The Mizar article:

Binary Arithmetics. Binary Sequences

Robert Milewski

Received February 24, 1998

Copyright (c) 1998 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: BINARI_3
[ MML identifier index ]


 schemes NAT_1, NAT_2, FINSEQ_2, BINARITH;

begin :: Binary Arithmetics

  theorem Th1:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN holds
    Absval F < 2 to_power n
   proof defpred _P[non empty Nat] means
      for F be Tuple of $1,BOOLEAN holds Absval F < 2 to_power $1;
    A1: _P[1] proof
     let F be Tuple of 1,BOOLEAN;
     consider d be Element of BOOLEAN such that
      A2: F = <*d*> by FINSEQ_2:117;
       d = TRUE or d = FALSE by MARGREL1:39;
     then Absval F = 1 or Absval F = 0 by A2,BINARITH:41,42;
     then Absval F < 2;
     hence Absval F < 2 to_power 1 by POWER:30;
    A3: for n be non empty Nat st _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof
     let n be non empty Nat;
     assume A4: _P[n];
     let F be Tuple of n+1,BOOLEAN;
     consider T be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN,
              d be Element of BOOLEAN such that
      A5: F = T^<*d*> by FINSEQ_2:137;
     A6: Absval F = Absval T + IFEQ(d,FALSE,0,2 to_power n) by A5,BINARITH:46;
       n < n+1 by NAT_1:38;
     then A7: 2 to_power n < 2 to_power (n+1) by POWER:44;
A8:  Absval T < 2 to_power n by A4;
     per cases by MARGREL1:39;
      suppose d = FALSE;
       then Absval F = Absval T + 0 by A6,CQC_LANG:def 1;
       then Absval F < 2 to_power n by A4;
       then Absval F + 2 to_power n < 2 to_power n + 2 to_power (n+1)
                                                             by A7,REAL_1:67;
       hence thesis by AXIOMS:24;
      suppose d = TRUE;
       then Absval F = Absval T + 2 to_power n by A6,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38
       then Absval F < 2 to_power n + 2 to_power n by A8,REAL_1:53;
       then Absval F < 2 to_power n * 2 by XCMPLX_1:11;
       then Absval F < 2 to_power n * 2 to_power 1 by POWER:30;
       hence thesis by POWER:32;
    thus for n being non empty Nat holds _P[n] from Ind_from_1(A1,A3);

  theorem Th2:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for F1,F2 be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st Absval F1 = Absval F2 holds
    F1 = F2
   proof defpred _P[non empty Nat] means
      for F1,F2 be Tuple of $1,BOOLEAN st Absval F1 = Absval F2 holds F1 = F2;
    A1: _P[1] proof let F1,F2 be Tuple of 1,BOOLEAN;
     consider d1 be Element of BOOLEAN such that
      A2: F1 = <*d1*> by FINSEQ_2:117;
     consider d2 be Element of BOOLEAN such that
      A3: F2 = <*d2*> by FINSEQ_2:117;
     assume A4: Absval F1 = Absval F2;
     assume A5: F1 <> F2;
     per cases by MARGREL1:39;
      suppose A6: d1 = FALSE;
       then d2 = TRUE by A2,A3,A5,MARGREL1:39;
       then Absval F1 = 0 & Absval F2 = 1 by A2,A3,A6,BINARITH:41,42;
       hence contradiction by A4;
      suppose A7: d1 = TRUE;
       then d2 = FALSE by A2,A3,A5,MARGREL1:39;
       then Absval F1 = 1 & Absval F2 = 0 by A2,A3,A7,BINARITH:41,42;
       hence contradiction by A4;
    A8: for k be non empty Nat st _P[k] holds _P[k+1]    proof
     let k be non empty Nat;
     assume A9: for F1,F2 be Tuple of k,BOOLEAN st
      Absval F1 = Absval F2 holds F1 = F2;
     let F1,F2 be Tuple of k+1,BOOLEAN;
     consider T1 be Tuple of k,BOOLEAN,
              d1 be Element of BOOLEAN such that
      A10: F1 = T1^<*d1*> by FINSEQ_2:137;
     consider T2 be Tuple of k,BOOLEAN,
              d2 be Element of BOOLEAN such that
      A11: F2 = T2^<*d2*> by FINSEQ_2:137;
     assume A12: Absval F1 = Absval F2;
     A13: Absval T1 + IFEQ(d1,FALSE,0 qua Real,2 to_power k) = Absval F1
                                                            by A10,BINARITH:46
        .= Absval T2 + IFEQ(d2,FALSE,0,2 to_power k) by A11,A12,BINARITH:46;
     A14: d1 = d2
      assume A15: d1 <> d2;
      per cases by MARGREL1:39;
       suppose A16: d1 = FALSE;
        then A17: IFEQ(d2,FALSE,0 qua Real,2 to_power k) = 2 to_power k
                                                           by A15,CQC_LANG:def
          IFEQ(d1,FALSE,0 qua Real,2 to_power k) = 0 by A16,CQC_LANG:def 1;
        then Absval T1 >= 2 to_power k by A13,A17,NAT_1:29;
        hence contradiction by Th1;
       suppose A18: d1 = TRUE;
        then d2 = FALSE by A15,MARGREL1:39;
        then A19: IFEQ(d2,FALSE,0 qua Real,2 to_power k) = 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
          IFEQ(d1,FALSE,0 qua Real,2 to_power k) = 2 to_power k by A18,CQC_LANG
:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
        then Absval T2 >= 2 to_power k by A13,A19,NAT_1:29;
        hence contradiction by Th1;
     then Absval T1 = Absval T2 by A13,XCMPLX_1:2;
     hence F1 = F2 by A9,A10,A11,A14;
    thus for n being non empty Nat holds _P[n] from Ind_from_1(A1,A8);

     for t1,t2 be FinSequence st Rev t1 = Rev t2 holds t1 = t2
    let t1,t2 be FinSequence;
    assume A1: Rev t1 = Rev t2;
    thus t1 = Rev Rev t1 by FINSEQ_6:29
           .= t2 by A1,FINSEQ_6:29;

  theorem Th4:
   for n be Nat holds
    0*(n + 1) = 0*n ^ <* 0 *>
    let n be Nat;
    thus 0*(n+1) = (n+1) |-> (0 qua Real) by EUCLID:def 4
       .= (n |-> (0 qua Real)) ^ <* 0 *> by FINSEQ_2:74
       .= 0*n ^ <* 0 *> by EUCLID:def 4;

  theorem Th5:
   for n be Nat holds
    0*n in BOOLEAN*
    let n be Nat;
      n |-> 0 is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_2:77,MARGREL1:def 13;
    then 0*n is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by EUCLID:def 4;
    hence 0*n in BOOLEAN* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;

  theorem Th6:
   for n be Nat
   for y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st y = 0*n holds
    'not' y = n |-> 1
    let n be Nat;
    let y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A1: y = 0*n;
    A2: len 'not' y = n by FINSEQ_2:109
       .= len (n |-> 1) by FINSEQ_2:69;
      now let i be Nat;
     assume that
      A3: 1 <= i and
      A4: i <= len 'not' y;
     A5: len 'not' y = n & len y = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     then A6: i in Seg n by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:3;
     A7: y.i = (n |-> (0 qua Real)).i by A1,EUCLID:def 4
        .= FALSE by A6,FINSEQ_2:70,MARGREL1:36;
     thus 'not' y.i = ('not' y)/.i by A3,A4,FINSEQ_4:24
        .= 'not' (y/.i) by A6,BINARITH:def 4
        .= 'not' FALSE by A3,A4,A5,A7,FINSEQ_4:24
        .= 1 by MARGREL1:36,41
        .= (n |-> 1).i by A6,FINSEQ_2:70;
    hence thesis by A2,FINSEQ_1:18;

  theorem Th7:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = 0*n holds Absval F = 0
   proof defpred _P[Nat] means
         for F be Tuple of $1,BOOLEAN st F = 0*$1 holds Absval F = 0;
    A1: _P[1] proof
     let F be Tuple of 1,BOOLEAN;
     assume F = 0*1;
     then F = 1 |-> (0 qua Real) by EUCLID:def 4
           .= <*FALSE*> by FINSEQ_2:73,MARGREL1:36;
     hence Absval F = 0 by BINARITH:41;
    A2: for n be non empty Nat st _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof
     let n be non empty Nat;
     assume A3: for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = 0*n holds Absval F = 0;
     let F be Tuple of n+1,BOOLEAN;
       0*n in BOOLEAN* by Th5;
     then A4: 0*n is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       len (0*n) = n by JORDAN2B:8;
     then reconsider F1 = 0*n as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A4,FINSEQ_2:110;
     assume F = 0*(n+1);
     hence Absval F = Absval(F1 ^ <*FALSE*>) by Th4,MARGREL1:36
        .= Absval(F1) + IFEQ(FALSE,FALSE,0,2 to_power n) by BINARITH:46
        .= 0 + IFEQ(FALSE,FALSE,0,2 to_power n) by A3
        .= 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
    thus for n being non empty Nat holds _P[n] from Ind_from_1(A1,A2);

