The Mizar article:

Multivariate Polynomials with Arbitrary Number of Variables

Piotr Rudnicki, and
Andrzej Trybulec

Received September 22, 1999

Copyright (c) 1999 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: POLYNOM1
[ MML identifier index ]


      FVSUM_1, FINSEQ_4;
      TOPREAL1, FVSUM_1;
 clusters XREAL_0, STRUCT_0, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FINSET_1, RELSET_1, CARD_3,

begin :: Basics ---------------------------------------------------------------

theorem Th1:
 for i, j being Nat holds multnat.(i,j) = i*j
proof let i, j be Nat;
A1: [i,j] in [:NAT,NAT:] by ZFMISC_1:106;
 thus multnat.(i,j) = (multreal|([:NAT,NAT:] qua set)).[i,j]
        by BINOP_1:def 1,MONOID_0:66
   .= multreal.[i,j] by A1,FUNCT_1:72
   .= multreal.(i,j) by BINOP_1:def 1
  .= i*j by VECTSP_1:def 14;

theorem Th2:
 for X being set, A being non empty set, F being BinOp of A,
     f being Function of X, A, x being Element of A
  holds dom (F[:](f,x)) = X
proof let X be set, A be non empty set, F be BinOp of A,
      f be Function of X, A, x be Element of A;
A1: rng (dom f --> x) c= {x} by FUNCOP_1:19;
     {x} c= A by ZFMISC_1:37;
then A2: rng (dom f --> x) c= A by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
A3: rng f c= A by RELSET_1:12;
A4: rng <:f, dom f --> x:> c= [:rng f, rng (dom f --> x):] by FUNCT_3:71;
A5: [:rng f, rng (dom f --> x):] c= [:A,A:] by A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:119;
     dom F = [:A,A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A6: rng <:f, dom f --> x:> c= dom F by A4,A5,XBOOLE_1:1;
A7: dom (dom f --> x) = dom f by FUNCOP_1:19;
 thus dom (F[:](f,x)) = dom (F*<:f, dom f --> x:>) by FUNCOP_1:def 4
    .= dom <:f, dom f --> x:> by A6,RELAT_1:46
    .= dom f by A7,FUNCT_3:70
    .= X by FUNCT_2:def 1;

theorem Th3:
 for a, b, c being Nat holds a-'b-'c = a-'(b+c)
proof let a, b, c be Nat;
 per cases;
 suppose A1: a <= b;
 then A2: a <= b+c by NAT_1:37;
 A3: 0 <= c by NAT_1:18;
  thus a-'b-'c = 0-'c by A1,NAT_2:10 .= 0 by A3,NAT_2:10
     .= a-'(b+c) by A2,NAT_2:10;
 suppose A4: b <= a & a-b <= c;
 then A5: a <= b+c by REAL_1:86;
    a-'b = a-b by A4,SCMFSA_7:3;
  hence a-'b-'c = 0 by A4,NAT_2:10
    .= a-'(b+c) by A5,NAT_2:10;
 suppose A6: b <= a & c <= a-b;
 then A7: c+b <= a by REAL_1:84;
    a-'b = a-b by A6,SCMFSA_7:3;
  hence a-'b-'c = a-b-c by A6,SCMFSA_7:3
    .= a-(b+c) by XCMPLX_1:36
    .= a-'(b+c) by A7,SCMFSA_7:3;

theorem Th4:
 for X being set, R being Relation st field R c= X holds R is Relation of X
proof let X be set, R be Relation; assume
A1: field R c= X;
 let r be set; assume
A2: r in R; then consider x, y being set such that
A3: r = [x,y] by RELAT_1:def 1;
    x in field R & y in field R by A2,A3,RELAT_1:30;
 hence r in [:X, X:] by A1,A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;

theorem Th5:
for K being non empty LoopStr, p1,p2 be FinSequence of the carrier of K
 st dom p1 = dom p2 holds dom(p1+p2) = dom p1
proof let K be non empty LoopStr, p1,p2 be FinSequence of the carrier of K;
      assume A1: dom p1 = dom p2;
      A2: rng p1 c= the carrier of K by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      A3: rng p2 c= the carrier of K by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      A4: rng <:p1,p2:> c= [:rng p1,rng p2:] by FUNCT_3:71;
      A5: [:rng p1,rng p2:] c= [:the carrier of K,the carrier of K:]
                                                       by A2,A3,ZFMISC_1:119;
        [:the carrier of K,the carrier of K:] = dom (the add of K)
                                                          by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      then A6: rng <:p1,p2:> c= dom (the add of K) by A4,A5,XBOOLE_1:1;
      thus dom (p1+p2) = dom ((the add of K).:(p1,p2)) by FVSUM_1:def 3
                     .= dom ((the add of K)*<:p1,p2:>) by FUNCOP_1:def 3
                     .= dom <:p1,p2:> by A6,RELAT_1:46
                     .= dom p1 /\ dom p2 by FUNCT_3:def 8
                     .= dom p1 by A1;

theorem Th6:
 for f being Function, x,y being set holds rng (f+*(x,y)) c= rng f \/ {y}
proof let f be Function, x,y be set;
 per cases;
 suppose not x in dom f; then (f+*(x,y)) = f by FUNCT_7:def 3;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:7;
 suppose x in dom f; then (f+*(x,y)) = (f+*(x .--> y)) by FUNCT_7:def 3;
   then rng (f+*(x,y)) c= rng f \/ rng (x .--> y) by FUNCT_4:18;
  hence rng (f+*(x,y)) c= rng f \/ {y} by CQC_LANG:5;

 let A, B be set, f be Function of A, B, x be set, y be Element of B;
 redefine func f+*(x,y) -> Function of A, B;
 coherence proof set F = f+*(x,y);
   A1: rng F c= rng f \/ {y} by Th6;
  per cases;
  suppose A2: B is empty;
     rng f c= B by RELSET_1:12;
   then rng f = {} by A2,XBOOLE_1:3;
   then dom f is empty by RELAT_1:65;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_7:def 3;
  suppose A3: B is non empty;
   then A4: dom f = A & rng f c= B by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12;
   then A5: dom F = A by FUNCT_7:32;
         {y} c= B by A3,ZFMISC_1:37;
       then rng f \/ {y} c= B by A4,XBOOLE_1:8;
       then rng F c= B by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
   hence thesis by A3,A5,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;

 let X be set, f be ManySortedSet of X, x, y be set;
 redefine func f+*(x,y) -> ManySortedSet of X;
 coherence proof
  thus dom (f+*(x,y)) = dom f by FUNCT_7:32 .= X by PBOOLE:def 3;

theorem Th7:
 for f being one-to-one Function holds Card (f qua set) = Card rng f
proof let f be one-to-one Function;
A1: Card rng f c= Card dom f by YELLOW_6:3;
A2: Card rng (f") c= Card dom (f") by YELLOW_6:3;
     rng f = dom(f") & dom f = rng(f") by FUNCT_1:55;
   then Card rng f = Card dom f by A1,A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
 hence Card (f qua set) = Card rng f by PRE_CIRC:21;

 let A be non empty set;
 let F, G be BinOp of A, z, u be Element of A;
 cluster doubleLoopStr(# A, F, G, z, u #) -> non empty;
 coherence by STRUCT_0:def 1;

  let A be set;
  let X be set, D be FinSequence-DOMAIN of A, p be PartFunc of X,D, i be set;
 redefine func p/.i -> Element of D;

 let X be set, S be 1-sorted;
 mode Function of X, S is Function of X, the carrier of S;

 let X be set;
 cluster being_linear-order well-ordering Order of X;
 existence proof consider R being Relation such that
A1: R is well-ordering and
A2: field R = X by WELLSET1:9;
   reconsider R as Relation of X by A2,Th4;
A3: R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric &
    R is connected & R is well_founded by A1,WELLORD1:def 4;
A4: R is_reflexive_in X by A2,A3,RELAT_2:def 9;
   dom R = X by A4,ORDERS_1:98;
   then reconsider R as Order of X by A3,PARTFUN1:def 4;
   take R;
  thus thesis by A1,A3,ORDERS_2:def 3;

theorem Th8:
 for X being non empty set, A being non empty finite Subset of X,
     R being Order of X, x being Element of X
  st x in A & R linearly_orders A &
     for y being Element of X st y in A holds [x,y] in R
   holds (SgmX (R,A))/.1 = x
proof let X be non empty set, A be non empty finite Subset of X,
      R be Order of X, x be Element of X; assume that
A1: x in A and
A2: R linearly_orders A and
A3: for y being Element of X st y in A holds [x,y] in R and
A4: SgmX (R,A)/.1 <> x;
A5: A = rng SgmX (R,A) by A2,TRIANG_1:def 2;
    then consider i being Nat such that
A6: i in dom SgmX (R,A) and
A7: SgmX (R,A)/.i = x by A1,PARTFUN2:4;
     1 <= i by A6,FINSEQ_3:27;
   then A8: 1 < i by A4,A7,AXIOMS:21;
     SgmX (R,A) is non empty by A2,RELAT_1:60,TRIANG_1:def 2;
then A9: 1 in dom SgmX (R,A) by FINSEQ_5:6;
then A10: [SgmX (R,A)/.1, x] in R by A2,A6,A7,A8,TRIANG_1:def 2;
     SgmX (R,A)/.1 in A by A5,A9,PARTFUN2:4;
then A11: [x, SgmX (R,A)/.1] in R by A3;
  field R = X by ORDERS_1:97;
     R is_antisymmetric_in X by RELAT_2:def 12;
   hence contradiction by A4,A10,A11,RELAT_2:def 4;

theorem Th9:
 for X being non empty set, A being non empty finite Subset of X,
     R being Order of X, x being Element of X
  st x in A & R linearly_orders A &
     for y being Element of X st y in A holds [y,x] in R
   holds SgmX (R,A)/.len SgmX (R,A) = x
proof let X be non empty set, A be non empty finite Subset of X,
      R be Order of X, x be Element of X; assume that
A1: x in A and
A2: R linearly_orders A and
A3: for y being Element of X st y in A holds [y,x] in R and
A4: SgmX (R,A)/.len SgmX (R,A) <> x;
A5: A = rng SgmX (R,A) by A2,TRIANG_1:def 2;
    then consider i being Nat such that
A6: i in dom SgmX (R,A) and
A7: SgmX (R,A)/.i = x by A1,PARTFUN2:4;
   set L = len SgmX (R,A);
     i <= L by A6,FINSEQ_3:27;
   then A8: i < L by A4,A7,AXIOMS:21;
     SgmX (R,A) is non empty by A2,RELAT_1:60,TRIANG_1:def 2;
then A9: L in dom SgmX (R,A) by FINSEQ_5:6;
then A10: [x, SgmX (R,A)/.L] in R by A2,A6,A7,A8,TRIANG_1:def 2;
     SgmX (R,A)/.L in A by A5,A9,PARTFUN2:4;
then A11: [SgmX (R,A)/.L,x] in R by A3;
  field R = X by ORDERS_1:97;
     R is_antisymmetric_in X by RELAT_2:def 12;
   hence contradiction by A4,A10,A11,RELAT_2:def 4;

 let X be non empty set,
     A be non empty finite Subset of X,
     R be being_linear-order Order of X;
 cluster SgmX(R, A) -> non empty one-to-one;
 coherence proof
A1: field R = X by ORDERS_2:2;
     R linearly_orders field R by ORDERS_2:35;
   then R linearly_orders A by A1,ORDERS_2:36;
  hence thesis by RELAT_1:60,TRIANG_1:8,def 2;

 cluster {} -> FinSequence-yielding;
 coherence proof let x be set; thus thesis; end;

 cluster FinSequence-yielding FinSequence;
 existence proof take {}; thus thesis; end;

 let F, G be FinSequence-yielding FinSequence;
 redefine func F^^G -> FinSequence-yielding FinSequence;
 coherence proof
    dom (F^^G) = dom F /\ dom G by MATRLIN:def 2
             .= Seg len F /\ dom G by FINSEQ_1:def 3
             .= Seg len F /\ Seg len G by FINSEQ_1:def 3
             .= Seg min(len F, len G) by FINSEQ_2:2;
  hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:def 2;

 let i be Nat, f be FinSequence;
 cluster i |-> f -> FinSequence-yielding;
 coherence proof
  let x be set;
   assume x in dom (i |-> f);
    then x in Seg i by FINSEQ_2:68;
  hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:70;

 let F be FinSequence-yielding FinSequence, x be set;
 cluster F.x -> FinSequence-like;
 coherence proof
  per cases;
  suppose not x in dom F;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 4;
  suppose x in dom F;
   hence thesis by MATRLIN:def 1;

 let F be FinSequence;
 cluster Card F -> FinSequence-like;
 coherence proof dom Card F = dom F by CARD_3:def 2
     .= Seg len F by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  hence Card F is FinSequence-like by FINSEQ_1:def 2;

 cluster Cardinal-yielding FinSequence;
 existence proof take {};
    {} is Cardinal-yielding proof let x be set; thus thesis; end;
  hence thesis; end;

theorem Th10:
 for f being Function holds
  f is Cardinal-yielding iff for y being set st y in rng f holds y is Cardinal
proof let f be Function;
  hereby assume
  A1: f is Cardinal-yielding;
   let y be set; assume y in rng f;
      then ex x being set st x in dom f & y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence y is Cardinal by A1,CARD_3:def 1;
  end; assume
  A2: for y being set st y in rng f holds y is Cardinal;
   let x be set; assume x in dom f; then f.x in rng f by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence thesis by A2;

 let F, G be Cardinal-yielding FinSequence;
 cluster F^G -> Cardinal-yielding;
 coherence proof
 A1: rng (F^G) = rng F \/ rng G by FINSEQ_1:44;
     now let y be set; assume y in rng (F^G);
    then y in rng F or y in rng G by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    hence y is Cardinal by Th10;
  hence thesis by Th10;

 cluster -> Cardinal-yielding FinSequence of NAT;
 coherence proof let f be FinSequence of NAT;
  let x be set; assume x in dom f;
  then f.x in NAT by FINSEQ_2:13;
  hence f.x is Cardinal by CARD_1:65;

 cluster Cardinal-yielding FinSequence of NAT;
 existence proof take <*>NAT; thus thesis; end;

 let D be set;
 let F be FinSequence of D*;
 redefine func Card F -> Cardinal-yielding FinSequence of NAT;
 coherence proof
      rng Card F c= NAT proof let y be set; assume y in rng Card F;
     then consider x being set such that
  A1: x in dom Card F & y = (Card F).x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
  A2: x in dom F by A1,CARD_3:def 2;
     reconsider Fx = F.x as finite set;
       y = card Fx by A1,A2,CARD_3:def 2;
     hence thesis;
  hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:def 4;

 let F be FinSequence of NAT, i be Nat;
 cluster F|i -> Cardinal-yielding;

theorem Th11:
 for F being Function, X being set holds Card (F|X) = (Card F)|X
proof let F be Function, X be set;
A1: dom ((Card F)|X) = dom (Card F) /\ X by RELAT_1:90
    .= dom F /\ X by CARD_3:def 2
    .= dom (F|X) by RELAT_1:90;
    now let x be set; assume
  A2: x in dom (F|X);
A3:   dom (F|X) c= dom F by RELAT_1:89;
   thus ((Card F)|X).x = (Card F).x by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:70
   .= Card (F.x) by A2,A3,CARD_3:def 2
   .= Card ((F|X).x) by A2,FUNCT_1:70;
 hence Card (F|X) = (Card F)|X by A1,CARD_3:def 2;

 let F be empty Function;
 cluster Card F -> empty;
 coherence proof dom F is empty; then dom Card F is empty by CARD_3:def 2;
  hence Card F is empty by RELAT_1:64;

theorem Th12:
 for p being set holds Card <*p*> = <*Card p*>
proof let p be set;
   set Cp = <*Card p*>;
A1: dom Cp = {1} by FINSEQ_1:4,55;
     now let x be set; assume x in dom Cp; then x = 1 by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence Cp.x is Cardinal by FINSEQ_1:57;
   then reconsider Cp as Cardinal-Function by CARD_3:def 1;
A2: dom <*p*> = {1} by FINSEQ_1:4,55;
     now let x be set; assume x in dom <*p*>;
   then A3: x = 1 by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence <*Card p*>.x = Card p by FINSEQ_1:57
      .= Card (<*p*>.x) by A3,FINSEQ_1:57;
   then Card <*p*> = Cp by A1,A2,CARD_3:def 2;
 hence Card <*p*> = <*Card p*>;

theorem Th13:
 for F, G be FinSequence holds Card (F^G) = Card F ^ Card G
proof let F, G be FinSequence;
A1: dom Card F = dom F by CARD_3:def 2;
A2: dom Card G = dom G by CARD_3:def 2;
A3: len Card F = len F by A1,FINSEQ_3:31;
A4: len Card G = len G by A2,FINSEQ_3:31;
A5: dom (Card F ^ Card G) = Seg (len Card F + len Card G) by FINSEQ_1:def 7
    .= dom (F ^ G) by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
    now let x be set; assume
  A6: x in dom (F^G);
  then A7: x in Seg (len F + len G) by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      reconsider k = x as Nat by A6;
  A8: 1 <= k & k <= len F + len G by A7,FINSEQ_1:3;
   per cases;
   suppose k <= len F;
   then A9: k in dom F by A8,FINSEQ_3:27;
    hence (Card F ^ Card G).x = (Card F).k by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 7
     .= Card (F.k) by A9,CARD_3:def 2
     .= Card ((F^G).x) by A9,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
   suppose len F < k; then not k in dom F by FINSEQ_3:27;
      then consider n being Nat such that
   A10: n in dom G & k = len F + n by A6,FINSEQ_1:38;
    thus (Card F ^ Card G).x = (Card G).n by A2,A3,A10,FINSEQ_1:def 7
      .= Card (G.n) by A10,CARD_3:def 2
      .= Card ((F^G).x) by A10,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
 hence Card (F^G) = Card F ^ Card G by A5,CARD_3:def 2;

 let X be set;
 cluster <*>X -> FinSequence-yielding;

 let f be FinSequence;
 cluster <*f*> -> FinSequence-yielding;
 coherence proof let x be set; assume x in dom <*f*>;
  then x in {1} by FINSEQ_1:4,55;
  then x = 1 by TARSKI:def 1;
  hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:57;

theorem Th14:
 for f being Function holds
  f is FinSequence-yielding
    iff for y being set st y in rng f holds y is FinSequence
proof let f be Function;
  hereby assume
  A1: f is FinSequence-yielding;
   let y be set; assume y in rng f;
      then ex x being set st x in dom f & y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence y is FinSequence by A1,MATRLIN:def 1;
  end; assume
  A2: for y being set st y in rng f holds y is FinSequence;
   let x be set; assume x in dom f; then f.x in rng f by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence thesis by A2;

 let F, G be FinSequence-yielding FinSequence;
 cluster F^G -> FinSequence-yielding;
 coherence proof
 A1: rng (F^G) = rng F \/ rng G by FINSEQ_1:44;
     now let y be set; assume y in rng (F^G);
    then y in rng F or y in rng G by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    hence y is FinSequence by Th14;
  hence thesis by Th14;

theorem Th15:
  for L being non empty LoopStr, F being FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*
   holds dom Sum F = dom F
proof let L be non empty LoopStr, F be FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*;
     len Sum F = len F by MATRLIN:def 8;
 hence dom Sum F = dom F by FINSEQ_3:31;

theorem Th16:
 for L being non empty LoopStr, F being FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*
  holds Sum (<*>((the carrier of L)*)) = <*>(the carrier of L)
proof let L be non empty LoopStr, F be FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*;
    dom Sum (<*>((the carrier of L)*)) = dom (<*>((the carrier of L)*
)) by Th15;
 hence Sum (<*>((the carrier of L)*)) = <*>(the carrier of L) by FINSEQ_1:26;

theorem Th17:
 for L being non empty LoopStr, p being Element of (the carrier of L)*
  holds <*Sum p*> = Sum<*p*>
proof let L be non empty LoopStr, p be Element of (the carrier of L)*;
A1: dom <*Sum p*> = Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:55 .= dom <*p*> by FINSEQ_1:55;
then A2: len <*Sum p*> = len <*p*> by FINSEQ_3:31;
    now let i be Nat;
   assume i in dom<*p*>; then i in {1} by FINSEQ_1:4,55;
    then A3:  i = 1 by TARSKI:def 1;
   hence <*Sum p*>/.i = Sum p by FINSEQ_4:25
      .= Sum(<*p*>/.i) by A3,FINSEQ_4:25;
 hence <*Sum p*> = Sum<*p*> by A1,A2,MATRLIN:def 8;

theorem Th18:
 for L being non empty LoopStr, F,G being FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*
  holds Sum(F^G) = Sum F ^ Sum G
proof let L be non empty LoopStr, F, G be FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*;
A1: dom Sum F = dom F by Th15;
A2: dom Sum G = dom G by Th15;
A3: len Sum F = len F by A1,FINSEQ_3:31;
A4: len (Sum F^Sum G) = len Sum F + len Sum G by FINSEQ_1:35
     .= len F + len Sum G by A1,FINSEQ_3:31
     .= len F + len G by A2,FINSEQ_3:31
     .= len (F^G) by FINSEQ_1:35;
then A5: dom (Sum F^Sum G) = dom (F^G) by FINSEQ_3:31;
  now let i be Nat such that
   A6: i in dom (F^G);
   per cases by A6,FINSEQ_1:38;
   suppose A7: i in dom F;
    thus (Sum F^Sum G)/.i = (Sum F^Sum G).i by A5,A6,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= (Sum F).i by A1,A7,FINSEQ_1:def 7
          .= (Sum F)/.i by A1,A7,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= Sum (F/.i) by A1,A7,MATRLIN:def 8
          .= Sum((F^G)/.i) by A7,GROUP_5:95;
   suppose ex n being Nat st n in dom G & i = len F + n;
      then consider n being Nat such that
   A8: n in dom G and
   A9: i = len F + n;
    thus (Sum F^Sum G)/.i = (Sum F^Sum G).i by A5,A6,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= (Sum G).n by A2,A3,A8,A9,FINSEQ_1:def 7
          .= (Sum G)/.n by A2,A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= Sum(G/.n) by A2,A8,MATRLIN:def 8
          .= Sum((F^G)/.i) by A8,A9,GROUP_5:96;
 hence thesis by A4,A5,MATRLIN:def 8;

 let L be non empty HGrStr,
     p be FinSequence of the carrier of L,
     a be Element of L;
 redefine func a*p -> FinSequence of the carrier of L means :Def2:
  dom it = dom p &
  for i being set st i in dom p holds it/.i = a*(p/.i);
    set F = a*p;
A1: F = (a multfield)*p by FVSUM_1:def 6;
t1: rng p c= dom (a multfield)
      let x be set;
B1:   dom (a multfield) = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      rng p c= the carrier of L by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      hence thesis by B1;
    end; then
T1: dom F = dom p by A1, RELAT_1:46;
T2: for i being set st i in dom p holds F/.i = a*(p/.i)
      let i be set;
AA:   i in dom p;
      F.i = ((a multfield)*p).i by FVSUM_1:def 6
         .= (a multfield).(p.i) by AA, FUNCT_1:23 
         .= (a multfield).(p/.i) by AA, FINSEQ_4:def 4
         .= a * (p/.i) by FVSUM_1:61;
      hence thesis by AA, T1, FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    now let G be FinSequence of the carrier of L;
F0:   dom G = dom p &
      for i being set st i in dom p holds G/.i = a*(p/.i);
      set R = (a multfield)*p;
F2:   rng p c= the carrier of L by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      dom (a multfield) = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1; then
F1:   dom G = dom R by F0, F2, RELAT_1:46;
      for k being set st k in dom G holds G.k = R.k
        let k be set;
F3:     k in dom G; then
        G.k = G/.k by FINSEQ_4:def 4
           .= a*(p/.k) by F3, F0
           .= (a multfield).(p/.k) by FVSUM_1:61
           .= (a multfield).(p.k) by F3, F0, FINSEQ_4:def 4
           .= R.k by F3, F0, FUNCT_1:23;
        hence thesis;
      end; then
      G = R by F1, FUNCT_1:9;
      hence G = a * p by FVSUM_1:def 6;
    hence thesis by t1, T2, A1, RELAT_1:46;

