;
               then A7: x in dom S1 by Lm1;
                   S1.x = S12.x by A1,A6,Def2 .= y by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:8
                 then [x,y] in S1 or [x,y] in S2 by A7,FUNCT_1:def 4;
               hence [x,y] in S1 \/ S2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
               now assume A8: x in the Edges of G2;
               then A9: x in dom S2 by Lm1;
                 S2.x = S12.x by A1,A8,Def2 .= y by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:8;
                 then [x,y] in S1 or [x,y] in S2 by A9,FUNCT_1:def 4;
                hence [x,y] in S1 \/ S2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

        assume A10: v in S1 \/ S2;
        A11: now assume A12: v in S1;
              then consider x,y being set such that A13: [x,y] = v by RELAT_1:
def 1;
             A14: x in dom S1 & y = S1.x by A12,A13,FUNCT_1:8;
             then A15: x in the Edges of G1 by Lm1;
                  x in the Edges of G1 or x in the Edges of G2 by A14,Lm1;
                then x in (the Edges of G1) \/
 (the Edges of G2) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                then x in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Def2;
             then A16: x in dom S12 by Lm1;
                  S12.x = y by A1,A14,A15,Def2;
              hence v in S12 by A13,A16,FUNCT_1:def 4;
              now assume A17: v in S2;
              then consider x,y being set such that A18: [x,y] = v by RELAT_1:
def 1;
            A19: x in dom S2 & y = S2.x by A17,A18,FUNCT_1:8;
            then A20: x in the Edges of G2 by Lm1;
                x in the Edges of G1 or x in the Edges of G2 by A19,Lm1;
              then x in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by XBOOLE_0:def
              then x in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Def2;
            then A21: x in dom S12 by Lm1;
                S12.x = y by A1,A19,A20,Def2;
             hence v in S12 by A18,A21,FUNCT_1:def 4;
          hence thesis by A10,A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  hence S12 = S1 \/ S2 by TARSKI:2;

    for v holds v in T12 iff v in T1 \/ T2
    proof let v;
      thus v in T12 implies v in T1 \/ T2
        proof assume A22: v in T12;
          then consider x,y being set such that A23: [x,y] = v by RELAT_1:def 1
             x in dom T12 & y = T12.x by A22,A23,FUNCT_1:8;
          then x in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by Lm1;
then A24:          x in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A1,Def2;
         A25: now assume A26: x in the Edges of G1;
               then A27: x in dom T1 by Lm1;
                   T1.x = T12.x by A1,A26,Def2 .= y by A22,A23,FUNCT_1:8
                 then [x,y] in T1 or [x,y] in T2 by A27,FUNCT_1:def 4;
               hence [x,y] in T1 \/ T2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
               now assume A28: x in the Edges of G2;
               then A29: x in dom T2 by Lm1;
                 T2.x = T12.x by A1,A28,Def2 .= y by A22,A23,FUNCT_1:8;
                 then [x,y] in T1 or [x,y] in T2 by A29,FUNCT_1:def 4;
                hence [x,y] in T1 \/ T2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           hence thesis by A23,A24,A25,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

        assume A30: v in T1 \/ T2;
        A31: now assume A32: v in T1;
              then consider x,y being set such that A33: [x,y] = v by RELAT_1:
def 1;
             A34: x in dom T1 & y = T1.x by A32,A33,FUNCT_1:8;
             then A35: x in the Edges of G1 by Lm1;
                  x in the Edges of G1 or x in the Edges of G2 by A34,Lm1
                then x in (the Edges of G1) \/
 (the Edges of G2) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                then x in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Def2;
             then A36: x in dom T12 by Lm1;
                  T12.x = y by A1,A34,A35,Def2;
              hence v in T12 by A33,A36,FUNCT_1:def 4;
              now assume A37: v in T2;
              then consider x,y being set such that A38: [x,y] = v by RELAT_1:
def 1;
            A39: x in dom T2 & y = T2.x by A37,A38,FUNCT_1:8;
            then A40: x in the Edges of G2 by Lm1;
                x in the Edges of G1 or x in the Edges of G2 by A39,Lm1
              then x in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by XBOOLE_0:def
              then x in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Def2;
            then A41: x in dom T12 by Lm1;
                T12.x = y by A1,A39,A40,Def2;
             hence v in T12 by A38,A41,FUNCT_1:def 4;
          hence thesis by A30,A31,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th7:
 for G being strict Graph holds G = G \/ G
proof let G be strict Graph;
  A1: (the Vertices of (G \/ G))
      = (the Vertices of G) \/ (the Vertices of G) by Def2
     .= (the Vertices of G);
  A2: (the Edges of (G \/ G))
      = (the Edges of G) \/ (the Edges of G) by Def2
     .= (the Edges of G);
  then A3: dom (the Source of G) = the Edges of (G \/ G) by Lm1
        .= dom (the Source of (G \/ G)) by Lm1;