     for n be non empty Nat
   for F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st F = 0*n holds
    Absval 'not' F = 2 to_power n - 1
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let F be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A1: F = 0*n;
    thus Absval 'not' F = - Absval F + 2 to_power n - 1 by BINARI_2:15
       .= - 0 + 2 to_power n - 1 by A1,Th7
       .= 2 to_power n - 1;

     for n be Nat holds Rev (0*n) = 0*n
    let n be Nat;
    A1: dom Rev (0*n) = Seg len Rev (0*n) by FINSEQ_1:def 3
       .= Seg len 0*n by FINSEQ_5:def 3
       .= dom 0*n by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      now let k be Nat;
     assume A2: k in dom 0*n;
     then k in Seg len 0*n by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then A3: k in Seg n by EUCLID:2;
     then n - k + 1 in Seg n by FINSEQ_5:2;
     then A4: len 0*n - k + 1 in Seg n by EUCLID:2;
     thus (Rev 0*n).k = (0*n).(len 0*n - k + 1) by A2,FINSEQ_5:61
        .= (n |-> (0 qua Real)).(len 0*n - k + 1) by EUCLID:def 4
        .= 0 by A4,FINSEQ_2:70
        .= (n |-> (0 qua Real)).k by A3,FINSEQ_2:70
        .= (0*n).k by EUCLID:def 4;
    hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:17;

     for n be Nat
   for y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st y = 0*n holds
    Rev 'not' y = 'not' y
    let n be Nat;
    let y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A1: y = 0*n;
    A2: dom Rev 'not' y = Seg len Rev 'not' y by FINSEQ_1:def 3
       .= Seg len 'not' y by FINSEQ_5:def 3
       .= dom 'not' y by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      now let k be Nat;
     assume A3: k in dom 'not' y;
     then k in Seg len 'not' y by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then A4: k in Seg n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     then n - k + 1 in Seg n by FINSEQ_5:2;
     then A5: len 'not' y - k + 1 in Seg n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     thus (Rev 'not' y).k = 'not' y.(len 'not' y - k + 1) by A3,FINSEQ_5:61
        .= (n |-> 1).(len 'not' y - k + 1) by A1,Th6
        .= 1 by A5,FINSEQ_2:70
        .= (n |-> 1).k by A4,FINSEQ_2:70
        .= 'not' y.k by A1,Th6;
    hence thesis by A2,FINSEQ_1:17;

  theorem Th11:
   Bin1 1 = <*TRUE*>
    consider d be Element of BOOLEAN such that
     A1: Bin1 1 = <*d*> by FINSEQ_2:117;
      1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
    then (Bin1 1)/.1 = TRUE by BINARI_2:7;
    hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_4:25;

  theorem Th12:
   for n be non empty Nat holds Absval (Bin1 n) = 1
   proof defpred _P[Nat] means Absval (Bin1 $1) = 1;
    A1: _P[1] by Th11,BINARITH:42;
    A2: for n be non empty Nat st _P[n] holds _P[n+1] proof
     let n be non empty Nat;
     assume A3: Absval (Bin1 n) = 1;
     thus Absval (Bin1 (n+1)) = Absval (Bin1 n ^ <*FALSE*>) by BINARI_2:9
        .= Absval Bin1 n + IFEQ(FALSE,FALSE,0,2 to_power n) by BINARITH:46
        .= Absval Bin1 n + 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1
        .= 1 by A3;
    thus for n being non empty Nat holds _P[n] from Ind_from_1(A1,A2);

  theorem Th13:
   for x,y be Element of BOOLEAN holds
    (x 'or' y = TRUE iff x = TRUE or y = TRUE) &
    (x 'or' y = FALSE iff x = FALSE & y = FALSE)
    let x,y be Element of BOOLEAN;
    thus x 'or' y = TRUE implies x = TRUE or y = TRUE
     assume x 'or' y = TRUE;
     then 'not' x '&' 'not' y = 'not' TRUE by BINARITH:10;
     then 'not' x '&' 'not' y = FALSE by MARGREL1:41;
     then 'not' x = FALSE or 'not' y = FALSE by MARGREL1:45;
     hence x = TRUE or y = TRUE by MARGREL1:41;
    thus x = TRUE or y = TRUE implies x 'or' y = TRUE by BINARITH:19;
    thus x 'or' y = FALSE implies x = FALSE & y = FALSE
     assume x 'or' y = FALSE;
     then 'not' x '&' 'not' y = 'not' FALSE by BINARITH:10;
     then 'not' x '&' 'not' y = TRUE by MARGREL1:41;
     then 'not' x = TRUE & 'not' y = TRUE by MARGREL1:45;
     hence x = FALSE & y = FALSE by MARGREL1:41;
    thus thesis by BINARITH:7;

  theorem Th14:
   for x,y be Element of BOOLEAN holds
    add_ovfl(<*x*>,<*y*>) = TRUE iff x = TRUE & y = TRUE
    let x,y be Element of BOOLEAN;
    thus add_ovfl(<*x*>,<*y*>) = TRUE implies x = TRUE & y = TRUE
     assume add_ovfl(<*x*>,<*y*>) = TRUE;
     then (<*x*>/.1) '&' (<*y*>/.1) 'or'
          (<*x*>/.1) '&' ((carry(<*x*>,<*y*>))/.1) 'or'
          (<*y*>/.1) '&' ((carry(<*x*>,<*y*>))/.1) = TRUE by BINARITH:def 9;
     then A1: (<*x*>/.1) '&' (<*y*>/.1) 'or'
              (<*x*>/.1) '&' ((carry(<*x*>,<*y*>))/.1) = TRUE or
              (<*y*>/.1) '&' ((carry(<*x*>,<*y*>))/.1) = TRUE by Th13;
       now per cases by A1,Th13;
      suppose (<*x*>/.1) '&' (<*y*>/.1) = TRUE;
       then (<*x*>/.1) = TRUE & (<*y*>/.1) = TRUE by MARGREL1:45;
       hence x = TRUE & y = TRUE by FINSEQ_4:25;
      suppose (<*x*>/.1) '&' ((carry(<*x*>,<*y*>))/.1) = TRUE;
       then (carry(<*x*>,<*y*>))/.1 = TRUE by MARGREL1:45;
       hence x = TRUE & y = TRUE by BINARITH:def 5,MARGREL1:38;
      suppose (<*y*>/.1) '&' ((carry(<*x*>,<*y*>))/.1) = TRUE;
       then (carry(<*x*>,<*y*>))/.1 = TRUE by MARGREL1:45;
       hence x = TRUE & y = TRUE by BINARITH:def 5,MARGREL1:38;
     hence x = TRUE & y = TRUE;
    assume that
     A2: x = TRUE and
     A3: y = TRUE;
      <*TRUE*>/.1 = TRUE by FINSEQ_4:25;
    then (<*TRUE*>/.1) '&' (<*TRUE*>/.1) = TRUE by MARGREL1:45;
    then A4: (<*TRUE*>/.1) '&' (<*TRUE*>/.1) 'or'
    (<*TRUE*>/.1) '&' ((carry(<*TRUE*>,<*TRUE*>))/.1) = TRUE by BINARITH:19;
    thus add_ovfl(<*x*>,<*y*>) = (<*TRUE*>/.1) '&' (<*TRUE*>/.1) 'or'
           (<*TRUE*>/.1) '&' ((carry(<*TRUE*>,<*TRUE*>))/.1) 'or'
           (<*TRUE*>/.1) '&' (((carry(<*TRUE*>,<*TRUE*>))/.1))
                                                     by A2,A3,BINARITH:def 9
       .= TRUE by A4,BINARITH:19;

  theorem Th15:
   'not' <*FALSE*> = <*TRUE*>
      now let i be Nat;
     assume A1: i in Seg 1;
     then A2: i = 1 by FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
       len <*FALSE*> = 1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
     then A3: (<*FALSE*>/.i) = <*FALSE*>.1 by A2,FINSEQ_4:24;
       len 'not' <*FALSE*> = 1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
     hence 'not' <*FALSE*>.i = ('not' <*FALSE*>)/.i by A2,FINSEQ_4:24
        .= 'not' (<*FALSE*>/.i) by A1,BINARITH:def 4
        .= 'not' FALSE by A3,FINSEQ_1:57
        .= TRUE by MARGREL1:41
        .= <*TRUE*>.i by A2,FINSEQ_1:57;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

