The Mizar article:

Full Trees

Robert Milewski

Received February 25, 1998

Copyright (c) 1998 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: BINTREE2
[ MML identifier index ]


      EUCLID, MIDSP_3;
      INT_1, MEMBERED;
 definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0;
 schemes FUNCT_2, NAT_1, FINSEQ_2, TREES_2, COMPTS_1;

begin :: Trees and Binary Trees

  theorem Th1:
   for D be set
   for p be FinSequence
   for n be Nat holds
    p in D* implies p|Seg n in D*
    let D be set;
    let p be FinSequence;
    let n be Nat;
    assume p in D*;
    then p is FinSequence of D by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    then p|Seg n is FinSequence of D by FINSEQ_1:23;
    hence p|Seg n in D* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;

  theorem Th2:
   for T be binary Tree
   for t be Element of T holds
    t is FinSequence of BOOLEAN
    let T be binary Tree;
    let t be Element of T;
    defpred _P[FinSequence] means $1 is Element of T implies rng $1 c= BOOLEAN;

      rng <*>NAT = {} by FINSEQ_1:27;
    then A1: _P[<*>NAT] by XBOOLE_1:2
    A2: for p be FinSequence of NAT for x be Element of NAT st
     _P[p] holds _P[p^<*x*>] proof
     let p be FinSequence of NAT;
     let x be Element of NAT;
     assume A3: _P[p];
     assume A4: p^<*x*> is Element of T;
     then reconsider p1 = p as Element of T by TREES_1:46;
       p^<*x*> in { p^<*n*> where n is Nat : p^<*n*> in T } by A4;
     then A5: p^<*x*> in succ p1 by TREES_2:def 5;
     then not p in Leaves T by BINTREE1:5;
     then succ p1 = { p^<* 0 *>, p^<*1*> } by BINTREE1:def 2;
     then p^<*x*> = p^<* 0 *> or p^<*x*> = p^<*1*> by A5,TARSKI:def 2;
     then x = 0 or x = 1 by FINSEQ_2:20;
     then A6: x in {0,1} by TARSKI:def 2;
     A7: {x} c= BOOLEAN
      let z be set;
      assume z in {x};
      hence z in BOOLEAN by A6,MARGREL1:def 12,TARSKI:def 1;
       rng <*x*> = {x} by FINSEQ_1:55;
     then (rng p) \/ (rng <*x*>) c= BOOLEAN by A3,A4,A7,TREES_1:46,XBOOLE_1:8;
     hence rng (p^<*x*>) c= BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:44;
      for p be FinSequence of NAT holds _P[p] from IndSeqD(A1,A2);
    then rng t c= BOOLEAN;
    hence t is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 4;

   let T be binary Tree;
   redefine mode Element of T -> FinSequence of BOOLEAN;
   coherence by Th2;

  theorem Th3:
   for T be Tree st T = {0,1}* holds
    T is binary
    let T be Tree;
    assume A1: T = {0,1}*;
      now let t be Element of T;
     assume not t in Leaves T;
       { t^<*n*> where n is Nat : t^<*n*> in T } = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
      thus {t^<*n*> where n is Nat : t^<*n*> in T} c= { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
       let x be set;
       assume x in { t^<*n*> where n is Nat : t^<*n*> in T };
       then consider n be Nat such that
        A2: x = t^<*n*> and
        A3: t^<*n*> in T;
       reconsider tn = t^<*n*> as FinSequence of ({0,1} qua set)
                                                   by A1,A3,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         len t + 1 in Seg (len t + 1) by FINSEQ_1:6;
       then len t + 1 in Seg len tn by FINSEQ_2:19;
       then len t + 1 in dom tn by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       then tn/.(len t + 1) = (t^<*n*>).(len t + 1) by FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= n by FINSEQ_1:59;
       then n = 0 or n = 1 by TARSKI:def 2;
       hence x in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A2,TARSKI:def 2;
      let x be set;
      A4: t is FinSequence of {0,1} by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
        rng <* 0 *> c= {0,1}
       let z be set;
       assume z in rng <* 0 *>;
       then z in {0} by FINSEQ_1:55;
       then z = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;
       hence z in {0,1} by TARSKI:def 2;
      then A5: <* 0 *> is FinSequence of {0,1} by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
        rng <* 1 *> c= {0,1}
       let z be set;
       assume z in rng <* 1 *>;
       then z in {1} by FINSEQ_1:55;
       then z = 1 by TARSKI:def 1;
       hence z in {0,1} by TARSKI:def 2;
      then A6: <* 1 *> is FinSequence of {0,1} by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
        t^<* 0 *> is FinSequence of {0,1} by A4,A5,SCMFSA_7:23;
      then A7: t^<* 0 *> in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
        t^<* 1 *> is FinSequence of {0,1} by A4,A6,SCMFSA_7:23;
      then A8: t^<* 1 *> in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      assume x in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
      then x = t^<* 0 *> or x = t^<* 1 *> by TARSKI:def 2;
      hence x in { t^<*n*> where n is Nat : t^<*n*> in T } by A7,A8;
     hence succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by TREES_2:def 5;
    hence T is binary by BINTREE1:def 2;

  theorem Th4:
   for T be Tree st T = {0,1}* holds
    Leaves T = {}
    let T be Tree;
    assume A1: T = {0,1}*;
    assume Leaves T <> {};
    then consider x be set such that
     A2: x in Leaves T by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    reconsider x1 = x as Element of T by A2;
      T is binary by A1,Th3;
    then A3: x1 is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by Th2;
    then reconsider x1 = x as FinSequence of NAT;
    set y1 = x1 ^ <* 0 *>;
    A4: 0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
      {0} c= BOOLEAN
     let z be set;
     assume z in {0};
     then z = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence z in BOOLEAN by MARGREL1:def 13;
    then <* 0 *> is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by A4,SCMFSA_7:22;
    then y1 is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by A3,SCMFSA_7:23;
    then A5: y1 in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12;
      x1 is_a_proper_prefix_of y1 by TREES_1:31;
    hence contradiction by A2,A5,TREES_1:def 8;

