The Mizar article:

Kuratowski - Zorn Lemma

Wojciech A. Trybulec, and
Grzegorz Bancerek

Received September 19, 1989

Copyright (c) 1989 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ORDERS_2
[ MML identifier index ]


 requirements BOOLE, SUBSET;


 reserve R,P for Relation,
         X,X1,X2,Y,Z,x,y,z,u for set,
         g,h for Function,
         O for Order of X,
         D for non empty set,
         d,d1,d2 for Element of D,
         A for non empty Poset,
         C for Chain of A,
         S for Subset of A,
         a,a1,a2,a3,a4,b,c1,c2 for Element of A,
         A1,A2,B for Ordinal,
         L,L1,L2 for T-Sequence;

::  Orders.

theorem Th1:
 dom O = X & rng O = X
   thus dom O = X
     thus dom O c= X;
     let x;
      assume x in X;
       then [x,x] in O by ORDERS_1:12;
     hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 4;
   thus rng O c= X;
   let x;
    assume x in X;
     then [x,x] in O by ORDERS_1:12;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 5;

theorem Th2:
 field O = X
   thus X = X \/ X
         .= dom O \/ X by Th1
         .= dom O \/ rng O by Th1
         .= field O by RELAT_1:def 6;

definition let R;
 attr R is being_quasi-order means
     R is reflexive transitive;
  synonym R is_quasi-order;
 attr R is being_partial-order means
:Def2:   R is reflexive transitive antisymmetric;
  synonym R is_partial-order;
 attr R is being_linear-order means
:Def3:   R is reflexive transitive antisymmetric connected;
  synonym R is_linear-order;

canceled 3;

    R is_quasi-order implies R~ is_quasi-order
   proof assume
       R is reflexive & R is transitive;
    hence R~ is reflexive & R~ is transitive by RELAT_2:27,42;

    R is_partial-order implies R~ is_partial-order
   proof assume
       R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric;
    hence R~ is reflexive & R~ is transitive & R~ is antisymmetric
      by RELAT_2:27,40,42;

 Lm1: R is connected implies R~ is connected
  proof assume
A1:  x in field R & y in field R & x <> y implies [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R;
A2:  field R = field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
   let x,y; assume x in field(R~) & y in field(R~) & x <> y;
    then [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R by A1,A2;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 7;

theorem Th8:
  R is_linear-order implies R~ is_linear-order
   proof assume
     R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric & R is connected;
    hence R~ is reflexive & R~ is transitive & R~ is antisymmetric &
      R~ is connected by Lm1,RELAT_2:27,40,42;

    R is well-ordering implies
    R is_quasi-order & R is_partial-order & R is_linear-order
   proof assume R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric &
     R is connected & R is well_founded;
    hence R is reflexive & R is transitive &
     R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric &
     R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric & R is connected;

    R is_linear-order implies R is_quasi-order & R is_partial-order
   proof assume R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric &
     R is connected;
    hence R is reflexive & R is transitive &
     R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric;

theorem Th11:
  R is_partial-order implies R is_quasi-order
   proof assume R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric;
    hence R is reflexive & R is transitive;

theorem Th12:
 O is_partial-order by Def2;

   O is_quasi-order
  proof O is_partial-order by Th12;
   hence thesis by Th11;

   O is connected implies O is_linear-order by Def3;

 Lm2: R c= [:field R,field R:]
  proof let x; assume
A1:  x in R;
   then consider y,z such that
A2:  x = [y,z] by RELAT_1:def 1;
      y in field R & z in field R by A1,A2,RELAT_1:30;
   hence thesis by A2,ZFMISC_1:106;

 Lm3: R is reflexive & X c= field R implies field(R|_2 X) = X
  proof assume that
A1:  x in field R implies [x,x] in R and
A2:  X c= field R;
   thus field(R|_2 X) c= X proof let y; thus thesis by WELLORD1:19; end;
   let y; assume
    y in X;
    then [y,y] in R & [y,y] in [:X,X:] by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
    then [y,y] in R|_2 X by WELLORD1:16;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:30;

    R is_quasi-order implies R|_2 X is_quasi-order
  proof assume
      R is reflexive & R is transitive;
   hence R|_2 X is reflexive & R|_2 X is transitive by WELLORD1:22,24;

 Th16: R is_partial-order implies R|_2 X is_partial-order
  proof assume R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric;
   hence R|_2 X is reflexive & R|_2 X is transitive &
     R|_2 X is antisymmetric by WELLORD1:22,24,25;

    R is_linear-order implies R|_2 X is_linear-order
  proof assume
      R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric & R is connected;
   hence R|_2 X is reflexive & R|_2 X is transitive & R|_2 X is antisymmetric
     R|_2 X is connected by WELLORD1:22,23,24,25;

theorem Th18:
 field((the InternalRel of A) |_2 S) = S
  proof set P = (the InternalRel of A) |_2 S;
   thus field P c= S by WELLORD1:20;
   thus S c= field P
    proof let x;
      assume A1: x in S;
         S c= the carrier of A &
       the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A
                                                 by ORDERS_1:def 4;
       then [x,x] in the InternalRel of A & [x,x] in [:S,S:]
                                          by A1,RELAT_2:def 1,ZFMISC_1:106;
       then [x,x] in P by WELLORD1:16;
       then x in dom P & x in rng P by RELAT_1:def 4,def 5;
       then x in dom P \/ rng P by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 6;

   (the InternalRel of A) |_2 S is_linear-order implies
  S is Chain of A
   proof assume (the InternalRel of A) |_2 S is_linear-order;
     then (the InternalRel of A) |_2 S is connected &
          field((the InternalRel of A) |_2 S) = S by Def3,Th18;
     then A1: (the InternalRel of A) |_2 S is_connected_in S by RELAT_2:def 14;
       S is strongly_connected
     proof let x,y;
       assume A2: x in S & y in S;
        then reconsider a = x, b = y as Element of A;
           now per cases;
          suppose x = y;
           then a <= b;
          hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
          suppose x <> y;
           then [x,y] in (the InternalRel of A) |_2 S or
                 [y,x] in (the InternalRel of A) |_2 S by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 6;
           hence thesis by WELLORD1:16;
      hence thesis;
     hence thesis;

   (the InternalRel of A) |_2 C is_linear-order
  proof set P = (the InternalRel of A) |_2 C;
      the InternalRel of A is_partial-order by Th12;
    then P is_partial-order by Th16;
   hence P is reflexive & P is transitive & P is antisymmetric by Def2;
    A1: C = field P by Th18;
      P is_connected_in C
     proof let x,y;
       assume that A2: x in C & y in C;
          the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in C by ORDERS_1:def 11;
        then A3: [x,y] in the InternalRel of A or [y,x] in the InternalRel of A
                                                                by A2,RELAT_2:
def 7;
          [x,y] in [:C,C:] & [y,x] in [:C,C:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
      hence thesis by A3,WELLORD1:16;
   hence thesis by A1,RELAT_2:def 14;

theorem Th21:
  {} is_quasi-order &
   {} is_partial-order &
    {} is_linear-order &
     {} is well-ordering
A1:  field {} = {} \/ {} by RELAT_1:60,def 6
               .= {};
A2:  {} is reflexive
     proof let x; assume x in field {};
      hence thesis by A1;
A3:  {} is transitive
     proof let x,y,z such that x in field {};
      thus thesis;
   hence {} is reflexive & {} is transitive by A2;
A4: {} is antisymmetric
     proof let x,y such that x in field {};
      thus thesis;
   hence {} is reflexive & {} is transitive & {} is antisymmetric
     by A2,A3;
   thus {} is connected
     proof let x,y such that x in field {};
      thus thesis by A1;
   hence {} is reflexive & {} is transitive & {} is antisymmetric &
     {} is connected by A2,A3,A4;
   let Y; assume
      Y c= field {} & Y <> {};
   hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_1:3;

 Th22: id X is_quasi-order &
   id X is_partial-order
   thus id X is reflexive & id X is transitive &
    id X is reflexive & id X is transitive &
     id X is antisymmetric by RELAT_2:23,24;

definition let R,X;
 pred R quasi_orders X means
:Def4:   R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X;
 pred R partially_orders X means
:Def5:   R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X;
 pred R linearly_orders X means
:Def6:   R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X &
        R is_connected_in X;

canceled 3;

theorem Th26:
    R well_orders X implies
    R quasi_orders X & R partially_orders X & R linearly_orders X
   proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
     R is_antisymmetric_in X & R is_connected_in X & R is_well_founded_in X;
    hence R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
     R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X &
     R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X &
      R is_connected_in X;

theorem Th27:
    R linearly_orders X implies R quasi_orders X & R partially_orders X
   proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
     R is_antisymmetric_in X & R is_connected_in X;
    hence R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
     R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X;

    R partially_orders X implies R quasi_orders X
   proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
     R is_antisymmetric_in X;
    hence R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X;

 Th29: R is_quasi-order implies R quasi_orders field R
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in field R & R is_transitive_in field R;
   hence R is_reflexive_in field R & R is_transitive_in field R;

    R quasi_orders Y & X c= Y implies R quasi_orders X
  proof assume
    R is_reflexive_in Y & R is_transitive_in Y & X c= Y;
   hence R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X
     by ORDERS_1:93,95;

Lm4: R is_reflexive_in X implies R|_2 X is reflexive
 proof assume
A1: x in X implies [x,x] in R;
  let x; assume x in field(R|_2 X);
   then x in X by WELLORD1:19;
   then [x,x] in R & [x,x] in [:X,X:] by A1,ZFMISC_1:106;
  hence thesis by WELLORD1:16;

Lm5: R is_transitive_in X implies R|_2 X is transitive
 proof assume
A1: x in X & y in X & z in X & [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R implies [x,z] in R;
  let x,y,z; assume x in field(R|_2 X) & y in field(R|_2 X) & z in
 field(R|_2 X);
then A2: x in X & y in X & z in X by WELLORD1:19;
  assume [x,y] in R|_2 X & [y,z] in R|_2 X;
   then [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R by WELLORD1:16;
   then [x,z] in R & [x,z] in [:X,X:] by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
  hence thesis by WELLORD1:16;

Lm6: R is_antisymmetric_in X implies R|_2 X is antisymmetric
 proof assume
A1: x in X & y in X & [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R implies x = y;
  let x,y; assume x in field(R|_2 X) & y in field(R|_2 X);
then A2: x in X & y in X by WELLORD1:19;
  assume [x,y] in R|_2 X & [y,x] in R|_2 X;
   then [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R by WELLORD1:16;
  hence thesis by A1,A2;