     'not' <*TRUE*> = <*FALSE*>
      now let i be Nat;
     assume A1: i in Seg 1;
     then A2: i = 1 by FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
       len <*TRUE*> = 1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
     then A3: (<*TRUE*>/.i) = <*TRUE*>.1 by A2,FINSEQ_4:24;
       len 'not' <*TRUE*> = 1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
     hence 'not' <*TRUE*>.i = ('not' <*TRUE*>)/.i by A2,FINSEQ_4:24
        .= 'not' (<*TRUE*>/.i) by A1,BINARITH:def 4
        .= 'not' TRUE by A3,FINSEQ_1:57
        .= FALSE by MARGREL1:41
        .= <*FALSE*>.i by A2,FINSEQ_1:57;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

     <*FALSE*> + <*FALSE*> = <*FALSE*>
      add_ovfl(<*FALSE*>,<*FALSE*>) <> TRUE by Th14,MARGREL1:38;
    then add_ovfl(<*FALSE*>,<*FALSE*>) = FALSE by MARGREL1:39;
    then <*FALSE*>,<*FALSE*> are_summable by BINARITH:def 10;
    then Absval(<*FALSE*> + <*FALSE*>) = Absval <*FALSE*> + Absval <*FALSE*>
                                                              by BINARITH:48
       .= Absval <*FALSE*> + 0 by BINARITH:41
       .= Absval <*FALSE*>;
    hence thesis by Th2;

  theorem Th18:
   <*FALSE*> + <*TRUE*> = <*TRUE*> & <*TRUE*> + <*FALSE*> = <*TRUE*>
      add_ovfl(<*FALSE*>,<*TRUE*>) <> TRUE by Th14,MARGREL1:38;
    then add_ovfl(<*FALSE*>,<*TRUE*>) = FALSE by MARGREL1:39;
    then <*FALSE*>,<*TRUE*> are_summable by BINARITH:def 10;
    then Absval(<*FALSE*> + <*TRUE*>) = Absval <*FALSE*> + Absval <*TRUE*>
                                                               by BINARITH:48
       .= Absval <*FALSE*> + 1 by BINARITH:42
       .= 0 + 1 by BINARITH:41
       .= Absval <*TRUE*> by BINARITH:42;
    hence <*FALSE*> + <*TRUE*> = <*TRUE*> by Th2;
      add_ovfl(<*TRUE*>,<*FALSE*>) <> TRUE by Th14,MARGREL1:38;
    then add_ovfl(<*TRUE*>,<*FALSE*>) = FALSE by MARGREL1:39;
    then <*TRUE*>,<*FALSE*> are_summable by BINARITH:def 10;
    then Absval(<*TRUE*> + <*FALSE*>) = Absval <*TRUE*> + Absval <*FALSE*>
                                                               by BINARITH:48
       .= Absval <*TRUE*> + 0 by BINARITH:41
       .= Absval <*TRUE*>;
    hence thesis by Th2;

     <*TRUE*> + <*TRUE*> = <*FALSE*>
    A1: add_ovfl(<*TRUE*>,<*TRUE*>) = TRUE by Th14;
      Absval(<*TRUE*> + <*TRUE*>) =
          Absval(<*TRUE*> + <*TRUE*>) + 2 - 2 by XCMPLX_1:26
       .= Absval(<*TRUE*> + <*TRUE*>) + 2 to_power 1 - 2 by POWER:30
       .= Absval(<*TRUE*> + <*TRUE*>) + IFEQ(add_ovfl(<*TRUE*>,<*TRUE*>),
                     FALSE,0,2 to_power (1)) - 2 by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:
       .= Absval <*TRUE*> + Absval <*TRUE*> - 2 by BINARITH:47
       .= Absval <*TRUE*> + 1 - 2 by BINARITH:42
       .= 1 + 1 - 2 by BINARITH:42
       .= Absval <*FALSE*> by BINARITH:41;
    hence thesis by Th2;

  theorem Th20:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for x,y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st
    x/.n = TRUE & (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE holds
     for k be non empty Nat st k <> 1 & k <= n holds
      x/.k = TRUE & (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.k = TRUE
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let x,y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume that
     A1: x/.n = TRUE and
     A2: (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE;
    let k be non empty Nat;
    A3: 1 <= n by RLVECT_1:99;
    assume that
     A4: k <> 1 and
     A5: k <= n;
      defpred _P[Nat] means  ($1 in Seg (n -' 1) implies
      x/.(n -' $1 + 1) = TRUE & (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(n -' $1 + 1) = TRUE);
    A6: _P[1] by A1,A2,A3,AMI_5:4;
    A7: for j be non empty Nat st _P[j] holds  _P[j+1] proof
     let j be non empty Nat;
     assume that
      A8: _P[j] and
      A9: j + 1 in Seg (n -' 1);
     A10: 1 <= j + 1 & j + 1 <= n -' 1 by A9,FINSEQ_1:3;
     A11: 1 <= j by RLVECT_1:99;
     A12: j < n -' 1 by A10,NAT_1:38;
     then j < n - 1 by A3,SCMFSA_7:3;
     then j + 1 < n by REAL_1:86;
     then A13: j < n by NAT_1:38;
     A14: n -' j < n by NAT_2:11;
       j + 1 <= n - 1 by A3,A10,SCMFSA_7:3;
     then 1 <= n - 1 - j by REAL_1:84;
     then 1 <= n - j - 1 by XCMPLX_1:21;
     then 1 + 1 <= n - j by REAL_1:84;
     then 1 + 1 <= n -' j by A13,SCMFSA_7:3;
     then A15: n -' j > 1 by NAT_1:38;
     then n -' j in Seg n by A14,FINSEQ_1:3;
     then (Bin1 n)/.(n -' j) = FALSE by A15,BINARI_2:8;
     then A16: (x/.(n -' j)) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.(n -' j)) = FALSE &
      ((Bin1 n)/.(n -' j)) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(n -' j)) = FALSE
        by MARGREL1:45;
       TRUE = (x/.(n -' j)) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.(n -' j)) 'or'
             (x/.(n -' j)) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(n -' j)) 'or'
             ((Bin1 n)/.(n -' j)) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(n -' j))
                            by A8,A11,A12,A14,A15,BINARITH:def 5,FINSEQ_1:3
        .= (x/.(n -' j)) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.(n -' j)) 'or'
           (x/.(n -' j)) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(n -' j)) by A16,BINARITH:7
        .= (x/.(n -' j)) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(n -' j)) by A16,BINARITH:7;
     then A17: x/.(n -' j) = TRUE & (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(n -' j) = TRUE
                                                              by MARGREL1:45;
     hence x/.(n -' (j+1) + 1) = TRUE by A13,NAT_2:9;
     thus (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(n -' (j+1) + 1) = TRUE by A13,A17,NAT_2:9;
    A18: for j be non empty Nat holds _P[j] from Ind_from_1(A6,A7);
    set i = n -' k + 1;
    A19: 1 <= i by NAT_1:29;
    A20: i = n - k + 1 by A5,SCMFSA_7:3
     .= n - (k - 1) by XCMPLX_1:37;
      1 < k by A4,NAT_2:21;
    then 1 + 1 <= k by NAT_1:38;
    then 1 <= k - 1 by REAL_1:84;
    then A21: i <= n - 1 by A20,REAL_1:92;
    then A22: i <= n -' 1 by A3,SCMFSA_7:3;
      i + 1 <= n by A21,REAL_1:84;
    then i < n by NAT_1:38;
    then A23: k = n -' i + 1 by A5,NAT_2:7;
      i in Seg (n -' 1) by A19,A22,FINSEQ_1:3;
    hence thesis by A18,A23;

  theorem Th21:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for x be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st
    x/.n = TRUE & (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE holds
     carry(x,Bin1 n) = 'not' Bin1 n
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let x be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume that
     A1: x/.n = TRUE and
     A2: (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE;
       now let i be Nat;
      assume A3: i in Seg n;
      then A4: 1 <= i & i <= n by FINSEQ_1:3;
      A5: len carry(x,Bin1 n) = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
      A6: len 'not' Bin1 n = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
      per cases;
       suppose A7: i = 1;
        thus carry(x,Bin1 n).i = (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.i by A4,A5,FINSEQ_4:24
           .= FALSE by A7,BINARITH:def 5
           .= 'not' TRUE by MARGREL1:41
           .= 'not' ((Bin1 n)/.i) by A3,A7,BINARI_2:7
           .= ('not' Bin1 n)/.i by A3,BINARITH:def 4
           .= ('not' Bin1 n).i by A4,A6,FINSEQ_4:24;
       suppose A8: i <> 1;
        A9: i is non empty by A3,BINARITH:5;
        thus carry(x,Bin1 n).i = (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.i by A4,A5,FINSEQ_4:24
           .= TRUE by A1,A2,A4,A8,A9,Th20
           .= 'not' FALSE by MARGREL1:41
           .= 'not' ((Bin1 n)/.i) by A3,A8,BINARI_2:8
           .= ('not' Bin1 n)/.i by A3,BINARITH:def 4
           .= ('not' Bin1 n).i by A4,A6,FINSEQ_4:24;
     hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

