The Mizar article:

Partially Ordered Sets

Wojciech A. Trybulec

Received August 30, 1989

Copyright (c) 1989 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ORDERS_1
[ MML identifier index ]


 requirements BOOLE, SUBSET;
 schemes FUNCT_1, XBOOLE_0;


reserve X,Y for set,
        x,x1,x2,y,y1,y2,z for set,
        f,g,h for Function;

Lm1: (ex X st X <> {} & X in Y) iff union Y <> {}
  thus (ex X st X <> {} & X in Y) implies union Y <> {}
   proof given X such that A1: X <> {} and A2: X in Y;
     consider x being Element of X;
       x in X by A1;
    hence thesis by A2,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider x being Element of union Y;
   assume union Y <> {};
    then consider X such that A3: x in X & X in Y by TARSKI:def 4;
  take X;
  thus thesis by A3;

::  Choice function.

reserve M for non empty set;

definition let M;
 assume A1: not {} in M;
 mode Choice_Function of M -> Function of M, union M means
  :Def1: for X st X in M holds it.X in X;
    deffunc F(set)=[:{$1},$1:];
    consider f such that A2: dom f = M and
     A3: for X st X in M holds f.X = F(X) from Lambda;
    consider x being Element of M;
A4:     f.x in rng f by A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A5:  x in M;
    then reconsider N = rng f as non empty set by A2,FUNCT_1:12;
     A6: now let X;
       assume X in N;
        then consider y such that A7: y in dom f & f.y = X by FUNCT_1:def 5;
           X = [:{y},y:] & y <> {} & {y} <> {} by A1,A2,A3,A7;
     hence X <> {} by ZFMISC_1:113;
       now let X,Y;
       assume that A8: X in N and A9: Y in N and A10: X <> Y;
        consider x such that A11: x in dom f and A12: f.x = X by A8,FUNCT_1:def
        consider y such that A13: y in dom f and A14: f.y = Y by A9,FUNCT_1:def
         A15: X = [:{x},x:] & Y = [:{y},y:] by A2,A3,A11,A12,A13,A14;
        consider z being Element of X /\ Y;
       assume X meets Y;
        then X /\ Y <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
        then consider x1,x2 such that z = [x1,x2] and A16: x1 in {x} /\ {y}
                                   x2 in x /\ y by A15,ZFMISC_1:104;
           x1 in {x} & x1 in{y} by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then x1 = x & x1 = y by TARSKI:def 1;
      hence contradiction by A10,A12,A14;
    then consider Choice being set such that
    A17: for X st X in N ex x st Choice /\ X = {x} by A6,WELLORD2:27;
    defpred P[set,set] means $2 in $1 /\ Choice;
    A18: for X,y1,y2 st X in N & P[X,y1] & P[X,y2] holds y1 = y2
    proof let X,y1,y2;
      assume that A19: X in N and A20: y1 in X /\ Choice & y2 in X /\ Choice;
       consider x such that A21: {x} = Choice /\ X by A17,A19;
          x = y1 & x = y2 by A20,A21,TARSKI:def 1;
     hence y1 = y2;
    A22: for X st X in N ex y st P[X,y]
     proof let X;
       assume X in N;
        then consider x such that A23: Choice /\ X = {x} by A17;
      take x;
      thus thesis by A23,TARSKI:def 1;
    consider g such that A24: dom g = N and
                         A25: for X st X in N holds P[X,g.X]
                                                        from FuncEx(A18,A22);
    deffunc FF(set)=$1`2;
    consider h such that A26: dom h = union N and
                         A27: for x st x in
 union N holds h.x = FF(x) from Lambda;
     A28: union M <> {} by A1,A5,Lm1;
    consider x1 such that A29: x1 in N by A4;
    consider x2 such that A30: x2 in dom f & f.x2 = x1 by A29,FUNCT_1:def 5;
       x1 = [:{x2},x2:] & x2 <> {} & {x2} <> {} by A1,A2,A3,A30;
     then x1 <> {} by ZFMISC_1:113;
     then A31: union N <> {} by A29,Lm1;
    reconsider f as Function of M,N by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
        rng g c= union N
      proof let x;
        assume x in rng g;
         then consider y such that A32: y in dom g and A33: g.y = x by FUNCT_1:
def 5;
            x in y /\ Choice by A24,A25,A32,A33;
          then x in y by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       hence thesis by A24,A32,TARSKI:def 4;
    then reconsider g as Function of N, union N by A24,A31,FUNCT_2:def 1,
       rng h c= union M
      proof let x;
        assume x in rng h;
         then consider y such that A34: y in dom h and A35: h.y = x by FUNCT_1:
def 5;
         consider Y such that A36: y in Y and A37: Y in N by A26,A34,TARSKI:def
         consider z such that A38: z in dom f & f.z = Y by A37,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          A39: Y = [:{z},z:] by A3,A38;
         then consider x1,x2 such that A40: y = [x1,x2] by A36,ZFMISC_1:102;
            x2 in z & x = [x1,x2]`2 by A26,A27,A34,A35,A36,A39,A40,ZFMISC_1:106
          then x in z by MCART_1:7;
       hence thesis by A38,TARSKI:def 4;
    then reconsider h as Function of union N, union M by A26,A28,FUNCT_2:def 1,
    reconsider F = h * (g * f) as Function of M, union M by A31,FUNCT_2:19;
    A41: dom(g * f) = M by A31,FUNCT_2:def 1;
   take F;
   let X;
     set fX = f.X;
    assume A42: X in M;
      then A43: f.X in N by A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then g.(fX) in fX /\ Choice by A25;
      then A44: g.(fX) in fX & f.X = [:{X},X:] by A3,A42,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then consider x1,x2 such that A45: [x1,x2] = g.(fX) by ZFMISC_1:102;
      A46: x2 in X by A44,A45,ZFMISC_1:106;
        g.(fX) in rng g by A24,A43,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then h.(g.fX) = (g.fX)`2 by A27;
      then A47: h.(g.fX) in X by A45,A46,MCART_1:7;
         (g * f).X = g.fX by A2,A42,FUNCT_1:23;
   hence F.X in X by A41,A42,A47,FUNCT_1:23;

reserve D,D1 for non empty set;

definition let D be set;
 func BOOL D -> set equals
  :Def2:  bool D \ {{}};

definition let D;
 cluster BOOL D -> non empty;
       D in bool D & not D in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1,ZFMISC_1:def 1;
     then bool D \ {{}} is non empty by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     hence thesis by Def2;

canceled 3;

theorem Th4:
 not {} in BOOL D
  proof assume not thesis;
    then {} in bool D \ {{}} by Def2;
    then not {} in {{}} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1;

theorem Th5:
 D1 c= D iff D1 in BOOL D
   thus D1 c= D implies D1 in BOOL D
    proof assume D1 c= D;
      then D1 in bool D & not D1 in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1;
      then D1 in bool D \ {{}} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     hence thesis by Def2;
    assume D1 in BOOL D;
     then D1 in bool D \ {{}} by Def2;
     then D1 in bool D by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   hence thesis;

   D1 is Subset of D iff D1 in BOOL D by Th5;

  D in BOOL D by Th5;

reserve P for Relation;