       for v st v in dom (the Source of G) holds
       (the Source of G).v = (the Source of (G \/ G)).v
     proof let v; assume v in dom(the Source of G);
       then v in the Edges of G by Lm1;
       hence thesis by Def2;
  then A4: (the Source of G) = (the Source of (G \/ G)) by A3,FUNCT_1:9;
  A5: dom(the Target of G) = the Edges of (G \/ G) by A2,Lm1
       .= dom (the Target of (G \/ G)) by Lm1;
       for v st v in dom (the Target of G) holds
       (the Target of G).v = (the Target of (G \/ G)).v
     proof let v; assume v in dom (the Target of G);
       then v in the Edges of G by Lm1;
      hence thesis by Def2;
  hence G = G \/ G by A1,A2,A4,A5,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th8:
  (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) implies
  G1 \/ G2 = G2 \/ G1
  assume A1: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
            (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2);
  then A2: (the Vertices of (G1 \/ G2)) = (the Vertices of G2) \/ (the Vertices
of G1)
 by Def2
 .= (the Vertices of (G2 \/ G1)) by A1,Def2;
  A3: (the Edges of (G1 \/ G2)) = (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G1) by A1,
 .= (the Edges of (G2 \/ G1)) by A1,Def2;
  A4: the Vertices of (G1 \/ G2) <> {} by Def1;
  A5: the Vertices of (G2 \/ G1) <> {} by Def1;
  A6: dom (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)) = the Edges of (G2 \/
 G1) by A3,A4,FUNCT_2:def 1
     .= dom (the Source of (G2 \/ G1)) by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1;
       for v st v in dom (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)) holds
       (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v = (the Source of (G2 \/ G1)).v
    proof let v; assume v in dom (the Source of (G1 \/ G2));
      then v in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A4,FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A7:      v in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A1,Def2;
     A8: now assume A9: v in the Edges of G1;
          hence (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v
             = (the Source of G1).v by A1,Def2
            .= (the Source of (G2 \/ G1)).v by A1,A9,Def2;
           now assume A10: v in the Edges of G2;
           hence (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v
             = (the Source of G2).v by A1,Def2
            .= (the Source of (G2 \/ G1)).v by A1,A10,Def2;
      hence thesis by A7,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
 then A11: the Source of (G1 \/ G2) = the Source of (G2 \/ G1) by A6,FUNCT_1:9;
 A12: dom ( the Target of (G1 \/ G2))
     = the Edges of (G2 \/ G1) by A3,A4,FUNCT_2:def 1
    .= dom (the Target of (G2 \/ G1)) by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     for v st v in dom (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)) holds
     (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v = (the Target of (G2 \/ G1)).v
   proof let v; assume v in dom ( the Target of (G1 \/ G2));
     then v in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A4,FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A13:     v in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A1,Def2;
    A14: now assume A15: v in the Edges of G1;
          hence (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v
            = (the Target of G1).v by A1,Def2
            .= (the Target of (G2 \/ G1)).v by A1,A15,Def2;
          now assume A16: v in the Edges of G2;
          hence (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v
             = (the Target of G2).v by A1,Def2
            .= (the Target of (G2 \/ G1)).v by A1,A16,Def2;
     hence thesis by A13,A14,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
 hence thesis by A2,A3,A11,A12,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th9:
  (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) &
  (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G3) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G3) &
  (the Source of G2) tolerates (the Source of G3) &
  (the Target of G2) tolerates (the Target of G3)
  (G1 \/ G2) \/ G3 = G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3)
proof assume A1:
     (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
     (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) &
     (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G3) &
     (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G3) &
     (the Source of G2) tolerates (the Source of G3) &
     (the Target of G2) tolerates (the Target of G3);
A2:   for v st v in dom(the Source of (G1 \/ G2)) /\
 dom(the Source of G3) holds
      (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v = (the Source of G3).v
   proof let v; assume A3: v in dom (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)) /\
     dom (the Source of G3);
     then A4: v in dom (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)) &
         v in dom (the Source of G3) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        v in dom (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)) by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then v in (the Edges of (G1 \/ G2)) by Lm1;
then A5:      v in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A1,Def2;
     A6: now assume A7: v in (the Edges of G1);
          then v in dom (the Source of G1) by Lm1;
       then A8: v in
 dom (the Source of G1) /\ dom (the Source of G3) by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

          thus (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v
             = (the Source of G1).v by A1,A7,Def2
            .= (the Source of G3).v by A1,A8,PARTFUN1:def 6;
           now assume A9: v in (the Edges of G2);
          then v in dom (the Source of G2) by Lm1;
       then A10: v in dom (the Source of G2) /\ dom (the Source of G3) by A4,
XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          thus (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v
             = (the Source of G2).v by A1,A9,Def2
            .= (the Source of G3).v by A1,A10,PARTFUN1:def 6;
      hence thesis by A5,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