     for T be binary Tree
   for n be Nat
   for t be Element of T st t in T-level n holds
    t is Tuple of n,BOOLEAN
    let T be binary Tree;
    let n be Nat;
    let t be Element of T;
    assume t in T-level n;
    then t in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by TREES_2:def 6;
    then ex t2 be Element of T st t2 = t & len t2 = n;
    hence t is Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;

     for T be Tree st
    for t be Element of T holds succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } holds
     Leaves T = {}
    let T be Tree;
    assume A1: for t be Element of T holds succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
    assume Leaves T <> {};
    then consider x be set such that
     A2: x in Leaves T by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    reconsider t = x as Element of T by A2;
      succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A1;
    hence contradiction by A2,BINTREE1:5;

  theorem Th7:
   for T be Tree st
    for t be Element of T holds succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } holds
     T is binary
    let T be Tree;
    assume for t be Element of T holds succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
    then for t be Element of T st not t in Leaves T holds
     succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
    hence T is binary by BINTREE1:def 2;

  theorem Th8:
   for T be Tree holds
    T = {0,1}* iff
    for t be Element of T holds succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
    let T be Tree;
    thus T = {0,1}* implies
     for t be Element of T holds succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
     assume A1: T = {0,1}*;
     then A2: T is binary by Th3;
     let t be Element of T;
       not t in Leaves T by A1,Th4;
     hence succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A2,BINTREE1:def 2;
    assume A3: for t be Element of T holds succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
    thus T = {0,1}*
     thus T c= {0,1}*
      let x be set;
      A4: T is binary by A3,Th7;
      assume x in T;
      then x is FinSequence of {0,1} by A4,Th2,MARGREL1:def 12;
      hence x in {0,1}* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     let x be set;
     assume x in {0,1}*;
     then A5: x is FinSequence of {0,1} by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     defpred _P[FinSequence] means $1 in T;
     A6: _P[<*> {0,1}] by TREES_1:47;
     A7: for p be FinSequence of {0,1}
      for n be Element of {0,1} st _P[p] holds _P[p^<*n*>] proof
      let p be FinSequence of {0,1};
      let n be Element of {0,1};
      assume p in T;
      then reconsider p1 = p as Element of T;
      A8: succ p1 = { p1^<* 0 *>, p1^<* 1 *> } by A3;
        n = 0 or n = 1 by TARSKI:def 2;
      then p^<*n*> in succ p1 by A8,TARSKI:def 2;
      hence p^<*n*> in T;
       for p be FinSequence of {0,1} holds _P[p] from IndSeqD(A6,A7);
     hence x in T by A5;

  scheme DecoratedBinTreeEx {A() -> non empty set, a() -> Element of A(),
   ex D be binary DecoratedTree of A() st dom D = {0,1}* & D.{} = a() &
    for x be Node of D holds P[D.x,D.(x ^ <* 0 *>),D.(x ^ <*1*>)]
    A1: for a be Element of A() ex b,c be Element of A() st P[a,b,c]
    defpred Q[set,set] means
     ex b,c be Element of A() st P[$1,b,c] & $2 = [b,c];
    A2: for e be set st e in A() ex u be set st u in [:A(),A():] & Q[e,u]
     let e be set;
     assume e in A();
     then consider b,c be Element of A() such that
      A3: P[e,b,c] by A1;
     take u = [b,c];
     thus u in [:A(),A():];
     thus Q[e,u] by A3;
    consider f be Function such that
     A4: dom f = A() and
     A5: rng f c= [:A(),A():] and
     A6: for e be set st e in A() holds Q[e,f.e] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A2);
    deffunc _F(set) = IFEQ($1`2,0,(f.($1`1))`1,(f.($1`1))`2);
    A7: for x be set st x in [:A(),NAT:] holds _F(x) in A() proof
     let x be set;
     assume x in [:A(),NAT:];
     then x`1 in A() by MCART_1:10;
     then f.(x`1) in rng f by A4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then A8: (f.(x`1))`1 in A() & (f.(x`1))`2 in A() by A5,MCART_1:10;
       now per cases;
      suppose x`2 = 0;
       hence IFEQ(x`2,0,(f.(x`1))`1,(f.(x`1))`2) in A() by A8,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      suppose x`2 <> 0;
       hence IFEQ(x`2,0,(f.(x`1))`1,(f.(x`1))`2) in A() by A8,CQC_LANG:def 1;
     hence IFEQ(x`2,0,(f.(x`1))`1,(f.(x`1))`2) in A();
    consider F be Function of [:A(),NAT:],A() such that
     A9: for x be set st x in [:A(),NAT:] holds F.x = _F(x) from Lambda1(A7);
    A10: for e be set st e in A() holds P[e,F.[e,0],F.[e,1]]
     let e be set;
     assume A11: e in A();
     then consider b,c be Element of A() such that
      A12: P[e,b,c] and
      A13: f.e = [b,c] by A6;
     A14: [e,0]`2 = 0 by MCART_1:7;
       [e,0] in [:A(),NAT:] by A11,ZFMISC_1:106;
     then A15: F.[e,0] = IFEQ([e,0]`2,0,(f.([e,0]`1))`1,(f.([e,0]`1))`2) by A9
        .= (f.([e,0]`1))`1 by A14,CQC_LANG:def 1
        .= (f.e)`1 by MCART_1:7
        .= b by A13,MCART_1:7;
     A16: [e,1]`2 = 1 & 1 <> 0 by MCART_1:7;
       [e,1] in [:A(),NAT:] by A11,ZFMISC_1:106;
     then F.[e,1] = IFEQ([e,1]`2,0,(f.([e,1]`1))`1,(f.([e,1]`1))`2) by A9
        .= (f.([e,1]`1))`2 by A16,CQC_LANG:def 1
        .= (f.e)`2 by MCART_1:7
        .= c by A13,MCART_1:7;
     hence P[e,F.[e,0],F.[e,1]] by A12,A15;
    deffunc _F(set) = 2;
    consider D be DecoratedTree of A() such that
     A17: D.{} = a() and
     A18: for d be Element of dom D holds
      succ d = { d^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < _F(D.d) } &
      for n be Nat, x be set st x = D.d & n < _F(x)
        holds D.(d^<*n*>) = F.[x,n] from DTreeStructFinEx;
      now let t be Element of dom D;
     assume not t in Leaves dom D;
       { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 } = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
      thus { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 } c= { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
       let v be set;
       assume v in { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 };
       then consider k be Nat such that
        A19: v = t^<*k*> and
        A20: k < 2;
         k = 0 or k = 1 by A20,ALGSEQ_1:4;
       hence v in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A19,TARSKI:def 2;
      let v be set;
      assume v in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
      then v = t^<* 0 *> or v = t^<* 1 *> by TARSKI:def 2;
      hence v in { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 };
     hence succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A18;
    then dom D is binary by BINTREE1:def 2;
    then reconsider D as binary DecoratedTree of A() by BINTREE1:def 3;
    take D;
      now let t be Element of dom D;
       { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 } = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
      thus { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 } c= { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
       let v be set;
       assume v in { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 };
       then consider k be Nat such that
        A21: v = t^<*k*> and
        A22: k < 2;
         k = 0 or k = 1 by A22,ALGSEQ_1:4;
       hence v in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A21,TARSKI:def 2;
      let v be set;
      assume v in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
      then v = t^<* 0 *> or v = t^<* 1 *> by TARSKI:def 2;
      hence v in { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 };
     hence succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A18;
    hence dom D = {0,1}* by Th8;
    thus D.{} = a() by A17;
    let x be Node of D;
      P[D.x,F.[D.x,0],F.[D.x,1]] by A10;
    then P[D.x,D.(x ^ <* 0 *>),F.[D.x,1]] by A18;
    hence P[D.x,D.(x ^ <* 0 *>),D.(x ^ <* 1 *>)] by A18;