Lm2: P is_strongly_connected_in X iff
         P is_reflexive_in X & P is_connected_in X
  thus P is_strongly_connected_in X implies
        P is_reflexive_in X & P is_connected_in X
   proof assume A1: P is_strongly_connected_in X;
    thus P is_reflexive_in X
     proof let x;
       assume x in X;
      hence thesis by A1,RELAT_2:def 7;
    let x,y;
     assume x in X & y in X;
    hence thesis by A1,RELAT_2:def 7;
   assume that A2: P is_reflexive_in X and A3: P is_connected_in X;
  let x,y;
   assume A4: x in X & y in X;
    then x = y implies thesis by A2,RELAT_2:def 1;
  hence thesis by A3,A4,RELAT_2:def 6;

::  Orders.

definition let X;
 mode Order of X is total reflexive antisymmetric transitive Relation of X;

reserve O for Order of X;

canceled 4;

Lm3: for R being total reflexive Relation of X holds field R = X
 proof let R be total reflexive Relation of X;
   dom R = X by PARTFUN1:def 4;
  hence field R = X \/ rng R by RELAT_1:def 6
             .= X by XBOOLE_1:12;

   x in X implies [x,x] in O
  proof field O = X by Lm3;
    then O is_reflexive_in X by RELAT_2:def 9;
   hence thesis by RELAT_2:def 1;

   x in X & y in X & [x,y] in O & [y,x] in O implies x = y
  proof field O = X by Lm3;
    then O is_antisymmetric_in X by RELAT_2:def 12;
   hence thesis by RELAT_2:def 4;

   x in X & y in X & z in X & [x,y] in O & [y,z] in O implies
  [x,z] in O
   proof field O = X by Lm3;
     then O is_transitive_in X by RELAT_2:def 16;
    hence thesis by RELAT_2:def 8;

::  Partially ordered sets.

  struct(1-sorted) RelStr (#
    carrier -> set,
    InternalRel -> Relation of the carrier

 let X be non empty set;
 let R be Relation of X;
 cluster RelStr(#X,R#) -> non empty;
 coherence proof thus the carrier of RelStr(#X,R#) is non empty; end;

definition let A be RelStr;
 attr A is reflexive means
  the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A;
 attr A is transitive means
  the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A;
 attr A is antisymmetric means
  the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A;

 cluster non empty reflexive transitive antisymmetric strict RelStr;
  proof consider A being non empty set;
    consider R being Order of A;
   take L = RelStr(#A,R#);
   thus the carrier of L is non empty;
A1:  field R = the carrier of L by Lm3;
   hence the InternalRel of L is_reflexive_in the carrier of L
                     by RELAT_2:def 9;
   thus the InternalRel of L is_transitive_in the carrier of L
                                by A1,RELAT_2:def 16;
   thus the InternalRel of L is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of L
                                                by A1,RELAT_2:def 12;
   thus thesis;

 mode Poset is reflexive transitive antisymmetric RelStr;

 for A being set, R being Relation of A st R is_reflexive_in A
  holds dom R = A & field R = A
proof let A be set, R be Relation of A such that
A1: R is_reflexive_in A;
    A c= dom R
     proof let x;
      assume x in A;
       then [x,x] in R by A1,RELAT_2:def 1;
      hence x in dom R by RELAT_1:def 4;
  hence dom R = A by XBOOLE_0:def 10;
  hence field R = A \/ rng R by RELAT_1:def 6
             .= A by XBOOLE_1:12;

definition let A be Poset;
 cluster the InternalRel of A -> total reflexive antisymmetric transitive;
  proof set R = the InternalRel of A;
A1:  R is_reflexive_in the carrier of A by Def4;
A2:  field R = the carrier of A by A1,Lm4;
    dom R = the carrier of A by A1,Lm4;
   hence the InternalRel of A is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;
    the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A by Def4;
   hence the InternalRel of A is reflexive by A2,RELAT_2:def 9;
    the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A by Def6;
   hence the InternalRel of A is antisymmetric by A2,RELAT_2:def 12;
    the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A by Def5;
   hence the InternalRel of A is transitive by A2,RELAT_2:def 16;

 let X be set;
 let O be Order of X;
 cluster RelStr(#X,O#) -> reflexive transitive antisymmetric;
  proof set A = RelStr(#X,O#);
    field O = X by Lm3;
   hence the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A &
    the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A &
    the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A
          by RELAT_2:def 9,def 12,def 16;

reserve A for non empty Poset;

reserve a,a1,a2,a3,b,c for Element of A;
reserve S,T for Subset of A;

 x in S implies x is Element of A;

definition let A be RelStr; let a1,a2 be Element of A;
 canceled 2;

 pred a1 <= a2 means
  :Def9: [a1,a2] in the InternalRel of A;
 synonym a2 >= a1;

definition let A be RelStr; let a1,a2 be Element of A;
 pred a1 < a2 means
  :Def10: a1 <= a2 & a1 <> a2;
 synonym a2 > a1;

canceled 9;

theorem Th24:
 for A being reflexive non empty RelStr, a being Element of A
  holds a <= a
  proof let A be reflexive non empty RelStr, a be Element of A;
      the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A by Def4;
    then [a,a] in the InternalRel of A by RELAT_2:def 1;
   hence thesis by Def9;

definition let A be reflexive non empty RelStr;
           let a1,a2 be Element of A;
 redefine pred a1 <= a2;
 reflexivity by Th24;

theorem Th25:
 for A being antisymmetric RelStr,
 a1,a2 being Element of A
  st a1 <= a2 & a2 <= a1 holds a1 = a2
  proof let A be antisymmetric RelStr,
   a1,a2 be Element of A; assume
A1:  [a1,a2] in the InternalRel of A & [a2,a1] in the InternalRel of A;
    then a1 in the carrier of A & a2 in the carrier of A &
    the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A
     by Def6,ZFMISC_1:106;
   hence thesis by A1,RELAT_2:def 4;

theorem Th26:
 for A being transitive RelStr,
   a1,a2,a3 being Element of A holds
 a1 <= a2 & a2 <= a3 implies a1 <= a3
  proof let A be transitive RelStr,
  a1,a2,a3 be Element of A; assume
A1:  [a1,a2] in the InternalRel of A & [a2,a3] in the InternalRel of A;
    then a1 in the carrier of A & a2 in the carrier of A & a3 in the carrier
of A &
    the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A
     by Def5,ZFMISC_1:106;
   hence [a1,a3] in the InternalRel of A by A1,RELAT_2:def 8;


theorem Th28:
 for A being antisymmetric RelStr,
  a1,a2 being Element of A holds
 not(a1 < a2 & a2 < a1)
  proof let A be antisymmetric RelStr, a1,a2 be Element of A;
   assume a1 < a2 & a2 < a1;
    then a1 <= a2 & a1 <> a2 & a2 <= a1 by Def10;
   hence thesis by Th25;

theorem Th29:
 for A being transitive antisymmetric RelStr
 for a1,a2,a3 being Element of A holds
 a1 < a2 & a2 < a3 implies a1 < a3
  proof let A be transitive antisymmetric RelStr;
   let a1,a2,a3 be Element of A; assume
A1:  a1 < a2 & a2 < a3;
    then a1 <= a2 & a2 <= a3 by Def10;
   hence a1 <= a3 by Th26;
   thus thesis by A1,Th28;

theorem Th30:
 for A being antisymmetric RelStr,
  a1,a2 being Element of A holds
 a1 <= a2 implies not a2 < a1
  proof let A be antisymmetric RelStr, a1,a2 be Element of A;
    assume that A1: a1 <= a2 and A2: a2 < a1;
       a2 <= a1 by A2,Def10;
     hence thesis by A1,A2,Th25;


   for A being transitive antisymmetric RelStr
 for a1,a2,a3 being Element of A holds
 (a1 < a2 & a2 <= a3) or (a1 <= a2 & a2 < a3) implies a1 < a3
  proof let A be transitive antisymmetric RelStr;
   let a1,a2,a3 be Element of A; assume
    A1: (a1 < a2 & a2 <= a3) or (a1 <= a2 & a2 < a3);
    A2: now assume A3: a1 < a2 & a2 <= a3;
      then A4: a1 <= a2 & a2 <= a3 by Def10;
      then A5: a1 <= a3 by Th26;
        a1 <> a3 by A3,A4,Th25;
     hence thesis by A5,Def10;
      now assume A6: a1 <= a2 & a2 < a3;
      then A7: a1 <= a2 & a2 <= a3 by Def10;
      then A8: a1 <= a3 by Th26;
        a1 <> a3 by A6,A7,Th25;
     hence thesis by A8,Def10;
   hence thesis by A1,A2;