Lm7: R is_connected_in X implies R|_2 X is connected
 proof assume
A1: x in X & y in X & x <> y implies [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R;
  let x,y; assume x in field(R|_2 X) & y in field(R|_2 X) & x <> y;
   then x in X & y in X & x <> y by WELLORD1:19;
   then ([x,y] in R or [y,x] in R) & [x,y] in [:X,X:] & [y,x] in [:X,X:]
     by A1,ZFMISC_1:106;
  hence thesis by WELLORD1:16;

   R quasi_orders X implies R|_2 X is_quasi-order
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X;
   hence R|_2 X is reflexive & R|_2 X is transitive by Lm4,Lm5;

 Th32: R is_partial-order implies R partially_orders field R
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in field R & R is_transitive_in field R &
    R is_antisymmetric_in field R;
   hence R is_reflexive_in field R & R is_transitive_in field R &
    R is_antisymmetric_in field R;

    R partially_orders Y & X c= Y implies R partially_orders X
  proof assume
    R is_reflexive_in Y & R is_transitive_in Y & R is_antisymmetric_in Y &
     X c= Y;
   hence R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X
     by ORDERS_1:93,94,95;

   R partially_orders X implies R|_2 X is_partial-order
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
    R is_antisymmetric_in X;
   hence R|_2 X is reflexive & R|_2 X is transitive & R|_2 X is antisymmetric
     by Lm4,Lm5,Lm6;

Lm8: R is_connected_in X & Y c= X implies R is_connected_in Y
 proof assume that A1: R is_connected_in X and A2: Y c= X;
  let x,y;
   assume x in Y & y in Y;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 6;

   R is_linear-order implies R linearly_orders field R
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in field R & R is_transitive_in field R &
    R is_antisymmetric_in field R & R is_connected_in field R;
   hence R is_reflexive_in field R & R is_transitive_in field R &
    R is_antisymmetric_in field R & R is_connected_in field R;

    R linearly_orders Y & X c= Y implies R linearly_orders X
  proof assume
      R is_reflexive_in Y & R is_transitive_in Y & R is_antisymmetric_in Y &
     R is_connected_in Y & X c= Y;
   hence R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
     R is_antisymmetric_in X & R is_connected_in X
      by Lm8,ORDERS_1:93,94,95;

   R linearly_orders X implies R|_2 X is_linear-order
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
    R is_antisymmetric_in X & R is_connected_in X;
   hence R|_2 X is reflexive & R|_2 X is transitive & R|_2 X is antisymmetric
     R|_2 X is connected by Lm4,Lm5,Lm6,Lm7;

 Lm9: R is_reflexive_in X implies R~ is_reflexive_in X
  proof assume
A1:  x in X implies [x,x] in R;
   let x; assume x in X;
    then [x,x] in R by A1;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 7;

 Lm10: R is_transitive_in X implies R~ is_transitive_in X
  proof assume
A1:  x in X & y in X & z in X & [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R implies [x,z] in R;
   let x,y,z; assume
A2:  x in X & y in X & z in X & [x,y] in R~ & [y,z] in R~;
    then [y,x] in R & [z,y] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;
    then [z,x] in R by A1,A2;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 7;

 Lm11: R is_antisymmetric_in X implies R~ is_antisymmetric_in X
  proof assume
A1:  x in X & y in X & [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R implies x = y;
   let x,y; assume
A2:  x in X & y in X & [x,y] in R~ & [y,x] in R~;
    then [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;
   hence thesis by A1,A2;

 Lm12: R is_connected_in X implies R~ is_connected_in X
  proof assume
A1:  x in X & y in X & x <> y implies [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R;
   let x,y; assume x in X & y in X & x <> y;
    then [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R by A1;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 7;

   R quasi_orders X implies R~ quasi_orders X
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X;
   hence R~ is_reflexive_in X & R~ is_transitive_in X by Lm9,Lm10;

theorem Th39:
 R partially_orders X implies R~ partially_orders X
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
    R is_antisymmetric_in X;
   hence R~ is_reflexive_in X & R~ is_transitive_in X &
     R~ is_antisymmetric_in X by Lm9,Lm10,Lm11;

   R linearly_orders X implies R~ linearly_orders X
  proof assume R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X &
    R is_antisymmetric_in X & R is_connected_in X;
   hence R~ is_reflexive_in X & R~ is_transitive_in X &
     R~ is_antisymmetric_in X & R~ is_connected_in X
      by Lm9,Lm10,Lm11,Lm12;

   O quasi_orders X
  proof field O = X by ORDERS_1:97;
    then O is_reflexive_in X & O is_transitive_in X by RELAT_2:def 9,def 16;
   hence thesis by Def4;

   O partially_orders X
  proof field O = X by ORDERS_1:97;
    then O is_reflexive_in X & O is_antisymmetric_in X & O is_transitive_in X
                                         by RELAT_2:def 9,def 12,def 16;
   hence thesis by Def5;

theorem Th43:
   R partially_orders X implies R |_2 X is Order of X
  proof assume A1: R partially_orders X;
A2:  R is_reflexive_in X by Def5;
    set S = R |_2 X;
    A3: R |_2 X is_reflexive_in X
     proof let x;
      assume x in X;
       then  [x,x] in [:X,X:] & [x,x] in R by A2,RELAT_2:def 1,ZFMISC_1:106;
      hence [x,x] in R |_2 X by WELLORD1:16;
A4: field S c= X by WELLORD1:20;
    field S = dom S \/ rng S by RELAT_1:def 6;
    then dom S c= field S & rng S c= field S by XBOOLE_1:7;
   dom S c= X & rng S c= X by A4,XBOOLE_1:1;
    then reconsider S as Relation of X by RELSET_1:11;
A5: dom S = X by A3,ORDERS_1:98;
A6: field S = X by A3,ORDERS_1:98;
    A7: R |_2 X is_antisymmetric_in X
     proof let x,y;
       assume that A8: x in X & y in X and A9: [x,y] in R |_2 X & [y,x] in
 R |_2 X;
          [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R & R is_antisymmetric_in X
                                                by A1,A9,Def5,WELLORD1:16;
      hence thesis by A8,RELAT_2:def 4;
A10:   R |_2 X is_transitive_in X
     proof let x,y,z;
       assume that A11: x in X & y in X & z in X and
                   A12: [x,y] in R |_2 X & [y,z] in R |_2 X;
          [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R & R is_transitive_in X
                                             by A1,A12,Def5,WELLORD1:16;
        then [x,z] in R & [x,z] in [:X,X:] by A11,RELAT_2:def 8,ZFMISC_1:106;
      hence thesis by WELLORD1:16;
A13: S is total by A5,PARTFUN1:def 4;
A14: S is reflexive by A3,A6,RELAT_2:def 9;
A15: S is antisymmetric by A6,A7,RELAT_2:def 12;
    S is transitive by A6,A10,RELAT_2:def 16;
   hence thesis by A13,A14,A15;

   R linearly_orders X implies R |_2 X is Order of X
  proof assume R linearly_orders X;
    then R partially_orders X by Th27;
   hence thesis by Th43;

   R well_orders X implies R |_2 X is Order of X
  proof assume R well_orders X;
    then R partially_orders X by Th26;
   hence thesis by Th43;

   the InternalRel of A linearly_orders S implies
  S is Chain of A
   proof assume the InternalRel of A linearly_orders S;
     then the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in S &
          the InternalRel of A is_connected_in S by Def6;
     then the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in S by ORDERS_1:92;
    hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 11;

   the InternalRel of A linearly_orders C
  proof the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A &
        the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A &
        the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A &
        C c= the carrier of A by ORDERS_1:def 4,def 5,def 6;
   hence the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in C &
        the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in C &
        the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in C
                                        by ORDERS_1:93,94,95;
      the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in C by ORDERS_1:def 11;
   hence thesis by ORDERS_1:92;

    id X quasi_orders X &
   id X partially_orders X
A1:  field id X = dom id X \/ rng id X by RELAT_1:def 6
      .= X \/ rng id X by RELAT_1:71
      .= X \/ X by RELAT_1:71 .= X;
      id X is_quasi-order & id X is_partial-order by Th22;
   hence thesis by A1,Th29,Th32;

definition let R,X;
 pred X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R means
:Def7:   for Y st Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order
        ex x st x in X & for y st y in Y holds [y,x] in R;
 pred X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R means
     for Y st Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order
        ex x st x in X & for y st y in Y holds [x,y] in R;

 Lm13: (R|_2 X)~ = R~|_2 X
      now let x,y;
     thus [x,y] in R~|_2 X implies [y,x] in R|_2 X
       proof assume [x,y] in R~|_2 X;
         then [x,y] in R~ & [x,y] in [:X,X:] by WELLORD1:16;
         then [y,x] in R & [y,x] in [:X,X:] by RELAT_1:def 7,ZFMISC_1:107;
        hence thesis by WELLORD1:16;
     assume [y,x] in R|_2 X;
      then [y,x] in R & [y,x] in [:X,X:] by WELLORD1:16;
      then [x,y] in R~ & [x,y] in [:X,X:] by RELAT_1:def 7,ZFMISC_1:107;
     hence [x,y] in R~|_2 X by WELLORD1:16;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 7;

    now let R;
     thus R|_2 {} = {}|R|({} qua set) by WELLORD1:17 .= {} by RELAT_1:110;

canceled 2;

 Th51: X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R implies X <> {}
  proof assume
A1:  for Y st Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order
     ex x st x in X & for y st y in Y holds [y,x] in R;
      {} c= X & R|_2 {} is_linear-order by Lm14,Th21,XBOOLE_1:2;
   then ex x st x in X & for y st y in {} holds [y,x] in R by A1;
   hence thesis;

    X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R implies X <> {}
  proof assume
A1:  for Y st Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order
     ex x st x in X & for y st y in Y holds [x,y] in R;
      {} c= X & R|_2 {} is_linear-order by Lm14,Th21,XBOOLE_1:2;
   then ex x st x in X & for y st y in {} holds [x,y] in R by A1;
   hence thesis;