  theorem Th22:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for x,y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st
    y = 0*n & x/.n = TRUE & (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE holds
     x = 'not' y
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let x,y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume that
     A1: y = 0*n and
     A2: x/.n = TRUE and
     A3: (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE;
     A4: len x = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     A5: len y = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     A6: len 'not' y = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     A7: len carry(x,Bin1 n) = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
       now let i be Nat;
      assume A8: i in Seg n;
      then A9: 1 <= i & i <= n by FINSEQ_1:3;
      A10: y.i = (n |-> (0 qua Real)).i by A1,EUCLID:def 4
              .= FALSE by A8,FINSEQ_2:70,MARGREL1:36;
        now per cases;
       suppose A11: i = 1;
        A12: n >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99;
          now per cases by A12,REAL_1:def 5;
         suppose n = 1;
          hence x .i = 'not' y.i by A3,BINARITH:def 5,MARGREL1:38;
         suppose A13: n > 1;
          then A14: (1+1) <= n by NAT_1:38;
          then A15: 2 in Seg n by FINSEQ_1:3;
          A16: len 'not' Bin1 n = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
            (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.i = FALSE by A11,BINARITH:def 5;
          then A17: (x/.i) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.i) = FALSE &
           ((Bin1 n)/.i) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.i) = FALSE by MARGREL1:45;
            carry(x,Bin1 n).(i+1) = ('not' Bin1 n).2 by A2,A3,A11,Th21
             .= ('not' Bin1 n)/.2 by A14,A16,FINSEQ_4:24
             .= 'not' ((Bin1 n)/.2) by A15,BINARITH:def 4
             .= 'not' FALSE by A15,BINARI_2:8
             .= TRUE by MARGREL1:41;
       then A18: TRUE = (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.(i+1) by A7,A11,A14,FINSEQ_4:24
             .= (x/.i) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.i) 'or'
                (x/.i) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.i) 'or'
                ((Bin1 n)/.i) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.i)
                                                  by A11,A13,BINARITH:def 5
             .= (x/.i) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.i) 'or'
                (x/.i) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.i) by A17,BINARITH:7
             .= (x/.i) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.i) by A17,BINARITH:7;
          thus x .i = x/.i by A4,A9,FINSEQ_4:24
             .= TRUE by A18,MARGREL1:45
             .= 'not' FALSE by MARGREL1:41
             .= 'not' (y/.i) by A5,A9,A10,FINSEQ_4:24
             .= ('not' y)/.i by A8,BINARITH:def 4
             .= 'not' y.i by A6,A9,FINSEQ_4:24;
        hence x .i = 'not' y.i;
       suppose A19: i <> 1;
        A20: i is non empty by A8,BINARITH:5;
        thus x .i = x/.i by A4,A9,FINSEQ_4:24
           .= TRUE by A2,A3,A9,A19,A20,Th20
           .= 'not' FALSE by MARGREL1:41
           .= 'not' (y/.i) by A5,A9,A10,FINSEQ_4:24
           .= ('not' y)/.i by A8,BINARITH:def 4
           .= 'not' y.i by A6,A9,FINSEQ_4:24;
      hence x .i = 'not' y.i;
     hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

  theorem Th23:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st y = 0*n holds
    carry('not' y,Bin1 n) = 'not' Bin1 n
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A1: y = 0*n;
    A2: n in Seg n by FINSEQ_1:5;
    A3: n >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99;
    A4: y.n = (n |-> (0 qua Real)).n by A1,EUCLID:def 4
       .= 0 by A2,FINSEQ_2:70;
    A5: len y = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    A6: ('not' y)/.n = 'not' (y/.n) by A2,BINARITH:def 4
       .= 'not' FALSE by A3,A4,A5,FINSEQ_4:24,MARGREL1:36
       .= TRUE by MARGREL1:41;
    per cases;
     suppose A7: n = 1;
        now let i be Nat;
       assume A8: i in Seg n;
       then A9: i = 1 by A7,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
       A10: len 'not' Bin1 n = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
         len carry('not' y,Bin1 n) = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
       hence carry('not' y,Bin1 n).i = (carry('not'
y,Bin1 n))/.i by A7,A9,FINSEQ_4:24
          .= FALSE by A9,BINARITH:def 5
          .= 'not' TRUE by MARGREL1:41
          .= 'not' ((Bin1 n)/.i) by A8,A9,BINARI_2:7
          .= ('not' Bin1 n)/.i by A8,BINARITH:def 4
          .= ('not' Bin1 n).i by A7,A9,A10,FINSEQ_4:24;
      hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;
     suppose n <> 1;
      then A11: n is non trivial by NAT_2:def 1;
      defpred _P[Nat] means $1 <= n implies (carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.$1 = TRUE;
      A12: _P[2] proof
       assume 2 <= n;
       then 1 + 1 <= n;
       then A13: 1 < n by NAT_1:38;
       then A14: 1 in Seg n by FINSEQ_1:3;
       then A15: (Bin1 n)/.1 = TRUE by BINARI_2:7;
       A16: y.1 = (n |-> (0 qua Real)).1 by A1,EUCLID:def 4
               .= FALSE by A14,FINSEQ_2:70,MARGREL1:36;
         ('not' y)/.1 = 'not' (y/.1) by A14,BINARITH:def 4
          .= 'not' FALSE by A5,A13,A16,FINSEQ_4:24
          .= TRUE by MARGREL1:41;
       then (('not' y)/.1) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.1) = TRUE by A15,MARGREL1:45;
       then A17: (('not' y)/.1) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.1) 'or'
       (('not' y)/.1) '&' ((carry('not'
y,Bin1 n))/.1) = TRUE by BINARITH:19;
       thus (carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.2 = (carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.(1 + 1)
          .= (('not' y)/.1) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.1) 'or'
             (('not' y)/.1) '&' ((carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.1) 'or'
             ((Bin1 n)/.1) '&' (
(carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.1) by A13,BINARITH:def 5
          .= TRUE by A17,BINARITH:19;
      A18: for i be non trivial Nat st _P[i] holds _P[i+1] proof
       let i be non trivial Nat;
       assume that
        A19: i <= n implies (carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.i = TRUE and
        A20: i + 1 <= n;
       A21: 1 <= i by RLVECT_1:99;
       A22: i < n by A20,NAT_1:38;
       then A23: i in Seg n by A21,FINSEQ_1:3;
       A24: y.i = (n |-> (0 qua Real)).i by A1,EUCLID:def 4
               .= FALSE by A23,FINSEQ_2:70,MARGREL1:36;
       A25: ('not' y)/.i = 'not' (y/.i) by A23,BINARITH:def 4
          .= 'not' FALSE by A5,A21,A22,A24,FINSEQ_4:24
          .= TRUE by MARGREL1:41;
         i <> 1 by NAT_2:def 1;
       then ((Bin1 n)/.i) = FALSE by A23,BINARI_2:8;
       then A26: (('not' y)/.i) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.i) = FALSE &
        ((Bin1 n)/.i) '&' ((carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.i) = FALSE by MARGREL1:45;
       thus (carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.(i + 1) =
             (('not' y)/.i) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.i) 'or'
             (('not' y)/.i) '&' ((carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.i) 'or'
             ((Bin1 n)/.i) '&' ((carry('not'
y,Bin1 n)/.i)) by A21,A22,BINARITH:def 5
          .= (('not' y)/.i) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.i) 'or'
          (('not' y)/.i) '&' ((carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.i) by A26,BINARITH:7
       .= (('not' y)/.i) '&' ((carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.i) by A26,BINARITH:7
       .= TRUE by A19,A20,A25,MARGREL1:45,NAT_1:38;
        for i be non trivial Nat holds _P[i] from Ind_from_2(A12,A18);
      then (carry('not' y,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE by A11;
      hence thesis by A6,Th21;

