The Mizar article:

Circuit Generated by Terms and Circuit Calculating Terms

Grzegorz Bancerek

Received April 10, 2001

Copyright (c) 2001 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: CIRCTRM1
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 requirements NUMERALS, BOOLE, SUBSET;

begin :: <section1>Circuit structure generated by terms</section1>

theorem Th1:
 for S being non empty non void ManySortedSign
 for A being non-empty MSAlgebra over S
 for V being Variables of A
 for t being Term of S,V, T being c-Term of A,V st T = t
  holds the_sort_of T = the_sort_of t
  proof let S being non empty non void ManySortedSign;
   let A being non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   let V being Variables of A;
    defpred P[set] means for t' being Term of S,V, T being c-Term of A,V
     st t' = $1 & T = t' holds the_sort_of T = the_sort_of t';
A1: for s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s holds
      P[root-tree [v,s]]
    proof let s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s;
     let t be Term of S,V, T be c-Term of A,V;
     assume t = root-tree [v,s] & T = t;
      then the_sort_of t = s & the_sort_of T = s by MSATERM:14,16;
     hence thesis;
A2:  for o being OperSymbol of S,
      p being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,V) st
       for t' being Term of S,V st t' in rng p holds P[t'] holds
     P[[o,the carrier of S]-tree p]
    proof let o being OperSymbol of S;
     let p being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,V); assume
         for t' being Term of S,V st t' in rng p
       for t being Term of S,V, T being c-Term of A,V
        st t = t' & T = t holds the_sort_of T = the_sort_of t;
     let t being Term of S,V, T being c-Term of A,V;
     assume t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree p;
then A3:    t.{} = [o,the carrier of S] by TREES_4:def 4;
      then the_sort_of t = the_result_sort_of o by MSATERM:17;
     hence thesis by A3,MSATERM:17;
    for t being Term of S,V holds P[t] from TermInd(A1,A2);
   hence thesis;

definition let D be non empty set;
 let X be Subset of D;
 redefine func id X -> Function of X, D;
       dom id X = X & rng id X = X & X c= D by RELAT_1:71;
    hence thesis by FUNCT_2:4;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 func X-CircuitStr -> non empty strict ManySortedSign equals:
        Subtrees X, [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X,
        [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-ImmediateSubtrees X,
        id ([:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X)

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 cluster X-CircuitStr -> unsplit;
      X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#
        Subtrees X, [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X,
        [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-ImmediateSubtrees X,
        id ([:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X)
       #) by Def1;
   hence the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr = id the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr;

reserve S for non empty non void ManySortedSign,
 V for non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S,
 A for non-empty MSAlgebra over S,
 X for non empty Subset of S-Terms V,
 t for Element of X;

theorem Th2:
 X-CircuitStr is void iff
  for t being Element of X holds t is root &
        not t.{} in [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:]
  proof set C = [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:];
A1:  C-Subtrees X is empty iff for t holds t is root & not t.{} in C
     by TREES_9:26;
      X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X,
        C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id(C-Subtrees X)#) by Def1;
   hence thesis by A1,MSUALG_1:def 5;

theorem Th3:
 X is SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V iff X-CircuitStr is non void
   hereby assume X is SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
    then consider t being CompoundTerm of S, V such that
A1:   t in X by MSATERM:def 7;
       t.{} in [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:]
      by MSATERM:def 6;
    hence X-CircuitStr is non void by A1,Th2;
   assume X-CircuitStr is non void;
   then consider t such that
A2:  t is not root or t.{} in [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:]
     by Th2;
   t in X;
    then t is CompoundTerm of S,V by A2,MSATERM:28,def 6;
   hence thesis by MSATERM:def 7;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
 cluster X-CircuitStr -> non void;
  coherence by Th3;

theorem Th4:
 (for v being Vertex of X-CircuitStr holds v is Term of S,V) &
 (for s being set st s in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr holds
      s is CompoundTerm of S,V)
  proof set C = [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:];
A1:  X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X,
      C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id(C-Subtrees X)#) by Def1;
   hereby let v be Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
    consider t being Element of X, p being Node of t such that
A2:   v = t|p by A1,TREES_9:20;
       t in X;
    hence v is Term of S,V by A2,MSATERM:29;
   let s be set; assume s in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr;
   then consider t being Element of X, p being Node of t such that
A3:  s = t|p & (not p in Leaves dom t or t.p in C) by A1,TREES_9:25;
      t in X;
   then reconsider s as Term of S,V by A3,MSATERM:29;
   reconsider e = {} as Node of t|p by TREES_1:47;
      dom (t|p) = (dom t qua Tree)|(p qua FinSequence of NAT) & p = p^e
     by FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_2:def 11;
    then t.p = s.e & (p in Leaves dom t iff s is root)
     by A3,TREES_2:def 11,TREES_9:6;
   hence thesis by A3,MSATERM:28,def 6;

theorem Th5:
 for t being Vertex of X-CircuitStr holds
  t in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr iff t is CompoundTerm of S,V
  proof let t being Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
   thus t in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr implies t is CompoundTerm of S,V
     by Th4;
   set C = [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:];
A1:  X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X,
      C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id(C-Subtrees X)#) by Def1;
   then consider tt being Element of X, p being Node of tt such that
A2:  t = tt|p by TREES_9:20;
   assume t is CompoundTerm of S,V;
   then reconsider t' = t as CompoundTerm of S,V;
      t'.{} in C & p^(<*>NAT) = p & {} in (dom tt)|p
     by FINSEQ_1:47,MSATERM:def 6,TREES_1:47;
    then tt.p in C by A2,TREES_2:def 11;
   hence t in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr by A1,A2,TREES_9:25;

theorem Th6:
 for X being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V, g being Gate of X-CircuitStr holds
   (the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr).g = g & the_result_sort_of g = g
  proof set C = [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:];
   let X be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
   let g be Gate of X-CircuitStr;
      X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X,
      C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id(C-Subtrees X)#) by Def1;
   hence (the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr).g = g by FUNCT_1:35;
   hence the_result_sort_of g = g by MSUALG_1:def 7;

 let S,V;
 let X be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V, g be Gate of X-CircuitStr;
 cluster the_arity_of g -> DTree-yielding;
  proof set C = [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:];
      X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X,
        C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id(C-Subtrees X)#) by Def1;
    then the_arity_of g is FinSequence of Subtrees X;
   hence thesis;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 cluster -> finite Function-like Relation-like Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
  coherence by Th4;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 cluster -> DecoratedTree-like Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
  coherence by Th4;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
 cluster -> finite Function-like Relation-like Gate of X-CircuitStr;
  coherence by Th4;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
 cluster -> DecoratedTree-like Gate of X-CircuitStr;
  coherence by Th4;

:: for X being SetWithCompoundTerm of A,V, g being Gate of X-CircuitStr
::  for t being Term of A,V st t = g holds
::   the_arity_of g = subs t ? subs g

theorem Th7:
 for X1,X2 being non empty Subset of S-Terms V holds
  the Arity of X1-CircuitStr tolerates the Arity of X2-CircuitStr &
  the ResultSort of X1-CircuitStr tolerates the ResultSort of X2-CircuitStr
   proof let t1,t2 be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
    set C = [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:];
A1:   t1-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#Subtrees t1, C-Subtrees t1,
                   C-ImmediateSubtrees t1, id (C-Subtrees t1)#) &
     t2-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#Subtrees t2, C-Subtrees t2,
                   C-ImmediateSubtrees t2, id (C-Subtrees t2)#)
                    by Def1;
A2:   dom (C-ImmediateSubtrees t1) = C-Subtrees t1 &
     dom id (C-Subtrees t1) = C-Subtrees t1 &
     dom (C-ImmediateSubtrees t2) = C-Subtrees t2 &
     dom id (C-Subtrees t2) = C-Subtrees t2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    hereby let x be set; assume
        x in (dom the Arity of t1-CircuitStr) /\ dom the Arity of t2-CircuitStr
     then A3:    x in dom the Arity of t1-CircuitStr &
      x in dom the Arity of t2-CircuitStr by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then reconsider u = x as Element of Subtrees t1 by A1,A2;
        (C-ImmediateSubtrees t1).x in (Subtrees t1)* by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_2:7;
     then reconsider y1 = (the Arity of t1-CircuitStr).x as
         FinSequence of Subtrees t1 by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
        (the Arity of t2-CircuitStr).x in (Subtrees t2)*
       by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_2:7;
     then reconsider y2 = (the Arity of t2-CircuitStr).x as
         FinSequence of Subtrees t2 by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       hereby let t be Element of t1; t in t1;
         then t is Term of S,V;
        hence t is finite;
       hereby let t be Element of t2; t in t2;
         then t is Term of S,V;
        hence t is finite;
      then u = (u.{})-tree y1 & u = (u.{})-tree y2 by A1,A2,A3,TREES_9:def 13;
     hence (the Arity of t1-CircuitStr).x = (the Arity of t2-CircuitStr).x
       by TREES_4:15;
    let x be set; assume
       x in (dom the ResultSort of t1-CircuitStr) /\
          dom the ResultSort of t2-CircuitStr;
    then A4:   x in dom the ResultSort of t1-CircuitStr &
     x in dom the ResultSort of t2-CircuitStr by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence (the ResultSort of t1-CircuitStr).x = x by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:35
       .= (the ResultSort of t2-CircuitStr).x by A1,A2,A4,FUNCT_1:35;

 let X,Y be constituted-DTrees set;
 cluster X \/ Y -> constituted-DTrees;
 coherence by TREES_3:9;

theorem Th8:
 for X1,X2 being constituted-DTrees non empty set holds
   Subtrees (X1 \/ X2) = (Subtrees X1) \/ (Subtrees X2)
  proof let X1,X2 be constituted-DTrees non empty set;
   hereby let x be set;
    assume x in Subtrees (X1 \/ X2);
    then consider t being Element of X1 \/ X2, n being Node of t such that
A1:   x = t|n by TREES_9:20;
       t in X1 or t in X2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     then x in Subtrees X1 or x in Subtrees X2 by A1,TREES_9:20;
    hence x in (Subtrees X1) \/ (Subtrees X2) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   let x be set; assume A2:x in (Subtrees X1) \/ (Subtrees X2);
   per cases by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   suppose x in Subtrees X1;
   then consider t being Element of X1, n being Node of t such that
A3: x = t|n by TREES_9:20;
      t is Element of X1 \/ X2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   hence x in Subtrees (X1 \/ X2) by A3,TREES_9:20;
   suppose x in Subtrees X2;
   then consider t being Element of X2, n being Node of t such that
A4: x = t|n by TREES_9:20;
      t is Element of X1 \/ X2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   hence x in Subtrees (X1 \/ X2) by A4,TREES_9:20;

theorem Th9:
 for X1,X2 being constituted-DTrees non empty set, C be set holds
   C-Subtrees (X1 \/ X2) = (C-Subtrees X1) \/ (C-Subtrees X2)
  proof let X1,X2 be constituted-DTrees non empty set, C be set;
   hereby let x be set;
    assume x in C-Subtrees (X1 \/ X2);
    then consider t being Element of X1 \/ X2, n being Node of t such that
A1:   x = t|n & (not n in Leaves dom t or t.n in C) by TREES_9:25;
       t in X1 or t in X2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     then x in C-Subtrees X1 or x in C-Subtrees X2 by A1,TREES_9:25;
    hence x in (C-Subtrees X1) \/ (C-Subtrees X2) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   let x be set; assume A2:x in (C-Subtrees X1) \/ (C-Subtrees X2);
   per cases by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   suppose x in C-Subtrees X1;
   then consider t being Element of X1, n being Node of t such that
A3: x = t|n & (not n in Leaves dom t or t.n in C) by TREES_9:25;
      t is Element of X1 \/ X2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   hence x in C-Subtrees (X1 \/ X2) by A3,TREES_9:25;
   suppose x in C-Subtrees X2;
   then consider t being Element of X2, n being Node of t such that
A4: x = t|n & (not n in Leaves dom t or t.n in C) by TREES_9:25;
      t is Element of X1 \/ X2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   hence x in C-Subtrees (X1 \/ X2) by A4,TREES_9:25;

