The Mizar article:

Order Sorted Quotient Algebra

Josef Urban

Received September 19, 2002

Copyright (c) 2002 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: OSALG_4
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary AMI_1, MSUALG_1, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, PBOOLE, BOOLE, EQREL_1,
      MSUALG_4, YELLOW18;
 constructors ORDERS_3, INT_1, NAT_1, FINSEQ_5, FINSEQ_4, MSUALG_3, WAYBEL_0,
 definitions TARSKI, MSUALG_3, XBOOLE_0, OSALG_1, OSALG_3;


  let R be non empty Poset;
  cluster Relation-yielding OrderSortedSet of R;
    set I = the carrier of R;
   consider R1 be Relation;
   deffunc F(set) = R1;
   consider f be Function such that
   A1: dom f = I & for x be set st x in I holds f.x = F(x)
          from Lambda;
   reconsider f as ManySortedSet of I by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
     f is order-sorted
   proof let s1,s2 be Element of R such that s1 <= s2;
       f.s1 = R1 & f.s2 = R1 by A1;
     hence f.s1 c= f.s2;
   then reconsider f as OrderSortedSet of R;
   take f;
     for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Relation by A1;
   hence thesis by MSUALG_4:def 1;

:: this is a stronger condition for relation than just being order-sorted
  let R be non empty Poset;
  let A,B be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
  let IT be ManySortedRelation of A,B;
  attr IT is os-compatible means :Def1:
  for s1,s2 being Element of R st s1 <= s2
  for x,y being set st x in A.s1 & y in B.s1 holds
  [x,y] in IT.s1 iff [x,y] in IT.s2;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  let A,B be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
  cluster os-compatible ManySortedRelation of A,B;
    set I = the carrier of R;
   consider R1 be Relation such that A1: R1 = {};
   deffunc F(set) = R1;
   consider f be Function such that
   A2: dom f = I & for x be set st x in I holds f.x = F(x)
          from Lambda;
   reconsider f as ManySortedSet of R by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
   take f;
   set f1 = f;
   A3: for s1,s2 being Element of R st s1 <= s2
   for x,y being set st x in A.s1 & y in B.s1 holds
   [x,y] in f1.s1 iff [x,y] in f1.s2
     let s1,s2 be Element of R such that s1 <= s2;
     A4: f1.s1 = R1 by A2 .= f1.s2 by A2;
     let x,y be set such that x in A.s1 & y in B.s1;
     thus [x,y] in f1.s1 iff [x,y] in f1.s2 by A4;
     for i be set st i in I holds f.i is Relation of A.i,B.i
     let i be set;
     assume i in I;
     then f.i = {} by A1,A2;
     hence thesis by RELSET_1:25;
    then reconsider f2 = f1 as ManySortedRelation of A,B by MSUALG_4:def 2;
      f2 is os-compatible by A3,Def1;
    hence thesis;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  let A,B be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
  mode OrderSortedRelation of A,B is os-compatible ManySortedRelation of A,B;

theorem Bze:
    for R being non empty Poset,
      A,B being ManySortedSet of the carrier of R,
      OR being ManySortedRelation of A,B holds
      OR is os-compatible implies OR is OrderSortedSet of R
  let R be non empty Poset,
      A,B be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R,
      OR be ManySortedRelation of A,B;
  assume A1: OR is os-compatible;
  set OR1 = OR;
    OR1 is order-sorted
    let s1,s2 be Element of R such that A2: s1 <= s2;
      for x,y being set holds [x,y] in OR.s1 implies [x,y] in OR.s2
    proof let x,y be set such that A3: [x,y] in OR.s1;
        x in A.s1 & y in B.s1 by A3,ZFMISC_1:106;
      hence [x,y] in OR.s2 by A1,A2,A3,Def1;
    hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 3;
  hence thesis;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  let A,B be ManySortedSet of R;
  cluster os-compatible -> order-sorted ManySortedRelation of A,B;
  coherence by Bze;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  let A be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
  mode OrderSortedRelation of A is OrderSortedRelation of A,A;

 let S be OrderSortedSign,
     U1 be OSAlgebra of S;
 mode OrderSortedRelation of U1 -> ManySortedRelation of U1 means
:Def3: it is os-compatible;
   reconsider Y = the Sorts of U1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
   consider X being OrderSortedRelation of Y;
   reconsider X1=X as ManySortedRelation of U1;
   take X1;
   thus thesis;

:: REVISE: the definition of ManySorted diagonal from MSUALG_6
:: should be moved to MSUALG_4; the "compatible" attr from MSUALG_6
:: should replace the MSCongruence-like

 let S be OrderSortedSign,
     U1 be OSAlgebra of S;
 cluster MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1;
   deffunc F(Element of S) =
     id ((the Sorts of U1).$1);
   consider f be Function such that A1: dom f = the carrier of S &
    for d be Element of S holds
    f.d = F(d) from LambdaB;
    reconsider f as ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
       by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
      for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Relation
      let x be set;
      assume x in dom f;
      then f.x = id ((the Sorts of U1).x) by A1;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider f as ManySortedRelation of the carrier of S
        by MSUALG_4:def 1;
      for i be set st i in the carrier of S holds f.i is
     Relation of (the Sorts of U1).i,(the Sorts of U1).i
      let i be set;
      assume i in the carrier of S;
      then f.i = id ((the Sorts of U1).i) by A1;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider f as
    ManySortedRelation of the Sorts of U1,the Sorts of U1
         by MSUALG_4:def 2;
    reconsider f as ManySortedRelation of U1;
      for i be set, R be Relation of (the Sorts of U1).i st
     i in the carrier of S & f.i = R holds
      R is Equivalence_Relation of (the Sorts of U1).i
       let i be set,
           R be Relation of (the Sorts of U1).i;
       assume i in the carrier of S & f.i = R;
       then R = id ((the Sorts of U1).i) by A1;
       hence thesis;
     then A2: f is MSEquivalence_Relation-like by MSUALG_4:def 3;
     take f;
     set f1 = f;
       f1 is os-compatible
     proof let s1,s2 be Element of S such that
       A3: s1 <= s2;
       reconsider s3 = s1, s4 = s2 as Element of S;
       reconsider X = the Sorts of U1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
         X.s3 c= X.s4 by A3,OSALG_1:def 18;
       then A4: id(X.s1) c= id(X.s2) by SYSREL:33;
       A5: f1.s1 = id(X.s1) & f1.s2 = id(X.s2) by A1;
       let x,y be set such that A6: x in (the Sorts of U1).s1
       & y in (the Sorts of U1).s1;
       thus [x,y] in f1.s1 implies [x,y] in f1.s2 by A4,A5;
       assume [x,y] in f1.s2;
       then x = y by A5,RELAT_1:def 10;
       hence [x,y] in f1.s1 by A5,A6,RELAT_1:def 10;
   hence thesis by A2,Def3,MSUALG_4:def 5;

:: REVISE: we need the fact that id has the type,
:: the original prf can be simplified
  let S be OrderSortedSign,
  U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  cluster MSCongruence-like (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1);
   deffunc F(Element of S) = id ((the Sorts of U1).$1);
   consider f be Function such that A1: dom f = the carrier of S &
    for d be Element of S holds
    f.d = F(d) from LambdaB;
   reconsider f as ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
       by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
     for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Relation
     let x be set;
     assume x in dom f;
     then f.x = id ((the Sorts of U1).x) by A1;
     hence thesis;
   then reconsider f as ManySortedRelation of the carrier of S
       by MSUALG_4:def 1;
     for i be set st i in the carrier of S holds f.i is
    Relation of (the Sorts of U1).i,(the Sorts of U1).i
     let i be set;
     assume i in the carrier of S;
     then f.i = id ((the Sorts of U1).i) by A1;
     hence thesis;
   then reconsider f as
   ManySortedRelation of the Sorts of U1,the Sorts of U1
        by MSUALG_4:def 2;
   reconsider f as ManySortedRelation of U1;
     for i be set, R be Relation of (the Sorts of U1).i st
    i in the carrier of S & f.i = R holds
     R is Equivalence_Relation of (the Sorts of U1).i
      let i be set,
          R be Relation of (the Sorts of U1).i;
      assume i in the carrier of S & f.i = R;
      then R = id ((the Sorts of U1).i) by A1;
      hence thesis;
    then f is MSEquivalence_Relation-like by MSUALG_4:def 3;
   then reconsider f as MSEquivalence-like ManySortedRelation of U1
          by MSUALG_4:def 5;
   set f1 = f;
     f1 is os-compatible
   proof let s1,s2 be Element of S such that
     A2: s1 <= s2;
     reconsider s3 = s1, s4 = s2 as Element of S;
     reconsider X = the Sorts of U1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
       X.s3 c= X.s4 by A2,OSALG_1:def 18;
     then A3: id(X.s1) c= id(X.s2) by SYSREL:33;
     A4: f1.s1 = id(X.s1) & f1.s2 = id(X.s2) by A1;
     let x,y be set such that A5: x in (the Sorts of U1).s1
     & y in (the Sorts of U1).s1;
     thus [x,y] in f1.s1 implies [x,y] in f1.s2 by A3,A4;
     assume [x,y] in f1.s2;
     then x = y by A4,RELAT_1:def 10;
     hence [x,y] in f1.s1 by A4,A5,RELAT_1:def 10;
   then reconsider f = f1 as MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1
   by Def3;
   take f;
     for o be Element of the OperSymbols of S
   for x,y be Element of Args(o,U1) st
    (for n be Nat st n in dom x holds
      [x.n,y.n] in f.((the_arity_of o)/.n))
    holds [Den(o,U1).x,Den(o,U1).y] in f.(the_result_sort_of o)
     let o be Element of the OperSymbols of S;
     let x,y be Element of Args(o,U1);
     assume A6: for n be Nat st n in dom x holds
            [x.n,y.n] in f.((the_arity_of o)/.n);
     A7: dom x = dom (the_arity_of o) &
       dom y = dom (the_arity_of o) by MSUALG_3:6;
       for a be set st a in dom (the_arity_of o) holds x.a = y.a
       let a be set;
       assume A8: a in dom (the_arity_of o);
       then reconsider n = a as Nat;
       A9: (the_arity_of o)/.n = (the_arity_of o).n
             by A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
       set ao = the_arity_of o;
         ao.n in rng ao by A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
       then A10: f.(ao.n) = id ((the Sorts of U1).(ao.n)) by A1;
         [x.n,y.n] in f.(ao.n) by A6,A7,A8,A9; hence thesis by A10,RELAT_1:def
     then A11: Den(o,U1).x = Den(o,U1).y by A7,FUNCT_1:9;
     set r = the_result_sort_of o;
     A12: f.r = id ((the Sorts of U1).r) by A1;
     A13: dom (the ResultSort of S) = the OperSymbols of S &
     rng (the ResultSort of S) c= the carrier of S
            by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     then A14: dom ((the Sorts of U1)*(the ResultSort of S))
       = dom (the ResultSort of S) by PBOOLE:def 3;
       Result(o,U1) = ((the Sorts of U1) * the ResultSort of S).o
        by MSUALG_1:def 10
        .= (the Sorts of U1).((the ResultSort of S).o)
               by A13,A14,FUNCT_1:22
        .= (the Sorts of U1).r by MSUALG_1:def 7;
        hence thesis by A11,A12,RELAT_1:def 10;
    hence thesis by MSUALG_4:def 6;

  let S be OrderSortedSign,
  U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  mode OSCongruence of U1 is
  MSCongruence-like (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1);

:: TODO: a smooth transition between Relations and Graphs would
:: be useful here, the FinSequence approach seemed to me faster than
:: transitive closure of R \/ R" .. maybe not, can be later a theorem
:: all could be done generally for reflexive (or with small
:: modification even non reflexive) Relations