     for v st v in dom(the Target of (G1 \/ G2)) /\ dom(the Target of G3) holds
      (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v = (the Target of G3).v
   proof let v; assume A11: v in dom (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)) /\
     dom (the Target of G3);
     then A12: v in dom (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)) &
         v in dom (the Target of G3) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        v in dom (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)) by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then v in (the Edges of (G1 \/ G2)) by Lm1;
then A13:      v in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A1,Def2;
     A14: now assume A15: v in (the Edges of G1);
          then v in dom (the Target of G1) by Lm1;
       then A16: v in dom (the Target of G1) /\ dom (the Target of G3) by A12,
XBOOLE_0:def 3;

          thus (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v
             = (the Target of G1).v by A1,A15,Def2
            .= (the Target of G3).v by A1,A16,PARTFUN1:def 6;
           now assume A17: v in (the Edges of G2);
          then v in dom (the Target of G2) by Lm1;
       then A18: v in dom (the Target of G2) /\ dom (the Target of G3) by A12,
XBOOLE_0:def 3;

          thus (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v
             = (the Target of G2).v by A1,A17,Def2
            .= (the Target of G3).v by A1,A18,PARTFUN1:def 6;
      hence thesis by A13,A14,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then A19: (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)) tolerates (the Source of G3) &
     (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)) tolerates (the Target of G3)
       by A2,PARTFUN1:def 6;
A20:for v st v in dom (the Source of G1) /\ dom(the Source of (G2 \/ G3)) holds
    (the Source of G1).v = (the Source of (G2 \/ G3)).v
  proof let v;
    assume A21: v in
 dom (the Source of G1) /\ dom(the Source of (G2 \/ G3));
    then A22: v in dom(the Source of G1) &
        v in dom(the Source of (G2 \/ G3)) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      v in dom(the Source of (G2 \/ G3)) by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then v in (the Edges of (G2 \/ G3)) by Lm1;
    then v in (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3) by A1,Def2;
    then v in (the Edges of G2) \/ dom(the Source of G3) by Lm1;
then A23:    v in dom(the Source of G2) \/ dom (the Source of G3) by Lm1;
    A24: now assume A25: v in dom (the Source of G2);
          then A26: v in (the Edges of G2) by Lm1;
          A27: v in dom(the Source of G1) /\
                  dom(the Source of G2) by A22,A25,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          thus (the Source of (G2 \/ G3)).v
             = (the Source of G2).v by A1,A26,Def2
            .= (the Source of G1).v by A1,A27,PARTFUN1:def 6;
          now assume A28: v in dom (the Source of G3);
          then A29: v in (the Edges of G3) by Lm1;
          A30: v in dom(the Source of G1) /\
                  dom(the Source of G3) by A22,A28,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

          thus (the Source of (G2 \/ G3)).v
             = (the Source of G3).v by A1,A29,Def2
            .= (the Source of G1).v by A1,A30,PARTFUN1:def 6;
     hence thesis by A23,A24,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

    for v st v in dom (the Target of G1) /\ dom (the Target of (G2 \/ G3))
    (the Target of G1).v = (the Target of (G2 \/ G3)).v
  proof let v;
    assume A31: v in
 dom (the Target of G1) /\ dom(the Target of (G2 \/ G3));
    then A32: v in dom(the Target of G1) &
        v in dom(the Target of (G2 \/ G3)) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      v in dom(the Target of (G2 \/ G3)) by A31,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then v in (the Edges of (G2 \/ G3)) by Lm1;
    then v in (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3) by A1,Def2;
    then v in (the Edges of G2) \/ dom(the Target of G3) by Lm1;
then A33:    v in dom(the Target of G2) \/ dom (the Target of G3) by Lm1;
    A34: now assume A35: v in dom (the Target of G2);
          then A36: v in (the Edges of G2) by Lm1;
          A37: v in dom(the Target of G1) /\
                  dom(the Target of G2) by A32,A35,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

          thus (the Target of (G2 \/ G3)).v
             = (the Target of G2).v by A1,A36,Def2
            .= (the Target of G1).v by A1,A37,PARTFUN1:def 6;
          now assume A38: v in dom(the Target of G3);
          then A39: v in (the Edges of G3) by Lm1;
          A40: v in dom(the Target of G1) /\
                  dom(the Target of G3) by A32,A38,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

          thus (the Target of (G2 \/ G3)).v
             = (the Target of G3).v by A1,A39,Def2
            .= (the Target of G1).v by A1,A40,PARTFUN1:def 6;
     hence thesis by A33,A34,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

  then A41: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of (G2 \/ G3)) &
     (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of (G2 \/ G3))
     by A20,PARTFUN1:def 6;
  A42: the Edges of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3) =
      (the Edges of (G1 \/ G2)) \/ (the Edges of G3) by A19,Def2
    .= (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3)
           by A1,Def2
    .= (the Edges of G1) \/ ((the Edges of G2) \/
 (the Edges of G3)) by XBOOLE_1:4
    .= (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of (G2 \/ G3)) by A1,Def2
    .= (the Edges of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))) by A41,Def2;

