The Mizar article:

The Correspondence Between Lattices of Subalgebras of Universal Algebras and Many Sorted Algebras

Adam Naumowicz, and
Agnieszka Julia Marasik

Received September 22, 1998

Copyright (c) 1998 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: MSSUBLAT
[ MML identifier index ]


 requirements NUMERALS, SUBSET, BOOLE;
 schemes FUNCT_2;


:: Preliminaries

reserve a for set, i for Nat;

theorem Th1:
 (*-->a).0 = {}
    thus (*-->a).0 = 0 |-> a by MSUALG_1:def 4
                  .= {} by FINSEQ_2:72;

   (*-->a).1 = <*a*>
    thus (*-->a).1 = 1 |-> a by MSUALG_1:def 4
                  .= <*a*> by FINSEQ_2:73;

   (*-->a).2 = <*a,a*>
    thus (*-->a).2 = 2 |-> a by MSUALG_1:def 4
                  .= <*a,a*> by FINSEQ_2:75;

   (*-->a).3 = <*a,a,a*>
    thus (*-->a).3 = 3 |-> a by MSUALG_1:def 4
                  .= <*a,a,a*> by FINSEQ_2:76;

theorem Th5:
 for f being FinSequence of {0} holds
  f = i |-> 0 iff len f = i
    let f be FinSequence of {0};
    thus f = i |-> 0 implies len f = i by FINSEQ_2:69;
    len f = i;
then A1:  dom f = Seg i by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     per cases;
A2:   Seg i = {};
     hence f = {} by A1,RELAT_1:64
            .= 0 |-> 0 by FINSEQ_2:72
            .= i |-> 0 by A2,FINSEQ_1:5;
A3:  Seg i <> {};
       rng f c= {0} by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     then rng f = {0} or rng f = {} by ZFMISC_1:39;
     then f = Seg i --> 0 by A1,A3,FUNCOP_1:15,RELAT_1:65;
     hence f = i |-> 0 by FINSEQ_2:def 2;

theorem Th6:
 for f be FinSequence st f = (*-->0).i holds len f = i
     let p be FinSequence;
       p = (*-->0).i;
  then p = i |-> 0 by MSUALG_1:def 4;
     hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:69;


:: Some Properties of Subalgebras of Universal and Many Sorted Algebras

theorem Th7:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st U1 is SubAlgebra of U2 holds
  MSSign U1 = MSSign U2
    let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra; assume
    U1 is SubAlgebra of U2;
then A1:  U1,U2 are_similar by UNIALG_2:16;
       set ff2 = dom signature(U1)-->0,
           gg2 = dom signature(U2)-->0;
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature U1) as
      Function of dom signature(U1), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
    reconsider gg1 = (*-->0)*(signature U2) as
      Function of dom signature(U2), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;

A2: MSSign U1 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U1),ff1,ff2#)
 by MSUALG_1:16;
A3: MSSign U2 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U2),gg1,gg2#)
 by MSUALG_1:16;
then the OperSymbols of MSSign U1
            = the OperSymbols of MSSign U2 by A1,A2,UNIALG_2:def 2;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,UNIALG_2:def 2;

let U0 be Universal_Algebra;
cluster the charact of U0 -> Function-yielding;
   let x be set; assume
   x in dom (the charact of U0);
   hence (the charact of U0).x is Function by UNIALG_1:5;

theorem Th8:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st U1 is SubAlgebra of U2
  for B being MSSubset of MSAlg U2 st B = the Sorts of MSAlg U1
   for o being OperSymbol of MSSign U2
    for a being OperSymbol of MSSign U1 st a = o holds
     Den(a,MSAlg U1) = Den(o,MSAlg U2)|Args(a,MSAlg U1)
       let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra such that
A1:      U1 is SubAlgebra of U2;
        let B be MSSubset of MSAlg U2 such that
A2:     B = the Sorts of MSAlg U1;
A3:     the Sorts of MSAlg U2 is MSSubset of MSAlg U2 by MSUALG_2:def 1;
A4:     MSSign U1 = MSSign U2 by A1,Th7;
        let o be OperSymbol of MSSign U2;
        reconsider a = o as Element of the OperSymbols of MSSign U1 by A1,Th7;
A5:     dom Den(o,MSAlg U2) = Args(o,MSAlg U2) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A6:     Args(o,MSAlg U2) =
        ((the Sorts of MSAlg U2)#*the Arity of MSSign U2).o by MSUALG_1:def 9;
          (B# * the Arity of MSSign U1).a c=
        ((the Sorts of MSAlg U2)#* the Arity of MSSign U2).o
          A7: MSSign U1 = MSSign U2 by A1,Th7;
            B c= the Sorts of MSAlg U2 by MSUALG_2:def 1;
          hence thesis by A3,A7,MSUALG_2:3;
        then Args(a,MSAlg U1) c= dom Den(o,MSAlg U2) by A2,A4,A5,A6,MSUALG_1:
def 9;
        then dom (Den(o,MSAlg U2)|Args(a,MSAlg U1)) = Args(a,MSAlg U1)
                                               by RELAT_1:91;
then A8:     dom (Den(o,MSAlg U2)|Args(a,MSAlg U1)) = dom Den(a,MSAlg U1)
        by FUNCT_2:def 1;

        set X = Args(a,MSAlg U1);
        set Y = dom Den(a,MSAlg U1);
A9:      Y = dom Den(o,MSAlg U2) /\ X by A8,RELAT_1:90;

       for x being set st x in Y holds (Den(o,MSAlg U2)).x = (Den(a,MSAlg U1)).
          let x be set; assume
          x in Y;
          then x in X by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
then A10:        x in (len the_arity_of a)-tuples_on the_sort_of MSAlg U1
                                             by MSUALG_1:11;
A11:        MSAlg U1 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U1,MSCharact U1#)
          & MSAlg U2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U2,MSCharact U2#)
 by MSUALG_1:def 16;

          reconsider cc = the carrier of U1
            as non empty Subset of U2 by A1,UNIALG_2:def 8;
           let n be set;
A12:       n in dom Opers(U2,cc);
A13:       rng Opers(U2,cc) c= PFuncs(cc*,cc) by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
             (Opers(U2,cc)).n in rng Opers(U2,cc) by A12,FUNCT_1:def 5;
           hence (Opers(U2,cc)).n is Function by A13,PARTFUN1:120;
          then reconsider f = Opers(U2,cc) as Function-yielding Function
                                                    by PRALG_1:def 15;

       set ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature U1), ff2 = dom signature(U1)-->0,
           gg2 = dom signature(U2)-->0;
    reconsider gg1 = (*-->0)*(signature U2) as
     Function of dom signature(U2), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;

A14:      MSSign U2 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U2),gg1,gg2#)
                           by MSUALG_1:16;
A15:      dom (the charact of U2) =
                        Seg (len(the charact of U2)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3
                     .= Seg (len(signature (U2))) by UNIALG_1:def 11
                     .= dom signature(U2) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          then (the charact of U2).a in rng the charact of U2 by A14,FUNCT_1:
def 5;
          then reconsider op = (the charact of U2).a as operation of U2
          by UNIALG_2:def 3;
        MSAlg U1 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U1,MSCharact U1#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;
          then the Sorts of MSAlg U1 = {0}-->the carrier of U1
          by MSUALG_1:def 14;
          then rng(the Sorts of MSAlg U1) = {the carrier of U1} by FUNCOP_1:14
          then the carrier of U1 is Component of the Sorts of MSAlg U1
                                         by TARSKI:def 1;
then A16:      x in (len the_arity_of a)-tuples_on the carrier of U1
                   by A10,MSUALG_1:def 17;
    reconsider ff1 as Function of dom signature(U1), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A17:     MSSign U1= ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U1),ff1,ff2#)
                                       by MSUALG_1:16;
          consider n being Nat such that
A18:     dom (signature (U2)) = Seg n by FINSEQ_1:def 2;
            a in Seg n by A14,A18;
          then reconsider a as Nat;
            U1,U2 are_similar by A1,UNIALG_2:16;
then A19:    signature(U1)=signature(U2) by UNIALG_2:def 2;
then A20:     (signature U1).a in rng (signature U1) by A14,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A21:     rng (signature U1) c= NAT by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
            dom (*-->0) = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
          then a in dom ((*-->0)*(signature U1)) by A14,A19,A20,A21,FUNCT_1:21
          then A22:     (the Arity of MSSign U1).a = (*-->0).((signature U1).a)
                                   by A17,FUNCT_1:22;
          reconsider sig=(signature U1).a as Nat by A20,A21;
A23:     (the Arity of MSSign U1).a = sig |-> 0 by A22,MSUALG_1:def 4;

            U1,U2 are_similar by A1,UNIALG_2:16;
then A24:     signature(U1)=signature(U2) by UNIALG_2:def 2;
          reconsider ar = (the Arity of MSSign U1).a as FinSequence by A23;
            x in (len ar)-tuples_on the carrier of U1 by A16,MSUALG_1:def 6;
          then x in (sig)-tuples_on the carrier of U1 by A23,FINSEQ_2:69;
then A25:        x in ((arity op)-tuples_on the carrier of U1)
                                    by A14,A24,UNIALG_1:def 11;
            a in dom the charact of U2 by A14,A15;
then A26:       o in dom(Opers(U2,cc)) by UNIALG_2:def 7;
            cc is opers_closed by A1,UNIALG_2:def 8;
then A27:       cc is_closed_on op by UNIALG_2:def 5;
          reconsider a as OperSymbol of MSSign U1;
            (Den(a,MSAlg U1)).x = ((MSCharact U1).o).x by A11,MSUALG_1:def 11
          .= ((the charact of U1).o).x by MSUALG_1:def 15
          .= (f.o).x by A1,UNIALG_2:def 8
          .= (op/.cc).x by A26,UNIALG_2:def 7
          .= (op|(arity op)-tuples_on cc).x by A27,UNIALG_2:def 6
          .= ((the charact of U2).o).x by A25,FUNCT_1:72
          .= ((the Charact of MSAlg U2).o).x by A11,MSUALG_1:def 15
          .= (Den(o,MSAlg U2)).x by MSUALG_1:def 11;
          hence thesis;
       hence thesis by A9,FUNCT_1:68;