:: I found ex post that attributes disconnected and connected defined
:: in ORDERS_3 have st. in common here, but the theory there is not developed
:: suggested improvements: f connects x,y; x is_connected_with y;
:: connected iff for x,y holds x is_connected_with y
:: finally I found this is the EqCl from MSUALG_5 - should be merged
  let R be non empty Poset;
  func Path_Rel R -> Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of R means
  :Def4: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in it iff
  x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R &
  ex p being FinSequence of the carrier of R
  st 1 < len p & p.1 = x & p.(len p) = y &
  for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p
  holds [p.n,p.(n-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
        [p.(n-1),p.n] in the InternalRel of R;
  A1: the InternalRel of R is_reflexive_in the carrier of R
  by ORDERS_1:def 4;
  defpred PC[set,set] means
  ex p being FinSequence of the carrier of R
  st 1 < len p & p.1 = $1 & p.(len p) = $2 &
  for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p
  holds [p.n,p.(n-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
        [p.(n-1),p.n] in the InternalRel of R;
  set P = { [x,y] where x,y is Element of R:
  x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & PC[x,y]};
  A2: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in P iff
  x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & PC[x,y]
    let x,y be set;
    hereby assume [x,y] in P;
      then consider x1,y1 being Element of R such that
      A3: [x,y] = [x1,y1] and
      A4: x1 in the carrier of R & y1 in the carrier of R & PC[x1,y1];
        x = x1 & y = y1 by A3,ZFMISC_1:33;
      hence x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & PC[x,y] by A4;
    thus thesis;
    P c= [:the carrier of R, the carrier of R:]
  proof let z be set such that A6: z in P;
    consider x,y being Element of R such that A7: z = [x,y] &
    x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & PC[x,y] by A6;
    thus thesis by A7,ZFMISC_1:106;
  then reconsider P1 = P as Relation of the carrier of R by RELSET_1:def 1;
    now let x be set;
    assume A8: x in the carrier of R;
      set F = <*x,x*>;
      A9: F.1 = x & F.2 = x by FINSEQ_1:61;
      A10: len F = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
        rng F = {x,x} by FINSEQ_2:147 .= {x} by ENUMSET1:69;
      then rng F c= the carrier of R by A8,ZFMISC_1:37;
      then reconsider F1 = F as FinSequence of the carrier of R
      by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      take F1;
      thus 1 < len F1 by A10;
      thus F1.1 = x & F1.(len F1) = x by A10,FINSEQ_1:61;
      let n1 be Nat such that A11: 2 <= n1 & n1 <= len F1;
        n1 = 2 by A10,A11,AXIOMS:21;
      hence thesis by A1,A8,A9,RELAT_2:def 1;
    hence [x,x] in P1 by A8;
  then P1 is_reflexive_in the carrier of R by RELAT_2:def 1;
A12: dom P1 = the carrier of R & field P1 = the carrier of R by ORDERS_1:98;
    now let x,y be set;
    assume A14: x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R
                & [x,y] in P1;
    then consider p being FinSequence of the carrier of R
    such that A15: 1 < len p & p.1 = x & p.(len p) = y &
    for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p
    holds [p.n,p.(n-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
    [p.(n-1),p.n] in the InternalRel of R by A2;
    proof :: just counting, more builtin arithmetics would be nice
      take F = Rev p;
      A16: len F = len p by FINSEQ_5:def 3;
      thus 1 < len F by A15,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
      thus F.1 = y & F.(len F) = x by A15,A16,FINSEQ_5:65;
      let n1 be Nat such that A17: 2 <= n1 & n1 <= len F;
      A18: 1 <= n1 by A17,AXIOMS:22;
      A19: 2 - 1 <= n1 - 1 by A17,REAL_1:49;
      then 0 <= n1 - 1 by AXIOMS:22;
      then reconsider n1_1 = n1 - 1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
        n1 - 1 <= len F - 0 by A17,REAL_1:92;
      then A20: n1_1 in dom p by A16,A19,FINSEQ_3:27;
      then A21: n1 in dom p & (n1 - 1) in dom p
      by A16,A17,A18,FINSEQ_3:27;
      A22: F.(n1 - 1) = p.(len p - (n1 - 1) + 1) by A20,FINSEQ_5:61
      .= p.((len p - n1) + 1 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:37 .=
      p.((len p - n1) + (1 + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= p.((len p - n1) + 2);
      set n2 = (len p - n1) + 2;
        0 <= len p - n1 by A16,A17,SQUARE_1:12;
      then A23: 2 + 0 <= n2 by AXIOMS:24;
        len p - n1 <= len p - 2 by A17,REAL_1:92;
      then (len p - n1) + 2 <= len p - 2 + 2 by AXIOMS:24;
      then A24: (len p - n1) + 2 <= len p + ( 2 - 2) by XCMPLX_1:30;
        0 <= n2 by A23,AXIOMS:22;
      then reconsider n2 = (len p - n1) + 2 as Nat by INT_1:16;
        p.(n2-1) =
      p.((len p - n1) + (2 - 1)) by XCMPLX_1:31 .= F.n1 by A21,FINSEQ_5:61;
      hence [F.n1,F.(n1-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
      [F.(n1-1),F.n1] in the InternalRel of R by A15,A22,A23,A24;
    hence [y,x] in P1 by A14;
  then A25: P1 is_symmetric_in the carrier of R by RELAT_2:def 3;
    now let x,y,z be set;
    assume A26: x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R &
    z in the carrier of R & [x,y] in P1 & [y,z] in P1;
    then PC[x,y] & PC[y,z] by A2;
    then consider p1,p2 being FinSequence of the carrier of R
    such that A27: 1 < len p1 & p1.1 = x & p1.(len p1) = y &
    for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p1
    holds [p1.n,p1.(n-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
    [p1.(n-1),p1.n] in the InternalRel of R
    and A28: 1 < len p2 & p2.1 = y & p2.(len p2) = z &
    for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p2
    holds [p2.n,p2.(n-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
    [p2.(n-1),p2.n] in the InternalRel of R;
      take F = p1^p2;
      A29: len F = len p1 + len p2 by FINSEQ_1:35;
        1 + 1 < len p1 + len p2 by A27,A28,REAL_1:67;
      hence 1 < len F by A29,AXIOMS:22;
        1 in dom p1 by A27,FINSEQ_3:27;
      hence F.1 = x by A27,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
        len p2 in dom p2 by A28,FINSEQ_3:27;
      hence F.(len F) = z by A28,A29,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      let n1 be Nat such that A30: 2 <= n1 & n1 <= len F;
      A31: 1 <= n1 by A30,AXIOMS:22;
      A32: 2 - 1 <= n1 - 1 by A30,REAL_1:49;
      then 0 <= n1 - 1 by AXIOMS:22;
      then reconsider n1_1 = n1 - 1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
      A33: n1 - 1 <= len F - 0 by A30,REAL_1:92;
      A34: len p1 + 1 <= n1 implies len p1 + 1 = n1 or len p1 + 1 < n1
      by REAL_1:def 5;
      per cases by A34,INT_1:20;
      suppose A35: n1 <= len p1;
      then A36: n1 in dom p1 by A31,FINSEQ_3:27;
        n1 - 1 <= len p1 - 0 by A35,REAL_1:92;
      then n1_1 in dom p1 by A32,FINSEQ_3:27;
      then F.n1 = p1.n1 & F.(n1 -1) = p1.(n1 - 1) by A36,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      hence [F.n1,F.(n1-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
        [F.(n1-1),F.n1] in the InternalRel of R by A27,A30,A35;
      suppose A37: len p1 + 1 < n1;
        len p1 < len p1 + 1 by REAL_1:69;
      then A38: len p1 < n1 by A37,AXIOMS:22;
        (len p1 + 1) - 1 < n1 - 1 by A37,REAL_1:54;
      then len p1 < n1 - 1 by XCMPLX_1:26;
      then A39: F.n1_1 = p2.(n1_1 - len p1) by A33,FINSEQ_1:37;
        0 <= n1 - len p1 by A38,SQUARE_1:12;
      then reconsider k = n1 - len p1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
      A40: F.n1 = p2.k & F.(n1 - 1) = p2.(k - 1) by A30,A38,A39,FINSEQ_1:37,
        1 < n1 - len p1 by A37,REAL_1:86;
      then A41: 1 + 1 <= n1 - len p1 by INT_1:20;
        n1 <= len p1 + len p2 by A30,FINSEQ_1:35;
      then 2 <= k & k <= len p2 by A41,REAL_1:86;
      hence thesis by A28,A40;
      suppose A42: len p1 + 1 = n1;
:: we misuse reflexivity here
      then A43: len p1 = n1 - 1 by XCMPLX_1:26;
      A44: len p1 in dom p1 by A27,FINSEQ_3:27;
      A45: len p1 + 1 <= len p1 + len p2 by A28,REAL_1:67;
      A46: F.(n1 - 1) = y by A27,A43,A44,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
        (len p1 + 1) - len p1 = 1 by XCMPLX_1:26;
      then F.n1 = y by A28,A42,A45,FINSEQ_1:36;
      hence thesis by A1,A26,A46,RELAT_2:def 1;
    hence [x,z] in P1 by A26;
  then P1 is_transitive_in the carrier of R by RELAT_2:def 8;
  then reconsider P1 = P as Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of R
      by A12,PARTFUN1:def 4,A25,RELAT_2:def 11,def 16;
  take P1;
  thus thesis by A2;
  defpred PC1[set,set] means
  $1 in the carrier of R & $2 in the carrier of R &
  ex p being FinSequence of the carrier of R
  st 1 < len p & p.1 = $1 & p.(len p) = $2 &
  for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p
  holds [p.n,p.(n-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
        [p.(n-1),p.n] in the InternalRel of R;
  let X,Y be Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of R;
  assume A47: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in X iff PC1[x,y];
  assume A48: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in Y iff PC1[x,y];
    for x,y being set holds [x,y] in X iff [x,y] in Y
  proof let x,y be set;
    hereby assume [x,y] in X;
      then PC1[x,y] by A47;
      hence [x,y] in Y by A48;
    assume [x,y] in Y;
    then PC1[x,y] by A48;
    hence thesis by A47;
  hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 2;

theorem Th2:
  for R being non empty Poset, s1,s2 being Element of R
  st s1 <= s2 holds [s1,s2] in Path_Rel R
  let R be non empty Poset, s1,s2 be Element of R such that
  A1: s1 <= s2;
  set p = <* s1, s2 *>;
  A2: len p = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
  then A3: 1 < len p & p.1 = s1 & p.(len p) = s2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
    for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p
  holds [p.n,p.(n-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
        [p.(n-1),p.n] in the InternalRel of R
  proof let n1 be Nat such that A4: 2 <= n1 & n1 <= len p;
    A5: n1 = 2 by A2,A4,AXIOMS:21;
      [s1,s2] in the InternalRel of R by A1,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence thesis by A3,A5,FINSEQ_1:61;
  hence [s1,s2] in Path_Rel R by A3,Def4;

:: again, should be defined for Relations probably
  let R be non empty Poset;
  let s1,s2 be Element of R;
  pred s1 ~= s2 means :Def5:
  [s1,s2] in Path_Rel R;
    set PR = Path_Rel R;
    field PR = the carrier of R by ORDERS_1:97;
    then PR is_reflexive_in the carrier of R by RELAT_2:def 9;
    hence thesis by RELAT_2:def 1;
    set PR = Path_Rel R;
    field PR = the carrier of R by ORDERS_1:97;
    then PR is_symmetric_in the carrier of R by RELAT_2:def 11;
    hence thesis by RELAT_2:def 3;

    for R being non empty Poset,
      s1,s2,s3 being Element of R holds
  s1 ~= s2 & s2 ~= s3 implies s1 ~= s3
  let R be non empty Poset;
  let s1,s2,s3 be Element of R;
  assume A1: s1 ~= s2 & s2 ~= s3;
  set PR = Path_Rel R;
  A2: [s1,s2] in PR & [s2,s3] in PR by A1,Def5;
    field PR = the carrier of R by ORDERS_1:97;
    then PR is_transitive_in the carrier of R by RELAT_2:def 16;
  then [s1,s3] in PR by A2,RELAT_2:def 8;
  hence thesis by Def5;

:: do for Relations
  let R be non empty Poset;
  func Components R -> non empty (Subset-Family of R) equals :Def6:
  Class Path_Rel R;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  cluster -> non empty Element of Components R;
  proof let X be Element of Components R;
      X in Components R;
    then X in Class Path_Rel R by Def6;
    then consider x being set such that
      A1: x in the carrier of R &
           X = Class(Path_Rel R,x) by EQREL_1:def 5;
    thus thesis by A1,EQREL_1:28;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  mode Component of R is Element of Components R;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  let s1 be Element of R;
  func CComp s1 -> Component of R equals :Def8:
  Class(Path_Rel R,s1);
    set C = Class(Path_Rel R,s1);
      C in Class(Path_Rel R) by EQREL_1:def 5;
    hence thesis by Def6;

theorem Th4:
  for R being non empty Poset,
      s1 be Element of R holds
  s1 in CComp(s1)
  let R be non empty Poset;
  let s1 be Element of R;
    s1 in Class(Path_Rel R,s1) by EQREL_1:28;
  hence thesis by Def8;

theorem Th5:
  for R being non empty Poset,
      s1,s2 being Element of R st s1 <= s2 holds
  CComp(s1) = CComp(s2)
  let R be non empty Poset,
      s1,s2 be Element of R
      such that A1: s1 <= s2;
    [s1,s2] in Path_Rel R by A1,Th2;
  then Class(Path_Rel R,s1) = Class(Path_Rel R,s2) by EQREL_1:44;
  hence CComp(s1) =
  Class(Path_Rel R,s2) by Def8 .= CComp(s2) by Def8;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  let A be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
  let C be Component of R;
  func A-carrier_of C equals :Def9:
  union {A.s where s is Element of R: s in C};

theorem Th6:
  for R being non empty Poset,
      A being ManySortedSet of the carrier of R,
      s being (Element of R),
      x being set st x in A.s holds
  x in A-carrier_of CComp(s)
  let R be non empty Poset;
  let A be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R,
      s be (Element of R),
      x be set such that A1: x in A.s;
    s in CComp(s) by Th4;
  then A.s in {A.s1 where s1 is Element of R: s1 in CComp(s)};
  then x in union {A.s1 where s1 is Element of R:
                   s1 in CComp(s)} by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
  hence thesis by Def9;

  let R be non empty Poset;
  attr R is locally_directed means
  :Def10: for C being Component of R holds C is directed;

theorem Th7:
  for R being discrete non empty Poset holds
  for x,y being Element of R st
  [x,y] in Path_Rel R holds x = y
  let R be discrete non empty Poset;
  let x,y be Element of R;
  assume [x,y] in Path_Rel R;
  then consider p being FinSequence of the carrier of R such that
  A1: 1 < len p & p.1 = x & p.(len p) = y &
  for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p
  holds [p.n,p.(n-1)] in the InternalRel of R or
        [p.(n-1),p.n] in the InternalRel of R by Def4;
    for n1 being Nat st 1 <= n1 & n1 <= len p holds p.n1 = x
  proof let n1 be Nat such that A2: 1 <= n1 & n1 <= len p;
    defpred P[Nat] means p.$1 <> x & 1 <= $1;
    assume A3: p.n1 <> x;
    then A4: ex k being Nat st P[k] by A2;
    consider k being Nat such that
    A5: P[k] & for n being Nat st P[n] holds k <= n from Min(A4);
      1 < k by A1,A5,REAL_1:def 5;
    then A6: 1 + 1 <= k by INT_1:20;
    then A7: 1 + 1 - 1 <= k - 1 by REAL_1:49;
    then 0 <= k - 1 by AXIOMS:22;
    then reconsider k1 = k - 1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
      k <= n1 by A2,A3,A5;
    then A8: k <= len p by A2,AXIOMS:22;
    then k in dom p by A5,FINSEQ_3:27;
    then reconsider pk = p.k as Element of R by PARTFUN1:27;
      k1 < k by INT_1:26;
    then A9: p.k1 = x by A5,A7;
    per cases by A1,A6,A8,A9;
    suppose [pk,x] in the InternalRel of R;
    then pk <= x by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence contradiction by A5,ORDERS_3:1;
    suppose [x,pk] in the InternalRel of R;
    then x <= pk by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence contradiction by A5,ORDERS_3:1;
  hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th8:
  for R being discrete non empty Poset,
      C being Component of R
  ex x being Element of R st
  C = {x}
  let R be discrete non empty Poset,
      C be Component of R;
    C in Components R;
  then C in Class Path_Rel R by Def6;
  then consider x being set such that
  A1: x in the carrier of R and
  A2: C = Class(Path_Rel R,x) by EQREL_1:def 5;
  reconsider x1 = x as Element of R by A1;
  take x1;
    for y being set holds y in C iff y = x1
  proof let y be set;
    hereby assume A3: y in C;
      then A4: [y,x] in Path_Rel R by A2,EQREL_1:27;
      reconsider y1 = y as Element of R by A3;
        y1 = x1 by A4,Th7;
      hence y = x1;
    assume y = x1;
    hence y in C by A2,EQREL_1:28;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1;

theorem Th9:
  for R being discrete non empty Poset holds R is locally_directed
  let R be discrete non empty Poset;
  let C be Component of R;
  consider x being Element of R such that
  A1: C = {x} by Th8;
    for x,y being Element of R st x in C & y in C
   ex z being Element of R st z in C & x <= z & y <= z
  proof let x1,y1 be Element of R such that
    A2: x1 in C & y1 in C;
    A3: x1 = x & x = y1 by A1,A2,TARSKI:def 1;
    take x1;
    thus thesis by A2,A3;
  hence C is directed by WAYBEL_0:def 1;

:: the system could generate this one from the following
  cluster locally_directed (non empty Poset);
  proof consider R being discrete non empty Poset;
    take R;
    thus thesis by Th9;

  cluster locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  proof consider R being discrete OrderSortedSign;
    take R;
    thus thesis by Th9;

  cluster discrete -> locally_directed (non empty Poset);
  coherence by Th9;

  let S be locally_directed (non empty Poset);
  cluster -> directed Component of S;
  coherence by Def10;

theorem Th10:
  {} is Equivalence_Relation of {}
  reconsider R = {} as Relation of {} by RELSET_1:25;
    R is_reflexive_in {} by RELAT_2:def 9,TOLER_1:1,2;
    then dom R = {} & field R = {} by ORDERS_1:98;
  hence thesis by TOLER_1:3,9,PARTFUN1:def 4;

:: Much of what follows can be done generally for OrderSortedRelations
:: of OrderSortedSets (and not just OrderSortedRelations of OSAlgebras),
:: unfortunately, multiple inheritence would be needed to widen the
:: latter to the former

