The Mizar article:

Definition of Integrability for Partial Functions from $\Bbb R$ to $\Bbb R$ and Integrability for Continuous Functions

Noboru Endou,
Katsumi Wasaki, and
Yasunari Shidama

Received March 23, 2000

Copyright (c) 2000 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: INTEGRA5
[ MML identifier index ]


      FCONT_1, FCONT_2, RFUNCT_2;
 schemes FINSEQ_2;

begin ::Some useful properties of finite sequence

reserve i,k,n,m for Nat;
reserve a,b,r,r1,r2,s,x,x1,x2,y for Real;
reserve A for closed-interval Subset of REAL;
reserve X for set;

theorem Th1:
for F,F1,F2 being FinSequence of REAL, r1,r2 st
(F1=<*r1*>^F or F1=F^<*r1*>) & (F2=<*r2*>^F or F2=F^<*r2*>)
holds Sum(F1-F2)=r1-r2
   let F,F1,F2 be FinSequence of REAL;
   let r1,r2;
   assume that A1:(F1=<*r1*>^F or F1=F^<*r1*>) and
   A2:(F2=<*r2*>^F or F2=F^<*r2*>);

A3:len F1 = len F2 & len F1 = len (F1-F2)
      len F1=len F+len<*r1*>&len F2=len<*r2*>+len F by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:35;
then A4: len F1=len F+1 & len F2=1+len F by FINSEQ_1:56;
      F1-F2 = diffreal.:(F1,F2) by RVSUM_1:def 6;
    hence thesis by A4,FINSEQ_2:86;
     for k st k in dom F1 holds (F1-F2).k = F1/.k - F2/.k
    let k; assume A5:k in dom F1;
    then k in Seg len F1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A6: k in dom (F1-F2) & k in dom F2 by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then F1.k = F1/.k & F2.k = F2/.k by A5,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    hence thesis by A6,RVSUM_1:47;
then A7:Sum(F1-F2)=Sum F1-Sum F2 by A3,INTEGRA1:24;
     Sum F1=r1+Sum F & Sum F2=Sum F+r2 by A1,A2,RVSUM_1:104,106;
   hence thesis by A7,XCMPLX_1:32;

theorem Th2:
for F1,F2 being FinSequence of REAL st len F1 = len F2 holds
len (F1+F2)=len F1 & len (F1-F2)=len F1 &
Sum(F1+F2)=Sum F1+Sum F2 & Sum(F1-F2)= Sum F1-Sum F2
   let F1,F2 be FinSequence of REAL;
   assume A1:len F1=len F2;
     F1+F2=addreal.:(F1,F2) by RVSUM_1:def 4;
   hence A2:len F1=len (F1+F2) by A1,FINSEQ_2:86;
     F1-F2=diffreal.:(F1,F2) by RVSUM_1:def 6;
   hence A3:len F1=len (F1-F2) by A1,FINSEQ_2:86;
     for k st k in dom F1 holds (F1+F2).k = F1/.k + F2/.k
    let k; assume A4:k in dom F1;
    then k in Seg len F1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A5: k in dom (F1+F2) & k in dom F2 by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then F1.k = F1/.k & F2.k = F2/.k by A4,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    hence thesis by A5,RVSUM_1:26;
   hence Sum(F1+F2)=Sum F1 + Sum F2 by A1,A2,INTEGRA1:23;
     for k st k in dom F1 holds (F1-F2).k = F1/.k - F2/.k
    let k; assume A6:k in dom F1;
    then k in Seg len F1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A7: k in dom (F1-F2) & k in dom F2 by A1,A3,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then F1.k = F1/.k & F2.k = F2/.k by A6,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    hence thesis by A7,RVSUM_1:47;
   hence thesis by A1,A3,INTEGRA1:24;

theorem Th3:
for F1,F2 being FinSequence of REAL st len F1 = len F2 &
(for i st i in dom F1 holds F1.i <= F2.i) holds
Sum F1 <= Sum F2
   let F1,F2 be FinSequence of REAL;
   assume that A1:len F1 = len F2 and
   A2:for i st i in dom F1 holds F1.i <= F2.i;
   reconsider R1=F1 as Element of (len F1)-tuples_on REAL by FINSEQ_2:110;
   reconsider R2=F2 as Element of (len F1)-tuples_on REAL by A1,FINSEQ_2:110;
     for i st i in Seg len F1 holds R1.i <= R2.i
    let i;
    assume i in Seg len F1;
    then i in dom F1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by A2;
   hence thesis by RVSUM_1:112;

begin :: Integrability for partial function of REAL,REAL

definition let C be non empty Subset of REAL;
let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
func f||C -> PartFunc of C,REAL equals
correctness by PARTFUN1:43;

theorem Th4:
for f,g being PartFunc of REAL,REAL, C being non empty Subset of REAL
holds (f||C)(#)(g||C) = (f(#)g)||C
   let f,g be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   let C be non empty Subset of REAL;
A1:dom (f||C(#)g||C)= dom (f||C) /\ dom (g||C) by SEQ_1:def 5
   .= dom (f|C) /\ dom(g||C) by Def1
   .= dom (f|C) /\ dom(g|C) by Def1
   .= (dom f /\ C) /\ dom (g|C) by FUNCT_1:68
   .= (dom f /\ C) /\ (dom g /\ C) by FUNCT_1:68
   .= ((dom f /\ C) /\ C) /\ dom g by XBOOLE_1:16
   .= (dom f /\ (C /\ C)) /\ dom g by XBOOLE_1:16
   .= (dom f /\ C) /\ dom g;
     dom ((f(#)g)||C)= dom ((f(#)g)|C) by Def1
   .= dom(f(#)g) /\ C by FUNCT_1:68
   .= (dom f /\ dom g) /\ C by SEQ_1:def 5;
then A2:dom (f||C(#)g||C) = dom ((f(#)g)||C) by A1,XBOOLE_1:16;

     for c being Element of C st c in dom(f||C(#)g||C) holds
   (f||C(#)g||C).c = ((f(#)g)||C).c
    let c be Element of C;
    assume A3:c in dom(f||C(#)g||C);
    then c in dom (f||C) /\ dom (g||C) by SEQ_1:def 5;
    then c in dom (f||C) & c in dom (g||C) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
then A4: c in dom (f|C) & c in dom (g|C) by Def1;
A5: (f||C(#)g||C).c = (f||C).c * (g||C).c by A3,SEQ_1:def 5
    .=(f|C).c * (g||C).c by Def1 .=(f|C).c * (g|C).c by Def1;
A6: c in dom ((f(#)g)|C) by A2,A3,Def1;
    then c in dom (f(#)g) /\ C by FUNCT_1:68;
then A7: c in dom (f(#)g) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      ((f(#)g)||C).c = ((f(#)g)|C).c by Def1 .=(f(#)g).c by A6,FUNCT_1:68
    .=f.c * g.c by A7,SEQ_1:def 5 .= (f|C).c * g.c by A4,FUNCT_1:68;
    hence thesis by A4,A5,FUNCT_1:68;
   hence thesis by A2,PARTFUN1:34;

theorem Th5:
for f,g being PartFunc of REAL,REAL, C being non empty Subset of REAL
holds (f+g)||C = f||C + g||C
   let f,g be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   let C be non empty Subset of REAL;
A1:dom ((f+g)||C) = dom ((f+g)|C) by Def1 .= dom (f+g) /\ C by FUNCT_1:68
   .= dom f /\ dom g /\ C by SEQ_1:def 3;
     dom (f||C+g||C) = dom (f||C) /\ dom (g||C) by SEQ_1:def 3
   .=dom (f|C) /\ dom (g||C) by Def1 .= dom (f|C) /\ dom (g|C) by Def1
   .= (dom f /\ C) /\ dom (g|C) by FUNCT_1:68
   .= (dom f /\ C) /\ (dom g /\ C) by FUNCT_1:68
   .= dom f /\ (C /\ (dom g /\ C)) by XBOOLE_1:16
   .= dom f /\ (dom g /\ (C /\ C)) by XBOOLE_1:16
   .= dom f /\ (dom g /\ C);
then A2:dom ((f+g)||C) = dom (f||C + g||C) by A1,XBOOLE_1:16;

     for c being Element of C st c in dom ((f+g)||C) holds
   (f+g)||C.c = (f||C + g||C).c
    let c be Element of C;
    assume A3:c in dom((f+g)||C);
then A4: c in dom((f+g)|C) by Def1;
    then c in dom(f+g) /\ C by FUNCT_1:68;
then A5: c in dom(f+g) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

A6: (f+g)||C.c = (f+g)|C.c by Def1 .= (f+g).c by A4,FUNCT_1:68
    .= f.c + g.c by A5,SEQ_1:def 3;
      c in dom(f||C) /\ dom(g||C) by A2,A3,SEQ_1:def 3;
    then c in dom(f||C) & c in dom(g||C) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
then A7: c in dom(f|C) & c in dom(g|C) by Def1;
      (f||C+g||C).c = f||C.c + g||C.c by A2,A3,SEQ_1:def 3
    .=f|C.c + g||C.c by Def1 .=f|C.c + g|C.c by Def1
    .= f.c + g|C.c by A7,FUNCT_1:68;
    hence thesis by A6,A7,FUNCT_1:68;
   hence thesis by A2,PARTFUN1:34;

definition let A be closed-interval Subset of REAL;
let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
pred f is_integrable_on A means
f||A is_integrable_on A;

definition let A be closed-interval Subset of REAL;
let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
func integral(f,A) -> Real equals

theorem Th6:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st A c= dom f holds f||A is total
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume A1:A c= dom f;
     dom (f||A) = dom (f|A) by Def1 .= dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68 .= A
   by A1,XBOOLE_1:28;
   hence f||A is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;

theorem Th7:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_bounded_above_on A holds
f||A is_bounded_above_on A
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume f is_bounded_above_on A;
   then consider r be real number such that
A1:for x st x in A /\ dom f holds
   f.x <= r by RFUNCT_1:def 9;
     for x being Element of A st x in A /\ dom (f||A) holds (f||A).x <= r
    let x be Element of A; assume A2:x in A /\ dom (f||A);
A3: dom(f|A) = dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68;
then A4: dom(f|A) c= A by XBOOLE_1:17;
A5: A /\ dom(f||A)=A /\ dom(f|A) by Def1 .= dom f /\ A by A3,A4,XBOOLE_1:28
then A6: x in A /\ dom f & x in dom(f|A) by A2,FUNCT_1:68;
      (f||A).x = (f|A).x by Def1 .= f.x by A6,FUNCT_1:68;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,A5;
   hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 9;

theorem Th8:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_bounded_below_on A holds
f||A is_bounded_below_on A
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume f is_bounded_below_on A;
   then consider r be real number such that
A1:for x st x in A /\ dom f holds
   f.x >= r by RFUNCT_1:def 10;
     for x being Element of A st x in A /\ dom (f||A) holds (f||A).x >= r
    let x be Element of A; assume A2:x in A /\ dom (f||A);
A3: dom(f|A) = dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68;
then A4: dom(f|A) c= A by XBOOLE_1:17;
A5: A /\ dom(f||A)=A /\ dom(f|A) by Def1 .= dom f /\ A by A3,A4,XBOOLE_1:28
then A6: x in A /\ dom f & x in dom(f|A) by A2,FUNCT_1:68;
      (f||A).x = (f|A).x by Def1 .= f.x by A6,FUNCT_1:68;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,A5;
   hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 10;