theorem Th9:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st U1 is SubAlgebra of U2 holds
  the Sorts of MSAlg U1 is MSSubset of MSAlg U2
   let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra;
A1: U1 is SubAlgebra of U2;
then A2: the carrier of U1 is Subset of U2 by UNIALG_2:def 8;
     MSSign U1 = MSSign U2 by A1,Th7;
   then reconsider A = MSAlg U1 as non-empty MSAlgebra over MSSign U2;
A3: MSAlg U2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U2,MSCharact U2#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;
   MSAlg U1 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U1,MSCharact U1#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;
then A4: the Sorts of A = {0} --> the carrier of U1 by MSUALG_1:def 14;
A5: the Sorts of MSAlg U2 = {0} --> the carrier of U2 by A3,MSUALG_1:def 14;

    set gg1 = (*-->0)*(signature U2), gg2 = dom signature(U2)-->0;

    reconsider gg1 as Function of dom signature(U2), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A6: MSSign U2 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U2),gg1,gg2#)
                                          by MSUALG_1:16;
A7: 0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
       the Sorts of A is MSSubset of MSAlg U2
       thus the Sorts of A c= the Sorts of MSAlg U2
         let i be set; assume
          i in the carrier of MSSign U2;
       then A8: i = 0 by A6,TARSKI:def 1;
       A9: (the Sorts of A).0 = the carrier of U1 by A4,A7,FUNCOP_1:13;
           (the Sorts of MSAlg U2).0 = the carrier of U2 by A5,A7,FUNCOP_1:13;
         hence (the Sorts of A).i c= (the Sorts of MSAlg U2).i by A2,A8,A9;
       hence thesis;

theorem Th10:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st U1 is SubAlgebra of U2
  for B being MSSubset of MSAlg U2 st B = the Sorts of MSAlg U1 holds
   B is opers_closed
     let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra such that
A1:   U1 is SubAlgebra of U2;
     let B be MSSubset of MSAlg U2 such that
A2:  B = the Sorts of MSAlg U1;
A3:  MSSign U1 = MSSign U2 by A1,Th7;
     let o be OperSymbol of MSSign U2;
     reconsider a = o as Element of the OperSymbols of MSSign U1 by A1,Th7;
A4:  rng Den(a,MSAlg U1) c= Result(a,MSAlg U1) by RELSET_1:12;
     set Z = rng ((Den(o,MSAlg U2))|((B# * the Arity of MSSign U2).a));
A5:  Z = rng ((Den(o,MSAlg U2))|(Args(a,MSAlg U1)))
                           by A2,A3,MSUALG_1:def 9;
     set S = (B * the ResultSort of MSSign U2).a;
       S = ((the Sorts of MSAlg U1) * the ResultSort of MSSign U1).a by A1,A2,
     then A6:  S = Result(a,MSAlg U1) by MSUALG_1:def 10;
       Z c= Result (a,MSAlg U1) by A1,A2,A4,A5,Th8;
     hence B is_closed_on o by A6,MSUALG_2:def 6;

theorem Th11:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st U1 is SubAlgebra of U2
  for B being MSSubset of MSAlg U2 st B = the Sorts of MSAlg U1 holds
   the Charact of MSAlg U1 = Opers(MSAlg U2,B)
     let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra such that
A1:   U1 is SubAlgebra of U2;
     let B be MSSubset of MSAlg U2;
A2:   B = the Sorts of MSAlg U1;
     set f1 = the Charact of MSAlg U1, f2 = Opers(MSAlg U2,B);

   the OperSymbols of MSSign U1 = the OperSymbols of MSSign U2
A3:   U1,U2 are_similar by A1,UNIALG_2:16;
       set ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature U1), ff2 = dom signature(U1)-->0,
           gg1 = (*-->0)*(signature U2), gg2 = dom signature(U2)-->0;

    reconsider ff1 as Function of dom signature(U1), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
    reconsider gg1 as Function of dom signature(U2), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
 A4:  MSSign U1 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U1),ff1,ff2#)
       by MSUALG_1:16;
    MSSign U2 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U2),gg1,gg2#)
       by MSUALG_1:16;
       hence the OperSymbols of MSSign U1 = the OperSymbols of MSSign U2 by A3,
A4,UNIALG_2:def 2;

     then reconsider f1 as ManySortedSet of the OperSymbols of MSSign U2;

       for x being set st x in the OperSymbols of MSSign U2 holds f1.x = f2.x
       let x be set; assume
A5:    x in (the OperSymbols of MSSign U2);
       then reconsider y = x as OperSymbol of MSSign U2;
       reconsider x as OperSymbol of MSSign U1 by A1,A5,Th7;
A6:    f1.x = Den(x,MSAlg U1) by MSUALG_1:def 11;
A7:    f2.y = y/.B by MSUALG_2:def 9;
         B is opers_closed by A1,A2,Th10;
       then B is_closed_on y by MSUALG_2:def 7;
       then A8:    f2.y = Den(y,MSAlg U2) | ((B# * the Arity of MSSign U2).y)
                                              by A7,MSUALG_2:def 8;
      (B# * the Arity of MSSign U1).x =
       ((the Sorts of MSAlg U1)# * the Arity of MSSign U1).x by A1,A2,Th7;
then f2.y =
       Den(y,MSAlg U2)| (((the Sorts of MSAlg U1)# * the Arity of MSSign U1).x)
                                   by A1,A8,Th7;
       then f2.y = (Den(y,MSAlg U2))|(Args(x,MSAlg U1)) by MSUALG_1:def 9;
       hence thesis by A1,A2,A6,Th8;
     hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th12:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st U1 is SubAlgebra of U2 holds
  MSAlg U1 is MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg U2
   let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra;
A1: U1 is SubAlgebra of U2;
   then MSSign U1 = MSSign U2 by Th7;
   then reconsider A = MSAlg U1 as non-empty MSAlgebra over MSSign U2;
     A is MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg U2
     thus the Sorts of A is MSSubset of MSAlg U2 by A1,Th9;
     let B be MSSubset of MSAlg U2; assume
A2:  B = the Sorts of A;
     hence B is opers_closed by A1,Th10;
     thus the Charact of A = Opers(MSAlg U2,B) by A1,A2,Th11;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th13:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st MSAlg U1 is MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg U2
  holds the carrier of U1 is Subset of U2
    let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra;
    set MU1 = MSAlg U1, MU2 = MSAlg U2;
A1:  MU1 is MSSubAlgebra of MU2;
    then reconsider MU1 as MSAlgebra over MSSign U2;
A2: MU1 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U1,MSCharact U1#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;
A3: MU2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U2,MSCharact U2#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;
    set gg1 = (*-->0)*(signature U2), gg2 = dom signature(U2)-->0;
    reconsider gg1 as Function of dom signature(U2), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A4:  MSSign U2 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U2),gg1,gg2#)
    by MSUALG_1:16;
    reconsider C = the Sorts of MU1 as MSSubset of MU2 by A1,MSUALG_2:def 10;
A5: MSSorts U2 = {0}-->the carrier of U2 &
    MSSorts U1 = {0}-->the carrier of U1 by MSUALG_1:def 14;
    reconsider C1 = C as ManySortedSet of the carrier of MSSign U2;
A6: C1 c= MSSorts U2 by A3,MSUALG_2:def 1;
      0 in the carrier of MSSign U2 by A4,TARSKI:def 1;
then A7: C1.0 c= ({0}-->the carrier of U2).0 by A5,A6,PBOOLE:def 5;
A8: 0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
    then (MSSorts U1).0 c= the carrier of U2 by A2,A7,FUNCOP_1:13;
    then ({0}-->the carrier of U1).0 c= the carrier of U2 by MSUALG_1:def 14;
    hence the carrier of U1 is Subset of U2 by A8,FUNCOP_1:13;

theorem Th14:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st MSAlg U1 is MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg U2
  for B being non empty Subset of U2
   st B=the carrier of U1 holds B is opers_closed
    let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra;
    set MU1 = MSAlg U1, MU2 = MSAlg U2;
A1:  MU1 is MSSubAlgebra of MU2;
    then reconsider MU1 as MSAlgebra over MSSign U2;

A2: MU1 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U1,MSCharact U1#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;
A3: MU2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U2,MSCharact U2#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;

    set gg1 = (*-->0)*(signature U2), gg2 = dom signature(U2)-->0;

    reconsider gg1 as Function of dom signature(U2), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A4:  MSSign U2 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U2),gg1,gg2#)
    by MSUALG_1:16;

    reconsider C = the Sorts of MU1 as MSSubset of MU2 by A1,MSUALG_2:def 10;
      let B be non empty Subset of U2;
A5:  B = the carrier of U1;

A6:  C is opers_closed &
    the Charact of MU1 = Opers(MU2,C) by A1,MSUALG_2:def 10;

        let o be operation of U2;
        thus B is_closed_on o
          let s be FinSequence of B;
A7:      len s = arity o;
            o in Operations(U2);
          then o in rng the charact of U2 by UNIALG_2:def 3;
          then consider n being set such that
A8:        n in
 dom the charact of U2 & o = (the charact of U2).n by FUNCT_1:def 5;
A9:      dom the charact of U2 = Seg (len (the charact of U2)) &
          dom signature U2 = Seg (len (signature U2)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          then A10:       n in dom signature U2 by A8,UNIALG_1:def 11;

          reconsider n as OperSymbol of MSSign U2 by A4,A8,A9,UNIALG_1:def 11;

            C is_closed_on n by A6,MSUALG_2:def 7;
          then A11:      rng ((Den(n,MU2))|((C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n))
          (C * the ResultSort of MSSign U2).n by MSUALG_2:def 6;

A12:       o.s in rng ((Den(n,MU2))|((C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n))
              ex y being set st
            y in dom ((Den(n,MU2))|((C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n)) &
            ((Den(n,MU2))|((C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n)).y = o.s
              take s;
            s in dom ((Den(n,MU2))|((C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n))
A13:         dom the Arity of MSSign U2 = the OperSymbols of MSSign U2
                by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                  dom Den (n,MU2) = Args(n,MU2) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                then A14:          dom Den(n,MU2) =
                ((the Sorts of MU2)# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n
                                                        by MSUALG_1:def 9
                .=(the Sorts of MU2)#.(((*-->0)*(signature U2)).n) by A4,A13,
                .=(the Sorts of MU2)#.((*-->0).((signature U2).n))
                by A10,FUNCT_1:23
                .=(the Sorts of MU2)#.((*-->0).(arity(o)))
                                                 by A8,A10,UNIALG_1:def 11
                .=(the Sorts of MU2)#.(arity(o) |-> 0) by MSUALG_1:def 4;