 let L be non empty HGrStr,
     p be FinSequence of the carrier of L,
     a be Element of L;
func p*a -> FinSequence of the carrier of L means :Def3:
  dom it = dom p &
  for i being set st i in dom p holds it/.i = (p/.i)*a;
 existence proof
  deffunc F(set) = (p/.$1)*a;
  consider f being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
A9: len f = len p and
A10: for j being Nat st j in dom f holds f/.j = F(j) from PiLambdaD;
   take f;
A11: dom f = dom p by A9,FINSEQ_3:31;
   let j be set;
   assume j in dom p;
   hence f/.j = (p/.j)*a by A10,A11;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
A12: dom it1 = dom p and
A13: for i being set st i in dom p holds it1/.i = (p/.i)*a and
A14: dom it2 = dom p and
A15: for i being set st i in dom p holds it2/.i = (p/.i)*a;
     now let j be Nat; assume A16: j in dom p;
    hence it1/.j = (p/.j)*a by A13 .= it2/.j by A15,A16;
  hence it1 = it2 by A12,A14,FINSEQ_5:13;

theorem Th19:
 for L being non empty HGrStr, a being Element of L
  holds a*<*>(the carrier of L) = <*>(the carrier of L)
proof let L be non empty HGrStr, a be Element of L;
    dom (a*<*>(the carrier of L)) = dom <*>(the carrier of L) by Def2;
  hence a*<*>(the carrier of L) = <*>(the carrier of L) by RELAT_1:64;

theorem Th20:
 for L being non empty HGrStr, a being Element of L
  holds (<*>the carrier of L)*a = <*>(the carrier of L)
proof let L be non empty HGrStr, a be Element of L;
    dom((<*>the carrier of L)*a) = dom <*>(the carrier of L) by Def3;
  hence (<*>the carrier of L)*a = <*>(the carrier of L) by RELAT_1:64;

theorem Th21:
 for L being non empty HGrStr, a, b being Element of L
  holds a*<*b*> = <*a*b*>
proof let L be non empty HGrStr,
     a, b be Element of L;
A1: dom<*a*b*> = Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:55 .= dom<*b*> by FINSEQ_1:55;
    for i being set st i in dom<*b*> holds <*a*b*>/.i = a*(<*b*>/.i)
   proof let i be set;
    assume i in dom<*b*>;
     then i in {1} by FINSEQ_1:4,55;
then A2:    i = 1 by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence <*a*b*>/.i = a*b by FINSEQ_4:25
                      .= a*(<*b*>/.i) by A2,FINSEQ_4:25;
 hence a*<*b*> = <*a*b*> by A1,Def2;

theorem Th22:
 for L being non empty HGrStr, a, b being Element of L
  holds <*b*>*a = <*b*a*>
proof let L be non empty HGrStr,
     a, b be Element of L;
A1: dom<*b*a*> = Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:55 .= dom<*b*> by FINSEQ_1:55;
    for i being set st i in dom<*b*> holds <*b*a*>/.i = (<*b*>/.i)*a
   proof let i be set;
    assume i in dom<*b*>;
     then i in {1} by FINSEQ_1:4,55;
     then A2:    i = 1 by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence <*b*a*>/.i = b*a by FINSEQ_4:25
                      .= (<*b*>/.i)*a by A2,FINSEQ_4:25;
 hence <*b*>*a = <*b*a*> by A1,Def3;

theorem Th23:
 for L being non empty HGrStr, a being Element of L,
     p, q being FinSequence of the carrier of L
  holds a*(p^q) = (a*p)^(a*q)
proof let L be non empty HGrStr, a be Element of L,
          p, q be FinSequence of the carrier of L;
A1: dom (a*p) = dom p by Def2;
then A2: len (a*p) = len p by FINSEQ_3:31;
A3: dom (a*q) = dom q by Def2;
then A4: len (a*q) = len q by FINSEQ_3:31;
A5: len ((a*p)^(a*q)) = len (a*p) + len (a*q) by FINSEQ_1:35
       .= len (p^q) by A2,A4,FINSEQ_1:35;
A6: dom (a*(p^q)) = dom (p^q) by Def2;
then A7: dom (a*(p^q)) = dom ((a*p)^(a*q)) by A5,FINSEQ_3:31;
    now let i be Nat; assume
  A8: i in dom (a*(p^q));
    per cases by A6,A8,FINSEQ_1:38;
    suppose A9: i in dom p;
     thus (a*(p^q))/.i = a*((p^q)/.i) by A6,A8,Def2
       .= a*(p/.i) by A9,GROUP_5:95
       .= (a*p)/.i by A9,Def2
       .= ((a*p)^(a*q))/.i by A1,A9,GROUP_5:95;
    suppose ex n being Nat st n in dom q & i = len p+n;
        then consider n being Nat such that
    A10: n in dom q & i = len p+n;
     thus (a*(p^q))/.i = a*((p^q)/.i) by A6,A8,Def2
       .= a*(q/.n) by A10,GROUP_5:96
       .= (a*q)/.n by A10,Def2
       .= ((a*p)^(a*q))/.i by A2,A3,A10,GROUP_5:96;
 hence a*(p^q) = (a*p)^(a*q) by A7,FINSEQ_5:13;

theorem Th24:
 for L being non empty HGrStr, a being Element of L,
     p, q being FinSequence of the carrier of L
  holds (p^q)*a = (p*a)^(q*a)
proof let L be non empty HGrStr, a be Element of L,
     p, q be FinSequence of the carrier of L;
A1: dom (p*a) = dom p by Def3;
then A2: len (p*a) = len p by FINSEQ_3:31;
A3: dom (q*a) = dom q by Def3;
then A4: len (q*a) = len q by FINSEQ_3:31;
A5: len ((p*a)^(q*a)) = len (p*a) + len (q*a) by FINSEQ_1:35
       .= len (p^q) by A2,A4,FINSEQ_1:35;
A6: dom ((p^q)*a) = dom (p^q) by Def3;
then A7: dom ((p^q)*a) = dom ((p*a)^(q*a)) by A5,FINSEQ_3:31;
    now let i be Nat; assume
  A8: i in dom ((p^q)*a);
    per cases by A6,A8,FINSEQ_1:38;
    suppose A9: i in dom p;
     thus ((p^q)*a)/.i = ((p^q)/.i)*a by A6,A8,Def3
       .= (p/.i)*a by A9,GROUP_5:95
       .= (p*a)/.i by A9,Def3
       .= ((p*a)^(q*a))/.i by A1,A9,GROUP_5:95;
    suppose ex n being Nat st n in dom q & i = len p+n;
        then consider n being Nat such that
    A10: n in dom q & i = len p+n;
     thus (p^q*a)/.i = ((p^q)/.i)*a by A6,A8,Def3
       .= (q/.n)*a by A10,GROUP_5:96
       .= (q*a)/.n by A10,Def3
       .= ((p*a)^(q*a))/.i by A2,A3,A10,GROUP_5:96;
 hence (p^q)*a = (p*a)^(q*a) by A7,FINSEQ_5:13;

 cluster non degenerated -> non trivial (non empty multLoopStr_0);
  proof let K be non empty multLoopStr_0;
   assume 0.K <> 1_ K;
   hence thesis by ANPROJ_1:def 8;

 cluster unital (non empty strict multLoopStr_0);
  proof take multEX_0;
   thus thesis;

 cluster strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         associative commutative distributive Field-like
         unital non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 existence proof take F_Real; thus thesis; end;

canceled 2;

theorem Th27:
  for L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
              unital right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr) st 0.L = 1.L
 holds L is trivial
proof let L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
               unital right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr) such that
A1: 0.L = 1.L;
 let u be Element of L;
 thus u = u*0.L by A1,GROUP_1:def 4 .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:36;

theorem Th28:
 for L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
              unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     a being Element of L,
     p being FinSequence of the carrier of L
  holds Sum (a*p) = a*Sum p
proof let L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
          a be Element of L;
    set p = <*>(the carrier of L);
A1: Sum p = 0.L by RLVECT_1:60;
defpred P[FinSequence of the carrier of L] means Sum (a*$1) = a*Sum $1;
Sum (a*p) = Sum p by Th19;
then A2: P[p] by A1,VECTSP_1:36;
A3: now let p be FinSequence of the carrier of L,
            r be Element of L such that
    A4: P[p];
        Sum (a*(p^<*r*>)) = Sum ((a*p)^(a*<*r*>)) by Th23
      .= Sum (a*p) + Sum (a*<*r*>) by RLVECT_1:58
      .= Sum (a*p) + Sum (<*a*r*>) by Th21
      .= Sum (a*p) + a*r by RLVECT_1:61
      .= a*Sum p + a*Sum<*r*> by A4,RLVECT_1:61
      .= a*(Sum p + Sum<*r*>) by VECTSP_1:def 18
      .= a*Sum (p^<*r*>) by RLVECT_1:58;
     hence P[p^<*r*>];
  thus for p being FinSequence of the carrier of L holds P[p]
   from IndSeqD(A2,A3);

theorem Th29:
 for L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
             unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     a being Element of L,
     p being FinSequence of the carrier of L
  holds Sum (p*a) = (Sum p)*a
 let L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
          unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
          a be Element of L;
    set p = <*>(the carrier of L);
A1: Sum p = 0.L by RLVECT_1:60;
defpred P[FinSequence of the carrier of L] means Sum ($1*a) = (Sum $1)*a;
Sum (p*a) = Sum p by Th20;
then A2: P[p] by A1,VECTSP_1:39;
A3: now let p be FinSequence of the carrier of L,
            r be Element of L such that
    A4: P[p];
     Sum ((p^<*r*>)*a) = Sum ((p*a)^(<*r*>*a)) by Th24
      .= Sum (p*a) + Sum (<*r*>*a) by RLVECT_1:58
      .= Sum (p*a) + Sum (<*r*a*>) by Th22
      .= Sum (p*a) + r*a by RLVECT_1:61
      .= (Sum p)*a + (Sum<*r*>)*a by A4,RLVECT_1:61
      .= (Sum p + Sum<*r*>)*a by VECTSP_1:def 18
      .= (Sum (p^<*r*>))*a by RLVECT_1:58;
     hence P[p^<*r*>];
  thus for p being FinSequence of the carrier of L holds P[p]
          from IndSeqD(A2,A3);

begin :: Sequence flattening --------------------------------------------------

 let D be set, F be empty FinSequence of D*;
 cluster FlattenSeq F -> empty;
 coherence proof F = <*>(D*); then FlattenSeq F = <*>D by SCMFSA_7:13;
  hence thesis; end;

theorem Th30:
 for D being set, F being FinSequence of D*
  holds len FlattenSeq F = Sum Card F
proof let D be set;
defpred P[FinSequence of D*] means len FlattenSeq $1 = Sum Card $1;
A1: P[<*>(D*)] by FINSEQ_1:25,RVSUM_1:102;
A2: now let F be FinSequence of D*, p be Element of D* such that
    A3: P[F];
     len FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>)
      = len (FlattenSeq F ^ FlattenSeq <*p*>) by SCMFSA_7:14
     .= (Sum Card F) + len FlattenSeq <*p*> by A3,FINSEQ_1:35
     .= (Sum Card F) + len p by DTCONSTR:13
     .= Sum ((Card F)^<*len p*>) by RVSUM_1:104
     .= Sum ((Card F) ^ Card <*p*>) by Th12
     .= Sum Card (F^<*p*>) by Th13;
    hence P[F^<*p*>];
 thus for F be FinSequence of D* holds P[F] from IndSeqD(A1,A2);

theorem Th31:
 for D, E being set, F being FinSequence of D*, G being FinSequence of E*
  st Card F = Card G holds len FlattenSeq F = len FlattenSeq G
proof let D, E be set, F be FinSequence of D*, G be FinSequence of E*; assume
    Card F = Card G;
 hence len FlattenSeq F = Sum Card G by Th30 .= len FlattenSeq G by Th30;

theorem Th32:
 for D being set, F being FinSequence of D*, k being set
  st k in dom FlattenSeq F
   ex i, j being Nat st i in dom F & j in dom (F.i) &
          k = (Sum Card (F|(i-'1))) + j & (F.i).j = (FlattenSeq F).k
proof let D be set;
    set F = <*>(D*);
defpred P[FinSequence of D*] means for k being set st k in dom FlattenSeq $1
 ex i,j be Nat st i in dom $1 & j in dom ($1.i) &
  k = (Sum Card ($1|(i-'1))) + j & ($1.i).j = (FlattenSeq $1).k;
A1: P[F];
A2: for F be FinSequence of D*, p be Element of D* st P[F] holds P[F^<*p*>]
  let F be FinSequence of D*, p be Element of D*;
  assume A3: P[F];
  let k be set;
  assume A4: k in dom FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>);
  then reconsider m = k as Nat;
  A5: FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>) = FlattenSeq F ^ FlattenSeq <*p*> by SCMFSA_7:14
       .= FlattenSeq F ^ p by DTCONSTR:13;
  A6: Sum Card F = len FlattenSeq F by Th30;
  A7: (F^<*p*>)|len F = F by FINSEQ_5:26;
    per cases;
    suppose A8: not k in dom FlattenSeq F;
     take i = len F + 1;
     take j = m-'Sum Card ((F^<*p*>)|(i-'1));
    A9: (Sum Card ((F^<*p*>)|(i-'1))) = len FlattenSeq F by A6,A7,BINARITH:39;
          1 <= m by A4,FINSEQ_3:27;
    then A10: len FlattenSeq F < m by A8,FINSEQ_3:27;
    A11: len (F^<*p*>) = len F + len <*p*> by FINSEQ_1:35
         .= len F +1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
          1 in dom <*p*> by FINSEQ_5:6;
    then A12: (F^<*p*>).i = <*p*>.1 by FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= p by FINSEQ_1:57;
          1 <= len F +1 by NAT_1:29;
     hence i in dom (F^<*p*>) by A11,FINSEQ_3:27;
            len FlattenSeq F +1 <= m by A10,NAT_1:38;
    then A13:   1 <= j by A9,SPRECT_3:8;
            m <= len (FlattenSeq F ^ p) by A4,A5,FINSEQ_3:27;
          then m <= len FlattenSeq F + len p by FINSEQ_1:35;
          then j <= len p by A9,SPRECT_3:6;
    A14: j in dom ((F^<*p*>).i) by A12,A13,FINSEQ_3:27;
     thus k = (Sum Card ((F^<*p*>)|(i-'1))) + j by A9,A10,AMI_5:4;
     hence ((F^<*p*>).i).j = (FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>)).k
            by A5,A9,A12,A14,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
    suppose A15: k in dom FlattenSeq F;
       then consider i, j being Nat such that
    A16: i in dom F and
    A17: j in dom (F.i) and
    A18: k = (Sum Card (F|(i-'1))) + j and
    A19: (F.i).j = (FlattenSeq F).k by A3;
     take i, j;
          dom F c= dom (F^<*p*>) by FINSEQ_1:39;
     hence i in dom (F^<*p*>) by A16;
    A20: (F^<*p*>).i = (F.i) by A16,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
     thus j in dom ((F^<*p*>).i) by A16,A17,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
    A21: i <= len F by A16,FINSEQ_3:27;
          i-'1 <= i by GOBOARD9:2;
        then i-'1 <= len F by A21,AXIOMS:22;
     hence k = (Sum Card ((F^<*p*>)|(i-'1))) + j by A18,FINSEQ_5:25;
     thus ((F^<*p*>).i).j = (FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>)).k
          by A5,A15,A19,A20,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
 thus for F being FinSequence of D* holds P[F] from IndSeqD(A1,A2);

theorem Th33:
 for D being set, F being FinSequence of D*, i, j being Nat
  st i in dom F & j in dom (F.i)
   holds (Sum Card (F|(i-'1))) + j in dom FlattenSeq F &
         (F.i).j = (FlattenSeq F).((Sum Card (F|(i-'1))) + j)
proof let D be set;
     set F = <*>(D*);
   defpred P[FinSequence of D*] means
    for i, j be Nat st i in dom $1 & j in dom ($1.i) holds
     (Sum Card ($1|(i-'1))) + j in dom FlattenSeq $1 &
      ($1.i).j = (FlattenSeq $1).((Sum Card ($1|(i-'1))) + j);
A1: P[F];
A2: for F be FinSequence of D*, p be Element of D* st P[F] holds P[F^<*p*>]
 let F be FinSequence of D*, p be Element of D*;
 assume A3: for i, j being Nat st i in dom F & j in dom (F.i)
       holds (Sum Card (F|(i-'1))) + j in dom FlattenSeq F &
        (F.i).j = (FlattenSeq F).((Sum Card (F|(i-'1))) + j);
 let i, j be Nat; assume that
A4: i in dom (F^<*p*>) and
A5: j in dom ((F^<*p*>).i);
A6: FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>) = FlattenSeq F ^ FlattenSeq <*p*> by SCMFSA_7:14
       .= FlattenSeq F ^ p by DTCONSTR:13;
 per cases;
 suppose A7: not i in dom F;
 A8: len (F^<*p*>) = len F + len <*p*> by FINSEQ_1:35
      .= len F + 1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
 A9: 1 <= i & i <= len (F^<*p*>) by A4,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then len F < i by A7,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then len F + 1 <= i by NAT_1:38;
 then A10: i = len F + 1 by A8,A9,AXIOMS:21;
 then A11: i-'1 = len F by BINARITH:39;
       1 in dom <*p*> by FINSEQ_5:6;
 then A12: (F^<*p*>).i = <*p*>.1 by A10,FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= p by FINSEQ_1:57;
 A13: (F^<*p*>)|(i-'1) = F by A11,FINSEQ_5:26;
 A14: Sum Card F = len FlattenSeq F by Th30;
  hence (Sum Card ((F^<*p*>)|(i-'1))) + j in dom FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>)
                                               by A5,A6,A12,A13,FINSEQ_1:41;
 thus ((F^<*p*>).i).j = (FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>)).((Sum
 Card ((F^<*p*>)|(i-'1)))+j)
            by A5,A6,A12,A13,A14,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
 suppose A15: i in dom F;
 then A16: i <= len F by FINSEQ_3:27;
       i-'1 <= i by GOBOARD9:2;
     then i-'1 <= len F by A16,AXIOMS:22;
 then A17: (F^<*p*>)|(i-'1) = F|(i-'1) by FINSEQ_5:25;
 A18: dom FlattenSeq F c= dom FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>) by A6,FINSEQ_1:39;
 A19: j in dom (F.i) by A5,A15,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
 then A20: (Sum Card (F|(i-'1))) + j in dom FlattenSeq F by A3,A15;
  hence (Sum
 Card ((F^<*p*>)|(i-'1))) + j in dom FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>) by A17,A18;
  thus ((F^<*p*>).i).j
     = (F.i).j by A15,FINSEQ_1:def 7
    .= (FlattenSeq F).((Sum Card (F|(i-'1))) + j) by A3,A15,A19
    .= (FlattenSeq (F^<*p*>)).((Sum Card ((F^<*p*>)|(i-'1)))+j)
           by A6,A17,A20,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
 thus for F being FinSequence of D* holds P[F] from IndSeqD(A1,A2);

theorem Th34:
 for L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
               (non empty LoopStr),
     F being FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*
  holds Sum FlattenSeq F = Sum Sum F
proof let L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
               (non empty LoopStr);
defpred P[FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*] means
 Sum FlattenSeq $1 = Sum Sum $1;
Sum FlattenSeq(<*>((the carrier of L)*))
          = Sum <*>(the carrier of L);
then A1: P[<*>((the carrier of L)*)] by Th16;
A2: for f being FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*,
    p being Element of (the carrier of L)* st P[f] holds P[f^<*p*>]
   let f be FinSequence of (the carrier of L)*,
       p be Element of (the carrier of L)* such that
A3:  Sum FlattenSeq f = Sum Sum f;
   thus Sum FlattenSeq(f^<*p*>)
         = Sum((FlattenSeq f)^FlattenSeq <*p*>) by SCMFSA_7:14
        .= Sum((FlattenSeq f)^p) by DTCONSTR:13
        .= Sum Sum f +Sum p by A3,RLVECT_1:58
        .= Sum Sum f+Sum<*Sum p*> by RLVECT_1:61
        .= Sum(Sum f^<*Sum p*>) by RLVECT_1:58
        .= Sum(Sum f^Sum<*p*>) by Th17
        .= Sum Sum(f^<*p*>) by Th18;
 thus for f be FinSequence of (the carrier of L)* holds P[f]
  from IndSeqD(A1,A2);

theorem Th35:
 for X, Y being non empty set, f being FinSequence of X*,
     v being Function of X, Y
   holds (dom f --> v)**f is FinSequence of Y*
proof let X, Y be non empty set, f be FinSequence of X*,
           v be Function of X, Y;
   set F = (dom f --> v)**f;
A1:  dom F = dom (dom f --> v) /\ dom f by MSUALG_3:def 4
        .= dom f /\ dom f by FUNCOP_1:19
        .= dom f;
    then dom F = Seg len f by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A2: F is FinSequence-like by FINSEQ_1:def 2;
     rng F c= Y* proof let y be set; assume y in rng F;
       then consider x being set such that
   A3: x in dom F & y = F.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   A4: y = (dom f --> v).x * (f.x) by A3,MSUALG_3:def 4
        .= v*(f.x) by A1,A3,FUNCOP_1:13;
         f.x in X* by A1,A3,FINSEQ_2:13;
       then f.x is FinSequence of X by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       then y is FinSequence of Y by A4,FINSEQ_2:36;
    hence y in Y* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
 hence (dom f --> v)**f is FinSequence of Y* by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 4;