::  Chains.

definition let A be RelStr;
 let IT be Subset of A;
 attr IT is strongly_connected means
  :Def11: the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in IT;

definition let A be RelStr;
 cluster {}A -> strongly_connected;
 coherence proof let x1,x2; thus thesis; end;

definition let A be RelStr;
 cluster strongly_connected Subset of A;
 existence proof take {}A; thus thesis; end;

definition let A be RelStr;
 mode Chain of A is strongly_connected Subset of A;

canceled 2;

theorem Th35:
 for A being non empty reflexive RelStr
 for a being Element of A holds {a} is Chain of A
  proof let A be non empty reflexive RelStr, a be Element of A;
   A1: a in the carrier of A &
        the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A by Def4;
     {a} is strongly_connected
    proof let x1,x2;
     assume x1 in {a} & x2 in {a};
      then x1 = a & x2 = a by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence thesis by A1,RELAT_2:def 1;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th36:
 for A being non empty reflexive RelStr, a1,a2 being Element of A holds
 {a1,a2} is Chain of A iff a1 <= a2 or a2 <= a1
  proof let A be non empty reflexive RelStr, a1,a2 be Element of A;
   thus {a1,a2} is Chain of A implies a1 <= a2 or a2 <= a1
    proof A1: a1 in {a1,a2} & a2 in {a1,a2} by TARSKI:def 2;
      assume {a1,a2} is Chain of A;
       then the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in {a1,a2} by Def11;
       then [a1,a2] in the InternalRel of A or
            [a2,a1] in the InternalRel of A by A1,RELAT_2:def 7;
     hence thesis by Def9;
    assume A2: a1 <= a2 or a2 <= a1;
A3:     a1 <= a1 & a2 <= a2;
     {a1,a2} is strongly_connected
    proof let x,y;
    assume A4: x in {a1,a2} & y in {a1,a2};
       now per cases by A4,TARSKI:def 2;
      suppose x = a1 & y = a1;
       hence thesis by A3,Def9;
      suppose x = a1 & y = a2;
       hence thesis by A2,Def9;
      suppose x = a2 & y = a1;
       hence thesis by A2,Def9;
      suppose x = a2 & y = a2;
       hence thesis by A3,Def9;
    hence thesis;
   hence thesis;

Lm6: P is_strongly_connected_in X & Y c= X implies
         P is_strongly_connected_in Y
 proof assume that A1: P is_strongly_connected_in X and A2: Y c= X;
  let x,y;
   assume x in Y & y in Y;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 7;

   for A being RelStr, C being Chain of A, S being Subset of A holds
 S c= C implies S is Chain of A
  proof let A be RelStr, C be Chain of A, S be Subset of A;
  assume A1: S c= C;
      the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in C by Def11;
    then the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in S by A1,Lm6;
   hence thesis by Def11;

theorem Th38:
 for A being reflexive RelStr, a1,a2 being Element of A holds
 (ex C being Chain of A st a1 in C & a2 in C) iff a1 <= a2 or a2 <= a1
  proof let A be reflexive RelStr;
   let a1,a2 be Element of A;
   thus (ex C being Chain of A st a1 in C & a2 in
 C) implies a1 <= a2 or a2 <= a1
    proof given C being Chain of A such that A1: a1 in C & a2 in C;
        the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in C by Def11;
      then [a1,a2] in the InternalRel of A or
           [a2,a1] in the InternalRel of A by A1,RELAT_2:def 7;
     hence thesis by Def9;
    assume A2: a1 <= a2 or a2 <= a1;
     then [a1,a2] in the InternalRel of A or [a2,a1] in the InternalRel of A
      by Def9;
     then a1 in the carrier of A by ZFMISC_1:106;
     then reconsider B = A as non empty reflexive RelStr by STRUCT_0:def 1;
     reconsider b1 = a1, b2 = a2 as Element of B;
     reconsider Y = {b1,b2} as Chain of A by A2,Th36;
   take Y;
   thus thesis by TARSKI:def 2;

theorem Th39:
 for A being reflexive antisymmetric RelStr, a1,a2 being Element of A holds
 (ex C being Chain of A st a1 in C & a2 in C) iff (a1 < a2 iff not a2 <= a1)
  proof let A be reflexive antisymmetric RelStr;
   let a1,a2 be Element of A;
   thus (ex C being Chain of A st a1 in C & a2 in C) implies
     (a1 < a2 iff not a2 <= a1)
    proof given C being Chain of A such that A1: a1 in C & a2 in C;
     thus a1 < a2 implies not a2 <= a1 by Th30;
      assume that A2: not a2 <= a1 and A3: not a1 < a2;
          not a1 <= a2 or a1 = a2 by A3,Def10;
     hence thesis by A1,A2,Th38;
    assume a1 < a2 iff not a2 <= a1;
      then a1 <= a2 or a2 <= a1 by Def10;
    hence thesis by Th38;

theorem Th40:
 for A being RelStr, T being Subset of A holds
 the InternalRel of A well_orders T implies
  T is Chain of A
   proof let A be RelStr, T be Subset of A;
    assume the InternalRel of A well_orders T;
     then the InternalRel of A is_connected_in T &
          the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in T by WELLORD1:def 5;
     then the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in T by Lm2;
    hence thesis by Def11;

::  Upper and lower cones.

definition let A; let S;
 func UpperCone(S) -> Subset of A equals
  :Def12:  {a1 : for a2 st a2 in S holds a2 < a1};
  proof set T = {a1 : for a2 st a2 in S holds a2 < a1};
      T c= the carrier of A
     proof let x;
       assume x in T;
        then ex a1 st x = a1 & for a2 st a2 in S holds a2 < a1;
      hence thesis;
    hence T is Subset of A;
   thus thesis;

definition let A; let S;
 func LowerCone(S) -> Subset of A equals
  :Def13:  {a1 : for a2 st a2 in S holds a1 < a2};
  proof set T = {a1 : for a2 st a2 in S holds a1 < a2};
      T c= the carrier of A
     proof let x;
       assume x in T;
        then ex a1 st x = a1 & for a2 st a2 in S holds a1 < a2;
      hence thesis;
    hence T is Subset of A;
   thus thesis;

canceled 2;

theorem Th43:
 UpperCone({}(A)) = the carrier of A
   thus UpperCone({}(A)) c= the carrier of A;
   let x;
    assume x in the carrier of A;
     then reconsider a = x as Element of A;
        for a2 st a2 in {}(A) holds a2 < a;
      then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {}(A) holds a2 < a1};
   hence thesis by Def12;