A15:            arity(o) |-> 0 = Seg arity(o) --> 0 by FINSEQ_2:def 2;

A16:            now
                 assume Seg arity(o) = {};
                 then arity(o) = 0 by FINSEQ_1:5;
                 then (arity(o) |-> 0) = {} by FINSEQ_2:72;
                 hence (arity(o) |-> 0) is
                 FinSequence of the carrier of MSSign U2 by FINSEQ_1:29;
                  Seg arity(o) <> {} implies
                dom (arity(o) |-> 0) = Seg arity(o) &
                rng (arity(o) |-> 0) c= the carrier of MSSign U2
                                            by A4,A15,FUNCOP_1:19;
                then arity(o) |-> 0 is FinSequence of the carrier of MSSign U2
                                            by A16,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
                then reconsider aro = arity(o) |-> 0
                as Element of (the carrier of MSSign U2)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;

A17:            dom Den(n,MU2) = product((the Sorts of MU2)*aro)
                                                   by A14,MSUALG_1:def 3;
A18:             dom s = dom ((the Sorts of MU2)*aro)
A19:               dom s = Seg arity(o) by A7,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
                    the Sorts of MU2 = {0}-->the carrier of U2
                  by A3,MSUALG_1:def 14;
                  then (the Sorts of MU2)*aro = arity(o) |-> the carrier of U2
                                                           by MSUALG_1:4
                                        .= Seg arity(o) --> the carrier of U2
                                                   by FINSEQ_2:def 2;
                  hence thesis by A19,FUNCOP_1:19;
                  for x being set st x in dom ((the Sorts of MU2)*aro)
                holds s.x in ((the Sorts of MU2)*aro).x
                  let x be set;
A20:                x in dom ((the Sorts of MU2)*aro);
then A21:               x in Seg arity(o) by A7,A18,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A22:                0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
A23:              ((the Sorts of MU2)*aro).x = (the Sorts of MU2).(aro.x)
                                                         by A20,FUNCT_1:22
                   .= (MSSorts U2).0 by A3,A21,FINSEQ_2:70
                   .= ({0} --> the carrier of U2).0 by MSUALG_1:def 14;
                    rng s c= B by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
                  then A24:             rng s c= the carrier of U2 by XBOOLE_1:
                    s.x in rng s by A18,A20,FUNCT_1:def 5;
                  then s.x in the carrier of U2 by A24;
                  hence thesis by A22,A23,FUNCOP_1:13;
                then A25:             s in dom Den(n,MU2) by A17,A18,CARD_3:def

A26:             s is Element of (len s)-tuples_on B &
                (len s)-tuples_on B is non empty by FINSEQ_2:110;
A27:            n in dom signature U2 & (signature U2).n in dom (*-->0)
                  thus n in dom signature U2 by A8,A9,UNIALG_1:def 11;
A28:              dom *-->0 = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                    (signature U2).n = arity o by A8,A10,UNIALG_1:def 11;
                  hence thesis by A28;
                then A29:             n in dom ((*-->0)*(signature U2)) by

then A30:            (C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n =
 C#.(((*-->0)*(signature U2)).n) by A4,FUNCT_1:23
                       .= C#.((*-->0).((signature U2).n)) by A29,FUNCT_1:22
                       .= C#.((*-->0).(arity o)) by A8,A27,UNIALG_1:def 11
                       .= C#.((arity o) |-> 0) by MSUALG_1:def 4;
                  0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
                then (arity o) |-> 0 is FinSequence of the carrier of MSSign
                by A4,FINSEQ_2:77;
                then reconsider ao0 = (arity o) |-> 0 as Element of
                             (the carrier of MSSign U2)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
A31:           C = {0} --> the carrier of U1 by A2,MSUALG_1:def 14;
                then dom C = {0} by FUNCOP_1:19;
then A32:             0 in dom C by TARSKI:def 1;
A33:             0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
                  (C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n =
                           product(C*ao0) by A30,MSUALG_1:def 3
                        .= product(C*(Seg (arity o) --> 0)) by FINSEQ_2:def 2
                        .= product(Seg (arity o) --> C.0) by A32,FUNCOP_1:23
                        .= product(Seg (arity o) --> B)
                                         by A5,A31,A33,FUNCOP_1:13
                        .= Funcs(Seg (arity o),B) by CARD_3:20
                        .= (arity o)-tuples_on B by FINSEQ_2:111;
                then s in (dom Den(n,MU2)) /\ (C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n
                by A7,A25,A26,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                hence thesis by RELAT_1:90;
              hence ((Den(n,MU2))|((C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).n)).s =
                           Den(n,MU2).s by FUNCT_1:70
                        .= ((MSCharact U2).n).s by A3,MSUALG_1:def 11
                        .= o.s by A8,MSUALG_1:def 15;
            hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 5;
A34:       0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
        n in dom (dom signature(U2)-->0) by A10,FUNCOP_1:19;
          then (C * the ResultSort of MSSign U2).n
                = C.((dom signature(U2)-->0).n) by A4,FUNCT_1:23
               .= (the Sorts of MU1).0 by A10,FUNCOP_1:13
               .= ({0}-->the carrier of U1).0 by A2,MSUALG_1:def 14
               .= B by A5,A34,FUNCOP_1:13;
          hence o.s in B by A11,A12;

theorem Th15:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st MSAlg U1 is MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg U2
  for B being non empty Subset of U2
   st B=the carrier of U1 holds the charact of U1 = Opers(U2,B)
    let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra;
    set MU1 = MSAlg U1, MU2 = MSAlg U2;
A1:  MU1 is MSSubAlgebra of MU2;
    then reconsider MU1 as MSAlgebra over MSSign U2;

A2: MU1 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U1,MSCharact U1#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;
A3: MU2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts U2,MSCharact U2#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;

    set gg1 = (*-->0)*(signature U2), gg2 = dom signature(U2)-->0;

    reconsider gg1 as Function of dom signature(U2), {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A4:  MSSign U2 = ManySortedSign (#{0},dom signature(U2),gg1,gg2#)
    by MSUALG_1:16;

    reconsider C = the Sorts of MU1 as MSSubset of MU2 by A1,MSUALG_2:def 10;
      let B be non empty Subset of U2;
A5:  B = the carrier of U1;

A6:  C is opers_closed &
    the Charact of MU1 = Opers(MU2,C) by A1,MSUALG_2:def 10;

        reconsider ch1 = the charact of U1 as PFuncFinSequence of B by A5;
A7:      dom ch1 = dom (the Charact of MU1) by A2,MSUALG_1:def 15
               .= the OperSymbols of MSSign U2 by PBOOLE:def 3
               .= Seg (len signature (U2)) by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3
               .= Seg (len the charact of U2) by UNIALG_1:def 11
               .= dom the charact of U2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          for n being set,o being operation of U2 st
        n in dom ch1 & o =(the charact of U2).n holds ch1.n = o/.B
          let n be set;
          let o be operation of U2;
A8:       n in dom ch1 & o =(the charact of U2).n;
            B is opers_closed by A1,A5,Th14;
          then A9:       B is_closed_on o by UNIALG_2:def 5;
            n in dom the Charact of MU2 by A3,A7,A8,MSUALG_1:def 15;
          then reconsider N=n as OperSymbol of MSSign U2 by PBOOLE:def 3;
A10:      C is_closed_on N by A6,MSUALG_2:def 7;

A11:       dom the charact of U2 = Seg (len (the charact of U2)) &
          dom signature U2 = Seg (len (signature U2)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

A12:            N in dom signature U2 & (signature U2).N in dom (*-->0)
A13:               N in dom signature U2 by A7,A8,A11,UNIALG_1:def 11;
A14:              dom *-->0 = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                    (signature U2).N = arity o by A8,A13,UNIALG_1:def 11;
                  hence thesis by A14;
                then A15:             N in dom ((*-->0)*(signature U2)) by

then A16:            (C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).N =
 C#.(((*-->0)*(signature U2)).N) by A4,FUNCT_1:23
                       .= C#.((*-->0).((signature U2).N)) by A15,FUNCT_1:22
                       .= C#.((*-->0).(arity o)) by A8,A12,UNIALG_1:def 11
                       .= C#.((arity o) |-> 0) by MSUALG_1:def 4;
                  0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
                then (arity o) |-> 0 is FinSequence of the carrier of MSSign
                by A4,FINSEQ_2:77;
                then reconsider ao0 = (arity o) |-> 0 as Element of
                             (the carrier of MSSign U2)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;

A17:     C = {0} --> the carrier of U1 by A2,MSUALG_1:def 14;
          then dom C = {0} by FUNCOP_1:19;
          then A18:       0 in dom C by TARSKI:def 1;
A19:       0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
A20:       (C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).N =
                         product(C*ao0) by A16,MSUALG_1:def 3
                    .= product(C*(Seg (arity o) --> 0)) by FINSEQ_2:def 2
                    .= product(Seg (arity o) --> C.0) by A18,FUNCOP_1:23
                    .= product(Seg (arity o) --> B) by A5,A17,A19,FUNCOP_1:13
                    .= Funcs(Seg (arity o),B) by CARD_3:20
                    .= (arity o)-tuples_on B by FINSEQ_2:111;

            ch1.N = (the Charact of MU1).N by A2,MSUALG_1:def 15
               .= N/.C by A6,MSUALG_2:def 9
               .= (Den(N,MU2)) | ((C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).N)
                                    by A10,MSUALG_2:def 8
               .= ((MSCharact U2).N) | ((C# * the Arity of MSSign U2).N) by A3,
MSUALG_1:def 11
               .= o|((arity o)-tuples_on B) by A8,A20,MSUALG_1:def 15;
          hence ch1.n = o/.B by A9,UNIALG_2:def 6;
        hence thesis by A7,UNIALG_2:def 7;

theorem Th16:
 for U1,U2 being Universal_Algebra st MSAlg U1 is MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg U2
  holds U1 is SubAlgebra of U2
    let U1,U2 be Universal_Algebra;
A1:  MSAlg U1 is MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg U2;
    hence the carrier of U1 is Subset of U2 by Th13;
    let B be non empty Subset of U2;
    assume B=the carrier of U1;
    hence the charact of U1 = Opers(U2,B) & B is opers_closed by A1,Th14,Th15;

reserve MS for segmental trivial non void non empty ManySortedSign,
        A for non-empty MSAlgebra over MS;

theorem Th17:
 for B being non-empty MSSubAlgebra of A holds
  the carrier of 1-Alg B is Subset of 1-Alg A
   let B be non-empty MSSubAlgebra of A;
A1: the Sorts of B is MSSubset of A &
   for T being MSSubset of A st T = the Sorts of B holds
   T is opers_closed & the Charact of B = Opers(A,T) by MSUALG_2:def 10;