theorem Th36:
 for X, Y being non empty set, f being FinSequence of X*,
     v being Function of X, Y
   ex F being FinSequence of Y*
      st F = (dom f --> v)**f & v*FlattenSeq f = FlattenSeq F
proof let X, Y be non empty set, f be FinSequence of X*,
          v be Function of X, Y;
 reconsider F = (dom f --> v)**f as FinSequence of Y* by Th35;
 take F;
 thus F = (dom f --> v)**f;
 set Fl = FlattenSeq F;
 set fl = FlattenSeq f;
 reconsider vfl = v*fl as FinSequence of Y by FINSEQ_2:36;
          len fl = len vfl by FINSEQ_2:37;
  A1: dom fl = dom vfl by FINSEQ_3:31;
  A2: dom f = dom Card f by CARD_3:def 2;
  A3: dom F = dom (dom f --> v) /\ dom f by MSUALG_3:def 4
           .= dom f /\ dom f by FUNCOP_1:19
           .= dom f;
  then A4: dom f = dom Card F by CARD_3:def 2;
    let k be set; assume
   A5: k in dom f;
   then A6: F.k = ((dom f --> v).k)*(f.k) by A3,MSUALG_3:def 4
          .= v*(f.k) by A5,FUNCOP_1:13;
         f.k in X* by A5,FINSEQ_2:13;
       then reconsider fk = f.k as FinSequence of X by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    thus (Card f).k = len fk by A5,CARD_3:def 2
      .= len (F.k) by A6,FINSEQ_2:37
      .= (Card F).k by A3,A5,CARD_3:def 2;
  then A7:  Card f = Card F by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:9;
       then len fl = len Fl by Th31;
  hence dom fl = dom Fl by FINSEQ_3:31;
  let k be Nat; assume
  A8: k in dom fl;
     then consider i, j being Nat such that
  A9: i in dom f and
  A10: j in dom (f.i) and
  A11: k = (Sum Card (f|(i-'1))) + j and
  A12: (f.i).j = fl.k by Th32;
  A13: dom v = X by FUNCT_2:def 1;
        f.i in X* by A9,FINSEQ_2:13;
      then f.i is FinSequence of X by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      then rng (f.i) c= dom v by A13,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
  then A14: j in dom (v*(f.i)) by A10,RELAT_1:46;
   A15: F.i = ((dom f --> v).i)*(f.i) by A3,A9,MSUALG_3:def 4
          .= v*(f.i) by A9,FUNCOP_1:13;
         f.i in X* by A9,FINSEQ_2:13;
       then reconsider fi = f.i as FinSequence of X by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
        len fi = len (F.i) by A15,FINSEQ_2:37;
  then A16: j in dom (F.i) by A10,FINSEQ_3:31;
        Card (F|(i-'1)) = Card (F|Seg (i-'1)) by TOPREAL1:def 1
        .= (Card f)|Seg (i-'1) by A7,Th11
        .= Card (f|Seg(i-'1)) by Th11
        .= Card (f|(i-'1)) by TOPREAL1:def 1;
  then Fl.k = (F.i).j by A3,A9,A11,A16,Th33
          .= (((dom f --> v).i)*(f.i)).j by A3,A9,MSUALG_3:def 4
          .= (v*(f.i)).j by A9,FUNCOP_1:13
          .= v.((f.i).j) by A14,FUNCT_1:22;
  hence vfl.k = Fl.k by A1,A8,A12,FUNCT_1:22;
 hence v*FlattenSeq f = FlattenSeq F by FINSEQ_1:17;

begin :: Functions yielding natural numbers -----------------------------------

 cluster {} -> natural-yielding;
 coherence proof thus rng {} c= NAT by XBOOLE_1:2; end;

 cluster natural-yielding Function;
 existence proof take {}; thus thesis;

 let f be natural-yielding Function;
 let x be set;
 redefine func f.x -> Nat;
 coherence proof
 per cases;
 suppose x in dom f;
 then f.x in rng f & rng f c= NAT by FUNCT_1:def 5,SEQM_3:def 8;
  hence thesis;
 suppose not x in dom f;
  hence thesis by CARD_1:51,FUNCT_1:def 4;

 let f be natural-yielding Function, x be set, n be Nat;
 cluster f+*(x,n) -> natural-yielding;
 coherence proof
  set F = f+*(x,n);
  let y be set; assume y in rng F;
     then consider a being set such that
A1: a in dom F & y = F.a by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   per cases;
   suppose x in dom f & x = a; then F.a = n by FUNCT_7:33;
    hence y in NAT by A1;
   suppose x in dom f & x <> a; then F.a = f.a by FUNCT_7:34;
    hence y in NAT by A1;
   suppose not x in dom f; then F.a = f.a by FUNCT_7:def 3;
    hence y in NAT by A1;

 let X be set;
 cluster -> natural-yielding Function of X, NAT;
 coherence proof let f be Function of X, NAT;
     rng f c= NAT by RELSET_1:12;
  hence thesis by SEQM_3:def 8;

 let X be set;
 cluster natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X;
 existence proof
  set f = X --> 0;
     dom f = X by FUNCOP_1:19;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedSet of X by PBOOLE:def 3;
  take f;
A1: rng f c= {0} by FUNCOP_1:19;
      {0} c= NAT by ZFMISC_1:37;
   then rng f c= NAT by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
  hence f is natural-yielding by SEQM_3:def 8;

 let X be set, b1, b2 be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X;

 func b1+b2 -> ManySortedSet of X means
  for x being set holds it.x = b1.x+b2.x;
 existence proof
  deffunc F(set) = b1.$1+b2.$1;
  consider f being ManySortedSet of X such that
A1: for i being set st i in X holds f.i = F(i) from MSSLambda;
  take f;
  let x be set;
  per cases;
  suppose x in X;
   hence thesis by A1;
  suppose A2: not x in X;
   A3: dom f = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   A4: dom b1 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   A5: dom b2 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   thus f.x = 0+0 by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:def 4
           .= 0+b2.x by A2,A5,FUNCT_1:def 4
           .= b1.x+b2.x by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:def 4;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be ManySortedSet of X such that
A6:  for x being set holds it1.x = b1.x+b2.x and
A7:  for x being set holds it2.x = b1.x+b2.x;
A8: dom it1 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
A9: dom it2 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
     now let x be set; assume x in X;
    thus it1.x = b1.x+b2.x by A6 .= it2.x by A7;
  hence it1 = it2 by A8,A9,FUNCT_1:9;
 func b1 -' b2 -> ManySortedSet of X means
  for x being set holds it.x = b1.x -' b2.x;
 existence proof
  deffunc F(set) = b1.$1 -' b2.$1;
  consider f being ManySortedSet of X such that
A10: for i being set st i in X holds f.i = F(i) from MSSLambda;
  take f;
  let x be set;
  per cases;
  suppose x in X;
   hence thesis by A10;
  suppose A11: not x in X;
   A12: dom f = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   A13: dom b1 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   A14: dom b2 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   thus f.x = 0 by A11,A12,FUNCT_1:def 4 .= 0-'0 by GOBOARD9:1
           .= 0-'b2.x by A11,A14,FUNCT_1:def 4
           .= b1.x-'b2.x by A11,A13,FUNCT_1:def 4;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be ManySortedSet of X such that
A15:  for x being set holds it1.x = b1.x-'b2.x and
A16:  for x being set holds it2.x = b1.x-'b2.x;
     now let x be set; assume x in X;
    thus it1.x = b1.x-'b2.x by A15 .= it2.x by A16;
  hence it1 = it2 by PBOOLE:3;

   for X being set, b, b1, b2 being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
  st for x being set st x in X holds b.x = b1.x+b2.x
   holds b = b1+b2
proof let X be set, b, b1, b2 be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X; assume
A1: for x being set st x in X holds b.x = b1.x+b2.x;
    now let x be set;
  per cases;
  suppose x in X;
   hence b.x = b1.x+b2.x by A1;
  suppose A2: not x in X;
   A3: dom b = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   A4: dom b1 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   A5: dom b2 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   thus b.x = 0+0 by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:def 4
           .= 0+b2.x by A2,A5,FUNCT_1:def 4
           .= b1.x+b2.x by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:def 4;
  hence b = b1+b2 by Def5;

theorem Th38:
 for X being set, b, b1, b2 being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
  st for x being set st x in X holds b.x = b1.x-'b2.x
   holds b = b1-'b2
proof let X be set, b, b1, b2 be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X; assume
A1: for x being set st x in X holds b.x = b1.x-'b2.x;
    now let x be set;
  per cases;
  suppose x in X;
   hence b.x = b1.x -' b2.x by A1;
  suppose A2: not x in X;
   A3: dom b = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   A4: dom b1 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   A5: dom b2 = X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   thus b.x = 0 by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:def 4 .= 0-'0 by GOBOARD9:1
           .= 0-'b2.x by A2,A5,FUNCT_1:def 4
           .= b1.x-'b2.x by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:def 4;
  hence b = b1-'b2 by Def6;

 let X be set, b1, b2 be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X;
 cluster b1+b2 -> natural-yielding;
 coherence proof set f = b1+b2;
      rng f c= NAT proof let y be set; assume y in rng f;
     then consider x being set such that
   A1: x in dom f & y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        f.x = b1.x+b2.x by Def5;
    hence y in NAT by A1;
  hence f is natural-yielding by SEQM_3:def 8;
 cluster b1-'b2 -> natural-yielding;
 coherence proof set f = b1 -' b2;
      rng f c= NAT proof let y be set; assume y in rng f;
     then consider x being set such that
   A2: x in dom f & y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        f.x = b1.x -' b2.x by Def6;
    hence y in NAT by A2;
  hence f is natural-yielding by SEQM_3:def 8;

theorem Th39:
 for X being set, b1, b2, b3 being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
  holds (b1+b2)+b3 = b1+(b2+b3)
proof let X be set, b1, b2, b3 be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X;
   now let x be set; assume x in X;
  thus ((b1+b2)+b3).x = (b1+b2).x+b3.x by Def5
    .= b1.x+b2.x+b3.x by Def5
    .= b1.x+(b2.x+b3.x) by XCMPLX_1:1
    .= b1.x+(b2+b3).x by Def5
    .= (b1+(b2+b3)).x by Def5;
 hence (b1+b2)+b3 = b1+(b2+b3) by PBOOLE:3;

   for X being set, b, c, d being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
  holds b-'c-'d = b-'(c+d)
proof let X be set, b, c, d be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X;
   now let x be set; assume x in X;
  thus (b-'c-'d).x = (b-'c).x -' d.x by Def6
    .= b.x-'c.x-'d.x by Def6
    .= b.x-'(c.x+d.x) by Th3
    .= b.x-'(c+d).x by Def5;
 hence b-'c-'d = b-'(c+d) by Th38;

begin :: The support of a function --------------------------------------------

 let f be Function;
 func support f means
  for x being set holds x in it iff f.x <> 0;
   defpred P[set] means f.$1 <> 0;
   consider A being set such that
A1:  for x being set holds x in A iff x in dom f & P[x] from Separation;
   take A;
   let x be set;
   thus x in A implies f.x <> 0 by A1;
A2:  f.x <> 0;
    then x in dom f by FUNCT_1:def 4;
   hence thesis by A1,A2;
  proof let A,B be set such that
A3: for x being set holds x in A iff f.x <> 0 and
A4: for x being set holds x in B iff f.x <> 0;
      for x being set holds x in A iff x in B
     proof let x be set;
         x in A iff f.x <> 0 by A3;
      hence thesis by A4;
   hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th41:
 for f being Function holds support f c= dom f
proof let f be Function, x be set; assume x in support f;
     then f.x <> 0 by Def7;
 hence x in dom f by FUNCT_1:def 4;

 let f be Function;
 attr f is finite-support means
    support f is finite;
 synonym f has_finite-support;

 cluster {} -> finite-support;
 coherence proof
      dom {} = {};
    then support {} c= {} by Th41;
  hence support {} is finite by FINSET_1:13;

 cluster finite -> finite-support Function;
 coherence proof let f be Function; assume f is finite;
 then A1: dom f is finite by AMI_1:21;
      support f c= dom f by Th41;
  hence support f is finite by A1,FINSET_1:13;

 cluster natural-yielding finite-support non empty Function;
 existence proof
  take f = 0 .--> 1;
     rng f = {1} by CQC_LANG:5;
     then rng f c= NAT by ZFMISC_1:37;
  hence f is natural-yielding by SEQM_3:def 8;
       dom f = {0} by CQC_LANG:5;
     then support f c= {0} by Th41;
     then support f is finite by FINSET_1:13;
  hence f is finite-support by Def8;
      f = {[0,1]} by AMI_1:19;
  hence f is non empty;

 let f be finite-support Function;
 cluster support f -> finite;
 coherence by Def8;

 let X be set;
 cluster finite-support Function of X, NAT;
 existence proof
   set f = X --> 0;
A1: dom f = X by FUNCOP_1:19;
A2: {0} c= NAT by ZFMISC_1:37;
     rng f c= {0} by FUNCOP_1:19;
   then rng f c= NAT by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
   then reconsider f as Function of X, NAT by A1,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
  take f;
     now assume support f <> {}; then consider x being set such that
   A3: x in support f by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
   A4: f.x <> 0 by A3,Def7;
         support f c= dom f by Th41;
    hence contradiction by A1,A3,A4,FUNCOP_1:13;
  hence support f is finite;

 let f be finite-support Function, x, y be set;
 cluster f+*(x,y) -> finite-support;
 coherence proof set F = f+*(x,y);
     support F c= support f \/ {x} proof let a be set; assume
      a in support F;
   then A1: F.a <> 0 by Def7;
    per cases;
    suppose x in dom f & a = x; then a in {x} by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence a in support f \/ {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    suppose x in dom f & a <> x; then F.a = f.a by FUNCT_7:34;
       then a in support f by A1,Def7;
     hence a in support f \/ {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    suppose not x in dom f; then F.a = f.a by FUNCT_7:def 3;
       then a in support f by A1,Def7;
     hence a in support f \/ {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  hence support (f+*(x,y)) is finite by FINSET_1:13;

 let X be set;
 cluster natural-yielding finite-support ManySortedSet of X;
 existence proof
  set f = X --> 0;
A1: dom f = X by FUNCOP_1:19;
  then reconsider f as ManySortedSet of X by PBOOLE:def 3;
  take f;
A2: rng f c= {0} by FUNCOP_1:19;
      {0} c= NAT by ZFMISC_1:37;
   then rng f c= NAT by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
  hence f is natural-yielding by SEQM_3:def 8;
     support f = {} proof assume not thesis; then consider x being set such
A3:  x in support f by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
      support f c= dom f by Th41;
    then f.x = 0 by A1,A3,FUNCOP_1:13;
    hence contradiction by A3,Def7;
  hence f is finite-support by Def8;

theorem Th42:
 for X being set, b1, b2 being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
  holds support (b1+b2) = support b1 \/ support b2
proof let X be set, b1, b2 be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X;
    now let x be set;
   hereby assume x in support b1 \/ support b2;
      then x in support b1 or x in support b2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       then b1.x <> 0 or b2.x <> 0 by Def7;
     then b1.x + b2.x <> 0 by NAT_1:23;
    hence (b1+b2).x <> 0 by Def5;
   end; assume
   A1: (b1+b2).x <> 0;
       not x in support b1 \/ support b2;
     then not x in support b1 & not x in support b2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     then b1.x = 0 & b2.x = 0 by Def7;
     then b1.x+b2.x = 0;
    hence contradiction by A1,Def5;
 hence support (b1+b2) = support b1 \/ support b2 by Def7;

theorem Th43:
 for X being set, b1, b2 being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
  holds support (b1-'b2) c= support b1
proof let X be set, b1, b2 be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X;
 thus support (b1-'b2) c= support b1 proof let x be set; assume
 A1: x in support (b1-'b2);
    assume not x in support b1;
 then A2: b1.x = 0 by Def7;
      0 <= b2.x by NAT_1:18;
    then b1.x-'b2.x = 0 by A2,NAT_2:10;
    then (b1-'b2).x = 0 by Def6;
  hence contradiction by A1,Def7;

 let X be non empty set, S be ZeroStr, f be Function of X, S;
 func Support f -> Subset of X means
  for x being Element of X holds x in it iff f.x <> 0.S;
    defpred P[set] means f.$1 <> 0.S;
    consider B being Subset of X such that
A1:   for x being Element of X holds x in B iff P[x] from SubsetEx;
   take B;
   thus thesis by A1;
  proof let A,B be Subset of X such that
A2: for x being Element of X holds x in A iff f.x <> 0.S and
A3: for x being Element of X holds x in B iff f.x <> 0.S;
      now let x be Element of X;
        x in A iff f.x <> 0.S by A2;
     hence x in A iff x in B by A3;
   hence A = B by SUBSET_1:8;

 let X be non empty set, S be ZeroStr, p be Function of X, S;
 attr p is finite-Support means
     Support p is finite;
 synonym p has_finite-Support;

begin :: Bags -----------------------------------------------------------------

 let X be set;
 mode bag of X is natural-yielding finite-support ManySortedSet of X;

 let X be finite set;
 cluster -> finite-support ManySortedSet of X;
 coherence proof let f be ManySortedSet of X;
    support f c= dom f & dom f = X by Th41,PBOOLE:def 3;
  hence support f is finite by FINSET_1:13;

 let X be set, b1, b2 be bag of X;
 cluster b1+b2 -> finite-support;
 coherence proof
     support (b1+b2) = support b1 \/ support b2 by Th42;
  hence support (b1+b2) is finite;
 cluster b1-'b2 -> finite-support;
 coherence proof support (b1-'b2) c= support b1 by Th43;
  hence support (b1-'b2) is finite by FINSET_1:13;

theorem Th44:
 for X being set holds X--> 0 is bag of X
  proof let X be set;
  set f = X --> 0;
A1: dom f = X by FUNCOP_1:19;
A2: rng f c= {0} by FUNCOP_1:19;
     {0} c= NAT by ZFMISC_1:37;
then A3: rng f c= NAT by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
     support f = {} proof assume not thesis; then consider x being set such
A4:  x in support f by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
      support f c= dom f by Th41;
    then f.x = 0 by A1,A4,FUNCOP_1:13;
    hence contradiction by A4,Def7;
   hence X --> 0 is bag of X by A1,A3,Def8,PBOOLE:def 3,SEQM_3:def 8;

 let n be Ordinal, p, q be bag of n;
 pred p < q means
 ex k being Ordinal st p.k < q.k &
  for l being Ordinal st l in k holds p.l = q.l;
 asymmetry proof let p, q be bag of n; given k being Ordinal such that
 A1: p.k < q.k and
 A2: for l being Ordinal st l in k holds p.l = q.l;
  given k1 being Ordinal such that
 A3: q.k1 < p.k1 and
 A4: for l being Ordinal st l in k1 holds q.l = p.l;
  per cases by ORDINAL1:24;
  suppose k in k1;
   hence contradiction by A1,A4;
  suppose k1 in k;
   hence contradiction by A2,A3;
  suppose k1 = k;
   hence contradiction by A1,A3;

theorem Th45:
 for n being Ordinal, p, q, r being bag of n st p < q & q < r holds p < r
proof let n be Ordinal, p, q, r be bag of n; assume
A1: p < q & q < r;
   then consider k being Ordinal such that
A2: p.k < q.k and
A3: for l being Ordinal st l in k holds p.l = q.l by Def11;
   consider m being Ordinal such that
A4: q.m < r.m and
A5: for l being Ordinal st l in m holds q.l = r.l by A1,Def11;
   take n = k /\ m;
A6: n c= k & n c= m by XBOOLE_1:17;
A7: (n c= k & n <> k iff n c< k) &
    (n c= m & n <> m iff n c< m) by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
    per cases by ORDINAL1:24;
    suppose k in m;
     hence p.n < r.n by A2,A5,A7,ORDINAL1:21,ORDINAL3:16,XBOOLE_1:17;
    suppose m in k;
     hence p.n < r.n by A3,A4,A7,ORDINAL1:21,ORDINAL3:16,XBOOLE_1:17;
    suppose m = k;
     hence p.n < r.n by A2,A4,AXIOMS:22;
  hence p.n < r.n;
  let l be Ordinal;
A8: l in n;
  hence p.l = q.l by A3,A6 .= r.l by A5,A6,A8;

 let n be Ordinal, p, q be bag of n;
 pred p <=' q means
  p < q or p = q;

theorem Th46:
 for n being Ordinal, p, q, r being bag of n st p <=' q & q <=' r holds p <=' r
proof let n be Ordinal, p, q, r be bag of n; assume p <=' q & q <=' r;
   then (p < q or p = q) & (q < r or q = r) by Def12;
    then p < r or p <=' r by Th45;
  hence p <=' r by Def12;

   for n being Ordinal, p, q, r being bag of n st p < q & q <=' r holds p < r
proof let n be Ordinal, p, q, r be bag of n such that
A1: p < q and
A2: q <=' r;
     q < r or q = r by A2,Def12;
 hence p < r by A1,Th45;

   for n being Ordinal, p, q, r being bag of n st p <=' q & q < r holds p < r
proof let n be Ordinal, p, q, r be bag of n such that
A1: p <=' q and
A2: q < r;
     p < q or p = q by A1,Def12;
 hence p < r by A2,Th45;

theorem Th49:
 for n being Ordinal, p, q being bag of n holds p <=' q or q <=' p
proof let n be Ordinal, p, q be bag of n; assume A1: not p <=' q;
then A2: not p < q & not p = q by Def12;
   consider i being set such that
A3: i in n and
A4: p.i <> q.i by A1,PBOOLE:3;
   reconsider j = i as Ordinal by A3,ORDINAL1:23;
   defpred P[set] means p.$1 <> q.$1;
     j in n by A3;
then A5: ex i being Ordinal st P[i] by A4;
   consider m being Ordinal such that
A6: P[m] and
A7: for n being Ordinal st P[n] holds m c= n from Ordinal_Min(A5);
   per cases by A6,AXIOMS:21;
   suppose A8: p.m < q.m;
       now let l be Ordinal; assume l in m; then not m c= l by ORDINAL1:7;
      hence q.l = p.l by A7;
    hence q <=' p by A2,A8,Def11;
   suppose A9: p.m > q.m;
      now let l be Ordinal; assume l in m; then not m c= l by ORDINAL1:7;
     hence p.l = q.l by A7;
    then q < p by A9,Def11;
    hence q <=' p by Def12;

 let X be set, d, b be bag of X;
 pred d divides b means
  for k being set holds d.k <= b.k;

theorem Th50:
 for n being set, d, b being bag of n
  st for k being set st k in n holds d.k <= b.k
   holds d divides b
proof let n be set, d, b be bag of n; assume
A1: for k being set st k in n holds d.k <= b.k;
  let k be set;
  per cases;
  suppose k in dom d; then k in n by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hence thesis by A1;
  suppose not k in dom d; then d.k = 0 by FUNCT_1:def 4;
   hence thesis by NAT_1:18;

theorem Th51:
 for n being Ordinal, b1, b2 being bag of n
   st b1 divides b2 holds b2 -' b1 + b1 = b2
proof let n be Ordinal, b1, b2 be bag of n such that
A1: b1 divides b2;
   now let k be set; assume k in n;
     then reconsider k' = k as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23;
 A2: b1.k' <= b2.k' by A1,Def13;
  thus (b2 -' b1 + b1).k = (b2-'b1).k + b1.k by Def5
    .= b2.k -' b1.k + b1.k by Def6
    .= b2.k + b1.k -' b1.k by A2,JORDAN4:3
    .= b2.k by BINARITH:39;
 hence b2 -' b1 + b1 = b2 by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th52:
 for X being set, b1, b2 being bag of X holds b2 + b1 -' b1 = b2
proof let X be set, b1, b2 be bag of X;
   now let k be set; assume k in X;
  thus (b2 + b1 -' b1).k = (b2+b1).k -' b1.k by Def6
    .= b2.k+b1.k -' b1.k by Def5 .= b2.k by BINARITH:39;
 hence b2 + b1 -' b1 = b2 by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th53:
 for n being Ordinal, d, b being bag of n st d divides b holds d <=' b
proof let n be Ordinal, d, b be bag of n; assume that
A1: d divides b and
A2: not (d < b);
       now let p be set; assume
        p in n;
         then reconsider p' = p as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23;
     A3: d.p' <= b.p' by A1,Def13;
     defpred P[set] means d.$1 < b.$1;
         assume d.p <> b.p;
         then d.p' < b.p' by A3,AXIOMS:21;
     then A4: ex p being Ordinal st P[p];
         consider k being Ordinal such that
     A5: P[k] and
     A6: for m being Ordinal st P[m] holds k c= m from Ordinal_Min(A4);
           now let l be Ordinal; assume l in k;
             then not k c= l by ORDINAL1:7;
         then A7: b.l <= d.l by A6;
               d.l <= b.l by A1,Def13;
           hence d.l = b.l by A7,AXIOMS:21;
      hence contradiction by A2,A5,Def11;
   hence d = b by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th54:
 for n being set, b,b1,b2 being bag of n st b = b1 + b2
  holds b1 divides b
proof let n be set, b,b1,b2 be bag of n; assume
A1: b = b1 + b2;
    now let k be set; assume k in n;
        b.k = b1.k+b2.k by A1,Def5;
   hence b1.k <= b.k by NAT_1:29;
 hence b1 divides b by Th50;

 let X be set;
 func Bags X means
  for x being set holds x in it iff x is bag of X;
   defpred P[set] means $1 is bag of X;
   consider A being set such that
A1: for x being set holds x in A iff x in Funcs(X,NAT) & P[x] from Separation;
   take A;
   let x be set;
   thus x in A implies x is bag of X by A1;
A2:  x is bag of X;
    then reconsider b = x as bag of X;
       dom b = X & rng b c= NAT by PBOOLE:def 3,SEQM_3:def 8;
    then x in Funcs(X,NAT) by FUNCT_2:def 2;
   hence x in A by A1,A2;
  proof let A,B be set such that
A3: for x being set holds x in A iff x is bag of X and
A4: for x being set holds x in B iff x is bag of X;
     now let x be set;
       x in A iff x is bag of X by A3;
    hence x in A iff x in B by A4;
   hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

 let X be set;
 redefine func Bags X -> Subset of Bags X;
      Bags X c= Bags X;
   hence thesis;