theorem Th9:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_bounded_on A
holds f||A is_bounded_on A
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume f is_bounded_on A;
   then f is_bounded_above_on A & f is_bounded_below_on A by RFUNCT_1:def 11;
   then f||A is_bounded_above_on A & f||A is_bounded_below_on A by Th7,Th8;
   hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 11;

begin :: Integrability for continuous function

theorem Th10:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_continuous_on A
holds f is_bounded_on A
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume A1:f is_continuous_on A;
   then f is_uniformly_continuous_on A by FCONT_2:11;
then A c= dom f by FCONT_2:def 1;
then f.:A is compact by A1,FCONT_1:30;
   then f.:A is bounded by RCOMP_1:28;
then A2:f.:A is bounded_above & f.:A is bounded_below by SEQ_4:def 3;
   then consider a be real number such that
A3:for r be real number st r in f.:A holds r <= a by SEQ_4:def 1;
   consider b be real number such that
A4:for r be real number st r in f.:A holds b <= r by A2,SEQ_4:def 2;
     for x st x in A /\ dom f holds f.x <= a
    let x; assume x in A /\ dom f;
    then x in A & x in dom f by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then f.x in f.:A by FUNCT_1:def 12;
    hence thesis by A3;
then A5:f is_bounded_above_on A by RFUNCT_1:def 9;

     for x st x in A /\ dom f holds b <= f.x
    let x; assume x in A /\ dom f;
    then x in A & x in dom f by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then f.x in f.:A by FUNCT_1:def 12;
    hence thesis by A4;
   then f is_bounded_below_on A by RFUNCT_1:def 10;
   hence thesis by A5,RFUNCT_1:def 11;

theorem Th11:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_continuous_on A
holds f is_integrable_on A
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume A1:f is_continuous_on A;
then A2:f is_uniformly_continuous_on A by FCONT_2:11;
then A3:A c= dom f & for r st 0<r ex s st 0<s & for x1,x2 st x1 in A & x2 in A
   abs(x1 - x2) < s holds abs(f.x1 - f.x2) < r by FCONT_2:def 1;

   reconsider g=f|A as PartFunc of A,REAL by PARTFUN1:43;
A4:g is total & g is_bounded_on A
A5: dom g = dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68 .= A by A3,XBOOLE_1:28;
    hence g is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;
  f.:A is compact by A1,A3,FCONT_1:30;
then A6: f.:A is bounded by RCOMP_1:28;
      rng g = f.:A
       for y being set st y in rng g holds y in f.:A
      let y be set; assume y in rng g;
      then consider x being set such that
A7:  x in dom g & y=g.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        f.x in f.:A by A3,A5,A7,FUNCT_1:def 12;
      hence thesis by A7,FUNCT_1:68;
then A8: rng g c= f.:A by TARSKI:def 3;
       for y being set st y in f.:A holds y in rng g
      let y be set; assume y in f.:A;
      then consider x being set such that
A9:  x in dom f & x in A & y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 12;
        g.x in rng g & y=g.x by A5,A9,FUNCT_1:68,def 5;
      hence thesis;
     then f.:A c= rng g by TARSKI:def 3;
     hence thesis by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
    then rng g is bounded_above & rng g is bounded_below by A6,SEQ_4:def 3;
    then g is_bounded_above_on A & g is_bounded_below_on A by INTEGRA1:14,16;
    hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 11;
   then reconsider g as Function of A,REAL by FUNCT_2:131;
     for T being DivSequence of A st delta(T) is convergent & lim delta(T)=0
   holds lim upper_sum(g,T)-lim lower_sum(g,T)=0
    let T be DivSequence of A;
    assume that A10:delta(T) is convergent and A11:lim delta(T)=0;

    reconsider osc=upper_sum(g,T)-lower_sum(g,T) as Real_Sequence;
A12:for r be real number st 0<r ex n st for m st n<=m holds abs(osc.m-0)<r
     let r be real number; assume A13:r>0;
       ex r1 st r1>0 & r1*vol(A)<r
        now per cases by INTEGRA1:11;
       suppose A14:vol(A)=0;
       consider r1 such that
A15:   r1=1;
         r1*vol(A)<r by A13,A14;
       hence thesis by A15;
       suppose A16:vol(A)>0;
       then r/vol(A) > 0 by A13,REAL_2:127;
       then consider r1 being real number such that
A17:   0<r1 & r1<r/vol(A) by REAL_1:75;
       reconsider r1 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
         r1*vol(A)<r by A16,A17,REAL_2:177;
       hence thesis by A17;
      hence thesis;
     then consider r1 such that
A18: r1>0 & r1*vol(A) < r;
     consider s such that
A19: 0<s & for x1,x2 st x1 in A & x2 in A &
     abs(x1 - x2) < s holds abs(f.x1 - f.x2) < r1 by A2,A18,FCONT_2:def 1;
     consider n such that
A20: for m st n<=m holds abs(delta(T).m-0)<s by A10,A11,A19,SEQ_2:def 7;

A21:  for m st n<=m holds upper_sum(g,T).m-lower_sum(g,T).m <=r1*vol(A)
      let m; assume A22:n<=m;
      reconsider D=T.m as Element of divs A;
A23:   for k st k in dom D holds
       let k; assume A24:k in dom D;
then A25:   divset(D,k) c= A by INTEGRA1:10;
       reconsider h=g|divset(D,k) as PartFunc of divset(D,k),REAL
       by PARTFUN1:43;
A26:   h is total & h is_bounded_on divset(D,k)
          dom g = A by A4,PARTFUN1:def 4;
        then dom g /\ divset(D,k) = divset(D,k) by A25,XBOOLE_1:28;
        then dom h = divset(D,k) by FUNCT_1:68;
        hence h is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;
          g is_bounded_above_on A & g is_bounded_below_on A
        by A4,RFUNCT_1:def 11;
        then rng h is bounded_above & rng h is bounded_below by INTEGRA4:18,19
        then h is_bounded_above_on divset(D,k) &
        h is_bounded_below_on divset(D,k) by INTEGRA1:14,16;
        hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 11;
       then reconsider h as Function of divset(D,k),REAL by FUNCT_2:131;

         for x1,x2 st x1 in divset(D,k) & x2 in divset(D,k) holds
        let x1,x2; assume A27:x1 in divset(D,k) & x2 in divset(D,k);
        A28: abs(x1-x2)<=delta(T).m
           now per cases;
          suppose x1 >= x2;
          then x1-x2>=0 by SQUARE_1:12;
then A29:      abs(x1-x2)=x1-x2 by ABSVALUE:def 1;
            x1<=sup divset(D,k) & x2>=inf divset(D,k) by A27,INTEGRA2:1;
          then abs(x1-x2)<=sup divset(D,k)-inf divset(D,k) by A29,REAL_1:92;
then A30:      abs(x1-x2)<=vol(divset(D,k)) by INTEGRA1:def 6;
A31:      k in Seg(len D) by A24,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A32:      upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k=vol(divset(D,k)) by INTEGRA1:22;
            k in Seg(len (upper_volume(chi(A,A),D))) by A31,INTEGRA1:def 7;
          then k in dom(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          then upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k in rng(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D))
          by FUNCT_1:def 5;
          then upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k<=max rng(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D))
          by PRE_CIRC:def 1;
          then upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k<=delta(T.m) by INTEGRA1:def 19;
          then abs(x1-x2)<=delta(T.m) by A30,A32,AXIOMS:22;
          hence thesis by INTEGRA2:def 3;
          suppose x1<x2;
          then x1-x2<0 by REAL_2:105;
          then abs(x1-x2)=-(x1-x2) by ABSVALUE:def 1;
then A33:      abs(x1-x2)=x2-x1 by XCMPLX_1:143;
            x2<=sup divset(D,k) & x1>=inf divset(D,k) by A27,INTEGRA2:1;
          then abs(x1-x2)<=sup divset(D,k)-inf divset(D,k) by A33,REAL_1:92;
then A34:      abs(x1-x2)<=vol(divset(D,k)) by INTEGRA1:def 6;
A35:      k in Seg(len D) by A24,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A36:      upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k=vol(divset(D,k)) by INTEGRA1:22;
            k in Seg(len (upper_volume(chi(A,A),D))) by A35,INTEGRA1:def 7;
          then k in dom(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          then upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k in rng(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D))
          by FUNCT_1:def 5;
          then upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k<=max rng(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D))
          by PRE_CIRC:def 1;
          then upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k<=delta(T.m) by INTEGRA1:def 19;
          then abs(x1-x2)<=delta(T.m) by A34,A36,AXIOMS:22;
          hence thesis by INTEGRA2:def 3;
         hence thesis;
A37:     delta(T).m = delta(D) by INTEGRA2:def 3
         .=max rng(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D)) by INTEGRA1:def 19;
A38:     k in Seg(len D) by A24,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         then upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k=vol(divset(D,k)) by INTEGRA1:22;
then A39:     upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k>=0 by INTEGRA1:11;
           k in Seg(len(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D))) by A38,INTEGRA1:def 7;
         then k in dom(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         then upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k in rng(upper_volume(chi(A,A),D))
         by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         hence thesis by A37,A39,PRE_CIRC:def 1;
then A40:    abs(x1-x2)<=abs(delta(T).m-0) by A28,ABSVALUE:def 1;
          abs(delta(T).m-0)<s by A20,A22;
then A41:    abs(x1-x2)<s by A40,AXIOMS:22;
          f.x1=h.x1 & f.x2=h.x2
A42:     x1 in dom h & x2 in dom h by A26,A27,PARTFUN1:def 4;
           dom h = dom g /\ divset(D,k) by FUNCT_1:68;
then A43:     dom h c= dom g by XBOOLE_1:17;
           g.x1=h.x1 & g.x2=h.x2 by A42,FUNCT_1:68;
         hence thesis by A42,A43,FUNCT_1:68;
        hence thesis by A19,A25,A27,A41;
then A44:   sup rng(g|divset(D,k))-inf rng(g|divset(D,k))<=r1 by INTEGRA4:24;
         vol(divset(D,k)) >= 0 by INTEGRA1:11;
       then (sup rng(g|divset(D,k))-inf rng(g|divset(D,k)))*vol(divset(D,k))
       <=r1*vol(divset(D,k)) by A44,AXIOMS:25;
then A45:   sup rng(g|divset(D,k))*vol(divset(D,k))
       -inf rng(g|divset(D,k))*vol(divset(D,k))<=r1*vol(divset(D,k))
       by XCMPLX_1:40;
A46:   k in Seg(len D) by A24,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       then upper_volume(g,D).k
       -inf rng(g|divset(D,k))*vol(divset(D,k))<=r1*vol(divset(D,k))
       by A45,INTEGRA1:def 7;
       then upper_volume(g,D).k-lower_volume(g,D).k<=r1*vol(divset(D,k))
       by A46,INTEGRA1:def 8;
       hence thesis by A46,INTEGRA1:22;
        len upper_volume(g,D) = len D by INTEGRA1:def 7;
      then reconsider UV=upper_volume(g,D) as Element of (len D)-tuples_on REAL
      by FINSEQ_2:110;
        len lower_volume(g,D) = len D by INTEGRA1:def 8;
      then reconsider LV=lower_volume(g,D) as Element of (len D)-tuples_on REAL
      by FINSEQ_2:110;
      reconsider OSC=UV-LV as Element of (len D)-tuples_on REAL;
        len upper_volume(chi(A,A),D) = len D by INTEGRA1:def 7;
      then reconsider VOL=upper_volume(chi(A,A),D)
      as Element of (len D)-tuples_on REAL by FINSEQ_2:110;