  scheme DecoratedBinTreeEx1 {A() -> non empty set, a() -> Element of A(),
                             P[set,set], Q[set,set]}:
   ex D be binary DecoratedTree of A() st dom D = {0,1}* & D.{} = a() &
    for x be Node of D holds P[D.x,D.(x ^ <* 0 *>)] & Q[D.x,D.(x ^ <*1*>)]
    A1: for a be Element of A() ex b be Element of A() st P[a,b] and
    A2: for a be Element of A() ex b be Element of A() st Q[a,b]
    defpred _P[set,set] means
    ( $1`2 = 0 implies P[$1`1,$2] ) & ( $1`2 = 1 implies Q[$1`1,$2] );
    A3: for e be set st e in [:A(),NAT:] ex u be set st u in A() & _P[e,u]
     let e be set;
     assume e in [:A(),NAT:];
     then reconsider e1 = e`1 as Element of A() by MCART_1:10;
     consider u1 be Element of A() such that
      A4: P[e1,u1] by A1;
     consider u2 be Element of A() such that
      A5: Q[e1,u2] by A2;
     take u = IFEQ(e`2,0,u1,u2);
     thus u in A();
     thus e`2 = 0 implies P[e`1,u] by A4,CQC_LANG:def 1;
     thus e`2 = 1 implies Q[e`1,u] by A5,CQC_LANG:def 1;
    consider F be Function such that
     A6: dom F = [:A(),NAT:] and
     A7: rng F c= A() and
     A8: for e be set st e in [:A(),NAT:] holds _P[e,F.e]
                                                 from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A3);
    reconsider F as Function of [:A(),NAT:],A() by A6,A7,FUNCT_2:4;
    deffunc _F(set) = 2;
    consider D be DecoratedTree of A() such that
     A9: D.{} = a() and
     A10: for d be Element of dom D holds
      succ d = { d^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < _F(D.d) } &
      for n be Nat, x be set st x = D.d & n < _F(x) holds D.(d^<*n*>) = F.[x,n]
                                                       from DTreeStructFinEx;
      now let t be Element of dom D;
     assume not t in Leaves dom D;
       { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 } = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
      thus { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 } c= { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
       let v be set;
       assume v in { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 };
       then consider k be Nat such that
        A11: v = t^<*k*> and
        A12: k < 2;
         k = 0 or k = 1 by A12,ALGSEQ_1:4;
       hence v in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A11,TARSKI:def 2;
      let v be set;
      assume v in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
      then v = t^<* 0 *> or v = t^<* 1 *> by TARSKI:def 2;
      hence v in { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 };
     hence succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A10;
    then dom D is binary by BINTREE1:def 2;
    then reconsider D as binary DecoratedTree of A() by BINTREE1:def 3;
    take D;
      now let t be Element of dom D;
       { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 } = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
      thus { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 } c= { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> }
       let v be set;
       assume v in { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 };
       then consider k be Nat such that
        A13: v = t^<*k*> and
        A14: k < 2;
         k = 0 or k = 1 by A14,ALGSEQ_1:4;
       hence v in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A13,TARSKI:def 2;
      let v be set;
      assume v in { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> };
      then v = t^<* 0 *> or v = t^<* 1 *> by TARSKI:def 2;
      hence v in { t^<*k*> where k is Nat : k < 2 };
     hence succ t = { t^<* 0 *>, t^<* 1 *> } by A10;
    hence dom D = {0,1}* by Th8;
    thus D.{} = a() by A9;
    let x be Node of D;
      [D.x,0]`2 = 0 by MCART_1:7;
    then P[[D.x,0]`1,F.[D.x,0]] by A8;
    then P[D.x,F.[D.x,0]] by MCART_1:7;
    hence P[D.x,D.(x ^ <* 0 *>)] by A10;
      [D.x,1]`2 = 1 by MCART_1:7;
    then Q[[D.x,1]`1,F.[D.x,1]] by A8;
    then Q[D.x,F.[D.x,1]] by MCART_1:7;
    hence Q[D.x,D.(x ^ <* 1 *>)] by A10;

   for D be non empty set
   for f be FinSequence of D holds
    Rev f is FinSequence of D;