   Bags {} = {{}}
   now let x be set;
   hereby assume x in {{}};
      then x = {} by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence x is bag of {} by PBOOLE:def 3,RELAT_1:60;
   assume x is bag of {};
     then reconsider x' = x as ManySortedSet of {};
       dom x' = {} by PBOOLE:def 3;
     then x' = {} by RELAT_1:64;
   hence x in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1;
 hence Bags {} = {{}} by Def14;

definition let X be set;
 cluster Bags X -> non empty;
      X --> 0 is bag of X by Th44;
   hence thesis by Def14;

 let X be set, B be non empty Subset of Bags X;
 redefine mode Element of B -> bag of X;
  proof let b be Element of B; thus thesis by Def14; end;

 let n be set, L be non empty 1-sorted, p be Function of Bags n, L,
     x be bag of n;
 redefine func p.x -> Element of L;
    reconsider f = p as Function of Bags n, the carrier of L;
    reconsider b = x as Element of Bags n by Def14;
      f.b is Element of L;
   hence p.x is Element of L;

 let X be set;
 func EmptyBag X -> Element of Bags X equals
:Def15: X --> 0;
      X --> 0 is bag of X by Th44;
   hence X --> 0 is Element of Bags X by Def14;

theorem Th56:
 for X, x being set holds (EmptyBag X).x = 0
proof let X, x be set;
A1: EmptyBag X = X --> 0 by Def15;
A2: dom (X --> 0) = X by FUNCOP_1:19;
 per cases;
 suppose x in X;
  hence (EmptyBag X).x = 0 by A1,FUNCOP_1:13;
 suppose not x in X;
  hence (EmptyBag X).x = 0 by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:def 4;

   for X be set, b being bag of X holds b+EmptyBag X = b
proof let X be set, b be bag of X;
   now let x be set; assume
 A1: x in X;
 A2: (EmptyBag X).x = (X --> 0).x by Def15 .= 0 by A1,FUNCOP_1:13;
  thus (b+EmptyBag X).x = b.x+(EmptyBag X).x by Def5
    .= b.x by A2;
 hence b+EmptyBag X = b by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th58:
 for X be set, b being bag of X holds b-'EmptyBag X = b
proof let X be set, b be bag of X;
   now let x be set; assume
 A1: x in X;
 A2: (EmptyBag X).x = (X --> 0).x by Def15 .= 0 by A1,FUNCOP_1:13;
  thus (b-'EmptyBag X).x = b.x-'(EmptyBag X).x by Def6
    .= b.x by A2,JORDAN3:2;
 hence b-'EmptyBag X = b by PBOOLE:3;

   for X be set, b being bag of X holds (EmptyBag X) -' b = EmptyBag X
proof let X be set, b be bag of X;
   now let x be set; assume
 A1: x in X;
 A2: (EmptyBag X).x = (X --> 0).x by Def15 .= 0 by A1,FUNCOP_1:13;
 A3: 0 <= b.x by NAT_1:18;
  thus ((EmptyBag X)-'b).x = (EmptyBag X).x-'b.x by Def6
    .= (EmptyBag X).x by A2,A3,NAT_2:10;
 hence (EmptyBag X) -' b = EmptyBag X by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th60:
 for X being set, b being bag of X holds b-'b = EmptyBag X
proof let X be set, b be bag of X;
   now let x be set; assume x in X;
  thus (b-'b).x = b.x -' b.x by Def6 .= 0 by GOBOARD9:1
    .= (EmptyBag X).x by Th56;
 hence b-'b = EmptyBag X by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th61:
 for n being set, b1, b2 be bag of n
  st b1 divides b2 & b2 -' b1 = EmptyBag n holds b2 = b1
proof let n be set, b1, b2 be bag of n such that
A1: b1 divides b2 and
A2: b2 -' b1 = EmptyBag n;
    now let k be set; assume k in n;
  A3: b1.k <= b2.k by A1,Def13;
        0 = (b2-'b1).k by A2,Th56
       .= b2.k -' b1.k by Def6;
      then b2.k <= b1.k by JORDAN4:1;
   hence b2.k = b1.k by A3,AXIOMS:21;
 hence b2 = b1 by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th62:
 for n being set, b being bag of n st b divides EmptyBag n
 holds EmptyBag n = b
proof let n be set, b be bag of n; assume
A1: b divides EmptyBag n;
     now let k be set; assume k in n;
   A2: (EmptyBag n).k = 0 by Th56;
   then b.k <= 0 by A1,Def13;
    hence (EmptyBag n).k = b.k by A2,NAT_1:18;
 hence EmptyBag n = b by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th63:
 for n being set, b being bag of n holds EmptyBag n divides b
proof let n be set, b be bag of n;
  let k be set;
     (EmptyBag n).k = 0 by Th56;
  hence (EmptyBag n).k <= b.k by NAT_1:18;

theorem Th64:
 for n being Ordinal, b being bag of n holds EmptyBag n <=' b
proof let n be Ordinal, b be bag of n;
    EmptyBag n divides b by Th63;
 hence EmptyBag n <=' b by Th53;

 let n be Ordinal;
 func BagOrder n -> Order of Bags n means
  for p, q being bag of n holds [p, q] in it iff p <=' q;
 existence proof
  defpred P[set,set] means
   ex b1,b2 be Element of Bags n st $1 = b1 & $2 = b2 & b1 <=' b2;
  consider BO being Relation of Bags n, Bags n such that
A1: for x, y being set holds [x,y] in BO iff
    x in Bags n & y in Bags n & P[x,y] from Rel_On_Set_Ex;
A2: BO is_reflexive_in Bags n
   proof let x be set; assume
      x in Bags n;
    hence thesis by A1;
A3: BO is_antisymmetric_in Bags n proof let x, y be set; assume
   A4: x in Bags n & y in Bags n & [x,y] in BO & [y,x] in BO;
       then consider b1, b2 being Element of Bags n such that
   A5: x = b1 & y = b2 & b1 <=' b2 by A1;
       consider b1', b2' being Element of Bags n such that
   A6: y = b1' & x = b2' & b1' <=' b2' by A1,A4;
         (b1 < b2 or b1 = b2) & (b1' < b2' or b1' = b2') by A5,A6,Def12;
     hence x = y by A5,A6;
A7:  BO is_transitive_in Bags n proof let x, y, z be set such that
         x in Bags n & y in Bags n & z in Bags n and
   A8: [x,y] in BO & [y,z] in BO;
       consider b1, b2 being Element of Bags n such that
   A9: x = b1 & y = b2 & b1 <=' b2 by A1,A8;
       consider b1', b2' being Element of Bags n such that
   A10: y = b1' & z = b2' & b1' <=' b2' by A1,A8;
       reconsider B1 = b1, B2' = b2' as bag of n;
         B1 <=' B2' by A9,A10,Th46;
    hence [x,z] in BO by A1,A9,A10;
   dom BO = Bags n & field BO = Bags n by A2,ORDERS_1:98;
   then reconsider BO as Order of Bags n
               by A2,A3,A7,RELAT_2:def 9,def 12,def 16,PARTFUN1:def 4;
   take BO;
   let p, q be bag of n;
A12: p in Bags n & q in Bags n by Def14;
   hereby assume [p, q] in BO;
       then consider b1, b2 being Element of Bags n such that
   A13: p = b1 & q = b2 & b1 <=' b2 by A1;
     thus p <=' q by A13;
   thus p <=' q implies [p,q] in BO by A1,A12;
 uniqueness proof let B1, B2 be Order of Bags n such that
A14: for p, q being bag of n holds [p, q] in B1 iff p <=' q and
A15: for p, q being bag of n holds [p, q] in B2 iff p <=' q;
   let a, b be set;
    hereby assume
    A16: [a,b] in B1;
        then consider b1, b2 being set such that
    A17: [a,b] = [b1,b2] & b1 in Bags n & b2 in Bags n by RELSET_1:6;
        reconsider b1, b2 as bag of n by A17,Def14;
          b1 <=' b2 by A14,A16,A17;
     hence [a,b] in B2 by A15,A17;
    A18: [a,b] in B2;
        then consider b1, b2 being set such that
    A19: [a,b] = [b1,b2] & b1 in Bags n & b2 in Bags n by RELSET_1:6;
        reconsider b1, b2 as bag of n by A19,Def14;
          b1 <=' b2 by A15,A18,A19;
     hence [a,b] in B1 by A14,A19;

 for n being Ordinal holds BagOrder n is_reflexive_in Bags n
proof let n be Ordinal;
 let x be set; assume
      x in Bags n;
       then reconsider x' = x as bag of n by Def14;
         x' <=' x';
    hence thesis by Def16;

 for n being Ordinal holds BagOrder n is_antisymmetric_in Bags n
proof let n be Ordinal; set BO = BagOrder n;
 let x, y be set; assume
   A1: x in Bags n & y in Bags n & [x,y] in BO & [y,x] in BO;
       then reconsider b1 = x, b2 = y as bag of n by Def14;
   A2: b1 <=' b2 by A1,Def16;
       reconsider b1' = y, b2' = x as bag of n by A1,Def14;
      b1' <=' b2' by A1,Def16;
       then (b1 < b2 or b1 = b2) & (b1' < b2' or b1' = b2') by A2,Def12;
     hence x = y;

 for n being Ordinal holds BagOrder n is_transitive_in Bags n
proof let n be Ordinal; set BO = BagOrder n;
  let x, y, z be set such that
   A1: x in Bags n & y in Bags n & z in Bags n and
   A2: [x,y] in BO & [y,z] in BO;
       reconsider b1 = x, b2 = y as bag of n by A1,Def14;
   A3: b1 <=' b2 by A2,Def16;
       reconsider b1'= y, b2' = z as bag of n by A1,Def14;
   A4: b1' <=' b2' by A2,Def16;
       reconsider B1 = b1, B2' = b2' as bag of n;
         B1 <=' B2' by A3,A4,Th46;
    hence [x,z] in BO by Def16;

 for n being Ordinal holds BagOrder n linearly_orders Bags n
proof let n be Ordinal; set BO = BagOrder n;
A1: BO is_reflexive_in Bags n by Lm1;
A2: BO is_antisymmetric_in Bags n by Lm2;
A3: BO is_transitive_in Bags n by Lm3;
    BO is_connected_in Bags n proof let x, y be set; assume
  A4: x in Bags n & y in Bags n & x <> y & not [x,y] in BO;
      then reconsider p = x, q = y as bag of n by Def14;
        not p <=' q by A4,Def16;
      then q <=' p by Th49;
   hence [y,x] in BO by Def16;
 hence BagOrder n linearly_orders Bags n by A1,A2,A3,ORDERS_2:def 6;

 let n be Ordinal;
 cluster BagOrder n -> being_linear-order;
  proof set BO = BagOrder n;
A1: field BO = Bags n by ORDERS_2:2;
     BO linearly_orders Bags n by Lm4;
   then BO is_connected_in Bags n by ORDERS_2:def 6;
   then BO is connected by A1,RELAT_2:def 14;
  hence thesis by ORDERS_2:def 3;

 let X be set, f be Function of X, NAT;
 func NatMinor f -> Subset of Funcs(X, NAT) means
 for g being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
  holds g in it iff for x being set st x in X holds g.x <= f.x;
 existence proof
  defpred P[set] means ex g being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
   st $1 = g & for x being set st x in X holds g.x <= f.x;
  consider IT being Subset of Funcs(X, NAT) such that
A1: for h being set holds h in IT iff h in Funcs(X, NAT) & P[h] from Subset_Ex;
  take IT;
  let g be natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X;
  hereby assume g in IT;
     then consider g1 being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X such that
  A2: g1 = g & for x being set st x in X holds g1.x <= f.x by A1;
   thus for x being set st x in X holds g.x <= f.x by A2;
  A3: for x being set st x in X holds g.x <= f.x;
        dom g = X & rng g c= NAT by PBOOLE:def 3,SEQM_3:def 8;
      then g is Function of X, NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
      then g in Funcs(X, NAT) by FUNCT_2:11;
  hence g in IT by A1,A3;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be Subset of Funcs(X, NAT) such that
A4: for g being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
    holds g in it1 iff for x being set st x in X holds g.x <= f.x and
A5: for g being natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
    holds g in it2 iff for x being set st x in X holds g.x <= f.x;
    now let h be Element of Funcs(X, NAT);
         dom h = X & rng h c= NAT by ALTCAT_1:6;
   then A6: h is natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X by PBOOLE:def 3;
   hereby assume h in it1;
       then for x being set st x in X holds h.x <= f.x by A4,A6;
    hence h in it2 by A5,A6;
   assume h in it2;
       then for x being set st x in X holds h.x <= f.x by A5,A6;
    hence h in it1 by A4,A6;
  hence it1 = it2 by SUBSET_1:8;

theorem Th65:
 for X being set, f being Function of X, NAT holds f in NatMinor f
proof let X be set, f be Function of X, NAT;
    dom f = X by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A1: f is ManySortedSet of X by PBOOLE:def 3;
    for x being set st x in X holds f.x <= f.x;
 hence f in NatMinor f by A1,Def17;

 let X be set, f be Function of X, NAT;
 cluster NatMinor f -> non empty functional;
   thus NatMinor f is non empty by Th65;
   let x be set;
   assume x in NatMinor f;
   hence x is Function by FUNCT_2:121;

definition let X be set, f be Function of X, NAT;
 cluster -> natural-yielding Element of NatMinor f;
 coherence proof let x be Element of NatMinor f;
     rng x c= NAT by ALTCAT_1:6;
  hence x is natural-yielding by SEQM_3:def 8;

theorem Th66:
 for X being set, f being finite-support Function of X, NAT
  holds NatMinor f c= Bags X
proof let X be set, f be finite-support Function of X, NAT;
 let x be set; assume
   x in NatMinor f;
   then reconsider x' = x as Element of NatMinor f;
A1: dom x' = X by ALTCAT_1:6;
then A2: x' is ManySortedSet of X by PBOOLE:def 3;
     support x' c= support f proof let a be set; assume
   A3: a in support x';
     then x'.a <> 0 by Def7;
   then A4: 0 < x'.a by NAT_1:19;
       support x' c= dom x' by Th41;
     then f.a <> 0 by A1,A2,A3,A4,Def17;
    hence a in support f by Def7;
   then support x' is finite by FINSET_1:13;
   then x is bag of X by A1,Def8,PBOOLE:def 3;
 hence x in Bags X by Def14;

 let X be set, f be finite-support Function of X, NAT;
 redefine func support f -> Element of Fin X;
 coherence proof
      dom f = X by FUNCT_2:def 1; then support f c= X by Th41;
  hence thesis by FINSUB_1:def 5;

theorem Th67:
 for X being non empty set, f being finite-support Function of X, NAT
  holds Card NatMinor f = multnat $$ (support f, addnat[:](f,1))
proof let X be non empty set;

  defpred P[Element of Fin X] means
 for f being Function of X, NAT
  st for x being Element of X st not x in $1 holds f.x = 0
   holds Card NatMinor f = multnat $$ ($1, addnat[:](f,1));

A1: P[{}.X]
    proof let f be Function of X, NAT such that
    A2: for x being Element of X st not x in {}.X holds f.x = 0;
        now let x be set;
       hereby assume
       A3: x in NatMinor f;
         then reconsider x' = x as Function of X, NAT by FUNCT_2:121;
           dom x' = X & rng x' c= NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12;
         then reconsider x'' = x' as natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X
            by PBOOLE:def 3;
           now let c be Element of X;
         A4: x''.c <= f.c by A3,Def17;
               f.c = 0 by A2;
          hence x'.c = f.c by A4,NAT_1:19;
        hence x = f by FUNCT_2:113;
       thus x = f implies x in NatMinor f by Th65;
      then NatMinor f = {f} by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence Card NatMinor f = 1 by CARD_1:50,CARD_2:20
        .= multnat $$ ({}.X, addnat[:](f,1)) by MONOID_0:67,SETWISEO:40;

A5: for B being Element of Fin X, b being Element of X
      holds P[B] & not b in B implies P[B \/ {b}]
  proof let B be Element of Fin X, b be Element of X such that
  A6: P[B] & not b in B;
    let f be Function of X, NAT such that
  A7: for x being Element of X st not x in B \/ {b} holds f.x = 0;
        dom (addnat[:](f,1)) = X by Th2;
  then A8: addnat[:](f,1).b = addnat.(f.b,1) by FUNCOP_1:35
      .= f.b+1 by BINARITH:1;
      set g = f+*(b,0);
A9: dom f = X by FUNCT_2:def 1;
        for x being Element of X st not x in B holds g.x = 0 proof
       let x be Element of X such that
      A10: not x in B;
       per cases;
       suppose x = b;
        hence g.x = 0 by A9,FUNCT_7:33;
       suppose A11: x <> b;
       A12: now assume x in B \/ {b};
             then x in B or x in {b} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
            hence contradiction by A10,A11,TARSKI:def 1;
        thus g.x = f.x by A11,FUNCT_7:34
                .= 0 by A7,A12;
  then A13: Card NatMinor g = (multnat $$ (B, addnat[:](g,1))) by A6;
      then reconsider ng = NatMinor g as functional finite non empty set
        by CARD_4:1;
      set cng = card ng;
        g|B = f|B by A6,SCMFSA6A:4;
      then addnat[:](g,1)|B = addnat[:](f,1)|B by FUNCOP_1:36;
  then A14: (multnat $$ (B, addnat[:](g,1))) = (multnat $$ (B, addnat[:](f,1)))
        by MONOID_0:67,SETWOP_2:9;
  A15: f.b < f.b+1 by REAL_1:69;
    then reconsider fb1 = f.b+1 as non empty Nat by EULER_1:1;
      [:ng,f.b+1 :],NatMinor f are_equipotent
        deffunc F(Element of ng,Element of fb1) = $1+*(b,$2);
A16:    for p being Element of ng, l being Element of fb1
        holds F(p,l) in NatMinor f
        proof let p be Element of ng, l be Element of fb1;
          reconsider q = p as Element of NatMinor g;
A17:         fb1 c= NAT by ORDINAL1:def 2;
             l in fb1;
          then reconsider k = l as Nat by A17;
            p in NatMinor g;
          then A18:         dom p = X by ALTCAT_1:6;
          then dom(p+*(b,l)) = X by FUNCT_7:32;
          then reconsider pbl = q+*(b,k)
           as natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X by PBOOLE:def 3;
            for x being set st x in X holds pbl.x <= f.x
           proof let x be set;
           A19: x in X;
            per cases;
            suppose A20: x = b;
            then A21: pbl.x = k by A18,FUNCT_7:33;
                  k < fb1 by EULER_1:1;
             hence pbl.x <= f.x by A20,A21,NAT_1:38;
            suppose A22: x <> b;
            then A23: pbl.x = q.x by FUNCT_7:34;
                  q is ManySortedSet of X by A18,PBOOLE:def 3;
            then q.x <= g.x by A19,Def17;
             hence pbl.x <= f.x by A22,A23,FUNCT_7:34;
         hence p+*(b,l) in NatMinor f by Def17;
       consider r being Function of [:ng,fb1:], NatMinor f such that
A24:     for p being Element of ng, l being Element of fb1
         holds r.[p,l] = F(p,l) from Kappa2D(A16);
      take r;
      thus r is one-to-one
       proof let x1,x2 be set; assume
       A25: x1 in dom r & x2 in dom r & r.x1 = r.x2;
           then consider p1, l1 being set such that
       A26: x1 = [p1,l1] by ZFMISC_1:102;
       A27: p1 in ng & l1 in fb1 by A25,A26,ZFMISC_1:106;
        consider p2, l2 being set such that
       A28: x2 = [p2,l2] by A25,ZFMISC_1:102;
       A29: p2 in ng & l2 in fb1 by A25,A28,ZFMISC_1:106;
           reconsider p1 as Element of NatMinor g by A25,A26,ZFMISC_1:106;
           reconsider p2 as Element of NatMinor g by A25,A28,ZFMISC_1:106;
       A30: p1+*(b,l1) = r.[p1,l1] by A24,A27
                     .= p2+*(b,l2) by A24,A25,A26,A28,A29;
       A31: dom p1 = X by ALTCAT_1:6;
       A32: dom p2 = X by ALTCAT_1:6;
            then reconsider p1' = p1, p2' = p2 as
                natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X by A31,PBOOLE:def 3;
A33:           now let x be set; assume
           A34: x in X;
            per cases;
            suppose A35: x = b;
            A36: g.b = 0 by A9,FUNCT_7:33;
            A37: p1'.x <= g.x & p2'.x <= g.x by A34,Def17;
             hence p1'.x = 0 by A35,A36,NAT_1:19
                        .= p2'.x by A35,A36,A37,NAT_1:19;
            suppose A38: x <> b;
             hence p1'.x = (p1+*(b,l1)).x by FUNCT_7:34
                       .= p2'.x by A30,A38,FUNCT_7:34;
             l1 = (p1+*(b,l1)).b by A31,FUNCT_7:33
             .= l2 by A30,A32,FUNCT_7:33;
        hence x1 = x2 by A26,A28,A33,PBOOLE:3;
  A39: dom r = [:ng,f.b+1 :] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      thus rng r c= NatMinor f by RELSET_1:12;
      thus NatMinor f c= rng r
       proof let x be set; assume x in NatMinor f;
           then reconsider e = x as Element of NatMinor f;
A40:         dom e = X by ALTCAT_1:6;
then A41:        e is ManySortedSet of X by PBOOLE:def 3;
             dom (e+*(b,0)) = X by A40,FUNCT_7:32;
           then reconsider eb0 = e+*(b,0)
            as natural-yielding ManySortedSet of X by PBOOLE:def 3;
             now let x be set; assume
           A42: x in X;
            per cases;
            suppose A43: x = b;
             then eb0.x = 0 by A40,FUNCT_7:33;
             hence eb0.x <= g.x by A9,A43,FUNCT_7:33;
            suppose A44: x <> b;
            then A45: eb0.x = e.x by FUNCT_7:34;
               e.x <= f.x by A41,A42,Def17;
             hence eb0.x <= g.x by A44,A45,FUNCT_7:34;
           then reconsider eb0 as Element of NatMinor g by Def17;
             e.b <= f.b by A41,Def17;
           then e.b < fb1 by A15,AXIOMS:22;
        then A46: e.b in fb1 by EULER_1:1;
        then A47: [eb0,e.b] in dom r by A39,ZFMISC_1:106;
              e = e+*(b,e.b) by FUNCT_7:37
             .= eb0+*(b,e.b) by FUNCT_7:36;
            then e = r.[eb0,e.b] by A24,A46;
        hence x in rng r by A47,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence Card NatMinor f = card [:ng,f.b+1 :] by CARD_1:21
     .= cng * card(f.b+1) by CARD_2:65
     .= cng * (f.b+1) by CARD_1:def 5
     .= multnat.(multnat $$ (B, addnat[:](f,1)), f.b+1) by A13,A14,Th1
     .= multnat $$ (B \/ {b}, addnat[:](f,1)) by A6,A8,MONOID_0:67,SETWOP_2:4;
A48: for B being Element of Fin X holds P[B] from FinSubInd1(A1,A5);
 let f be finite-support Function of X, NAT;
    for x being Element of X holds not x in support f implies f.x = 0
    by Def7;
 hence Card NatMinor f = multnat $$ (support f, addnat[:](f,1)) by A48;