 Th53: X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R iff X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R~
   thus X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R implies
      X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R~
     proof assume
A1:     for Y st Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order
        ex x st x in X & for y st y in Y holds [y,x] in R;
      let Y;
A2:     R~|_2 Y = (R|_2 Y)~ & (R|_2 Y)~~ = R|_2 Y by Lm13;
A3:     Y c= X & R~|_2 Y is_linear-order;
       then R|_2 Y is_linear-order by A2,Th8;
      then consider x such that
A4:     x in X & for y st y in Y holds [y,x] in R by A1,A3;
      take x; thus x in X by A4;
      let y; assume y in Y;
       then [y,x] in R by A4;
      hence [x,y] in R~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
A5:  for Y st Y c= X & R~|_2 Y is_linear-order
     ex x st x in X & for y st y in Y holds [x,y] in R~;
    let Y;
A6:  R~|_2 Y = (R|_2 Y)~ & (R|_2 Y)~~ = R|_2 Y by Lm13;
A7:   Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order;
     then R~|_2 Y is_linear-order by A6,Th8;
   then consider x such that
A8:  x in X & for y st y in Y holds [x,y] in R~ by A5,A7;
   take x; thus x in X by A8;
   let y; assume y in Y;
    then [x,y] in R~ by A8;
   hence [y,x] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;

   X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R~ iff X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R
      R~~ = R;
   hence thesis by Th53;

definition let R,x;
 pred x is_maximal_in R means
:Def9:  x in field R & not ex y st y in field R & y <> x & [x,y] in R;
 pred x is_minimal_in R means
:Def10:  x in field R & not ex y st y in field R & y <> x & [y,x] in R;
 pred x is_superior_of R means
:Def11:  x in field R & for y st y in field R & y <> x holds [y,x] in R;
 pred x is_inferior_of R means
:Def12:  x in field R & for y st y in field R & y <> x holds [x,y] in R;

canceled 4;

   x is_inferior_of R & R is antisymmetric implies x is_minimal_in R
  proof assume that A1: x is_inferior_of R and A2: R is antisymmetric;
   thus A3: x in field R by A1,Def12;
   let y;
    assume that A4: y in field R and A5: y <> x and A6: [y,x] in R;
       [x,y] in R & R is_antisymmetric_in field R by A1,A2,A4,A5,Def12,RELAT_2:
def 12;
   hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,A6,RELAT_2:def 4;

   x is_superior_of R & R is antisymmetric implies x is_maximal_in R
  proof assume that A1: x is_superior_of R and A2: R is antisymmetric;
   thus A3: x in field R by A1,Def11;
   let y;
    assume that A4: y in field R and A5: y <> x and A6: [x,y] in R;
       [y,x] in R & R is_antisymmetric_in field R by A1,A2,A4,A5,Def11,RELAT_2:
def 12;
   hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,A6,RELAT_2:def 4;

   x is_minimal_in R & R is connected implies x is_inferior_of R
  proof assume that A1: x is_minimal_in R and A2: R is connected;
   thus A3: x in field R by A1,Def10;
    A4: R is_connected_in field R by A2,RELAT_2:def 14;
   let y;
    assume that A5: y in field R and A6: y <> x;
       [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R by A3,A4,A5,A6,RELAT_2:def 6;
   hence thesis by A1,A5,A6,Def10;

   x is_maximal_in R & R is connected implies x is_superior_of R
  proof assume that A1: x is_maximal_in R and A2: R is connected;
   thus A3: x in field R by A1,Def9;
    A4: R is_connected_in field R by A2,RELAT_2:def 14;
   let y;
    assume that A5: y in field R and A6: y <> x;
       [x,y] in R or [y,x] in R by A3,A4,A5,A6,RELAT_2:def 6;
   hence thesis by A1,A5,A6,Def9;

    x in X & x is_superior_of R & X c= field R & R is reflexive implies
   X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R
  proof assume
A1:  x in X & x is_superior_of R & X c= field R & R is_reflexive_in field R;
   let Y such that
A2:  Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order;
   take x; thus x in X by A1;
   let y; assume y in Y;
    then y in X by A2;
    then y in field R & (y = x or y <> x) by A1;
   hence [y,x] in R by A1,Def11,RELAT_2:def 1;

    x in X & x is_inferior_of R & X c= field R & R is reflexive implies
   X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R
  proof assume
A1:  x in X & x is_inferior_of R & X c= field R & R is_reflexive_in field R;
   let Y such that
A2:  Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order;
   take x; thus x in X by A1;
   let y; assume y in Y;
    then y in X by A2;
    then y in field R & (y = x or y <> x) by A1;
   hence [x,y] in R by A1,Def12,RELAT_2:def 1;

 Th65: x is_minimal_in R iff x is_maximal_in R~
A1:  field R = field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
   thus x is_minimal_in R implies x is_maximal_in R~
     proof assume
A2:     x in field R & not ex y st y in field R & y <> x & [y,x] in R;
      hence x in field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
      let y; assume y in field(R~) & y <> x;
       then not [y,x] in R by A1,A2;
      hence not [x,y] in R~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
A3:  x in field(R~) & not ex y st y in field(R~) & y <> x & [x,y] in R~;
   hence x in field R by RELAT_1:38;
   let y; assume y in field R & y <> x;
    then not [x,y] in R~ by A1,A3;
   hence not [y,x] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;

    x is_minimal_in R~ iff x is_maximal_in R
A1:  field R = field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
   thus x is_minimal_in R~ implies x is_maximal_in R
     proof assume
A2:     x in field(R~) & not ex y st y in field(R~) & y <> x & [y,x] in R~;
      hence x in field R by RELAT_1:38;
      let y; assume y in field R & y <> x;
       then not [y,x] in R~ by A1,A2;
      hence not [x,y] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;
A3:  x in field R & not ex y st y in field R & y <> x & [x,y] in R;
   hence x in field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
   let y; assume y in field(R~) & y <> x;
    then not [x,y] in R by A1,A3;
   hence not [y,x] in R~ by RELAT_1:def 7;

    x is_inferior_of R iff x is_superior_of R~
A1:  field R = field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
   thus x is_inferior_of R implies x is_superior_of R~
     proof assume
A2:     x in field R & for y st y in field R & y <> x holds [x,y] in R;
      hence x in field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
      let y; assume y in field(R~) & y <> x;
       then [x,y] in R by A1,A2;
      hence [y,x] in R~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
A3:  x in field(R~) & for y st y in field(R~) & y <> x holds [y,x] in R~;
   hence x in field R by RELAT_1:38;
   let y; assume y in field R & y <> x;
    then [y,x] in R~ by A1,A3;
   hence [x,y] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;

    x is_inferior_of R~ iff x is_superior_of R
A1:  field R = field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
   thus x is_inferior_of R~ implies x is_superior_of R
     proof assume
A2:     x in field(R~) & for y st y in field(R~) & y <> x holds [x,y] in R~;
      hence x in field R by RELAT_1:38;
      let y; assume y in field R & y <> x;
       then [x,y] in R~ by A1,A2;
      hence [y,x] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;
A3:  x in field R & for y st y in field R & y <> x holds [y,x] in R;
   hence x in field(R~) by RELAT_1:38;
   let y; assume y in field(R~) & y <> x;
    then [y,x] in R by A1,A3;
   hence [x,y] in R~ by RELAT_1:def 7;

   a is_minimal_in the InternalRel of A iff
  for b holds not b < a
   proof A1: the carrier of A = field(the InternalRel of A) by Th2;
    thus a is_minimal_in the InternalRel of A implies for b holds not b < a
     proof assume A2: a is_minimal_in the InternalRel of A;
      let b;
         a = b or not [b,a] in the InternalRel of A by A1,A2,Def10;
       then a = b or not b <= a by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 10;
     assume A3: for b holds not b < a;
    thus a in field(the InternalRel of A) by A1;
    let y;
     assume that A4: y in field(the InternalRel of A) and
                 A5: y <> a and A6: [y,a] in the InternalRel of A;
        y is Element of A by A4,Th2;
      then reconsider b = y as Element of A;
         b <= a by A6,ORDERS_1:def 9;
       then b < a by A5,ORDERS_1:def 10;
    hence thesis by A3;

   a is_maximal_in the InternalRel of A iff
  for b holds not a < b
   proof A1: the carrier of A = field(the InternalRel of A) by Th2;
    thus a is_maximal_in the InternalRel of A implies for b holds not a < b
     proof assume A2: a is_maximal_in the InternalRel of A;
      let b;
         a = b or not [a,b] in the InternalRel of A by A1,A2,Def9;
       then a = b or not a <= b by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 10;
     assume A3: for b holds not a < b;
    thus a in field(the InternalRel of A) by A1;
    let y;
     assume that A4: y in field(the InternalRel of A) and
                 A5: y <> a and A6: [a,y] in the InternalRel of A;
        y is Element of A by A4,Th2;
      then reconsider b = y as Element of A;
         a <= b by A6,ORDERS_1:def 9;
       then a < b by A5,ORDERS_1:def 10;
    hence thesis by A3;

   a is_superior_of the InternalRel of A iff
  for b st a <> b holds b < a
   proof A1: the carrier of A = field(the InternalRel of A) by Th2;
    thus a is_superior_of the InternalRel of A implies
          for b st a <> b holds b < a
     proof assume A2: a is_superior_of the InternalRel of A;
      let b;
       assume A3: a <> b;
        then [b,a] in the InternalRel of A by A1,A2,Def11;
        then b <= a by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      hence thesis by A3,ORDERS_1:def 10;
     assume A4: for b st a <> b holds b < a;
    thus a in field(the InternalRel of A) by A1;
    let y;
     assume y in field(the InternalRel of A);
      then y is Element of A by Th2;
      then reconsider b = y as Element of A;
     assume y <> a;
       then b < a by A4;
       then b <= a by ORDERS_1:def 10;
    hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;

   a is_inferior_of the InternalRel of A iff
  for b st a <> b holds a < b
   proof A1: the carrier of A = field(the InternalRel of A) by Th2;
    thus a is_inferior_of the InternalRel of A implies
          for b st a <> b holds a < b
     proof assume A2: a is_inferior_of the InternalRel of A;
      let b;
       assume A3: a <> b;
        then [a,b] in the InternalRel of A by A1,A2,Def12;
        then a <= b by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      hence thesis by A3,ORDERS_1:def 10;
     assume A4: for b st a <> b holds a < b;
    thus a in field(the InternalRel of A) by A1;
    let y;
     assume y in field(the InternalRel of A);
      then y is Element of A by Th2;
      then reconsider b = y as Element of A;
     assume y <> a;
       then a < b by A4;
       then a <= b by ORDERS_1:def 10;
    hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;