   let T be binary Tree;
   let n be non empty Nat;
   func NumberOnLevel(n,T) -> Function of T-level n,NAT means :Def1:
    for t be Element of T st t in T-level n
    for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = Rev t holds
     it.t = (Absval F) + 1;
      defpred _P[set,set] means  ex t be Element of T st t = $1 &
       for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = Rev t holds $2 = (Absval F) + 1;
    A1: for e be set st e in T-level n ex u be set st u in NAT & _P[e,u] proof
     let e be set;
     assume e in T-level n;
     then e in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by TREES_2:def 6;
     then consider t be Element of T such that
      A2: t = e and
      A3: len t = n;
       len Rev t = n by A3,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
     then reconsider F1 = Rev t as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;
     take u = (Absval F1) + 1;
     thus u in NAT;
     take t;
     thus t = e by A2;
     let F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
     assume F = Rev t;
     hence u = (Absval F) + 1;
    consider f be Function such that
     A4: dom f = T-level n and
     A5: rng f c= NAT and
     A6: for e be set st e in T-level n holds _P[e,f.e]
         from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A1);
    reconsider f as Function of T-level n,NAT by A4,A5,FUNCT_2:4;
    take f;
    let t be Element of T;
    assume t in T-level n;
    then consider t1 be Element of T such that
     A7: t1 = t and
     A8: for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = Rev t1 holds f.t = (Absval F) + 1
                                                                       by A6;
    let F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume F = Rev t;
    hence f.t = (Absval F) + 1 by A7,A8;
    let f1,f2 be Function of T-level n,NAT such that
     A9: for t be Element of T st t in T-level n
         for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = Rev t holds
          f1.t = (Absval F) + 1 and
     A10: for t be Element of T st t in T-level n
         for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = Rev t holds
          f2.t = (Absval F) + 1;
      now let x be set;
     assume A11: x in T-level n;
     then x in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by TREES_2:def 6;
     then consider t be Element of T such that
      A12: t = x and
      A13: len t = n;
       len Rev t = n by A13,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
     then reconsider F = Rev t as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;
     thus f1.x = (Absval F) + 1 by A9,A11,A12
              .= f2.x by A10,A11,A12;
    hence f1 = f2 by FUNCT_2:18;

   let T be binary Tree;
   let n be non empty Nat;
   cluster NumberOnLevel(n,T) -> one-to-one;
      now let x1,x2 be set;
     assume that
      A1: x1 in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) and
      A2: x2 in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) and
      A3: NumberOnLevel(n,T).x1 = NumberOnLevel(n,T).x2;
     A4: x1 in T-level n by A1,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     then x1 in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by TREES_2:def 6;
     then consider t1 be Element of T such that
      A5: t1 = x1 and
      A6: len t1 = n;
       len Rev t1 = n by A6,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
     then reconsider F1 = Rev t1 as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;
     A7: x2 in T-level n by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     then x2 in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by TREES_2:def 6;
     then consider t2 be Element of T such that
      A8: t2 = x2 and
      A9: len t2 = n;
       len Rev t2 = n by A9,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
     then reconsider F2 = Rev t2 as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;
       (Absval F1) + 1 = NumberOnLevel(n,T).x1 by A4,A5,Def1
        .= (Absval F2) + 1 by A3,A7,A8,Def1;
     then Absval F1 = Absval F2 by XCMPLX_1:2;
     then F1 = F2 by BINARI_3:2;
     hence x1 = x2 by A5,A8,BINARI_3:3;
    hence NumberOnLevel(n,T) is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:def 8;

begin :: Full Trees

   let T be Tree;
   attr T is full means :Def2:
    T = {0,1}*;

  theorem Th9:
   {0,1}* is Tree
    set X = {0,1}*;
    A1: X c= NAT* by FUNCT_7:21;
    A2: now let p be FinSequence of NAT;
     assume A3: p in X;
     thus ProperPrefixes p c= X
      let y be set;
      assume y in ProperPrefixes p;
      then consider q be FinSequence such that
       A4: y = q and
       A5: q is_a_proper_prefix_of p by TREES_1:def 4;
        q is_a_prefix_of p by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
      then consider n be Nat such that
       A6: q = p|Seg n by TREES_1:def 1;
      thus y in X by A3,A4,A6,Th1;
      now let p be FinSequence of NAT,
            k,n be Nat;
     assume that
      A7: p^<*k*> in X and
      A8: n <= k;
     A9: p^<*k*> is FinSequence of {0,1} by A7,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
     then A10: p is FinSequence of {0,1} & <*k*> is FinSequence of {0,1}
                                                              by FINSEQ_1:50;
     reconsider kk = <*k*> as FinSequence of {0,1} by A9,FINSEQ_1:50;
       1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
     then 1 in dom <*k*> by FINSEQ_1:55;
     then kk.1 in {0,1} by FINSEQ_2:13;
     then A11: k in {0,1} by FINSEQ_1:57;
       now per cases by A11,TARSKI:def 2;
      suppose k = 0;
       hence n = 0 or n = 1 by A8,NAT_1:18;
      suppose A12: k = 1;
         n = 1 or n = 0
        assume n <> 1;
        then n < 0 + 1 by A8,A12,REAL_1:def 5;
        then n <= 0 by NAT_1:38;
        hence n = 0 by NAT_1:18;
       hence n = 0 or n = 1;
     then n in {0,1} by TARSKI:def 2;
     then <*n*> is FinSequence of {0,1} by SCMFSA_7:22;
     then p^<*n*> is FinSequence of {0,1} by A10,SCMFSA_7:23;
     hence p^<*n*> in X by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    hence {0,1}* is Tree by A1,A2,TREES_1:def 5;

  theorem Th10:
   for T be Tree st T = {0,1}*
   for n be Nat holds
    0*n in T-level n
    let T be Tree;
    assume A1: T = {0,1}*;
    let n be Nat;
    A2: len 0*n = n by EUCLID:2;
      0*n in T by A1,BINARI_3:5,MARGREL1:def 12;
    then 0*n in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by A2;
    hence 0*n in T-level n by TREES_2:def 6;

  theorem Th11:
   for T be Tree st T = {0,1}*
   for n be non empty Nat
   for y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN holds
    y in T-level n
    let T be Tree;
    assume A1: T = {0,1}*;
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    A2: len y = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
      y in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12;
    then y in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by A2;
    hence y in T-level n by TREES_2:def 6;

   let T be binary Tree;
   let n be Nat;
   cluster T-level n -> finite;
   coherence by QC_LANG4:19;

   cluster full -> binary Tree;
    let T be Tree;
    assume T is full;
    then T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    hence T is binary by Th3;