  theorem Th24:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for x,y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st y = 0*n holds
    add_ovfl(x,Bin1 n) = TRUE iff x = 'not' y
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let x,y be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A1: y = 0*n;
    A2: n in Seg n by FINSEQ_1:5;
    A3: 1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
    thus add_ovfl(x,Bin1 n) = TRUE implies x = 'not' y
     assume A4: add_ovfl(x,Bin1 n) = TRUE;
     then A5: (x/.n) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.n) 'or' (x/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n)
      'or' ((Bin1 n)/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n) = TRUE by BINARITH:def 9;
     per cases;
      suppose A6: n <> 1;
         now per cases by A5,Th13;
        suppose A7: (x/.n) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.n) 'or'
                    (x/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n) = TRUE;
           now per cases by A7,Th13;
          suppose (x/.n) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.n) = TRUE;
           then A8: (x/.n) = TRUE & ((Bin1 n)/.n) = TRUE by MARGREL1:45;
           assume x <> 'not' y;
           thus contradiction by A2,A6,A8,BINARI_2:8,MARGREL1:38;
          suppose (x/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n) = TRUE;
           then (x/.n) = TRUE & (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE by MARGREL1:45;
           hence x = 'not' y by A1,Th22;
         hence x = 'not' y;
        suppose ((Bin1 n)/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n) = TRUE;
         then A9: ((Bin1 n)/.n) = TRUE & (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = TRUE
                                                              by MARGREL1:45;
         assume x <> 'not' y;
         thus contradiction by A2,A6,A9,BINARI_2:8,MARGREL1:38;
       hence x = 'not' y;
      suppose A10: n = 1;
       then consider d be Element of BOOLEAN such that
        A11: x = <*d*> by FINSEQ_2:117;
       A12: d = TRUE by A4,A10,A11,Th11,Th14;
         len y = 1 by A10,FINSEQ_2:109;
       then 1 in dom y by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       then A13: (y/.1) = y.1 by FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= (1 |-> (0 qua Real)).1 by A1,A10,EUCLID:def 4
          .= 0 by A3,FINSEQ_2:70;
         now let i be Nat;
        assume i in Seg n;
        then A14: i = 1 by A10,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
        hence x/.i = d by A11,FINSEQ_4:25
           .= 'not' (y/.i) by A12,A13,A14,MARGREL1:36,41;
       hence x = 'not' y by BINARITH:def 4;
    assume A15: x = 'not' y;
    per cases;
     suppose A16: n <> 1;
        len y = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
      then n in dom y by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      then A17: (y/.n) = y.n by FINSEQ_4:def 4
         .= (n |-> (0 qua Real)).n by A1,EUCLID:def 4
         .= 0 by A2,FINSEQ_2:70;
      A18: x/.n = 'not' (y/.n) by A2,A15,BINARITH:def 4
         .= TRUE by A17,MARGREL1:36,41;
        (carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n = ('not' Bin1 n)/.n by A1,A15,Th23
         .= 'not' ((Bin1 n)/.n) by A2,BINARITH:def 4
         .= 'not' FALSE by A2,A16,BINARI_2:8
         .= TRUE by MARGREL1:41;
      then (x/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n) = TRUE by A18,MARGREL1:45;
    then A19: (x/.n) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.n) 'or' (x/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n)
                                                       = TRUE by BINARITH:19;
      thus add_ovfl(x,Bin1 n) = (x/.n) '&' ((Bin1 n)/.n) 'or'
                    (x/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n) 'or'
                    ((Bin1 n)/.n) '&' ((carry(x,Bin1 n))/.n) by BINARITH:def 9
         .= TRUE by A19,BINARITH:19;
     suppose A20: n = 1;
      then consider d be Element of BOOLEAN such that
       A21: x = <*d*> by FINSEQ_2:117;
        len y = 1 by A20,FINSEQ_2:109;
      then 1 in dom y by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      then A22: (y/.1) = y.1 by FINSEQ_4:def 4
         .= (1 |-> (0 qua Real)).1 by A1,A20,EUCLID:def 4
         .= 0 by A3,FINSEQ_2:70;
        d = ('not' y)/.1 by A15,A21,FINSEQ_4:25
       .= 'not' (y/.1) by A3,A20,BINARITH:def 4
       .= TRUE by A22,MARGREL1:36,41;
      hence thesis by A20,A21,Th11,Th14;

  theorem Th25:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for z be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st z = 0*n holds
    'not' z + Bin1 n = z
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let z be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A1: z = 0*n;
    then A2: add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1 n) = TRUE by Th24;
      Absval ('not' z + Bin1 n) =
        Absval ('not' z + Bin1 n) + 2 to_power n - 2 to_power n by XCMPLX_1:26
     .= Absval ('not' z + Bin1 n) + IFEQ(add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1 n),FALSE,
                0,2 to_power (n)) - 2 to_power n by A2,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:
     .= Absval 'not' z + Absval Bin1 n - 2 to_power n by BINARITH:47
     .= - Absval(z) + 2 to_power n - 1 + Absval Bin1 n - 2 to_power n
                                                               by BINARI_2:15
     .= - Absval(z) + 2 to_power n - 1 + 1 - 2 to_power n by Th12
     .= - Absval(z) + 2 to_power n - 2 to_power n by XCMPLX_1:27
     .= - Absval(z) by XCMPLX_1:26
     .= 0 by A1,Th7,REAL_1:26
     .= Absval z by A1,Th7;
    hence thesis by Th2;

begin :: Binary Sequences

   let n,k be Nat;
   func n-BinarySequence k -> Tuple of n,BOOLEAN means :Def1:
    for i be Nat st i in Seg n holds
     it/.i = IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE);
      deffunc _F(Nat) = IFEQ((k div 2 to_power ($1-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE);
    consider p be FinSequence of BOOLEAN such that
     A1: len p = n and
     A2: for i be Nat st i in Seg n holds p.i = _F(i) from SeqLambdaD;
     reconsider p as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A1,FINSEQ_2:110;
     take p;
     let i be Nat;
     assume A3: i in Seg n;
     then i in dom p by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     hence p/.i = p.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4
             .= IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A2,A3;
    let p1,p2 be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN such that
     A4: for i be Nat st i in Seg n holds
      p1/.i = IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) and
     A5: for i be Nat st i in Seg n holds
      p2/.i = IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE);
    A6: len p1 = n & len p2 = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
      now let i be Nat;
    assume A7: i in Seg n;
    then A8: i in dom p1 & i in dom p2 by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    hence p1.i = p1/.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4
             .= IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A4,A7
             .= p2/.i by A5,A7
             .= p2.i by A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    hence p1 = p2 by A6,FINSEQ_2:10;

  theorem Th26:
   for n be Nat holds n-BinarySequence 0 = 0*n
    let n be Nat;
      0*n in BOOLEAN* by Th5;
    then A1: 0*n is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      len (0*n) = n by JORDAN2B:8;
    then reconsider F = 0*n as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A1,FINSEQ_2:110;
      now let i be Nat;
     assume A2: i in Seg n;
       len (n-BinarySequence 0) = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     then i in dom (n-BinarySequence 0) by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     hence (n-BinarySequence 0).i = (n-BinarySequence 0)/.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4
        .= IFEQ((0 div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A2,Def1
        .= IFEQ(0 mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by NAT_2:4
        .= IFEQ(0,0,FALSE,TRUE) by GR_CY_1:6
        .= 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:36
        .= (n |-> (0 qua Real)).i by A2,FINSEQ_2:70
        .= F.i by EUCLID:def 4;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

  theorem Th27:
   for n,k be Nat st k < 2 to_power n holds
    ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).(n+1) = FALSE
    let n,k be Nat;
    assume A1: k < 2 to_power n;
      n+1-'1 = n+1-1 by JORDAN4:2
       .= n by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A2: (k div 2 to_power (n+1-'1)) mod 2 = 0 mod 2 by A1,JORDAN4:5
       .= 0 by GR_CY_1:6;
    A3: n + 1 in Seg (n+1) by FINSEQ_1:6;
    then n + 1 in Seg len ((n+1)-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_2:109;
    then n + 1 in dom ((n+1)-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).(n+1) =
          ((n+1)-BinarySequence k)/.(n+1) by FINSEQ_4:def 4
       .= IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (n+1-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A3,Def1
       .= FALSE by A2,CQC_LANG:def 1;

  theorem Th28:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for k be Nat st k < 2 to_power n holds
    (n+1)-BinarySequence k = (n-BinarySequence k)^<*FALSE*>
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let k be Nat;
    assume A1: k < 2 to_power n;
      now let i be Nat;
     assume A2: i in Seg (n + 1);
     then i in Seg len ((n+1)-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_2:109;
     then A3: i in dom ((n+1)-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       now per cases by A2,FINSEQ_2:8;
      suppose A4: i in Seg n;
       then i in Seg len (n-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_2:109;
       then A5: i in dom (n-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       thus ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).i = ((n+1)-BinarySequence k)/.i
                                                 by A3,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A2,Def1
          .= (n-BinarySequence k)/.i by A4,Def1
          .= (n-BinarySequence k).i by A5,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= ((n-BinarySequence k)^<*FALSE*>).i by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      suppose A6: i = n + 1;
       hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).i = FALSE by A1,Th27
          .= ((n-BinarySequence k)^<*FALSE*>).i by A6,FINSEQ_2:136;
     hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).i = ((n-BinarySequence k)^<*FALSE*>).i;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