Lm15: R well_orders X & Y c= X implies R well_orders Y
 proof assume that A1: R well_orders X and A2: Y c= X;
      R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X &
    R is_connected_in X by A1,WELLORD1:def 5;
  hence R is_reflexive_in Y & R is_transitive_in Y & R is_antisymmetric_in Y &
        R is_connected_in Y by A2,Lm8,ORDERS_1:93,94,95;
  let Z;
   assume that A3: Z c= Y and A4: Z <> {};
      Z c= X & R is_well_founded_in X by A1,A2,A3,WELLORD1:def 5,XBOOLE_1:1;
  hence thesis by A4,WELLORD1:def 3;

::  Kuratowski - Zorn Lemma.

theorem Th73:
 (for C ex a st for b st b in C holds b <= a) implies
   ex a st for b holds not a < b
    proof assume A1: for C ex a st for b st b in C holds b <= a;
      consider f being Choice_Function of BOOL(the carrier of A);
      reconsider F = union(Chains(f)) as Chain of f by ORDERS_1:89;
      consider a such that A2: for b st b in F holds b <= a by A1;
     take a;
     let b;
      assume A3: a < b;
         now let a1;
         assume a1 in F;
          then a1 <= a by A2;
        hence a1 < b by A3,ORDERS_1:32;
       then b in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in F holds a2 < a1};
       then UpperCone(F) <> {} by ORDERS_1:def 12;
       then not UpperCone(F) in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1;
       then UpperCone(F) in bool(the carrier of A) \ {{}} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       then UpperCone(F) in BOOL(the carrier of A) &
            not {} in BOOL(the carrier of A) by ORDERS_1:4,def 2;
       then A4: f.UpperCone(F) in UpperCone(F) by ORDERS_1:def 1;
      then reconsider c = f.UpperCone(F) as Element of A;
         c in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in F holds a2 < a1} by A4,ORDERS_1:def 12;
      then A5: ex c11 being Element of A st c11 = c &
       for a2 st a2 in F holds a2 < c11;
      reconsider Z = F \/ {c} as Subset of A;
         Z c= the carrier of A &
        the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A &
        the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A &
        the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A
                         by ORDERS_1:def 4,def 5,def 6;
       then A6: the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in Z &
                the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in Z &
                the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in Z
                                   by ORDERS_1:93,94,95;
       A7: the InternalRel of A is_connected_in Z
        proof let x,y;
          assume that A8: x in Z and A9: y in Z;
           reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Element of A by A8,A9;
              now per cases by A8,A9,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
             suppose x1 in F & y1 in F;
               then x1 <= y1 or y1 <= x1 by ORDERS_1:38;
              hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
             suppose x1 in F & y1 in {c};
               then x1 in F & y1 = c by TARSKI:def 1;
               then x1 < y1 by A5;
               then x1 <= y1 by ORDERS_1:def 10;
              hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
             suppose x1 in {c} & y1 in F;
               then y1 in F & x1 = c by TARSKI:def 1;
               then y1 < x1 by A5;
               then y1 <= x1 by ORDERS_1:def 10;
              hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
             suppose x1 in {c} & y1 in {c};
               then c <= c & x1 = c & y1 = c by TARSKI:def 1;
              hence thesis;
         hence thesis;
         the InternalRel of A is_well_founded_in Z
        proof let Y;
          assume that A10: Y c= Z and A11: Y <> {};
             now per cases;
            case A12: Y = {c};
             take x = c;
             thus x in Y by A12,TARSKI:def 1;
              assume (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) meets Y;
              then consider x' being set such that
A13:            x' in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) & x' in Y
                by XBOOLE_0:3;
                  x' = c & x' in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x)
                                by A12,A13,TARSKI:def 1;
             hence contradiction by WELLORD1:def 1;
            case A14: Y <> {c};
              set X = Y \ {c};
               A15: X c= F
                proof let x;
                  assume that A16: x in X and A17: not x in F;
                     x in Y by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                   then x in {c} & not x in {c} by A10,A16,A17,XBOOLE_0:def 2,
def 4;
                 hence thesis;
                 the InternalRel of A well_orders F by ORDERS_1:def 16;
               then the InternalRel of A well_orders X by A15,Lm15;
               then A18: the InternalRel of A is_well_founded_in X
                                                           by WELLORD1:def 5;
                 now assume X = {};
                 then Y c= {c} by XBOOLE_1:37;
                hence contradiction by A11,A14,ZFMISC_1:39;
              then consider x such that A19: x in X and
               A20: (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) misses X
                 by A18,WELLORD1:def 3;
               A21: (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) /\ X = {} by A20,XBOOLE_0:def
             take x' = x;
                 X c= Y by XBOOLE_1:36;
             hence x' in Y by A19;
                 now per cases;
                suppose c in Y;
                  then {c} c= Y by ZFMISC_1:37;
                  then A22: Y = X \/ {c} by XBOOLE_1:45;
                  A23: now assume c in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x');
                     then A24: c <> x' & [c,x'] in the InternalRel of A
                                                           by WELLORD1:def 1;
                        x' in F by A15,A19;
                    then reconsider x'' = x' as Element of A;
                       c <> x'' & c <= x'' by A24,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                     then c < x'' & x'' < c by A5,A15,A19,ORDERS_1:def 10;
                   hence contradiction by ORDERS_1:28;
                    now assume A25: (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x') /\ {c} <> {}
                  consider x being
                   Element of (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x') /\ {c};
                      x in {c} by A25,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                    then x = c & x in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x')
                                          by A25,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                   hence contradiction by A23;
                 then (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x') /\ Y = {} \/ {}
                                               by A21,A22,XBOOLE_1:23
                                                          .= {};
                 hence (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x') misses Y by XBOOLE_0:def
                suppose not c in Y;
                  then Y misses {c} by ZFMISC_1:56;
                 hence (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x') misses Y
                       by A20,XBOOLE_1:83;
             hence (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x') misses Y;
         hence thesis;
       then A26: the InternalRel of A well_orders Z by A6,A7,WELLORD1:def 5;
         the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in Z by A6,A7,ORDERS_1:92;
       then A27: Z is Chain of A by ORDERS_1:def 11;
         now let a1;
         assume A28: a1 in Z;
            now per cases;
           suppose A29: a1 = c;
               InitSegm(Z,c) = F
               thus InitSegm(Z,c) c= F
                proof let x;
                  assume that A30: x in InitSegm(Z,c) and A31: not x in F;
                   A32: x in LowerCone{c} /\ Z by A30,ORDERS_1:def 14;
                   then x in Z by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                   then x in {c} by A31,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                  then x = c & x in LowerCone{c} by A32,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:
def 3;
                 hence contradiction by ORDERS_1:50;
               let x;
                assume A33: x in F;
                  then A34: x in Z by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                 reconsider y = x as Element of A by A33;
                     y < c by A5,A33;
                  then x in LowerCone{c} by ORDERS_1:52;
                  then x in LowerCone{c} /\ Z by A34,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
               hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 14;
            hence f.UpperCone(InitSegm(Z,a1)) = a1 by A29;
            suppose a1 <> c;
              then not a1 in {c} by TARSKI:def 1;
              then A35: a1 in F by A28,XBOOLE_0:def 2;

                InitSegm(Z,a1) = InitSegm(F,a1)
                thus InitSegm(Z,a1) c= InitSegm(F,a1)
                 proof let x;
                   assume x in InitSegm(Z,a1);
                    then A36: x in LowerCone{a1} /\ Z by ORDERS_1:def 14;
                    then A37: x in LowerCone{a1} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                      now assume A38: not x in F;
                         x in Z by A36,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                       then x in {c} by A38,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                       then x = c by TARSKI:def 1;
                       then c in {c1 : for c2 st c2 in {a1} holds c1 < c2}
                                                              by A37,ORDERS_1:
def 13;
                      then A39: ex c1 st c1 = c &
                       for c2 st c2 in {a1} holds c1 < c2;
                         a1 in {a1} by TARSKI:def 1;
                       then c < a1 & a1 < c by A5,A35,A39;
                     hence contradiction by ORDERS_1:28;
                    then x in LowerCone{a1} /\ F by A37,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                  hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 14;
                    F c= Z by XBOOLE_1:7;
                hence thesis by ORDERS_1:65;
             hence f.UpperCone(InitSegm(Z,a1)) = a1 by A35,ORDERS_1:def 16;
        hence f.UpperCone(InitSegm(Z,a1)) = a1;
      then reconsider Z as Chain of f by A26,A27,ORDERS_1:def 16;
         c in {c} by TARSKI:def 1;
       then Z in Chains(f) & c in Z by ORDERS_1:def 17,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       then c in F by TARSKI:def 4;
       hence thesis by A5;

definition let A be non empty set, O be Order of A;
 cluster RelStr(#A,O#) -> non empty;

theorem Th74:
 (for C ex a st for b st b in C holds a <= b) implies
   ex a st for b holds not b < a
  proof assume A1: for C ex a st for b st b in C holds a <= b;
    set X = the carrier of A;
     defpred P[Element of A, Element of A]
       ex a1,a2 st a1 = $2 & a2 = $1 & a1 <= a2;
     set R = (the InternalRel of A)~;
A2:  for a,b being Element of A holds
       [a,b] in R iff b <= a
     proof let a,b be Element of A;
       [a,b] in R iff [b,a] in the InternalRel of A by RELAT_1:def 7;
      hence [a,b] in R iff b <= a by ORDERS_1:def 9;
A3: R is reflexive by RELAT_2:27;
A4: dom R = dom the InternalRel of A by RELAT_2:29
         .= X by PARTFUN1:def 4;
A5: R is total by A4,PARTFUN1:def 4;
A6: R is antisymmetric by RELAT_2:40;
    R is transitive by RELAT_2:42;
     then reconsider R as Order of the carrier of A by A3,A5,A6;
     set B = RelStr (# the carrier of A, R #);
        for E being Chain of B
       ex e being Element of B st
        for f being Element of B st f in E holds f <= e
         proof let E be Chain of B;
            reconsider C = E as Subset of A;
               the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in C
              proof let x,y;
                assume A7: x in C & y in C;
                 then reconsider e = x, f = y as Element of B
                  A8: (e <= f or f <= e) & R = the InternalRel of B
                                                           by A7,ORDERS_1:38;
                 reconsider e1 = e, f1 = f as Element of A
                    now per cases by A8,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                   suppose [e,f] in R;
                     then f1 <= e1 by A2;
                    hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                   suppose [f,e] in R;
                     then e1 <= f1 by A2;
                    hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
               hence thesis;
            then reconsider C as Chain of A by ORDERS_1:def 11;
            consider a such that A9: for b st b in C holds a <= b by A1;
            reconsider e = a as Element of B;
          take e;
          let f be Element of B;
            reconsider b = f as Element of A;
           assume f in E;
            then a <= b by A9;
            then [f,e] in R & R = the InternalRel of B by A2;
          hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
     then consider e being Element of B such that
      A10: for f being Element of B holds not e < f by Th73;
     reconsider d = e as Element of A;
   take d;
   let b;
     reconsider f = b as Element of B;
    assume A11: b < d;
     then b <= d by ORDERS_1:def 10;
     then [e,f] in R & R = the InternalRel of B by A2;
     then e <= f & b <> d by A11,ORDERS_1:def 9;
     then e < f by ORDERS_1:def 10;
   hence thesis by A10;