 let X be set, f be finite-support Function of X, NAT;
 cluster NatMinor f -> finite;
 coherence proof
  per cases;
  suppose X is empty;
    then NatMinor f c= Funcs({},NAT);
    then NatMinor f c= {{}} by FUNCT_5:64;
   hence thesis by FINSET_1:13;
  suppose X is not empty;
   then reconsider X as non empty set;
   reconsider f as finite-support Function of X, NAT;
    Card NatMinor f = multnat $$ (support f, addnat[:](f,1)) by Th67;
  hence thesis by CARD_4:1;

 let n be Ordinal, b be bag of n;
 func divisors b -> FinSequence of Bags n means
 ex S being non empty finite Subset of Bags n
  st it = SgmX(BagOrder n, S) &
     for p being bag of n holds p in S iff p divides b;
 existence proof
     dom b = n & rng b c= NAT by PBOOLE:def 3,SEQM_3:def 8;
   then reconsider f = b as finite-support Function of n, NAT
   by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
   reconsider S = NatMinor f as non empty finite Subset of Bags n by Th66;
  take IT = SgmX(BagOrder n, S);
  take S;
  thus IT = SgmX(BagOrder n, S);
  let p be bag of n;
  thus p in S implies p divides b proof assume p in S;
    then for x being set st x in n holds p.x <= b.x by Def17;
   hence p divides b by Th50;
  assume p divides b;
   then for x being set st x in n holds p.x <= b.x by Def13;
  hence p in S by Def17;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be FinSequence of Bags n;
  given S1 being non empty finite Subset of Bags n such that
A1: it1 = SgmX(BagOrder n, S1) and
A2: (for p being bag of n holds p in S1 iff p divides b);
  given S2 being non empty finite Subset of Bags n such that
A3: it2 = SgmX(BagOrder n, S2) and
A4: (for p being bag of n holds p in S2 iff p divides b);
     now let x be set;
    hereby assume
    A5: x in S1; then reconsider x' = x as Element of Bags n;
          x' divides b by A2,A5;
     hence x in S2 by A4;
    assume A6: x in S2; then reconsider x' = x as Element of Bags n;
          x' divides b by A4,A6;
    hence x in S1 by A2;
  hence it1 = it2 by A1,A3,TARSKI:2;

 let n be Ordinal, b be bag of n;
 cluster divisors b -> non empty one-to-one;
 coherence proof
     ex S being non empty finite Subset of Bags n st
    divisors b = SgmX(BagOrder n, S) &
    (for p being bag of n holds p in S iff p divides b) by Def18;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th68:
 for n being Ordinal,i being Nat, b being bag of n st i in dom divisors b
  holds ((divisors b)/.i) qua Element of Bags n divides b
proof let n be Ordinal,i be Nat, b be bag of n; assume
A1: i in dom divisors b;
   consider S being non empty finite Subset of Bags n such that
A2: divisors b = SgmX(BagOrder n, S) and
A3: (for p being bag of n holds p in S iff p divides b) by Def18;
     BagOrder n linearly_orders Bags n by Lm4;
then A4: BagOrder n linearly_orders S by ORDERS_2:36;
A5: (divisors b)/.i = (divisors b).i by A1,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
     (divisors b)/.i is Element of Bags n;
   then reconsider pid = (divisors b)/.i as bag of n;
     (divisors b).i in rng divisors b by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   then pid in S by A2,A4,A5,TRIANG_1:def 2;
 hence thesis by A3;

theorem Th69:
 for n being Ordinal, b being bag of n
  holds (divisors b)/.1 = EmptyBag n &
        (divisors b)/.len divisors b = b
proof let n be Ordinal, b be bag of n;
    consider S being non empty finite Subset of Bags n such that
A1: divisors b = SgmX(BagOrder n, S) and
A2: (for p being bag of n holds p in S iff p divides b) by Def18;
     EmptyBag n divides b by Th63;
then A3: EmptyBag n in S by A2;
     BagOrder n linearly_orders Bags n by Lm4;
then A4: BagOrder n linearly_orders S by ORDERS_2:36;
     now let y be Element of Bags n; assume y in S;
        EmptyBag n <=' y by Th64;
    hence [EmptyBag n, y] in BagOrder n by Def16;
 hence (divisors b)/.1 = EmptyBag n by A1,A3,A4,Th8;
A5: b in S by A2;
     now let y be Element of Bags n; assume y in S;
      then y divides b by A2;
      then y <=' b by Th53;
    hence [y,b] in BagOrder n by Def16;
 hence thesis by A1,A4,A5,Th9;

theorem Th70:
 for n being Ordinal, i being Nat, b, b1, b2 being bag of n
   st i > 1 & i < len divisors b
  holds (divisors b)/.i <> EmptyBag n & (divisors b)/.i <> b
proof let n be Ordinal, i be Nat, b, b1, b2 be bag of n;
A1: (divisors b)/.1 = EmptyBag n & (divisors b)/.len divisors b = b by Th69;
A2: 1 in dom divisors b & len divisors b in dom divisors b by FINSEQ_5:6;
A3: i > 1 & i < len divisors b;
  then i in dom divisors b by FINSEQ_3:27;
 hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,PARTFUN2:17;

theorem Th71:
 for n being Ordinal holds divisors EmptyBag n = <* EmptyBag n *>
proof let n be Ordinal;
  consider S being non empty finite Subset of Bags n such that
A1: divisors EmptyBag n = SgmX(BagOrder n, S) and
A2: for p being bag of n holds p in S iff p divides EmptyBag n by Def18;
     BagOrder n linearly_orders Bags n by Lm4;
then A3: BagOrder n linearly_orders S by ORDERS_2:36;
     EmptyBag n in S by A2;
   then A4:  { EmptyBag n } c= S by ZFMISC_1:37;
     S c= { EmptyBag n}
    proof let x be set;
A5:    x in S;
      then reconsider b = x as bag of n by Def14;
        b divides EmptyBag n by A2,A5;
      then b = EmptyBag n by Th62;
     hence x in {EmptyBag n} by TARSKI:def 1;
   then S = { EmptyBag n} by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
   then A6: rng divisors EmptyBag n = {EmptyBag n} by A1,A3,TRIANG_1:def 2;
    len divisors EmptyBag n = card rng divisors EmptyBag n by Th7
      .= 1 by A6,CARD_1:79;
 hence divisors EmptyBag n = <* EmptyBag n *> by A6,FINSEQ_1:56;

 let n be Ordinal, b be bag of n;
 func decomp b -> FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags n means
   dom it = dom divisors b &
   for i being Nat, p being bag of n st i in dom it & p = (divisors b)/.i
      holds it/.i = <*p, b-'p*>;
   defpred P[Nat,set] means
    for p being bag of n st p = (divisors b)/.$1
     holds $2 = <*p,b-'p*>;
A1: for k being Nat st k in Seg len divisors b
    ex d being Element of 2-tuples_on Bags n st P[k,d]
    proof let k be Nat such that
        k in Seg len divisors b;
      reconsider p = (divisors b)/.k as bag of n by Def14;
      reconsider b1=p, b2=b-'p as Element of Bags n by Def14;
        len<*p,b-'p*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      then reconsider d = <*b1,b2*> as Element of 2-tuples_on Bags n
       by FINSEQ_2:110;
     take d;
     thus P[k,d];
   consider f being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags n such that
A2: len f = len divisors b and
A3: for n being Nat st n in Seg len divisors b holds P[n,f/.n]
             from FinSeqDChoice(A1);
   take f;
   thus dom f = dom divisors b by A2,FINSEQ_3:31;
   let i be Nat, p be bag of n such that
A4: i in dom f and
A5: p = (divisors b)/.i;
      i in Seg len divisors b by A2,A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   hence f/.i = <*p, b-'p*> by A3,A5;
  proof let F,G be FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags n such that
A6: dom F = dom divisors b and
A7: for i being Nat, p being bag of n st i in dom F & p = (divisors b)/.i
      holds F/.i = <*p, b-'p*> and
A8: dom G = dom divisors b and
A9: for i being Nat, p being bag of n st i in dom G & p = (divisors b)/.i
      holds G/.i = <*p, b-'p*>;
      now let i be Nat;
      reconsider p = (divisors b)/.i as bag of n by Def14;
A10:    i in dom F;
     hence F/.i = <*p,b-'p*> by A7
        .= G/.i by A6,A8,A9,A10;
   hence F = G by A6,A8,FINSEQ_5:13;

theorem Th72:
 for n being Ordinal, i being Nat, b being bag of n
  st i in dom decomp b
   ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*> & b = b1+b2
proof let n be Ordinal, i be Nat, b be bag of n;
A1: i in dom decomp b;
  then A2: i in dom divisors b by Def19;
  reconsider p = (divisors b)/.i as bag of n by Def14;
 take p, b-'p;
 thus (decomp b)/.i = <*p,b-'p*> by A1,Def19;
    p divides b by A2,Th68;
 hence b = p + (b-'p) by Th51;

theorem Th73:
 for n being Ordinal, b, b1, b2 being bag of n
  st b = b1+b2
   ex i being Nat st i in dom decomp b & (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*>
proof let n be Ordinal, b, b1, b2 be bag of n;
 consider S being non empty finite Subset of Bags n such that
A1: divisors b = SgmX(BagOrder n, S) and
A2: for p being bag of n holds p in S iff p divides b by Def18;
     BagOrder n linearly_orders Bags n by Lm4;
   then A3: BagOrder n linearly_orders S by ORDERS_2:36;
A4: b = b1+b2;
  then b1 divides b by Th54;
  then b1 in S by A2;
  then b1 in rng divisors b by A1,A3,TRIANG_1:def 2;
  then consider i being Nat such that
A5: i in dom divisors b and
A6: (divisors b)/.i= b1 by PARTFUN2:4;
 take i;
 thus i in dom decomp b by A5,Def19;
  then (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b-'b1*> by A6,Def19;
 hence (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*> by A4,Th52;

theorem Th74:
 for n being Ordinal, i being Nat, b,b1,b2 being bag of n
  st i in dom decomp b & (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*>
  holds b1 = (divisors b)/.i
proof let n be Ordinal, i be Nat, b,b1,b2 be bag of n;
  reconsider p = (divisors b)/.i as bag of n by Def14;
 assume i in dom decomp b & (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*>;
  then <*b1,b2*> = <*p,b-'p*> by Def19;
 hence b1 = (divisors b)/.i by GROUP_7:2;

 let n be Ordinal, b be bag of n;
 cluster decomp b -> non empty one-to-one FinSequence-yielding;
A1:  dom divisors b = dom decomp b by Def19;
   hence decomp b is non empty by RELAT_1:60;
      now let k,m be Nat;
A2:   k in dom decomp b;
A3:   m in dom decomp b;
      then consider bm1, bm2 being bag of n such that
A4:   (decomp b)/.m = <*bm1, bm2*> and
         b = bm1+bm2 by Th72;
     assume (decomp b)/.k = (decomp b)/.m;
      then (divisors b)/.k = bm1 by A2,A4,Th74
       .= (divisors b)/.m by A3,A4,Th74;
     hence k = m by A1,A2,A3,PARTFUN2:17;
   hence decomp b is one-to-one by PARTFUN2:16;
   let x be set; assume
A5:   x in dom decomp b;
    then reconsider k = x as Nat;
    reconsider p = (divisors b)/.k as bag of n by Def14;
      (decomp b)/.k = <*p,b-'p*> by A5,Def19;
   hence (decomp b).x is FinSequence by A5,FINSEQ_4:def 4;

 let n be Ordinal, b be Element of Bags n;
 cluster decomp b -> non empty one-to-one FinSequence-yielding;

theorem Th75:
 for n being Ordinal, b being bag of n
  holds (decomp b)/.1 = <*EmptyBag n, b*> &
        (decomp b)/.len decomp b = <*b, EmptyBag n*>
proof let n be Ordinal, b be bag of n;
     dom decomp b = dom divisors b by Def19;
  then A1: len decomp b = len divisors b by FINSEQ_3:31;
  reconsider p = (divisors b)/.1 as bag of n by Def14;
A2: p = EmptyBag n by Th69;
    1 in dom decomp b by FINSEQ_5:6;
 hence (decomp b)/.1
       = <*EmptyBag n, b-'EmptyBag n*> by A2,Def19
      .= <*EmptyBag n, b*> by Th58;
  reconsider p = (divisors b)/.len decomp b as bag of n by Def14;
A3: p = b by A1,Th69;
    len decomp b in dom decomp b by FINSEQ_5:6;
  hence (decomp b)/.len decomp b = <*b,b-'b*> by A3,Def19
            .= <*b, EmptyBag n*> by Th60;

theorem Th76:
 for n being Ordinal, i being Nat, b, b1, b2 being bag of n
   st i > 1 & i < len decomp b & (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*>
  holds b1 <> EmptyBag n & b2 <> EmptyBag n
proof let n be Ordinal, i be Nat, b, b1, b2 be bag of n such that
A1: i > 1 and
A2: i < len decomp b and
A3: (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*>;
A4: dom decomp b = dom divisors b by Def19;
  then A5: len decomp b = len divisors b by FINSEQ_3:31;
  reconsider p = (divisors b)/.i as bag of n by Def14;
A6: i in dom decomp b by A1,A2,FINSEQ_3:27;
  then (decomp b)/.i = <*p,b-'p*> by Def19;
  then A7: b1 = p & b2 = b-'p by A3,GROUP_7:2;
 hence b1 <> EmptyBag n by A1,A2,A5,Th70;
A8: b2 = EmptyBag n;
    p divides b by A4,A6,Th68;
  then p = b by A7,A8,Th61;
 hence contradiction by A1,A2,A5,Th70;

theorem Th77:
 for n being Ordinal holds decomp EmptyBag n = <* <*EmptyBag n, EmptyBag n*> *>
proof let n be Ordinal;
    len<*EmptyBag n, EmptyBag n*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
  then reconsider E = <*EmptyBag n, EmptyBag n*>
                 as Element of 2-tuples_on Bags n by FINSEQ_2:110;
    rng<* E *> c= 2-tuples_on Bags n
   proof let u be set;
    assume u in rng<* E *>;
     then u in {E} by FINSEQ_1:56;
     then u = E by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence u in 2-tuples_on Bags n;
  then reconsider e = <* E *> as FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags n
           by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
A1: <* EmptyBag n *> = divisors EmptyBag n by Th71;
A2: dom e = Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:55;
   then A3: dom e = dom divisors EmptyBag n by A1,FINSEQ_1:55;
    for i being Nat, p being bag of n st i in
 dom e & p = (divisors EmptyBag n)/.i
   holds e/.i = <*p, (EmptyBag n)-'p*>
  proof let i be Nat, p be bag of n such that
A4: i in dom e and
A5: p = (divisors EmptyBag n)/.i;
A6:  i = 1 by A2,A4,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
    then A7:  (divisors EmptyBag n)/.i = EmptyBag n by A1,FINSEQ_4:25;
   thus e/.i = E by A6,FINSEQ_4:25
    .= <*p, (EmptyBag n)-'p*> by A5,A7,Th58;
 hence decomp EmptyBag n = <* <*EmptyBag n, EmptyBag n*> *> by A3,Def19;