   cluster full Tree;
    reconsider T = {0,1}* as Tree by Th9;
    take T;
    thus T is full by Def2;

  theorem Th12:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat holds
    Seg (2 to_power n) c= rng NumberOnLevel(n,T)
    let T be full Tree;
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let y be set;
    assume y in Seg (2 to_power n);
    then y in { k where k is Nat : 1 <= k & k <= 2 to_power n }
                                                          by FINSEQ_1:def 1;
    then consider k be Nat such that
     A1: k = y and
     A2: 1 <= k and
     A3: k <= 2 to_power n;
    set t = Rev (n-BinarySequence (k-'1));
      T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    then A4: t in T by FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12;
    A5: len t = len (n-BinarySequence (k-'1)) by FINSEQ_5:def 3
             .= n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    then t in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by A4;
    then A6: t in T-level n by TREES_2:def 6;
    then A7: t in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      len Rev t = n by A5,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
    then reconsider F = Rev t as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;
    A8: k - 1 >= 1 - 1 by A2,REAL_1:49;
      k < 2 to_power n + 1 by A3,NAT_1:38;
    then k - 1 < 2 to_power n by REAL_1:84;
    then A9: k-'1 < 2 to_power n by A8,BINARITH:def 3;
      NumberOnLevel(n,T).t = (Absval F) + 1 by A6,Def1
       .= (Absval (n-BinarySequence (k-'1))) + 1 by FINSEQ_6:29
       .= k -' 1 + 1 by A9,BINARI_3:36
       .= k - 1 + 1 by A8,BINARITH:def 3
       .= y by A1,XCMPLX_1:27;
    hence y in rng NumberOnLevel(n,T) by A7,FUNCT_1:def 5;

   let T be full Tree;
   let n be non empty Nat;
   func FinSeqLevel(n,T) -> FinSequence of T-level n equals :Def3:
      T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    then A1: T-level n is non empty by Th10;
    A2: rng (NumberOnLevel(n,T)") = dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) by FUNCT_1:55
       .= T-level n by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      for y be set holds y in Seg (2 to_power n) iff
     ex x be set st x in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) & y = NumberOnLevel(n,T).x
     let y be set;
     thus y in Seg (2 to_power n) implies
      ex x be set st x in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) & y = NumberOnLevel(n,T).x
      assume A3: y in Seg (2 to_power n);
      take x = (NumberOnLevel(n,T)").y;
        Seg (2 to_power n) c= rng NumberOnLevel(n,T) by Th12;
      hence x in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) & y = NumberOnLevel(n,T).x
                                             by A3,FUNCT_1:54;
     given x be set such that
      A4: x in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) and
      A5: y = NumberOnLevel(n,T).x;
     A6: x in T-level n by A4,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     then x in { t where t is Element of T : len t = n } by TREES_2:def 6;
     then consider t be Element of T such that
      A7: t = x and
      A8: len t = n;
       len Rev t = n by A8,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
     then reconsider F = Rev t as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;
     A9: y = (Absval F) + 1 by A5,A6,A7,Def1;
     A10: 1 <= (Absval F) + 1 by NAT_1:29;
       Absval F < 2 to_power n by BINARI_3:1;
     then (Absval F) + 1 <= 2 to_power n by NAT_1:38;
     hence y in Seg (2 to_power n) by A9,A10,FINSEQ_1:3;
    then rng NumberOnLevel(n,T) = Seg (2 to_power n) by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then dom (NumberOnLevel(n,T)") = Seg (2 to_power n) by FUNCT_1:55;
    then NumberOnLevel(n,T)" is Function of Seg (2 to_power n), T-level n
                                                             by A2,FUNCT_2:4;
    hence NumberOnLevel(n,T)" is FinSequence of T-level n by A1,FINSEQ_2:28;

   let T be full Tree;
   let n be non empty Nat;
   cluster FinSeqLevel(n,T) -> one-to-one;
      NumberOnLevel(n,T)" is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:62;
    hence FinSeqLevel(n,T) is one-to-one by Def3;

  theorem Th13:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat holds
    NumberOnLevel(n,T).(0*n) = 1
    let T be full Tree;
    A1: T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    let n be non empty Nat;
    A2: 0*n is Element of T by A1,BINARI_3:5,MARGREL1:def 12;
    A3: 0*n in T-level n by A1,Th10;
    A4: Rev (0*n) is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by A2,Lm1;
      len Rev (0*n) = len 0*n by FINSEQ_5:def 3
                 .= n by EUCLID:2;
    then reconsider F = Rev (0*n) as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A4,FINSEQ_2:110;
    A5: Rev (0*n) = 0*n by BINARI_3:9;
    thus NumberOnLevel(n,T).(0*n) = (Absval F) + 1 by A3,Def1
       .= 0 + 1 by A5,BINARI_3:7
       .= 1;

  theorem Th14:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat
   for y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st y = 0*n holds
    NumberOnLevel(n,T).'not' y = 2 to_power n
    let T be full Tree;
    A1: T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A2: y = 0*n;
    A3: 'not' y in T-level n by A1,Th11;
      len Rev 'not' y = len 'not' y by FINSEQ_5:def 3
                 .= n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    then reconsider F = Rev 'not' y as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;
    A4: Rev 'not' y = 'not' y by A2,BINARI_3:10;
    thus NumberOnLevel(n,T).'not' y = (Absval F) + 1 by A3,Def1
       .= 2 to_power n - 1 + 1 by A2,A4,BINARI_3:8
       .= 2 to_power n by XCMPLX_1:27;

  theorem Th15:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat holds
    FinSeqLevel(n,T).1 = 0*n
    let T be full Tree;
    A1: T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    let n be non empty Nat;
      0*n in T-level n by A1,Th10;
    then A2: 0*n in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A3: 1 = NumberOnLevel(n,T).(0*n) by Th13;
    thus FinSeqLevel(n,T).1 = NumberOnLevel(n,T)".1 by Def3
       .= 0*n by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:54;

  theorem Th16:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat
   for y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st y = 0*n holds
    FinSeqLevel(n,T).(2 to_power n) = 'not' y
    let T be full Tree;
    A1: T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A2: y = 0*n;
      'not' y in T-level n by A1,Th11;
    then A3: 'not' y in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A4: 2 to_power n = NumberOnLevel(n,T).'not' y by A2,Th14;
    thus FinSeqLevel(n,T).(2 to_power n) = NumberOnLevel(n,T)".(2 to_power n)
                                                                       by Def3
       .= 'not' y by A3,A4,FUNCT_1:54;