 reserve A,C for Ordinal;

theorem Th75:
  for R,X st R partially_orders X & field R = X &
   X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R ex x st x is_maximal_in R
  proof let R; let FIELD be set; assume that
A1:  R is_reflexive_in FIELD & R is_transitive_in FIELD &
     R is_antisymmetric_in FIELD and
A2:  field R = FIELD and
A3:  FIELD has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R;
 reconsider XD = FIELD as non empty set by A3,Th51;
   consider D such that
A4: D = XD;
      not D in {{}} & D in bool D by TARSKI:def 1,ZFMISC_1:def 1;
   then reconsider M = (bool D) \ {{}} as non empty set by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   consider f being Choice_Function of M;
      {} in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1;
then A5:    not {} in M by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   defpred P[set,set] means $1 <> {} & $2 = f.$1 or $1 = {} & $2 = D;
A6: for x st x in bool D ex y st P[x,y]
     proof let x such that x in bool D;
         x = {} implies thesis;
      hence thesis;
A7: for x,y,z st x in bool D & P[x,y] & P[x,z] holds y = z;
   consider g such that
A8:  dom g = bool D & for x st x in bool D holds P[x,g.x] from FuncEx(A7,A6);
A9: g.{} = D
         {} c= D by XBOOLE_1:2;
      hence thesis by A8;
A10: X in bool D & X <> {} implies g.X in X
     proof assume A11: X in bool D & X <> {};
       then P[X,g.X] & P[X,f.X] & not X in {{}} by A8,TARSKI:def 1;
       then f.X = g.X & X in M by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      hence g.X in X by A5,ORDERS_1:def 1;
A12: for L holds { d : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d & [x,d] in R } c= D
     proof let L,x; assume
        x in { d : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d & [x,d] in R };
      then ex d1 st x = d1 & for x st x in rng L holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in
      hence thesis;
A13: now let A,B,L1,L2; assume that
A14:   dom L1 = A & for C,L st C in A & L = L1|C holds
        L1.C = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R } and
A15:   dom L2 = B & for C,L st C in B & L = L2|C holds
        L2.C = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R };
     let C such that
A16:   C c= A & C c= B;
       defpred P[Ordinal] means
         $1 c= C implies L1|$1 = L2|$1;
A17:   for A1 st for A2 st A2 in A1 holds P[A2] holds P[A1]
       proof let A1 such that
A18:      for A2 st A2 in A1 holds A2 c= C implies L1|A2 = L2|A2 and
A19:      A1 c= C;
           A1 c= A & A1 c= B by A16,A19,XBOOLE_1:1;
then A20:      dom(L1|A1) = A1 & dom(L2|A1) = A1 by A14,A15,RELAT_1:91;
           now let x; assume
A21:        x in A1;
          then reconsider A3 = x as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23;
             A3 in C by A19,A21;
           then A3 in A & A3 in B & A3 c= A1 & A3 c= C
            by A16,A21,ORDINAL1:def 2;
           then L1|A3 = L2|A3 & L1.x = L1|A1.x & L2.x = L2|A1.x &
           L1.A3 =
            g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng(L1|A3) holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } &
           L2.A3 =
            g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng(L2|A3) holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R }
             by A14,A15,A18,A21,FUNCT_1:72;
          hence L1|A1.x = L2|A1.x;
        hence L1|A1 = L2|A1 by A20,FUNCT_1:9;
     for A1 holds P[A1] from Transfinite_Ind(A17);
     hence L1|C = L2|C;
   defpred ON[Ordinal,set] means
    ex L st $2 = g.{ d : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d & [x,d] in R } &
     dom L = $1 & for A,L1 st A in $1 & L1 = L|A holds
      L.A = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
A22:  ON[A,x] & ON[A,y] implies x = y
     proof given L1 such that
A23:    x = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } and
A24:    dom L1 = A & for C,L st C in A & L = L1|C holds
        L1.C = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R };
      given L2 such that
A25:    y = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L2 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } and
A26:    dom L2 = A & for C,L st C in A & L = L2|C holds
        L2.C = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R };
        defpred P[Ordinal] means
          $1 c= A implies L1|$1 = L2|$1;
A27:    for A1 st for A2 st A2 in A1 holds P[A2] holds P[A1]
        proof let A1 such that
A28:       for A2 st A2 in A1 holds A2 c= A implies L1|A2 = L2|A2 and
A29:       A1 c= A;
A30:       dom(L1|A1) = A1 & dom(L2|A1) = A1 by A24,A26,A29,RELAT_1:91;
            now let x; assume
A31:         x in A1;
           then reconsider A3 = x as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23;
              A3 in A & A3 c= A1 & A3 c= A by A29,A31,ORDINAL1:def 2;
            then L1|A3 = L2|A3 & L1.x = L1|A1.x & L2.x = L2|A1.x &
            L1.A3 =
              g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng(L1|A3) holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } &
            L2.A3 =
              g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng(L2|A3) holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R }
               by A24,A26,A28,A31,FUNCT_1:72;
           hence L1|A1.x = L2|A1.x;
         hence L1|A1 = L2|A1 by A30,FUNCT_1:9;
      for A1 holds P[A1] from Transfinite_Ind(A27);
       then L1|A = L2|A & L1 = L1|A & L2 = L2|A by A24,A26,RELAT_1:97;
      hence x = y by A23,A25;
A32:  for d,A,B st ON[A,d] & ON[B,d] holds A = B
     proof let d,A,B;
      given L1 such that
A33:    d = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } and
A34:    dom L1 = A & for C,L st C in A & L = L1|C holds
        L1.C = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R };
      given L2 such that
A35:    d = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L2 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } and
A36:    dom L2 = B & for C,L st C in B & L = L2|C holds
        L2.C = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R };
A37:    now
        set X = { d1 : for x st x in rng(L2|A) holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
        set Y = { d1 : for x st x in rng L2 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
A38:      A in B;
then A39:      L2.A = g.X & A c= B & A c= A by A36,ORDINAL1:def 2;
         then L2|A = L1|A by A13,A34,A36 .= L1 by A34,RELAT_1:97;
then A40:      d in rng L2 by A33,A36,A38,A39,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A41:     Y c= D
          proof let x; assume x in Y;
           then ex d1 st
          x = d1 & for x st x in rng L2 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R;
           hence thesis;
then A42:      P[Y,g.Y] by A8;
A43:      not d in d;
           now assume Y <> {}; then not Y in
 {{}} & P[Y,f.Y] by TARSKI:def 1;
           then Y in M & g.Y = f.Y by A8,A41,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
           then d in Y by A5,A35,ORDERS_1:def 1;
          then ex d1 st
        d = d1 & for x st x in rng L2 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R;
          hence contradiction by A40;
        hence contradiction by A35,A42,A43;
        set X = { d1 : for x st x in rng(L1|B) holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
        set Y = { d1 : for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
A44:      B in A;
then A45:      L1.B = g.X & B c= A & B c= B by A34,ORDINAL1:def 2;
         then L1|B = L2|B by A13,A34,A36 .= L2 by A36,RELAT_1:97;
then A46:      d in rng L1 by A34,A35,A44,A45,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A47:     Y c= D
          proof let x; assume x in Y;
           then ex d1 st
          x = d1 & for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R;
           hence thesis;
then A48:      P[Y,g.Y] by A8;
A49:      not d in d;
           now assume Y <> {}; then not Y in
 {{}} & P[Y,f.Y] by TARSKI:def 1;
           then Y in M & g.Y = f.Y by A8,A47,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
           then d in Y by A5,A33,ORDERS_1:def 1;
          then ex d1 st
        d = d1 & for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R;
          hence contradiction by A46;
        hence contradiction by A33,A48,A49;
      hence thesis by A37,ORDINAL1:24;
     defpred OM[Ordinal] means ON[$1,D];
A50:  ex A st OM[A]
     proof assume
A51:    for A holds not ON[A,D];
        defpred OO[Ordinal] means
          ex d st ON[$1,d];
A52:    for A st for B st B in A holds OO[B] holds OO[A]
        proof let A such that
A53:       for B st B in A ex d st ON[B,d];
           defpred P[set,set] means
             ex C st $1 = C & ON[C,$2];
A54:       for x,y,z st x in A & P[x,y] & P[x,z] holds y = z by A22;
A55:       for x st x in A ex y st P[x,y]
           proof let x; assume
A56:          x in A;
            then reconsider C = x as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23;
            consider d such that
A57:          ON[C,d] by A53,A56;
            reconsider y = d as set;
            take y,C; thus thesis by A57;
         consider h such that
A58:       dom h = A & for x st x in A holds P[x,h.x]
            from FuncEx(A54,A55);
         reconsider h as T-Sequence by A58,ORDINAL1:def 7;
         set X = { d1 : for x st x in rng h holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
A59:       ON[A,g.X]
           proof take h;
            g.X = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng h holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R }&
              dom h = A by A58;
            let B,L; assume
A60:          B in A & L = h|B;
            then ex C st B = C & ON[C,h.B] by A58;
            then consider L1 such that
A61:          h.B = g.{d1: for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in
 R } and
A62:          dom L1 = B & for C,L st C in B & L = L1|C holds L1.C =
               g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
A63:          for x st x in B holds L1.x = h|B.x
              proof let x; assume
A64:             x in B;
               then reconsider A1 = x as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23;
A65:             ON[A1,L1.x]
                 proof reconsider K = L1|A1 as T-Sequence;
                  take K;
                  thus L1.x =
                   g.{d1: for x st x in rng K holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R }
                    by A62,A64;
                     A1 c= B by A64,ORDINAL1:def 2;
                  hence dom K = A1 by A62,RELAT_1:91;
                  let A2,L2; assume
A66:                A2 in A1 & L2 = K|A2;
then A67:                A2 c= A1 & A2 in B by A64,ORDINAL1:19,def 2;
                   then L2 = L1|A2 & K.A2 = L1.A2 by A66,FUNCT_1:72,82;
                  hence thesis by A62,A67;
               A1 in A by A60,A64,ORDINAL1:19;
then A68:               ex A2 st x = A2 & ON[A2,h.x] by A58;
                  h|B.x = h.x by A64,FUNCT_1:72;
               hence thesis by A22,A65,A68;
               B c= A by A60,ORDINAL1:def 2;
             then dom(h|B) = B by A58,RELAT_1:91;
             then h|B = L1 by A62,A63,FUNCT_1:9;
            hence thesis by A60,A61;
then A69:       X <> {} by A9,A51;
A70:       X c= D
           proof let x; assume x in X;
            then ex d1 st
           x = d1 & for x st x in rng h holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R;
            hence thesis;
          then g.X in X by A10,A69;
         then reconsider d = g.X as Element of D by A70;
         take d; thus thesis by A59;
A71:    for A holds OO[A] from Transfinite_Ind(A52);
        defpred P[set,set] means
          ex A st $2 = A & ON[A,$1];
A72:    for x,y,z st P[x,y] & P[x,z] holds y = z
        proof let x,y,z;
         given A1 such that
A73:       y = A1 & ON[A1,x];
         given A2 such that
A74:       z = A2 & ON[A2,x];
         consider d1 such that
A75:       ON[A1,d1] by A71;
         consider d2 such that
A76:       ON[A2,d2] by A71;
            d1 = x & d2 = x by A22,A73,A74,A75,A76;
         hence thesis by A32,A73,A74;
      consider X such that
A77:    x in X iff ex y st y in D & P[y,x] from Fraenkel(A72);
         for A holds A in X
        proof let A; ex d st ON[A,d] by A71;
         hence thesis by A77;
      hence contradiction by ORDINAL1:38;
   consider A such that
A78:  OM[A] & for B st OM[B] holds A c= B from Ordinal_Min(A50);
   defpred P[set] means ex B st B in A & ON[B,$1];
   consider X such that
A79:  x in X iff x in D & P[x] from Separation;
      D <> {} & D in bool D by ZFMISC_1:def 1;
   then reconsider d = g.D as Element of D by A10;
A80: d in D & ON[{},d]
     proof thus d in D;
      deffunc H(Ordinal) = 0;
      consider L such that
A81:    dom L = {} &
        for B,L1 st B in {} & L1 = L|B holds L.B = H(L1) from TS_Exist;
      take L;
A82:    { d1 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } c= D by A12;
         D c= { d1 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R }
        proof let x; assume x in D;
         then reconsider d = x as Element of D;
            for x st x in rng L holds x <> d & [x,d] in R by A81,RELAT_1:65;
         hence thesis;
      hence d = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in
 R } by A82,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
      thus dom L = {} by A81;
      thus thesis;
      not Y in Y;
    then d <> D;
    then {} c= A & {} <> A by A22,A78,A80,XBOOLE_1:2;
    then {} c< A by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
    then {} in A by ORDINAL1:21;
   then reconsider X as non empty set by A79,A80;
A83: X c= D proof let x; thus thesis by A79; end;
      R|_2 X is_linear-order
         R is reflexive by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 9;
      R|_2 X is reflexive by WELLORD1:22;
         R is transitive by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 16;
      hence R|_2 X is transitive by WELLORD1:24;
         R is antisymmetric by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 12;
      hence R|_2 X is antisymmetric by WELLORD1:25;
      thus R|_2 X is connected
        proof let x,y; assume
         x in field(R|_2 X) & y in field(R|_2 X);
then A84:       x in X & y in X by WELLORD1:19;
         then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of D by A79;
A85:       [x,y] in [:X,X:] & [y,x] in [:X,X:] by A84,ZFMISC_1:106;
         consider A1 such that
A86:       A1 in A & ON[A1,x] by A79,A84;
         consider A2 such that
A87:       A2 in A & ON[A2,y] by A79,A84;
         consider L1 such that
A88:       x' = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } and
A89:       dom L1 = A1 & for C,L st C in A1 & L = L1|C holds
           L1.C = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R }
            by A86;
         consider L2 such that
A90:       y' = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L2 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } and
A91:       dom L2 = A2 & for C,L st C in A2 & L = L2|C holds
           L2.C = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R }
            by A87;
A92:       now
           set Z = { d1 : for x st x in rng(L2|A1) holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in
 R };
           set Y = { d1 : for x st x in rng L2 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
A93:         A1 in A2;
then A94:         L2.A1 = g.Z & A1 c= A2 & A1 c= A1 by A91,ORDINAL1:def 2;
            then L2|A1 = L1|A1 by A13,A89,A91 .= L1 by A89,RELAT_1:97;
then A95:         x' in rng L2 by A88,A91,A93,A94,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A96:        Y c= D by A12;
              not y' in y';
             then Y <> {} by A9,A90;
            then y' in Y by A10,A90,A96;
           then ex d1 st
         y' = d1 & for x st x in rng L2 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R;
            then [x,y] in R by A95;
           hence thesis by A85,WELLORD1:16;
A97:       now
           set Z = { d1 : for x st x in rng(L1|A2) holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in
 R };
           set Y = { d1 : for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
A98:         A2 in A1;
then A99:         L1.A2 = g.Z & A2 c= A1 & A2 c= A2 by A89,ORDINAL1:def 2;
            then L1|A2 = L2|A2 by A13,A89,A91 .= L2 by A91,RELAT_1:97;
then A100:         y' in rng L1 by A89,A90,A98,A99,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A101:         Y c= D by A12;
              not d1 in d1;
             then Y <> {} by A9,A88;
            then x' in Y by A10,A88,A101;
           then ex d1 st
         x' = d1 & for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R;
            then [y,x] in R by A100;
           hence thesis by A85,WELLORD1:16;
         A1 = A2 implies thesis by A22,A86,A87;
         hence thesis by A92,A97,ORDINAL1:24;
   then consider x such that
A102:  x in D & for y st y in X holds [y,x] in R by A3,A4,A83,Def7;
   take x;
   thus x in field R by A2,A4,A102;
   let y such that
A103:  y in field R & y <> x & [x,y] in R;
   consider L such that
A104: D = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R } and
A105: dom L = A & for B,L1 st B in A & L1 = L|B holds
        L.B = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in
 R } by A78;
A106: rng L c= X
     proof let z; assume
      z in rng L;
      then consider y such that
A107:    y in dom L & z = L.y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider y as Ordinal by A107,ORDINAL1:23;
A108:    ON[y,z]
        proof reconsider K = L|y as T-Sequence;
         take K;
         thus z = g.{ d2 : for x st x in rng K holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R }
            by A105,A107;
            y c= dom L by A107,ORDINAL1:def 2;
A109:       dom K = y by RELAT_1:91;
         let B,L1; assume
A110:       B in y & L1 = K|B;
then A111:       K.B = L.B by A109,FUNCT_1:70;
            B c= y by A110,ORDINAL1:def 2;
          then L1 = L|B & B in A by A105,A107,A110,FUNCT_1:82,ORDINAL1:19;
         hence K.B = g.{ d1 : for x st x in rng L1 holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in
 R }
            by A105,A111;
      set Z = { d2 : for x st x in rng(L|y) holds x <> d2 & [x,d2] in R };
A112:    now assume Z = {}; then z = D by A9,A105,A107;
         then dom L c= y by A78,A105,A108;
        hence contradiction by A107,ORDINAL1:7;
A113:    Z c= D by A12;
       then g.Z in Z by A10,A112;
       then z in Z by A105,A107; hence z in X by A79,A105,A107,A108,A113;
   set Z = { d1 : for x st x in rng L holds x <> d1 & [x,d1] in R };
A114: now assume y in X;
      then [y,x] in R & R is_antisymmetric_in field R by A1,A2,A102;
     hence contradiction by A2,A4,A102,A103,RELAT_2:def 4;
   reconsider y' = y as Element of D by A2,A4,A103;
      now let z; assume A115: z in rng L;
     hence z <> y' by A106,A114;
     reconsider z' = z as Element of X by A106,A115;
        [z',x] in R & R is_transitive_in field R & z in D
        by A1,A2,A79,A102,A106,A115;
     hence [z,y] in R by A2,A4,A102,A103,RELAT_2:def 8;
then A116: y in Z & Z c= D by A12;
    then D in Z by A10,A104;
   hence contradiction by A116,ORDINAL1:7;