  A43: the Vertices of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3) =
      (the Vertices of (G1 \/ G2)) \/ (the Vertices of G3) by A19,Def2
    .= (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2) \/ (the Vertices of G3)
      by A1,Def2
    .= (the Vertices of G1) \/
           ((the Vertices of G2) \/ (the Vertices of G3)) by XBOOLE_1:4
    .= (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of (G2 \/ G3)) by A1,Def2
    .= (the Vertices of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))) by A41,Def2;

  A44: dom (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)) =the Edges of (G1 \/ (G2 \/
 G3)) by A42,Lm1
      .= dom (the Source of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))) by Lm1;

    for v st v in dom (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)) holds
   (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)).v = (the Source of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))).v
  proof let v such that A45: v in dom (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3));
        dom (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)) =
      the Edges of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3) by Lm1
     .= (the Edges of (G1 \/ G2)) \/ (the Edges of G3) by A19,Def2
     .= (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3)
            by A1,Def2;
then A46:    v in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) or
     v in (the Edges of G3) by A45,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

    A47: now assume A48: v in the Edges of G1;
            (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2)
             by XBOOLE_1:7;
          then (the Edges of G1) c= the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Def2;
          hence (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)).v =
               (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v by A19,A48,Def2
            .= (the Source of G1).v by A1,A48,Def2
            .= (the Source of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))).v by A41,A48,Def2;

    A49: now assume A50: v in the Edges of G2;
            (the Edges of G2) c= (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2)
             by XBOOLE_1:7;
          then A51: (the Edges of G2) c= the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Def2;

            (the Edges of G2) c= (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3)
             by XBOOLE_1:7;
          then A52: (the Edges of G2) c= the Edges of (G2 \/ G3) by A1,Def2;
           thus (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)).v =
                (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v by A19,A50,A51,Def2
             .= (the Source of G2).v by A1,A50,Def2
             .= (the Source of (G2 \/ G3)).v by A1,A50,Def2
             .= (the Source of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))).v by A41,A50,A52,Def2;

          now assume A53: v in the Edges of G3;
            (the Edges of G3) c= (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3)
             by XBOOLE_1:7;
          then A54: (the Edges of G3) c= the Edges of (G2 \/ G3) by A1,Def2;

            thus (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)).v =
                 (the Source of G3).v by A19,A53,Def2
              .= (the Source of (G2 \/ G3)).v by A1,A53,Def2
              .= (the Source of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))).v by A41,A53,A54,Def2;
     hence thesis by A46,A47,A49,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
 then A55: (the Source of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)) = (the Source of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3
        by A44,FUNCT_1:9;
 A56: dom (the Target of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)) =the Edges of (G1 \/ (G2 \/
 G3)) by A42,Lm1
      .= dom (the Target of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))) by Lm1;
    for v st v in dom (the Target of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)) holds
   (the Target of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)).v = (the Target of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))).v
  proof let v such that A57: v in dom (the Target of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3));
        dom (the Target of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)) =
      the Edges of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3) by Lm1
     .= (the Edges of (G1 \/ G2)) \/ (the Edges of G3) by A19,Def2
     .= (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3)
            by A1,Def2;
then A58:    v in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) or
     v in (the Edges of G3) by A57,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

    A59: now assume A60: v in the Edges of G1;
            (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2)
             by XBOOLE_1:7;
          then (the Edges of G1) c= the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Def2;
          hence (the Target of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)).v =
               (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v by A19,A60,Def2
            .= (the Target of G1).v by A1,A60,Def2
            .= (the Target of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))).v by A41,A60,Def2;

    A61: now assume A62: v in the Edges of G2;
            (the Edges of G2) c= (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2)
             by XBOOLE_1:7;
          then A63: (the Edges of G2) c= the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Def2;

            (the Edges of G2) c= (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3)
             by XBOOLE_1:7;
          then A64: (the Edges of G2) c= the Edges of (G2 \/ G3) by A1,Def2;
           thus (the Target of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)).v =
                (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v by A19,A62,A63,Def2
             .= (the Target of G2).v by A1,A62,Def2
             .= (the Target of (G2 \/ G3)).v by A1,A62,Def2
             .= (the Target of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))).v by A41,A62,A64,Def2;

          now assume A65: v in the Edges of G3;
            (the Edges of G3) c= (the Edges of G2) \/ (the Edges of G3)
             by XBOOLE_1:7;
          then A66: (the Edges of G3) c= the Edges of (G2 \/ G3) by A1,Def2;

            thus (the Target of ((G1 \/ G2) \/ G3)).v =
                 (the Target of G3).v by A19,A65,Def2
              .= (the Target of (G2 \/ G3)).v by A1,A65,Def2
              .= (the Target of (G1 \/ (G2 \/ G3))).v by A41,A65,A66,Def2;
     hence thesis by A58,A59,A61,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
hence thesis by A42,A43,A55,A56,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th10:
  G is_sum_of G1, G2 implies G is_sum_of G2, G1
proof assume G is_sum_of G1, G2;
  then (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) &
  the MultiGraphStruct of G = G1 \/ G2 by Def3;
  then (the Source of G2) tolerates (the Source of G1) &
  (the Target of G2) tolerates (the Target of G1) &
  the MultiGraphStruct of G = G2 \/ G1 by Th8;
 hence thesis by Def3;

    for G being strict Graph holds G is_sum_of G, G
proof let G be strict Graph;
    (the Source of G) tolerates (the Source of G) &
  (the Target of G) tolerates (the Target of G) &
  G = G \/ G by Th7;
 hence thesis by Def3;