A2: dom the Sorts of A = the carrier of MS by PBOOLE:def 3;
then A3: dom the Sorts of A = dom the Sorts of B by PBOOLE:def 3;
A4:    1-Alg A = UAStr(#the_sort_of A, the_charact_of A#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;
      1-Alg B = UAStr(#the_sort_of B, the_charact_of B#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;

        then consider c being Component of the Sorts of B such that
  A5:    c = the carrier of 1-Alg B by MSUALG_1:def 17;

        consider d being Component of the Sorts of A such that
  A6:    d = the carrier of 1-Alg A by A4,MSUALG_1:def 17;
  A7:    the Sorts of B c= the Sorts of A by A1,MSUALG_2:def 1;
          dom the Sorts of B <> {} by PBOOLE:def 3;
        then rng the Sorts of B <> {} by RELAT_1:65;
        then consider cr being set such that
  A8:    cr in the carrier of MS & c = (the Sorts of B).cr by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:def
          dom the Sorts of A <> {} by PBOOLE:def 3;
        then rng the Sorts of A <> {} by RELAT_1:65;
        then consider dr being set such that
  A9:    dr in the carrier of MS & d = (the Sorts of A).dr by A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          cr = dr by A8,A9,REALSET1:def 20;
        hence the carrier of 1-Alg B is Subset of 1-Alg A
        by A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,PBOOLE:def 5;

theorem Th18:
 for B being non-empty MSSubAlgebra of A holds
  for S being non empty Subset of 1-Alg A st
   S = the carrier of 1-Alg B holds S is opers_closed
   let B be non-empty MSSubAlgebra of A;

A1: dom the Sorts of A = the carrier of MS by PBOOLE:def 3;
then A2: dom the Sorts of A = dom the Sorts of B by PBOOLE:def 3;

   reconsider C = the Sorts of B as MSSubset of A by MSUALG_2:def 10;
A3: C is opers_closed & the Charact of B = Opers(A,C) by MSUALG_2:def 10;

A4:    1-Alg A = UAStr(#the_sort_of A, the_charact_of A#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;
A5:    1-Alg B = UAStr(#the_sort_of B, the_charact_of B#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;

        let S be non empty Subset of 1-Alg A such that
  A6:    S = the carrier of 1-Alg B;
        set 1A = 1-Alg A;
          let o be operation of 1A;
          thus S is_closed_on o
            let s be FinSequence of S;
A7:        len s = arity o;
              o in Operations(1A);
            then o in rng the charact of 1A by UNIALG_2:def 3;
            then consider n being set such that
A8:          n in dom the charact of 1A & o = (the charact of 1A).n
            by FUNCT_1:def 5;
           n in dom the Charact of A by A4,A8,MSUALG_1:def 18;
            then reconsider n as OperSymbol of MS by PBOOLE:def 3;
A9:     dom the Arity of MS = the OperSymbols of MS by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A10:    dom the ResultSort of MS = the OperSymbols of MS by FUNCT_2:def 1;
              C is_closed_on n by A3,MSUALG_2:def 7;
            then A11:        rng ((Den(n,A))|((C# * the Arity of MS).n)) c=
            (C * the ResultSort of MS).n by MSUALG_2:def 6;
A12:         o.s in rng ((Den(n,A))|((C# * the Arity of MS).n))
                ex y being set st
              y in dom ((Den(n,A))|((C# * the Arity of MS).n)) &
              ((Den(n,A))|((C# * the Arity of MS).n)).y = o.s
                take s;
A13:             s in dom ((Den(n,A))|((C# * the Arity of MS).n))
                    dom Den (n,A) = Args(n,A) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                  then A14:            dom Den(n,A) =
                  ((the Sorts of A)# * the Arity of MS).n
                                                        by MSUALG_1:def 9
                  .=(the Sorts of A)#.((the Arity of MS).n)
                  by A9,FUNCT_1:23;

                  reconsider An=(the Arity of MS).n as
                  Element of (the carrier of MS)*;

A15:               dom Den(n,A) = product((the Sorts of A)*(An))
                                                by A14,MSUALG_1:def 3;
                  set f = (the Sorts of A)*An;

                    dom o <> {} by UNIALG_1:1;
                  then consider d being set such that
A16:                d in dom o by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
                    o in PFuncs((the carrier of 1A)*,the carrier of 1A)
                  by PARTFUN1:119;
                  then consider o1 being Function such that
A17:               o1=o & dom o1 c= (the carrier of 1A)* &
                  rng o1 c= the carrier of 1A by PARTFUN1:def 5;
                  reconsider d as FinSequence of the carrier of 1A
                                                 by A16,A17,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
                    rng s c= S & S c= the carrier of 1A by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
                  then rng s c= the carrier of 1A by XBOOLE_1:1;
                  then reconsider s1=s as FinSequence of the carrier of 1A
                                                 by FINSEQ_1:def 4;

A18:              o is quasi_total & len d = len s1 & d in dom o
                                   by A7,A16,UNIALG_1:def 10;

A19:              o = (the Charact of A).n by A4,A8,MSUALG_1:def 18
                          .= Den(n,A) by MSUALG_1:def 11;
                    dom Den(n,A) = Args(n,A) by FUNCT_2:def 1
                      .= (len the_arity_of n)-tuples_on the carrier of 1A by A4

                  then len s = len the_arity_of n
                  by A18,A19,FINSEQ_2:109;
                  then A20:             dom s = Seg len the_arity_of n by
FINSEQ_1:def 3
                           .= dom the_arity_of n by FINSEQ_1:def 3
                           .= dom An by MSUALG_1:def 6;
A21:               dom s = dom f
                    thus dom s c= dom f
                      let x be set;
A22:                  x in dom s;
A23:                 rng An c= the carrier of MS by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
                        An.x in rng An by A20,A22,FUNCT_1:def 5;
                      then An.x in the carrier of MS by A23;
                      then An.x in dom (the Sorts of A) by PBOOLE:def 3;
                      hence x in dom f by A20,A22,FUNCT_1:21;
                    thus dom f c= dom s
                      let x be set;
                      assume x in dom f;
                      hence x in dom s by A20,FUNCT_1:21;
                    for x being set st x in dom f holds s.x in f.x
                    let x be set;
A24:                 x in dom f;
                    then f.x in rng f by FUNCT_1:def 5;
                    then reconsider fx=f.x as Component of the Sorts of A
                                         by FUNCT_1:25;
A25:                 fx = the_sort_of A by MSUALG_1:def 17;
                      s.x in rng s & rng s c= S
                    by A21,A24,FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
                    then s.x in S;
                    hence s.x in f.x by A4,A25;
                  then A26:               s in dom Den(n,A) by A15,A21,CARD_3:
                    s in (C# * the Arity of MS).n
                      dom the Arity of MS = the OperSymbols of MS
                                                 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                    then A27:                 (C# * the Arity of MS).n =C#.An
by FUNCT_1:23
                              .=product(C*An) by MSUALG_1:def 3;
A28:                 dom s = dom (C*An)
                      thus dom s c= dom (C*An)
                        let x be set;
A29:                        x in dom s;
A30:                   rng An c= the carrier of MS by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
                          An.x in rng An by A20,A29,FUNCT_1:def 5;
                        then An.x in the carrier of MS by A30;
                        then An.x in dom C by PBOOLE:def 3;
                        hence x in dom (C*An) by A20,A29,FUNCT_1:21;
                      thus dom (C*An) c= dom s by A20,RELAT_1:44;
                      for x being set st x in dom s holds s.x in (C*An).x
                      let x be set;
A31:                  x in dom s;
then A32:                  s.x in rng s & rng s c= S by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:
def 5;
A33:                  x in dom s & dom s c= dom An by A28,A31,RELAT_1:44;
A34:                 rng An c= the carrier of MS by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
                        An.x in rng An by A33,FUNCT_1:def 5;
                      then An.x in the carrier of MS by A34;
                      then An.x in dom C & (C*An).x = C.(An.x)
                      by A28,A31,FUNCT_1:22,PBOOLE:def 3;
                      then reconsider canx = (C*An).x as Component of C
                                 by FUNCT_1:def 5;

                        (C*An).x = canx
                              .= S by A5,A6,MSUALG_1:def 17;
                      hence s.x in (C*An).x by A32;
                    hence thesis by A27,A28,CARD_3:18;
                  then s in
 dom Den(n,A)/\(C# * the Arity of MS).n by A26,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                  hence thesis by RELAT_1:90;
A35:           (the Charact of A).n = (the charact of 1A).n by A4,MSUALG_1:def
                thus ((Den(n,A))|((C# * the Arity of MS).n)).s =
                           Den(n,A).s by A13,FUNCT_1:70
                        .= o.s by A8,A35,MSUALG_1:def 11;
              hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 5;
             reconsider crn = C.((the ResultSort of MS).n) as Component of
             the Sorts of B by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
             consider com being Component of the Sorts of B such that
A36:         S = com by A5,A6,MSUALG_1:def 17;