    for R,X st R partially_orders X & field R = X &
   X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R ex x st x is_minimal_in R
  proof let R,X such that
A1:  R partially_orders X & field R = X &
     X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R;
      R = R~~;
    then X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R~ & R~ partially_orders X &
     field(R~) = X by A1,Th39,Th53,RELAT_1:38;
   then consider x such that
A2:  x is_maximal_in R~ by Th75;
   take x; thus thesis by A2,Th65;

theorem Th77:
  for X st X <> {} &
   for Z st Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
     ex Y st Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds X1 c= Y
   ex Y st Y in X & for Z st Z in X & Z <> Y holds not Y c= Z
  proof let X; assume that
A1:  X <> {} and
A2:  for Z st Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
          ex Y st Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds X1 c= Y;
   reconsider D = X as non empty set by A1;
   set R = RelIncl D;
A3: field R = D by WELLORD2:def 1;
A4: R partially_orders D
         R is reflexive & R is transitive & R is antisymmetric
        by WELLORD2:2,3,5;
      hence R is_reflexive_in D & R is_transitive_in D &
        R is_antisymmetric_in D by A3,RELAT_2:def 9,def 12,def 16;
   D has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R
     proof let Z; assume
A5:     Z c= D & R|_2 Z is_linear-order;
       then R|_2 Z is connected by Def3;
then A6:    R|_2 Z is_connected_in field(R|_2 Z) by RELAT_2:def 14;
A7:    Z c= field(R|_2 Z)
        proof let x; assume x in Z;
          then [x,x] in [:Z,Z:] & [x,x] in R by A5,WELLORD2:def 1,ZFMISC_1:106
          then [x,x] in R|_2 Z by WELLORD1:16;
         hence thesis by RELAT_1:30;
      set Q = R|_2 Z;
        Z is c=-linear
        proof let X1,X2; assume
A8:       X1 in Z & X2 in Z;
          then X1 <> X2 implies [X1,X2] in Q or [X2,X1] in Q by A6,A7,RELAT_2:
def 6
          then (X1 <> X2 implies [X1,X2] in R or [X2,X1] in R) & X1 in D & X2
in D &
            X1 c= X1 by A5,A8,WELLORD1:16;
         hence X1 c= X2 or X2 c= X1 by WELLORD2:def 1;
      then consider Y such that
A9:     Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds X1 c= Y by A2,A5;
      take x = Y; thus x in D by A9;
      let y; assume y in Z;
       then y c= Y & y in D by A5,A9;
      hence thesis by A9,WELLORD2:def 1;
   then consider x such that
A10:  x is_maximal_in R by A3,A4,Th75;
   take Y = x;
A11:  Y in field R & not ex y st y in field R & y <> Y & [Y,y] in
 R by A10,Def9;
   thus Y in X by A3,A10,Def9;
   let Z; assume
A12:  Z in X & Z <> Y;
    then not [Y,Z] in R by A3,A10,Def9;
   hence not Y c= Z by A3,A11,A12,WELLORD2:def 1;