  theorem Th29:
   for n be non empty Nat holds
    (n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n = 0*n^<*TRUE*>
    let n be non empty Nat;
      0*n in BOOLEAN* by Th5;
    then A1: 0*n is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      len (0*n) = n by JORDAN2B:8;
    then reconsider 0n = 0*n as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A1,FINSEQ_2:110;
      now let i be Nat;
     assume A2: i in Seg (n+1);
       now per cases by A2,FINSEQ_2:8;
      suppose A3: i in Seg n;
       then i in Seg len 0n by FINSEQ_2:109;
       then A4: i in dom 0n by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       A5: i >= 1 by A3,FINSEQ_1:3;
         i <= n + 1 by A2,FINSEQ_1:3;
       then i - 1 <= n + 1 - 1 by REAL_1:49;
       then i-'1 <= n + 1 - 1 by A5,SCMFSA_7:3;
       then A6: i-'1 <= n by XCMPLX_1:26;
         n >= i by A3,FINSEQ_1:3;
       then n + 1 > i by NAT_1:38;
       then n > i - 1 by REAL_1:84;
       then n - (i - 1) > 0 by SQUARE_1:11;
       then n - (i-'1) > 0 by A5,SCMFSA_7:3;
       then n-'(i-'1) > 0 by A6,SCMFSA_7:3;
       then consider n1 be Nat such that
        A7: n-'(i-'1) = n1 + 1 by NAT_1:22;
       A8: 2 to_power (n -' (i-'1)) =
        2 to_power n1 * 2 to_power 1 by A7,POWER:32
          .= 2 to_power n1 * 2 by POWER:30;
       A9: 2 to_power (i-'1) > 0 by POWER:39;
         n = n-(i-'1)+(i-'1) by XCMPLX_1:27
        .= n-'(i-'1)+(i-'1) by A6,SCMFSA_7:3;
       then 2 to_power n = 2 to_power (n-'(i-'1)) * 2 to_power (i-'1) by POWER:
       then A10: ((2 to_power n) div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 =
             (2 to_power (n-'(i-'1))) mod 2 by A9,AMI_5:3
          .= 0 by A8,GROUP_4:101;
         i in Seg len ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n) by A2,FINSEQ_2:109;
       then i in dom ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n).i =
             ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n)/.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= IFEQ(((2 to_power n) div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE)
                                                                  by A2,Def1
          .= 0 by A10,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:36
          .= (n |-> (0 qua Real)).i by A3,FINSEQ_2:70
          .= 0n.i by EUCLID:def 4
          .= (0n^<*TRUE*>).i by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      suppose A11: i = n + 1;
         n + 1 in Seg (n+1) by FINSEQ_1:6;
       then n + 1 in Seg len ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n)
                                                             by FINSEQ_2:109;
       then A12: n + 1 in dom ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n)
                                                          by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       A13: 2 to_power n > 0 by POWER:39;
         i-'1 = n+1-1 by A11,JORDAN4:2
          .= n by XCMPLX_1:26;
       then A14: ((2 to_power n) div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 =
             1 mod 2 by A13,NAT_2:5
          .= 1 by GROUP_4:102;
       thus ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n).i =
             ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n)/.i by A11,A12,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= IFEQ(((2 to_power n) div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE)
                                                                  by A2,Def1
          .= TRUE by A14,CQC_LANG:def 1
          .= (0n^<*TRUE*>).i by A11,FINSEQ_2:136;
     hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence 2 to_power n).i = (0n^<*TRUE*>).i;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

  theorem Th30:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for k be Nat st 2 to_power n <= k & k < 2 to_power (n+1) holds
    ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).(n+1) = TRUE
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let k be Nat;
    assume that
     A1: 2 to_power n <= k and
     A2: k < 2 to_power (n+1);
      k < 2 to_power n * 2 to_power 1 by A2,POWER:32;
    then k < 2 * 2 to_power n by POWER:30;
    then A3: k < 2 to_power n + 2 to_power n by XCMPLX_1:11;
      n+1-'1 = n+1-1 by JORDAN4:2
       .= n by XCMPLX_1:26;
    then A4:(k div 2 to_power (n+1-'1)) mod 2 = 1 mod 2 by A1,A3,NAT_2:22
      .= 1 by GR_CY_1:4;
    A5: n + 1 in Seg (n+1) by FINSEQ_1:6;
    then n + 1 in Seg len ((n+1)-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_2:109;
    then n + 1 in dom ((n+1)-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).(n+1) =
          ((n+1)-BinarySequence k)/.(n+1) by FINSEQ_4:def 4
       .= IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (n+1-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A5,Def1
       .= TRUE by A4,CQC_LANG:def 1;

  theorem Th31:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for k be Nat st 2 to_power n <= k & k < 2 to_power (n+1) holds
    (n+1)-BinarySequence k = (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))^<*TRUE*>
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let k be Nat;
    assume that
     A1: 2 to_power n <= k and
     A2: k < 2 to_power (n+1);
      now let i be Nat;
     assume A3: i in Seg (n+1);
     then i in Seg len ((n+1)-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_2:109;
     then A4: i in dom ((n+1)-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       now per cases by A3,FINSEQ_2:8;
      suppose A5: i in Seg n;
       then i in Seg len (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))
                                                             by FINSEQ_2:109;
       then A6: i in dom (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))
                                                          by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         2 to_power (i-'1) > 0 by POWER:39;
       then A7: 0 + 1 <= 2 to_power (i-'1) by NAT_1:38;
       A8: 1 <= i & i <= n by A5,FINSEQ_1:3;
         2 * 2 to_power (i-'1) = 2 to_power (i-'1) * 2 to_power 1 by POWER:30
          .= 2 to_power (i-'1+1) by POWER:32
          .= 2 to_power (i-1+1) by A8,SCMFSA_7:3
          .= 2 to_power i by XCMPLX_1:27;
       then A9: 2 * 2 to_power (i-'1) divides 2 to_power n by A8,NAT_2:13;
       A10: now per cases;
        suppose A11: k div 2 to_power (i-'1) is even;
         then A12: (k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 = 0 by NAT_2:23;
           (k-' 2 to_power n) div 2 to_power (i-'1) is even
                                                     by A1,A7,A9,A11,NAT_2:25;
         hence (k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 =
          ((k -' 2 to_power n) div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 by A12,NAT_2:23;
        suppose A13: k div 2 to_power (i-'1) is odd;
         then A14: (k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 = 1 by NAT_2:24;
           (k -' 2 to_power n) div 2 to_power (i-'1) is odd
                                                     by A1,A7,A9,A13,NAT_2:25;
         hence (k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 =
          ((k -' 2 to_power n) div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 by A14,NAT_2:24;
       thus ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).i = ((n+1)-BinarySequence k)/.i
                                                    by A4,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A3,Def1
          .= (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))/.i by A5,A10,Def1
          .= (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n)).i by A6,FINSEQ_4:def 4
          .= ((n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))^<*TRUE*>).i
                                                       by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      suppose A15: i = n + 1;
       hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).i = TRUE by A1,A2,Th30
          .= ((n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))^<*TRUE*>).i
                                                          by A15,FINSEQ_2:136;
     hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence k).i =
                         ((n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))^<*TRUE*>).i;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