   UpperCone([#](A)) = {}
   thus UpperCone([#](A)) c= {}
    proof let x;
      assume x in UpperCone([#](A));
        then x in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in [#](A) holds a2 < a1} by Def12;
       then consider a such that x = a and
                                 A1: for a2 st a2 in [#](A) holds a2 < a;
          a in the carrier of A;
        then a in [#](A) by PRE_TOPC:12;
        hence thesis by A1;
   thus thesis by XBOOLE_1:2;

   LowerCone({}(A)) = the carrier of A
   thus LowerCone({}(A)) c= the carrier of A;
   let x;
    assume x in the carrier of A;
     then reconsider a = x as Element of A;
        for a2 st a2 in {}(A) holds a < a2;
      then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {}(A) holds a1 < a2};
   hence thesis by Def13;

   LowerCone([#](A)) = {}
   thus LowerCone([#](A)) c= {}
    proof let x;
      assume x in LowerCone([#](A));
        then x in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in [#](A) holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
       then consider a such that x = a and
                                 A1: for a2 st a2 in [#](A) holds a < a2;
          a in the carrier of A;
        then a in [#](A) by PRE_TOPC:12;
        hence thesis by A1;
   thus thesis by XBOOLE_1:2;

theorem Th47:
 a in S implies not a in UpperCone(S)
  proof assume that A1: a in S and A2: a in UpperCone(S);
       a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in S holds a2 < a1} by A2,Def12;
    then ex a1 st a1 = a & for a2 st a2 in S holds a2 < a1;
     hence thesis by A1;

   not a in UpperCone{a}
  proof a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
   hence thesis by Th47;

theorem Th49:
 a in S implies not a in LowerCone(S)
  proof assume that A1: a in S and A2: a in LowerCone(S);
       a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in S holds a1 < a2} by A2,Def13;
    then ex a1 st a1 = a & for a2 st a2 in S holds a1 < a2;
     hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th50:
 not a in LowerCone{a}
  proof a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
   hence thesis by Th49;

   c < a iff a in UpperCone{c}
   thus c < a implies a in UpperCone{c}
    proof assume c < a;
      then for b holds b in {c} implies b < a by TARSKI:def 1;
      then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {c} holds a2 < a1};
     hence thesis by Def12;
    assume a in UpperCone{c};
      then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {c} holds a2 < a1} by Def12;
     then A1: ex a1 st a1 = a & for a2 st a2 in {c} holds a2 < a1;
        c in {c} by TARSKI:def 1;
   hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th52:
 a < c iff a in LowerCone{c}
   thus a < c implies a in LowerCone{c}
    proof assume a < c;
      then for b holds b in {c} implies a < b by TARSKI:def 1;
      then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {c} holds a1 < a2};
     hence thesis by Def13;
    assume a in LowerCone{c};
      then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {c} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
     then A1: ex a1 st a1 = a & for a2 st a2 in {c} holds a1 < a2;
        c in {c} by TARSKI:def 1;
   hence thesis by A1;

::  Initial segments.

definition let A; let S; let a;
 func InitSegm(S,a) -> Subset of A equals
  :Def14:  LowerCone{a} /\ S;

definition let A; let S;
 mode Initial_Segm of S -> Subset of A means
  :Def15: ex a st a in S & it = InitSegm(S,a) if S <> {}
        otherwise it = {};
      now consider x being Element of S;
     assume A1: S <> {};
      then reconsider x as Element of A by Lm5;
     take T = InitSegm(S,x);
     thus S <> {} implies ex a st a in S & T = InitSegm(S,a);
     thus S = {} implies T = {} by A1;
   hence thesis;

reserve I for Initial_Segm of S;

canceled 3;

theorem Th56:
 x in InitSegm(S,a) iff x in LowerCone{a} & x in S
      x in InitSegm(S,a) iff x in LowerCone{a} /\ S by Def14;
   hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th57:
 a in InitSegm(S,b) iff a < b & a in S
      a in InitSegm(S,b) iff a in LowerCone{b} & a in S by Th56;
   hence thesis by Th52;

canceled 2;

   InitSegm({}(A),a) = {}
   thus InitSegm({}(A),a) = LowerCone{a} /\ {} by Def14
                        .= {};

theorem Th61:
 InitSegm(S,a) c= S
  proof InitSegm(S,a) = LowerCone{a} /\ S by Def14;
   hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:17;

theorem Th62:
 not a in InitSegm(S,a)
  proof assume not thesis;
     then a in LowerCone{a} /\ S by Def14;
     then a in LowerCone{a} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
    then A1: ex a1 st a = a1 & for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2;
       a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
     hence thesis by A1;


   a1 < a2 implies InitSegm(S,a1) c= InitSegm(S,a2)
  proof assume A1: a1 < a2;
   let x;
    assume x in InitSegm(S,a1);
      then A2: x in LowerCone{a1} /\ S by Def14;
      then A3: x in S by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        x in LowerCone{a1} by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then x in {a : for b st b in {a1} holds a < b} by Def13;
     then consider a such that A4: a = x and
                               A5: for b st b in {a1} holds a < b;
        a1 in {a1} by TARSKI:def 1;
      then a < a1 by A5;
      then a < a2 by A1,Th29;
      then for b holds b in {a2} implies a < b by TARSKI:def 1;
      then a in {c : for b st b in {a2} holds c < b};
      then x in LowerCone{a2} by A4,Def13;
      then x in LowerCone{a2} /\ S by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   hence thesis by Def14;

   S c= T implies InitSegm(S,a) c= InitSegm(T,a)
  proof assume A1: S c= T;
   let x;
    assume x in InitSegm(S,a);
     then A2: x in LowerCone{a} /\ S by Def14;
     then x in S by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then x in T & x in LowerCone{a} by A1,A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then x in LowerCone{a} /\ T by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   hence thesis by Def14;


theorem Th67:
 I c= S
      now per cases;
     suppose S = {};
      hence thesis by Def15;
     suppose S <> {};
       then consider a such that a in S and A1: I = InitSegm(S,a) by Def15;
          I = LowerCone{a} /\ S by A1,Def14;
      hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:17;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th68:
 S <> {} iff not S is Initial_Segm of S
   thus S <> {} implies not S is Initial_Segm of S
    proof assume S <> {} & S is Initial_Segm of S;
      then consider a such that A1: a in S and A2: S = InitSegm(S,a) by Def15;
         S = LowerCone{a} /\ S by A2,Def14;
       then a in LowerCone{a} by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     hence thesis by Th50;
   thus thesis by Def15;

theorem Th69:
 (S <> {} or T <> {}) & (S is Initial_Segm of T) implies
   not T is Initial_Segm of S
    proof assume that A1: S <> {} or T <> {} and A2: S is Initial_Segm of T and
                      A3: T is Initial_Segm of S;
        now per cases;
       suppose S = {};
        hence thesis by A1,A3,Def15;
       suppose T = {};
        hence thesis by A1,A2,Def15;
       suppose A4: S <> {} & T <> {};
         then consider a1 such that A5: a1 in
 S & T = InitSegm(S,a1) by A3,Def15
         consider a2 such that A6: a2 in T & S = InitSegm(T,a2) by A2,A4,Def15;
            a1 in LowerCone{a2} /\ T & a2 in LowerCone{a1} /\ S by A5,A6,Def14;
          then a1 in LowerCone{a2} & a2 in LowerCone{a1} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then A7: a1 in {a : for b st b in {a2} holds a < b} &
                  a2 in {a3 : for b st b in {a1} holds a3 < b} by Def13;
         then A8: ex a st a = a1 & for b st b in {a2} holds a < b;
 A9:         ex a3 st a3 = a2 & for b st b in {a1} holds a3 < b by A7;
            a1 in {a1} & a2 in {a2} by TARSKI:def 1;
          then a1 < a2 & a2 < a1 by A8,A9;
        hence thesis by Th28;
     hence thesis;