theorem Th10:
 for X1,X2 being constituted-DTrees non empty set st
  (for t being Element of X1 holds t is finite) &
  (for t being Element of X2 holds t is finite)
 for C be set holds
   C-ImmediateSubtrees (X1 \/ X2)
     = (C-ImmediateSubtrees X1)+*(C-ImmediateSubtrees X2)
  proof let X1,X2 be constituted-DTrees non empty set such that
A1: for t being Element of X1 holds t is finite and
A2: for t being Element of X2 holds t is finite;
A3:  now let t be Element of X1 \/ X2;
        t in X1 or t in X2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     hence t is finite by A1,A2;
   let C be set;
   set X = X1 \/ X2;
   set f = C-ImmediateSubtrees (X1 \/ X2);
   set f1 = C-ImmediateSubtrees X1;
   set f2 = C-ImmediateSubtrees X2;
A4:  dom f = C-Subtrees X & dom f1 = C-Subtrees X1 & dom f2 = C-Subtrees X2
     by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A5:  C-Subtrees X = (C-Subtrees X1) \/ (C-Subtrees X2) by Th9;
      now let x be set; assume
A6:    x in dom f1 \/ dom f2;
     then reconsider t = x as Element of Subtrees X by A4,A5;
        f.x in (Subtrees X)* by A4,A5,A6,FUNCT_2:7;
     then reconsider p = f.x as FinSequence of Subtrees X by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     hereby assume
A7:     x in dom f2;
       then f2.x in (Subtrees X2)* by A4,FUNCT_2:7;
      then reconsider p2 = f2.x as FinSequence of Subtrees X2 by FINSEQ_1:def
         t = (t.{})-tree p & t = (t.{})-tree p2 by A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,TREES_9:
def 13;
      hence f.x = f2.x by TREES_4:15;
     assume not x in dom f2;
then A8:    x in dom f1 by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      then f1.x in (Subtrees X1)* by A4,FUNCT_2:7;
     then reconsider p1 = f1.x as FinSequence of Subtrees X1 by FINSEQ_1:def 11
        t = (t.{})-tree p & t = (t.{})-tree p1 by A1,A3,A4,A5,A6,A8,TREES_9:def
     hence f.x = f1.x by TREES_4:15;
   hence thesis by A4,A5,FUNCT_4:def 1;

theorem Th11:
 for X1,X2 being non empty Subset of S-Terms V holds
  (X1 \/ X2)-CircuitStr = (X1-CircuitStr)+*(X2-CircuitStr)
  proof let X1,X2 be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
   set X = X1 \/ X2;
   set C = [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:];
A1:  X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#
        Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X, C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id (C-Subtrees X)#)
      by Def1;
A2:  X1-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#
     Subtrees X1, C-Subtrees X1, C-ImmediateSubtrees X1, id (C-Subtrees X1)#)
      by Def1;
A3:  X2-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#
     Subtrees X2, C-Subtrees X2, C-ImmediateSubtrees X2, id (C-Subtrees X2)#)
      by Def1;
A4:  Subtrees X = (Subtrees X1) \/ Subtrees X2 by Th8;
A5:  C-Subtrees X = (C-Subtrees X1) \/ (C-Subtrees X2) by Th9;
     hereby let t be Element of X1; t in X1;
       then t is Term of S,V;
      hence t is finite;
     hereby let t be Element of X2; t in X2;
       then t is Term of S,V;
      hence t is finite;
then A6:  C-ImmediateSubtrees X = (C-ImmediateSubtrees X1)+*(C
-ImmediateSubtrees X2)
     by Th10;
      id (C-Subtrees X) = (id (C-Subtrees X1))+*id (C-Subtrees X2)
     by A5,FUNCT_4:23;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,CIRCCOMB:def 2;

theorem Th12:
 for x being set holds x in InputVertices (X-CircuitStr) iff x in Subtrees X &
  ex s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s st x = root-tree [v,s]
  proof set G = X-CircuitStr;
   set C = [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:];
      the ResultSort of G = id the OperSymbols of G by CIRCCOMB:def 7;
    then rng the ResultSort of G = the OperSymbols of G by RELAT_1:71;
then A1:  InputVertices G = (the carrier of G) \ the OperSymbols of G
      by MSAFREE2:def 2;
A2:  X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X,
        C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id(C-Subtrees X)#) by Def1;
   let x be set;
   hereby assume A3:x in InputVertices (X-CircuitStr);
then A4:   x in the carrier of G & not x in the OperSymbols of G by A1,XBOOLE_0
:def 4;
    thus x in Subtrees X by A2,A3;
    reconsider t = x as Term of S,V by A3,Th4;
       (ex s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s st t.{} = [v,s])
     or t.{} in [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:] by MSATERM:2;
     then (ex s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s st t.{} = [v,s])
     or t is CompoundTerm of S,V by MSATERM:def 6;
    then consider s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s such that
A5:   t.{} = [v,s] by A4,Th5;
    take s; reconsider v as Element of V.s; take v;
    thus x = root-tree [v,s] by A5,MSATERM:5;
A6:  x in Subtrees X;
   given s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s such that
A7:  x = root-tree [v,s];
   assume not thesis;
    then x in the OperSymbols of G by A1,A2,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   then reconsider t = x as CompoundTerm of S,V by Th4;
      t.{} = [v,s] by A7,TREES_4:3;
    then [v,s] in [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:] by MSATERM:def 6
    then s = the carrier of S by ZFMISC_1:129;
    then s in s;
   hence contradiction;

theorem Th13:
 for X being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V, g being Gate of X-CircuitStr
  holds g = (g.{})-tree the_arity_of g
  proof set C = [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:];
   let X be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
   let g be Gate of X-CircuitStr;
A1:  X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X,
      C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id(C-Subtrees X)#) by Def1;
   then reconsider p = (C-ImmediateSubtrees X).g as Element of (Subtrees X)*
     by FUNCT_2:7;
   reconsider p as FinSequence of Subtrees X by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
A2:  now let t be Element of X; t in X;
      then t is Term of S,V;
     hence t is finite;
   reconsider f = g as Term of S,V by Th4;
      g = (f.{})-tree p by A1,A2,TREES_9:def 13;
   hence thesis by A1,MSUALG_1:def 6;

begin  :: <section2>Circuit genereted by terms</section2>

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 let v be Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
 let A be MSAlgebra over S;
    reconsider u = v as Term of S,V by Th4;
 func the_sort_of (v, A) means:
  for u being Term of S,V st u = v holds it = (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of u;
  proof let S1, S2 be set; assume
A1:  not thesis;
    then S1 = (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of u &
    S2 = (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of u;
   hence thesis by A1;
  proof take (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of u;
   thus thesis;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 let v be Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
 let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
    reconsider u = v as Term of S,V by Th4;
 cluster the_sort_of (v, A) -> non empty;
  proof the_sort_of (v, A) = (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of u by Def2;
   hence thesis;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V; assume
       X is SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
     then reconsider X' = X as SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
 let o be Gate of X-CircuitStr; reconsider o' = o as Gate of X'-CircuitStr;
 let A be MSAlgebra over S;
 func the_action_of (o, A) -> Function means:
  for X' being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V st X' = X
   for o' being Gate of X'-CircuitStr st o' = o holds
    it = (the Charact of A).(o'.{})`1;
   proof let f1, f2 be Function; assume
A1:   not thesis;
     then f1 = (the Charact of A).(o'.{})`1 &
     f1 = (the Charact of A).(o'.{})`1;
    hence thesis by A1;
    take (the Charact of A).(o'.{})`1; thus thesis;

scheme MSFuncEx {I() -> non empty set, A,B() -> non-empty ManySortedSet of I(),
 ex f being ManySortedFunction of A(),B() st
  for i being Element of I(), a being Element of A().i holds P[i,a,f.i.a]
A1:  for i being Element of I(), a being Element of A().i
     ex b being Element of B().i st P[i,a,b]
    defpred R[set,set] means ex g being Function of A().$1, B().$1 st $2 = g &
      for a being set st a in A().$1 holds P[$1,a,g.a];
A2:  for i being set st i in I() ex y being set st R[i,y]
     proof let i be set; assume i in I();
      then reconsider i as Element of I();
      defpred R[set,set] means P[i,$1,$2];
A3:     for a being set st a in A().i ex b being set st b in B().i & R[a,b]
        proof let a be set; assume a in A().i;
          then ex b being Element of B().i st P[i,a,b] by A1;
         hence thesis;
      consider g being Function such that
A4:     dom g = A().i & rng g c= B().i and
A5:     for a being set st a in A().i holds R[a,g.a]
           from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A3);
      take g;
         g is Function of A().i, B().i by A4,FUNCT_2:4;
      hence thesis by A5;
   consider f being Function such that
A6:  dom f = I() and
A7:  for i being set st i in I() holds R[i,f.i] from NonUniqFuncEx(A2);
   reconsider f as ManySortedSet of I() by A6,PBOOLE:def 3;
      f is ManySortedFunction of A(),B()
     proof let i be set; assume i in I();
       then ex g being Function of A().i, B().i st f.i = g &
        for a being set st a in A().i holds P[i,a,g.a] by A7;
      hence thesis;
   then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of A(),B();
   take f; let i being Element of I(), a being Element of A().i;
      ex g being Function of A().i, B().i st f.i = g &
     for a being set st a in A().i holds P[i,a,g.a] by A7;
   hence P[i,a,f.i.a];