  theorem Th32:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for k be Nat st k < 2 to_power n
   for x be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN st x = 0*n holds
    n-BinarySequence k = 'not' x iff k = 2 to_power n - 1
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let k be Nat;
    assume A1: k < 2 to_power n;
    let x be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
    assume A2: x = 0*n;
    thus n-BinarySequence k = 'not' x implies k = 2 to_power n - 1
     assume A3: n-BinarySequence k = 'not' x;
     defpred _P[Nat] means
     for k be Nat holds
      (k < 2 to_power $1 implies for y be Tuple of $1,BOOLEAN st y = 0*$1 holds
       $1-BinarySequence k = 'not' y implies k = 2 to_power $1 - 1);
     A4: _P[1]  proof   let k be Nat;
      assume A5: k < 2 to_power 1;
      let y be Tuple of 1,BOOLEAN;
      assume y = 0*1;
      then A6: y = 1 |-> (0 qua Real) by EUCLID:def 4
            .= <*FALSE*> by FINSEQ_2:73,MARGREL1:36;
      assume A7: 1-BinarySequence k = 'not' y;
      A8: 1 <= len (1-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_2:109;
      A9: 1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
      A10: k < 2 by A5,POWER:30;
      A11: 1 = <*1*>.1 by FINSEQ_1:57
        .= (1-BinarySequence k)/.1 by A6,A7,A8,Th15,FINSEQ_4:24,MARGREL1:36
        .= IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (1-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A9,Def1;
        k = 1
       assume k <> 1;
       then k = 0 by A10,ALGSEQ_1:4;
       then k < 2 to_power (1-'1) by POWER:39;
       then k div 2 to_power (1-'1) = 0 by JORDAN4:5;
       then (k div 2 to_power (1-'1)) mod 2 = 0 by GR_CY_1:6;
       hence contradiction by A11,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:36;
      hence k = 1 + 1 - 1
         .= 2 to_power 1 - 1 by POWER:30;
     A12: for m be non empty Nat st _P[m] holds _P[m+1] proof
      let m be non empty Nat;
      assume A13: _P[m];
      let k be Nat;
      assume A14: k < 2 to_power (m+1);
      let y be Tuple of m+1,BOOLEAN;
      assume that
       A15: y = 0*(m+1) and
       A16: (m+1)-BinarySequence k = 'not' y;
      A17: len y = m + 1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
      A18: len 'not' y = m + 1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
      A19: m + 1 in Seg (m + 1) by FINSEQ_1:6;
        0 <= m by NAT_1:18;
      then A20: 0 + 1 <= m + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
      A21: y.(m + 1) = ((m + 1) |-> (0 qua Real)).(m + 1) by A15,EUCLID:def 4
         .= FALSE by A19,FINSEQ_2:70,MARGREL1:36;
        ((m+1)-BinarySequence k).(m+1) = ('not' y)/.(m+1)
        by A16,A18,A20,FINSEQ_4:24
         .= 'not' (y/.(m+1)) by A19,BINARITH:def 4
         .= 'not' FALSE by A17,A20,A21,FINSEQ_4:24
         .= TRUE by MARGREL1:41;
      then A22: k >= 2 to_power m by Th27,MARGREL1:38;
      then A23: (m+1)-BinarySequence k =
       (m-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power m))^<*TRUE*> by A14,Th31;
        k < (2 to_power m) * (2 to_power 1) by A14,POWER:32;
      then k < 2 * (2 to_power m) by POWER:30;
      then k < 2 to_power m + 2 to_power m by XCMPLX_1:11;
      then k - 2 to_power m < 2 to_power m by REAL_1:84;
      then A24: k -' 2 to_power m < 2 to_power m by A22,SCMFSA_7:3;
        0*m in BOOLEAN* by Th5;
      then A25: 0*m is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
        len (0*m) = m by JORDAN2B:8;
      then reconsider y1 = 0*m as Tuple of m,BOOLEAN by A25,FINSEQ_2:110;
        y = y1 ^ <* 0 *> by A15,Th4;
      then (m-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power m))^<*TRUE*> = 'not' y1^<*'not'
                                            by A16,A23,BINARI_2:11,MARGREL1:36;
      then m-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power m) = 'not' y1 by FINSEQ_2:20;
      then k -' 2 to_power m = 2 to_power m - 1 by A13,A24;
      then k - 2 to_power m = 2 to_power m - 1 by A22,SCMFSA_7:3;
      hence k = 2 to_power m - 1 + 2 to_power m by XCMPLX_1:27
         .= 2 to_power m + 2 to_power m - 1 by XCMPLX_1:29
         .= (2 to_power m) * 2 - 1 by XCMPLX_1:11
         .= (2 to_power m) * (2 to_power 1) - 1 by POWER:30
         .= 2 to_power (m+1) - 1 by POWER:32;
     for m be non empty Nat holds _P[m] from Ind_from_1(A4,A12);
     hence k = 2 to_power n - 1 by A1,A2,A3;
    assume A26: k = 2 to_power n - 1;
      now let i be Nat;
     assume A27: i in Seg n;
     then i in Seg len (n-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_2:109;
     then A28: i in dom (n-BinarySequence k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     A29: len x = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     A30: len 'not' x = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
     A31: 1 <= i & i <= n by A27,FINSEQ_1:3;
     A32: (x).i = (n |-> (0 qua Real)).i by A2,EUCLID:def 4
            .= FALSE by A27,FINSEQ_2:70,MARGREL1:36;
       2 to_power (i-'1) > 0 by POWER:39;
     then A33: 2 to_power (i-'1) >= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38;
     A34: 1 <= i & i <= n by A27,FINSEQ_1:3;
     then i < n + 1 by NAT_1:38;
     then i - 1 < n + 1 - 1 by REAL_1:54;
     then i - 1 < n by XCMPLX_1:26;
     then A35: 0 + (i-'1) < n by A34,SCMFSA_7:3;
     then A36: 2 to_power (i-'1) divides 2 to_power n by NAT_2:13;
       n - (i-'1) > 0 by A35,REAL_1:86;
     then n-'(i-'1) > 0 by A35,SCMFSA_7:3;
     then A37: 2 to_power (n-'(i-'1)) mod 2 = 0 by NAT_2:19;
     A38: 2 to_power (n-'(i-'1)) > 0 by POWER:39;
     then A39: 2 to_power (n-'(i-'1)) >= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38;
       2 to_power n > 0 by POWER:39;
     then A40: 2 to_power n >= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38;
     then k div 2 to_power (i-'1) = (2 to_power n -' 1) div 2 to_power (i-'1)
                                                             by A26,SCMFSA_7:3
        .= (2 to_power n div 2 to_power (i-'1)) - 1 by A33,A36,A40,NAT_2:17
        .= (2 to_power (n-'(i-'1))) - 1 by A35,NAT_2:18
        .= (2 to_power (n-'(i-'1))) -' 1 by A39,SCMFSA_7:3;
     then A41: (k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2 = 1 by A37,A38,NAT_2:20;
     thus (n-BinarySequence k).i = (n-BinarySequence k)/.i
       by A28,FINSEQ_4:def 4
        .= IFEQ((k div 2 to_power (i-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A27,Def1
        .= TRUE by A41,CQC_LANG:def 1
        .= 'not' FALSE by MARGREL1:41
        .= 'not' (x/.i) by A29,A31,A32,FINSEQ_4:24
        .= ('not' x)/.i by A27,BINARITH:def 4
        .= ('not' x).i by A30,A31,FINSEQ_4:24;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:139;

  theorem Th33:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for k be Nat st k + 1 < 2 to_power n holds
    add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n) = FALSE
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let k be Nat;
    assume A1: k + 1 < 2 to_power n;
    then A2: k < 2 to_power n - 1 by REAL_1:86;
      0*n in BOOLEAN* by Th5;
    then A3: 0*n is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      len (0*n) = n by JORDAN2B:8;
    then reconsider y = 0*n as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A3,FINSEQ_2:110;
      k < 2 to_power n by A1,NAT_1:38;
    then n-BinarySequence k <> 'not' y by A2,Th32;
    then add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n) <> TRUE by Th24;
    hence thesis by MARGREL1:39;