theorem Th70:
 a1 < a2 & a1 in S & a2 in T & T is Initial_Segm of S implies
  a1 in T
   proof assume that A1: a1 < a2 and A2: a1 in S and A3: a2 in T and
                     A4: T is Initial_Segm of S;
     consider a such that a in S and A5: T = InitSegm(S,a) by A2,A4,Def15;
        now let b;
        assume b in {a};
          then A6: b = a by TARSKI:def 1;
            a2 in LowerCone{a} /\ S by A3,A5,Def14;
          then a2 in LowerCone{a} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then a2 in {a3 : for c st c in {a} holds a3 < c} by Def13;
         then A7: ex a3 st a3 = a2 & for c st c in {a} holds a3 < c;
            a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
          then a2 < a by A7;
       hence a1 < b by A1,A6,Th29;
      then a1 in {b: for c st c in {a} holds b < c};
      then a1 in LowerCone{a} by Def13;
      then a1 in LowerCone{a} /\ S by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence thesis by A5,Def14;

theorem Th71:
 a in S & S is Initial_Segm of T implies
  InitSegm(S,a) = InitSegm(T,a)
   proof assume that A1: a in S and A2: S is Initial_Segm of T;
     A3: S c= T by A2,Th67;
    thus InitSegm(S,a) c= InitSegm(T,a)
     proof let x;
       assume x in InitSegm(S,a);
        then x in LowerCone{a} /\ S by Def14;
        then x in LowerCone{a} & x in S by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then x in LowerCone{a} /\ T by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      hence thesis by Def14;
    let x;
     assume x in InitSegm(T,a);
       then A4: x in LowerCone{a} /\ T by Def14;
       then A5: x in LowerCone{a} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       then x in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
      then consider a1 such that A6: x = a1 and
                                 A7: for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2;
         a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
       then a1 < a & a1 in T by A4,A6,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       then x in S by A1,A2,A6,Th70;
       then x in LowerCone{a} /\ S by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence thesis by Def14;

Lm7: P is_reflexive_in X & Y c= X implies P is_reflexive_in Y
 proof assume that A1: P is_reflexive_in X and A2: Y c= X;
  let x;
   assume x in Y;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 1;

Lm8: P is_antisymmetric_in X & Y c= X implies P is_antisymmetric_in Y
 proof assume that A1: P is_antisymmetric_in X and A2: Y c= X;
  let x,y;
   assume x in Y & y in Y;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 4;

Lm9: P is_transitive_in X & Y c= X implies P is_transitive_in Y
 proof assume that A1: P is_transitive_in X and A2: Y c= X;
  let x,y,z;
   assume x in Y & y in Y & z in Y;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,RELAT_2:def 8;

   S c= T & the InternalRel of A well_orders T &
  (for a1,a2 st a2 in S & a1 < a2 holds a1 in S) implies
    S = T or S is Initial_Segm of T
     proof assume that A1: S c= T and A2: the InternalRel of A well_orders T
                       A3: for a1,a2 st a2 in S & a1 < a2 holds a1 in S and
                       A4: S <> T;
      per cases;
       case T <> {};
        set Y = T \ S;
           not T c= S by A1,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
         then Y c= T & Y <> {} by XBOOLE_1:36,37;
        then consider x such that A5: x in Y and
         A6: for y st y in Y holds [x,y] in the InternalRel of A by A2,WELLORD1
        reconsider x as Element of A by A5;
      take x;
      thus A7: x in T by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          S = LowerCone{x} /\ T
          thus S c= LowerCone{x} /\ T
           proof let y;
             assume A8: y in S;
              then reconsider a = y as Element of A;
                 now let a1;
                 assume that A9: a1 in {x} and A10: not a < a1;
                  A11: T is Chain of A & a1 = x by A2,A9,Th40,TARSKI:def 1;
                  then a1 <= a & a1 <> a by A1,A5,A7,A8,A10,Th39,XBOOLE_0:def 4
                  then a1 < a by Def10;
                  then a1 in S by A3,A8;
                hence contradiction by A5,A11,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
               then y in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a1 < a2};
               then y in LowerCone{x} by Def13;
            hence thesis by A1,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          let y;
           assume A12: y in LowerCone{x} /\ T;
             then y in LowerCone{x} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
             then y in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
            then consider a such that A13: a = y and
                                      A14: for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a < a2;
             A15: now assume y in Y;
               then [x,y] in the InternalRel of A by A6;
               then A16: x <= a by A13,Def9;
                 x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1;
               then a < x by A14;
              hence contradiction by A16,Th30;
               y in T by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          hence thesis by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      hence thesis by Def14;
       case T = {};
      hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_1:3;

theorem Th73:
 S c= T & the InternalRel of A well_orders T &
  (for a1,a2 st a2 in S & a1 in T & a1 < a2 holds a1 in S) implies
    S = T or S is Initial_Segm of T
     proof assume that A1: S c= T and A2: the InternalRel of A well_orders T
        A3: for a1,a2 st a2 in S & a1 in T & a1 < a2 holds a1 in
 S and A4: S <> T;
      per cases;
       case T <> {};
        set Y = T \ S;
           not T c= S by A1,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
         then Y c= T & Y <> {} by XBOOLE_1:36,37;
        then consider x such that A5: x in Y and
         A6: for y st y in Y holds [x,y] in the InternalRel of A by A2,WELLORD1
        reconsider x as Element of A by A5;
      take x;
      thus A7: x in T by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          S = LowerCone{x} /\ T
          thus S c= LowerCone{x} /\ T
           proof let y;
             assume A8: y in S;
              then reconsider a = y as Element of A;
                 now let a1;
                 assume that A9: a1 in {x} and A10: not a < a1;
                  A11: T is Chain of A & a1 = x by A2,A9,Th40,TARSKI:def 1;
                  then a1 <= a & a1 <> a by A1,A5,A7,A8,A10,Th39,XBOOLE_0:def 4
                  then a1 < a by Def10;
                  then a1 in S by A3,A7,A8,A11;
                hence contradiction by A5,A11,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
               then y in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a1 < a2};
               then y in LowerCone{x} by Def13;
            hence thesis by A1,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          let y;
           assume A12: y in LowerCone{x} /\ T;
             then y in LowerCone{x} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
             then y in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
            then consider a such that A13: a = y and
                                      A14: for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a < a2;
             A15: now assume y in Y;
               then [x,y] in the InternalRel of A by A6;
               then A16: x <= a by A13,Def9;
                 x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1;
               then a < x by A14;
              hence contradiction by A16,Th30;
               y in T by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          hence thesis by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      hence thesis by Def14;
       case T = {};
      hence thesis by A1,XBOOLE_1:3;

::  Chains of choice function of BOOL of partially ordered sets.