:: Classes on connected components
  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  let A be OSAlgebra of S;
  let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
  let C be Component of S;
  func CompClass(E,C) -> Equivalence_Relation of
  (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of C means
  :Def11: for x,y being set holds
  [x,y] in it iff ex s1 being Element of S
  st s1 in C & [x,y] in E.s1;
    defpred CC1[set,set] means
    ex s1 being Element of S
    st s1 in C & [$1,$2] in E.s1;
    A1: E is os-compatible by Def3;
    per cases;
    suppose A2: (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of C is empty;
      for x,y being set holds [x,y] in {} iff
    ex s1 being Element of S
    st s1 in C & [x,y] in E.s1
    proof let x,y be set;
      thus [x,y] in {} implies
        ex s1 being Element of S
        st s1 in C & [x,y] in E.s1;
      assume ex s1 being Element of S
      st s1 in C & [x,y] in E.s1;
      then consider s1 being Element of S
      such that A3: s1 in C & [x,y] in E.s1;
      A4: x in (the Sorts of A).s1 by A3,ZFMISC_1:106;
        (the Sorts of A).s1 in {(the Sorts of A).s
      where s is Element of S: s in C} by A3;
      then x in union {(the Sorts of A).s where
        s is Element of S: s in C} by A4,TARSKI:def 4;
      hence thesis by A2,Def9;
    hence thesis by A2,Th10;
    suppose (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of C is non empty;
    then reconsider SAC = (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of C as non empty set;
    set CC = {[x,y] where x,y is Element of SAC: CC1[x,y]};
    A5: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in CC iff CC1[x,y]
      let x,y be set;
      hereby assume [x,y] in CC;
        then consider x1,y1 being Element of SAC such that
        A6: [x,y] = [x1,y1] and
        A7: CC1[x1,y1];
        thus CC1[x,y] by A6,A7;
      assume A8: CC1[x,y];
      then consider s1 being Element of S
      such that A9:  s1 in C & [x,y] in E.s1;
      A10: (the Sorts of A).s1 in {(the Sorts of A).s
      where s is Element of S: s in C} by A9;
        x in (the Sorts of A).s1 & y in (the Sorts of A).s1 by A9,ZFMISC_1:106;
      then x in
      union {(the Sorts of A).s where s is Element of S:
              s in C} & y in
      union {(the Sorts of A).s where s is Element of S:
             s in C} by A10,TARSKI:def 4;
      then reconsider x1 = x, y1 =y as Element of SAC by Def9;
        [x1,y1] in CC by A8;
      hence thesis;
      CC c= [:SAC, SAC:]
    proof let z be set such that A11: z in CC;
      consider x,y being Element of SAC such that
      A12: z = [x,y] & CC1[x,y] by A11;
      thus thesis by A12,ZFMISC_1:106;
    then reconsider P1 = CC as Relation of SAC by RELSET_1:def 1;
      now let x be set such that A13: x in SAC;
      reconsider x1 = x as Element of SAC by A13;
        x in union {(the Sorts of A).s
      where s is Element of S: s in C} by A13,Def9;
      then consider X being set such that
      A14: x in X and
      A15: X in {(the Sorts of A).s
      where s is Element of S: s in C} by TARSKI:def 4;
      consider s being Element of S such that
      A16: X = (the Sorts of A).s & s in C by A15;
      field(E.s) = (the Sorts of A).s by ORDERS_1:97;
        E.s is_reflexive_in (the Sorts of A).s by RELAT_2:def 9;
      then [x,x] in E.s by A14,A16,RELAT_2:def 1;
      then [x1,x1] in CC by A16;
      hence [x,x] in P1;
    then P1 is_reflexive_in SAC by RELAT_2:def 1;
A17:  dom P1 = SAC & field P1 = SAC by ORDERS_1:98;
      now let x,y be set such that A19:
      x in SAC & y in SAC & [x,y] in P1;
      reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Element of SAC by A19;
      consider x2,y2 being Element of SAC such that
      A20: [x,y] = [x2,y2] & CC1[x2,y2] by A19;
      A21: x = x2 & y = y2 by A20,ZFMISC_1:33;
      consider s5 being Element of S
      such that A22: s5 in C & [x2,y2] in E.s5 by A20;
      A23: x2 in (the Sorts of A).s5 & y2 in (the Sorts of A).s5
      by A22,ZFMISC_1:106;
      field(E.s5) = (the Sorts of A).s5 by ORDERS_1:97;
      then E.s5 is_symmetric_in (the Sorts of A).s5 by RELAT_2:def 11;
      then [y,x] in E.s5 by A21,A22,A23,RELAT_2:def 3;
      then [y1,x1] in CC by A22;
      hence [y,x] in P1;
    then A24: P1 is_symmetric_in SAC by RELAT_2:def 3;
      now let x,y,z be set such that A25: x in SAC & y in SAC & z in SAC
      & [x,y] in P1 & [y,z] in P1;
      consider x2,y2 being Element of SAC such that
      A26: [x,y] = [x2,y2] & CC1[x2,y2] by A25;
      A27: x = x2 & y = y2 by A26,ZFMISC_1:33;
      consider y3,z3 being Element of SAC such that
      A28: [y,z] = [y3,z3] & CC1[y3,z3] by A25;
      A29: y = y3 & z = z3 by A28,ZFMISC_1:33;
      consider s5 being Element of S
      such that A30: s5 in C & [x2,y2] in E.s5 by A26;
      A31: x2 in (the Sorts of A).s5 & y2 in (the Sorts of A).s5
      by A30,ZFMISC_1:106;
      consider s6 being Element of S
      such that A32: s6 in C & [y3,z3] in E.s6 by A28;
      A33: y3 in (the Sorts of A).s6 & z3 in (the Sorts of A).s6
      by A32,ZFMISC_1:106;
      reconsider s5_1 = s5, s6_1 = s6 as Element of S;
      consider su being Element of S such that
      A34: su in C & s5_1 <= su & s6_1 <= su by A30,A32,WAYBEL_0:def 1;
      A35: [x2,y2] in & [y3,z3] in
      by A1,A30,A31,A32,A33,A34,Def1;
      then A36: x2 in (the Sorts of A).su & y2 in (the Sorts of A).su &
      z3 in (the Sorts of A).su by ZFMISC_1:106;
      field( = (the Sorts of A).su by ORDERS_1:97;
      then is_transitive_in (the Sorts of A).su by RELAT_2:def 16;
      then [x2,z3] in by A27,A29,A35,A36,RELAT_2:def 8;
      hence [x,z] in P1 by A27,A29,A34;
    then P1 is_transitive_in SAC by RELAT_2:def 8;
    then reconsider P1 as Equivalence_Relation of (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of C
       by A17,PARTFUN1:def 4,A24,RELAT_2:def 11,def 16;
    take P1;
    thus thesis by A5;
    defpred CC1[set,set] means
    ex s1 being Element of S
    st s1 in C & [$1,$2] in E.s1;
    let X,Y be Equivalence_Relation of
    (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of C;
    assume A37: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in X iff CC1[x,y];
    assume A38: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in Y iff CC1[x,y];
      for x,y being set holds [x,y] in X iff [x,y] in Y
    proof let x,y be set;
      hereby assume [x,y] in X;
        then CC1[x,y] by A37;
        hence [x,y] in Y by A38;
      assume [x,y] in Y;
      then CC1[x,y] by A38;
      hence thesis by A37;
    hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 2;

:: we could give a name to Class CompClass(E,C)
:: restriction of Class CompClass(E,C) to A.s1
  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  let A be OSAlgebra of S;
  let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
  let s1 be Element of S;
  func OSClass(E,s1) -> Subset of Class(CompClass(E,CComp(s1))) means
  for z being set holds z in it iff
  ex x being set st x in (the Sorts of A).s1 &
  z = Class( CompClass(E,CComp(s1)), x);
    defpred CC1[set] means
    ex x being set st x in (the Sorts of A).s1 &
    $1 = Class( CompClass(E,CComp(s1)), x);
    set CS = Class(CompClass(E,CComp(s1)));
    set SAC = (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of CComp(s1);
    per cases;
    suppose A1: CS is empty;
    reconsider CS1 = {} as Subset of CS by XBOOLE_1:2;
    take CS1;
    let z be set;
    thus z in CS1 implies CC1[z];
    assume CC1[z];
    then consider x being set such that A2: x in (the Sorts of A).s1 &
    z = Class( CompClass(E,CComp(s1)), x);
      x in SAC by A2,Th6;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,EQREL_1:def 5;
    suppose CS is non empty;
    then reconsider CS1 = CS as non empty Subset-Family of SAC;
    set CC = {x where x is Element of CS1: CC1[x]};
      now let x be set;
      assume x in CC;
      then consider y being Element of CS1 such that
      A3: x = y & CC1[y];
      thus x in CS1 by A3;
    then reconsider CC2 = CC as Subset of CS by TARSKI:def 3;
    take CC2;
      for x being set holds x in CC iff CC1[x]
      let x be set;
      hereby assume x in CC;
        then consider x1 being Element of CS1 such that
        A4: x = x1 & CC1[x1];
        thus CC1[x] by A4;
      assume A5: CC1[x];
      then consider y being set such that
      A6: y in (the Sorts of A).s1 and
      A7: x = Class( CompClass(E,CComp(s1)), y);
        s1 in CComp(s1) by Th4;
      then (the Sorts of A).s1 in {(the Sorts of A).s where s is Element of
      the carrier of S: s in CComp(s1)};
      then y in union {(the Sorts of A).s where s is Element of
      the carrier of S: s in CComp(s1)} by A6,TARSKI:def 4;
      then y in SAC by Def9;
      then x in Class( CompClass(E,CComp(s1))) by A7,EQREL_1:def 5;
      hence x in CC by A5;
    hence thesis;
    defpred CC1[set] means
    ex x being set st x in (the Sorts of A).s1 &
    $1 = Class( CompClass(E,CComp(s1)), x);
    let X,Y be Subset of Class(CompClass(E,CComp(s1)));
    assume A8: for x being set holds x in X iff CC1[x];
    assume A9: for x being set holds x in Y iff CC1[x];
      for x being set holds x in X iff x in Y
    proof let x be set;
      hereby assume x in X;
        then CC1[x] by A8;
        hence x in Y by A9;
      assume x in Y;
      then CC1[x] by A9;
      hence thesis by A8;
    hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
  let s1 be Element of S;
  cluster OSClass(E,s1) -> non empty;
    consider x being set such that A1: x in (the Sorts of A).s1
    by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
      Class( CompClass(E,CComp(s1)), x) in OSClass(E,s1) by A1,Def12;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th11:
  for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign,
   A being OSAlgebra of S,
   E being (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A),
   s1,s2 being Element of S st s1 <= s2
  holds OSClass(E,s1) c= OSClass(E,s2)
  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  let A be OSAlgebra of S;
  let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
  let s1,s2 be Element of S;
  reconsider s3 = s1, s4 = s2 as Element of S;
  assume A1: s1 <= s2;
  then A2: CComp(s1) = CComp(s2) by Th5;
  thus OSClass(E,s1) c= OSClass(E,s2)
  proof let z be set such that A3: z in OSClass(E,s1);
    consider x being set such that A4:  x in (the Sorts of A).s1 &
    z = Class( CompClass(E,CComp(s1)), x) by A3,Def12;
    reconsider SO = the Sorts of A as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
      SO.s3 c= SO.s4 by A1,OSALG_1:def 18;
    hence thesis by A2,A4,Def12;

:: finally, this is analogy of the Many-Sorted Class E for order-sorted E
:: this definition should work for order-sorted MSCongruence too
:: if non-empty not needed, prove the following cluster
  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  let A be OSAlgebra of S;
  let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
  func OSClass E -> OrderSortedSet of S means
  :Def13: for s1 being Element of S holds
  it.s1 = OSClass(E,s1);
    deffunc F(Element of S) = OSClass(E,$1);
    consider f being Function such that A1: dom f = the carrier of S and
    A2: for i being Element of S
    holds f.i = F(i) from LambdaB;
    reconsider f1 = f as ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
    by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
    set f2 = f1;
      f2 is order-sorted
    proof let s1,s2 be Element of S such that A3: s1 <= s2;
        f2.s1 = OSClass(E,s1) & f2.s2 = OSClass(E,s2) by A2;
      hence f2.s1 c= f2.s2 by A3,Th11;
    hence thesis by A2;
  proof let X,Y be OrderSortedSet of S;
    assume A4:  for s1 being Element of S holds
    X.s1 = OSClass(E,s1);
    assume A5:  for s1 being Element of S holds
    Y.s1 = OSClass(E,s1);
      now let s1 be set;
      assume s1 in the carrier of S;
      then reconsider s2 = s1 as Element of S;
      thus X.s1 = OSClass(E,s2) by A4 .= Y.s1 by A5;
    hence X = Y by PBOOLE:3;

  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
  cluster OSClass E -> non-empty;
      for i being set st i in the carrier of S
    holds (OSClass E).i is non empty
    proof let i be set such that A1: i in the carrier of S;
      reconsider s = i as Element of S by A1;
        (OSClass E).s = OSClass( E,s) by Def13;
      hence (OSClass E).i is non empty;
    hence thesis by PBOOLE:def 16;

:: order-sorted equiv of Class(R,x)
  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1;
  let s be Element of S;
  let x be Element of (the Sorts of U1).s;
  func OSClass(E,x) -> Element of OSClass(E,s) equals
  :Def14:  Class( CompClass(E, CComp(s)), x);
  correctness by Def12;

    for R being locally_directed (non empty Poset),
      x,y being Element of R
    st (ex z being Element of R st z <= x & z <= y)
  holds ex u being Element of R st x <= u & y <= u
  let R be locally_directed (non empty Poset),
      x,y be Element of R such that
  A1: (ex z being Element of R st z <= x & z <= y);
  reconsider x1 = x,y1 = y as Element of R;
  consider z being Element of R such that
  A2: z <= x & z <= y by A1;
    CComp z = CComp(x) & CComp(z) = CComp(y) by A2,Th5;
  then x in CComp(z) & y in CComp(z) by Th4;
  then ex u being Element of R st u in CComp(z) & x1 <= u & y1 <= u
  by WAYBEL_0:def 1;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th13:
  for S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      E be (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1),
      s be (Element of S),
      x,y be Element of (the Sorts of U1).s holds
  OSClass(E,x) = OSClass(E,y) iff [x,y] in E.s
  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
  let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1;
  let s be Element of S;
  let x,y be Element of (the Sorts of U1).s;
  reconsider SU = the Sorts of U1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
  A1: x in (the Sorts of U1)-carrier_of CComp(s) by Th6;
  A2: s in CComp(s) by Th4;
  A3: E is os-compatible by Def3;
    assume OSClass(E,x) = OSClass(E,y);
    then Class( CompClass(E, CComp(s)), x) = OSClass(E,y) by Def14 .= Class(
CompClass(E, CComp(s)), y) by Def14;
    then [x,y] in CompClass(E, CComp(s)) by A1,EQREL_1:44;
    then consider s1 being Element of S such that
    A4: s1 in CComp(s) & [x,y] in E.s1 by Def11;
    reconsider sn1 = s, s1_1 = s1 as Element of S;
    A5: x in SU.s1_1 & y in SU.s1_1
    by A4,ZFMISC_1:106;
    consider s2 being Element of S such that
    A6: s2 in CComp(s) & s1_1 <= s2 & sn1 <= s2 by A2,A4,WAYBEL_0:def 1;
      [x,y] in E.s2 by A3,A4,A5,A6,Def1;
    hence [x,y] in E.s by A3,A6,Def1;
  assume A7: [x,y] in E.s;
  A8: x in (the Sorts of U1)-carrier_of CComp(s) by Th6;
    s in CComp(s) by Th4;
  then [x,y] in CompClass(E, CComp(s)) by A7,Def11;
  then Class( CompClass(E, CComp(s)), x) = Class( CompClass(E, CComp(s)), y)
  by A8,EQREL_1:44;
  hence OSClass(E,x) = Class( CompClass(E, CComp(s)), y) by Def14 .= OSClass(E
,y) by Def14;

theorem Th14:
  for S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      E be (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1),
      s1,s2 be (Element of S),
      x be Element of (the Sorts of U1).s1 st
      s1 <= s2 holds
   for y being Element of (the Sorts of U1).s2
      st y = x holds OSClass(E,x) = OSClass(E,y)
  let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      E be (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1),
      s1,s2 be (Element of S),
      x be Element of (the Sorts of U1).s1;
  assume s1 <= s2;
  then A1: CComp(s1) = CComp(s2) by Th5;
  let y be Element of (the Sorts of U1).s2 such that
  A2: y = x;
  thus OSClass(E,x) = Class( CompClass(E, CComp(s2)), y) by A1,A2,Def14
  .= OSClass(E,y) by Def14;