  theorem Th34:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for k be Nat st k + 1 < 2 to_power n holds
    n-BinarySequence (k+1) = n-BinarySequence k + Bin1 n
      defpred _P[non empty Nat] means
      for k be Nat st k + 1 < 2 to_power $1 holds
          $1-BinarySequence (k+1) = $1-BinarySequence k + Bin1 $1;
    A1: _P[1]  proof
     let k be Nat;
     assume A2: k + 1 < 2 to_power 1;
     then k + 1 < 1 + 1 by POWER:30;
     then k < 1 by AXIOMS:24;
     then A3: k = 0 by RLVECT_1:98;
     then A4: k + 1 = 2 - 1
        .= 2 to_power 1 - 1 by POWER:30;
       0*1 in BOOLEAN* by Th5;
     then A5: 0*1 is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       len (0*1) = 1 by JORDAN2B:8;
     then reconsider x = 0*1 as Tuple of 1,BOOLEAN by A5,FINSEQ_2:110;
     A6: 0*1 = 1 |-> (0 qua Real) by EUCLID:def 4
        .= <*FALSE*> by FINSEQ_2:73,MARGREL1:36;
     thus 1-BinarySequence (k+1) = 'not' x by A2,A4,Th32
        .= 1-BinarySequence k + Bin1 1 by A3,A6,Th11,Th15,Th18,Th26;
    A7: for n be non empty Nat st _P[n] holds _P[n+1]  proof
     let n be non empty Nat;
     assume A8: _P[n];
     let k be Nat;
     assume A9: k + 1 < 2 to_power (n+1);
     then A10: k < 2 to_power (n+1) by NAT_1:38;
       now per cases by REAL_1:def 5;
      suppose A11: k + 1 < 2 to_power n;
       then A12: k < 2 to_power n by NAT_1:38;
       A13: add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n) = FALSE by A11,Th33;
       thus (n+1)-BinarySequence (k+1) =
             (n-BinarySequence (k+1))^<*FALSE*> by A11,Th28
          .= (n-BinarySequence k + Bin1 n)^<*FALSE*> by A8,A11
          .= (n-BinarySequence k + Bin1 n)^<*FALSE 'xor'
                      add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n)*> by A13,BINARITH:14
          .= (n-BinarySequence k + Bin1 n)^<*FALSE 'xor' FALSE 'xor'
                         add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n)*> by BINARITH:14
          .= ((n-BinarySequence k)^<*FALSE*>) + (Bin1 n^<*FALSE*>)
                                                               by BINARITH:45
          .= ((n-BinarySequence k)^<*FALSE*>) + Bin1 (n+1) by BINARI_2:9
          .= (n+1)-BinarySequence k + Bin1 (n+1) by A12,Th28;
      suppose A14: k + 1 > 2 to_power n;
       then A15: k >= 2 to_power n by NAT_1:38;
         k + 1 < (2 to_power n) * (2 to_power 1) by A9,POWER:32;
       then k + 1 < (2 to_power n) * 2 by POWER:30;
       then k + 1 < 2 to_power n + 2 to_power n by XCMPLX_1:11;
       then k + 1 - 2 to_power n < 2 to_power n by REAL_1:84;
       then k - 2 to_power n + 1 < 2 to_power n by XCMPLX_1:29;
       then A16: k -' 2 to_power n + 1 < 2 to_power n by A15,SCMFSA_7:3;
       then A17: add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n),Bin1 n) = FALSE
                                                                     by Th33;
       thus (n+1)-BinarySequence (k+1) =
            (n-BinarySequence (k + 1 -' 2 to_power n))^<*TRUE*> by A9,A14,Th31
         .= (n-BinarySequence (k-'2 to_power n + 1))^<*TRUE*> by A15,JORDAN4:3
         .= (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n) + Bin1 n)^<*TRUE*> by A8,A16
         .= (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n) + Bin1 n)^<*TRUE 'xor'
            add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n),Bin1 n)*>
                                                           by A17,BINARITH:14
         .= (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n) + Bin1 n)^<*TRUE 'xor'
           FALSE 'xor' add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n),Bin1 n)*>
                                                               by BINARITH:14
         .= (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))^<*TRUE*> + Bin1 n^<*FALSE*>
                                                               by BINARITH:45
         .= (n-BinarySequence (k -' 2 to_power n))^<*TRUE*> + Bin1 (n+1)
                                                                by BINARI_2:9
         .= (n+1)-BinarySequence k + Bin1 (n+1) by A10,A15,Th31;
      suppose A18: k + 1 = 2 to_power n;
       then A19: k < 2 to_power n by NAT_1:38;
         0*n in BOOLEAN* by Th5;
       then A20: 0*n is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         len (0*n) = n by JORDAN2B:8;
       then reconsider z = 0*n as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A20,FINSEQ_2:110;
       A21: k = 2 to_power n - 1 by A18,XCMPLX_1:26;
       then n-BinarySequence k = 'not' z by A19,Th32;
       then A22: add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n) = TRUE by Th24;
       thus (n+1)-BinarySequence (k+1) = 0*n^<*TRUE*> by A18,Th29
         .= ('not' z + Bin1 n)^<*TRUE*> by Th25
         .= (n-BinarySequence k + Bin1 n)^<*TRUE*> by A19,A21,Th32
         .= (n-BinarySequence k + Bin1 n)^<*FALSE 'xor'
                     add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n)*> by A22,BINARITH:14
         .= (n-BinarySequence k + Bin1 n)^<*FALSE 'xor' FALSE 'xor'
                         add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n)*> by BINARITH:14
         .= (n-BinarySequence k)^<*FALSE*> + Bin1 n^<*FALSE*> by BINARITH:45
         .= (n-BinarySequence k)^<*FALSE*> + Bin1 (n+1) by BINARI_2:9
         .= (n+1)-BinarySequence k + Bin1 (n+1) by A19,Th28;
     hence (n+1)-BinarySequence (k+1) = (n+1)-BinarySequence k + Bin1 (n+1);
    thus for n being non empty Nat holds _P[n] from Ind_from_1(A1,A7);

     for n,i be Nat holds
    (n+1)-BinarySequence i = <*i mod 2*> ^ (n-BinarySequence (i div 2))
    let n,i be Nat;
    A1: len ((n+1)-BinarySequence i) = n + 1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
    A2: len (<*i mod 2*> ^ (n-BinarySequence (i div 2))) =
          1 + len (n-BinarySequence (i div 2)) by FINSEQ_5:8
       .= n + 1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
      now let j be Nat;
     assume A3: j in Seg (n+1);
     then A4: 1 <= j & j <= n + 1 by FINSEQ_1:3;
     A5: len <*i mod 2*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
       now per cases by A4,REAL_1:def 5;
      suppose A6: j > 1;
       then j - 1 > 1 - 1 by REAL_1:54;
       then j-'1 > 0 by A4,SCMFSA_7:3;
       then A7: j-'1 >= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38;
         j - 1 <= n by A4,REAL_1:86;
       then A8: j-'1 <= n by A4,SCMFSA_7:3;
       then A9: j-'1 <= len (n-BinarySequence (i div 2)) by FINSEQ_2:109;
       A10: j-'1 in Seg n by A7,A8,FINSEQ_1:3;
       A11: 2 to_power (j-'1-'1 + 1) =
 (2 to_power (j-'1-'1)) * (2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
          .= 2 * 2 to_power (j-'1-'1) by POWER:30;
       A12: i div 2 to_power (j-'1) = i div 2 to_power (j-'1-'1 + 1)
                                                               by A7,AMI_5:4
          .= (i div 2) div 2 to_power (j-'1-'1) by A11,NAT_2:29;
         j <= len ((n+1)-BinarySequence i) by A4,FINSEQ_2:109;
       hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence i).j = ((n+1)-BinarySequence i)/.j
                                                            by A4,FINSEQ_4:24
          .= IFEQ((i div 2 to_power (j-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A3,Def1
          .= (n-BinarySequence (i div 2))/.(j-'1) by A10,A12,Def1
          .= (n-BinarySequence (i div 2)).(j-'1) by A7,A9,FINSEQ_4:24
          .= (n-BinarySequence (i div 2)).(j - 1) by A4,SCMFSA_7:3
          .= (<*i mod 2*> ^ (n-BinarySequence (i div 2))).j
                                                by A2,A4,A5,A6,FINSEQ_1:37;
      suppose A13: j = 1;
       A14: 2 to_power 0 = 1 by POWER:29;
       A15: now per cases;
        suppose i mod 2 = 0;
         hence IFEQ(i mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) = i mod 2 by CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:
        suppose A16: i mod 2 <> 0;
         hence IFEQ(i mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) = 1 by CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:36
            .= i mod 2 by A16,GROUP_4:100;
       thus ((n+1)-BinarySequence i).j = ((n+1)-BinarySequence i)/.j
                                                         by A1,A4,FINSEQ_4:24
          .= IFEQ((i div 2 to_power (1-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A3,A13,Def1
          .= IFEQ((i div 1) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by A14,GOBOARD9:1
          .= IFEQ(i mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE) by NAT_2:6
          .= (<*i mod 2*> ^ (n-BinarySequence (i div 2))).j
                                                       by A13,A15,FINSEQ_1:58;
     hence ((n+1)-BinarySequence i).j =
      (<*i mod 2*> ^ (n-BinarySequence (i div 2))).j;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,FINSEQ_2:10;

  theorem Th36:
   for n be non empty Nat
   for k be Nat holds k < 2 to_power n implies
   Absval (n-BinarySequence k) = k
    let n be non empty Nat;
    defpred _P[Nat] means
         $1 < 2 to_power n implies Absval (n-BinarySequence $1) = $1;
    A1: _P[0] proof
     assume 0 < 2 to_power n;
       n-BinarySequence 0 = 0*n by Th26;
     hence Absval (n-BinarySequence 0) = 0 by Th7;
    A2: for k be Nat st _P[k] holds _P[k+1] proof
     let k be Nat;
     assume A3: k < 2 to_power n implies
     Absval (n-BinarySequence k) = k;
     assume A4: k + 1 < 2 to_power n;
     then A5: k < 2 to_power n by NAT_1:38;
       0*n in BOOLEAN* by Th5;
     then A6: 0*n is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       len (0*n) = n by JORDAN2B:8;
     then reconsider 0n = 0*n as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A6,FINSEQ_2:110;
       k + 1 - 1 < 2 to_power n - 1 by A4,REAL_1:54;
     then k < 2 to_power n - 1 by XCMPLX_1:26;
     then n-BinarySequence k <> 'not' 0n by A5,Th32;
     then add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n) <> TRUE by Th24;
     then add_ovfl(n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n) = FALSE by MARGREL1:39;
     then A7: n-BinarySequence k,Bin1 n are_summable by BINARITH:def 10;
     thus Absval (n-BinarySequence (k+1)) =
           Absval (n-BinarySequence k + Bin1 n) by A4,Th34
        .= Absval (n-BinarySequence k) + Absval (Bin1 n) by A7,BINARITH:48
        .= k + 1 by A3,A4,Th12,NAT_1:38;
    thus for n being Nat holds _P[n] from Ind(A1,A2);

     for n be non empty Nat
   for x be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN holds
    n-BinarySequence (Absval x) = x
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let x be Tuple of n,BOOLEAN;
      Absval x < 2 to_power n by Th1;
    then Absval (n-BinarySequence Absval x) = Absval x by Th36;
    hence thesis by Th2;

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