               (C * the ResultSort of MS).n = crn by A10,FUNCT_1:23
                                         .= S by A36,MSUALG_1:10;
             hence o.s in S by A11,A12;

theorem Th19:
 for B being non-empty MSSubAlgebra of A holds
  for S being non empty Subset of 1-Alg A st
   S = the carrier of 1-Alg B holds
    the charact of(1-Alg B) = Opers(1-Alg A,S)
   let B be non-empty MSSubAlgebra of A;

   reconsider C = the Sorts of B as MSSubset of A by MSUALG_2:def 10;
A1: C is opers_closed & the Charact of B = Opers(A,C) by MSUALG_2:def 10;

A2:    1-Alg A = UAStr(#the_sort_of A, the_charact_of A#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;
A3:    1-Alg B = UAStr(#the_sort_of B, the_charact_of B#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;

        let S be non empty Subset of 1-Alg A such that
  A4:    S = the carrier of 1-Alg B;
        set 1B = 1-Alg B,1A = 1-Alg A;
          set f1 = the charact of 1B;
          reconsider f1 as PFuncFinSequence of S by A4;
A5:        f1 = the Charact of B by A3,MSUALG_1:def 18;
then A6:       dom f1 = the OperSymbols of MS by PBOOLE:def 3
                .= dom the Charact of A by PBOOLE:def 3
                .= dom the charact of(1A) by A2,MSUALG_1:def 18;
            for n being set,o being operation of 1A
          st n in dom f1 & o =(the charact of(1A)).n holds f1.n = o/.S
            let n be set,o be operation of 1A;
A7:         n in dom f1 & o =(the charact of(1A)).n;
            then reconsider y = n as OperSymbol of MS by A5,PBOOLE:def 3;
A8:        C is_closed_on y by A1,MSUALG_2:def 7;
              S is opers_closed by A4,Th18;
then A9:         S is_closed_on o by UNIALG_2:def 5;

A10:       arity o = len the_arity_of y
               let x be FinSequence of the carrier of 1A;
A11:             x in dom o;
               o = (the Charact of A).y by A2,A7,MSUALG_1:def 18
                .= Den(y,A) by MSUALG_1:def 11;
               then dom o = Args(y,A) by FUNCT_2:def 1
                    .= (len the_arity_of y)-tuples_on the_sort_of A
                                         by MSUALG_1:11;
               then x in {s where s is Element of (the_sort_of A)* :
               len s = len the_arity_of y} by A11,FINSEQ_2:def 4;
               then consider s being Element of (the_sort_of A)* such that
A12:             x=s & len s = len the_arity_of y;
               thus (len the_arity_of y) = len x by A12;
              hence thesis by UNIALG_1:def 10;
A13:         (C# * the Arity of MS).y = Args(y,B) by MSUALG_1:def 9
             .= (arity o)-tuples_on S by A3,A4,A10,MSUALG_1:11;

              f1.n = (the Charact of B).y by A3,MSUALG_1:def 18
                .= y/.C by A1,MSUALG_2:def 9
                .= (Den(y,A)) | ((C# * the Arity of MS).y)
                                          by A8,MSUALG_2:def 8
                .= ((the Charact of A).y) | ((C# * the Arity of MS).y)
                                          by MSUALG_1:def 11
                .= o | ((arity o)-tuples_on S) by A2,A7,A13,MSUALG_1:def 18;

            hence f1.n = o/.S by A9,UNIALG_2:def 6;
          hence thesis by A6,UNIALG_2:def 7;

theorem Th20:
 for B being non-empty MSSubAlgebra of A holds
  1-Alg B is SubAlgebra of 1-Alg A
   let B be non-empty MSSubAlgebra of A;
A1: the carrier of 1-Alg B is Subset of 1-Alg A by Th17;
     for S being non empty Subset of 1-Alg A st
   S = the carrier of 1-Alg B holds
   the charact of(1-Alg B) = Opers(1-Alg A,S) & S is opers_closed
   by Th18,Th19;
   hence thesis by A1,UNIALG_2:def 8;

theorem Th21:
 for S being non empty non void ManySortedSign,
  A,B being MSAlgebra over S holds
   A is MSSubAlgebra of B iff A is MSSubAlgebra of the MSAlgebra of B
    let S be non empty non void ManySortedSign,
        A,B be MSAlgebra over S;
    thus A is MSSubAlgebra of B implies
         A is MSSubAlgebra of the MSAlgebra of B
A1:      A is MSSubAlgebra of B;
      hence the Sorts of A is MSSubset of the MSAlgebra of B
        by MSUALG_2:def 10;
      thus for BB be MSSubset of the MSAlgebra of B st BB = the Sorts of A
        holds BB is opers_closed &
        the Charact of A = Opers(the MSAlgebra of B,BB)
           let BB be MSSubset of the MSAlgebra of B such that
A2:          BB = the Sorts of A;
           reconsider bb = BB as MSSubset of B;
A3:        bb is opers_closed & the Charact of A = Opers(B,bb)
               by A1,A2,MSUALG_2:def 10;
A4:      BB is opers_closed
              let o be OperSymbol of S;
A5:          Den(o,B) = (the Charact of the MSAlgebra of B).o by MSUALG_1:def
                      .= Den(o,the MSAlgebra of B) by MSUALG_1:def 11;
                bb is_closed_on o by A3,MSUALG_2:def 7;
              then rng ((Den(o,the MSAlgebra of B))|((BB# * the Arity of S).o)
                  c= (BB * the ResultSort of S).o by A5,MSUALG_2:def 6;
              hence BB is_closed_on o by MSUALG_2:def 6;
             the Charact of A = Opers(the MSAlgebra of B,BB)
               for o be set st o in the OperSymbols of S holds
               (the Charact of A).o = (Opers(the MSAlgebra of B,BB)).o
                 let o be set; assume
                  o in the OperSymbols of S;
                 then reconsider o as OperSymbol of S;
A6:             Den(o,B) = (the Charact of the MSAlgebra of B).o by MSUALG_1:
def 11
                      .= Den(o,the MSAlgebra of B) by MSUALG_1:def 11;
A7:             bb is_closed_on o by A3,MSUALG_2:def 7;
A8:              BB is_closed_on o by A4,MSUALG_2:def 7;
                   (Opers(B,bb)).o = o/.bb by MSUALG_2:def 9
                   .= (Den(o,the MSAlgebra of B))|((BB# * the Arity of S).o)
                        by A6,A7,MSUALG_2:def 8
                   .= o/.BB by A8,MSUALG_2:def 8
                   .= (Opers(the MSAlgebra of B,BB)).o by MSUALG_2:def 9;
                 hence thesis by A1,A2,MSUALG_2:def 10;
              hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;
           hence thesis by A4;
      thus thesis;
A9:     A is MSSubAlgebra of the MSAlgebra of B;
     hence the Sorts of A is MSSubset of B by MSUALG_2:def 10;
     let C be MSSubset of B such that
A10:    C = the Sorts of A;
     reconsider CC = C as MSSubset of the MSAlgebra of B;
A11:  CC is opers_closed & the Charact of A = Opers(the MSAlgebra of B,CC)
       by A9,A10,MSUALG_2:def 10;
A12: C is opers_closed
        let o be OperSymbol of S;
A13:    Den(o,B) = (the Charact of the MSAlgebra of B).o by MSUALG_1:def 11
                .= Den(o,the MSAlgebra of B) by MSUALG_1:def 11;
          CC is_closed_on o by A11,MSUALG_2:def 7;
        then rng ((Den(o,B))|((C# * the Arity of S).o))
           c= (C * the ResultSort of S).o by A13,MSUALG_2:def 6;
        hence C is_closed_on o by MSUALG_2:def 6;
       the Charact of A = Opers(B,C)
          for o be set st o in the OperSymbols of S holds
          (the Charact of A).o = (Opers(B,C)).o
           let o be set; assume
            o in the OperSymbols of S;
           then reconsider o as OperSymbol of S;
A14:       Den(o,B) = (the Charact of the MSAlgebra of B).o by MSUALG_1:def 11
                   .= Den(o,the MSAlgebra of B) by MSUALG_1:def 11;
A15:       CC is_closed_on o by A11,MSUALG_2:def 7;
A16:        C is_closed_on o by A12,MSUALG_2:def 7;
             (Opers(the MSAlgebra of B,CC)).o = o/.CC by MSUALG_2:def 9
                   .= (Den(o,B))|((C# * the Arity of S).o) by A14,A15,MSUALG_2:
def 8
                   .= o/.C by A16,MSUALG_2:def 8
                   .= (Opers(B,C)).o by MSUALG_2:def 9;
           hence thesis by A9,A10,MSUALG_2:def 10;
         hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;
      hence thesis by A12;