          ::   Order Sorted Quotient Algebra  ::
:: take care (or even prove counterexample) - order-sorted
:: ManySortedFunction generaly doesnot exist

reserve S for locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
reserve o for Element of the OperSymbols of S;

:: multiclasses
definition let S,o;
           let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
           let R be OSCongruence of A;
           let x be Element of Args(o,A);
func R #_os x -> Element of product ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o)) means
     for n be Nat st n in dom (the_arity_of o)
     ex y being Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n)
     st y = x.n & it.n = OSClass(R, y);
   set ar = the_arity_of o,
       da = dom ar;
   defpred P[set,set] means
   for n be Nat st n = $1 holds
   ex y being Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n)
     st y = x.n & $2 = OSClass(R, y);
   A1: for k be set st k in da ex u be set st P[k,u]
     let k be set;
     assume A2: k in da;
     then reconsider n = k as Nat;
     reconsider y = x.n as
     Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n) by A2,MSUALG_6:2;
     take OSClass(R,y);
     thus thesis;
   consider f be Function such that
   A3: dom f = da & for x be set st x in da holds P[x,f.x]
            from NonUniqFuncEx(A1);
   A4: dom ((OSClass R) * ar) = da by PBOOLE:def 3;
     for y be set st y in dom ((OSClass R) * ar) holds
    f.y in ((OSClass R) * ar).y
      let y be set;
      assume A5: y in dom ((OSClass R) * ar);
      then A6: ((OSClass R) * ar).y = (OSClass R).(ar.y) by FUNCT_1:22;
        ar.y in rng ar by A4,A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then reconsider s = ar.y as Element of S;
      reconsider n = y as Nat by A5;
      consider z being Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n)
      such that A7: z = x.n & f.n = OSClass(R, z) by A3,A4,A5;
         ((ar)/.n) = ar.n by A4,A5,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      then f.y in OSClass (R,s) by A7;
      hence thesis by A6,Def13;
   then reconsider f as Element of product ((OSClass R) * ar)
        by A3,A4,CARD_3:18;
   take f;
   let n be Nat;
   assume n in da;
   hence thesis by A3;
   let F,G be Element of product ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o));
   assume that
   A8: for n be Nat st n in dom (the_arity_of o) holds
        ex y being Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n)
        st y = x.n & F.n = OSClass(R, y) and
   A9: for n be Nat st n in dom (the_arity_of o) holds
        ex y being Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n)
        st y = x.n & G.n = OSClass(R, y);
      dom F = dom ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o)) &
   dom G = dom ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o)) by CARD_3:18;
    then A10: dom F = dom (the_arity_of o) &
       dom G = dom (the_arity_of o) by PBOOLE:def 3;
     for y be set st y in dom (the_arity_of o) holds F.y = G.y
     let y be set;
     assume A11: y in dom (the_arity_of o);
     then reconsider n = y as Nat;
     consider z being Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n)
        such that A12: z = x.n & F.n = OSClass(R, z) by A8,A11;
     consider z1 being Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n)
        such that A13: z1 = x.n & G.n = OSClass(R, z1) by A9,A11;
     thus thesis by A12,A13;
   hence thesis by A10,FUNCT_1:9;

:: the quotient will be different for order-sorted;
:: this def seems ok for order-sorted
definition let S,o;
  let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let R be OSCongruence of A;
func OSQuotRes(R,o) ->
Function of ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S).o,
              ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o means :Def16:
 for x being Element of (the Sorts of A).(the_result_sort_of o)
  holds it.x = OSClass(R,x);
   set rs = (the_result_sort_of o),
        D = (the Sorts of A).rs;
   deffunc F(Element of D) = OSClass(R,$1);
   consider f be Function such that
   A1: dom f = D & for d be Element of D holds f.d = F(d)
         from LambdaB;
   A2: o in the OperSymbols of S;
   A3: dom (the ResultSort of S) = the OperSymbols of S &
   rng (the ResultSort of S) c= the carrier of S
         by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     o in dom ((the Sorts of A)*(the ResultSort of S))
   by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
  then A4: ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S).o =
       (the Sorts of A).((the ResultSort of S).o) by FUNCT_1:22
               .= D by MSUALG_1:def 7;
     dom ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) =
   dom (the ResultSort of S) by A3,PBOOLE:def 3;
   then A5: ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o =
       (OSClass R).((the ResultSort of S).o) by A3,FUNCT_1:22
       .= (OSClass R).rs by MSUALG_1:def 7;
     for x be set st x in D holds f.x in (OSClass R).rs
     let x be set;
     assume x in D;
     then reconsider x1 = x as Element of D;
       f.x1 = OSClass(R,x1) by A1;
     then f.x1 in OSClass (R,rs);
     hence thesis by Def13;
    end; then reconsider f as
   Function of ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S).o,
               ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o
               by A1,A4,A5,FUNCT_2:5;
   take f;
   thus thesis by A1;
   let f,g be Function of
   ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S).o,
   ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o;
   set SA = the Sorts of A,
       RS = the ResultSort of S,
       rs = the_result_sort_of o;
   assume that
   A6: for x being Element of holds f.x = OSClass(R,x) and
   A7: for x being Element of holds g.x = OSClass(R,x);
   A8: o in the OperSymbols of S;
   A9: dom RS = the OperSymbols of S &
   rng RS c= the carrier of S by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     o in dom (SA*RS) by A8,PBOOLE:def 3;
   then A10: (SA * RS).o = SA.(RS.o) by FUNCT_1:22
                  .= by MSUALG_1:def 7;
     dom ((OSClass R) * RS) = dom RS by A9,PBOOLE:def 3;
    then ((OSClass R) * RS).o = (OSClass R).(RS.o) by A9,FUNCT_1:22
                     .= (OSClass R).rs by MSUALG_1:def 7;
   then A11: dom f = & rng f c= (OSClass R).rs &
   dom g = & rng g c= (OSClass R).rs by A10,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     let x be set;
     assume x in;
     then reconsider x1 = x as Element of;
       f.x1 = OSClass(R,x1) & g.x1 = OSClass(R,x1) by A6,A7;
     hence f.x = g.x;
   hence thesis by A11,FUNCT_1:9;

func OSQuotArgs(R,o) ->
Function of ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S).o,
            ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o means
  for x be Element of Args(o,A) holds it.x = R #_os x;
   set D = Args(o,A);
   deffunc F(Element of D) = R #_os $1;
   consider f be Function such that
   A12: dom f = D & for d be Element of D holds f.d = F(d)
           from LambdaB;
   A13: D = ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S).o
           by MSUALG_1:def 9;
   A14: o in the OperSymbols of S;
   then o in dom ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S) by PBOOLE:def 3;
   then A15: ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S).o =
   (the Sorts of A)#.((the Arity of S).o) by FUNCT_1:22
     .= ((the Sorts of A)#.(the_arity_of o)) by MSUALG_1:def 6;
   set ao = the_arity_of o;
     o in dom ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S) by A14,PBOOLE:def 3;
   then A16: ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o =
   (OSClass R)#.((the Arity of S).o) by FUNCT_1:22
       .= (OSClass R) by MSUALG_1:def 6;
     for x be set st x in (the Sorts of A) holds
       f.x in (OSClass R)
     let x be set;
     assume x in (the Sorts of A);
     then reconsider x1 = x as Element of D by A15,MSUALG_1:def 9;
     A17: f.x1 = R #_os x1 by A12;
       (OSClass R) = product((OSClass R)*ao) by MSUALG_1:def 3;
     hence thesis by A17;
   then reconsider f as Function of
   ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S).o,
   ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o by A12,A13,A15,A16,FUNCT_2:5;
   take f;
   thus thesis by A12;
    let f,g be Function of
    ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S).o,
    ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o;
    assume that
    A18: for x be Element of Args(o,A) holds f.x = R #_os x and
    A19: for x be Element of Args(o,A) holds g.x = R #_os x;
      o in the OperSymbols of S;
    then o in dom ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S) by PBOOLE:def 3;
    then A20: ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S).o =
    (the Sorts of A)#.((the Arity of S).o) by FUNCT_1:22
      .= ((the Sorts of A)#.(the_arity_of o)) by MSUALG_1:def 6;
    set ao = the_arity_of o;
    A21: dom f = (the Sorts of A) &
    dom g = (the Sorts of A) by A20,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      let x be set;
      assume x in (the Sorts of A);
      then reconsider x1 = x as Element of Args(o,A) by A20,MSUALG_1:def 9;
        f.x1 = R #_os x1 & g.x1 = R #_os x1 by A18,A19; hence f.x = g.x;
    hence thesis by A21,FUNCT_1:9;

definition let S;
  let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let R be OSCongruence of A;
  func OSQuotRes R ->
  ManySortedFunction of ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S),
                        ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) means
   for o being OperSymbol of S holds it.o = OSQuotRes(R,o);
    set O = the OperSymbols of S;
    defpred P[set,set] means
      for o be OperSymbol of S st o = $1 holds $2 = OSQuotRes(R,o);
    A1: for x be set st x in O ex y be set st P[x,y]
      let x be set;
      assume x in O;
      then reconsider x1 = x as OperSymbol of S;
      take OSQuotRes(R,x1);
      thus thesis;
    consider f be Function such that
    A2: dom f = O & for x be set st x in O holds P[x,f.x]
            from NonUniqFuncEx(A1);
    reconsider f as ManySortedSet of O by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
      for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Function
      let x be set;
      assume x in dom f;
      then reconsider x1 = x as OperSymbol of S by A2;
        f.x1 = OSQuotRes(R,x1) by A2;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of O by PRALG_1:def 15;
      for i be set st i in O holds f.i is
     Function of ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S).i,
                 ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).i
      let i be set;
      assume i in O;
      then reconsider i1 = i as OperSymbol of S;
        f.i1 = OSQuotRes(R,i1) by A2;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of
       ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S),
       ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) by MSUALG_1:def 2;
    take f;
    thus thesis by A2;
    let f,g be ManySortedFunction of
    ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S),
    ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S);
    assume that
    A3: for o being OperSymbol of S holds f.o = OSQuotRes(R,o) and
    A4: for o being OperSymbol of S holds g.o = OSQuotRes(R,o);
      let i be set;
      assume i in the OperSymbols of S;
      then reconsider i1 = i as OperSymbol of S;
        f.i1 = OSQuotRes(R,i1) & g.i1 = OSQuotRes(R,i1) by A3,A4;
      hence f.i = g.i;
    hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;

 func OSQuotArgs R ->
 ManySortedFunction of (the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S,
                       (OSClass R)# * the Arity of S means
    for o be OperSymbol of S holds it.o = OSQuotArgs(R,o);
    set O = the OperSymbols of S;
    defpred P[set,set] means
      for o be OperSymbol of S st o = $1 holds $2 = OSQuotArgs(R,o);
    A5: for x be set st x in O ex y be set st P[x,y]
      let x be set;
      assume x in O;
      then reconsider x1 = x as OperSymbol of S;
      take OSQuotArgs(R,x1);
      thus thesis;
    consider f be Function such that
    A6: dom f = O & for x be set st x in O holds P[x,f.x]
            from NonUniqFuncEx(A5);
    reconsider f as ManySortedSet of O by A6,PBOOLE:def 3;
      for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Function
      let x be set;
      assume x in dom f;
      then reconsider x1 = x as OperSymbol of S by A6;
        f.x1 = OSQuotArgs(R,x1) by A6;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of O by PRALG_1:def 15;
      for i be set st i in O holds f.i is
     Function of ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S).i,
                 ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).i
      let i be set;
      assume i in O;
      then reconsider i1 = i as OperSymbol of S;
        f.i1 = OSQuotArgs(R,i1) by A6;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of
       ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S),
       ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S) by MSUALG_1:def 2;
    take f;
    thus thesis by A6;
    let f,g be ManySortedFunction of
    ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of S),
    ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S);
    assume that
    A7: for o being OperSymbol of S holds f.o = OSQuotArgs(R,o) and
    A8: for o being OperSymbol of S holds g.o = OSQuotArgs(R,o);
      let i be set;
      assume i in the OperSymbols of S;
      then reconsider i1 = i as OperSymbol of S;
        f.i1 = OSQuotArgs(R,i1) & g.i1 = OSQuotArgs(R,i1) by A7,A8;
      hence f.i = g.i;
    hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th15:
for A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
    R be OSCongruence of A, x be set
 st x in ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o
 ex a be Element of Args(o,A) st x = R #_os a
  let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      R be OSCongruence of A,
      x be set;
  assume A1: x in ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o;
  set ar = the_arity_of o;
  A2: ar = (the Arity of S).o by MSUALG_1:def 6;
   then ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o = product ((OSClass R) * ar)
        by MSAFREE:1;
  then consider f be Function such that
  A3: f = x & dom f = dom ((OSClass R) * ar) &
  for y be set st y in dom ((OSClass R) * ar) holds
      f.y in ((OSClass R) * ar).y by A1,CARD_3:def 5;
   A4: dom ((OSClass R) * ar) = dom ar by PBOOLE:def 3;
  A5: for n be Nat st n in dom f holds f.n in OSClass (R,((ar)/.n))
    let n  be Nat;
    assume A6: n in dom f;
     then A7: ar.n = ((ar)/.n) by A3,A4,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    reconsider s = ((ar)/.n) as Element of S;
      ((OSClass R) * ar).n = (OSClass R).s by A3,A6,A7,FUNCT_1:22
                      .= OSClass (R,s) by Def13;
    hence thesis by A3,A6;
  defpred P[set,set] means $2 in (the Sorts of A).((ar)/.$1) & $2 in f.$1;
  A8: for a be set st a in dom f ex b be set st P[a,b]
    let a be set;
    assume A9: a in dom f; then reconsider n = a as Nat by A3;
    reconsider s = ((ar)/.a) as Element of S;
       f.n in OSClass (R,s) by A5,A9;
     then consider x being set such that A10: x in (the Sorts of A).s &
     f.n = Class( CompClass(R,CComp(s)), x) by Def12;
    take x;
      x in (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of CComp(s) by A10,Th6;
    hence thesis by A10,EQREL_1:28;
  consider g be Function such that
  A11: dom g = dom f & for a be set st a in dom f holds P[a,g.a]
        from NonUniqFuncEx(A8);
  A12: Args(o,A) = ((the Sorts of A)# * (the Arity of S)).o
                                         by MSUALG_1:def 9
   .= product ((the Sorts of A) * ar) by A2,MSAFREE:1;
     dom (the Sorts of A) = the carrier of S by PBOOLE:def 3;
   then rng ar c= dom (the Sorts of A);
  then A13: dom g = dom ((the Sorts of A) * ar) by A3,A4,A11,RELAT_1:46;
    for y be set st y in dom ((the Sorts of A) * ar) holds
               g.y in ((the Sorts of A) * ar).y
    let y be set;
    assume A14: y in dom ((the Sorts of A) * ar);
    then reconsider n = y as Nat;
    A15: ar.n = ((ar)/.n) by A3,A4,A11,A13,A14,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    reconsider s = ((ar)/.n) as Element of S;
       g.n in (the Sorts of A).s by A11,A13,A14;
    hence thesis by A14,A15,FUNCT_1:22;
  then reconsider g as Element of Args(o,A) by A12,A13,CARD_3:18;
  take g;
  A16: dom (R #_os g) = dom ((OSClass R) * ar) by CARD_3:18;
    for x being set st x in dom ar holds f.x = (R #_os g).x
    let x be set;
    assume A17: x in dom ar;
    then reconsider n = x as Nat;
    reconsider s = ((ar)/.n) as Element of S;
    consider z being Element of (the Sorts of A).((the_arity_of o)/.n)
    such that A18:  z = g.n & (R #_os g).n = OSClass(R, z) by A17,Def15;
    A19: g.n in (the Sorts of A).((ar)/.n) & g.n in f.n by A3,A4,A11,A17;
      f.n in OSClass (R,s) by A3,A4,A5,A17;
    then consider u being set such that A20: u in (the Sorts of A).s &
    f.n = Class( CompClass(R,CComp(s)), u) by Def12;
      u in (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of CComp(s) by A20,Th6;
    then f.n = Class( CompClass(R,CComp(s)), g.n) by A19,A20,EQREL_1:31;
    hence thesis by A18,Def14;
  hence thesis by A3,A4,A16,FUNCT_1:9;