  theorem Th17:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat
   for i be Nat st i in Seg (2 to_power n) holds
    FinSeqLevel(n,T).i = Rev (n-BinarySequence (i-'1))
    let T be full Tree;
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let i be Nat;
    assume i in Seg (2 to_power n);
    then A1: 1 <= i & i <= 2 to_power n by FINSEQ_1:3;
    set nB = n-BinarySequence (i-'1);
    A2: len Rev nB = len nB by FINSEQ_5:def 3
       .= n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    then reconsider RnB = Rev nB as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:110;
      RnB in {0,1}* by FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12;
    then RnB is Element of T by Def2;
    then RnB in { t where t is Element of T : len t = n } by A2;
    then A3: RnB in T-level n by TREES_2:def 6;
      nB = Rev RnB by FINSEQ_6:29;
    then A4: NumberOnLevel(n,T).RnB = (Absval nB) + 1 by A3,Def1;
    A5: RnB in dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) by A3,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      i < 2 to_power n + 1 by A1,NAT_1:38;
    then i - 1 < 2 to_power n by REAL_1:84;
    then i-'1 < 2 to_power n by A1,SCMFSA_7:3;
    then A6: (Absval nB) + 1 = i-'1 + 1 by BINARI_3:36
       .= i - 1 + 1 by A1,SCMFSA_7:3
       .= i by XCMPLX_1:27;
    thus FinSeqLevel(n,T).i = NumberOnLevel(n,T)".i by Def3
       .= Rev (n-BinarySequence (i-'1)) by A4,A5,A6,FUNCT_1:54;