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 let A be MSAlgebra over S;
 func X-CircuitSorts A ->
   ManySortedSet of the carrier of X-CircuitStr means:
  for v being Vertex of X-CircuitStr holds it.v = the_sort_of (v, A);
   proof let S1,S2 be ManySortedSet of the carrier of X-CircuitStr
    such that
A1:  for v being Vertex of X-CircuitStr holds S1.v = the_sort_of (v, A) and
A2:  for v being Vertex of X-CircuitStr holds S2.v = the_sort_of (v, A);
       now let x be set; assume x in the carrier of X-CircuitStr;
      then reconsider v = x as Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
      thus S1.x = the_sort_of (v, A) by A1 .= S2.x by A2;
    hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;
    deffunc f(Vertex of X-CircuitStr) = the_sort_of ($1,A);
    thus ex f be ManySortedSet of the carrier of X-CircuitStr st
    for d be Element of X-CircuitStr holds f.d = f(d)
     from LambdaDMS;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
 cluster X-CircuitSorts A -> non-empty;
   let i be set; assume i in the carrier of X-CircuitStr;
   then reconsider i as Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
      (X-CircuitSorts A).i = the_sort_of (i, A) by Def4;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th14:
 for X being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V,
     g being Gate of X-CircuitStr
  for o being OperSymbol of S st g.{} = [o,the carrier of S] holds
   (X-CircuitSorts A)*the_arity_of g = (the Sorts of A)*the_arity_of o
  proof let t be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V, g be Gate of t-CircuitStr;
   set X = t;
   reconsider f = g as CompoundTerm of S,V by Th4;
   set C = [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:];
      t-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees t, C-Subtrees t,
      C-ImmediateSubtrees t, id(C-Subtrees t)#) by Def1;
   then reconsider ag = the_arity_of g as FinSequence of Subtrees t;
A1:  g = (f.{})-tree ag by Th13;
   let o be OperSymbol of S; assume
      g.{} = [o,the carrier of S];
   then consider a being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,V) such that
A2: f = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a by MSATERM:10;
A3:  len a = len the_arity_of o & a = ag by A1,A2,MSATERM:22,TREES_4:15;
then A4:  dom the_arity_of o = Seg len a & dom the_arity_of g = Seg len a &
    dom a = Seg len a by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A5:  rng the_arity_of g c= the carrier of t-CircuitStr &
    rng the_arity_of o c= the carrier of S by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      dom (X-CircuitSorts A) = the carrier of X-CircuitStr &
    dom the Sorts of A = the carrier of S by PBOOLE:def 3;
then A6:  dom ((X-CircuitSorts A)*the_arity_of g) = Seg len a &
    dom ((the Sorts of A)*the_arity_of o) = Seg len a by A4,A5,RELAT_1:46;
      now let i be set; assume
A7:    i in Seg len a;
     then reconsider j = i as Nat;
        ag.i in rng the_arity_of g by A4,A7,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider v = ag.j as Vertex of t-CircuitStr by A5;
        (the_arity_of o).i in rng the_arity_of o by A4,A7,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider s = (the_arity_of o).j as SortSymbol of S by A5;
     reconsider u = v as Term of S,V by A3,A4,A7,MSATERM:22;
A8:    the_sort_of u = s by A3,A4,A7,MSATERM:23;
A9:    ((t-CircuitSorts A)*the_arity_of g).i = (t-CircuitSorts A).v &
      ((the Sorts of A)*the_arity_of o).i = (the Sorts of A).s
       by A6,A7,FUNCT_1:22;
     hence ((t-CircuitSorts A)*the_arity_of g).i
         = the_sort_of (v, A) by Def4
        .= ((the Sorts of A)*the_arity_of o).i by A8,A9,Def2;
   hence thesis by A6,FUNCT_1:9;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
 func X-CircuitCharact A -> ManySortedFunction of
   (X-CircuitSorts A)#*(the Arity of X-CircuitStr),
   (X-CircuitSorts A)*(the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr)
  for g being Gate of X-CircuitStr st g in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr
   holds it.g = the_action_of (g, A);
   proof let C1, C2 be ManySortedFunction of
     (X-CircuitSorts A)#*(the Arity of X-CircuitStr),
     (X-CircuitSorts A)*(the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr) such that
A1:  for o being Gate of X-CircuitStr st o in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr
      holds C1.o = the_action_of (o, A) and
A2:  for o being Gate of X-CircuitStr st o in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr
      holds C2.o = the_action_of (o, A);
       now let x be set; assume
A3:     x in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr;
      then reconsider o = x as Gate of X-CircuitStr;
         C1.o = the_action_of (o, A) & C2.o = the_action_of (o, A) by A1,A2,A3;
      hence C1.x = C2.x;
    hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;
    defpred P[set,set] means ex g being Gate of X-CircuitStr st g = $1 &
       $2 = the_action_of (g, A);
A4:   now let x be set; assume x in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr;
      then reconsider g = x as Gate of X-CircuitStr;
      reconsider y = the_action_of (g, A) as set;
      take y;
      thus P[x,y];
    consider CHARACT being ManySortedSet of the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr
    such that
A5:   for x being set st x in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr
       holds P[x,CHARACT.x] from MSSEx(A4);
A6:   dom CHARACT = the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr by PBOOLE:def 3;
       CHARACT is Function-yielding
      proof let x be set; assume x in dom CHARACT;
        then ex g being Gate of X-CircuitStr st g = x &
         CHARACT.x = the_action_of (g, A)
         by A5,A6;
       hence thesis;
    then reconsider CHARACT as
       ManySortedFunction of the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr;
       CHARACT is ManySortedFunction of
       (X-CircuitSorts A)#*the Arity of X-CircuitStr,
       (X-CircuitSorts A)*the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr
      proof let i be set; assume
A7:      i in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr;
        then X-CircuitStr is not void by MSUALG_1:def 5;
       then reconsider X' = X as SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V by Th3;
       reconsider g = i as Gate of X'-CircuitStr by A7;
A8:      the_result_sort_of g = g by Th6;
       then reconsider v = g as Vertex of X'-CircuitStr;
       reconsider I = i as CompoundTerm of S,V by A7,Th4;
          I.{} in [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]
         by MSATERM:def 6;
       then consider o,y being set such that
A9:      o in the OperSymbols of S & y in {the carrier of S} & I.{} = [o,y]
         by ZFMISC_1:103;
       reconsider o as OperSymbol of S by A9;
A10:     o = (I.{})`1 by A9,MCART_1:7;
A11:      y = the carrier of S & g.{} = [o,y] by A9,TARSKI:def 1;
          ex g being Gate of X-CircuitStr st
         g = i & CHARACT.i = the_action_of (g, A) by A5,A7;
then A12:      CHARACT.i = the_action_of (g, A)
                 .= (the Charact of A).o by A10,Def3;
A13:      ((the Sorts of A)*the ResultSort of S).o
          = (the Sorts of A).((the ResultSort of S).o) by FUNCT_2:21
         .= (the Sorts of A).(the_result_sort_of o) by MSUALG_1:def 7
         .= (the Sorts of A).(the_sort_of I) by A11,MSATERM:17;
A14:      ((X-CircuitSorts A)*the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr).g
          = (X-CircuitSorts A).((the ResultSort of X'-CircuitStr).g)
            by FUNCT_2:21
         .= (X-CircuitSorts A).(the_result_sort_of g) by MSUALG_1:def 7
         .= the_sort_of (v, A) by A8,Def4
         .= (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of I by Def2;
A15:      ((X-CircuitSorts A)#*the Arity of X-CircuitStr).g
          = (X-CircuitSorts A)#.((the Arity of X'-CircuitStr).g)
            by FUNCT_2:21
         .= (X-CircuitSorts A)#.(the_arity_of g) by MSUALG_1:def 6
         .= product ((X'-CircuitSorts A)*the_arity_of g) by MSUALG_1:def 3
         .= product ((the Sorts of A)*the_arity_of o) by A11,Th14;
          ((the Sorts of A)#*the Arity of S).o
          = (the Sorts of A)#.((the Arity of S).o) by FUNCT_2:21
         .= (the Sorts of A)#.the_arity_of o by MSUALG_1:def 6
         .= product ((the Sorts of A)*the_arity_of o) by MSUALG_1:def 3;
       hence thesis by A12,A13,A14,A15,MSUALG_1:def 2;
    then reconsider CHARACT as ManySortedFunction of
       (X-CircuitSorts A)#*the Arity of X-CircuitStr,
       (X-CircuitSorts A)*the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr;
    take CHARACT; let g being Gate of X-CircuitStr;
    assume g in the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr;
     then ex h being Gate of X-CircuitStr st h = g &
      CHARACT.g = the_action_of (h, A)
      by A5;
    hence thesis;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
 func X-Circuit A -> non-empty strict MSAlgebra over X-CircuitStr equals:
   MSAlgebra(#X-CircuitSorts A, X-CircuitCharact A#);
   proof set C = MSAlgebra(#X-CircuitSorts A, X-CircuitCharact A#);
       C is non-empty proof thus the Sorts of C is non-empty; end;
    hence thesis;

   for v being Vertex of X-CircuitStr
  holds (the Sorts of X-Circuit A).v = the_sort_of (v, A)
  proof let v be Vertex of X-CircuitStr;
      X-Circuit A = MSAlgebra(#X-CircuitSorts A, X-CircuitCharact A#) by Def6;
   hence thesis by Def4;

theorem Th16:
 for A being locally-finite non-empty MSAlgebra over S
 for X being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V
 for g being OperSymbol of X-CircuitStr
  holds Den(g, X-Circuit A) = the_action_of (g, A)
  proof let A being locally-finite non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   let X being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
   let g being OperSymbol of X-CircuitStr;
      X-Circuit A = MSAlgebra(#X-CircuitSorts A, X-CircuitCharact A#) by Def6;
   hence Den(g, X-Circuit A) = (X-CircuitCharact A).g by MSUALG_1:def 11
         .= the_action_of (g, A) by Def5;

theorem Th17:
 for A being locally-finite non-empty MSAlgebra over S
 for X being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V
 for g being OperSymbol of X-CircuitStr, o being OperSymbol of S
  st g.{} = [o, the carrier of S]
  holds Den(g, X-Circuit A) = Den(o,A)
  proof let A being locally-finite non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   let X being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
   let g being OperSymbol of X-CircuitStr, o being OperSymbol of S;
A1:  Den(o, A) = (the Charact of A).o by MSUALG_1:def 11;
      Den(g, X-Circuit A) = the_action_of (g, A) by Th16
         .= (the Charact of A).(g.{})`1 by Def3;
   hence thesis by A1,MCART_1:7;

theorem Th18:
 for A being locally-finite non-empty MSAlgebra over S,
     X being non empty Subset of S-Terms V holds
 X-Circuit A is locally-finite
  proof let A be locally-finite non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   let t be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
   let i be set; assume i in the carrier of t-CircuitStr;
   then reconsider i as Vertex of t-CircuitStr;
   reconsider u = i as Term of S,V by Th4;
A1:  the Sorts of A is locally-finite by MSAFREE2:def 11;
      t-Circuit A = MSAlgebra(#t-CircuitSorts A, t-CircuitCharact A#)
     by Def6;
    then (the Sorts of t-Circuit A).i = the_sort_of (i, A) by Def4
         .= (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of u by Def2;
   hence thesis by A1,PRE_CIRC:def 3;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
 let A be locally-finite non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
 cluster X-Circuit A -> locally-finite;
 coherence by Th18;

theorem Th19:
 for S being non empty non void ManySortedSign
 for V being non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
 for X1,X2 being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V
 for A being non-empty MSAlgebra over S holds
  X1-Circuit A tolerates X2-Circuit A
  proof let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
   let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
   let X1,X2 be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
   let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   thus the Arity of X1-CircuitStr tolerates the Arity of X2-CircuitStr &
    the ResultSort of X1-CircuitStr tolerates the ResultSort of X2-CircuitStr
     by Th7;
A1:  X1-Circuit A = MSAlgebra(#X1-CircuitSorts A, X1-CircuitCharact A#) &
    X2-Circuit A = MSAlgebra(#X2-CircuitSorts A, X2-CircuitCharact A#) by Def6;
   thus the Sorts of X1-Circuit A tolerates the Sorts of X2-Circuit A
    proof let x be set; assume
        x in (dom the Sorts of X1-Circuit A) /\ dom the Sorts of X2-Circuit A;
       then A2:    x in dom the Sorts of X1-Circuit A & x in dom the Sorts of
X2-Circuit A
       by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
then A3:    x in the carrier of X1-CircuitStr & x in the carrier of X2
       by PBOOLE:def 3;
     reconsider v1 = x as Vertex of X1-CircuitStr by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
     reconsider v2 = x as Vertex of X2-CircuitStr by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
     reconsider t = x as Term of S,V by A3,Th4;
     thus (the Sorts of X1-Circuit A).x
        = the_sort_of (v1, A) by A1,Def4
       .= (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of t by Def2
       .= the_sort_of (v2, A) by Def2
       .= (the Sorts of X2-Circuit A).x by A1,Def4;
   let x be set; assume
      x in (dom the Charact of X1-Circuit A) /\ dom the Charact of X2-Circuit A
   then A4:x in dom the Charact of X1-Circuit A & x in dom the Charact of X2
-Circuit A
     by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   then reconsider g1 = x as Gate of X1-CircuitStr by PBOOLE:def 3;
   reconsider g2 = x as Gate of X2-CircuitStr by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
   thus (the Charact of X1-Circuit A).x
      = the_action_of (g1, A) by A1,Def5
     .= (the Charact of A).(g1.{})`1 by Def3
     .= the_action_of (g2, A) by Def3
     .= (the Charact of X2-Circuit A).x by A1,Def5;