definition let S,o;
  let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let R be OSCongruence of A;
  func OSQuotCharact(R,o) ->
  Function of ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o,
              ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o means :Def20:
  for a be Element of Args(o,A) st
    R #_os a in ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o
    holds it.(R #_os a) = ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * (Den(o,A))).a;
   set Ca = ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o,
       Cr = ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o;
   defpred P[set,set] means
   for a be Element of Args(o,A) st $1 = R #_os a holds
     $2 = ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * (Den(o,A))).a;
   A1: for x be set st x in Ca ex y be set st y in Cr & P[x,y]
     let x be set;
     assume x in Ca;
     then consider a be Element of Args(o,A) such that A2: x = R #_os a by Th15
     take y = ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * (Den(o,A))).a;
     A3: dom Den(o,A) = Args(o,A) & rng Den(o,A) c= Result(o,A)
         by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     A4: o in the OperSymbols of S;
     set ro = the_result_sort_of o,
         ar = the_arity_of o;
     A5: ro in CComp(ro) by Th4;
       o in dom ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S)
          by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
     then A6: ((the Sorts of A) * the ResultSort of S).o =
     (the Sorts of A).((the ResultSort of S).o) by FUNCT_1:22
       .= (the Sorts of A).ro by MSUALG_1:def 7;
        o in dom ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
     then A7: ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o =
     (OSClass R).((the ResultSort of S).o) by FUNCT_1:22
     .= (OSClass R).ro by MSUALG_1:def 7;
     then A8: dom (OSQuotRes(R,o)) = (the Sorts of A).ro &
     rng (OSQuotRes(R,o)) c= (OSClass R).ro by A6,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     A9: Result(o,A) = (the Sorts of A).ro
           by A6,MSUALG_1:def 10;
     then OSQuotRes(R,o).(Den(o,A).a) in rng (OSQuotRes(R,o))
       by A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then A10: OSQuotRes(R,o).(Den(o,A).a) in (OSClass R).ro by A7;
     A11: dom (OSQuotRes(R,o) * Den(o,A)) = dom Den(o,A)
       by A3,A8,A9,RELAT_1:46;
     hence y in Cr by A3,A7,A10,FUNCT_1:22;
     let b be Element of Args(o,A); assume
     A12: x = R #_os b;
     reconsider da = (Den(o,A)).a, db = (Den(o,A)).b as
                  Element of (the Sorts of A).ro by A6,MSUALG_1:def 10;
     A13: da in (the Sorts of A)-carrier_of CComp(ro) by Th6;
     A14: y = (OSQuotRes(R,o)).((Den(o,A)).a) by A3,A11,FUNCT_1:22
      .= OSClass(R, da) by Def16
      .= Class( CompClass(R, CComp(ro)), da) by Def14;
     A15: ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * (Den(o,A))).b = (OSQuotRes(R,o)).db
              by A3,A11,FUNCT_1:22
           .= OSClass(R,db) by Def16
           .= Class( CompClass(R, CComp(ro)), db) by Def14;
       for n be Nat st n in dom a holds [a.n,b.n] in R.((ar)/.n)
       let n be Nat;
       assume A16: n in dom a;
       A17: dom a = dom ar & dom b = dom ar by MSUALG_3:6;
       then consider ya being Element of (the Sorts of A).((ar)/.n) such that
       A18: ya = a.n & (R #_os a).n = OSClass(R, ya) by A16,Def15;
       consider yb being Element of (the Sorts of A).((ar)/.n) such that
       A19: yb = b.n & (R #_os b).n = OSClass(R, yb) by A16,A17,Def15;
       thus thesis by A2,A12,A18,A19,Th13;
     then [da,db] in by MSUALG_4:def 6;
     then [da,db] in CompClass(R, CComp(ro)) by A5,Def11;
hence y = ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * (Den(o,A))).b by A13,A14,A15,EQREL_1:44;
   consider f be Function such that
   A20: dom f = Ca & rng f c= Cr & for x be set st x in Ca holds
       P[x,f.x] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A1);
   reconsider f as Function of
   ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o,
   ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o by A20,FUNCT_2:4;
   take f;
   thus thesis by A20;
   let F,G be Function of ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o,
       ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).o;
   assume that
   A21: for a be Element of Args(o,A) st
     R #_os a in ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o
     holds F.(R #_os a) = ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * (Den(o,A))).a and
   A22: for a be Element of Args(o,A) st
     R #_os a in ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o
     holds G.(R #_os a) = ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * (Den(o,A))).a;
   set ao = the_arity_of o;
   A23: dom (the Arity of S) = the OperSymbols of S &
   rng (the Arity of S) c= (the carrier of S)* by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   then dom ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S) = dom (the Arity of S)
         by PBOOLE:def 3;
   then A24: ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o =
       (OSClass R)#.((the Arity of S).o) by A23,FUNCT_1:22
        .= (OSClass R) by MSUALG_1:def 6;
   then A25: dom F = (OSClass R) & dom G = (OSClass R)
          by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    let x be set;
    assume A26: x in (OSClass R);
    then consider a be Element of Args(o,A) such that
         A27: x = R #_os a by A24,Th15;
      F.x = (OSQuotRes(R,o) * Den(o,A)).a &
    G.x = ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * Den(o,A)).a by A21,A22,A24,A26,A27;
    hence F.x = G.x;
   hence thesis by A25,FUNCT_1:9;

definition let S;
  let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let R be OSCongruence of A;
 func OSQuotCharact R -> ManySortedFunction of
      (OSClass R)# * the Arity of S, (OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S
      means :Def21:
      for o be OperSymbol of S holds it.o = OSQuotCharact(R,o);
   set O = the OperSymbols of S;
   defpred P[set,set] means
   for o be OperSymbol of S st o = $1 holds $2 = OSQuotCharact(R,o);
   A1: for x be set st x in O ex y be set st P[x,y]
     let x be set;
     assume x in O;
     then reconsider x1 = x as OperSymbol of S;
     take OSQuotCharact(R,x1);
     thus thesis;
   consider f be Function such that
   A2: dom f = O & for x be set st x in O holds P[x,f.x]
           from NonUniqFuncEx(A1);
   reconsider f as ManySortedSet of O by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
     for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Function
     let x be set;
     assume x in dom f;
     then reconsider x1 = x as OperSymbol of S by A2;
       f.x1 = OSQuotCharact(R,x1) by A2;
     hence thesis;
   then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of O by PRALG_1:def 15;
     for i be set st i in O holds f.i is
    Function of ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).i,
                ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S).i
     let i be set;
     assume i in O;
     then reconsider i1 = i as OperSymbol of S;
       f.i1 = OSQuotCharact(R,i1) by A2;
     hence thesis;
   then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of
      ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S),
      ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) by MSUALG_1:def 2;
   take f;
   thus thesis by A2;
   let f,g be ManySortedFunction of
   ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S),
   ((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S);
   assume that
   A3: for o being OperSymbol of S holds
       f.o = OSQuotCharact(R,o) and
   A4: for o being OperSymbol of S holds
       g.o = OSQuotCharact(R,o);
     let i be set;
     assume i in the OperSymbols of S;
     then reconsider i1 = i as OperSymbol of S;
       f.i1 = OSQuotCharact(R,i1) & g.i1 = OSQuotCharact(R,i1)
             by A3,A4; hence f.i = g.i;
   hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;

definition let S;
  let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let R be OSCongruence of U1;
  func QuotOSAlg(U1,R) -> OSAlgebra of S equals :Def22:
    MSAlgebra(# OSClass R, OSQuotCharact R #);
 coherence by OSALG_1:17;

:: we could note that for discrete the QuotOSAlg and QuotMsAlg are equal

definition let S; let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
 let R be OSCongruence of U1;
 cluster QuotOSAlg (U1,R) -> strict non-empty;
     QuotOSAlg (U1,R) = MSAlgebra(# OSClass R, OSQuotCharact R #) by Def22;
   hence thesis by MSUALG_1:def 8;

definition let S; let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
           let R be OSCongruence of U1;
           let s be Element of S;
 func OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s) ->
      Function of (the Sorts of U1).s,OSClass(R,s) means :Def23:
  for x being Element of (the Sorts of U1).s holds
    it.x = OSClass(R,x);
  deffunc F(Element of (the Sorts of U1).s) = OSClass(R,$1);
  thus ex F being Function of (the Sorts of U1).s,OSClass(R,s) st
  for x being Element of (the Sorts of U1).s holds
    F.x = F(x) from LambdaD;
  let f,g be Function of (the Sorts of U1).s,OSClass (R,s);
  assume that
  A1: for x being Element of (the Sorts of U1).s holds
      f.x = OSClass(R,x) and
  A2: for x being Element of (the Sorts of U1).s holds
      g.x = OSClass(R,x);
  A3: dom f = (the Sorts of U1).s & dom g = (the Sorts of U1).s
         by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    let x be set;
    assume x in (the Sorts of U1).s;
    then reconsider x1 = x as Element of (the Sorts of U1).s;
      f.x = OSClass(R,x1) & g.x = OSClass(R,x1) by A1,A2;
    hence f.x = g.x;
  hence thesis by A3,FUNCT_1:9;

definition let S; let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
           let R be OSCongruence of U1;
 func OSNat_Hom(U1,R) ->
      ManySortedFunction of U1, QuotOSAlg (U1,R) means :Def24:
  for s be Element of S holds it.s = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s);
  deffunc F(Element of S) = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,$1);
  consider f be Function such that A1: dom f = the carrier of S &
  for d be Element of S holds
    f.d = F(d) from LambdaB;
  reconsider f as ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
      by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
    for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Function
    let x be set;
    assume x in dom f;
    then reconsider y = x as Element of S by A1;
      f.y = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,y) by A1;
    hence thesis;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of the carrier of S
        by PRALG_1:def 15;
    for i be set st i in the carrier of S holds
    f.i is Function of (the Sorts of U1).i, (OSClass R).i
     let i be set;
     assume i in the carrier of S;
     then reconsider s = i as Element of S;
     A2: OSClass(R,s) = (OSClass R).i by Def13;
       f.s = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s) by A1;
     hence thesis by A2;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of the Sorts of U1,OSClass R
       by MSUALG_1:def 2;
     QuotOSAlg (U1,R) = MSAlgebra(#OSClass R, OSQuotCharact R#) by Def22;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of U1,QuotOSAlg (U1,R);
  take f;
  thus thesis by A1;
  let F,G be ManySortedFunction of U1, QuotOSAlg (U1,R);
  assume that
  A3: for s be Element of S holds F.s = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s) and
  A4: for s be Element of S holds G.s = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s);
   let i be set;
   assume i in the carrier of S;
   then reconsider s = i as SortSymbol of S;
     F.s = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s) & G.s = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s)
       by A3,A4; hence F.i = G.i;
  hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;