        for k st k in Seg len D holds OSC.k<=(r1*VOL).k
       let k; assume k in Seg len D;
then A47:   k in dom D by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         OSC.k = upper_volume(g,D).k-lower_volume(g,D).k by RVSUM_1:48;
       then OSC.k<=r1*VOL.k by A23,A47;
       hence thesis by RVSUM_1:67;
      then Sum OSC <= Sum(r1*VOL) by RVSUM_1:112;
      then Sum OSC <= r1*Sum VOL by RVSUM_1:117;
      then Sum UV-Sum LV <= r1*Sum VOL by RVSUM_1:120;
      then upper_sum(g,D)-Sum LV <= r1*Sum VOL by INTEGRA1:def 9;
      then upper_sum(g,D)-lower_sum(g,D) <= r1*Sum VOL by INTEGRA1:def 10;
      then upper_sum(g,D)-lower_sum(g,D) <= r1*vol(A) by INTEGRA1:26;
      then upper_sum(g,T).m-lower_sum(g,D)<=r1*vol(A) by INTEGRA2:def 4;
      hence thesis by INTEGRA2:def 5;

       for m st n<=m holds abs(osc.m-0)<r
      let m; assume n<=m;
      then upper_sum(g,T).m-lower_sum(g,T).m <= r1*vol(A) by A21;
then A48:  upper_sum(g,T).m-lower_sum(g,T).m < r by A18,AXIOMS:22;
        osc=upper_sum(g,T)+-lower_sum(g,T) by SEQ_1:15;
then A49:  osc.m=upper_sum(g,T).m+(-lower_sum(g,T)).m by SEQ_1:11
      .=upper_sum(g,T).m+-lower_sum(g,T).m by SEQ_1:14
      .=upper_sum(g,T).m-lower_sum(g,T).m by XCMPLX_0:def 8;
      reconsider D=T.m as Element of divs A;
        upper_sum(g,D)>=lower_sum(g,D) by A4,INTEGRA1:30;
      then upper_sum(g,T).m>=lower_sum(g,D) by INTEGRA2:def 4;
      then upper_sum(g,T).m>=lower_sum(g,T).m by INTEGRA2:def 5;
      then upper_sum(g,T).m-lower_sum(g,T).m >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
      hence thesis by A48,A49,ABSVALUE:def 1;
     hence thesis;

    then osc is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6;
then A50:lim osc = 0 by A12,SEQ_2:def 7;
      upper_sum(g,T) is convergent & lower_sum(g,T) is convergent
    by A4,A10,A11,INTEGRA4:8,9;
    hence thesis by A50,SEQ_2:26;
   then g is_integrable_on A by A4,INTEGRA4:12;
   then consider g being PartFunc of A,REAL such that
A51:g=f|A & g is_integrable_on A;
     f||A = g by A51,Def1;
   hence thesis by A51,Def2;

theorem Th12:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL, D being Element of divs A
st A c= X & f is_differentiable_on X & f`|X is_bounded_on A
holds lower_sum((f`|X)||A,D) <= f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) &
f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)<=upper_sum((f`|X)||A,D)
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   let D be Element of divs A;
   assume that A1:A c= X and A2:f is_differentiable_on X and
   A3:f`|X is_bounded_on A;

A4:for k st k in dom D holds ex r st r in divset(D,k) &
   f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k))=diff(f,r)*vol(divset(D,k))
    let k; assume A5:k in dom D;
      now per cases;
     suppose A6:inf divset(D,k)=sup divset(D,k);
     then sup divset(D,k)-inf divset(D,k)=0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
then A7:  vol(divset(D,k))=0 by INTEGRA1:def 6;
     consider r such that
A8:  r = sup divset(D,k);
A9:  r in divset(D,k)
      consider a,b such that
A10:  a<=b & a=inf divset(D,k) & b=sup divset(D,k) by INTEGRA1:4;
      thus thesis by A8,A10,INTEGRA2:1;
A11:  diff(f,r)*vol(divset(D,k)) = 0 by A7;
       f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k)) = 0 by A6,XCMPLX_1:14;
     hence thesis by A9,A11;

     suppose A12:inf divset(D,k)<>sup divset(D,k);
       f is_continuous_on X by A2,FDIFF_1:33;
then A13: f is_continuous_on A by A1,FCONT_1:17;
A14: divset(D,k) c= A by A5,INTEGRA1:10;
then A15: f is_continuous_on divset(D,k) by A13,FCONT_1:17;
     consider r1,r2 such that
A16: r1<=r2 & r1=inf divset(D,k) & r2=sup divset(D,k) by INTEGRA1:4;
A17: inf divset(D,k) < sup divset(D,k) by A12,A16,REAL_1:def 5;
A18: divset(D,k)=[.inf divset(D,k),sup divset(D,k).] by INTEGRA1:5;
A19: f is_continuous_on [.inf divset(D,k),sup divset(D,k).] by A15,INTEGRA1:5;
A20: ].inf divset(D,k),sup divset(D,k).[ c= divset(D,k)
     by A18,RCOMP_1:15;
     then ].inf divset(D,k),sup divset(D,k).[ c= A by A14,XBOOLE_1:1;
then ].inf divset(D,k),sup divset(D,k).[ c= X by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
     then f is_differentiable_on ].inf divset(D,k),sup divset(D,k).[
     by A2,FDIFF_1:34;
     then consider r such that
A21: r in ].inf divset(D,k),sup divset(D,k).[ &
     diff(f,r)=(f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k)))/
     (sup divset(D,k)-inf divset(D,k))
     by A17,A19,ROLLE:3;
       sup divset(D,k)-inf divset(D,k) > 0 by A17,SQUARE_1:11;
     then diff(f,r)*(sup divset(D,k)-inf divset(D,k))
     =f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k)) by A21,XCMPLX_1:88;
     then diff(f,r)*vol(divset(D,k))
     =f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k)) by INTEGRA1:def 6;
     hence thesis by A20,A21;
    hence thesis;

A22:for k,r st k in dom D & r in divset(D,k) holds
   diff(f,r) in rng (((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k))
    let k,r; assume that A23:k in dom D and A24:r in divset(D,k);
A25:divset(D,k) c= A by A23,INTEGRA1:10;
    then divset(D,k) c= X by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A26:(f`|X).r = diff(f,r) by A2,A24,FDIFF_1:def 8;
A27:dom((f`|X)|A) = dom(f`|X) /\ A by FUNCT_1:68
    .= X /\ A by A2,FDIFF_1:def 8 .= A by A1,XBOOLE_1:28;
then A28:diff(f,r)=((f`|X)|A).r by A24,A25,A26,FUNCT_1:68 .= ((f`|X)||A).r by
A29:dom(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k))=dom((f`|X)||A) /\ divset(D,k) by FUNCT_1:68
    .= A /\ divset(D,k) by A27,Def1
    .=divset(D,k) by A25,XBOOLE_1:28;
    then ((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k).r in rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k))
    by A24,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    hence thesis by A24,A28,A29,FUNCT_1:68;

A30:for k st k in dom D holds rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded
    let k; assume k in dom D;
      dom(f`|X) = X by A2,FDIFF_1:def 8;
    then reconsider g=f`|X as PartFunc of X,REAL by PARTFUN1:28;
A31:f`|X is_bounded_above_on A & f`|X is_bounded_below_on A
    by A3,RFUNCT_1:def 11;
    then consider r1 be real number such that
A32:for x st x in A /\ dom(f`|X) holds (f`|X).x <= r1 by RFUNCT_1:def 9;
    consider r2 be real number such that
A33:for x st x in A /\ dom(f`|X) holds (f`|X).x >= r2 by A31,RFUNCT_1:def 10;

A34:dom((f`|X)|A) =dom(f`|X) /\ A by FUNCT_1:68;
A35:for x st x in A /\ dom g holds g.x=((f`|X)||A).x
     let x; assume x in A /\ dom g;
     then (f`|X).x=((f`|X)|A).x by A34,FUNCT_1:68 .=((f`|X)||A).x by Def1;
     hence thesis;

      for x being Element of A st x in A /\
 dom((f`|X)||A) holds ((f`|X)||A).x<=r1
     let x be Element of A; assume x in A /\ dom((f`|X)||A);
then A36:  x in A /\ (A /\ dom(f`|X)) by A34,Def1;
A37:  A /\ (A /\ dom(f`|X)) = (A /\ A) /\ dom(f`|X) by XBOOLE_1:16
     .= A /\ dom(f`|X);
     reconsider y=g.x as Real;
       y <= r1 & g.x=((f`|X)||A).x by A32,A35,A36,A37;
     hence thesis;
    then ((f`|X)||A) is_bounded_above_on A by RFUNCT_1:def 9;
then A38:rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded_above by INTEGRA4:18;