theorem Th78:
 for n being Ordinal, b being bag of n,
     f, g being FinSequence of (3-tuples_on Bags n)*
  st dom f = dom decomp b & dom g = dom decomp b &
     (for k being Nat st k in dom f holds
       f.k = ((decomp ((((decomp b)/.k)/.1) qua Element of Bags n))) ^^
               ((len (decomp ((((decomp b)/.k)/.1) qua Element of Bags n)))
                  |-> <*(((decomp b)/.k)/.2)*>)) &
     (for k being Nat st k in dom g holds
       g.k = ((len (decomp ((((decomp b)/.k)/.2) qua Element of Bags n)))
                  |-> <*((decomp b)/.k)/.1*>) ^^
                (decomp ((((decomp b)/.k)/.2) qua Element of Bags n)))
   ex p being Permutation of dom FlattenSeq f
    st FlattenSeq g = (FlattenSeq f)*p
proof let n be Ordinal, b be bag of n,
          f, g be FinSequence of (3-tuples_on Bags n)* such that
A1: dom f = dom decomp b and
A2: dom g = dom decomp b and
A3: (for k being Nat st k in dom f holds
       f.k = ((decomp ((((decomp b)/.k)/.1) qua Element of Bags n))) ^^
               ((len (decomp ((((decomp b)/.k)/.1) qua Element of Bags n)))
                  |-> <*(((decomp b)/.k)/.2)*>)) and
A4: (for k being Nat st k in dom g holds
       g.k = ((len (decomp ((((decomp b)/.k)/.2) qua Element of Bags n)))
                  |-> <*(((decomp b)/.k)/.1)*>) ^^
                (decomp ((((decomp b)/.k)/.2) qua Element of Bags n)));
 set Ff = FlattenSeq f, Fg = FlattenSeq g, db = decomp b;
     now let y be set;
    hereby assume y in rng Ff; then consider k being set such that
   A5: k in dom Ff & y = Ff.k by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       reconsider k as Nat by A5;
       consider i, j being Nat such that
   A6: i in dom f and
   A7: j in dom (f.i) and k = (Sum Card (f|(i-'1))) + j and
   A8: (f.i).j = Ff.k by A5,Th32;
       set ddbi1 = decomp (((db/.i)/.1) qua Element of Bags n);
   A9: f.i = ddbi1 ^^ ((len ddbi1) |-> <*(db/.i)/.2*>) by A3,A6;
       consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
   A10: db/.i = <*b1,b2*> and
   A11: b = b1+b2 by A1,A6,Th72;
       reconsider b1' = b1, b2' = b2 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
   A12: b1' = b1 & b2' = b2;
   then A13: (db/.i)/.1 = b1 by A10,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A14: (db/.i)/.2 = b2 by A10,A12,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A15: dom (f.i) = dom ddbi1 /\ dom ((len ddbi1) |-> <*(db/.i)/.2*>)
               by A9,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbi1 /\ Seg len ddbi1 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbi1 /\ dom ddbi1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbi1;
       then consider b11, b12 being bag of n such that
   A16: ddbi1/.j = <*b11, b12*> and
   A17: b1 = b11+b12 by A7,A13,Th72;
   A18: dom ddbi1 = Seg len ddbi1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   A19: ddbi1/.j = ddbi1.j by A7,A15,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
          ((len ddbi1) |-> <*(db/.i)/.2*>).j = <*(db/.i)/.2*>
                      by A7,A15,A18,FINSEQ_2:70;
   then A20: (f.i).j = <*b11,b12*>^<*b2*> by A7,A9,A14,A16,A19,MATRLIN:def 2
              .= <*b11,b12,b2*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
         b = b11+(b12+b2) by A11,A17,Th39;
       then consider i' being Nat such that
   A21: i' in dom decomp b and
   A22: (decomp b)/.i' = <*b11, b12+b2*> by Th73;
       set b3 = b12+b2;
       consider j' being Nat such that
   A23: j' in dom decomp b3 and
   A24: (decomp b3)/.j' = <*b12, b2*> by Th73;
       set ddbi'2 = decomp ((((decomp b)/.i')/.2) qua Element of Bags n);
   A25: g.i' = ((len ddbi'2) |-> <*((decomp b)/.i')/.1*>) ^^ ddbi'2 by A2,A4,
       reconsider b11' = b11, b3' = b3
           as Element of Bags n by Def14;
   A26: (decomp b)/.i' = <*b11', b3'*> by A22;
   then A27: ((decomp b)/.i')/.1 = b11 by FINSEQ_4:26;
   A28: ddbi'2 = decomp b3 by A26,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A29: dom (g.i') = dom ((len ddbi'2) |-> <*((decomp b)/.i')/.1*>)
                    /\ dom ddbi'2 by A25,MATRLIN:def 2
         .= Seg len ddbi'2 /\ dom ddbi'2 by FINSEQ_2:68
         .= dom ddbi'2 /\ dom ddbi'2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
         .= dom ddbi'2;
   then A30: j' in dom (g.i') by A23,A26,FINSEQ_4:26;
   then A31: j' in Seg len ddbi'2 by A29,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   A32: (decomp b3)/.j' = (decomp b3).j' by A23,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
   A33: (g.i').j' = (((len ddbi'2) |-> <*((decomp b)/.i')/.1*>)).j'
                     ^ (ddbi'2).j' by A25,A30,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= <*b11*>^<*b12,b2*> by A24,A27,A28,A31,A32,FINSEQ_2:70
          .= <*b11,b12,b2*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
       set m = (Sum Card (g|(i'-'1))) + j';
   A34: m in dom Fg by A2,A21,A30,Th33;
      Fg.m = (g.i').j' by A2,A21,A30,Th33;
     hence y in rng Fg by A5,A8,A20,A33,A34,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    assume y in rng Fg; then consider k being set such that
   A35: k in dom Fg & y = Fg.k by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       reconsider k as Nat by A35;
       consider i, j being Nat such that
   A36: i in dom g and
   A37: j in dom (g.i) and k = (Sum Card (g|(i-'1))) + j and
   A38: (g.i).j = Fg.k by A35,Th32;
       set ddbi1 = decomp (((db/.i)/.2) qua Element of Bags n);
   A39: g.i = ((len ddbi1) |-> <*(db/.i)/.1*>) ^^ ddbi1 by A4,A36;
       consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
   A40: db/.i = <*b1,b2*> and
   A41: b = b1+b2 by A2,A36,Th72;
       reconsider b1' = b1, b2' = b2 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
   A42: b1' = b1 & b2' = b2;
   then A43: (db/.i)/.1 = b1 by A40,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A44: (db/.i)/.2 = b2 by A40,A42,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A45: dom (g.i) = dom ddbi1 /\ dom ((len ddbi1) |-> <*(db/.i)/.1*>)
               by A39,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbi1 /\ Seg len ddbi1 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbi1 /\ dom ddbi1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbi1;
       then consider b11, b12 being bag of n such that
   A46: ddbi1/.j = <*b11, b12*> and
   A47: b2 = b11+b12 by A37,A44,Th72;
   A48: ddbi1/.j = ddbi1.j by A37,A45,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      dom ddbi1 = Seg len ddbi1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then ((len ddbi1) |-> <*(db/.i)/.1*>).j = <*(db/.i)/.1*>
                      by A37,A45,FINSEQ_2:70;
   then A49: (g.i).j = <*b1*>^<*b11,b12*> by A37,A39,A43,A46,A48,MATRLIN:def 2
              .= <*b1,b11,b12*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
         b = b1+b11+b12 by A41,A47,Th39;
       then consider i' being Nat such that
   A50: i' in dom decomp b and
   A51: (decomp b)/.i' = <*b1+b11, b12*> by Th73;
       set b3 = b1+b11;
       consider j' being Nat such that
   A52: j' in dom decomp b3 and
   A53: (decomp b3)/.j' = <*b1, b11*> by Th73;
       set ddbi'2 = decomp ((((decomp b)/.i')/.1) qua Element of Bags n);
   A54: f.i' = ddbi'2 ^^ ((len ddbi'2) |-> <*((decomp b)/.i')/.2*>)
     by A1,A3,A50;
       reconsider b3' = b3, b12' = b12 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
   A55: (decomp b)/.i' = <*b3', b12'*> by A51;
   then A56: ((decomp b)/.i')/.2 = b12 by FINSEQ_4:26;
   A57: ((decomp b)/.i')/.1 = b3 by A55,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A58: dom (f.i') = dom ((len ddbi'2) |-> <*((decomp b)/.i')/.2*>)
                    /\ dom ddbi'2 by A54,MATRLIN:def 2
         .= Seg len ddbi'2 /\ dom ddbi'2 by FINSEQ_2:68
         .= dom ddbi'2 /\ dom ddbi'2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
         .= dom ddbi'2;
   A59: j' in Seg len ddbi'2 by A52,A57,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   A60: (decomp b3)/.j' = (decomp b3).j' by A52,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
   A61: (f.i').j' = (ddbi'2).j' ^
                   (((len ddbi'2) |-> <*((decomp b)/.i')/.2*>)).j'
                      by A52,A54,A57,A58,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= <*b1,b11*>^<*b12*> by A53,A56,A57,A59,A60,FINSEQ_2:70
          .= <*b1,b11,b12*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
       set m = (Sum Card (f|(i'-'1))) + j';
   A62: m in dom Ff by A1,A50,A52,A57,A58,Th33;
      Ff.m = (f.i').j' by A1,A50,A52,A57,A58,Th33;
     hence y in rng Ff by A35,A38,A49,A61,A62,FUNCT_1:def 5;
then A63: rng Ff = rng Fg by TARSKI:2;
A64: Ff is one-to-one proof let k1, k2 be set such that
   A65: k1 in dom Ff and
   A66: k2 in dom Ff and
   A67: Ff.k1 = Ff.k2;
       consider i1, j1 being Nat such that
   A68: i1 in dom f and
   A69: j1 in dom (f.i1) and
   A70: k1 = (Sum Card (f|(i1-'1))) + j1 and
   A71: (f.i1).j1 = Ff.k1 by A65,Th32;
       consider i2, j2 being Nat such that
   A72: i2 in dom f and
   A73: j2 in dom (f.i2) and
   A74: k2 = (Sum Card (f|(i2-'1))) + j2 and
   A75: (f.i2).j2 = Ff.k2 by A66,Th32;
       set ddbi11 = decomp (((db/.i1)/.1) qua Element of Bags n);
   A76: f.i1 = ddbi11 ^^ ((len ddbi11) |-> <*(db/.i1)/.2*>) by A3,A68;
   A77: db/.i1 = db.i1 by A1,A68,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
       consider b11, b12 being bag of n such that
   A78: db/.i1 = <*b11,b12*> and
          b = b11+b12 by A1,A68,Th72;
       reconsider b11' = b11, b12' = b12 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
   A79: b11' = b11 & b12' = b12;
   then A80: (db/.i1)/.1 = b11 by A78,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A81: (db/.i1)/.2 = b12 by A78,A79,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A82: dom (f.i1) = dom ddbi11 /\ dom ((len ddbi11) |-> <*(db/.i1)/.2*>)
               by A76,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbi11 /\ Seg len ddbi11 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbi11 /\ dom ddbi11 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbi11;
       then consider b111, b112 being bag of n such that
   A83: ddbi11/.j1 = <*b111, b112*> and
   A84: b11 = b111+b112 by A69,A80,Th72;
   A85: ddbi11/.j1 = ddbi11.j1 by A69,A82,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      dom ddbi11 = Seg len ddbi11 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   then ((len ddbi11) |-> <*(db/.i1)/.2*>).j1 = <*(db/.i1)/.2*>
                      by A69,A82,FINSEQ_2:70;
   then A86: (f.i1).j1 = <*b111,b112*>^<*b12*> by A69,A76,A81,A83,A85,MATRLIN:
def 2
              .= <*b111,b112,b12*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
       set ddbi21 = decomp (((db/.i2)/.1) qua Element of Bags n);
   A87: f.i2 = ddbi21 ^^ ((len ddbi21) |-> <*(db/.i2)/.2*>) by A3,A72;
   A88: db/.i2 = db.i2 by A1,A72,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
       consider b21, b22 being bag of n such that
   A89: db/.i2 = <*b21,b22*> and
          b = b21+b22 by A1,A72,Th72;
       reconsider b21' = b21, b22' = b22 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
   A90: b21' = b21 & b22' = b22;
   then A91: (db/.i2)/.1 = b21 by A89,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A92: (db/.i2)/.2 = b22 by A89,A90,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A93: dom (f.i2) = dom ddbi21 /\ dom ((len ddbi21) |-> <*(db/.i2)/.2*>)
               by A87,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbi21 /\ Seg len ddbi21 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbi21 /\ dom ddbi21 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbi21;
       then consider b211, b212 being bag of n such that
   A94: ddbi21/.j2 = <*b211, b212*> and
   A95: b21 = b211+b212 by A73,A91,Th72;
   A96: dom ddbi21 = Seg len ddbi21 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   A97: ddbi21/.j2 = ddbi21.j2 by A73,A93,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
           ((len ddbi21) |-> <*(db/.i2)/.2*>).j2 = <*(db/.i2)/.2*>
                      by A73,A93,A96,FINSEQ_2:70;
    then (f.i2).j2 = <*b211,b212*>^<*b22*> by A73,A87,A92,A94,A97,MATRLIN:def 2
              .= <*b211,b212,b22*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
   then A98: b111 = b211 & b112 = b212 & b12 = b22
             by A67,A71,A75,A86,GROUP_7:3;
   then i1 = i2 by A1,A68,A72,A77,A78,A84,A88,A89,A95,FUNCT_1:def 8;
    hence k1 = k2 by A69,A70,A73,A74,A83,A85,A93,A94,A97,A98,FUNCT_1:def 8;
  Fg is one-to-one proof let k1, k2 be set such that
   A99: k1 in dom Fg and
   A100: k2 in dom Fg and
   A101: Fg.k1 = Fg.k2;
       consider i1, j1 being Nat such that
   A102: i1 in dom g and
   A103: j1 in dom (g.i1) and
   A104: k1 = (Sum Card (g|(i1-'1))) + j1 and
   A105: (g.i1).j1 = Fg.k1 by A99,Th32;
       consider i2, j2 being Nat such that
   A106: i2 in dom g and
   A107: j2 in dom (g.i2) and
   A108: k2 = (Sum Card (g|(i2-'1))) + j2 and
   A109: (g.i2).j2 = Fg.k2 by A100,Th32;
       set ddbi11 = decomp (((db/.i1)/.2) qua Element of Bags n);
   A110: g.i1 = ((len ddbi11) |-> <*(db/.i1)/.1*>)^^ddbi11 by A4,A102;
   A111: db/.i1 = db.i1 by A2,A102,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
       consider b11, b12 being bag of n such that
   A112: db/.i1 = <*b11,b12*> and
          b = b11+b12 by A2,A102,Th72;
       reconsider b11' = b11, b12' = b12 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
   A113: b11' = b11 & b12' = b12;
   then A114: (db/.i1)/.1 = b11 by A112,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A115: (db/.i1)/.2 = b12 by A112,A113,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A116: dom (g.i1) = dom ddbi11 /\ dom ((len ddbi11) |-> <*(db/.i1)/.1*>)
               by A110,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbi11 /\ Seg len ddbi11 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbi11 /\ dom ddbi11 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbi11;
       then consider b111, b112 being bag of n such that
   A117: ddbi11/.j1 = <*b111, b112*> and
   A118: b12 = b111+b112 by A103,A115,Th72;
   A119: dom ddbi11 = Seg len ddbi11 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   A120: ddbi11/.j1 = ddbi11.j1 by A103,A116,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
           ((len ddbi11) |-> <*(db/.i1)/.1*>).j1 = <*(db/.i1)/.1*>
                      by A103,A116,A119,FINSEQ_2:70;
   then A121: (g.i1).j1 = <*b11*>^<*b111,b112*> by A103,A110,A114,A117,A120,
              .= <*b11,b111,b112*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
       set ddbi21 = decomp (((db/.i2)/.2) qua Element of Bags n);
   A122: g.i2 = ((len ddbi21) |-> <*(db/.i2)/.1*>) ^^ ddbi21 by A4,A106;
   A123: db/.i2 = db.i2 by A2,A106,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
       consider b21, b22 being bag of n such that
   A124: db/.i2 = <*b21,b22*> and
          b = b21+b22 by A2,A106,Th72;
       reconsider b21' = b21, b22' = b22 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
   A125: b21' = b21 & b22' = b22;
   then A126: (db/.i2)/.1 = b21 by A124,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A127: (db/.i2)/.2 = b22 by A124,A125,FINSEQ_4:26;
   A128: dom (g.i2) = dom ddbi21 /\ dom ((len ddbi21) |-> <*(db/.i2)/.1*>)
               by A122,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbi21 /\ Seg len ddbi21 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbi21 /\ dom ddbi21 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbi21;
       then consider b211, b212 being bag of n such that
   A129: ddbi21/.j2 = <*b211, b212*> and
   A130: b22 = b211+b212 by A107,A127,Th72;
   A131: ddbi21/.j2 = ddbi21.j2 by A107,A128,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      dom ddbi21 = Seg len ddbi21 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then ((len ddbi21) |-> <*(db/.i2)/.1*>).j2 = <*(db/.i2)/.1*>
                      by A107,A128,FINSEQ_2:70;
    then (g.i2).j2 = <*b21*>^<*b211,b212*> by A107,A122,A126,A129,A131,MATRLIN:
def 2
              .= <*b21,b211, b212*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
   then A132: b111 = b211 & b112 = b212 & b11 = b21
             by A101,A105,A109,A121,GROUP_7:3;
   then i1 = i2 by A2,A102,A106,A111,A112,A118,A123,A124,A130,FUNCT_1:def 8;
    hence k1 = k2
     by A103,A104,A107,A108,A117,A120,A128,A129,A131,A132,FUNCT_1:def 8;
   then Ff, Fg are_fiberwise_equipotent by A63,A64,VECTSP_9:4;
 hence ex p being Permutation of dom FlattenSeq f
       st FlattenSeq g = (FlattenSeq f)*p by RFINSEQ:17;

begin :: Formal power series --------------------------------------------------

 let X be set, S be 1-sorted;
 mode Series of X, S is Function of Bags X, S;

 let n be set, L be non empty LoopStr, p, q be Series of n, L;
 func p+q -> Series of n, L means
  for x being bag of n holds it.x = p.x+q.x;
    deffunc F(Element of Bags n) = p.$1+q.$1;
    consider f being Function of Bags n, the carrier of L such that
A1:   for x being Element of Bags n holds f.x = F(x) from LambdaD;
    reconsider f as Function of Bags n, L;
    reconsider f as Series of n, L;
   take f;
   let x be bag of n;
     x in Bags n by Def14;
   hence thesis by A1;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be Series of n, L such that
 A2: for x being bag of n holds it1.x = p.x+q.x and
 A3: for x being bag of n holds it2.x = p.x+q.x;
      now let x be Element of Bags n;
     reconsider x' = x as bag of n;
     thus it1.x = p.x'+q.x' by A2 .= it2.x by A3;
   hence it1 = it2 by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th79:
 for n being set, L being right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
     p, q being Series of n, L
  holds Support (p+q) c= Support p \/ Support q
proof let n be set, L be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
          p, q be Series of n, L;
    set f = p+q, Sp = Support p, Sq = Support q;
 let x be set; assume
    A1: x in Support f;
        then reconsider x' = x as Element of Bags n;
          f.x' <> 0.L by A1,Def9;
     then p.x'+q.x' <> 0.L by Def21;
        then not(p.x' = 0.L & q.x' = 0.L) by RLVECT_1:def 7;
       then x' in Sp or x' in Sq by Def9;
 hence x in Sp \/ Sq by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

 let n be set, L be Abelian right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
     p, q be Series of n, L;
 redefine func p+q;
 commutativity proof let p, q be Series of n, L;
     now let b be Element of Bags n;
    thus (p + q).b = q.b + p.b by Def21
     .= (q + p).b by Def21;
  hence p+q = q+p by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th80:
 for n being set,
     L being add-associative right_zeroed (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p, q, r being Series of n, L
  holds (p+q)+r = p+(q+r)
proof let n be set,
          L be add-associative right_zeroed (non empty doubleLoopStr),
          p, q, r be Series of n, L;
    now let b be Element of Bags n;
   thus ((p+q)+r).b = (p+q).b+r.b by Def21 .= p.b+q.b+r.b by Def21
     .= p.b+(q.b+r.b) by RLVECT_1:def 6
     .= p.b+(q+r).b by Def21 .= (p+(q+r)).b by Def21;
 hence (p+q)+r = p+(q+r) by FUNCT_2:113;

 let n be set, L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                    (non empty LoopStr),
     p be Series of n, L;
 func -p -> Series of n, L means
  for x being bag of n holds it.x = -(p.x);
 existence proof
    deffunc F(Element of Bags n) = -(p.$1);
    consider f being Function of Bags n, the carrier of L such that
A1:   for x being Element of Bags n holds f.x = F(x) from LambdaD;
    reconsider f as Function of Bags n, L;
    reconsider f as Series of n, L;
   take f;
   let x be bag of n;
     x in Bags n by Def14;
   hence thesis by A1;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be Series of n, L such that
A2: for x being bag of n holds it1.x = -(p.x) and
A3: for x being bag of n holds it2.x = -(p.x);
     now let b be Element of Bags n;
    thus it1.b = -(p.b) by A2 .= it2.b by A3;
  hence it1 = it2 by FUNCT_2:113;
  proof let p,q be Series of n, L such that
A4: for x being bag of n holds p.x = -(q.x);
   let x be bag of n;
   thus q.x = --(q.x) by RLVECT_1:30
          .= -(p.x) by A4;

 let n be set, L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                    (non empty LoopStr),
     p, q be Series of n, L;
 func p-q -> Series of n, L equals

 let n be set, S be non empty ZeroStr;
 func 0_(n, S) -> Series of n, S equals
:Def24: (Bags n) --> 0.S;
 coherence by FUNCOP_1:57;

theorem Th81:
 for n being set, S being non empty ZeroStr, b be bag of n
  holds (0_(n, S)).b = 0.S
proof let n be set, S be non empty ZeroStr, b be bag of n;
A1: 0_(n, S) = (Bags n) --> 0.S by Def24;
     b in Bags n by Def14;
  hence (0_(n, S)).b = 0.S by A1,FUNCOP_1:13;

theorem Th82:
 for n being set, L be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr), p be Series of n, L
  holds p+0_(n,L) = p
proof let n be set, L be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
          p be Series of n, L;
 reconsider ls = p+0_(n,L), p' = p
      as Function of (Bags n), the carrier of L;
   now let b be Element of Bags n;
  thus ls.b = p.b + 0_(n,L).b by Def21 .= p'.b+0.L by Th81
      .= p'.b by RLVECT_1:def 7;
 hence p+0_(n,L) = p by FUNCT_2:113;

 let n be set, L be unital (non empty multLoopStr_0);
 func 1_(n,L) -> Series of n, L equals
:Def25: 0_(n,L)+*(EmptyBag n,1.L);

theorem Th83:
 for n being set, L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                    (non empty LoopStr),
     p being Series of n, L
  holds p-p = 0_(n,L)
proof let n be set, L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                    (non empty LoopStr),
     p be Series of n, L;
  reconsider pp = p-p, Z = 0_(n,L) as Function of Bags n, the carrier of L;
    now let b be Element of Bags n;
   thus pp.b = (p+-p).b by Def23 .= p.b+(-p).b by Def21
       .= p.b + -p.b by Def22
       .= 0.L by RLVECT_1:def 10 .= Z.b by Th81;
 hence p-p = 0_(n,L) by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th84:
 for n being set, L being unital (non empty multLoopStr_0)
  holds (1_(n,L)).EmptyBag n = 1.L &
   for b being bag of n st b <> EmptyBag n holds (1_(n,L)).b = 0.L
proof let n be set, L be unital (non empty multLoopStr_0);
       set Z = 0_(n,L);
A1: Z = (Bags n --> 0.L) by Def24;
then A2: dom Z = Bags n by FUNCOP_1:19;
A3: Z+*(EmptyBag n,1.L) = 1_(n,L) by Def25;
 hence (1_(n,L)).EmptyBag n = 1.L by A2,FUNCT_7:33;
 let b be bag of n; assume
A4: b <> EmptyBag n;
A5: b in Bags n by Def14;
 thus (1_(n,L)).b = Z.b by A3,A4,FUNCT_7:34 .= 0.L by A1,A5,FUNCOP_1:13;

 let n be Ordinal, L be add-associative right_complementable
                    right_zeroed (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p, q be Series of n, L;
 func p*'q -> Series of n, L means
 for b being bag of n
  ex s being FinSequence of the carrier of L st
  it.b = Sum s &
  len s = len decomp b &
  for k being Nat st k in dom s
   ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                               s/.k = p.b1*q.b2;
 existence proof
  defpred P[Element of Bags n, Element of L] means
    ex b being bag of n st b = $1 &
     ex s being FinSequence of the carrier of L st
      $2 = Sum s &
      len s = len decomp b &
      for k being Nat st k in dom s
       ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                                   s/.k = p.b1*q.b2;
A1: now let bb be Element of Bags n;
       reconsider b = bb as bag of n;
   defpred Q[Nat, set] means
       ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.$1 = <*b1, b2*> &
                                   $2 = p.b1*q.b2;