    for U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
  R be OSCongruence of U1 holds
  OSNat_Hom(U1,R) is_epimorphism U1, QuotOSAlg (U1,R) &
  OSNat_Hom(U1,R) is order-sorted
  let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
     R be OSCongruence of U1;
  set F = OSNat_Hom(U1,R),
     QA = QuotOSAlg (U1,R),
     S1 = the Sorts of U1;
  A1: QA = MSAlgebra (# OSClass R, OSQuotCharact R #) by Def22;
    for o be Element of the OperSymbols of S st Args (o,U1) <> {}
   for x be Element of Args(o,U1) holds
    (F.(the_result_sort_of o)).(Den(o,U1).x) = Den(o,QA).(F#x)
    let o be Element of the OperSymbols of S such that Args (o,U1) <> {};
    let x be Element of Args(o,U1);
    set ro = the_result_sort_of o,
        ar = the_arity_of o;
    A2: Den(o,QA) = (OSQuotCharact R).o by A1,MSUALG_1:def 11
        .= OSQuotCharact(R,o) by Def21;
    A3: dom (F#x) = dom ar & dom x = dom ar by MSUALG_3:6;
    A4: dom (R #_os x) = dom ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o))
            by CARD_3:18;
      dom (OSClass R) = the carrier of S by PBOOLE:def 3;
    then rng ar c= dom (OSClass R);
    then A5: dom (R #_os x) = dom ar by A4,RELAT_1:46;
      (the Arity of S).o = ar by MSUALG_1:def 6;
    then A6: ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o = product ((OSClass R) * ar)
            by MSAFREE:1;
      for a be set st a in dom ar holds (F#x).a = (R #_os x).a
      let a be set;
      assume A7: a in dom ar;
      then reconsider n = a as Nat;
      set Fo = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,((ar)/.n)),
           s = ((ar)/.n);
      A8: n in dom ((the Sorts of U1) * ar) by A7,PBOOLE:def 3;
      then ((the Sorts of U1) * ar).n = (the Sorts of U1).(ar.n)
           by FUNCT_1:22
        .= S1.s by A7,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      then reconsider xn = x.n as Element of S1.s by A8,MSUALG_3:6;
      consider z being Element of S1.s such that
      A9: z = x.n & (R #_os x).n = OSClass(R,z) by A7,Def15;
      thus (F#x).a = (F.((ar)/.n)).(x.n) by A3,A7,MSUALG_3:def 8
                 .= Fo.xn by Def24
                 .= (R #_os x).a by A9,Def23;
    then A10: F # x = R #_os x by A3,A5,FUNCT_1:9;
    A11: dom Den(o,U1) = Args(o,U1) & rng Den(o,U1) c= Result(o,U1)
         by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A12: dom (the Sorts of U1) = the carrier of S by PBOOLE:def 3;
    A13: dom (the ResultSort of S) = the OperSymbols of S &
    rng (the ResultSort of S) c= the carrier of S
       by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      rng (the ResultSort of S) c= dom (the Sorts of U1) by A12;
     then dom ((the Sorts of U1) * the ResultSort of S) =
    dom (the ResultSort of S) by RELAT_1:46;
    then A14: ((the Sorts of U1) * the ResultSort of S).o
       = (the Sorts of U1).((the ResultSort of S).o)
             by A13,FUNCT_1:22
     .= (the Sorts of U1).ro by MSUALG_1:def 7;
    then A15: Result(o,U1) = by MSUALG_1:def 10;
    reconsider dx = (Den(o,U1)).x as Element of by A14,MSUALG_1:def 10;
      rng Den(o,U1) c= dom OSQuotRes(R,o)
        by A11,A14,A15,FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A16: dom ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * Den(o,U1)) = dom Den(o,U1)
         by RELAT_1:46;
      Den(o,QA).(F#x) = ((OSQuotRes(R,o)) * (Den(o,U1))).x by A2,A6,A10,Def20
                   .= (OSQuotRes(R,o)) . dx by A11,A16,FUNCT_1:22
                   .= OSClass (R, dx) by Def16
                   .= (OSNat_Hom(U1,R,ro)).dx by Def23
                   .= (,U1)).x) by Def24;
    hence thesis;
  hence F is_homomorphism U1,QA by MSUALG_3:def 9;
    for i be set st i in the carrier of S holds
    rng (F.i) = (the Sorts of QA).i
     let i be set;
     assume i in the carrier of S;
     then reconsider s = i as Element of S;
     reconsider f = F.i as Function of S1.s, (the Sorts of QA).s
       by MSUALG_1:def 2;
       QA = MSAlgebra (# OSClass R,OSQuotCharact R #) by Def22;
     then A17: (the Sorts of QA).s = OSClass (R,s) by Def13;
     A18: dom f = S1.s & rng f c= (the Sorts of QA).s
         by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       for x be set st x in (the Sorts of QA).i holds x in rng f
       let x be set;
       assume x in (the Sorts of QA).i;
       then consider a1 being set such that
       A19: a1 in S1.s & x = Class(CompClass(R,CComp(s)),a1) by A17,Def12;
       reconsider a2 = a1 as Element of S1.s by A19;
       A20: OSClass(R,a2) = x by A19,Def14;
       A21: f.a1 in rng f by A18,A19,FUNCT_1:def 5;
         f = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s) by Def24;
       hence thesis by A20,A21,Def23;
     then (the Sorts of QA).i c= rng f by TARSKI:def 3;
     hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 10;
  hence F is "onto" by MSUALG_3:def 3;
  thus F is order-sorted
    let s1,s2 be Element of S such that A22:  s1 <= s2;
    let a1 be set such that A23: a1 in dom (F.s1);
    reconsider S2 = S1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
    A24: S2.s1 c= S2.s2 by A22,OSALG_1:def 18;
    A25: dom (F.s2) = S1.s2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A26: a1 in S1.s1 by A23;
    hence a1 in dom (F.s2) by A24,A25;
    reconsider b1 = a1 as Element of S1.s1 by A23;
    reconsider b2 = a1 as Element of S1.s2 by A24,A26;
    thus (F.s1).a1 = OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s1).b1 by Def24
         .= OSClass(R,b1) by Def23 .= OSClass(R,b2) by A22,Th14
         .= OSNat_Hom(U1,R,s2).b2 by Def23 .= (F.s2).a1 by Def24;

theorem Th17:
  for U1,U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st
      F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
  MSCng(F) is OSCongruence of U1
  let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 such that
  A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted;
  reconsider S1 = the Sorts of U1
             as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
    MSCng(F) is os-compatible
    let s1,s2 be Element of S such that
    A2: s1 <= s2;
    reconsider s3 = s1, s4 = s2 as SortSymbol of S;
    let x,y be set such that
    A3: x in (the Sorts of U1).s1 & y in (the Sorts of U1).s1;
    A4: S1.s3 c= S1.s4 by A2,OSALG_1:def 18;
    A5: dom (F.s3) = S1.s3 & dom (F.s4) = S1.s4 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Element of (the Sorts of U1).s1 by A3;
    reconsider x2 = x, y2 = y as Element of (the Sorts of U1).s2 by A3,A4;
    A6: [x2,y2] in MSCng(F,s2) iff (F.s2).x2 = (F.s2).y2 by MSUALG_4:def 19;
    A7: x1 in dom (F.s4) & (F.s3).x1 = (F.s4).x1 &
      y1 in dom (F.s4) & (F.s3).y1 = (F.s4).y1 by A1,A2,A5,OSALG_3:def 1;
      (MSCng(F)).s1 = MSCng(F,s1) &
         (MSCng(F)).s2 = MSCng(F,s2) by A1,MSUALG_4:def 20;
    hence [x,y] in (MSCng(F)).s1 iff [x,y] in (MSCng(F)).s2 by A6,A7,MSUALG_4:
def 19;
  hence MSCng(F) is OSCongruence of U1 by Def3;

:: just a casting func, currently no other way how to employ the type system
definition let S; let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
           let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
 assume A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted;
 func OSCng(F) -> OSCongruence of U1 equals
 :Def25: MSCng(F);
 correctness by A1,Th17;

definition let S; let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
           let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
           let s be Element of S;
assume A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted;
func OSHomQuot(F,s) -> Function of
 (the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F))).s,(the Sorts of U2).s means:Def26:
 for x be Element of (the Sorts of U1).s holds
  it.(OSClass(OSCng(F),x)) = (F.s).x;
  set qa = QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F),
      cqa = the Sorts of qa,
      S1 = the Sorts of U1,
      S2 = the Sorts of U2;
    qa = MSAlgebra (# OSClass OSCng(F),OSQuotCharact OSCng(F) #)
         by Def22;
  then A2: cqa.s = OSClass (OSCng(F),s) by Def13;
  defpred P[set,set] means
   for a be Element of S1.s st $1 = OSClass(OSCng(F),a) holds
    $2 = (F.s).a;
  A3: for x be set st x in cqa.s ex y be set st y in S2.s & P[x,y]
    let x be set;
    assume x in cqa.s;
    then consider a being set such that
    A4: a in (the Sorts of U1).s &
         x = Class( CompClass(OSCng(F),CComp(s)), a) by A2,Def12;
    reconsider a as Element of S1.s by A4;
    take y = (F.s).a;
    thus y in S2.s;
    A5:  x = OSClass(OSCng(F),a) by A4,Def14;
    let b be Element of S1.s; assume
      x = OSClass(OSCng(F),b);
    then [b,a] in (OSCng(F)).s by A5,Th13;
    then [b,a] in (MSCng(F)).s by A1,Def25;
    then [b,a] in MSCng(F,s) by A1,MSUALG_4:def 20;
    hence thesis by MSUALG_4:def 19;
  consider G being Function such that
  A6: dom G = cqa.s & rng G c= S2.s & for x be set st x in cqa.s
      holds P[x,G.x] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A3);
  reconsider G as Function of cqa.s,S2.s by A6,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
  take G;
  let a be Element of S1.s;
  thus G.(OSClass(OSCng(F),a)) = (F.s).a by A2,A6;
  set qa = QuotOSAlg (U1, OSCng F),
     cqa = the Sorts of qa,
      u1 = the Sorts of U1,
      u2 = the Sorts of U2;
    qa = MSAlgebra (# OSClass OSCng(F),OSQuotCharact OSCng(F) #)
        by Def22;
  then A7: cqa.s = OSClass (OSCng(F),s) by Def13;
  let H,G be Function of cqa.s,u2.s;
  assume that
    A8: for a be Element of u1.s holds
       H.(OSClass(OSCng(F),a)) = (F.s).a and
    A9: for a be Element of u1.s holds
       G.(OSClass(OSCng(F),a)) = (F.s).a;
    for x be set st x in cqa.s holds H.x = G.x
    let x be set;
    assume x in cqa.s;
    then consider y being set such that
    A10: y in (the Sorts of U1).s &
         x = Class( CompClass(OSCng(F),CComp(s)), y) by A7,Def12;
    reconsider y1 = y as Element of u1.s by A10;
    A11: OSClass(OSCng(F),y1) = x by A10,Def14;
    hence H.x = (F.s).y1 by A8 .= G.x by A9,A11;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_2:18;

:: this seems a bit too permissive, but same as the original
:: we should assume F order-sorted probably
definition let S; let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
           let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
func OSHomQuot(F) ->
     ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1, OSCng F)),U2 means :Def27:
 for s be Element of S holds it.s = OSHomQuot(F,s);
  deffunc F(Element of S) = OSHomQuot(F,$1);
  consider f be Function such that A1: dom f = the carrier of S &
  for d be Element of S holds f.d = F(d)
     from LambdaB;
  reconsider f as ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
       by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
    for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Function
    let x be set;
    assume x in dom f;
    then reconsider y = x as Element of S by A1;
      f.y = OSHomQuot(F,y) by A1;
    hence thesis;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of the carrier of S
       by PRALG_1:def 15;
    for i be set st i in the carrier of S holds
    f.i is Function of
    (the Sorts of QuotOSAlg (U1, OSCng F)).i, (the Sorts of U2).i
     let i be set;
     assume i in the carrier of S;
     then reconsider s = i as Element of S;
       f.s = OSHomQuot(F,s) by A1;
     hence thesis;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of
  the Sorts of QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F),the Sorts of U2
       by MSUALG_1:def 2;
  reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F),U2;
  take f;
  thus thesis by A1;
  let H,G be ManySortedFunction of QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F),U2;
  assume that
  A2: for s be Element of S holds H.s = OSHomQuot(F,s) and
  A3: for s be Element of S holds G.s = OSHomQuot(F,s);
   let i be set;
   assume i in the carrier of S;
   then reconsider s = i as SortSymbol of S;
     H.s = OSHomQuot(F,s) & G.s = OSHomQuot(F,s) by A2,A3; hence H.i = G.i;
  hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th18:
for U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
 F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st
  F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
   OSHomQuot(F) is_monomorphism QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F),U2 &
   OSHomQuot(F) is order-sorted
   let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
       F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
  set mc = OSCng(F),
      qa = QuotOSAlg (U1,mc),
      qh = OSHomQuot(F),
      S1 = the Sorts of U1;
  assume A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted;
  A2: qa = MSAlgebra (# OSClass mc, OSQuotCharact mc #) by Def22;
    for o be Element of the OperSymbols of S st Args (o,qa) <> {}
   for x be Element of Args(o,qa) holds
    (qh.(the_result_sort_of o)).(Den(o,qa).x) = Den(o,U2).(qh#x)
    let o be Element of the OperSymbols of S such that Args (o,qa) <> {};
    let x be Element of Args(o,qa);
    reconsider o1 = o as OperSymbol of S;
    set ro = the_result_sort_of o,
        ar = the_arity_of o;
    A3: Den(o,qa) = (OSQuotCharact mc).o by A2,MSUALG_1:def 11
                 .= OSQuotCharact(mc,o1) by Def21;
       Args(o,qa) = ((OSClass mc)# * (the Arity of S)).o
          by A2,MSUALG_1:def 9;
    then consider a be Element of Args(o,U1) such that
    A4: x = mc #_os a by Th15;
    A5: dom Den(o,U1) = Args(o,U1) & rng Den(o,U1) c= Result(o,U1)
             by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      o in the OperSymbols of S;
     then o in dom (S1 * the ResultSort of S) by PBOOLE:def 3;
    then A6: ((the Sorts of U1) * the ResultSort of S).o
        = (the Sorts of U1).((the ResultSort of S).o)
                 by FUNCT_1:22
       .= (the Sorts of U1).ro by MSUALG_1:def 7;
    then A7: Result(o,U1) = by MSUALG_1:def 10;
    reconsider da = (Den(o,U1)).a as Element of by A6,MSUALG_1:def 10;
    A8: = OSHomQuot(F,ro) by Def27;
      rng Den(o,U1) c= dom OSQuotRes(mc,o)
       by A5,A6,A7,FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A9: dom ((OSQuotRes(mc,o)) * Den(o,U1)) = dom Den(o,U1)
         by RELAT_1:46;
    A10: dom (qh # x) = dom ar & dom (F # a) = dom ar &
       dom x = dom ar & dom a = dom ar by MSUALG_3:6;
     A11: now
      let y be set;
      assume A12: y in dom ar;
      then reconsider n = y as Nat;
      A13: ar/.n = ar.n by A12,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
        ar.n in rng ar by A12,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then reconsider s = ar.n as SortSymbol of S;
      consider an being Element of S1.s such that
      A14: an = a.n & x.n = OSClass(mc,an) by A4,A12,A13,Def15;
        (qh # x).n = (qh.s).(x.n) by A10,A12,A13,MSUALG_3:def 8
                .= OSHomQuot(F,s).OSClass(mc,an) by A14,Def27
                .= (F.s).an by A1,Def26
                .= (F # a).n by A10,A12,A13,A14,MSUALG_3:def 8;
      hence (qh # x).y = (F # a).y;
      ar = (the Arity of S).o by MSUALG_1:def 6;
    then product((OSClass mc) * ar) =
    ((OSClass mc)# * the Arity of S).o by MSAFREE:1;
    then Den(o,qa).x = (OSQuotRes(mc,o) * Den(o,U1)).a by A3,A4,Def20
               .= (OSQuotRes(mc,o)) . da by A5,A9,FUNCT_1:22
               .= OSClass (OSCng(F),da) by Def16;
    then (,qa).x) = (,U1)).a) by A1,A8,Def26
    .= Den(o,U2).(F#a) by A1,MSUALG_3:def 9;
    hence thesis by A10,A11,FUNCT_1:9;
  hence qh is_homomorphism qa,U2 by MSUALG_3:def 9;
    for i be set st i in the carrier of S
   holds (qh.i) is one-to-one
     let i be set;
     set f = qh.i;
     assume i in the carrier of S;
     then reconsider s = i as SortSymbol of S;
     A15: f = OSHomQuot(F,s) by Def27;
       for x1,x2 be set st x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f & f.x1 = f.x2
      holds x1 = x2
      let x1,x2 be set;
       assume A16: x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f & f.x1 = f.x2;
       then x1 in (OSClass mc).s & x2 in
       (OSClass mc).s by A2,A15,FUNCT_2:def 1;
       then A17: x1 in OSClass (mc,s) & x2 in OSClass (mc,s) by Def13;
       then consider a1 being set such that
       A18: a1 in S1.s &
            x1 = Class( CompClass(OSCng(F),CComp(s)), a1) by Def12;
       consider a2 being set such that
       A19: a2 in S1.s &
            x2 = Class( CompClass(OSCng(F),CComp(s)), a2) by A17,Def12;
       reconsider a1 as Element of S1.s by A18;
       reconsider a2 as Element of S1.s by A19;
       A20: x1 = OSClass(OSCng(F),a1) & x2 = OSClass(OSCng(F),a2)
           by A18,A19,Def14;
         (F.s).a1 = f.(OSClass(OSCng(F),a1)) &
            (F.s).a2 = f.(OSClass(OSCng(F),a2)) by A1,A15,Def26;
       then [a1,a2] in MSCng(F,s) by A16,A20,MSUALG_4:def 19;
       then [a1,a2] in (MSCng(F)).s by A1,MSUALG_4:def 20;
       then [a1,a2] in (OSCng(F)).s by A1,Def25;
       hence thesis by A20,Th13;
     hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 8;
    hence qh is "1-1" by MSUALG_3:1;
    thus OSHomQuot(F) is order-sorted
      let s1,s2 being Element of S such that A21:  s1 <= s2;
      let a1 be set such that A22: a1 in dom (qh.s1);
      reconsider sqa = the Sorts of qa as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
      reconsider S1O = S1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
      A23: S1O.s1 c= S1O.s2 by A21,OSALG_1:def 18;
      A24: dom (qh.s1) = (the Sorts of qa).s1 &
           dom (qh.s2) = (the Sorts of qa).s2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
        sqa.s1 c= sqa.s2 by A21,OSALG_1:def 18;
      hence a1 in dom (qh.s2) by A22,A24;
        qa = MSAlgebra(# OSClass mc, OSQuotCharact mc #) by Def22;
      then a1 in (OSClass OSCng(F)).s1 by A22;
      then a1 in OSClass (OSCng(F),s1) by Def13;
      then consider x being set such that
      A25: x in S1.s1 and
      A26: a1 = Class( CompClass(OSCng(F),CComp(s1)), x) by Def12;
      reconsider x1 = x as Element of S1.s1 by A25;
      reconsider x2 = x as Element of S1.s2 by A23,A25;
      reconsider s3 = s1, s4 = s2 as Element of S;
        x1 in dom (F.s3) by A25,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      then A27: x1 in dom (F.s4) &
           (F.s3).x1 = (F.s4).x1 by A1,A21,OSALG_3:def 1;
      A28: a1 = OSClass(OSCng(F),x1) by A26,Def14;
      then A29: a1 = OSClass(OSCng(F),x2) by A21,Th14;
      thus (qh.s1).a1 = OSHomQuot(F,s1).(OSClass(OSCng(F),x1)) by A28,Def27
      .= (F.s2).x1 by A1,A27,Def26 .=
 OSHomQuot(F,s2).(OSClass(OSCng(F),x2)) by A1,Def26
      .= (qh.s2).a1 by A29,Def27;