      for x being Element of A st x in A /\
 dom((f`|X)||A) holds ((f`|X)||A).x>=r2
     let x be Element of A; assume x in A /\ dom((f`|X)||A);
then A39:  x in A /\ (A /\ dom(f`|X)) by A34,Def1;
A40:  A /\ (A /\ dom(f`|X)) = (A /\ A) /\ dom(f`|X) by XBOOLE_1:16
     .= A /\ dom(f`|X);
     reconsider y=g.x as Real;
       y >= r2 & g.x=((f`|X)||A).x by A33,A35,A39,A40;
     hence thesis;
    then ((f`|X)||A) is_bounded_below_on A by RFUNCT_1:def 10;
    then rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded_below by INTEGRA4:19;
    hence thesis by A38,SEQ_4:def 3;
   deffunc F(Nat)=f.(sup divset(D,$1))-f.(inf divset(D,$1));
   consider p being FinSequence of REAL such that
A41:len p = len D &
   for i st i in Seg(len D) holds
   p.i = F(i) from SeqLambdaD;
  len D - 1 in NAT
       len D <> 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
     then len D >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99;
     then consider j being Nat such that
A42:  len D = 1 + j by NAT_1:28;
       j = len D - 1 by A42,XCMPLX_1:26;
     hence thesis;
   then reconsider k1 =len D - 1 as Nat;
   deffunc F(Nat)=f.(sup divset(D,$1));
   consider s1 being FinSequence of REAL such that
A43:len s1 = k1 &
   for i st i in Seg k1 holds
   s1.i = F(i) from SeqLambdaD;
   deffunc G(Nat)=f.(inf divset(D,$1+1));
   consider s2 being FinSequence of REAL such that
A44:len s2 = k1 &
   for i st i in Seg k1 holds
   s2.i = G(i) from SeqLambdaD;
A45:for i st i in Seg k1 holds
   sup divset(D,i)=inf divset(D,i+1)
     let i; assume A46:i in Seg k1;
A47: k1 + 1 = len D by XCMPLX_1:27;
     then k1 <= len D by NAT_1:29;
     then Seg k1 c= Seg len D by FINSEQ_1:7;
     then i in Seg (len D) by A46;
then A48: i in dom D by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A49: i+1 in dom D
         1 <= i & i <= k1 by A46,FINSEQ_1:3;
       then 1+0 <= i+1 & i+1 <= k1+1 by REAL_1:55;
       then i+1 in Seg(len D) by A47,FINSEQ_1:3;
       hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A50:  i+1-1=i
         i+1-1=i+(1-1) by XCMPLX_1:29;
       hence thesis;
       now per cases;
       suppose A51:i=1;
       then sup divset(D,i) = D.i by A48,INTEGRA1:def 5;
       hence sup divset(D,i) = inf divset(D,i+1) by A49,A50,A51,INTEGRA1:def 5
       suppose A52:i<>1;
         i >= 1 by A46,FINSEQ_1:3;
       then i+1>=1+1 by AXIOMS:24;
then A53:   i+1 <> 1;
         sup divset(D,i) = D.i by A48,A52,INTEGRA1:def 5;
       hence thesis by A49,A50,A53,INTEGRA1:def 5;
     hence thesis;
       for i st i in Seg k1 holds s1.i = s2.i
       let i; assume A55:i in Seg k1;
       then s1.i=f.(sup divset(D,i)) by A43;
       then s1.i=f.(inf divset(D,i+1)) by A45,A55;
       hence thesis by A44,A55;
     hence thesis by A43,A44,FINSEQ_2:10;
A56:len (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>) = len (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2) &
   len (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>) = len p &
   (for i st i in dom (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>) holds
   p.i=((s1^<*f.(sup A)*>)/.i) - ((<*f.(inf A)*>^s2)/.i))
      dom(<*f.(sup A)*>)=Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8;
then A57:len(<*f.(sup A)*>)=1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      dom(<*f.(inf A)*>)=Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8;
then A58:len(<*f.(inf A)*>)=1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A59:len(s1^<*f.(sup A)*>)=k1+1 by A43,A57,FINSEQ_1:35;
A60:len (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>) = len (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2) by A44,A58,FINSEQ_1:35;
    thus len (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>) = len p by A41,A59,XCMPLX_1:27;
    let i; assume
A61:i in dom (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>);
A62:i in dom (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2)
       i in Seg(len (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>)) by A61,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     hence thesis by A60,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A63:len D = 1 or len D >= 2
      len D <> 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
       then len D = 1 or len D is non trivial by NAT_2:def 1;
       hence thesis by NAT_2:31;
A64:(s1^<*f.(sup A)*>)/.i=(s1^<*f.(sup A)*>).i by A61,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
A65:(<*f.(inf A)*>^s2)/.i=(<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i by A62,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      now per cases by A63;
     suppose A66:len D = 1;
then A67: i in Seg 1 by A59,A61,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A68: i = 1 by FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
A69: i in Seg(len D) & i in dom D by A66,A67,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       s1={} by A43,A66,FINSEQ_1:25;
     then s1^<*f.(sup A)*> = <*f.(sup A)*> by FINSEQ_1:47;
then A70: (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>)/.i=f.(sup A) by A64,A68,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
       s2={} by A44,A66,FINSEQ_1:25;
     then <*f.(inf A)*>^s2 = <*f.(inf A)*> by FINSEQ_1:47;
then A71: (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2)/.i=f.(inf A) by A65,A68,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
       D.i=sup A by A66,A68,INTEGRA1:def 2;
then A72: sup divset(D,i)=sup A by A68,A69,INTEGRA1:def 5;
       p.i=f.(sup divset(D,i))-f.(inf divset(D,i)) by A41,A66,A67;
     hence thesis by A68,A69,A70,A71,A72,INTEGRA1:def 5;
     suppose A73:len D >= 2;
A74: k1>=1
        1 = 2 - 1;
      hence thesis by A73,REAL_1:49;
       now per cases;
      suppose A75:i=1;
A76:  i in Seg(len D) & i in dom D
A77:   Seg 2 c= Seg len D by A73,FINSEQ_1:7;
         i in Seg 2 by A75,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 2;
       hence i in Seg(len D) by A77;
       hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A78:  i in Seg 1 & i in Seg k1 & i in dom s1
A79:   Seg 1 c= Seg k1 by A74,FINSEQ_1:7;
       thus i in Seg 1 by A75,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
       hence i in Seg k1 by A79;
       hence thesis by A43,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      then (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>).i=s1.i by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
then A80:  (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>).i=f.(sup divset(D,i)) by A43,A78;
A81:  (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i = f.(inf A)
         i in dom <*f.(inf A)*> by A78,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
       then (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i=<*f.(inf A)*>.i by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       hence thesis by A75,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
        p.i=f.(sup divset(D,i))-f.(inf divset(D,i)) by A41,A76;
      hence thesis by A64,A65,A75,A76,A80,A81,INTEGRA1:def 5;
      suppose A82:i=len D;
A83:  i in Seg(len D) & i in dom D
         i<>0 by A73,A82;
       hence i in Seg(len D) by A82,FINSEQ_1:5;
       hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A84:  i-len s1 = 1 & i-len s1 in dom <*f.(sup A)*>
      & i=i-len s1 + len s1 & i<>1
         i-len s1 = i-i+1 by A43,A82,XCMPLX_1:37;
then A85:   i-len s1 = 0+1 by XCMPLX_1:14;
       hence i-len s1 = 1;
         i-len s1 in Seg 1 by A85,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
       hence i-len s1 in dom <*f.(sup A)*> by FINSEQ_1:def 8;
         i = i - 0;
       then i = i - (len s1 - len s1) by XCMPLX_1:14;
       hence i = i - len s1 + len s1 by XCMPLX_1:37;
       thus thesis by A73,A82;
      then (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>).i=<*f.(sup A)*>.(i-len s1) by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
then A86:  (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>)/.i=f.(sup A) by A64,A84,FINSEQ_1:def 8;
A87:  i-len <*f.(inf A)*>=i-1 &
      len <*f.(inf A)*> + (i - len <*f.(inf A)*>) = i &
      i-1 in Seg k1 & i-len <*f.(inf A)*> in dom s2 & i-1+1=i
       thus A88:i-len <*f.(inf A)*> = i-1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
       then len <*f.(inf A)*>+(i-len <*f.(inf A)*>)=1+(i-1) by FINSEQ_1:57
       .=1+-(1-i) by XCMPLX_1:143
       .=1-(1-i) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
       .=1-1+i by XCMPLX_1:37
       hence len <*f.(inf A)*>+(i-len <*f.(inf A)*>)=i;
         i >= 1+1 & i-1 = k1 by A73,A82;
       then i-1<>0 & i-1=k1 by REAL_1:84;
       hence i-1 in Seg k1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
       hence i-len <*f.(inf A)*> in dom s2 by A44,A88,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:37;
A89:  (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i = f.(D.(i-1))
         (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i = s2.(i-len <*f.(inf A)*>)
       by A87,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       then (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i = f.(inf divset(D,i)) by A44,A87;
       hence thesis by A83,A84,INTEGRA1:def 5;
        p.i=f.(sup divset(D,i))-f.(inf divset(D,i)) by A41,A83;
      then p.i=f.(sup divset(D,i))-f.(D.(i-1)) by A83,A84,INTEGRA1:def 5;
      then p.i=f.(D.i)-f.(D.(i-1)) by A83,A84,INTEGRA1:def 5;
      hence thesis by A65,A82,A86,A89,INTEGRA1:def 2;
      suppose A90:i<>1 & i<>len D;
A91:  i in Seg(len D) & i in dom D
         len s1+len <*f.(sup A)*> = k1+1 by A43,FINSEQ_1:56;
then A92:   len s1+len <*f.(sup A)*> = len D by XCMPLX_1:27;
       hence i in Seg(len D) by A61,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
         dom (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>) = Seg(len D) by A92,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       hence thesis by A61,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A93:  i in dom s1 & i in Seg k1 & i-1 in Seg k1 & i-1+1=i
      & i-len<*f.(inf A)*> in dom s2
A94:  1 <= i & i <= len D by A91,FINSEQ_1:3;
      then 1 <= i & i < len D - (1-1) by A90,REAL_1:def 5;
then A95:  1 <= i & i < k1 + 1 by XCMPLX_1:37;
then A96:  1 <= i & i <= k1 by NAT_1:38;
      then i in Seg(len s1) by A43,FINSEQ_1:3;
      hence i in dom s1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      thus i in Seg k1 by A96,FINSEQ_1:3;
      consider j being Nat such that
A97:  i = 1 + j by A94,NAT_1:28;
A98:  j = i - 1 by A97,XCMPLX_1:26;
        i <> 0 & i <> 1 by A90,A91,FINSEQ_1:3;
      then i is non trivial by NAT_2:def 1;
      then i >= 2 & i <= k1 by A95,NAT_1:38,NAT_2:31;
      then i >= 1+1 & i-1 <= k1-1 by REAL_1:49;
      then i-1 >= 1 & i-1+0 <= k1-1+1 by REAL_1:55,84;
      then i-1 >= 1 & i-1 <= k1-(1-1) by XCMPLX_1:37;
      hence i-1 in Seg k1 by A98,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A99:  i-len<*f.(inf A)*> in Seg(len s2) by A44,FINSEQ_1:56;
      hence i-1+1=i by XCMPLX_1:37;
      thus thesis by A99,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A100: (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>).i=f.(D.i)
        (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>).i = s1.i by A93,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      then (s1^<*f.(sup A)*>).i = f.(sup divset(D,i)) by A43,A93;
      hence thesis by A90,A91,INTEGRA1:def 5;
A101: (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i = f.(D.(i-1))
A102: i-len<*f.(inf A)*> in Seg(len s2) by A93,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        i-len<*f.(inf A)*> is Nat by A93;
      then 1 <= i-len<*f.(inf A)*> & i-len<*f.(inf A)*><=len s2
       by A102,FINSEQ_1:3;
      then len<*f.(inf A)*>+1<=i & i<=len<*f.(inf A)*>+len s2 by REAL_1:84,86;
      then (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i=s2.(i-len<*f.(inf A)*>) by FINSEQ_1:36;
      then (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i=s2.(i-1) by FINSEQ_1:56;
      then (<*f.(inf A)*>^s2).i= f.(inf divset(D,i)) by A44,A93;
      hence thesis by A90,A91,INTEGRA1:def 5;
       p.i=f.(sup divset(D,i))-f.(inf divset(D,i)) by A41,A91;
     then p.i=f.(sup divset(D,i))-f.(D.(i-1)) by A90,A91,INTEGRA1:def 5;
     hence thesis by A64,A65,A90,A91,A100,A101,INTEGRA1:def 5;
    hence thesis;
   hence thesis;
A103:Sum p=Sum s1 + f.(sup A) - f.(inf A) - Sum s2
     Sum p=Sum(s1^<*f.(sup A)*>)-Sum(<*f.(inf A)*>^s2) by A56,INTEGRA1:24;
   then Sum p=Sum s1 + f.(sup A) -Sum(<*f.(inf A)*>^s2) by RVSUM_1:104;
   then Sum p=Sum s1 + f.(sup A) - (f.(inf A) + Sum s2) by RVSUM_1:106;
   hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:36;
A104:Sum p=f.(sup A) - f.(inf A)
     Sum p=f.(sup A) + Sum s1 - (Sum s2 + f.(inf A)) by A103,XCMPLX_1:36;
   then Sum p=f.(sup A) + Sum s1 - Sum s2 - f.(inf A) by XCMPLX_1:36;
   then Sum p=f.(sup A) + (Sum s1-Sum s2) - f.(inf A) by XCMPLX_1:29;
   then Sum p=0 + f.(sup A) - f.(inf A) by A54,XCMPLX_1:14;
   hence thesis;