   for A,B being Universal_Algebra holds
  signature A = signature B iff MSSign A = MSSign B
A1:   for A,B be Universal_Algebra st signature A = signature B holds
      MSSign A = MSSign B
        let A,B be Universal_Algebra;
          signature A = signature B;
        then A, B are_similar by UNIALG_2:def 2;
        hence thesis by MSUHOM_1:10;
        for A, B be Universal_Algebra st MSSign A = MSSign B holds
      signature A = signature B
        let A,B be Universal_Algebra; assume
A2:      MSSign A = MSSign B;
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature A)
       as Function of dom signature A, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
    reconsider gg1 = (*-->0)*(signature B)
       as Function of dom signature B, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A3:     MSSign A = ManySortedSign
         (#{0},dom signature(A),ff1,dom signature(A)-->0#)
          by MSUALG_1:16;
A4:     MSSign B = ManySortedSign
         (#{0},dom signature(B),gg1,dom signature(B)-->0#)
           by MSUALG_1:16;
      now let i; assume
A5:      i in dom signature A;
then A6:      i in dom ((*-->0)*(signature A)) by ALG_1:1;
then A7:      (*-->0).((signature B).i)= ((*-->0)*(signature A)).i by A2,A3,A4,
          .= (*-->0).((signature A).i) by A6,ALG_1:1;
         reconsider m = (signature B).i as Nat by A2,A3,A4,A5,PARTFUN1:27;
         reconsider k= (signature A).i as Nat by A5,PARTFUN1:27;
           (*-->0).m is Element of {0}*;
         then reconsider q = (*-->0).m as FinSequence;
           (*-->0).k is Element of {0}*;
         then reconsider p = (*-->0).k as FinSequence;
         thus (signature A).i = len p by Th6
          .= len q by A7
          .= (signature B).i by Th6;
       hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:17;
      hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th23:
 for A being non-empty MSAlgebra over MS st the carrier of MS = {0}
  holds MSSign 1-Alg A = the ManySortedSign of MS
      let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over MS;
A1:   the carrier of MS = {0};
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature 1-Alg A)
       as Function of dom signature 1-Alg A, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A2:   MSSign 1-Alg A = ManySortedSign
        (#{0},dom signature(1-Alg A),ff1,dom signature(1-Alg A)-->0#)
          by MSUALG_1:16;
A3:   1-Alg A = UAStr(#the_sort_of A, the_charact_of A#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;
      consider k be Nat such that
A4:  the OperSymbols of MS = Seg k by MSUALG_1:def 12;
A5: len signature (1-Alg A) = len the charact of 1-Alg A
        by UNIALG_1:def 11;
then A6:  dom signature (1-Alg A) = dom (the charact of 1-Alg A) by FINSEQ_3:31
       .= dom the Charact of A by A3,MSUALG_1:def 18
       .= the OperSymbols of MS by PBOOLE:def 3;
then A7:  the OperSymbols of MS = dom ff1 &
      the OperSymbols of MS = dom the Arity of MS
            by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A8:  (for x being set st x in the OperSymbols of MS holds
      ((*-->0)*(signature (1-Alg A))).x = (the Arity of MS).x)
        let x be set; assume
        x in the OperSymbols of MS;
        then reconsider x as OperSymbol of MS;
          x in Seg k by A4;
        then reconsider n = x as Nat;
          n in dom(signature (1-Alg A)) by A6;
then A9:     n in dom the charact of 1-Alg A by A5,FINSEQ_3:31;
        then reconsider h = (the charact of 1-Alg A).n
          as PartFunc of (the carrier of 1-Alg A)*,the carrier of 1-Alg A
          by UNIALG_1:5;
        reconsider h as homogeneous quasi_total non empty
         PartFunc of (the carrier of 1-Alg A)*,the carrier of 1-Alg A
          by A9,UNIALG_1:def 4,def 5,def 6;
A10:    h = (the Charact of A).x by A3,MSUALG_1:def 18
         .= Den(x,A) by MSUALG_1:def 11;
        consider aa being Element of dom h;
A11:     dom h <> {} by RELAT_1:64;
          dom h c= (the carrier of 1-Alg A)* by RELSET_1:12;
        then aa in (the carrier of 1-Alg A)* by A11,TARSKI:def 3;
        then reconsider bb = aa as FinSequence of the carrier of 1-Alg A
               by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       bb in dom h by A11;
        then bb in Args(x,A) by A10,FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A12:    bb in (len the_arity_of x)-tuples_on the_sort_of A by MSUALG_1:11;
        set ah = arity h;
A13:     len the_arity_of x = len bb by A12,FINSEQ_2:109
                          .= ah by A11,UNIALG_1:def 10;
          ((*-->0)*(signature (1-Alg A))).x =
         (*-->0).((signature (1-Alg A)).x) by A6,FUNCT_1:23
         .= (*-->0).ah by A6,UNIALG_1:def 11
         .= ah |-> 0 by MSUALG_1:def 4
         .= the_arity_of x by A1,A13,Th5
         .= (the Arity of MS).x by MSUALG_1:def 6;
        hence thesis;
     dom (the ResultSort of MS) = the OperSymbols of MS by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A14:   rng (the ResultSort of MS) <> {} by RELAT_1:65;
A15:  the OperSymbols of MS = dom (the ResultSort of MS) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
         rng (the ResultSort of MS) c= {0} by A1,RELSET_1:12;
then rng (the ResultSort of MS) = {0} by A14,ZFMISC_1:39;
       then the ResultSort of MSSign 1-Alg A = the ResultSort of MS by A2,A6,
       hence thesis by A1,A2,A6,A7,A8,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th24:
 for A,B being non-empty MSAlgebra over MS
  st the carrier of MS ={0} & 1-Alg A = 1-Alg B
   holds the MSAlgebra of A = the MSAlgebra of B
     let A,B be non-empty MSAlgebra over MS such that
       the carrier of MS = {0} and
A1:   1-Alg A = 1-Alg B;
A2:  1-Alg A = UAStr(#the_sort_of A, the_charact_of A#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;
A3:  1-Alg B = UAStr(#the_sort_of B, the_charact_of B#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;
A4:  the Sorts of A = the Sorts of B
        let i be set such that
A5:     i in the carrier of MS;
A6:     ex c being Component of the Sorts of B st (the Sorts of B).i = c
          reconsider c = (the Sorts of B).i as Component of the Sorts of B
            by A5,MSUALG_1:3;
          take c;
          thus thesis;
          ex c being Component of the Sorts of A st (the Sorts of A).i = c
          reconsider c = (the Sorts of A).i as Component of the Sorts of A
            by A5,MSUALG_1:3;
          take c;
          thus thesis;
         then (the Sorts of A).i = the_sort_of B by A1,A2,A3,MSUALG_1:def 17
          .= (the Sorts of B).i by A6,MSUALG_1:def 17;
         hence (the Sorts of A).i = (the Sorts of B).i;
       hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;
        the Charact of A = the charact of 1-Alg A by A2,MSUALG_1:def 18
        .= the Charact of B by A1,A3,MSUALG_1:def 18;
      hence the MSAlgebra of A = the MSAlgebra of B by A4;

   for A being non-empty MSAlgebra over MS st the carrier of MS = {0} holds
  the Sorts of A = the Sorts of MSAlg (1-Alg A)
     let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over MS;
A1:   the carrier of MS = {0};
A2:  MSAlg (1-Alg A) =
      MSAlgebra(#MSSorts (1-Alg A),MSCharact (1-Alg A)#) by MSUALG_1:def 16;
  1-Alg A = UAStr(#the_sort_of A, the_charact_of A#) by MSUALG_1:def 19;
then A3:  MSSorts (1-Alg A) = {0}--> (the_sort_of A) by MSUALG_1:def 14;
       dom ({0} --> (the_sort_of A)) = {0} by FUNCOP_1:19;
then A4:  {0} --> (the_sort_of A) is ManySortedSet of the carrier of MS
       by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
      let i be set; assume
A5:   i in the carrier of MS;
then A6:   ({0} --> (the_sort_of A)).i = the_sort_of A by A1,FUNCOP_1:13;
        ex c being Component of the Sorts of A st (the Sorts of A).i = c
        reconsider c = (the Sorts of A).i as Component of the Sorts of A
          by A5,MSUALG_1:3;
        take c;
        thus thesis;
       hence (the Sorts of A).i = ({0} --> (the_sort_of A)).i
         by A6,MSUALG_1:def 17;
     hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,PBOOLE:3;

theorem Th26:
 for A being non-empty MSAlgebra over MS st the carrier of MS = {0}
  holds MSAlg (1-Alg A) = the MSAlgebra of A
     let A be non-empty MSAlgebra over MS; assume
A1:   the carrier of MS = {0};
then MSSign 1-Alg A = the ManySortedSign of MS by Th23;
     then reconsider M1A = MSAlg (1-Alg A) as MSAlgebra over MS;
       the Sorts of M1A = the Sorts of MSAlg (1-Alg A);
     then reconsider M1A as non-empty MSAlgebra over MS by MSUALG_1:def 8;

A2: the Sorts of M1A = the Sorts of MSAlg (1-Alg A) &
     the Charact of M1A = the Charact of MSAlg (1-Alg A);

A3:  1-Alg(MSAlg (1-Alg A)) =
     UAStr(#the_sort_of (MSAlg (1-Alg A)), the_charact_of (MSAlg (1-Alg A))#)
     by MSUALG_1:def 19;
A4:  1-Alg M1A = UAStr(#the_sort_of M1A, the_charact_of M1A#)
     by MSUALG_1:def 19;

     consider c being Component of the Sorts of MSAlg (1-Alg A) such that
A5:   c = the_sort_of MSAlg (1-Alg A) by MSUALG_1:def 17;
     reconsider c as Component of the Sorts of M1A;
  c = the_sort_of M1A by MSUALG_1:def 17;

then A6: the carrier of 1-Alg A = the carrier of 1-Alg M1A by A3,A4,A5,MSUALG_1

       the charact of 1-Alg A = the_charact_of MSAlg (1-Alg A) by A3,MSUALG_1:
     .= the Charact of M1A by MSUALG_1:def 18
     .= the charact of 1-Alg M1A by A4,MSUALG_1:def 18;
       the MSAlgebra of A = the MSAlgebra of M1A by A1,A6,Th24
                       .= the MSAlgebra of MSAlg (1-Alg A) by A2
                       .= MSAlg (1-Alg A);

   for A being Universal_Algebra,
  B being strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A
   st the carrier of MSSign A = {0}
    holds 1-Alg B is SubAlgebra of A
     let A be Universal_Algebra ,
          B be strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A; assume
            the carrier of MSSign A = {0};
     then MSAlg (1-Alg B) = the MSAlgebra of B by Th26;
     hence 1-Alg B is SubAlgebra of A by Th16;