reserve f for Choice_Function of BOOL(the carrier of A);

definition let A; let f;
 mode Chain of f -> Chain of A means
  :Def16: it <> {} &
        the InternalRel of A well_orders it &
        for a st a in it holds f.UpperCone(InitSegm(it,a)) = a;
  proof set AC = the carrier of A;
       AC in BOOL AC & not {} in BOOL AC by Th4,Th5;
    then f.AC is Element of A by Def1;
    then reconsider aa = f.AC as Element of A;
    reconsider X = {aa} as Chain of A by Th35;
   take X;
   thus X <> {};
       X c= the carrier of A &
      the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A &
      the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A &
      the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A
          by Def4,Def5,Def6;
   hence the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in X &
         the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in X &
         the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in X by Lm7,Lm8,Lm9;
     the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in X by Def11;
   hence the InternalRel of A is_connected_in X by Lm2;
   thus the InternalRel of A is_well_founded_in X
    proof let Y;
      assume that A1: Y c= X and A2: Y <> {};
       reconsider x = aa as set;
     take x;
          Y = X by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:39;
     hence x in Y by TARSKI:def 1;
     thus (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) /\ Y c= {}
      proof let y;
        assume A3: y in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) /\ Y;
         then y in Y by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then A4: y = aa by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
           y in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       hence thesis by A4,WELLORD1:def 1;
     thus {} c= (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) /\ Y by XBOOLE_1:2;
   let a;
    assume a in X;
     then A5: a = aa by TARSKI:def 1;
       LowerCone{a} /\ X = {}(A)
       thus LowerCone{a} /\ X c= {}(A)
        proof let x;
          assume A6: x in LowerCone{a} /\ X;
            then A7: x in X by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
              x in LowerCone{a} by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then x in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
           then consider a1 such that A8: x = a1 and
                                      A9: for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2;
            thus thesis by A5,A7,A8,A9;
       thus thesis by XBOOLE_1:2;
     then UpperCone(LowerCone{a} /\ X) = the carrier of A by Th43;
   hence thesis by A5,Def14;

reserve fC,fC1,fC2 for Chain of f;

canceled 4;

theorem Th78:
 {f.(the carrier of A)} is Chain of f
  proof set AC = the carrier of A;
       AC in BOOL AC & not {} in BOOL AC by Th4,Th5;
    then f.AC is Element of A by Def1;
    then reconsider aa = f.AC as Element of A;
    reconsider X = {aa} as Chain of A by Th35;
       X c= the carrier of A &
      the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A &
      the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A &
      the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A
          by Def4,Def5,Def6;
     then A1: the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in X &
              the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in X &
              the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in X
                                              by Lm7,Lm8,Lm9;
       the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in X by Def11;
     then A2: the InternalRel of A is_connected_in X by Lm2;
       the InternalRel of A is_well_founded_in X
      proof let Y;
        assume that A3: Y c= X and A4: Y <> {};
         reconsider x = aa as set;
       take x;
            Y = X by A3,A4,ZFMISC_1:39;
       hence x in Y by TARSKI:def 1;
       thus (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) /\ Y c= {}
        proof let y;
          assume A5: y in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) /\ Y;
           then y in Y by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
           then A6: y = aa by A3,TARSKI:def 1;
             y in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         hence thesis by A6,WELLORD1:def 1;
       thus {} c= (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(x) /\ Y by XBOOLE_1:2;
     then A7: the InternalRel of A well_orders X by A1,A2,WELLORD1:def 5;
       for a st a in X holds f.UpperCone(InitSegm(X,a)) = a
       let a;
        assume a in X;
         then A8: a = aa by TARSKI:def 1;
           LowerCone{a} /\ X = {}(A)
           thus LowerCone{a} /\ X c= {}(A)
            proof let x;
              assume A9: x in LowerCone{a} /\ X;
                then A10: x in X by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                  x in LowerCone{a} by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                then x in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
               then consider a1 such that A11: x = a1 and
                                          A12: for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 <
                thus thesis by A8,A10,A11,A12;
           thus thesis by XBOOLE_1:2;
         then UpperCone(LowerCone{a} /\ X) = the carrier of A by Th43;
       hence thesis by A8,Def14;
  hence thesis by A7,Def16;

theorem Th79:
 f.(the carrier of A) in fC
  proof the InternalRel of A well_orders fC & fC <> {} & fC c= fC
                                                         by Def16;
    then consider x such that A1: x in fC and
     A2: for y st y in fC holds [x,y] in the InternalRel of A by WELLORD1:9;
    reconsider x as Element of A by A1;
A3:   now consider y being Element of LowerCone{x} /\ fC;
A4:     LowerCone{x} /\ fC <> {}(A);
         then A5: y in fC by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        reconsider a = y as Element of A by A4,Lm5;
           [x,y] in the InternalRel of A by A2,A5;
         then A6: x <= a by Def9;
           a in LowerCone{x} by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
        then A7: ex a1 st a = a1 & for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a1 < a2;
           x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1;
         then a < x by A7;
      hence contradiction by A6,Th30;
       LowerCone{x} /\ fC = InitSegm(fC,x) by Def14;
     then f.UpperCone(LowerCone{x} /\ fC) = x by A1,Def16;
   hence thesis by A1,A3,Th43;

theorem Th80:
 a in fC & b = f.(the carrier of A) implies b <= a
  proof assume that A1: a in fC and A2: b = f.(the carrier of A);
       the InternalRel of A well_orders fC & fC <> {} & fC c= fC
                                                         by Def16;
    then consider x such that A3: x in fC and
     A4: for y st y in fC holds [x,y] in the InternalRel of A by WELLORD1:9;
    reconsider x as Element of A by A3;
A5:   now consider y being Element of LowerCone{x} /\ fC;
A6:     LowerCone{x} /\ fC <> {}(A);
         then A7: y in fC by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        reconsider a = y as Element of A by A6,Lm5;
           [x,y] in the InternalRel of A by A4,A7;
         then A8: x <= a by Def9;
           a in LowerCone{x} by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then a in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
        then A9: ex a1 st a = a1 & for a2 st a2 in {x} holds a1 < a2;
           x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1;
         then a < x by A9;
      hence contradiction by A8,Th30;
       LowerCone{x} /\ fC = InitSegm(fC,x) by Def14;
     then f.UpperCone(LowerCone{x} /\ fC) = x by A3,Def16;
     then A10: f.(the carrier of A) = x by A5,Th43;
       [x,a] in the InternalRel of A by A1,A4;
   hence thesis by A2,A10,Def9;

   a = f.(the carrier of A) implies InitSegm(fC,a) = {}
  proof assume A1: a = f.(the carrier of A);
    then A2: a in fC by Th79;
    consider x being Element of LowerCone{a} /\ fC;
     assume InitSegm(fC,a) <> {};
then A3:    LowerCone {a} /\ fC <> {} by Def14;
        then A4: x in fC & fC c= the carrier of A by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       reconsider b = x as Element of A by A3,Lm5;
           x in LowerCone{a} by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then b in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
       then A5: ex a1 st a1 = b & for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2;
          a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
        then a <= b & b < a by A1,A4,A5,Th80;
     hence contradiction by A2,A4,Th39;

   fC1 meets fC2
  proof f.(the carrier of A) in fC1 & f.(the carrier of A) in fC2 by Th79;
   hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:3;