A105:lower_sum((f`|X)||A,D) <= f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)
A106:for k st k in dom D holds
    f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k))>=(lower_volume((f`|X)||A,D)).k
     let k; assume A107:k in dom D;
     then consider r such that
A108: r in divset(D,k) &
     f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k))=diff(f,r)*vol(divset(D,k)) by A4;
A109: diff(f,r) in rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) by A22,A107,A108;
       rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded by A30,A107;
     then rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded_above &
     rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded_below by SEQ_4:def 3;
then A110: diff(f,r) >= inf rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) by A109,SEQ_4:def 5;
A111: vol(divset(D,k)) >= 0 by INTEGRA1:11;
       k in Seg len D by A107,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then (inf rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)))*vol(divset(D,k))
     =(lower_volume((f`|X)||A,D)).k by INTEGRA1:def 8;
     hence thesis by A108,A110,A111,AXIOMS:25;

      f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)>=lower_sum((f`|X)||A,D)
A112: for k st k in Seg len D holds
     p.k >= (lower_volume((f`|X)||A,D)).k
      let k; assume A113:k in Seg len D;
then A114:  f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k))=p.k by A41;
        k in dom D by A113,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      hence thesis by A106,A114;
     reconsider p as Element of (len D)-tuples_on REAL by A41,FINSEQ_2:110;
       len lower_volume((f`|X)||A,D)=len D by INTEGRA1:def 8;
     then reconsider q=(lower_volume((f`|X)||A,D))
     as Element of (len D)-tuples_on REAL by FINSEQ_2:110;
       Sum q<=Sum p by A112,RVSUM_1:112;
     hence thesis by A104,INTEGRA1:def 10;
    hence thesis;

     f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) <= upper_sum((f`|X)||A,D)
A115:for k st k in dom D holds
    f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k))<=(upper_volume((f`|X)||A,D)).k
     let k; assume A116:k in dom D;
     then consider r such that
A117: r in divset(D,k) &
     f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k))=diff(f,r)*vol(divset(D,k)) by A4;
A118: diff(f,r) in rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) by A22,A116,A117;
       rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded by A30,A116;
     then rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded_above &
     rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) is bounded_below by SEQ_4:def 3;
then A119: diff(f,r) <= sup rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)) by A118,SEQ_4:def 4;
       vol(divset(D,k)) >= 0 by INTEGRA1:11;
then A120: diff(f,r)*vol(divset(D,k))
     <=(sup rng(((f`|X)||A)|divset(D,k)))*vol(divset(D,k)) by A119,AXIOMS:25;
       k in Seg len D by A116,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     hence thesis by A117,A120,INTEGRA1:def 7;

      f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)<=upper_sum((f`|X)||A,D)
A121: for k st k in Seg len D holds
     p.k <= (upper_volume((f`|X)||A,D)).k
      let k; assume A122:k in Seg len D;
then A123:  f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k))=p.k by A41;
        k in dom D by A122,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      hence thesis by A115,A123;
     reconsider p as Element of (len D)-tuples_on REAL by A41,FINSEQ_2:110;
       len upper_volume((f`|X)||A,D)=len D by INTEGRA1:def 7;
     then reconsider q=(upper_volume((f`|X)||A,D))
     as Element of (len D)-tuples_on REAL by FINSEQ_2:110;
       Sum p<=Sum q by A121,RVSUM_1:112;
     hence thesis by A104,INTEGRA1:def 9;
    hence thesis;
   hence thesis by A105;

theorem Th13:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st A c= X & f is_differentiable_on X &
f`|X is_integrable_on A & f`|X is_bounded_on A holds
integral(f`|X,A) = f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume that A1:A c= X and A2:f is_differentiable_on X and
   A3:f`|X is_integrable_on A and A4:f`|X is_bounded_on A;
     (f`|X)||A is_integrable_on A by A3,Def2;
then A5:(f`|X)||A is_upper_integrable_on A & (f`|X)||A is_lower_integrable_on A
   upper_integral((f`|X)||A)=lower_integral((f`|X)||A) by INTEGRA1:def 17;
     dom upper_sum_set((f`|X)||A) = divs A by INTEGRA1:def 11;
then A6:rng upper_sum_set((f`|X)||A) is non empty by RELAT_1:65;
     dom lower_sum_set((f`|X)||A) = divs A by INTEGRA1:def 12;
then A7:rng lower_sum_set((f`|X)||A) is non empty by RELAT_1:65;
     for r be real number st
   r in rng lower_sum_set((f`|X)||A) holds r <= f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)
    let r be real number; assume r in rng lower_sum_set((f`|X)||A);
    then consider D being Element of divs A such that
A8:D in dom lower_sum_set((f`|X)||A) & r=(lower_sum_set((f`|X)||A)).D
    by PARTFUN1:26;
      r=lower_sum((f`|X)||A,D) by A8,INTEGRA1:def 12;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,A4,Th12;
   then sup rng lower_sum_set((f`|X)||A) <= f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)
   by A7,PSCOMP_1:10;
then A9:upper_integral((f`|X)||A) <= f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) by A5,INTEGRA1:def 16;

     for r be real number st
   r in rng upper_sum_set((f`|X)||A) holds f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) <= r
    let r be real number; assume r in rng upper_sum_set((f`|X)||A);
    then consider D being Element of divs A such that
A10:D in dom upper_sum_set((f`|X)||A) & r=(upper_sum_set((f`|X)||A)).D
    by PARTFUN1:26;
      r=upper_sum((f`|X)||A,D) by A10,INTEGRA1:def 11;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,A4,Th12;
   then f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) <= inf rng upper_sum_set((f`|X)||A)
   by A6,PSCOMP_1:8;
   then upper_integral((f`|X)||A) >= f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) by INTEGRA1:def 15;
   then upper_integral((f`|X)||A) = f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) by A9,AXIOMS:21;
   then integral((f`|X)||A) = f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) by INTEGRA1:def 18;
   hence thesis by Def3;

theorem Th14:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_non_decreasing_on A &
A c= dom f holds rng (f|A) is bounded
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume that A1:f is_non_decreasing_on A and A2:A c= dom f;
A3:dom(f|A)=dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68 .= A by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;

     for y be real number st y in rng (f|A) holds y <= f.(sup A)
    let y be real number; assume y in rng (f|A);
    then consider x such that
A4: x in dom(f|A) & y=(f|A).x by PARTFUN1:26;
A5: y=f.x by A4,FUNCT_1:68;
A6: x <= sup A by A3,A4,INTEGRA2:1;
      inf A <= sup A by SEQ_4:24;
    then sup A in dom(f|A) by A3,INTEGRA2:1;
    then x in dom f /\ A & sup A in dom f /\ A by A4,FUNCT_1:68;
    hence thesis by A1,A5,A6,RFUNCT_2:48;
then A7:rng(f|A) is bounded_above by SEQ_4:def 1;

     for y be real number st y in rng (f|A) holds y >= f.(inf A)
    let y be real number; assume y in rng (f|A);
    then consider x such that
A8: x in dom(f|A) & y=(f|A).x by PARTFUN1:26;
A9:y=f.x by A8,FUNCT_1:68;
A10:x >= inf A by A3,A8,INTEGRA2:1;
      inf A <= sup A by SEQ_4:24;
    then inf A in dom(f|A) by A3,INTEGRA2:1;
    then x in dom f /\ A & inf A in dom f /\ A by A8,FUNCT_1:68;
    hence thesis by A1,A9,A10,RFUNCT_2:48;
   then rng(f|A) is bounded_below by SEQ_4:def 2;
   hence thesis by A7,SEQ_4:def 3;

theorem Th15:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_non_decreasing_on A & A c= dom f
holds inf rng (f|A) = f.(inf A) & sup rng (f|A) = f.(sup A)
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume that A1:f is_non_decreasing_on A and A2:A c= dom f;
A3:dom(f|A) = dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68 .= A by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
then A4:rng(f|A) <> {} by RELAT_1:65;
     inf A <= sup A by SEQ_4:24;
then A5:sup A in dom(f|A) & inf A in dom(f|A) by A3,INTEGRA2:1;
then A6:sup A in dom f /\ A & inf A in dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68;

A7:for y be real number st y in rng(f|A) holds y >= f.(inf A)
    let y be real number; assume y in rng (f|A);
    then consider x such that
A8: x in dom (f|A) & y=(f|A).x by PARTFUN1:26;
A9:x in dom f /\ A by A8,FUNCT_1:68;
      inf A <= x by A3,A8,INTEGRA2:1;
    then f.(inf A) <= f.x by A1,A6,A9,RFUNCT_2:48;
    hence thesis by A8,FUNCT_1:68;

     for a be real number st
   for x be real number st x in rng(f|A) holds x>=a holds f.(inf A)>=a
    let a be real number; assume
A10:for x be real number st x in rng(f|A) holds x>=a;
A11:f.(inf A) = (f|A).(inf A) by A5,FUNCT_1:68;
      (f|A).(inf A) in rng(f|A) by A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    hence thesis by A10,A11;
   hence inf rng(f|A)=f.(inf A) by A4,A7,PSCOMP_1:9;

A12:for x be real number st x in rng(f|A) holds x <= f.(sup A)
    let y be real number; assume y in rng (f|A);
    then consider x such that
A13:x in dom (f|A) & y=(f|A).x by PARTFUN1:26;
A14:x in dom f /\ A by A13,FUNCT_1:68;
      sup A >= x by A3,A13,INTEGRA2:1;
    then f.(sup A) >= f.x by A1,A6,A14,RFUNCT_2:48;
    hence thesis by A13,FUNCT_1:68;

     for a be real number st
   for x be real number st x in rng(f|A) holds x<=a holds f.(sup A)<=a
    let a be real number; assume
A15:for x be real number st x in rng(f|A) holds x<=a;
A16:f.(sup A) = (f|A).(sup A) by A5,FUNCT_1:68;
      (f|A).(sup A) in rng(f|A) by A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    hence thesis by A15,A16;
   hence thesis by A4,A12,PSCOMP_1:11;

for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_non_decreasing_on A &
A c= dom f holds f is_integrable_on A
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume that A1:f is_non_decreasing_on A and A2:A c= dom f;