   for S being non empty non void ManySortedSign
 for V being non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
 for X1,X2 being SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V
 for A being non-empty MSAlgebra over S holds
  (X1 \/ X2)-Circuit A = (X1-Circuit A)+*(X2-Circuit A)
  proof let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
   let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
   let X1,X2 be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
   consider t1 being CompoundTerm of S,V such that
A1:  t1 in X1 by MSATERM:def 7;
      t1 in X1 \/ X2 by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   then reconsider X = X1 \/ X2 as SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V by MSATERM:def 7;
   let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   set C1 = X1-Circuit A, C2 = X2-Circuit A, C = X-Circuit A;
      C1 tolerates C2 by Th19;
then A2:  the Sorts of C1 tolerates the Sorts of C2 &
    the Charact of C1 tolerates the Charact of C2 by CIRCCOMB:def 3;
then A3:  the Sorts of C1+*C2 = (the Sorts of C1) +* (the Sorts of C2) &
    the Charact of C1+*C2 = (the Charact of C1) +* (the Charact of C2)
     by CIRCCOMB:def 4;
A4:  X-CircuitStr = X1-CircuitStr+*(X2-CircuitStr) by Th11;
      C1 tolerates C & C2 tolerates C by Th19;
    then the Sorts of C1 tolerates the Sorts of C &
    the Sorts of C2 tolerates the Sorts of C &
    the Charact of C1 tolerates the Charact of C &
    the Charact of C2 tolerates the Charact of C by CIRCCOMB:def 3;
then A5:  the Sorts of C1+*C2 tolerates the Sorts of C &
    the Charact of C1+*C2 tolerates the Charact of C by A2,A3,CIRCCOMB:5;
      dom the Sorts of C1+*C2 = the carrier of X-CircuitStr &
    dom the Charact of C1+*C2 = the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr
     by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
    then dom the Charact of C1+*C2 = dom the Charact of C &
    dom the Sorts of C1+*C2 = dom the Sorts of C by PBOOLE:def 3;
    then the Charact of C1+*C2 = the Charact of C &
    the Sorts of C1+*C2 = the Sorts of C by A5,PARTFUN1:136;
   hence thesis by Th11;

begin :: <section3>Correctness of a Term Circuit</section3>

reserve S for non empty non void ManySortedSign,
 A for non-empty locally-finite MSAlgebra over S,
 V for Variables of A,
 X for SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
 let V be Variables of A;
 let t be DecoratedTree such that A1: t is Term of S,V;
 let f be ManySortedFunction of V, the Sorts of A;
 func t@(f,A) means:
  ex t' being c-Term of A,V st t' = t & it = t'@f;
  proof reconsider t' = t as c-Term of A,V by A1,MSATERM:27;
      t'@f = t'@f;
   hence thesis;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be SetWithCompoundTerm of S,V;
 let A be non-empty locally-finite MSAlgebra over S;
 let s be State of X-Circuit A;
 set C = [:the OperSymbols of S, {the carrier of S}:];
A1:   X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(# Subtrees X, C-Subtrees X,
       C-ImmediateSubtrees X, id(C-Subtrees X)#) by Def1;
A2:   X-CircuitA = MSAlgebra(#X-CircuitSortsA,X-CircuitCharactA#) by Def6;
   defpred P[set,set,set] means
    root-tree [$2,$1] in Subtrees X implies $3 = s.root-tree [$2,$1];
A3:   for x being Vertex of S, v being Element of V.x
      ex a being Element of (the Sorts of A).x st P[x,v,a]
     proof let x being Vertex of S, v being Element of V.x;
      per cases; suppose not root-tree [v,x] in Subtrees X;
       hence thesis;
      suppose root-tree [v,x] in Subtrees X;
       then reconsider a = root-tree [v,x] as Vertex of X-CircuitStr by A1;
       reconsider t = a as Term of S,V by MSATERM:4;
          the_sort_of t = x &
        the_sort_of (a, A) = (the Sorts of A).the_sort_of t &
        (X-CircuitSorts A).a = the_sort_of (a, A) &
        s.a in (the Sorts of X-Circuit A).a
         by Def2,Def4,CIRCUIT1:5,MSATERM:14;
       then reconsider b = s.a as Element of (the Sorts of A).x by A2;
       take b;
       thus thesis;
 mode CompatibleValuation of s -> ManySortedFunction of V, the Sorts of A
  for x being Vertex of S, v being Element of V.x
   st root-tree [v,x] in Subtrees X
   holds it.x.v = s.root-tree [v,x];
   thus ex f being ManySortedFunction of V,the Sorts of A st
    for x being Element of S,
        v being Element of V.x holds P[x,v,f.x.v] from MSFuncEx(A3);

   for s being State of X-Circuit A
 for f being CompatibleValuation of s, n being Nat
  holds f is CompatibleValuation of Following(s,n)
  proof let s being State of X-Circuit A;
   let f being CompatibleValuation of s, n being Nat;
   let x being Vertex of S, v being Element of V.x;
A1:  root-tree [v,x] in Subtrees X;
    then root-tree [v,x] in InputVertices (X-CircuitStr) by Th12;
    then s is_stable_at root-tree [v,x] by FACIRC_1:18;
    then Following(s,n).root-tree [v,x] = s.root-tree [v,x] by FACIRC_1:def 9;
   hence thesis by A1,Def8;

 let x be set;
 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let p be FinSequence of S-Terms V;
 cluster x-tree p -> finite;
   reconsider q = doms p as FinTree-yielding FinSequence;
      dom (x-tree p) = tree q by TREES_4:10;
   hence thesis by AMI_1:21;

theorem Th22:
 for s being State of X-Circuit A
 for f being CompatibleValuation of s
 for t being Term of S,V st t in Subtrees X holds
  Following(s, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at t &
  Following(s, 1+height dom t).t = t@(f,A)
  proof let q be State of X-Circuit A;
   let f be CompatibleValuation of q;
A1:  X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#Subtrees X,
        [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X,
        [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-ImmediateSubtrees X,
        id ([:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X)#)
      by Def1;
     defpred P[finite DecoratedTree] means $1 in Subtrees X implies
      Following(q, 1+height dom $1) is_stable_at $1 &
      Following(q, 1+height dom $1).$1 = $1@(f,A);
A2:  for s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s holds
       P [ root-tree [ v , s ] ]
     proof let s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s; assume
A3:    root-tree [v,s] in Subtrees X;
A4:    root-tree [v,s] in InputVertices (X-CircuitStr) by A3,Th12;
      hence Following(q, 1+height dom root-tree [v,s])
        is_stable_at root-tree [v,s] by FACIRC_1:18;
      reconsider t = root-tree [v,s] as c-Term of A, V by MSATERM:8;
A5:    t is Term of S, V by MSATERM:4;
         q is_stable_at root-tree [v,s] by A4,FACIRC_1:18;
      hence Following(q,1+height dom root-tree [v,s]).root-tree [v,s]
        = q.root-tree [v,s] by FACIRC_1:def 9
       .= f.s.v by A3,Def8
       .= (v-term A)@f by MSATERM:42
       .= t@f by MSATERM:def 4
       .= (root-tree [v,s])@(f, A) by A5,Def7;
A6:  for o being OperSymbol of S, p being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,V)
     st for t being Term of S,V st t in rng p holds P[t] holds
       P[[o,the carrier of S]-tree p]
     proof let o being OperSymbol of S, p being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,V) such
A7:    for t being Term of S,V st t in rng p & t in Subtrees X holds
        Following(q, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at t &
        Following(q,1+height dom t).t = t@(f, A) and
A8:    [o,the carrier of S]-tree p in Subtrees X;
      consider tt being Element of X, n being Node of tt such that
A9:    [o,the carrier of S]-tree p = tt|n by A8,TREES_9:20;
         <*>NAT in (dom tt)|n & n^{} = n by FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_1:47;
       then tt.n = (tt|n).{} by TREES_2:def 11
           .= [o,the carrier of S] by A9,TREES_4:def 4;
       then tt.n in [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]
        by ZFMISC_1:129;
      then reconsider g = [o,the carrier of S]-tree p as Gate of X-CircuitStr
        by A1,A9,TREES_9:25;
A10:    the_result_sort_of g = (the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr).g
           by MSUALG_1:def 7
         .= (id the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr).g by CIRCCOMB:def 7
         .= g by FUNCT_1:34;
A11:    g.{} = [o,the carrier of S] by TREES_4:def 4;
         g = (g.{})-tree the_arity_of g by Th13;
then A12:    the_arity_of g = p by TREES_4:15;
A13:    rng the_arity_of g c= Subtrees X by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
A14:    dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p) = tree doms p by TREES_4:10;
         now let x being set; assume
A15:      x in rng the_arity_of g;
        then reconsider t = x as Element of Subtrees X by A13;
        reconsider t as Term of S,V by A1,Th4;
A16:      Following(q, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at t &
         Following(q,1+height dom t).t = t@(f, A) by A7,A12,A15;
        consider z being set such that
A17:      z in dom p & t = p.z by A12,A15,FUNCT_1:def 5;
           z in dom doms p & (doms p).z = dom t by A17,FUNCT_6:31;
         then dom t in rng doms p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         then height dom t < height tree doms p by TREES_3:81;
         then 1+height dom t <= height tree doms p by NAT_1:38;
        then consider i being Nat such that
A18:      height tree doms p = (1+height dom t)+i by NAT_1:28;
           Following(q,height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p))
          = Following(Following(q,1+height dom t),i) by A14,A18,FACIRC_1:13;
        hence Following(q,height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p))
          is_stable_at x by A16,FACIRC_1:17;
       then Following Following(q,height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p))
        is_stable_at [o,the carrier of S]-tree p by A10,FACIRC_1:19;
      hence Following(q,1+height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p))
        is_stable_at [o,the carrier of S]-tree p by FACIRC_1:12;
      reconsider t = Sym(o,V)-tree p as c-Term of A,V by MSATERM:27;
A19:    Sym(o,(the Sorts of A) \/ V) = [o, the carrier of S] &
       Sym(o,V) = [o,the carrier of S] by MSAFREE:def 11;
A20:    t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree p by MSAFREE:def 11;
      deffunc f(set) = Following(q,height dom t).(p.$1);
      consider vp being FinSequence such that
A21:     len vp = len p and
A22:     for i being Nat st i in Seg len p holds vp.i = f(i) from SeqLambda;
A23:    dom vp = Seg len p & dom p = Seg len p by A21,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A24:    dom p = dom the_arity_of o by MSATERM:22;
         now let i being Nat; assume
A25:      i in dom p;
        then reconsider t = p.i as Term of S,V by MSATERM:22;
        reconsider t' = t as c-Term of A,V by MSATERM:27;
        take t';
           the_sort_of t = the_sort_of t' by Th1;
        hence t' = p.i & the_sort_of t' = (the_arity_of o).i by A25,MSATERM:23;
      then reconsider p' = p as ArgumentSeq of o,A,V by A24,MSATERM:24;
         now let i being Nat; assume
A26:      i in dom p;
        let t being c-Term of A,V; assume
A27:      t = p.i;
then A28:      t in rng p by A26,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        then reconsider tt = t as Element of Subtrees X by A12,A13;
        reconsider tt as Term of S,V by A1,Th4;
A29:      Following(q, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at tt &
         Following(q, 1+height dom t).tt = tt@(f, A) by A7,A28;
A30:      vp.i = Following(q, height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p)).t
          by A20,A22,A23,A26,A27;
           i in dom doms p & (doms p).i = dom t by A26,A27,FUNCT_6:31;
         then dom t in rng doms p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         then height dom t < height tree doms p by TREES_3:81;
         then 1+height dom t <= height tree doms p by NAT_1:38;
        then consider j being Nat such that
A31:      height tree doms p = (1+height dom t)+j by NAT_1:28;
           Following(q,height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p))
          = Following(Following(q,1+height dom t),j) by A14,A31,FACIRC_1:13;
         then Following(q,height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p)).t
          = Following(q,1+height dom t).t by A29,FACIRC_1:def 9;
        hence vp.i = t@f by A29,A30,Def7;
then A32:     (Sym(o,(the Sorts of A) \/ V)-tree p' qua c-Term of A,V)@f = Den(
        by A21,MSATERM:43;
           rng p c= the carrier of X-CircuitStr &
         dom Following(q, height dom t) = the carrier of X-CircuitStr
          by A12,CIRCUIT1:4,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
        hence dom (Following(q, height dom t)*p) = dom p by RELAT_1:46;
        let z be set; assume
A33:      z in Seg len p; then reconsider i = z as Nat;
           vp.i = Following(q, height dom t).(p.i) by A22,A33;
        hence vp.z = (Following(q, height dom t)*p).z by A23,A33,FUNCT_1:23;
then A34:  vp = Following(q, height dom t)*the_arity_of g by A12,A23,FUNCT_1:9;
         Den(g, X-Circuit A) = Den(o,A) by A11,Th17;
       then Den(o,A).vp = (Following Following(q,height dom t)).t
        by A10,A20,A34,FACIRC_1:10;
      hence Following(q,1+height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p)).
           ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p) = t@f by A19,A32,FACIRC_1:12
           .= ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p)@(f, A) by A19,Def7;
    thus for t being Term of S,V holds P[t] from TermInd(A2,A6);