         :: Graphs' inclusion ::

theorem Th12:
 (ex G st G1 c= G & G2 c= G) implies G1 \/ G2 = G2 \/ G1
  given G such that A1: G1 c= G & G2 c= G;
    ( the Source of G1) c= (the Source of G) &
  ( the Target of G1) c= (the Target of G) &
  ( the Source of G2) c= (the Source of G) &
  ( the Target of G2) c= (the Target of G) by A1,Th5;
  then (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) by PARTFUN1:131;
 hence thesis by Th8;

   (ex G st G1 c= G & G2 c= G & G3 c= G) implies (G1 \/ G2) \/ G3 = G1 \/ (G2
  given G such that A1: G1 c= G & G2 c= G & G3 c= G;
    (the Source of G1) c= (the Source of G) &
  (the Source of G2) c= (the Source of G) &
  (the Source of G3) c= (the Source of G) &
  (the Target of G1) c= (the Target of G) &
  (the Target of G2) c= (the Target of G) &
  (the Target of G3) c= (the Target of G) by A1,Th5;
  then (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G3) &
  (the Source of G2) tolerates (the Source of G3) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G3) &
  (the Target of G2) tolerates (the Target of G3) by PARTFUN1:139;
  hence thesis by Th9;

    {} is cyclic oriented Path of G by Lm4,Lm5;

     for H1, H2 being strict Subgraph of G st
     the Vertices of H1 = the Vertices of H2 &
     the Edges of H1 = the Edges of H2
   holds H1 = H2 by Lm8;

theorem Th16:
  for G1,G2 being strict Graph holds G1 c= G2 & G2 c= G1 implies G1 = G2
proof let G1,G2 be strict Graph;
 assume G1 c= G2 & G2 c= G1;
 then A1: G1 is Subgraph of G2 & G2 is Subgraph of G1 by Def23;

  then (the Vertices of G1) c= (the Vertices of G2) &
  (the Vertices of G2) c= (the Vertices of G1) by Def17;
 then A2: the Vertices of G1 = the Vertices of G2 by XBOOLE_0:def 10;

     (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G2) &
   (the Edges of G2) c= (the Edges of G1) by A1,Def17;
 then A3: the Edges of G1 = the Edges of G2 by XBOOLE_0:def 10;

 then A4: dom(the Source of G1) = the Edges of G2 by Lm1
      .= dom(the Source of G2) by Lm1;

    for v st v in dom (the Source of G1) holds
   (the Source of G1).v = (the Source of G2).v
 proof let v; assume v in dom (the Source of G1);
   then v in the Edges of G1 by Lm1;
   hence thesis by A1,Def17;
 then A5: the Source of G1 = the Source of G2 by A4,FUNCT_1:9;

 A6: dom (the Target of G1) = the Edges of G2 by A3,Lm1
     .= dom (the Target of G2) by Lm1;
    for v st v in dom (the Target of G1) holds
   (the Target of G1).v = (the Target of G2).v
 proof let v; assume v in dom (the Target of G1);
   then v in the Edges of G1 by Lm1;
  hence thesis by A1,Def17;
  hence G1 = G2 by A2,A3,A5,A6,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th17:
  G1 c= G2 & G2 c= G3 implies G1 c= G3
proof assume G1 c= G2 & G2 c= G3;
  then A1: G1 is Subgraph of G2 & G2 is Subgraph of G3 by Def23;

  then (the Vertices of G1) c= (the Vertices of G2) &
  (the Vertices of G2) c= (the Vertices of G3) by Def17;
 then A2: (the Vertices of G1) c= (the Vertices of G3) by XBOOLE_1:1;

 A3: (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G2) &
  (the Edges of G2) c= (the Edges of G3) by A1,Def17;
 then A4: (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G3) by XBOOLE_1:1;

     for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds
    (the Source of G1).v = (the Source of G3).v &
    (the Target of G1).v = (the Target of G3).v &
    (the Source of G3).v in the Vertices of G1 &
    (the Target of G3).v in the Vertices of G1
   proof let v; assume A5: v in the Edges of G1;

   hence A6: (the Source of G1).v = (the Source of G2).v by A1,Def17
       .= (the Source of G3).v by A1,A3,A5,Def17;

   thus A7: (the Target of G1).v = (the Target of G2).v by A1,A5,Def17
       .= (the Target of G3).v by A1,A3,A5,Def17;

     A8: rng (the Source of G1) c= the Vertices of G1 by Lm1;
        v in dom (the Source of G1) by A5,Lm1;
      then (the Source of G1).v in rng(the Source of G1) by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    hence (the Source of G3).v in the Vertices of G1 by A6,A8;