 A2: now let k be Nat; assume k in Seg len decomp b;
        then k in dom decomp b by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
    A3: (decomp b)/.k = <*b1,b2*> and
          b = b1+b2 by Th72;
        reconsider x = p.b1*q.b2 as Element of L;
        take x;
        thus Q[k,x] by A3;
       consider s being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
   A4: len s = len decomp b and
   A5: for k being Nat st k in Seg len decomp b holds Q[k, s/.k]
              from FinSeqDChoice (A2);
       reconsider y = Sum s as Element of L;
    take y;
    thus P[bb,y]
     take b; thus b = bb; take s; thus y = Sum s;
     thus len s = len decomp b by A4;
     let k be Nat; assume k in dom s;
     then k in Seg len decomp b by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     hence ex b1, b2 being bag of n
       st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> & s/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by A5;
   consider P being Function of (Bags n), the carrier of L such that
A6: for b being Element of Bags n holds P[b, P.b] from FuncExD(A1);
   reconsider P as Function of (Bags n), L;
   reconsider P as Series of n, L;
   take P;
   let b be bag of n;
   reconsider bb = b as Element of Bags n by Def14;
     P[bb,] by A6;
   hence thesis;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be Series of n, L such that
A7: for b being bag of n
     ex s being FinSequence of the carrier of L st
      it1.b = Sum s &
      len s = len decomp b &
     for k being Nat st k in dom s ex b1, b2 being bag of n
      st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> & s/.k = p.b1*q.b2 and
A8: for b being bag of n
     ex s being FinSequence of the carrier of L st
      it2.b = Sum s &
      len s = len decomp b &
     for k being Nat st k in dom s ex b1, b2 being bag of n
      st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> & s/.k = p.b1*q.b2;
  reconsider ita = it1, itb = it2 as Function of (Bags n), the carrier of L;
    now let b be Element of Bags n;
     consider sa being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
  A9: ita.b = Sum sa and
  A10: len sa = len decomp b and
  A11: for k being Nat st k in dom sa
      ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                                  sa/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by A7;
     consider sb being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
  A12: itb.b = Sum sb and
  A13: len sb = len decomp b and
  A14: for k being Nat st k in dom sb
      ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                                  sb/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by A8;
        now let k be Nat; assume
       A15: 1 <= k & k <= len sa;
      then A16: k in dom sa by FINSEQ_3:27;
          then consider ab1, ab2 being bag of n such that
      A17: (decomp b)/.k = <*ab1, ab2*> and
      A18: sa/.k = p.ab1*q.ab2 by A11;
      A19: k in dom sb by A10,A13,A15,FINSEQ_3:27;
          then consider bb1, bb2 being bag of n such that
      A20: (decomp b)/.k = <*bb1, bb2*> and
      A21: sb/.k = p.bb1*q.bb2 by A14;
     A22: sa/.k = sa.k & sb/.k = sb.k by A16,A19,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
            ab1 = bb1 & ab2 = bb2 by A17,A20,GROUP_7:2;
       hence sa.k = sb.k by A18,A21,A22;
   hence ita.b = itb.b by A9,A10,A12,A13,FINSEQ_1:18;
  hence it1 = it2 by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th85:
 for n being Ordinal,
     L being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
             distributive associative
              (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p, q, r being Series of n, L
  holds p*'(q+r) = p*'q+p*'r
proof let n be Ordinal,
     L be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
             distributive associative
              (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p, q, r be Series of n, L;
   set cL = the carrier of L;
   now let b be Element of Bags n;
   consider s being FinSequence of cL such that
A1: (p*'(q+r)).b = Sum s and
A2: len s = len decomp b and
A3: for k being Nat st k in dom s
     ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
       s/.k = p.b1*(q+r).b2 by Def26;
    consider t being FinSequence of cL such that
A4: (p*'q).b = Sum t and
A5: len t = len decomp b and
A6: for k being Nat st k in dom t
     ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
       t/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by Def26;
    consider u being FinSequence of cL such that
A7: (p*'r).b = Sum u and
A8: len u = len decomp b and
A9: for k being Nat st k in dom u
     ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
       u/.k = p.b1*r.b2 by Def26;
    reconsider S = s, t, u as Element of (len s)-tuples_on cL
      by A2,A5,A8,FINSEQ_2:110;
A10: dom t = dom s & dom u = dom s by A2,A5,A8,FINSEQ_3:31;
then A11:  dom (t+u) = dom s by Th5;
then A12: len (t+u) = len s by FINSEQ_3:31;
      now let i be Nat; assume i in Seg len S;
         then 1 <= i & i <= len s by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then A13: i in dom s by FINSEQ_3:27;
        then consider sb1, sb2 being bag of n such that
    A14: (decomp b)/.i = <*sb1, sb2*> & s/.i = p.sb1*(q+r).sb2 by A3;
        consider tb1, tb2 being bag of n such that
    A15: (decomp b)/.i = <*tb1, tb2*> & t/.i = p.tb1*q.tb2
                        by A6,A10,A13;
         consider ub1, ub2 being bag of n such that
    A16: (decomp b)/.i = <*ub1, ub2*> & u/.i = p.ub1*r.ub2
                by A9,A10,A13;
    A17: sb1 = tb1 & sb1 = ub1 & sb2 = tb2 & sb2 = ub2
           by A14,A15,A16,GROUP_7:2;
    A18:  s/.i = s.i & t/.i = t.i & u/.i = u.i
              by A10,A13,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
     hence s.i = p.sb1*(q.sb2+r.sb2) by A14,Def21
             .= p.sb1*q.sb2+p.sb1*r.sb2 by VECTSP_1:def 18
             .= (t + u).i by A11,A13,A15,A16,A17,A18,FVSUM_1:21;
 then s = t + u by A12,FINSEQ_2:10;
  hence (p*'(q+r)).b = Sum t + Sum u by A1,FVSUM_1:95
        .= (p*'q+p*'r).b by A4,A7,Def21;
 hence p*'(q+r) = p*'q+p*'r by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th86:
 for n being Ordinal,
     L being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
             unital distributive associative
              (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p, q, r being Series of n, L
  holds (p*'q)*'r = p*'(q*'r)
proof let n be Ordinal,
          L be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
               unital distributive associative
               (non empty doubleLoopStr),
          p, q, r be Series of n, L;
  set cL = the carrier of L;
  reconsider pq_r = (p*'q)*'r, p_qr = p*'(q*'r) as Function of Bags n, cL;
  set pq = p*'q, qr = q*'r;
    now let b be Element of Bags n;
   set db = decomp b;
   consider ls being FinSequence of cL such that
A1: pq_r.b = Sum ls and
A2: len ls = len decomp b and
A3: for k being Nat st k in dom ls
     ex b1,b2 being bag of n st db/.k = <*b1,b2*> &
                                ls/.k = pq.b1*r.b2 by Def26;
   consider rs being FinSequence of cL such that
A4: p_qr.b = Sum rs and
A5: len rs = len decomp b and
A6: for k being Nat st k in dom rs
     ex b1,b2 being bag of n st db/.k = <*b1,b2*> &
                                rs/.k = p.b1*qr.b2 by Def26;
    deffunc F(Nat) = ((decomp (((db/.$1)/.1) qua Element of Bags n))) ^^
     ((len (decomp (((db/.$1)/.1) qua Element of Bags n)))|-> <*(db/.$1)/.2*>);
    consider dbl being FinSequence such that
A7: len dbl = len db and
A8: for k being Nat st k in dom dbl holds dbl.k = F(k) from domSeqLambda;
    deffunc G(Nat) = ((len (decomp (((db/.$1)/.2) qua Element of Bags n)))
     |-> <*(db/.$1)/.1*>) ^^ ((decomp (((db/.$1)/.2) qua Element of Bags n)));
    consider dbr being FinSequence such that
A9: len dbr = len db and
A10: for k being Nat st k in dom dbr holds dbr.k = G(k) from domSeqLambda;
A11: rng dbl c= (3-tuples_on Bags n)* proof let y be set; assume y in rng dbl;
          then consider k being set such that
      A12: k in dom dbl & y = dbl.k by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         set ddbk1 = decomp (((db/.k)/.1) qua Element of Bags n);
         set dbk2 = (db/.k)/.2;
         set dblk = ddbk1 ^^ ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>);
      A13: dbl.k = ddbk1 ^^ ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) by A8,A12;
     A14: dom dblk
           = dom ddbk1 /\ dom ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) by MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbk1 /\ Seg len ddbk1 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbk1 /\ dom ddbk1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbk1;
     A15: rng ddbk1 c= 2-tuples_on Bags n by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     A16: dom ddbk1 = Seg len ddbk1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
           rng dblk c= 3-tuples_on Bags n proof let y be set;
             assume y in rng dblk;
             then consider i being set such that
         A17: i in dom dblk & dblk.i = y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
               ddbk1.i in rng ddbk1 by A14,A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
             then reconsider Fi = ddbk1.i as Element of 2-tuples_on Bags n by
             reconsider i' = i as Nat by A17;
         A18: ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>).i' = <*dbk2*>
                  by A14,A16,A17,FINSEQ_2:70;
             reconsider Gi = <*dbk2*> as Element of 1-tuples_on Bags n;
               y = Fi^Gi by A17,A18,MATRLIN:def 2;
          hence y in 3-tuples_on Bags n;
         then dblk is FinSequence of 3-tuples_on Bags n by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
       hence y in (3-tuples_on Bags n)* by A12,A13,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
  rng dbr c= (3-tuples_on Bags n)* proof let y be set; assume y in rng dbr;
          then consider k being set such that
      A19: k in dom dbr & y = dbr.k by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         set ddbk1 = decomp (((db/.k)/.2) qua Element of Bags n);
         set dbk2 = (db/.k)/.1;
         set dbrk = ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) ^^ ddbk1;
      A20: dbr.k = ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) ^^ ddbk1 by A10,A19;
     A21: dom dbrk
           = dom ddbk1 /\ dom ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) by MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbk1 /\ Seg len ddbk1 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbk1 /\ dom ddbk1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbk1;
     A22: rng ddbk1 c= 2-tuples_on Bags n by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     A23: dom ddbk1 = Seg len ddbk1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
           rng dbrk c= 3-tuples_on Bags n proof let y be set;
             assume y in rng dbrk;
             then consider i being set such that
         A24: i in dom dbrk & dbrk.i = y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
               ddbk1.i in rng ddbk1 by A21,A24,FUNCT_1:def 5;
             then reconsider Fi = ddbk1.i as Element of 2-tuples_on Bags n by
             reconsider i' = i as Nat by A24;
         A25: ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>).i' = <*dbk2*>
                  by A21,A23,A24,FINSEQ_2:70;
             reconsider Gi = <*dbk2*> as Element of 1-tuples_on Bags n;
               y = Gi^Fi by A24,A25,MATRLIN:def 2;
          hence y in 3-tuples_on Bags n;
         then dbrk is FinSequence of 3-tuples_on Bags n by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
       hence y in (3-tuples_on Bags n)* by A19,A20,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     then reconsider dbl, dbr as FinSequence of (3-tuples_on Bags n)* by A11,
FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     deffunc F(Element of 3-tuples_on Bags n) = p.($1/.1)*q.($1/.2)*r.($1/.3);
     consider v being Function of (3-tuples_on Bags n), cL such that
A26:   for b being Element of 3-tuples_on Bags n holds
        v.b = F(b) from LambdaD;
A27: dom v = 3-tuples_on Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     set fdbl = FlattenSeq dbl, fdbr = FlattenSeq dbr;
     reconsider vfdbl = v*fdbl,vfdbr = v*fdbr as FinSequence of cL
       by FINSEQ_2:36;
     consider vdbl being FinSequence of cL* such that
A28: vdbl = ((dom dbl --> v)**dbl) and
A29: vfdbl = FlattenSeq vdbl by Th36;
A30: Sum vfdbl = Sum Sum vdbl by A29,Th34;
        set f = Sum vdbl;
     A31: dom f = dom vdbl by Th15;
     A32: dom vdbl = dom (dom dbl --> v) /\ dom dbl by A28,MSUALG_3:def 4
         .= dom dbl /\ dom dbl by FUNCOP_1:19
         .= dom dbl;
      hence len Sum vdbl = len ls by A2,A7,A31,FINSEQ_3:31;
      let k be Nat such that
     A33: 1 <= k & k <= len ls;
     A34: dom ls = dom f by A2,A7,A31,A32,FINSEQ_3:31;
     A35: k in dom f by A2,A7,A31,A32,A33,FINSEQ_3:27;
         then consider b1,b2 being bag of n such that
     A36: db/.k = <*b1,b2*> and
     A37: ls/.k = pq.b1*r.b2 by A3,A34;
         reconsider b2' = b2 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
         consider pqs being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
     A38: pq.b1 = Sum pqs and
     A39: len pqs = len decomp b1 and
     A40: for i being Nat st i in dom pqs
          ex b11, b12 being bag of n st (decomp b1)/.i = <*b11, b12*> &
              pqs/.i = p.b11*q.b12 by Def26;
     A41: Sum (pqs*r.b2) = (Sum pqs)*r.b2 by Th29;
     A42: k in dom vdbl by A2,A7,A32,A33,FINSEQ_3:27;
         set vdblk = v*(dbl.k);
         set ddbk1 = decomp (((db/.k)/.1) qua Element of Bags n);
         set dbk2 = (db/.k)/.2;
            len <*b1,b2*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
     then A43: 1 in dom <*b1,b2*> & 2 in dom <*b1,b2*> by FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A44: dbk2 = <*b1,b2*>.2 by A36,FINSEQ_4:def 4
              .= b2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
     A45: (db/.k)/.1 = <*b1,b2*>.1 by A36,A43,FINSEQ_4:def 4
              .= b1 by FINSEQ_1:61;
     A46: dbl.k = ddbk1 ^^ ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) by A8,A32,A42;
         set dblk = dbl.k;
     A47: dom dblk
           = dom ddbk1 /\ dom ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) by A46,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbk1 /\ Seg len ddbk1 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbk1 /\ dom ddbk1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbk1;
            k in dom dbl by A2,A7,A33,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A48: dblk in rng dbl by FUNCT_1:def 5;
            rng dbl c= (3-tuples_on Bags n)* by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
          then dblk is Element of (3-tuples_on Bags n)* by A48;
          then reconsider dblk as FinSequence of 3-tuples_on Bags n;
     A49: dom ddbk1 = Seg len ddbk1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        rng dblk c= 3-tuples_on Bags n by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     then A50: dom vdblk = dom dblk by A27,RELAT_1:46;
         then dom vdblk = Seg len ddbk1 by A47,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         then reconsider vdblk as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:def 2;
     A51: dom pqs = dom (pqs*r.b2) by Def3;
           now thus
            len vdblk = len pqs by A39,A45,A47,A50,FINSEQ_3:31
              .= len (pqs*r.b2) by A51,FINSEQ_3:31;
         then A52: dom vdblk = dom (pqs*r.b2) by FINSEQ_3:31;
          let i be Nat; assume
         A53: 1 <= i & i <= len (pqs*r.b2);
         then A54:     i in dom (pqs*r.b2) by FINSEQ_3:27;
         then consider b11, b12 being bag of n such that
         A55: (decomp b1)/.i = <*b11, b12*> and
         A56: pqs/.i = p.b11*q.b12 by A40,A51;
             reconsider i' = i as Nat;
         A57: ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>).i' = <*dbk2*>
                  by A47,A49,A50,A52,A54,FINSEQ_2:70;
           (decomp b1)/.i = (decomp b1).i
                  by A45,A47,A50,A52,A54,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
         then A58: dblk.i = <*b11,b12*>^<*b2*>
               by A44,A45,A46,A50,A52,A54,A55,A57,MATRLIN:def 2
              .= <*b11,b12,b2*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
             reconsider b11' = b11, b12' = b12 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
             reconsider B = <*b11',b12',b2'*> as Element of 3-tuples_on Bags n
                    by FINSEQ_2:124;
         A59: i in dom pqs by A51,A53,FINSEQ_3:27;
         A60: dom pqs = dom (pqs*r.b2) by Def3;
           thus (v*(dbl.k)).i
            = v.(dblk.i) by A52,A54,FUNCT_1:22
           .= p.(B/.1)*q.(B/.2)*r.(B/.3) by A26,A58
           .= p.b11'*q.(B/.2)*r.(B/.3) by FINSEQ_4:27
           .= p.b11*q.b12*r.(B/.3) by FINSEQ_4:27
           .= (pqs/.i)*r.b2 by A56,FINSEQ_4:27
           .= (pqs*r.b2)/.i by A59,Def3
           .= (pqs*r.b2).i by A59,A60,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
     then A61: vdblk = pqs*r.b2 by FINSEQ_1:18;
     A62: vdbl/.k = vdbl.k by A42,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= ((dom dbl --> v).k)*(dbl.k) by A28,A42,MSUALG_3:def 4
          .= pqs*r.b2 by A32,A42,A61,FUNCOP_1:13;
     A63: ls/.k = ls.k by A34,A35,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
            f/.k = f.k by A35,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      hence (Sum vdbl).k = ls.k by A35,A37,A38,A41,A62,A63,MATRLIN:def 8;
then A64: Sum vdbl = ls by FINSEQ_1:18;
     consider vdbr being FinSequence of cL* such that
A65: vdbr = ((dom dbr --> v)**dbr) and
A66: vfdbr = FlattenSeq vdbr by Th36;
A67: Sum vfdbr = Sum Sum vdbr by A66,Th34;
        set f = Sum vdbr;
     A68: dom f = dom vdbr by Th15;
     A69: dom vdbr = dom (dom dbr --> v) /\ dom dbr by A65,MSUALG_3:def 4
         .= dom dbr /\ dom dbr by FUNCOP_1:19
         .= dom dbr;
      hence len Sum vdbr = len rs by A5,A9,A68,FINSEQ_3:31;
      let k be Nat such that
     A70: 1 <= k & k <= len rs;
     A71: dom rs = dom f by A5,A9,A68,A69,FINSEQ_3:31;
     A72: k in dom f by A5,A9,A68,A69,A70,FINSEQ_3:27;
         then consider b1,b2 being bag of n such that
     A73: db/.k = <*b1,b2*> and
     A74: rs/.k = p.b1*qr.b2 by A6,A71;
         reconsider b1' = b1 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
         consider qrs being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
     A75: qr.b2 = Sum qrs and
     A76: len qrs = len decomp b2 and
     A77: for i being Nat st i in dom qrs
          ex b11, b12 being bag of n st (decomp b2)/.i = <*b11, b12*> &
              qrs/.i = q.b11*r.b12 by Def26;
     A78: Sum (p.b1*qrs) = p.b1*(Sum qrs) by Th28;
     A79: k in dom vdbr by A5,A9,A69,A70,FINSEQ_3:27;
         set vdbrk = v*(dbr.k);
         set ddbk1 = decomp (((db/.k)/.2) qua Element of Bags n);
         set dbk2 = (db/.k)/.1;
            len <*b1,b2*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
     then A80: 1 in dom <*b1,b2*> & 2 in dom <*b1,b2*> by FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A81: dbk2 = <*b1,b2*>.1 by A73,FINSEQ_4:def 4
              .= b1 by FINSEQ_1:61;
     A82: (db/.k)/.2 = <*b1,b2*>.2 by A73,A80,FINSEQ_4:def 4
              .= b2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
     A83: dbr.k = ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) ^^ ddbk1 by A10,A69,A79;
         set dbrk = dbr.k;
     A84: dom dbrk
           = dom ddbk1 /\ dom ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>) by A83,MATRLIN:def 2
          .= dom ddbk1 /\ Seg len ddbk1 by FINSEQ_2:68
          .= dom ddbk1 /\ dom ddbk1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom ddbk1;
            k in dom dbr by A5,A9,A70,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A85: dbrk in rng dbr by FUNCT_1:def 5;
            rng dbr c= (3-tuples_on Bags n)* by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
          then dbrk is Element of (3-tuples_on Bags n)* by A85;
          then reconsider dbrk as FinSequence of 3-tuples_on Bags n;
     A86: dom ddbk1 = Seg len ddbk1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        rng dbrk c= 3-tuples_on Bags n by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     then A87: dom vdbrk = dom dbrk by A27,RELAT_1:46;
         then dom vdbrk = Seg len ddbk1 by A84,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         then reconsider vdbrk as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:def 2;
     A88: dom qrs = dom (p.b1*qrs) by Def2;
     then A89: len qrs = len (p.b1*qrs) by FINSEQ_3:31;
     then A90: len vdbrk = len (p.b1*qrs) by A76,A82,A84,A87,FINSEQ_3:31;
         A91: dom vdbrk = dom (p.b1*qrs) by A76,A82,A84,A87,A88,FINSEQ_3:31;
          let i be Nat; assume
         A92: 1 <= i & i <= len (p.b1*qrs);
         then A93: i in dom dbrk by A76,A82,A84,A89,FINSEQ_3:27;
             then consider b11, b12 being bag of n such that
         A94: (decomp b2)/.i = <*b11, b12*> and
         A95: qrs/.i = q.b11*r.b12 by A77,A87,A88,A91;
             reconsider i' = i as Nat;
         A96: ((len ddbk1) |-> <*dbk2*>).i' = <*dbk2*>
                  by A84,A86,A93,FINSEQ_2:70;
           (decomp b2)/.i = (decomp b2).i by A82,A84,A93,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
         then A97: dbrk.i = <*b1*>^<*b11,b12*> by A81,A82,A83,A93,A94,A96,
              .= <*b1,b11,b12*> by FINSEQ_1:60;
             reconsider b11' = b11, b12' = b12 as Element of Bags n by Def14;
             reconsider B = <*b1',b11',b12'*> as Element of 3-tuples_on Bags n
                    by FINSEQ_2:124;
         A98: i in dom qrs by A88,A92,FINSEQ_3:27;
           thus (v*(dbr.k)).i
            = v.(dbrk.i) by A87,A93,FUNCT_1:22
           .= p.(B/.1)*q.(B/.2)*r.(B/.3) by A26,A97
           .= p.b1*q.(B/.2)*r.(B/.3) by FINSEQ_4:27
           .= p.b1*q.b11*r.(B/.3) by FINSEQ_4:27
           .= p.b1*q.b11*r.b12 by FINSEQ_4:27
           .= p.b1*(qrs/.i) by A95,VECTSP_1:def 16
           .= (p.b1*qrs)/.i by A98,Def2
           .= (p.b1*qrs).i by A88,A98,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
     then A99: vdbrk = p.b1*qrs by A90,FINSEQ_1:18;
     A100: vdbr/.k = vdbr.k by A79,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= ((dom dbr --> v).k)*(dbr.k) by A65,A79,MSUALG_3:def 4
          .= p.b1*qrs by A69,A79,A99,FUNCOP_1:13;
     A101:   rs/.k = rs.k by A71,A72,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
              f/.k = f.k by A72,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      hence (Sum vdbr).k = rs.k
         by A72,A74,A75,A78,A100,A101,MATRLIN:def 8;
then A102: Sum vdbr = rs by FINSEQ_1:18;
       dom dbl = dom db & dom dbr = dom db by A7,A9,FINSEQ_3:31;
     then consider P being Permutation of dom fdbl such that
A103:   fdbr = fdbl*P by A8,A10,Th78;
       rng fdbl c= 3-tuples_on Bags n by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     then dom vfdbl = dom fdbl by A27,RELAT_1:46;
     then reconsider P as Permutation of dom (vfdbl);
    vfdbr = vfdbl*P by A103,RELAT_1:55;
   hence pq_r.b = p_qr.b by A1,A4,A30,A64,A67,A102,RLVECT_2:9;
 hence (p*'q)*'r = p*'(q*'r) by FUNCT_2:113;

 let n be Ordinal,
     L be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
          commutative (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p, q be Series of n, L;
 redefine func p*'q;
 commutativity proof let p, q be Series of n, L;
  reconsider pq = p*'q, qp = q*'p as Function of Bags n, the carrier of L;
    now let b be Element of Bags n;
  consider s being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
A1: pq.b = Sum s and
A2: len s = len decomp b and
A3: for k being Nat st k in dom s
    ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                                s/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by Def26;
  consider t being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
A4: qp.b = Sum t and
A5: len t = len decomp b and
A6: for k being Nat st k in dom t
    ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                                t/.k = q.b1*p.b2 by Def26;
A7: dom s = dom decomp b & dom t = dom decomp b by A2,A5,FINSEQ_3:31;
   then reconsider ds = dom s as non empty set;
   defpred P[set, set] means
    ex b1, b2 being bag of n
     st (decomp b).$1 = <*b1, b2*> & (decomp b).$2 = <*b2, b1*>;
A8: now let e be set; assume
    A9: e in ds;
        then consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
    A10: (decomp b)/.e = <*b1, b2*> and
    A11: b = b1+b2 by A7,Th72;
    consider d being Nat such that
    A12: d in dom decomp b and
    A13: (decomp b)/.d = <*b2,b1*> by A11,Th73;
        reconsider d as set;
        take d;
        thus d in ds by A2,A12,FINSEQ_3:31;
        thus P[e,d]
         take b1, b2;
          thus (decomp b).e = <*b1, b2*> & (decomp b).d = <*b2, b1*>
           by A7,A9,A10,A12,A13,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
   consider f being Function of ds, ds such that
A14: for e being set st e in ds holds P[e,f.e] from FuncEx1(A8);
A15: dom f = ds & rng f c= ds by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12;
A16: f is one-to-one proof let x1, x2 be set such that
   A17: x1 in dom f and
   A18: x2 in dom f and
   A19: f.x1 = f.x2;
       consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
   A20: (decomp b).x1 = <*b1, b2*> & (decomp b).(f.x1) = <*b2, b1*>
    by A14,A17;
       consider b3, b4 being bag of n such that
   A21: (decomp b).x2 = <*b3, b4*> & (decomp b).(f.x2) = <*b4, b3*> by A14,A18
         b2 = b4 & b1 = b3 by A19,A20,A21,GROUP_7:2;
    hence x1 = x2 by A7,A17,A18,A20,A21,FUNCT_1:def 8;
     ds c= rng f proof let x be set; assume
   A22: x in ds;
   then A23: f.x in rng f by A15,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   then A24: f.(f.x) in rng f by A15,FUNCT_1:def 5;
       consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
   A25: (decomp b).x = <*b1, b2*> & (decomp b).(f.x) = <*b2, b1*> by A14,A22;
       consider b3, b4 being bag of n such that
   A26: (decomp b).(f.x) = <*b3, b4*> & (decomp b).(f.(f.x)) = <*b4, b3*>
               by A14,A15,A23;
         b3 = b2 & b4 = b1 by A25,A26,GROUP_7:2;
    hence x in rng f by A7,A15,A22,A24,A25,A26,FUNCT_1:def 8;
   then rng f = ds by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
    then reconsider f as Permutation of dom s by A16,FUNCT_2:83;
      now let i be Nat; assume
    A27: i in dom t;
then A28:  f.i in rng f by A7,A15,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then f.i in ds by A15;
        then reconsider fi = f.i as Nat;
        consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
    A29: (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*> & t/.i = q.b1*p.b2 by A6,A27;
        consider b3, b4 being bag of n such that
    A30: (decomp b)/.fi = <*b3, b4*> & s/.fi = p.b3*q.b4 by A3,A15,A28;
        consider b5, b6 being bag of n such that
    A31: (decomp b).i = <*b5, b6*> & (decomp b).(f.i) = <*b6, b5*> by A7,A14,
    A32: dom s = dom t by A2,A5,FINSEQ_3:31;
    A33: t/.i = t.i & s/.fi = by A15,A27,A28,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
           dom s = dom decomp b by A2,FINSEQ_3:31;
        then (decomp b)/.i = (decomp b).i & (decomp b)/.fi = (decomp b).fi
            by A15,A27,A28,A32,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    then b1 = b5 & b2 = b6 & b3 = b6 & b4 = b5 by A29,A30,A31,GROUP_7:2;
     hence t.i = s.(f.i) by A29,A30,A33,VECTSP_1:def 17;
   hence pq.b = qp.b by A1,A2,A4,A5,RLVECT_2:8;
  hence p*'q = q*'p by FUNCT_2:113;

   for n being Ordinal,
     L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
             unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p being Series of n, L
  holds p*'0_(n,L) = 0_(n,L)
proof let n be Ordinal, L be add-associative right_complementable
            right_zeroed unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
          p be Series of n, L;
   set Z = 0_(n,L);
    now let b be Element of Bags n;
     consider s being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
 A1: (p*'Z).b = Sum s and len s = len decomp b and
 A2: for k being Nat st k in dom s
       ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*>
           & s/.k = p.b1*Z.b2 by Def26;
       now let k be Nat; assume k in dom s;
         then consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
           (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> and
     A3: s/.k = p.b1*Z.b2 by A2;
      thus s/.k = p.b1*0.L by A3,Th81 .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:36;
     then Sum s = 0.L by MATRLIN:15;
   hence (p*'Z).b = Z.b by A1,Th81;
 hence p*'0_(n,L) = 0_(n,L) by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th88:
 for n being Ordinal, L being add-associative right_complementable
                     right_zeroed distributive unital
                    non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p being Series of n, L
  holds p*'1_(n,L) = p
proof let n be Ordinal, L be add-associative right_complementable
                     right_zeroed distributive unital
                    non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p be Series of n, L;
   set O = 1_(n,L), cL = the carrier of L;
   now let b be Element of Bags n;
     consider s being FinSequence of cL such that
 A1: (p*'O).b = Sum s and
 A2: len s = len decomp b and
 A3: for k being Nat st k in dom s
       ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*>
           & s/.k = p.b1*O.b2 by Def26;
A4: len s <> 0 by A2,FINSEQ_1:25;
     then consider t being FinSequence of cL, s1 being Element of cL such that
 A5: s = t^<*s1*> by FINSEQ_2:22;
 A6: Sum s = (Sum t) + (Sum <*s1*>) by A5,RLVECT_1:58;
       s is non empty by A4,FINSEQ_1:25;
then A7: len s in dom s by FINSEQ_5:6;
     then consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
 A8: (decomp b)/.len s = <*b1, b2*> and
 A9: s/.len s = p.b1*O.b2 by A3;
       (decomp b)/.len s = <*b, EmptyBag n*> by A2,Th75;
then A10: b1 = b & b2 = EmptyBag n by A8,GROUP_7:2;
A11: s.len s = (t^<*s1*>).(len t +1) by A5,FINSEQ_2:19
            .= s1 by FINSEQ_1:59;
A12: s/.len s = s.len s by A7,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
A13: Sum <*s1*> = s1 by RLVECT_1:61
     .= p.b*1.L by A9,A10,A11,A12,Th84
     .= p.b by GROUP_1:def 4;
   per cases;
   suppose t = <*>(cL);
    hence (Sum t) = 0.L by RLVECT_1:60;
   suppose A14: t <> <*>(cL);
       now let k be Nat; assume
     A15: k in dom t;
     then A16: t/.k = t.k by FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= s.k by A5,A15,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
     A17: 1 <= k by A15,FINSEQ_3:27;
     A18: dom s = dom decomp b by A2,FINSEQ_3:31;
     A19: len s = len t + len <*s1*> by A5,FINSEQ_1:35
              .= len t +1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
           k <= len t by A15,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A20: k < len s by A19,NAT_1:38;
     then A21: k in dom decomp b by A2,A17,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A22: s/.k = s.k by A18,FINSEQ_4:def 4;