theorem Th83:
 fC1 <> fC2 implies
  (fC1 is Initial_Segm of fC2 iff not fC2 is Initial_Segm of fC1)
   proof assume A1: fC1 <> fC2;
     set N = {a : a in fC1 /\ fC2 & InitSegm(fC1,a) = InitSegm(fC2,a)};
      A2: N c= fC1
       proof let x;
         assume x in N;
          then ex a st a = x & a in fC1 /\ fC2 &
                                    InitSegm(fC1,a) = InitSegm(fC2,a);
        hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then N is Subset of A by XBOOLE_1:1;
     then reconsider N as Subset of A;
      A3: the InternalRel of A well_orders fC1 by Def16;
A4:      now let a1,a2;
        assume that A5: a2 in N and A6: a1 in fC1 and A7: a1 < a2;
 A8:         ex a st a = a2 & a in fC1 /\ fC2 &
 InitSegm(fC1,a) = InitSegm(fC2,a) by A5;
          then a1 in InitSegm(fC2,a2) by A6,A7,Th57;
          then a1 in LowerCone{a2} /\ fC2 by Def14;
          then a1 in fC2 by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then A9: a1 in fC1 /\ fC2 by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            InitSegm(fC1,a1) = InitSegm(fC2,a1)
            thus InitSegm(fC1,a1) c= InitSegm(fC2,a1)
             proof let x;
               assume A10: x in InitSegm(fC1,a1);
                then reconsider b = x as Element of A;
                 A11: b < a1 by A10,Th57;
                 then b < a2 & b in fC1 by A7,A10,Th29,Th57;
                 then b in InitSegm(fC1,a2) by Th57;
                 then b in fC2 by A8,Th57;
              hence thesis by A11,Th57;
            let x;
             assume A12: x in InitSegm(fC2,a1);
              then reconsider b = x as Element of A;
               A13: b < a1 by A12,Th57;
               then b < a2 & b in fC2 by A7,A12,Th29,Th57;
               then b in InitSegm(fC2,a2) by Th57;
               then b in fC1 by A8,Th57;
            hence thesis by A13,Th57;
       hence a1 in N by A9;

      A14: the InternalRel of A well_orders fC2 by Def16;
      A15: N c= fC2
       proof let x;
         assume x in N;
          then ex a st a = x & a in fC1 /\ fC2 &
                                    InitSegm(fC1,a) = InitSegm(fC2,a);
        hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A16:      now let a1,a2;
        assume that A17: a2 in N and A18: a1 in fC2 and A19: a1 < a2;
 A20:         ex a st a = a2 & a in fC1 /\ fC2 &
 InitSegm(fC1,a) = InitSegm(fC2,a) by A17;
          then a1 in InitSegm(fC1,a2) by A18,A19,Th57;
          then a1 in LowerCone{a2} /\ fC1 by Def14;
          then a1 in fC1 by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then A21: a1 in fC1 /\ fC2 by A18,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            InitSegm(fC1,a1) = InitSegm(fC2,a1)
            thus InitSegm(fC1,a1) c= InitSegm(fC2,a1)
             proof let x;
               assume A22: x in InitSegm(fC1,a1);
                then reconsider b = x as Element of A;
                 A23: b < a1 by A22,Th57;
                 then b < a2 & b in fC1 by A19,A22,Th29,Th57;
                 then b in InitSegm(fC1,a2) by Th57;
                 then b in fC2 by A20,Th57;
              hence thesis by A23,Th57;
            let x;
             assume A24: x in InitSegm(fC2,a1);
              then reconsider b = x as Element of A;
               A25: b < a1 by A24,Th57;
               then b < a2 & b in fC2 by A19,A24,Th29,Th57;
               then b in InitSegm(fC2,a2) by Th57;
               then b in fC1 by A20,Th57;
            hence thesis by A25,Th57;
       hence a1 in N by A21;

        now per cases by A2,A3,A4,A14,A15,A16,Th73;
       suppose N is Initial_Segm of fC1 & N = fC2;
         then fC2 is Initial_Segm of fC1 & fC1 <> {} by Def16;
        hence thesis by Th69;
       suppose N is Initial_Segm of fC2 & N = fC1;
         then fC1 is Initial_Segm of fC2 & fC2 <> {} by Def16;
        hence thesis by Th69;
       suppose N = fC1 & N = fC2;
        hence thesis by A1;
       suppose A26: N is Initial_Segm of fC1 & N is Initial_Segm of fC2;
            fC1 <> {} by Def16;
         then consider a such that A27: a in fC1 and A28: N = InitSegm(fC1,a)
                                                                   by A26,Def15
            fC2 <> {} by Def16;
         then consider b such that A29: b in fC2 and A30: N = InitSegm(fC2,b)
                                                                   by A26,Def15
          A31: a = f.UpperCone(InitSegm(fC2,b)) by A27,A28,A30,Def16
               .= b by A29,Def16;
          then a in fC1 /\ fC2 by A27,A29,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then a in N by A28,A30,A31;
        hence thesis by A28,Th62;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th84:
 fC1 c< fC2 iff fC1 is Initial_Segm of fC2
   thus fC1 c< fC2 implies fC1 is Initial_Segm of fC2
    proof assume
A1:    fC1 c< fC2;
     then A2: fC1 c= fC2 by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
        now assume A3: fC2 is Initial_Segm of fC1;
          fC1 <> {} by Def16;
        then ex a st a in fC1 & fC2 = InitSegm(fC1,a) by A3,Def15;
        then fC2 c= fC1 by Th61;
       hence contradiction by A1,A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
     hence thesis by A1,Th83;
    assume A4: fC1 is Initial_Segm of fC2;
         fC2 <> {} by Def16;
     then ex a st a in fC2 & fC1 = InitSegm(fC2,a) by A4,Def15;
    then fC1 <> fC2 & fC1 c= fC2 by A4,Th61,Th68;
   hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 8;

definition let A; let f;
 func Chains f -> set means
  :Def17: x in it iff x is Chain of f;
    defpred P[set] means $1 is Chain of f;
    consider X such that
     A1: for x holds x in X iff x in bool(the carrier of A) & P[x]
                                                            from Separation;
   take X;
   let x;
   thus x in X implies x is Chain of f by A1;
    assume x is Chain of f;
   hence thesis by A1;
  proof let D1,D2 be set;
    assume A2: for x holds x in D1 iff x is Chain of f;
    assume A3: for x holds x in D2 iff x is Chain of f;
   thus D1 c= D2
    proof let x;
     assume x in D1;
      then x is Chain of f by A2;
     hence thesis by A3;
   let x;
    assume x in D2;
     then x is Chain of f by A3;
   hence thesis by A2;

definition let A; let f;
 cluster Chains f -> non empty;
    consider x being Chain of f;
      x in Chains f by Def17;
    hence thesis;

Lm10: union(Chains(f)) is Subset of A
     now let X;
     assume X in Chains(f);
      then X is Chain of f by Def17;
    hence X c= the carrier of A;
  then union(Chains(f)) is Subset of A by ZFMISC_1:94;
  hence thesis;