theorem Th19:
for U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
 F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st
  F is_epimorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
   OSHomQuot(F) is_isomorphism QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F),U2
  let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
  set mc = OSCng(F),
      qa = QuotOSAlg (U1,mc),
      qh = OSHomQuot(F);
  assume A1: F is_epimorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted;
  then A2: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is "onto"
          by MSUALG_3:def 10;
  then qh is_monomorphism qa,U2 by A1,Th18;
  then A3: qh is_homomorphism qa,U2 & qh is "1-1" by MSUALG_3:def 11;
  set Sq = the Sorts of qa,
      S1 = the Sorts of U1,
      S2 = the Sorts of U2;
    for i be set st i in the carrier of S holds rng (qh.i) = S2.i
    let i be set;
    set f = qh.i;
    assume i in the carrier of S;
    then reconsider s = i as SortSymbol of S;
    A4: qh.i = OSHomQuot(F,s) by Def27;
    then A5: dom f = Sq.s & rng f c= S2.s by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12;
    thus rng f c= S2.i by A4,RELSET_1:12;
    A6: rng (F.s) = S2.s by A2,MSUALG_3:def 3;
    let x be set;
    assume x in S2.i;
    then consider a be set such that
    A7: a in dom (F.s) & (F.s).a = x by A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider a as Element of S1.s by A7;
    A8: f.(OSClass(OSCng(F),a)) = x by A1,A2,A4,A7,Def26;
      qa = MSAlgebra(#OSClass OSCng(F),OSQuotCharact OSCng(F)#)
         by Def22;
    then Sq.s = OSClass (OSCng(F),s) by Def13;
    hence thesis by A5,A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
  then qh is "onto" by MSUALG_3:def 3;
  hence thesis by A3,MSUALG_3:13;

  for U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
 F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st
  F is_epimorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
   QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F),U2 are_isomorphic
   let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
       F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
   assume F is_epimorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted;
   then OSHomQuot(F) is_isomorphism QuotOSAlg (U1,OSCng F),U2 by Th19;
   hence thesis by MSUALG_3:def 13;

:: monotone OSCongruence ... monotonicity is properly stronger
:: than MSCongruence, so we define it more broadly and prove the
:: ccluster then, however if used for other things than OSCongruences
:: the name of the attribute should be changed
:: this condition is nontrivial only for nonmonotone osas (see further),
:: where Den(o1,U1).x1 can differ from Den(o2,U2).x1
:: is OK for constants ... their Args is always {{}}, so o1 <= o2
:: implies for them [Den(o1,U1).{},Den(o2,U1).{}] in R
 let S be OrderSortedSign,
     U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
     R be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1;
  attr R is monotone means :Def28:
  for o1,o2 being OperSymbol of S st o1 <= o2
  for x1 being Element of Args(o1,U1)
  for x2 being Element of Args(o2,U1) st
      ( for y being Nat st y in dom x1 holds
        [x1.y,x2.y] in R.((the_arity_of o2)/.y)
  holds [Den(o1,U1).x1,Den(o2,U1).x2] in R.(the_result_sort_of o2);

theorem Th21:
  for S being OrderSortedSign,
      U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S holds
  [| the Sorts of U1, the Sorts of U1 |] is OSCongruence of U1
  let S be OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  reconsider C = [| the Sorts of U1, the Sorts of U1 |] as
  MSCongruence of U1 by MSUALG_5:20;
    C is os-compatible
    let s1,s2 be Element of S such that A1: s1 <= s2;
    reconsider s3 = s1, s4 = s2 as Element of S;
    let x,y be set such that A2: x in (the Sorts of U1).s1 &
    y in (the Sorts of U1).s1;
    reconsider O1 = (the Sorts of U1) as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
    A3: O1.s3 c= O1.s4 by A1,OSALG_1:def 18;
      C.s1 = [:(the Sorts of U1).s1,(the Sorts of U1).s1:] &
    C.s2 = [:(the Sorts of U1).s2,(the Sorts of U1).s2:] by PRALG_2:def 9;
    hence [x,y] in C.s1 iff [x,y] in C.s2 by A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:106;
  hence [| the Sorts of U1, the Sorts of U1 |] is OSCongruence of U1
  by Def3;

theorem Th22:
  for S being OrderSortedSign,
      U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      R being OSCongruence of U1 st
      R = [| (the Sorts of U1), (the Sorts of U1) |] holds
      R is monotone
  let S be OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      R be OSCongruence of U1 such that
  A1:  R = [| (the Sorts of U1), (the Sorts of U1) |];
  let o1,o2 be OperSymbol of S such that A2: o1 <= o2;
  let x1 be Element of Args(o1,U1);
  let x2 be Element of Args(o2,U1) such that
    for y being Nat st y in dom x1 holds
        [x1.y,x2.y] in R.((the_arity_of o2)/.y);
  set s2 = the_result_sort_of o2, s1 = the_result_sort_of o1;
  A3: s1 <= s2 by A2,OSALG_1:def 22;
  reconsider O1 = the Sorts of U1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
  A4: O1.s1 c= O1.s2 by A3,OSALG_1:def 18;
    Den(o1,U1).x1 in (the Sorts of U1).s1 by MSUALG_9:19;
  then A5: Den(o1,U1).x1 in (the Sorts of U1).s2 &
       Den(o2,U1).x2 in (the Sorts of U1).s2 by A4,MSUALG_9:19;
    R.s2 = [:(the Sorts of U1).s2,(the Sorts of U1).s2:] by A1,PRALG_2:def 9;
  hence [Den(o1,U1).x1,Den(o2,U1).x2] in R.(the_result_sort_of o2)
  by A5,ZFMISC_1:106;

  let S be OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
cluster monotone OSCongruence of U1;
proof reconsider R = [| the Sorts of U1, the Sorts of U1 |] as
  OSCongruence of U1 by Th21;
  take R;
  thus thesis by Th22;

 let S be OrderSortedSign,
     U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
cluster monotone (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1);
proof consider R being monotone OSCongruence of U1;
  take R;
  thus thesis;

theorem Th23:
  for S being OrderSortedSign,
      U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      R being monotone (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1)
  holds R is MSCongruence-like
  let S  be OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      R  be monotone (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1);
    for o be (Element of the OperSymbols of S),
      x,y be Element of Args(o,U1) st
  (for n be Nat st n in dom x holds
    [x.n,y.n] in R.((the_arity_of o)/.n))
  holds [Den(o,U1).x,Den(o,U1).y] in R.(the_result_sort_of o) by Def28;
  hence R is MSCongruence-like by MSUALG_4:def 6;

 let S be OrderSortedSign,
     U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
cluster monotone -> MSCongruence-like
                   (MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1);
coherence by Th23;

theorem Th24:
  for S being OrderSortedSign,
      U1 being monotone non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      R being OSCongruence of U1 holds
      R is monotone
  let S be OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be monotone non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      R be OSCongruence of U1;
  let o1,o2 be OperSymbol of S such that A1: o1 <= o2;
  let x1 be Element of Args(o1,U1);
  let x2 be Element of Args(o2,U1) such that
  A2:  for y being Nat st y in dom x1 holds
        [x1.y,x2.y] in R.((the_arity_of o2)/.y);
  A3: Den(o1,U1) c= Den(o2,U1) by A1,OSALG_1:27;
    Args(o1,U1) c= Args(o2,U1) by A1,OSALG_1:26;
  then reconsider x3 = x1 as Element of Args(o2,U1) by TARSKI:def 3;
  A4: [Den(o2,U1).x3,Den(o2,U1).x2] in R.(the_result_sort_of o2)
  by A2,MSUALG_4:def 6;
    x1 in Args(o1,U1);
  then x1 in dom Den(o1,U1) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  hence [Den(o1,U1).x1,Den(o2,U1).x2] in R.(the_result_sort_of o2) by A3,A4,

  let S be OrderSortedSign,
      U1 be monotone non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
cluster -> monotone OSCongruence of U1;
coherence by Th24;

:: monotonicity of quotient by monotone oscongruence
definition let S;
  let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
  let R be monotone OSCongruence of U1;
cluster QuotOSAlg(U1,R) -> monotone;
  set A = QuotOSAlg(U1,R);
  A1: A = MSAlgebra(# OSClass R, OSQuotCharact R #) by Def22;
  reconsider O1 = the Sorts of U1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
  let o1,o2 be OperSymbol of S such that A2:  o1 <= o2;
  A3:  o1 ~= o2 & (the_arity_of o1) <= (the_arity_of o2) &
  the_result_sort_of o1 <= the_result_sort_of o2 by A2,OSALG_1:def 22;
  A4: dom Den(o2,A) = Args(o2,A) &
       dom Den(o1,A) = Args(o1,A) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  A5: Args(o1,A) c= Args(o2,A) &
       Result(o1,A) c= Result(o2,A) by A2,OSALG_1:26;
  then A6: dom Den(o1,A) = (dom Den(o2,A)) /\ Args(o1,A) by A4,XBOOLE_1:28;
    Den(o1,A) = (OSQuotCharact R).o1 &
       Den(o2,A) = (OSQuotCharact R).o2 by A1,MSUALG_1:def 11;
  then A7: Den(o1,A) = OSQuotCharact( R,o1) &
       Den(o2,A) = OSQuotCharact( R,o2) by Def21;
  A8: O1.(the_result_sort_of o1) c= O1.(the_result_sort_of o2)
  by A3,OSALG_1:def 19;
    o1 in the OperSymbols of S &
  o2 in the OperSymbols of S;
  then A9: o1 in dom (the ResultSort of S) &
        o2 in dom (the ResultSort of S) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    len (the_arity_of o1) = len (the_arity_of o2) by A3,OSALG_1:def 7;
  then A10: dom (the_arity_of o1) = dom (the_arity_of o2) by FINSEQ_3:31;
    for x being set st x in dom Den(o1,A) holds Den(o1,A).x = Den(o2,A).x
    let x be set such that A11: x in dom Den(o1,A);
    A12: x in Args(o1,A) by A11;
    then x in Args(o2,A) by A5;
    then A13: x in ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o1 &
    x in ((OSClass R)# * the Arity of S).o2 by A1,A12,MSUALG_1:def 9;
    then consider a1 being Element of Args(o1,U1) such that
    A14: x = R #_os a1 by Th15;
    consider a2 being Element of Args(o2,U1) such that
    A15: x = R #_os a2 by A13,Th15;
      for y being Nat st y in dom a1 holds
        [a1.y,a2.y] in R.((the_arity_of o2)/.y)
      let y be Nat such that A16: y in dom a1;
      A17: y in dom (the_arity_of o1) &
      y in dom (the_arity_of o2) by A10,A16,MSUALG_6:2;
      then consider z1 being Element of (the Sorts of U1).((the_arity_of o1)/.y
      such that A18: z1 = a1.y & (R #_os a1).y = OSClass(R, z1) by Def15;
      consider z2 being
      Element of (the Sorts of U1).((the_arity_of o2)/.y) such that
      A19: z2 = a2.y & (R #_os a2).y = OSClass(R, z2) by A17,Def15;
      A20: (the_arity_of o1)/.y = (the_arity_of o1).y &
       (the_arity_of o2)/.y = (the_arity_of o2).y by A17,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      reconsider s1 = (the_arity_of o1).y,
      s2 = (the_arity_of o2).y as SortSymbol of S by A17,PARTFUN1:27;
      A21: s1 <= s2 by A3,A17,OSALG_1:def 7;
      then (the Sorts of U1).((the_arity_of o1)/.y) c=
      (the Sorts of U1).((the_arity_of o2)/.y) by A20,OSALG_1:def 19;
      then reconsider z12 = z1 as
      Element of (the Sorts of U1).((the_arity_of o2)/.y) by TARSKI:def 3;
        OSClass(R, z2) = OSClass(R, z12) by A14,A15,A18,A19,A20,A21,Th14;
      hence [a1.y,a2.y] in R.((the_arity_of o2)/.y) by A18,A19,Th13;
    then A22: [Den(o1,U1).a1,Den(o2,U1).a2] in R.(the_result_sort_of o2)
    by A2,Def28;
    A23: OSQuotCharact(R,o1).(R #_os a1) =
    ((OSQuotRes(R,o1)) * (Den(o1,U1))).a1 &
    OSQuotCharact(R,o2).(R #_os a2) =
    ((OSQuotRes(R,o2)) * (Den(o2,U1))).a2 by A13,A14,A15,Def20;
      Result(o1,U1) =
    ((the Sorts of U1) * the ResultSort of S).o1 by MSUALG_1:def 10
    .= (the Sorts of U1).((the ResultSort of S).o1) by A9,FUNCT_1:23
    .= (the Sorts of U1).(the_result_sort_of o1) by MSUALG_1:def 7;
    then reconsider da1 = Den(o1,U1).a1 as
    Element of (the Sorts of U1).(the_result_sort_of o1);
      a1 in Args(o1,U1);
    then a1 in dom Den(o1,U1) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A24: ((OSQuotRes(R,o1)) * (Den(o1,U1))).a1 = OSQuotRes(R,o1).da1 by
    .= OSClass(R,da1) by Def16;
      Result(o2,U1) =
    ((the Sorts of U1) * the ResultSort of S).o2 by MSUALG_1:def 10
    .= (the Sorts of U1).((the ResultSort of S).o2) by A9,FUNCT_1:23
    .= (the Sorts of U1).(the_result_sort_of o2) by MSUALG_1:def 7;
    then reconsider da2 = Den(o2,U1).a2 as
    Element of (the Sorts of U1).(the_result_sort_of o2);
      a2 in Args(o2,U1);
    then a2 in dom Den(o2,U1) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A25: ((OSQuotRes(R,o2)) * (Den(o2,U1))).a2 = OSQuotRes(R,o2).da2 by
    .= OSClass(R,da2) by Def16;
    reconsider da12 = da1 as
    Element of (the Sorts of U1).(the_result_sort_of o2) by A8,TARSKI:def 3;
      OSClass(R,da1) = OSClass(R,da12) by A3,Th14
    .= OSClass(R,da2) by A22,Th13;
    hence Den(o1,A).x = Den(o2,A).x by A7,A14,A15,A23,A24,A25;
  hence Den(o2,A)|Args(o1,A) = Den(o1,A) by A6,FUNCT_1:68;