   not (ex t being Term of S,V, o being OperSymbol of S st
       t in Subtrees X & t.{} = [o,the carrier of S] & the_arity_of o = {})
  for s being State of X-Circuit A
  for f being CompatibleValuation of s
  for t being Term of S,V st t in Subtrees X holds
   Following(s, height dom t) is_stable_at t &
   Following(s, height dom t).t = t@(f, A)
  proof assume
A1: not ex t being Term of S,V, o being OperSymbol of S st
       t in Subtrees X & t.{} = [o,the carrier of S] & the_arity_of o = {};
   let q be State of X-Circuit A;
   let f be CompatibleValuation of q;
A2:  X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#Subtrees X,
        [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X,
        [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-ImmediateSubtrees X,
        id ([:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X)#)
      by Def1;
    defpred P[finite DecoratedTree] means $1 in Subtrees X implies
     Following(q, height dom $1) is_stable_at $1 &
     Following(q, height dom $1).$1 = $1@(f, A);
A3:  for s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s holds
        P[root-tree [v,s]]
     proof let s being SortSymbol of S, v being Element of V.s; assume
A4:    root-tree [v,s] in Subtrees X;
       then root-tree [v,s] in InputVertices (X-CircuitStr) by Th12;
      hence Following(q, height dom root-tree [v,s])
        is_stable_at root-tree [v,s] by FACIRC_1:18;
      reconsider t = root-tree [v,s] as c-Term of A, V by MSATERM:8;
A5:     t is Term of S, V by MSATERM:4;
         dom root-tree [v,s] = elementary_tree 0 by TREES_4:3;
      hence Following(q,height dom root-tree [v,s]).root-tree [v,s]
        = q.root-tree [v,s] by FACIRC_1:11,TREES_1:79
       .= f.s.v by A4,Def8
       .= (v-term A)@f by MSATERM:42
       .= t@f by MSATERM:def 4
       .= (root-tree [v,s])@(f, A) by A5,Def7;
A6:  for o being OperSymbol of S,
        p being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,V)
     st for t being Term of S,V st t in rng p holds P[t]
     holds P[[o,the carrier of S]-tree p]
     proof let o being OperSymbol of S, p being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,V) such
A7:    for t being Term of S,V st t in rng p & t in Subtrees X holds
        Following(q, height dom t) is_stable_at t &
        Following(q, height dom t).t = t@(f, A) and
A8:    [o,the carrier of S]-tree p in Subtrees X;
      consider tt being Element of X, n being Node of tt such that
A9:    [o,the carrier of S]-tree p = tt|n by A8,TREES_9:20;
         <*>NAT in (dom tt)|n & n^{} = n by FINSEQ_1:47,TREES_1:47;
       then tt.n = (tt|n).{} by TREES_2:def 11
           .= [o,the carrier of S] by A9,TREES_4:def 4;
       then tt.n in [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]
        by ZFMISC_1:129;
      then reconsider g = [o,the carrier of S]-tree p as Gate of X-CircuitStr
        by A2,A9,TREES_9:25;
A10:    the_result_sort_of g = (the ResultSort of X-CircuitStr).g
           by MSUALG_1:def 7
         .= (id the OperSymbols of X-CircuitStr).g by CIRCCOMB:def 7
         .= g by FUNCT_1:34;
A11:    g.{} = [o,the carrier of S] by TREES_4:def 4;
         g = (g.{})-tree the_arity_of g by Th13;
then A12:    the_arity_of g = p by TREES_4:15;
A13:    rng the_arity_of g c= Subtrees X by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
A14:    dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p) = tree doms p by TREES_4:10;
         now assume height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p) = 0;
         then dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p) = elementary_tree 0
          by TREES_1:80;
         then [o,the carrier of S]-tree p = root-tree [o,the carrier of S]
          by A11,TREES_4:5;
         then p = {} by TREES_4:17;
         then len p = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
         then len the_arity_of o = 0 by MSATERM:22;
         then the_arity_of o = {} & g is Term of S,V by Th4,FINSEQ_1:25;
        hence contradiction by A1,A8,A11;
      then consider h being Nat such that
A15:    height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p) = h+1 by NAT_1:22;
         now let x being set; assume
A16:      x in rng the_arity_of g;
        then reconsider t = x as Element of Subtrees X by A13;
        reconsider t as Term of S,V by A2,Th4;
A17:      Following(q, height dom t) is_stable_at t &
         Following(q, height dom t).t = t@(f, A) by A7,A12,A16;
        consider z being set such that
A18:      z in dom p & t = p.z by A12,A16,FUNCT_1:def 5;
           z in dom doms p & (doms p).z = dom t by A18,FUNCT_6:31;
         then dom t in rng doms p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         then height dom t < height tree doms p by TREES_3:81;
         then height dom t <= h by A14,A15,NAT_1:38;
        then consider i being Nat such that
A19:      h = (height dom t)+i by NAT_1:28;
           Following(q,h) = Following(Following(q,height dom t),i)
          by A19,FACIRC_1:13;
        hence Following(q,h) is_stable_at x by A17,FACIRC_1:17;
       then Following Following(q,h) is_stable_at [o,the carrier of S]-tree p
        by A10,FACIRC_1:19;
      hence Following(q,height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p))
        is_stable_at [o,the carrier of S]-tree p by A15,FACIRC_1:12;
      reconsider t = Sym(o,V)-tree p as c-Term of A,V by MSATERM:27;
A20:    Sym(o,(the Sorts of A) \/ V) = [o, the carrier of S] &
       Sym(o,V) = [o,the carrier of S] by MSAFREE:def 11;
A21:    t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree p by MSAFREE:def 11;
deffunc f(set) = Following(q,h).(p.$1);
      consider vp being FinSequence such that
A22:     len vp = len p and
A23:     for i being Nat st i in Seg len p
        holds vp.i = f(i) from SeqLambda;
A24:    dom vp = Seg len p & dom p = Seg len p by A22,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A25:    dom p = dom the_arity_of o by MSATERM:22;
         now let i being Nat; assume
A26:      i in dom p;
        then reconsider t = p.i as Term of S,V by MSATERM:22;
        reconsider t' = t as c-Term of A,V by MSATERM:27;
        take t';
           the_sort_of t = the_sort_of t' by Th1;
        hence t' = p.i & the_sort_of t' = (the_arity_of o).i by A26,MSATERM:23;
      then reconsider p' = p as ArgumentSeq of o,A,V by A25,MSATERM:24;
         now let i being Nat; assume
A27:      i in dom p;
        let t being c-Term of A,V; assume
A28:      t = p.i;
then A29:      t in rng p by A27,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        then reconsider tt = t as Element of Subtrees X by A12,A13;
        reconsider tt as Term of S,V by A2,Th4;
A30:      Following(q, height dom t) is_stable_at tt &
         Following(q, height dom t).tt = tt@(f, A) by A7,A29;
A31:      vp.i = Following(q,h).t by A23,A24,A27,A28;
           i in dom doms p & (doms p).i = dom t by A27,A28,FUNCT_6:31;
         then dom t in rng doms p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         then height dom t < height tree doms p by TREES_3:81;
         then height dom t <= h by A14,A15,NAT_1:38;
        then consider j being Nat such that
A32:      h = (height dom t)+j by NAT_1:28;
           Following(q,h) = Following(Following(q,height dom t),j)
          by A32,FACIRC_1:13;
         then Following(q,h).t = Following(q,height dom t).t by A30,FACIRC_1:
def 9;
        hence vp.i = t@f by A30,A31,Def7;
then A33:     (Sym(o,(the Sorts of A) \/ V)-tree p' qua c-Term of A,V)@f = Den(
        by A22,MSATERM:43;
           rng p c= the carrier of X-CircuitStr &
         dom Following(q, h) = the carrier of X-CircuitStr
          by A12,CIRCUIT1:4,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
        hence dom (Following(q, h)*p) = dom p by RELAT_1:46;
        let z be set; assume
A34:      z in Seg len p; then reconsider i = z as Nat;
           vp.i = Following(q, h).(p.i) by A23,A34;
        hence vp.z = (Following(q, h)*p).z by A24,A34,FUNCT_1:23;
then A35:     vp = Following(q, h)*the_arity_of g by A12,A24,FUNCT_1:9;
         Den(g, X-Circuit A) = Den(o,A) by A11,Th17;
       then Den(o,A).vp = (Following Following(q,h)).t by A10,A21,A35,FACIRC_1:
      hence Following(q,height dom ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p)).
           ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p) = t@f by A15,A20,A33,FACIRC_1:12
          .= ([o,the carrier of S]-tree p)@(f, A) by A20,Def7;
   thus for t being Term of S,V holds P[t] from TermInd(A3,A6);

begin :: <section4>Circuit similarity</section4>

 let X be set;
 cluster id X -> one-to-one;
 coherence by FUNCT_1:52;

 let f be one-to-one Function;
 cluster f" -> one-to-one;
 coherence by FUNCT_1:62;
 let g be one-to-one Function;
 cluster g*f -> one-to-one;
 coherence by FUNCT_1:46;

 let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
 let f,g be Function;
 pred S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g means:
   f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one &
   f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 &
   f", g" form_morphism_between S2, S1;