Lm11: union(Chains(f)) is Chain of A
   reconsider C = union(Chains(f)) as Subset of A by Lm10;
      the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in C
     proof let x,y;
       assume that A1: x in C and A2: y in C;
        consider X such that A3: x in X and A4: X in Chains(f) by A1,TARSKI:def
        consider Y such that A5: y in Y and A6: Y in Chains(f) by A2,TARSKI:def
         reconsider X,Y as Chain of f by A4,A6,Def17;
         A7: the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in X by Def11;
         A8: the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in Y by Def11;
           now per cases;
          suppose X = Y;
           hence thesis by A3,A5,A7,RELAT_2:def 7;
          suppose A9: X <> Y;
              now per cases by A9,Th83;
             suppose X is Initial_Segm of Y;
               then X c< Y by Th84;
               then X c= Y by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
               hence thesis by A3,A5,A8,RELAT_2:def 7;
             suppose Y is Initial_Segm of X;
               then Y c< X by Th84;
               then Y c= X by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
               hence thesis by A3,A5,A7,RELAT_2:def 7;
           hence thesis;
      hence thesis;
  hence thesis by Def11;

canceled 2;

theorem Th87:
 union(Chains(f)) <> {}
      {f.(the carrier of A)} is Chain of f by Th78;
    then {f.(the carrier of A)} in Chains(f) & {f.(the carrier of A)} <> {}
                                                            by Def17;
   hence thesis by Lm1;

theorem Th88:
 fC <> union(Chains(f)) & S = union(Chains(f)) implies
  fC is Initial_Segm of S
   proof assume that A1: fC <> union(Chains(f)) and A2: S = union(Chains(f));
     consider x being Element of S \ fC;
        fC in Chains(f) by Def17;
      then fC c= union(Chains(f)) by ZFMISC_1:92;
      then not union(Chains(f)) c= fC by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
      then A3:     S \ fC <> {} by A2,XBOOLE_1:37;
      then x in S by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     then consider X such that A4: x in X and A5: X in Chains(f) by A2,TARSKI:
def 4;
     reconsider X as Chain of f by A5,Def17;
A6:      not x in fC by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
        fC <> X & not X c= fC by A3,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then not X c< fC by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
      then not X is Initial_Segm of fC by Th84;
      then fC is Initial_Segm of X & X <> {} by A4,A6,Th83;
     then consider a such that A7: a in X and A8: fC = InitSegm(X,a) by Def15;
      A9: X c= S by A2,A5,ZFMISC_1:92;
        InitSegm(S,a) = InitSegm(X,a)
        thus InitSegm(S,a) c= InitSegm(X,a)
         proof let x;
           assume x in InitSegm(S,a);
             then A10: x in LowerCone{a} /\ S by Def14;
             then A11: x in LowerCone{a} by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
             then x in {a1 : for a2 st a2 in {a} holds a1 < a2} by Def13;
            then consider b such that A12: b = x and
                                      A13: for a2 st a2 in {a} holds b < a2;
               a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
             then A14: b < a by A13;
               b in S by A10,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then consider Y such that A15: b in Y and A16: Y in Chains(f)
                                                           by A2,TARSKI:def 4;
            reconsider Y as Chain of f by A16,Def17;
               now per cases;
              suppose X = Y;
                then x in LowerCone{a} /\ X by A11,A12,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
               hence thesis by Def14;
              suppose A17: X <> Y;
                  now per cases by A17,Th83;
                 suppose X is Initial_Segm of Y;
                   then x in X by A7,A12,A14,A15,Th70;
                   then x in LowerCone{a} /\ X by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                  hence thesis by Def14;
                 suppose Y is Initial_Segm of X;
                   then Y c< X by Th84;
                   then Y c= X by XBOOLE_0:def 8;
                   then x in LowerCone{a} /\ X by A11,A12,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                  hence thesis by Def14;
               hence thesis;
          hence thesis;
        let x;
         assume x in InitSegm(X,a);
          then x in LowerCone{a} /\ X by Def14;
          then x in LowerCone{a} & x in X by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then x in LowerCone{a} /\ S by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        hence thesis by Def14;
    hence thesis by A7,A8,A9,Def15;

   union(Chains(f)) is Chain of f
    reconsider C = union(Chains(f)) as Chain of A by Lm11;
     A1: C <> {} by Th87;
     A2: the InternalRel of A well_orders C
          the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A &
         the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A &
         the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A
          by Def4,Def5,Def6;
       hence the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in C &
             the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in C &
             the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in C
                                               by Lm7,Lm8,Lm9;
          the InternalRel of A is_strongly_connected_in C by Def11;
       hence the InternalRel of A is_connected_in C by Lm2;
       let Y;
         consider x being Element of Y;
        assume that A3: Y c= C and A4: Y <> {};
            x in C by A3,A4,TARSKI:def 3;
         then consider X such that A5: x in X and A6: X in Chains(f) by TARSKI:
def 4;
         reconsider X as Chain of f by A6,Def17;
            X /\ Y <> {} & X /\ Y c= X & the InternalRel of A well_orders X
                                                       by A4,A5,Def16,XBOOLE_0:
def 3,XBOOLE_1:17;
         then consider a being set such that A7: a in X /\ Y and
          A8: for x st x in X /\ Y holds [a,x] in the InternalRel of A
                                                             by WELLORD1:9;
            a in X by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then reconsider aa = a as Element of A;
       take a;
       thus a in Y by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       thus (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(a) /\ Y c= {}
        proof let y;
          assume y in (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(a) /\ Y;
            then A9: y in Y & y in
 (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(a) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then y in C & C c= the carrier of A by A3;
           then reconsider b = y as Element of A;
            A10: y <> a & [y,a] in the InternalRel of A by A9,WELLORD1:def 1;
            then A11: b <= aa by Def9;
              now per cases;
             suppose X <> C;
              then a in X & b < aa & X is Initial_Segm of C & y in C
                                    by A3,A7,A9,A10,A11,Def10,Th88,XBOOLE_0:def
              hence y in X by Th70;
             suppose X = C;
              hence y in X by A3,A9;
            then y in X /\ Y by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then [a,y] in the InternalRel of A by A8;
            then aa <= b by Def9;
         hence thesis by A10,A11,Th25;
       thus {} c= (the InternalRel of A)-Seg(a) /\ Y by XBOOLE_1:2;
       now let a;
       assume A12: a in C;
        then consider X such that A13: a in X and A14: X in
 Chains(f) by TARSKI:def 4;
        reconsider X as Chain of f by A14,Def17;
           now per cases;
          suppose X = C;
           hence f.UpperCone(InitSegm(C,a)) = a by A12,Def16;
          suppose X <> C;
           then X is Initial_Segm of C by Th88;
            then InitSegm(C,a) = InitSegm(X,a) &
                 f.UpperCone(InitSegm(X,a)) = a by A13,Def16,Th71;
          hence f.UpperCone(InitSegm(C,a)) = a;
      hence f.UpperCone(InitSegm(C,a)) = a;
   hence thesis by A1,A2,Def16;

::  Auxiliary theorems.


   (ex X st X <> {} & X in Y) iff union Y <> {} by Lm1;

   P is_strongly_connected_in X iff
  P is_reflexive_in X & P is_connected_in X by Lm2;

   P is_reflexive_in X & Y c= X implies P is_reflexive_in Y by Lm7;

   P is_antisymmetric_in X & Y c= X implies P is_antisymmetric_in Y by Lm8;

   P is_transitive_in X & Y c= X implies P is_transitive_in Y by Lm9;

   P is_strongly_connected_in X & Y c= X implies
  P is_strongly_connected_in Y by Lm6;

 for R being total reflexive Relation of X holds field R = X by Lm3;

 for A being set, R being Relation of A st R is_reflexive_in A
  holds dom R = A & field R = A by Lm4;

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