::  The Correspondence Between Lattices of Subalgebras of
::  Universal and Many Sorted Algebras

theorem Th28:
 for A being Universal_Algebra,
  a1,b1 being strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A,
   a2,b2 being strict non-empty
    MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A st a2 = MSAlg a1 & b2 = MSAlg b1
     holds (the Sorts of a2) \/ (the Sorts of b2) =
      0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) \/ (the carrier of b1))
     let A be Universal_Algebra;
     let a1,b1 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A;
     let a2,b2 be strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A such that
A1:   a2 = MSAlg a1 & b2 = MSAlg b1;
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature A)
       as Function of dom signature A, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A2: MSSign A = ManySortedSign
      (#{0},dom signature(A),ff1,dom signature(A)-->0#)
        by MSUALG_1:16;
  a2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts a1,MSCharact a1#) by A1,MSUALG_1:def 16;
then A3: the Sorts of a2 = {0} --> (the carrier of a1) by MSUALG_1:def 14;
  b2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts b1,MSCharact b1#) by A1,MSUALG_1:def 16;
then A4: the Sorts of b2 = {0} --> the carrier of b1 by MSUALG_1:def 14;
       dom(0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) \/ (the carrier of b1))) = {0}
       by CQC_LANG:5;
     then reconsider W = 0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) \/ (the carrier of b1))
       as ManySortedSet of the carrier of MSSign A by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
       now let x be set;
A5:    x in the carrier of MSSign A;
then A6:   x = 0 by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
         W.x = (0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) \/ (the carrier of b1))).0 by A2,A5
,TARSKI:def 1
        .= (the carrier of a1) \/ (the carrier of b1) by CQC_LANG:6
        .= (0 .--> the carrier of a1).0 \/ ( the carrier of b1) by CQC_LANG:6
        .= (0 .--> the carrier of a1).0 \/ (0 .--> the carrier of b1).0
            by CQC_LANG:6
        .= (0 .--> the carrier of a1).0 \/ (the Sorts of b2).0
            by A4,CQC_LANG:def 2
        .= (the Sorts of a2).x \/ (the Sorts of b2).x by A3,A6,CQC_LANG:def 2;
       hence W.x = (the Sorts of a2).x \/ (the Sorts of b2).x;
    hence thesis by PBOOLE:def 7;

theorem Th29:
 for A being Universal_Algebra,
  a1,b1 being strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A,
   a2,b2 being strict non-empty
    MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A st a2 = MSAlg a1 & b2 = MSAlg b1
     holds (the Sorts of a2) /\ (the Sorts of b2) =
      0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) /\ (the carrier of b1))
     let A be Universal_Algebra;
     let a1,b1 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A;
     let a2,b2 be strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A such that
A1:   a2 = MSAlg a1 & b2 = MSAlg b1;
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature A)
       as Function of dom signature A, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A2: MSSign A = ManySortedSign
      (#{0},dom signature(A),ff1,dom signature(A)-->0#)
        by MSUALG_1:16;
  a2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts a1,MSCharact a1#) by A1,MSUALG_1:def 16;
then A3: the Sorts of a2 = {0} --> (the carrier of a1) by MSUALG_1:def 14;
  b2 = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts b1,MSCharact b1#) by A1,MSUALG_1:def 16;
then A4:  the Sorts of b2 = {0} --> the carrier of b1 by MSUALG_1:def 14;
       dom(0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) /\ (the carrier of b1))) = {0}
       by CQC_LANG:5;
     then reconsider W = 0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) /\ (the carrier of b1))
       as ManySortedSet of the carrier of MSSign A by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
       now let x be set;
        x in the carrier of MSSign A;
then A5:   x = 0 by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
      then W.x = (the carrier of a1) /\ (the carrier of b1) by CQC_LANG:6
       .= (0 .--> the carrier of a1).0 /\ ( the carrier of b1) by CQC_LANG:6
       .= (0 .--> the carrier of a1).0 /\ (0 .--> the carrier of b1).0
          by CQC_LANG:6
       .= (0 .--> the carrier of a1).0 /\ (the Sorts of b2).0
                                 by A4,CQC_LANG:def 2
       .= (the Sorts of a2).x /\ (the Sorts of b2).x by A3,A5,CQC_LANG:def 2;
      hence W.x = (the Sorts of a2).x /\ (the Sorts of b2).x;
      hence thesis by PBOOLE:def 8;

theorem Th30:
 for A being strict Universal_Algebra,
  a1,b1 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A,
   a2,b2 being strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A
    st a2 = MSAlg a1 & b2 = MSAlg b1
     holds MSAlg (a1 "\/" b1) = a2 "\/" b2
     let A be strict Universal_Algebra;
     let a1,b1 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A;
     let a2,b2 be strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A such that
A1:   a2 = MSAlg a1 & b2 = MSAlg b1;
     reconsider MSA = MSAlg (a1"\/"b1) as MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A by Th12;
       MSSign (a1"\/"b1) = MSSign A by Th7;
     then reconsider MSA as strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A;
       for B be MSSubset of MSAlg A st
        B = (the Sorts of a2) \/ (the Sorts of b2) holds MSA = GenMSAlg(B)
       let B be MSSubset of MSAlg A such that
A2:    B = (the Sorts of a2) \/ (the Sorts of b2);

       set X = MSA;

    X = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts (a1"\/"b1),MSCharact (a1"\/"b1)#) by MSUALG_1:def 16
then A3:   the Sorts of X = {0} --> the carrier of a1"\/"b1
           by MSUALG_1:def 14;
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature A)
       as Function of dom signature A, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A4:   MSSign A = ManySortedSign
       (#{0},dom signature(A),ff1,dom signature(A)-->0#)
             by MSUALG_1:16;
A5:   the carrier of a1 is Subset of A by UNIALG_2:def 8;
     the carrier of b1 is Subset of A by UNIALG_2:def 8;

       then reconsider K = (the carrier of a1) \/ (the carrier of b1)
           as non empty Subset of A by A5,XBOOLE_1:8;

   reconsider M1 = the Sorts of X as ManySortedSet of the carrier of MSSign A;
       reconsider x = 0 as Element of MSSign A
                  by A4,TARSKI:def 1;

A6:    B is MSSubset of X
           (the Sorts of a2) \/ (the Sorts of b2) c= M1
           let x be set;
A7:        x in the carrier of MSSign A;
then A8:        ((the Sorts of a2) \/ (the Sorts of b2)).x
            = ((the Sorts of a2) \/ (the Sorts of b2)).0 by A4,TARSKI:def 1
           .= (0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) \/
 (the carrier of b1))).0 by A1,Th28
           .= (the carrier of a1) \/ (the carrier of b1) by CQC_LANG:6;
A9:        M1.x = (0 .--> the carrier of a1"\/"b1).x by A3,CQC_LANG:def 2
               .= (0 .--> the carrier of a1"\/"b1).0 by A4,A7,TARSKI:def 1
               .= the carrier of a1"\/"b1 by CQC_LANG:6;
             a1"\/"b1 = GenUnivAlg K by UNIALG_2:def 14;
           hence thesis by A8,A9,UNIALG_2:def 13;
          hence thesis by A2,MSUALG_2:def 1;

         for U1 be MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A st B is MSSubset of U1 holds
       X is MSSubAlgebra of U1
         let U1 be MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A;
A10:      B is MSSubset of U1;
         per cases;
         suppose U1 is non-empty;
         then reconsider U11=U1 as non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A;

A11:     1-Alg U11 is SubAlgebra of 1-Alg MSAlg A by Th20;
then 1-Alg U11 is SubAlgebra of A by MSUALG_1:15;
then A12:       MSSign A = MSSign 1-Alg U11 by Th7;

           B c= the Sorts of U11 by A10,MSUALG_2:def 1;
         then A13:     B.x c= (the Sorts of U11).x by PBOOLE:def 5;
A14:      the MSAlgebra of U11 = MSAlg (1-Alg U11) by A4,Th26;
           MSAlg (1-Alg U11) =
              MSAlgebra(#MSSorts (1-Alg U11),MSCharact (1-Alg U11)#)
              by MSUALG_1:def 16;
      then the Sorts of MSAlg (1-Alg U11) = {0} --> the carrier of 1-Alg U11
              by MSUALG_1:def 14;
then A15:     (the Sorts of U11).0 = (0 .--> the carrier of 1-Alg U11).0
              by A14,CQC_LANG:def 2;
A16:       B.0 = (0.--> K).0 by A1,A2,Th28
            .= K by CQC_LANG:6;

         reconsider A1 = 1-Alg U11 as strict SubAlgebra of A
                         by A11,MSUALG_1:15;
           (the carrier of a1) \/ the carrier of b1 c= the carrier of A1
                         by A13,A15,A16,CQC_LANG:6;
         then GenUnivAlg K is SubAlgebra of 1-Alg U11 by UNIALG_2:def 13;
         then a1"\/"b1 is SubAlgebra of 1-Alg U11 by UNIALG_2:def 14;
         then MSA is MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg(1-Alg U11) by Th12;
         then X is MSSubAlgebra of the MSAlgebra of U11 by A4,A12,Th26;
         hence X is MSSubAlgebra of U1 by Th21;

         suppose not U1 is non-empty;
         then the Sorts of U1 is non non-empty by MSUALG_1:def 8;
         then consider i be set such that
A17:      i in the carrier of MSSign A and
A18:      (the Sorts of U1).i is empty by PBOOLE:def 16;
           B c= the Sorts of U1 by A10,MSUALG_2:def 1;
then A19:     B.x c= (the Sorts of U1).x by PBOOLE:def 5;
         consider e being Element of a1;
           dom ({0}-->the carrier of a1) = {0} by FUNCOP_1:19;
         then reconsider 0a1={0}-->the carrier of a1
                    as ManySortedSet of the carrier of MSSign A
                    by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
           a2=MSAlgebra(#MSSorts a1,MSCharact a1#) by A1,MSUALG_1:def 16;
         then B = 0a1 \/ (the Sorts of b2) by A2,MSUALG_1:def 14;
then A20:     B.x = 0a1.x \/ (the Sorts of b2).x by PBOOLE:def 7;
           x in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
         then 0a1.x = the carrier of a1 by FUNCOP_1:13;
         then e in B.x by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         hence thesis by A4,A17,A18,A19,TARSKI:def 1;
       hence MSA = GenMSAlg(B) by A6,MSUALG_2:def 18;
     hence thesis by MSUALG_2:def 19;

let A be with_const_op Universal_Algebra;
cluster MSSign(A) -> non void strict segmental trivial all-with_const_op;
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature A)
       as Function of dom signature A, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A1:   MSSign(A) = ManySortedSign
       (#{0},dom signature(A),ff1,dom signature(A)-->0#)
         by MSUALG_1:16;
        MSSign(A) is all-with_const_op
        let s be SortSymbol of MSSign(A);
        consider OO being operation of A such that
A2:      arity OO=0 by UNIALG_2:def 12;
          OO in Operations(A);
then A3:    OO in rng the charact of A by UNIALG_2:def 3;
       Seg len the charact of A = dom the charact of A by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then consider i such that
A4:     i in Seg len the charact of A & (the charact of A).i = OO
           by A3,FINSEQ_2:11;
A5:    len signature(A) = len the charact of A by UNIALG_1:def 11;
        then A6:     i in dom signature(A) by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        reconsider i as OperSymbol of MSSign(A)
                   by A1,A4,A5,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        take i;
        thus (the Arity of MSSign(A)).i = {}
            (*-->0).((signature A).i) = (*-->0).0 by A2,A4,A6,UNIALG_1:def 11
                                   .= {} by Th1;
          hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:23;
        thus (the ResultSort of MSSign(A)).i = s
          (the ResultSort of MSSign(A)).i = 0 by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
        hence thesis by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
      hence thesis;