  theorem Th18:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be Nat holds
    Card (T-level n) = 2 to_power n
    let T be full Tree;
    A1: T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    defpred _R[Nat] means Card (T-level $1) = 2 to_power $1;
     Card (T-level 0) = card {{}} by QC_LANG4:17 .= 1 by CARD_1:79
       .= 2 to_power 0 by POWER:29; then
    A2: _R[0];
    A3: for n be Nat st _R[n] holds _R[n+1] proof let n be Nat;
     assume A4: Card (T-level n) = 2 to_power n;
     set Tn1_0 = { p where p is Element of T : len p = n+1 & p.(n+1) = 0 };
     set Tn1_1 = { p where p is Element of T : len p = n+1 & p.(n+1) = 1 };
     A5: len 0*(n+1) = n+1 by EUCLID:2;
     A6: 0*(n+1) in T by A1,BINARI_3:5,MARGREL1:def 12;
     A7: n+1 in Seg (n+1) by FINSEQ_1:6;
       (0*(n+1)).(n+1) = ((n+1) |-> (0 qua Real)).(n+1) by EUCLID:def 4
        .= 0 by A7,FINSEQ_2:70;
     then A8: 0*(n+1) in Tn1_0 by A5,A6;
     A9: len (0*n^<*1*>) = len 0*n + 1 by FINSEQ_2:19
        .= n+1 by EUCLID:2;
       0*n in {0,1}* by BINARI_3:5,MARGREL1:def 12;
     then A10: 0*n is FinSequence of {0,1} by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       rng <*1*> c= {0,1}
      let z be set;
      assume z in rng <*1*>;
      then z in {1} by FINSEQ_1:55;
      then z = 1 by TARSKI:def 1;
      hence z in {0,1} by TARSKI:def 2;
     then A11: <*1*> is FinSequence of {0,1} by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     then 0*n^<*1*> is FinSequence of {0,1} by A10,SCMFSA_7:23;
     then A12: 0*n^<*1*> in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       len 0*n = n by EUCLID:2;
     then (0*n^<*1*>).(n+1) = 1 by FINSEQ_1:59;
     then A13: 0*n^<*1*> in Tn1_1 by A9,A12;
     A14: Tn1_0 c= T-level (n+1)
      let x be set;
      assume x in Tn1_0;
      then consider p be Element of T such that
       A15: p = x and
       A16: len p = n+1 and
         p.(n+1) = 0;
        p in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n+1 } by A16;
      hence x in T-level (n+1) by A15,TREES_2:def 6;
     A17: Tn1_1 c= T-level (n+1)
      let x be set;
      assume x in Tn1_1;
      then consider p be Element of T such that
       A18: p = x and
       A19: len p = n+1 and
         p.(n+1) = 1;
        p in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n+1 } by A19;
      hence x in T-level (n+1) by A18,TREES_2:def 6;
     then reconsider Tn1_0,Tn1_1 as non empty finite set
                                                    by A8,A13,A14,FINSET_1:13;
     A20: Tn1_0 \/ Tn1_1 c= T-level (n+1) by A14,A17,XBOOLE_1:8;
     A21: T-level (n+1) c= Tn1_0 \/ Tn1_1
      let x be set;
      assume x in T-level (n+1);
      then x in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n+1 } by TREES_2:def 6;
      then consider p be Element of T such that
       A22: p = x and
       A23: len p = n+1;
        x in Tn1_0 or x in Tn1_1
       assume A24: not x in Tn1_0;
         n+1 in Seg (n+1) by FINSEQ_1:6;
       then n+1 in dom p by A23,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       then p.(n+1) in BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:13;
       then p.(n+1) = 0 or p.(n+1) = 1 by MARGREL1:def 12,TARSKI:def 2;
       hence x in Tn1_1 by A22,A23,A24;
      hence x in Tn1_0 \/ Tn1_1 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     A25: Tn1_0 misses Tn1_1
      assume Tn1_0 /\ Tn1_1 <> {};
      then consider x be set such that
       A26: x in Tn1_0 /\ Tn1_1 by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
      A27: x in Tn1_0 & x in Tn1_1 by A26,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then consider p1 be Element of T such that
       A28: p1 = x and
         len p1 = n+1 and
       A29: p1.(n+1) = 0;
      consider p2 be Element of T such that
       A30: p2 = x and
         len p2 = n+1 and
       A31: p2.(n+1) = 1 by A27;
      thus contradiction by A28,A29,A30,A31;
     reconsider Tn = T-level n as finite non empty set by A1,Th10;
     defpred _P[set,set] means ex p be FinSequence st p = $1 & $2 = p^<* 0 *>;
     A32: for x be Element of Tn ex y be Element of Tn1_0 st _P[x,y] proof
      let x be Element of Tn;
        x in T-level n;
      then x in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by TREES_2:def 6;
      then consider p be Element of T such that
       A33: p = x and
       A34: len p = n;
      set y = p^<* 0 *>;
        rng <* 0 *> c= {0,1}
       let z be set;
       assume z in rng <* 0 *>;
       then z in {0} by FINSEQ_1:55;
       then z = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;
       hence z in {0,1} by TARSKI:def 2;
      then <* 0 *> is FinSequence of {0,1} by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      then p^<* 0 *> is FinSequence of {0,1} by MARGREL1:def 12,SCMFSA_7:23;
      then A35: y in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      A36: len y = n+1 by A34,FINSEQ_2:19;
        y.(n+1) = 0 by A34,FINSEQ_1:59;
      then y in { t where t is Element of T : len t = n+1 & t.(n+1) = 0 }
                                                                  by A35,A36;
      then reconsider y as Element of Tn1_0;
      take y,p;
      thus thesis by A33;
     defpred _P1[set,set] means ex p be FinSequence st p = $1 & $2 = p^<* 1 *>;
     A37: for x be Element of Tn ex y be Element of Tn1_1 st _P1[x,y]
      let x be Element of Tn;
        x in T-level n;
      then x in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by TREES_2:def 6;
      then consider p be Element of T such that
       A38: p = x and
       A39: len p = n;
      set y = p^<*1*>;
        p^<*1*> is FinSequence of {0,1} by A11,MARGREL1:def 12,SCMFSA_7:23;
      then A40: y in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      A41: len y = n+1 by A39,FINSEQ_2:19;
        y.(n+1) = 1 by A39,FINSEQ_1:59;
      then y in { t where t is Element of T : len t = n+1 & t.(n+1) = 1 }
                                                                  by A40,A41;
      then reconsider y as Element of Tn1_1;
      take y,p;
      thus thesis by A38;
     consider f0 be Function of Tn,Tn1_0 such that
      A42: for x be Element of Tn holds _P[x,f0.x] from FuncExD(A32);
     consider f1 be Function of Tn,Tn1_1 such that
      A43: for x be Element of Tn holds _P1[x,f1.x] from FuncExD(A37);
     A44: Tn c= dom f0 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       now let x1,x2 be set;
      assume that
       A45: x1 in dom f0 and
       A46: x2 in dom f0 and
       A47: f0.x1 = f0.x2;
      reconsider x1'= x1, x2'= x2 as Element of Tn by A45,A46,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      consider p1 be FinSequence such that
       A48: p1 = x1' and
       A49: f0.x1' = p1^<* 0 *> by A42;
      consider p2 be FinSequence such that
       A50: p2 = x2' and
       A51: f0.x2' = p2^<* 0 *> by A42;
      thus x1 = x2 by A47,A48,A49,A50,A51,FINSEQ_2:20;
     then f0 is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:def 8;
     then Tn,f0.:Tn are_equipotent by A44,CARD_1:60;
     then A52: Tn,rng f0 are_equipotent by FUNCT_2:45;
       now let y be set;
      assume y in Tn1_0;
      then consider t be Element of T such that
       A53: t = y and
       A54: len t = n+1 and
       A55: t.(n+1) = 0;
      consider p be FinSequence of BOOLEAN,
                    d be Element of BOOLEAN such that
       A56: t = p^<*d*> by A54,FINSEQ_2:22;
      A57: len p + 1 = n+1 by A54,A56,FINSEQ_2:19;
      then A58: len p = n by XCMPLX_1:2;
      reconsider x = p as set;
      take x;
        p in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12;
      then A59: p in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by A58;
      hence x in Tn by TREES_2:def 6;
      reconsider x' = x as Element of Tn by A59,TREES_2:def 6;
      consider q be FinSequence such that
       A60: q = x' and
       A61: f0.x' = q^<* 0 *> by A42;
      thus y = f0.x by A53,A55,A56,A57,A60,A61,FINSEQ_1:59;
     then rng f0 = Tn1_0 by FUNCT_2:16;
     then A62: card Tn = card Tn1_0 by A52,CARD_1:81;
     A63: Tn c= dom f1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       now let x1,x2 be set;
      assume that
       A64: x1 in dom f1 and
       A65: x2 in dom f1 and
       A66: f1.x1 = f1.x2;
      reconsider x1'= x1, x2'= x2 as Element of Tn by A64,A65,FUNCT_2:def 1;
      consider p1 be FinSequence such that
       A67: p1 = x1' and
       A68: f1.x1' = p1^<*1*> by A43;
      consider p2 be FinSequence such that
       A69: p2 = x2' and
       A70: f1.x2' = p2^<*1*> by A43;
      thus x1 = x2 by A66,A67,A68,A69,A70,FINSEQ_2:20;
     then f1 is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:def 8;
     then Tn,f1.:Tn are_equipotent by A63,CARD_1:60;
     then A71: Tn,rng f1 are_equipotent by FUNCT_2:45;
       now let y be set;
      assume y in Tn1_1;
      then consider t be Element of T such that
       A72: t = y and
       A73: len t = n+1 and
       A74: t.(n+1) = 1;
      consider p be FinSequence of BOOLEAN,
                    d be Element of BOOLEAN such that
       A75: t = p^<*d*> by A73,FINSEQ_2:22;
      A76: len p + 1 = n+1 by A73,A75,FINSEQ_2:19;
      then A77: len p = n by XCMPLX_1:2;
      reconsider x = p as set;
      take x;
        p in T by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12;
      then A78: p in { w where w is Element of T : len w = n } by A77;
      hence x in Tn by TREES_2:def 6;
      reconsider x' = x as Element of Tn by A78,TREES_2:def 6;
      consider q be FinSequence such that
       A79: q = x' and
       A80: f1.x' = q^<*1*> by A43;
      thus y = f1.x by A72,A74,A75,A76,A79,A80,FINSEQ_1:59;
     then A81: rng f1 = Tn1_1 by FUNCT_2:16;
     thus 2 to_power (n+1) =
        2 to_power n * 2 to_power 1 by POWER:32
        .= 2 * 2 to_power n by POWER:30
        .= card Tn + card Tn by A4,XCMPLX_1:11
        .= card Tn1_0 + card Tn1_1 by A62,A71,A81,CARD_1:81
        .= card (Tn1_0 \/ Tn1_1) by A25,CARD_2:53
        .= Card (T-level (n+1)) by A20,A21,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
    thus for n be Nat holds _R[n] from Ind(A2,A3);