theorem Th78:
  for X st X <> {} &
   for Z st Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
     ex Y st Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds Y c= X1
   ex Y st Y in X & for Z st Z in X & Z <> Y holds not Z c= Y
  proof let X; assume that
A1:  X <> {} and
A2:  for Z st Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
                       ex Y st Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds Y c= X1;
   reconsider D = X as non empty set by A1;
   set R = (RelIncl D)~;
A3: field R = field RelIncl D by RELAT_1:38 .= D by WELLORD2:def 1;
A4: x in D implies [x,x] in R
         x in D implies [x,x] in RelIncl D by WELLORD2:def 1;
      hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 7;
A5: R partially_orders D
         RelIncl D is reflexive & RelIncl D is transitive &
        RelIncl D is antisymmetric & field RelIncl D = D
         by WELLORD2:2,3,5,def 1;
       then RelIncl D is_reflexive_in D & RelIncl D is_transitive_in D &
        RelIncl D is_antisymmetric_in D by RELAT_2:def 9,def 12,def 16;
      hence R is_reflexive_in D & R is_transitive_in D &
        R is_antisymmetric_in D by Lm9,Lm10,Lm11;
   D has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R
     proof let Z; assume
A6:     Z c= D & R|_2 Z is_linear-order;
       then R|_2 Z is connected by Def3;
then A7:    R|_2 Z is_connected_in field(R|_2 Z) by RELAT_2:def 14;
A8:    Z c= field(R|_2 Z)
        proof let x; assume x in Z;
          then [x,x] in [:Z,Z:] & [x,x] in R by A4,A6,ZFMISC_1:106;
          then [x,x] in R|_2 Z by WELLORD1:16;
         hence thesis by RELAT_1:30;
      set Q = R|_2 Z;
        Z is c=-linear
        proof let X1,X2; assume
A9:       X1 in Z & X2 in Z;
          then X1 <> X2 implies [X1,X2] in Q or [X2,X1] in Q by A7,A8,RELAT_2:
def 6
          then (X1 <> X2 implies [X1,X2] in R or [X2,X1] in R) & X1 in D & X2
in D
            by A6,A9,WELLORD1:16;
          then (X1 <> X2 implies [X1,X2] in RelIncl D or [X2,X1] in RelIncl D)
            X1 in D & X2 in D & X1 c= X1 by RELAT_1:def 7;
         hence X1 c= X2 or X2 c= X1 by WELLORD2:def 1;
      then consider Y such that
A10:     Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds Y c= X1 by A2,A6;
      take x = Y; thus x in D by A10;
      let y; assume y in Z;
       then Y c= y & y in D by A6,A10;
       then [Y,y] in RelIncl D by A10,WELLORD2:def 1;
      hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 7;
   then consider x such that
A11:  x is_maximal_in R by A3,A5,Th75;
   take Y = x;
A12:  Y in field R & not ex y st y in field R & y <> Y & [Y,y] in
 R by A11,Def9;
   thus Y in X by A3,A11,Def9;
   let Z; assume
A13:  Z in X & Z <> Y;
    then not [Y,Z] in R by A3,A11,Def9;
    then not [Z,Y] in RelIncl D by RELAT_1:def 7;
   hence not Z c= Y by A3,A12,A13,WELLORD2:def 1;

theorem Th79:
  for X st X <> {} &
   for Z st Z <> {} & Z c= X & Z is c=-linear holds
    union Z in X
   ex Y st Y in X & for Z st Z in X & Z <> Y holds not Y c= Z
  proof let X such that
A1:  X <> {} and
A2:  for Z st Z <> {} & Z c= X & Z is c=-linear holds union Z in X;
      for Z st Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
        ex Y st Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds X1 c= Y
     proof let Z such that
A3:       Z c= X & Z is c=-linear;
      consider x being Element of X;
         Z <> {} or Z = {};
      then consider Y such that
A4:     Y = union Z & Z <> {} or Y = x & Z = {};
      take Y;
      thus thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,ZFMISC_1:92;
   hence thesis by A1,Th77;

    for X st X <> {} &
   for Z st Z <> {} & Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
     holds meet Z in X
   ex Y st Y in X & for Z st Z in X & Z <> Y holds not Z c= Y
  proof let X such that
A1:  X <> {} and
A2:  for Z st Z <> {} & Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
       holds meet Z in X;
      for Z st Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
        ex Y st Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds Y c= X1
     proof let Z such that
A3:       Z c= X & Z is c=-linear;
     consider x being Element of X;
         Z <> {} or Z = {};
      then consider Y such that
A4:     Y = meet Z & Z <> {} or Y = x & Z = {};
      take Y;
      thus thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,SETFAM_1:4;
   hence thesis by A1,Th78;

scheme Zorn_Max{A() -> non empty set, P[set,set]}:
 ex x being Element of A() st
  for y being Element of A() st x <> y holds not P[x,y]
 A1: for x being Element of A() holds P[x,x] and
 A2: for x,y being Element of A() st P[x,y] & P[y,x] holds x = y and
 A3: for x,y,z being Element of A() st P[x,y] & P[y,z] holds P[x,z] and
 A4: for X st X c= A() &
     (for x,y being Element of A() st x in X & y in X
       holds P[x,y] or P[y,x]) holds
     ex y being Element of A() st
      for x being Element of A() st x in X holds P[x,y]
     defpred PP[set,set] means P[$1,$2];
     consider R being Relation of A() such that
     A5: for x,y being Element of A() holds [x,y] in R iff PP[x,y]
                                                       from Rel_On_Dom_Ex;
A6:   A() c= dom R
        proof let x;
         assume x in A();
          then reconsider x' = x as Element of A();
          P[x',x'] by A1;
          then [x,x] in R by A5;
         hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 4;
A7:   dom R = A() by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
A8:   R is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;
A9:   field R = dom R \/ rng R by RELAT_1:def 6;
A10:   field R c= A();
      A() c= field R by A7,A9,XBOOLE_1:7;
A11:   field R = A() by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
       R is_reflexive_in A()
        proof let x;
          assume x in A();
           then reconsider x' = x as Element of A();
              P[x',x'] by A1;
         hence thesis by A5;
A12:    R is reflexive by A11,RELAT_2:def 9;
       R is_antisymmetric_in A()
        proof let x,y;
          assume x in A() & y in A();
           then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of A();
          assume [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R;
            then P[x',y'] & P[y',x'] by A5;
         hence thesis by A2;
A13:   R is antisymmetric by A11,RELAT_2:def 12;
      R is_transitive_in A()
       let x,y,z;
        assume x in A() & y in A() & z in A();
         then reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of A();
        assume [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R;
          then P[x',y'] & P[y',z'] by A5;
          then P[x',z'] by A3;
       hence thesis by A5;
    then R is transitive by A11,RELAT_2:def 16;
    then reconsider R as Order of A() by A8,A12,A13;
    set B = RelStr (# A(),R #);
       now let C be Chain of B;
           now let x,y be Element of A();
            reconsider a = x, b = y as Element of B;
           assume x in C & y in C;
             then a <= b or b <= a by ORDERS_1:38;
             then [a,b] in R or [b,a] in R by ORDERS_1:def 9;
          hence P[x,y] or P[y,x] by A5;
        then consider y being Element of A() such that
         A14: for x being Element of A() st x in C holds P[x,y] by A4;
        reconsider a' = y as Element of B;
      take a = a';
      let b be Element of B;
        reconsider x = b as Element of A();
       assume b in C;
         then P[x,y] by A14;
         then [x,y] in R by A5;
      hence b <= a by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then consider a being Element of B such that
     A15: for b being Element of B holds not a < b by Th73;
    reconsider x = a as Element of A();
   take x;
   let y be Element of A();
     reconsider b = y as Element of B;
    assume A16: x <> y;
        not a < b by A15;
      then not a <= b by A16,ORDERS_1:def 10;
      then not [x,y] in R by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   hence thesis by A5;

scheme Zorn_Min{A() -> non empty set, P[set,set]}:
 ex x being Element of A() st
  for y being Element of A() st x <> y holds not P[y,x]
 A1: for x being Element of A() holds P[x,x] and
 A2: for x,y being Element of A() st P[x,y] & P[y,x] holds x = y and
 A3: for x,y,z being Element of A() st P[x,y] & P[y,z] holds P[x,z] and
 A4: for X st X c= A() &
     (for x,y being Element of A() st x in X & y in X
       holds P[x,y] or P[y,x]) holds
     ex y being Element of A() st
      for x being Element of A() st x in X holds P[y,x]
     defpred PP[set,set] means P[$1,$2];
     consider R being Relation of A() such that
     A5: for x,y being Element of A() holds [x,y] in R iff PP[x,y]
                                                       from Rel_On_Dom_Ex;
A6:   A() c= dom R
        proof let x;
         assume x in A();
          then reconsider x' = x as Element of A();
          P[x',x'] by A1;
          then [x,x] in R by A5;
         hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 4;
A7:   dom R = A() by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
A8:   R is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;
A9:   field R = dom R \/ rng R by RELAT_1:def 6;
A10:   field R c= A();
      A() c= field R by A7,A9,XBOOLE_1:7;
A11:   field R = A() by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
       R is_reflexive_in A()
        proof let x;
          assume x in A();
           then reconsider x' = x as Element of A();
              P[x',x'] by A1;
         hence thesis by A5;
A12:    R is reflexive by A11,RELAT_2:def 9;
       R is_antisymmetric_in A()
        proof let x,y;
          assume x in A() & y in A();
           then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of A();
          assume [x,y] in R & [y,x] in R;
            then P[x',y'] & P[y',x'] by A5;
         hence thesis by A2;
A13:   R is antisymmetric by A11,RELAT_2:def 12;
      R is_transitive_in A()
       let x,y,z;
        assume x in A() & y in A() & z in A();
         then reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of A();
        assume [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R;
          then P[x',y'] & P[y',z'] by A5;
          then P[x',z'] by A3;
       hence thesis by A5;
    then R is transitive by A11,RELAT_2:def 16;
    then reconsider R as Order of A() by A8,A12,A13;
    reconsider R as Order of A();
    set B = RelStr (# A(),R #);
       now let C be Chain of B;
           now let x,y be Element of A();
            reconsider a = x, b = y as Element of B;
           assume x in C & y in C;
             then a <= b or b <= a by ORDERS_1:38;
             then [a,b] in R or [b,a] in R by ORDERS_1:def 9;
          hence P[x,y] or P[y,x] by A5;
        then consider y being Element of A() such that
         A14: for x being Element of A() st x in C holds P[y,x] by A4;
        reconsider a' = y as Element of B;
      take a = a';
      let b be Element of B;
        reconsider x = b as Element of A();
       assume b in C;
         then P[y,x] by A14;
         then [y,x] in R by A5;
      hence a <= b by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then consider a being Element of B such that
     A15: for b being Element of B holds not b < a by Th74;
    reconsider x = a as Element of A();
   take x;
   let y be Element of A();
     reconsider b = y as Element of B;
    assume A16: x <> y;
        not b < a by A15;
      then not b <= a by A16,ORDERS_1:def 10;
      then not [y,x] in R by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   hence thesis by A5;

::  Orders - continuation.