theorem Th24:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign, f,g being Function
  st S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g
  holds the carrier of S2 = f.:the carrier of S1 &
        the OperSymbols of S2 = g.:the OperSymbols of S1
  proof let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign, f,g be Function such that
A1: f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one and
A2: f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 and
A3: f", g" form_morphism_between S2, S1;
   thus the carrier of S2 = dom (f") by A3,PUA2MSS1:def 13
     .= rng f by A1,FUNCT_1:55
     .= f.:dom f by RELAT_1:146
     .= f.:the carrier of S1 by A2,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
   thus the OperSymbols of S2 = dom (g") by A3,PUA2MSS1:def 13
     .= rng g by A1,FUNCT_1:55
     .= g.:dom g by RELAT_1:146
     .= g.:the OperSymbols of S1 by A2,PUA2MSS1:def 13;

theorem Th25:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign, f,g being Function
  st S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g
  holds rng f = the carrier of S2 & rng g = the OperSymbols of S2
  proof let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign, f,g be Function such that
A1: f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one and
      f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 and
A2: f", g" form_morphism_between S2, S1;
   thus rng f = dom (f") by A1,FUNCT_1:55
             .= the carrier of S2 by A2,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
   thus rng g = dom (g") by A1,FUNCT_1:55
             .= the OperSymbols of S2 by A2,PUA2MSS1:def 13;

theorem Th26:
 for S being non empty ManySortedSign holds
  S, S are_equivalent_wrt id the carrier of S, id the OperSymbols of S
  proof let S be non empty ManySortedSign;
   set f = id the carrier of S, g = id the OperSymbols of S;
   thus f is one-to-one;
      f" = f & g" = g by FUNCT_1:67;
   hence thesis by INSTALG1:9;

theorem Th27:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign, f,g being Function
  st S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g
  holds S2, S1 are_equivalent_wrt f", g"
  proof let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign, f,g be Function such that
A1: f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one and
A2: f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 and
A3: f", g" form_morphism_between S2, S1;
   thus f" is one-to-one & g" is one-to-one by A1,FUNCT_1:62;
      f" " = f & g" " = g by A1,FUNCT_1:65;
   hence thesis by A2,A3;

theorem Th28:
 for S1, S2, S3 being non empty ManySortedSign, f1,g1, f2,g2 being Function
  st S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f1, g1 & S2, S3 are_equivalent_wrt f2, g2
  holds S1, S3 are_equivalent_wrt f2*f1, g2*g1
  proof let S1, S2, S3 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f1,g1, f2,g2 be Function such that
A1: f1 is one-to-one & g1 is one-to-one and
A2: f1, g1 form_morphism_between S1, S2 and
A3: f1", g1" form_morphism_between S2, S1 and
A4: f2 is one-to-one & g2 is one-to-one and
A5: f2, g2 form_morphism_between S2, S3 and
A6: f2", g2" form_morphism_between S3, S2;
   thus f2*f1 is one-to-one & g2*g1 is one-to-one by A1,A4,FUNCT_1:46;
      (f2*f1)" = f1"*f2" & (g2*g1)" = g1"*g2" by A1,A4,FUNCT_1:66;
   hence thesis by A2,A3,A5,A6,PUA2MSS1:30;

theorem Th29:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign, f,g being Function
  st S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g
   f.:InputVertices S1 = InputVertices S2 &
   f.:InnerVertices S1 = InnerVertices S2
  proof let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign, f,g be Function such that
A1: S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g;
A2: f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one by A1,Def9;
A3: f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 by A1,Def9;
A4: rng g = the OperSymbols of S2 &
    dom the ResultSort of S2 = the OperSymbols of S2 by A1,Th25,FUNCT_2:def 1;
A5: InputVertices S1 = (the carrier of S1) \ rng the ResultSort of S1
     by MSAFREE2:def 2;
A6: InputVertices S2 = (the carrier of S2) \ rng the ResultSort of S2
     by MSAFREE2:def 2;
A7: f.:rng the ResultSort of S1
      = rng (f*the ResultSort of S1) by RELAT_1:160
     .= rng ((the ResultSort of S2)*g) by A3,PUA2MSS1:def 13
     .= rng the ResultSort of S2 by A4,RELAT_1:47;
   thus f.:InputVertices S1
      = f.:(the carrier of S1) \ f.:
rng the ResultSort of S1 by A2,A5,FUNCT_1:123
     .= InputVertices S2 by A1,A6,A7,Th24;
   thus f.:InnerVertices S1 = f.:rng the ResultSort of S1 by MSAFREE2:def 3
     .= InnerVertices S2 by A7,MSAFREE2:def 3;

 let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
 pred S1, S2 are_equivalent means
    ex f,g being one-to-one Function st S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g;
  proof let S be non empty ManySortedSign;
   take id the carrier of S, id the OperSymbols of S;
   thus thesis by Th26;
  proof let S1,S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   given f, g being one-to-one Function such that
A1: S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g;
   take f", g";
   thus thesis by A1,Th27;

   for S1, S2, S3 being non empty ManySortedSign
  st S1, S2 are_equivalent & S2, S3 are_equivalent
  holds S1, S3 are_equivalent
  proof let S1, S2, S3 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   given f1,g1 be one-to-one Function such that
A1: S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f1, g1;
   given f2,g2 be one-to-one Function such that
A2: S2, S3 are_equivalent_wrt f2, g2;
   take f2*f1, g2*g1;
   thus thesis by A1,A2,Th28;

 let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
 let f be Function;
 pred f preserves_inputs_of S1, S2 means
   f.:InputVertices S1 c= InputVertices S2;

theorem Th31:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign
 for f, g being Function st f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2
 for v being Vertex of S1 holds f.v is Vertex of S2
  proof let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f, g be Function; assume
A1: dom f = the carrier of S1 & dom g = the OperSymbols of S1 &
    rng f c= the carrier of S2;
      now let v be Vertex of S1; f.v in rng f by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     hence f.v in the carrier of S2 by A1;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th32:
 for S1, S2 being non empty non void ManySortedSign
 for f, g being Function st f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2
 for v being Gate of S1 holds g.v is Gate of S2
  proof let S1, S2 be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
   let f, g be Function; assume
A1: dom f = the carrier of S1 & dom g = the OperSymbols of S1 &
    rng f c= the carrier of S2 & rng g c= the OperSymbols of S2;
      now let v be Gate of S1; g.v in rng g by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     hence g.v in the OperSymbols of S2 by A1;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th33:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign
 for f, g being Function st f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2
  holds f.:InnerVertices S1 c= InnerVertices S2
   let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f, g be Function such that
A1: f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2;
A2: InnerVertices S1 = rng the ResultSort of S1 &
    InnerVertices S2 = rng the ResultSort of S2 by MSAFREE2:def 3;
      f*the ResultSort of S1 = (the ResultSort of S2)*g
     by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
    then f.:InnerVertices S1 = rng ((the ResultSort of S2)*g) by A2,RELAT_1:160
   hence thesis by A2,RELAT_1:45;

theorem Th34:
 for S1, S2 being Circuit-like (non void non empty ManySortedSign)
 for f, g being Function st f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2
 for v1 being Vertex of S1 st v1 in InnerVertices S1
 for v2 being Vertex of S2 st v2 = f.v1
  holds action_at v2 = g.action_at v1
  proof let S1, S2 be Circuit-like (non void non empty ManySortedSign);
   let f,g be Function such that
A1: f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2;
   let v1 be Vertex of S1 such that
A2: v1 in InnerVertices S1;
   let v2 be Vertex of S2 such that
A3: v2 = f.v1;
   reconsider g1 = g.action_at v1 as Gate of S2 by A1,Th32;
A4: dom g = the OperSymbols of S1 & dom f = the carrier of S1
     by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
A5: dom the ResultSort of S1 = the OperSymbols of S1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A6: f.:InnerVertices S1 c= InnerVertices S2 by A1,Th33;
A7: v2 in f.:InnerVertices S1 by A2,A3,A4,FUNCT_1:def 12;
      the_result_sort_of g1 = (the ResultSort of S2).g1 by MSUALG_1:def 7
              .= ((the ResultSort of S2)*g).action_at v1 by A4,FUNCT_1:23
              .= (f*the ResultSort of S1).action_at v1 by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13
              .= f.((the ResultSort of S1).action_at v1) by A5,FUNCT_1:23
              .= f.(the_result_sort_of action_at v1) by MSUALG_1:def 7
              .= v2 by A2,A3,MSAFREE2:def 7;
   hence thesis by A6,A7,MSAFREE2:def 7;

 let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
 let f,g be Function;
 let C1 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S1;
 let C2 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S2;
 pred f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 means:
  f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one & f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 &
  the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f &
  the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g;

theorem Th35:
 for S being non empty ManySortedSign
 for C being non-empty MSAlgebra over S
  holds id the carrier of S, id the OperSymbols of S form_embedding_of C, C
  proof let S be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let C be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   thus id the carrier of S is one-to-one;
      dom the Sorts of C = the carrier of S &
    dom the Charact of C = the OperSymbols of S by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hence thesis by INSTALG1:9,RELAT_1:78;

theorem Th36:
 for S1,S2,S3 being non empty ManySortedSign
 for f1,g1, f2,g2 being Function
 for C1 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S1
 for C2 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S2
 for C3 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S3
  st f1,g1 form_embedding_of C1,C2 & f2,g2 form_embedding_of C2,C3
  holds f2*f1, g2*g1 form_embedding_of C1, C3
  proof let S1, S2, S3 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f1,g1, f2,g2 be Function;
   let C1 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S1;
   let C2 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S2;
   let C3 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S3 such that
A1: f1 is one-to-one & g1 is one-to-one and
A2: f1, g1 form_morphism_between S1, S2 and
A3: the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f1 and
A4: the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g1 and
A5: f2 is one-to-one & g2 is one-to-one and
A6: f2, g2 form_morphism_between S2, S3 and
A7: the Sorts of C2 = (the Sorts of C3)*f2 and
A8: the Charact of C2 = (the Charact of C3)*g2;
   thus f2*f1 is one-to-one & g2*g1 is one-to-one by A1,A5,FUNCT_1:46;
   thus f2*f1, g2*g1 form_morphism_between S1, S3 by A2,A6,PUA2MSS1:30;
   thus thesis by A3,A4,A7,A8,RELAT_1:55;

 let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
 let f,g be Function;
 let C1 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S1;
 let C2 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S2;
 pred C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g means:
  f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f", g" form_embedding_of C2, C1;

theorem Th37:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign
 for f, g being Function
 for C1 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S1
 for C2 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S2
  st C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g
  holds S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g
   let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f,g be Function;
   let C1 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S1;
   let C2 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S2;
      f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one & f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 &
    the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f &
    the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g &
    f" is one-to-one & g" is one-to-one &
    f", g" form_morphism_between S2, S1;
   hence thesis by Def9;