theorem Th31:
 for A being with_const_op Universal_Algebra,
  a1,b1 being strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A,
   a2,b2 being strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A
    st a2 = MSAlg a1 & b2 = MSAlg b1
     holds MSAlg (a1 /\ b1) = a2 /\ b2
       let A be with_const_op Universal_Algebra;
       let a1,b1 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A;
       let a2,b2 be strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A such that
A1:     a2 = MSAlg a1 & b2 = MSAlg b1;
A2:    MSSign (a1/\ b1) = MSSign A by Th7;
      MSAlg (a1/\b1) = MSAlgebra(#MSSorts (a1/\b1),MSCharact (a1/\b1)#)
          by MSUALG_1:def 16;
then A3:    the Sorts of MSAlg (a1/\b1) = {0} --> the carrier of a1 /\ b1
          by MSUALG_1:def 14
          .= 0 .--> the carrier of a1/\b1 by CQC_LANG:def 2;
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature A)
       as Function of dom signature A, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A4:    MSSign A = ManySortedSign
       (#{0},dom signature(A),ff1,dom signature(A)-->0#)
           by MSUALG_1:16;
       then dom the Sorts of MSAlg (a1/\b1) = the carrier of MSSign A by A3,
       then reconsider D = the Sorts of MSAlg (a1 /\ b1) as
          ManySortedSet of the carrier of MSSign A by PBOOLE:def 3;
A5:    D = (the Sorts of a2) /\ (the Sorts of b2)
           let x be set;
A6:        x in the carrier of MSSign A;
A7:       (the carrier of a1) meets (the carrier of b1) by UNIALG_2:20;
           thus D.x = ( 0 .--> the carrier of a1/\ b1).0
             by A3,A4,A6,TARSKI:def 1
             .= the carrier of a1 /\ b1 by CQC_LANG:6
             .= (the carrier of a1) /\ (the carrier of b1)
                 by A7,UNIALG_2:def 10
             .= (0 .--> ((the carrier of a1) /\ (the carrier of b1))).0
                 by CQC_LANG:6
             .= ((the Sorts of a2) /\ (the Sorts of b2)).0 by A1,Th29
             .= ((the Sorts of a2) /\ (the Sorts of b2)).x
                            by A4,A6,TARSKI:def 1;
         hence thesis by PBOOLE:3;
       reconsider AA = MSAlg (a1 /\ b1)
          as strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A by A2,Th12;
         for B be MSSubset of MSAlg A st B = the Sorts of AA holds
           B is opers_closed & the Charact of AA = Opers(MSAlg A,B)
                        by MSUALG_2:def 10;
       hence MSAlg (a1 /\ b1) = a2 /\ b2 by A5,MSUALG_2:def 17;

definition let A be quasi_total UAStr;
cluster the UAStr of A -> quasi_total;
    thus the charact of the UAStr of A is quasi_total;

definition let A be partial UAStr;
cluster the UAStr of A -> partial;
   thus the charact of the UAStr of A is homogeneous;

definition let A be non-empty UAStr;
cluster the UAStr of A -> non-empty;
    thus the charact of the UAStr of A <> {} &
         the charact of the UAStr of A is non-empty;

definition let A be with_const_op Universal_Algebra;
cluster the UAStr of A -> with_const_op;
   consider o be operation of A such that
A1:   arity o = 0 by UNIALG_2:def 12;
     o is Element of rng the charact of the UAStr of A by UNIALG_2:def 3;
   then reconsider oo = o as operation of the UAStr of A by UNIALG_2:def 3;
   take oo;
   thus thesis by A1;

   for A being with_const_op Universal_Algebra holds
  UnSubAlLattice the UAStr of A, MSSubAlLattice MSAlg the UAStr of A
     let Z be with_const_op Universal_Algebra;
     set A = the UAStr of Z;
    reconsider ff1 = (*-->0)*(signature A)
       as Function of dom signature A, {0}* by MSUALG_1:7;
A1: MSSign A = ManySortedSign
      (#{0},dom signature(A),ff1,dom signature(A)-->0#)
       by MSUALG_1:16;
A2:  MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A = LattStr
      (# MSSub MSAlg A, MSAlg_join(MSAlg A), MSAlg_meet(MSAlg A) #)
        by MSUALG_2:def 23;
A3:  UnSubAlLattice(A) = LattStr
      (# Sub A, UniAlg_join(A), UniAlg_meet(A) #) by UNIALG_2:def 18;
     defpred P[set,set] means ex A1 be strict SubAlgebra of A st
       A1= $1 & $2= MSAlg A1;
A4:  for x being Element of Sub A ex y being Element of MSSub MSAlg A
       st P[x,y]
       let x be Element of Sub A;
       reconsider B = x as strict SubAlgebra of A by UNIALG_2:def 15;
         MSSign A = MSSign B by Th7;
       then MSAlg B is strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A by Th12;
       then reconsider y = MSAlg B as Element of MSSub MSAlg A by MSUALG_2:def
       take y, B;
       thus B = x & y = MSAlg B;
      consider f being Function of Sub A,MSSub MSAlg A such that
A5:    for x being Element of Sub A holds P[x,f.x] from FuncExD(A4);
      reconsider f as Function of the carrier of UnSubAlLattice A,
        the carrier of MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A by A2,A3;
        f is Homomorphism of UnSubAlLattice A, MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A
        let a1,b1 be Element of UnSubAlLattice A;
        reconsider a2=a1,b2=b1 as Element of Sub A by A3;
        reconsider a3=a2,b3=b2 as strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A
          by UNIALG_2:def 15;
        reconsider s=a3"\/"b3 as Element of Sub A by UNIALG_2:def 15;
        consider A1 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A such that
A6:      A1= s & f.s = MSAlg A1 by A5;
        consider A3 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A such that
A7:      A3=a3 & f.a3= MSAlg A3 by A5;
        consider A4 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A such that
A8:      A4=b3 & f.b3= MSAlg A4 by A5;
      MSSign A3 = MSSign A by Th7;
        then reconsider g4= MSAlg A3 as strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg
          by Th12;
      MSSign A4 = MSSign A by Th7;
        then reconsider g3= MSAlg A4 as strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg
         by Th12;
A9:     f.(a1 "\/" b1)
         = f.((UniAlg_join A).(a2,b2)) by A3,LATTICES:def 1
        .= MSAlg (a3"\/"b3) by A6,UNIALG_2:def 16
        .= g4 "\/" g3 by A7,A8,Th30
        .= (the L_join of MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A).(f.a1,f.b1) by A2,A7,A8,
MSUALG_2:def 21
        .= f.a1 "\/" f.b1 by LATTICES:def 1;
        reconsider m= a3 /\ b3 as Element of Sub A by UNIALG_2:def 15;
      MSSign a3 = MSSign A by Th7;
        then reconsider g1 = MSAlg a3 as strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of
           by Th12;
      MSSign b3 = MSSign A by Th7;
        then reconsider g2 = MSAlg b3 as strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of
          by Th12;
        consider A1 be strict non-empty SubAlgebra of A such that
A10:      A1=m & f.m = MSAlg A1 by A5;
       f.(a1 "/\" b1) = f.((UniAlg_meet A).(a2,b2)) by A3,LATTICES:def 2
        .= MSAlg (a3 /\ b3) by A10,UNIALG_2:def 17
        .= g1 /\ g2 by Th31
        .= (the L_meet of MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A).(f.a1,f.b1) by A2,A7,A8,
MSUALG_2:def 22
        .= (f.a1) "/\" (f.b1) by LATTICES:def 2;
        hence thesis by A9;
       then reconsider f as Homomorphism of UnSubAlLattice A,
           MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A;
       take f;
A11:   dom f = Sub A by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       thus f is one-to-one
           now let x1,x2 be set such that
A12:       x1 in dom f and
A13:       x2 in dom f and
A14:       f.x1 = f.x2;
         reconsider y1 = x1, y2 = x2 as Element of Sub A by A12,A13,FUNCT_2:def
         consider A1 be strict SubAlgebra of A such that
A15:       A1= y1 & f.y1= MSAlg A1 by A5;
         consider A2 be strict SubAlgebra of A such that
A16:       A2= y2 & f.y2= MSAlg A2 by A5;
A17:      MSSign A1 = MSSign A by Th7
                  .= MSSign A2 by Th7;
         thus x1 = 1-Alg MSAlg A1 by A15,MSUALG_1:15
         .= x2 by A14,A15,A16,A17,MSUALG_1:15;
       hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 8;
      thus rng f = the carrier of MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A
        thus rng f c= the carrier of MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A by RELSET_1:12;
        let x be set;
          x in the carrier of MSSubAlLattice MSAlg A;
        then reconsider y = x as strict MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A
          by A2,MSUALG_2:def 20;
        reconsider C=Constants(MSAlg A) as MSSubset of y by MSUALG_2:11;
          C c= the Sorts of y & C is non-empty by MSUALG_2:def 1;
        then (the Sorts of y) is non-empty by PBOOLE:143;
        then reconsider y as strict non-empty MSSubAlgebra of MSAlg A
        by MSUALG_1:def 8;
          1-Alg y is SubAlgebra of 1-Alg MSAlg A by Th20;
        then 1-Alg y is SubAlgebra of A by MSUALG_1:15;
        then reconsider y1=(1-Alg y) as Element of Sub A by UNIALG_2:def 15;
A18:     y1 in dom f by A11;
        consider A1 be strict SubAlgebra of A such that
A19:      A1= y1 & f.y1 = MSAlg A1 by A5;
          f.(1-Alg y) = x by A1,A19,Th26;
        hence x in rng f by A18,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      thus thesis;

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