  theorem Th19:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat holds
    len FinSeqLevel(n,T) = 2 to_power n
    let T be full Tree;
    let n be non empty Nat;
      rng FinSeqLevel(n,T) = rng (NumberOnLevel(n,T)") by Def3
       .= dom NumberOnLevel(n,T) by FUNCT_1:55
       .= T-level n by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A1: dom FinSeqLevel(n,T),T-level n are_equipotent by WELLORD2:def 4;
      Card Seg len FinSeqLevel(n,T) = Card dom FinSeqLevel(n,T)
                                                           by FINSEQ_1:def 3
       .= Card (T-level n) by A1,CARD_1:21
       .= 2 to_power n by Th18;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:78;

  theorem Th20:
   for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat holds
    dom FinSeqLevel(n,T) = Seg (2 to_power n)
    let T be full Tree;
    let n be non empty Nat;
    thus dom FinSeqLevel(n,T) = Seg len FinSeqLevel(n,T) by FINSEQ_1:def 3
       .= Seg (2 to_power n) by Th19;

     for T be full Tree
   for n be non empty Nat holds
    rng FinSeqLevel(n,T) = T-level n
    let T be full Tree;
    A1: T = {0,1}* by Def2;
    let n be non empty Nat;
      T-level n is non empty by A1,Th10;
    then reconsider p = FinSeqLevel(n,T) as
                  Function of dom FinSeqLevel(n,T), T-level n by FINSEQ_2:30;
      Seg len FinSeqLevel(n,T) is finite;
    then reconsider dp = dom p as finite set by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    reconsider Tln = T-level n as finite set;
      card dp = Card Seg (2 to_power n) by Th20
           .= 2 to_power n by FINSEQ_1:78
           .= card Tln by Th18;
    hence rng FinSeqLevel(n,T) = T-level n by FINSEQ_4:78;

     for T be full Tree holds
    FinSeqLevel(1,T).1 = <* 0 *>
    let T be full Tree;
    thus FinSeqLevel(1,T).1 = 0*1 by Th15
       .= 1 |-> (0 qua Real) by EUCLID:def 4
       .= <* 0 *> by FINSEQ_2:73;

     for T be full Tree holds
    FinSeqLevel(1,T).2 = <* 1 *>
    let T be full Tree;
    A1: 0*1 = 1 |-> (0 qua Real) by EUCLID:def 4
       .= <* FALSE *> by FINSEQ_2:73,MARGREL1:36;
    thus FinSeqLevel(1,T).2 = FinSeqLevel(1,T).(2 to_power 1) by POWER:30
       .= <* 1 *> by A1,Th16,BINARI_3:15,MARGREL1:36;

     for T be full Tree
   for n,i be non empty Nat st i <= 2 to_power (n+1)
   for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = FinSeqLevel(n,T).((i+1) div 2) holds
    FinSeqLevel(n+1,T).i = F^<*(i+1) mod 2*>
    let T be full Tree;
    let n,i be non empty Nat;
    assume A1: i <= 2 to_power (n+1);
    let F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A2: F = FinSeqLevel(n,T).((i+1) div 2);
    A3: 1 <= i by RLVECT_1:99;
    then 1 + 1 <= i + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
    then A4: 1 <= (i+1) div 2 by NAT_2:15;
      2 to_power (n+1)
       = (2 to_power n) * (2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
       .= 2 * (2 to_power n) by POWER:30;
    then (i+1) div 2 <= 2 to_power n by A1,NAT_2:27;
    then A5: (i+1) div 2 in Seg (2 to_power n) by A4,FINSEQ_1:3;
    A6: now per cases;
     suppose i-'1 is odd;
      then A7: i-'1 mod 2 = 1 by NAT_2:24;
      then i-'1 + (1+1)*1 mod 2 = 1 by GR_CY_1:1;
      then i-'1 + 1 + 1 mod 2 = 1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
      hence (i+1) mod 2 = (i-'1) mod 2 by A3,A7,AMI_5:4;
     suppose i-'1 is even;
      then A8: i-'1 mod 2 = 0 by NAT_2:23;
      then i-'1 + (1 + 1)*1 mod 2 = 0 by GR_CY_1:1;
      then i-'1 + 1 + 1 mod 2 = 0 by XCMPLX_1:1;
      hence (i+1) mod 2 = (i-'1) mod 2 by A3,A8,AMI_5:4;
      i + 1 >= 1 + 1 by A3,AXIOMS:24;
    then A9: 1 <= (i + 1) div 2 by NAT_2:15;
    A10: (i-'1) div 2 = (i-'1) div 2 + 1 - 1 by XCMPLX_1:26
       .= (i-'1 + (1 + 1)) div 2 - 1 by NAT_2:16
       .= ((i-'1 + 1 + 1) div 2) - 1 by XCMPLX_1:1
       .= ((i + 1) div 2) - 1 by A3,AMI_5:4
       .= ((i + 1) div 2) -' 1 by A9,SCMFSA_7:3;
      i in Seg (2 to_power (n+1)) by A1,A3,FINSEQ_1:3;
    hence FinSeqLevel(n+1,T).i = Rev ((n+1)-BinarySequence (i-'1)) by Th17
       .= Rev (<*(i-'1) mod 2*> ^ (n-BinarySequence ((i-'1) div 2)))
                                                            by BINARI_3:35
       .= (Rev (n-BinarySequence (((i+1) div 2)-'1)))^<*(i+1) mod 2*>
                                                         by A6,A10,FINSEQ_6:28
       .= F^<*(i+1) mod 2*> by A2,A5,Th17;

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