     A9: rng (the Target of G1) c= the Vertices of G1 by Lm1;
       v in dom(the Target of G1) by A5,Lm1;
     then (the Target of G1).v in rng(the Target of G1) by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    hence thesis by A7,A9;
 then G1 is Subgraph of G3 by A2,A4,Def17;
 hence thesis by Def23;

theorem Th18:
  G is_sum_of G1, G2 implies G1 c= G & G2 c= G
proof assume A1: G is_sum_of G1, G2;

    for G, G1, G2 being Graph st G is_sum_of G1, G2 holds G1 c= G
    proof let G, G1, G2 be Graph; assume A3: G is_sum_of G1, G2;
      then A4: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
          (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) by Def3;
      A5: the MultiGraphStruct of G = G1 \/ G2 by A3,Def3;

      then the Vertices of G = (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2)
by A4,Def2;
      then A6: (the Vertices of G1) c= (the Vertices of G) by XBOOLE_1:7;

         the Edges of G = (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A4,A5,Def2;
      then A7: (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G) by XBOOLE_1:7;

        for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds
        (the Source of G1).v = (the Source of G).v &
        (the Target of G1).v = (the Target of G).v &
        (the Source of G).v in the Vertices of G1 &
        (the Target of G).v in the Vertices of G1
      proof let v; assume A8: v in the Edges of G1;
        hence A9: (the Source of G1).v = (the Source of G).v by A4,A5,Def2;

        thus A10: (the Target of G1).v = (the Target of G).v by A4,A5,A8,Def2;
        thus (the Source of G).v in the Vertices of G1 by A8,A9,Lm6;
        thus thesis by A8,A10,Lm6;
      then G1 is Subgraph of G by A6,A7,Def17;
     hence thesis by Def23;
  hence G1 c= G by A1;
      G is_sum_of G2, G1 by A1,Th10;
  hence thesis by A2;

theorem Th19:
  (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2)
   G1 c= G1 \/ G2 & G2 c= G1 \/ G2
proof assume (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2);
  then (G1 \/ G2) is_sum_of G1, G2 by Def3;
 hence thesis by Th18;

theorem Th20:
 (ex G st G1 c= G & G2 c= G) implies G1 c= G1 \/ G2 & G2 c= G1 \/ G2
  given G such that A1: G1 c= G & G2 c= G;
    (the Source of G1) c= (the Source of G) &
  (the Target of G1) c= (the Target of G) &
  (the Source of G2) c= (the Source of G) &
  (the Target of G2) c= (the Target of G) by A1,Th5;
  then (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) by PARTFUN1:139;
 hence thesis by Th19;

theorem Th21:
  G1 c= G3 & G2 c= G3 & G is_sum_of G1, G2 implies G c= G3
proof assume A1: G1 c= G3 & G2 c= G3 & G is_sum_of G1, G2;
  then A2: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
     (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) by Def3;
  A3: the MultiGraphStruct of G = G1 \/ G2 by A1,Def3;
  A4: G1 is Subgraph of G3 by A1,Def23;
  A5: G2 is Subgraph of G3 by A1,Def23;

  then (the Vertices of G1) c= (the Vertices of G3) &
  (the Vertices of G2) c= (the Vertices of G3) by A4,Def17;
then A6:  (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2) c= (the Vertices of G3)
     by XBOOLE_1:8;

    (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G3) &
  (the Edges of G2) c= (the Edges of G3) by A4,A5,Def17;
then A7:
  (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) c= (the Edges of G3) by XBOOLE_1:8;

    for v st v in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2) holds
    (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v = (the Source of G3).v &
    (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v = (the Target of G3).v &
    (the Source of G3).v in the Vertices of (G1 \/ G2) &
    (the Target of G3).v in the Vertices of (G1 \/ G2)
  proof let v such that A8: v in the Edges of (G1 \/ G2);
    thus A9: (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v = (the Source of G3).v &
       (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v = (the Target of G3).v
A10:        v in (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A2,A8,Def2;
      A11: now assume A12: v in the Edges of G1;
         then A13: (the Source of G3).v = (the Source of G1).v by A4,Def17
            .= (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v by A2,A12,Def2;
              (the Target of G3).v = (the Target of G1).v by A4,A12,Def17
            .= (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v by A2,A12,Def2;
            hence thesis by A13;
            now assume A14: v in the Edges of G2;
         then A15: (the Source of G3).v = (the Source of G2).v by A5,Def17
             .= (the Source of (G1 \/ G2)).v by A2,A14,Def2;
               (the Target of G3).v = (the Target of G2).v by A5,A14,Def17
             .= (the Target of (G1 \/ G2)).v by A2,A14,Def2;
            hence thesis by A15;
        hence thesis by A10,A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    hence (the Source of G3).v in the Vertices of (G1 \/ G2) by A8,Lm6;
    thus thesis by A8,A9,Lm6;
hence the Vertices of G c= the Vertices of G3 &
   the Edges of G c= the Edges of G3 &
   for v st v in the Edges of G holds
    (the Source of G).v = (the Source of G3).v &
    (the Target of G).v = (the Target of G3).v &
    (the Source of G3).v in the Vertices of G &
    (the Target of G3).v in the Vertices of G by A2,A3,A6,A7,Def2;