  for S ::being locally_directed OrderSortedSign,
for U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
   R be monotone OSCongruence of U1 holds
    QuotOSAlg(U1,R) is monotone OSAlgebra of S;

    for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      U2 being monotone non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st
      F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
  OSCng(F) is monotone
  let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      U2 be monotone non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
      F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 such that
  A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted;
  set O1 = the Sorts of U1;
  reconsider S1 = the Sorts of U1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
  let o1,o2 being OperSymbol of S such that A2: o1 <= o2;
  set R = OSCng(F), w1 = the_arity_of o1, w2 = the_arity_of o2,
      rs1 = the_result_sort_of o1, rs2 = the_result_sort_of o2;
  let x1 being (Element of Args(o1,U1)),
      x2 being Element of Args(o2,U1) such that
  A3: for y being Nat st y in dom x1 holds
        [x1.y,x2.y] in R.((the_arity_of o2)/.y);
  set D1 = Den(o1,U1).x1, D2 = Den(o2,U1).x2, M = MSCng(F);
  A4: M.rs1 = MSCng(F,rs1) & M.rs2 = MSCng(F,rs2)
       & M = R by A1,Def25,MSUALG_4:def 20;
  A5: Args(o1,U1) c= Args(o2,U1)
       & Result(o1,U1) c= Result(o2,U1) by A2,OSALG_1:26;
  A6: w1 <= w2 & rs1 <= rs2 by A2,OSALG_1:def 22;
  then A7: S1.rs1 c= S1.rs2 by OSALG_1:def 18;
  reconsider x12=x1 as Element of Args(o2,U1) by A5,TARSKI:def 3;
  A8: [Den(o2,U1).x12,Den(o2,U1).x2] in R.rs2 by A3,MSUALG_4:def 6;
  A9: D2 in O1.rs2 & Den(o2,U1).x12 in O1.rs2
       & D1 in S1.rs1 by MSUALG_9:19;
  then A10: D1 in S1.rs2
      & D1 in dom (F.rs1) by A7,FUNCT_2:def 1;
  reconsider D11=D1,D12=Den(o2,U1).x12 as Element of O1.rs2 by A7,A9;
    F#x1 in Args(o1,U2);
  then A11: F#x1 in dom Den(o1,U2) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  A12: Den(o2,U2)|Args(o1,U2) = Den(o1,U2) by A2,OSALG_1:def 23;

  = (F.rs1).(Den(o1,U1).x1) by A1,A6,A10,OSALG_3:def 1
  .= Den(o1,U2).(F#x1) by A1,MSUALG_3:def 9
  .= Den(o2,U2).(F#x1) by A11,A12,FUNCT_1:68
  .= Den(o2,U2).(F#x12) by A1,A2,OSALG_3:13
  .= (F.rs2).(Den(o2,U1).x12) by A1,MSUALG_3:def 9;
  then A13: [D11,D12] in MSCng(F,rs2) by MSUALG_4:def 19;
    field(R.rs2) = (O1.rs2) by ORDERS_1:97;
    then (R.rs2) is_transitive_in (O1.rs2) by RELAT_2:def 16;
  hence [Den(o1,U1).x1,Den(o2,U1).x2] in R.rs2
  by A4,A8,A9,A13,RELAT_2:def 8;

:: these are a bit more general versions of OSHomQuot, that
:: I need for OSAFREE; more proper way how to do this is restating
:: the MSUALG_9 quotient theorems for OSAs, but that's more work
definition let S; let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
           let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
           let R be OSCongruence of U1;
           let s be Element of S;
assume A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted
           & R c= OSCng F;
func OSHomQuot(F,R,s) -> Function of
 (the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R))).s,(the Sorts of U2).s means :Def29:
 for x be Element of (the Sorts of U1).s holds
  it.(OSClass(R,x)) = (F.s).x;
  set qa = QuotOSAlg (U1,R),
      cqa = the Sorts of qa,
      S1 = the Sorts of U1,
      S2 = the Sorts of U2;
    qa = MSAlgebra (# OSClass R,OSQuotCharact R #)
         by Def22;
  then A2: cqa.s = OSClass (R,s) by Def13;
  defpred P[set,set] means
   for a be Element of S1.s st $1 = OSClass(R,a) holds
    $2 = (F.s).a;
  A3: for x be set st x in cqa.s ex y be set st y in S2.s & P[x,y]
    let x be set;
    assume x in cqa.s;
    then consider a being set such that
    A4: a in (the Sorts of U1).s &
         x = Class( CompClass(R,CComp(s)), a) by A2,Def12;
    reconsider a as Element of S1.s by A4;
    take y = (F.s).a;
    A5: R.s c= (OSCng F).s by A1,PBOOLE:def 5;
    thus y in S2.s;
    A6:  x = OSClass(R,a) by A4,Def14;
    let b be Element of S1.s; assume
      x = OSClass(R,b);
    then [b,a] in R.s by A6,Th13;
    then [b,a] in (OSCng(F)).s by A5;
    then [b,a] in (MSCng(F)).s by A1,Def25;
    then [b,a] in MSCng(F,s) by A1,MSUALG_4:def 20;
    hence thesis by MSUALG_4:def 19;
  consider G being Function such that
  A7: dom G = cqa.s & rng G c= S2.s & for x be set st x in cqa.s
      holds P[x,G.x] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A3);
  reconsider G as Function of cqa.s,S2.s by A7,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
  take G;
  let a be Element of S1.s;
  thus G.(OSClass(R,a)) = (F.s).a by A2,A7;
  set qa = QuotOSAlg (U1, R),
     cqa = the Sorts of qa,
      u1 = the Sorts of U1,
      u2 = the Sorts of U2;
    qa = MSAlgebra (# OSClass R,OSQuotCharact R #)
        by Def22;
  then A8: cqa.s = OSClass (R,s) by Def13;
  let H,G be Function of cqa.s,u2.s;
  assume that
    A9: for a be Element of u1.s holds
       H.(OSClass(R,a)) = (F.s).a and
    A10: for a be Element of u1.s holds
       G.(OSClass(R,a)) = (F.s).a;
    for x be set st x in cqa.s holds H.x = G.x
    let x be set;
    assume x in cqa.s;
    then consider y being set such that
    A11: y in (the Sorts of U1).s &
         x = Class( CompClass(R,CComp(s)), y) by A8,Def12;
    reconsider y1 = y as Element of u1.s by A11;
    A12: OSClass(R,y1) = x by A11,Def14;
    hence H.x = (F.s).y1 by A9 .= G.x by A10,A12;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_2:18;

:: this seems a bit too permissive, but same as the original
:: we should assume F order-sorted probably
definition let S; let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
           let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
           let R be OSCongruence of U1;
func OSHomQuot(F,R) ->
     ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1, R)),U2 means :Def30:
 for s be Element of S holds it.s = OSHomQuot(F,R,s);
  deffunc F(Element of S) = OSHomQuot(F,R,$1);
  consider f be Function such that A1: dom f = the carrier of S &
  for d be Element of S holds f.d = F(d)
     from LambdaB;
  reconsider f as ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
       by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
    for x be set st x in dom f holds f.x is Function
    let x be set;
    assume x in dom f;
    then reconsider y = x as Element of S by A1;
      f.y = OSHomQuot(F,R,y) by A1;
    hence thesis;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of the carrier of S
       by PRALG_1:def 15;
    for i be set st i in the carrier of S holds
    f.i is Function of
    (the Sorts of QuotOSAlg (U1, R)).i, (the Sorts of U2).i
     let i be set;
     assume i in the carrier of S;
     then reconsider s = i as Element of S;
       f.s = OSHomQuot(F,R,s) by A1;
     hence thesis;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of
  the Sorts of QuotOSAlg (U1,R),the Sorts of U2 by MSUALG_1:def 2;
  reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of QuotOSAlg (U1,R),U2;
  take f;
  thus thesis by A1;
  let H,G be ManySortedFunction of QuotOSAlg (U1,R),U2;
  assume that
  A2: for s be Element of S holds H.s = OSHomQuot(F,R,s) and
  A3: for s be Element of S holds G.s = OSHomQuot(F,R,s);
   let i be set;
   assume i in the carrier of S;
   then reconsider s = i as SortSymbol of S;
     H.s = OSHomQuot(F,R,s) & G.s = OSHomQuot(F,R,s) by A2,A3; hence H.i = G.
  hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;

  for U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
 F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2,
 R be OSCongruence of U1 st
  F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted & R c= OSCng F
   OSHomQuot(F,R) is_homomorphism QuotOSAlg (U1,R),U2 &
   OSHomQuot(F,R) is order-sorted
   let U1,U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S,
       F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2,
        R be OSCongruence of U1;
  set mc = R,
      qa = QuotOSAlg (U1,mc),
      qh = OSHomQuot(F,R),
      S1 = the Sorts of U1;
  assume A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted & R c= OSCng F;
  A2: qa = MSAlgebra (# OSClass mc, OSQuotCharact mc #) by Def22;
    for o be Element of the OperSymbols of S st Args (o,qa) <> {}
   for x be Element of Args(o,qa) holds
    (qh.(the_result_sort_of o)).(Den(o,qa).x) = Den(o,U2).(qh#x)
    let o be Element of the OperSymbols of S such that Args (o,qa) <> {};
    let x be Element of Args(o,qa);
    reconsider o1 = o as OperSymbol of S;
    set ro = the_result_sort_of o,
        ar = the_arity_of o;
    A3: Den(o,qa) = (OSQuotCharact mc).o by A2,MSUALG_1:def 11
                 .= OSQuotCharact(mc,o1) by Def21;
       Args(o,qa) = ((OSClass mc)# * (the Arity of S)).o
          by A2,MSUALG_1:def 9;
    then consider a be Element of Args(o,U1) such that
    A4: x = mc #_os a by Th15;
    A5: dom Den(o,U1) = Args(o,U1) & rng Den(o,U1) c= Result(o,U1)
             by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      o in the OperSymbols of S;
     then o in dom (S1 * the ResultSort of S) by PBOOLE:def 3;
    then A6: ((the Sorts of U1) * the ResultSort of S).o
        = (the Sorts of U1).((the ResultSort of S).o)
                 by FUNCT_1:22
       .= (the Sorts of U1).ro by MSUALG_1:def 7;
    then A7: Result(o,U1) = by MSUALG_1:def 10;
    reconsider da = (Den(o,U1)).a as Element of by A6,MSUALG_1:def 10;
    A8: = OSHomQuot(F,R,ro) by Def30;
      rng Den(o,U1) c= dom OSQuotRes(mc,o)
       by A5,A6,A7,FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A9: dom ((OSQuotRes(mc,o)) * Den(o,U1)) = dom Den(o,U1)
         by RELAT_1:46;
    A10: dom (qh # x) = dom ar & dom (F # a) = dom ar &
       dom x = dom ar & dom a = dom ar by MSUALG_3:6;
     A11: now
      let y be set;
      assume A12: y in dom ar;
      then reconsider n = y as Nat;
      A13: ar/.n = ar.n by A12,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
        ar.n in rng ar by A12,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then reconsider s = ar.n as SortSymbol of S;
      consider an being Element of S1.s such that
      A14: an = a.n & x.n = OSClass(mc,an) by A4,A12,A13,Def15;
        (qh # x).n = (qh.s).(x.n) by A10,A12,A13,MSUALG_3:def 8
                .= OSHomQuot(F,R,s).OSClass(mc,an) by A14,Def30
                .= (F.s).an by A1,Def29
                .= (F # a).n by A10,A12,A13,A14,MSUALG_3:def 8;
      hence (qh # x).y = (F # a).y;
      ar = (the Arity of S).o by MSUALG_1:def 6;
    then product((OSClass mc) * ar) =
    ((OSClass mc)# * the Arity of S).o by MSAFREE:1;
    then Den(o,qa).x = (OSQuotRes(mc,o) * Den(o,U1)).a by A3,A4,Def20
               .= (OSQuotRes(mc,o)) . da by A5,A9,FUNCT_1:22
               .= OSClass (R,da) by Def16;
    then (,qa).x) = (,U1)).a) by A1,A8,Def29
    .= Den(o,U2).(F#a) by A1,MSUALG_3:def 9;
    hence thesis by A10,A11,FUNCT_1:9;
  hence qh is_homomorphism qa,U2 by MSUALG_3:def 9;
    thus OSHomQuot(F,R) is order-sorted
      let s1,s2 being Element of S such that A15:  s1 <= s2;
      let a1 be set such that A16: a1 in dom (qh.s1);
      reconsider sqa = the Sorts of qa as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
      reconsider S1O = S1 as OrderSortedSet of S by OSALG_1:17;
      A17: S1O.s1 c= S1O.s2 by A15,OSALG_1:def 18;
      A18: dom (qh.s1) = (the Sorts of qa).s1 &
           dom (qh.s2) = (the Sorts of qa).s2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
        sqa.s1 c= sqa.s2 by A15,OSALG_1:def 18;
      hence a1 in dom (qh.s2) by A16,A18;
        qa = MSAlgebra(# OSClass mc, OSQuotCharact mc #) by Def22;
      then a1 in (OSClass R).s1 by A16;
      then a1 in OSClass (R,s1) by Def13;
      then consider x being set such that
      A19: x in S1.s1 and
      A20: a1 = Class( CompClass(R,CComp(s1)), x) by Def12;
      reconsider x1 = x as Element of S1.s1 by A19;
      reconsider x2 = x as Element of S1.s2 by A17,A19;
      reconsider s3 = s1, s4 = s2 as Element of S;
        x1 in dom (F.s3) by A19,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      then A21: x1 in dom (F.s4) &
           (F.s3).x1 = (F.s4).x1 by A1,A15,OSALG_3:def 1;
      A22: a1 = OSClass(R,x1) by A20,Def14;
      then A23: a1 = OSClass(R,x2) by A15,Th14;
      thus (qh.s1).a1 = OSHomQuot(F,R,s1).(OSClass(R,x1)) by A22,Def30
      .= (F.s2).x1 by A1,A21,Def29 .=
 OSHomQuot(F,R,s2).(OSClass(R,x2)) by A1,Def29
      .= (qh.s2).a1 by A23,Def30;

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