A3:for D being Element of divs A, k st k in dom D holds
   0 <= (upper_volume(f||A,D)).k-(lower_volume(f||A,D)).k &
   (upper_volume(f||A,D)).k-(lower_volume(f||A,D)).k <=
   (f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k)))*delta(D)
    let D be Element of divs A;
    let k;
    assume A4:k in dom D;
then A5: divset(D,k) c= A by INTEGRA1:10;
then A6: f is_non_decreasing_on divset(D,k) by A1,RFUNCT_2:62;
      divset(D,k) c= dom f by A2,A5,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A7: inf rng (f|divset(D,k)) = f.(inf divset(D,k)) &
    sup rng (f|divset(D,k)) = f.(sup divset(D,k)) by A6,Th15;
      k in Seg len D by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A8: (upper_volume(f||A,D)).k=(sup (rng((f||A)|divset(D,k))))*vol(divset(D,
k)) &
    (lower_volume(f||A,D)).k=(inf (rng((f||A)|divset(D,k))))*vol(divset(D,k))
    by INTEGRA1:def 7,def 8;
A9:rng (f|divset(D,k))=rng ((f||A)|divset(D,k))
       f||A = f|A by Def1;
     hence thesis by A5,FUNCT_1:82;
then A10: (upper_volume(f||A,D)).k-(lower_volume(f||A,D)).k
    =(f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k)))*vol(divset(D,k))
    by A7,A8,XCMPLX_1:40;

A11:divset(D,k) c= dom f by A2,A5,XBOOLE_1:1;

      dom(f|divset(D,k)) = dom f /\ divset(D,k) by FUNCT_1:68 .= divset(D,k)
    by A11,XBOOLE_1:28;
    then A12: rng(f|divset(D,k)) <> {} by RELAT_1:65;
A13:rng(f|A) is bounded by A1,A2,Th14;
      rng(f|divset(D,k)) = rng((f|A)|divset(D,k)) by A9,Def1;
    then rng(f|divset(D,k)) c= rng(f|A) by FUNCT_1:76;
    then rng(f|divset(D,k)) is bounded by A13,RCOMP_1:5;
    then inf rng (f|divset(D,k)) <= sup rng (f|divset(D,k)) by A12,SEQ_4:24;
then A14:f.(sup divset(D,k)) - f.(inf divset(D,k)) >= 0 by A7,SQUARE_1:12;
      vol(divset(D,k)) >= 0 by INTEGRA1:11;
    then 0*vol(divset(D,k)) <=
    (f.(sup divset(D,k)) - f.(inf divset(D,k)))*vol(divset(D,k))
    by A14,AXIOMS:25;
    hence 0<=(upper_volume(f||A,D)).k-(lower_volume(f||A,D)).k
    by A7,A8,A9,XCMPLX_1:40;
      vol(divset(D,k)) <= delta(D)
A15: k in Seg len D by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A16: vol(divset(D,k))=upper_volume(chi(A,A),D).k by INTEGRA1:22;
       k in Seg len upper_volume(chi(A,A),D) by A15,INTEGRA1:def 7;
     then k in dom upper_volume(chi(A,A),D) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then vol(divset(D,k)) in rng upper_volume(chi(A,A),D) by A16,FUNCT_1:def 5
     then vol(divset(D,k)) <= max rng upper_volume(chi(A,A),D) by PRE_CIRC:def
     hence thesis by INTEGRA1:def 19;
    hence thesis by A10,A14,AXIOMS:25;

A17:for D being Element of divs A holds
   <= delta(D)*(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)) &
   upper_sum(f||A,D)-lower_sum(f||A,D) >= 0
    let D be Element of divs A;
      len upper_volume(f||A,D) = len D & len lower_volume(f||A,D) = len D
    by INTEGRA1:def 7,def 8;
then A18:Sum(upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D))
    =Sum upper_volume(f||A,D)-Sum lower_volume(f||A,D) by Th2
    .=upper_sum(f||A,D)-Sum lower_volume(f||A,D) by INTEGRA1:def 9
    .=upper_sum(f||A,D)-lower_sum(f||A,D) by INTEGRA1:def 10;

A19:len D - 1 in NAT
       len D <> 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
     then len D >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99;
     then consider j being Nat such that
A20: len D = 1 + j by NAT_1:28;
       j = len D - 1 by A20,XCMPLX_1:26;
     hence thesis;
    deffunc F(Nat)=f.(sup divset(D,$1));
    consider F1 being FinSequence of REAL such that
A21:len F1 = len D &
    for i st i in Seg len D holds
    F1.i = F(i) from SeqLambdaD;
    deffunc G(Nat)=f.(inf divset(D,$1));
    consider F2 being FinSequence of REAL such that
A22:len F2 = len D &
    for i st i in Seg len D holds
    F2.i = G(i) from SeqLambdaD;
    consider k1 being Nat such that
A23:k1=len D - 1 by A19;
    deffunc G(Nat)=f.(sup divset(D,$1));
    consider F being FinSequence of REAL such that
A24:len F = k1 &
    for i st i in Seg k1 holds
    F.i = G(i) from SeqLambdaD;

      F1=F^<*f.(sup A)*> & F2=<*f.(inf A)*>^F
A25: len (F^<*f.(sup A)*>)= len F + len <*f.(sup A)*> by FINSEQ_1:35
     .= len D - 1 + 1 by A23,A24,FINSEQ_1:56
     .= len D - (1-1) by XCMPLX_1:37 .= len D;
       for i st 1<=i & i<=len F1 holds F1.i=(F^<*f.(sup A)*>).i
      let i; assume A26:1<=i & i<=len F1;
        now per cases;
       suppose i <= len F;
then A27:   i in Seg len F1 & i in Seg len F by A26,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A28:   F1.i = f.(sup divset(D,i)) & F.i = f.(sup divset(D,i)) by A21,A24;
         i in dom F by A27,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       hence F1.i=(F^<*f.(sup A)*>).i by A28,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       suppose i > len F;
       then i >= len F + 1 by NAT_1:38;
       then A29: i >= len D - (1-1) by A23,A24,XCMPLX_1:37;
then A30:   i = len D - (1-1) by A21,A26,AXIOMS:21 .=len F + 1 by A23,A24,
         i in Seg len F1 by A26,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A31:   F1.i = f.(sup divset(D,i)) & i in dom D by A21,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         sup divset(D,i) = D.i
          now per cases;
         suppose i=1;
         hence thesis by A31,INTEGRA1:def 5;
         suppose i<>1;
         hence thesis by A31,INTEGRA1:def 5;
        hence thesis;
       then F1.i = f.(D.(len D)) by A21,A26,A29,A31,AXIOMS:21
       .= f.(sup A) by INTEGRA1:def 2;
       hence F1.i=(F^<*f.(sup A)*>).i by A30,FINSEQ_1:59;
      hence thesis;
     hence F1=F^<*f.(sup A)*> by A21,A25,FINSEQ_1:18;
A32: len (<*f.(inf A)*>^F) = len <*f.(inf A)*> + len F by FINSEQ_1:35
     .= 1 + (len D - 1) by A23,A24,FINSEQ_1:56
     .= len D + 1 - 1 by XCMPLX_1:29 .= len D by XCMPLX_1:26;
       for i st 1<=i & i<=len F2 holds F2.i=(<*f.(inf A)*>^F).i
      let i; assume A33:1<=i & i<=len F2;
      per cases;
       suppose A34:i=1;
A35:   i in Seg len D by A22,A33,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A36:   i in dom D by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         F2.i = f.(inf divset(D,i)) by A22,A35
       .=f.(inf A) by A34,A36,INTEGRA1:def 5;
       hence thesis by A34,FINSEQ_1:58;
       suppose A37:i<>1;
A38:   i in Seg len D by A22,A33,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A39:   i in dom D by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A40:   F2.i = f.(inf divset(D,i)) by A22,A38
       .= f.(D.(i-1)) by A37,A39,INTEGRA1:def 5;
         i > 1 by A33,A37,REAL_1:def 5;
then A41:   1+1<=i by NAT_1:38;
then A42:   len <*f.(inf A)*>+1<=i by FINSEQ_1:56;
         len F2=1-(1-len D) by A22,XCMPLX_1:18
       .= 1+(len D-1) by XCMPLX_1:38 .= len <*f.(inf A)*>+len F
       by A23,A24,FINSEQ_1:56;
then A43:   (<*f.(inf A)*>^F).i = F.(i-len<*f.(inf A)*>) by A33,A42,FINSEQ_1:36
       .=F.(i-1) by FINSEQ_1:56;
       reconsider k2=i-1 as Nat by A37,A39,INTEGRA1:9;
         1+1 <= k2+1 & k2+1 <=len F2 by A33,A41,XCMPLX_1:27;
then A44:   1 <= k2 & k2 <= len D - 1 by A22,REAL_1:53,84;
then A45:   k2 in Seg k1 by A23,FINSEQ_1:3;
         sup divset(D,k2)=D.(i-1)
          len D <= len D+1 by NAT_1:38;
        then len D - 1 <= len D by REAL_1:86;
        then 1 <= k2 & k2 <= len D by A44,AXIOMS:22;
        then k2 in Seg len D by FINSEQ_1:3;
then A46:    k2 in dom D by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        per cases;
         suppose k2=1; hence thesis by A46,INTEGRA1:def 5;
         suppose k2<>1; hence thesis by A46,INTEGRA1:def 5;
       hence thesis by A24,A40,A43,A45;
     hence thesis by A22,A32,FINSEQ_1:18;
then A47: Sum(F1-F2)=f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) by Th1;

      len upper_volume(f||A,D)=len D &
    len lower_volume(f||A,D)=len D by INTEGRA1:def 7,def 8;
then A48:len (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D))=len D by Th2;

      (delta(D)*(F1-F2))=(delta(D) multreal)*(F1-F2) by RVSUM_1:def 7;
then A49:len (delta(D)*(F1-F2)) = len (F1-F2) by FINSEQ_2:37;
A50:len (F1-F2) = len D by A21,A22,Th2;
A51: len (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D)) = len (delta(D)*(F1-F2))
    by A21,A22,A48,A49,Th2;

      for k st k in dom (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D)) holds
    <= (delta(D)*(F1-F2)).k
     let k;
     assume A52:k in dom(upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D));
then A53: k in Seg len D by A48,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then k in dom D by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then (upper_volume(f||A,D)).k-(lower_volume(f||A,D)).k <=
     (f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k)))*delta(D) by A3;
then A54: (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D)).k <=
     (f.(sup divset(D,k))-f.(inf divset(D,k)))*delta(D)
     by A52,RVSUM_1:47;
   k in Seg len (F1-F2) by A48,A50,A52,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A55: k in dom (F1-F2) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       F1.k=f.(sup divset(D,k)) & F2.k=f.(inf divset(D,k)) by A21,A22,A53;
     then (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D)).k <=
     delta(D)*(F1-F2).k by A54,A55,RVSUM_1:47;
     hence thesis by RVSUM_1:66;
    then Sum(upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D))<=Sum(delta(D)*(F1-F2))
    by A51,Th3;
    hence upper_sum(f||A,D)-lower_sum(f||A,D)<=delta(D)*(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A))
    by A18,A47,RVSUM_1:117;
      for k st k in dom (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D))
     holds 0<=(upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D)).k
     let k;
     assume A56:k in dom (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D));
      set r = (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D)).k;
A57: len upper_volume(f||A,D)=len D & len lower_volume(f||A,D)=len D
     by INTEGRA1:def 7,def 8;
       k in Seg len (upper_volume(f||A,D)-lower_volume(f||A,D))
     by A56,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then k in Seg len D by A57,Th2;
then A58: k in dom D by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       r = (upper_volume(f||A,D)).k-(lower_volume(f||A,D)).k
     by A56,RVSUM_1:47;
     hence thesis by A3,A58;
    hence upper_sum(f||A,D)-lower_sum(f||A,D) >= 0 by A18,RVSUM_1:114;