theorem Th22:
  G1 c= G & G2 c= G implies (G1 \/ G2) c= G
proof assume A1: G1 c= G & G2 c= G;
  then (the Source of G1) c= (the Source of G) &
  (the Source of G2) c= (the Source of G) &
  (the Target of G1) c= (the Target of G) &
  (the Target of G2) c= (the Target of G) by Th5;

  then (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) by PARTFUN1:139;
   then (G1 \/ G2) is_sum_of G1, G2 by Def3;
 hence thesis by A1,Th21;

    for G1,G2 being strict Graph holds
  G1 c= G2 implies G1 \/ G2 = G2 & G2 \/ G1 = G2
proof let G1,G2 be strict Graph;
 assume A1: G1 c= G2;
  then A2: (G1 \/ G2) c= G2 by Th22;
    G2 c= (G1 \/ G2) by A1,Th20;
hence G1 \/ G2 = G2 by A2,Th16;
hence thesis by A1,Th12;

theorem Th24:
  (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
  (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) &
  (G1 \/ G2 = G2 or G2 \/ G1 = G2)
 implies G1 c= G2
proof assume A1: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
    (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2);
  assume A2: (G1 \/ G2 = G2 or G2 \/ G1 = G2);

  then the Vertices of G2 = (the Vertices of G1) \/ (the Vertices of G2) by A1,
 then A3: (the Vertices of G1) c= the Vertices of G2 by XBOOLE_1:7;

     the Edges of G2 = (the Edges of G1) \/ (the Edges of G2) by A1,A2,Def2;
  then A4: (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G2) by XBOOLE_1:7;

     for v st v in the Edges of G1 holds
    (the Source of G1).v = (the Source of G2).v &
    (the Target of G1).v = (the Target of G2).v &
    (the Source of G2).v in the Vertices of G1 &
    (the Target of G2).v in the Vertices of G1
   proof let v; assume A5: v in the Edges of G1;
     hence A6: (the Source of G1).v
        = (the Source of G2).v by A1,A2,Def2;
     thus A7: (the Target of G1).v
       = (the Target of G2).v by A1,A2,A5,Def2;
    thus (the Source of G2).v in the Vertices of G1 by A5,A6,Lm6;
    thus thesis by A5,A7,Lm6;
 then G1 is Subgraph of G2 by A3,A4,Def17;
hence thesis by Def23;

canceled 2;

    for G being oriented Graph st G1 c= G holds G1 is oriented
proof let G be oriented Graph; assume G1 c= G;
  then A1: G1 is Subgraph of G by Def23;

    for x,y being set st x in the Edges of G1 & y in the Edges of G1 &
    (the Source of G1).x = (the Source of G1).y &
    (the Target of G1).x = (the Target of G1).y
  holds x = y
  proof let x, y be set;
   assume A2: x in the Edges of G1 & y in the Edges of G1 &
    (the Source of G1).x = (the Source of G1).y &
    (the Target of G1).x = (the Target of G1).y;

    A3: (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G) by A1,Def17;

    A4: (the Source of G).x = (the Source of G1).y by A1,A2,Def17
      .= (the Source of G).y by A1,A2,Def17;

          (the Target of G).x = (the Target of G1).y by A1,A2,Def17
      .= (the Target of G).y by A1,A2,Def17;
    hence x = y by A2,A3,A4,Def4;
 hence thesis by Def4;

    for G being non-multi Graph st G1 c= G holds G1 is non-multi
proof let G be non-multi Graph; assume G1 c= G;
  then A1: G1 is Subgraph of G by Def23;

    for x,y being set st x in the Edges of G1 & y in the Edges of G1 &
    (((the Source of G1).x = (the Source of G1).y &
    (the Target of G1).x = (the Target of G1).y) or
    ((the Source of G1).x = (the Target of G1).y &
    (the Source of G1).y = (the Target of G1).x))
  holds x = y
 proof let x,y be set such that A2: x in the Edges of G1 & y in
 the Edges of G1;
   assume A3: ((the Source of G1).x = (the Source of G1).y &
    (the Target of G1).x = (the Target of G1).y)
    ((the Source of G1).x = (the Target of G1).y &
    (the Source of G1).y = (the Target of G1).x);

   A4: (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G) by A1,Def17;