theorem Th38:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign
 for f, g being Function
 for C1 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S1
 for C2 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S2 holds
   C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g
   S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g &
   the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f &
   the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g
   let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f,g be Function;
   let C1 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S1;
   let C2 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S2;
   hereby assume
A1:  C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g;
    hence S1, S2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g by Th37;
       f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 by A1,Def13;
    hence the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f &
     the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g by Def12;
   assume that
A2: f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one and
A3: f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 and
A4: f", g" form_morphism_between S2, S1 and
A5: the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f &
    the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g;
      f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one & f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 &
    the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f &
    the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g by A2,A3,A5;
   thus f" is one-to-one & g" is one-to-one by A2,FUNCT_1:62;
   thus f", g" form_morphism_between S2, S1 by A4;
      dom (f") = the carrier of S2 by A4,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
    then rng f = the carrier of S2 by A2,FUNCT_1:55;
    then f*(f") = id the carrier of S2 by A2,FUNCT_1:61
          .= id dom the Sorts of C2 by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hence the Sorts of C2 = (the Sorts of C2)*(f*f") by RELAT_1:78
      .= (the Sorts of C1)*f" by A5,RELAT_1:55;
      dom (g") = the OperSymbols of S2 by A4,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
    then rng g = the OperSymbols of S2 by A2,FUNCT_1:55;
    then g*(g") = id the OperSymbols of S2 by A2,FUNCT_1:61
          .= id dom the Charact of C2 by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hence the Charact of C2 = (the Charact of C2)*(g*g") by RELAT_1:78
      .= (the Charact of C1)*g" by A5,RELAT_1:55;

   for S being non empty ManySortedSign
 for C being non-empty MSAlgebra over S
  holds C, C are_similar_wrt id the carrier of S, id the OperSymbols of S
  proof let S be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let C be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   set f = id the carrier of S, g = id the OperSymbols of S;
      f" = f & g" = g by FUNCT_1:67;
      f, g form_embedding_of C, C & f", g" form_embedding_of C, C by Th35;

theorem Th40:
 for S1, S2 being non empty ManySortedSign
 for f, g being Function
 for C1 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S1
 for C2 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S2
  st C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g
  holds C2, C1 are_similar_wrt f", g"
   let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f,g be Function;
   let C1 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S1;
   let C2 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S2;
A1: f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f", g" form_embedding_of C2, C1;
    then f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one by Def12;
    then f" " = f & g" " = g by FUNCT_1:65;
   hence f", g" form_embedding_of C2, C1 &
    f" ", g" " form_embedding_of C1, C2 by A1;

   for S1, S2, S3 being non empty ManySortedSign
 for f1, g1, f2, g2 being Function
 for C1 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S1
 for C2 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S2
 for C3 being non-empty MSAlgebra over S3
  st C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f1, g1 & C2, C3 are_similar_wrt f2, g2
  holds C1, C3 are_similar_wrt f2*f1, g2*g1
   let S1, S2, S3 be non empty ManySortedSign;
   let f1,g1, f2,g2 be Function;
   let C1 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S1;
   let C2 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S2;
   let C3 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S3;
A1: f1, g1 form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f1", g1" form_embedding_of C2, C1 &
    f2, g2 form_embedding_of C2, C3 & f2", g2" form_embedding_of C3, C2;
   hence f2*f1, g2*g1 form_embedding_of C1, C3 by Th36;
      f1 is one-to-one & g1 is one-to-one &
    f2 is one-to-one & g2 is one-to-one by A1,Def12;
    then (f2*f1)" = f1"*f2" & (g2*g1)" = g1"*g2" by FUNCT_1:66;
   hence thesis by A1,Th36;

 let S1, S2 be non empty ManySortedSign;
 let C1 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S1;
 let C2 be non-empty MSAlgebra over S2;
 pred C1, C2 are_similar means
    ex f, g being Function st C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g;

 G1, G2 for Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign),
 f, g for Function,
 C1 for non-empty Circuit of G1,
 C2 for non-empty Circuit of G2;

theorem Th42:
 f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 implies
  dom f = the carrier of G1 & rng f c= the carrier of G2 &
  dom g = the OperSymbols of G1 & rng g c= the OperSymbols of G2
  proof assume
      f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one &
    dom f = the carrier of G1 & dom g = the OperSymbols of G1 &
    rng f c= the carrier of G2 & rng g c= the OperSymbols of G2;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th43:
 f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 implies
  for o1 being Gate of G1, o2 being Gate of G2 st o2 = g.o1
   holds Den(o2, C2) = Den(o1, C1)
  proof assume that
      f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one and
A1: f, g form_morphism_between G1, G2 and
      the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f and
A2: the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g;
   let o1 be Gate of G1, o2 be Gate of G2 such that
A3: o2 = g.o1;
A4: dom g = the OperSymbols of G1 by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
   thus Den(o2, C2) = (the Charact of C2).o2 by MSUALG_1:def 11
                   .= (the Charact of C1).o1 by A2,A3,A4,FUNCT_1:23
                   .= Den(o1, C1) by MSUALG_1:def 11;

theorem Th44:
 f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 implies
  for o1 being Gate of G1, o2 being Gate of G2 st o2 = g.o1
  for s1 being State of C1, s2 being State of C2 st s1 = s2*f
   holds o2 depends_on_in s2 = o1 depends_on_in s1
  proof assume that
      f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one and
A1: f, g form_morphism_between G1, G2 and
      the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f and
      the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g;
   let o1 be Gate of G1, o2 be Gate of G2 such that
A2: o2 = g.o1;
   let s1 be State of C1, s2 be State of C2 such that
A3: s1 = s2*f;
A4: the_arity_of o1 = (the Arity of G1).o1 &
    the_arity_of o2 = (the Arity of G2).o2 by MSUALG_1:def 6;
   thus o2 depends_on_in s2 = s2*the_arity_of o2 by CIRCUIT1:def 3
     .= s2*(f*the_arity_of o1) by A1,A2,A4,PUA2MSS1:def 13
     .= s1*the_arity_of o1 by A3,RELAT_1:55
     .= o1 depends_on_in s1 by CIRCUIT1:def 3;

theorem Th45:
 f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 implies
  for s being State of C2 holds s*f is State of C1
  proof set S1 = G1, S2 = G2;
   assume that
      f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one and
A1: f, g form_morphism_between S1, S2 and
A2: the Sorts of C1 = (the Sorts of C2)*f and
      the Charact of C1 = (the Charact of C2)*g;
   let s be State of C2;
A3: dom the Sorts of C2 = the carrier of S2 &
    dom the Sorts of C1 = the carrier of S1 by PBOOLE:def 3;
A4: dom s = dom the Sorts of C2 &
    for x being set st x in dom the Sorts of C2
     holds s.x in (the Sorts of C2).x by CARD_3:18;
A5: rng f c= the carrier of S2 & dom f = the carrier of S1
     by A1,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
then A6: dom (s*f) = the carrier of S1 by A3,A4,RELAT_1:46;
      now let x be set; assume
A7:   x in the carrier of S1;
      then f.x in rng f & (s*f).x = s.(f.x) by A5,FUNCT_1:23,def 5;
      then (s*f).x in (the Sorts of C2).(f.x) by A3,A5,CARD_3:18;
     hence (s*f).x in (the Sorts of C1).x by A2,A5,A7,FUNCT_1:23;
   hence thesis by A3,A6,CARD_3:18;

theorem Th46:
 f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 implies
  for s2 being State of C2, s1 being State of C1
   st s1 = s2*f &
      for v being Vertex of G1 st v in InputVertices G1
       holds s2 is_stable_at f.v
   holds Following s1 = (Following s2)*f
  proof assume
A1: f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2;
then A2: f, g form_morphism_between G1, G2 by Def12;
   let s2 be State of C2, s1 be State of C1 such that
A3: s1 = s2*f and
A4: for v being Vertex of G1 st v in InputVertices G1
     holds s2 is_stable_at f.v;
   reconsider s2' = (Following s2)*f as State of C1 by A1,Th45;
A5: dom f = the carrier of G1 & rng f c= the carrier of G2
     by A2,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
      now let v be Vertex of G1;
A6:   s2'.v = (Following s2).(f.v) by A5,FUNCT_1:23;
     reconsider fv = f.v as Vertex of G2 by A2,Th31;
     hereby assume v in InputVertices G1;
       then s2 is_stable_at f.v & Following(s2, 1) = Following s2
        by A4,FACIRC_1:14;
      hence s2'.v = s2.(f.v) by A6,FACIRC_1:def 9 .= s1.v by A3,A5,FUNCT_1:23;
A7:   f.:InnerVertices G1 c= InnerVertices G2 by A2,Th33;
A8:   v in InnerVertices G1;
then A9:   fv in f.:InnerVertices G1 by A5,FUNCT_1:def 12;
A10:   action_at fv = g.action_at v by A2,A8,Th34;
     thus s2'.v
        = (Den(action_at fv, C2)).(action_at fv depends_on_in s2)
           by A6,A7,A9,CIRCUIT2:def 5
       .= (Den(action_at v, C1)).(action_at fv depends_on_in s2)
           by A1,A10,Th43
       .= (Den(action_at v,C1)).(action_at v depends_on_in s1)
           by A1,A3,A10,Th44;
   hence thesis by CIRCUIT2:def 5;

theorem Th47:
 f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2 implies
  for s2 being State of C2, s1 being State of C1 st s1 = s2*f
   holds Following s1 = (Following s2)*f
  proof assume that
A1: f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 and
A2: f.:InputVertices G1 c= InputVertices G2;
   let s2 be State of C2, s1 be State of C1 such that
A3: s1 = s2*f;
A4: dom f = the carrier of G1 by A1,Th42;
      now let v be Vertex of G1; assume v in InputVertices G1;
      then f.v in f.:InputVertices G1 by A4,FUNCT_1:def 12;
     hence s2 is_stable_at f.v by A2,FACIRC_1:18;
   hence thesis by A1,A3,Th46;

theorem Th48:
 f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2 implies
  for s2 being State of C2, s1 being State of C1 st s1 = s2*f
  for n being Nat
   holds Following(s1,n) = Following(s2,n)*f
  proof assume that
A1: f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 and
A2: f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2;
   let s2 be State of C2, s1 be State of C1 such that
A3: s1 = s2*f;
defpred P[Nat] means Following(s1,$1) = Following(s2,$1)*f;
      Following(s1,0) = s1 by FACIRC_1:11;
then A4: P[0] by A3,FACIRC_1:11;
A5: now let n be Nat; assume P[n];
      then Following Following(s1,n) = (Following Following(s2,n))*f
       by A1,A2,Th47;
     then Following(s1,n+1) = (Following Following(s2,n))*f by FACIRC_1:12
        .= Following(s2,n+1)*f by FACIRC_1:12;
     hence P[n+1];
   thus for n be Nat holds P[n] from Ind(A4,A5);

   f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2 implies
  for s2 being State of C2, s1 being State of C1 st s1 = s2*f
   holds s2 is stable implies s1 is stable
  proof assume
A1: f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2;
   let s2 be State of C2, s1 be State of C1 such that
A2: s1 = s2*f;
   assume s2 = Following s2;
   hence s1 = Following s1 by A1,A2,Th47;

theorem Th50:
 f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2 implies
  for s2 being State of C2, s1 being State of C1 st s1 = s2*f
  for v1 being Vertex of G1
   holds s1 is_stable_at v1 iff s2 is_stable_at f.v1
  proof assume
A1: f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2;
   let s2 be State of C2, s1 be State of C1 such that
A2: s1 = s2*f;
   let v1 be Vertex of G1;
A3: f,g form_morphism_between G1,G2 by A1,Def12;
then A4: dom f = the carrier of G1 by PUA2MSS1:def 13;
   reconsider v2 = f.v1 as Vertex of G2 by A3,Th31;
   thus s1 is_stable_at v1 implies s2 is_stable_at f.v1
     proof assume
A5:    for n being Nat holds (Following(s1,n)).v1 = s1.v1;
      let n be Nat;
         Following(s1,n) = Following(s2,n)*f by A1,A2,Th48;
      hence (Following(s2,n)).(f.v1)
          = (Following(s1,n)).v1 by A4,FUNCT_1:23
         .= s1.v1 by A5
         .= s2.(f.v1) by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:23;
A6: for n being Nat holds (Following(s2,n)).(f.v1) = s2.(f.v1);
   let n be Nat;
      Following(s1,n) = Following(s2,n)*f by A1,A2,Th48;
   hence (Following(s1,n)).v1
       = (Following(s2,n)).v2 by A4,FUNCT_1:23
      .= s2.v2 by A6
      .= s1.v1 by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:23;