A59:f||A is total & f||A is_bounded_on A
A60: dom (f||A) = dom (f|A) by Def1 .= dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68 .= A
    by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
    hence f||A is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;

    consider x such that
A61: x in A by SUBSET_1:10;
      inf A <= x & x <= sup A by A61,INTEGRA2:1;
then A62: inf A <= sup A by AXIOMS:22;
A63: f||A is_bounded_above_on A
       for x being Element of A st x in A /\ dom (f||A) holds
     (f||A).x <= (f||A).(sup A)
      let x be Element of A; assume x in A /\ dom (f||A);
A64:   x in A & sup A in A by A62,INTEGRA2:1;
then A65:   x in A /\ dom f & sup A in A /\ dom f by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
A66:   x <= sup A by INTEGRA2:1;
        x in dom (f|A) & sup A in dom (f|A) by A60,A64,Def1;
      then f.x = (f|A).x & f.(sup A)=(f|A).(sup A) by FUNCT_1:68;
      then f.x = (f||A).x & f.(sup A)=(f||A).(sup A) by Def1;
      hence thesis by A1,A65,A66,RFUNCT_2:48;
     hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 9;
      f||A is_bounded_below_on A
       for x being Element of A st x in A /\ dom (f||A) holds
     (f||A).x >= (f||A).(inf A)
      let x be Element of A; assume x in A /\ dom (f||A);
A67:   x in A & inf A in A by A62,INTEGRA2:1;
then A68:   x in A /\ dom f & inf A in A /\ dom f by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
A69:   x >= inf A by INTEGRA2:1;
        x in dom (f|A) & inf A in dom (f|A) by A60,A67,Def1;
      then f.x = (f|A).x & f.(inf A)=(f|A).(inf A) by FUNCT_1:68;
      then f.x = (f||A).x & f.(inf A)=(f||A).(inf A) by Def1;
      hence thesis by A1,A68,A69,RFUNCT_2:48;
     hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 10;
    hence thesis by A63,RFUNCT_1:def 11;
then A70: f||A is Function of A,REAL by FUNCT_2:131;

     for T being DivSequence of A st delta(T) is convergent & lim delta(T)=0
   holds lim upper_sum(f||A,T)-lim lower_sum(f||A,T)=0
    let T be DivSequence of A;
    assume A71:delta(T) is convergent & lim delta(T)=0;
A72: for r be real number st 0<r ex n st for m st n<=m holds
     let r be real number; assume A73:0<r;
     consider x such that
A74:  x in A by SUBSET_1:10;
       inf A <= x & x <= sup A by A74,INTEGRA2:1;
then A75:  inf A <= sup A by AXIOMS:22;
then A76:  inf A in A & sup A in A by INTEGRA2:1;
       A = A /\ dom f by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
then A77:  f.(inf A) <= f.(sup A) by A1,A75,A76,RFUNCT_2:48;
       now per cases by A77,REAL_1:def 5;
      suppose f.(inf A)=f.(sup A);
then A78:  f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)=0 by XCMPLX_1:14;

      consider n being Nat;
        for m st n<=m holds
       let m;
       assume n<=m;
       reconsider D1=T.m as Element of divs A;
         upper_sum(f||A,D1)-lower_sum(f||A,D1)<=delta(D1)*(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A))
       upper_sum(f||A,D1)-lower_sum(f||A,D1)>=0 by A17;
then A79:   upper_sum(f||A,D1)-lower_sum(f||A,D1)=0 by A78;
       =(upper_sum(f||A,T)+-lower_sum(f||A,T)).m by SEQ_1:15
       .=upper_sum(f||A,T).m+(-lower_sum(f||A,T)).m by SEQ_1:11
       .=upper_sum(f||A,T).m+-lower_sum(f||A,T).m by SEQ_1:14
       .=upper_sum(f||A,D1)+-lower_sum(f||A,T).m by INTEGRA2:def 4
       .=upper_sum(f||A,D1)+-lower_sum(f||A,D1) by INTEGRA2:def 5;
       then (upper_sum(f||A,T)-lower_sum(f||A,T)).m=0 by A79,XCMPLX_0:def 8;
       hence thesis by A73,ABSVALUE:def 1;
      hence thesis;
      suppose f.(inf A)<f.(sup A);
then A80:  f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
      then r/(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)) > 0 by A73,REAL_2:127;
      then consider n such that
A81:  for m st n<=m holds abs(delta(T).m-0)<r/(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A))
      by A71,SEQ_2:def 7;
A82:  for m st n<=m holds delta(T).m<r/(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A))
       let m; assume n<=m;
       then A83: abs(delta(T).m-0)<r/(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)) by A81;
         delta(T).m <= abs(delta(T).m) by ABSVALUE:11;
       hence thesis by A83,AXIOMS:22;

        for m st n<=m holds
       let m; assume n<=m;
       then delta(T).m<r/(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)) by A82;
then A84:   delta(T).m*(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)) < r by A80,REAL_2:177;
       reconsider D=T.m as Element of divs A;
A85:   delta(D)*(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A)) <r by A84,INTEGRA2:def 3;
A86:   upper_sum(f||A,D)-lower_sum(f||A,D) <= delta(D)*(f.(sup A)-f.(inf A))
       & upper_sum(f||A,D)-lower_sum(f||A,D) >=0 by A17;
then A87:   upper_sum(f||A,D)-lower_sum(f||A,D) < r by A85,AXIOMS:22;
       =abs(upper_sum(f||A,T).m-lower_sum(f||A,D)-0) by INTEGRA2:def 4
       .=abs(upper_sum(f||A,T).m-lower_sum(f||A,T).m-0) by INTEGRA2:def 5
       .=abs(upper_sum(f||A,T).m+-lower_sum(f||A,T).m-0) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
       .=abs(upper_sum(f||A,T).m+(-lower_sum(f||A,T)).m-0) by SEQ_1:14
       .=abs((upper_sum(f||A,T)+(-lower_sum(f||A,T))).m-0) by SEQ_1:11
       .=abs((upper_sum(f||A,T)-lower_sum(f||A,T)).m-0) by SEQ_1:15;
       hence thesis by A86,A87,ABSVALUE:def 1;
      hence thesis;
     hence thesis;

A88: upper_sum(f||A,T) is convergent & lower_sum(f||A,T) is convergent
    by A59,A70,A71,INTEGRA4:8,9;
    then upper_sum(f||A,T)-lower_sum(f||A,T) is convergent by SEQ_2:25;
    then lim (upper_sum(f||A,T)-lower_sum(f||A,T)) = 0 by A72,SEQ_2:def 7;
    hence lim upper_sum(f||A,T)-lim lower_sum(f||A,T)=0 by A88,SEQ_2:26;
   then f||A is_integrable_on A by A59,A70,INTEGRA4:12;
   hence thesis by Def2;

  for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st f is_monotone_on A & A c= dom f
holds f is_integrable_on A
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   assume that A1:f is_monotone_on A and A2:A c= dom f;
   per cases by A1,RFUNCT_2:def 6;
    suppose f is_non_decreasing_on A;
    hence thesis by A2,Lm1;
    suppose f is_non_increasing_on A;
    then (-1)(#)f is_non_decreasing_on A by RFUNCT_2:67;
then A3: -f is_non_decreasing_on A by RFUNCT_1:38;
      dom f = dom -f by SEQ_1:def 7;
    then -f is_integrable_on A by A2,A3,Lm1;
then A4: ((-f)||A) is_integrable_on A by Def2;
A5:  ((-f)||A) is total & ((-f)||A) is_bounded_on A
A6:  dom ((-f)||A) = dom ((-f)|A) by Def1 .= dom (-f) /\ A by FUNCT_1:68
     .= dom f /\ A by SEQ_1:def 7 .= A by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
     hence ((-f)||A) is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;
     consider x such that
A7:  x in A by SUBSET_1:10;
       inf A <= x & x <= sup A by A7,INTEGRA2:1;
then A8:  inf A <= sup A by AXIOMS:22;
A9:  ((-f)||A) is_bounded_above_on A
        for x being Element of A st x in A /\ dom ((-f)||A) holds
      ((-f)||A).x <= ((-f)||A).(sup A)
       let x be Element of A; assume x in A /\ dom ((-f)||A);
A10:    x in A & sup A in A by A8,INTEGRA2:1;
         A = A /\ dom f by A2,XBOOLE_1:28 .= A /\ dom (-f) by SEQ_1:def 7;
then A11:    x in A /\ dom (-f) & sup A in A /\ dom (-f) by A8,INTEGRA2:1;
A12:    x <= sup A by INTEGRA2:1;
         x in dom ((-f)|A) & sup A in dom ((-f)|A) by A6,A10,Def1;
       then (-f).x = ((-f)|A).x & (-f).(sup A)=((-f)|A).(sup A) by FUNCT_1:68;
       then (-f).x = ((-f)||A).x & (-f).(sup A)=((-f)||A).(sup A) by Def1;
       hence thesis by A3,A11,A12,RFUNCT_2:48;
      hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 9;
       ((-f)||A) is_bounded_below_on A
        for x being Element of A st x in A /\ dom ((-f)||A) holds
      ((-f)||A).x >= ((-f)||A).(inf A)
       let x be Element of A; assume x in A /\ dom ((-f)||A);
A13:    x in A & inf A in A by A8,INTEGRA2:1;
         A = A /\ dom f by A2,XBOOLE_1:28 .= A /\ dom (-f) by SEQ_1:def 7;
then A14:    x in A /\ dom (-f) & inf A in A /\ dom (-f) by A8,INTEGRA2:1;
A15:    x >= inf A by INTEGRA2:1;
         x in dom ((-f)|A) & inf A in dom ((-f)|A) by A6,A13,Def1;
       then (-f).x = ((-f)|A).x & (-f).(inf A)=((-f)|A).(inf A) by FUNCT_1:68;
       then (-f).x = ((-f)||A).x & (-f).(inf A)=((-f)||A).(inf A) by Def1;
       hence thesis by A3,A14,A15,RFUNCT_2:48;
      hence thesis by RFUNCT_1:def 10;
     hence thesis by A9,RFUNCT_1:def 11;
    then ((-f)||A) is Function of A,REAL by FUNCT_2:131;
then A16: (-1)(#)((-f)||A) is_integrable_on A by A4,A5,INTEGRA2:31;
      (-1)(#)((-f)||A) = (f||A)
       A = dom ((-1)(#)((-f)||A)) & A = dom (f||A) &
     for z being Element of A st z in A holds ((-1)(#)((-f)||A)).z = (f||A).z
A17:  dom ((-f)||A) = dom ((-f)|A) by Def1 .= dom (-f) /\ A by FUNCT_1:68
      .= dom f /\ A by SEQ_1:def 7 .= A by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
      hence A18:dom ((-1)(#)((-f)||A)) = A by SEQ_1:def 6;
        dom (f||A) = dom (f|A) by Def1 .= dom f /\ A by FUNCT_1:68;
      hence A19:dom (f||A) = A by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;