      (the Source of G1).x = (the Source of G).x &
    (the Source of G1).y = (the Source of G).y &
    (the Target of G1).x = (the Target of G).x &
    (the Target of G1).y = (the Target of G).y by A1,A2,Def17;
   hence x = y by A2,A3,A4,Def5;
 hence G1 is non-multi by Def5;

    for G being simple Graph st G1 c= G holds G1 is simple
proof let G be simple Graph; assume G1 c= G;
  then A1: G1 is Subgraph of G by Def23;

    not ex x being set st x in the Edges of G1 &
    (the Source of G1).x = (the Target of G1).x
    given x being set such that A2: x in the Edges of G1 &
       (the Source of G1).x = (the Target of G1).x;
    A3: (the Edges of G1) c= (the Edges of G) by A1,Def17;
      (the Source of G).x = (the Target of G1).x by A1,A2,Def17
     .= (the Target of G).x by A1,A2,Def17;
    hence contradiction by A2,A3,Def6;
 hence G1 is simple by Def6;

                  :: Set of all subgraphs ::

    for G1 being strict Graph holds G1 in bool G iff G1 c= G
proof let G1 be strict Graph;
  thus G1 in bool G implies G1 c= G
    proof assume G1 in bool G;
      then G1 is Subgraph of G by Def24;
     hence G1 c= G by Def23;
 assume G1 c= G;
 then G1 is Subgraph of G by Def23;
 hence G1 in bool G by Def24;

theorem Th31:
  for G being strict Graph holds G in bool G
proof let G be strict Graph;
    G is Subgraph of G by Def23;
 hence thesis by Def24;

   for G1 being strict Graph holds G1 c= G2 iff bool G1 c= bool G2
proof let G1 be strict Graph;
 thus G1 c= G2 implies bool G1 c= bool G2
 proof assume A1: G1 c= G2;
     for x being set st x in bool G1 holds x in bool G2
   proof let x be set; assume x in bool G1;
     then reconsider G = x as strict Subgraph of G1 by Def24;
       G c= G1 by Def23;
     then G c= G2 by A1,Th17;
     then G is strict Subgraph of G2 by Def23;
    hence x in bool G2 by Def24;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

 assume A2: bool G1 c= bool G2;
   G1 in bool G1 by Th31;
 then G1 is Subgraph of G2 by A2,Def24;
hence G1 c= G2 by Def23;


   for G being strict Graph holds { G } c= bool G
proof let G be strict Graph;
    G in bool G by Th31;
 hence { G } c= bool G by ZFMISC_1:37;

   for G1,G2 being strict Graph holds
   (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
   (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2) &
   bool (G1 \/ G2) c= (bool G1) \/ (bool G2)
    G1 c= G2 or G2 c= G1
proof let G1,G2 be strict Graph;
 assume A1: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
    (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2);
 assume A2: bool (G1 \/ G2) c= (bool G1) \/ (bool G2);
 A3: G1 \/ G2 in bool (G1 \/ G2) by Th31;

 A4: now assume G1 \/ G2 in bool G1;
      then G1 \/ G2 is Subgraph of G1 by Def24;
    then A5: G1 \/ G2 c= G1 by Def23;
        G1 c= G1 \/ G2 by A1,Th19;
      then G1 \/ G2 = G1 by A5,Th16;
     hence G2 c= G1 by A1,Th24;

      now assume G1 \/ G2 in bool G2;
      then G1 \/ G2 is Subgraph of G2 by Def24;
    then A6: G1 \/ G2 c= G2 by Def23;
        G2 c= G1 \/ G2 by A1,Th19;
      then G1 \/ G2 = G2 by A6,Th16;
     hence G1 c= G2 by A1,Th24;
 hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

     (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
   (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2)
   bool G1 \/ bool G2 c= bool (G1 \/ G2)
proof assume A1: (the Source of G1) tolerates (the Source of G2) &
   (the Target of G1) tolerates (the Target of G2);

 A2: for v st v in bool G1 holds v in bool (G1 \/ G2)
     proof let v; assume v in bool G1;
       then reconsider G = v as strict Subgraph of G1 by Def24;
         G c= G1 & G1 c= G1 \/ G2 by A1,Def23,Th19;
       then G c= G1 \/ G2 by Th17;
       then G is strict Subgraph of (G1 \/ G2) by Def23;
      hence v in bool (G1 \/ G2) by Def24;

 A3: for v st v in bool G2 holds v in bool (G1 \/ G2)
     proof let v; assume v in bool G2;
       then reconsider G = v as strict Subgraph of G2 by Def24;
         G c= G2 & G2 c= G1 \/ G2 by A1,Def23,Th19;
       then G c= G1 \/ G2 by Th17;
       then G is strict Subgraph of (G1 \/ G2) by Def23;
      hence v in bool (G1 \/ G2) by Def24;

   for v st v in bool G1 \/ bool G2 holds v in bool (G1 \/ G2)
  proof let v; assume v in bool G1 \/ bool G2;
    then v in bool G1 or v in bool G2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   hence thesis by A2,A3;
 hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

    G1 in bool G & G2 in bool G implies (G1 \/ G2) in bool G
proof assume G1 in bool G & G2 in bool G;
  then G1 is Subgraph of G & G2 is Subgraph of G by Def24;
  then G1 c= G & G2 c= G by Def23;
  then (G1 \/ G2) c= G by Th22;
  then (G1 \/ G2) is Subgraph of G by Def23;
 hence (G1 \/ G2) in bool G by Def24;

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