      per cases by A17,AXIOMS:21;
      suppose A23: 1 < k;
          consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
      A24: (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> and
      A25: s/.k = p.b1*O.b2 by A3,A18,A21;
         b2 <> EmptyBag n by A2,A20,A23,A24,Th76;
       hence t/.k = p.b1*0.L by A16,A22,A25,Th84
                   .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:36;
      suppose A26: k = 1;
          consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
      A27: (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> and
      A28: s/.k = p.b1*O.b2 by A3,A18,A21;
         (decomp b)/.1 = <*EmptyBag n, b*> by Th75;
      then A29: b1 = EmptyBag n & b2 = b by A26,A27,GROUP_7:2;
   now assume b = EmptyBag n;
        then decomp b = <* <*EmptyBag n, EmptyBag n*> *> by Th77;
        then len t +1 = 0+1 by A2,A19,FINSEQ_1:56;
        then len t = 0 by XCMPLX_1:2;
       hence contradiction by A14,FINSEQ_1:25;

          then s.k = (p.EmptyBag n)*0.L by A22,A28,A29,Th84
                 .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:36;
       hence t/.k = 0.L by A16;
    hence (Sum t) = 0.L by MATRLIN:15;
  hence (p*'O).b = p.b by A1,A6,A13,RLVECT_1:10;
 hence p*'1_(n,L) = p by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th89:
 for n being Ordinal, L being add-associative right_complementable
                     right_zeroed distributive unital
                    non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p being Series of n, L
  holds 1_(n,L)*'p = p
proof let n be Ordinal, L be add-associative right_complementable
                     right_zeroed distributive unital
                    non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p be Series of n, L;
   set O = 1_(n,L), cL = the carrier of L;
   now let b be Element of Bags n;
     consider s being FinSequence of cL such that
 A1: (O*'p).b = Sum s and
 A2: len s = len decomp b and
 A3: for k being Nat st k in dom s
       ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*>
           & s/.k = O.b1*p.b2 by Def26;
A4: len s <> 0 by A2,FINSEQ_1:25;
     then s is non empty by FINSEQ_1:25;
     then consider s1 being Element of cL, t being FinSequence of cL such that
A5: s1 = s.1 and
 A6: s = <*s1*>^t by FSM_1:5;
 A7: Sum s = (Sum <*s1*>) + (Sum t) by A6,RLVECT_1:58;
       s is non empty by A4,FINSEQ_1:25;
then A8: 1 in dom s by FINSEQ_5:6;
     then consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
 A9: (decomp b)/.1 = <*b1, b2*> and
 A10: s/.1 = O.b1*p.b2 by A3;
       (decomp b)/.1 = <*EmptyBag n, b*> by Th75;
 then A11: b2 = b & b1 = EmptyBag n by A9,GROUP_7:2;
A12: s/.1 = s.1 by A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
 A13: Sum <*s1*> = s1 by RLVECT_1:61
     .= 1.L*p.b by A5,A10,A11,A12,Th84
     .= p.b by GROUP_1:def 4;
   per cases;
   suppose t = <*>(cL);
    hence (Sum t) = 0.L by RLVECT_1:60;
   suppose A14: t <> <*>(cL);
       now let k be Nat; assume
     A15: k in dom t;
     then A16: t/.k = t.k by FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= s.(k+1) by A6,A15,FSM_1:6;
       1 <= k by A15,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A17: 1 < k+1 by NAT_1:38;
     A18: dom s = dom decomp b by A2,FINSEQ_3:31;
     A19: len s = len t + len <*s1*> by A6,FINSEQ_1:35
              .= len t +1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
           k <= len t by A15,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A20: k+1 <= len s by A19,AXIOMS:24;
     then A21: k+1 in dom decomp b by A2,A17,FINSEQ_3:27;
     then A22: s/.(k+1) = s.(k+1) by A18,FINSEQ_4:def 4;

      per cases by A20,AXIOMS:21;
      suppose A23: k+1 < len s;
          consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
      A24: (decomp b)/.(k+1) = <*b1, b2*> and
      A25: s/.(k+1) = O.b1*p.b2 by A3,A18,A21;
         b1 <> EmptyBag n by A2,A17,A23,A24,Th76;
       hence t/.k = 0.L*p.b2 by A16,A22,A25,Th84
                   .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:39;
      suppose A26: k+1 = len s;
          consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
      A27: (decomp b)/.(k+1) = <*b1, b2*> and
      A28: s/.(k+1) = O.b1*p.b2 by A3,A18,A21;
         (decomp b)/.len s = <*b,EmptyBag n*> by A2,Th75;
      then A29: b2 = EmptyBag n & b1 = b by A26,A27,GROUP_7:2;

        now assume b = EmptyBag n;
         then decomp b = <* <*EmptyBag n, EmptyBag n*> *> by Th77;
         then len t +1 = 0+1 by A2,A19,FINSEQ_1:56;
              then len t = 0 by XCMPLX_1:2;
           hence contradiction by A14,FINSEQ_1:25;
          then s.(k+1) = 0.L*(p.EmptyBag n) by A22,A28,A29,Th84
                 .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:39;
       hence t/.k = 0.L by A16;
    hence (Sum t) = 0.L by MATRLIN:15;
  hence (O*'p).b = p.b by A1,A7,A13,RLVECT_1:10;
 hence 1_(n,L)*'p = p by FUNCT_2:113;

begin :: Polynomials ----------------------------------------------------------

 let n be set, S be non empty ZeroStr;
 cluster finite-Support Series of n, S;
    reconsider P = Bags n --> 0.S
    as Function of Bags n, the carrier of S by FUNCOP_1:57;
    reconsider P as Function of Bags n, S;
    reconsider P as Series of n, S;
   take P;
      for x being Element of Bags n holds x in {} iff P.x <> 0.S by FUNCOP_1:13
    then Support P = {}Bags n by Def9;
   hence Support P is finite;

 let n be Ordinal, S be non empty ZeroStr;
 mode Polynomial of n, S is finite-Support Series of n, S;

 let n be Ordinal, L be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
     p, q be Polynomial of n, L;
 cluster p+q -> finite-Support;
 coherence proof
A1:  Support p is finite by Def10;
A2:  Support q is finite by Def10;
    set Sp = Support p, Sq = Support q;
A3:  Sp \/ Sq is finite by A1,A2,FINSET_1:14;
      Support (p+q) c= Sp \/ Sq by Th79;
    then Support (p+q) is finite by A3,FINSET_1:13;
  hence thesis by Def10;

 let n be Ordinal, L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                    (non empty LoopStr),
     p be Polynomial of n, L;
 cluster -p -> finite-Support;
 coherence proof set f = -p;
A1:  Support p is finite by Def10;
      Support f c= Support p proof let x be set; assume
     A2: x in Support f;
        then reconsider x' = x as Element of Bags n;
          f.x' <> 0.L by A2,Def9;
        then -(p.x') <> 0.L by Def22;
        then p.x' <> 0.L by RLVECT_1:25;
      hence x in Support p by Def9;
     then Support f is finite by A1,FINSET_1:13;
    hence f is finite-Support by Def10;

 let n be Nat, L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                 (non empty LoopStr),
     p, q be Polynomial of n, L;
 cluster p-q -> finite-Support;
 coherence proof p-q = p+-q by Def23;
  hence thesis;

 let n be Ordinal, S be non empty ZeroStr;
 cluster 0_(n, S) -> finite-Support;
 coherence proof
    set Z = 0_(n, S);
      now given x being set such that
    A1: x in Support Z; reconsider x as Element of Bags n by A1;
          Z = (Bags n) --> 0.S by Def24;
        then Z.x = 0.S by FUNCOP_1:13;
      hence contradiction by A1,Def9;
    then Support Z = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
  hence Z is finite-Support by Def10;

 let n be Ordinal,
     L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
              unital right-distributive
              non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 cluster 1_(n,L) -> finite-Support;
    reconsider O = 0_(n,L)+*(EmptyBag n,1.L)
      as Function of Bags n, the carrier of L;
    reconsider O' = O as Function of Bags n, L;
    reconsider O' as Series of n, L;
A1:  0_(n, L) = (Bags n) --> 0.L by Def24;
A2:  1_(n,L) = 0_(n,L)+*(EmptyBag n,1.L) by Def25;
      now let x be set;
     hereby assume
     A3: x in Support O'; then reconsider x' = x as Element of Bags n;
         assume x <> EmptyBag n;
         then O'.x = 0_(n,L).x' by FUNCT_7:34 .= 0.L by A1,FUNCOP_1:13;
      hence contradiction by A3,Def9;
     end; assume
     A4: x = EmptyBag n;
           dom 0_(n,L) = Bags n by A1,FUNCOP_1:19;
         then O'.x = 1.L by A4,FUNCT_7:33;
         then O'.x <> 0.L by Th27;
      hence x in Support O' by A4,Def9;
    then Support O' = {EmptyBag n} by TARSKI:def 1;
  hence thesis by A2,Def10;

 let n be Ordinal, L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
               unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     p, q be Polynomial of n, L;
 cluster p*'q -> finite-Support;
 coherence proof
   deffunc F(Element of Bags n,Element of Bags n) = $1+$2;
   set D = { F(b1,b2) where b1, b2 is Element of Bags n :
               b1 in Support p & b2 in Support q };
A1: Support p is finite by Def10;
A2: Support q is finite by Def10;
A3: D is finite from CartFin(A1, A2);
     Support (p*'q) c= D proof let x' be set; assume
   A4: x' in Support (p*'q);
       then reconsider b = x' as Element of Bags n;
   A5: (p*'q).b <> 0.L by A4,Def9;
       consider s being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
    A6: (p*'q).b = Sum s and
    A7: len s = len decomp b and
    A8: for k being Nat st k in dom s
        ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                                    s/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by Def26;
        consider k being Nat such that
    A9: k in dom s and
    A10: s/.k <> 0.L by A5,A6,MATRLIN:15;
        consider b1, b2 being bag of n such that
    A11: (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> and
    A12: s/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by A8,A9;
    A13: b1 in Bags n & b2 in Bags n by Def14;
          p.b1 <> 0.L & q.b2 <> 0.L by A10,A12,VECTSP_1:36,39;
then A14:    b1 in Support p & b2 in Support q by A13,Def9;
          k in dom decomp b by A7,A9,FINSEQ_3:31;
        then consider b1', b2' being bag of n such that
    A15: (decomp b)/.k = <*b1', b2'*> and
    A16: b = b1'+b2' by Th72;
          b1' = b1 & b2' = b2 by A11,A15,GROUP_7:2;
    hence x' in D by A14,A16;
   then Support (p*'q) is finite by A3,FINSET_1:13;
  hence p*'q is finite-Support by Def10;

begin :: The ring of polynomials ---------------------------------------------

 let n be Ordinal,
     L be right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable
          unital distributive
          non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 func Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> strict non empty doubleLoopStr means
 (for x being set holds x in the carrier of it iff x is Polynomial of n, L) &
 (for x, y being Element of it, p, q being Polynomial of n, L
   st x = p & y = q holds x+y = p+q) &
 (for x, y being Element of it, p, q being Polynomial of n, L
   st x = p & y = q holds x*y = p*'q) & = 0_(n,L) &
 1_ it = 1_(n,L);
 existence proof
   defpred Q[set] means
    ex x' being Series of n, L st x' = $1 & x' is finite-Support;
   consider P being Subset of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L) such that
 A1: for x being Element of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L)holds x in P iff
   Q[x] from SubsetEx;
     consider x' being finite-Support Series of n, L;
       x' in Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L) by FUNCT_2:11;
   then reconsider P as non empty Subset of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L) by
   defpred A[set, set, set] means
      ex p, q, r being Polynomial of n, L st p = $1 & q = $2 & r = $3 & p+q=r;
A2: now let x be Element of P, y be Element of P;
     reconsider p = x, q = y as Element of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L);
     consider p' being Series of n, L such that
 A3: p' = p & p' is finite-Support by A1;
     consider q' being Series of n, L such that
 A4: q' = q & q' is finite-Support by A1;
     reconsider p', q' as Polynomial of n, L by A3,A4;
     set r = p'+q';
       r in Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L) by FUNCT_2:11;
     then reconsider u = r as Element of P by A1;
     take u;
     thus A[x,y,u] by A3,A4;
   consider fadd being Function of [:P,P:],P such that
 A5: for x being Element of P, y being Element of P holds A[x,y,fadd.[x,y]]
      from FuncEx2D(A2);
    defpred M[set, set, set] means
      ex p, q, r being Polynomial of n, L st p = $1 & q = $2 & r = $3 & p*'q=r;
A6: now let x be Element of P, y be Element of P;
     reconsider p = x, q = y as Element of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L);
     consider p' being Series of n, L such that
 A7: p' = p & p' is finite-Support by A1;
     consider q' being Series of n, L such that
 A8: q' = q & q' is finite-Support by A1;
     reconsider p', q' as Polynomial of n, L by A7,A8;
     set r = p'*'q';
       r in Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L) by FUNCT_2:11;
     then reconsider u = r as Element of P by A1;
     take u;
     thus M[x,y,u] by A7,A8;
   consider fmult being Function of [:P,P:],P such that
 A9: for x being Element of P, y being Element of P holds M[x,y,fmult.[x,y]]
      from FuncEx2D(A6);
    reconsider Z = ((Bags n) --> 0.L)
      as Function of Bags n, the carrier of L by FUNCOP_1:57;
    reconsider Z' = Z as Function of Bags n, L;
    reconsider Z' as Series of n, L;
    reconsider ZZ = Z as Element of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L)
             by FUNCT_2:11;
      now given x being set such that
    A10: x in Support Z'; reconsider x as Element of Bags n by A10;
          Z'.x = 0.L by FUNCOP_1:13;
      hence contradiction by A10,Def9;

    then Support Z' = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    then Z' is finite-Support by Def10;
    then ZZ in P by A1;
    then reconsider Ze = Z as Element of P;
    reconsider O = Z+*(EmptyBag n,1.L)
      as Function of Bags n, the carrier of L;
    reconsider O' = O as Function of Bags n, L;
    reconsider O' as Series of n, L;
    reconsider O as Element of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L) by FUNCT_2:11;
      now let x be set;
     hereby assume
     A11: x in Support O'; then reconsider x' = x as Element of Bags n;
         assume x <> EmptyBag n;
         then O'.x = Z.x' by FUNCT_7:34 .= 0.L by FUNCOP_1:13;
      hence contradiction by A11,Def9;
     end; assume
     A12: x = EmptyBag n;
           dom Z = Bags n by FUNCOP_1:19;
         then O'.x = 1.L by A12,FUNCT_7:33;
         then O'.x <> 0.L by Th27;
      hence x in Support O' by A12,Def9;
    then Support O' = {EmptyBag n} by TARSKI:def 1;
    then O' is finite-Support by Def10;
    then reconsider O as Element of P by A1;
    reconsider R = doubleLoopStr(# P, fadd, fmult, O, Ze #)
      as strict non empty doubleLoopStr;
    take R;
  thus for x being set holds x in the carrier of R
                               iff x is Polynomial of n, L proof
   let x be set;
   hereby assume
A13:    x in the carrier of R;
       then reconsider xx = x as Element of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L);
       consider x' being Series of n, L such that
   A14: x' = xx & x' is finite-Support by A1,A13;
    thus x is Polynomial of n, L by A14;
   end; assume
   A15: x is Polynomial of n, L;
       then x is Element of Funcs(Bags n, the carrier of L) by FUNCT_2:11;
    hence x in the carrier of R by A1,A15;
  hereby let x, y be Element of R, p, q be Polynomial of n, L such that
  A16: x = p & y = q;
      consider p', q', r' being Polynomial of n, L such that
  A17: p' = x & q' = y & r' = fadd.[x,y] and
  A18: p'+q'= r' by A5;
    thus x+y = p+q by A16,A17,A18,RLVECT_1:def 3;
  hereby let x, y be Element of R, p, q be Polynomial of n, L such that
  A19: x = p & y = q;
      consider p', q', r' being Polynomial of n, L such that
  A20: p' = x & q' = y & r' = fmult.[x,y] and
  A21: p'*'q'= r' by A9;
   thus x*y = fmult.(x,y) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= p*'q by A19,A20,A21,BINOP_1:def
  thus 0.R = (Bags n) --> 0.L by RLVECT_1:def 2
          .= 0_(n,L) by Def24;
  thus 1_ R = ((Bags n) --> 0.L)+*(EmptyBag n,1.L) by VECTSP_1:def 9
          .= (0_(n,L))+*(EmptyBag n,1.L) by Def24
          .= 1_(n,L) by Def25;
 uniqueness proof let it1, it2 be strict non empty doubleLoopStr such that
A22: (for x being set holds x in the carrier of it1
                            iff x is Polynomial of n, L) and
A23: (for x, y being Element of it1, p, q being Polynomial of n, L
   st x = p & y = q holds x+y = p+q) and
A24: (for x, y being Element of it1, p, q being Polynomial of n, L
   st x = p & y = q holds x*y = p*'q) and
A25: 0.it1 = 0_(n,L) and
A26: 1_ it1 = 1_(n,L) and
A27: (for x being set holds x in the carrier of it2
                            iff x is Polynomial of n, L) and
A28: (for x, y being Element of it2, p, q being Polynomial of n, L
   st x = p & y = q holds x+y = p+q) and
A29: (for x, y being Element of it2, p, q being Polynomial of n, L
   st x = p & y = q holds x*y = p*'q) and
A30: 0.it2 = 0_(n,L) and
A31: 1_ it2 = 1_(n,L);

    A32: now let x be set;
     hereby assume x in the carrier of it1;
       then x is Polynomial of n, L by A22;
      hence x in the carrier of it2 by A27;
     assume x in the carrier of it2;
       then x is Polynomial of n, L by A27;
      hence x in the carrier of it1 by A22;
then A33: the carrier of it1 = the carrier of it2 by TARSKI:2;
      now let a, b be Element of it1;
      reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of it1;
      reconsider p = a, q = b as Polynomial of n, L by A22;
      reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Element of it2 by A32;
      reconsider a1' = a', b1' = b' as Element of it2;
     thus (the add of it1).(a, b)
        = (the add of it1).[a, b] by BINOP_1:def 1
       .= a1+b1 by RLVECT_1:def 3
       .= p+q by A23
       .= a1'+b1' by A28
       .= (the add of it2).[a', b'] by RLVECT_1:def 3
       .= (the add of it2).(a, b) by BINOP_1:def 1;
then A34: the add of it1 = the add of it2 by A33,BINOP_1:2;
A35: now let a, b be Element of it1;
      reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of it1;
      reconsider p = a, q = b as Polynomial of n, L by A22;
      reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Element of it2 by A32;
      reconsider a1' = a', b1' = b' as Element of it2;
     thus (the mult of it1).(a, b)
        = a1*b1 by VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= p*'q by A24
       .= a1'*b1' by A29
       .= (the mult of it2).(a, b) by VECTSP_1:def 10;
A36: the Zero of it1 = 0.it2 by A25,A30,RLVECT_1:def 2 .= the Zero of it2 by
RLVECT_1:def 2;
      the unity of it1 = 1_ it2 by A26,A31,VECTSP_1:def 9 .= the unity of it2
by VECTSP_1:def 9;
  hence thesis by A33,A34,A35,A36,BINOP_1:2;

 let n be Ordinal,
     L be Abelian right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable
          unital distributive
          non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 cluster Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> Abelian;
 coherence proof set Pm = Polynom-Ring (n, L);
  let v, w be Element of Pm;
  reconsider p = v, q = w as Polynomial of n, L by Def27;
  thus v + w = q+p by Def27 .= w + v by Def27;

 let n be Ordinal, L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                     unital distributive
                    non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 cluster Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> add-associative;
 coherence proof set Pm = Polynom-Ring (n, L);
  let u, v, w be Element of Pm;
  reconsider o = u, p = v, q = w as Polynomial of n, L by Def27;
A1: v+w = p+q by Def27;
     u+v = o+p by Def27;
  hence (u+v)+w = (o+p)+q by Def27 .= o+(p+q) by Th80
     .= u+(v+w) by A1,Def27;

 let n be Ordinal, L be right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable
                     unital distributive
                     non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 cluster Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> right_zeroed;
  proof let v be Element of Polynom-Ring (n, L);
  reconsider p = v as Polynomial of n, L by Def27;
     0.Polynom-Ring (n, L) = 0_(n,L) by Def27;
   hence v + 0.Polynom-Ring (n, L) = p+0_(n,L) by Def27
       .= v by Th82;

 let n be Ordinal, L be right_complementable right_zeroed add-associative
                    unital distributive
                    non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 cluster Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> right_complementable;
 coherence proof let v be Element of Polynom-Ring (n,L);
  reconsider p = v as Polynomial of n, L by Def27;
  reconsider w = -p as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L) by Def27;
  take w;
  thus v + w = p+-p by Def27 .= p-p by Def23 .= 0_(n,L) by Th83
    .= 0.Polynom-Ring(n,L) by Def27;

 let n be Ordinal,
     L be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
          commutative unital distributive
          non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 cluster Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> commutative;
 coherence proof set Pm = Polynom-Ring (n, L);
  let v, w be Element of Pm;
  reconsider p = v, q = w as Polynomial of n, L by Def27;
  thus v*w = q*'p by Def27 .= w*v by Def27;

 let n be Ordinal,
     L be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
          unital distributive associative
          non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 cluster Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> associative;
 coherence proof set Pm = Polynom-Ring (n, L);
    let x,y,z be Element of Pm;
    reconsider p = x, q = y, r = z as Polynomial of n, L by Def27;
A1: y*z = q*'r by Def27;
     x*y = p*'q by Def27;
   hence (x*y)*z = (p*'q)*'r by Def27
                .= p*'(q*'r) by Th86
                .= x*(y*z) by A1,Def27;

 let n be Ordinal,
     L be right_zeroed Abelian add-associative right_complementable
          unital distributive associative
          non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 cluster Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> unital right-distributive;
  proof set Pm = Polynom-Ring (n, L);
   thus Polynom-Ring (n, L) is unital
    take e = 1_ Pm;
    let x be Element of Pm;
    reconsider p = x as Polynomial of n, L by Def27;
A1:   1_ Pm = 1_(n,L) by Def27;
    hence x*e = p*'1_(n,L) by Def27
         .= x by Th88;
    thus e*x = 1_(n,L)*'p by A1,Def27
         .= x by Th89;
  let x, y, z be Element of Pm;
  reconsider p = x, q = y, r = z as Polynomial of n, L by Def27;
A2: x*y = p*'q by Def27;
A3: x*z = p*'r by Def27;
     y+z = q+r by Def27;
  hence x*(y+z) = p*'(q+r) by Def27 .= p*'q+p*'r by Th85
        .= x*y + x*z by A2,A3,Def27;

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