        for z being Element of A st z in A holds ((-1)(#)((-f)||A)).z = (f||A).
       let z be Element of A;
       assume A20:z in A;
         z in dom ((-f)||A) by A17;
then A21:   z in dom ((-f)|A) by Def1;
A22:   A c= dom(-f) by A2,SEQ_1:def 7;
         ((-f)||A).z = ((-f)|A).z by Def1 .= (-f).z by A21,FUNCT_1:68
       .=-(f.z) by A20,A22,SEQ_1:def 7;
then A23:   ((-1)(#)
((-f)||A)).z =(-1)*(-(f.z)) by A18,SEQ_1:def 6 .= f.z by XCMPLX_1:181;
         z in dom (f||A) by A19;
then A24:   z in dom (f|A) by Def1;
         (f||A).z = (f|A).z by Def1 .= f.z by A24,FUNCT_1:68;
       hence thesis by A23;
      hence thesis;
     hence thesis by PARTFUN1:34;
    hence thesis by A16,Def2;

theorem Th17:
for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL, A,B being closed-interval Subset of REAL st
f is_continuous_on A & B c= A holds f is_integrable_on B
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   let A,B be closed-interval Subset of REAL;
   assume that A1:f is_continuous_on A and A2:B c= A;
     f is_continuous_on B by A1,A2,FCONT_1:17;
   hence thesis by Th11;

  for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL, A,B,C being closed-interval Subset of REAL
X st A c= X & f is_differentiable_on X &f`|X is_continuous_on A &inf A = inf B
& sup B = inf C & sup C = sup A holds
B c= A & C c= A & integral(f`|X,A)=integral(f`|X,B)+integral(f`|X,C)
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   let A,B,C be closed-interval Subset of REAL;
   let X;
   assume that A1:A c=X and A2:f is_differentiable_on X and
   A3:f`|X is_continuous_on A and A4:inf A=inf B and A5:sup B=inf C and
   A6:sup C=sup A;

   consider x such that
A7:x in B by SUBSET_1:10;
     inf B <= x & x <= sup B by A7,INTEGRA2:1;
then A8:inf B <= sup B by AXIOMS:22;
   consider x such that
A9:x in C by SUBSET_1:10;
     inf C <= x & x <= sup C by A9,INTEGRA2:1;
then A10:inf C <= sup C by AXIOMS:22;

     for x being set st x in B holds x in A
    let x be set;
    assume A11:x in B;
    then reconsider x as Real;
      inf B <= x & x <= sup B by A11,INTEGRA2:1;
    then inf A <= x & x <= sup A by A4,A5,A6,A10,AXIOMS:22;
    hence thesis by INTEGRA2:1;
   end; hence
A12:B c= A by TARSKI:def 3;

     for x being set st x in C holds x in A
    let x be set;
    assume A13:x in C;
    then reconsider x as Real;
      inf C <= x & x <= sup C by A13,INTEGRA2:1;
    then inf A <= x & x <= sup A by A4,A5,A6,A8,AXIOMS:22;
    hence thesis by INTEGRA2:1;
   end; hence
A14:C c= A by TARSKI:def 3;

then A15:f`|X is_integrable_on A & f`|X is_integrable_on B &
   f`|X is_integrable_on C by A3,A12,Th17;

A16:f`|X is_bounded_on A by A3,Th10;
then A17:f`|X is_bounded_on B & f`|X is_bounded_on C by A12,A14,RFUNCT_1:91;
     B c= X & C c= X by A1,A12,A14,XBOOLE_1:1;

   then integral(f`|X,A) = f.(sup A)-f.(inf A) &
   integral(f`|X,B) = f.(sup B)-f.(inf B) &
   integral(f`|X,C) = f.(sup C)-f.(inf C) by A1,A2,A15,A16,A17,Th13;
   hence thesis by A4,A5,A6,XCMPLX_1:39;

definition let a,b be real number;
assume A1:a<=b;
func [' a,b '] -> closed-interval Subset of REAL equals :Def4:
      a is Real & b is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
    hence thesis by A1,INTEGRA1:def 1;

definition let a,b be real number;
let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
func integral(f,a,b) -> Real equals :Def5:
integral(f,[' a,b ']) if a<=b otherwise -integral(f,[' b,a ']);

  for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL, A being closed-interval Subset of REAL,
a,b st A=[.a,b.] holds
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   let A be closed-interval Subset of REAL;
   let a,b;
   assume that A1:A = [.a,b.];
   consider a1,b1 being Real such that
A2:a1 <= b1 & A = [.a1,b1.] by INTEGRA1:def 1;
A3:a1=a & b1=b by A1,A2,INTEGRA1:6;
   then integral(f,a,b)=integral(f,[' a,b ']) by A2,Def5;
   hence thesis by A2,A3,Def4;

  for f being PartFunc of REAL,REAL, A being closed-interval Subset of REAL,
a,b st A=[.b,a.] holds
   let f be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   let A be closed-interval Subset of REAL;
   let a,b;
   assume that A1:A = [.b,a.];
   consider a1,b1 being Real such that
A2:a1 <= b1 & A = [.a1,b1.] by INTEGRA1:def 1;
A3:a1 = b & b1 = a by A1,A2,INTEGRA1:6;
     now per cases by A2,A3,REAL_1:def 5;
    suppose A4:b < a;
    then integral(f,a,b)=-integral(f,[' b,a ']) by Def5;
    hence thesis by A1,A4,Def4;
    suppose A5:b = a;
then A6: integral(f,a,b)=integral(f,[' a,b ']) by Def5;
      A=[.inf A,sup A.] by INTEGRA1:5;
    then inf A = b & sup A = a by A1,INTEGRA1:6;
then A7: vol(A)=sup A-sup A by A5,INTEGRA1:def 6 .=0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
      integral(f,A)=integral(f||A) by Def3 .=0 by A7,INTEGRA4:6;
    hence thesis by A1,A5,A6,Def4;
   hence thesis;

  for f,g being PartFunc of REAL,REAL, X being open Subset of REAL
st f is_differentiable_on X & g is_differentiable_on X & A c= X &
f`|X is_integrable_on A & f`|X is_bounded_on A & g`|X is_integrable_on A &
g`|X is_bounded_on A holds
=f.(sup A)*g.(sup A)-f.(inf A)*g.(inf A)-integral(f(#)(g`|X),A)
   let f,g be PartFunc of REAL,REAL;
   let X be open Subset of REAL;
   assume that A1:f is_differentiable_on X and A2:g is_differentiable_on X and
   A3:A c= X and A4:f`|X is_integrable_on A and A5:f`|X is_bounded_on A and
   A6:g`|X is_integrable_on A and A7:g`|X is_bounded_on A;

A8:f(#)g is_differentiable_on X & (f(#)g)`|X = (f`|X)(#)g + f(#)(g`|X)
   by A1,A2,FDIFF_2:20;

     f is_continuous_on X & g is_continuous_on X by A1,A2,FDIFF_1:33;
then A9:f is_continuous_on A & g is_continuous_on A by A3,FCONT_1:17;
   then f is_integrable_on A & g is_integrable_on A by Th11;
then A10:f||A is_integrable_on A & g||A is_integrable_on A &
   (f`|X)||A is_integrable_on A & (g`|X)||A is_integrable_on A by A4,A6,Def2;

     X c= dom f & X c= dom g by A1,A2,FDIFF_1:def 7;
then A11:A c= dom f & A c= dom g by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
then f||A is total & g||A is total by Th6;
then A12: f||A is Function of A,REAL & g||A is Function of A,REAL by FUNCT_2:
A13:f is_bounded_on A & g is_bounded_on A by A9,Th10;
then A14:f||A is_bounded_on A & g||A is_bounded_on A by Th9;

A15:A c= dom(f`|X) & A c= dom(g`|X) by A1,A2,A3,FDIFF_1:def 8;
then (f`|X)||A is total & (g`|X)||A is total by Th6;
then A16: (f`|X)||A is Function of A,REAL & (g`|X)||A is Function of A,REAL
     by FUNCT_2:131;
     (f`|X)||A is_bounded_on A & (g`|X)||A is_bounded_on A by A5,A7,Th9;
   then ((f`|X)||A)(#)(g||A) is_integrable_on A &
   (f||A)(#)((g`|X)||A) is_integrable_on A
    by A10,A12,A14,A16,INTEGRA4:29;
then A17:((f`|X)(#)g)||A is_integrable_on A & (f(#)(g`|X))||A is_integrable_on
   by Th4;

     dom ((f`|X)(#)g) = dom (f`|X) /\ dom g by SEQ_1:def 5;
   then A c= dom((f`|X)(#)g) by A11,A15,XBOOLE_1:19;
then ((f`|X)(#)g)||A is total by Th6;
then A18: ((f`|X)(#)g)||A is Function of A, REAL by FUNCT_2:131;
   A19: (f`|X)(#)g is_bounded_on (A /\ A) by A5,A13,RFUNCT_1:101;
then A20:((f`|X)(#)g)||A is_bounded_on A by Th9;
     dom (f(#)(g`|X)) = dom f /\ dom (g`|X) by SEQ_1:def 5;
   then A c= dom(f(#)(g`|X)) by A11,A15,XBOOLE_1:19;
then (f(#)(g`|X))||A is total by Th6;
then A21: (f(#)(g`|X))||A is Function of A, REAL by FUNCT_2:131;
   A22: f(#)(g`|X) is_bounded_on (A /\ A) by A7,A13,RFUNCT_1:101;
then A23:(f(#)(g`|X))||A is_bounded_on A by Th9;
A24:f(#)g is_differentiable_on X by A1,A2,FDIFF_2:20;
A25:(f(#)g)`|X is_integrable_on A
     ((f`|X)(#)g)||A+(f(#)(g`|X))||A is_integrable_on A
   by A17,A18,A20,A21,A23,INTEGRA1:59;
   then ((f`|X)(#)g + f(#)(g`|X))||A is_integrable_on A by Th5;
   hence thesis by A8,Def2;
A26:(f(#)g)`|X is_bounded_on A
     (f`|X)(#)g + f(#)(g`|X) is_bounded_on (A /\ A) by A19,A22,RFUNCT_1:100;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,FDIFF_2:20;
A27:integral(((f(#)g)`|X)||A)=integral((f(#)g)`|X,A) by Def3
  .=(f(#)g).(sup A)-(f(#)g).(inf A) by A3,A24,A25,A26,Th13;
A28:(f(#)g).(sup A)=f.(sup A)*g.(sup A) &
  (f(#)g).(inf A)=f.(inf A)*g.(inf A)
   consider x such that
A29:x in A by SUBSET_1:10;
     inf A <= x & x <= sup A by A29,INTEGRA2:1;
   then inf A <= sup A by AXIOMS:22;
then A30:inf A in A & sup A in A by INTEGRA2:1;
     A c= dom f /\ dom g by A11,XBOOLE_1:19;
   then A c= dom (f(#)g) by SEQ_1:def 5;
   hence thesis by A30,SEQ_1:def 5;
    integral(((f`|X)(#)g)||A + (f(#)(g`|X))||A)
  =integral(((f`|X)(#)g)||A) + integral((f(#)(g`|X))||A)
  by A17,A18,A20,A21,A23,INTEGRA1:59;
  then integral(((f`|X)(#)g+f(#)(g`|X))||A)
  = integral(((f`|X)(#)g)||A) + integral((f(#)(g`|X))||A) by Th5
  .=integral((f`|X)(#)g,A) + integral((f(#)(g`|X))||A) by Def3
  .=integral((f`|X)(#)g,A) + integral(f(#)(g`|X),A) by Def3;
  hence thesis by A8,A27,A28,XCMPLX_1:26;

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