    R partially_orders X & field R = X implies
   ex P st R c= P & P linearly_orders X & field P = X
  proof assume
A1:  R partially_orders X & field R = X;
   defpred P[set] means
     ex P st $1 = P & R c= P & P partially_orders X & field P = X;
   consider Rel being set such that
A2:  x in Rel iff x in bool [:X,X:] & P[x]
        from Separation;
      R c= [:X,X:] by A1,Lm2;
then A3:  Rel <> {} by A1,A2;
      for Z st Z <> {} & Z c= Rel & Z is c=-linear
       holds union Z in Rel
     proof let Z; assume that
A4:    Z <> {} & Z c= Rel and
A5:    Z is c=-linear;
      reconsider T = [:X,X:] as Relation by RELAT_1:6;
         Z c= bool [:X,X:]
        proof let x; assume x in Z; hence thesis by A2,A4;
then A6:    union Z c= union bool [:X,X:] & union bool [:X,X:] = T
        by ZFMISC_1:95,99;
      then reconsider S = union Z as Relation by RELAT_1:3;
      consider y being Element of Z;
         y in Rel by A4,TARSKI:def 3;
      then consider P such that
A7:    y = P & R c= P & P partially_orders X & field P = X by A2;
A8:       P is_reflexive_in X by A7,Def5;
A9:    R c= S
        proof let x,y; assume
         [x,y] in R;
          hence thesis by A4,A7,TARSKI:def 4;
A10:    field S = X
         thus field S c= X
           proof let x; assume x in field S;
then A11:             x in dom S \/ rng S by RELAT_1:def 6;
A12:          now assume x in dom S;
              then consider y such that
A13:            [x,y] in S by RELAT_1:def 4;
              consider Y such that
A14:            [x,y] in Y & Y in Z by A13,TARSKI:def 4;
                 ex P st
            Y = P & R c= P & P partially_orders X & field P = X by A2,A4,A14;
              hence thesis by A14,RELAT_1:30;
               now assume x in rng S;
              then consider y such that
A15:            [y,x] in S by RELAT_1:def 5;
              consider Y such that
A16:            [y,x] in Y & Y in Z by A15,TARSKI:def 4;
                 ex P st
            Y = P & R c= P & P partially_orders X & field P = X by A2,A4,A16;
              hence thesis by A16,RELAT_1:30;
            hence thesis by A11,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         thus X c= field S by A1,A9,RELAT_1:31;
         S partially_orders X
         thus S is_reflexive_in X
           proof let x; assume x in X;
             then [x,x] in P by A8,RELAT_2:def 1;
            hence thesis by A4,A7,TARSKI:def 4;
         thus S is_transitive_in X
           proof let x,y,z; assume
A17:          x in X & y in X & z in X & [x,y] in S & [y,z] in S;
            then consider X1 such that
A18:          [x,y] in X1 & X1 in Z by TARSKI:def 4;
            consider X2 such that
A19:          [y,z] in X2 & X2 in Z by A17,TARSKI:def 4;
                X1,X2 are_c=-comparable by A5,A18,A19,ORDINAL1:def 9;
              then A20:          X1 c= X2 or X2 c= X1 by XBOOLE_0:def 9;
             consider P1 being Relation such that
A21:          X1 = P1 & R c= P1 & P1 partially_orders X & field P1 = X by A2,A4
             consider P2 being Relation such that
A22:          X2 = P2 & R c= P2 & P2 partially_orders X & field P2 = X by A2,A4
            P1 is_transitive_in X & P2 is_transitive_in X by A21,A22,Def5;
             then [x,z] in P1 or [x,z] in
              P2 by A17,A18,A19,A20,A21,A22,RELAT_2:def 8;
            hence thesis by A18,A19,A21,A22,TARSKI:def 4;
         thus S is_antisymmetric_in X
           proof let x,y; assume
A23:          x in X & y in X & [x,y] in S & [y,x] in S;
            then consider X1 such that
A24:          [x,y] in X1 & X1 in Z by TARSKI:def 4;
            consider X2 such that
A25:          [y,x] in X2 & X2 in Z by A23,TARSKI:def 4;
                X1,X2 are_c=-comparable by A5,A24,A25,ORDINAL1:def 9;
            then A26:          X1 c= X2 or X2 c= X1 by XBOOLE_0:def 9;
             consider P1 being Relation such that
A27:          X1 = P1 & R c= P1 & P1 partially_orders X & field P1 = X by A2,A4
             consider P2 being Relation such that
A28:          X2 = P2 & R c= P2 & P2 partially_orders X & field P2 = X by A2,A4
            P1 is_antisymmetric_in X & P2 is_antisymmetric_in X by A27,A28,Def5
             hence thesis by A23,A24,A25,A26,A27,A28,RELAT_2:def 4;
      hence thesis by A2,A6,A9,A10;
   then consider Y such that
A29:  Y in Rel & for Z st Z in Rel & Z <> Y holds not Y c= Z by A3,Th79;
   consider P such that
A30:  Y = P & R c= P & P partially_orders X & field P = X by A2,A29;
   take P; thus R c= P by A30;
A31:  P is_reflexive_in X & P is_transitive_in X & P is_antisymmetric_in X
     by A30,Def5;
   thus P is_connected_in X
     proof let x,y such that
A32:     x in X & y in X & x <> y & not [x,y] in P & not [y,x] in P;
      defpred Q[set,set] means
      [$1,$2] in P or [$1,x] in P & [y,$2] in P;
      consider Q being Relation such that
A33:     [z,u] in Q iff z in X & u in X & Q[z,u]
           from Rel_Existence;
A34:     P c= Q
        proof let z,u; assume
A35:       [z,u] in P;
          then z in field P & u in field P by RELAT_1:30;
         hence thesis by A30,A33,A35;
then A36:    R c= Q by A30,XBOOLE_1:1;
A37:    Q c= [:X,X:]
        proof let x; assume
A38:       x in Q;
         then consider y,z such that
A39:       x = [y,z] by RELAT_1:def 1;
            y in X & z in X by A33,A38,A39;
         hence thesis by A39,ZFMISC_1:106;
A40:    field Q = X
         thus field Q c= X
           proof let z; assume
               z in field Q;
then A41:             z in dom Q \/ rng Q by RELAT_1:def 6;
A42:          now assume z in dom Q;
              then ex u st [z,u] in Q by RELAT_1:def 4;
              hence z in X by A33;
               now assume z in rng Q;
              then ex u st [u,z] in Q by RELAT_1:def 5;
              hence z in X by A33;
            hence thesis by A41,A42,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         thus X c= field Q by A30,A34,RELAT_1:31;
         Q partially_orders X
         thus Q is_reflexive_in X
           proof let z; assume
A43:          z in X;
             then [z,z] in P by A31,RELAT_2:def 1;
            hence [z,z] in Q by A33,A43;
         thus Q is_transitive_in X
           proof let a,b,c be set; assume
A44:          a in X & b in X & c in X & [a,b] in Q & [b,c] in Q;
             then ([a,b] in P or [a,x] in P & [y,b] in P) &
              ([b,c] in P or [b,x] in P & [y,c] in P) by A33;
             then [a,c] in P or [a,x] in P & [y,c] in P or [a,x] in P & [y,c]
 P or
              [y,x] in P by A31,A32,A44,RELAT_2:def 8;
            hence [a,c] in Q by A32,A33,A44;
         thus Q is_antisymmetric_in X
           proof let a,b be set; assume
A45:          a in X & b in X & [a,b] in Q & [b,a] in Q;
             then ([a,b] in P or [a,x] in P & [y,b] in P) &
              ([b,a] in P or [b,x] in P & [y,a] in P) by A33;
             then a = b or [a,x] in P & [y,a] in P or [y,x] in P
               by A31,A32,A45,RELAT_2:def 4,def 8;
            hence a = b by A31,A32,A45,RELAT_2:def 8;
       then Q in Rel by A2,A36,A37,A40;
then A46:     Q = P by A29,A30,A34;
         [x,x] in P & [y,y] in P & x in X & y in X by A31,A32,RELAT_2:def 1;
      hence contradiction by A32,A33,A46;
   thus field P = X by A30;

::  Auxiliary theorems.

   R c= [:field R,field R:] by Lm2;

   R is reflexive & X c= field R implies field(R|_2 X) = X by Lm3;

   R is_reflexive_in X implies R|_2 X is reflexive by Lm4;

   R is_transitive_in X implies R|_2 X is transitive by Lm5;

   R is_antisymmetric_in X implies R|_2 X is antisymmetric by Lm6;

   R is_connected_in X implies R|_2 X is connected by Lm7;

   R is_connected_in X & Y c= X implies R is_connected_in Y by Lm8;

   R well_orders X & Y c= X implies R well_orders Y by Lm15;

   R is connected implies R~ is connected by Lm1;

   R is_reflexive_in X implies R~ is_reflexive_in X by Lm9;

   R is_transitive_in X implies R~ is_transitive_in X by Lm10;

   R is_antisymmetric_in X implies R~ is_antisymmetric_in X by Lm11;

   R is_connected_in X implies R~ is_connected_in X by Lm12;

   (R|_2 X)~ = R~|_2 X by Lm13;

   R|_2 {} = {} by Lm14;

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