   C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g implies
  for s being State of C2 holds s*f is State of C1
  proof assume f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2;
   hence thesis by Th45;

theorem Th52:
 C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g implies
  for s1 being State of C1, s2 being State of C2
   holds s1 = s2*f iff s2 = s1*f"
  proof assume
A1: f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f", g" form_embedding_of C2, C1;
then A2: f is one-to-one & f" is one-to-one by Def12;
   let s1 be State of C1;
   let s2 be State of C2;
      f, g form_morphism_between G1, G2 by A1,Def12;
then A3: dom f = the carrier of G1 & dom s1 = the carrier of G1
     by CIRCUIT1:4,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
A4: s1*f"*f = s1*(f"*f) by RELAT_1:55 .= s1*id dom f by A2,FUNCT_1:61
           .= s1 by A3,RELAT_1:78;
      f", g" form_morphism_between G2, G1 by A1,Def12;
then A5: dom (f") = the carrier of G2 & dom s2 = the carrier of G2
     by CIRCUIT1:4,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
      s2*f*(f") = s2*(f*(f")) by RELAT_1:55
             .= s2*((f" ")*(f")) by A2,FUNCT_1:65
             .= s2*id dom (f") by A2,FUNCT_1:61;
   hence thesis by A4,A5,RELAT_1:78;

theorem Th53:
 C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g implies
   f.:InputVertices G1 = InputVertices G2 &
   f.:InnerVertices G1 = InnerVertices G2
  proof assume C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g;
    then G1, G2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g by Th37;
   hence thesis by Th29;

theorem Th54:
 C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g implies f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2
  proof assume C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g;
   hence f.:InputVertices G1 c= InputVertices G2 by Th53;

theorem Th55:
 C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g implies
  for s1 being State of C1, s2 being State of C2 st s1 = s2*f
   holds Following s1 = (Following s2)*f
  proof assume C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g;
    then f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2
     by Def13,Th54;
   hence thesis by Th47;

theorem Th56:
 C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g implies
  for s1 being State of C1, s2 being State of C2 st s1 = s2*f
  for n being Nat holds Following(s1,n) = Following(s2,n)*f
  proof assume C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g;
    then f, g form_embedding_of C1, C2 & f preserves_inputs_of G1, G2
     by Def13,Th54;
   hence thesis by Th48;

   C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g implies
  for s1 being State of C1, s2 being State of C2 st s1 = s2*f
   holds s1 is stable iff s2 is stable
  proof assume
A1: C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g;
then A2: C2, C1 are_similar_wrt f", g" by Th40;
   let s1 be State of C1, s2 be State of C2 such that
A3: s1 = s2*f;
A4:  s2 = s1*f" by A1,A3,Th52;
   thus s1 is stable implies s2 is stable
     proof assume s1 = Following s1;
      hence s2 = Following s2 by A2,A4,Th55;
   assume s2 = Following s2;
   hence s1 = Following s1 by A1,A3,Th55;

   C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g implies
  for s1 being State of C1, s2 being State of C2 st s1 = s2*f
  for v1 being Vertex of G1
   holds s1 is_stable_at v1 iff s2 is_stable_at f.v1
  proof assume
A1: C1, C2 are_similar_wrt f, g;
then A2: C2, C1 are_similar_wrt f", g" by Th40;
   let s1 be State of C1, s2 be State of C2 such that
A3: s1 = s2*f;
   let v1 be Vertex of G1;
A4: G1, G2 are_equivalent_wrt f, g by A1,Th38;
then A5: f,g form_morphism_between G1,G2 & f",g" form_morphism_between G2,G1
     by Def9;
then A6: dom f = the carrier of G1 & dom (f") = the carrier of G2
     by PUA2MSS1:def 13;
   reconsider v2 = f.v1 as Vertex of G2 by A5,Th31;
      f is one-to-one by A4,Def9;
then A7: v1 = f".v2 by A6,FUNCT_1:56;
   thus s1 is_stable_at v1 implies s2 is_stable_at f.v1
     proof assume
A8:    for n being Nat holds (Following(s1,n)).v1 = s1.v1;
      let n be Nat;
         Following(s1,n) = Following(s2,n)*f by A1,A3,Th56;
      hence (Following(s2,n)).(f.v1)
          = (Following(s1,n)).v1 by A6,FUNCT_1:23
         .= s1.v1 by A8
         .= s2.(f.v1) by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:23;
A9: for n being Nat holds (Following(s2,n)).(f.v1) = s2.(f.v1);
   let n be Nat;
     s2 = s1*f" by A1,A3,Th52;
    then Following(s2,n) = Following(s1,n)*f" by A2,Th56;
   hence (Following(s1,n)).v1
       = (Following(s2,n)).v2 by A6,A7,FUNCT_1:23
      .= s2.v2 by A9
      .= s1.v1 by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:23;

begin :: <section5>Term specification</section5>

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;
 let G be Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
 let C be non-empty Circuit of G;
 pred C calculates X, A means:
  ex f, g st f, g form_embedding_of X-Circuit A, C &
             f preserves_inputs_of X-CircuitStr, G;

 pred X, A specifies C means
     C, X-Circuit A are_similar;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;

 let G be Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
 let C be non-empty Circuit of G;
 assume C calculates X, A;
    then consider f, g such that
    A1: f, g form_embedding_of X-Circuit A, C and
    A2: f preserves_inputs_of X-CircuitStr, G by Def15;
    A3: f is one-to-one by A1,Def12;
 mode SortMap of X, A, C -> one-to-one Function means:
  it preserves_inputs_of X-CircuitStr, G &
  ex g st it, g form_embedding_of X-Circuit A, C;
 existence by A1,A2,A3;

 let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign;
 let V be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
 let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
 let X be non empty Subset of S-Terms V;

 let G be Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
 let C be non-empty Circuit of G such that
A1:   C calculates X, A;
 let f be SortMap of X, A, C;
    consider g such that
    A2: f, g form_embedding_of X-Circuit A, C by A1,Def17;
    A3: g is one-to-one by A2,Def12;
 mode OperMap of X, A, C, f -> one-to-one Function means
    f, it form_embedding_of X-Circuit A, C;
 existence by A2,A3;

theorem Th59:
 for G being Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign)
 for C being non-empty Circuit of G
  st X, A specifies C
  holds C calculates X, A
  proof let G be Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
   let C be non-empty Circuit of G;
   given f, g being Function such that
A1: C, X-Circuit A are_similar_wrt f, g;
   take f", g";
   thus f", g" form_embedding_of X-Circuit A, C by A1,Def13;
      X-Circuit A, C are_similar_wrt f", g" by A1,Th40;
   hence thesis by Th54;

theorem Th60:
 for G being Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign)
 for C being non-empty Circuit of G
                       st C calculates X, A
 for f being SortMap of X, A, C
 for t being Term of S,V st t in Subtrees X
 for s being State of C
  holds Following(s, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at f.t &
 for s' being State of X-Circuit A st s' = s*f
 for h being CompatibleValuation of s'
  holds Following(s, 1+height dom t).(f.t) = t@(h, A)
  proof let G be Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
   let C be non-empty Circuit of G such that
A1: C calculates X, A;
   let f be SortMap of X, A, C;
   consider g such that
A2: f, g form_embedding_of X-Circuit A, C by A1,Def17;
A3: f preserves_inputs_of X-CircuitStr, G by A1,Def17;
A4: f, g form_morphism_between X-CircuitStr, G by A2,Def12;
   let t be Term of S,V such that
A5: t in Subtrees X;
   let s be State of C;
   reconsider s' = s*f as State of X-Circuit A by A2,Th45;
     X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#
        Subtrees X, [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X,
        [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-ImmediateSubtrees X,
        id ([:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X)
       #) by Def1;
   then reconsider t' = t as Vertex of X-CircuitStr by A5;
A6: Following(s', 1+height dom t) is_stable_at t' &
    Following(s', 1+height dom t) = Following(s, 1+height dom t)*f
     by A2,A3,A5,Th22,Th48;
   hence Following(s, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at f.t by A2,A3,Th50;
   let s' be State of X-Circuit A such that
A7: s' = s*f;
   let h be CompatibleValuation of s';
      dom f = the carrier of X-CircuitStr &
    Following(s', 1+height dom t).t' = t@(h,A) by A4,A5,Th22,PUA2MSS1:def 13;
   hence Following(s, 1+height dom t).(f.t) = t@(h, A)
    by A6,A7,FUNCT_1:23;

theorem Th61:
 for G being Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign)
 for C being non-empty Circuit of G
                       st C calculates X, A
 for t being Term of S,V st t in Subtrees X
 ex v being Vertex of G st
   for s being State of C holds Following(s, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at v &
 ex f being SortMap of X, A, C st
   for s' being State of X-Circuit A st s' = s*f
   for h being CompatibleValuation of s'
    holds Following(s, 1+height dom t).v = t@(h, A)
  proof let G be Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
   let C be non-empty Circuit of G; assume
A1: C calculates X, A;
   then consider f, g such that
A2: f, g form_embedding_of X-Circuit A, C and
A3: f preserves_inputs_of X-CircuitStr, G by Def15;
      f is one-to-one by A2,Def12;
   then reconsider f as SortMap of X, A, C by A1,A2,A3,Def17;
   let t be Term of S,V such that
A4: t in Subtrees X;
A5: f, g form_morphism_between X-CircuitStr, G by A2,Def12;
      X-CircuitStr = ManySortedSign(#
        Subtrees X, [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X,
        [:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-ImmediateSubtrees X,
        id ([:the OperSymbols of S,{the carrier of S}:]-Subtrees X)
       #) by Def1;
   then reconsider t' = t as Vertex of X-CircuitStr by A4;
   reconsider v = f.t' as Vertex of G by A5,Th31;
   take v;
   let s be State of C;
   thus Following(s, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at v by A1,A4,Th60;
   take f; thus thesis by A1,A4,Th60;

   for G being Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign)
 for C being non-empty Circuit of G
                       st X, A specifies C
 for f being SortMap of X, A, C
 for s being State of C, t being Term of S,V st t in Subtrees X
  holds Following(s, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at f.t &
 for s' being State of X-Circuit A st s' = s*f
 for h being CompatibleValuation of s'
  holds Following(s, 1+height dom t).(f.t) = t@(h, A)
  proof let G be Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
   let C be non-empty Circuit of G;
   assume X, A specifies C;
    then C calculates X, A by Th59;
   hence thesis by Th60;

   for G being Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign)
 for C being non-empty Circuit of G
                       st X, A specifies C
 for t being Term of S,V st t in Subtrees X
 ex v being Vertex of G st
   for s being State of C holds Following(s, 1+height dom t) is_stable_at v &
 ex f being SortMap of X, A, C st
   for s' being State of X-Circuit A st s' = s*f
   for h being CompatibleValuation of s'
    holds Following(s, 1+height dom t).v = t@(h, A)
  proof let G be Circuit-like non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
   let C be non-empty Circuit of G;
   assume X, A specifies C;
    then C calculates X, A by Th59;
   hence thesis by Th61;

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